1936 - Virginia Tech

1936 - Virginia Tech

1936 - Virginia Tech

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~~9 3 6 [~~~C 0 p y R I G H TIs. A. WEN KE 0 I T 0 RC. W. SANDERSBUSINESS MANAGERII,~;:t

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1 9 3 6




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I,IThe New Teaching andAdministration Building

Presenting Modern V. P. I.in Picture

- ----- --- .--' ---



1111 LlBR\RY 1 RO\l TilE C\\IPUS DRI\I[~I R,\'" I· To TIlE LIBR \RY\"OTH[ R \ IF\\, OF THI LIBRARY

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,.[ IR\. (I 10 Til! \lCBR'D[ BL I! DI:-'(;D.\ \ ID~O:-' H \Ll1:-' I R \:-'C I Tn THE Y \I C \

Jill \I \I\\ \LhII" W')RI I) \\ \R \11 \IORI \I \In l \II 'I'L \lB[ R O'f B.\RR \C h~

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To the Class of <strong>1936</strong> :You, who arc so soon lO lOin that c\cr-Incrcaslng hand of loyal \ Irglnla Tcch a lumni ha\ c rcccl\cd thc hc t that\ Irglnla I cch your \lmu \ lutcr has to offcr c.onstant Imprm cmenLS In thc malcnal facilities arc hC lng made sothat the educational 0pfX>rtunltlcs afforded hy the modern \ ' P . I may he of the finest \ speclalh tn:lIned facu lty work­Ing In thc classrooms and lahorutoncs ha\'e done thcir hest to enahle you to take your nghtful pluce In thc world of artalrs.Alma 1\ lutcr lOOKS to you In upholding the cmlahle reputation <strong>Virginia</strong> I cch enJoys In thc agn culturil l, bUSiness,engineering, indust ri a l, professional sCientific, and technical world Such a reputallon IS thc result of years of profes­Sional achlc\cmen t a nd construCll\ e clll:enshlp on the part of thou ands of \ Irg lnl

- 8 uThe Class of <strong>1936</strong>lllU arc ahuul to bTlnJ.;. 10 3 dtl c \Our (.. 111t.:J.tc cart.:l;f It ha ... hCl:n hllci hutncnt lui '\ ou ha\'e a fight to bc proud of "our accpmphshmt.:nts, and thll ... e \\ Ilh\\hom )"U hd\c heen In c!11 ... est tour.::h htlulJ he grateful (clr Yt,ur "plt.:ndld t:1I­I Ip~:ra.t II.n In thc ",,)Iutll 'n (II man\ rx:fl"'lc'ln~ I"'r~ lhlcmo;;.\\c car-\IlIll \\Ith t:t.:rtaintv ba~c tlur h(lpt.: Ill"'UCLCS ... anJ hal"l"inl.:ss in 11ft.:cnllll.:!\, uplln thc C:\.l"'t·flt:nt:c ... In a hnci cllur"'t.: In c()IIt.:~e but a Ic'ng lriJd r.cJ.:lncot ht:rt: and ~Clmt: IlllrreS"llln..., Will la ... t !llrt.:\ t.:f r ht.: ... amt.: lundall1~'ntal rnncll"'lc ..."I rlghl 11\ 109 \\hle!, ha\t.: gUldt.:J \(lU to thl'" J"'C1\flt \\111 he \c,ur sOJre ... t gllide int hc hrl ladcr held.,; I d human t.:ndl.:;J\,orYtlll h"I\,C m\ ht:: ... t \\I... ht.: ... ;,11\\.,\ ...The School of EngineeringIhe 1"h, Btl.lt (I.:dlurt.:" tht.: . 1. ".h:rn \ P 1 In Jl.'\cI"PlflgtIJlsthl'lllt.:tht.: Ht (.1 [. l:dn prc'iot.:nt ~'nh lht.: ph\ ... It.'.Jllauhtlc \\hlLh are Lc.ntcll1plalt:J()I t.:\.juall1nporlam:1.: alc tht: things or the "l"'lfit whlt:h ot:\c1llp In thc )lIun~t.:nglnt.:t:r thilst.: attnhutcs anJ at:llllJl.:s 1)1 ll'lInd \\hld) arc c ...... t:ntlo,l ... (f1"'ULt.'(S"In plannlllg for thc futLlfe of tht.: ~hlHII III FnJ.!,lncl.'flng it rna\, he IlItln~ ttl"'U.lU~C"'1 that I)ur f'mnd ... arl' nllt Intl'llt all,n!.' c'n I"tl\"-Ic.ll (al:IIIIIC' \\c.; cl,n'JJt.:rthl.: dt.:\t.:!'lrmt.:nt (,j cllrrn:1 :.Htlludc'" .111J rrclpt.:f t.:thlt.:al stanoiJrd, 101 grt.:att.:rIInportancc than techl1lL~1 "kill Re'I"c.;l:l I!lr truth and cpntt.:mrt lor l.:fr(1r andJt:l:l:l"'t If ,n are au ItUJt.:S c ...... l.:nt I,ll tl I ... uct.l.: ...... ful cnglf1t:~nn1! c.:arCCf" I lum

I!Presenting the Classes of V. P. 1.­Modern in Organization andMellowed in Tradition'IIIIIj

McBryde Building

I I .I / I,'I II•,..--.., 'I.

The Class of <strong>1936</strong>1

9 3 - 6 -i\ I CRAFTONPres/dent\ IR C H CRArTO'lSponsorE \ PRIT HARD\'/

- BI Rr"II\I\'BE~)A~ l l HLCHE ADI,- L ~"Oaga"Dam die \ IrglnlaEledrtcal EngineeringCORP OF E'GI'EERSPri \ ate Company 1-, r rack, SerTiinole ( luhSOPHO\lORr (:orporal, (ompan\urer, Seminole lluh,I rack \\ rest lingI reasjt.,'loRSergeant,c.ompany E I rack \\ restllng , \lonogram(Iuh Intramural \thlclIcs Ircasurer, Scmlnok (Iuh\mencan I nstltute of Electrical Engineers 13uslness Stall,BL'GLrSL'IOR Prl\ ate, Reglmcnt

~.~~~ ... 4f J "':j, ,,":" ': ,..' _ __ -----.-/ I L9 36THOI\ [AS ARCH IBALD"Tomm) "'\ [elY \ die. l-;:entucl y, \gncuiturai Educat /u/1CO.\'iT ,\RTILLER) CORPSLLlSO'-..r ~Rr Sf!\I\S Prl\ate Battcr\ L lntramural Athletics r utureI armcrs of \mcncaS

BEROGER 'dART!. BACH~IA"" Roger"Bristol. TennesseeI\rchllectllrai Engineeri ngI ""h\'-:TRYI-R[~II\I\" Pn\'ate, Cumpan) [) Southwest \ Irglnla (Iuh,Architectural ( luh,SOPI10\\ORE Corrowl Comram D, Southwe t \ IrglnJa ( luh,\rchltectural Club. \ P. I. Life Sa\ Ing Corps,JL'IOR Sergeant Company I), German (Iuh Bachelor ( luh ,Secretary anJ I reasurcr, OIJ l-flckor) Cluh \ rchJt(;ctum IClub; Captain, \ P I Life Sa\ Ing CorpsSr 'JOR Captain and \J,Iutant, Reglnlental Stalf. GermanClub, Bachelor C luh PrcslJent, OIJ Hlckor) C luh, \rchltectural(,Iuh, \ P I Life Sa\ Ing CorrsRALPH RECI'\.,\.LD B,\. ILEY" ~Iachlne "Elmira HeIghts \:c\\ York,\lechal11cai Engi neeri ngCOAST ARTILLFR) CORPS[ RIoSH\\ ,,-Pri \ ate. Battery I" I rack . orthern States Cluh(lPIIO\\IlRE Pri\ate, Battery I , Intr

1 9 36FRA~KD~LEY BALLARD"Pigs Foot"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>f ndtlstrial EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSr RLSH~f \N-Rlchmond E(lenSLOn.SOPIIO\fORE RIchmond E(lenSLOnJ U!';IOR-Pnvate, Battery l\!. I ntramural AthletIcs, RIchmond(luh, Soclet\ of Industnal Engineers.SU";IOR Pm ate, Regllllental I leadquarters Batter~; Ro) alOrder of SkIppers, RIchmond Club, Society of IndustrialEngineers., ,\\ lE:S \ \ 'I IOL T BARKER"Barkl ..Pctcrshurg, \ ' lrgtnlaElectncal EnglneenngCOA T ARTILLERY CORPS[RESII\f"N Pri\'ate, Battery", Petersburg Cluh, ,\mencanI nstltute Electrical Engineers.SOPHO\fORL-Prl\ate, Battery I" ,\cademlc Honors , Petershurg( luh , Y \t ( \ Cahlnet, Short \\'aye (Iuh, \mencanInstitute Electrical EngineersJ U!,;IOR-Sergeant, Battery 1'-; J untor \ tanagcr, Track, \ 'IcePreSIdent, Petershurg ( luh , Y. l\ t C f\ .ablnet, ShortWave C1uh, American Institute Electrical Engineers; InternationalRelations Cluh, Tau Beta PISE!'; IOR-Prl\ ate, RegImental Headquarters Balter) , Royal Orderof SkIppers; Petersburg Club, \ 'Ice Chairman, Amencan InstituteElectrical Engineers; Short Wave Club, Tau Beta PI ,Phi I'-appa PhI-46-

Bu GI-RE~II\H'\\ ILBLR LYLE BAR:\E, :IppcrCardInal. VirgIniaChel1l1Lal EngineeringCO,\ST \ R1 1LLER't CORPSPri,atc, Billtery I . Intramurall3

1 936101 I'\, ED\\ .'\RD BE.":IrRI ~II\I \'< Prl\ aLe BaLLer\\th\ctIC~, Scmlnolc (IuhCrctna, \ irglnl3\/echalllcal En~Lneefln:;.O.\ST ARTILLER\ CORPSETTI 'lOthali Bo"ng Intramural!->"I'II"'IRI Prl\a[~ Battcn "i BO,lng InLramural \LhletlC'Semlnolc Cluh, \mencan Soclcty of \lcchanlcal Englnccrs./L-:-"IOR Sergeant, BaLten I (Kl[hali Intrilmural \thlclicSSeminole l luh \mencan ~CILt\ of \ Icchanlcal Lnglnccrs.

\\ E. ;OELL JOI--\. ~ BLAlI,LOCK• L 0\\\\ a hington D C.Illdustrlal Engl n eerL n ~CO""T .\RTILLERY CORPI' RI"II,t\' Pnyatc. Batten () I '.>lhall . BO,lng. Intramural\thletlc5. CapItol ( luhSOPH'''tOR[- Corporal Batter\, O . B"'lng Intramural \lhktlcs CapItol ( luh.JC'lnR Sergeant B,Hler\' 0 ; &"lng \ Ionogram (Iuh . Intramural\lhktlcs; CarllOl Cluh Soclet~ 01 Industnal [. n·glneers Tau Beta PI.S[ 'InR LIeutenant . RegImental ~ Icadyuarters Ballcn Rm.t1Order of Sk,prcrs ( .aptaln BO'lng , Illnogrum (IuhIntramurul \thlcllCS \ ICC PresIdent CapItol ( luh. (0-t tilton ( luh Soclet\ of I nciuslnal Engineers Scnule. I auBeta PI PhI I apra PhIPALL S_\\ILEL BLA:---"OFORDShine Bo\BCdumont. \ Irglnla\l1lmalilushandr)hr.\"TRlIR.I R[ "11\[-\' Prl\alC. (omram H . !rack . Rlchmon I (Iuh.\gncultural ( luhSOPII()\tORI Corrnral Comrum 11 . IntralllunJl \lhlclte' .RlchmonJ Cluh Agncultural L1uh.J l 'lOR Pri\-ute ( .olllpany I). J unlOf lanuger. Basehall . I n­tramural \thlctlcs RlchmonJ ( Iuh . \gncultural ( luh.SI'IIlR Pn\ ,lte. RegImental Headquarters Battery . Ro\ dlOrder of Sklprers. \ hmager. l~Jsehall RlchlllonJ ( Illh\gncultural Cluh.- 49 -

1 9 36KENNETH1cCORD BOSTWICK" J,en "'orth East , P ennsylvania\ grL LlIitlirai E ngineeringCOAST ART ILLERY CORPSI RL~I I \fA'J-Prl\ ale, Band Int ramu ra l ,\ lhlellcs, Northerntate Club,SOPII()\IORf' F'rl\'ale, Band , Intramura l Alhletlcs , orthernStates -'uh; American Society of Ag ricu ltural E ngineers ..J UN IOR P n\·atc. Band, I ntramura l Athletic. Northern Slales( Iuh . \ mencan Society of Agncultura l E ngineers.SL'JlnR Pm·atc. Band. Royal O rder of Skippers. Intramu ra l\thlcllcs . Northern States Cluh . Amen can Society of \gnculturalEngi neers ; Alpha ZetaEARL K I;\ EY Bo\\ ' IAI"Kid"Boone;" hll , \ ' Irglnlaf ndll st rial EngLneeringCOA T ARTILLERY CORPSIOR£ SfI\f , .... - Pn\·atc. Baltcr) ' f. Intramural \thletles.SOPllo\lORE Pn vate. Battery f , Intramural \ thlettcs . Societyof I ndustnal Englnecr .jU .... IOR Sergeant. Battery i\ f . Intramura l Athletics ; Society ofI nJustrial E ngineersSENloR- Pm·ate. Regimental HeaJquarters Battery . RoyalOrJer of Skippers. Society of I nJustrial Engineers , EJItonalStaff. BUGLE , enate-50-

---- ---- - - ---- -~-.-, - --- u GECL YDE \\ E \ \ ER BR.\DSH.\ \\" BrdJRice \ Irgmia\>;fllultural EducatIOnCOAST . \ RTlU rR'I CORPSRl "11\\ " Pn \ilte, Ballcr~ ' L : :.. IIJ-\ Irglnm ( luh , \gnellltural( Iuh, Future I armers of \menea; Business Sta",\ 'lfglnlO <strong>Tech</strong> ,S()PH()\\ORE-Corporal Batler~ L' ~ IIJ-<strong>Virginia</strong> (iuh , \gncultural( luh, I-liture Farmers of \menca l~uslllCSS Stdlf,\ lfglnlQ Tetlljl' lOR ergeant, Battery L, I reasurer, :..!t, I-\'lrglnla ( lubGerman Club \gricliitural C lub ; ruturc I armers of\menca51 'lOR Lieutenant Balter\' L PreSident, :--.ltd-\ Irglnla ( luh(,erman Cluh Pre. ldent, \gncultural Cluh , l uture I armersol ,\ menca)\'\IE r LCICI-IER BR.-\.OO. " JR"J eft 'Blae\. stone \ IrglntdI ndustnal Engineeringhi \ :-':TRYI RI "11\\ " Prl\ate, (.omram 13 BO:\lng , Intramural Bm,lIlg'ltd-\ Irglnla (Iuh , Soclcty of I nJustnal Engineers,SnPHn\\ORE Pn\atc, c.ompan\' B BO:\lng Intramural BO:\lngItJ-\'lrglnla C luh Order of Dc lolay 'Ionogram (Iuh ,SocICt\' of InJustnal Englne..:rs , Business Stafl , The \ If,l! lntQTelhj L'IOR Sergeant (ompan~ B, Bo:\lng :--'bd-\ Irglnl

1 9 36I Rr "11\1 \'-JOI I\: \\ l::.SLEY BRA~DO~"Johnm 'SuffolK, \ Irginl

THO\ 1 \" " \11 I \ 1 EL BROY[ CSromRc\ a \ ·rgtnia\!!flt lIllliral EdlicallL'1lhr\"TR)I RI ~H\IAS Pn\

. . .• --------- I L. '1 3 6El'GE0. E \ \ 00 0 L-\ '\. 0 BL RROLGH , J R"eene"mfa!!·, \ IrginlaChemllal Englnet'flngCO\~Ii \RTlLL["RY CORPSI RI "H\I"\,'rfolk Etknll"11S()PII()\I()R£\,'rf"lk I (1~11 .\l"11.JL''''R Pmilte [~allel~ L or fall. (Iuh, (hemlcill lIubEclilOflilI Stall , \ Ir ~ ll1ll1 T~ , h EJltonal Staff, \ 1f/!111I1IT~ , h L~ I1 /! lIwerSr" IClR Pri\ate, Regimental HeaJLjuarters Battery , Ro~ alOrJn of Sklf')(Xrs mlolk (Iuh , \meflcan In~litute of( .hcmlcal Engineers , Echtonal BoarJ, \ Ifglnla Ted, ' EchtOflalStdl"i", \ 1f/!111I1I Tt!,h En/! Ineer, PI lIelta ErsdonjOH S'] EPHE Bl'RRO\\ S.. Ste\ c"~orth Ea t, Penn yh-anla\/ethanlcal EngineeringCOA~T ARTILLERY CORPSI R[ 'H\I" Prl\ iltc, Battcn \ I, I rilck I ntramuml \thleucs,Torthern Statcs ( luh,S,lI'lIn\l

BG,.)01 L ' \\ ILL! \\1 C \I,E, JR"CooKie"L~ nnhmen, \ Irglnla-'\ j( flcldtllral EconomicshrA'JTR)FR[ SH\I.\!\i Pm'ate. (,ompan\ B; I (lothall Basket Ball Ba~ehallI ntramural I oothall Basket Ball a nJ Basehull orfolk(Iuh \gncultural C luh .J-H .'>,Iumn! C luh,SnPllmH'RI Corporal (ompan~ B Busehall I ntramurul r UolhallBasket Ball anJ Basehall orfolk Cluh Agncultuml(Iuh .J-H \Iumn! ('iuh.)CSIOR -Sergeant, Compan\" B, Buschull, Intramural I (X.t hiJ II ,Ba ket Ball anJ Basehall • orfolk ( lub, Agricultural ( luh.J-H \lumn! (, luh, -\Iphu :ClUSENloR-Pm'ate, Regimental ~ leaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrJer of Skippers Basehall I ntral11ural foot ha II , BusketBall anJ Basehall, Nurfull (Iuh, \gricultuml ( luh , .j II\Iumnl Cluh, '\Ipha :etaJOH'\ ROBERT C RO\\ ELL"Bob'L:- nchhurg, \ 'lrginia,\/etallurgica l EngineeringCORPS or E0icl0iEERSf-RESH\I-\s-Pm'ale Company C Rifle Team L~nchburgClub, Chemical (Iub, EJltllnul Staff, \ IfglnlQ T~,h En)!.lneer.SOPHO\IORE orporal C.ompum E Rifle Team L~ nchhurgClub, Chemical Club, EJm>riiJl taf!, \ IfgLnIQ T~,h Englnr?u) L'!\iIORSergeant, (,ompan\ (, Rifle 1 cam T rea urer, L\ nchhurgCluh. Chemical (Iuh, E:.Jlwriul Staff, \ IfglnlQ Te,hEnglnr?er PI Delta EpsilonS[SIOR-Lleutenant, Compun~ G, Rifle Team PreslJcntLynchburg Club, Englneenng Council, EJlwr-tn-Chlef\ IrginlQ Tr?(h Engtnur Treasurer, PI Delta Epsilon, PuhltcationsCommittee- 55 -- ---. -_P"_."- __ .~_.- - ~

_ ~~"i:.....:r. , ~WiI :-!~l!(~~.I1f?.::" .':":' '" ---IL1 9 36j ,\ t-.. lES NEL ~:n . CARGILL.. J 1I1ll1llC""ton \ "'agc, \ IrglniaArL hileclurul EngineeringCOA'i!' '\R-IILLERYORPSI R[ ~H\H" Prl\ at~, BUllcry I" I oothall Intramural \thletics\rchltccturul ( luh I Iilmpton Roads ( luh.~()PII()\I()RL (.orporal But tcry I" \ssiSlunt "!anager, I rackIntramural \thlcllcs, \rchltcctural ( lub, Hdmpton Roads( lub ..J t;"IOR-f Ir't Scrgeant, Battery "; Intramural \thletlcsGcrmun (Iuh, [~ilchcl()r (luh, I lilmpton Roads

B- U-E,.RI H RD PE. CE CARTER"Dlcl"AIJerson. \\ e t \ 'lrgmi:1Chem ical EllgLlleeflllgCHE:.:--I ICAL \\'ARFARE SER\ Ie FI- Rl 11\1 \N-Pn ,atc. Compan) \ \caJemlc Honors. I mck ,\\ est \ 'Irglnta ( luh, Chemical (IuhSOPIIO\IORL-Pri,alc. ompan) \ , \caJemlc Iionors, I rad\\ est \ Irglnla Uuh, Chemical ( luh.JL"IOR Sergeanl, Company [) \caJemlc Ilonors , I rad\\est \ 'Irglnia (Iub, Chemical (. lub , EJltonal Staff, BL'(.IIPh I LambJa L psilon , Tau Bela PISr";loR Lieutenant, Company ( , \caJemlc Ilonors , I ra~1West \'Irglnta Uuh, Chemical (Iub. EJltonal Staff. BL(.IIPhi LambJa l psdon. Tau L~cla PI , Phi h,arra Phi\\ ILLlA\\ CATLl0:, JRhick"J acksonvdle. FloridaJ Ildustrial EngineenngCOAST ARl ILLrRY CORPSFRESl1\IA'I-Pm ate Battery I : I rack : Intramural ,\lhlcttcsSOPIIO\IIlRE--COrporal. Battery I I rack, \\ reslilng, IntramuralAthletics , Soclcty of I nJustrial EngineersJ U--:IOR Pn\'ate Balter) I I rack \\ restltng , lonogram ( luh ,1 ntramural .\thletlcs Soclet) of I nJustnal EngineersSeNIoR- Private, Regimental HeaJljuarters Batten RoyalOrJer of Skippers, ["rack \\ restltng \tonogram ( ILlhIntramural "thlettcs, Juntor \ arslty loothall Soclet, (III nJustnal Engineers- 57--.. ~ -~ ._--- - .... ~---- ----=........---

_ -.', W ..tf',t·';l~:-,.:!+'" '. ,'. ,'. '~ - - - -------../' • It.1 9 36OTIS IA~SO CLARKE, JR."Otie"Kinsale, <strong>Virginia</strong>MLning GeologyCORPS OF ENGINEERSI-RESH\IAN- Pnvate, Company F, Track, Norlhern Neck C lub;EJltonal Staff, \'lfglnlO <strong>Tech</strong>SOPllmIORI-Pn\ate, Company F, Northern Neck C lub , AmencanInstltule of :-"llning anJ \ letallurgical Engineers;EJltorial Staff, \ IfgLnlO TefhjuslOR Pm'ate, Company E; Intramural Track, Northerneck Club, Amencan Institute of t\ llning and letallurglcalEngineers, EdItorial Sta(r, \ 'lfglnlO Teth . Co-EJltor,GUIdon. PI Delta EpsIlonSI"I

