Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide


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A New Kind of ConservativeISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.45333US $19.99 • 224 pages6 x 9 • HardcoverDr. Joel C. Hunter takes a provocative look at howfaith and politics have interacted in America, givingcivic-minded people a balanced and biblically-basedapproach to political involvement. The author speaks asa conservative Christian with traditional biblical stands.Hunter shows how religion and politics do not have to beat odds with one another, and offers the information andmotivation needed to take responsible action. Readers,regardless of their beliefs, will find this thoughtful, helpfuland compelling reading.No CompromiseA Passionate Devotional to Ignite Your FaithISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.29128US $9.99 • 136 pages5.5 x 8.5 • Trade PaperJim Burns has put together an outstanding devotionalfor teens that speaks to the major issues touchingevery Christian’s faith. These 40 daily readings incorporatequotes and illustrations from classic children’sliterature, biographies, personal stories and notablehistorical events to convey eternally significantthemes and help teens to relate these concepts totheir own lives. Perfect for teens, young adults, layleaders, pastors and families. In addition, this book isa tremendous resource for teaching todays teens!Nobody Told MeWhat You Need to Know About the Physical andEmotional Consequences of Sex Outside of MarriageISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.56537US $9.99 • 128 pages5.5 x 8.5 • Trade PaperTeens have their whole lives ahead of them, butmaking poor choices can undermine their hopes fora bright future. Too many young adults look back ondecisions they made in the heat of the moment andregret the path they chose—they wish someone hadtold them how premarital sex could negatively impacttheir future relationships. Here is a book to help teensmake the right choices when it comes to sex, basedon actual questions the author has received fromreal-life teens.Now That You’re EngagedThe Keys to Building a Strong, Lasting RelationshipISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.39233US $14.99 • 256 pages6 x 9 • Trade PaperOf Different MindsSeeing Your AD/HD Child Through the Eyes of GodISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.47207US $14.99 • 272 pages5.5 x 8.5 • Trade PaperThe Official Soccer Mom DevotionalA Book of 50 Brief and Inspiring DevotionsISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.45838US $12.99 • 192 pages5.5 x 8.5 • Trade PaperTrusted Christian counselor and marriage therapistDr. H. Norman Wright offers straight talk to couples ofall ages about this important step they are taking. AsWright knows and counsels, your level of commitmentis the most vital factor in determining the successor failure of your relationship. Backed with biblicalwisdom and providing the tools for a rock-solid plan,this practical book asks the right questions and helpsyou build on a strong foundation of commitment thatcan stand the test of time.Parents of children with learning differences such asADD/ADHD and Dyslexia have a unique and excitingroad ahead of them. In Of Different Minds, readers willlearn how to cope with and educate this incredibleperson. The book also addresses parental denial andthe mystery and fear surrounding ADD/ADHD, Dyslexiaand related disorders. Can a learning differentchild be successful? Of course, says Maren Angelotti,and here are the tools to set parents and their childrenon the path to success.“Soccer moms” are those spending enormousamounts of time transporting school-aged childrento various events -sporting, academic, musical andsocial - on top of all of the other things they do. Wheredoes this leave time for connecting with God? Forthose who are part of this sisterhood of moms on thego, help is at hand! With The Official Soccer Mom’s Devotional,no matter where a mom finds herself, she willhave a resource right at her fingertips that will providea mini devotional time with God.60To order, contact your <strong>Gospel</strong> <strong>Light</strong> representative or call 1-800-4-GOSPEL (1-800-446-7735)

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