Corrective Reading Comprehension

Corrective Reading Comprehension

Corrective Reading Comprehension

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<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>, Practice andReview Activities Screen Captures andTeacher Presentation Book Pages<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsStudent Materials Student Books contain word lists,stories, and informational articles foreach lesson. Workbooks provide practice,review, and application exercisesand are an integral part of eachprogram and level.Teacher Materials Presentation Books provide tightlysequenced lessons to help studentsmaster high-priority concepts andstrategies. Teacher’s Guides contain helpfulinformation about presentingexercises and tips for correctingstudent error.Program ResourcesPractice and Review ActivitiesCD-ROM provides engaging gamesto reinforce skills and conceptspresented in daily lessons.Enrichment Blackline Masters addmeaningful practice and are perfectfor homework.Highlights of the NewEdition Mastery Tests are embedded inthe teacher’s presentation materialand appear more frequently to keepstudent learning on track. Lesson Objectives Charts areprovided every five lessons to giveteachers a comprehensive picture ofskill development Practice and Review Activities CD-ROMs offer engaging, interactivereview to help students master keyskills.35

Move below-level readers to grade-level proficiencyInformational Passages provideadditional practice reading difficultwords and sentence structures topromote transfer to authentic text.<strong>Reading</strong>/Language Arts©2008<strong>Corrective</strong><strong>Reading</strong>DecodingGrades 3–AdultSiegfried Engelmann, et al.Make a difference for students whohave difficulty reading accurately andfluently. <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> Decodingsystematically replaces students’ineffective <strong>Reading</strong> strategies withefficient ones and provides the typeof practice problem readers need toretain and apply these skills. Stories written for the programprovide a gradual progression inskill development that discouragesguessingDaily fluency practice withimmediate feedback helps studentsread fluently, accurately, and withexpression<strong>Comprehension</strong> activities ensurethat students attend tothe content of what they read A management system, based onrealistic goals, motivates students byreinforcing steady improvement in<strong>Reading</strong> performance<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> Decoding,Level C Student BookProgram Features Running word counts inStudent Books make it easy forstudents to count the numberof words read during FluencyAssessment. Expanded comprehensionitems and activities meethigh-level district and statestandards.36

Daily practice in reading word listsand connected text ensures mastery.Running word counts makeit easy to report fluency.<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> Decoding,Level B1 Student BookDecoding A: Word Attack Basics addresses non-readers byteaching sound-spelling relationships. Students quicklydevelop reading strategies for sounding out words andapplying those strategies in context.Decoding B1 and B2: Decoding Strategies refine word-attackskills by introducing new words and promoting worddiscrimination. Students build fluency and comprehensionby reading stories of increasing length and difficulty.Decoding C: Skill Applications helps students bridge the gapbetween advanced word-attack skills and the ability to readtextbooks and other informational material.Components<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> Decoding Teacher Materials include: Presentation Books (1or 2); Teacher’s Guide; and Practice and Review Activities CD-ROM.<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsGrades 3–AdultStudent Workbook0-07-611206-3 or 978-0-07-611206-7 ......$11.96Student Book0-07-611215-2 or 978-0-07-611215-9 ......$35.60Student Book0-07-611226-8 or 978-0-07-611226-5 ......$35.60Student Book0-07-611238-1 or 978-0-07-611238-8 ......$50.40Teacher Materials0-07-611212-8 or 978-0-07-611212-8 .....$318.00Additional Teacher’s Guide0-07-611207-1 or 978-0-07-611207-4 ......$26.00Student Workbook0-07-611216-0 or 978-0-07-611216-6 ......$10.64Teacher Materials0-07-611222-5 or 978-0-07-611222-7 .....$218.40Student Workbook0-07-611227-6 or 978-0-07-611227-2 ......$10.64Teacher Materials0-07-611233-0 or 978-0-07-611233-3 .....$218.40Student Workbook0-07-611239-X or 978-0-07-611239-5 ......$18.80Teacher Materials0-07-611245-4 or 978-0-07-611245-6 .....$352.80Additional Practice and Review Activites CD0-07-611214-4 or 978-0-07-611214-2 ......$53.20Additional Teacher’s Guide0-07-611217-9 or 978-0-07-611217-3 . ......$26.00Additional Teacher’s Guide0-07-611228-4 or 978-0-07-611228-9 ......$26.00Additional Teacher’s Guide0-07-611240-3 or 978-0-07-611240-1 ......$26.00Presentation Book 10-07-611204-7 or 978-0-07-611204-3 ..... $171.60Additional Practice and Review Activites CD0-07-611224-1 or 978-0-07-611224-1 ......$53.20Additional Practice and Review Activites CD0-07-611235-7 or 978-0-07-611235-7 ......$53.20Additional Practice and Review Activites CD0-07-611247-0 or 978-0-07-611247-0 ......$64.80Presentation Book 20-07-611205-5 or 978-0-07-611205-0 ..... $171.60Fluency Reinforcement Program0-07-623522-X or 978-0-07-623522-3 ......$39.60Fluency Reinforcement Program0-07-623523-8 or 978-0-07-623523-0 ......$39.60Presentation Book 10-07-611236-5 or 978-0-07-611236-4 .....$190.40eSuite for <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>0-07-623524-6 or 978-0-07-623524-7 ......$79.60eSuite for <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>0-07-623524-6 or 978-0-07-623524-7 ......$79.60eSuite for <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>0-07-623524-6 or 978-0-07-623524-7 ......$79.60Presentation Book 20-07-611237-3 or 978-0-07-611237-1 . .....$190.40Enrichment Blackline Masters0-07-611213-6 or 978-0-07-611213-5 ......$73.72Enrichment Blackline Masters0-07-611223-3 or 978-0-07-611223-4 ......$73.72Enrichment Blackline Masters0-07-611234-9 or 978-0-07-611234-0 ......$73.72eSuite for <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>0-07-623524-6 or 978-0-07-623524-7 ......$79.60Enrichment Blackline Masters0-07-611246-2 or 978-0-07-611246-3 ......$99.68<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> Series Guide0-07-611248-9 or 978-0-07-611248-7 ......$37.6037