- --- ---B U- G- LE,.BER0.:ARD COHE."Boot"1 orfolk, \IrginlaBiological Sciencel'JFANTRYrRESHMAN-Private, Company B, Norfolk Cluh, Biology Cluh;EJltonal Stafr, \' P I SkipperSOPHO\,loRE-Private, Company B I orfolk Club, LorJ ReaJmgClub, Biology Club, Edltonal Stafr, \ ' P I Skipper'/Ui'iIOR-Pm'a te, Compan) B ,Club; Biology Cluh,orfolk Lluh, LorJ ReaJmgSr"JIOR-Private, Regimental HeaJ4uarters Batter) RoyalOrJer of Skippers , orfolk Cluh, LorJ ReaJmg Club, BiologyClubJAt-dES CRAIG COLE:-'IA"Jim e"RICh\\ood, West VlrgmiaChemical EngineeringCORPS OF E'JGI EERSFRESH\IAN-Private, BanJ, Rlne Team, Intramural Athletics\Vest \ 'irgmia lub , hemlcal ClubSOPHO\IORE-Pri\ate, BanJ, RIfle leam Intramural Athletics\Vest \ 'Irgmla Club, Chemical ClubJUsloR-Sergeant, BanJ, RIfle ream Intramural AthleticsSecretary, West \'Irgmla lub; Chemical Club, Phi LambJaL;psdon; Tau Beta PISE!'IOR-L!eutenant, BanJ , RIfle Team , Intramural ..\thletlcsPresident, West Vlrgmla lub, German Club, Secretar\,American Institute of Chemical Engmeers, Senale \ ICCPresident, Phi LambJa Upsdon, 1 au Beta PI.-59-.,.~----. - - ,----- .~ ---...-- ------......---._-.- -

II_~~:.~~",,":;"'_41.t:.i~. · .. 'or. " '"' ••• ; •1 9 36ROGeR IIAi\ IPTO\J COPELA'\..; D"Cope"East ra lls Church. <strong>Virginia</strong>Agronom yCOAST ARTILLERY CORPS[ RE»H\IAN-Pn vate, Ballery 0, AssisLa nt 1\ lanager. [ oot hall ,Intramural Bowling. COlllI,on Cluh. Capitol C luh, Agn ­cullLlral Cluh. Iionor CourtSOPHO\lORE-Corporal, Battery O. Assistant \ !a nager, [-oothall. Cotlilion ( lub, C.aplLOI Cluh, Agncultura l Cluh, \ IcePreslJent. phomore Class.) V,IOR Color Sergeant, rh,rJ Batta lion Staff , AcaJemlcHonors, \ sslstant lanager, I-ootball , Cotlihon C lub,Capitol Club. '\ gncultural C lub, Vice PreslJent. ) untor( l

- ~-----BuE,.JOH\ IARSI IALL CRAFTO~" johnn\ "St

I.,1.1':1" .. !::-",. " ,',. _______________ I l .I1 9 36FRANK At-.1i\10:\ CRAWFORD" Burr"Alderson, \\-est VirgIniaBusiness !\dmLnlstrationhFA'1TRYRL,,\I\IAi" Prl\ate, Company ,\, Intramural I ootball, BasketBall, TenniS, Basehall and Bowlmg , DramatIc Club; West\ Irgmla Cluh Busmess ( luh,oPHoMoRE-Corporal, Company -\, I ntramural Football ,Basket Ball, lennls, Baseball anJ Bowling, \\'est \ 'lrgm18( luh, Busmess Cluh)G"IOR-Sergeant, Company -\, Intramural I-oothall, Basket[~all, I ennIs anJ Bowlmg , West Virgin ia Club, Busmess( lub,'-,1 "lOR Pm-atc, RegImental I leaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrJer of SkIppers, Intramural Foothall, Basket Ball, TennIsanJ Bowling, \\'cst \ 'Irgmia Club, Busmess C luh,I cch Pia) crsRICH \RD l'-iEW IT DARDE, JR"Dickie":\c\\ sam, \'lrgInla, \grol1omyCOA T ARTILLERYORPSr-RE"H\fA"'-Pf1\ate, Battery" 1 I ntramural AthletiCS, PeanutClubSOPHO\10RL-Pm'ate, Battery "1 , r ntramural AthletICS, Sergeant-at-Arms,Peanut ( lub) G"loR-Pri\-ate, Battery \ I, Intramural AthletICS, PeanutClubSE"IOR-Pm'ate, RegImental HeaJquarters Battery , RoyalOrJer of SkIppers, Intramural AthletiCS \'Ice PreslJent,Peanut Club.-62-

BuE,.EO\\'ARD ;lE~DA \\' DAVIS"Tick"Hampton \ IrginiaBusiness ,\ dmlnislralLonCOAST ARTILLERY CORPFRI "11~tANPm alC, Baltery N, Hampton RoaJs ( ILlhSOPHO\lORE-Corporal, Battery N, \ slstant '\ tanager, BoxinganJ Wresthng Scrgeant-al-,\rm, Hampton Roads ( ILlh,Business Club) u'IORSergeant-, (ajor, Regimental Stafr, Asslstanl tanager,\\' restling, Hampton RoaJs ( luh, Business ( luh,ScsloR-Lleutenant-Colonel, Regimental Staff, Senior tanagcr,Wrestling, Hampton Roads (Iuh , Bachelor C luh, (oldhonC lub, Business ClubGUY RU ELL DA\'IS"G R"Richmond, \ lrgmiaDairy J fusbandryOA T ARTILLERY CORPS(RE!:oII\tA' Pm ate, BanJ, l)air~ (ILlhSOPHO\tORC--Corporal, BanJ, I ntramural Football, ( ,otdhonClub , Dalr) Club, \Ipha :eta)u'IOR-Flrst Sergeant, BanJ, Cotdlion Club; Bachelor Club,Dairy Club, \Ipha :eta, Senate,SE'IOR--Captain, BanJ Cotdhon Club, Bachelor Club, DairyClub, PreslJent, Alpha :eta, 0 D K " Phi Kappa PhI.-63-.,.~---- - - "----.. ~ ~ -------------~~

_ ~-ql"·;1-.. :!.,.,:"", .', '_ -- Il.&.rJr.-J1 9 3- 6ROBERT )0. ES DA\'IS.. ttnky"Alexandria, <strong>Virginia</strong>I ndlls/r1ai Englneerinf,CORPS OF ENGI"JEERSRL~ II'1 \ N Pm'ate, ompany 1-; I ootball ; W restilng ; I nLr

u G LjOH0. LE\\ I.. J ael-.. 'L.~nm\oodDIL\\'ORTH\ Irgmid\/et ilalllcal EngineeringCOAST .\RTILU R) CORPSI Rl ""\1\' Pmatc, [~aLLcn L ; Shenando

i , • " - ~".f·."J,I. '~.;!~'..:-. _..•... ' :'. • _ _ .... I1 96I RL~I-I' IA'J -Pm'atc,lub.TRAVIS HARRIS EPE"Big Boy"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>Business, \dmillist ral ionCO.\ST ARTILLERY CORPSBattcry I , I ootball; ['rack, Rlchm nJSOPHO\loRL-Corporal, Battery I , Intramural Athletics, RlchmonJC1uh, AcaJemlc Honors.) Lor-. lnR upply Scrgeant, Battery 1\., I ntramural Athletics,RlchmonJ Club, \caJemlc Honors.SL!'J IOR Llcutcnant, Baltery 1\. , RlchmonJ Club; Senate;\cadcmlc Ilonors, Phi I\.appa PhI.I R[~H\IA'J-Pmate,FR:\\:K t-. 1I CHAEL FAZ IO"Fazzy"Tuwdo Park, New York,\/echalllcal EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPBattery L , Football, Track; Intramural\thletlcs , Northern States C luhSOPIIO\IORc-Pn\,ate, Battery L ; Track, Intramural f\thletlcs,orthcrn States Club) Ll'loR-Pm'ate, Battery L ; Track; Intramural Athletics;orthern States Club.SE:-'loR-Pri\'ate, Regimental Headquarters Battery, RoyalOrder of Skippers, Intramural Athletics; Northern StatesClub-66-

B u L,.HE. RY FI CHER, JR,"Fish"Dama CUS, \'lrgInlaf \ nlmal lIllsbandryI FANTRYI RE~H' \ AN-Pn\'ate, Company D, \gncultural Club, 4-1 I\lumnt ClubSOPHo\\ORE-Pn\'ate, (.ompany D, Agncultural Club; 4-H.\lumnt Club, Southwest \ 'Irglnla Club, Alpha Zeta) L.;t-.;IOR Pmate, Company D, Intramural \thlcllcs; 4 I I.. \Iumni Cluh, Southwest \ Irglnta Club, Poultry )uJglngTeam, Alpha :etaSEt-.;IOR Pri\'ate, Regimental HeaJyuarters Battery, ROydlOrJer of Skippers, PreslJent, 4-H ,\Iumnt Cluh, Southwest\Irglnla Club; \Ipha :etaHARRY ~ I AYO FI HER"\\ agon"\\ dmIngton, Dela\\ are,\linlng EnglneenngCO,\ ST ART ILLERYORPf'RESH\lA,-Pn\,ate Battery I; [-ootball Intramural ,\thlettes;\merican I nstltute of lining anJ letallurglcal Englneer~.SOPHO\lORE-Pn\,ate Battery I SWimming, I ntramural Athletics,Amencan I nstltute of ;..!tnlng anJ ;"1ctallurglcalEngineers.)U'loR-Pn\,ate, Batter~ I, SWimming, American In tttuteof \lining anJ \letallurglcal Engineers \lonogram ( lub,Business Staff, BUCLLSE1"dOR Pm'ate, Regimental HeaJyuarters Batter, RoyalOrJer of Skippers, Captain, SWimming , [ Irst '\ late, \ P ILtfe Saving Corps, American Institute of \llnlng anJletallurglcal Engineers, \lonogram Club, Sales !an

1 9 36I RL~II\IA'ILOL I S LEO~ARD FITTRO" Louie "Clarksburg, West <strong>Virginia</strong>ClvLi En!:ineenngCORPS OF ENGINEERSPolomac Siale Co/legeSOPHo\lORr Pm'ate, Company F, Foothall , Basket Ball ,Intramural \thIClICS , \mencan Society of (wt! EnglnecrsJL'''JloR-Sergeant, (.ompan~ G, Foothall, Basket Ball, "Ionogram(Iuh \mencan Society of (i,t! Engineers, West \ IrglnlaC1uhSI 'IIOR L,cutenant, (,ompany G, apLaln, Foot ha II , BasketBall, Basehall, "onogram (Iuh, Amencan Soc,et) of (,vliEngineers, West \ Irglnla Uuh, 0 D I,ROBERT L101DSAY FLETCHER"Fletch"\\'ashlngton, D CCIVil EngineeringCORPS OF ENGINEERS1- RI ,SH\I.\'1-Prl\'aLC, Band, h)()Lhall, Baschall, I nt ramural\thletlcs Capitol Uuh,OPHO\IORl!. C.o rporal, Band, Basehall , Intramural ,\thlcttcsCapitol Club, \mencan Soc,et) of CI\'II EngineersJ t;'IIOR-Sergeant, BanJ, Ba eball, Intramural \thletlcs ,Treasurer, Capitol Uub Amencan Society of ('I\t! EngineersSEi"IOR-Pri\'ate, BanJ, Royal OrJer of Skippers, Basehall,Intramural Athletics, PresiJent, Capitol Cluh, AmencanSociety of CI\ II Engineers,-68-

. ---- ---B- U- GEGARLAND SCOTT FRANC[S"Sotto"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>DaIry HusbandryCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSF RESHMAN-Pm·ate. Battery I , Foothall , Intramural Athletics ,Richmond Club , Dairy Cluh, PreSident, Class of 1935SOPIIO\IORE Corporal, Battery I , I-ootball, I nLramural ALhletlcs,Cotillion Cluh. Richmond Cluh, Dairy Club, PresIdent,C lass of 1935JUNIOR-Supply Sergeant, Battery I , Cotillion Club, RichmondClub; Dairy Cluh , Bachelor Club , PreSident, C lass of 1935OD.KSE IOR-L!eutenant and Plans and Training Orficer, ThirdBaLtalion Staff PreSident, Cotillion C lub, Bachelor luh,Richmond Club. Dairy Club , Senate, Vice PreSident, Corpsof Cadets, 0 D K .FRESHMA'l-\\'[LUAM FREE1\ tAN" Bill "CardInal, <strong>Virginia</strong>eLVLi EnglneerlllgCORPS OF E",CINEERSPnvate, Band , In tramura l .\thletlcsSOPHO"loRE-Pnvate, Company G, 1\ lidtidewater Cluh, GermanClub.J UNIOR-Pnvate, Company E ~ liJtldewater Cluh, GermanCluh, Amencan Societ y of CI\ i1 Engineers.SEi'< IOR-L!eutenant and Supply Orficer, Second BattalionStarr, ' lid t ldewater C luh, German Cluh, Bachelor Cluh<strong>Tech</strong> Players American Society of CI\ iI Engineers-69-... ~.... , ...... - ,_.,_." ..." ---

_. ~.;.- ..:H.,-~~. _::_ . . . . '. ~9 36HERBERT F INLEY GALE"Fin"Gloucester, <strong>Virginia</strong>J ndllslrial EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRE~ II MAN-No rfolk Exl~nsLOn.SOPIIO\lORPSorfolk ExtensionJUNloR-Pnvate, Battery I , Intramural Athletics; Norfolk( lub, Calilhon Club.SI.NIOR- Prl\

.........---- --BULLOYD H ,OLEY CARLAND, JR."Hone~ ..Clean\ ater, FloridaI ndtlstrial EngineeringCORP OF El'

1 9 36I Rr'oIiMANHUGH jA\lE O. GEERI 'G" Fuzzy"Pnvalc,Business Sta ff , \Bedford, <strong>Virginia</strong>Edt/ca li onf \ ~riCll lltlra lI :-lFA TRYCOl11pany B ,P I Skipper.I ntral11uralWrestling,S lPH()\I()RI Pn ,alC ( .ol11f1an} B, ,\


1 9 36ALEXA DER C I 8S0,"StuJ"l'vlarkham, <strong>Virginia</strong>f3uslness AdmlnlstratwnINFANTRYCREE , J RI' RL'>H\l\N PriqllC, Company B, Intramural Baskct Ba ll ,ShenanJoah \ a lley Club, 4-1 I Alumni Club.SOPHO\l

B G LE,.GEORGE CONRAD GROu IeRichmond, \'lrgIniaChemical EngineeringC:OA T ART ILLERY CORPS[ ' RE~H'IAN - Pfl\ 'a te , ( ,ompany D , RlchmonJ Cluh; ChemIcallub, EJltonal Staff, \ IfglnlQ T~,hSOPHO\lORI:.-Pri\ale, Company D, RlchmonJ Cluh, ChemIcalClub, EJltonal Staff, \ irgtnia <strong>Tech</strong>JUNIOR Pn\ate, Battery I , RlchmunJ c.Iub, Chemical Cluh;Phi LambJa l psdon,SI:. IOR- Pn\ate, Regimental I ~caJquarters Battery; RuyalOrJer of SkIppers, RlchmonJ (Iuh; \mencan Institute ofChemIcal Engineers, I au Beta PI , Phi Lamhda l Op donRALPH Ri\IA, HALE"Lo\\ "i\laybeury, \\'e~t \'lrglnIaElectrical EngineeringCORPS OF ENGI"JEERSf'RESH\lAN-Prl\ ate, Company ; frack, \\ est \ 'Irglnia Club,Short Wave Club -\merican InstItute of Electrical EngIneers, Business Staff, BL.:GLI' , Business Staff, \'lfgtnlO<strong>Tech</strong>,SOPHO:-loRE-Corporal, Company G, Intramural Track ShortWave Club, Amencan InstItute of Electrical Engineers,Business Staff, BUGLE Business Staff, \ 'lfgtnlQ Te,hJV";IOR "Sergeant, Company E, \\est \Irginia Cluh, ShortWa\'e Club, Amencan Institute of Electrical EngineersBusiness Staff, BUGLI', Business Staff, \ ' LrgLnla <strong>Tech</strong>SENIOR-Private, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrder of Skippers; West \ 'lrgInLa Club; Short Wave Cluh,-\merican In titute of Electncal Engineers,- 75 -, "" --_. - '---~- p .. -~-

1 9 36RICHARD FRED HALL.. Freddie"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>AgronomyINFANTRYrRE~II\ (\ N-Pri\'ate, C mpany B, BO'(Ing, Basehall, I rack,I ntramural Boxing Champion, Volley Ball Champions,( ro s Countr" Ba~kct Ball anu Wrestling, RlchmonuClub,SOPHO\(ORr Corporal, Compan~ B, Boxing, Basehall, \tonogramClub Intramura l Boxing C hampion, Cross Country,Basket Ball anu Track , Rlchmonu C lub, Agncultura l Club.J l!" lOR Pm'ate, Comra n ~ B, Boxing, Basehall, 1\ tonogramClub, In tramural lootball Champions, Cross Country,Basket Ball anu r rack, Richmond C1uh , Agncultural ClubS[ 'lOR-Pm ate, Regimental Headquarters Battery, RoyalOruer of Skippers BO,lng , Track ; ;-' tonogram Club IntramuralBasket Bull, Baseball a nu Wrestling , Rlchmonu(Iub \gncultural C1uh.SHELDON FRAN[, HALL" Sheldon ..Norfolk, <strong>Virginia</strong>BLlsiness AdministrationCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSrRESH\lA' Pmate, Battery 0, Intramu ra l AthletiCS ; orfolkClub, BUSiness Stalf, BUGLE , Executl\e Committee,SOPHO\lORE -Corporal, Battery 0, I ntramural Athletics, NorfolkClub , Bu Iness ClubJ U!"loR-Sergeant, Battery 0, I ntramural Athletic , orfolkClub, BUSiness Cluh , SenateSr'loR-Lieutenant, Battery 0, Intramural Athletics; VicePresident, Norfolk C lub, Cotlillon Club Buslne s Club,Senate- 76 -',~ :.. _ ---...... ~~ •• ~~ •• .......... " ...... I, • • ,.",

u G-LE,.A0.DREW ELLIOTT HAMLET"Doc"Phenix, \'lrgmI3CIt.t/ EngineeringI'JFA'JTRYrR,SII\IAN Pm'atc, Company ( , I ntramural I oothall, BO,lnganJ Baseball ; ~ItJ-\'irglnla Cluh,SOPHO\lORE Corraral, Compan~ l, Intramural r oothall anJBaseball, \ IIJ-Vlrglnia luh, \mencan Society of CI\"EngineersJUNIoR-Sergeant, Company (, Intramural roothall, SofthallanJ Baseball , \1td-\'irglnla Cluh, Amencan Society of CI\t!Engineer,SENIOR-Pri\'ate, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrJer of SklPpcrs, Intramural Softhall \lld-\ Irglnla (Iuh\mencan Soclcty of CI\'t! Englncers\\ lLLIA\1 :\EIL HA\ I\IER TRO\l"~ucks"Lynchburg, \ 'lrgml3I ndllslrial EngineeringCORPS OF E:-

1 9 3 - 6 -FRA KLI N WI HARRIS" High-Pockets"Glen Allen, <strong>Virginia</strong>I ndustrial EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSI'Rl:.SIIM AN PnnllC, Ballcry N, I ntramura l Athletics, RlchmonJClubSOPHo\loRE-Corporal, Battcry N, Football, RlchmonJ C lub;Cottllton ClubJ UJ'.:IOR -Supply Scrgcant, Batlcry ; [-oat ha II , RlchmonJClub, Soclcty of InJustnal Englneers_Sr-";IOR-Lieutcnant anJ \JJutant, ThirJ Battalton Staff;Intramural Athletics, RlchmonJ Club; Society of InJustria lEngineers; Honor Court.THO~ lAS THORi TOI HART"T. T."\\' arrenton, <strong>Virginia</strong>BiologyI FANTRY[ R[ 5H\1 \N Pn ,'atc, Company ,\ ; Football; I ntramural Athletics;PleJmont Club; Biology C luh_SnPHO\IORI' .orporal, Companv A; Intramural .\ thlctlcs;PleJmont Club. Biology C lub_JU-";loRSergeant, Company -\; Intramural Athletics; PICJmontClub. Biology C lub.SE~IOR-Lieutenant, Company A; RIAe Team, Intramural-\thletlcs , PleJmont Club, Biology Club, German C lu b-78-

t - ---- ----- -.--- -.------ -, - .. - '"-- ..... - - --B u G LEjAl\IE WARREI HA KETT"Warf"Ocean VIe\\', \'irginiaBiologyCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSf7R["SHMA~-Pri\ ate, BanJ, Intramural I ootball; BIology Club;Norfolk Club.SOPHO\IORE-Corporal, Band, Intramural f7ootball, I ntramur(]lTrack; orfolk Club, BIology Club.jlJl'.;loR- Pri\"ate, BanJ, Intramurall'oothall, Intramur

- 1 9- 6JOHI ALBERT HEISLER"Boat Hook"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>Architectural Engineerin[;COAST ART ILLERY CORPSI· RCSII\fAN Pm alc, Ballcry I ; frack ; OrJcr of Dc \ 10lay ,RlchmonJ C1uh, EJltonal Staff, \'. P I SkLpper.SOPllo\fORL Pmille, Baltcry I, Inlramural Alhletlcs, RlchmonJC luh , OrJer of De 1\ 10lay, Chemical Club; EditorialStafr, \ P I SkL/>twrJ Ur-;IOR -Sergcant, Battcry I , Order of De 1\ lolay, RlchmonJ(Iub, Archltcctural C lubS[ '-;loR-Pmatc, Reglmcntal HeaJquartcrs Battcry; RoyalOrJer of SklPpcrs, Ordcr of De I\lolay; Richmond Club;Architectural C luh\\-[LL 1.\\ 1 DO\!ALD HE~DERS001"Hennlc··[-RCSH\f \'I-Bluejield E tlenSlO1lBluehelJ, West <strong>Virginia</strong>Electrical EngineeringCORPS OF ENGINEERSSOPHo\foRc-Bluejield ExlellSiollJ l"IOR-Pn\'ate, Band Freshman Track, \\'est \ Irgmia ClubY \ 1 ( \ Cahmct, American I nstltute of Electrical Engineers,Short \\a\c Club, Rifle Team.Sr-'loR-Pri\3tc, BanJ, West \ 'Irgmla Club, Y . \1 C A. Cabinet,,\mcncan I nstltute of Electrical Engineers, PresiJent,Short \\'a\e Club, RIAe Team.- 80-

---- ---- 8 u G- L E"CLARE~CE ~IILLI0.:GTO .aBeckley, \\ est VirginIa\rchilectllral EngineeringCORP OF ENGINEERSFRE~II~ I AN-.\'ew R.1t'ef .)tate Colle!!,,,SOPI 10M ORE:. - M ar"hall CollegeHIGGIl'\;S) lJSIOR-Pm'ate, BanJ, I ntramural I rack, \ o lle~ Ball, Ba~ketBall anJ Foothall, West \ 'Irglnla lub , \rchltectural ( luhS[ SIOR Pm'ate, BanJ, Ro~al OrJer of Skippers, IntramuralTrack, \ 'olley Ball, Basket Ball anJ Foot ha II , \\esl \ IrglnlaCluh; ,\rchitcctural ( IuhJ.\\lc EARL HILL " It\. ." J IIIllc"Roanokc, \ 'Irginia/ ndllstnal Eng meenngCOAST ARTILLERY CORPS[- RE:.~"MA;-.;-Pri\ ate, Battery ,Rlne Team, Intramural .\thleties,Roanoke ( luh.SOPHO\lORE-Prl\ ate, Battcry N, I mramural \thletles RoanokeClub,) lJNIOR Pri\ ate Ballery N, Intramural \thletles, RoanokcClub.S['NIOR-Pm ate, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery, Ro~ .IIOrJer of Skippers; Intramura l AthletiCS, Roanoke Club-81-.. ,~-- _. - - ----- - .~ ~- ----------------

