Finnish Films 2007
Finnish Films 2007
Finnish Films 2007
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F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7
ContentsFeature <strong>Films</strong>Black Ice 4Border, The 6Christmas Story 8Colorado Avenue 10Emperor’s Secret, The 12Frozen City 14Ganes 16Jade Warrior 18Leaning Tower, The 20Man Exposed 22Man’s Job, A 24Mystery of the Wolf 26Onni von Sopanen 28Palsa 30Quest for a Heart 32Rock’n’Roll Never Dies 34Tali – Ihantala 1944 36V2 Dead Angel 38Year of the Wolf 40Feature Length DocumentariesAsylum 42BAM – Railroad to Nowhere 44Catch, The 46Eden Pastora – Commandant “Zero” 48Four Journeys on the River 50Lone Star Hotel 52Raattama (working title) 54Sami, The 56Sonic Mirror 58Winterreise 60Top <strong>Films</strong> in Finland 2006 62Facts in Figures 64<strong>Finnish</strong> Feature <strong>Films</strong> 2001–2006 65Film Festivals in Finland <strong>2007</strong> 68International Sales Companies 69Useful Addresses 70Distributors 73Producers 743
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | 1:2,35 (Cinemascope) |Dolby digital | 110’ |Premiere: October 19 th , <strong>2007</strong>Director, script: Petri KotwicaCinematography: Harri RätyEditing: Jukka NykänenMusic: Eicca ToppinenSet design: Sattva-Hanna ToiviainenCostumes: Kristiina SahaCast: Outi Mäenpää, Martti Suosalo,Ria KatajaProducers: Kai Nordberg, Kaarle AhoProduction company:Making Movies OyGerman producers: Leander Carell,Steffen Reuter, Patrick Knippel /Schmidt Katze FilmkollektivProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong> FilmFoundation, Nordic Film & TV Fund,Medienboard Berlin BrandenburgFinancing TV company: YLEDistributor in Finland: SandrewMetronome Distribution Finland OyInternational sales: Bavaria FilmInternationalwww.mustajaa.fiBlack Ice[ M u s t a j ä ä ]Black Ice is a suspenseful drama about an unlikely relationship between two women. The maincharacters, Saara and Tuuli, are irresistible and unpredictable women of equal strength.Saara is a gynaecologist on the verge of her 40 th birthday. She is married to Leo, an architectand a lecturer at the University of Technology. They have postponed having a child of their own.Saara suspects her husband of having an affair. Tuuli is a 25-year-old architecture student, whoalso instructs a taekwondo class. Her boyfriend is the lecturer, Leo. Everything would be fine, ifonly Leo could be man enough to sort things out with the “almost ex-wife”.Saara finds out about Tuuli and starts to follow and investigate her. Saara attends Tuuli’s taekwondoclass under a false identity. Taking advantage of knowing Tuuli’s interests, Saara graduallywins Tuuli’s trust. Saara becomes addicted to find out more and more details. Tuuli, unawareof Saara’s identity, opens her heart about her relationship with Saara’s husband. Surprisinglyenough, Saara seems to enjoy Tuuli’s company until Tuuli tells her she might be pregnant withLeo’s baby. A journey towards an inevitable disclosure of lies begins. It is finally Tuuli who has tochoose a false identity in order to get close to Saara for one more time…Petri KotwicaPetri Kotwica (born 1964) has a degree in film directing and hasgraduated from the University of Art and Design Helsinki. He hasalso studied philosophy and literature and theatre directing.Kotwica has made award-winning short films like Tunnel Vision(Tunneli, 1995), Helmet (Kypärä, 1997), Force Majeure (1999) andLas Nueve Vidas (1999). His feature debut Homesick (Koti-ikävä,2005) has won several prizes at international film festivals.4
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | 1:1,85 | Dolby Digital | 120’ |Premiere: November 30 th , <strong>2007</strong>Director: Lauri TörhönenScript: Aleksi BardyCinematography: Esa VuorinenEditing: Kimmo KohtamäkiSound design: Kyösti VäntänenMusic: Sergey N. YevtushenkoSet design: Pentti ValkeasuoCostumes: Marjatta NissinenCast: Martin Bahne, Minna Haapkylä,Tommi Korpela, Hannu-Pekka Björkman,Lauri Nurkse, Leonid MozgovoyProducers: Jörn Donner,Jarkko HentulaProduction company: BorderProductions OyCo-producers: Studio 217 andHermitage Bridge Studio (Russia),Svensk Filmindustri (Sweden)Production support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company: MTV3Distributor in Finland: FS Film OyInternational sales:SF International SalesThe Border[ R a j a 1 9 1 8 ]The Border is a historical love drama set at the seething dawn of Finland’s independence. Captainvon Munck is sent in the spring of 1918, after the end of the <strong>Finnish</strong> Civil War, to the small town ofBorder River to set up the border between Finland and the Soviet Union. A bridge leads over theriver, uniting and separating two new countries. Von Munck falls in love with Maria Lintu, a localteacher who is secretly engaged to a fugitive <strong>Finnish</strong> Red Army revolutionary.The border is driven to chaos when the village is flooded with hundreds of people fleeing fromSoviet purges. Von Munck has to decide who are allowed to cross the border, while the peoplehave no identification papers. A quarantine is issued and executions begin. In the course of thesummer von Munck finds himself struggling between love and duty as his perception of right andwrong starts to dim.Lauri TörhönenDirector Lauri Törhönen (b. 1947) has directed sevenfeature films and numerous TV films during the lasttwo decades. His latest film, Abandoned Houses(Hylätyt talot, autiot pihat) from 2000, was a local hit.Törhönen worked as the Dean of the School ofMotion Picture, Television and Production Design ofthe University of Art and Design Helsinki from 1995to 2006. He is also a member of the EuropeanFilm Academy EFA.6
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 7835mm | 2,35:1 | Dolby digital | ~90’ |Premiere: November 9 th , <strong>2007</strong>Director: Juha WuolijokiScript: Marko LeinoStory by: Marko Leino,Aku Louhimies, Juha WuolijokiCinematography: Mika OrasmaaEditing: Harri YlönenSound design: Paul JyräläMusic: Leri LeskinenSet design: Okku RahikainenCostumes: Anu PiriläCast: Hannu-Pekka Björkman,Kari Väänänen, Otto Gustavsson,Mikko Leppilampi, Minna Haapkylä,Mikko Kouki, Laura Birn, Antti TuiskuProducer: Juha WuolijokiProduction company: Snapper <strong>Films</strong> Oy(Journalist Productions acted asthe development company)Production support: The <strong>Finnish</strong> FilmFoundation, MEDIA PlusFinancing TV companies: MTV3, Canal+Distributor in Finland: SandrewMetronome Distribution Finland Oywww.joulutarina.fiChristmas Story[ J o u l u t a r i n a ]Hundreds of years ago, in a small village in the <strong>Finnish</strong> Lapland, a young boy named Nicholaslost his parents and sister in an accident. The villagers came up with an unusual arrangement:Families would allow Nicholas to live with them for one year. Every year around Christmas timeNicholas joined a new family and brought happiness to the children of these families by makingthem toys as a token of his gratitude.After hard times befell the village, Nicholas was sent to live with Iisakki, a grumpy old carpenter.Gradually, Iisakki and Nicholas, who both had long been without someone to love and hold onto, developed a strong bond.Nicholas grew up but continued giving gifts, bringing Christmas joy to the children of manyvillages. When the aged Iisakki went to live in the south, preparing for the upcoming Christmasbecame more important to Nicholas than ever. But he knew that if the children loved him personallyrather than as the giver of gifts they, too, would one day be forced to grieve, and the joy ofChristmas would turn sour. He had to come up with a solution.Juha WuolijokiJuha Wuolijoki’s (b. 1969) previous film, the televisionmovie Gourmet Club (Snapper <strong>Films</strong>, 2004) won theVenla Award for Best Television Film of 2004.It also received international acclaim at several festivalsincluding the award for Best Screenplay at the MonteCarlo Television Festival and Best Foreign Film at theLong Island International Film Expo in New York.Christmas Story will be Juha’s first family film.
