Name of the Scheme: PMGSY STATE:- WEST BENGAL 1 ... - Diksha

Name of the Scheme: PMGSY STATE:- WEST BENGAL 1 ... - Diksha

Name of the Scheme: PMGSY STATE:- WEST BENGAL 1 ... - Diksha


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(AS ON 30.4.2013)<strong>Name</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong>: <strong>PMGSY</strong>1. Introduction:<strong>STATE</strong>:- <strong>WEST</strong> <strong>BENGAL</strong>Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (<strong>PMGSY</strong>) was launched on 25 th December, 2000with <strong>the</strong> objective <strong>of</strong> providing All-wea<strong>the</strong>r roads (with necessary culverts and cross-drainagestructures, which is operable throughout <strong>the</strong> year), to <strong>the</strong> eligible unconnected habitations in<strong>the</strong> Core Network in <strong>the</strong> rural areas. The Programme envisages connecting all habitationshaving population <strong>of</strong> 500 persons and above (as per 2001 census) in plain areas and in respect<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hill States (North-East, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir andUttarakhand), Desert areas (as identified in <strong>the</strong> Desert Development Programme) <strong>the</strong> Tribal(Schedule V) areas and in <strong>the</strong> Selected Tribal and Backward Districts under Integrated ActionPlan (IAP) as identified by Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs / Planning Commission, havingpopulation <strong>of</strong> 250 persons and above (as per 2001 census). In addition, it also has an element<strong>of</strong> upgradation, though it is not central to <strong>the</strong> Programme.2. Physical & Financial Performance:(a) Physical progress: Out <strong>of</strong> total 4,309 road works covering 22,190.08 km <strong>of</strong> lengthsanctioned, State has completed 2,322 road works covering 13,017.21 km <strong>of</strong> length(58.66%) till March, 2013, as reported by <strong>the</strong> State.(b) Financial progress: Out <strong>of</strong> total value <strong>of</strong> projects amounting to Rs.9,395.33 croresanctioned, an amount <strong>of</strong> Rs.4,513.85 crore has been released and an amount <strong>of</strong>Rs.4,300.68 crore has been utilized (95.28%) by <strong>the</strong> State till March, 2013, asreported by <strong>the</strong> State.(c) Details <strong>of</strong> financial and physical progress are given as per Annexure (xxvii)3. Maintenance:Under <strong>PMGSY</strong>, State is required to earmark separate fund for maintenance <strong>of</strong> assetscreated under <strong>the</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong>. The details <strong>of</strong> maintenance funds due, credited to SRRDA andexpenditure during last two years is given below:(Rs. In Cr)FinancialYearMaintenance Fundsrequired to be released(as per maintenancecontract)Amountcredited toSRRDA during<strong>the</strong> FYExpenditure under<strong>the</strong> contracts bySRRDA during <strong>the</strong>FY2011-12 46.45 22.99 6.222012-13(uptoDecember,2012)27.35 111.11 40.94

4. Institutional Capacity:The State has <strong>the</strong> capacity <strong>of</strong> taking up additional work <strong>of</strong> Rs.1,091.00 croreduring <strong>the</strong> year 2013-14. Details <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Institutional capacity, based on <strong>the</strong> index onexpenditure, maintenance and quality inspection are as follows:Execution Capacity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> State# Basis No. <strong>of</strong> PIUs WorkLoad perPIU (Rs.Totalin Crore1 PIU Normal Areas 22 50 1100Total: IAP 6* 75 45028 1,550*Proposed to increase 6 more in IAP# Basis No. <strong>of</strong> SQMs Capacity <strong>of</strong> a SQM toinspect work worth (Rs.in crore)2 SQM 33 171 5,643Average construction cost per Km Rs.0.57 croreCost <strong>of</strong> work(Rs. in crore)# Basis Year (s) Maximum2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Expenditure+ 10% peryear (Rs. incrore)3 Expenditure Normal 492 353 364 705(Rs. in crore) <strong>PMGSY</strong>IAP 38 65 59Total: 530 418 423Work load required according to expenditure <strong>of</strong> Rs.705 crore is =Rs.705*3=Rs.2,115 croreLowest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> above three parameters = Rs.1,550 croreBalance work in Hand (31.03.2013)=Rs.5,095 crore (-) Savings Rs.144 cr.(-) Rs.0.00 cr. (tobe dropped) = Rs.4,951 cr.1. According t expenditure - Rs.517 crore = Rs.517 cr.*1 =Rs.517 crore2. According to Maintenance - Rs.517 crore = Rs.517 cr.*1 = Rs.517 crore3. According to Quality - Rs.516 crore = Rs.516 cr.*0.11 = Rs.57 croreCapacity according to index in a sum <strong>of</strong> all = Rs.1,091 croreState already have a balance sanction <strong>of</strong> Rs.4,951 crore in hand.

