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K'gg~nbs of 1924OIompil~h byQP guttior MlaesnfPurknpll Nniupr~ify85fnlume XXX1ofMnll~g~ Annual

Editor-in-ClziefIILFRED GORDON STOUGHTONAssociate EditorsFOSTER DL-xc .AS II

Bnrprnar3TP:ITH the improvement of the collegeannual at heart, the staff of L'Agendaof 1921 has labored to produce mthis volume a true reflection of "OldBucknell". The materlal between thecovers of this book is the result of wholehearted co-operation between all members ofthe staff. Should their efforts count foraught in chronicling <strong>and</strong> picturing Bucknellthey will be more than repaid.


Born May 15, 1816SaltsburgPenna.Died hlay 20, 1922I.e\visburgPenna.Graduating in the class of 18j1, returning the following rear to becomePrincipal of the l3ucli11ell Academy, transferred from the Arademy to the positionof Librarian <strong>and</strong> Profesqor of Sociolog? in the year 1894. ProfessorWillin~n E. Martin spent pmct~callp his entire life in m~d for Ilucknell University.In these lloritions he came into most intimate relntions \vitli the :]-eatbody of Bucknell's suns end daughtel--, <strong>and</strong> had a pet-sonnl acqu:lintance !\.it11them exceeded by none in the past half centurl-.I'miessor 1I:lrtin was a scholar from choice not for business reason?. hecausehe was a lover of le:~rning <strong>and</strong> culture, of at-t literature <strong>and</strong> miisic. IIecommuned with the best ~ilintis of the ages, <strong>and</strong> had such a comprehensive viewof l~uman thought, life slid institutions that Ile \\'as an inrl,ir-;tion to the studentjust entering the I-ealm of leanling. i\nd countless students of Ruclrnell nowlool.: back to him :IS their i~itellectual guide.I-Ie was aliral-s kind <strong>and</strong> considerate, 11;ippy as a king xvhen he fo~~nd someonegroping after truth <strong>and</strong> kno~\.ledge, for like the ancient Greeks he heemed tohave made his own their marvelouq motto: "\lie will follo~v the truth whet-everir leads us." While intolerant of shams <strong>and</strong> false pretense.\ l~e esprenced hisdissent in such a liindly nxmnel- that none could take offence.Professor Martin belonged t:, the old school, ~vhich mo5t fortun;~tely seemsto he corning info "its o~vn" once more, the school of thinl~el-s that strive to see<strong>and</strong> know man in his many, increasing rel;~tions in life.. He strove to find thecauses of perple\,ng conditions, <strong>and</strong> to discover how discordant elements in5ociety might be made harmonious <strong>and</strong> mutually helpful. He thought life tooshort <strong>and</strong> time too valuable to spend a life-time working in some narrow, contractedfield, when all realms of thought <strong>and</strong> endeavor make up one hody -hurnanil>r."The greatest study of mankind is man": Man who is arorth more thanclothes, llouses or food. llut for him it was the spil-itoal man-the real man,n,.t sonle contriver of things for man's use <strong>and</strong> cornfo~t.E-liz ideal schclar was one ~ h knew o the development of hum;~n thought<strong>and</strong> institutions, <strong>and</strong> saw them in their entirety. So, he strove to realize therelative value of "things" <strong>and</strong> of "thought", in order that the discordant elementsin life <strong>and</strong> society might exist together harmoniously, <strong>and</strong> produce a balnrlcedmankind, 2nd a symmetrical, harmonious civilization.

Dean Ble~~tellyn Whillipe, A.M., B.B-norn April 15, Died Janual-y 9, 1923Mertliyl TydvilI.e\vishurgWalesPenn.At the age of fourteen Lle\vellyn Phillip?, the bov, entered Rucknellr\caderny. In 1x92 he graduated from tlie University in the arts course, leavinghehind him .In ellviable I-ecord in,- indust,-y, m:lstery <strong>and</strong> high-mindedneqs.I'or seven years nAer graduation lie was instructor in the .\cademy in Greek <strong>and</strong>F.locution. After this he -tudied for three years at tlie Univel-sit? of Chicagorecrlving the degree of Doctor of Dcvinity. Later he d ~d pelt-graduate work atChicago, Rocliestel., I-larval-d <strong>and</strong> the Yniaet-sit? of P,el-lin, Gel-many.In 1892 the TI-uR~~~s ni Hucknell tiiade Iiim Professor of 1:locution <strong>and</strong>lihenjric. In tlie xlme year lie \!,as married to Miss Jennie D~vis, rr)or, whoinrvives him. In 1916 he Ira.; elected the John I'. Crorer Professor of Education<strong>and</strong> in 1918 n.;~s appointed Dean of the Univer~ity. 'These two positionsIle held at tlie time of his death <strong>and</strong> was serving as chairni:~n of tlie Catalog committee<strong>and</strong> of tlie curr~rulum co~im~ittee <strong>and</strong> \v:tc n meml~el- of the HonoraryVegt-ees committee.IIe was a man. Not in the brute sen.;e, but in (lie matters of refined cour-:qe, self-ma.;ter~- ;tnd tlie rap:lc~ty to meet efficiently the vil:~l needs of develop-111~ men.He was a gentleman, at home where mental <strong>and</strong> spiritu:,: forces swept basethings aside. Aln-ays he felt Iceenly <strong>and</strong> rey~ected fully tlic rights <strong>and</strong> experience.;of others.He was a scholar. In hi.; own realm a ma~ter, he wn.; appreciative of tlieactivity <strong>and</strong> wol-th of all del~nrtment? of the University, <strong>and</strong> enjoyed the taskof keeping ahrenir of the a-orld's advancing ma4te1-y.He was a Chi-i.;tian, l'lie con,istency of hi.; life <strong>and</strong> the genuineness of hisdevotion to Chriit are, ~>erliapi, the crowning glory to his memory in tlie mind5of the student bnd!-. No one could know him <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> his teachings <strong>and</strong>entertain small tlionghts of Christianity or of Christ.He won <strong>and</strong> drserved the admiration <strong>and</strong> love of the f:~colt)-, the students<strong>and</strong> the tn\r,n l>eople. Frrr even hnlnnce, for \vide sympathy <strong>and</strong> kindly helpfulnesshe had no supcl-ior among us.

Dr. Hunt% Home

The CkmiccrZ hboretwy

Serrcfory or thc Pnc~llt~'C'II~I:I.I s .\R.IIII.I< I.IXIII:\I~SN, .\.ITRccordrr oird Sccreiory to tirc Prc.sirloitVARY H1:r.i:~ Husr, A.D.

.l'l11 R04 Ci ARK, ,\.BR~gisfmr

OfficersJAMES SIMMONSWARTZ, A.M., New York, N. Y. ................ Clzairn~oirJorrli WAXREN DAVIS, A.1\1., B.D., I.L.D., Trenton, N. J. .... I.icr-ChairjtrnirOLIVER JOIIN DECICI:R, A.B., Mfilliarnsport, Pa. .................... SecrefaryJOHN TIIOMAS JUDO, A.M., D.D., Lewishurg, Pa. ................ TrcaszlrerMEMBERSRALPH ALONOZO .&MERMAN, F:sQ. .......................... Scranton, Pa.ROY GRIER BOST\VICK, A.M., LL.B. .............:.... Pittsburgh, Pa.MILTON G. Ev~ss, A.M., D.D., LL.D. ........................ Chester, Pa.EDWARD MCVITTY GREENE .............................. h4t. Union, Pa.JOHN HO\YARD HARRIS, PA.D., LL.D. ...................... Lewishurg, Pa.HARRY BoAnnvAN HOPPER, U.S. ....................... Philadelphia, Pa.LINCOLN HI'LLEY, PN.D., LITT.D., LL.D. .................. Del<strong>and</strong>, Florida.\LBERT WILLIAMS JOIINSON, A.B. ........................ Lel~isburg, Pa.JOIZN D. JOHNSON ...................................... Philadelphia, Pa.RUSH HARRISON KRBSS, PH.D. . . . . . . . . New York, N. Y.EDWARD F. L. LOTTE ................................. Paterson, N. J.JOHN HENRY MACALPISI: ...................... Pittsburgh, Pa.CHARLES MILLER, A.M. ....................... Franklin. Pa.SPENCER KENNAKU MTL~ORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'hiladelphia. Pa.FRANK WILLI.AJI PA~ELPORD, D.D. . . . . . . . . ... New York, N. Y.Lours WILLIAM ROBFY, A.B., LL.B. . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, Pa.CHARLES PARKER VATCIIAN, Sc.D. ................ Philadelphia, Pa.CLAR~ACE ANDRE WEYMOCTII, Sc.B. ................ Scranton, Pa.SA'MUE LEWIS ZIEGI-ER, M.D., Sc.D., LL.D. ............ Philadelphia, Pa.

BacultgPresid~l~ tEarany WILLIA~~ HUKT, D.D., LL.D.PHILOSOPHYProfessorJO~N HO\\.ARD HARICIS, PTI D., LL.D.MATHEMATICSPro jessorWILLIAJI CYRZTS BARTOL, A.M., P1r.D.Associafc ProfessorHARRY SCITEIUY EVERETT, A.M., Sc.hl., Pr5.D.InstrtlrtorJOHN STEINER GOLD, B.S., A.M.InstructorANNIE COCKS CLARK, P11.B.LATINProfessor Ev~eritzisPEANK ERXEST Roc1~nSoo~, A.M., LL.D., D.C.L.ProfessorFLOYD GEORGE BALLENTISI:, .%.hI., I'11.n.CHEhl-ISTRYProfessorWILLIAII GU~DY O\YEKS, A.M., ProfessorGLENN VINTON RROJVN, PH.D..4ssistant ProfessorWILLIAII HILLIARD SCHUYLER, B.S. in Ca.E.Associate ProfessorOREI. SAMUEL GRONLR, A.B., Sc.M.IizstrucforSARA KISTLER BROWN, B.S.

New Jersey ProfessorT~lonr~s FRANKLIN HAYBLIN, A.M., LL.D.BIOLOGYProfessorNoallnx II.~~r~i:rolr S.n:n~~r, A.R., Sc 31.Assistant ProfessorJOIIN WILLIA~I RICE, Sc.MAssistantREBA EVA MACKENTIIUMECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIEKCEProjessorMARSIIALL HEI~~, A.hf., Pl5.D.~ ~ P ~ R I A ~ ~Assistant ProfessorROY FRANCIS Howrs, A.M., LL.BProfessor of Home Econo?tzicsANNA ROBERTA CAREY, A.M.Instrzrctor irz DietcticsOLIVE I~OUCLASS, B.S. in H.E.Instructor in Hoz~sehold ArtsNOVELLO JONES, B.S. in H.E.EDUCATIONProf cssorGEORGE B. LAWSON, D.D., A.1\1HISTORYP~O~ESSO~HI:NRY TEIOMAS CUIESTOCK, A.M., P1r.D


GERhlrZNProfcssorLEO LAWREKCE I~OCK\YELL, A.M.PUBLIC SPEARINGProfessorGEORGE I'RKD RASSWEILER, A.M., R.D., n.0.EKGLISHProfessorI\~ros LEE Hrno~.~, A.M.ProfessorLEO LA~REK~I:lioc~w~~.~., A.M.ilsrocinle ProfessorOWEX GRIPPITII GROVI:~, A.M.InstvnctorHARRY REDCAY WARPIIL, A.M.Instrt~ctorFRED STCR(:I:S RETICS, A.B.ASTRONOMYProfrssorWILLIAU CYRUS BARTOL, A.M., Pr1.D.ilssistorrt ProfessorIinnny SCII~IDY EVERETT, A.M., Sc.14., P1r.D.OTHER OFFICERSCtrrator of Adzrsezhn~NrLsoN FITIIIAN DAVIS, SC.D.Director of School of fldusicPACL Gsoxcr: STOI.~, A.M.Managirrg DietitianCLARA GOBLI: SALEEditor of illnfimi AdonfAlyLEO LAWRENCE ROCKWIILL, A.M.Director of Phjsiral Education. Graduate Manager of Athletics.CLARENCEDWIX GLASS, p11.B.Director of Ph jsical Edticotion for 1VorilenAGNES RODNAN MACCANNClerkCLARA MAYI: F~n

