B-SX4T Series, B-SX5T Series Expansion I/O ... - Toshiba Tec Italia
B-SX4T Series, B-SX5T Series Expansion I/O ... - Toshiba Tec Italia
B-SX4T Series, B-SX5T Series Expansion I/O ... - Toshiba Tec Italia
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TOSHIBA TEC Bar Code PrinterB-<strong>SX4T</strong> <strong>Series</strong>, B-<strong>SX5T</strong> <strong>Series</strong><strong>Expansion</strong> I/O SpecificationFirst Edition: November 18, 2002
TABLE OF CONTENTS1. SCOPE......................................................................................................................................... 1Page2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................... 13. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... 23.1 PIN ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................................. 23.2 INTERFACE CIRCUIT............................................................................................................ 24. SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................. 44.1 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................. 44.1.1 OUTLINE OF SIGNALS ................................................................................................... 44.1.2 DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS FOR SIGNALS .................................................................. 54.1.3 EXAMPLE OF TIMING CHART (STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS)................................. 184.2 IN-LINE SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................... 214.2.1 OUTLINE OF SIGNALS ................................................................................................... 214.2.2 DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS FOR SIGNALS .................................................................. 224.2.3 EXAMPLE OF TIMING CHART (IN-LINE SPECIFICATIONS)........................................ 35i
1. SCOPEThis specification applies to expansion input/output (I/O) (B-7704-IO-XX) for the B-<strong>SX4T</strong> series(hereinafter referred to as “B-<strong>SX4T</strong>”) and B-<strong>SX5T</strong> series (hereinafter referred to as “B-<strong>SX5T</strong>”) industrialhigh-performance class general-purpose bar code printers.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONBy using the expansion I/O, the printer can feed and issue labels, or indicate the printer state, accordingto the external input/output signals, in addition to using commands from the PC. This allows interfacingwith the external equipment such as a labeler.- 1 -
3. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS3.1 PIN ASSIGNMENTConnector: FCN-685JO024 or equivalentConnector for the controller:FCN-781P024-G/P or equivalentNo. Signal Name Direction No. Signal Name1 IN0 Input 13 OUT62 IN1 Input 14 N.C3 IN2 Input 15 COM14 IN3 Input 16 N.C5 IN4 Input 17 N.C6 IN5 Input 18 N.C7 OUT0 Output 19 N.C8 OUT1 Output 20 N.C9 OUT2 Output 21 COM210 OUT3 Output 22 N.C11 OUT4 Output 23 N.C12 OUT5 Output 24 N.C3.2 INTERFACE CIRCUIT(1) Input circuitPrinterExternal ControllerCOM1IN0RVccIN5RPhoto-couplerPhoto-coupler: TLP521 (TOSHIBA)There are 6 input circuits, and each input is a current loop using a photo-coupler. The anode ofthe photo-coupler is connected to the common pin COM1 in each of the 6 circuits. The cathodesare independent. The voltage of Vcc is 24 V (max.) while the diode operating current is 16 mA.- 2 -
(2) Output circuitPrinterExternal Controller, etc. (In the case of photo-coupler)OUT0VccOUT6COM2There are 7 output circuits, and each output is an open collector. The voltage of Vcc is 24 V(max.) while the drive current is 150 mA.- 3 -
4. SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONSThere are two types of software specifications, for the standard mode and the in-line mode. The typecan be selected in the system mode setting.TYPE1:TYPE2:Standard modeIn-line mode4.1 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS[Standard]4.1.1 OUTLINE OF SIGNALSInputIN0.IN1.IN2.IN3.IN4.IN5.FEED .........................................Feeds one label.ISSUE........................................Issues one label.PAUSE.......................................Temporarily stops label printing.PRE-BACKFEED.......................Feeds a label back to the home position.Not usedNot usedOutputOUT0.OUT1.OUT2.OUT3.OUT4.OUT5.OUT6.FEEDING..............................Indicates the printer is feeding a label.ISSUING...............................Indicates the printer is issuing a label.PAUSING .............................Indicates the printer is in a pause state.ERROR.................................Indicates the printer is in an error state.Not used ...............................The signal is always off.POWER ON .........................Indicates the printer power is on (without software control).RIBBON NEAR END ............Indicates the printer ribbon is near the end.- 4 -
