Brake Tester BT 400 / BT 410 / BT 420 BT 400 / BT 410 / BT 420

Brake Tester BT 400 / BT 410 / BT 420 BT 400 / BT 410 / BT 420

Brake Tester BT 400 / BT 410 / BT 420 BT 400 / BT 410 / BT 420

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Test Equipment<strong>Brake</strong> <strong>Tester</strong><strong>BT</strong> <strong>400</strong> / <strong>BT</strong> <strong>410</strong> / <strong>BT</strong> <strong>420</strong><strong>BT</strong> <strong>400</strong> / <strong>BT</strong> <strong>410</strong> / <strong>BT</strong> <strong>420</strong> „Design“Car & light truckMade in Germany

NUSSBAUM <strong>BT</strong> – When innovation meets reliabilityProgress that convincesThe new brake testing generation <strong>BT</strong> offers you the maximum flexibility and is entirely tailored to the user’s individualrequirements and demandsUpgradableNew electronics and an innovative designcoupled with perfected and reliabletechnology not only enables easy modularexpansion onto a complete test lane, butmoreover guarantees efficient and economicoperation in the workshop.At a glance• Automatic, delayed start of rollers after driving onto braketester• Automatic re-start and start lock protection• Single wheel mode (opt.)• Program controlled evaluation of all test results• Possibility to upgrade the brake tester modular up toa complete test lane (including PC)More efficiency – even on four-wheelvehiclesIn addition to the usual fully automatic testprocedure, which includes re-starting automaticand start lock protection, the newgeneration of ATT brake tester supportsthe automatic recognition of all four-wheeldrives, regardless whether they are simplevisco-, or Haldex-clutch types.After driving onto the roller set, after afew seconds the brake tester recogniseswhether a four-wheel vehicle is presentand switches automatically into the fourwheelmode (optional).This additional feature avoids damage tovehicles, guarantees reliable results andsaves you valuable time.You have got the choise...Roller set 3t, 4tAnalogue display opt. with LC DisplayAnalogue display „Design“ with LC Display (opt.)

Technical dataTechnical data <strong>BT</strong> <strong>400</strong> / Design <strong>BT</strong> <strong>410</strong> / Design <strong>BT</strong> <strong>420</strong> / DesignPermissible axle weight 3 t 4 t 4 tRange of measurement 5 kN 6 kN 8 kNRange of conventional indicatorcabinet6 kN 6 kN 8 kNRange of Design indicator cabinet 8 kN 8 kN 8 kNTest speed 3,3 km/h 5 km/h 5 km/hRoller coating plastic and SiC plastic and SiC plastic and SiCRoller diameter 200 mm 200 mm 200 mmMin. testing width 800 mm 800 mm 800 mmMax. testing width 2200 mm / 2800 mm 2200 mm / 2800 mm 2200 mm / 2800 mmSmallest effective axle width 440 mm 440 mm 440 mmMax. motor power 2 x 2,5 kW 2 x 3,5 kW 2 x 4 kWElectrical connection(Ph. / V / AT / Hz)3 / <strong>400</strong> / 20 / 50 3 / <strong>400</strong> / 25 / 50 3 / <strong>400</strong> / 32 / 50Measurement system electrical (DMS) electrical (DMS) electrical (DMS)Transmission factor>0,5 wet>0,7 dry>0,5 wet>0,7 dry>0,5 wet>0,7 dryDimension roller set (W / D / H) 2350(2950) x 690 x 265 mm 2350(2950) x 690 x 265 mm 2350(2950) x 690 x 265 mmIndicator cabinet conventional (H /W / D)Indicator cabinet Design(H / W / D)580 x 900 x 275 mm 580 x 900 x 275 mm 580 x 900 x 275 mm770 x 980 x 280 mm 770 x 980 x 280 mm 770 x 980 x 280 mmTech. changes and errors excepted · Version 09/2008 · www.aroma-ID.de · PROSPEKT-PKW-<strong>BT</strong>-EOtto Nußbaum GmbH & Co. KG · Korker Str. 24 · 77694 Kehl-BodersweierTel.: +49(0)7853/899-0 · Fax: +49(0)78 53/87 87 · www.nussbaum-lifts.de

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