Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide


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Don’t Quit, Get FitOvercoming the 4 Fitness KillersISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.59507US $17.99 • 192 pages5.5 x 8.5 • HardcoverEvery day, people give up trying to get in shapebecause they buy into the lie that being healthy is assimple as eating less and exercising more. But livinghealthy for a lifetime begins with a change of mind,not just a change in what we do. In Don’t Quit, GetFit, fitness instructor and life coach Vicki Heath helpsreaders understand why they have failed in the pastand shows them step-by-step how to develop lastingmotivation for a lifetime of fitness. Readers will learnhow to develop a healthy relationship with food andwith their body, and will define their wellness goalsusing the one-of-a-kind Don’t Quit, Get Fit evaluationtool.Release Date: January 2012Dream BigThe Henrietta Mears StoryISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.12540US $19.99 • 368 pages6 x 9 • HardcoverIn Dream Big, you’ll see the exciting things God can dothrough the life of a single individual totally committedto Him. Henrietta Mears had the courage andfaith to dream big. And she inspired the people shetouched to do the same.Dreams and VisionsUnderstanding Your Dreams and How God Can UseThem to Speak to You TodayISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.25694US $14.99 • 176 pages5.5 x 8.5 • Trade Paper“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sonsand your daughters shall prophesy, your young menshall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams”— Acts 2:17. With illustrative stories from Scriptureand from her own life, Jane Hamon has written thisno-nonsense guide to the meaning, purpose andsignificance of dreams in our lives. She deals with howto interpret our dreams, how to know when a dream isfrom God, how to recognize false messages in dreams,what to do when your dream contains a warning, andmore.Dumb Things Smart Christians BelieveMisbeliefs that Keep Us FromExperiencing God’s GraceISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.34153US $10.99 • 214 pages5.25 x 8 • Trade PaperGary Kinnaman contends that many Christians areblinded by what he calls “popular and nonbiblicalnotions” of God. Applying personal anecdotes, storiesfrom the lives of others and a large dose of humor,the author challenges 10 beliefs that are obstacles tothe experience of God’s love and providence. With alighthearted touch, the author rescues readers fromstubborn religious lies, such as: God grades on acurve; the better you are, the bigger the blessing. Andwhoppers like: If God leads you to something, everythingwill work out just great. Witty and engaging,Kinnaman may offend Christians of all traditions as heprovokes them to think more deeply about their faithand their behavior.Emotions: Can You Trust Them?ISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.32401US $12.99 • 166 pages5.5 x 8.5 • Trade PaperDr. James Dobson provides practical guidelines andsimple steps to help anyone understand their emotionsso that they can improve interaction with others.Love, anger and guilt are emotions that can be a verypositive force in our lives if we learn to recognize andcope with these aspects of who we are. By separatingdistorted thinking from the real thing—for instance,distinguishing between infatuation and true love,learn how to interpret and understand a broad rangeof emotions and separate fantasy from reality.The End of RejectionYour Past is Not Your FutureISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.43179US $12.99 • 160 pages5.5 x 8.5 • Trade PaperWe all want to be loved. Yet, we often find ourselvesdealing with rejection. The causes of rejection dateback to Adam and Eve! By understanding the origin ofrejection, its influence on our lives and our own rolein coping with it, we will be on the road to wholenessand freedom. Discover how coming to grips withrejection can release us to be the complete personwe were meant to be —in our marriages, families,workplaces and ministries.22 To order, contact your <strong>Gospel</strong> <strong>Light</strong> representative or call 1-800-4-GOSPEL (1-800-446-7735)

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