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The Evaluation of Horticultural Extension in Hanover Region of GermanyFarmers’ children was established which isknown as PUK-Club (Pfiffiges undKunterbuntes rund um Pflanzen). The Clubhas always contacts with its members. Themain communication tools are PUK-ClubMagazine and its web page.This club targets young farmers whoare between 5 and 11 years old. Currently,the club has 100.000 members and itorganises various activities for the children.The club for example organises courseslasting 2 months for the children ofornamental growers. About 150 growers’children from the total 1108 ornamentalfarms located in Hanover region weretrained in 1990. Training topics are aboutthe environment, agricultural andhorticultural productions. The aim of thecourses is to: disseminate information toparents through their children trained in thehorticultural production and to traincandidate growers.6. ConclusionIn Hannover Region of lower SaxonyState, The role of the Chamber ofAgriculture is very important forhorticultural extension activities. Extensionservice for horticulture sector is mainlycarried out by the Chamber which named“farmer-union based extension systems”.The most important tasks of theChamber are to organise and implementextension services, to train extensionworkers, to conduct research, to makecontact with relevant institutes: Thefunctions of the Ministry of Agriculture areto support financially to extension services,to conduct research and development, toorganize fair and exhibitions, to act togetherwith federal government to implementcommon agricultural policy, to developinformation networks. The degree ofrelationships between the farmers and theChamber can be stated between ad-hoc andvery strong. This point is very important andit should be continued to increase of theextension efficiency.AcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank Prof.Dr. E.W. Schenk, Dr. P. Rhein, Dr. F. Brunsand Mr. N. Märkisch for contributions andcollaboration.ReferencesBruns, F., 1999. Interview notes, Councillor ofMinistry Food, Agriculture and Forestry ofLower Saxony. 28 October 1999, Address:Calenberger Str.2 30169 Hannover.Hayward, J.A., 1990. Agricultural Extension:TheWorld Bank`s Experience and Approaches.Global Consultation on AgriculturalExtension.4-8 Dec., 1989 Rome, FAO. Italy.Märkisch,N., 1999. Interview notes, Chamber ofAgriculture of Hannover (LWK),Department ofHorticulture, EDV-Extension Circle.(Landwirtschaftskammer Hannover AbteilungGartenbau-EDV-Beratung-BetriebswirtschaftAnsprechpartner Internet) 05 Nov. 1999-18January 2000. Address: Abteilung Gartenbau,Johannssenstraße 10 D-30159 Hannover.Ozcatalbas, O., ve Gürgen, Y., 1998. AgriculturalExtension and Communication. Baki Publ.ISBN: 975-72024-02-3, Adana.Ozcatalbas, O., 2000. Horticultural InformationSystem and Extension Organization inHannover Region, Germany. HannoverUniversity, Horticultural Faculty, Institute ofHorticultural Economics. Hanover, Germany(unpublished report).Rhein,P., 2000. Interview notes, Chamber ofAgriculture of Hannover (LWK), Head ofDepartment of Horticulture,(Landwirtschaftsdirector, Leiter der AbteilungGartenbau). 18-24 January 2000. AbteilungGartenbau, Johannssenstraße 10 D-30159HannoverSchenk,E.W., 1999. Interview notes, Head of Instituteof Horticultural Economics. October 1999-January 2000. Universitaet Hannover Institut fürGartenbauökonomie, Herrenhauser Str. 2.D-30419 Hannover.Snapp, S.S., 2004. Innovations in Extension fromMalawi. American Society for HorticulturalScience, Horttechnology, January-March 2004(Vol14,No.1).Uhte,R., 2000. Interview notes, Head of Society forEconomics and Business Management inHorticulture. O5-12 January 2000. UniversitaetHannover Institut für Gartenbauökonomie,Herrenhauser Str. 2. D-30419 Hannover.142