4.1.2 DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS FOR SIGNALS[Standard]IN0FEEDWhen the signal goes from off to on, the printer feeds one label. If the signal is on whenthe feed is completed, the printer feeds one more label.The FEED signal input is ignored, when the printer is in any of the following states.• Issuing• Feeding• Ejecting• Manual feeding• Checking broken head dots• Waiting for stripping• Command save mode• Writable character store mode• Communication error (command error or hardware error)• System mode• Performing a pre-backfeedWhen the manual forward feed length has been set, a feed is performed by a value ofone label feed length plus a manual forward feed length.When the printer is in a waiting state for a forward feed in the cut issue mode, itperforms the following operations.One label feed → Feed to the cut position → Cut → Reverse feed to the homeposition → Forward feedWhen the printer is feeding a label back to the home position (pre-backfeed), a feedlength (described below) is actually performed.A feed length to be performed = Pre-backfeed length + Feed length of a labelOFFON80 msec to 120 msecFEED(IN0)OFFONIgnoredFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart ofa feedEnd ofa feedStart ofa feedEnd ofa feedOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 5 -
IN1ISSUE[Standard]When the signal goes from off to on, the printer prints the data in the image buffer onone label. If the signal is on when the issue is completed, the printer issues one morelabel.The ISSUE signal input is ignored, when the printer is in any of the following states.• Issuing• Feeding• Pausing• Engine error• Ejecting• Manual feeding• Checking broken head dots• Waiting for stripping• Command save mode• Writable character store mode• Communication error (command error, hardware error)• System mode• Performing a pre-backfeedAfter a label is issued by the Issue Command sent from the host, the ISSUE signalallows the same label to be printed. However, this signal cannot be substituted for theIssue Command. If the ISSUE signal goes on under the following conditions, printing isnot performed properly.• The ISSUE Command is not sent.• The image buffer clear and drawing are performed after the Issue Command issent. However, the Issue Command is not sent again.In this case, a label may not be issued, and a status response may be returned.When the printer is in a waiting state for a forward feed in the cut issue mode, itperforms the following operations.One label feed → Feed to the cut position → Cut → Reverse feed to the homeposition → Forward feedWhen the printer is feeding a label back to the home position (pre-backfeed), a feedlength (described below) is actually performed.A feed length to be performed = Pre-backfeed length + Feed length of a label (+Forward feed length to the strip position)ISSUE(IN1)OFFON80 msec to 120 msecStart printing within 100 msecISSUING(OUT1)OFFONOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 6 -
Commanddata fromthe host[Standard]ISSUE(IN1)OFFONIgnoredISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart ofan issueEnd ofan issueStart ofan issueEnd ofan issueOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuityNOTE:While an issue is being performed by the ISSUE signal (IN1), the Clear Command orDrawing Command should not be sent from the host, since the data may not beprinted properly.ISSUE(IN1)OFFONISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart ofan issueFirst labelSecond labelThird labelSince the ISSUE signal (IN1) remains ON,the printer issues the next label without stopping.End ofan issueOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 7 -
IN2PAUSE[Standard]The printer enters a pause state by this signal. While the PAUSE signal is on, theprinter does not issue a label. When the signal goes off, the printer starts issuing.If the PAUSE signal goes on while the printer is issuing or feeding a label, the printerdoes not stop an issue or a feed immediately. After issuing or feeding one label, theprinter enters the pause state.Commanddata fromthe hostPAUSE(IN2)OFFONISSUING(OUT1)OFFONOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuityA pause state generated by the PAUSE signal cannot be cleared only by the RESTARTkey of the printer. The pause state, generated by the PAUSE key, can be cleared whenthe PAUSE signal goes from on to off.An error can be cleared only by the RESTART key on the printer.(The error cannot be cleared when the PAUSE signal goes from on to off.)- 8 -