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | 1:2,35 | Dolby digital | 130’ |Premiere: September 7 th , <strong>2007</strong>Director: Claes OlssonScript: Erik Nordberg,based on the novels of Lars SundCinematography: Pertti Mutanen f.s.c.Editing: Oskar FranzénSet design: Markus R. PackalénCostumes: Mona Theresa Forsén,Susanne MannsCast: Birthe Wingren, Nicke Lignell,Peter Kanerva, Ylva Ekblad,Irina Björklund, André WikströmProducers: Claes Olsson,Leila LyytikäinenProduction company:Kinoproduction OyCo-producers: Filmlance Int. Ab /Börje HanssonProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV companies: YLE FST, SVTDistributor in Finland: SandrewMetronome Distribution Finland OyColorado AvenueColorado Avenue tells the story of Dollar-Hanna, dealing with humiliation, shame and respect.When Hanna is little, she and her mother are forced to leave their home island in the Bothniaarchipelago after Hanna’s father drowns at sea.Hanna becomes a hired girl at the Smeds’ house. She starts to save money to go to America. In1893, at the age of 18, she travels to the Unites States and Colorado, determined to make moneyin the Great West. Ten years later in 1905, Hanna returns to her home village Siklax with her sonOtto and daughter Ida, but without a husband. With her American dollars she buys a parcel ofrocky land and opens a country store. The store becomes the village centre and the local peoplebegin to respect the industrious Hanna – or Dollar-Hanna as they choose to call her.When prohibition takes effect in 1919, Otto starts his career as a smuggler. Soon he becomesthe King of Containers, with detective Hoxell fervently trying to catch him. Dollar-Hanna feelsashamed again. She cannot forgive Otto for choosing the criminal path. Otto is also accused ofkilling his helper Dåhli-Johan.Claes OlssonClaes Olsson (b.1948) has directed six feature films and morethan 30 short films, music videos, animations and documentaries.Olsson’s successful and award-winning feature filmsinclude Amazing Women by the Sea (Underbara kvinnor vid vatten,1998) and Shades of Happiness (Onnen varjot, 2005). In 1977Olsson founded Kinoproduction Oy, which is one of the leadingproduction companies in Finland today as well as an active internationalco-producer.10
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735 mm | 1:1,85 | Dolby Digital | 72’ |Premiere: September 8 th , 2006Director: Riina HyytiäScript: Aleksi Bardy, Mika Ripatti,Seppo VesiluomaCinematography: Pini HellstedtAnimation: Anima Vitae OyEditing: Kimmo KohtamäkiSound design: Janne Jankkeri,Heikki Kossi, Salla HämäläinenMusic: Tauri OksalaSet design: Tarja VäätänenCostumes: Jouni MervasCast: Mika Ala-Panula,Heikki Hilander, Erja MantoProducers: Aleksi Bardy,Riina Hyytiä, Olli HaikkaProduction company:Helsinki -filmi OyProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company: YLE TV1Distributor in Finland: Finnkino OyInternational sales: NonStop Saleswww.keisarinsalaisuus.fiThe Emperor’s Secret[ K e i s a r i n s a l a i s u u s ]A small village on the fringes of a large empire leads a simple and happy life. Farming, singingand a small amusement park with a Ferris wheel provide for and entertain the villagers. Incharge of the village is its headman Paavo, while the empire is controlled by the emperor. All thevillagers follow their orders – after all, what would become of things if they didn’t? The villagesmith, Sauli, pays for his insubordination, as he is banished by Paavo.The emperor demands the Ferris wheel for himself. One of the villagers, a man called Erkki,opposes the requisition of the contraption and is jailed. Paavo sets off to save Erkki, going againstauthority for the first time in his life.The emperor doesn’t take a kind eye to the rescue operation. Paavo becomes wanted by theauthorities, and when the villagers refuse to turn him in, the whole population is exiled. In orderto make the journey back to the village from their exile and to stop the emperor’s oppression, thevillagers must find a new way of co-operating and sticking together.Riina HyytiäRiina Hyytiä (b. 1969), Doctor of Arts, is the director andproducer of the TV series The Autocrats (Itse valtiaat) and shehas produced several other series and films for television.For the big screen, she has been a producer in the filmsYoung Gods (Hymypoika, 2003), Flowers and Binding (Kukkia jasidontaa, 2004) and Beauty and the Bastard (Tyttö sinä olet tähti,2005) as well as The Prince of Soap (Saippuaprinssi). Hyytiä isthe Vice President of the TV production companyFilmiteollisuus Oy.12
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | 1:1.85 | Dolby digital | 90’ |Premiere: November 17 th , 2006Director: Aku LouhimiesScript: Paavo Westerberg,Mikko KoukiCinematography: Rauno RonkainenEditing, sound design: Samu HeikkiläSet design: Sattva-Hanna ToiviainenCostumes: Nina LindholmCast: Janne Virtanen,Susanna Anteroinen,Santtu Nuutinen, Aada Hämes,Hannele Lauri, Juha Veijonen,Jari PehkonenProducer: Markus SelinProduction company: Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc.Production support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationDistributor in Finland: Buena VistaInternational Finland Oywww.solarfilms.comFrozen City[ V a l k o i n e n k a u p u n k i ]The film is based on the fate of one of the principal characters in Fragments (Irtiottoja, 2003),taxi driver Veli-Matti. Abandoned by his wife, the man who has lost his family is convicted ofmanslaughter – an act of violence which, hopelessly drunk at the time, he cannot remembercommitting. The role of Veli-Matti is brilliantly played by Janne Virtanen. The storyline exploresVeli-Matti’s tragedy in great and moving depth and makes the rawest and most painful themes ofhuman life feel very real.Aku LouhimiesAku Louhimies (born 1968) is one of Finland’s celebrated youngdirectors. His first two feature films, Restless (Levottomat, 2000)and Lovers and Leavers (Kuutamolla, 2002), were both box-office hitsin Finland. In 2003, he directed the TV series Fragments (Irtiottoja,2003) which received Venla prizes and was praised by critics. Histhird feature Frozen Land (Paha maa, 2005) continued the dark themesand experimentation started with Fragments. Frozen Land won themain prize at the Gothenburg Film Festival 2005 and the Jury Prize atthe Moscow Film Festival and received an award from the Church ofSweden. Louhimies was named Director of the Year in 2004.14
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 71635mm | 1:1,85 | Dolby Digital | ~100’ |Premiere: September 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>Director: JP SiiliScript: Antero ArjatsaloCinematography: Jarkko T. LaineEditing: Joona LouhivuoriSound design: Juha HakanenMusic: HurriganesSet design: Jukka A. UusitaloCostumes: Helena PaavilainenCast: Eero Milonoff, Jussi Nikkilä,Olavi Uusivirta, Timo Tikka,Tommi Korpela, Minttu Mustakallio,Kari Hietalahti, Reino NordinProducer: Aleksi BardyProduction company:Helsinki -filmi OyProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company:Channel Four FinlandDistributor in Finland: FS Film Oywww.ganes.fiGanesCommitting petty theft in his teenage years, Remu meets rock and decides to become like ChuckBerry. He steals money in order to buy a drum kit, gets caught and is sentenced to prison.Once free, Remu joins a band called Kalevala. He ends up having a row with Kalevala’s guitarist,Järvinen, who eventually quits the band. As a result, Remu is kicked out of the band as well.Remu starts his own band, Hurriganes. He gets Cisse to play bass and the young Ile on guitar.He keeps pushing the band and manages to get some gigs. Then Ile leaves the band, forcing Remuto swallow his pride and ask Järvinen to be the band’s guitarist.The band becomes more and more popular. Intoxicated by his success, Remu bad-mouths apolice officer named Hurme who, despising Remu, puts him in prison on the eve of the signing ofa record deal. Remu arranges a break-out but realises at the last minute what a mistake it wouldbe. Instead he deals with the humiliations of prison and is freed just in time for recording.The Roadrunner album is recorded in Stockholm. Remu agrees to transport a drug packageto Finland on behalf of a friend. When he reaches customs, a thorough search reveals only themaster tape for the new record.Hurriganes has its breakthrough and becomes a huge phenomenon.JP SiiliGanes is the second feature film by JP Siili (born 1964) whosestrong TV works have received wide acclaimed and variousawards (including Prix Italia). His first feature film, the controversialYoung Gods (Hymypoika, 2003), telling the story of youthsfilming their sex lives on video, was sold to 28 countries. JP’snext film is a psychological thriller about a euthanasia doctor.
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | Cinemascope | Dolby digital |104’ | Premiere: October 13 th , 2006Director: AJ AnnilaScript: AJ Annila & Petri Jokiranta,based on the story by Iiro KüttnerCinematography: Henri BlombergSound design: Timo Anttila,Erno KumpulainenProduction design: Jukka UusitaloCostumes: Anna VilppunenCast: Tommi Eronen, Zhang Jingchu,Markku Peltola, Krista Kosonen,Elle Kull, Cheng Taishen, Dang HaoProducers: Petri Jokiranta,Tero KaukomaaProduction company:Blind Spot Pictures OyCo-producers: San Fu Maltha /Fu Works (The Netherlands),Peter Loehr / Ming Productions(China), Margus Õunapuu /Film Tower Kuubis (Estonia)Financing TV company: YLEDistributor in Finland: SandrewMetronome Distribution Finland OyInternational sales: Rezo <strong>Films</strong>www.jadewarrior.netJade Warrior[ J a d e s o t u r i ]Before the ultimate fight between good and evil, he should not fall in love.Jade Warrior, inspired by the myth and majesty of the Kalevala, tells the tale of a love-struckhero fighting against the restrictions of modern life and searching for love beyond time and place.In the course of his journey to be reunited with his love, he re-discovers his true origin, his skillas a warrior and his unique destiny.Jade Warrior, the first-ever Sino-<strong>Finnish</strong> co-production, is the most exciting cross-cultural filmadventure of 2006. Based on the <strong>Finnish</strong> national epic Kalevala, the film traverses modernday Finlandand ancient China, where the battle against evil is underway.AJ AnnilaAJ Annila (born 1977) is a young andpromising film director. Educated at theTampere Polytechnic School of Art andMedia, Annila graduated as a film directorin 2002. His graduation work dealtwith Hong Kong action films. Annila hasdirected several short films, commercialsand music videos. Jade Warrior is Annila’sfirst feature film.18
