Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide

Untitled - Gospel Light Worldwide


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What the Bible is All AboutBible Handbook • Revised NIV EditionISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.59668US $17.99 • 832 pages5.25 x 8 • Trade PaperWhat the Bible is All About Bible Study SeriesChristians on the MoveISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.61302US $9.99 • 144 pages6 x 9 • Trade PaperWhat the Bible is All About Bible Study SeriesFounders of Our FaithISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.59484US $9.99 • 144pages6 x 9 • Trade PaperThis is a must-have for pastors, teachers and all Christianswho want to understand God’s great plan of theages revealed from Genesis to Revelation. Readerswill find essential facts and historical background, butmore importantly see how every book of the Biblepoints to Jesus and God’s plan to transform everyone’slife through faith in Him.Christians On the Move is the third Bible study in an allnewseries based on Dr. Henrietta Mears’s best-sellingBible handbook What the Bible Is All About. With Dr.Mears as teacher and mentor, readers will study thebook of Acts, which chronicles the continuing workof Jesus and His Spirit through the apostles and theearly church. Readers will gain a clear understandingof key events—the outpouring of the Holy Spirit atPentecost, the apostle Paul’s conversion and missionaryjourneys—yet also see how those events fit intothe bigger picture of God’s plan of the ages, laid outfrom Genesis to Revelation.Release Date: January 2012This all-new study, based on Dr. Mears’ perennialbest-seller, invites readers to explore the world of thebiblical Patriarchs in Genesis and journey with the ancientIsraelites on their liberating exodus from Egyptto the Promised Land. Through 12 sessions of study,readers will get to know Adam and Eve, Abraham,Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and others, and see God’stimeline for Israel’s formation and salvation unfold.Plus, Dr. Mears’ signature approach to the sweepingbiblical narrative is to focus on Christ, so readers willalso come to understand how even the earliest eventsof Scripture point forward to Jesus and His faithfulnessto us today.What the Bible is All About Bible Study SeriesThe Life of JesusISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.59460US $9.99 • 144 pages6 x 9 • Trade PaperWhat the Bible is All AboutHoly Land Tour DVDISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.59682US $19.99 • 72 minutesDVDWhat the Bible is All About for MomsA Book of 66 DevotionsISBN 13-digit: 978.08307.51600US $14.99 • 240 pages5.25 x 8 • Trade PaperWith Dr. Mears as teacher and mentor, readers willstudy the four accounts of Jesus Christ’s life andministry: the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke andJohn. They will gain a big-picture understanding ofkey events—Jesus’ miraculous birth, His ministry, Histeachings, and His crucifixion and resurrection—yetalso see how each <strong>Gospel</strong> evangelist chose to emphasizeparticular themes for his reading audience.12 sessions of study give readers an opportunity toexamine Jesus’ life in depth, whether on their own orwith a group, and discussion/reflection questionsinvite groups or individuals to go even deeper.Dr. Henrietta Mears’ classic Bible handbook What theBible Is All About helps readers understand how JesusChrist is revealed in every book of the Bible. Now individualsand groups can see for themselves where Jesus’earthly life and ministry unfolded as they journeyto the Holy Land with Dr. Jack Hayford as their guide.What the Bible Is All About Holy Land Tour DVD takesviewers to the top of the Mount of Olives, overlookingthe ancient, holy city of Jerusalem, to the Kidron Valleyand Jericho, to Jesus’ birthplace of Bethlehem andthe site of His garden tomb, and to many more placesof biblical significance.Renowned Bible teacher Henrietta Mears had adream: to make the Bible accessible to everyone. Whatthe Bible is All About realized her dream, and that bookhas become an essential companion for students ofthe Bible for more than 50 years. What the Bible is AllAbout for Moms is the second devotional based on Dr.Mears’ classic study guide. These 66 readings, one foreach book of the Bible, will bring God’s Word into thehomes and hearts of moms of all ages.To order, contact your <strong>Gospel</strong> <strong>Light</strong> representative or call 1-800-4-GOSPEL (1-800-446-7735)91

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