IN3PRE-BACKFEED[Standard]When the strip issue (Issue modes D and E) is selected, or this signal goes from off toon, the printer feeds a label back to the issue standby position.The PRE-BACKFEED signal input is ignored when the printer is in any of the followingstates.• Issuing• Feeding• Engine error• Ejecting• Manual feeding• Checking broken head dots• Command save mode• Writable character store mode• Communication error (command error, hardware error)• System mode• Performing a pre-backfeedOnce the label is fed back to the issue standby position, thereafter, the PRE-BACKFEED signal input is ignored.OFFON80 msec to 120 msecPRE-BACKFEED(IN3)OFFONIgnoredIgnoredFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart of apre-backfeedEnd of apre-backfeedOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 9 -
OUT0FEEDINGThis output signal indicates that the printer is feeding a label.The signal is on during a feed. Feeding means the following states.• Normal feeding• Ejecting by the Eject Command from the host• Ejecting for an issue with a cut• Reverse feeding for a strip issue• Manual forward/reverse feeding• Initial feed when the printer restarts after an error is cleared.• Performing a pre-backfeed[Standard]When the printer completes a feed normally, the signal goes off.The FEEDING signal is output for a feed by any of the following: the printer key, acommand from the host, or the FEED signal.When an error occurs during a feed and the printer stops feeding, the FEEDING signalgoes off.(1) Normal feedFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart ofa feedEnd ofa feed(2) Label end in the middle of a feedFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart ofa feedLabel end(3) Feed with a cutFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONFeedStop ofa feedCut ReversefeedStart ofa reverse feed(4) Strip feedFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONReverse feed tothe home positionFeedFeed to the strip positionStop of a reverse feedOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 10 -
(5) Ejection[Standard]FEEDING(OUT0)OFFONFeed to thecut positionStop ofa feedCut Reverse feed tothe home positionStart ofa reverse feed(6) Issue with a cutISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart of printingEnd of printingFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONFeed to thecut positionStop ofa feedCut Reverse feed tothe home positionStart ofa reverse feed(7) Strip issueISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart of printingEnd of printingFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONReverse feed to thehome positionFeed to the strippositionOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 11 -
OUT1ISSUING[Standard]This output signal indicates that the printer is issuing a label.The signal is on during an issue. In the batch issue mode, the signal goes off when thespecified number of labels are issued normally. However, when the printer performsbatch issues without stopping between different batches, the signal remains on. In thestrip issue mode, the signal goes off every time the printer issues one label normally. Inthe cut issue mode, the signal goes off while the printer is ejecting a label to cut.The ISSUING signal is output for any issue for the self test results printout or test print inthe system mode, or by a command from the host or the ISSUE signal. However, sincethe checks such as the <strong>Expansion</strong> I/O loop back check are performed in the self-test,there may be moments where all output signals go on.When an error occurs during issuing and the printer stops issuing, the ISSUING signalgoes off.When the printer pauses during issuing one label or more, the signal goes off. After thepause state is cleared, the signal goes on again and the printer resumes printing theremaining number of labels.(1) Normal issueISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart ofan issueEnd ofan issue(2) Label end in the middle of an issueISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart ofan issueLabel end(3) Batch issue (2 labels to issue)ISSUING(OUT1)OFFON1st label2nd label(4) Strip issue (2 labels to issue)ISSUING(OUT1)OFF1st label2nd labelONPrintingPrintingFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONReverse feed tothe home positionFeed to thestrip positionReverse feed tothe home positionFeed to thestrip positionWaiting forstrippingOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 12 -