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | 1:1,85 | Dolby digital 5.1 | 94’ |Premiere: October 20 th , 2006Director, script: Timo KoivusaloCinematography: Pertti MutanenEditing: Jyrki Luukko, Timo KoivusaloSound design: Jyrki LuukkoMusic: Timo Koivusalo, Susanna PalinSet design: Markku MyllymäkiCostumes: Erja MikkolaCast: Martti Suosalo, Seela Sella,Liisa Kuoppamäki, Siiri Suosalo,Risto Salmi, Mats LångbackaProducer: Timo KoivusaloProduction company: Artista Filmi OyProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company: YLE TV2Distributor in Finland: Buena VistaInternational Finland Leaning Tower[ K a l t e v a t o r n i ]What happens when two people live inside one man? A warm tragicomedy about difference.The Leaning Tower is a film about how it feels to live from day to day without knowing what istrue and what is not.Johannes suffers from a life-curtailing personality disorder. His biggest dream is to see theLeaning Tower but he fears that he won’t see it before it collapses.Johannes is building a tower from wooden discs in a park in a mental hospital when a littlegirl who is playing there becomes acquainted with him. She also starts to dream of seeing theLeaning Tower.The girl’s grandmother, a former ballerina who once toured Europe’s opera stages, promisesto take her granddaughter to see the Leaning Tower.The little girl’s mother, who is also Johannes’s mental nurse, goes after the threesome, startingan incredible story in the heart of Europe.What do our times have to offer to different people? Is there a place for them?Timo KoivusaloTimo Koivusalo (b. 1963) is the managing director ofArtista Filmi. Since 1994 he has directed nine featurefilms. He is a producer, director, writer, editor andcomposer. He has composed music to seven full-lengthfeature films. His latest films include Sibelius (2003),The Rose of a Rascal (Rentun ruusu, 2001) The Swan andthe Wanderer (Kulkuri ja joutsen, 1999) and Shadow ofthe Eagle (Kaksipäisen kotkan varjossa, 2005).20
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | 1:1,85 | Dolby | 120’ |Premiere: September 15 th , 2006Director: Aku LouhimiesAn adaptation of a script byVeli-Pekka HänninenCinematography: Harri RätyEditing: PV LehtinenSound design: Janne Laine,Kirka SainioMusic: Arttu TakaloSet design: Sattva-Hanna ToiviainenCostumes: Tiina KaukanenCast: Samuli Edelmann, MatleenaKuusniemi, Laura Malmivaara,Mikko Kouki, Jussi ParviainenProducer: Harri RätyProduction company:Lasihelmi Filmi OyProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company: MTV3 OyDistributor in Finland: FS Film OyMan Exposed[ R i i s u t t u m i e s ]Man Exposed is a comedy of a forty-year-old priest, Pitkänen, who considers himself a rebel. Infact, the only signs of his rebellion are his ponytail and the boots he wears under his priestvestments. He is stuck on the intermediate level in the church hierarchy, a rank which is toolow for his wife’s family, but too high for his best friends. One Sunday, after an overdone rebellioussermon, the bishop wants to meet Pitkänen. He thinks he’s in deep shit, but the bishopwants him to take on the bishop’s office. “Modern times need a modern bishop. A Rock Bishop!”Pitkänen grabs the oppurtunity, but first he has to sell all his ideals in order to realise them. Andthe worst thing is that he has no idea that his wife is plotting with the bishop behind his back forhis promotion.Aku LouhimiesAku Louhimies (born 1968) is one of Finland’s celebrated youngdirectors. His first two feature films, Restless (Levottomat, 2000)and Lovers and Leavers (Kuutamolla, 2002), were both box office hitsin Finland. In 2003, he directed the TV series Leavings (Irtiottoja)which received Venla prizes and was praised by critics. His thirdfeature Frozen Land (Paha maa, 2005) continued the dark themes andexperimentation started with Leavings. Frozen Land won the mainprize at the Gothenburg Film Festival 2005 and the Jury Prize at theMoscow Film Festival and received an award from the Church ofSweden. Louhimies was named Director of the Year in 2004.22
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | Cinemascope | Dolby digital |100’ | Premiere: February 23 rd , <strong>2007</strong>Director, script: Aleksi SalmenperäCinematography: Tuomo HutriEditing: Samu HeikkiläSound design: Tuomas Klaavo,Mikko MäkeläMusic: Ville A. TanttuProduction design: Markku PätiläCostumes: Ella BrigattiCast: Tommi Korpela, Jani Volanen,Maria HeiskanenProducers: Petri Jokiranta,Tero KaukomaaProduction company:Blind Spot Pictures OyProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong> FilmFoundation, Nordic Film & TV FundFinancing TV company: YLEDistributor in Finland: SandrewMetronome Distribution Finland OyA Man’s Job[ M i e h e n t y ö ]A family man becomes a prostitute to support his family.Feeling ashamed about his failure and worried about his wife’s mental health, Juha decides tokeep the fact that he got fired a secret. He spends his days on a remote service station thinkingabout a way out and the growing web of lies that he is slowly weaving.Soon the desperate Juha finds himself, completely naked, brushing the hair of a woman he hasnever met before. He also finds himself earning in two hours what he used to earn in two days athis old job. With the help of his friend Olli, Juha, the father of three small children, begins to sellhis body in earnest.Juha’s shame and lies grow, but the money helps him cope with the downside of his new profession.And as long as wife Katja doesn’t touch her antidepressants, everything is fine.Aleksi SalmenperäAleksi Salmenperä (born 1973) graduated as Master of Arts indirecting and screenwriting at the University of Art and DesignHelsinki UIAH in 2003. He has directed several short films, includingthe award-winning Ferry-Go-Round (Onnenpeli 2001), made in 2001.He has also directed several films and series for television, such asVapaa pudotus (“Free Fall”) in 2001 and Tie Eedeniin (“The Road toEden”) in 2003. His first feature film, Producing Adults (Lapsia jaaikuisia), was selected as Finland’s Oscar nominee in 2004.Producing Adults has been sold to fifteen countries.24
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735 mm | 16:9 | Dolby stereo | 95’ |Premiere: December 15 th , 2006Director: Raimo O NiemiScript: Heikki VuentoCinematography: Kari Sohlberg F.S.C.Editing: Jukka NykänenSound design: Paul Jyrälä M.P.S.E., C.A.S.Music: Sarah ClassSet design: Risto KarhulaCostumes: Merja VäisänenCast: Tiia Talvisara, Janne Saksela,Vuokko Hovatta, Peter Franzén,Miia Nuutila, Kari-Pekka ToivonenProducer: Leila LyytikäinenProduction company:Kinoproduction Oy / Claes OlssonCo-producers: Filmlance InternationalAB / Börje Hansson, Killerpic Ltd. /Mike Downey & Sam TaylorProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong> FilmFoundation, EURIMAGES, Nordic Film& TV Fund, POEMFinancing TV company:YLE Co-productionsDistributor in Finland: Nordisk FilmTheatrical Distribution OyInternational sales:Nordisk Film International Saleswww.sudenarvoitus.fiMystery of the Wolf[ S u d e n a r v o i t u s ]12-year-old Salla loves nature and enjoys the wilderness where she feels at home. She lives withher adopted parents in a small village where her father works as a policeman. One day Salla’sbiological mother Laila returns to the village after a ten-year absence, upsetting the inhabitantsand even scaring many of them.The adventure starts when Salla rescues two wolf cubs from poachers. Though an endangeredspecies, wolves are a threat to the local livelihood, reindeer husbandry. Hiding and rescuing thecubs from poacher Venesmaa becomes a mission during which Salla has to trust her instincts,her best friend and even her long lost mother.Mystery of the Wolf is also a story about how Salla faces her own past. Besides blood ties, Sallaand Laila are united by their mysterious connection with nature and animals. In spite of heryouth, Salla has to brave difficulties and make decisions that challenge the community and thatsimultaneously force her to define her own relationship with her two mothers. Mystery of the Wolfis a family film, an exciting adventure in the wilderness of the <strong>Finnish</strong> Lapland.Raimo O NiemiRaimo O Niemi (b. 1948) is best known for his films for children andyoung adults. After his studies at a film school in Moscow in the 1970s,Niemi directed several <strong>Finnish</strong> TV series and short films in the 70sand 80s. His first feature was The Killing of the Cat (Kissan kuolema)produced by Kinoproduction Oy in 1993. Niemi’s biggest box-officesuccess so far is the feature Tommy and the Wildcat (Poika ja ilves,1998) which tells the story of a boy who has lost his mother.Niemi has received several international awards for his work.26
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | 1:1,85 | Dolby digital | 90’ |Premiere: August 8 th , 2006Director: Johanna VuoksenmaaScript: Johanna HartikainenCinematography: Jan NymanEditing: Harri YlönenSound design: Mikko Mäkelä,Tuomas KlaavoMusic: Kerkko Koskinen,Tohtori Orff ja Herra DalcrozeSet design: Christer AnderssonCostumes: Niina Pasanen,Riitta-Maria PirtiläCast: Kaarlo Somerto, Oona Linnasalmi,Julius Vakkuri, Alex Anton,Minna Suuronen, Robin Svartström,Jarkko Pajunen, Kari Väänänen,Meri Nenonen, Tobias ZilliacusProducer: Liisa AkimofProduction company:Production HouseProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company: YLE TV2Distributor in Finland: FS Film OyInternational sales: YLE Exportwww.onnivonsopanen.fiOnni von SopanenOnni Sopanen is an 11-year-old boy who starts to believe he is living with the wrong family. Hisolder sister Ida is stupid, his father owns an embarrassing car and Onni has blue eyes, while hisparents and Ida’s eyes are brown. Maybe somewhere a rich Bill Gates is looking for him, his longlost son?Johanna VuoksenmaaJohanna Vuoksenmaa, b. 1965, studied as a film directorat the University of Art and Design Helsinki from 1995 to2002. Onni von Sopanen is her second feature film. Her debutmovie Upswing (Nousukausi) received the Jussi Awardfor Best Film in 2003. Johanna Vuoksenmaa has also directedMatters of Will (Tahdon asia, 2005), one of the mostsuccessful <strong>Finnish</strong> TV drama series of all time, and writtenscreenplays for and directed several otherTV comedies and series.28
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735 mm | Cinemascope | Dolby digital |~85’ | Premiere: <strong>2007</strong>Director: Pekka LehtoScript: Iiro KüttnerCinematography: Kasimir LehtoEditing: Joona LouhivuoriSound design: Jykä RahkonenSet design: Markku PätiäläCostumes: Riitta RöpelinenCast: Janne Reinikainen,Maria Järvenhelmi, Markku Peltola,Antti Raivio, Tiina WeckströmProducer: Pekka LehtoProduction company:KinoFinlandia OyProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film Foundation,AVEK, POEMFinancing TV company: YLE TV1PalsaA fictional film about a well-known <strong>Finnish</strong> artist, Kalervo Palsa, a man who painted his dreamsand nightmares.Pekka LehtoPekka Lehto’s previous films includeThe Real McCoy (1999), which has topped thelist of most-viewed Nordic documentaries, theoriginal Tango Cabaret (Tango kabaree, 2001),The Well (Kaivo, 1992), V.O.I.T.K.A. Forest Brothers(V.O.I.T.K.A. Metsän veljet, 2004) andGame Over (2005).30