Build a framework for learning<strong>Comprehension</strong> instruction supports understandingof texts students will read in their classes.<strong>Reading</strong>/Language Arts©2008<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong><strong>Comprehension</strong>Grades 3 –AdultSiegfried Engelmann, et al.<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Comprehension</strong>,Level B1 Fast Cycle Teacher Presentation BookHelp students develop the skills needed to understandacademic content. The <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Comprehension</strong>programs explicitly teach the vocabulary, backgroundknowledge, and reasoning skills that support theunderstanding of text.Program Features Fast Cycle programs for <strong>Comprehension</strong> Aand B1 provide accelerated skill developmentfor older students in middle and highschools. A stronger emphasis on writing in<strong>Comprehension</strong> B1 and B2 ensures thatstudents transfer newly acquired skills towriting paragraphs and stories.With <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Comprehension</strong>, you will: Provide extensive practice in following directions to helpstudents read carefully and attend to detailsBuild vocabulary skills and common information thatstudents can carry over into the general classroomHelp students develop strategies for retaininginformation and relating it to new conceptsDevelop higher-order thinking tactics used by successfulreaders – applying prior knowledge, making inferences,and analyzing evidence38

Writing prompts ensure that students can apply grammar,punctuation, and writing skills presented in the program.<strong>Comprehension</strong> A: Thinking Basics creates a frameworkfor learning new information and developing inbackground knowledge. Students engage in higher-orderthinking, acquire vocabulary, and build a foundation forcomprehension.<strong>Comprehension</strong> B1 and B2: <strong>Comprehension</strong> Skills developthe skills necessary to construct meaning from contentbasedtext. These skills enable students to comprehendany subject matter they read and learn new informationefficiently.<strong>Comprehension</strong> C: Concept Applications helps you bridge thegap between basic reasoning and critical thinking. Withthese skills, students can evaluate and utilize informationalresources on their own.Components<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Comprehension</strong>,Level B1 Fast Cycle Student Workbook<strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Comprehension</strong> Teacher Materials include: PresentationBooks (1 or 2); Teacher’s Guide; and Practice and Review Activities CD-ROM.Fast Cycle A and B1 Teacher Materials include: A Presentation Book whichincorporates the Teacher’s Guide.<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsGrades 3–AdultStudent Workbook0-07-611159-8 or 978-0-07-611159-6 ......$11.96Teacher Materials0-07-611167-9 or 978-0-07-611167-1 ......$318.00Student Workbook0-07-611171-7 or 978-0-07-611171-8 .......$18.64Teacher Materials0-07-611179-2 or 978-0-07-611179-4 .....$218.40Student Workbook0-07-611184-9 or 978-0-07-611184-8 ......$21.32Teacher Materials0-07-611189-X or 978-0-07-611189-3 .....$218.40Teacher Materials0-07-611201-2 or 978-0-07-611201-2 .....$352.80Additional Teacher’s Guide0-07-611196-2 or 978-0-07-611196-1 ......$37.60Additional Practice & Review Activities CD0-07-611203-9 or 978-0-07-611203-6 ......$64.80Additional Teacher’s Guide0-07-611162-8 or 978-0-07-611162-6 ......$26.00Additional Teacher’s Guide0-07-611174-1 or 978-0-07-611174-9 . ......$26.00Additional Teacher’s Guide0-07-611399-X or 978-0-07-611399-6 ......$26.00Presentation Book 10-07-611192-X or 978-0-07-611192-3 . .....$190.40Additional Practice & Review Activities CD0-07-611169-5 or 978-0-07-611169-5 ......$53.20Additional Practice & Review Activities CD0-07-611182-2 or 978-0-07-611182-4 ......$53.20Additional Practice & Review Activities CD0-07-611191-1 or 978-0-07-611191-6 . ......$53.20Presentation Book 20-07-611193-8 or 978-0-07-611193-0 .....$190.40Presentation Book 10-07-611157-1 or 978-0-07-611157-2 ...... $171.60eSuite for <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>0-07-623524-6 or 978-0-07-623524-7 ......$79.60eSuite for <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>0-07-623524-6 or 978-0-07-623524-7 ......$79.60eSuite for <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>0-07-623524-6 or 978-0-07-623524-7 ......$79.60Presentation Book 20-07-611158-X or 978-0-07-611158-9 ..... $171.60eSuite for <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>0-07-623524-6 or 978-0-07-623524-7 ......$79.60Workbook0-07-611161-X or 978-0-07-611161-9 ........$7.96Teacher Presentation Book0-07-611160-1 or 978-0-07-611160-2 .....$193.60Enrichments BLMs0-07-611181-4 or 978-0-07-611181-7 ......$73.72Workbook0-07-611173-3 or 978-0-07-611173-2 ......$15.04Teacher Presentation Book0-07-611172-5 or 978-0-07-611172-5. . . . . . $193.60Enrichments BLMs0-07-611190-3 or 978-0-07-611190-9 ......$73.72Student Book0-07-611194-6 or 978-0-07-611194-7 ......$50.40Student Workbook0-07-611195-4 or 978-0-07-611195-4 ......$26.60Enrichments BLMs0-07-611202-0 or 978-0-07-611202-9 ......$99.68Series Guide0-07-611248-9 or 978-0-07-611248-7 ......$37.6039