Annual Cl.ntnm~nc~mentAI>I>RKS~-"A Irision of the Church."Fs~n Ss~'ncrs Rlr~ns, Dalton, PaAoneliss--"The Socializing Influence of the R:~dioplione."Nr:~son FITIIMN DAVIS, JR., Le\risburg, Pa.f\~nasss-"The Guardian of the Gate."Eo~n MAE FOLLPIII:.R, Milton, PadlltrsirAou~ass---"l'he Eng~neer in Eations1 Progress."\VALTIIR DEATOS GALIJRAITII, Johnstomn, Psi.Avnnsss-"tZmerica~iization by Education."C~A(.I: ro~.sr, .\luncx, Pa.i\noa~:ss--"The Executor of the r\ges."WILLIAM HERBERT SUCDI:N, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.Conferring of Degrees in CrrnrseConferring of Honorary Degrees

PRIZE OF TIIE CLASS 01: 1871.\warded in 1922 to Margaret Dorothy .\ckermanMen-AwardedWomen-AnnaFRv.sIlare~ DECLA~~ATION PRIZESin 1922 to George Richard FaintIippincott EngleSOPIIOIIORE PRIZES IN PUBI.IC SPEAXIXGMen-Wendell Holmes Woodside \\'omen-liuih Hamilton U'eidenhamerG~~ETZINGER PRIZE-JUNIOR ORATORICALMen-Lewis LeRoy Hutchinson L\jomeii-Isabella ltei~ihardt WebsterHenn1:nr TESTIN PRIZ~S1st-Dorothy Luana Davis 2nd-Nelson Fithian DavisHI:RBERT GOOD~IAS \'.~RPo\I.S PRIZI~Latin-Not awarded. Greek-Norninn Roy i\ppletonCIIAPI.AIN J. J. ~ A K E PRIZE\\rilltam Herbert SugdenRUCI

Beninr Mlnee Bistnrg1923ITN a ji~slifiable degree of pride, the class of I923 pauses at the top ofthe long hill to look back over the memory-shaded vista of happycollege days at old Rt~cknell. Our career as a clars dates hack to thefall of 1919, when the ~un~hling of the thundelous guns of war hadscarcely died away on tlie Western Battlefront. Thous<strong>and</strong>s of ouri\mericnn boys had just returned from "over there" <strong>and</strong> were flockingb:~clr to college halls. From the ranlcs of these ex-sea-vice men the class of1923 recruited an appreciable percentage of its membershil,. The presence ofsuch an element within the gl-oup considerably strengthened the class morale <strong>and</strong>imbued it with Illat fighting punch so characteristic of the American soldiersacross tlie seas. And the fact that our seminary clasan~ates were of an equallyhigh calibre accounts for the splendid acl~ieven~ents of our class.The class of 1923 first displayed its mettle by ovea-n.lrelming the hnugl~tysophoniores in tlie annnal class scl-a!). The loss of the footh~ll gmne by a nnl-,-omn1;lrgin was more than offset by our decisive victory around tlir flagpole, oir \\-hichoccasion we tore the despised sophoniore banner from its llalyards <strong>and</strong> ripped itto shreds, defying the sophomores to effect its recapture. .\nother feather wasadded to our caps when our freshman basketball team soundly trounced thesophomore aggreg.~tion. The hard-uron baseball victory in rhe spring capped theclimax to a most successful year. Dul-ing the traditional pajama parade in Junewe burned our "dinks" <strong>and</strong> incidentally stased a battle royal with the loc:ll firedepartment, who courageously ;~ttempted to lnterfere with our sacred druid celebration.As usual, the class of 1923 came off victorious, nluch to the indignationof the com~nunity in general-<strong>and</strong> the fire department in particular. Soended the fres11m;ln year, as it had begun, in a burst of fire.In tlie fall of 1920 we returned to the campus we had learned to lore, <strong>and</strong>started down that long, rocky sophomore road-feared by freshmen <strong>and</strong> despisedby upperclassmen. Once niore we won the class scrap <strong>and</strong> wrestled the footballvictory from the freshmen. The loss of the basketball game proved a bitter disappointment,but we came back strong in the spl-ing <strong>and</strong> literally ran awn>- withthe baseball ganle. Nor must it be overlooked that the girls of 1923 estztblisheda basketball record to he proud of-our hats are off to them! Again June came<strong>and</strong> with it the end of our sophomore year-half the course was run <strong>and</strong> weeagerly pressed on to the future.The junior year opened with the brightest of prospects for the class of 1923.Having literally passed through the fire <strong>and</strong> water of the "frosh" <strong>and</strong> "soph"years, we entered upon the threshold of upper-class dignity with a new perspective,an increased seriousness of purpose, a realization of opportunities lost <strong>and</strong>time wasted, <strong>and</strong> a determination to assume the campus leadership whirh thequality <strong>and</strong> calibre of our class warranted. The organization <strong>and</strong> publication ofa successful L'Agtnda was but one of the many evidences of the aggressive abilityof the class. It was not without a feeling of keen regret that we saw our jollyJunior year come lo a close <strong>and</strong> found ourselves facing the significant solenmityof the Senior year.And now that Senior year is fast merging with the years that have gonebefore. Rut a few niore months <strong>and</strong> the members of the old class of 1923 willbid farewell to tlit "College on the Hill", <strong>and</strong> to the campus of their Alnia nlater.As a class we have done our honest besl to add to the glorious prestige of oldRucknell. Into every field of campus activities-athletic, academic, <strong>and</strong> socialwehave sent our representatives; <strong>and</strong> well have they acquitted themselves. Oursincere love <strong>and</strong> iondest hopei go out to old Rucknell, w!iose ideals we shallever cherish <strong>and</strong> whose spirit we can never forget. May future yea,-s witnessthe r-ealization of that bigger <strong>and</strong> greater Rucl

MARY BARRICK HKATTY ........................................ LewlsburgHARRY SCHEIDV EVERETT ...................................... LewisburgLu'ra~n PAUL ILGEN ......................................... Mifflinbui-pWELLES NORWOOD LOWRY, I< A P ............................... CarhondaleREBA EVA MACKICNTAUX, A X C2 .............................. PhiladelphiaMARION RIESS, n B 0 .................................... Mercedes, TexasHAROLD AUGUSTUSIIAPPIIR, 3 X ............................... LewishurgB~niars---alas% nf 1923JOIIN ALEXANDICR AYIEI:RKAN, A X A .............................. DallasDOROTIIY AUER, I1 B 0 ........................................ NorristownMARIAN AYARS .......................................... Millville, N. J.MARY ETAEL BAII.EY ............................................ LatrobeFRANK STANLW BARTOSA\VICZ ................................ Mt. CarmelCONSTANCE HUNTING RI~NPI:.~T ............................ Newark, N. J.RAYMOND REARICK R'YER .................................. Bloomsb~lgEUGENE STULL BII)DI.I:, Q 3 ..................................... MuncyVICTOR AUGUSTIN BIIII., Q K f ................................ HarrisburgOLIVIC WINFRED RILI.IIIAII:, 11 15 .............................. TurbotvilleCIIARLES RICIIARD BIRCIT, '1 X A .................................. St. ClairGEORGE LEONARD RLACK, A X h .............................. \VilliarnsportARDA CRAWBORD Bowsi:~, R Q a ................................ Ford CityCOXNRLIA RUTH BOYI) ....................................... Dover, N. J.J1:ssle KESSON BI~ooK~:~, * M ................................. PhiladelphiaCLBON FERRIS ROCK, A x A ................................... HughesvilleCIXARLES TIIEOWR RCKTIPG, Q K f ...................... Trenton, N. J.ELLSWORTH EEDI: CAI.D\YELL, A X A ........................ Rochester, N. Y.HARRY MILLER CALEIOUK, A X A ............................ Port AlleganyWI~.LARD DO~GLASS C'AI.LLKI)I:R, A X M ........................ Thonlpson\VORTHINGTON CANDRICK. U I< f ................................ OlyphantLYELL CARR, B K ....................................... ConneautvilleJOY PROSS CARVLLA ........................................... LewisburpDOPALD BRYAN CLO\YARD, I< A P .......................... \Viliiiit~gton, Del.EDNUXD PEARRE COT., Ii '4 .................................. FactoryvilleCABLOTTA HARRIET COPRAD, A X C2 ...................... Binghamton, N. Y.PAVL BOPYNGE COOLI:Y, A 3 .................................... LewisburgBERTIIA ELLA CI'PF, A A A ............................. Sotit11 WilliamsportFRAKI~ ~RRPARD DANII:I.S, '3 8 3 ............................. \b'ilkes-BarreDOICALI) AI.DEIIICI: DA\.IS, K A P ............................... HomesteadNELSON FITITIAS DAYIS, JR, 3 X ................................ Lewishurga 9

ROBERT I\/IITIIAN DAI\.S(IN, @ I1 A .............................. TYatsontnwnEARL DECOCRSEY, K A P .................................. NewtonELLIS WARREN DEIBLI:R ........................................ SliamokinELI RAYMONI) STKUNIC DET~III;, 0 2 .................... GriezeniersvilleMARCARI'T DEWKS ........................................ MontroseFRIEDA EVA EBNI'R ....................................... Glasshorn, N. J.GLADYS EMRICK, n B O. M O E ................................. Sha~nokinEDGAR EL,GEN~ EN(;LISII, O @ O .............................. Jersey ShoreHAZI'L MARIE FARQVIIAII, -4 X .......................... \Vest BrownsvilleHELEN JEAN PERGUSON, n I3 .................................. PittsburghANNA MARIE FISIIER, I< A .................................. ReadingELVA BERNIECE FI-ANAGAN, n I3 6 .............................. PittsburghHOWARD NAUGLE FRY, K A P ................................... ShillingtonLLOYD CIIARLES FRY ......................................... hfontgomer?JOSEPII HARLYN FULDIRR, A 2 ................................ Olean, N. Y.ICzrocrr ANTI ION^ C;I)ASII.(, 1: X.. ............................ 3It. CarnielANDREW MARTIN C;EHRCT, I< A P ........................... ShilliligtonWILLIAM GEORGE GEIIRINC, Q @ ......................... Bridxeton, N. J.FRANCIS HO\YARD GIBSON, @ I1 A ............................. IVilkinshurgCARI. FRANK GOKIILITL, A X A .................................... ScrnntnnF.LI~ER JOIIN GRAY, '3 I< ...................................... TorranceDALZELL MELVIN GRII:PITII, K A P .............................. JohnstownMARY ELIZARETII GRO\'I:, @ M .................................. LewisburgLUCILE ANITA GL'TELIUS ...................................... Lewlshurp.BYRON WILI.IA~I 13~11~. I< 2 ................................ Wilkes-RarreCLAIR WILLIAM HALLICAN, I< A P ............................... EplirataEI.INOR SOLLY HANNA ....................................... PhiladelphiaPAUL EDWARD HAICDINC. A L ................................ WilliamsportPERILLA RAVINA HARNER ..................................... Mt. Carmel11-NNIK ~TARGARET HARI:INGTON ........................... Weston, W. Va.I~~BI~RT JOSEPII HARTLIEB, I< r ................................. LebanonALF~RD HERBERT HASLAII, K 2 ................................ PalniertonRfrLnnrn ALICE HAYOEN, A X R ................................ GreensburgMARY GERTRCDE HEIL~IAN, A A A ................................ OakmontMII.~~ I+LNNINGE~, @ 8 2 ..................................... ShamoliinLTIIEL ~,~.ARY HENRY ........................................ LewisburgU'AL~I:R :.IIII)EL HILL, JR., L X ................................... ScrantonCYRUS Hoel.~, I< X ......................................... Wilkes-RarreDANIEL WALKER HOLLO!VAY, O 8 2 ........................... Alden StationFRANK WARREN HOIAN, JR., Ii 2 ............................. PhiladelpliiaFLORI~NCE ELIZAR~TII HORAII, b M .............................. Lewisburg1-EICRSTER HIPPLI: HORAM, L A li .............................. LewisburgANNA HOROSCIIAK, A A A ........................ .. Perth Amboy, N. J.HAROLD STKINKR Il~~s~rar:~, L A E ......................... Portl<strong>and</strong>, Ind.ELIZABCTII H~RST, A X R ...................,................. Norristown'LEWIS LEROY HI..I.CIIISOK, A L .................................... Reading41)