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735 mm, also available in digitalcinema prints | 1:1,85 |Dolby digital, DTS digital | ~80’ |Premiere: December 14 th , <strong>2007</strong>Director, script: Pekka LehtosaariAnimation: Solnetchny-DOM (Moscow),Kikeono Film & Sound (Helsinki),Cinepro Finland (Helsinki),Digital Film Finland (Helsinki)Editing: Sergej Minakin, Aleksi RaijSound design: Seppo Vanhatalo,Ilkka KiukasMusic: Tuomas KantelinenArt Design: Janne KopuCast: Allu Tuppurainen, Saija LentonenProducer: Marko RöhrProduction company:MRP Matila Röhr Productions OyCo-producers: Greenlight Media AG,Producer Center KontaktProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV companies: YLE TV1Distributor in Finland: Nordisk FilmTheatrical Distribution Oywww.questforaheart.comQuest for a Heart[ R ö l l i n s y d ä n ]Rolli is just another Rolli in the Rollivillage – full of tricks, mischief and mayhem. He hates bathing,kissing and doing the right thing. When he comes across Millie, a beautiful little elf girl, hefinds a new kind of friend that likes flowers and peace. Something is destroying the elf forest andthe only way to stop it is to find a magic heart from the land of winter. Elves are good, Rollies arebad. Now they are forced to help each other to save the world. There is no telling what will happen– on a Quest for a Heart.Pekka LehtosaariPekka Lehtosaari is a veteran of the animation business, havingtranslated and directed the <strong>Finnish</strong> audio versions of 53 animationfeature films, including The Jungle Book (1992), Aladdin (1993),The Lion King (1994), 101 Dalmatians (1994), Pocahontas (1995),Toy Story (1996), Babe (1996), The Hunchback of Notre Dame(1996), Pippi Longstocking (1997), Mulan (1998), A Bug’s Life(1998), Tarzan (1999), The Tigger Movie (2000), The Cat Returns(2004), Raining Cats and Frogs (2005), Howl’s Moving Castle (2005)and My Neighbor Totoro (orig. 1988, <strong>Finnish</strong> audio version 2006).Pekka Lehtosaari has also written screenplays for such films asVares (2004) and Bad Boys – A True Story (Pahat pojat, 2003).32
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | Cinemascope | Dolby digital |127’ | Premiere: December 22 nd , 2006Director, script, music:Juha KoiranenCinematography: Jyri HakalaEditing: Oskar FranzénSound design: Pietari KoskinenSet design: Katariina LumeCostumes: Jaska HalttunenCast: Samuli Edelmann,Risto Tuorila, Marjukka Halttunen,Kari-Pekka Toivonen, Paavo LiskiProducer: Sinikka UsvamaaProduction company: Filmtotal OyProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV companies: YLE TV1Distributor in Finland: FS Film OyRock’n’Roll Never DiesRock’n’Roll Never Dies tells the story of Tiger, a young man going on forty with a damned goodfather and a damned good mother and a damned good guitar and a damned sincere nature.Tiger takes part in an evening course in creative writing in order to gain new inspiration forwriting songs. He writes about the main phases in his life: about Jack Nevada and Pumppu andthe band they had 20 years ago as well as his family and his brother Oku who died of old age asa young boy.Dark clouds loom over Tiger’s home town when its only industrial facility, a sawmill, is underthreat of being closed down. At the same time, Tiger receives a letter from America, from the heirto the sawmill, Jack Nevada. Jack invites Tiger, after several years’ break, to play a gig in Helsinkiwhere he is arriving to recruit direct marketers for his miracle cure, Eternal Youth.Rock’n’Roll Never Dies is a comfortingly beautiful film that will reach anybody who dares toopen their eyes and see the harsh everything-is-for-sale reality that we live in. In Tiger’s world,the family sticks together and friends are not abandoned. Tiger’s values are not for sale.Juha KoiranenJuha Koiranen (born 1968) is a Master of Fine Arts.His earlier films are Albatross (Albatrossi, 1992),Ice-Fisher (Pilkkijä, 1995), Come Back, Tiina (Tiina,tule takaisin, 1997), Heavy Metal (Mullisaukonpoika,1996), The Sweep (Pakkaus, 2000) and Partanen(2003). Koiranen’s hobbies include playing musicand football. He is married and has one child.He lives in Kotka, Finland.34
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | Dolby digital | 120’ |Premiere: December 7 th , <strong>2007</strong>Directors: Åke Lindman,Sakari KirjavainenScript: Stefan Forss,Benedict Zilliacus, Esko SalervoCinematography: Pauli SipiläinenEditing: Sakari KirjavainenSound design: Johan HakeMusic: Timo HietalaSet design: Risto KarhulaCostumes: Marjatta NissinenCast: Marc Gassot, Viggo Idman,Tapani Kalliomäki, Janne Kallioniemi,Kari Ketonen, Taisto Oksanen,Matti Raita, Tarmo Ruubel,Aleksi Sariola, Onni ThulesiusProducer: Alf HemmingProduction company:Åke Lindman Film-Production OyProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company: YLEDistributor in Finland: Buena VistaInternational Finland Oywww.tali-ihantala.fiTali – Ihantala 1944”It is where Finland’s fate will be decided.” General A. F. AiroFinland’s defences on the Karelian Isthmus break and Soviet troops advance with an overwhelmingadvantage in manpower and military equipment. The Finns have been beaten. Guerilla tacticsin the forests are no longer enough, and some other solution must be found to contain the unprecedentedoffensive.Tali – Ihantala 1944 recounts the events of the largest battle in the history of Scandinaviathrough five short stories. The defensive victory was a miracle. How was it ever achieved?The film tells about the failed attempts of the summer of 1944 to achieve the impossible, stoppinga greatly superior enemy and the final efforts to avert a defeat that seemed certain. This epicfilm deals with the miracle of Ihantala through the perspectives of ordinary people. Soldiers hadto exhibit an unbelievable capacity to endure the inhumane harshness and brutality of war. But asoldier had a job to do. That is what this film deals with: men at work.Åke LindmanProfessor Åke Lindman has played an important role inthe <strong>Finnish</strong> film industry for decades. He has directedand acted in hundreds of films over the past 60 years.Sakari KirjavainenDirector Sakari Kirjavainen is a versatile filmmakerand professional in the film industry. He has directeddozens of short films, documentaries and radio plays.He has also worked as an editor and screenwriter.36
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | 1:2,35 | Dolby digital | 92’ |Premiere: January 12 th , <strong>2007</strong>Director: Aleksi MäkeläScript: Marko LeinoCinematography: Pini HellstedtEditing: Dan PeledSound design: Jyrki RahkonenMusic: Lauri PorraSet design: Pirjo RossiCostumes: Meiju VäisänenCast: Juha Veijonen,Hannu-Pekka Björkman, KariVäänänen, Kari-Pekka Toivonen,Lotta Lindroos, Johanna Kokko,Jasper Pääkkönen, Jussi Lampi,Vesa Vierikko, Elina KnihtiläProducer: Markus SelinProduction company: Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc.Production support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company: MTV3 FinlandDistributor in Finland: Buena VistaInternational Finland Oywww.solarfilms.comV2 Dead Angel[ V 2 – J ä ä t y n y t e n k e l i ]Reijo Mäki is Finland’s most popular writer of detective novels, and Jussi Vares – the privateeye hero of these widely-read stories – is a man with a liking for liquor and an eye for beautifulwomen and for whom life is never simple.Vares – Private Eye (Vares, 2004), the biggest <strong>Finnish</strong> box office hit of 2004, was the toughestmovie thriller ever made in Finland.V2 Dead Angel returns Reijo Mäki’s down-to-earth hero to the screen even tougher than before.Aleksi MäkeläAleksi Mäkelä (born 1969) is one of the mostsuccessful young directors in Finland. He hasdirected several hugely popular films, with sevenout of his eight films produced by Markus Selin.Mäkelä’s previous works include Matti – HellIs for Heroes (Matti, 2006), Vares – Private Eye(Vares, 2004), Bad Boys – A True Story (Pahat pojat,2003), The South (Lomalla, 2000) and The Tough Ones(Häjyt, 1999).38
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 735mm | (1:2,35) Cinemascope |Dolby digital | 95’ |Premiere: February 2 nd , <strong>2007</strong>Director: Olli SaarelaProducer: Ilkka MatilaScript: Mika RipattiCinematography:Robert Nordström F.S.C.Editing: Benjamin MercerSound design: Kyösti VäntänenMusic: Tuomas KantelinenSet design: Päivi KettunenCostumes: Anne-Maria YlitapioCast: Krista Kosonen, Kari Heiskanen,Kai Vaine, Johanna af Schulten,Ville VirtanenProduction company:MRP Matila Röhr Productions OyProduction support:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationFinancing TV company: YLE TV1Distributor in Finland:Nordisk Film Theatrical DistributionInternational sales:Nordisk Film International Saleswww.sudenvuosi.comwww.matilarohr.comYear of the Wolf[ S u d e n v u o s i ]Sari is a young talented student of literature who appears composed and confident on the outside.Her life is however characterised by a sense of remoteness: women envy her for her intelligenceand beauty, men admire her from a distance for the same reasons. But looming inside her is abeast that isolates her from the rest of the world. Sari has epilepsy, a dreaded and mystical disease,and a fear of new attacks makes her live cautiously, keeping a safe distance from other people.When Sari meets Mikko Groman, a middle-aged lecturer at her department, she recognises inhim a similar element of remoteness. Mikko, who drifts around in his private world of complexthoughts, only feels at home in the company of 19 th century poetry. In the performance-orientedmodern world of computers and camera phones, Mikko is an oddity.In Mikko Sari finds an equal, but outsiders only see them as two totally incompatible people.Year of the Wolf is a film by award-winning director Olli Saarela about forbidden love and conqueringpersonal fears.Olli SaarelaOlli Saarela is one of the most awarded current<strong>Finnish</strong> film directors whose films are marked by apowerful and individual style. Saarela has previouslydirected the films Rolli (Rölli ja metsänhenki, 2001),Bad Luck Love (2000), Ambush (Rukajärven tie, 1999)and The Redemption (Lunastus, 1997). In addition, hehas directed the award-winning short film Koverhar(1996). Saarela’s films have won several Jussi Awards(the main national film award in Finland).40