1 9 36ROBERT10RTIMER HOLLOWAY, JR"Bob"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>Electrical EngineeringOAST ARTILLERY CORPFR[~H IAN-Richmond ExtensIOn ; Class Trea urcr, Basket Ball.SOPHO'IORE-PfI\'ate, Battery J\I, Swimming; I ntramural Athletics, Richmond ( Iub, \' P I Ufe Sa\lng Corps) UNloR-Sergeant, Battery J\I. SWimming ; I ntramural Athletics;Richmond Cluh, \' P I. Life Saving orps; Amencan In­StltutC of E lcctncal Engineers.SLt--IOR-Ueutenant, Battery J\1, SWimming; Intramural Athletics,Richmond Cluh, Bachelor Club; V. P I Life Sa\ IngCorps; \mencan I nstltute of Electrical Engineers.\\ ' ILLIA~( HARRISOI HOWARD, JR."Buzzy"Hampton, <strong>Virginia</strong>/ ndustrial EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSI RESH~IAN-Pri\'ate, Battery h::; Hampton Roads C1uh.SOPHO\loRE---Corporal, Battery h::; Intramural AthletiCS,Hampton Roads Club , Society of I ndustnal Engineers) U:-110R-Sergeant, Battery K; I ntramural Athletics; HamptonRoads Club, Society of I ndu trial EngineersSE:-110R-Pnvate, Regimental Headquarters Battery, RoyalOrder of Skippers; Hampton Roads Club, Society of I ndustrialEngineers.-82-

- -- - ---~-B u G LE,.HO\\'ARD \ERGIL H ~1PHRIE" Hump"OVIngton, \ IrgInia\ f ethan Leal Eng rneenngCOAST ARTILLERY CORPS'-RESH\lA,-Pn\atc, Batter~ l~, \\ rc tilng, \lIeghan~ :-'lountalnlub, \mencan Societv of !\ !echanical Engineers,SOPHO,\fORE-(.orporal Battcr) ~, Secretary-Treasurcr, Alleghany\ !ountaln ' Iub , ,\mencan Society of ~ !echanlcalEnglnecr) u""oR-Sergcant \ !aJor, I hlrJ Battalion Stat!; Intramural\thletlcs , \ Ice PrcsiJent, \lIeghany:-' !ountaln Club, AmcncanSociety or \ !cchanical EngineersS[ ""oR-Captaln anJ Plans anJ Training Officer, ReglmcntalStarr, Intramural \thlctlcs , \ ICC PrcslJcnt, \lIeghamlountaln lub; \mencan Soclet~ of \ !cchanlcal Lnglncerslau Beta PI, () n I, Phi "a1"1"a PhiJOH~ ROBl:'; O. HYATT"Trusty Foot'RIchlands, \ irginia,\nimal HusbandryINFANTRYI-RF!:>H\I.o\' Pmatc, COm1"any A, Intramural Athlctlcs; GermanClub, Southwest <strong>Virginia</strong> Club; Animal HusbanJry(.Iub,SoPHo~foRE-Corporal, Company A; Intramural Athletics;German Club; Southwe t <strong>Virginia</strong> Club, Animal HusbanJryClub)e:-;,oR-Color Sergeant, First Battalion Staff, IntramuralAthletics German Club, Southwest \'irglnia lub, BachelorClub; Animal HusbanJry Club, Agncultural Club, Alpha:eta,Sc"OR-Lieutenant and Supplv Officer First Battalion StarrJ ntramural Athletics Vice President, German Club, BachelorClub; VICC PresiJent, Southwest \ 'I rglnia Club \nlm

1 9 36LAUDE H UNTER IRBY" hot"Blackstone, \ ' Irgln 1313l1sll1ess ,\dminislralwnI "lFANTRYI RI ~H~t.\N Pm'mc, ( ,om[1any S, I re hman R lflc I cam, \ flJ­\ 'Irglnta ( luh,51lI'HO\lOR[ Corporal, c.om[1any B, Rifle ream, \bJ-\ IrgtniaClub, OrJer of De \ I ola~) U-":IOR ergeant, «)m[1an~ [3, \ tanager Rifle I earn \ ltJ-\ Irgtnla (iuh; COL " hon C1uh , OrJer of De tI. !olay,51 'lOR Prl\ate, Regtnlenldl Headquarter Batter\ Ro~alOrJer of Skippers, Carr'lln, Rlflc I earn, 1\ bJ-\ Irgtnla ( Iub ,Cot"hon ( Iuh Bachelor C1uh Secretary, OrJer of De\ !ola~TH \ 1.\TAYLOR )A. ':\EY"T. T"Buena \ 'Ista, \ 'lrgin13i\ feehan/ca l EngineeringO,\

B-JEfAJ 1\1\ IES LUCIA.J EFFER Y"J err"Elmhurst, 0:e\\' YorkChel11lCa/ EngLneenngCOAST ARTILLERY CORP')FRESIIM "i-Pm ate, Battery orthern Slales Cluh,Y . l\ I ( \ Cahlnet, Edltonal Staff, \ Ifg lnlQ TethSOPHO\lORE Pm'a le, Battery N, orthern Slalcs (luh, V. PLIfe Sa\ Ing Corps, Y. 1\ I C ,\ ahlnet, ChemIcal Cluh.JUNIOR Pm'aLC, Batlery N, Northern States C luh , \ . PLIfe Sa\ Ing Corps, Y . 1\ I. C. A Cahlnet, ChemIcal Club.S[,~J10RPm ate, Rcglmental Headquarlcrs Baller\, Ro\ alOrder of SkIppers, Northern States Cluh, \ P I LIfeSa\ Ing Corps \mencan I nstltute of ChemIcal EngineersTHOl\IAS TABB JEFFRIES"Tommy"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>I ndtlstrial EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRESHMAN- Pri\ ate, Battery I; I ntramural Baseball , RichmondClub; Cotillion Club.SOPHO\,IORE orporal, Battery I , I ntramural Baseball; Treasurer,Richmond Club; Sergeant-at-Arms, Cottllion Club.JUNiOR-Supply Sergeant, Battery I , Intramural Baseba ll;Second Vice President, RIchmond Club; Second \ 'ice PresIdent,ottllton Club; Second \ 'Ice President, Corps ofCadets; 0 D. K.SENIOR-Lieutenant, Battery I; I ntramural Baseball, President,Richmond Club; Secretary-Treasurer, Cotillion C lub;Bachelor Club 0 D K.- 85 -. ,._oro .... · .~_'_~_'...-' _.

1 9 36jMdES10NROE JOHNS"junior"Farmville, <strong>Virginia</strong>Business AdministrationCOA T ARTILLERY CORPSr R· IIMAN-PrlVate, Batlery L ; I ntramural Baseball; 1\ lld­\ 'irginia C lub; Business C luh.SOPIIO~ I ORE 'orporal, Battery L, Intramural Basehall andr-ootball , ~ lid -Virgln i a C lub, Business (Iub.J L,:-IIOR-Sergeant, Ballcry L, InLramural Basehall and I oot ba II ,Secretary, \ lld-Vlrgima Club; Business C lu b.Sr :-IIOR-Pm ate, Regimental I leadquarters Battery; RoyalOrder of kippers, I ntramural Baseball and Football , \ 'icePresident, \ lid-Vi rgi nia Club; Business lu bHE. RY AUG STUS jOH. SO. -. jR." Henry"FRESH~IA"'-PrI\'ate.Ford\\ ick, <strong>Virginia</strong>I ndustrial EngineeringCORPS OF ENGINEERBand, Int ramural Baseball, Basket Balland Bo"ling, Shenandoah \ 'alley lub, Society of IndustrialEngineersPm'ate, Band , Intramural Baseball, Basket Balland Volley Ball, Shenandoah Va lley Cluh, Society of IndustrialEngineers .SOPHO~IORE.J u. lOR-Sergeant, Band. I ntramural Baseball, Basket Ball,and \ 'olley Ball, Shenandoah \alley C luh; Society of IndustrialEngineers.SrNIOR-Prl Vate, BanJ, Royal Order of Skippers; Shen

B- U GE,.FRANCIS EPES JO ES"Farmer"Dinwiddie, <strong>Virginia</strong>Business AdministrationCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRE,IIMAN-Pnvate, Battery I; Basket Ball; Intramural Football;Petersburg Club.SOPIIO\lORE-Corporal, Battery I ; Intramural Poothall anJBasket Ball; Petersburg Club; Business lub.JUNIoR-Sergeant, Battery I; Intramural I'ootball anJ BasketBall: Petersburg Club, Business Club; Bachelor Club.SE lOR- Private, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery: RoyalOrJer of Skippers, Intramural Football anJ Basket Ball,Petersburg Club; Business Club: Bachelor Club.SANIUEL GUY JO~ES"Sam"Norfolk, <strong>Virginia</strong>1 ndustrial EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRESHMAN-Private, Battery L ; Track, Norfolk Club , CotillionClub; Society of InJustnal Engmeers.SOPHO'fORE-Corporal, Battery L ; Intramural Tennis, NorfolkClub; Cotillion Club, Society of I nJustrial Engmeers.JUNIoR-Sergeant, Battery L ; Intramural TenniS, orfolk lub ;Cotillion Club; Bachelor Club, Society of Industrial Engineers.SENIOR-Lieutenant, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery; RoyalOrder of Skippers; Intramural TenniS; Norfolk Club; CotillionClub; Bachelor Club; Society of InJustrial Engineers-87-·I.·j"'-'~'_' ...... _ ,_"'-"1-' ___ ..

'..fI;.'I", .'. l~1 9 36CHARLES LOUIS KERSTEIN"Charlie"Roanoke. <strong>Virginia</strong>Electrical EngineeringCORPS OF E GIEERSFRESHMAN-Roanoke College. Swimming.hemical Club.SOPHO\lORE Private. Company E. Intramural Swimming.Bowling and Basket Ball. Roanoke Club; Lord ReadingC lub; American Institute of Electrical Engineers.JUNIOR Sergeant. c.ompany E; Rlnc Team; Intramural Swimmingand Bowling. Editorial Staff. The VirgLnLO <strong>Tech</strong> Engineer.Roanoke Club; Lord Reading Club. American Instituteof Electrical EngineersSESloR-Private. Regimental Headquarters Battery; RoyalOrder of Skippers, Rlne Team , Intramural SWimming,Editorial Staff, The \ Irglnla <strong>Tech</strong> Engineer, Roanoke Club.Lord Reading C.luh , American Institute of Electrical Engineers]Ai\!ES CARLTO.. Froggy"Bedford. <strong>Virginia</strong>Civil EngineeringI:-"FANTRYKEYFRESH\IA"I-Private, Company B; Football; Wrestling.SOPHOVIORE Private, ompany B . Intramural Football. Wrestling, Editorial Staff. \ P. I Skipper American Society ofC 1\1l Engineers)li"lIOR-Sergeant, Company C; Wrestltng; Intramural Foothalland Baseball, American Society of Civil Engineers.SENIOR Pn\ate, Regimental IIeadquarters Battery; RoyalOrder of Skipper, Wrestling . Amencan Society of CivilEngineers.-88-

B U - G - L - E,.GILES HOUGHTON KlDD"Hotie"Roanoke, <strong>Virginia</strong>Business AdministrationI NFANTRYFRESHMAN-Pri\'ate. CompanyClub,\ . Roanoke Club. BusinessSOPHoMoRE-Corporal. Company \. Intramural Basehall;Roanoke Club; Business C lub.JUNloR-Sergeant-\ laJor. first Battalion Staff. Roanoke Club.Business C lubSENIOR- [ajor, First Battalion Staff. Roanoke C lub; BusinessClub.RE BEPRO TOR I\. I DD"Captain "Bedford, \ 'IrginwJ ndustrial EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRESHMAN-Private. Battery I. Boxing. Intramural Football.Baseball anJ BoXing. Society of InJustrial Engineers.SOPHmfoRE-Private. Battery I . Boxing. Intramural FootballanJ Baseball . Society of I nJustnal Engineers.J VI' IOR- Pnvate. Battery I . Boxing. Intramural I-ootball anJBaseball . Society of I nJustnal Engineers.SEI'IOR-Pnvate. Regimental HeaJquarters Battery. Ro) alOrder of Skippers; Intramural foothall and Baseball, Societyof Industnal Engineers.-89-- - - • ____ or ~ ,~_ ••_._ ••___ ._~__-_.. ~ - • ~ •

-'-r-~:. - __ ~ .....,....... ~ . ~ ', . ....._ I... _1 9 - 3 - 6J AMES GARDNER KNOWLTON"Jim "Norfolk, <strong>Virginia</strong>I nduslrial EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRESHMAN- Pnvate, Batlery M; Intramura l Bowling, orfolkCluh; Cotillion Club; Society of Industrial Engineers.SOPHOMORE Corporal, Battery M, I ntramural Bowling, Norfolk Club ; CotIllion Club; Society of InJustrial Engineers.JUNIOR- Sergeant, BatLery M; I ntra mura l Bowling; Norfo lkClub; otllllon Club ; SocieLy of InJustria l Engineers.SEN IoR- Private, Regimental Headquarters Battery; RoyalO rJer of Skippers, Norfolk Club; Vice PresiJent, CotillionClub, Bachelor Club; Society of InJustri al Engineers.JA lES SMITH LAIRD"Jimmy"Mount Hope, West <strong>Virginia</strong>Electrical EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRESH~fAN-UnLVe rstly of Ci ncinnati.SOPHOMoRE-Pri vate, Battery 0; Intramura l Basket Ball andFootball, West Vi rginia Club.JUNIoR- Sergeant, Battery 0; I ntramural Football, Basket Ba llanJ Track; West <strong>Virginia</strong> Club.SENIoR-Private, Regimental Headquarters Battery ; RoyalOrJer of Skippers, In tramural Football, Basket Ball andBa eball , West <strong>Virginia</strong> Club.-90-

B u G L-EIILLOYD BER ARD LEE"Lloyd"Dahlgren, \ 'IrgtnlaElectrical EngmeeringCORPS OF ENGINEERSFRESHMAN Private, Company E, Northern Neck Club, AmericanI nstltute of Electrical EngineersSOPHO.~tORL Corporal, Company E , orthern Neck Club,American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Business Stall ,\ Irglnla Teth Engineer.JUNIOR-Supply Sergeant, Company G, Northern eck Club ,American Institute of Electrical Engineers, BUSiness Staff,<strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> Engineer; Intramural BowlingSENloR---Captaln, Company G, President, Northern NeckClub, Intramural Bo"ling; Amcrlcan Institute of ElcctrlcalEngineers, PI Delta Epsilon, ASSistant BUSiness \ tanager,\ 'IrgtnlQ <strong>Tech</strong> EngineerGEORGE FRA KLIt"Rummy", 'e\\'port Ne\\s, VirginIaIndustrial EngineertngCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSLEl\':, JRFRESHMAN- Pm'ate, Battery I, Track, Intramural ['oothall,Basket Ball, Baseball and TenniS, Hampton Roads ClubSOPHOMORE--Corporal, Battery I ; I rack, Intramural [ ootball ,Basket Ball, Baseball and Tennis; Hampton Roads Club.JUNIOR-Sergeant, Battery I, Track , Intramural [ootball,Basket Ball, Baseball and TenniS, Hampton Roads Club ,Tau Beta PI.SENIOR-Lieutenant, Battery I, I rack, Intramural Football,Basket Ball, Baseball and Tennis , Hampton Roads Club,fau Beta PI , Phi Kappa Phi.-91-.... ~--...... , .... - '-.-... -.---.~.. -----

1 9 36PE N REUBEN Ll NDSA Y"P. R."Lynchburg, <strong>Virginia</strong>Chemical EngineeringCORPS OF ENGINEERrRr~II~IAN-Private, c.ompany E; Rifle Team, Lynchburg Club,.hemlcal ILlb , Business Staff, \ 'lrglnlO <strong>Tech</strong> Engineer.SnPllmfOR[' Corporal, Company E, Intramural Bowling, RifleTeam, Lynchhurg Club, Chemical Club; Business Staff,\ Ifglnla Tefh Engineer, Edltonal Staff, BUGLE.j L'~loR-Sergeant, Company G, Intramural Bowltng; LynchhurgC1uh, German lu b, ChemIcal lub; Tau Beta Pi;PhI LamhJa Upsdon; PI Delta Epsilon, Business Staff, Vlrglnta<strong>Tech</strong> EngIneer, EdItorial Staff, BUGLE, Senate.SI "lOR Llcutenant, Company G; Intramural Bowltng, LynchburgClub, Gcrman c..Iub, Bachelor C lu b, Amencan InstItuteof ChemIcal EngIneer; President, Tau Beta PI, Treasurer,PhI LambJa L,psllon, PI Delta Epsdon; PhI Kappa PhI,o D I" Busine s '\ lanager, \'lfglnlO <strong>Tech</strong> EngIneer ClassEJltor, BL:GLc, Senate, Publtcatlons ommlttee.ARL PROSPER LUGRIN.. Philbert"Glen Lyn, <strong>Virginia</strong>Electrical EngineeringCORP. OF ENGINEERrRCSll\f.-\"I-Pri\ate, BanJ Wrestling, Intramural FoothallSOPHO\fORE-Corporal, BanJ; \\' restllng, :'\ lonogram Club;Intramural FootballjL"IIOR-Sergeant, Band, Wrestltng, I\ lonogram Club, Intramuralf'ootball, Cotdlton Club, Amencan Instttute ofElectrical Engineers, Honor Court.SeNIOR-LIeutenant, Band; Wrestling; l\ lonogram C lub ; CottlltonClub, Bachelor lub, DefenJlng Attorney, Honorc.ourt; Amencan Institute of Electncal Engineers; 0 D K.-92-

---- ---B L EED\\, ARO 0OLEY ~ !cCULLOCH100 c ..Buchanan, <strong>Virginia</strong>Eleclncal EngineeringCo.\ T ARTILLERY CORPSI ntm­I-RLSII\fA', - Pm'ate, Buttery I ; loothall, BusLet Ballmural TenntSOPIIO\loRE-Corpoml, Battery I , rennls , I ntmmural I enntsanJ Basket BallJL;~loRSergeant, BUller~ I , '1 enniS, Intramural Bus~el 13all\ tonogram Club, \merican I nstltute of Eleetncal EngineersS[ "lOR Lieutenant, Battery I , c.o-Captaln, I ennis I cam"tonogram C lub , \mencan Institute of Electncal EngineersOA \ I D E~ lETT t\ !cGEOR £.. lac"Oakmont Pcnns J l\'anla,\feehan/cal Engll1eenng,ORPS OF E GINEERS[ R[ SIl~I",,- Prl\ate, c.ompany I , Intramuml \thletlcsSOPHO\fORE-Pn\,ate, c.ompany I , Intramural .-\thlettcs.JLi~loR-Pm 'a te, c.ompany F, Northern States Cluh, \l1lcncanSociety of "lechantcal Engineers.Sr'IOR- Pn\'ate, Regimental IleaJquarters Batten RoyalOrJer of Skippers, orthern States Club; ,\mencan Societyof 1I.lechanical Engineers-93-

1 9 36CECIL GOODW IN McVAYlac"Winchester, <strong>Virginia</strong>1 ndtls/rlal EngineeringCORPS OF ENGINEERSI RI ~H\I\N Pnvate, BanJ, ShenanJoah Valley Club, The <strong>Virginia</strong>1 echmenSOPIIO'iORL-Corroral, BanJ,TeehaJets.henanooah Valley Club; Thek'

-.-~ .- - -- -B u G LE"RA 1'1\ IO~D GEOR E :-'IELI CK"Ra\ ":-'lorn town, 1 -e\\ Jer eyI ndllstnal EngIneeringCOA T ARTILLERY CORPSrRE.::'H\I.\-.;-Pm ate, Battery,orthern States Cluh.SOPHO\foRE-Corporal, Batter~ _', 1 'orthern States Cluh;German Club.J U-';IORSergeant, Batter~ '\!, Northern States Cluh GermanCluh Society of Industrial Engineers Tau Beta PISE"'loR-Lteutenant, Battery orthern States lub, GermanClub Soclet\ of Industrtal Engineers, Tau Beta PI , PhiKappa Phi\\ I LLARD HOD E :-'1 ILLER"Deacon .,Hampton \ IrgInlaElect ncal Eng lI1eenngCOA T ARTILLFRY CORPFRr"sH\IA"I-Pri\ate, Baltery 0 , Intramural \thlettcs HamrlOnRoads Club -\mertcan Institute of Electrtcal Engineers,SOPllmloRE- PrtVate, Battery 0 Intramural \thletlcs , HamrtonRoads Club \mertcan I nstttute of Electrtcal EngineersJ uSIOR-Sergeant, Battery 0, Intramural -\thlettcs HamptonRoads Club Amertcan Institute of Electrtcal EngineersSESIOR-Pri\'ate, Regimental Headquarters Batter~ , RoyalOrder of Skippers, Intramural ·\thletlcs; Hampton RoadsClub, Amertcan In tl(Ute of Electrtcal Englncers_- 95 -. . ", .. ---_ ... - - ._-_ .. '-' -- '

... - - .. . ... ~ •••• _ •• ......... :a ......... ~ .... .... '"1 - 3 ..., 9 - 6 =====:--... t"I RI.!>HM"NFULTOI BE\'ERLY IOORE, JR ... \\ Impie"lan on , \ 'IrginiaA rchUeclu ral EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSPm'ate, BaLLer) K, Southwest Vi rginia Club.SOPIIO\lOR I Pri\'ate, Battery I" Southwest \ 'Irglnla Club;\rchlLecLUral Cluh.jL':"IOR Pmate, Battery I', Southwest \ 'irglnla Club , ,\rchitectumlClub.SLSIOR I Irst Sergeant, Regimental H eaJquarters Battery,Royal rJer of Sklprer , Southwest \ ' irglnla C lub, ArchitecturalC luh German Cluh , Bachelor Cluh , Business Staff,BL'(,U \rt Staff. BUGII Senate.RICHARD ALFRED l\100RE.. BIngo"ClarksvIlle, \ 'lrginiaElectrIcal EngineerIngCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSI RE~II\I\S Pm'atc, Batter) I" I\ bJ-\'lrglnia Club, Short\\'a\e ClubS'WIHl\10Rl::-Corporal, Batter\, K, !\ hJ-\ Irglnla Club, Short\\ a\e Cluh, American Institute of Electrical Engineers.j V,IOR Sergeant, Battery K, \ bJ-\'lrglnia Club, AmericanI nstltute of Electrical Engineers.Sr '" IC)R Pm ate, Regimental HeaJquarter Batter) . RoyalOrder of Skippers l\ tld-\ Irglnla Club, American Instituteof E lectrical Engineers.-96-