(5) Cut issue (4 labels to issue, cut every 2 labels)(When the swing cutter is used)[Standard]ISSUING(OUT1)OFF1st label2nd label3rd label4th labelONFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONEjectEject(6) Batch issue (3 labels to issue, pause during printing)PAUSE(IN2)OFFONISSUING(OUT1)OFF1st label2nd label3rd labelON(7) Ribbon saving issueISSUING(OUT1)OFFONPrinting areaRibbon saving areaPrinting areaOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 13 -
OUT2PAUSING[Standard]This output signal indicates that the printer is in a pause state.While the printer is in a pause state, the signal goes on. The PAUSING signal is outputfor any pausing state caused by either the printer key or PAUSE signal.Also, when the head is opened, the PAUSING signal goes on.PAUSE(IN2)OFFONISSUING(OUT1)OFFONPAUSING(OUT2)OFFONIf the PAUSE signal is input during issuing or feeding, the PAUSING signal is not outputuntil the issuing or feeding is completed.If the PAUSE signal (IN2) is input when the printer is in an error state, it is ignored.OFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 14 -
OUT3ERRORThis output signal indicates that an error occurred, stopping the printer.The signal goes on while the printer is in an error state.When any of the following errors occur, the ERROR signal goes on.• Communication error (Command error)• Communication error (Hardware error)• Paper jam• Cutter error• Paper end• Ribbon end• Ribbon error• Head open error• Thermal head abnormal• Thermal head temperature abnormal (overheating)• Rewinder overflow• Write error of memory for storage• Format error of memory for storage• Full memory for storage[Standard]When the error state is cleared, the ERROR signal goes off.However, the printer is not restored unless the power goes off then on, when an errorcannot be cleared by the [RESTART] key.FEEDING(OUT0)OFFONInitial feedISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStop of an issueERROR(OUT3)OFFONLabel endLoad a new label roll.RestartThe headis opened.The headis closed.Normal end ofinitial feedOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 15 -
OUT5POWER ON[Standard]This output signal indicates that the printer power is on.While the printer power is on, the signal is on.While the printer power is on, the POWER ON signal remains on, no matter what statethe printer is in.POWER ON(OUT5)OFFONPower isturned on.Power isturned off.OFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 16 -
OUT6RIBBON NEAR END[Standard]This output signal indicates that the printer ribbon is near the end.While the printer is in a ribbon near end state, the signal goes on.When the printer has run out of ribbon, the signal goes off.If the ribbon near end detection is set to OFF (not performed) in the system mode, theOUT6 signal remains OFF even if the printer is in a ribbon near end state.ISSUING(OUT1)OFFONRIBBONNEAR END(OUT6)OFFONThe ribbon near endstate is detected.OFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 17 -
4.1.3 EXAMPLE OF TIMING CHART (STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS)Printer[PAUSE] keyPrinter[RESTART] keyCommand dataDataIssueCommandDataIssueCommandFEED(IN0)ISSUE(IN1)PAUSE(IN2)OFFONOFFONOFFON(2)(3)(4)(5)(14)FEEDING(OUT0)ISSUING(OUT1)PAUSING(OUT2)OFFONOFFONOFFON(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(15)ERROR(OUT3)OFFONRIBBON NEAREND (OUT6)OFFON(13)Power ON(OUT3)OFFON(1)(6)(16)Power onRibbon near endLabel endPower off- 18 -
Explanation of Timing Chart (Standard Specifications)(1) When the power is turned on, the OUT5 (POWER ON) goes on.(2) The printer starts issuing by the command from the host. The OUT1 (ISSUING) goes on.(3) The printer starts feeding by the IN0 (FEED). The OUT0 (FEEDING) goes on.(4) The printer starts issuing by the IN1 (ISSUE). The OUT1 (ISSUING) goes on.(5) The printer starts issuing by the IN1 (ISSUE). The OUT1 (ISSUING) goes on.(6) Since a ribbon near end state is detected, OUT6 (RIBBON NEAR END) goes on.(7) After the issue is completed, the printer enters into a pause state by the IN2 (PAUSE). The OUT2 (PAUSING) goes on.(8) The pause state is cleared when the IN2 (PAUSE) goes off. The OUT2 (PAUSING) goes off.(9) The pause state is cleared when the IN2 (PAUSE) goes off. Then the printer starts issuing for the command from the host.The OUT1 (ISSUING) goes on.(10) After the issue is completed, the printer enters into a pause state by the printer PAUSE key. The OUT2 (PAUSING) goes on.(11) The pause state is cleared by the printer RESTART key. The OUT2 (PAUSING) goes off.(12) The printer starts issuing by the IN1 (ISSUE). The OUT1 (ISSUING) goes on.(13) The printer stops issuing because a label end error occurred during an issue. The OUT1 (ISSUING) goes off and the OUT3 (ERROR) goes on.(14) The printer starts an initial feed by the printer RESTART key. (The OUT0 (FEEDING) goes on.)(15) After the initial feed is completed, the error state is cleared (the OUT3 (ERROR) goes off),the printer resumes issuing (the OUT1 (ISSUING) goes on).(16) When the power is turned off, the OUT5 (POWER ON) goes off.OFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 19 -
