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INDUSTRY - Jain Book Depot

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<strong>INDUSTRY</strong>Biotechnology1. Handbook on Bio Gas and Its Applicationsauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623825 price: 975.02. Biotechnology Handbookauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330709 price: 1100.03. Textbook of Biotechnologyauthor: H.K.Das year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8126526512 price: 699.04. Textbook of Biotechnologyauthor: S.C. Bhatia year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8126905824 price: 750.05. Process Biotechnology Fundamentalsauthor: S.N. Mukhopadhyay year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176494968 price: 495.06. Handbook of Biotechnologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732845 price: 900.07. Handbook of Biotechnologyauthor: Anjali Shukla year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8185185263 price: 77.08. Biotechnology and Geneticsauthor: I D Tyagi year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8183600174 price: 175.09. Dictionary of Bio Technologyauthor: Niel Sanders year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8189093169 price: 95.010. Dictionary of Biotechnologyauthor: R Gupta year of publication: isbn: 817812226X price: 85.011. Biofuels Towards a Greener and Secure Energy Futureauthor: P P Bhojvaid year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8179930858 price: 530.012. Biotechnology and Developmentauthor: Sachin Chaturvedi year of publication: 2004 isbn: 817188346X price: 595.013. Agricultural Biotechnologyauthor: Raj Mohan Joshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8182053803 price: 690.014. Biosafety and Bioethicsauthor: Raj Mohan Joshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8182053773 price: 690.015. Environmental Biotechnologyauthor: Raj Mohan Joshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818205382X price: 690.016. Genetics and Biotechnology GK <strong>Book</strong>author: James Bobick year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8179924661 price: 195.017. Biosensorsauthor: Raj Mohan Joshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8182053757 price: 750.018. Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnologyauthor: Amla Batra year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8185589534 price: 595.019. Biotechnology How Its Is Changing Our Lifeauthor: Michael Fumento year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8179924408 price: 450.020. Biotechnology An Introductionauthor: Sangita Malvee year of publication: 2007 isbn: 9788189741372 price: 1495.021. Biotechnology based Bulk Drugsauthor: NPCS Board year of publication: isbn: 8190439879 price: 1050.022. Environmental Biotechnologyauthor: S K Agarwal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131302941 price: 195.023. Biotechnologyauthor: B N Pandey year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131303061 price: 995.024. Biotechnologyauthor: Dr C R Patil year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131303054 price: 150.025. Environmental Biotechnologyauthor: Dilip Kumar Markandey year of publication: 2004 isbn: 817648752x price: 130.026. Dictionary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineeringauthor: Mark L Steinberg year of publication: 2003 isbn: 817992193X price: 325.027. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Basics and Applicationsauthor: Deepshikha P Katare year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8185589593 price: 595.028. Biotechnology Foundation courseauthor: Ananth N Rao year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180619982 price: 295.029. Biotechnologyauthor: U Satyanarayana year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8187134909 price: 585.0

30. Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology and the Lawauthor: Trevor Cook year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8180385797 price: 2995.031. Gate 2013 Biotechnology and General Aptitude and Mathematics Combo Packauthor: Santosh Kumar Rai year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8183556163 price: 695.0Cosmetic Technology1. Modern Technology of Cosmeticsauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330814 price: 975.02. Manufacture of Perfumes Cosmetics and Detergentsauthor: Gir Raj Prasad year of publication: isbn: 8186878017 price: 300.03. Manufacture of Household Soaps Toilet Soaps and Other Soaps With Formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732535 price: 750.04. Herbal Cosmetics and Beauty Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732454 price: 750.05. Indian Plant Perfumesauthor: S N Mahindru year of publication: 1992 isbn: 8120003144 price: 350.06. Herbal Cosmetics Hand <strong>Book</strong>author: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8178330806 price: 1200.07. Slected Formulary <strong>Book</strong> on Cosmetics Drugs Cleaners Soaps Detergents Dentrices and Depilatoriesauthor: NPCS Board year of publication: isbn: 8190439800 price: 1500.0Dairy Farming1. Milk Processing Dairy Products and Packging Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732969 price: 975.02. Milk Processing and Dairy Products Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732470 price: 750.03. Handbook of Ice Creamauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732705 price: 525.04. Handbook of Dairy Farmingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732667 price: 375.05. Dairy Development in the New Millennium The Second White Revolutionauthor: Mohan Pd Shrivastava year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184501025 price: 1100.06. Milk and Milk Productsauthor: S N Mahindru year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131304143 price: 95.07. The Complete Technology <strong>Book</strong> on Dairy and Poultry Industries with Farming & Processingauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623604 price: 975.08. Handbook on Milk and Milk Proteinsauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8178331485 price: 1275.0Food Technology1. Food Preservationauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330717 price: 975.02. Handbook on Fruits Vegetables and Food Processing with Canning and Preservationauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330830 price: 1075.03. Food and Beverage Servicesauthor: Marco D`souza year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189645196 price: 800.04. Modern Bakery Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732616 price: 750.05. Technology of Food Preservation and Processingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8174453385 price: 950.06. Agro Based and Processed Food Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732896 price: 1100.07. Nutritive Value of Indian Foodsauthor: C. Gopalan year of publication: 2004 isbn: price: 40.08. Flavored Ice Creamauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 817833013X price: 975.09. Wheat Rice Corn Oat Barley and Sorghum Processing Handbookauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330024 price: 975.0