Research-proven instruction for effective comprehensionSRA <strong>Reading</strong> Success,Grades 3–12<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsSRA <strong>Reading</strong> SuccessGrades 4–12Levels A–CHelp your students gain and master essentialcomprehension skills and strategies with SRA <strong>Reading</strong>Success. This supplemental reading program requiresonly 25 minutes, three days per week, to make a dramaticimprovement in students’ ability to understand what theyread. The program is ideal for Tier 1 enhancement, Tier 2intervention, summer school, and extended day classes.ComponentsSRA <strong>Reading</strong> Success Teacher Materials include: A spiral-bound Teacher Book; andAssessment Blackline Masters.The skills taught in SRA <strong>Reading</strong> Success are critical readingcomprehension skills that directly influence students’ability to understand and appreciate the written word. Theprogram builds vocabulary skills by helping students derivemeaning from context, and adds to students’ generalword knowledge through a wide variety of high-interestreadings. In addition, it is designed to help students transferthis knowledge to improve their performance on nationaland state assessments.With SRA <strong>Reading</strong> Success you teach students tocomprehend by teaching them explicit comprehensionstrategies that can be applied to any read task, including: Determining the main idea and supporting detailsIdentifying an author’s purposeParaphrasing and summarizingDrawing inferencesUsing context to figure out word meaningsGrades 4–12Levels A–CStudent WorkBook0-07-618480-3 or 978-0-07-618480-4 ......$15.92Teacher Materials0-07-618505-2 or 978-0-07-618505-4 .....$163.20Additional Assessment Blackline Masters0-07-618484-6 or 978-0-07-618484-2 . .....$35.92Student WorkBook0-07-618481-1 or 978-0-07-618481-1 ......$15.92Teacher Materials0-07-618506-0 or 978-0-07-618506-1 .....$163.20Additional Assessment Blackline Masters0-07-618485-4 or 978-0-07-618485-9 ......$35.92Student WorkBook0-07-618482-X or 978-0-07-618482-8 ......$18.64Teacher Materials0-07-618507-9 or 978-0-07-618507-8 .....$184.00Additional Assessment Blackline Masters0-07-618486-2 or 978-0-07-618486-6 ......$35.92Student WorkBook0-07-618483-8 or 978-0-07-618483-5 ......$18.64Teacher Materials0-07-618508-7 or 978-0-07-618508-5 .....$184.00Additional Assessment Blackline Masters0-07-618487-0 or 978-0-07-618487-3 ......$35.9240

Wildcats Grade Levels 2–8Focus <strong>Reading</strong> interventionProgramOverviewAn exciting, high-impact program thatcaptures the interest of delayed readers!Program DetailsWildcats features seventy-two books based on six themedstrands, with twelve books within each strand. Each bookhas four or five text selections which deal with the themein different ways, allowing students to gain knowledgeand understanding from a variety of genres and texttypes. Wildcats books feature sophisticated topics andpresentations, yet they incorporate readability levels thatare pitched to match the abilities of readers working to gainfluency. The student books: Provide strong pictorial supportUse straightforward language structure Use short, simple sentences that become increasinglymore complex Introduce high-frequency vocabulary in a controlled way Chunk texts into manageable unitsSink your teeth into Wildcats, the exciting series for delayedreaders. Wildcats uses the high-impact style of today’s mediato capture the interest of reluctant readers and give them apositive, successful reading and writing experience.The Wildcats collection offers a variety of support materialsfor teachers. Test booklets, adventure journals, assessments,and lesson plans are all designed to work together to maketeaching your students easier.Program overview, 6 each of 72 student books,72 lesson plans, 72 adventure journals, 6 testbooklets, 72 vinyl folders, and 6 storage boxes0-322-08422-9 or 978-0-322-08422-3 ....... $5,787.60<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsWildcats Tracks: Assessment and Evaluation0-322-01369-0 or 978-0-322-01369-8 ......... $48.00The World of Wildcats: Series Overview0-322-07465-7 or 978-0-322-07465-1 ......... $34.80Each kit contains 6 each of 12 anthologies, 1each of 12 lesson plans, 1 each of 12 adventurejournals, 12 vinyl folders, and 1 storage box.Animal and Nature Strand0-32-206535-6 or 978-0-322-06535-2 ....... $1,004.60Art and Entertainment Strand0-32-206534-8 or 978-0-322-06534-5 ....... $1,004.60Myths and Misconceptions Strand0-32-206532-1 or 978-0-322-06532-1 ....... $1,004.60People and Places Strand0-32-206528-3 or 978-0-322-06528-4 ....... $1,004.60Science and Technology Strand0-32-206529-1 or 978-0-322-06529-1 ....... $1,004.60Sport and Action Strand0-32-206531-3 or 978-0-322-06531-4 ....... $1,004.6041

People and PlacesExtreme Lives0-32-202419-6 or 978-0-322-02419-9 ..........$72.00Festival Fun0-32-202424-2 or 978-0-322-02424-3 ..........$72.00Science and TechologyBridges0-32-202425-0 or 978-0-322-02425-0 ..........$72.00Take a Look0-32-202420-X or 978-0-322-02420-5 ..........$72.00Sports and ActionOn and Off the Road0-32-202421-8 or 978-0-322-02421-2 ..........$72.00Up high in the Mountains0-32-202426-9 or 978-0-322-02426-7 ..........$72.00Myths and MisconceptionsHocus Pocus0-32-202423-4 or 978-0-322-02423-6 ..........$72.00Legendary Places0-32-202427-7 or 978-0-322-02427-4 ..........$72.00Animal and NatureOn the Prawl0-32-205852-X or 978-0-322-05852-1 ..........$72.00Young and Wild0-32-205851-1 or 978-0-322-05851-4 ..........$72.00Art and EntertainmentPuppets0-32-205632-2 or 978-0-322-05632-9 ..........$72.00Welcome to the Big Top0-32-205626-8 or 978-0-322-05626-8 ..........$72.00Readability Level: Grades 1–2Interest Level: Grades 2–86 each of 12 student books1 each of 12 lesson plans1 each of 12 adventure journals1 test booklet12 vinyl folders1 storage boxComplete Kit0-32-206680-8 or 978-0-322-06680-9 ....... $1,018.60Student Book Set0-32-206672-7 or 978-0-322-06672-4 .........$148.40Adventure Journal Set0-32-205788-4 or 978-0-322-05788-3 ......... $54.60Lesson Planner Set0-32-206679-4 or 978-0-322-06679-3 .........$166.00 <strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsPeople and PlacesHeros0-32-200579-5 or 978-0-322-00579-2 ..........$72.00Purple Walrus and Other Perfect Pets0-32-200575-2 or 978-0-322-00575-4 ..........$72.00Science and TechologyPhotos, Photos0-32-200580-9 or 978-0-322-00580-8 ..........$72.00Space Junk0-32-200576-0 or 978-0-322-00576-1 ..........$72.00Sports and ActionFire! Fire!0-32-200581-7 or 978-0-322-00581-5 ..........$72.00Street Action0-32-200577-9 or 978-0-322-00577-8 ..........$72.00Myths and MisconceptionsDragons Galore0-32-200582-5 or 978-0-322-00582-2 ..........$72.00What Do You think?0-32-200578-7 or 978-0-322-00578-5 ..........$72.00Animal and NatureSlimed!0-32-205853-8 or 978-0-322-05853-8 ..........$72.00Working Like a Dog0-32-205854-6 or 978-0-322-05854-5 ..........$72.00Art and EntertainmentMagnificent Masks0-32-205624-1 or 978-0-322-05624-4 ..........$72.00Make Me Laugh!0-32-205628-4 or 978-0-322-05628-2 ..........$72.00Readability Level: Grade 2Interest Level: Grades 2–86 each of 12 student books1 each of 12 lesson plans1 each of 12 adventure journals1 test booklet12 vinyl folders1 storage boxComplete Kit0-32-206482-1 or 978-0-322-06482-9 ....... $1,018.60Student Book Set0-32-206671-9 or 978-0-322-06671-7 .........$148.40Adventure Journal Set0-32-205789-2 or 978-0-322-05789-0 ......... $54.60Lesson Planner Set0-32-206678-6 or 978-0-322-06678-6 .........$166.00 People and PlacesIncredible Palces0-32-200587-6 or 978-0-322-00587-7 ..........$72.00Long Ago and Far Away0-32-200583-3 or 978-0-322-00583-9 ..........$72.00Science and TechologyEruption0-32-200584-1 or 978-0-322-00584-6 ..........$72.00Maps and Codes0-32-200588-4 or 978-0-322-00588-4 ..........$72.00Sports and ActionRescue!0-32-200585-X or 978-0-322-00585-3 ..........$72.00Woods, Irons, and Greens0-32-200589-2 or 978-0-322-00589-1 ..........$72.00Myths and MisconceptionsDinosaur Detective0-32-200586-8 or 978-0-322-00586-0 ..........$72.00Hercules and Other Greek Legends0-32-200590-6 or 978-0-322-00590-7 ..........$72.00Animal and NatureRiver Wild0-32-205857-0 or 978-0-322-05857-6 ..........$72.00Zoo Tales0-32-205856-2 or 978-0-322-05856-9 ..........$72.00Art and EntertainmentPicture This!0-32-205627-6 or 978-0-322-05627-5 ..........$72.00Wear your Art0-32-205623-3 or 978-0-322-05623-7 ..........$72.00Readability Level: Grades 2–3Interest Level: Grades 2–86 each of 12 student books1 each of 12 lesson plans1 each of 12 adventure journals1 test booklet12 vinyl folders1 storage boxComplete Kit0-32-206483-X or 978-0-322-06483-6 ....... $1,018.60Student Book Set0-32-206670-0 or 978-0-322-06670-0 .........$148.40Adventure Journal Set0-32-205790-6 or 978-0-322-05790-6 ......... $54.60Lesson Planner Set0-32-206677-8 or 978-0-322-06677-9 .........$166.00 42

