Building Success on Strong Foundations - PNA

Building Success on Strong Foundations - PNA

Building Success on Strong Foundations - PNA

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Psychiatric Nurses Associati<strong>on</strong> <strong>PNA</strong> - <str<strong>on</strong>g>Building</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Success</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> Str<strong>on</strong>g Foundati<strong>on</strong>sRefocusing Acute PsychiatrySouth Lee Mental Health Services CorkAnn CoughlanNurse Practice Development Co-ordinator (NPDC)Unit 4a,South Ring Business Park,Kinsale Road CorkPh<strong>on</strong>e: 021 – 4927288 - 087 2996018Refocusing Acute PsychiatryRefocusing Acute Psychiatry is a structured approachto practice development and project managementwithin an acute admissi<strong>on</strong> envir<strong>on</strong>ment.It is based up<strong>on</strong> work strain theory and soluti<strong>on</strong>focused approaches in order to improve the quality ofworking lives of staff, to improve the quality of patientcare and to develop the “specialism” of acutepsychiatry. This Model was developed by Mr. NickBowles, based <strong>on</strong> his observati<strong>on</strong> of best practice inBradford, West Yorkshire, his participati<strong>on</strong> in thedevelopment of UK acute mental health policy and thematch between practice, policy and organisati<strong>on</strong>alpsychology.Refocusing is a highly specific series of interventi<strong>on</strong>sand is based up<strong>on</strong> psychological and organisati<strong>on</strong>altheory most importantly “the job strain” model(Karasek & Theorell). Two Cork sites have beeninvolved with this work since 2004, some of thepractice development themes include leadershippers<strong>on</strong> centred/recovery, purposeful admissi<strong>on</strong>, clearstructured and wellboundaried wards, engagement,therapeutic activity, audit and managerial support.The fundamental principles and some of the structuralelements of refocusing are in keeping with theemergent views of the mental Health Commissi<strong>on</strong> andour policy document “A Visi<strong>on</strong> for Change”Soluti<strong>on</strong> Focused Therapy in Acute MH Care (partof the Irish “Refocusing” initiative)Preferred Futures (Nick Bowles)Nick Bowles1 Pecket Well Mill, Hebden Bridge, W Yorks, HX7 8QY EnglandPh<strong>on</strong>e: 0044 7977 038302Email: preferredfutures@gmail.comDescripti<strong>on</strong> of training programme delivered in Ireland,defines SFT and role in acute MH care, in-pt andcommunity, summarises evidence base, shows howsix simple tools can be used in wards to performancemanage engagement.engagement, therapeutic activity,audit and managerial support.6

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