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 72006 | Digibeta | 16:9 | Stereo | ~88’Director, script: Jenni LinkoCinematography: Tuomo Hutri,Jani KumpulainenEditing: Anne LakanenSound design: Pertti VenetjokiMusic: David SchweitzerProducer: Liisa AkimofProduction company:Production HouseProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong>Film Foundation, AVEKFinancing TV company: YLE TV1Asylum[ T u r v a p a i k k a ]220 minors arrived in Finland seeking asylum in 2005 unaccompanied by a parent. Asylum followsthree youngsters as they begin their new life in Finland in a home for people at the biggestreception centre in the <strong>Finnish</strong> countryside.Jenni LinkoJenni Linko was born in 1975 in Helsinki.She is a graduate of the National Film andTelevision School in the UK. She has madenumerous short documentaries, many ofwhich are about youth issues. Her filmsinclude North Beats South (awarded 1stprize at the Nordisk barne-tv festival inEbeltoft, 2005), You Are the Only OneWho Knows and Smell.42
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 7<strong>2007</strong> | Digibeta | 16:9 | Stereo |80’ and 52’ versionsDirector, script: Jouni HiltunenCinematography: Tahvo HirvonenEditing: Anne LakanenSound design: Ivo FeltMusic: Pessi LevantoProducer: Kaarle AhoProduction company: Making MoviesCo-producer: Allfilms (Estonia)Production support: The <strong>Finnish</strong>Film Foundation, NFTF, EstonianFilm Foundation, MEDIA+Financing TV companies:YLE2, SVT, TSR, DR, ETVInternational sales: First Hand <strong>Films</strong>BAM – Railroad to Nowhere[ B A M ]BAM or Baikal – Amur Magistral was Leonid Brezhnev’s plan to build more than 3500 km ofrailroad and 200 stations and communities in five years in Southern Siberia. The work was tobe done mainly by Komsomol elite youths. BAM – Railroad to Nowhere is a documentary about thepioneering spirit, about people who built the future with their own hands and how today they aretrying to hold on to it even if the rest of the world would like to forget them.Jouni HiltunenJouni Hiltunen (b. 1964) is a documentaryfilm director from Helsinki. He has workedin various sectors of the film industry since1990 and has directed over 15 documentaryfilms. His documentary film about threeRussian prisoners for life, Blatnoi Mir (2001),has been awarded at both <strong>Finnish</strong> andinternational festivals.44
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 72006 | Digibeta, Beta SP | 16:9 |Stereo | 100’Director, script: Taru MäkeläCinematography: Jouko SeppäläEditing: Tuuli KuittinenSound design: Olli HuhtanenMusic: Jukka SiikavireProducer: Misha Jaari, Ulla SimonenExecutive producer: Lasse SaarinenProduction company: KinotarProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong>Film Foundation, AVEKFinancing TV company: YLE TV2DocumentariesThe Catch[ S a a l i s ]The Catch is a documentary film that chronicles the history of an entrepreneurial <strong>Finnish</strong> family.It is a story about people with a dream and the cost of reaching that dream. The Catch is also aunique glimpse of a family that has been in involved in creating the <strong>Finnish</strong> film industry and filmculture. The Catch is fact and fable about the Mäkeläs, written and directed by Taru Mäkelä.Taru MäkeläTaru Mäkelä (born 1959) is a film director who graduatedfrom the University of Art and Design Helsinki as a Masterof Arts. She has directed historical documentaries, such asDavid – Stories of Honour and Shame (Daavid – tarinoitakunniasta ja häpeästä, 1997), Lotat (1995) and Viipurin poika(1993). She was awarded a Finland Prize for her fictionalfilm Little Sister (Pikkusisar, 1999). She has also directedmusicals, television series and movies, theatricalperformances and radio plays.46
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 72006 | Digital Betacam | 16:9 |Stereo | 75’Director, script: Alvaro PardoCinematography: Frank Pineda,Jan Van BilsenEditing: Anne LakanenSound design: Evelio Gay,Janne JankeriMusic: Alain MichelProducer: Alvaro PardoProduction company: Filmitakomo OyProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong>Film Foundation, AVEKFinancing TV companies: YLE TV2,Télevision Suisse Romande TSREden Pastora –Commandant “Zero”[ E d e n P a s t o r a – K o m e n t a j a “ N o l l a ” ]The legendary Nicaraguan guerilla commandant Edén Pastora, hero to some, traitor to others,makes a comeback to the political arena after 15 years of silence by being nominated as a candidatefor the mayor of Managua as his first step in running for the presidency of Nicaragua.Alvaro PardoAlvaro Pardo (born 1952 in Spain)is a documentary director andproducer, who has his own productioncompany, Filmitakomo Oy, in Helsinki.His latest directions include thedocumentary films Kings of Recycling(Kierrätyksen kuninkaat, 2001) andThe Chinese Peanut Man(Kiinalainen pähkinämies, 2002).48
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 7<strong>2007</strong> | Digibeta | 16:9 |Mono / Stereo | ~70’Director: Kari Soveri, Ville SuhonenScript: Ville SuhonenCinematography: Kari Soveri,Niko SoveriEditing, sound design: Kari SoveriProducer: Kari SoveriProduction company:Soveri Wildlife <strong>Films</strong> OyProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong>Film Foundation, Foundation ofRaija and Ossi TuuliainenFinancing TV companies: TV1, ARTEInternational sales: YLE Export, ARTEFour Journeys on the River[ N e l j ä m a t k a a V a n t a a n j o e l l a ]This documentary film tells of the journey of the 99 kilometre long river Vantaa from its sourcedown to the Gulf of Finland, of the river’s nature in different seasons and the relationship of manto the river and its environment. The river is full of baffling contrasts. It flows through Finland’smost urban area inhabited by 20% of the population. The everyday life of man and the wonders ofthe nature encounter each other continuously. The river is a challenge for peaceful co-existence.For most people, it is invisible and insignificant, until it invades their territory. And yet man influencesthe life of the river all the time. The battle against pollution seems endless.It is also an aesthetic experience; the sounds, the light, the colours, the flora and the faunachange over the seasons. The cultural landscape changes into cultivated forest, thicket into primevalforest, countryside into village, village into town, at times it swells and floods beyond itsboundaries, at times the river dries up into a meagre brook.Something small grows into something large, tiny brooks unite to create a huge entity.Kari SoveriKari Soveri has made 54 documentaries since 1980,and his films have been sold to almost 70 countries.The awards he has received include the Prix Italia,Wildscreen and Albers.Ville SuhonenVille Suhonen (b. 1964) is a film and culture criticas well as a freelance film director. He has directedover 30 films and written and co-directed the boxoffice hit Tommy and the Wildcat (Poika ja ilves, 1998).50
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 7<strong>2007</strong> | 35mm / Digibeta | 16:9 |Stereo | 52’Director, script: Ari MatikainenCinematography:Hannu-Pekka VitikainenEditing: Aleksi RaijMusic: Jorma Kääriäinen, AgentsProducers: Arto Halonen, Jari AlénProduction company: Art <strong>Films</strong>production AFP OyProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong>Film FoundationFinancing TV company: YLE TV1Lone Star Hotel[ Y h d e n t ä h d e n h o t e l l i ]Lone Star Hotel is a touching journey into the mental landscape of a <strong>Finnish</strong> man who pondershis future, his life and the realisation of his dreams. The lead vocalist of the band Agents, JormaKääriäinen, is starring in this documentary film about him and his life.Jorma Kääriäinen and Agents are one of the biggest crowd-pullers in <strong>Finnish</strong> dance halls.Wherever the band plays, the place is always packed. Agents have established their position in<strong>Finnish</strong> music and their albums, with Jorma singing the lead vocals, sell gold without exception.Like many musicians, Jorma lives on the road, on a constant journey toward his dream. Goingfrom one hotel to another is lonely, giving this father of three plenty of time to muse over his lifeand his stardom.Even with its deep themes and the ruggedness of both the <strong>Finnish</strong> landscape and the man livingin it, the film is still warm, benevolent, humorous and entertaining, just like Jorma. And ofcourse it is full of great, catchy music.Ari MatikainenAri Matikainen was born in1970 in Eno, North Karelia.After having made music, hebegan to study documentarydirection at the University ofArt and Design Helsinki in 1999.His previous works includeZavtra (Zavtra – huomenna), 2005.52
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 754<strong>2007</strong> | Digibeta | 16:9 | Stereo | 120’Directors, script: Timo Haanpää,Antti Haase, Anna Häkkinen,Max Juntunen, Tiina Laasonen,Mikko Manninen, Sari Saarinen,Ulla VilponenCinematography: Janne Niskala,Timo YlifranttiEditing: Jukka Nykänen, Timo PeltolaSound design: Pekka KarjalainenMusic: Timo PeltolaProducers: Juha Iisak Koivisto,Outi RousuProduction company: Unilumi OyProduction support: AVEKFinancing TV company: YLE TV 2Raattama (working title)Raattama is a story about a village far in the North, the meeting of old and new cultures and people’severyday lives in a rapidly changing Finland in the EU. It is a film about the village strugglingin the face of a big change.Raattama is an exceptionally challenging long documentary film by a group of eight directors.Their co-operation has meant countless meetings, brainstorms and web discussions. A confidentialrelationship with the villagers and the fruitful year-long collaboration produced a touchingstory about a village far in the North. The directors were young people working in the film industryor studying film, and Raattama was the first fruit of their shared labour. It has also encouragedthe whole team to take on new challenges.
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 7562006 | 35mm | 16:9 |Dolby SR | 82’Directors: Anastasia Lapsui &Markku LehmuskallioCinematography: JohannesLehmuskallioEditing: Anastasia Lapsui,Markku LehmuskallioProducer: Liisa HolmbergProduction company: Giron Filmi OyProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong>Film Foundation, AVEKFinancing TV company: YLE TV2DocumentariesThe Sami[ S a a m e l a i n e n ]The Sami are a people spread over 4 different countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.They have no state of their own. The Sami are Europe’s last aboriginal people and they speak 9different languages. They have lived off the land and nature has provided for them.But yesterday is not today. People have left their homes and followed work into the big cities.This film takes a look at the identity of these people. Has the change of life-style and surroundingschanged the Sami way of looking at the world? In the film people try to answer the questions:Who am I?Anastasia LapsuiBorn in the Yamal Peninsula, Western Siberia, in 1944.Has been a radio journalist in Salekhard for 26 years,working on a Nenets language program.Has directed since 1990.Markku LehmuskallioBorn in Rauma in 1938.Graduated as forest technician in 1963.Worked in films professionally since 1969.