The Four A’s0-32-200595-7 or 978-0-322-00595-2 ..........$72.00Twisters and Other Wind Storms0-32-200591-4 or 978-0-322-00591-4 ..........$72.00Eye Spy0-32-200592-2 or 978-0-322-00592-1 ..........$72.00Up in the Air0-32-200596-5 or 978-0-322-00596-9 ..........$72.00Appointment with Action0-32-200597-3 or 978-0-322-00597-6 ..........$72.00Special Effects0-32-200593-0 or 978-0-322-00593-8 ..........$72.00Another Point of View0-32-200594-9 or 978-0-322-00594-5 ..........$72.00Right or Wrong?0-32-200598-1 or 978-0-322-00598-3 ..........$72.00Lights Out!0-32-205858-9 or 978-0-322-05858-3 ..........$72.00Stronger Than Fiction0-32-205855-4 or 978-0-322-05855-2 ..........$72.00Move It and Shake It!0-32-205621-7 or 978-0-322-05621-3 ..........$72.00TV Times0-32-205629-2 or 978-0-322-05629-9 ..........$72.00Readability Level: Grades 2–3Interest Level: Grades 2–86 each of 12 student books1 each of 12 lesson plans1 each of 12 adventure journals1 test booklet12 vinyl folders1 storage boxComplete Kit0-32-206484-8 or 978-0-322-06484-3 ....... $1,018.60Student Book Set0-32-206669-7 or 978-0-322-06669-4 .........$148.40Adventure Journal Set0-32-205791-4 or 978-0-322-05791-3 ......... $54.60Lesson Planner Set0-32-206676-X or 978-0-322-06676-2 .........$166.00 People and PlacesIn the Rain Forest0-32-200599-X or 978-0-322-00599-0 ..........$72.00The Sky’s the Limit0-32-200603-4 or 978-0-322-00603-4 ..........$72.00Science and TechologyCyberspace0-32-200600-7 or 978-0-322-00600-3 ..........$72.00Spreading the Word0-32-200604-X or 978-0-322-00604-1 ..........$72.00Sports and ActionExtreme Sports0-32-200605-8 or 978-0-322-00605-8 ..........$72.00Surf’s Up0-32-200601-5 or 978-0-322-00601-0 ..........$72.00Myths and MisconceptionsMythical Beasts0-32-200606-6 or 978-0-322-00606-5 .......$72.00Not What It Seems0-32-200602-3 or 978-0-322-00602-7 ..........$72.00Animal and NatureAnimal Mysteries0-32-205859-7 or 978-0-322-05859-0 ..........$72.00Creature Talk0-32-205860-0 or 978-0322-05860-6 ..........$72.00Art and EntertainmentMovie Magic0-32-205630-6 or 978-0-322-05630-5 ..........$72.00Stories on Stage0-32-205622-5 or 978-0-322-05622-0 ..........$72.00Readability Level: Grades 3–4Interest Level: Grades 2–86 each of 12 student books1 each of 12 lesson plans1 each of 12 adventure journals1 test booklet12 vinyl folders1 storage boxComplete Kit0-32-206485-6 or 978-0-322-06485-0 $1,018.60Student Book Set0-32-206668-9 or 978-0-322-06668-7 $148.40Adventure Journal Set0-32-205792-2 or 978-0-322-05792-0 $54.60Lesson Planner Set0-32-206675-1 or 978-0-322-06675-5 $166.00<strong>Reading</strong>/Language Arts People and PlacesIn the News0-32-202437-4 or 978-0-322-02437-3 ..........$72.00Under the Ground0-32-202441-2 or 978-0-322-02441-0 ..........$72.00Science and TechologyBeyond the Beyond0-32-202444-7 or 978-0-322-02444-1 ..........$72.00Zeros and Ones0-32-202438-2 or 978-0-322-02438-0 ..........$72.00Sports and ActionAgainst the Odds0-32-202443-9 or 978-0-322-02443-4 ..........$72.00Survive!0-32-202439-0 or 978-0-322-02439-7 ..........$72.00Myths and MisconceptionsAmaze Us!0-32-202442-0 or 978-0-322-02442-7 ..........$72.00Mythmakers0-32-202440-4 or 978-0-322-02440-3 ..........$72.00Animal and NatureAnimal Advocates0-32-205861-9 or 978-0-322-05861-3 ..........$72.00Under the Sea0-32-205862-7 or 978-0-322-05862-0 ..........$72.00Art and EntertainmentThe Music Scene0-32-205631-4 or 978-0-322-05631-2 ..........$72.00Pixels and Paint0-32-205625-X or 978-0-322-05625-1 ..........$72.00Readability Level: Grades 5–6Interest Level: Grades 2–86 each of 12 student books1 each of 12 lesson plans1 each of 12 adventure journals1 test booklet12 vinyl folders1 storage boxComplete Kit0-32-206490-2 or 978-0-322-06490-4 ....... $1,018.60Student Book Set0-32-206667-0 or 978-0-322-06667-0 .........$148.40Adventure Journal Set0-32-205793-0 or 978-0-322-05793-7 ......... $54.60Lesson Planner Set0-32-206674-3 or 978-0-322-06674-8 .........$166.0043

