Training Calendar 2013-14 - Home:SIRD Jharkhand
Training Calendar 2013-14 - Home:SIRD Jharkhand
Training Calendar 2013-14 - Home:SIRD Jharkhand
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<strong>SIRD</strong><strong>Jharkhand</strong>TRAINING CALENDAR<strong>2013</strong>-<strong>14</strong>
Garlanding the statue of Mahatma Gandhi byHon’ble Speaker Sri C. P. SinghOn the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti Governor of <strong>Jharkhand</strong> HisExcellency Dr. Syed Ahmed releasing the folderSigning MoU with TISS at MumbaiRelease of booklet on Panchayati Raj on the successfulcompletion of two years of Panchayati Raj in <strong>Jharkhand</strong>Exchange of ideas with experts in training classroom at <strong>SIRD</strong>, RanchiWoman Empowerment through Sericulture under SHG in rural areaHon’ble Dy. CM & Rural Development Minister Sri Sudesh Mahtolaying foundation of Center of Local Governance at <strong>SIRD</strong>Kathak exponent Padmashree Shovana Narayan performing at <strong>SIRD</strong>
SN Photo Name & Designation Qualification Contacts SpecializationPermanent Faculty1Mr. R. P. Singh, IFSDirectorM.Sc., AIFC9471700229, 0651-6571897rampratap.ifs@gmail.comForestry, Natural ResourceManagement & Panchayati Raj2Mr. Dipanker Shri GyanJAS, LecturerM.Sc., LLB,PGDSRD9431159766, 0651-2510173divyagyan123@gmail.comLaw & Administration,NRLMCore Faculty3Er. Mini Rani SharmaAssistant DirectorB.E. (CSE)M.E. (S/W Engg.)9852954960, 0651-6571894minikensharma@yahoo.comInformation Technology,E-Governance & MIS4Er. Shubha KumarAssistant DirectorM.E. (SoilMechanics)9431930367, 0651-657<strong>14</strong> Management,Construction & Civil Engg.5Dr. Chitralekha SinhaAssistant DirectorM.Com,Ph.D.7209471394, 0651-657<strong>14</strong>06chitrachitra.sinha@gmail.comFinance & Livelihood6Dr. S. P. SinghAssistant DirectorM.A, Ph.D.Economics8986764630hzb.spsingh@gmail.comBudgeting & Planning7Mr. Rajeev RanjanAssistant DirectorM.Sc.Agriculture9470155535rajeev.sird@gmail.comAgriculture,Forest & EnvironmentVisiting Faculty/Consultants8Dr. M.P. SinghHead-PMU-BNV, Ex. V.C.Vinoba Bhave UniversityPh.D. (Canada)EnvironmentalScience9431163489drmpsingh1948@gmail.comBharat Nirman, NRM9Dr. Vandana PrasadMBBS, Medical OfficerM.B.B.S. DGOPGDMCH9431582467prsada.vandana@rediffmail.comHealth & Hygiene10Er. Vijay RastogiEngineering CellB.E., M.E.9470308011rastogivijay87@gmail.comCivil Engineering,Planning & Designing11Mr. Ramnath ThakurOffice SuperintendentM.A. PoliticalScience9835382351 File & Record Maintenance12Ms. Jaya BoseComp. Programmer,PMU-BNVM.C.A.9431106309jayaabhirup@gmail.comInformation Technology2
13Mr. Shreekant MishraHostel SuperintendentB.Sc.(Hon.)Physics9199369901skmishra.sird@gmail.comForestry, Accounts Mgt.<strong>14</strong>Dr. Vishnu RajgadiaState Coord. JPWRC, UNICEFPh.D.Pol. Sc.9431120500, 9308057070vranchi@gmail.comPanchayati Raj, RTI &Rural Development15Dr. Ezechiel ToppoAssociate Professor, TISSPh.D.Sociology9835085726tiss.ranchi@gmail.comRural Development, Tribal Sociology& Indigenous Technology16Mr. Subir Kumar DasState Facilitator PMRDF, UNICEFPGDRD,& NutritionHealth7549000291eskdas@gmail.comRural Development, Planning,Health & Nutrition17Mr. Y. B. Prasad IAS (Rtd)Coordinator, IGNOUM. A.Pol. Sc.94303302360ybprasad2@gmail.comCooperative Mgt. PRI/ULBRural Industrialisation & Marketing18Mr. Ganesh Prasad IAS (Rtd)Ex. Director, PRIB.Sc. (Hon.)LLB9431190605ganesh.prasad1953@gmail.comDecentralised Planning & PRI19Mr. Deepak DasOSD, MGNREGAM. A.Economics9471161019dipak.das445@gmail.comMGNREGA, MIS & Gramin Vikas20Mr. L. B. PrasadRtd. Dy.Director, <strong>SIRD</strong>M.A.Sociology9431595803lbprasad.sird@gmail.comPanchayat System & PESA21Dr. L. M. PrasadEx.Dean, Social Sc. RUM.A, B.L,D.Lit.9472780438lmpd.sird@gmail.comPanchayati Raj & Pol. Sc.22Mr. Ajit Kumar SinghLecturer CTI, RanchiM.AEconomics94304450<strong>14</strong>ajitksingh.cti@gmail.comPanchayati Raj & PESA23Mr. Kamleshwar Pd. SrivastavLecturer CTI, RanchiM.AHistory9431502701kpd.sird@gmail.comPanchayat Election & PRI Acts24Mr. Ashok KumarLecturer CTI, RanchiB.A. LLB9431587680ashokkumar.cti@gmail.comPRI Acts and RulesBudgeting & Accounting3