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 72006 | 35mm / HD and Digibeta |1:1,66 | Dolby SR and 5.1 | 88’Director: Mika KaurismäkiScript: Mika Kaurismäki,Marco Forster, Uwe DreschCinematography: Jacques CheuicheEditing: Oli WeissSound design: Uwe DreschMusic: Billy Cobham etc.Producers: Mika Kaurismäki,Marco Forster, Uwe DreschProduction companies: Marianna <strong>Films</strong>,Marco Forster Productions,Uwe Dresch Film, Doc ProductionsProduction support: The <strong>Finnish</strong> FilmFoundation, ESEK, NRW, BAKFinancing TV companies:YLE Co-productions,Swiss TV – DRS InternationalInternational sales: Wide ManagementSonic MirrorSonic Mirror is a musical documentary film presenting the journey of the legendary drummerBilly Cobham into several different musical cultures.Sonic Mirror shows the sometimes contradictory and sometimes surprising expectations andreactions from audiences. The film is shot in Finland, Switzerland, USA, Brazil etc.Mika KaurismäkiMika Kaurismäki’s first film The Liar (Valehtelija, 1980) markedthe beginning of cinema for the Kaurismäki brothers and starteda new era in <strong>Finnish</strong> cinema. Mika has since directed films allaround the world with an international crew and cast. His work includes,for example, the fictional films The Worthless (Arvottomat,1982), Rosso (1985), Helsinki Napoli All Night Long (1987), Amazon(1990), Zombie and the Ghost Train (Zombie ja kummitusjuna, 1991),LA Without a Map (1998), Honey Baby (2004) and three documentariesshot in Brazil: Tigrero – A Film That Was Never Made (1994,with Sam Fuller and Jim Jarmusch), Sound of Brazil (Moro no Brasil,2002) and Brasileirinho (2005).58
F I N N I S H D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M S 2 0 0 7<strong>2007</strong> | 35mm / Digibeta |1:1,85 / 16:9 | Dolby Surround 5.1 |58’ and 75’ versionsDirector, script: Visa Koiso-KanttilaCinematography: Marita HällforsEditing: Tuula MehtonenSound design: Pietari KoskinenMusic: Outi ParkkilaProducer: Iiris HärmäProduction company:Guerilla <strong>Films</strong> Ltd.Production support: The <strong>Finnish</strong>Film Foundation, AVEK, ESEK,The Nordic Film & TV FundFinancing TV companies: YLE TV1,ARTE, SVTWinterreise[ T a l v i n e n m a t k a ]Winterreise is a film about singing and a young man searching for himself and his own voice.A student meets a master – Winterreise is a portrayal of dialogue between generations andhow life experiences, knowledge and skills are passed on from one generation to another. It is afilm about conquering one’s fears and finding one’s own resources – about growing up.The main character in the film, Kalle Koiso-Kanttila, graduates as a tenor from a Germanschool of music, hoping to become an opera soloist. In fierce competition, only hard work andgood self-esteem can help him reach his goal.But self-confidence is lost; the main character is plagued by a constant feeling of inadequacyand worthlessness that hinders his career and his life. Kalle’s big challenge is to overcome hismental obstacles and become free – to find his own voice.Visa Koiso-KanttilaVisa Koiso-Kanttila was born in 1970. He graduatedfrom The Turku School of Art and Media in 1996 andstudied documentary film at The New School Universityand Film / Video Art in New York. He founded his ownproduction company, Guerilla <strong>Films</strong> Ltd., in 1999.He is also a co-member of Elephant <strong>Films</strong> – The <strong>Finnish</strong>directors’ group. Visa Koiso-Kanttila’s latest film wasFather to Son (Isältä pojalle, 2004) – The Best NordiskDocumentary Film in 2004, Nordisk Panorama.60
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7Top <strong>Films</strong> in Finland 2006All films Premiere Admissions Cumulative2006 2006 2005–2006Matti – Hell Is for Heroes (local) 13.1.2006 462 314Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 11.7.2006 456 278The Da Vinci Code 19.5.2006 364 070Casino Royale 24.11.2006 344 262Ice Age 2 31.3.2006 276 900Cars 25.8.2006 230 992Jackpot (local) 17.2.2006 230 654FC Venus (local) 30.12.2005 221 534 235 652Chronicles of Narnia 23.12.2005 167 785 249 590Chicken Little 27.1.2006 126 636Garfield 2 21.7.2006 121 152The Devil Wears Prada 6.10.2006 114 450Borat 3.11.2006 106 489Brokeback Mountain 27.1.2006 94 980Miami Vice 11.8.2006 92 538Memoirs of a Geisha 3.3.2006 90 024Over the Hedge 22.9.2006 88 287Promise (local) 2.12.2005 79 405 149 756Jade Warrior (local) 13.10.2006 79 050Man Exposed (local) 15.9.2006 78 38662
<strong>Finnish</strong> films 2006 Premiere Admissions 2006 Cumulative 2005–2006Matti – Hell Is for Heroes 13.1.2006 462 314Unna and Nuuk 20.1.2006 53 413Lights in the Dusk 3.2.2006 37 709The Prince of Soap 10.2.2006 45 502Jackpot 17.2.2006 230 654Pavlov’s Dogs (doc) 24.2.2006 657Revolution (doc) 17.3.2006 12 812The Dudesons Movie 31.3.2006 33 556Onni von Sopanen 11.8.2006 14 786The Emperor’s Secret 8.9.3006 12 638Man Exposed 15.9.2006 78 386Jade Warrior 13.10.2006 79 050The Leaning Tower 20.10.2006 64 513Frozen City 17.11.2006 4 732Mystery of the Wolf 15.12.2006 37 995Rock’n’Roll Never Dies 22.12.2006 2 894Mother of Mine 30.9.2005 53 872 207 874Valo 7.10.2005 13 731 51 303Beauty and the Bastard 21.10.2005 33 842 132 912Promise 2.12.2005 79 405 149 756FC Venus 30.12.2005 221 534 235 652Total 1 573 99563
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7Facts and FiguresYear 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006Releases 172 192 177 189 184 180Screens 339 342 338 336 332 334Admissions in millions 6,5 7,7 7,7 6,9 6,1 6,8Gross box-office in millions 274,2* 55,0 56,4 51,8 44,9 50Ticket price average 42,2* 7,1 7,3 7,3 7,4 7,4Per capita attendances 1,3 1,5 1,5 1,3 1,2 1,3<strong>Finnish</strong> feature films 12 10 14 18 15 16Share of <strong>Finnish</strong> films 10 % 18 % 22 % 17 % 15 % 23 %*2001 in FIM | 1 euro=5,94573 FIM64
<strong>Finnish</strong> Feature <strong>Films</strong> 1.1.2001–31.12.2006Release Date Title of Film Production Company Directorin Helsinki12.1.2001 Rentun ruusu The Rose of a Rascal Artista Filmi Oy Timo Koivusalo26.1.2001 Tango kabaree Tango Cabaret MRP Matila & Röhr Productions Oy Pekka Lehto9.2.2001 Ken tulta pyytää A Suburban Tale Kinotar Oy Sakari Kirjavainen23.2.2001 Klassikko Classic Sputnik Oy Kari Väänänen2.3.2001 Cyclomania Blind Spot Pictures Oy Simo Halinen9.3.2001 Maa Earth Alppiharjun elokuva Oy Veikko Aaltonen31.8.2001 Young Love Mainstream Pictures Arto Lehkamo7.9.2001 Drakarna över Helsingfors Kites Over Helsinki Kinoproduction Oy Peter Lindholm14.9.2001 Joki The River Lasihelmi Filmi Oy Jarmo Lampela21.9.2001 Kyytiä Moosekselle Takin’ Moses for a Ride Illume Ltd. Kaija Juurikkala5.10.2001 Emmauksen tiellä On the Road to Emmaus Fennada Filmi Oy Markku Pölönen2.11.2001 Joutilaat The Idle Ones Kinotar Oy Susanna Helke & Virpi Suutari21.12.2001 Rölli ja metsän henki Rolli MRP Matila & Röhr Productions Oy Olli Saarela28.12.2001 Minä ja Morrison Me and Morrison Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc. Lenka Hellstedt18.1.2002 Aleksis Kiven elämä The Life of Aleksis Kivi Seppä Callahanin Filmimaailma Oy Jari Halonen1.2.2002 Kuutamolla Lovers & Leavers MRP Matila & Röhr Productions Oy Aku Louhimies28.2.2002 Moro no Brasil Sound of Brazil Magnatel TV GmbH / Marianna <strong>Films</strong> Oy Mika Kaurismäki1.3.2002 Mies vailla menneisyyttä The Man Without a Past Sputnik Oy Aki Kaurismäki16.8.2002 Hengittämättä ja nauramatta Stripping Blind Spot Pictures Oy Saara Saarela30.8.2002 Kymmenen riivinrautaa Ere Kokkonen Oy Ere Kokkonen6.9.2002 Menolippu Mombasaan One-way Ticket to Mombasa Cinemaker Oy Hannu Tuomainen20.9.2002 Umur Fantasiafilmi Oy Kai Lehtinen4.10.2002 Kahlekuningas The Handcuff King Kinoproduction Ltd. Arto Koskinen11.10.2002 Haaveiden kehä Blue Corner Dada-filmi Oy Matti Ijäs65
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 76618.10.2002 Heinähattu ja Vilttitossu Hayflower and Quiltshoe Kinotaurus Oy Kaisa Rastimo8.11.2002 Elämän äidit Mothers of Life Giron Filmi Oy Anastasia Lapsui & Markku Lehmuskallio29.11.2002 Ilman tytärtäni Without My Daughter Tarinatalo, Dream Catcher Aleksis Kouros & Kari Tervo17.1.2003 Pahat pojat Bad Boys – A True Story Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc. Aleksi Mäkelä31.1.2003 Raid Kinoproduction Oy Tapio Piirainen14.2.2003 Mosku – Lajinsa viimeinen Mosku – The Last of His Kind Fantasiafilmi Oy Tapio Suominen28.2.2003 Nousukausi Upswing Kinotar Oy Johanna Vuoksenmaa7.3.2003 Näkymätön Elina* Elina Kinoproduction Oy Klaus Härö14.3.2003 Eila Blind Spot Pictures Oy Jarmo Lampela29.8.2003 Helmiä ja sikoja Pearls and Pigs Talent House Perttu Leppä12.9.2003 Sibelius Artista Filmi Oy Timo Koivusalo10.10.2003 Broidit Brothers Kinotar Oy Esa Illi24.10.2003 Hymypoika Young Gods Helsinki -filmi Oy J-P Siili19.12.2003 Vieraalla maalla Land of Love MRP Matila Röhr Productions Oy Ilkka Vanne16.1.2004 Levottomat 3 Addiction Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc. Minna Virtanen13.2.2004 Koirankynnen leikkaaja Dog Nail Clipper Fennada-filmi Oy Markku Pölönen5.3.2004 Framom främsta linjen – Etulinjan edessä Beyond the Front Line Åke Lindman Film-Production Oy Åke Lindman5.3.2004 Jumalan morsian A Bride of the Seventh Heaven Millennium Film Oy Anastasia Lapsui & Markku Lehmuskallio9.4.2004 Joensuun Elli Elli Helsingin Dexline Oy Anssi Mänttäri23.7.2004 Vares Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc. Aleksi Mäkelä20.8.2004 Ystäväni Henry My Friend Henry Do <strong>Films</strong> Oy Auli Mantila27.8.2004 Juoksuhaudan tie Trench Road Kinotar Oy Veikko Aaltonen10.9.2004 Uuno Turhapuron tarina – This Is My Life Uuno Turhapuro – This Is My Life Ere Kokkonen Oy Ere Kokkonen17.9.2004 Lapsia ja aikuisia – kuinka niitä tehdään? Producing Adults Blind Spot Pictures Oy Aleksi Salmenperä15.10.2004 Kukkia ja sidontaa Flowers and Binding Helsinki -filmi Oy, Kinotaurus Oy Janne Kuusi17.12.2004 Pelikaanimies Pelicanman Lumifilm Oy Liisa Helminen25.12.2004 Keisarikunta Harbour Brothers Mandart Entertainment Oy Pekka Mandart