Wright Group Early <strong>Reading</strong> InterventionGrade Levels K–3Focus Tier 2 <strong>Reading</strong> InterventionTechnology Online data analysis and reportingProgramOverviewWright Group Early <strong>Reading</strong> Intervention is asystematic, strategic, intensive programdesigned to accelerate students to gradelevelreading proficiency.Program FocusWright Group Early <strong>Reading</strong> Intervention providesreading intervention support for students in gradesK–3 who are not meeting expectations. The programprovides the strategies and skills students need toaccelerate to grade-level proficiency.Wright Group Early <strong>Reading</strong> Intervention alignment toResponse to Intervention (RtI) Specialized, research-based interventionSystematic, strategic, and intensive instruction 20 to 30 minutes daily intervention instructionSmall, homogenous group instructionWeekly monitoring of student progressInstruction delivered by highly trained teacher orparaprofessional<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsDifferences in the volume of reading are associated withdifferences in reading achievement, with higher-achievingstudents reading approximately three times as much eachweek as their lower-achieving classmates.Additional studies showed that higher-achieving firstgradestudents spent approximately 70 percent of theirinstructional time reading and discussing what they read. Incontrast, lower-achieving first-grade students spent only 37percent of their time reading. Most of their time was spenton worksheets.Wright Group Early <strong>Reading</strong> Intervention providesmultiple opportunities for students to read connected textduring each lesson using a large number of carefully leveledbooks.ACharlene Cobb, Ed.D. is the authorof the Wright Group Early <strong>Reading</strong>Intervention program. She is aneducational consultant who workswith schools and districts to providesupport for K–12 literacy programs.She has worked as a teacher, readingspecialist, and director of literacyprograms. Wright Group Early <strong>Reading</strong>Intervention is based on the workand research that Charlene has donethroughout her career.Number of BooksRead During InterventionK 481 1412 713 4744

How It WorksWright Group Early <strong>Reading</strong> Interventionfor K–3 is carefully crafted to accelerateliteracy learning. This research-basedprogram: is systematic, strategic, and intensiveprovides a delivery model that isefficient and easy to implementincludes a system of assessment withongoing progress monitoringResearh-Based ProgramLearningient Deivery SystemAssessment with Progress MonitoringWright GroupEarly <strong>Reading</strong> InterventionAccelerationProvides integrated instruction that is systematic, strategic,and intensive in order to move students to grade levelreading.Integrates the five essential elements of reading within thestructure of each lesson-routine.Increases the volume of reading to ensure that lowperformingreaders have more practice readingconnected text: fiction and nonfiction. A significantnumber of titles are provided at each grade level.Flexible model of delivery is designed to meet specificgrade level needs – 1 to 1 in Kindergarten, 3 to 1 in Grade 1,up to 5 to 1 in Grades 2 and 3.Program-embedded training and ongoing coachingfacilitates implementation by both teachers andparaprofessionals.VS.Other Intervention ProgramsRemediationBreaks reading tasks into isolated chunks,or slows down the delivery of instruction.Focuses instruction on isolated skilldevelopment rather than integration.Minimal time allotted to actual reading of connected text,limiting the potential for volume of reading. Limited numberof titles included in program.Uses a less flexible model of delivery.Implementation can range from requiring highly trainedliteracy experts to minimally trained staff.<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsProvenA solid research base and documentedstudent achievementBased on 30 years of research andpractice by educators in large anddiverse districtsAuthored and field tested byDr. Charlene Cobb with provenresultsMeets the demands of state-mandated intervention standardsand aligns to Response toIntervention criteriaDelivery of instruction to maximizelearningTight instructional routines promoteefficient use of time for students andteachersConsistent Lesson Routines areeasily delivered by teachers ortrained paraprofessionalsCoaching support provided fordistricts to train intervention tutors Cost-effective interventionEnables students to read at grade levelFast-paced lessons keep studentsengaged and moving forwardIntegration, not isolation, of skillsaccelerates reading proficiencyIncreases volume of readingby providing a large collectionof student books and tightinstructional routine with extensivereading in each lesson45

