Building Success on Strong Foundations - PNA
Building Success on Strong Foundations - PNA
Building Success on Strong Foundations - PNA
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Psychiatric Nurses Associati<strong>on</strong> <strong>PNA</strong> - <str<strong>on</strong>g>Building</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Success</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> Str<strong>on</strong>g Foundati<strong>on</strong>sDeveloping an Advanced Nurse Practiti<strong>on</strong>er(ANP) post in Addicti<strong>on</strong> and Mental HealthSt. Vincent’s Hospital, Fairview / HSE Dublin North CentralClódagh O’Sullivan / Phil Burke DONThe Lodge, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Fairview, Dublin 3Ph<strong>on</strong>e: 01-8842401 Clódagh O’ Sullivan01-8842445 Phil BurkeEmail: / philburke@svhf.ieBest practice in relati<strong>on</strong> to alcohol services indicates that provisi<strong>on</strong> of alcohol detoxificati<strong>on</strong> should occur intandem with the initiati<strong>on</strong> of psychosocial treatments (Carroll, 1997) The experience of the Substance AbuseService is that due to (1) extensive waiting lists and (2) detoxificati<strong>on</strong> being within the medical domain andpsychosocial treatments within the (specialist) nursing domain, these two events happen quite separately, withthe c<strong>on</strong>sequential ‘loss’ of clients between both events.In order to address this and to provide expert care at point of client c<strong>on</strong>tact, the ANP post has been developed.The ANP will meet the client when they first present, assess the client for detoxificati<strong>on</strong> and organise* same.The ANP follows up the client <strong>on</strong> an <strong>on</strong>going basis to c<strong>on</strong>tinually assess progress <strong>on</strong> detoxificati<strong>on</strong> and toinitiate psychosocial treatments. The client c<strong>on</strong>tinues to meet with the ANP until (a) discharge or (b) a placebecomes available for l<strong>on</strong>ger term counselling.(*Future plans include nurse prescribing)Nursing and MidwifePrescribing in IrelandFollowing legislative amendments to allow nurses and midwivesprescriptive authority in Ireland in May 2007, the prescribinginitiative c<strong>on</strong>tinues to gain momentum, led nati<strong>on</strong>ally by theHealth Service Executive HSE. Through the Office of theNursing Services Director.Currently there are 21 nurses and midwives registered as NursePrescribers with An Bord Altranais and the number is set toincrease further - 56 organisati<strong>on</strong>s are in the process ofimplementing the initiative across 46 clinical specialities.You Can Download This publicati<strong>on</strong>