14.1.2005 Paha maa Frozen Land Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc. Aku Louhimies11.2.2005 Onnen varjot Shades of Happiness Kinoproduction Oy Claes Olsson18.2.2005 Eläville ja kuolleille For the Living and the Dead Sputnik Oy Kari Paljakka12.8.2005 Koti-ikävä Homesick Making Movies Oy Petri Kotwica26.8.2005 Game Over KinoFinlandia Oy Pekka Lehto9.9.2005 Kaksipäisen kotkan varjossa Shadow of the Eagle Artista Filmi Oy Timo Koivusalo30.9.2005 Äideistä parhain Mother of Mine MRP Matila Röhr Productions Oy Klaus Härö7.10.2005 Valo Periferia Productions Oy Kaija Juurikkala21.10.2005 Tyttö sinä olet tähti Beauty and the Bastard Helsinki -filmi Oy Dome Karukoski2.12.2005 Lupaus Promise Fantasiafilmi Oy Ilkka Vanne30.12.2005 FC Venus Talent House Joona Tena13.1.2006 Matti Matti – Hell Is for Heroes Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc. Aleksi Mäkelä20.1.2006 Unna ja Nuuk Unna and Nuuk Mandart Entertainment Saara Cantell3.2.2006 Laitakaupungin valot Lights in the Dusk Sputnik Oy Aki Kaurismäki10.2.2006 Saippuaprinssi The Prince of Soap Helsinki -filmi Oy Janne Kuusi17.2.2006 Kummelin Jackpot Jackpot Jackpot <strong>Films</strong> Oy Pekka Karjalainen31.3.2006 Duudsonit elokuva The Dudesons Movie Oy Rabbit <strong>Films</strong> Ltd. Jarno Laasala11.8.2006 Onni von Sopanen Production House Johanna Vuoksenmaa8.9.2006 Keisarin salaisuus The Emperor’s Secret Helsinki -filmi Oy Riina Hyytiä15.9.2006 Riisuttu mies Man Exposed Lasihelmi Filmi Oy Aku Louhimies13.10.2006 Jadesoturi Jade Warrior Blind Spot Pictures Oy AJ Annila20.10.2006 Kalteva torni The Leaning Tower Artista Filmi Oy Timo Koivusalo17.11.2006 Valkoinen kaupunki Frozen City Solar <strong>Films</strong> Inc. Aku Louhimies15.12.2006 Suden arvoitus Mystery of the Wolf Kinoproduction Oy Raimo O Niemi22.12.2006 Rock’n’Roll Never Dies Filmtotal Oy Juha Koiranen* Swedish-<strong>Finnish</strong> co-production67
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7Film Festivals in Finland <strong>2007</strong>DocPoint – Helsinki Documentary Film Festival24.–28.1.<strong>2007</strong>Fredrikinkatu 23, FI-00120 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 672 472, Fax +358 9 673 998info@docpoint.infowww.docpoint.infoTampere International Short Film Festival7.–11.3.<strong>2007</strong>Tullikamarinaukio 2, FI-33101 TampereTel. +358 3 213 0034, Fax +358 3 223 0121office@tamperefilmfestival.fiwww.tamperefilmfestival.fiEspoo Ciné International Film Festival21.–26.8.<strong>2007</strong>PO Box 95, FI-02101 EspooTel. +358 9 466 599, Fax +358 9 466 458office@espoocine.fiwww.espoocine.fiHelsinki Film Festival – Love & Anarchy20.–30.9.<strong>2007</strong>Mannerheimintie 21–24, Box 889FI-00101 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6843 5230, Fax +358 9 6843 5232office@hiff.fiwww.hiff.fiSodankylän elokuvajuhlat – Midnight Sun FilmFestival13.–17.6.<strong>2007</strong>Jäämerentie 9, FI-99600 SodankyläTel. +358 16 614 524, Fax +358 16 618 646office@msfilmfestival.fiwww.msfilmfestival.fiOulu International Children’s Film Festival19.–25.11.<strong>2007</strong>Torikatu 8, FI-90100 OuluTel. +358 8 881 1293, Fax +358 8 881 1290oek@oufilmcenter.inet.fiwww.oukafi/lef68
International Sales CompaniesARTE Deutscland TV GmbH /ARTE Hand <strong>Films</strong>Mehringdamm 33DE-10961 BerlinTel. +49 30 2852 9088Fax +49 30 2852 9099info@firsthandfilms.comwww.firsthandfilms.comNonStop SalesDöbelnsgatan 24SE-113 52 StockholmTel.+46 8 673 9980Fax +46 8 673 9988info@nonstopsales.netwww.nonstopsales.netNordisk Film International SalesMosedalvej 14DK-2500 ValbyTel. +45 3618 8200Fax +45 3618 <strong>Films</strong>29 rue du Faubourg PoissonnièreFR-75009 ParisTel. +33 1 4246 4630Fax +33 1 4246 4082infosrezo@rezofilms.comwww.rezofilms.comSF International SalesAB Svensk FilmindustriSE-169 86 StockholmTel. +46 8 680 3500Fax +46 8 680 3783international@sf.sewww.sfinternational.seWide Management42 bis, rue de LourmelFR-75015 ParisTel. +33 1 5395 0464Fax +33 1 5395 0465wide@widemanagement.comwww.widemanagement.comYLE
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7Useful AddressesActors in ScandinaviaVuorimiehenkatu 20 D, FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6840 440Fax +358 9 6840 4422laura@actors.fiwww.actors.fiAnimation Clinic –<strong>Finnish</strong> Animation Associationc/o Suomen ElokuvakontaktiPohjoisranta 20 B 23, FI-00170 HelsinkiFax +358 9 6129 7210info@animaatioklinikka.fiwww.animaatioklinikka.fiAnorak AgencyKorkeavuorenkatu 2b, FI-00140 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6120 8514Mobile +358 50 4090 070Fax +358 9 6120 8519sivi.uitto@anorak.fiwww.anorak.fiThe Association of <strong>Finnish</strong>Film Directors – SELO ry.Mobile +358 50 539 0951sanna.saarikivi@arabianranta.comwww.selo.fiThe Association of <strong>Finnish</strong> Film Workers –SET ry.Meritullinkatu 33 A, FI-00170 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 2511 2143Fax +358 9 2511 Association of IndependentProducers in Finland – SATU ry.Fabianinkatu 4 B 14, FI-00130 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 684 0610Fax +358 9 622 1860satu.harkke@satu.fiwww.satu.fi70
AVEK – The Promotion Centre forAudio-Visual Culture in FinlandHietaniemenkatu 2FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 4315 2350Fax +358 9 4315 Text Helsinki –The all-round text & language servicein film, TV & videoSörnäisten rantatie 27 C 11FI-00500 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 4133 7700Fax +358 9 4133 7730office@broadcasttext.fiwww.broadcasttext.fiThe Central Organisation of<strong>Finnish</strong> Film Producers – SEK ry.Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B 29FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6877 2311Fax +358 9 6877 2320filmikamari@filmikamari.fiwww.filmikamari.fiChannel Four Finland – RuutunelonenPO Box 350, FI-00151 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 45 451Fax +358 9 4545 400www.nelonen.fiDigital Film Finland OyKatajanokan laituri 11 BFI-00160 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6877 000Fax +358 9 6877 0033info@digitalfilmfinland.fiwww.digitalfilmfinland.fiThe <strong>Finnish</strong> Board of Film ClassificationJaakonkatu 5 BFI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 2285 41Fax +358 9 2285 <strong>Finnish</strong> Broadcasting Company (YLE) / TV1FI-00024 YleisradioTel. +358 9 14 801Fax +358 9 1480 3215www.yle.fiThe <strong>Finnish</strong> Broadcasting Company (YLE) / TV2PO Box 196, FI-33101 TampereTel. +358 3 345 6111Fax +358 3 344 2280www.yle.fiThe <strong>Finnish</strong> Chamber of <strong>Films</strong>Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B 29, FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6877 2311Fax +358 9 6877 2320filmikamari@filmikamari.fiwww.filmikamari.fiThe <strong>Finnish</strong> Cinema Exhibitors’Association – SEOL ry.Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B 29, FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6877 2311Fax +358 9 6877 2320filmikamari@filmikamari.fiwww.filmikamari.fiThe <strong>Finnish</strong> Film ArchivePO Box 177, FI-00151 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 615 400Fax +358 9 6154 0242sea@sea.fiwww.sea.fi71
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film ContactPohjoisranta 20 B 23FI-00170 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6129 720Fax +358 9 6129 7210filmcont@elokuvakontakti.fiwww.elokuvakontakti.fiThe <strong>Finnish</strong> Film Distributors’Association – SEL ry.Kaisaniemenkatu 3 B 29FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6877 2311Fax +358 9 6877 2320filmikamari@filmikamari.fiwww.filmikamari.fiMedia Desk Finlandc/o The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationKanavakatu 12FI-00160 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6220 3013Fax +358 9 6220 3070kerstin.degerman@ses.fiwww.mediadesk.fiMTV3 FinlandFI-00033 MTV3Tel. +358 9 150 01Fax +358 9 150 707mtv@mtv3.fiwww.mtv3.fiState Committee for CinemaManeesikatu 7, PL 293FI-00171 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 1607 7921Fax +358 9 1607 7069mari.karikoski@minedu.fiUniversity of Art and Design Helsinki –School of Motion Picture,Television and Production DesignHämeentie 135 CFI-00560 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 756 301Fax +358 9 7563
DistributorsBuena Vista International Finland OyKaisaniemenkatu 2 B, FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 8562 9500Fax +358 9 8562 9550Cinema MondoUnioninkatu 10 A 27, FI-00130 HelsinkiTel. +358 201 555 804Fax +358 201 555 805mikas@cinemamondo.fiDigital Cinema Matila & Röhr Oy –Bio Rex DistributionTallberginkatu 1 A / 141, FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 5407 8243Fax +358 9 5407 8210tuukka.konttinen@biorex.fiFinnkino OyKoivuvaarankuja 2, FI-01640 VantaaTel. +358 9 131 191Fax +358 9 8527 206FS Film OyUrho Kekkosenkatu 4–6 E, 5. krs.FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 207 300 460Fax +358 207 300 461Future Film Oy AbRantakatu 2 G 10, FI-65100 VaasaTel. +358 6 3199 500Fax +358 6 3199 555info@futurefilm.fiOy Kinoscreen Ltd.Pohjoisranta 20 B 23, FI-00170 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 5893 8861Fax +358 9 5893 8860kinoscreen@jippii.fiNordisk Film Theatrical Distribution OyJohn Stenbergin ranta 2, FI-00530 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 4764 460Fax +358 9 4764 4640Oy Rapid Eye Movie Ltd.Mannerheimintie 19 B 4, FI-00250 HelsinkiTel. +358 40 7542 949Fax +358 4544 626Sandrew Metronome Distribution Finland OyEteläesplanadi 24 A, FI-00130 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 8866 7705Fax +358 9 8666 7710Oy Scanbox FinlandVapaalantie 2 A 3, FI-01650 VantaaTel. +358 9 8545 560Fax +358 9 8545 5611saril@scanbox.com73