10. Coconut and Coconut Products (Cultivation and Processing)author: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330075 price: 975.011. Confectionary Industries with Formulae and Processesauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330997 price: 475.012. Snack Foodsauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 818662368X price: 975.013. Post Harvest Technology of Vegetablesauthor: Manoranjan Kalia year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8183210562 price: 1500.014. Modern Food and Food Products Industriesauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 8186878009 price: 500.015. Handbook of Bakery Productsauthor: S M Arora year of publication: isbn: 818548015X price: 400.016. Handbook on Confectionary Industriesauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 8185480206 price: 400.017. Agro Based and Processed Food Technology Handbookauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 8186878157 price: 500.018. Speciality Rices of The Worldauthor: Ram C Chaudhary year of publication: isbn: 8120415108 price: 750.019. Foods That Heal The Natural Way to Good Healthauthor: H K Bakhru year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8122200338 price: 95.020. Handbook of Flavours Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732985 price: 750.021. Mushroom Cultivation Processing and Packagingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765000 price: 550.022. Handbook of Confectionery With Formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732357 price: 600.023. Technology of Modern Milling and Basmati Riceauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732691 price: 600.024. Handbook of Food Packaging Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 818673290X price: 900.025. Food and Beverage Managementauthor: John Cousins year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8131701344 price: 225.026. Food Analysis Theory and practiceauthor: S N Mahindru year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8120003985 price: 850.027. Food Your Miracle Medicineauthor: Jean Carper year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0671037352 price: 499.028. Food Standards And Safety In A Globalised World The Impact of WTO Codexauthor: Prof Sri Ram Khanna year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8177080377 price: 1480.029. Food And Beverage Managementauthor: Piyush Bhatnagar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 9788189741457 price: 595.030. Food Plant Of The Worldauthor: Ben Erik Van Wyk year of publication: 2005 isbn: 9812611657 price: 1500.031. The Complete Technology <strong>Book</strong> on Processing Dehydration Canning Preservation of Fruits and Vegetablesauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623698 price: 1575.032. Handbook On Mushroomsauthor: Nita Bahl year of publication: isbn: 8120413997 price: 150.033. Food and Beverage Serviceauthor: Dennis Lillicrap year of publication: 2010 isbn: 1444112511 price: 635.034. Hobbs Food Poisoning and Food Hygieneauthor: Jim McLauchlin year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0340905302 price: 1743.035. Breakfast Dietary Food Pasta & Cereal Products Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765101 price: 1150.036. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Organic Farming & Organic foods with Vermi Composting and Neem Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765051 price: 1100.037. Food and Nutrition Educationauthor: S N Mahindru year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131303108 price: 150.038. Food and Beverage Laws Food Safety and Hygieneauthor: Dr Jagmohan Negi year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8182040000 price: 225.039. Follow the Hindu Moon A Guide to the festivals of south Indiaauthor: . year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184000115 price: 3500.040. Eating Indiaauthor: Chitrita Banerji year of publication: 2007 isbn: 014306309X price: 350.041. Food and Beverage Management A Training Manualauthor: Sudhir Andrews year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070655690 price: 175.0

42. Times Food Guide with free Times Nightlife Guideauthor: Marryam H Reshii year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 250.043. A Treasure for Budding Cooks A Step to Confident Cookingauthor: Kusum Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8174765871 price: 325.044. Manufacture of Snacks Food, Namkeen, Pappad & Potato Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732373 price: 650.045. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Bakery Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732187 price: 350.046. Fruits and Vegetables Processing Hand bookauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732322 price: 650.047. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Food Dehydration and Dryingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732608 price: 650.048. Preservation & Canning of fruits and Vegetablesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732500 price: 900.049. Technology of Maize and Allied Corn Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765170 price: 650.050. Fruit Beverages and Processing with Mango Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765248 price: 750.051. Food and Beverage Comprehensive Cost Control and System Managementauthor: Kamal Manaktola year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8173910694 price: 695.052. Krauses Food and Nutrition Therapyauthor: L Kathleen Mahan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0808923787 price: 2660.053. Dont Lose Your Mind Lose Your Weightauthor: Rujuta Diwakar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184000665 price: 199.054. In Defence of Foodauthor: Michael Pollan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0141034720 price: 325.055. Food Additives Characterstics Detection and Estimationauthor: S N Mahindru year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131304181 price: 195.056. Food Preservation and Safetyauthor: Sumitra N Pandey year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380013398 price: 750.057. Essentials of Food and Nutrition (Vol 1)author: Dr M Swaminathan year of publication: 2010 isbn: price: 440.058. Essentials of Food and Nutrition (Vol 2)author: Dr M Swaminathan year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 410.059. Food Politics : What Everyone Needs to Knowauthor: Robert Paarlberg year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0195389593 price: 345.060. Fundamentals of Food Engineeringauthor: D G Rao year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8120338715 price: 425.061. Food and Beverage Service and Managementauthor: Bobby George year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8179928844 price: 395.062. Krauses Food and the Nutrition Care Processauthor: L Kathleen Mahan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1437722338 price: 7165.0Industry1. Indian Boiler Regulations containing Indian Boilers Regulation 1950 and Indian Boilers Act 1923author: Akalank Kumar jain year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8176393061 price: 1200.02. Encyclopaedia of Petroleum Lawsauthor: Harbans Lal Sarin year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8175348875 price: 1695.03. Law Relating to Sugar Industries in U P Containing General and State Acts Rules and Ordersauthor: Gyan Prakash year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 860.04. Supreme Court Labour and Service Digest 2002-2004author: V K Kharbanda year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 350.05. Manual on Labour and Industrial Laws : Also available in Pocket size for Rs. 295author: Commercials year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 550.06. The Haryana Factory Codeauthor: K.K. Khandelwal year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 990.07. The Punjab Factory Rules 1952author: . year of publication: isbn: price: 280.08. Labour and Industrial Lawsauthor: Surya Narayan Misra year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 435.09. U P Industrial Disputes Act 1947author: A. Quadir year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170127173 price: 210.0