<strong>SIRD</strong>, <strong>Jharkhand</strong> is located at Hehal, Ranchi, 13 Kms. from Ranchi Railway Station, 15 Kms. fromHatia Railway Station and 18 Kms. from Birsa Munda Airport, Ranchi. Ranchi is a major touristdestination and a place renowned as much for its physical, human and academic climate as for itscultural and natural heritage.4
North CampusSl. No. Particulars Capacity Facilities1 Damodar Hall 150 Air Cooled2 Conference Hall- 1 (Swarnarekha) 40 Air Cooled3 Conference Hall- 2 (Koyal) 40 Air CooledSouth Campus4 Conference Hall- 1 (Chintan) 150 AC5 Conference Hall- 2 (Samiksha) 50 AC6 Conference Hall- 3 (Koushal) 30 AC7 Conference Hall- 4 (Manthan) 25 AC8 Conference Hall- 5 (Sambhad - New Building) 60 Non- AC9 Computer Lab- 1 (Prakash) 40 AC10 Computer Lab- 2 (Sanchar) 20 AC11 Gandhi Gram BNV Hall (Outdoor) 50 Open Air12Amritbag Lawns (For large conventionsconferences)62000 Solar lighted Open-Air
Both North and South Campus of <strong>SIRD</strong> haveWi-fi arrangement with the round the clock freeInternet facility. The two Computer Labs with Wi-fifacility are there for conducting various IT relatedtraining programs for 50 participants at a time.A new 100 Bedded girls hostel and the existing100 bedded hostel are there to make the stayof participants comfortable during the trainingprograms. There is also provision for suitableaccommodation for accompanying support-staff inthe South Campus of Institute.The Institute has a modern hygienic kitchen and abig dining hall which can provide catering facilitiesupto 100 trainees at a time.The Institute Library is well equippedhaving more than 20,000 number of books,15 subscribed journals and periodicals.Year Target Achievement Participants % Achievement2009-2010 42 25 1334 59.52%2010-2011 42 18 624 42.85%2011-2012 38 66 2370 173%2012-<strong>2013</strong> 100 129 4095 129 %7
Sl Month Title of the Programs Days Date Course DirectorNo. ofParticipantsCategory ofParticipants1Refresher training forGRS under MGNREGA6 15 - 20/04/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30 GRS2Financial Budget processof Panchayati Raj3 25 - 27/04/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30 PRIs/DPRO/DPO34AprilDecentralised Planning& Flagship Programs ofRDD/PRNRLM, ToT for MasterTrainer4 15 - 18/04/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30 PRIs5 22 - 26/04/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30Officials fromDRDA,RD andNGOs5Orientation <strong>Training</strong>Program for BNV3 16 - 18/04/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30 BNV6Workshop on ModifiedOperational Guidelinesof MGNREGA1 20 - 21/04/13 Er. Mini Rani Sharma 24DC/DDC & Nodalofficer7Refresher <strong>Training</strong> forGRS under MGNREGA6 06 - 11/05/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30 GRS8Effective Gram Sabha forSustainable Development3 02 - 04/05/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO9IT <strong>Training</strong> of PRIs forCapacity Building5 06 - 10/05/13 Er.Mini Rani Sharma 30 PRIs10Rural Developmentthrough Natural ResourceManagement5 07 - 11/05/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO1112MayDrought Mitigation andDisaster ManagementBharat Nirman throughDWSP3 09 - 11/05/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30 RD officials /NGOS3 16 - 18/05/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30Block level officials/PIA/NGOs/PRIs/DWSC13Tribal Development andManagement5 07 - 11/05/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs/PRIs<strong>14</strong>Integrated WatershedManagement Program5 <strong>14</strong> - 18/05/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs/WCDC15 PESA in <strong>Jharkhand</strong> 5 <strong>14</strong> - 18/05/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30 BDO ,PRIs, NGO16Gender equity inAgriculture and alliedactivities3 28 - 30/05/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30 BDO ,PRIs, NGO8