RICIIARD KELLY HUTCIIISOR, A E ............................... AltoonaMARION ALETIIS JACIC, I< A ................................ \\'a!ne, N. J.ALFRED Vonrs J-&COBS, A 2 ..................................... Dnnv'lleJEAN PEARLE JOIXNS ............................................. CressonJAMES HAYES JOLLY, O Q Z ....................................... PittsvilleGEORGE HADFIELD JONES, Z: X ................................... HomesteadHARRY WALTER JONES, I< Z: ..................................... CentraliaAI.VIN FRED JULTAN, @ K y ...................................... ReadingFRANCES DORANDO I

RUTH ADELE RETIIL, A A A ................................. Roselle, N. J.SAMUEL HARMERICKARD, JR., @ r A .................. PhiladelphiaRORERT ELVEN ROSS, A X A .................................. RidgwayBRYAN CREST RO.~IIPUSS ............................. I\lontoursvilleALMA WINIFRED ROYER ........................................ HazeltonDAVID ARTHUR SANGSTON, I: X ............................ McClell<strong>and</strong>to\vnGERALDINE SCIIMI:CKLR, n B @ ................................ \VatsontownELSII~ DDNALDSON SCIXUYLTR .............................. LewishurgMARTHA MARIE SIIAPICR, A X Q ........................... Hobolcen, N. J.WALTER BLANCFIARD SIIA\Y, Q I: ........................... Lcr\.ishui-gRICHARD WILLIA~I SIILI~PI:~. K 2: .................................... YorkDOROTHY BROONI: SHOLL, 11 B @ ........................ Burlington, N. J.PENNELL McCoy SIIX:~IAKI:R .................................... SunburyMARGARET ELIZABET~I SMAIL, n B @ ...................... WilliamsportRERTEIA LOUISE SIIITII, K A ................................ PhiladelphinDONALD RYLANCL SMITH, @ r A ............................ LewisburgNINA GRACE SIITII, A X 0 ....................................... DaursonWESLEY EDWARD SA~ITII ....................................... AltoonaGI:ORGE WASI~IX~ON SOI'R, O A 2 .......................... Jersey ShoreEARL EMMANUEL SDUSLI:~, O B I: ............................. HamburgANNA MAY SPRAI~B, I< A ...................................... LewishurgJENNIE ETHLCEX STACI

~uninr @Lass '3;Histnrg1924IiIi.\THINC; the iree air of the life of upperclassmen that nohle bodykno~vn as the clais of 1924 I~astthis year burst from its hloom into thefruitfulness of a true class of Iluck~iellians. Honors from the riglit,from the left, <strong>and</strong> from all about hnve been slio~rered upon '34 asiq~on no olhcr c1n.s in rlie 11isto1-y of tlie university. Tliese honor3Imve come in the form of election5 <strong>and</strong> appointments to man!- me11:-hers of the class <strong>and</strong> 11;lve in turn reflected the glory of '34. Two of the threeeditorships of the Rucknellian, includiug the Editor-ill-Chief, the editorship oftile Students H;lndbook, better known as the "Freshman Bible", <strong>and</strong> numerous1n-esidencies of organizations only gu to show tlie true niettle of the "l~ost n.:lrcl;~.;s" as it is often termed..\ rerortl for victories <strong>and</strong> "scmp?" lasting over the t\vo previous years nfour life as "Collegians" speaks for itself <strong>and</strong> as \ve think over tlie events t1i:ithare heen life itself to us as a class we are compelled to look at our mirroredreflection today as sponsor-s for the class of '26. In the salne light as honol-ed:,nd 1ionor;tble Juniors n-e 511-ive to live up to our set stnndarrli for both ourgiol-r <strong>and</strong> til;tt of our o\sn Iluchnell.Past years have been lilled \\.it11 jol-a, sorrons, trinl*, md ;ill the ~arino.emotion5 that come onl?- during college d;~y~ <strong>and</strong> hut passing t!~ouglirs of thefutule make us \visli to live oLer the past <strong>and</strong> to mal;e brighter that future.Should we faithfully sponior the class of yearling- along the riglit 1,)- roads ofcollege life <strong>and</strong> slio\v them the full nleaning of college in its coniplexity we shnllhr. happ3-. In tlie words of Dl-. Hunt'' .. . . . it is tlie problem of lif-a problemin proportion" we find our duty; lo find the right proportion. Not to find itfor ourselves but to impart our knowledge to others.We will be "others" next year a? stately Seniors <strong>and</strong> then again shall n-ekuow a cha_ii~ as \ve became alumni, but tlle problems of life are wit11 us inever increasing strength <strong>and</strong> to master them <strong>and</strong> oursel\.es \\.ill reflect ul>otl <strong>and</strong>rechristen our dear old '34.

3uniar MLaee Off is~rs

0 ! Here's to the name that rings down the years,And here's to the scenes cluster'd 'round it,.4nd here's to a summons for laughter <strong>and</strong> tearsWherever old classmates have found it!Ring out, loyal voices! Ring out, college bells!Let tongues, lusty clappers, be sounding "Bucknells"!Let the hillsides resound with "Bucknells"!There's a charm in the octave of letters arrang'dFor the pulses to catch <strong>and</strong> beat strong to;And the name, like our hearts, we would never have chang'd-God knows 'twould be utterly wrong to!So again, booming basses, like Muscovan bellsDown the valleys he sending your bounding "Xucknells"!Make the valleys abound with "Bucknells"!They sing of a warrior who fell in the frayIn the days when to love was to fight for,And a name, dearest name, drew his last breath away,A name he had battl'd all night for;But to live is far better, say I,--so 'tis wellFor the tenors to sing, <strong>and</strong> not die, for Bucknell.To tune a bit high for Bucknell!One scarcely can claim that there's nought in a name\?'hen it comes to the hearts of the ladies,So, where it's a question of balance of fame,Who blames me for choosing to say "These!"Their beauty <strong>and</strong> wit respond to the spellThat is cast by the magical word "Bucknell".O'er the lasses of Old Bucknell.So, here's to the name that's the same with the >-ears,And here's to the st<strong>and</strong>ards it st<strong>and</strong>s for,The hope of its prophets, the faith of its seers,The love that we've join'd h<strong>and</strong>s to h<strong>and</strong>s for!Ring out, generations! Ring out, future bells!With an unending chorus of bold "Bucknells" !While the heavens send o'er us "Ruckuells"!

GRACE HOPE ALLARDICE~'jolmny"aleshoppenMeshoppen High School.4. B. Coarre; Glce Clrrb (3) ; Closs Hock1.y (3).Grace has a keen sense of loyalty \vhether it be herScotch ancestors or Bucknell in question. That virtue togetherwith her good nature <strong>and</strong> generow disposition haswon for her many Iriendr. She IS faithfnl <strong>and</strong> industrious.SO much so when it comes to referrnee work that we claimshe is majoring in <strong>Library</strong>.FRANKLIN DAVIS ARNOLD, K L"Bong"LewirburgLewisbnrg High SchoolL'zzril Eftginepriug Course; A,nrricorr Soricljr of Ciz~il Blr.lirwerr;Varsity Footboil Sqaod (I, z) ; Vursily Trnrk Sqttnd(I, 2, 3) ; CIteer Leader (3) ; C!nss I'oulhrll (I, 2) ; ClnssTrack (I, 2) ; Prcskaro,r Hop Couzr>tiltr.e: .Sopkoorovr ('olilliorrComariftre; Closs Cberr Lrtzdrr. (r, z) ; .lsrislont Ilu.vrvtcssDfanoger L'Agercdn: ltrrrior Smoker- Cu~r&rr>tlecWhat's in a nickname? "Bang" is the embodiment ofpep, vim <strong>and</strong> enthusiasm. His activity displays ltreli eq~tally~vell at a dance or on a football field llis brain works sofast that at times his vocal organs havc to call a halt. \Viththe fair sex, he's versatile. Stock Qucstian: "\\Tho has yourpin now, 'Bang'?"EDWARD THOMAS ASIJAIAN, cP I' A"64", NantieokeNanticoke High SchoolI. R. Cotcme; Football Sqmd (r, 2) ; Gloss Poolbnll (r, z) ;Sapkorztore Cotilliotr CO~II~L~~~PE.This versatile <strong>and</strong> happy prodttct of the hard coal regionshas once again returned to our favored iostitotioo. I

lABEL BLIZhRETIl BAKER, ID M".lfnb"VickrburgIlifflinburg High SchoolIkratcstic Scterscc Corrr.re.hlahel commutes from Vlclrsburg every day <strong>and</strong> "thatFord of I3ills" crrtainly maker a Iihe alihi for tardiness.llrr qolrt, relined manilcr <strong>and</strong> sweet smile bavc woo forlhrr many frirnoollildiaua State Xormal SchoolNew Vork ll~litarv .4cademvr' .I B, Coz~vs~; l'nrsily I~o~~Il~~~ll(I, 2); For.~ily Bc$eloll (r,2. .?I ; L-Ins$ B~rskeIOcili (r, 2) : Cnplnirr I:rcs/~star~ Foolloll;C'less Trcostrrer. (2): .iobiir~orr~,~-Uirci~~~~~ll ClubThis ~ndurtrious individual hails from the famed townh of l,l~,~stow,, To sum m, liis bus" career at Hucknell wouldbr allnost a hopeless task, rl~s greatest nrhirvcment, howrvrr,was his ahle piloting of this year's "Froah" elevpn tovictory. As a twirler Grorne is ~rconrl to IUOII(I at Iittclinell..\I> able atl*lcte, a good scholar, <strong>and</strong> loyal friend, make Bellak;I rcxl 13. {I. man.LOUISE IIORGAN BENSHOFF, A A A. C. E. A."Bennie"JohnstownJohnstown Ilieh School.I II Cnirrsc: Job~tslorcr,-Rt

\Yhcn you arc Iunking for a jolly chap who has bia~lls.bnt doertl't work thcm ovrl-timr: who has mo~~cal talrnt <strong>and</strong>cloesn't try to imprrss 11 upon othrrs; wba has husinens nbliity<strong>and</strong> still liudr time lo makc irregular visits to the "Srm ':in othrr wrlrds. wllcll you'rr lonk~ng for a good "buddy".stop nt thc lrl Coirrrr, Cltortirnl L?qiinrcril,g Sociely:1.nrsilp Bnketbnll Squad ir, r, 3): Class liosbetbirll (I, 2).Basketball <strong>and</strong> pinochle occupy a lot of "Dick's" time, butnot too much to kerp lhirn from pursuing a hcavy course Inchemistry. He often wrrk-ends at home "down the Illlc"so that we don't see mnch of him except when he is "onthe go".JO11X COOPER BIRD, A 2: Y"IoR**ie"ShamukinShamokin High Schclol.lfedo,tico/ Brruiicccr.vtrr . . Cotrrsr: Bzrckrreli Hnnd (3)."Johnoie" is a good pal, a studcnt, comrarle <strong>and</strong> friend.He hails to us from rrgioltr where the anthracite coal 1sbest His htlmor, sm~lc <strong>and</strong> speech make him popular will,thr hoys Yrt ~n spite of all this lhe 1s a quirt, rrscrvcdsort o' chal,. "Johnnie" is blessed wit19 rnergy.