10. Uttar Pradesh Factories Manualauthor: P.L. Malik year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170127793 price: 285.011. Law of Copyright and Industrial Designsauthor: P Narayanan year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8171771394 price: 890.012. Industrial Law In 2 Vol With Free CDauthor: P.L. Malik year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350280930 price: 2850.013. Handbook of Industrial Lawauthor: N D Kapoor year of publication: isbn: 8180548805 price: 300.014. The Factories Act 1948 Commentaryauthor: Prof. S.C. Srivastava year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8175341323 price: 575.015. Cases and Materials on Suspensionauthor: V K Kharbanda year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 700.016. Practical Guide To Factories Actauthor: H L Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350350669 price: 275.017. The Factories Act 1948 Commentary and Digestauthor: K.K. Khandelwal year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 1000.018. Cases and Materials on Terminationauthor: V K Kharbanda year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 700.019. Labour and Industrial Lawsauthor: Prof. K. Madhavan Pillai year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 275.020. Industrial Jurisprudenceauthor: S.N. Johri year of publication: 2000 isbn: price: 300.021. The Law of Sick Industrial Companies & BIFRauthor: S.A. Naik year of publication: 2002 isbn: price: 1195.022. The Minimum Wages Act 1948 : Provisions, State Amendments, Commentary and Rulesauthor: D.S. Chopra year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 375.023. The Factories Act 1948 Provisions State Amendments Commentary and Rulesauthor: D.S. Chopra year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 275.024. Minerals and Mines in India 2005author: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 1000.025. Managing Employee Relationsauthor: A.B. Chowdhury year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8171771777 price: 550.026. Copyright and Industrial Designsauthor: P Narayanan year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8171771394 price: 890.027. Petroleum Lawsauthor: Harbans Lal Sarin year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8175344881 price: 1150.028. Industrial Discipline and Natural Justiceauthor: Prabhakara Rao year of publication: 2000 isbn: price: 400.029. Supreme Court on Disciplinary Proceedingsauthor: Prabhakara Rao year of publication: 1999 isbn: price: 325.030. Trade Unions Act 1926 (Commentary)author: V K Kharbanda year of publication: 2004 isbn: price: 900.031. Supreme Court Labour and Service Digest 1950-2004 Volume 1 and 2author: V K Kharbanda year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 2000.032. Law and Practice on Minimum Wagesauthor: S.B. Rao year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 700.033. Domestic and Departmental Enquiryauthor: S.B. Rao year of publication: 1997 isbn: price: 425.034. The Indian Boilers Regulations 1950author: Manchanda year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8186976845 price: 995.035. Industrial Disputes Act 1947 (In 2 Vol)author: D.D. Seth year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8189639235 price: 2800.036. Start and Run a Profitable Catering Businessauthor: George Erdosh year of publication: 2000 isbn: 8172247559 price: 155.037. Start and Run a Profitable Restaurantauthor: Michael M. Coltman year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8172247540 price: 325.038. Statistical Quality Controlauthor: Eugene L Grant year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0070435553 price: 375.039. Holy Places of the Worldauthor: S. Ram year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8188817252 price: 495.040. Law Relating to Departmental Enquiries for Government Servantsauthor: A.S.Ramachandra Rao year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350350904 price: 995.041. Small Scale Industries Policy Rules and Regulationsauthor: S. Krishnamurthy year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8187197994 price: 450.0