Sl Month Title of the Programs Days Date Course DirectorNo. ofParticipantsCategory ofParticipants35MIS <strong>Training</strong> 3 16 - 18/07/13 Er.Mini Rani Sharma 30Data entry operatorfor RD36Role of FinancialInstitutions in IncomeGeneration for Ruralpeople516/07/13 to20/07/13Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO37JulyDrought Mitigation andDisaster Management5 23 - 27/07/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO38Role of Gram Sabha/PESA3 23 - 25/07/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30Officials fromDRDA,BDO,LEO394041Horticulture as a Sourceof Food Security &LivelihoodBasic knowledge ofComputer for PRIsRefresher <strong>Training</strong> forGRS under MGNREGA3 25 - 27/07/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30 BDO, PRIs, NGOs3 25 - 27/07/13 Er.Mini Rani Sharma 30 PRIs21 01 - 21/08/13 Er.Mini Rani Sharma 30 GRS42Tribal Development &Management5 19 - 23/08/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO43Gender Budgeting, Socialand Financial Inclusion3 01 - 03/08/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30 ICDS44Rural Developmentthrough Natural ResourceManagement5 19 - 23/08/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO45AugIntegrated WatershedManagement3 06 - 08/08/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30 PRIs46 Capacity Building of PRIs 3 12 - <strong>14</strong>/08/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30 PRIs47Bharat Nirman throughDWSP5 20 - 24/08/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30Block level officials/PIA/NGOs/PRIs/DWSC48Refresher training forGRS under MGNREGA6 19 - 24/08/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30 GRS49Gender equity inAgriculture and AlliedActivities3 29 - 31/08/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO50Executive DevelopmentProgamme3 22 - 24/08/13 Mr. R.P.Singh 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO51SepRefresher training forGRS under MGNREGA21 02 - 22/09/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30 GRS10
Sl Month Title of the Programs Days Date Course DirectorNo. ofParticipantsCategory ofParticipants52Capacity Building of PRIs(IT)5 02 - 06/09/13 Er. Mini Rani Sharma 30 PRIs53Role of Gram Sabha/PESA3 02 - 04/09/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30Officials fromDRDA,BDO,LEO54Bharat Nirman throughDWSP5 09 - 13/09/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30Block level officials/PIA/NGOs/PRIs/DWSC55IAY Implementation &Management3 09 - 11/09/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30Officials fromDRDA,BDO,LEO,PRIs5657SepOrientation <strong>Training</strong> forBNVRefresher training forGRS under MGNREGA3 16 - 18/09/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30 BNV6 16 - 21/09/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30 GRS58Draught Mitigation &Disaster Management5 23 - 27/09/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs59Flagship Program forRDD and PR & PachayatiRaj5 16 - 20/09/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30Zila Parishadmembers60Livelihood Promotionthrough Agriculture3 26 - 28/09/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/BPRO/NGO61Planning & Managementof Self EmploymentProject for SHGs/NRLM3 23 - 25/09/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO62Refresher training forGRS under MGNREGA6 21 - 26/10/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30 GRS63 Flagship Programs for RD 5 03 - 07/10/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO64Bharat Nirman throughDWSP3 03 - 05/10/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30Block level officials/PIA/NGOs/PRIs/DWSC65OctRural Developmentthrough Natural ResourceManagement5 07 - 11/10/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO66Social Audit - A Tool forRural Development3 09 - 11/10/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30BPO/BDO/ GRS/PRIs67Orientation <strong>Training</strong> forBNV3 17 - 19/10/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30 BNV68 IT <strong>Training</strong> for PRIs 5 21 - 25/10/13 Er. Mini Rani Sharma 30LEO/SHG member/PIA/ NGOs11