Example of Timing Charts for Issue/Feed Mode E (Strip mode: with back feed, the peel-off sensor is ignored, the applicator is supported.)(1) When one label is issued:Commandfrom the hostDatatransmissionIN2(PAUSE)The PAUSE signal is ON.The PAUSE signal is OFF.The PAUSE signal is ON.OUT0(FEEDING)BeforeprintingAfterprintingOUT1(ISSUING)One label is issued.• When issue mode E is selected, an issue is started by the IN2 (PAUSE).• The data transmission is performed when the IN2 (PAUSE) goes on, and an issue is started when the IN2 (PAUSE) goes off.• The IN2 (PAUSE) goes on at the timing of the rise of the OUT1 (ISSUING).• If the label to be issued is the same as the previous one, an issue is started when the IN2 (PAUSE) goes off.• If the label to be issued is different from the previous one, an issue is started when the IN2 (PAUSE) goes off, after the next label data is sent.(2) When three labels are issued:Commandfrom the hostDatatransmissionIN2(PAUSE)The PAUSE signal is ON.The PAUSE signal is OFF.The PAUSE signalis ON.The PAUSE signal is OFF.The PAUSE signalis ON.The PAUSE signal is OFF.The PAUSE signalis ON.OUT0(FEEDING)OUT1(ISSUING)The 1st label is issued.The 2nd label is issued.The 3rd label is issued.- 20 -
4.2 IN-LINE SPECIFICATIONS[In-line]4.2.1 OUTLINE OF SIGNALSInputIN0.IN1.IN2.IN3.IN4.IN5.FEED ............................Feeds one label.ISSUE...........................Issues one label.ACTIVATE ....................Starts processing the Issue CommandPRE-BACKFEED..........Feeds a label back to the home position.Not usedNot usedOutputOUT0.OUT1.OUT2.OUT3.OUT4.OUT5.OUT6.FEEDING..............................Indicates the printer is feeding a label.ISSUING...............................Indicates the printer is issuing a label.ACTIVE.................................Indicates whether or not the printer is active.ERROR.................................Indicates the printer is in an error state.Not used ...............................The signal is always off.POWER ON .........................Indicates the printer power is on (without software control).RIBBON NEAR END ............Indicates the printer ribbon is near the end.- 21 -
4.2.2 DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS FOR SIGNALS[In-line]IN0FEEDWhen the signal goes from off to on, the printer feeds one label. If the signal is on whenthe feed is completed, the printer feeds one more label.The FEED signal input is ignored, when the printer is in any of the following states.• Issuing• Feeding• Manual feeding• Ejecting• Checking broken head dots• Waiting for stripping• Command save mode• Writable character store mode• Communication error (command error or hardware error)• System mode• Performing a pre-backfeedWhen the manual forward feed length has been set, a feed length (described below) isperformed.A feed length to be performed = Feed length of a label + Manual forward feed lengthWhen the printer is in a wait state for a forward feed in the cut issue mode, it performsthe following operations.One label feed → Feed to the cut position → Cut → Reverse feed to the homeposition → Forward feedWhen the printer is feeding a label back to the home position (pre-backfeed), a feedlength (described below) is actually performed.A feed length to be performed = Pre-backfeed length + Feed length of a labelOFFON80 msec to 120 msecFEED(IN0)OFFONIgnoredFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart ofa feedEnd ofa feedStart ofa feedEnd ofa feedOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 22 -
IN1ISSUE[In-line]When the signal goes from off to on, the printer prints the data in the image buffer onone label. If the signal is on when the issue is completed, the printer issues one morelabel.The ISSUE signal input is ignored, when the printer is in any of the following states.• Issuing• Feeding• Pausing• Inactive• Engine error• Manual feeding• Checking broken head dots• Waiting for stripping• Command save mode• Writable character store mode• Communication error (command error, hardware error)• System mode• Performing a pre-backfeedAfter a label is issued by the Issue Command sent from the host and the ACTIVATEsignal (IN2), the ISSUE signal allows the same label to be printed. However, this signalcannot be substituted for the Issue Command. If the ISSUE signal goes on under thefollowing conditions, printing is not performed properly.• The ISSUE Command is not sent.• An issue is not performed by the ACTIVATE signal after the Issue Command issent.