42. Indian Telecom Industry and International Scenario 2005author: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 1000.043. Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industryauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 1000.044. Handbook on Indian Power Industry 2006author: . year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 1200.045. Enzymes Bio-Technology Handbookauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 8178330784 price: 1100.046. Select and Start Your Own Industryauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623507 price: 400.047. Handbook on Chemical Industries (Alcohol Based)author: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8178330679 price: 750.048. Introduction to Work Studyauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120406028 price: 270.049. Dealing with Trade Distortions in Steel Industryauthor: Veena Jha year of publication: 2006 isbn: 1403928606 price: 295.050. Hotel Housekeeping A Training Manualauthor: Sudhir Andrews year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070655715 price: 275.051. Industrial Safety Health and Environment Management Systemsauthor: R K <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8174092102 price: 325.052. Labour and Industrial Law of Indiaauthor: S.K. Mishra year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 250.053. Labour and Industrial Lawsauthor: S.K. Puri year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 240.054. Principles of Hotel Managementauthor: V. Prakesh Kainthola year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189645226 price: 950.055. Travel and Tourismauthor: Manohar Puri year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189645234 price: 795.056. Tourism Managementauthor: Manohar Puri year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189645242 price: 725.057. Tourism and Hotel Industryauthor: Manohar Puri year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818964517X price: 900.058. Food and Beverage Servicesauthor: Marco D`souza year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189645196 price: 800.059. Indian Heritage Hotels - Legacy of Splendourauthor: Anuradha Kapoor year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8174363890 price: 695.060. Managing Quality in Tourismauthor: Denis Harrington year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180140849 price: 225.061. Studies in Tourism Wildlife Parks Conservationauthor: Tej Vir Singh year of publication: 1982 isbn: price: 200.062. Tourism Development and Resource Conservationauthor: Jagmohan Negi year of publication: 1990 isbn: 812000292X price: 300.063. Hotels for Tourism Developmentauthor: Jagmohan Negi year of publication: 1997 isbn: 8120003683 price: 550.064. Travel Agency and Toursismauthor: Manohar Puri year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189645188 price: 900.065. Hospitality and Restaurant Designauthor: Roger Yee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1584710683 price: 3139.066. Tourism and Adventure Travel in the Himalayas and South Asia - Volume 6author: Jagmohan Negi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189645331 price: 900.067. Technology of Petrochemicals Lubricants Greases and Petroleum Refiningauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732586 price: 900.068. Handbook of Polymer and Plastics Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732926 price: 950.069. Industrial Chemicals Technology Handbookauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732780 price: 1100.070. Modern Bakery Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732616 price: 750.071. Technology of Food Preservation and Processingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8174453385 price: 950.072. Agro Chemical Industries (Insecticides and Pesticides)author: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732462 price: 900.073. Handbook of Printing Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732756 price: 975.0

74. Synthetic Detergents with formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732438 price: 900.075. Candle Making Processes and Formulations Handbookauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732624 price: 380.076. Industrial Hygiene Engineeringauthor: John T. Talty year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8179924734 price: 1995.077. Profitable Small Cottage Tiny and Home Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732799 price: 650.078. Profitable Small Scale Manufacture of Cosmetics (Synthetic and Herbal)author: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732810 price: 950.079. Agro Based and Processed Food Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732896 price: 1100.080. Plastic Compounding Masterbatches Pet and Other Plastic Processing Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732797 price: 750.081. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Packaging Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8186732675 price: 900.082. Paint Varnish Solvents and Coating Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732446 price: 750.083. Cement Industry in Indiaauthor: Madhubala year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8175411244 price: 450.084. Industrial Relations and Collective Bargainingauthor: Nirmal Singh year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176292648 price: 280.085. The Manual of Mines and Mineralsauthor: Sandeep Mukherjee year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 480.086. Production of Quality Steels in Mini Steel Plantsauthor: S.K. Goel year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8174092072 price: 165.087. Modern Steel Makingauthor: R.H. Tupkary year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8174090266 price: 215.088. Confectionary Industries with Formulae and Processesauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330997 price: 475.089. Cool Hotelsauthor: Kim Inglis year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0794601731 price: 1404.090. Hospitality Talkauthor: . year of publication: isbn: price: 350.091. Survey of Indian Industry 2012author: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 60.092. Handbook on Confectionary Industriesauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 8185480206 price: 400.093. Handbook on Pulp and Paper Industriesauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 8185480249 price: 575.094. Small Scale Industriesauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 818687805X price: 350.095. Handbook of Metallurgical and Engineering Industriesauthor: D N Patnaik year of publication: isbn: 8185480699 price: 675.096. Handbook of Industrial Chemicalsauthor: . year of publication: isbn: price: 1100.097. Small Scale Industry in India Large Scale Exit Problemsauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8171884113 price: 495.098. Hotel and Restaurant Designauthor: Roger Yee year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1584710853 price: 2337.099. Uttar Pradesh Factories Manualauthor: V P Bakshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 400.0100. Encyclopaedia of Petroleum Lawsauthor: H L Kumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8171119681 price: 1695.0101. Indian Industry and Trade Classificationsauthor: Kumar year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 895.0102. Modern Petroleum Refining Processesauthor: B K Bhaskara Rao year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8120417151 price: 310.0103. The Steel Handbookauthor: Alok Nayar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0074632981 price: 3295.0104. Minerals and Minerals Based Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732977 price: 975.0105. Handbook of Food Packaging Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 818673290X price: 900.0