Sl Month Title of the Programs Days Date Course DirectorNo. ofParticipantsCategory ofParticipants69Integrated WatershedManagement5 21 - 25/10/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs70 PESA/Gram Sabha 3 28 - 30/10/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30OctDPRO/BDO/BPRO/NGO71Awareness of rights &entitlements of tribals of<strong>Jharkhand</strong>3 23 - 25/10/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO7273Refresher training forGRS under MGNREGAIT <strong>Training</strong> of PRIs forcapacity Building6 18 - 23/11/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30 GRS5 18 - 23/11/13 Er.Mini Rani Sharma 30 PRIs74Gender Budgeting, Socialand Financial Inclusion3 04 - 06/11/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30ICDS officers/DWO/BWO75Rural Developmentthrough Natural ResourceManagement5 18 - 22/11/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO76 Gram Sabha/PESA 3 18 - 20/11/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 3077NovBharat Nirman throughDWSP3 11 - 13/11/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGOLEO/SHG member/PIA/ NGOs78Integrated WatershedManagement5 25 - 29/11/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs79Livelihood Promotionthrough Agriculture3 26 - 28/11/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/BPRO/NGO80Planning & Managementof Self EmploymentProject for SHGs3 04 - 06/11/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO8182Capacity Building of PRIs(Budget for Panchayat)Refresher training forGRS under MGNREGA3 04 - 06/11/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30 PRIs21 02 - 21/12/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30 GRS8384DecFlagship Program forRDD and PRIntegrated DistrictPlanning5 02 - 06/12/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 303 02 - 04/12/13 Dr. S.P.Singh 30Officials fromDRDA,BDO,LEOBlock level officials/PIA/NGOs/DPO85Rural Developmentthrough Natural ResourceManagement5 09 - 13/13/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO12
Sl Month Title of the Programs Days Date Course DirectorNo. ofParticipantsCategory ofParticipants86Orientation <strong>Training</strong> forBNV3 16 - 18/12/13 Mr. S.P.Singh 30 BNV87Refresher training forGRS under MGNREGA5 16 - 20/12/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30LEO/SHG member/PIA/ NGOs88Integrated WatershedManagement5 16 - 20/12/13 Er.Shubha Kumar 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs89DecDecentralised PlanningRole & Responsibility ofPRIs5 17 - 21/12/13 Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30 BDO ,PRIs, NGO90Gender equity inAgriculture and alliedactivities3 26 - 28/12/13 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/BPRO/NGO91Awareness of rights &entitlements of tribals of<strong>Jharkhand</strong>3 26 - 28/12/13 Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO92Refresher training forGRS under MGNREGA6 06 - 11/01/<strong>14</strong> Er.Mini Rani Sharma 30 GRS93Flagship Program forRDD and PR5 07 - 13/01/<strong>14</strong> Er.Shubha Kumar 30Officials fromDRDA,BDO,LEO94Strengthening of GramSabha/PESA3 03 - 05/01/<strong>14</strong> Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO95Rural Developmentthrough Natural ResourceManagement5 <strong>14</strong> - 18/01/<strong>14</strong> Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO9697JanOrientation <strong>Training</strong> forBNVsTribal Development &Management3 29 - 31/01/<strong>14</strong> Er.Mini Rani Sharma 30 BNV5 21 - 25/01/<strong>14</strong> Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30LEO/SHG member/PIA/ NGOs98Refresher training forGRS under MGNREGA6 20 - 25/01/<strong>14</strong> Er.Shubha Kumar 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs99Orientation <strong>Training</strong> forBNVs5 28 - 01/02/<strong>14</strong> Dr. S.P.Singh 30 BDO ,PRIs, NGO100Gender equity inAgriculture and alliedactivities3 16 - 18/01/<strong>14</strong> Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/BPRO/NGO101Integrated DistrictPlanning3 03 - 05/01/<strong>14</strong> Dr. S.P.Singh 30 BDO ,PRIs, NGO102FebRefresher’s training forGRS under MGNREGA6 03 - 08/02/<strong>14</strong> Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30 GRS13