5. Online Monitoring:Online management, monitoring and accounting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> programme is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>important objective envisaged in <strong>the</strong> <strong>PMGSY</strong> guidelines, for which <strong>the</strong> web-based systemOMMAS was launched in 2002. The State is required to keep <strong>the</strong> data updated as only anoutput <strong>of</strong> OMMAS generated accounts duly signed will only be accepted from <strong>the</strong> financialyear 2011-12 onwards.6. Implementation issues:(i) Completion <strong>of</strong> works: As against 4,309 No. <strong>of</strong> roads works including bridges sanctionedtill March, 2013, 1,987 are yet to be constructed. SRRDA should take urgent steps to send<strong>the</strong> completion plan indicating <strong>the</strong> probable time frame for completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se roads.(ii) Quality Monitoring Mechanisms(a) SQM inspection under 2 nd Tier: Against 297 inspections <strong>of</strong> completed road worksby State Quality Monitors during November, 2010 to March, 2013, in 1.01% cases,quality <strong>of</strong> works has been found unsatisfactory for which immediate corrective actionis required. Similarly, against 930 inspections <strong>of</strong> ongoing road works during thisperiod, in 9.35% cases, quality <strong>of</strong> works has been found unsatisfactory.(b) NQM inspections under 3 rd Tier: Against 105 inspections <strong>of</strong> completed road worksby National Quality Monitors during November, 2010 to March, 2013, in 20% cases,quality <strong>of</strong> works has been found unsatisfactory for which immediate corrective actionis required. In case <strong>of</strong> 390 inspections <strong>of</strong> ongoing road works during this period, in20% cases, quality <strong>of</strong> works has been found unsatisfactory.SRRDA needs to take corrective action and ensure that <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> roadsconstructed under <strong>the</strong> programme is <strong>of</strong> high standards as envisaged under <strong>the</strong>programme.

<strong>Name</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> State : West BengalPhysical Progress : (Rs. In Crore)Year <strong>of</strong> SanctionNo. <strong>of</strong> RoadworksapprovedNo. <strong>of</strong> RoadwokscompletedPhase-I2000-01Phase-IIPhase-IIIPhase-IV<strong>PMGSY</strong>Phase-V Phase-VI Phase-VII Phase-VIII PADBBt-I<strong>PMGSY</strong> Batch II <strong>PMGSY</strong> Batch III <strong>PMGSY</strong>2001-02 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10Batch III(lot 2)170 212 363 149 230 104 335 109 482 127 280 76 231170 212 363 149 227 104 281 99 380 110 161 53 13PMGSBalance 0 0 0 0 3 0 54 10 102 17 119 23 218Length <strong>of</strong> Roadworksapproved (in KM)Length <strong>of</strong> Roadworkscompleted (in KM)808.90 1124.60 2009.57 951.20 1645.80 822.14 2127.70 908.10 2198.04 696.27 1041.04 443.49 1187.0793.94 1115.95 1991.20 950.70 1628.17 783.19 1718.48 800.21 1754.79 586.31 549.47 292.56 52.24Balance 14.96 8.65 18.37 0.50 17.63 38.95 409.22 107.89 443.25 109.96 491.57 150.93 1134.7

Financial Progress (Rs. In Crore)Value <strong>of</strong> Projects 136.68 305.06 593.80 306.24 655.15 255.28 790.25 329.71 908.12 302.10 502.57 214.84 572.3State ShareAmount Released 135.00 309.17 599.28 311.90 666.22 313.71 395.12 329.71 449.55 302.10 258.29 214.84 228.9Expenditure 128.69 289.98 526.63 266.36 542.23 217.77 605.15 274.26 710.05 248.07 271.04 146.12 60.12

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