-~~- ---B u G-EED\\, [BATEt\fA"Bill"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>HortiwilllrefOR ECOA T ARTILLERY CORPSFRESHMAN- Pm'ate, BanJ, Intramural Footha II , Horseshoes,BowlIng anJ Volley Ball; RlchmonJ Iuh.SOPHOMoRE-Private, BanJ, Intramural f700t ha II , I Iorseshoes,Bowling anJ Volley Ball; Company Intramural l\ 1anager.J UNloR-Pm'atc, BanJ, Intramural I' oothall, I lorscshoes,Bowling anJ Volley Ball; J Unlor Intramural \. tanager,Agricultural IubSE:--:loR- Lieutenant, BanJ; LeaJer, Drum anJ Bugle Corps;I ntramural Football, Horseshoes, Bowling anJ Volley Ball ;Senior Intramural "1anager, RlchmonJ lIuh; CotlihonClub; Bachelor ClubCHARLEIVAN t\10THERSHEAD. JR"Mullet"Etta. \ 'lrginlaAgricultural EducallOnCOA T ARTILLERY CORPFRESHMAS Pn\'ate, Battery I, foothall , BoXing , ["rack , IntramuralBo,(lng. Cross-Country and Basket Ball , RappahannockValley Club. Future Farmers of ..\mencaSOPHOMORE- Pm'ate, Battery I . Track 1I.1onogram C luh , I ntramuralBoXing, ross-Country. Wresthng anJ Basket Ball,Secretary. Rappahannock Valley Club , Agricultural Club ,Future Farmers of America, Buslne s Staff, BUGLF.JUNIOR- Sergeant, Battery N, Track , '-tonogram Club. IntramuralBasket Ball . Treasurer, Rappahannock Valley Club.Agncultural Club; Vice PreslJent, Future rarmers of America,BUSiness Staff, BUGLE, Alpha ZetaSENloR- Prh·ate. Regimental HeaJquarters Battery , RoyalOrder of Skippers, Captain, Track , President. \tonogramClub. Intramural Basket Ball , PreslJent, RappahannockValley Club; Agricultural Club , future I armers of Amenca ,O. D. K.; Alpha Zeta.-97-.,-.;.;".... ~.- -~-.. ,...., -- .------ --=--- --

1 9 3- 6WILLIAM LI WOOD lvlULLE.. 1oon "Roanoke, <strong>Virginia</strong>Business Administration1 FANTRYFRL IIMAN- P m 'a Le, Company A, I nt ramura l Football anJBasket Ba ll ; Roanoke Club; Business Clu b,OPIIOMORE Corpora l, Company A; Intramura l Foothall a nJBasket Ball , Roanoke Cluh; Business C lub,.J UN IOR F irst Sergeant, ompany A; Intra mura l Foothall a nJBasket Ball , Roanoke Club; Business Club.S[ NloR- Pm'ate, Regimental HeaJqua rters Battery, RoyalO rJer of Skippers; I nt ra mura l Football ; Roanoke C lu b ;Business C luh,ER01EST LEO ARD MUN DAY" Len "Ashburn, <strong>Virginia</strong>J ndustrial EngineeringCOAST A RTILLERY C ORPrRL',SH"AN-Pm'ate, Battery 0, Int ra mu ral Athletics, CapitolClub; Society of I ndustna l Engineers,SOPHOMORE- Corpora l, Battery , Int ra mu ra l Athleti CS, CapItolClub; Society of Industn a l E ngineers,J UN IOR-Supply Sergeant, Battery 0; Int ra mu ra l AthletiCS;Capitol Club, Society of I nJustna l E ngineers,SENIOR- Lieutenant, Battery 0; Intra mura l Athletics; CapitolClub; Society of InJustnal E ngineers,-98-.... 1- .· ...... I .... ~" ~

- -- - --- ---B- U - G - L EJOHN RAPPE IYERS III"l\lud "aiem, <strong>Virginia</strong>H orliwllureI NFA TRYFRESHMAN-Private, Company A, Football, rrack , IntramuralFootball a nJ Basehall , Roanoke Club.SOPHO\IORE- Pri\'ate, Company \, Intramural lootball, Baseball,Basket Ball, Bowling anJ Volley Ball, SophomoreIntramural" tanager, Roanoke luh, \gncultural CluhJUNIoR-Sergeant, Company A, Intramural Foothall, Basehall.Basket Ball, Bowling anJ Volley Ball, J untor Intramural\ tanager, Roanoke luh, Agricultural ( Iuh, Alpha Zeta.SE:-':loR-Lieutenant, Company \ ; Intramural r ootball, Baseball,Basket Ball, Bowling, Soft Ball, Volle) Ball anJ Track,Roanoke Cluh, Agncultural luh , \Ipha Zeta, Phi I,appaPhi.RICHARD C. l':OWELL, JR."Dick"Portsmouth, <strong>Virginia</strong>Elect TIcal EngineerinJ;COAST ARTILLERY CORPFRESHMAN-Pm ate, Battery K , Portsmouth Club.SOPHOMORE orporal, Battery K, Assistant :--tanager, TrackPortsmouth Club, American Institute of Electrical Engineers.JUNIOR-Sergeant, Battery K, ASSistant "tanager, Track, PortsmouthClub, American I nstitute of Electncal Engineers.SE1'>IOR- Pn\'ate, Regimental HeaJquarters Batter~, RoyalOrJer of Skippers, Portsmouth Club; ,\merlcan Institute ofElectrical Engineers.-99-',"'-"~"""''''' ,,...- '_~-·'I""'-·

1 9 3 - 6WILLlA 1 THOt\ lAS OAKES, JR" Bill"G ladys, <strong>Virginia</strong>Electrical EngtneenngCORPS OF ENG I EERI Rl SHMAN-Pm'ale, Company I , Track , I ntramural Track;EJ,tortal Staff, \ '/fgl n w <strong>Tech</strong>SnPIIO\IORI -C.orporal, Company I , Track, Amertcan Instituteof Electrtcal EngineersJL:NIOR ergeant, Company r-, Scnate, \mertcan Institute ofElectrtcal EngineersSLr-..IOR· Lieutenant, Company 1-, Track, Senate, LynchburgCluh, Amertcan Institute of Electrtcal Engineers,r RrSH\1 \"1R I CI lARD HENRY all VER" Dick"Suffolk, <strong>Virginia</strong>Honors CurriClilum in Chemical E ngi neeringOAST ARTILLERY CORPSPrl\ate, Baltery \ f , Intramural AthlctlcsS(WHO\IORl -Corporal, Battery l\ f, Intramural Athletics.J L:'IOR Supply Sergeant, Batter~ \ f, I ntramural Athletics,Cotillion Club, Senate, Phi LambJa L psllonSI""OR Captain, Battery \I, Intramural r\ thletics, CotillionCluh Senate, Phi LambJa Lpsdon, Tau Beta PI.-100-

B u G LEl\IARCEL WARD OTTLEY, JRtt~orfolk,VirgIniaEleclrtcal EngLneertngCOAST ARTILLERYFRE!>H\lAN-.\orjolk Ex/ellslLonSOPHO\lORE ~\'orjolk ExtellslOllORPSor-)lJl-;loR-Pri\,ate, Battery LI rack, Intramural Athleticfolk Cluh Amencan InstItute of Electncal EngineerSF .... loR-Pri\ ~ ate, RegImental HeaJ'-Iuarters Battery RoyalOrder of kIpper, Boxing, I ntramural AthletIcs NorfolkClub. Amencan Institute of Electncal Engineers . i"au BetaPICLALDE :\LLE, PA\IPL!'(" BLllI"Litherland. \ IrginiaChemical EngineerzngCHE!'.IICAL \\ ARFAREERVICErRFSH\(o\"1-Pri\'ate. c.ompany B. Intramural \thletlcs. PetersburgClubSOPHO\(ORE- Corporal. ompany B Intramural Athletics.Petersburg Club OrJer uf De \ 101a\)C .... loR- Sergeant. c.ompan) B. Intramural AthletIcs Peter.­burg Club OrJer of De \ 101a\ . Cottllton (Iub Sena teSE .... loR- PrtVate. RegImental HeaJquarters Batter) RoyalOrJer of SkIppers. Intramural \thlettcs Petershurg C1uh .I reasurer Order of De \ lolay Cot tilton C1uh \mencanInstttute of ChemIcal Engineers Senate,- 101-

- . . ..j~.j • .. .'.',. •1 9- 36WAYNE M IDDLETON PARKS" P ark y"Roanoke, <strong>Virginia</strong>Chemical EngineeringCORPS OF E G IEERS[ RCSII \ IAN- Pn\ate, Company F, Chemical Club.OPllmlORE Pnvale, Com pany I ~ , C hemical Club.JUN IOR- Sergeanl, ompany G, hemical Club.SI NIOR Lieutenant anJ Plans anJ Tra ining Office r, SeconJBattalion Staff, \men can I nstltute of Chemical E ngineersHARRY HA0;COCK PATTE:\.. Sa teh "alypso, North CarolinaB lisiness A dminislrationI NFANTRY[ RESII\IAN Pnvate, Company A, Basehall , Intra mura l Basehall anJ BowlingSOPHO\lORE-Corporal, Company A; Int ramura l Baseball anJBo\V llngJUNIOR- Supply Sergeant , Company A, [ nt ramura l BaseballanJ Bowling; Carolina Club.SEIOR-Captaln , Company A, I ntramura l Baseball anJ Bowling;P resident, a rollna Club, Senate-102-

B u G LEfACLYDE PHARR PA TTO~"Jack"Herndon, \ 'IrglnlaBwlogy[ FANTRYFRE~I!"tAN-Pri\'ate, Company I), Intramural Athletics , CapitolClub; Biology Club.S PI! \tORE-Corporal, Company D, Intramural AthleticsCapitol lub, Biology Club.JUNIOR ,Sergeant, Company D, Intmmural Atbletlc , CapitolClub, Biology lub,l;."iIOR Lieutenant, (ompan) B , Intramural \thletlcs (.lpltol(Iuh, Biology Cluh\\'[LUNd H I D PAY0.E"Fluffy"Remington \ IrglniaChemIcal EngIneeringCOA T ART ILLERY CORPSFRESHMAN-Private, Battery K, Intramural Bo,," Itng , (cnl ralPleJmont Club, Chemical Club.SOPHO\tORE--Corporal, Battery K, Intramural Bo\\ Itng, CentralP,eJmont Club. Chemical Club.JUNIOR- Sergeant, Battery K, Intramural Bowling, CentralPleJmont C lub, Chemical lub.SENIOR- Lieutenant, Battery I" Intramural Bowling, CentralP,eJmont Club, Chemical Club, American Institute ofChemical Engineers, Phi LambJa Cpsllon, Tau Beta PI-103-.. -_ ....... - - .-~-....... -~

1 96f I L TON PERELlilt ..Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>Business AdministrationI NFANTRYrRESl1 tA - Private. Company G; Track; Intramural AthletiCS;Richmond Cluh, Order of De l\:folay; Business Club.SOPI tmtORE Corporal. Company G; I ntramural Athletics;Richmond C lub. Order of De ]\ folay; Secretary. Lord Read­Ing C luh. BUSiness C lub.JuNIoR-Sergeant. Company E. Intramural Athletics. RichmondClub; Order of De ]\ folay; Vice President. Lord ReadingClub; BUSiness ClubSENIOR-Lieutenant and Plans and Traintng Officer. FirstBattalton Staff, Intramural Athletics ; Richmond Club ;Order of De 1\ lolay. President, Lord Reading Club; BusinessClub; Phi I,appa PhI.ROBERT SPENCER PLUM fER"Penny"Ne\\ portews, <strong>Virginia</strong>Mechanical EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRESH~tA:-J-Pn\'ate, Battery L, Intramural AthletiCS, HamptonRoads Club.SOPHmtORE-Corporal. Battery L . Intramural AthletiCS. HamptonRoads Club; Amencan Society of 1\ lechanical Engineers.JUNIOR-Sergeant, Battery L. Intramural AthletiCS. HamptonRoads Club. \mencan Society of 1\1echanlcal Engineers.Sl.NIOR-Pnvate. Regimental Headquarters Battery; RoyalOrder of Skippers; I ntramural AthletiCS; Ilampton RoadsClub; American Society of lechantcal Engineers.-104--.~ . ;.,:~; .. ;#tA"-" ........ --....-." •• ~, • ..... .,.. . ''\!.J. ,. , , . I I

.- _.......... --. ~. -~~ --B ~ U GJOH0: GARLA~D PLL. 'KETl"AJmirdlppomatto\: <strong>Virginia</strong>Bustness / \dmtntslralwnI'IFANTRYf'Rf ~1I\1\1'i Pflvate, (.ompany [) Intramural 'thletics LynchburgClubSOPIIO\IORr orporal, Company [), Intramural \thlct,,;,Lynchburg C lub , Busmess Club.) U""lR ,Sergeant, c.ompany [), Intramural Athletics, Ly nchhurgClub, Busme s ( luhSI,1'iIOR Pri\'ate, Regimental IlcaJquartcrs Battery, RoyalOrJer of Skippers; Intramural 'thletles; Lynchhurg ( luh ;Busmess C lubLESLll:. CRAHA~l POLH:'\'\lL, Polh .\\ Inchester, \ IrgintaEledrtcal Englneertnf!.CORP OF E ..... CINEER1-RL ~H\lA1'i-Pfi \ate BanJ I nt ramural \thlctlcs ShcnanJ"

1 96RALEIGH COX POWELL"8ullet"Peter burg, <strong>Virginia</strong>Architectural EngineeringCORPS OF ENGINEERSI RIo!->HM.\ PnvalC, Company I ~, r ~oo lball , 8m,lng, Intramural-\thletlcs, Petersburg Cluh.S,WHO\IORio Corporal, Company 1-; Boxing; Petersburg Club;C.otdllon (Iuh.Ju'I

uERNE T ALPHEUS PRITCH RD.. Ernte". orfolk. \',rgInJahemlcal Englneerlnl!,CORP OF E"Cl EERSr'Rl~I"IA Pm'ate. Company Il,loothall, \\'reslltng I rack.Intramural Athletics. orfolk C1uhSOPIIO\IORC Corporal, (ompan~ I r. I oothall, I rack. \ lonogramClub, Intramural Alhletlcs; orfolk Cluh, lhemlc

1 9 36THEODORE BRADLEY PUGH"Ted"Beckley, West <strong>Virginia</strong>Eleclrtcal Engineering.ORPS OF ENGINEERSI - RL~II~I \N- Pri\'a tc, (omrany I', I-oothall , Track , Intramural\thletlcs, Cotillion ' Iuh, West <strong>Virginia</strong> Cluh, Freshman PinCommittee, President, I reshman C lassSOPH()\I0RL Corporal, Company r , Intramural AthletiCS, ColIlI,onC luh, West \ 'irglnla Club, American Institute ofI:.lcctrlc

... -.. --.-.- ..... ~.---- ---- .. _ ......BE~ IA"'L'EL .10 EPI I RA'\;O.. Duke'Iorfol! , \'irgll1iaBIO[LlgyCOAST \ RTILLERY CORPSI RF~H\tAN-Pm ate. Comrany H,nrfolk Club.OPHO\tORc-Pri\ate. c.ompan\ H \\ rcqllllgItneral Cluh. \gncultural ( luh,orfnlk ( 11Ih,jU:-.;t()R Pri"ate, Battery \1, orfolk Club, B,olog, (IuhInternational RelatIons (Iuh, EJ,tonal Staff, \ Irg.nl

1 9 36LA \\RE\:CE SAl\ I EL REY OLDS"BLlcky"CLlmherland, l\ 1arylandBusiness Administrationr 'FA TRYI RI ~H~ I \N Pm'ale, Compa ny [), I"oolhall, Boxing, Baseball;orlhern States lub, ewman C luhS"""O\H1RICluh,orrora l, Company D, Football, Northern Statesewman Club , Cotlihon C luhJ L," IOR Supply Sergeant, Regimental Staff, I"ootball , l\ 10nogramClub, Norlhern States Club, Newman Club; Catlihon(Iuh, Bachelor Club.Sl'IOR C.aptain anJ Supply Offlcer, Regimental Staff, Football ,\ 'ice PresiJent, ]I. lonogram C lub ; PrcslJent, orthernSlates (Iuh, PreslJent, Newman Club; PreslJent, BachelorCluh, Cotlihon Club,I Rr ~II\I, \ NCHARLES OLl\'ER R]],ER"c. 0."r'dorflstO\\ n , 0:e\\ J erseyJ ndustnai EngineeringCOAST ARTILLER) CORPSPm'ale, Battery N, Foothall, Norlhern States Club,SOPHO\IORL Corporal, Battery N, Intramura l l"ootball , orthernSlates C luh,ju"IOR Sergeant, Battery N, Northern States Club; Society ofInJustnal EngineersSI "oR-Lieutenant, Batteryof InJustnal Engineersorthern States C lu b; Soc,ety-110-

B\\ ILLIAi\! L RE~CE ROBERSO~, JR" \\ IlJ Bill 'Gala\., \ lrgmla, \l1lll1alllllsba lldryCOAST ARTILLERY,ORPSf-RESH\IA .... -PfI\'ate, Battery L. 8o\lng Inlramural I oOlhall.South\\'est \ 'irglnia Club \nimal HusbanJrv Club,JUI'IOR hrst Sergeant, Batter) L German Club , Soulh\\cst\ Irglnla Club. Animal HusbanJ'r) C.lub .\Ipha :etaS[ 'lOR aptaln, Batter) L, German (Iub Bachelor (Iuh;PresiJent, Southwest \ Irglnla C.luh. \nlmal Ilu,handryClub, Alpha :etaRICHARD GAI\:E"Robhle'Peter burg \ irgmia1 ndustrral Engll1eerrl1~CORP OF ENGINEERSROBERT~O~I RESH\IA' Pri\ate, Company H, Track, Intramural BasketBall, Petersburg Club,So PH \IORE-Corporal, Company H. I ntramural Basket BallanJ Tennis, Peter burg ClubJLiI'IOR ,Sergeant, Company I', Intramural Basket Ball, rennls,f-ootball anJ 80\\ ling, Petersburg Club.SE)'..IOR Lieutenant, Company F, Intramural Basket Ball.r enniS, Football anJ 80\\ ling. I reasurcr, Peter burg C luhSOPHO\IORE orporal. Battery L I ntramural I ootball. Soulh-\\e t \ Irglnla Club. \nlmal HusbanJry Club-111--·.·r .. ~..· .._~._"_.. ~' ___

-/ 9 - 36FORREST DRYDEN ROLLIN"P, D,"Hampton, \ 'irginiaI nduslrial En[;ineerin[;COAST ARTILLERY CORP[ Rf SilMA N Pri\'ate, Battery I, Basket Ball , rrack , Intramural,\thleucs, Hampton RoaJs Cluh.SnPIIO\lORI C.orporal, Battery 1'-.1, rrack, \Ionogram Club;[ntramural Athletics, Hamrton RoaJs lub, Society ofIn,lustrial Engineersjl,,"IOR Sergcant, Battery \1, Track; 1'-.lonogram Club; Intramural\thletlcs; Hampton RoaJs Club,SI NIOR Pri\'ate, Regimental I [eaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrder of Skippers, Track; Secretary-Treasurer, lonogram(Iuh, I nlramural \thlctlcs ; I [ampton RoaJs lubBAYARD A fBROSE RUCKER, JR."B A"Delaplane, \ 'lrgimaI \nimal !-It/sbandry'-"':FANTRY[ RI'~H\I\,,-Pn\ate, Company B. Intramural ,\thlctlcs, PleJmont(Iub ,\gncultura l Cluh , Secretary, ireshman ClassS')PHt)\f()RI Corporal, Company B, Intramural \thletlcSecretary-Treasurer, Piedmont (Iub, German Uub, Secretary-Treasurer,\gncultural (Iuh, Secretary- rreasurer,\ ' P I Horse Sho\\JU"loRSergeant, Company B, Intramural \thletlcs, \ 'IcePre.IJent, P,eJmont (Iuh, German Uuh, AgnculturalClub , Judging Team, \ Ice PresiJent, \ ', P . l. Horse Show.Sl''''OR Pm'ate, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrJer of Skippers, PreslJent, Piedmont C luh , Leader,German Club; Bachelor Club, Treasurer, \gncultural Club;Judging Club, President, \' P, I Horse Sho\\, PreslJent,Block anJ BnJle C lub,-112-

--- ---... r._ .. _ ............ _......... . 1 , ...... "p'BUJO EPH DE A TL'R RUSSELL"Joe"uffolk. \ IrglnlaBllslness AdmlnLstratlOnI'lFANTRYr· RE~IIM "N-Pm'atc. l.omrany [). r oothall . Basehall. B

1 9 36CLYDE WARDEN SANDERStumpyAshland, KentuckyMetallurgical EngineeringCORP OF EGI'lEERSI- Rl ~ IIMA N-Pm'ale, Compa ny G, I ntra mural Athletics; AmericanInstitute of "fining anJ 1\ feta llurgica l Engineers, KentuckyC lu b,Company G , I ntramural Athletics, Ken­SOP II O~ I ORE-PriVate,tucky luh, America n In tllute of Mining a nJ MetallurgicalEngineersJ L~ l oR-Sergeant, Company F, I ntramura l AthletiCS, Cotillion( Iub, Bachelor Club, American Instllule of 11nlng a nJ"1etallurglcal Engineers , Assistant Business Manager,BL'GLE, PI Delta Epsdon.SL.:-;loR-Pm·ate, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery, Royal(JrJer of Skippers, Business 1anager, BUGLE; PI DeltaErsdon, I nlramural Athletics , otdhon Club, Bachelor(iub, ,\merlcan I nstltute of " lining a nJ 1\ letallurglcalEngineers, Publications ommltlceJ OHCompany G; Short Wave Club; Interna­lub.f-RESH~ I AN-Private,tional RelationsCLA YTOR SANDERS"T\\ in"SaltvIlle, <strong>Virginia</strong>Mechanical EngineeringCORP OF ENGINEERSOPHo'-loRE--Corpora l, Company G, Intramural Athletics, ShortWave Club; Internationa l Relations C lub.J U"I IOR-Pm'ate, Company E; Intramura l AthletiCS, Short WaveClub, American Society of 1echanlca l Engineers.SLN loR-Private, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrder of Skippers, Short Wave Club; American Society ofl\ fechanical Engmeers; International Relations C lub , PhiKappa Phi.-114-

LE~E \\ ELL DRAKE SA. OERS"N,O"a It\' ille. \' i rgi n laMechanical EngineeringCORPS OF E"JG I EERS!- RESH\IA.... Pm'atc. Company (,. Y \ I C \ CahInct; ErLcopalCluh. Southwest \ Irglnla C luh Short \\'a\e ( luh. I n­ternatlonal Relations CluhSOPHO\lORE- Pm ate. c.ompan\' G Y \f C' A C.ahlnet .Episcopal luh hort \\ayc (Iuh I nternattonal Relauonsluh. Intramural I oot ha 11)l,; .... loR-Pnvate. 'ompany E. ) \f C. J\ . Cahlnct EpIScopalCluh. Short \\'a\c (Iuh. Intcrnattonal Relations ( luh .Amencan Society of " Iechanlcal EngIneers. Intramura lFootball anJ Tennis.Se.OIoR- Pnvate. Regimental HcaJquartcrs Battcr) Ro~ al(JrJer of Skippers. Epl~cop

