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O. ÖZÇATALBAŞThere is a specialist for each subjectin the extension circle. The main task ofHorticultural extension circle is to solveproblems of growers. If the problem can notbe solved at the extension circle, then theproblems are sent to the research institutes.In the region, horticultural researchactivities are implemented by the Universityof Hanover, Ministry of Agriculture, and theChamber which have horticultural researchinstitutes. However, the most importantresearch units belong to the Chamberfollowed by the university and the Ministryof Agriculture.3.2. The Strength of Linkage of the ChamberThe level of the relationships betweenthe farmers and the Chamber can be statedbetween ad-hoc and very strong. Accordingto this strength of linkage, The Chamber hasvery strong linkage with Ministry ofAgriculture of Lower Saxony, ResearchInstitutes of Ministry of Agriculture ofLower Saxony, University of HanoverForeign Research Institutes, ForeignUniversities and Other Chambers ofAgriculture in Germany (Schenk, 1999;Rhein,2000;Ozcatalbas,2000).The Chamberhas also a moderate-strong linkage withFederal Ministry of Agriculture andResearch Institutes of Federal Ministry ofAgriculture (Rhein, 2000).3.3. Fee-Paying System for ExtensionThe extension staffs are responsiblefor the extension activities in their area andusually visit farmers once or twice a weekwith respect to the characteristics of theproduction season. During these visits, theextension staffs make observations andconducts-interviews with growers. Thus theextension staffs have opportunity to see theproblems of farmers and determine solutionpossibilities at the farm level. The farmershave to pay membership fees (subscription)as annual basis to extension circle. Inaddition, farmers can ask the subject matterspecialists (SMS) of the Chamber to dealwith their urgent problems. If the extensionworker can solve the problems, he has to bepaid based on the time spent on the farmlevel. Furthermore, farmers can contact withextension staff by telephone and/or internetor farmers visit extension people in his/heroffice to receive agricultural information. Inthese cases again there is no need to pay feeby the farmers to the extension people.4. Training of Trainers and FarmersThe German training system inagriculture, especially practical training isbased on the German dual training system.Training institutions are universities,technical schools, DEULA institutes(Agricultural Teaching Centres), nationaland regional research institutes, etc.One of the key factors inimplementing extension is regular trainingwhich is fundamental to effective extension(Hayward, 1990). The regular training hasvery special role in the extension. InHanover region, training of trainers(extension staff) and farmers areimplemented by the Chamber. Trainingseminars oriented to farmers are organisedin various topics. These seminars generallylast 2 days, but some of them last one day orbetween 3 and 5 days. Farmers have to beregistered to participate these seminars andhave to pay seminar’s fee. The seminars aregenerally organised between January andFebruary, because agricultural activitiesbetween these dates are relatively low. Thetopics of seminars are crop selling,promotion, advertising, marketing, theprogram of Electronic Data Processing(EDV-Electronische Daten Verarbeitas) forbeginners internet-basic level, how to use(EDV) plant protection, horticulturalproduction techniques, social security andemployment, garden-landscape building,holidays information for women, studenttrips to international green week etc.5. Training of Farmers’ ChildrenThe training of farmers’ children(young farmes or future farmers) is carriedout by the Horticultural Department at themain office of the Chamber via internet andpublications. For this purpose, the Club of141

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