• The image buffer clear and drawing are performed after the Issue Command issent. However, the Issue Command is not sent again.In this case, a label may not be issued, and a status response may be returned.When the printer is in a wait state for a forward feed in the cut issue mode, it performsthe following operations.One label printing → Feed to the cut position → Cut → Reverse feed to the homeposition → Forward feedWhen the printer is feeding a label back to the home position (pre-backfeed), a feedlength (described below) is actually performed.A feed length to be performed = Pre-backfeed length + Feed length of a label (+Forward feed to the strip position)ISSUE(IN1)OFFON80 msec to 120 msecStart printing within 100 msecISSUING(OUT1)OFFONOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 23 -
Commanddata fromthe host[In-line]ISSUE(IN1)OFFONIgnoredACTIVATE(IN2)ISSUING(OUT1)OFFONOFFActivatean issue.ONStart ofan issueEnd ofan issueStart ofan issueEnd ofan issueOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuityNOTE:While an issue is being performed by the ISSUE signal (IN1), the Clear Command orDrawing Command should not be sent from the host, since the data may not beprinted properly.ISSUE(IN1)OFFONISSUING(OUT1)OFF1st label2nd label3rd labelONStart ofan issueStart ofan issueStart ofan issueEnd ofan issueIn the in-line specifications, even if IN1remains ON, the printer stops printingevery label before printing the nextlabel. This is different from thestandard specifications.OFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 24 -
IN2ACTIVATE[In-line]The printer executes the Issue Command which has been sent from the host accordingto this signal. While the ACTIVATE signal is off, the printer does not issue a label. Theprinter starts executing the Issue Command sent from the host by an ON pulse of 80msec or more. One ON pulse allows the printer to execute the process for one label inthe received Issue Commands. However, the ACTIVATE signal input is ignored, whenthe printer is in any of the following states.• Issuing• Feeding• Inactive• Engine error• Ejecting• Manual feeding• Checking broken head dots• Command save mode• Writable character store mode• Communication error (command error, hardware error)• System mode• Performing a pre-backfeedWhen the printer is feeding a label back to the home position (pre-backfeed), a feedlength (described below) is actually performed.A feed length to be performed = Pre-backfeed length + Feed length of a labelCommand datafrom the hostACTIVATE(IN2)OFFONISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart ofan issueStart ofan issueStart ofan issueEnd of allissuesACTIVE(OUT2)OFFONOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 25 -
IN3PRE-BACKFEED[In-line]When the strip issue (Issue modes D and E) is selected, or this signal goes from off toon, the printer feeds a label back to the issue standby position.The PRE-BACKFEED signal input is ignored when the printer is in any of the followingstates.• Issuing• Feeding• Engine error• Ejecting• Manual feeding• Checking broken head dots• Command save mode• Writable character store mode• Communication error (command error, hardware error)• System mode• Performing a pre-backfeedOnce the label is fed back to the issue standby position, thereafter, the PRE-BACKFEED signal input is ignored.OFFON80 msec to 120 msecPRE-BACKFEED(IN3)OFFONIgnoredIgnoredFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart of apre-backfeedEnd of apre-backfeedOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 26 -
OUT0FEEDINGThis output signal indicates that the printer is feeding a label.The signal is on during a feed. Feeding means the following states.• Normal feeding• Ejecting by the Eject Command from the host• Ejecting for an issue with a cut• Reverse feeding for a strip issue• Manual forward/reverse feeding• Initial feed when the printer restarts after an error is cleared.• Performing a pre-backfeed[In-line]When the printer completes a feed normally, the signal goes off.The FEEDING signal is output for a feed by any of the following: the printer key, acommand from the host, or the FEED signal.When an error occurs during a feed and the printer stops feeding, the FEEDING signalgoes off.(1) Normal feedFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart ofa feedEnd ofa feed(2) Label end in the middle of a feedFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart ofa feedLabel end(3) Feed with a cutFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONFeedStop ofa feedCut ReversefeedStart ofa reverse feed(4) Strip feedFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONReverse feed tothe home positionFeedFeed to the strip positionStop of a reverse feedOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 27 -