5 min.10 min.7 min.6 min.2 min.12345PreviewEcho ReadPartner ReadIndependent ReadInteractive WritingReread New Book Independently 7 min.8 min.15 min.123Check Fluency andReread 1 Previously Read BookApWord SortWordLaddersWordTalkntrtrorodFirst <strong>Reading</strong>Second <strong>Reading</strong>5 min.8 min.17 min.Check Fluency and ARereadfor FluencyWordSortWord OperationsVocabularyPreviewReadRespond Program ComponentsProgram Overview and Provides an overview ofprogramProvenEfficienientAccelcelelerationGradefficficicieientAccelcelerationGradentlererarationGradentlererarationGradeGives detailed informationabout instructionIncludes support for coachingtutorsProEfficientGradesAcceceleraeraration Grade-specific guides for K, 1, 2, and 3Includes daily lesson plansProvides blackline masters for games and activitiesIncludes progress monitoring assessmentsDaily RoutinePrEfficientGradesAcceleleration Provides resources for entranceand exit assessments Optional technology is availableto support use of handhelddevice or computer forassessments1Repeated <strong>Reading</strong>Check Fluency and Assess <strong>Reading</strong> Behaviors<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsRoutine Cards Grade-level daily routinesprovide an outline forconsistent and efficientinstruction Grade specific for K, 1, 2 and 3 Provides at-a-glance promptsand time schedulesDaily RoutineReread and AssessCheck Fluency and Assess <strong>Reading</strong> BehaviorsReread 2 Previously Read BooksIntroduce New BookApply Phonics & Word Study SkillsWord SortWord BankDictate and AssessRereadDaily RoutineReread and AssessCheck Fluency and A se s <strong>Reading</strong> BehaviorsApply Phonics & Word Study SkillsIntroduce Text & Build FluencyDaily Routine5 min.Objectives 3 min.Objectives 2123Build Phonics& Vocabulary SkillsIntroduce TextLetter Identification & ProductionRead ABC BookTarget LetterTarget Letter ProductionTarget Letter Pattern BookApply Phonemic Awareness & Phonics SkillsSound SortSound-Segment CardC17_US_At the Fair.qxd 20/9/05 6:37 AM Page 1 B16_US_This Is A Fish.qxd 19/9/05 9:59 PM Page 1 This Is a Fish 4 min.3Practice and AssessWritten by Cory WinesapObjectives 8 min.Objectives 4SentenceRead SentenceIntroduce New Book & Reread Previous BooksRead New BookReread Previous Books Provides a multitude of leveled readingmaterials for reading practice andapplication of skills48 titles for K (single copies)Wright Group<strong>Reading</strong>InterventionConsonant CardsBbWright Group<strong>Reading</strong>Interventionen tionWord Bank Cardsthe1141 titles for Grade 1 (6-packs)71 titles for Grade 2 (6-packs)47 titles for Grade 3 (6-packs)Wright Group<strong>Reading</strong>InterventionPicture CardsCard Sets1Wright Group<strong>Reading</strong>InterventionenWord Sort Cardscat Supports practice games and activitiesConsonant cards and picture cards for KWord bank cards for Grade 1Word sort cards for Grades 1–21CD-ROM Provides print and readphonics practice readers 23 titles for Grade 1 21 titles for Grade 2 14 titles for Grade 346

Arts Includes DVD-R with presentation slides and video,facilitator guide, and overhead transparencies. or 978-1-4045-7694-0 . ........$112.00Kindergarten KitKit Includes: Program Overview and Coaching Guide,Assessment Handbook, Teaching Guide, Routine Card, 48leveled readers (single copy), Alphabet books, Picture andSound Cards. or 978-1-4045-6915-7 . ...... $1,320.00 or 978-1-4045-7638-4 . .........$70.00 Kit Includes: Program Overview and Coaching Guide,Assessment Handbook, Teaching Guide, Routine Card, 141leveled readers (6-packs), Phonics Practice Books on CD-ROM, Word Sort Cards, Word Bank Cards. or 978-1-4045-7210-2 . ......$2,200.00 or 978-1-4045-7639-1 . .........$70.00<strong>Reading</strong>/Language Arts Kit Includes: Program Overview and Coaching Guide,Assessment Handbook, Teaching Guide, Routine Card, 71leveled readers (6-packs), Phonics Practice Books onCD-ROM, Word Sort Cards. or 978-1-4045-7359-8. ... $2,000.00 or 978-1-4045-7640-7. ... $70.00 Kit Includes: Program Overview and Coaching Guide,Assessment Handbook, Teaching Guide, Routine Card,47 leveled readers (6-packs), Phonics Practice Books onCD-ROM. or 978-1-4045-7462-5 .... $1,600.00 or 978-1-4045-7641-4 .... $70.0047

SRA Early Interventionsin <strong>Reading</strong>Grades 1–3<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsSolid research is at the heart of SRA Early Interventionsin <strong>Reading</strong>. Designed to work comfortably with your corereading program, this early intervention provides thesignificant increase in intensity that your low-level readersneed to meet grade-level expectations.SRA Early Interventions in <strong>Reading</strong> offers: Evidence of effectiveness based on years of researchunder the name Proactive Beginning <strong>Reading</strong> Assessment to help you place students at theappropriate instructional level and document the impactof instruction Explicit, systematic instruction in critical strands:phonemic awareness; phonics; word recognition andspelling; and vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension Carefully crafted lesson plans that support efficient,effective instructionWhen you use SRA Early Interventions in <strong>Reading</strong> withyour core reading program, you can expect your at-riskstudents to: Learn to read grade-appropriate phonic/syllabic patternsand high-frequency words Achieve an oral reading rate of 60 words per minute bythe end of Level 1, 100 words per minute by the end ofLevel 2 Gain background information and vocabulary needed tounderstand Science and Social Studies text Use consistent comprehension strategies to fullyunderstand fiction and nonfiction textProgram FeaturesSystematic cueing of appropriate strategieshelps students learn to apply new skills.Ample opportunities for guided practice ofskills build mastery and confidence.Suitable levels of scaffolding allow studentsto experience success.SRA Early Interventions in <strong>Reading</strong>,Level 1 and Level 248

