Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide


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Love, Acceptance and ForgivenessBeing Christian in a Non-Christian WorldISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.47535US $12.99 • 192 pages5.25 x 8 • Trade PaperLove is the Final FightA MemoirISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.55370US $19.99 • 256 pages6 x 9 • HardcoverLoving Your Man Without Losing Your MindISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.43711US $14.99 • 208 pages5.5 x 8.5 • Trade PaperIn this long-time best-seller now revised and updated,authors Jerry Cook and Stanley C. Baldwin suggestthat it is only when believers admit their own brokennessthat they can love, accept and forgive those whoare hurting around them. They offer clear teachingabout the Church in a hurting world, and speak fromexperience, not theory. Through touching true stories,Cook and Baldwin announce the good news. Thechurch is not broken and it is the broken people whocan change the world.John M. Perkins was the object of violent racism, andin 1970 he was almost beaten to death in a Mississippijail. He had every reason to respond with bitterness,anger and rage. Instead, he forgave those who hadtormented him and showed love to all. In these newmemoirs, he peers deep into the power of love toovercome all evils and casts a vision that has thepotential to transform every city in America.In Loving Your Man Without Losing Your Mind, SusieDavis delivers biblical perspective and practicalapplication intended to open the door for a womanto love her man with an abundance of understandingand grace. Using humor and wise insights, Susieequips wives to contribute to their marriages beyondtheir wildest expectations, creating an atmosphere inwhich, with the help of God, they realize the marriageof a lifetime.Make Your Dreams Bigger Than You MemoriesDon’t Let Your past Keep You from Your FutureISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.54717US $19.99 • 240 pages6 x 9 • HardcoverWe all wish we could just push a “delete” button onsome of the choices we made yesterday. What’s more,our past has a way of shaping who we are today.It’s amazing how one single dramatic experience ofrejection in childhood can last through adulthood andforever alter our self-image or how one bad decisionin college can overshadow the dreams of the future,even God-given dreams. Terri Savelle Foy shows howwe can let go of our past, change our self-image andconfidently move into a future with hope.Making a Good Church GreatBecoming a Community God Calls HomeISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.46620US $19.99 • 192 pages5.5 x 8.5 • HardcoverBest-selling author Steve Sjogren untangles thecomplex jumble commonly known as greatness intoday’s mega church, mega-everything world. In thisvery practical book, he focuses on a church’s genuinegreatness. Sjogren argues that greatness is not a pointat which you arrive; rather, it is an ongoing process ofworshipping, serving and living in God’s presence.Making Peace with Your FatherUnderstanding the Role Your Father has Playedin Your Life—Past and PresentISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.34412US $14.99 • 272 pages6 x 9 • Trade PaperDr. David Stoop encourages readers to celebrate thepositive influences their dads had on them and tomake peace with their fathers for the difficulties andproblems they may have caused. Making Peace withYour Father offers a comprehensive look at the role ofthe father, a study of father-absence and a thoroughdescription of the impact of abusive fathers. Readerswill learn the 11-step process that gives hope andhealing for relationships with fathers.54 To order, contact your <strong>Gospel</strong> <strong>Light</strong> representative or call 1-800-4-GOSPEL (1-800-446-7735)

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