1 9 36CHARLES TAYLOR SA V AGEharlie"\\'ha leyville, <strong>Virginia</strong>AgriCllllliral EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSI R['~II~tAN Pn\'a te, Battery f ; Peanut Cluh; Intramural I\thlctics;American Society of Agricultural Engmeers.OPIIO\tORE Pnvate, Battery 0, Peanut Club, ,\mencan Socletyof\gncultural Engmeersju lOR Sergeant, Battery 0, Peanut Club, Amencan Societyof AgnculLUral Engmeers.SI ~IOR-Pn\ate, Regimental Headquarters Battery, RoyalOrder f Skippers, Peanut lub; President, American Societyof \gncultural EngineersJOSEPH \\,1 1 G SHIPLEY"Joe"Blacksburg, <strong>Virginia</strong>Dairy HusbandryCOA T ARTILLERY CORPSI RESH\[\N--Ci\'lltan Students Union, Agncultural Club, DairyClub.SOPIIO\IOREClub.I,dlan Students Lnlon, Agncultural Club; DairyjV'loR-Pmate, Battery 0, Agricultural Club; Dairy Club,Dairy judgmg TeamS[,~IOR-Pn\ate, Regimental Headquarters Battery, Royalrder of Skippers, Agncultural Club; Dairy Club; Dairyjudging Team.-1 16 -

BuFREDERIC I "RAL.:TER"Freddy"PhIlaJelphw, Penns) Ivania/ nduslflai EnglneeflngORP OF ENGINEERSHIRKf7RESIIM,\N-PflValC, Compan~ J, loothall, 1 rack, Northcrntales Cluh, EJlloflal Slaff, \ IfglntQ TeLh I reasurcr,I-reshman Cia sSOPI-IO\fORE---Corporal, Company G; \sslstant \ [anager I (Xllhall,lotramural . \thletlcs, Northern States Cluh, SocICl \ ofInJu tflal Engmeers , InternatIonal Relations (Iuh EJItorialStaff, \ IfglntQ Tedl, r reasurcr, Sophomorc ClassJ U!,;IOR ·Sergeant, Company G, I rack, ASSistant \ [anagerrootball, \ [onogram luh, I ntramural AthletIc , , ortherntates Cluh, SocIety of lndustflal Engmeers, InlcrnatlonalRelatIons Club. EJltoflal Staff. \ IfglntQ <strong>Tech</strong>, I rcasurcr,Junior lass; 0 D. K.[NIOR LIeutenant, RegImental HeaJ

9 3 6) /, d ST AR! ~~ lJ~ I ATEftJ r\\'arrenton, <strong>Virginia</strong>CivLi EngineeringORPS OF E Gll"EERI-RI ~ I I\ I. \" Pmale, Company H , In t ramural Baseball , P iedmontC luh, Y. 1\ 1. C. A ablnet.SllPllO\lORf C.orporal, Company II , Int ra mura l Baseball ;PleJmonL Club, Amencan Society of C I\'d E ngineers,y \! C ;\ Cahlnet.JL''' IORSupply Sergeant, c.ompany E, Intramu ra l Baseball ,P lcdmont luh, Secretary-Treasurer, Amen can Society of

--- - --- -' - .. - ~.~ -.-._ '--' .',. o..!" .. • ~"4'_ -~--,....,. ----- ~- ---BUTE~ IPLE CARPE:-.JTER LAUGHTER"T. C"\\'a hington, D. CAgriCllitllrai EconomicsCOA T ART ILLERY CORPSFRESHMANClub.Pm ate, Battery 0, (apltol Club ; I\gncultumlSOPHO\lORI' Pm ate, Battery 0 ; apltol Cluh , \gricultllralCluh.J t.; .... IOR Sergeant, Battery 0 , Capitol (Iub \gncultural ( luh.Se,IOR-PrtVate, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery, Ro\ulOrJer of Skippers, Capitol ( lub, \gricultunll ( luh , \lpha:eta.FRESHMAN-Pm ate, BatteryClub, Business ClubJOE IR PITLER" Ling"Covington \ IrginiaBusIness AdmInlstrattOnCOA T ARTILLERY CORPS, I oothall Alleghany \ luuntaInSOPHO\fORE-Corporal, Battery j , Intramural Foot ha II , Alleghany'\ lountaIn ( lub Business Club.J U .... loR-Flr t Sergeant, Batter~ I , Intramural Football-\lleghany '\ lountaIn ( lub, BusIne Club , Bachelor ( lubSenateSE:-OloR-CaptaIn, Batter, I , \lleghany \ lountaIn (Iub BusInessClub, Bachelor ( lub, Senate- 119 -----..• ,,~~"n.

1 9 36ARTHUR EVERETT ST MP, JR"Art"Lynchhurg, \'IrginlaBllslness AdministratIOnINFANTRYI Rr-~II\1AN Pm'me, Company E, loothall, Basket Ball, Basehall,Sergeant at Arms, Lynchburg lub,SOPIIO\IOR£, orporal, Company E, ['oothall, Basket Ball,Sergeant at Arms, Lynchburg lub.J L ~I()R Private, Company G, I-ootba ll , Ba ket Ball, 1\ fonogram(Iub, Secretary, L) nchburg Club, Business ClubSI.NIOR Pnvale, Reglmenlal H aJLjuarters Batlery, MonogramClub, Basket Ball, Ba ehall, Lynchhurg Club; BusinessCluh.DO~ SULLEI BERGER, JR." ooky"i\[onterey, <strong>Virginia</strong>BUSiness AdministrationINFANTRYI-RESH\IAS- Pm'ate, Company A; I rack; Intramural AthletiCS;Alleghany \ fountaIn lubSOPHO\lORL- PrtVale, Company :\; Intramural AthletiCS, Alleghanyi\.fountain Club.Jv,loR- Pri\ate, Company A, Intramural AthletiCS, Alleghany\ fountaIn Club, BUSIness ClubS[ ~loR- PrtVate, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrJer of Skippers, Intramural AthletiCS, \lIeghany \fountaInlub; Business lub- 120-

======- B u L- ERAIFE GIDEO TARKINGTOi'.J"Tar""H ickory, \ 'IrginiaChem ical EngL neenngCHEM ICAL \V ARFARE SERV ICElORE HMAN-Private, Company C, Intramural .\thlelICS ,Chemical IlIhSOPHOMoRE-Corporal, Company C;Chemical lubIntramural ,\thlclIcs,jL,sloR-hrst Sergeant, C:ompan) C, JUnior \ (anager, BaskctBall ; orfolk Club, Chemical Club, Phi LambJa Lp don,enate.SENIOR aptain, Company C; (anager, rreshman BasketBall ; Norfolk Club, Chemical lub, Secretary, Phi LamhdaUpsilon, Senate, Phi Kappa Phi.CHARLE DRAPER TATE"Charlte"Johnson ity, TennesseeChemical E ngineeringI"lFA TRYFRESH~(AN-Pri\'ate, Company A; Intramural AthletiCS; ChemicalClub.SOPHO~(ORE-Corporal, Company A; Intramural Athletics,Secretary-Treasurer, Chemical Club.JUNIOR-Sergeant, Company A; Intramural AthletiCS , OIJHickory Club, Vice PreslJent, Chemical Club, EnglneenngCounctl, Phi Lamhda L psdonSE lOR-Lieutenant, Company C, OIJ Hickory Club, President,American I nstltute of Chemical Engineers, EnglneenngCouncil, Phi LambJa Upsdon.-1 21-

~~_.:t;.:..,. . __ •1 9 36 ---CLESE HE R Y T E EY" Ramrod"United States ArmyMilitaryALLI RI 5H\lA"I l'nlled Stales 'Yaml \\"ar College, ewport, R I.oPHo~ , oR[' -Sophomo r e Rat, Va rsity Bullslinging.JUNIOR On Prohatlon L1ntd R ing Dance, E lecteJ "Ornerary"l\lember Cia s 19Jb, Var ity Bullsltngtng; 0 D. 1(.; RoyalOrJer of SkippersSl.NIOR Ranktng Corporal, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery;\ 'ar It)' Bull Il ngtng; " fonogram lub; O. D. h:'.PAUL TERRETTA.. Peter"Stony Creek, <strong>Virginia</strong>Chem ical E ngineeringCORPS OF ENG! EERSI·REsH'I.'AN-Pri\·ate, Company E; Intramural Football andBaseball, Petersburg C lub; Bustness Staff, The Virgi niaTe

- 8 G EWILLOUGHBY BARTLETT TYLER"Bill "Portsmouth, <strong>Virginia</strong>AgriCLIliural EconomicsINFA TRYFRESHMAN-Private, Company F, Port mouth Cluh, Y 11. [ C. \Cabinet ; TrackSOPIIOMoRE-Corporal, Company I , Portsmouth Clu hY !. A ahInet, Societ) of InJustnal EngineersJUNIOR lor Sergeant, Sec nJ Battalion Starr, Port mouthClub; Secretary, Y. \ [ C. A Cabinet, Agncultural Cluh,Business Starf, <strong>Virginia</strong> TeLh.SENloR-Pm'ate, Regimental HeaJquarters Battery , Ro:r alOrJer of Skippers, PortsmoUlh C luh , Y. 1\ [ C A C.ahInel,\gncultura l C1uh, BusInes Starr, \ Irglnta <strong>Tech</strong>JAl\(ES BRINSO. VANDYCK"Jimmie"Portsmouth, \ 'IrglniaEleclrical EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRESHMAN-Private, Battery 1\, [ , BoXing, Football, PortsmouthC lub , Executi\e CommitteeSOPHOMoRE-Corporal, Battery 1\[, Intramural Athletics, CotLilionClub, Port mouth C luh , PreslJent, Sophomore (lassChairman, 1930 Ring anJ \ [Imature Committee, Suh­Executl\e CommitteeJUNIoR-First Sergeant, Battery \ [, I ntramural Athletics, CotLillonC lub; Portsmouth Club, Sub-Executl\e CommitteePresiJent, Junior C lass, Tau Beta PI , 0.0 1'-SCNloR-!\,(aJor, ThirJ Battalion Stafr, Intramural AlhlcLtcs,Cottllion Club; Bachelor C lub , Social Acti\'itles Committee;President, Portsmouth lub, American Institute of E lcctrlcalEngineers, PresiJent, Corps of Cadets, Pre IJcnt,Senate; Advisor, Honor ourt, Tau Beta PI , 0 0 K .-123-

1 9 36J OI IN HE0: LEY \\'AU\'ER, J R ... leepy"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>A rchitectural E ngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPfRESII \\ \~-R I (h m o n d E.rlenswn .S()PIl0.\H1Rf P n \'ate, Battery '\ f, S\\ Imming; Int ramura lBasket Ball , SWllnm lng a nJ T rack; R lchmonJ C lu b;Archlteclural C luh.) l>N IOR Sergeant, Batlery 1\ f, -I rack , I ntra mura l SWimming,RlchmonJ C1uh, Cotllhon C lub; Bachelor Club; SecretaryanJ I reasurer, ,\ rchl tectura l C lub, E nglneenng ounctl .SL'loR-Lleutenant, Battery l\ f, R lchmonJ Club; CotllhonCluh, Bachelor Club, Pre iJent, Archi tectura l lub; E nglneenngeOLlnc ll , Art EJllor, BUGLE.J OHO:RO WALLA E"J .O."H onaker , <strong>Virginia</strong>E lectrical E ngineeringI NFANTRYfRESHMAi': Pm'ate, Company D, Track; Lonesome Pine Club;American I nstttute of E lectncal E nginee r .SOPHOMoRE-Pm ate, Company D, Assistant fanager, Foothall, Lonesome P ine Club, Amencan Institute of E lectricalEngineers.)l>' loRSergea nt, Company D, Lonesome Pine Club; America nInstitute of E lectrical E ngineers.SI ~I(}R Private, Regimental IleaJquarters Battery, RoyalOrder of Skipper, Lonesome Pine C lub, I ech Players,American Institute of E lectrical E ngineers.-124-

~, -- .B - LAUBREY \'ER~O,"i\. \ "Monroe, VIrginia\\' A TT\gricuillirai Econol11lcsI NFANTRYI-RESIIMAN Pnvatc, c.omrany B, Lynchhurg Cluh, Intramural-\thletlc , Agncultural ClubSOPHO\loRE-Corporal, c.ompany B: Intramural \thlctlcs ,Lynchburg Club, Agricultural C luh)t;~IOR-rirst Sergeant, Company B, Intramura l AthlcllcSGerman Club, Lynchburg Club, Agricultural Cluh, Alpha::eta.SENIOR-Lieutenant, Company B, Intramural \thletlcs , GcrmanCluh, Lynchburg (Iub, \gncultural C1uh, Alpha :ctaGEORGE EO\\ 1:--'""Ed'\\ EAR~\\' aync, PennsykaniaEieclncai EnglneenngCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSI R1511\1>\1'o. Privatc, Battcry L , Baskct Ball: orthcrn StalesC1uh, EJltonal Staff, \ IrglnlQ <strong>Tech</strong>Ol'1I0\lORE Prl\atc, Battcry L , Intramural \thlctics,. orthcrnStates Club EJltonal Staff, \ 1f,l!lnlQ <strong>Tech</strong>)V'doR-Sergeant, Battcry L, Intramural \thlctICS:, '()rthcrnStates Club.S[~I()R-Pn\ate, Rcgimcnwl 11eadeJuartcrs Battery RoyalOrder of Skippers, Intramural \lhlcllCS, orthcrn SIdlesClub.- 125-

·'_~.:..~;i~3. · .7t:.:: :.. .19 36JAM E\V ILLARD WEBB.. Willie"Holcomb Rock, <strong>Virginia</strong>Chemical EngineeringCORPOF E GINE ERI R I ~ H ~ t I\N - Pm ' a l e, Co mp a n ~ E , I "oot ball , Basehall , In t ramuralAthletics, Lynchburg Club, C hemical Clu h.SOPllo'.toRE- Corpora l, Company E , I nt ramu ra l Athletics, GermanC luh, Lynchhurg C lub, Chemical Clu b.J l,,"I10R- Sergeant-1\ lajor, Second Battalion S ta ff, AssistantSecrctary- I reasurer, German Club, Bachelor Club; LynchhurgC luh, President, Fencing C luh, C hemical luh;o D K.Sr "'lOR \ laJor, Second Battalion Staff, President, Germa nC1uh , Bachelor C1uh; Lynchburg lub; President, FencingCluh , Amen can Institute of Chemical E ngineers; Student[-Inance Board, Socia l \ ctlVlt les and Enlertalnment Commlttee,I rcasurer, 0 D. 1'-.SA~ ! EL AUGUSTINE WE "­"Sam "Vme land, ew J erseyMetallurgical EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY C ORPSI" RESH\t \ ,,- Pm'ate, Battery '\ 1; Football , T rack ; Intramura l\ thlctICS, Northern tates ClubSnPHmtORE- P n \'ate, Battery 1\1, Swimming; Y. P . l. Li feSanng Corps , Intramural \ thletlcs, orthern States luI:>,\ mencan In t ltute of lining a nd letall urglca l E ngineer ,Edlton a l Staff, BUGLE, Editon a l Staff, V irginia <strong>Tech</strong> ;Edltonal Staff, \ . P . 1. SkLpper.Jl,,"I 10R P m 'ate, Battery 1\ 1, SWimming, 1\ lonogram lu b;\ ' P l. Life Sa\'ing Corps Northern States Club, Amen canI nstltute of \ lIntng and '\ letallu rglcal Engineers, PI DeltaEpsilon; ASSistant Editor, BUGLE, Sports Editor, , '''gima<strong>Tech</strong>.Sr'''loR Pri\'atc, Regimenta l H eadquarters Battery ; RoyalOrder of Skippers; SWimming; '\ 10nogra m Club; M anager,SWimming; V. P . l. Li fe Saving Corps; orthern StatesClub, American Institute '\ lining and :-" leta ll urglcal E ngineers, P i Della E psilon , Editor-in-Chief, BUGLE; Ed lton a lBoard, \ 'lrgLnta TeL h , Chairma n, P ublications Committee.

" .. -~-.'.~"-"-j-'. '.~ .~--.:. .~-~-~,..--.- --B- UFRL~IIMAN-Prt\ 'a te ,STEW RT BRYA~ WEST"Ste\\ "Rldunond, \ 'lrgInlaElectrical EngineeringC RPS F E GINEERSCompany E, AcademIc Iionors, I ()()thall,rrack, Intramural I rack , RIchmond Club, Edltortal taft ,\ trginta <strong>Tech</strong> , Business taff, The \ 'trgtnta <strong>Tech</strong> EngIneerSOPHoMoRE--Corporal, Compan} E \cademlc Honors, Irackheer Leader , I ntramural Track, RIchmond C1uh \mertcanInstItute of Electrtcal EngIneers, Edltortal Staff, \ Irglnta<strong>Tech</strong>; BusIness Staff, The \ Irgtnta <strong>Tech</strong> EngIneer, Honorourt.JUNIoR-First Sergeant, .ompany G, Cheer Leader, IntramuralTrack; RIchmond lu b; Secretary, Amertcan InstItuteof Electrical Engineers, Secretary, Englneertng (ouncdEditorial Staff, \ 'trgtnia <strong>Tech</strong>, dltortal Staff, The \ Irglnla<strong>Tech</strong> Engtneer Buslnes Staff, The \ 'trgtnta <strong>Tech</strong> EngIneer,Secretary, Senate , Secretary, Tau Beta PI 0 [) h.SL:>'IOR--Coionel, RegImental Staff I lead Cheer Leader , RIchmondClub, Chairman, \mertcan InstItute of ElectrtcalEngineers, PresIdent, Englneertng Councd, Ed,tortal Staff,The Vtrginia <strong>Tech</strong> Engtneer, Honor Court Judge, lau BetaPI;O. O.K.FRC HMANH. CARVEL \\ ILLEY" H CooHuntington, \\'e t \ 'lrgIniaElectrical EngineeringCOA T·Marshall CollegeSOPHO\lORE-i\! ar shall CollegeRTfLLERY CORPJ UNIOR-PrtVate, Battery 0, I ntramural Football and BasketBall; West VIrginIa C1uh.SENIOR-Prt\'ate, Regimental Headquarters Battery, Ro) alOrder of SkIppers; Intramural I-ootball, Basket Ball andBaseball; West VIrginIa lub.-127-

1 9 36j lARRY PRESTON \vILSO~ ," Puss "fireco, \\'est \'IrglnlaI ndllslriai EngineeringCORPS OF ENG INEERSJRI RI~II~ I\ S PrI H IlC , (.omrany II , I nick, Intramural ,\lhletlcs, West <strong>Virginia</strong> Club, Editorial Slaff, \'lfglnlQ <strong>Tech</strong>SOPIIO'IORI Prl\alc, omrany H , Intramural Athletic, West\ Irglnla C1uh, Soclely of Industrial E ngineers, Editoria ltalI, Vlrg lnlQ Ted,J l>"I I()R Pm'ate, Compan) G, Intramural \thletlcs, West \ Irgintalub , Society f Industrial EngineersSI'IOR Pm ate, Rcglmcntal Headyuarlers Battery, RoyalOrdcr of Skippers Intramural \thletlcs , West <strong>Virginia</strong> ( luh,CHARLES I II CKi\ fAN \\'000"Charlie ..Buckroe Beach, \ 'IrglnlaJ ndllslriai EngineeringCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSh~1 ~1 1\I\S Prl\atc, Baller) , 1"OOlhall , Inlramural Baschilll,Hampton Roads CluhSOPIIIl\10R£ Pri\'atc, Ballcry N, I ntfilmural Basehall and loothallHampton Roads CluhJ LS lOR Sergeant, Battery N, I ntramural Baseball and l oothallHampton Road (Iuh, Society of Indu trial E ngineersSrSioR Pm ate Regimental Headyuarters Battery, RoyalOrder 01 Skippers, I ntramural Baseball and I-oothall , I lamptonRoads Club, Soclet) of Industrial Engineers-128-

. _._ ....... .. ~-,~_ .... _. __ r'" -.--~- - - -- " - . - .GLEJ A:-dES HE~R Y WOOD"Jimmie"EmporIa, \ 'IrgtnlaElectncal EnJ;lneenngINFANTRYRE!>H~IAI'-Pm ' ate, Battery I, I ntramural AthleticsSOPHO:-'loRE- Pri\'ate, c.ompany D Intramural .\thletlcs \ ItJ­\ Irgtnla Cluh) I'loR- Supply Sergeant, Company D. Intra mural \thletlcs:-"1iJ-\'lrginta (Iuh \mencan Institute of Electncal EngineersS[,l'IOR- Lteutenant. Company \ , I nlramural Alhletlc , \lIJ­\ 'Irglnta Cluh , .\mencan I nstltute of Electncal EngineersAUBREY A HBY \\ OOLPORD"Cutle Boy "~orfolk\ 'lrgtnIClElectrical EnglneenngCOAST ARTILLERY CORPSFRLSII\IA'< Pn\ate BanJ , Intramural \thlellcs, orfolk Cluh\mencan Institute of Eleclncal Engineers,SOPIlO\IORE- Pm'ate, BanJ, Intramural ,\thletics "IorlolkClub , ;\merican I nstltute of Electncal Engineers)V,;JOR-Pm'ate, BanJ . Intramural Athletics . _ orfolk (luhShort \\'a\'e Club , American Institute of Electnca l Engineers,SLl'lOR Pn\'ate. BanJ . Royal OrJer of Skippers Intramura lAthletics . orfolk Club , Short \\a\e C luh . \menca n Instituteof Electrical Engineers,-129-

9 36HELDO\i C R TER WORRELL"Punk "~e\\ om , <strong>Virginia</strong>AgronomyCOAST ARTILLERY CORPI RL!>II~I.\' Pm·,ltc, Batlcry ~f, Intramural I\thletlcs, PeanutC lubS()I'HO~IORI Prl\alC, Ballcr~ \ f , Intramural \thletlcs, PeanutClubIt "OR- Prl\ atc, Battcr~ \ f I ntramural Athletic, PeanutClub, \Ipha Zeta51 "oR- Pri\ ate, Regimental IleaJquarters Battery; RoyalOrJer of "IPrcr~ , Intramural \thletlcs , Peanut CJub,\Ipha Zeta Phi Kapra Phi\\ ILL/AI\I RO 0:DTREE YO:\KER"BIll "Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>Electrical EngIneeringCOA T ARTILLERY CORPSI RLSII\(" Prl\ ate, Battery I , Intramural i\thletlcs , RlchmonJClub.SOPHO\lORI - Pn\ate, Battery I, Intramural Athlctlc , RlchmonJClu b Amcncan Institute of Electncal EngineersJ u" oR-Pn\,atc, Battery I , I ntramural Athletics, RlchmonJ(Iub, Amencan I nstltute of Electncal EngineersI'IOR-Pnvatc, Reglmcntal HeaJquarters Battery , RoyalOrJer of Skippers, Intramural Athletics, RlchmonJ C lub ,Amencan Institute of Electncal Engineers.-130-

• ...... - " ._-; .. t.... "... ...... ~ - -:--~ ---~- - -,- -..II!I'IJCi vi liatt c ~eHi"tJ- - -----,"r',, ____ .....I

1 9 36I R[ ~I "!"~JOSEPH LLEWELLYN BROWN, JR ... LC\\ ..Lynchburg, <strong>Virginia</strong>CIVil E ngineeringO\' I LlA'JLynchburg ErlenllOnSOPIIO,!oRE-Lynchburg ErlenslOnjU~loR- lnlramural ,\thletlc, American Society of Ci\'dEngineers. Civilian Stuuents UnionSr ~IOR Intramural ,\thleucs, American Society of CivilEngineers, Civlhan Stuuents Union; Tau Beta PI.FLOYD GARDl ER CASE"Gardner"Purcellville, <strong>Virginia</strong>Business AdministrationCI\' I LIANI RFSII\! \" -Shena nuoah \ 'alley Club, l30aru of GO\ ernors,C I\'i /ian Stuuents L nlon.S