106. Modern Small and Cottage Scale Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732764 price: 650.0107. Law of Termination of Servicesauthor: V S Bhanot year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8175345306 price: 295.0108. Indian Petroleum Products Industry Opportunities and Challengesauthor: . year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 300.0109. Indian Industryauthor: Anup Chatterjee year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8177081101 price: 1560.0110. Small Scale Enterprisesauthor: Rajiv <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8187311304 price: 650.0111. Handbook on Indian Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry 2006author: . year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 1200.0112. Industrial Promotion Policies Procedures and Incentives of Central and state Governments 2006author: M P Sharma year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 1200.0113. Industrial Engineering and Managementauthor: Ravi Shankar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8175156050 price: 276.0114. A Guide to New Entrepreneursauthor: George kanawaty year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 150.0115. Freed From Disgraceauthor: phanishwar nath renu year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0195685997 price: 225.0116. Candlesticks Explainedauthor: Martin J Pring year of publication: 2006 isbn: 007063629x price: 450.0117. Industrial policy of indiaauthor: bachcha pathak year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8176299189 price: 280.0118. Larousse Gastronomiqueauthor: . year of publication: 2001 isbn: 0600602354 price: 1995.0119. Managing Hotel and Restaurantsauthor: Jagmohan Negi year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8172730616 price: 775.0120. Hotel and Tourism Lawsauthor: Dr Jagmohan Negi year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8171705758 price: 249.0121. Indian Industry 2006author: Vikas Singhal year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 1500.0122. Asian Style Hotelsauthor: Kim Inglis year of publication: isbn: 0794601723 price: 1464.0123. Industrial Electronics For Engineers, Chemists & Techniciansauthor: Daniel J Shanefielf year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8179925366 price: 795.0124. India Retail Report 2011author: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 3000.0125. Buyers Guide 2008author: . year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 1500.0126. Industrial Marketingauthor: P K Ghosh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0195677943 price: 275.0127. Indian Cities In Transitionauthor: . year of publication: 2007 isbn: 9788125032052 price: 850.0128. Labour And Industrial Lawauthor: Meenu Paul year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 300.0129. The Hostage Roomauthor: Lynee Heitman year of publication: 2007 isbn: 9780751533231 price: 139.0130. Hand <strong>Book</strong> On Agro Based Industriesauthor: Rajeev Narayan year of publication: isbn: 8186623124 price: 995.0131. The Wealth of India a Dictionary of Indian Raw Materials and Industrial Productsauthor: . year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8172363222 price: 525.0132. Tourism and Hospitality Industryauthor: Sunil K Kabia year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8188583960 price: 725.0133. The Factories Act 1948author: M Y Khan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8120004140 price: 795.0134. The Entrepreneurs Guide to Industrial Investment in Uttarakhandauthor: Sudhir K Arora year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 795.0135. Uttar Pradesh Industrial Area Development Act, 1976author: Kamlesh Chopra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8189591096 price: 340.0136. The Five Great Myths of Career Buildingauthor: Sanjiv R Bhamre year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0230632831 price: 195.0137. Commentaries On Uttar Pradesh Industrial Disputes Act, 1947author: Manav Chopra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818959107x price: 450.0

138. Industrial Relocation and Labour Issue In Delhiauthor: Garima Aggarwal year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8189131133 price: 895.0139. The Maharashtra Municipal Councils Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act 1965author: R K Pillai year of publication: 2010 isbn: price: 325.0140. Profitable Small Scale Industriesauthor: NPCS Board year of publication: isbn: 8190439817 price: 475.0141. Profitable Cottage and Tiny Industriesauthor: NPCS Board year of publication: isbn: 8190439824 price: 475.0142. The complete <strong>Book</strong> On Glass and Ceramics Technologyauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330334 price: 1275.0143. Steel Rolling Technology Handbookauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330369 price: 1100.0144. Selected Formulary <strong>Book</strong> On Ink, Paints, Lacquers, Vernishes and Enamelsauthor: NPCS Board year of publication: isbn: 8190439855 price: 1475.0145. Selected formulary Handbookauthor: NPCS Board year of publication: isbn: 8190439848 price: 1475.0146. The Complete Technology <strong>Book</strong> On Bio Fertilizer and Organic Farmingauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623841 price: 1100.0147. Handbook On Plants and cell Tissue Cultureauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330296 price: 1275.0148. Modern Packaging Industriesauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330865 price: 975.0149. Modern Technology of Agro Processing & Agricultural Waste Productsauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623493 price: 600.0150. Handbook on Natural Dyes for industrial Applicationsauthor: Dr Padma S Vankar year of publication: isbn: 8189579010 price: 1100.0151. Blind Men and the Elephantauthor: Was Rahman year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0761936206 price: 395.0152. Labour and Industrial Lawsauthor: S N Misra year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 485.0153. Fire and Explosion Hazards Handbook of Industrial Chemicalsauthor: Tatyana A Devletshina year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8179920623 price: 1750.0154. Micro Small and Medium Enterprisesauthor: Taxmanns year of publication: isbn: 817496973x price: 250.0155. Food and Beverage Serviceauthor: Dennis Lillicrap year of publication: 2010 isbn: 1444112511 price: 635.0156. Industrial Engineering and Managementauthor: O P Khanna year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8189928353 price: 485.0157. Non Destructive Test and Evalnation of Materialsauthor: J Prasad year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0070620849 price: 595.0158. High Tech industries Employment and Global Competitivenessauthor: S R Hashim year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0415460903 price: 650.0159. Hotel Industry and Tourism In Indiaauthor: Pragati Mohanty year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131303412 price: 595.0160. Hotel Managementauthor: B K Chakravarti year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 695.0161. Setting Up and Management of Hotels and Convention Centres in Indiaauthor: . year of publication: 2007-08 isbn: 81886631375 price: 150.0162. Residential Commercial and Industrial Electrical Systems Vol 2 Network and Installationauthor: Hemant Joshi year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0070620970 price: 825.0163. Indian Economy and Reformsauthor: Charu Arora year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8172734312 price: 575.0164. Hotel and Restaurant Guide India 2012 with Free Pocket Guideauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 800.0165. Indian Pharma and Life Science Industry Legal and Tax Frameworkauthor: Nishith Desai Associates year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184730111 price: 1095.0166. Hotels Designer and Design Hoteles Arquitecuary Y disenoauthor: H Kliczkowski year of publication: isbn: 8496137147 price: 1456.0167. Interior World New Project Hotelauthor: . year of publication: isbn: price: 1456.0168. Safety and Security in Hotels and Restaurantsauthor: R K Singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8182040353 price: 650.0169. Industrial Relationsauthor: c s venkata ratnam year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0195671082 price: 375.0