HESKY \VLLLI:AZL BRESSLER. JR., m Q Z"Bill"SonburySonbury Iliglt SchoolC i d lirtgis~rrri+zg ('o~wsr: A,nericnri Sor,rl? of CRlil Erpi-IICI-TS; I_'_lye,8d


JENNIE ELI%.iBBTII CLARTC''Ie,,3,,e''llahnffryBradford Iligh SchoolA. B. Conrse.Ah! here she is, digni6rd axid prim, that's Jennie allover. Rut see that st~ulc! 'That says a lot. Jennie is quitea rtodei~t, <strong>and</strong> prrirrs the English dcpartmrnt to all othersShe srernr immune to the attraction of Bt~cknell men bntwe have an dea-.1IILL)RED LOUISE CLAYTON"Sl~orl"MeshoppenMerhonnen Hish Sel~aolA. B. Corrr-se; Clors HocBcy (3).\Vitty, frill of fun, <strong>and</strong> a good sport even nbm herpropensity for playing pranks comer hack in a joke on hcrthat's"Short".ller intrreat is broad for she is mnjoring in history, isan ardent lover of nature, <strong>and</strong> outside of B. U. thinks theNavv is about tllc bcrt rvrr.MARY lIILDRED CLOWER, II B @"'Mid"WestWent Chester Iligh School..I. R. C0rrr.r~"llid's" good looks, pleasing personality, <strong>and</strong>ability, m every line from horcrhack riding tomake her well fitted to take her place anywhere in<strong>and</strong>, if need be, to even enter the ranks of such an c<strong>and</strong> collservative class as the English nobil~ty.KESNETH LORNE CODER. B K Y''Ke~ert"WilliamsportWilliamsnort . Hie11 - School.A. 8. Cnwrrr; DeRntiqg Sqtxnd (3); Mhirterinl Ars'r,; 1.g-~on,ir~q ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Club, - HTTCO.?.I T ~ (2, ~ ~ 3): c IC~CClttb I(I,3) :Sophornor.c 01.atoricnl Corttrst: Class I'ice-Prcr (3) ;Rstrb>~rllinr~ Stnff (3): L'Apr>rdn Stof.After roaming abwt the world, <strong>and</strong> Ohio, "Ken'' came10 Nucknell with the be.t of tntentions. Hr still has them.<strong>and</strong> with his idralr, will iomc day realiie them. He is astudent of nr, mean ability, <strong>and</strong> when he applicr himself toany work, it SWS. HO~VCYCT, \YC must rn~ntjoll one fal7lt.-Ihi. intcrrsl in "the prl".

- -- --- .inc&c~~~,994 i f . ,& - OF - -- 1924-aNERLE GREENE COLVIN, A X M"Mcrle"CliffordCarbondale High SchoolB~ologirnl Cotrrse; Pre-Alcdirnl Society; Shdetzt T/oht~rt~erAsrociatiou, President (3): Rtr

3I.\LCOL\I P.\UL CRANLIELL".ll"~".I-owundaT'ow<strong>and</strong>a High SchoolL'lcr~rirnl I.'ngirrrrrine Loiwse; Aaie~icnn Instilrtls :at 13. C.. Evm "Simp" admtts that our "Alac" is astodrnr. I'ortry is his iaillng-either Perusing or Produc~ng11 'ihr orqinnls *isrd to travcl to New York state ill pinkcnrrl~gi!t~w$.Salrtn rent os a line product in the person oi "C. 1':'Ilr is n quiet <strong>and</strong> rrservrd fellow <strong>and</strong> is resprctrd by lhiscl:~rsmatrr. llir sclucted field of cngincerit~g will give himn ~,l;tcc to work otrt his idcar. 11) regard to the ladies--well.wc call't lcll !vl,at his ~otcntionr arc.ROSR OLIVE CURTIS"Rosnlze"WayolartI'vrrit City High School.I. 13 1 airnr: I'redrrron Derlonmlior& Corrlcrl; .Sopbo,rrorc1,,.,,1,,,.,rol cl,lllr~tklrrr's a girl who has proved that patience <strong>and</strong> perrercr;nocrrpcll success. No task is ever too great for her tonttrml,l <strong>and</strong> her motto seems to he: "What's worth doingIS n~,l-tll doing well". Among other assets we find a genernusnntttrc <strong>and</strong> a willionoess to help othcrr.CllARLES l;REI>ERICI< D.ANDOIS, I\ X A''Dor&rry''Jersey ShorrHrllrionte hcadczny('lirrtril-nl Evrginerrhrg Coirrse: Clzernicnl Eugine

FLOREXCE TURNER DARE, I1 I! d"Flo"1:ridgrton. S 1.Hopcwr.ell Townsliip High Schoolllotric Lcoaornirs Corrric; (;ii.lr' Glee CIttl, (3); 'rr.i.osirr.o.Grr.1~' Closs (I): 1'. 1V. C .I. Coafrr.rllrr C'o>na?illrc (,qI :Lloss Iloc-l:lg C"j7lnirl (3) ; Clcisl .\',r,,lcrols (1)."1:la" is tl~c original gloom chaser-thc gers~~~~itirntiooni iricpresslble youth 2nd good spirtts. But rl~e can be sym-~~atl>rtlc as !veil as ~IOI~CIOIIIC, <strong>and</strong> seriou* 15 well as erobcr-;~nl lIcr devotiot> to 1x7 friends, lhcr inn-loving ~IS:)OFI-Iton, <strong>and</strong> her sroial pcrronvlity make "Flo" one of thc snust~>opt~lar girls nn tllc caoipna.\\l

HII.l):\RERKITICE DEWITT"Hilda"SunburySunbury Htgh School-4. B. Corrrsc.As a Freshman Hilda Icd the strenuo~ts life of a commuter.Then linding the atmosphere of the college townmore coildncive to concrntrated study than that of the noisycity, she nod Iva decidrd to board in town, Hilda is smallhut she is not afraid of big difficult problems, especially inmath.IVA IRENE DeWITT",z,n',Sunbur,Sunbury High School.A. B. Lu,wsi..Tva 1s a Backnellian by tradition as well as by persuasionfor hrr fathcr is a Bocknell ma..Ever since Pr~shman year \vhen Iva drew a "straight A"she has kept tl~r her reputation as a scholar <strong>and</strong> is now"knocking Illr spots out of D:alogyV in which she ismajoringCIIARLES WEISER DINGER, A X A"Cltick"ReynoldsvilleKeynoldsville High School-I 13. (-o,ri-sc. Arristnrrt ir, Bnslzctlnll (3); Chnirrtnrt Jtrrrgor.S,,ioltc.i- C'OIIIIIII~~FF.Rcynoldsville gave nl~cknell a true son when she sent"Chick" into our miclst. llis llrilnary object in cominx toBucknoll was to ga~n knowledge, but he has gone furth~rthan that n.llich can be seen bv the number of friend? hehas <strong>and</strong> by the ncimher of telepl~&lc calls he receives from 180.CHESTER ARTHL'R DRENNING, B r A"Chess"WrightsvilleWrightsville High SchoolChcirric.01 E,ryi>recr.iftg Corrrse; Cketriiral B!&gimeerbtg SocietyThe subject of this photograph has the distinction ofcoming from the rcgions of "ice fumtnes". Reluctantly heleft hls fair ones-especially the one that wrltes so rnar~vletters-<strong>and</strong> came up to Rucknell. He is of the qniet ean~erttype, is fond of telling jokes that need dissection, <strong>and</strong> is aman well hked by all the boys-<strong>and</strong> the girls.

EARL SYLVESTER DUNL.4P. O O 2"D,,rt,tre"IIantot~rsvillehfontourrville High SchoolChcmirol Etrr~raeerirm Corrrre; CAe+nicnl E~tgi*rrrring Sorte-13%; Bucliaelli

.IICiF.,\\'ill~nmsport\Villiaaispurt High Scboul:I. 1;. C'nersc; /.~,rntrztng Lut~>rty-B~:r/~ii~~ll Cltrb; Clnrr.V,,,,,C~~Iif llary's y,rcialtles. As B compalliorithaughtfol,drpn>d;~blc, gcnenlos, <strong>and</strong> rincerchlary tr src.al I"~I.I:I+.\SK I'RRMONT Ilid" quiet? No, indeed! Not when you really knowIwr. Onr would hardly expect a demure little lass to practicethe art oi vamp~ng among the faculty. Rut that's whatshr dirl She has Inever neglected hrr studics, however. PSprcially>lath her Sophomol-e year. .4nd ion. thrrr's lutsof it in ">Id".

SIARGARET ELLEN EVERITT, A A A"Pl!7."~"Allrllwoodhllcnwood High Schoolhlilton High School/I. Ia!~vlllrDnxiville High SchoolAllegheny I'rcpCarucgir l'rchl?lm~ricnl E?c~izrecri>!~ CO~IYSC; .4~,1~rimn I~~.~lilz~l~(of l:/

HELEK GI?RTRL'DE FISHER, 51 b E' U,r,cB"LewirburgLervisburg High SchoolHucknell School of Nusic ~gtg.I. H Conrsc; Glim Cltrb (2).Hclen is an all 'round stndcnt. Although she nraduatedfrom the School of hlosic while in High School, the "Hlil"st111 offered other coorrcs which attracted her. She reairtercdas an A. LI. <strong>and</strong> later cnrolled in a course hornannature with lab period.; as dances at the Kappa Delta Rho110115.RALPH RHINESIIITH FLEMING, K A P"Gob"Patterson, N. J.Pvter~on High Schoollilcrtricol I

GRXEVA RT.;\TRTCE GERLACII, * Af"Gclir"Hazeltunllarrlton High School,A l3. Co~twc; 1;rill <strong>and</strong> 1;rorvv~."Gcne" thinks she woold like law for a profession <strong>and</strong>if you lhavc evrr brarcl hpr defc~~d her point you would raythat slw has chosen wiwly. ller l~vely wit, pleasing personallty,<strong>and</strong> rarc anrl grace of mnnnrr comm<strong>and</strong> the admlra-11ot1 oi all with whom she comrr in contact -.\nd shp Ihate~cats.IIENRY ASSON GLOVER, JI

1IOI:EKT RUSSELL GR-\Y, a I< 'I'"1're.r"Br:idm\ilir.Latrobe lligh School.I R Cotr~sr; Clcrss P~,albell (2): iirr P~.critior. Satc,kc.r tnpular <strong>and</strong> retiring (but nl\vays to brrl I. I lc i. an Ihonurcd"Sem" goest, brcanre Ihe is so srld

'l~llVhl.\S lllClI.\El~ ll.\>l>lOSl~, X X. @ A 'I'"1'"rIt's"R c ~ ~ ~ ~ l d ~ ~ ~ l l ~Reyt~oldrv~lle High School.1. D. Course; Arrisli~itl .Iiosogri- Bndc~lbnll (3)."Tom" halls from tlie soft coal rrgions nncl \vrlcomrsthe clean frcrll air of ournoffnlo \'alley. IIf ir a quietretlrtng chap, (mostly retiring). Slefp 15 lhis favi>rtte COIITW,havinp made a rtraipht ".A" ill it duving his tltrrc ywrs illLEV1 FK:\MCIS I-I.ARTM:ZX, A 1:"Hirk"\VilliarnsportWilliamsport High SchoolRlrctricol I:'ngi~!rerrng Corrr.~~: dnrc.riron Soricty cf ElcrlvirnlEugt>reers; Htrckr?ell-Lycorrii~~~~ C??,rtly Club: PirslAssistnnr Foolbull dlnao!!rr. (3); 1'r.rrbnrn~r Ilob Cunrrlril-Ice; Clorr Clzcrrlcndr~ ( r): Cb~rrrncorr, Sopl~orrro~~c Coril-Iiott Coa,tztilfrc; Clors Trrostc~.cr ( 3) ; .l,#,rior I'ro,ri Co,nuii1tc.eInvestiaate any crowd on the carnpnc <strong>and</strong> you'll find"Hick" in the middle playing "corr-boy". IHe spent his Sophmoreyear staging the Cotillion <strong>and</strong> vainly trying to keepIntact the door panels of his East Collegc room As fortbc nice things we could say-well, he \year- a 7% 1x4 e o ~ROBERT CHRISTIAN MEIlI, Q 1' A"Bob"Lrwi\borgLewiebrrrg High School.I. R. L'oursr; Poolboll Aln~ro~/~.r-lllc~cl 192.3'l'his good-looking i~ldi\icliinl with tlir culd. h;ird express:ooof soppressed ferocity la one of the modest <strong>and</strong> sedatrmrinbrrr of oor noble class If there is a hitrier man inI.rwisburr, he has yrt to bc iouild. .4 qtadent of the 6r.1urdrr, he never tires in tllc pursuit of A's. "Rob" does n:,tconline his genius to partiming in books. llr ir ;) gor,dicllow <strong>and</strong> a true frlendROI3ERT I'R.\NK lII~ISEIitfccVhis distingnished Juntor IS a frllotv \vhorn creryhodyI;kes: a sort of hannlers. uoobtrurtve <strong>and</strong> srclur re larl. Lil;cthe clder Heiser, "BoV ir a great lover of the hlg out-doors,a real sportsman <strong>and</strong> an rxprrt tnnrhrm;ill.