... . . .. - -"':- .. ,. ~ -- - - -B u G..-----~I Rr~IIMAjAt-..IEGUTHRIE CLOYD"Gee"Beard F rk, \Vest <strong>Virginia</strong>Chemical EngineeringCI\'ILIA"-New Rit'er State CollegeSOPIIO\fORr Yew Rn'er State Cllleg.?J L.,S lOR- I ntramural ,\thletlcs , ( 1\ Illan StuJent L'monSFSlOR \Vest <strong>Virginia</strong> (Iuh, \merican Instltutc of ( hemlc,,1Engmeers CI\ Ihan StllJcnts L monTH R~ IA:--J AL V I"Ty"\\ mJsor, \ IrginlaEleclrical EngineeringCI\ ILIA"COBBFRE HMAN-Bluefield College, \Ianager Basehall ; Bap'lst Stll­Jents L'nion, Orchestra, Basket BallSOPHOMORE-Ci\lhan StuJents Lnlon, Baptist StliJents Union,Ba ket BallJ L.,'.,toR-C1vlilan StuJent Lnlon , \ Ice PreslJent. Baptist tu­Jents Lmon Y \ 1 ( \ (,ahmet. American In~lltlltc ufElectrical Engmeers,S[ 'lOR :i\'ihan StuJents L mon , \ Ice PreslJent. Baptist Stll-Jents Lnlon , Y \1 ( \ Cal-II net \ 'Ice Pre IJent lechPlayers American I nstltllte of Electrical Engmeer ,-133-.'jl~~,"""""_.... ~i. .....,r .....' ____ -~- ---- ~-

19 36)OHCARL CO INER.. Poison"Staunton, <strong>Virginia</strong>Animal HusbandryC I V ILIANFRESHMAN- Ci\llIan Stuuents Union; Intramural Athletics;4-H Alumni luh; Animal Hushanury Club.SOPII MORE- C,\,!tan SLUuents Union; I ntramural Athletics;4-H Alumni Club; Agricultural lub; Animal HusbandryCluh.JUNIOR- CIvilian Students nion; Intramural Athletics; CorresponumgSecretary, 4-H Alumni Club; Agricultural Club;Animal Hu banury lub ; Poultry Juugmg Team; LivestockJudging Team.SENI OR I\d,an Stuuents Union, Intramural Athletics; orresponumgSecretary, 4-H Alumni Club, Agricultural Club;-\nlmal Husbanury lub; Dairy Juugmg Team; LI\'estockJ uJgmg I eam; Alpha Zeta.FRESIIMAN-SOPHO\fORECHARLES CARLYLE COSBY"Charlie"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>1 ndustrial EngineeringCIVI LIANRtlhmond Extension.l~tLhmond Extension.JUNIOR- Rlchmonu Club; Intramural Touch Football andrennls, Society of Inuustrial Engmeers; I ionor Court ;(.1\ l!tan Stuuents Union.SENIOR- R,chl11onu Club , Intramural Tennis anu Touch Football,Society of Inuustrial Engmeers; Honor Court; ClviltanStuuents Union.-134-

... - .... --~....... . '.' t ;.:.I-RESII\IAN -CHARLEHARVEY CRABILL. JR"Fnt:: "Petershurg. <strong>Virginia</strong>Melhanical EngtneenngI\'ILIARtLhmond Exlen ton.OPIIO\I RE- Rt[hmond ErlenslL'n (.las Secretary. HonorCourtJu lOR Intramural Tennis. \merican Society of \lechanocalEngineers. C 1\ l!tan StuJenls LnlonSEI'o.IOR- RichmonJ (Iub. AeronautIc Club, Intramural TennosAmencan Soclet~ of \ lechanlcal Engineer ,CI\ dian StudentsLnoon.CHARLEBR \\;-";ING GA I0, E"Roly Poly "Culpeper. \ 'IrgtnldChemIcal EngineenngCI\'ILlA:-'

1 9 3 - 6r-RESIIMAN-HOWARD WILEY GARRIS" Buster"orfolk, <strong>Virginia</strong>Eleclrical E ngineeringNorjolk ExtensionCIVILIANSOPIIO~IORE .\'orJolk ExtensIOnJ uSloR- Clvrllan StuJents Union; OrJer of De Molay; AmericanI nstltute of E lectrical EngineersSI NIOR Clvrllan StuJents Union, rJer of De I\ !olay; AmericanI nstltute of Electrical Engineers.ALBERT A GUSTE GEORGE"AI"rv rartlnsburg, West <strong>Virginia</strong>,\lining E ngineeringCIVILIAr RESII"L\N- RlchmonJ ExlenslOn. Academic Honors.SOPHOMoRE-AcaJemlc Honors, Civrllan StuJents Union; IntramuralAthletics, American Institute of :\lrnrng and letallurglcalEngrneers.J L.;'-;loR- -\caJemlc I lonors, Tau Beta PI ; Secretary, AmericanI nstltute of 1\ Irnrng anJ 1\ letallurglcal Engineers, IntramuralAthletics, Treasurer of C ivrllan StuJents nron; Senate;o D . I-'::.SENloR- AcaJemlc Honors, Vice PreslJent, Tau Beta PI; VicePresiJent, 0 D K ., Presluent, CI\ Ilran Students Union;\ Ice PreslJent, Senate, PreslJent, American I nstltute of1\ flnrng and letallurgical Engineers, I ntramural Athletics;Phi Kappa Phi.-136-_'It,

..... - ... -- - ;....... .." ... -. .8 - U- GEEDWARD GO G l ~ GRI GG"Profes or"R ichmond, \ 'IrgimaE lectri cal E ngineering1\ ' ILI A~I RL.,II \.I \'-SOPHO\tORI -RIchmond Lxten,,,,nRIchmond Etten.s",n) U'IOR" el\"dlan StuJCnlS L ntan, Y \ I c.... \ Cabinet RlchmonJClub, American In tltute 01 Electrical EngineersSI "OR Cl\ tllan StuJents Lnton ; Y \ I c..~ \. Cablm:t, RlchmonJClub, American Instltute 01 Electrical Engineers Phi! "appa Phi,J A\ IELEE HA\ 1\ IER" Jim"_ 'arro\\s, \ IrgmtaCirr I E ngineeringC l \,ILlA".'rRESHMAN-Emory and Henry College,SOPIIO\.tORE-Civi ltan StuJents Lnton ,Civil Engineers.)lJ'IOR-AcaJemic Honors; CI\"ilianSociety of Ci\"tI Englncers.\ merican Soclcty oftllJents L'nion, \mericanSI'-IOR-Academic Honors; Ci\"iltan StllJents L'nion AmericanSociety of Ci\ tI Engineers.-137-

- 1 - 9 36 --- -GARLAND FLOYD JOH SON, JR."Jack"Waverly, <strong>Virginia</strong>Chemical EngineeringCIVILIANrRESIlMAN IVlhan Students Union ; Track; Baseball; IntramuralAthletics.SOPIIOMORE- Civllian Students Union, Baseball; IntramuralAthletics; Chemical Club.JU~IOR .\ cademic Honors; Phi LambdaAttorney, Honor c.ourt, 1- reshmanCivlhan Students Union; Chemicalmural Athletics.psilon; Prosecutingustoms Committee;lub; Baseball ; Intra-SENIOR- Phi LambJa Upsilon; Prosecuting Attorney, HonorCourt; Editorial Starr, BUGLE, CI\;lhan Students nion ;Program C.ommlttee, American Institute or Chemical Engineers;I ntramural Athletics.WILLIAM DANIEL KAHN" Hoop "Hilton Village, <strong>Virginia</strong>Chemical EngineeringOVILlAFRESHMAN-Private, Company G; H ampton Roads Club.SOPHO~ l oRE-Private, Company G; Hampton Roads Club.) UN lOR-Civilian Students Union; H ampton Roads Club;Chemical Club.SE~IOR- CI\ Ihan Students Union, Hampton Roads Club, AmericanInstitute or Chemical Engineers.

H - ... - _ •• __ ; .. , ,_. • '. : '. ....... -.- - -..c-----.~-----_- --- 8 u G- LEPAUL KEATII\:G KLOT:.. Peekay"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>I ndLlstrial EngineeringCIVILIANFRESHMAN-Richmond Extension.SOPHOMORE-Richmond ExtensIOn .)UNIOR-Civilian StuJents nion; ewman Club; RlchmonJClub; Society of InJustnal Engineers , Intramural '\rhletlcsSENIOR iviltan Students Union, DefenJtng Attorney, HonorCourt; ewman lu b; RlchmonJ Club, Society of InJuslrialEngineers, Semor Intramural" lanager.PAUL COLUt\IBU LAWSOI, JRRichmond, VlrglntaChemical EngineeringCIVILIANFRE HMAN-RichmonJ ExtensIOn.SOPHOMORE-Richmond ExtensIOn.)UNIOR-Civiltan StuJents Union, RlchmonJ C1uh,Club; Southern Colonels Orchestra'hemlstr)SCNloR-Civlltan StuJents mon , RlchmonJ Club, AmencanI nstitute of Chemical Engtneers Southern Colonels Orchestra.-139-'.·r'"""","~·""'''''''\_ ',--..-.. _.,..-, ___ -............--______ --

1 9 36CLEVELAND McDOWELL MEADOR"Cleve"Blacksburg, VIrginiaBusiness AdministrationCI\'ILIAr Rr:~ II\I AN CI\ l!tan StuJenls nion , Y . 1\ 1 C. A. Cabinet.SOPHO\lORL-C I\tllan SLUJents Union, Edltonal Staff, \ 'irgtn/QTe(h Y \1 C. A Cahlnet, I nlernatlonal Relations Club.)ul>.loR-Ci\l!tan StuJents Lnlon , Business lub; Y. 1\ 1. C. A.CabinetSE~ l oR-Ct\'tllan StuJents Unton ; Senator; o-EJltor, Guidon,BUSiness Uuh, Y " I ( \ Cabinet; Phi I-'::appa Phi.JOHN PARDON l'v!ILLS, JR."Junie "Lynnhaven, <strong>Virginia</strong>Civil EngineeringCIVILIANFRESH\IAN-.\'orjotk ExtenSIOn.SOPH0\10RE-.\'orjolk Extension)UNIOR-Ct\'I!tan StuJents Union ; Basket Ball; Baseball; IntramuralAthletiCS, \merican Society of CI\'tl Engineers.SENIOR-Cl\litan StuJents Lnton; Basket Ball; IntramuralFootball , Basket Ball, Baseball anJ Bowling, AmencanSociety of eml Engineers-140-

..... ~ "'- ._-;...... ...... ........ .... - _.--_r---~---- _B u G- L- E••ST ART RUSSELL ~ I ITER"Russ"Blackshurg, <strong>Virginia</strong>Architectural EngineeringC\V\LIAI RESHMAN-Civilian StuJcnts Union, Wrestling, Ba eballIntramural AthletiCS, OrJer of De \,. lolay; \rchltecturalClubSOPHO~ORE-CI\'ilian StuJents Lnion; \\'restllng; :-"IonogramClub. Intramural 12c-P und \\'restllng Champion, IntramuralFoothall anJ Basehall , OrJer of De :-"10Ia~, \rchltecturalC1uh.)Ul'IOR-Civlhan StuJents Union, Wrestling; \10nogram Club;Intramural Athletics; Order of De 1\ lolay, ArchitecturalClubSENIOR-Civilian StuJents Union, \V restllng; \,. lonogram Cluh;Order of De :-.. lolay; ,\rchltectural Club.~IOSBY EVAl\:S ~IITCHELLIItch "Cambria, <strong>Virginia</strong>HortiClllttlreC\VILIA~FRESHMA",-Cinhan StuJents L·nlon, Intramural Athletics.SOPHO!\!ORE-Clvihan StuJents Lnlon, Baseball, IntramuralAthletics.)u'loR-Civilian StuJents L'nion, Baseball; :-"Ionogram Uub,Intramural .. \thletlcs, \gncultural Club.SE"'IOR-Civilian Students Union, l\!onogram Club, .. \gnculturalClub.-141-.'''''·~I''.,>_.

- 1 9 3 - 6MARV! LEO MITCHELL"Red"Cambria, <strong>Virginia</strong>1-Iort icu llll reCIVILIAN1\ IIlan Students Union.SOPHOMORE 1\'l han Students Union; Baseball; Boxing, MonogramClub.) UNIOR-Clvillan Students Union; 1\ tonogram lub.LNIOR ClVlhan Students Union, 1onogram Club; AgriculturalClub.r RfSH\f"LEWIS ALFRED N IXON"Nick"Bluefield, West <strong>Virginia</strong>ArchUecttlral EngineeringCIVILIANBluefield College, Tennis Squad.SOPHO\fORE-Ci\'lilan Students Union, Architectural C lu b)USloR-CI\lhan Students Union, Architectural Club.SfNloR-Cmllan Students Union; Architectural Club; West\ Irglnla l.lub.-142-

... .-.. - ,..... . .. ',_.B U- G- L ECLARE! CE HICKMA PACE, JR.nLebanon, I,-entuckyI ndllstrtal E ngLneert ngOVILlAFRESII fAN-Clvlhan Stuuenls UnIon, Y 1\ 1 C. A CahlnetSOPHm foRE 1\ Ihan Stuuents Unton, I,cntucky ( lub , Inuus·tnal Seminar) UNIOR i\'lltan Stuuents U nIon , Kentucky C1uhENI RCi\t!lan Stuuents l.,nton\\' ILLI Ai\ 1 FRE~CH PACK" Pappy "Blackshurg, \ IrgInlaDairy Hllsbandry1\ I L I A~FRESH~fAN-CI\ ' t1l an Stuuents UnIon, Agncultural ( lub.SOPHOMORE-CI\litan Stuuents Lnlon , Agricultural C lub, DaIryClub.) UN IOR-Cn: ihan Stuuen ts Lnton; Agricultural C luh, Dalr)C lub.SENIOR-CI\'Iltan Stuuents nlon, Agncultural C lub, DaIryC lub.-143--.------- - ---

1 9 - 3- 6 ---CASTLE HERMAN PAGE"Page"Christiansburg, VirginIaDairy IlusbandryCIVILIAI-RESH\f"'" -Cndlan Studcnts lnlon, Agricultural Cluh, DairyClub.SOPIIO\fORLClub.I \ I han StuJcnts L mon ; Agricultural Club; DairyjV',IOR (1\ lhan SllIJcnts lnion, Agricultural Club; DairyCluh, Dairy juJglng Tcam.SC"'fOR en Ihan StuJents Lmon, Agncultural Club; DairyClub, Dairy juJging 'I eam.J H0J EDGAR PETERSO\), JR."Pete"Blacksburg, \ 'IrgintaBusiness AdministrationIVILlA"I Rl "f1\f\'"C!,dlan StuJcnt llnlon, Dramatic (Iub; BuslncssStaff, BLGU , BUSiness StolT, \ IrglnlQ <strong>Tech</strong>SnPIIO\fORl' (1\ Ihan StuJcnts Lnlon, Buslncss Stafr, BUGll';Buslnes Staff, \ IrglnlQ TeLh, Buslncss Cluhj u-"; loR-Ci\'lhan StuJents L.:mon; BUSiness Club, Bu InessStaff, BLGll', Buslncss Staff, \ Irgln/Q <strong>Tech</strong>SE'IOR--Ci\ Iha n StuJents L.:mon, Bu iness Club, BusinessStafr, \ Irgln/Q TeLh.-144 -

· ...... - ., ... - :....... 1. ~ " ... -.B- ~G LE\\'ILLlAi\! HERJ\IAN PLETTA"Bill"Blackshurg, <strong>Virginia</strong>,\/echanical EngineerLl1g, I V ILIAFRESHMA~- \caJemlc Honor~, ( "Ihan StuJents LnlonSOPHO IORE-AcaJemlc Iionors , C" Ihan StuJents L nlonJUNloR-AcaJemic Honors, Tau Beta PI , (,,'I han StudentsL'nion ; American Society of \ fechanlcal EngmeersSE:-.lI()R-AcaJemic Honors, r au Beta PI , (.Iydlan ludcntsUnion; American Society of \ fechanica l Engmeers, PhiKappa PhI.fRESIIMA N-Bluejield College,SOPHm,loRE-H ROLD LUC\ REED" horty"Bluefield, \ 'IrginiaChemical EngineeringBluejieIJ CollegeCIVILIANJU"loR-Civihan StuJents Union, Chemical ClubSL"loR-Clnhan tuJents L nlon \mcrlcan I nstltutc of C.hcmlcalEngineers-145-__ __ ---==- _ ..-.,::.0

- 1 9 - 3- 6RALPH GOODW IN ROOP"R. G."Snowville. <strong>Virginia</strong>Agricultural EconomicsC I V ILIANf"RESIi fA N-CI\I"a n StuJents Union; Track, Intramural Athletics.SOPI-IOMORE- Civdian StuJents Union.JUNIOR-Clvl"an StuJents UnionSI NIOR Ci\ I"an StuJenls L nlon. Agricultural Club , PhiI,appa PhI.rRESl-l~fAJAMES EVA S SARVER" Jimmie"Cambria, <strong>Virginia</strong>Animal HusbandryCIVILIAN- Cl "dian StuJents Union; Baseball.SOPI-IOMORE-Civdian Students Union; Biology Club; AgriculturalC lu b.J U"·;JOR- CI\·ihan Students nion; Southwest <strong>Virginia</strong> Club;'\gncultural C lub , Animal HusbanJry Club; Judging Team.SE:--'IOR-Clvl"an Students Union ; Southwest <strong>Virginia</strong> Club;Agncultural Club, Animal HusbanJry lub; Judging Team;Future Fanners of Amenca.-146-

B u G L- E----------------......................I AIAH FLAVIOU A l\:DERS, JRpecBlacksburg, \ 'IrginiaBusiness Ad,11InislralLOnCI\'ILIA.f"RE HMAN-CI\dlan Students Llnlon , Order of De \ lold\ ,lerk, Business Staff. \ Irglnla <strong>Tech</strong>OPHO\fORE-CI\lltan Students L nlon, Order of DeBusiness lub. Ctrculatlon "Ianager. \ Ifglnta Te,hlold\jUr-.IOR Ci\lltan Students Lnlon Order of De lolay, PI DellaEpsdon; Reporter, Business Club , "\d\ ertlslng \ Idndger,\ 'IrgLnia <strong>Tech</strong>SEl"dOR i\'iltan Students Lnlon, Secretary, PI Della l:.psdon .1\ 1aster Councilor, Order of De \ lolay, Ad,ertlslng \ lanager,B GLE ; As oclate Ad\'erllslng lanager, \ IfIiLlllQ <strong>Tech</strong>.Business lub,O D KFREDERICK \\'ILLI ~I SCH, 'EIDER.. Senator"Round Hili, <strong>Virginia</strong>Eleclrical EngineeringCI\'ILlA"lFRESH~fAN-Ci\lltan Students Lnton.ewman Cluh,SOPHO\fORE-CI\ Iltan Board of GO\ ernors . Ne\\ man Club.jUNIOR-Cl\lltan Board of GO\ernors, Senate, Ne\\l11an Cluh,American Institute of Electrical Engineers.SENIOR- \ 'Ice PreSident, (I,dian Students Lnton , (halrmdn,Freshman Customs Committee , Senate • ewman (IubBUSiness Staff, BUGLE, American Institute of ElectricdlEngineers. Phi Kappa PhI.- 147 -. ....-.. . ..---.~ ---_.

1 - 9 3 -6RUDOLPH LEE SHAVER"Rudy"Fishersville, <strong>Virginia</strong>Biological SciencesCIVILIAN[ - RESII~t."N CJ\lhan StudenlS nion. frack: I nlramural Trackand Basket Ball.SOPIIOMORE- Ci\ Ihan Sludents Union; I ntramural Athletics.) UNIOR- ivilian Students Union; I ntramural Athletics; BiologyCluh.SENIOR- ivilian Students Union; I ntramural Athletics; Biologylub.FRLSII\I ''I-SOPHO\lORE-\\,ARREIvIAYO Sl\IITH" Smitty"Richmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>I ndtlsl rial Eng ineeringCIVILIANRichmond EXlension; Academic Honors.RlChmond EXlension. AcademIc Honors.)U'loR- Academlc Honors; Ci,·iIlan Students Union; RIchmond( luh . Intramural ,\thletlcs.SL'IOR- Clvtllan Students Union, RIchmond Club; IntramuralAthletics. PhI I-'::appa PhI.-148-

.. ~ .. -- i.....· .... ." "-'.Bu GLEI RESIIM\NMA RI ON COTE PEIDE0... reedy"l itchell, VirgIniaAgricultural EconomicsC I \'ILIA"Ii\ lI.an StuJenls UnionOPIIO\lORE-Civtltan SLUJenls LnlonJUNIORENIORiVlhan StuJents Lnlonivtllan StuJents L nlonCLARE CE CHE EY WADDELL"c.Black burg, VirgIniaChemical EngineeringC I \ ' ILIArRESIiMAN-AcaJemlc Honors, e"dlan StuJents LntonSOPIIOMoRE-AcaJemlc Iionors, ("Iltan StuJents Lnlon , PhiLambJa UpSilon, Chemical ClubJUNloR- AcaJemlc Honors. (" tllan StuJents enton , Treasurer.Phi LambJa Lp don, (hemlcal Uuh.Sr'iloR-CI\'iltan StuJents Unton, PreslJent. Phi Laml-xlaLpstlon; Tau Beta PI. \mertcan In tltute 01 ChemicalEngineers, Phi I,appa PhI.-1 49 -I

1 9 ==== 3 -6GEORGE C. WHERSTEDTRichmond, <strong>Virginia</strong>I ndLislrial EngineeringCIVILIAr-RFSI IMA N RIchmond ExtensIOn .SOPHOMORE-R,chmond Extension.J LN loR-Civlilan StuJenls Union , RlchmonJ Club, Intra mura l\thletlcSf'NIOR- ivillan Students Union ; RlchmonJ lub ; Society ofIndustnal Engineers. Intramura l AthletiCS.WYATT AIKEN WILLIAMSOrange. <strong>Virginia</strong>Animal HusbandryCI\'ILlA:-JrRESH'IAN-TnnLly College, Alpha Delta Phi.SOPHO,tORE-TnnLty College. Alpha Delta PhiJL'

B U- G- L- EEDMU D LEE \\' I DELER"WIndy"Orkney prings, \'lrgInia\/echanical EngineeringC I VILIANFRI'=>HMAN---Civillan StuJents L nlon, [ ootball, WrestlingSOPHO\IORE---Clvillan StuJents L'nlonj USloR---ClvllIan StuJems L nlonSENIOR i\'llIan StuJents l nlon , \mencan Society of :--Iechan-Ical EngineersED 1U! D PE:--..JCER \\' I E"i\1utt"Craddockville, \'IrglnlaAgricultural Edttcat LOnCI\ ILIA"FRE HMAN-Universlly of South CaroUnaSOPHOMoRE-Unwerslly of Soulh Carolina.jUi'

1 9 - 3-- 6BRERETOJONES WOOD" Brue"Flint Hill, <strong>Virginia</strong>H orticultureC I V I LIANI R I , II~I'N Pri,'ate, Battery I ; Basket Ball; Baseball; y , 1\ 1.C. A, Cabinet; Piedmont Club, Agricultural lub,SOPIIOMOR[ - Pr,,'ate, Battery I; Y. I. C. A. Cabinet ; PiedmontClub , 4-H Alumni Club; Agricultura l lub.JUNIOR ivtllan Students Union ; Intramural Baseball ; Y. M.C. A. Cabinet; Piedmont lu b; 4-H Alumni Club; AgriculturalClub.SLNIOR "tllan Students Union; I ntramural Baseball; Piedmontlub; 4-H Alumni C lub; Vice President, AgriculturalClub, Alpha Zeta.-152-

B u G L ESenior ClassHistoryEnl ·IOR· .... NOlL', It ,... an imro~JIhlllly fur any onc man to compile a CUIl1-rrehenslve hlstorv lIf the Class of '30Each ur us \\ tl i fure\'er cherish In ourmemory a per'\llnal history ur the pastI .. Uf ~ear ... I n \'lew of lh.

