Assurance de qualité pour le cancer rectal – phase 2 ...

Assurance de qualité pour le cancer rectal – phase 2 ...

Assurance de qualité pour le cancer rectal – phase 2 ...


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KCE Reports 81 PROCARE <strong>–</strong> <strong>phase</strong> 2 73Most importantly, several QI need to be risk-adjusted (e.g. postoperative mortality, typeof resection, (y)pCRM, etc.). Risk-adjustment is essential for the i<strong>de</strong>ntification ofpotentially low performance.3.3.6 Generalisability of this projectAlthough it is irre<strong>le</strong>vant to project the algorithms and results of the QI using theprospective database <strong>–</strong> which was set up specifically for <strong>rectal</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> <strong>–</strong> to other <strong>cancer</strong>types, at <strong>le</strong>ast part of the reasoning behind some QI measurab<strong>le</strong> with the administrativedatabase can be generalised.First, it is essential to i<strong>de</strong>ntify an ‘anchor time point’ for each patient, at which theclinical trajectory starts. I<strong>de</strong>ally, this is the date of first (histopathological) diagnosis,which is availab<strong>le</strong> from the BCR. Second, several other mi<strong>le</strong>stones of the trajectoryneed to be i<strong>de</strong>ntified. For patients un<strong>de</strong>rgoing surgery, the date of surgery is essential toallow a distinction between neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment (if applicab<strong>le</strong>). Abovethis, it allows a distinction between preoperative and follow-up diagnostic studies. Thedate of surgery (and the dates of other diagnostic and therapeutic procedures) isavailab<strong>le</strong> from the HIC database using surgical procedural co<strong>de</strong>s specific to the <strong>cancer</strong>type. Another important mi<strong>le</strong>stone is <strong>de</strong>ath, which is availab<strong>le</strong> from the health insurers.Once all possib<strong>le</strong> mi<strong>le</strong>stones are i<strong>de</strong>ntified (which should be possib<strong>le</strong> for most <strong>cancer</strong>types), it <strong>de</strong>pends on the availab<strong>le</strong> administrative co<strong>de</strong>s specific to the <strong>cancer</strong> type how<strong>de</strong>tai<strong>le</strong>d the se<strong>le</strong>cted QI can be measured. Some QI, such as 5-year survival, time totreatment and inpatient or 30-day mortality, should be measurab<strong>le</strong> for most <strong>cancer</strong>types using the same algorithm as in the present study. Therefore, for these QI and forthe i<strong>de</strong>ntification of common mi<strong>le</strong>stones, a manual will be prepared internally, includingthe program algorithms using SAS and the necessary administrative co<strong>de</strong>s and theirsources.Finally, the coupling procedure that was used for the present study can also be used forfuture exercises.

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