Fee structure 2010-11(3).pdf - Anglo Singapore International School

Fee structure 2010-11(3).pdf - Anglo Singapore International School

Fee structure 2010-11(3).pdf - Anglo Singapore International School

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SCHOOL UNIFORMAll students are required to wear school uniform.They should be in school sportswear uniform or house colour during PE lessons.<strong>School</strong> shoes should be easily fastened with a non-slip sole and offer supporting to the footwhen the student is running during playtime.Please check that your child’s school uniform is clearly labeled right down to their shoes.Uniform Price ListBoys Uniform SizeGirls UniformSMLXLXXL, 38, 40, 42SizeSMLXLXXL, 38, 40, 42700 Baht700 Baht750 Baht800 Baht850 Baht700 Baht700 Baht750 Baht800 Baht850 BahtHouse colours T-shirt350 BahtSport Wear Size T-Shirt ShortS 350Baht 250 BahtM 350 Baht 250 BahtL 350 Baht 250 BahtXL 350 Baht 300 Baht38 & up FREE SIZE 350 Baht 350 BahtJacket (<strong>School</strong> jacket)SizeTO BE ADVISED<strong>School</strong> uniform accessories:- Girl’s ribbon : 70 Baht- Boy’s tie : 70 Baht4

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