1V.4 ROBER'I'.-\ IIEI.LER, A A A".SBii,,i\l"Willlamsport\Villinmsport High SchoolA. B. Cowrsc; Lycorrtiug Cosvty CI.6: Alhlelic Assorinlio~~Trcnrlrrer (2); l'. IV. C. Boord (2); Cknirrrinr~ Cotrfci.-errcc Corr,rritfcc 1'. IV. C. A. (3) ; Enyle~~rlere Dclegnl~~(2); Closs Pocless (I) ; J,rrr$or Hoc1:ey 7'eorn."Skinney'sV a surc cure for the blues! "Prexy's" vibrationsoriainated it! her laughter. Can't you imagine her bcingruig leadrr at a Y W, convention? And she's the bestkind of a fr~rnd <strong>and</strong> so rlemocratic. Money nor family norfraternity connections matter nought to Ida, it's "personalilyplos".FLOYD GROVE HElIPl', @ K Y'"Hct8zarie"New Cumbcrl<strong>and</strong>Xew Cumberl<strong>and</strong> Ilish SchoolIIlcrtricnl E$~,qinecriltg Coarsc: 1st Asristorit dfortngcr Track(3); Class Trork (I); Clo$$ Uasrboll (2)."Hammer" loves eng;neering, fudge <strong>and</strong> week-end"dames". Although quiet at times, he usually gets what Iteropr after, which is mostly a rest.IllIRnliRT \\'ILLI.AlI HENNIRG, @ K Y"fI,,li'I>unkirk, X. Y.Dunklrk Minh SchoolChc>rrirrrl lingi,reer.btg Lbto.sc; CRor~irnl Etrgli~rerirrg Sorir-Is: I'e,:rity I;oolbnll (3); "W Cltrb; Closs Poolboll (I);Clasr Bescbnll ( I ); Closs Beskclbnll (I) ; SoplrorrroreCotiIlio,~ Corrr?nillrr.Studrnt <strong>and</strong> athlrte-a rare combination! He is young<strong>and</strong> r~prricoced, bnt he is nwcr lnlpre~sed by a girl. Thcrcmust be somcooe in Ilonkirk.ETHEL MARY HENRY"Elkel"LewirburgOrceola llillr High SchoolCentral State Normal SchoolState Collcgc Summer SchoolA. B Corrrsr; ~Wnlhrrr~elics Cltrb.Ethel seem* to believe that "a little knowledge is a daageronsthing" for she is an earnest rtodent. lo her questfor knowledge she has sojourned in various halls of learningto drink from the Purist, spring. Recently she obtainedadvanced st<strong>and</strong>ing so she will bid us goodby this year.

ANN,\ S'~1Norristorvn lliah Scbool.I 1j Cotcr.sc; tilc~c Club (1, 2, 3) ; 1. Il?. C .'f. C~oi~int~l (2):C'ice-l'rrsidc?il Y, 11'. C. il (j): i:r.il/ nrrd 1"i.ort.s: .S/,rdc,tlGor,cr.rjjrrcrtl Lbnr~tilio,~ (3) : C oiii.gr Girls' Rcrrptiorr (OULr+~illm(,I; Jt,,,,,,r 1l"~I~"~' 7',; 7'r#Y,sz,rer J,,,,2y" came wit11 "intentions" of taking up theminlrtry hut for some mysterious reason his noble purpose~h~ngrd ~~nder tbc influence of "Dosty's" controller. Jim'srtror~~ paints are baslirthall, iootball <strong>and</strong> the fair sex. Hisgn>i;d frllowrb~p bas brmlght h~m many friends.

HENRY WALTER IIOLTER. 2: A ETO?^"HowardHoward High SchoolCentral State Normal SchoolA. B. Cottr-se; U S. Arvig; L'Agcrtdn Stofr."Tow" is second of Nolter fame to migrate to old B. U.Like his brother. "Tow" is on the inside of college adminirtrattvecircles, assisting in the Alumni Office. This quiet<strong>and</strong> self-porrcrred young man has pro\nl to be a very rat-, isfactory student, a man of rare ability along executive lines,<strong>and</strong> a man to whom all can go for sound counfel <strong>and</strong> adviceELLIOTT STEPHENS HOPLER, K A P"Fln*"Roxhury High SchoolDover Hieh SchoolL.'lecfricol Eagi~rceririg Coxrsr; Atrtcvirort Irrstitrrtc of ElcctricalEngir~crrs; Arsistcnt Rnse6nll Alnuogcr (3) ; IlzcktrelliosiStaff (3) ; dfnther,tolics Clsb; J,~trior Provr Car,-nriltee; Preridcrrt North-Jer5ry Bttclrrrell Cl~b; L'AgethdnStaff.With a smile, this sedate young prince from the Statrof the rising sun, radiates good ieeling <strong>and</strong> dirpcls gloomwherever he goes. IHe is our Beart Bnrmmell, a confirmedfusser <strong>and</strong> an inveterate correspondent. Yes, <strong>and</strong> an engi-~nfer-hut even ensinerrs have accidents on Jersey roads.THO\lAS IGMATIUS HORAN, K L, G A T"Bog"Locust Gapivlout Carmel High SchoolElectrical E~tgilirering Course; Blectrirnl Rnxir~cerhcg Socieb;Vnrsity Footboll Squad (I, 2); Varsity BnrBrlboN (z):Closs Pootboll (r, 2) ; Class Bnslrctbnll (r, 2) ; Cnptoilr (r) ,I.icr-Prsrident Class (2); Junior Prorrr Lbf,unzttreSeldom do we find a stodent, an athlete, a "good fellow".an Irishman, <strong>and</strong> an optimist all combined in one but "heresto Box" for without orre of there oualities he wouldn't hethe "Tbmmy" Horan everyone know;. Actions speak loodr:rthan words <strong>and</strong> "Tommie" sure can make a racket.XILDRED ELIZABETH HOUSEMAN, .4 X R"Mid"AltoonaAltoona High SchoolA. B. Course; Blair Corcnly-Bucknell Club; Clnss Hockq (3).A thorough believer in the "grpe diem" idea is "Mid".As a dancer she cannot be beat <strong>and</strong> as a friend she is quiteas fine. She likes girls, men, Watsontown, feeds, dances, automobiles,<strong>and</strong> work occasionally. An all around good sport!

ROLAND OGlLVlE IWDSOS, A X M"Hlld"LansdaleLanrdale High SchoolA. B. Course; .hlinistcrial Associotiort; Closs Trnclz (1);Class Footboll (2); Jitriior Sntolwr. Co

FOSTER DUNCAN JEMISOG, X X, Q A T".Ic?I!~E"Prn,ccton, N. J.Peddle lnrtitutrA B. Cosrsr; 1.nr.sily Poolbnll (I, z. 3); I'arsily Rtrs

REV. 1'11011.45 \\~\'ILI.IA\I JONES, K B P, T K ATO^,,"~, lil~~~~~l~~~fh ..Plymouth IIigh SchoolCrorer Theological SemtoaryTemple Evcning CollegeUniversity of PenhsylvaniaA B. Co,~r~c; Mt~~i$tcriaI Assorintioa; I',i,-rity Ilc.betii,gTenvr (2. 3); Y. d4. C A. L'nbiact (3)."Tom" is not only a successful pastor hnt has pro\rnhimself a dependable, detennlnrd, ogtimi\tic ;o>cI ~n rvrrysense of the word "real man" as well as a loyal class-mi~tr<strong>and</strong> an excellent mixer. "If you want it dotw g:vc it to ;1busy man" 1s synor~o~nous with "If you want it cion", \vho cirocombine a hobby <strong>and</strong> ain such proper l)roportio~~r.(.fh!s causes us to sopgest that Steilllnrtr's succcsror m:Lynot be far from home.)CLYDE ERNEST KELLY, 4 K Y'"Ti,,,"Scottd:~lrScottdale High Schoollliolop~rol Courrs; Assistnnt Bnsrl~crll dlarlniici- (r, 2);lur8ior Proel Co~rr,intlrr.Society. 'That's "Tim's" stuff. He never misses a"Sem" function <strong>and</strong> trips a mean tor, as cvrryonr \\,illroorh. He a typical Prr-1lrd of the modrrn age.

ADELAIDE LOUISE KING. K A"Adclnida"Plahfield. N J.Westfield High SchoolPlainfield High School11. B. Corrrse; Gir./s' Clnss Treasurer (2).If quletnesr earned richer. Adelaide would be a millionaire.She is a sweet, demure larrte who is always ready tohrlp a "buddy" without thcir arkme twice. Althoogh shrdoesn't tell everything, we think that her heart beats warnmlyfor a "Rob" away ofi in Stceltan.ELEANOR GRANT KINGSBURY, d M,,c,"'..Ilolyoke. Al;~isFlolyoke lligh SchoolNorthfield SeminaryA U. Conrse; Y. 11'. C. A. CoDirrct (3); Hoirsc Prr.rkteri1(3) ; Girls' Glee Clrrb (3) : dfolhe,nalics Cl~b; Mnlhl-rrt~rlics . Issisln~~f; Cla.rs Hockey (3).This prlrn littlr Puritan rnlss who is not too prim tn 6-a good sport has won our hearts by her sweet smilr <strong>and</strong>gfntle manners. One of her many virtues is dependabll>ty.She is right there every time. Although Eleanor bas chuscnmathematics for her major her clasrroorn record shows or;%n"A" in every lineFIXER FRANCIS KINYOUN, K A P,',7"'".', .,=Penn Yan, S, Y.Penn Yan Academy.Ilrcl~ovicnl Engiiwerirt.q Cotrrse; A~nrrrrnrt Society of dbcckorzicolErbgitrrcrs; I.-r-cshncrrr~ Hop Corrziitiffc+; Jtraior-Sri~ol?er. Corr,rrrillrr.This h<strong>and</strong>some product of the Empire State is recogtlizedby hla classmates ar a loyal friend, an excellent mtxer, <strong>and</strong>an exceptional dancer; but he does not permit his social inclinationsto interfere wlth the real ends of a college ed.$cationHowever "Pete", mar we ask: "Why should collegechangc n man's name'"ALBERT AlcKlXLEY KISHBAUGH, K A P"l

GEOR(;E~IEWEY KNIGHT'-rl,"rc,"Cogan StationWilliamsport Iligh SchoolXuncy Kormal.\Tansfield Nnrn,al, S. A. 1'. C..4 B. Cotwsr: Plr-llcdirel Soricly; Bt,c-Bi~ell-Lgcor,~iiii~Corruly (l>rb: .-lsristciat in Sinio~y Dcparlrrre,,t (2, 3).Dcwey is the kind of person that is nccdcd, being bothn student <strong>and</strong> a fr~rnd. tlc is always wtll~ng tr, help a icllowout. His assisting in botany xwll br a grcat advant;lgclo him in his chosrn carrcr. When it co~ucs to. anythlnsrcgartling biology, Ilr\vry is right therr, as he "knowr Ihsitdf".TOHN KOELISH"Kublr"Plymoo111Flr~nouth Hleh Schooliilcgiaccriap Sorir-I?: (7ns.r li~!scbn/i ( I . 2) ; Closs Pool-Ball (r, I) : .Jrr,,irirSirtokrr Coirratiltec."Shawnce against thr svorld" \Vl>rn "Kable" arrnvdhere from thr "coal-crackin" town up the river he told thrfolks he'd do or die <strong>and</strong> he is by oo means dead. He achievedhis grratrst renown as the "Broadcaster" of \Vest Collrpr."D. C." <strong>and</strong> "A. C." are meat for Johnny.RUSSELL 1I:ZLIRICE KOSTENBCUER, @ Q 2:"Ji8,~"ArirtesCooyngham Township High Schoolhlt. Carmel High SchoolIhright, S. A. 'I'. C.Ciwl Eagirtcerzr,p L'urr~rc; A>ncrirou SOC~C~J, of Cii,il EuoCrwcrs; Bncbncll Bortd (I, 2, 3); Clnss B,oscbnll (I)."Jim" often relates to an attentive audience that 11,."7,-ouldn't tradc his courw for any other in school" <strong>and</strong> lhrusually gets it across so strongly that his aud~ences arcforced to belleve him It is the rlght spirlt, "Jim", <strong>and</strong> wrhope that yo11 will always feel that way about it.JAMES HARD LANDAU"Jirnrrrg"Su,,l,\lrrSunbory High SchoolIlhrluyirnl Corr~..vc; 1'r.c-.llcdzcol Sotictg."lirnmy" hails from Sunbory but we don't lhold thatagaiwt him. Being a pre-med.. Ilc naturally knowr hii hool'swith the "boner". Girls don't bother "Jimmy"-he jorrfound out last srznrtpr that B~rck~i~ll is a ~o-rda~~atton:cI~nstitcstiot~. .As u studr~~t 11" 1s hard to bcnt.