170. Trade Policy Industrial Performance and Private Sector Development in indiaauthor: . year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0195694279 price: 695.0171. Industrial Disputes Act 1947author: P M Radhakrishnaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9381113301 price: 540.0172. Validation in Pharmaceutical Industry Concepts Approaches & Guidelinesauthor: P P Sharma year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8190089285 price: 1200.0173. Uttar Pradesh Factories Manualauthor: Sandeep Mukherjee year of publication: 2010 isbn: price: 280.0174. Textbook of Hotel Housekeeping Management and Operationsauthor: Sudhir Andrews year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0070655720 price: 335.0175. Front Office Management and Operationsauthor: Sudhir Andrews year of publication: isbn: 0070655766 price: 335.0176. Principles of Industrial Instrumentationauthor: D Patranabis year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0074623346 price: 415.0177. Labour Welfare Trade Unionism and Industrial Relationsauthor: S D Punekar year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 198.0178. Rubber Chemicals and Processing Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732152 price: 400.0179. Sick Industries and BIFRauthor: H P S Pahwa year of publication: 2010-11 isbn: 8177371932 price: 1395.0180. Treatise on Industrial Disputes Act 1947 ( Vol 1-3 )author: S D Puri year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8181593252 price: 1495.0181. Manufacture of Snacks Food, Namkeen, Pappad & Potato Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732373 price: 650.0182. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Bakery Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732187 price: 350.0183. Agro Based Plantation Cultivation and Farming Hand <strong>Book</strong>author: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732144 price: 475.0184. Fruits and Vegetables Processing Hand bookauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732322 price: 650.0185. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Food Dehydration and Dryingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732608 price: 650.0186. Preservation & Canning of fruits and Vegetablesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732500 price: 900.0187. Technology of Maize and Allied Corn Productsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765170 price: 650.0188. Agro Based Handbook of Cultivation Plantation & Farmingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732292 price: 500.0189. Paint Pigment Varnish and Lacquer Manufacturing with Directory of Machinery and Raw Material Suppliersauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732160 price: 450.0190. Hand book of Essential Oils Manufacturing & Aromatic Plantsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732276 price: 450.0191. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Biofertilizers & Vermicultureauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765019 price: 900.0192. Synthetic Resins Technology with formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732403 price: 800.0193. Technology of Coatings Resins Pigments and INKS Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732640 price: 975.0194. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Screen Printing With Processes and technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732632 price: 350.0195. Modern Inks Formulaes and Manufacturing Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732179 price: 325.0196. Small and Cottage Scale Industries Small Industry In Hindiauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732551 price: 525.0197. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Adhesives with their formulaesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732349 price: 650.0198. Start Your Own Small Business & Industryauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732748 price: 350.0199. Technology of Synthetic Dyes Pigments and Intermediatesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732519 price: 1100.0200. Cosmetics Processes and Formulations Hand <strong>Book</strong> with Herbal Cosmetics Technology and Formulaeauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732411 price: 900.0201. Modern Bee Keeping and Honey Processing Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: 2006-2007 isbn: 8189765149 price: 375.0

202. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Garments Manufacturing Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765027 price: 900.0203. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Synthetic & Herbal Cosmeticsauthor: Ankur Kumar year of publication: isbn: 8186732217 price: 575.0204. Technology of Herbal Cosmetics and Toiletries Products with formulaeauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765132 price: 1100.0205. Indias Industrial Growth Sources and Determinants A Focus on Engineering Industryauthor: Anita Kumari year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189640552 price: 850.0206. Industrial Waste Water Treatmentauthor: A D Patwardhan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8120333505 price: 275.0207. Transnationalization of Indian Pharmaceutical SMEsauthor: Jaya Prakash Pradhan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189640569 price: 325.0208. Toyota Culture The Heart and Soul of the Toyota Wayauthor: Jeferey K Liker year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0070264502 price: 450.0209. GATE 2013 Production and Industrial Engineeringauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8183556149 price: 695.0210. Modern Technology of Bleaching Dyeing Printing and Finishing of Textilesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765163 price: 750.0211. Hotels Resorts and Restaurantsauthor: Jagmohan Negi year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184570663 price: 495.0212. HRM in hotel and Tourism Industry Existing Trends and Practicesauthor: Percy K Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184570786 price: 900.0213. Corporate Governance Compliance in Indian Industries A Case Studyauthor: Dr Twinkle Prusty year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8190618434 price: 980.0214. Growth Poverty and Equityauthor: Ruddar Datt year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184500882 price: 980.0215. Guide to Industries Policies and Proceduresauthor: Rajiv <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8187311495 price: 660.0216. Security Safety and first aid in hospitality industryauthor: Ekta Bhushan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8178804019 price: 650.0217. Accountancy for the Hospitality Industryauthor: Anoop pant year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8178804026 price: 650.0218. Basics of Catering Management its inevitabilityauthor: Umesh Narayan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8178803739 price: 650.0219. Front Office Operationsauthor: Anoop pant year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8178803814 price: 700.0220. Hotel Lawauthor: Jyotsana year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8178804002 price: 750.0221. Strategic Industrial Relations and Labour Lawsauthor: S K Bhatia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184500615 price: 1380.0222. Hotel Organization and Managementauthor: Jag Pradeep year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189239633 price: 500.0223. Hotel Managementauthor: Jag Pradeep year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189239640 price: 500.0224. Law and Practice Relating to Micro Small and Medium Enterprisesauthor: Srinivasan Anand G. year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8171946433 price: 875.0225. Hotel Industry and Housekeeping Managementauthor: Piyush Bhatnagar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189741470 price: 995.0226. Tribal Life In India-4 Industrialisation in tribal Areasauthor: Devendra Thakur year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184501070 price: 1450.0227. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Plastic Materials and Processing Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765262 price: 750.0228. Industrial Safety Management Hazard Identification and Risk Controlauthor: L M Deshmukh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070617681 price: 665.0229. Indian Industrial Development and Globalisationauthor: . year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8171887224 price: 1495.0230. Introduction to labour and Industrial Lawauthor: Avtar Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 395.0231. Hotel Account Finance and F and B Managementauthor: Rakesh Puri year of publication: 2003 isbn: price: 450.0232. Food and Beverage Comprehensive Cost Control and System Managementauthor: Kamal Manaktola year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8173910694 price: 695.0233. Residential Commercial and Industrial Electrical System Vol 1author: Hemant Joshi year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0070620964 price: 1025.0

234. Fundamental of Tourism and Travelauthor: L K Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8182054788 price: 875.0235. Management of Travel Agencyauthor: L K Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818205480X price: 690.0236. Airline Travel Tours and Hotelauthor: L B Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8182054761 price: 670.0237. Directory on Real Estate and Construction Industry 2011author: . year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 650.0238. The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacyauthor: Leon Lachman year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8123916798 price: 495.0239. Joint Ventures in International Businessauthor: M B Rao year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8125926573 price: 550.0240. Labour Regulation In Indian Industry (1 to 10 Vols)author: C P Thakur year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189640637 price: 2495.0241. Working For Better Times Rethinking work for the 21st centuryauthor: Jean Michel Servais year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8189640545 price: 1595.0242. Readings in Indian Agriculture and Industryauthor: K L Krishna year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8171887385 price: 395.0243. Shipbuilding in India Challenges and Strategiesauthor: Ravi Vohra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8190741343 price: 980.0244. Principles of Hotel Front Office Operationsauthor: Sue Baker year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131504055 price: 245.0245. Modern Industrial Relations and Labour Lawsauthor: J N <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184840339 price: 1880.0246. The Impact of Globalization on Small-Scale Industriesauthor: Dr Vijay Nagesh Gumma year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184840353 price: 950.0247. Industry and Infrastructure Development in India Since 1947author: Anup Chatterjee year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8177082036 price: 1940.0248. Contemporary Industrial Psychology : Emerging concepts and practices for new workplaceauthor: S K Bhatia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184501735 price: 480.0249. Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act 1946author: V K Kharbanda year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8189639242 price: 650.0250. Textbook of Hotel Maintenanceauthor: Dr N C Goyal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8186308814 price: 225.0251. Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006 Law Policies and Incentivesauthor: Abha Jaiswal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8177335682 price: 895.0252. Guide to Departmental Enquiries Against Government Servants (In 2 Vol)author: P V Ramakrishna year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8183950469 price: 2700.0253. Manual of Labour and Industrial Laws (In 2 Vol)author: S C Sarkar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8189619381 price: 3200.0254. Catering and Hotel Industryauthor: Pulak Buragohain year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8189239978 price: 500.0255. Complaint Management in the Hotel Industryauthor: Dr Maria Aradhana year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8188683965 price: 960.0256. Food and Beverage Lawsauthor: R K Arora year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131306918 price: 150.0257. Hotel Organization and Front Office Managementauthor: R K Arora year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131306796 price: 150.0258. Small Scale Industries in India Problems and Policy Initiativesauthor: K R Vijayarani year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8177082654 price: 490.0259. Khadi and Village Industries Status Problems and Challengesauthor: Dr Kulwant Singh Pathania year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184840919 price: 900.0260. Technology of Products from Wastes Industrial Agriculture Medical Municipality Organic and Biologicalauthor: Dr Himadri Panda year of publication: isbn: 8189765958 price: 900.0261. Agriculture Industry Interactions An Approach to Developing Economiesauthor: Debnarayan Sarker year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8178358185 price: 690.0262. Food and Beverage Service and Managementauthor: Bobby George year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8179928844 price: 395.0263. Food and Beverage Service A Training Manualauthor: Sudhir Andrews year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070655693 price: 275.0264. Petroleum Fuels Manufacturing Handbookauthor: Surinder Parkash year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071632409 price: 7095.0265. Hotel Front Office A Training Manualauthor: Sudhir Andrews year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070655707 price: 275.0