(5) Ejection[In-line]FEEDING(OUT0)OFFONFeed to thecut positionStop ofa feedCut Reverse feed tothe home positionStart ofa reverse feed(6) Issue with a cutISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart of printingEnd of printingFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONFeed to thecut positionStop ofa feedCut Reverse feed tothe home positionStart ofa reverse feed(7) Strip issueISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart of printingEnd of printingFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONReverse feed to thehome positionFeed to the strippositionOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 28 -
OUT1ISSUING[In-line]This output signal indicates that the printer is issuing a label.The signal is on during an issue.The ISSUING signal is output for any issue for the self test results printout or test print inthe system mode, or by a command from the host or the ISSUE signal. However, sincethe checks such as the <strong>Expansion</strong> I/O loop back check are performed in the self-test,there may be moments where all output signals go on.When an error occurs during issuing and the printer stops issuing, the ISSUING signalgoes off.(1) Normal issueISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart ofan issueEnd ofan issue(2) Label end in the middle of an issueISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart ofan issueLabel end(3) Strip issue (2 labels to issue)ACTIVATE(IN2)OFFONActivate the 1stlabel issue.Activate the secondlabel issue.ISSUING(OUT1)OFF1st label2nd labelONPrintingPrintingFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONReverse feed tothe home positionFeed to thestrip positionReverse feed tothe home positionFeed to thestrip positionStrip a label.OFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 29 -
(4) Cut issue (4 labels to issue, cut every 2 labels)(When the swing cutter is used)[In-line]ACTIVATE(IN2)OFFONActivatethe 1stlabel issue.Activatethe 2ndlabel issue.Activatethe 3rdlabel issue.Activatethe 4thlabel issue.ISSUING(OUT1)OFF1st label2nd label 3rd label 4th labelONFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONEjectEject(5) Ribbon saving issueISSUING(OUT1)OFFONPrinting areaRibbon saving areaPrinting areaOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 30 -
OUT2ACTIVE[In-line]This output signal indicates that the printer is active.When the printer receives the Feed Command or the Issue Command, the signal goeson (active). When the printer completes all Feed Commands or Issue Commands sentfrom the host, the signal goes off (inactive).Command(Issues 2 labels)ACTIVATE(IN2)ISSUING(OUT1)OFFONOFFONActivate the 1stlabel issue.Activate the 2ndlabel issue.ACTIVE(OUT2)OFFONOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 31 -
OUT3ERRORThis output signal indicates that an error occurred, stopping the printer.The signal goes on while the printer is in an error state.When any of the following errors occur, the ERROR signal goes on.• Communication error (Command error)• Communication error (Hardware error)• Paper jam• Cutter error• Paper end• Ribbon end• Ribbon error• Head open error• Thermal head abnormal• Thermal head temperature abnormal (overheating)• Rewinder overflow• Write error of memory for storage• Format error of memory for storage• Full memory for storage[In-line]When the error state is cleared, the ERROR signal goes off.However, the printer is not restored unless the power goes off then on, when an errorcannot be cleared by the [RESTART] key.FEEDING(OUT0)OFFONInitial feedISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStop of an issueERROR(OUT3)OFFONLabel endLoad a new label roll.RestartThe headis opened.The headis closed.Normal end ofinitial feedOFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 32 -
OUT5POWER ON[In-line]This output signal indicates that the printer power is on.While the printer power is on, the signal is on.While the printer power is on, the POWER ON signal remains on no matter what statethe printer is in.POWER ON(OUT5)OFFONPower isturned on.Power isturned off.OFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 33 -
OUT6RIBBON NEAR END[In-line]This output signal indicates that the printer ribbon is near the end.While the printer is in a ribbon near end state, the signal goes on.When the printer has run out of ribbon, the signal goes off.If the ribbon near end detection is set to OFF (not performed) in the system mode, theOUT6 signal remains OFF even if the printer is in a ribbon near end state.ISSUING(OUT1)OFFONRIBBONNEAR END(OUT6)OFFONThe ribbon near endstate is detected.OFF:ON:Power interruptionContinuity- 34 -