Story-Time Readers (Level 1) giveyou 60 engaging decodable booksfull of opportunities to practicephonics skills and reinforce highfrequencywords. Readers are alsoavailable as Blackline Masters. Challenge Stories (Level 1) provideadditional opportunities to applydecoding skills and are perfect forpractice reading at home. Student Edition (Level 2) presentsshort fiction and nonfictionselections to help students acquirecomprehension strategies andcontent-rich vocabulary. Chapter Books (Level 2) providehigh-interest text to developconcepts and related vocabularythat students will encounter inScience and Social Studies (13 titles). Activity Books provide skillsdevelopment and related practicefor every lesson. Teacher’s Editions supportinstruction with powerful,classroom-proven lesson plans. Placement and Assessment Guideincludes a placement test, masterytests, and forms for documentingand reporting progress. Letter-Sound Cards offer catchyjingles to help students learnletter names and letter-soundcorrespondences. Tricky Word Cards developrecognition of high-frequencywords and build fluency. Maxwell (Level 1), a hand puppet inthe form of a friendly puppy, makeslearning phonemic awareness andletter-sounds fun. Staff Development Guide andTeaching Tutor CD-ROM give youa sense of what critical parts of eachlesson look like. ComponentsLevel 1 Teacher Materials include: Teacher’sEditions A, B, and C; Answer Key for Activity BooksA, B, and C; Challenge Stories (1); Blackline Mastersfor Story-Time Readers; Placement and AssessmentGuide; Letter-Sound Cards (52); Tricky Word Cards (69);Staff Development Guide; Teaching Tutor CD-ROM;and Hand Puppet.Level 2 Teacher Materials include: Teacher’s EditionsA, B, and C; Answer Key for Activity Books A, B, and C;Placement and Assessment Guide; Letter-Sound Cards(52); Tricky Word Cards (50); Staff Development Guide;and Teaching Tutor CD-ROM.Patricia Mathes and Joseph Torgeson<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsSRA Early Interventions in<strong>Reading</strong>, Level 2 Placement andAssessment GuideSRA Early Interventions in <strong>Reading</strong>,Level 1 Placement and Assessment GuideGrades 1–3 or 978-0-07-603035-4 .....$264.80 or 978-0-07-602661-6 ......$12.76 or 978-0-07-602662-3 ......$12.76 or 978-0-07-602663-0 ......$12.76 or 978-0-07-602667-8 ......$16.72 or 978-0-07-602674-6 .....$864.00Letter-Sound Cards or 978-0-07-602669-2 ......$87.60 or 978-0-07-602670-8 ......$38.40 or 978-0-07-603651-6 ......$41.16 or 978-0-07-602657-9 ......$37.96 or 978-0-07-602673-9 ......$85.20 or 978-0-07-602658-6 .....$316.80 or 978-0-07-602659-3 .....$316.80 or 978-0-07-602660-9 .....$316.80Answer Key or 978-0-07-602668-5 ......$33.28 or 978-0-07-602672-2 ......$41.60 or 978-0-07-602682-1 ......$49.20 or 978-0-07-604479-5 ......$89.20 or 978-0-07-602679-1 ......$15.12 or 978-0-07-602680-7 ......$15.12 or 978-0-07-602681-4 ......$15.12 or 978-0-07-602688-3 .....$864.00Letter-Sound Cards or 978-0-07-602669-2 ......$87.60 or 978-0-07-602686-9 ......$36.80 or 978-0-07-602675-3 ......$37.96 or 978-0-07-604480-1 ......$85.20 or 978-0-07-602676-0 .....$316.80 or 978-0-07-602677-7 .....$316.80 or 978-0-07-602678-4 .....$316.80 978-0-07-602687-6 ........$41.6049

<strong>Reading</strong>/Language Arts Jamestown <strong>Reading</strong> NavigatorGrades 6–12Finally, a <strong>Reading</strong> Tool for the 21st Century!Benefits students who...Read two or more years belowgrade levelDon’t comprehend wellRarely choose to readHave a limited vocabularyCan’t understand textbooksCan’t apply skills/strategiesPerform poorly on testsStudents love the self-guided paceof the program! Hand out a laptop,give a brief overview, and withinfive minutes they are hooked with<strong>Reading</strong> Navigator! Even several ofmy weaker students who “hate toread” never miss a class! Finally, a<strong>Reading</strong> Tool for the 21st Century!— Keith A. BrownELA TeacherUtica, NYMotivate, remediate, andaccelerate reluctant andstriving readers withengaging online and printcontent written exclusivelyfor adolescents Raise test scores on state andnational tests through direct, explicitinstruction in reading skills andstrategiesHelp students transfer readingsuccess to other courses with astrong focus on nonfiction andcontent-area reading strategiesProvide support for Englishlanguage learnersEmpower teacher decision makingwith ongoing progress monitoringand a robust reporting systemJamestown <strong>Reading</strong> Navigator is anonline and print-based interventionprogram built upon the latest researchin adolescent literacy and aligned withthe <strong>Reading</strong> Next report. The onlinecomponent of Jamestown <strong>Reading</strong>Navigator improves students’comprehension by utilizing direct,explicit instruction and modelingof good reading practices. Studentspractice and apply these readingstrategies and skills by reading highlyengaging content, viewing interactivemultimedia, and writing in responseto reading. The print-based readingsfrom the inTIME magazines andthe inClass Reader anthologies givestudents an opportunity to extendtheir learning beyond the computerand encourage collaborative orindependent learning. Teachers canmonitor student progress utilizing theonline Learner Management Systemwhere scores from formative andsummative assessments are recorded.Free online demo atreadingnavigator.com50

Initial assessment test places students at the appropriateinstructional level.Highly engaging content and interactive features like Adda Note and audio support motivate struggling readers.<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsPhonics and sight word instruction are provided.Students who require instruction in basic reading skillsreceive instruction in an age-appropriate environment.Writing proficiency is improved with prompts targeted toassess students’ comprehension.<strong>Reading</strong> fluency is assessed through opportunities forstudents to record themselves.Detailed reports track student progress and informinstruction.51