266. Rules Regulations and Policies With Guidelines and Procedures on Micro Small and Medium Industriesauthor: - year of publication: isbn: 8185480787 price: 875.0267. The Complete <strong>Book</strong> on Gums and Stabilizers for Food Industryauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8178331317 price: 1275.0268. Soaps Detergents and Disinfectants Technology Handbookauthor: NPCS Board year of publication: isbn: 8190568517 price: 1275.0269. Handbook on Soaps Detergents and Acid Slurryauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330938 price: 1100.0270. Processing Technology of Steels and Stainless Steelsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765972 price: 1900.0271. Plastic Waste Recycling Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765309 price: 750.0272. Technology of Herbal Cosmetics and Toiletries Products with Formulaeauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8189765132 price: 1100.0273. Technology of Pet Bottles Preform and Pet Recyclingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 9380772080 price: 850.0274. Technology of Reinforced Plasticsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 9380772066 price: 750.0275. Industrial Policies in India Constitutional Vision of Socialismauthor: Dr P B Pankaja year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8185537195 price: 590.0276. Food and Beverage a Practical Guideauthor: Edgar D Souza year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8129117953 price: 295.0Leather Technology1. Leather Processing and Tanning Technology Handbookauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623892 price: 1100.02. Lectures On Drafting Pleading & Conveyancingauthor: Dr Rega Surya Rao year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 195.0Packaging Technology1. Oils Fats and Derivatives with Refining and Packaging Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 818673256X price: 950.02. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Packaging Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8186732675 price: 900.03. Fundamentals of Packaging Technologyauthor: S Natarajan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8120337114 price: 150.04. Modern Packaging Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732281 price: 900.0Painting Technology1. Modern Technology of Paints Varnishes & Lacquersauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330881 price: 975.02. Paints Pigments Varnishes and Enamels Technology Handbookauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330377 price: 1100.03. Handbook on Varnishes Paints and Lacquersauthor: Subasis Ray year of publication: isbn: 818548032X price: 750.04. Ragamala Painting A Journey From Music to Artauthor: Dr Ranjit Singh Gill year of publication: isbn: price: 1500.05. The Pichhvai Painting Tradition Of Rajasthanauthor: Desmond Peter Lazaro year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1890206741 price: 1700.06. Indian Miniature Paintingauthor: Anjan Chakraverty year of publication: isbn: 8174363343 price: 595.07. Raja Ravi Varma The Most Celebrated Painter of India 1848-1906author: Parsram Mangharam year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8190157639 price: 1500.08. The Artists Handbookauthor: Ray Smith year of publication: 2009 isbn: 1405348775 price: 899.09. Tanjore : A Portfolio of Paintingsauthor: . year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8172343224 price: 295.0

10. Lord Ganesha A Portfolio of Paintingsauthor: . year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8172343231 price: 295.011. Chitralipiauthor: Rabindranath Tagore year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8175224247 price: 600.0Polymer Technology1. Handbook of Polymer and Plastics Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732926 price: 950.02. Handbook of Thermoset Plasticsauthor: Sidney H. Goodman year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8179924769 price: 1575.03. Fibre Glass Mouldingauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732942 price: 450.04. Plastic Compounding Masterbatches Pet and Other Plastic Processing Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732797 price: 750.05. Polymers with Procesing and Applicationsauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330105 price: 1100.06. Fibre Glass Optical Glass and Reinforced Platicsauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330067 price: 1275.07. Medical Plasticsauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330008 price: 975.08. Technology of PVC Compounding and Its Applicationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732888 price: 900.09. Plastics Design and Processesauthor: S C Sharma year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180140474 price: 125.010. Polymer Science and Technologyauthor: Joel R Fried year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120327705 price: 295.0Printing Technology1. Printing Inksauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330482 price: 1000.02. Printing Technology Handbookauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330520 price: 1100.03. Handbook of Printing Technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732756 price: 975.04. Hand <strong>Book</strong> of Screen Printing With Processes and technologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732632 price: 350.0Rubber Technology1. Technology of Rubber and Rubber Goods Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732594 price: 900.02. Rubber Processing and Compounding Technologyauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8178330059 price: 1575.03. Modern Rubber Chemicals and Rubber Products Technologyauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 8185480778 price: 750.0Textile Technology1. Technology of Textilesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732489 price: 900.02. Textile Processing with Effluents Treatmentauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330504 price: 1000.03. Textiles Angola Shirting Specification IS 8331:2003author: - year of publication: 2003 isbn: price: 180.04. Unleashing Indias Innovation Toward Sustainable and Inclusive Growthauthor: Mark A Dutz year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0821371978 price: 750.05. The Complete Technology <strong>Book</strong> on Dyes and Dye Intermediatesauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623795 price: 1100.0

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