Sl Month Title of the Programs Days Date Course DirectorNo. ofParticipantsCategory ofParticipants103Executive DevelopmentProgamme3 04 - 06/02/<strong>14</strong> Mr. R.P.Singh 30Officials fromDRDA,BDO,LEO104 Gram Sabha/PESA 318/2/<strong>14</strong> to20/02/<strong>14</strong>Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO105Rural Developmentthrough Natural ResourceManagement5 13 - 16/02/<strong>14</strong> Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO106Microfinance & SHGs/NRLM5 05 - 09/02/<strong>14</strong> Dr. S.P.Singh 30LEO/SHG member/PIA/NGOs107FebIntegrated WatershedManagement3 25 - 01/03/<strong>14</strong> Er.Shubha Kumar 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs108Integrated DistrictPlanning5 18 - 20/02/<strong>14</strong> Dr. S.P.Singh 30 BDO ,PRIs, NGO109Livelihood Promotionthrough Agriculture3 20 - 22/02/<strong>14</strong> Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/BPRO/NGO110Awareness of rights &entitlements of tribals of<strong>Jharkhand</strong>3 20 - 22/02/<strong>14</strong> Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO111112Refresher’s training forGRS under MGNREGARefresher’s training forGRS under MGNREGA6 17 - 22/02/<strong>14</strong> Er.Shubha Kumar 30 GRS6 10 - 15/03/<strong>14</strong> Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30 GRS113Flagship Programs forRD5 05 - 09/03/<strong>14</strong> Mr. Dipankar Shrigyan 30Officials fromDRDA,BDO,LEO1<strong>14</strong>Orientation <strong>Training</strong> forBNVs3 04 - 06/03/<strong>14</strong> Dr. S.P.Singh 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGO115Rural Developmentthrough Natural ResourceManagement5 18 - 22/03/<strong>14</strong> Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30DPRO/BDO/GPS/NGOMar116 Disaster Management 3 21 - 23/03/<strong>14</strong>1 Er.Shubha Kumar 30PRIs ,LEO,NGOs&APO117Integrated DistrictPlanning3 11 - 13/03/<strong>14</strong> Dr. S.P.Singh 30 DRDA officers118Bharat Nirman throughDWSP5 13 - 16/03/<strong>14</strong> Dr.Chitralekha Sinha 30LEO/SHG member/PIA/NGOs119Integrated WatershedManagement5 18 - 22/03/<strong>14</strong> Er.Shubha Kumar 30SHGs members /PIA/NGOs120 Basic Computer for PRIs 3 04 - 06/03/15 Mr. Rajeev Ranjan 30 PRIs<strong>14</strong>
Sl Month Name of the ProgramsDuration(Days)DateCourse DirectorNo. ofParticipantsCategory /Type ofParticipants1AprilCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 08-12/04/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs2 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 16 - 18/04/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV3MayCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 07 - 11/05/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs4 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 27 - 31/05/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV5JuneCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 11 - 15/06/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs6 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 17 - 21/06/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV7JulyCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 09 - 13/07/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs8 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 23 - 25/07/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV9AugCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 20 - 24/08/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs10 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 12 - 