4.2.3 EXAMPLE OF TIMING CHART (IN-LINE SPECIFICATIONS)(1) The Issue Command (for printing 3 labels) is sent.Command dataIssue 3 labels.• ExplanationFEED(IN0)OFFON The host sends the IssueCommand for printing 3 labels. Become active. Activate the 1st label issue.ISSUE(IN1)ACTIVATE(IN2)OFFONOFFONActivate the 1stlabel issue.Activate the 2ndlabel issue.Activate the3rd labelissue. Start of the 1st label issue. End of the 1st label issue. Activate the 2nd label issue. Start of the 2nd label issue. End of the 2nd label issue. Activate the 3rd label issue.PRE-BACKFEED(IN3)OFFON Start of the 3rd label issue. End of the 3rd label issue. Become inactive.Not used(IN4)OFFONNot used(IN5)OFFONFEEDING(OUT0)ISSUING(OUT1)ACTIVE(OUT2)OFFONOFFONOFFON ActiveStart of the issueEnd of the issueStart of the issueEnd of the issueStart of the issueEnd of theissueInactiveERROR(OUT3)OFFONNot used(OUT4)OFFONPOWER ON(OUT5)OFFONRIBBON NEAREND (OUT6)OFFONLCD (Upperline) indicationON LINEPAUSE 3ON LINEPAUSE 2ON LINEPAUSE 1ON LINE ON LINE- 35 -
(2) Another Issue Command is sent during printing.Command dataFEED(IN0)ISSUE(IN1)ACTIVATE(IN2)PRE-BACKFEED(IN3)Not used(IN4)Not used(IN5)FEEDING(OUT0)ISSUING(OUT1)OFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONIssueone label.Issueone label.Activate the 1st issue.Issueone label. Start of the issueEnd of theissueActivate the 2nd issue.Start of the issueEnd of theissueActivate the 3rd issue.Start of the issueEnd of theissue• Explanation The host continuously sends the twoIssue Commands for printing 1 label. Become active. Activate the issue for the 1st IssueCommand. Start of the issue for the 1st IssueCommand. End of the issue for the 1st IssueCommand. Activate the issue for the 2nd IssueCommand. Start of the issue for the 2nd IssueCommand. The host sends another IssueCommand, while the printer isprinting. End of the issue for the 2nd IssueCommand. Activate the issue for the 3rd IssueCommand. Start of the issue for the 3rd IssueCommand. End of the issue for the 3rd IssueCommand. Become inactive.ACTIVE(OUT2)OFFON Active InactiveERROR(OUT3)OFFONNot used(OUT4)OFFONPOWER ON(OUT5)OFFONRIBBON NEAREND (OUT6)OFFONLCD (Upperline) indicationON LINEPAUSE 1ON LINEPAUSE 1 PAUSE 1ON LINEON LINEON LINE- 36 -
(3) The Feed Command and the Issue Command are continuously sent.Command dataFEED(IN0)OFFONFeedIssueone label.• Explanation The host continuously sends theFeed Command and the IssueCommand. Become active.ISSUE(IN1)ACTIVATE(IN2)PRE-BACKFEED(IN3)OFFONOFFONOFFONActivate an feed.Activate an issue. Activate a feed. Start of the feed. End of the feed. Activate an issue. Start of the issue. End of the issue. Become inactive.Not used(IN4)OFFONNot used(IN5)OFFONFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart of the feedEnd of the feedISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart of the issueEnd of the issueACTIVE(OUT2)OFFON Active InactiveERROR(OUT3)OFFONNot used(OUT4)OFFONPOWER ON(OUT5)OFFONRIBBON NEAREND (OUT6)OFFONLCD (Upperline) indicationON LINEPAUSEON LINEPAUSE 1ON LINEON LINE- 37 -
(4) A feed is performed by the FEED signal during the active state.Command dataFEED(IN0)OFFONIssueone label.Feed request by the FEED signal• Explanation The host sends the Issue Command. Become active. Feed request by the FEED signal.ISSUE(IN1)ACTIVATE(IN2)OFFONOFFONActivate an issue. Start of the feed. End of the feed. Activate an issue. Start of the issue. End of the issue. Become inactive.PRE-BACKFEED(IN3)OFFONNot used(IN4)OFFONNot used(IN5)OFFONFEEDING(OUT0)OFFONStart of the feedEnd of the feedISSUING(OUT1)OFFONStart of the issueEnd of the issueACTIVE(OUT2)OFFON Active InactiveERROR(OUT3)OFFONNot used(OUT4)OFFONPOWER ON(OUT5)OFFONRIBBON NEAREND (OUT6)OFFONLCD (Upperline) indicationON LINEPAUSE 1PAUSE 1PAUSE 1ON LINEON LINE- 38 -
(5) A paper end error occcurs during prnting.Command dataIssueone label.• ExplanationFEED(IN0)ISSUE(IN1)ACTIVATE(IN2)OFFONOFFONOFFONActivate an issue.Re-activatean issue. The host sends the Issue Command. Become active. Activate an issue. Start of the issue. An error occurs during printing. The ERROR signal goes ON. Clear the error, and press the[RESTART] key on the printer. Start of the initial feed at restart. End of the initial feed.PRE-BACKFEED(IN3)OFFON The ERROR signal goes OFF. Re-activate the issue. Start of the issue.Not used(IN4)OFFON End of the issue. Become inactive.Not used(IN5)FEEDING(OUT0)ISSUING(OUT1)ACTIVE(OUT2)OFFONOFFONOFFONOFFON ActiveStart of the issueAn error occurs. Start of the issue The error is cleared.Start of theinitial feedEnd of theinitial feedEnd of the issueInactiveERROR(OUT3)OFFONThe ERROR signal goes ON.The ERROR signal goes OFF.Not used(OUT4)OFFONPOWER ON(OUT5)OFFONRIBBON NEAREND (OUT6)OFFONLCD (Upperline) indicationON LINEPAUSE 1 ON LINENO LABEL 1 NO LABEL 1PAUSE 1ON LINELoad labels.Press the [RESTART] key.ON LINE- 39 -