MARY CATMBRTNE LAFE, A A A, C. E. A."Alnr.,~"Tnl,n.tm.,, -Johnstown High School.I B. Corirse; Johnslo?r~rr-Brrrllina (3) ; L'Agrr~dn SlnffClever.- that's the word, <strong>and</strong> a nucleus of ambition"llill" <strong>and</strong> "Scm" have fallen victim to lher plensitlg maonerq:ind winsome rmilrr. Evrn with attracttons lierr. "blurry"sometimes gets "Waywarcy' notions <strong>and</strong> the old tone, "Carry>me back to West Virginia", can be heart1 through the hallsu f Annex.RAYMOND HILDlNG LARSON, A X A'Stc,rdc"Port AlleganyPort Allegany High School('iuil E~lgirrrrriug Coto.sc; A,rrcriron Socict~~ of Civil Engivrrrrs;l'nrsity Pootboil (r, 2. 3) : Closs P~iofbnll (r) ; Clrrssilos8clbnll (2): So)ko~ttare Se~cqrct Couw~itlce; Clo~rI'rcride,tt (3) ; L'zlgcrrda Sleff."Swede" is an active man in all campus funct~ons--athletic, scholastic, <strong>and</strong> social. His cheerful smile is always~~clcamc-both in the classroom <strong>and</strong> on the athletic field. liei, our leader this year <strong>and</strong> we hope that he will carry his"ifave a Smile'' to wherrvcr hc hopes to tvkc up his engineeringwork.GORDON YERRILL LENOS. B K Y, T K A"G. UcrriIPCoraopolirElizabeth Nigh School.I 11. Coursr; dliilisl~rinl As.~ocinliorr; Assirln,,l Cheer Lcn,f-

GEIIDY GILBERT LESAIL'S"Geddg"Illkel-manJerlkins Towz-nship High SchoolWyoming Seminaryi'l~cqnicol E>rginprr.irrg Course: Chonicnl Ragirtrcrirzg .Sari.--fy: lirr!ior Prorn Ca+nrniIlcc.Ever since "Geddy" <strong>and</strong> "Jimmy" Brawn opmed the"Wcrt College Bowling Alley" (<strong>and</strong> clospd it the nextmoniing) -"Geddy3' has been famous. A pleasant "Hello"inr everyone <strong>and</strong> a kindly word make h~m a good cla.;amntrrind "buddy".CHARLES FREDERICK LTNDTG, A X"Mark"Lcwicburg1,ewisbllrg High School.I. 11. Co,crst; Btrcka~llio,r Slnff (2); ilssorinlc Editov,"l3roadcnsts" (3) : Varsity Drbutitzg Tcnrra fz) : Contribnlorto B~ch,tell Mirror; Cnlrrrdor Editor. L'Agertdn."Mack" has two major claims to notoriety. He insistithat the title of his "colyum" in the "Bucknellian" gave riseto the word now so much used in radio. The other clalm.He commutes every day in hts Buick from htr home to the"IlilY-a distance of four blocks!'ROBERT LELAND I.IVINGSl'ON. K A I'"Bob"Jersey ShoreClearfield High Schoollilrcfrirnl E~tgijreeritrg Cotrrsc; A~trrrirn,t Inrritrttc of Eler-Irimrl E~zginccrsllere is a stodent who hel~rves that Electrical Engineetsdo not need the lingo of Spain to be successful. Moreover.hy his extensive use of the telephone <strong>and</strong> freqoent visits tothr Orpheum, he has proven himsrlf a firm advocate of corelocationB a "Good" manner. idlcge lirst. then n littlrIwmc, a elore second.MAR\- TAYLOR LLE\VEI.LYN. K A"Slrorty"Pittstoll.4voca High SchoolI'ittston Hteh School.1 B. Cozrrsr: /:rill nrrd Profen: Girls' Clnss 1-irr-President12. , , ". 2) :. Clnss Nodrv . 1,) . : L'Aorndo . Slnffhlary proves the statemcnt that good things come in$mall packages, for she is "tres bonne" as well as "trerpetite''. She is a pleasant little miss, <strong>and</strong> makes hosts uifriends, regardless of sex. She is a clever little actress too.Iwr favorite role being that of an Irish comedienne.

LVllLlAhl JOHN LLEWELLYN, d Q 2, Z A P"SAorIy"Wilker-BarreWilkcr-Rarre High SchoolIIiolooicnl Coqrrse: Pw-dfedicnl Soriefy: ~. Sollhornore Cotillior;Cov~n~iller.Whatever else may he said of "Shorty", he certainlyisn't one of those stmng, silent men that we hear so vnilcl~about. "Shorty" has a lot of worth-while things to say <strong>and</strong>believer in saying them as quickly as pos\:ble-wherein liesthe difficulty, for his tongrrc ir not fast enough for his nimblebraill.HELEN ELIZABETH LOCKARD"Pobre"Johnstowl1Johnatown High Scl>uol.I 13. Conr-rc, Jobr,storr~,i-B?rrkrlcll Cltrb; Spnrtislr Clt~b.Helen is ooc of our best Spanish students. Spantrhdoes not claim all her attention, however, as she is n mostardrnt rootrr for all college sports. .4s a friend she is allthat is to be drsired. "Pobre" is an all around gtrl wit11real collrge "pep".GEORGE \Y.-\UfER LONG. H K 'Y"Sl%or.tie"ArdmoreLowrr hlrrion High School.-I 8. Coavsc; Seco,rd Assislo!rl Blnrmgcr Rnscbnll; .binno,,cr.(~1o.r~ Boshelboll (2): Soplzorrrore Hnttg,tet Ca>rirrzilter;I8t,,ior Pi.otn Con8mitlce.Hailing from Ardmore, the chief suhurb of which isPhiladelphia, George entered Bucknell with the rest of us.I-Ie has the original "won't come off smile <strong>and</strong> with it, hehas made us know him <strong>and</strong> like him. "Shorty" is an optisntsttn every sense of the word <strong>and</strong> we have christened himto be our "official little ray of r~mshine".CURTIS MILTON LOWRY. K A P"Csrl"UniondaleUniondale High SchoolCarbondale High Schooldfrchnrricnl Ef~firrcmring Corrrsc; Anrericox Socir1.v of MErkot~icalE,lgi,~ecrs: J'icr President GIPC Clwb (1, 2, 3) ;University Bnrtd (I, 1, 3) ; Closs Boseboll ( 1, 2).Behold the man of many callings! A second Caruro,the successor of Babe Ruth, a disciple of Dr. Baftol, withthe pen of a Christie <strong>and</strong> the rrady wit of Bud Fisher, thisversatile pmduct of Uniondale ir always prepared to use histalents for "old Hucknell".i4

ROBER'T \VILLIAhI hdACH.4hlER, K A P"Bob"LewirburgLewisbure - Hieh - SchoolChenticol Ecgirreerirg Coarse: Chernical Engizrccring Sorirts;U~tivcrsify Rorid (1, 2, 3).At the dawn of the twentieth century there appearctl'neath the shadows of our University, this determined collegechap. Iiesides majoring in Chemical Engineering, whichwar in no way obliterated by Prof. Groner's observation ofBob's condenser catastrophe in the laboratory, he expressera profound interest ~n music, habcrdashery <strong>and</strong> in winninghlr "Dutch".GALEN STUART hlclNROY, 0 X''A~oc''>liddlcbory CrntrrWellsboro High SchoolMansfield NormalSiologicol Lorrrm; Pre-dlrdicol Society; Clnsr Pootboll (2):Class Rnseboll (2)."Mac" tried to foal us all into believing that hc hadnothing to say on any subject at all when he first came hrrr:but he has becn found out Me has a lot of origtnal idens.<strong>and</strong> that thick alrfacr of silence once broken, is very tlurnt,,I~X,>~CSS~",I.ARTHUR JOIlN hlc\lURI'RIE, Z A E. @ A T"Pbrkic"\lu,,c?.hlunry High SchoolMcchnrticol Ercyirtccrbtg Lotwsr; Afeclror~irol Bt,giz~ccr-iaz Sorictp:Closs Rosrbnll ( I ): Jnrrior Prorneorr,,aittre."Pinkie", the lad with the flaming dome, comes fromhrctocy which is a very good place to come from-as rtu~cklyas possible. Bucknell has done a lot in subdniog one of thc"Aluncy Injumums" <strong>and</strong> in fashioning him into a stullnlngsociety youth. The most elurive member of the opposite sexis qorlled by a mere glance from his eye. Social triumpllrhowever, have not prevented "Red" from being a "hale icl-IOW well mrt".IIAGGIE hIARTIN, K A. C. E. A."Blo,rdie"PittstonPitt5ton High School.I N Co8

FLORENCE MARGARET JIARTZ, O M"Floss"WarhingtonvilleTurbotville High SchoolA. R Co,rrse; Mntlrcrrotirs Clrrb; Closr N~rnrmls (I)."Floss" is a girl whom we all llke in spite of her heatedarguments oo the negro question. hlathematics is her strongpoint in the classroom. But French, Journalism, <strong>and</strong> Historyare mere froth in her young life Aside from this she ise real girl, the true-bloc kind, that are hard to find..-IAtILDRED RTEG,41I.4h'. A X P"Mid"WilliamsportWilliamsport High SchoolB. Co?cmc: Malll~ntatics Clvb (I, 2): Girls' Glrr Club(2, 3); Y. TV. C A. T>msrrrcr (3); Stndcrkt R.rrctrlivrNonrd (2); I-?costing Corr,rt~-Btrrkaell Nlcb: Gloss Borkclbnll( I ); Girl.?' Class Prcsiderlf (3) ; L'Agrado Board.Studious, oh my, <strong>and</strong> she gets that way from playinghridge. oreniring "stacking" team%, <strong>and</strong> eating in the "weesma' hours". She's just naturally bright. ller school activiticsresemble a tabulation of thr articles in Doabler's store.She has already received her "D. S." in Rlethodr of FruitS;~lnd <strong>and</strong> her "P. 31." at the Orpheum.WAYNE S.ZhlUI:I. blENGEL, @ K Y'"Stcz,e"ShamoklnShamokin High SchoolI'eddle lnstrtuteA. B. Corrrsr: L'Ageizda Sloff.Life's a jest, all things show it.I thougl~t so oncr-Now 1 know it.Camden, N. J.Collingswood High School'1. If. (bwrre; Frill ojrd Frorcmtr; L'Agrwdn Stnff."Detts" came to us "to be brought out" so Dame Rumorhas it, <strong>and</strong> we feel sure that old B. U. has succeeded in herpurpose. She ranks high In all her studies but her favoriteone is astronomy, <strong>and</strong> a clear night finds her watching fora trrtain planet containing her "iootball star''.