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7ProducersAL-Filmi Oy /Mainstream PicturesRuukintie 10 EFI-07970 RuotsinpyhtääTel. +358 500 704 316arto.lehkamo@mainstream.inet.fiwww.mainstream.fiAlppiharjun elokuva OyViipurinkatu 16 B 22FI-00510 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 148 1636Fax +358 9 148 1636alppiharjunelokuva@jippii.fiArt <strong>Films</strong> production AFP OyMerimiehenkatu 10FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 4159 3640Fax +358 9 4159 3690info@artfilms.inet.fiwww.artfilmsproduction.comArtista Filmi OyPL 69FI-28401 UlvilaTel. +358 2 647 7441Fax. +358 2 647 7551timo.koivusalo@artistafilmi.fiwww.artistafilmi.fiBonsaifilms Ltd. /Elephant <strong>Films</strong> Ltd.Päijänteentie 39–41 E 15FI-00510 HelsinkiTel. +358 41 522 6531Fax +358 9 668 009anu.kuivalainen@elefantti.infoBorder Productions OyUrho Kekkosen katu 4–6 EFI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 20 7300 451Fax +358 20 7300 452jarkko.hentula@juonifilmi.fiwww.juonifilmi.fiFestival contacts:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationKanavakatu 12FI-00160 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6220 300Fax +358 9 6220 OyVanha Talvitie 11 AFI-00580 HelsinkiTel. +358 207 749 810Fax +358 207 749 819petteri.pasanen@animafiBlind Spot Pictures OyKalliolanrinne 4FI-00510 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 7742 8360Fax +358 9 7742 8350spot@blindspot.fiwww.blindspot.fiCinemaker OyHirveläntie 13 B 7FI-31400 SomeroTel./Fax +358 2 748 2360cinemaker@cinemaker.fiwww.cinemaker.fi74
Crystal Eye Ltd.Tallberginkatu 1 / 44FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 694 2308Fax +358 9 694 7224mail@crystaleye.fiwww.crystaleye.fiDada-Filmi Oy3. Linja 5FI-00530 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 774 4780Fax +358 9 730 734kari.sara@fennada-filmi.fiDo <strong>Films</strong> OyHiihtomäentie 34FI-00800 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6874 4980Fax +358 9 6874 4981info@dofilms.fiwww.dofilms.fiEre Kokkonen OyViertolantie 7 BFI-01800 KlaukkalaTel. +358 400 416 730Fax +358 9 879 2371annamaija@erekokkonen.inet.fiFantasiafilmi OyTallberginkatu 1 A 141FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 540 7850Fax. +358 9 540 78530fanfilm@fantasiafilm.comwww.fantasiafilm.comFennada-filmi OyKolmas linja 5FI-00530 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 774 4780Fax +358 9 730 734kari.sara@fennada-filmi.fiFilmi-Molle OyJalasjoentie 245FI-31960 OrisuoTel. +358 2 767 6850Filmiryhmä OyVyökatu 8FI-00160 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 171 055Fax +358 9 662 602virke.lehtinen@filmiryhma.fiwww.filmiryhma.fiFilmitakomo OyMerimiehenkatu 10FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. + 358 9 4159 3620Fax + 358 9 4159 3690Mobile + 358 50 563 7980filmitakomo@luukku.comFilmtotal OyPursimiehenkatu 21FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 2486 1880Fax +358 9 2486 1881tiger@film-total.fiFS Film OyUrho Kekkosenkatu4–6 E, 5. krs.FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 207 300 460Fax +358 207 300 461matti.halonen@fs-film.fiGiron Filmi OyLapinlahdenkatu 29 A 10FI-00180 HelsinkiTel./Fax +358 9 685 442975
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7Festival contacts:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationKanavakatu 12FI-00160 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6220 300Fax +358 9 6220 Ltd.Kiuastie 7 BFI-02770 EspooTel. +358 9 8813 224guerillafilms@elefantti.infoHakalax Productions OyTopeliuksenkatu 3b 9AFI-00260 HelsinkiTel. +358 400 423 364hakalax@hakalaxproductions.comHelsingin Dexline OyTöölönkatu 32 A b 37FI-00260 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 5876 062dexline@luukku.comHelsinki -filmi OyVanha Talvitie 11 AFI-00580 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 7740 300Fax +358 9 7740 3060helsinkifilmi@helsinkifilmi.fialeksi.bardy@helsinkifilmi.fiwww.helsinkifilmi.fiIllume Ltd.Palkkatilankatu 7FI-00240 HelsinkiTel./Fax +358 9 148 1489illume@illume.fiwww.illume.fiIlokuva Naukkarinen & CoPalotie 23 BFI-02760 EspooTel. +358 9 855 4860Fax +358 9 881 3592ilokuva@ilokuva.fiwww.ilokuva.fiJackpot <strong>Films</strong> OyValumallinpolku 11FI-33100 TampereTel. +358 3 223 4210Fax +358 3 223 4256timo.kahilainen@saunalahti.fiJuonifilmi OyUrho Kekkosenkatu 4–6 AFI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 20 7300 466Fax +358 20 7300 461jarkko.hentula@juonifilmi.fiwww.juonifilmi.fiJ.W. Documentaries OyKapteeninkatu 8 F 12FI-00140 HelsinkiTel. +358 500 615 345Fax +358 9 6873 1910websters@dlc.fi76
Katharsis <strong>Films</strong> OyPohjoinen Hesperiankatu 37 B 31FI-00260 HelsinkiTel. & Fax +358 9 3422 121Mobile +358 40 7257 707hiltunen@kaapeli.fiwww.kafi.fiKinotar OyVuorikatu 16 A 9FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 135 1864Fax +358 9 135 7864kinotar@kinotar.comwww.kinotar.comKroma Productions Ltd.MagnusborgFI-06100 PorvooTel. +358 19 5348 015Fax +358 19 5348 016kroma@magnusborg.fiwww.kromaproductions.netMaking Movies OyLinnankatu 7FI-00160 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 621 3828Fax +358 9 6842 7870mamo@mamo.fiwww.mamo.fiKinoFinlandia OyPyhtääntie 5FI-00600 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 2781 783Fax +358 9 2781 763kinofinlandia@kinofinlandia.fiKinoproduction OyPasilan vanhat veturitallitFI-00520 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6850 460Fax. +358 9 6850 4610kino@kinoproduction.fiwww.kinoproduction.fiKiti Luostarinen Production KyNastolantie 36 AFI-00600 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 792 648kiti.luostarinen@kolumbus.fiKlaffi Productions Ltd.Nahkatehtaankatu 2FI-90100 OuluTel. +358 8 8811 623Fax +358 8 8811 624klaffi@klaffi.comwww.klaffi.comLasihelmi Filmi OyKalliolanrinne 4FI-00510 HelsinkiTel.+358 9 7742 830Fax + 358 9 7742 8350toimisto@lasihelmi.fiwww.lasihelmi.fiLumifilm OySörnäisten rantatie 27 C 5FI-00500 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 622 5882Fax +358 9 622 5886lumifilm@lumifilm.fiwww.lumifilm.fiMandart Entertainment Ltd.Kalevankatu 28 A 3FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 694 3142Fax +358 9 694 3136mandart@mandart.comwww.mandart.comMarianna <strong>Films</strong> OyPunavuorenkatu 5 A 2FI-00120 HelsinkiTel./Fax +358 9 622 1614office@marfilm.pp.fi77
F I N N I S H F I L M S 2 0 0 7Festival contacts:The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film FoundationKanavakatu 12FI-00160 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6220 300Fax +358 9 6220 Film Ltd.Koskikartanontie 12FI-75530 NurmesTel. +358 13 511 0100Fax +358 13 511 0111millennium@millenniumfilm.fiMRP Matila Röhr Productions OyTallberginkatu 1 A / 141FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 5407 820Fax. +358 9 5407 8210mrp@matilarohr.comwww.matilarohr.comNordisk Film & TV OyTehtaankatu 27–29 D, 3. krs.FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6689 990Fax +358 9 6689 9996antti.vaisanen@nordiskfilm.comwww.nordiskfilmtv.fiPeriferia Productions OySanterinkuja 5FI-90420 OuluTel. +358 40 541 2922Fax +358 8 650 130outi.rousu@periferiaproductions.fiwww.periferiaproductions.fiPetfilms OyPitäjänmäen asemaFI-00370 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 5617 800Fax +358 9 5617 8010petfilms@petfilms.fiwww.petfilms.fiProduction House Finland OyHöyläämöntie 18 AFI-00380 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 2293 260Fax +358 9 2293 2665info@productionhouse.fiwww.productionhouse.fiRT Documentaries OyRuneberginkatu 28 B 11FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 445 049Fax +358 9 490 692rtd@saunalahti.fiSeppä CallahaninFilmimaailma OyTelakkakatu 2FI-00150 HelsinkiTel./Fax +358 9 278 4078jari.halonen@nic.fiSilva Mysterium OyPulttitie 16 (3. kerros)FI-00880 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 7594 720Fax +358 9 7594 7240mika.ritalahti@silvamysterium.fiwww.silvamysterium.fi78
Snapper <strong>Films</strong> OyWorld Trade Center HelsinkiAleksanterinkatu 17, PL 800FI-00101 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6969 3560Fax +358 9 6969 www.snapperfilms.comSolar <strong>Films</strong> Inc.Veneentekijäntie 20FI-00210 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 4174 4700Fax +358 9 4174 4744markus.selin@solarfilms.comwww.solarfilms.comSoveri Wildlife <strong>Films</strong> OyLångörintie 4201100 ÖstersundomTel. +358 9 278 9484Fax +358 9 278 9484karisoveri@hotmail.comSputnik OyMuseokatu 13 A,FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6877 100Fax +358 9 6877 HouseTallberginkatu 1 A 141FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 5407 8233Fax +358 9 5407 8210mikko.tenhunen@matilarohr.comTarinataloPL 111FI-00151 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 612 2200Fax +358 9 612 2220ktervo@tarinatalo.fitarinatalo@tarinatalo.fiwww.tarinatalo.fiTimeless <strong>Films</strong> Lepola & MolinAurinkokuja 9FI-33420 TampereTel. +358 3 4108 8089Fax +358 3 4108 8081tf@timelessfilms.comwww.timelessfilms.comUnilumi OyLumimetsäTolosentie 100FI-99800 Ivalo Avvilinfo@unilumi.comwww.unilumi.comVideomakers OySvinhufvudinkatu 23FI-15110 LahtiTel. +358 3 7512 286Fax +358 3 7512 287hannu.niikko@videomakers.fiwww.videomakers.fiWide Mind Productions OyPunavuorenkatu 5 A 2FI-00120 HelsinkiTel. +358 40 5622 044Fax +358 9 6945 194info@widemind.fiwww.widemind.fiÅke Lindman Film-Production OyPL 18600211 HelsinkiTel.+358 45 112 0880info@lindmanfilm.fiwww.lindmanfilm.fi79
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 7Front cover: A Man’s Job by Aleksi Salmenperä |Inside cover, front: Ganes by JP Siili |Inside cover, back: Year of the Wolf by Olli Saarela |Back cover: Rock’n’Roll Never Dies by Juha Koiranen, The Leaning Tower by Timo Koivusalo, Jade Warrior by AJ Annila,A Man’s Job by Aleksi Salmenperä, Frozen City by Aku Louhimies, Christmas Story by Juha Wuolijoki, Quest for a Heart by Pekka Lehtosaari |Page 1: Year of the Wolf by Olli SaarelaEditor: Satu Elo | Translations / Editing: Said Dakash (features) / Broadcast Text (documentaries) |Layout: Maikki Rantala, Praxis Oy | Printed by: Erikoispaino Oy, Helsinki, <strong>2007</strong> | ISSN 1796-0738The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film Foundation | Kanavakatu 12 | FI-00160 Helsinki | Tel. +358 9 6220 300 | Fax +358 9 6220 3060 | |
F I N N I S H F E A T U R E F I L M S 2 0 0 7The <strong>Finnish</strong> Film Foundation82w w w . s e s . f i