16/08/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV11SepCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 10 - <strong>14</strong>/09/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs12 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 02 - 04/09/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV13OctCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 21 - 25/10/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs<strong>14</strong> Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 07 - 11/10/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV15NovCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 18 - 22/11/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs16 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 25 - 29/11/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV17DecCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 26 - 28/12/13 Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs18 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 16 - 20/12/13 Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV19JanCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 <strong>14</strong> - 18/01/<strong>14</strong> Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs20 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 16 - 18/01/<strong>14</strong> Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV21FebCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 05 - 09/02/<strong>14</strong> Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs22 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 24 - 28/02/<strong>14</strong> Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV23MarCapacity Building of PRIs (GramPanchayat & Panchayat Samiti)5 18 - 22/03/<strong>14</strong> Dr. Vishnu Rajgadia 30 PRIs24 Orientation <strong>Training</strong> for BNVs 3 21 - 23/02/<strong>14</strong> Dr. M.P.Singh 30 BNV15
Sl. No Month Name of workshop/Seminar/conferenceDurationin DaysNo. ofParticipants1 MaySeminar on Revised guidelines of IAY and Low cost model design ofRural Houses in <strong>Jharkhand</strong>1 452 June Seminar on PIEAS and best practices of Panchayati Raj 2 603 July Workshop on NRLM : Issues & Challenges 1 604 September Seminar on Sociology of Sanitation 2 605 October Workshop on RGPSA 1 456 November Workshop on Integrated District Planning 1 457 December International workshop on Water conservation practices 2 1008 January Workshop on water conservation & management in <strong>Jharkhand</strong> 1 609 February Workshop on IT for Rural Development 1 4510 March Seminar on Man Animal conflicts in <strong>Jharkhand</strong> 1 60Our knowledge partners:National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), HyderabadTata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), MumbaiNational Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), New DelhiUnited Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)UN-WomenUnited Nations Development Program (UNDP)State Woman Commission, <strong>Jharkhand</strong>NABARDBirsa Agricultural University (BAU)Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP) ICFREHARP (ICAR)IGNOUDistance of Institute fromBirsa Munda Airport : 18 kms.Ranchi Jn. (Railway) : 13 kms.Hatia Jn. (Railway) : 15 kms.Khadgara Bustand, Katatoli : 15 kms.ITI Bus Stand, Hehal : 01 kms.Please contactFor <strong>Training</strong>, Conference, Seminars & WorkshopsMrs. Shubha KumarAsst. Director (<strong>Training</strong> Officer)Mob: 9431930367; Ph: 0651-657<strong>14</strong>04email: shubha.k.varma@gmail.com16
( Gandhi Statue at Academic Block, South Campus )LOCATION MAP OF <strong>SIRD</strong>, RANCHINWE<strong>SIRD</strong> (North Campus)S<strong>SIRD</strong> (South Campus)17
967/05/<strong>2013</strong> • www.kailashpaper.orgGovt. of <strong>Jharkhand</strong>State Institute of Rural Development( Department of Rural Development )P.O. Hehal, Ranchi - 834005Contact : 0651-2511383/6571897Fax : 0651-2510173Email : sirdranchi@gmail.comwebsite: www.sirdranchi.nic.in05/<strong>2013</strong>-1000