9 - 36-154-Action shot of '\ndrew~ In hiselephant (the rink \'anet~) hunt­Ing costume deer In the wilds ofdarkest Battery I Who wdle\'er fo rget the nohle product ofthe Tennev Renaissance of I\. 111,­tary the 1C)3b model Sk'prers1Here they are a ll dressed up intheir Sunday-go-to-meetlng clothes,helm, are a couple of shotsof the Cape Dnll that won themstate-wlJe acclaim The colorfulrevohlng cross, and the S( Inhonor of the Gamecocks at I lomecomings, The slightly out offocus shot ahou t two-thirds of theway down the page IS the cross atRichmond, with the hoys gOinground and round and coming outal the 'I antdl a Volumes CQu lJ hewritten about that trip, the gameand suhsequent peerade, 1\ lurrhy's,Tantdla, Byrd Park anJ alot of other et cetera~, unfortunately,most e\erythlng that couldhe wntten can't he r nnted so we'lllet It go at that Some of thehoys at 1\ lonroe present some ofthe latest ROl styles, two sizesonly "Too Big and Too Small "Robhle plaYing hoy scout atBehor, notice the rolled ur slee\esand open coll a r, pro\ Ing that thearmy wasn't around ,Speak­Ing of the "unforgettahle SIXweeks," note Harry Pu s and thetransportation facd ltl es Justaoo\'e a tYPical occurrence whenyou wanteJ to get somewhere In8 hurr~ , Captain Schelckert,popular pal of the r I rst BattalionBoys, who left us at the end of ourJ u~,or year -\ couple ofHomecoming's honfires anJ <strong>Virginia</strong>'sgra\eyard toSLI r the memonesof some wonderful weekenJs' , , ,\Vho of us can everforget paying tnhute to the Wardead In those Simple, solemn , yetimpressl\'e Armistice Day Ceremonies,the roll call" muffleddrums Tars Pass InReView \nother \Iew of Boh anJhiS fnenJ at the Horse Sho\\ ,The Grand LoJge of \ Irglnlaturned out to do a little hncklaYingIn full regalia, to perpetuatethe T &> .\ Budding forrostenty '3 7 exr nds a littleelhow grease and hnck In eradicatingour handl\\'ork on their behalf"Onc of thc avy Jobsthat Invaded our mountain fastnesson Navy Day, and a lmostdemolished Dm Idson In landlngonthe dn ll field l

B u G L E\\e leaJ 011 thIs page \\ Ith ahunch of the ho,sand gals snappeddurtng an off moment from theIrwahootng during the current ,ct 01openIngs, Immedlatch helow\\e ha\'e a comiC strtp icutullnglolonel "S B ,tnJ hl~ stoogcson the lelt In the middle,t hrec of a SPCCICS, what SPL:CICS wehe'ttate to mentton On theextreme rtght sophomorc sophIstIcates,namel\' Penn Ruchen '\lac \\ esttng hIs ole \tlast, after long months of researchwe unco\ ereJ a pracltcal Us( fllr asaher TeJ Pugh, the Imcntor,demon trates the art of hackInga cal, e wIth the darn thIng \ luchhetter than hacl.~tng your own carwhen comIng to the Carr,'ome more remInIScences of RatYear a group of ::ehras after theParade Be 10\\ , "C;eorglcPorgy 'and Rohhlc t r\ tng tocony tnce the world tn general thatthey really hraced theIr Rat Year, ':!pper Puss, tn a can,ftdcamera shot, crahhing as usualOne of the uses the IS.: \\ ,nc\ cr deSIgned theIr c"aclu:, f >I,Pullman a la (.orps I rtp , ,Special feature "lo cllmhtng 'tnand-out'of uppers I Inalssham hattie, ho,s seem to hemIXtng It up a hIt for the hcnchtof the \ lSI tors , hnals, thatone word that means so much :no more classes, no more studYIng,no more nothtn' hut hay Ing awhale of a good tIme (.ol"riulparaJes \\,Ith e\'Cr,one puttIng aLItto make a good ImpressIon on thehunJreJs 01 \ ISILOrs, n,mces and\ lountatn Lake after\\ard,\\ah()(), \\ ahoo whIch, translatedtnto more moJern language,means \ Iy GO

- 1 9 36 ---I his page shows history In themaking prohahly this volumewill contain the only printedrecord of this phase of AmericanHistory , and cen onal restrictionsse riously limit and handicapour comments" ,Upper leftdepicts -I urkey Day In Roanokethis ycar, howlng the flood seasonat ItS hClght \ery wet timewas had hy all We turn theflight of lImc hack a fcw weeks,,,th a fcw pnntahle pictures ofthc cia tnp to Bluefield, showingcausc and effcct, The actionshot of the game was taken at thestart of the fourth quarter, show­Ing our hoys cngaged In heatingtl(,O \V &. L teams, most unfairThe pachyderms and theirquaint little playmate wcre photographedIn the halls of theHotel Sunday mornln[!, at thensk of thc photographer's lifeOn the nght, we see the spectatorsdunng the vanous stages of thegame, Rcturnlng once moreto our nallve hearth, we find"Farmer" and Bill in a playful"'eakend mood We Sincerelyapologize for introducing anycommercial I m Into this narrat1\ e, hut the ne"t I a personalizedad of the modern cOn\'enlencesat V, P I , posed hy " Boathook", "'-loon ," "Hotie"and "Sully" In a despondentmood, must be all gone, "AI­\Va) s remember the good ole daysof mountain climbing on thepeaks of Brush \. lountaln , ' ,, Rummy , a nd a few of the hoysIn one of our famous hull eSSlOns,wonder how long It took them togct started on " wimmen " ,rhe "Pnde" strolling nonchalantlyalong lonument Avenueon the \Va" to the William and\ la ry game In Richmond lastfall, " Ihree of the boys onone of Doc I lolden's field tnp, ' , , Horse, Roger, Tick read­Ing from left to nght ,Below a hunch of the HltleTitles In an off moment dunngJunior year, " And last, hutnot least, one of <strong>Tech</strong>'s favonteIndoor sport , With " Hotle" and"Jeehers" demonstrating the ancientand nohle recreation of" Hay Lab,"-156-

- .... ;"'~. . . . ' ... ~. ~ .......- -:-

1- 9 -=== 3 === 6 -"'"\\' H RUB)PresidentJ\ II SS PALLI "JE EARLYSponsorJ C H ULCH ERVice Pres identJ 0 J\ IOORESecretary~ I A SNEADT reastlrerH J. l\ I LDD I ~ L\Sergea nt at A rms-1 58-~'!~~; •• ~.- ................ " .. .....

., ...... ~ _..... - :-. ,-' . " . ..:'- ..-.A L ABBITTH. E TKI .... SO'"C F BAILEYF. l\ I BA .... KS\\'BARK DAL£') \\'. BEARDF. E BELLR A BODe) . 0 BRAGG1\ I G BRIGHT\\ = BRO\\ NR S BLRRLSS-159-o- - --=--==-- ----


R J COPE:-;HA \ER1\ I I, CL.,:\I~fI"CL \' CLRRA'J H DWIo LOA)H. E DlcKER50'H E OIECI'-.\I"K \ I Dor:.RI'CJ R OO\\''JIl'ICC \\' 00\\'J5R C ED:-IL.,ND~L L. ELEY- 161 -- --- ---

R F. EpPERSONF. H EVANSr11~ ~/{ ,Mn «b! 4~m~"'


~ I H [SONo \\' J OHNSONT. E J ONEA R KE~ fP:~;;6-~~!C.~;;~~~ 7lhr~~J \\' I '~ t::1 .?l-A, . 'ESTERSON • (A A K IRKR \\' Koo T:\\' LA IRD,~~ .J. ff'j) Prr . V' jJ P P 'fj --. d"Jr~ ",/llr c/!'1 ·f') . ,z!f{liJ:-:av.E. H LANE . (J C LEECL EONARDC W.IcALPIN-164-.. ~ ...... ~.". .. ':'\!~ ... I\,.., L (( \

...- ~----- - - -E. E ~ ILBL RNEYR. T. 1\ 1 CLLJREJ 0 1\ !cCLLLOCHH. C !cGRATHW C l\1 ~IULLl:-'o \\' l\IAHANEY\\' F ;.., IARTlNB i\IEL\,INJGH 1\ IELVI!'.H 1\1 1\1EYERSH C. 1\ lI-";sKERP . 1\1ITCHELL-165-



~~------------------J B ~r-" t111 1W 0 SM I TIIi\ ! A S:--IEADJ ~ STEPHENSO:--lC \\' STE\\'AR rP ]\,! STOUTAMI REJ B STO\' ERH T STULT:J \\' SUM ERp, G THAYER) . C TURNERC H VADE:--I-1 68-

." .~ ".. '. -._. ~B -U=G= L=E========D. C \\ADEJ B WALTERJ. C. WARER. B WAREB. W W ARlo GT. A W ITTKAMPA. S WRIGHTC. F YONKERR. i\!. ZIMMERMAN-169-

The Class of 1938II

".'1 9 - 36L A VECELLIOPresident~ IRS E \ ECELLIOSponsorH A HOTTVice PresidentC P CRAIGSecretaryP. P \VIL ONTreasurerJ B DA\'ISSergeant at Arms-172-~_....a.~iU~ •• ~ , "'~."", .. ~ .. .J.I ••• , ., .. ~ •." t. "


1 9CO.\., J A'11.5 \Cox, JOliN '\C.O.\.,(' BCOX, E BCO.\.,.1 P(nx, R B( RAI(,( RECCr-R(RO("to;[ IIC.UR II !>I )A\ I S, B IDA\ IS, \V BDEALDEASDE Busto;D[-RRDIMOSDDJlo\\NIJ)I~DOLPHI 'I )Ol'CA SI )(l\\ ~~DUNLAPEA501';ELLIS11:0-;1';1 )111:(,[ R\I J) ~(l,;lwrIR~:~~~ I if It], ( ~rI.ox {). )- A'J.-,FLLLI RCARDS[ RGARR[ Tnc,,'G I BBG I BBS, LG I BBS, R GGnRDn.GRAHA~ IGR\II\MGR[[:O-;\ l)J \ 1-174-... ~.I • •• ,"



SLm IeSOUTIILRi'iSOWDER, R. \\SOWDER, \\' )SHEI [Sn.\ E~~S rOAKLI )SWA~[ yI AllTA)LORI [RRl.LLTIIOR!,;['r OKAR:TRLEHL \lU\' A'DI"BL I~(,\ H _ELLIU\\' ACHS~tL IIIWALKLRW EBB\\'EDDI I\\HITE, \\' (WHITE, \\ \1WILKI ~!:>\\ ' IL sn~\\'1'[\\' nODWRI G H T_\\ I Ie-177--.'('''~'

The Class of 1939I I!.""lIiollW!'!:"'.po ........ _ .... 10. ___ '" ... , .~h •• ' _ '.. • .. ' { ..

," '- ". . " ........ .•- ---'i'.l·~'"::IfIe',,,,,,,, ••• ..,.· ... ~te""''j.Ie;;I~P1'.

~ 1 - 9 --== 3 ~ 6 ==- --------J \\' R U BYPres ident1\ IRS . W HRU BYSponsorJ R B ELCH E RVice President\\' E L ECKI ESecretaryF B ARNEST reaSluerJ S HILLSergeant at Anm-180-

. · I,,,·~IfI ' I""'~" "'~ - .-... , ~ . t. _ - ~ .1· __ ,-:- -::. .- B- U G LE\DKII'S-\G[ rAKERSAI'DERSOr-..\I'DRf'\\ S. \ R~ II ~TR()l r'\U!:>TI'BADGERBAIL[ ,BALLBA' fBAPTISTBAR'ES, S IBAR'ES. \ \B.\ILI\I\'PBATTISO'B.\:,,(.oBEA\IO'BEL( Hf R. I I BBru l li R, .J RBJERKEBOISSEAUBO"-lFAI'TBO\\ ["BO\\ \ IA'BRADDOCKBRADSHA\\BRA'SFORDBRASHEARSBREFDI 'BRIGGSBROOKSBROW'. D K,BRo\\ '. E . R.BRo\\ '. I BBELKO\BrLolrBELTBr RLI'­BERRY-181-


__ : .. _ _ • F ..... _. __ •B u G LED.\~NrTTr LBDAvIs, J \VD\\,I, \DEANDr OrRGIIOrBIA!>1Dl LA "10DC\.IP EYDr.!,;'I'>DIT\\ I LFR1) [ \ OR !DrWllT, J. r.DEwlrl , R (D lcKI '



- 193 - 6l'i'< IGIIIh:oos I :L AC K;'L AI\:CAS I II{L A"lDL Ai'

-~ _. ~ ... ~ '" .... - :"' I.. • " ... _ .~ ::~.. ~ ~ • ., ......... ~ -~- - _~ - B LE:-" IO H LTf\lO'-iGFR\ IOOD)'\ I OORE, I I \I\ ! OORI S I\ ! O..,F L L)\ ! VLH OLLA"JD:'kAL f'N["A..,L \\ [LLO'CON'.ERO Ll \ FRO'NI ItCh\ r ,P H ILLIP'"PILRLl'PLL".~..,POf'Fr'B\ RC I /{POLL0



1- 9 - 3- 6\\ 'IH r:r I\\ 1111\1"1

6.. __ ...... - •• -~ .--. ;.... ..' '. _ r •• , :::'" • ..

Number One Barracks



u G L EThe <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> Corpsof CadetsFor sixty-fi\'e J ears, the Corp of Cadets hagl\'en \Irgmla <strong>Tech</strong> its dlstinctl\e character 0,;0other organization has contrlhuted so much tomake <strong>Tech</strong> \I hat It has heen m the past, and IS to-da)as the Cadet Corps For more than three core yearsthe sons of <strong>Tech</strong> ha\'e gone out mto the \\orld to set the sLandards h) \\ hlch the m. l1tutlon IS LO hejudged in the eyes of men There IS ample eYldence that their success IS due m no small degree tothe mfluence of the Corp dUring their formatl\'e years So It \\ ill he m the future The lessons aman learns, the pnnclples he ahsorhs, the sense of responslhillty he de\'elops the creed of life heestahlishes as a cadet, \\ ill play Important parts m hiS future Therefore smce the Corps IS judgedhy the men It sends forth, It hehoO\es the Corps to see that ItS alms and Ideals are high and true,and that eyer::; man m It IS imhued \\ Ith the consciousness of hiS mdl\'ldual responsil,i1lty for thepreseryatlon of those Ideal and their transmission fair and unhlemlshed to the <strong>Tech</strong>men of thefutureThe motto of the Corps, .. That I ~ la; ene," e.\presses the exalted Ideal of sen Ice for ItS 0\\ nsake: service \I hich seeks no profit, \I hlch finds ItS re\\'ard not m matenal recompense, hut m thekno\\ ledge of havmg heen faithful to a trust and m the satisfaction \I hlch comes from duty \\elldone \\ hat more glorious heacon could the Corps have than thiS Ideal of unsel fish sen'lce 1Each class, as It assumes the leadership of the Corps dunng ItS enlor year, mherlts a greatopportunity to .. Sen e" the Corps Each enlor Class, hJ ItS e.\ample and precept can add lustreto the heritage it has recel\'ed from the Corps of the past or hy a careless disregard of those customand traditions \\ h lch ha\'e heen pro\'ed good h) the te t of time can dm1 the hnghtness of ItSguiding starIt IS my feeling that the Class of <strong>1936</strong> has stflven to uphold and strengthen those 8lms andideals for \\ hlch the Corps stands [ kno\\ that the leaders of the class ha\e tfled to foster a highsplnt of manhood and clean Ii\'lng throughout the Corps, that the; ha\ e lahored to cultl\'ate firmstandards of honor and truthfulness, and that the ultimate good of the Corps has e\er heen uppermostin their thoughts So, as another commencement approaches \\ hen the Class of <strong>1936</strong> \\ illever ItS active connection \\ Ith \ Irgmla <strong>Tech</strong> [\I elcome the prl\dege of hearing \I Itness to the ser­\'Ice \I hich thiS class has rendered to the Corps and to Its alma materC,)/.\laJN L nlled ,\laie,1 Ifm\'Comman,/anl of Cadels-195-

1 936 -aplaln R T CHAPLINCaplaln P AAGNEWCaplaln D B HERRONCaplatn N L HEMENWAYCaplaln F \\' HALSEYCaplaln G S KINDALLCaplaln T \\1 l\lu FORD-196-- .... -"---..~.~~~''''''I!..,.......,: ..... _.:.I."~I"

REGI~1l ~TAL STAFf- OFFICERSBachman, E G Daris. Humphfles. \\ est, Reynolds, Atkinson, SneadRegimental StaffI t IS a \\ ell-knO\\n fact that our Regimental Staff IS an indl pensahle part of the corps organization.If It \\ ere not for this capable group of men, It IS highly Improbable that the corps \\ould receiveits daily sustenance I t IS they \\ho lead us to .. Pop' Gro\\ ley Palace," the famed institutionthat supplies u \\ Ith the \,Im and vigor that is charactenstlc of the sons of <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> They alsoprecede us In our many colorful parades at school and In the tateThe most manifest appendage of this organization IS our colonel. S B .. Robot " West HIS militarymanner of dOing" Ahout Face" IS an amusement for the entire corps. I t IS far more entertainingto behold the execution of this maneuwr than to see the" \\'est POint of the South" on parade But,all In all. \\'est IS the hardest \\orklng most conscientious member of the staff.. Tick" Davis is the member of this staff \\ ho takes over the leadership of the corps during thecolonel's absence, .. Tick" IS a qUiet. erene fello\\ \\ ho takes defeat as pleasantly as he does victory.This boy is a man \\ hose sense of control is abo\'e that of the average college studentThe active member of this organl=atlon IS Roger" Heel Bachman I t IS he \\ ho uses hiS 100'elybass voice, that indispensable attnhute of hiS vanegated personality, to pubhsh the numerousorders issued by the" Army ... more definitely. laJor TenneJThe Regimental Staff also boasts an outstanding football player." Buck" Reynolds He is the man \\ ho IS chiefly re ponslhle for maintainingthe only enlor dance club on the campus I t has been throughBuck's untinng efforts that the integnty of the Bachelors has beenupheld In spite of the many dlfficultle It has hadH \ ' Humphnes, the little man on our Regimental taff. IS aperson of 10\\ stature \\ Ith high Ideal As Plans and Training Officer.he has been Instrumental in bringing ahout many regulations \\ hlchhave been beneficial to the Corps of CadetsThe) unlor of this staff, Atkinson and Snead, are the men \\ hodo the \\ork They ha\'e the responslhIllty of for\\ardlng all organizationreport , explanations, leave applications. and reque ts to the.. Army," \\'hen the senior officers are absent from any formation,their duties fall upon these two) uniors who ha\ e executed themto..lRs, A. G. DAmadmirably.Sponsor. R


REGI\IE~TAL BA!,;D OFFICERS' Meyers, Lugfln, ,\Ic\'ay, Dans, Morse, Coleman, Hayley, B rightRegimental BandA yell slarts-"H lghly Tlghtlcs:' anJ a roar rises from the corps of caJets. EIghty strong, with the Jrum andbugle corps, the banJ IS an organi::ation that is the largcst anJ finest m the South I t represents the corps on out-oftowntrips that the stuJent hoJy as a whole cannot attenJThis year, Captain G R . 1.)8\'IS is leaJmg the organt::atlon through a \ ery successful season As an able assistant,!'Irst Lieutenant G, C \ !c\'ay IS the crooner anJ assIstant Jlrector of the" Southern Colonels." J . C Colemanleads the company in intramural athletICS anJ is \'ery actl\e m SOCIal affairs,The seconJ lteutenants are heaJeJ by Carl 'LIttle Phtlbert' Lugnn, who represents u at the SOCial anJ executl\eorgant::ations. E, B .. BlaIr" \ Iorse is so calleJ because of hIS successful management of all mtramural athletics,D. "Lighthouse" Hayley, who jolly well completes our ltst of Iteutenants, is an actual proJuct of old England and avery popular member of the "Southern Colonels"I he SKIppers m the hanJ are the pnJe anJ JOY of the organt::atlon. K , l\ I' apoleon" BostWIck is "ery activein fraternIty R. L. F letcher and F. P. RemharJ heaJ the Itst of merrymakers, L F, Garber and H A Johnson,erstwhtlc women-slayers, are generally preslJlng In a he\y of faIr (1) Jamsels"Ltl Alitson" Hartman IS the dIrector of the" Southern Colonels" anJ the real power that gives the orchestrawiJespread fame. J. W. Ha ket is president of the BIology Club anJ A A WoolforJ is our" LIttle Audrey," whojust laughed anJ laughed, Polhamus is the most \ersattle of all when not griping \\' D. 'Short-\\a\e"HendersonanJ C. j\ I Hlggms are the new aJJltlons to the Class of ·3b.THE DRL\I ,\:-;D BUGLE CORPS-199-

...... , ............ '· .... r .. _· .. , ..1 9 36Regimental Headquarters BatteryJ "I (R\FTO"Cliptaint\ 1I 5~ IIELl.N SL E TRI1\; .... 1 ES"on.\iJrCaptaInJ. l\ I (RM'l 0'"L,eutenantsS G JONES, JRW J . BLAIKLOCKI. I,. SHIRKF"st SergeantR. J\ \IOORESupply SergeantJPrll'atesKNo\\ L TONB. H ADKI1'.SJ. R. ALLISONT. A. ALLlSOr-.;F. C BALLARDR R BAILEYJ V I I BARKERWL. BARNEo!:>J E. BENNETP S BLANDFORDE. K. BOWMA".;J. F. BRANDO".;T. BROYLFSJ B BLRG[!:>~E \V BURROUGIISJ. S BLRRo\\ ~J W. AK[T J ARROLW. CATLINO. l\ I CLARK[P 0 COCK[)B. COl lEoN\ CRAr-.;1F. S. CRA\\FORDR. N. DAROl SR J D\\ I~E. W. DE\OI