Jamestown <strong>Reading</strong> Navigator Components<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsTechnical RequirementsWindowsWindows XP using Internet Explorer6 or Firefox 1.5/ Windows 2000 usingInternet Explorer 6 or Netscape 8.0,Intel® Pentium® 3 Processor 1 GHz(or higher), 256 MB RAM (or higher),Macromedia Flash Player version7.0/8.0*, T1 internet connection forlabs and classrooms, cable modemor DSL for home use, microphone,speakers or headphones, colormonitor with screen resolution800×600*Recommended Flash version is MacromediaFlash Player version–8.0MacintoshMAC 10.4.2 using Safari 2.0.2 orFirefox 1.5 with Macromedia FlashPlayer version 8.0/ MAC 10.3.9using Safari 1.3.2 or Fire fox 1.5 withMacromedia Flash Player version7.0, Intel® Pentium® 3 Processor 1GHz (or higher), 256 MB RAM (orhigher), T1 internet connection forlabs and classrooms, cable modemor DSL for home use, microphone,speakers or headphones, colormonitor with screen resolution800×600inClass Reader AnthologiesHigh-interest, age-appropriateselections engage reluctant readersand provide additional readingpractice for fluency. Providesopportunities for collaborative andindependent learning.Audio CDsAssist struggling readers with audiorecordings of selected works fromthe inClass Reader anthologies.Master readers model good readingfor students to help build readingfluency and effective comprehensionstrategies. Available in MP3 format.inTIME MagazinesEncourage additional recreationalreading in an engaging magazineformat with high-interest, relevantcontent from TIME Learning Ventures.inTIME Magazines help studentstransfer learning to mainstream,nonfiction reading. Teacher guides areavailable.Teacher Resource GuideA comprehensive program guidemakes it easy to implement Jamestown<strong>Reading</strong> Navigator in your classroom.The Teacher Resource Guide includesprogram management, best practices,lesson plans, and ideas for classroomactivities.Professional Development <strong>Reading</strong> Coach is a readingspecialist and master teacher whois available by phone and e-mail toassist while using the program. Online courses provide an in-depthlook at key techniques used toimprove student performance. On-site training includes how touse Jamestown <strong>Reading</strong> Navigatorleadership training, programenrichment and professionalworkshopsReteaching SkillsSupportAdditional skill lessons and leveledblackline masters help differentiateinstruction in the classroom.52

1-year student subscription0-07-861030-3 or 978-0-07-861030-1 .........$132.00 Save 30%Includes:16 inClass readers (4 copies per level, 4 levels)24 inTIME magazines,2 editions per level for levels 2–4 (4 copies each edition)6 inTIME Spanish,1 edition per level for levels 2–4 (2 copies per level)16 Audio CDs- 1 per level-(4 copies of each level)0-07-875859-9 or 978-0-07-875859-1 .........$808.72Save 15%Includes:1 Teacher Resource Guide Binder1 Reteaching Skills Support Binder1 Teacher Guide for inClass Readers3 Teacher Guides for inTIME magazine(1 per level, levels 2-4 only)0-07-875861-0 or 978-0-07-875861-4 .........$332.48** Part of subscription price when at least 15subscriptions are purchased.inClass Reader Trek 10-07-861036-2 or 978-0-07-861036-3 ......$13.32inTIME Magazine Spanish Issue- Trek 40-07-873682-X or 978-0-07-873682-7 .......$7.96inClass Reader Trek 20-07-861037-0 or 978-0-07-861037-0 ......$13.32inClass Reader Trek 30-07-861038-9 or 978-0-07-861038-7 ......$13.32inClass Reader Trek 40-07-861039-7 or 978-0-07-861039-4 ......$13.32inTIME Magazine Issue 2A-Trek 20-07-873656-0 or 978-0-07-873656-8 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Issue 2B-Trek 20-07-873657-9 or 978-0-07-873657-5 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Spanish Issue-Trek 20-07-873680-3 or 978-0-07-873680-3 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Issue 3A-Trek 30-07-873664-1 or 978-0-07-873664-3 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Issue 3B-Trek 30-07-873665-X or 978-0-07-873665-0 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Spanish Issue-Trek 30-07-873681-1 or 978-0-07-873681-0 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Issue 4A-Trek 40-07-873672-2 or 978-0-07-873672-8 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Issue 4B-Trek 40-07-873673-0 or 978-0-07-873673-5 .......$7.96inClass Reader Audio Library Trek 10-07-869247-4 or 978-0-07-869247-5 ......$43.96inClass Reader Audio Library Trek 20-07-869248-2 or 978-0-07-869248-2 ......$43.96inClass Reader Audio Library Trek 30-07-869249-0 or 978-0-07-869249-9 ......$43.96inClass Reader Audio Library Trek 40-07-869250-4 or 978-0-07-869250-5 ......$43.96Teacher Resource Guide Binder0-07-878035-7 or 978-0-07-878035-6 .....$253.32Reteaching Skills Support Binder0-07-879924-4 or 978-0-07-879924-2 ......$70.00inClass Reader Teacher Guide0-07-874344-3 or 978-0-07-874344-3 ......$43.96inTIME Magazine Teacher Guide Trek 20-07-873660-9 or 978-0-07-873660-5 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Teacher Guide Trek 30-07-873668-4 or 978-0-07-873668-1 .......$7.96inTIME Magazine Teacher Guide Trek 40-07-873676-5 or 978-0-07-873676-6 .......$7.96<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsSave 15%Trek 1 Library Package0-07-878331-3 or 978-0-07-878331-9 . . . . $1,070.80Trek 2 Library Package0-07-878332-1 or 978-0-07-878332-6 . . . . $2,187.00Trek 3 Library Package0-07-878333-X or 978-0-07-878333-3 . . . .$2,902.60Trek 4 Library Package0-07-878334-8 or 978-0-07-878334-0 ....$3,247.40Save 30%(order all four Jamestown SupplementLibraries and receive a 30% discount off)0-07-878335-6 or 978-0-07-878335-7 .... $7,747.5653

Improve reading at all grade and skill levels<strong>Reading</strong>/Language ArtsSRA <strong>Reading</strong> Laboratory®Grades K–12Celebrating 50 years in the classroom and over 100 millionstudents, SRA <strong>Reading</strong> Laboratory® can help your studentsbecome fluent readers. The leveled approach of thisprogram helps students get the most from every minute oflearning time.This versatile program contains:A range of <strong>Reading</strong> levels that enable all students to learnindependently and at their own paceSelf-directed readings that serve an entire classroom ofreaders at different levelsSRA <strong>Reading</strong> LabsProgram Features Power Builders, the heart of SRA <strong>Reading</strong> Labs, featurehigh-interest stories that build <strong>Reading</strong> skills andenthusiasm about <strong>Reading</strong>.<strong>Comprehension</strong>, vocabulary and word study questionsfollow each <strong>Reading</strong> section. Answer Key Cards and Student Record Booksgive students ownershipof their progress and understanding. Questions focus oncomprehension and vocabulary/word study. Teacher’s Handbook includes a References andResources section that provides answers to commonquestions and solutions for specific classroom situations.For replacement parts of SRA<strong>Reading</strong> Laboratories, go toSRAonline.com or see page 6254

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