OLIVER NELSON MILLER JR, L A E'~OII1e''AllentownMahanoy Csty High SchoolA. B. Corrrc; Marmgrr Closs Rnsrboli ( I ); Class Borebnli(2); C~OSS Iiootboll (2).Every sailor has a girl in every port, but Ollie has longsince confined his mtentions to one lone port-Allentown,He is reputed to be a far-iamed hunter, ~n iact he is alwayshunting for wild animals, for books, or for a shortcut tosuccess. "Boliver" has a host oi friends because oi hlrpersonality.ELIZARETH VORlS h100RE. K A"Libb,,"\\ratsontownWatrontosn Ilich SchoolA. 13. Cozrrse.Recause "Libby" is a commuter from \Vatsontown ithas taken her two years to find "Pinkie". Now that he isfound he is getting lots oi experience as a traffic man, meet-Ing trolley cars to <strong>and</strong> from Watsontown. "Libbyw has agood old-fashioned personality <strong>and</strong> we are glad that she brlo,,gsto '24.D.\VID WENI)I:LL lIORGr\N, L A E, Q A T"Cltnlk"FranklmI'mn'dln I l ~ h SchoolBirdo:Rnrld (I, 2)."Hennie" is the smaller half oi the hlosrina twins, hisIvother having taken a trifle more than his share. However.sizc doer not prove a h<strong>and</strong>icap on the basketball court."IHrnnir's" greatest ability is in the field of art He is aclrvrr cartoonist, <strong>and</strong> his paintings are real rnasterpireer.

MALCOLM VIVIAN BIUSSINA, B K Y"Happy"WilliamrportWilliamsport High School.-I B Course; Bsrknpll-Lycoming Cor

NICHOLAS PALhlA, A X A, Z A P"Nirb" .. ....Paterron. N. J.Paterson High SchoolBioloytrol Course; Pre-Medical Socie.ty; Sophonzore Cotrllio,~Co~nmilire; North-Jerse)i-Backlie11 Club; Jwrior PromCommittee"Nick" came to us from Paterson, <strong>and</strong> it was a goodwind that Mew him our way, for he came in with a perpetualsmile <strong>and</strong> a banio. He is known bv that banio because hesurely can tsckic its strings. We -can't hate- "Nick" eventho he has a commuter's tlcket to Sunbury for she surely IsJAMES NELSON PATTERSOH. B K Y'"Pat"OtnnalindaBeaverdale High SchoolKiski PrepRiologicnl Coursc; Pre-Medtcal Socirrg; Joknstona-B*c6-~cll Club.Do you see that bashful little felloxv over there in thecorner fidgeting his hat? No, that isn't "Pat". Tbat goadlockingfellow with the curly hair talking to that bnoeh ofgirls-that's "Pat". "Pat" is a firm belicver in co-edueatiun.plaring the emphasis on the co as much as on education.11.4~~ RUTH PECK, n u o, o. E A."Perkie"PittsburghSchcnley High SchoolA. R. CourseThis attractive <strong>and</strong> sophisticated ydung lady is a loyalmember of the. Wolfe House gang, <strong>and</strong> a leading spirit in~ts many adventures when she is not otherwise engaged. Unfortunately,however, she is now very much engaged."Peekie's favorite sport is cutting classes, in spite of whichshe manages to be an "A" student.11ARY ELIZABETH PEIFEB, K A"Betly"Wilker-BarreWilker-Barre High School:I. B. Corrrsc.This qniet lassie is right on top when it comer to lessonsOf course she doesn't spend all her time at studies, for hcrmany thoughts take flight to a little church in the wildwood.She is a cooperative worker in every undertaking <strong>and</strong> afriend to all who know her.is

AMOS V..\STINK PERSING. JR., K Z"Doc"Allens\.oodMilton Hlgh SchoolRiologicnl Coursr: Prc-rMcdirol Sorirlp: So)lliorrrorc ColillionConzmitler."Doc" came to us from a little "borg" not so far away.yet he came prepared <strong>and</strong> prepared well, for he seems tobe following, closely, the lootsteps of h~s Dad. Allenwood,tho small, stire has its quota of nice girls; Doc never "said"so but-there's a reason far his silmce.GRAYCE ESI HER PETERSON, 11 B @'Pc1rv"hfonerrenMonersen High SchoolHornr Eco,zo,nics Course; Clnss Bnrh~lbnll (1).Folks are attracted to "Petey" not only by her goodlooks but also by her pleasant <strong>and</strong> friendly disporttion.Since she is pursuing the Domestic Science course she isnaturally much interested in home decoration <strong>and</strong> management,<strong>and</strong> expounds frequently upon thcre subjects to avarious audience among whom, she says, there's not unc whocat, heat lk~ Dutch.RUTH PORTER, A X R''I?Wfr,."Oil CityOil City High Schoolliial,r~,icoi Coursc; Pre-dledicol Socie19."Rufus" believrs in using what the gods provide forlmrposcr of entertaining met>-a sofa in the "Holy of Holies''or :in iron chain on the campos. However, we must admitthat Ruth although a hard working Pre-med is alwaysrrndr lor ; good time at the "Sem" <strong>and</strong> is peppy ?i;nd original.RUTH RAKER, K A, C. E. A."Ktdus"Allentown.\llri>tuwn High SrhonlIlo,ec I.'rorrn,rrirs Cot,rrr: Glce Ckd (I, 2)."ilirfus" Raetur Johnson Brown, what did you do whenJack's pin came arouud? You took it, of course. RobbedIhatr <strong>and</strong> blue eyes make any man a perfect prlze. Planningfor cooking, washing, vild dressmaking. "Rufus" will makean idcal wifc for iomeonr-!80

\IAR\- ELIZ.\HBIH RhKESTR\\V"Jlcr,.,l"\'"'iIli~~~~~~l~~~tt\Villiamsport High SchoolA. B Cotrrrr; L?,ro~nimg C-otrrgly-Berkarli Clarb.hIary is one of those vers;atile girls \vho can ndapl Ihrrselfto anything, be it studies, knitting, cooking or jar,."llary, will you play for us?' is a familtar pllrarc tollary, ior hrr servlcer as an "orrhrstra" arc rrqorstrd oilr~~.whether at "Srm" pnrtlrs or mrrrly the ~llgl~tly "Sen?" d;lllrc.And, oh! her chocolate pica!K..\REN N.\RI-IOLII RASAIUSSEN"1Cnrcn"Perth Amboy, S. J.I'rrtl~ Amboy Iligh SchoolA R. Course; Jfnllic~~,,nlirs Cltt6 (I) ; Y. IP C A. Cnhirtcl(2); Slt~fcat II.?crr,sic.~ 1.nburnlnrg (3 J.This rs our entry for exhibit "A" for the Hall of Famc.Ile gets straight "A's" from "Simp"!!! Further than that,"Razzy" is famed as one of that "awful aggregation" thatjoined '24 froan Lewtrbnrg High. AND, be it known, Geraldasserts he is .lot a clevotre of the well-known RassweilrrPilbltc Speaking.JOTIN MAX\VELL REED, r A' Ilox"Lewisbrrrg1,ewisburg High SchoolA. R. Cotwsc; "B" Clrrb; Vnrsily Foofbnll (I, z, 3). Coploin-Elecl ,923; Class Boskrl Boll (I, 2).Rehold the livin~ likes~ers of "THE SKIN YOU LOVETO TOUCH". ".\lax" war in Lewlrburg. tt is said, whenBucknell was a grade-school. Early in his athletic careerhe adopted the motto "Thpy shall not pass". For verificationask anyone who has played on a football line againsthim.81

\\.ILLIA\I ARTIIVR REES"Bill"Providence, R I.>It. Ilcnnno. \lass.. Prep.Biologiro/ Cotcl:rr; Prt-.lfcd~ml Soriclg: Glrr Club (2, 3) ;l,.nr.ril? Cros.~-Cnni~lr~ Tenrr (3); A. 8. F."Bill" is a gcncrour-hearted. hard-workinp I:lrl fromPravidmee. \\.Me his blondc locks are rnp~clly thint~~on!he maintains that he can't hnvr brains <strong>and</strong> hair, too: alrothat lhr l~osilirrly docs not t~rr prroxide.IYo


HAROLD LUTHER SCHAEFER"Sclroef"Cogan StationW~lliamsport High School'4. B Coursr: Rt'rkrccllin!t Sloff (3); Bucknell-LgrornbtgCovaty Club, Secretary (3); iMafhen~nfirs Club; L'Agp,zdoStaff.Harold came to Bucknell with a high record as a student<strong>and</strong>, from all appearances, he still knows how to study.\ friend to all, he is always willing to lend a helping h<strong>and</strong>to the needy. Ambitious <strong>and</strong> persevering, he lets no task.lrowever large, interfere with his succesr.CHARLES LUTHER SCHLlLZ, r A"Heink"Pottstownhlercersburg AcademyC'hrntical Et~phzetvi~g COIITSC: ChemiccI Et~~irzeerin~ So~ic-Ig: Jrrtt!nr Dnnlrcr. Cnst,rrilfer.If we conld prmt a laugh, that would be all that isnrcrsJary to descrtb~ him <strong>and</strong> we would say with one accord-"Heinie".He has a peculiar habit of working on acrrt;iia one-lunged Ford <strong>and</strong> his hobby is eating pretzels.111s ~ndifference to close intimacy with work is no indicationoi his ability, however, for he is a student that gctrtllrre, bc it work or play.CTARERCE .\[ERRILL SHAFFER, A B"S,mp"Litrobe Hieh SebonlLatrobemi 1:rroi~icers; Glcc Cirrb (r. 2, j), Assistn>tt ~lfnrbngcr (3) :.Sci.o,#d .-lssisto!!t Trnrl: .l.ln,,ngrr (2) ; Arsrlant in MedoitiralDmrr.irrn DcPni.lrrrerrt I?. . -. ?)."Snap's" education progressed so rapidly at Bueknellthat he felt it necessary to protect himself from furtheronslaughts of Demo11 Knowledge by means of a pair ofshrll-rlmmrd poggles. llir chief regret is that in his affairsof the heart he has failed to win an introduction to the"Cnllrge Widow"."dlgrt"Flernington, N. I.I'lrmincton High School.I. 11. Coi

LUELLA FRANK SHORTESS, A A A"Ltrello"Mont<strong>and</strong>onIlont<strong>and</strong>on High SchoolA. II. Courrr; House Adot6er of Il'oNe House.A conscientious student! We envy her intellect in Psychology.Her ycars out of school subscribe to an attitudetlvat's all business! You'll find she has everybody's interestat heart <strong>and</strong> besides !nothering the Wolfe House !girls,~riotherr her own little flaxen haired lass.A friend in need,bA friend indped,Is i\lrs. Shortesr.JEROME FRANCIS STCETTAN, z X, e A TReyt~oldrvillrRcynoldsv~lle High School. 1. 13. Course'The Sheik of Araby waold gladly release all laurelslo this fair, black haired youtlt from the western section ofthe ICeystone State. '[he class of '24 welcomed Jerry intothrir midst last year when he returned to Bucknell after aSC:~'S absellce.hIARG.4RET JEAN SMITH, 11 B *"I'egyy"Paterron, N. JPatrrson High School.I S Course; Glee CllrL (I); College Girls' Reception Cornatittee(r) ; P~ill oitd I:ro?m~."Peggy" always does what she sets opt to do <strong>and</strong> consccloentlyexcels in studies, as in all her other undertakingsShe sermr to be greatly mterested in thc mails <strong>and</strong> we underst<strong>and</strong>that her liking for Pittsbnrgll may persuade her tocttle in that rcetlon of the state.LOUS \VALTER SOBRAY"Lorcic"n4t. Pleasantart. Pleasant High School1'. N. A. Collegeniolonicnl Coarse; fir-dledirol Society."Louie" hails from the l<strong>and</strong> of coke ovens, but he stout-Ig maintains that he or~ginated in Pittsburgh. "Louie" asscrtsthat his formula for "college bred" has any other onebent-"A four-year loaf with lots of dough <strong>and</strong> plenty oiemit"-<strong>and</strong> has been trying to prove it for three years.

"0. 7.''Rothcriord. N. J.Ruth'rford lligll Scl,oolA O. C.tri.rc: .Vorll .Jrr.sry Ijtirk!~rll Clttb; Clnss I~ooil~i~il(2): Clnss 7r-oc.k (r) . Frcrhntotr Hop Cc~,r~rrzitlec; SopbocoreColilli~~?& Co~~~~~~ill~~c.Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing his good natore <strong>and</strong> studinornrss, he 1sthe typlcal collcgiatc kid. flis bcst course is ~n the "1licl"-dleuf thc afternoon.ED\VIN CLIFFOKI) SOULTS, d O X"Cliff"Great Bend, S. Y. ,Black River High Scl~oolRioloyirnl Co~rrw; Pre-.llrdirnl Socirlj*."Cliffs" main abject in life seems to be an effort to introduceNorth County culttire into Rucknell. Aside fromthis, his chief interest in life seems to be his car-thc"Wicked Flea". He is said to have imported it from NewYork-no not New York Clty, hut Grcat Rend, N. Y, orLarge Twist-as you 1vi1l.I.ES.I'ER CLEARlIAN STANTON. K A P"Irrdigo"WaymartWaymart High School1ilcrlr.icnl Etryit~eerir~p Coenc; Anrrrirnu I>rslitf

K.\'IHRYN REBECCA STEClihlhh'"K"Koa~lukr, Vi.Jrffrrsr,n High School. i. R Corrrsr.Curly hair, all irrrristiblc smilc, <strong>and</strong> eyes that fairlydance with good natnre <strong>and</strong> misel~ief-that's "K". Shr isalways cheerful, never worried, forever busy, bnt never tonru-hed to plan some prank. However. wr "reckon" " Ktsn't all fun for dorvh in ondrr we hare found loyalty <strong>and</strong>ctahility.lIARG:\RETShamokin High School..I n cot0~.,~.RO\VER ST1CEI.V"I'crr"I.","i~l,~l~~Margaret did not come to B. Ll. as a oimplete strangerfor her older ~istrr had already blnrrd the trail. .\lthoughas a Freshman she war somewhat quirt <strong>and</strong> retiring. "Peg"soon made many-friends. Free from the dlstrartionr wl~lcl~lurk abont the Snn, she has made hrr mark as a faithfulrted~nt.lollnrtownJohnstown High SchoolA. 8. Cox~se; Strirw OrcBestl-e ( I ) ; loh,fdorrni-Rtrrkglr.liClllh .. ..If St. Peter ever needs an assistant "Stevens" wlllsurely qoalify, for she is newr to be found without herkeys. Mary's favorite recreations are horseback riding <strong>and</strong>playing her violin, but since her brother \Vllliam became aRucknrllian much of her spare time is spent with him.PERCY KENNETH STEVEN'IKlN, K A I'h'esquehoning High Schoolllioiooicnl CotrrseNesquehoninrs

~ ~MARY PAULINE STOCKER"Pauline"Chillisquaquehlont<strong>and</strong>on High Schoolhlilton Htgh SchoolA B. CorirseIn the annals of world-wide travelers we expect someclay to hear of this brown-eyed, dark-haired lass. Everymorning she wends her way over the river <strong>and</strong> through thedale to the college on the hill. She is a persistent worker<strong>and</strong> student, a loyal friend <strong>and</strong> a royal hostess.ALICE ELEANOR STOKES, K A"Stoksie"MontgomeryMontgomery High School.I H. Course; Y. W. C A. Cobhet (2) ; Treosrrrcr Girls'.-llhletir Assooatio,r (2) ; President Girls' Athletic Assocmfro,,(3) ; Juxior Hockey Tenrn.The numerous activities of Alice readily conveys to usthat she must be a girl of energy anh inttlaiive. Wheneveryou see this one jolly Junior she has just played hockey! aset or two of tennis or taken a trlp around the four mrle,<strong>and</strong> still has a loving smile for everyone.ALFRED GORDON STOUGHTON, Z X"Store",-- TemnetteJeannette High Schoolr~plli~n Staff (z), News Editor (z), Man-Well may Jeannette be ~roud of thts son <strong>and</strong> well mayour class be proud of one who has devoted time, thought<strong>and</strong> energy to the welfare of '24. 'To him as editor-in-chiefof our class annual we owe more than it would be posr>bleto print in the space allotted.EVELYN KEDZIE STRAUSER''Kedz"Williamsport\Villiamsport High School.4. R. Coarse; Lyco+nirtg Coutih-Bsck,~ell Club.Here is a girl whom one must really know to appreciatefor although she is very quiet, Kedrie has a keen sense ofhumor <strong>and</strong> is really accomplished. She makes deliciousc<strong>and</strong>y, does beautiiul fancy work, plays a good game oftennis, writes cleverly <strong>and</strong> in all is a stodent of merit

ELhlA VIRGIN1.A STREETER, A A A"Slreeter"WilliamsportWilliamsport High Schoolhfargaret Morrison SchoolA B. Course; Lgcorrrb~g Cotrnt3, Clxh; Glee Club (3) ;Eaglesntcre Delcgotc (2); Y. CV. C. A. Confere,tce Cornstittee(3) ; Clars Hockcy (3)."Skeeter" is never happier than when in hiking togsor hoeby outfit. She brines a wealth of gaiety from hernative B;lltoun" which keeps hpr iricnds in a continualstate of uproar. We conjecture she's making plans for Y.campalms as she admirer the view from her iront campus\, ~,>

STEPHEN TERPAK"J feue"SimpsonCarbondale Hlkh SchoolFell Hish SchoolElertricnl Eugbrecrbzg Cotrrrr; Elertricol Engiuprri?tp Socirlg;l'icr-prcsidrrrt Clcrss Club (3).We used to call Steve "Chesty" but serionsly. (so Stevesays), he con play chess. Originality is his forte <strong>and</strong> hewas the first on the hill to realize the possibilities of thpradio. In fact, he <strong>and</strong> his "oat-meal box" crystal set separatrdsrvcral copccs from gullible I'rosh.1IILTON EDGAR TRAINER"DOC"Paolsboro. N. I.Paulsboro Hlgli SchoolA. B Coarse."Doc" should have majored in math. He is tryinp lufigure out whether it pays to sleep from eight to nine,in thcmorning or to write five hundred wards for Prexy fromeleven to twelve P. h4. "Doc" is usually meek <strong>and</strong> unobtrusivebut on Senior Reception night three Frosh couldtl'tgive him a bath "Doc" said it wasn't Saturday night.DANIEL MANEVAL VILLINGER. A L"Bnrclr"\l'tlliamcporlWilliamrport High SchoolCherraical Enginerritq Cottrsr; Cherrticol Engi~eerirzg Society;Burknell-Lgrontiwp County Club; Glce Cltcb (r, z),Publicity dla~zngrr (I, 2). Ftr.st Assistant Morrogcr (2);Burkrtclliorb Stoff (I, zj, .4krmni Editor (3); Class Hats(2); As~istanl in Publicity Dcportrrcrnt (2, 3) ; L'AgmdaStaff - (?).This to introduce the Rucknell News Service. Ltd. Asidefrom broadcasting Rucknell "dope" over the country. Dm)has em~nentlv succeeded in rettinn himself well "laced on thecampus horiion. Here's to"Bu&i-~onderfd (?) voice,ltterary talent. Chem, Lab. inventions, concentrated fussing.'n'everything!ARCHIBALD MYGLIS VANBLARCOAI, A X A"Par,"Paterson, N. J.Paterson High Schooltinil E,~girrernrrg Course; Avr~ricnn Socirtj, of Civil Enginrrrs;Vorsity Foolboll (1, 2) ; Class Football (2)."Van" hailr from Paterron, <strong>and</strong> like all the studentsfrom there, is above par. He is a real student but is nevcrtoo busy to join the boys, far he is a favorite among them.His mdless number of jokes arc a vall~ahle asset. We wonderwhy the Saturday Evcnlng Post is his favorite magazine.

ELIZ.4RHI~II .\l:\RG~\RET WAGNER"Rltlg"SmithtonCentral State Normal School.*. B Course; Bi(dii~llitr!t Sttrff (2); L'rlrjradrr StoffAlways bury, but not too much so to think oi the otheriellow-"Betty" has endeared herself to all lhcr associatesShe is the typical good student who goes "smiling alonglife's path gathertng both knowledge <strong>and</strong> frirndr.ELIZABETH SAXI'ORII WALKER"Belts"Farmingdalr. N. J.i\Ianas

MARTHA WINII'RED WATKINS, K A, C. E. A.".llni.lii."I'i.:::ovzestic Scie,rcr Conrst; Junior Hockey Teom."Oh say can you sees'-St<strong>and</strong> up Sophomores! Thusit was that "Alartie" put one over on the "Sophs". A largegreen bow worn to classes the next day proved how well the"Sophs" appreciated the joke. But this charming "co-ed"gave everyone another blow when she stepped out with aPhi Gamm pin. Now she is filling what she calls an "Old.\laid's Chest".MARY ELIZABETH WEETER, A A A, M O E"Mary"SunburyNew Bloomfield High SchoolCarson Long Institute.i. B Couvrr; Glee Club (I, z, 3).We don't see much of Mary, because she weekends atSunbory. But absence only makes our hearts grow fonder forthis dainty titian haired blond. I\lo Phi <strong>and</strong> Glee Club gayhomage to 3lary.r musical forte <strong>and</strong> all are willing listenersSlie's an Annex proctor but noisy for a' thatRUTH HAhIILTON WEIDENHAMER, A A A"Rufshr"LewisburgLewv,borg High School.I II Cotrrse; Prill orrd Frounr; Freshwon Orntoricol Conrrrt:Prize br Sopko,nore Oroforicol Contrst; Assistant btI'ilblic Speoki*~g (3)."Rufus" <strong>and</strong> her car fit into the local atmosphere. Shecan put herself into any dramatic role from "Sally" to"Shylock". Thus she acts! Winning oratorical prrzer ir arotnman occurrence in her life <strong>and</strong> she can shout out "Ship~il~oy!" with a zest unbelievable from so wee a body.EVELYN MAE WEIDENSAUL",?ud'LewirburgLewisbnre Hizh School1 B. ~ourreyIf Evelyn has two qualities which st<strong>and</strong> out above therert of her many virtues they are an indomitable will <strong>and</strong> ahabit of doing doine everything evervthine on time.And soeakine speaking of A's"Eva" sure has 'em. She S& is especially interested inthreateduin science<strong>and</strong> at present is establishing new record in Dr. Davis'Botany.


ARTHUR G0Ul.L) ZI.\IMERIlAN, K A P"Ziin ln"PittstonWest Pittston High SchoolEl~clricnl Engblerring Cozrrse; Atrrericnlz Instiratc of EIertrice1E8tgirtect.s.This excellent example of personified ambition assertsthat he came to collrge to be near "the family", but answerthis: How does an "electrical" spend hours each day <strong>and</strong>night with radio, football <strong>and</strong> a Red Book <strong>and</strong> ncccpt at,"A" from Prof. Stmpson with a clear con$ience? Ark Ilm.he can tell you.FRED TfIO\I.\S ZI1IXER\IA?*', Fl \-"Zi~rtrrry"ShamokinShamokin High SchoolA B. Course; Juaior Profs Corrrmi!tec."Zimmy" is a true man of letters. His conversationsart mainly on cultural subjects. From such information arhe has given out it has been inferred that he intends to drvotehis days to the pursuit of the Muses. We trust that hlrnights will bc otherwise occupied.CHARLES HLTBERT LEEHAS, .\ X A"Ckirrky"I'lttstonSt. John's AcadrmyTemple UniversityBiological Corrrrc; Prc-llrdirnl Sorietr; Clar Footb~ril.Cufitn~n (2); L'ooch P~.tsbi~,n,, Poolboll (3). B

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