Ht\oQLARTERS B.\TTrRY OrrlrrRS R\ IIfoore. S G Jones Crafton. Shirk. Knou-ltonRegimental Headquarters Battery.. I hc OIJ OrJer Changeth, YielJlng Place to thc ew dnJ with the ach ent of I cch 5 new commdndant, wefinJ a ncw supermilitarlstic organl=auon cmerglng from the Renals ance Ihe oftlclal title of thiS organl=auon ISthe Regimental HeaJquarters Battery. unofficlalh It IS know n the length and hrcadth of the campus as .. BattenI cnney' I n year gonc hy, the Skippers \\ ere suprxJ'eJly placcd under some form of orgaOl=atlon, the military Jepartmentne\cr hragged ahout them anJ sought to kccp them hlddcn from the prYing eyes of the gO\ ernment inspectors0\\ all has changeJ, the Skippers arc nO\\ orgaOl=ed Into a strong single unit unJer the Jlrect anJ personalsupen 1510n 01 \ laJor Tenney I t IS the toast and hOdSt of the entire corps as wcll as the military departmcntI OOl ha II season hrought With It the added attraction of the far-famcJ (.ape Drill that completely stole theshow at more than one game ThiS spring hrought with It another surprlsc for the Battery again cra heJ Into thelimelight as thc only dlsmountcd organl=allon In thc country to JrllI as a UOit with sahcrsFrom c\ery stanJpolnt, Battery ['enney IS the IJeal orgaOl=atlon (we could say more. but we II let It go at that)Our onh rcgrct of the year is that" LO\\ . Blaiklock. our miniature lieutcnant anJ c.aptaln of the Boxing Team, wasaway making caullflowcr car when thc Battery plcturc was taken Howc\ cr, we do not nccd the stimulus of photographyto recall to memory' any of our hrothers-In-arms of the first edition of Battcry Tenney And to those who willfollow us. all wc can offcr IS ... CongratulatlonslSECO'D PL,\TOO.-201-

_.. . ..... ~- ....FIRST BATTALION-202-

FIRST BATTALION STAFF 0['['1 [RS. Goode. Hyatt. Kldd. Perei, Jones. BanksFirst Battalion StaffAlthough we to-day have other unit in our armies In e\'ery \\ ar from King AI fred's timethrough the I taho-Ethloplan conflict histor~ tell us that It ha ah\ ays heen the Infantry \\ hichhas had to do the actual assault-fighting [t IS these marching men \\ ho finally decide thevictorThe Infantry here at V. P . l. ha this year been quartered In the ~e\\ Stone Dormitory and,hYing up to the traditions set by infantry units from time Immemorial. has done most of themarching. The Fir t Battalion IS composed of three companies of top-notch caliber men.and its reputation for many years has heen among the highest Commanding thl organizationIS "Hotie" Kldd. \\ho halls from Roanoke and ha made for himself a real name here,Acclaimed by all as the most neatly uniformed cadet. Kldd ha proven himself an outstandingleader.First in line on the Staff IS .. Shakespeare" Goode from the mountains of Clifton Forge,Last year Shakle \\ as in Company" A" and thiS year IS Battalion Adjutant :":ext IS Hyatt,Battalion Supply Officer. \\ho IS from Richlands In the great outh\\est John R . as he is\\'Idely kno\\'n, was last year's Color Sergeant S 3 Perel IS fromRichmond He IS Battalion Plans and Training Officer and comesfrom Company "E " "Geeber ," a he I popularly kno\\ n. is aproud addition to the taffThe fellows \\ ho do most of the understudYing of uperlorsand \\ho incidentally do most of the real \\ork are Tommy JoneSergeant-l\fajor. and 1\ lac Banks. Color Sergeant Their motto is ,"Come on June !"MRS. E. \V KlDoSpOMor, Flrsl Ballallon SlajJ- 203-

9 36II " P T I ENC{lptUin\1" ... l)otHHIIY l\.1\RTIN... \'ponSt)rCompany ACaptatnH H PUTlt-.:I lelitenant,lI I I \\ OOD'I R :'\lnR'>'I T H\RIFlf,lt Sergeant\\, H (\RTI R,\lIpply ,\er!',eant\1 I, CL.M~II CSergeantsB J IIIR~ I \NB D. I'L'IINR RI~I ' R1 L BnRDI~'I I. 1:.. Dlo;[ R'>O-';E , (:nOK[C",p,Iral"C \\ (\SIR R \\ RIGIITp, P \\'ILsn~E , B, Co,'I HOR]';II ' II JORD'\~E E . BIBBW L. I INN[ )I ( CRII NS \\'RIGIIIPTll'ate,\\1 H B.\KI RC H BROADDL' "D I' BROW~I \1 BR()W~J , ) , BL'ZB)I S C\Llo\\ \)'R L (L1~1I NI'>R 1 COPLMI\\ I R\ I ' A CRI GGI RI, I I (RI X KI I I'\ B D .\\ I'>I B DA\ IS'I \\, L DI BI RCII'j \\ DneG\~'11 L Dow~sL. C. Do,[ )1 '1. J)eDI I )) f j I:.n[)YC \V En]';sI. L. lORDJ\ C FL.LLLR'1) CIORGI,)R1 P CILMI R\V S CRI::\RDf" C. H\ASI 11\I S H\u .H\RLH~BuR(,H HA B H\RPIRD C HIPL [RI C. HO\\ L 11R B HL.\I~II L\ 1 N .J \( nBS0\1 Kill'>)JI'ILLI)I W I,[s I I R'>()~'1 \1 I It-.:(,I L l,n(,11\'1 B LIGlIl\\. S LI rSINGI R\\ L \ IC(L.L' NC, ) 1\) D \ JcCULL()( Ke 1- \1

C()~IPA"Y ,\ OFFI .1 RSCummlng,l, II ooJ, /-I /-I Patten, /-Iart , CarlerCompany AOutstanding , , , , that is \\ hat \\'e of Company A fee l I the characteristic of ourorganizatIon In one \\ord Compan:- A has been the leader at V P I from the yery nrst \\'ewere the nrst company to be organi::ed at \ ', P I the nrst to yolunteer Its sen Ice in the last\\ar, and the nr t in e\ery parade \\ e are a comrany o( congenIal men hoa tlng o( melnhers(rom '-.;e\\ York to Call(ornla \\ Ith a range In sl::e of (rom b (t , 5 In to 5 (t, b In In heIghtThe record set in the past hy memhers o( Comrany ,\ \\ til e\er he held ur as a standardo( achle\ement There are three men. all captains of Comrany A \\ ho \\ere outstanding heroeIn the \\ orld \\'ar One of the In tltute's greatest heroes and one \\ho has \\on Imperishahle(ame for h11n elf and hIS company is ergeant Earl D Gregory He \\as the nr t \ ' Irglnlan torecel\'e the CongressIonal t'dedal of Honor \ laJor Lloyd \\ tlltams \\ ho, \\ hen ordered toretreat by a French officer at Chateau-ThIerry, aId," Retreat 1 Hell. No, \\e just got here,"and Lieutenant John R Castleman an outstanding AYer and \\ar ace, \\ho \\'as awarded theDIstinguIshed Sen'lce Cross for C'.;traordlnar) heroism \\ ere also rroclucts of Company :\This past year \\e have had at least one man on eyery \ 'arslty athletic team And so Ithas been year after year, In \\ar or In peace Compan:- A ha continued to dl tlngulsh ItselfSECO:-;D Pu TOO"-205-


~ _. _ _ _. ~ .. _ _ __:' - •• rCO\IPAr-;y B OFFICER~Robln,lOn, C. P Pallon Greig, Green, \\ ails, BodeCompany BIt has been sa Id that there is no such thing as an outstanding company. \\ e set out atthe beginning of the year, ho\\ ever, to pro\'e to the \\orld that the dIrect opposIte could he trueTommy Greig, Company D's first sergeant of last year, \\'as placed In command of theunIt, and through hIs Influence a change \\ as made The company unden\ ent a transformationand came out \\ ith a greater unIty than eyer hefore. Each man began a tIreless effort to pullhlll1self above the average The result \\ as unr11l takable A.t the end of the first quarter, \\ ehad \\on the infantr) competlti\'e dnll and had placed ourselves in the lead for the Halseytrophy.Though \\e sacrificed many thing, \\ e dId not lose our heritage of convivialIty and goodfello\\ship, \\ hich IS the Inaltenable characterIstIc of Company B This qualtty gre\\ evengreater as the year passed,Among the se niors no\\ leaving our ranks are Tomm J GreIg, a leader \\ho does things;.. Aggie" Green, oon to become reno\\ ned In the business \\orld; .. Stan" (Laurel) Pattonladies' man, and \ 'ernon \\'atts, next to Cellini, the \\orld's greatest lover.SCCOSD PLATOO:-l-207-

'~'lII"," .. ... ,." ...... .. .... __ ....1 9 3Company CR (, 1 \P .... I" TnNCaplllln\IR' I ( T\Rkl!';(.rnN,\,,(lMhlrCaptainR Gl,eutenantsI ARKI" ,J O:--JJ IJ RL.:".,llli~. P. l~RTl R( D [\TEF".lt Seri!eant( W BALD\\I'Suppl.\' SergeantP \lITUlfLlSergeanllWO \11111J B I ' RAYC W Dm,,,sJ ,\1 BI [S.,I"(,G. S LI.OS.\RDH II PERRYCorporalsE . I· . G BB\\' \\ E .\sOSlilt SRY11 Rr Y'OL[)~R R I I.AG.\""\\ B D.\\I.,R R STANt I Y( S Ll\\I.,( L SlIn< KI YS ( BRmLl"PrtratesHr. t\YRr.,N . L AIGMRI· L \KfR~G H B.\OGI R\1 W BRAD.,II\\\J R BRYA" Ii~ E Bu II A" "J1 BurLlR"\ E . BL'RM I TI(' E:. . ( \LII"t .\ C . ( A\\[ R'"E L CAvOl1 LJ E. CL\RKJ c: (LORIH ( CLOWl RE ( . COLl r)E . ( 0")\11' I 0'\\' R C\\II'BII LD J ·OLr \IAN\\' T COLl.MA"J E. COOPfRJ IJICKER~"N'( ( Du,,[r)J(J)S. DA'"R L E\tnR)( B r b\(, \".,J 1 hSHI RP C FoxE S rRA"( I"I\\' H.\R\L\NJ P HA"T:I.,\1 E . hGII ( LA

CO\lP.\" C Of'r1tcRS Baldu'ln, Tate, Tarkington, Carter, Russell, \/UchellCompany CThe hlghe t ranking company of the First BattalIon PrO\ ed hy the awarding ofthe gold band to us for the thlrd slIcceSSlVe year The only company in the entire corpsto achieve this record Truly something to he proud ofJut \\ hy this high rating IS tendered us each year is a lIttle m) Stl f) mg " ,But \\elIke to think of It as being the re ult of the union and harmony enjoyed between the fourcia ses " \\'e helleve In the enforcement of regulations but out Ide of that \\e arethe proverbial" happy famd) " "unkno\\ n to the e\Ils of dlscorJ and strIfe ,This Unique attitude , observed In only a fe\\ other companies , has heengreatly enhanced by the quarterIng of the first battalIon In the ne\\ stone barracks\\ hich \\e have changed from a hleak dormitory to enjoyable, homelIke lIVing quarters, ,The senior officers of thl company de en'e quite a bit of credit for our standing , ,Hence introduction are In order '" ['Irst, our \\ell-lIked captain, Ralfe , , , , ura\\Ingattraction of the LYrIC Theatre , , , , Then comes first looey, Dick, the 43-page lover0:ext Joe, the football hero and Charlie erst\\ hde Skipper" Scre\\ "Company C the ideal organizationSECOSD PLATOON-209-

" .... ., .. ~.. ..........- .. , ..1 6 ======--SECOND BATTALION-210-•__•__...-.-.......... ~ .....-...._... ,••• ' ,.",~ ~ t

~I' 1ft. ' ........ 'T!I~e"'JI~:'~:'SECOND BATTALION STAFF OFFI ERS : Powell, Freeman, \\ ebb, Parks, Ruby, ClarkSecond Battalion StaffWith all the moving of Battalions and mixing of Companies, the Second Battalion and itsstaff are the "Besta of the Buncha." One \\ould have to travel far and \\ ide to secure a staffsuch as that of the Second BattalIon1ajor "Wtllie" Webb is a true <strong>Tech</strong>man, a man of military ability, and a regular fello\\\\ith plenty of personality plus an unforgettable smile (and no e) Perhaps it i n't fair, but\\'e must say that" Willie" IS really a "ladies' man.""Bullet" Po \\'e II , the good and gracious adjutant, \\ ell deserves hi nickname. "Bullet"is one of the best-natured and most pleasant men In the corps. Po\\ell is giving Webb a closerace for the title of the Corps CasanovaThe Second Battalion staff IS fortunate In haYing "Benny" Freeman as its Supply Officer.He is one of the fe\\' men that has e\'er been able to get out of ~ fathe\\s County. "Benny"is a real man and \\ell deserves his place on the sta ff.Parks is another senior member of the staff He IS a hard \\orker and a good beutenantParks hasn't a great deal to say but he does believe that" actions speak louder than \\ords "The t\\O junior members of the staff, " Btll" Ruby, SergeantMajor, and" Pugey" Clark, Color Sergeant, have done their jobswell.Let it never be said that the members of the Second Battalionstaff are not of the" Besta .. To the four memhers of the sta ff thatare graduating, \\ e \\ ish you the be t of luckMRS. J I I WEBBS ponsor, S"co nol Battalion Staff-211-

............. .,. __ ,. '40'" "M" ......... _ ... .1 9 36Company EE \ PRI1 ( It ,"'IlCu,hhun11 ...... Bu I \lll'IIIS,,\'IHtn t,lrCaptainI.:. \ PRII( I· S .\lIl Y\\' ) BATTISO'\ \1 SRo\\'I) I.:.

COMP"~Y E OrrlcrRS !1ft \lpilln, Shumale, Galitng, Prtlchard, Terrelta, /lie lureCompany EA grand, peaceful organization untIl the oll\'e drab a\\ fit to place the company on itsimmediate front-and then the fire\\orks began But It sun Ived In grand style and highspirits, \\ ith the exception of a constant expectancy of a change In Its commanding personnelBut all in all Company E does have \\ hat \\ e con loer a picked group of men throughout ;the largest group of freshmen \\ e\e had In some time and promiSing material, too And theseniors-\\ell, though the army doesn't helIeve it, they are a \\ell group, and some prominentmen, too. Earnle, the company commander, IS a star track man, vice pre Ident of hi class,and a lot more And there's the editor of the <strong>Tech</strong>, the haggard-looking i\lr. Gatling Butaside from their achle\'ements, the four officer are congenial cooperative, as fine a group ofboys a can be encountered an~ \\ here And the potential leaders for the follO\\ Ing year arejust as glamorous As for the Class of '38 -\\ell. 'tiS enough said \\hen \\e say that the classpresident reSides \\ Ith u That's the second succe lye class pre ident sprInging up from theranks of this noble group.All through the years Company E has produced prominent men ; It still does and ah\ ays\\ ill.Srco"o PI ATOOS-213-

'.,.;~:;;"''''''T'''''' .............. ... ~, .. _ .. ..1 9 36Company FT B PI 'l.I ICtl!lllJIM1\11' ..... LOI \ J ,,:-"E- 1\1 \\ n ..... t-),\'p(ln\(lrCaplalllI. B. PU,II[ lellienanlsR (, RnBI R I """\\ I O\KLSII P WII ~n"Flrsl .\ergeantJ D ~loOluSupply Sergeanl\\ \ ROil II R'.\ergt'anls[) ( \\'Dl(. C \TLEllR \\', 1'00"1:I I J \ !uDDI\! \"\\ \\ ro.,n RR I, Pu"( III SC",pllfals( P CRAIGI \ I,Do, \1 J)J I LOL'GII( P [)I \"( /)OLf'IIINJ II \D.\\I"L I GIBB"PPfll'I1leJ1'nK,\I

-" • - , ~ '- : .. t~ , " __ ' _..:::: • , ',~ , .... - """( O\IP", Y [ OIl ' ILLR~ , ,\[oore, Oakes, Roberlson, Pugh \\ dson, ROlher\'Company FThe feelIng that eXIsts In "FraternIty F " IS one of good fello\\ hIp and the \\ III to \\orktogether Thl J ear the comrany roomed In t\\O dl fferent barrack hut even thi could notdlsturh the clo e frIendshIps that eXIst het\\een men In the companyLed thIs year hy CaptaIn "Ted " Pugh and hIS "SIde-kIck ," " Rohble" Rohertson and"PIgeon Run" Oakes, \\ Ith the assl

-- . .- - ~ .,.~~"OJ::'" ....... ,.-, , ...... .... , .• , .... - " .1 9 3 6 -I I~ L t l .\ 11 ...... 1'1-1[:1 "-1 .\ I FFC~lpttl.nSplllHorCompany GCaptain Corporals 1\ I. GR[ l.NTRf [ R. O. 1\ IILLERL. B . LrE B . F BERKA\~ ) O . GUNTER J. D. NEWELLR D 11 ·\lClIfR R D HA\IBRI( K H NI"Lieutenants E.H h ., LLloR E 0 IIEADRI( K R G . O'CON!'H.UBloR T. F. \VADDINGTONH P BOOTllr J H LACKry C A WAGLEYSergeants E L. Bmu. G A L.\:-'hFORD C F. \VAGNIl Rf\1. P GooDrs W J BL,RLFIGH )A\IE. \\' LAT.\:-'!· J . C WARER. S. BURRU SS S. G C \\IPBI I L \\' E Ln .. KI! B 1\ 1 WeBBH B S~IITH G D. C HILCOTT J G LILJ rLR! !'> W . II \\'EDDLIL L ELFY R I C HOAT!· H C. :-'IANRY ) O . WIGGSW. II S IIO['\IAh[ R ) 1'-. 1 Dl RR H C :-. IcGRAlll C H \\'I NTloRL \' CuRRAS J T. E\ANS F. S \IILLER ) W . Y OUELLrlRST PLATOON-216-

__ - ~,- _ .. - - ~ ... ~ •••• -_._;...... • "_:-.'~ ~" ~~.' - - - - T .... _ --CO~ I PA'Y G OrFI(TRS Cauley, L,ndsay, Lee, Cardwell, FlIlro, CoferCompany GThis year, \\ hen \\ e returneJ to the harracks, ever~ one reJolceJ to flnJ Lee captain \\ IthLind ay, CarJ\\ell, and Fittro as his tno of lieutenants The olJ Company G Splflt has beencarneJ on, \\ Ith e\'eryone \\orklng In harmony Just to mention our comp,lnY hrlngs to eachman's mind the picture of" II gooJ fnends and a JolI~ gooJ compan~ ,\ lany men distinguished In vanous campus actl\'ltles have come from our ranks TIll';year [Jenn Lindsay has hecome a memher of nearl, all the honorar\ fraternities at <strong>Tech</strong> and;s acme In many cluhs "Captain Louie ' r: lttro led the Iq35 Gohhlers In their foothall campaignancl \\ as a distinguished hasket hall player West, regimental commander, and a leaderIn many other activities. \\ a formerly on our roll\\e ha\'e proudly \\ orn the coveted Citation cord this year. and are the first to \\ ear It inthe econd Battalion Our record speak for It elf, and our future IS sLire to he hrightTo LIS Lloyd, Penn. Rohert. anJ LOUIS are real men and good comrades The company ISprouJ to have had them on the roll A officers they are respected . as f nends there could henone hetter But f nends mu t part anJ our hest \\ IS he go \\ Ith themSr:CO'D PLA TOOr-.;- 217-

1 9 3 6THIRD BATTALION"''1111'!'!'!" " ..... _ ...... ~ 4., ..__ -,--218-

' IIIIRD B.\TTAL!O'- 5T\[ r OrTI( FRSlla,,, s Copeland, \ an [)YLk. Fran, .. " )'L>nkerThird Battalion StaffA loud "toot-toot," and here comes the third hattallon staff' Out In front I Jimmy\ 'an Dyck, famed as the greatest engineer of all <strong>Tech</strong> As President of the Corps of Cadetsand commander of our largest hattallon J Imm) ha many orrortunltle to get In a little"railroad \\ork," and \\ henever he starts out to do anything the camrus IS filled \\ Ith thesound of much \\ h,stllng and" ruff-puffing," gross nOises that come rnnc,,:)a lly from membersof the junior classIf you can tear your eye a\\'ay from the outstanding figure in the front , you \\ ill see therest of the taff hehlnd him l'.o, that IS not a military statue on the left, It 'S just the adjutant,Frank Harris, \\ ho exercises his extremely audlhle vOice dail) In the upper mess hall, inform­Ing everyone In the hattallon of certain orders that are hrought to hi attentionThe next man IS Roger Copeland our supply officer, and a married man of some SIX monthsstanding And \\ hat a sigh of relief \\ ent up from the Corps \\ hen they learned that HandsomeRoger had settled do\\ n and Signed up permanently \\ Ith oneOn Copeland's left I Sotto FranCIS, a good man that can't heheld do\\ n and an Important man In many actl\'ltle He \\ asPreSident of the Class of '35 for t\\O years, and jOined us afterremaining out of school for a ) earThe other t\\O staff officers are Bill Stult:, sergeant-major,and Chick Yonker color sergeantMRS \V ) V AN DYCKSponsor. TJurd Bl.1tlailon- 219-

-.- -. I.~~'~"'-"":"'·"· ,......... ,,-,. .. .. ~;.... ", ..1 9 3 6ANIlfUW.., .11" ... [-"(""I I I"n I R( tl/HcJln S/l(ln.hlfBattery ICaptaIn G r \ II IIAlI,() ( E GARRlTI II ) 1\ 100DYE. \'ORf\\ S 0 R \ [ R,n, \\' E. G.\RRlsn, .I L OAKEYI lellienanl.\ \ \ \l·) R Sl L< III I~ J HOFF\! \, G S RusilSupply ,\t'r .~eant0 F BrRNARJ)" I [ HYLTO' L \ SHl'LTOr-.;J C Ilu(IIIR.I \V BROW/,; J L . "Gus Q E SI~ I "INSSergeant.1J S St·( II \, \ R I I R[ L.\ND .J II STARKY\\' E. IloLBl Rl n,G H I'll R(,I s., R \ )['"1''' I E SULLI\ A'H S p\(,J (,) R BL RRI ' SS (, H I ()H'.,o, S \\ Illn"sn,C C (, \\lI'Bll L R G (II \Rli S R :'-J L\,c\slI R I I In[RR . S H\rF.J \\' [)\\IS L R LIGo, E. P. \ ' rsTR I J j \RRIS \ Dr-SI\.,I C \ \I..\GILL I":' . F . \V.\( H~~IL IIIH l) Lucy.J \\' DILG G P \ ken, III E. I \\' AI. LACFCQrp

u,-,· .. _. •. -. ... _ __ ~__ - -B,\THRY lOr ric fR,, ' Edmunds, Len:, \ndrell ,\, .\/cC'ullc)(h , FI ,\her, lIuhherBattery IHot aIr and lots of It, that's \\ hat you \\ til find on most pages In thIs section, and you kno\\It as well as \\e do [3ut \\ e men In Battery I kno\\ that our record is good enough to stand \\ Ithoutthe support of an army of adjectIves \\ hat \\e \\ant to do here IS to ay fare\\ell to tho emen \\ ho are ahout to lea\e us \\ ith the lass of <strong>1936</strong> and to gIve them some of the recognitIonthat is due to them for their work In Batter, IThe larger share of the \\ork and respon 'Ihlltt~ al\\ays goes to the Company Commander,and Cadet CaptaIn l\[lke Andre\\s has handled the Joh \\ell He \\a not content to maintaInthe hIgh , tandard et hy hIS ImmedIate predecessor In Battery [, he raIsed those standardRummy Lenz, second to the CaptaIn In rank only ha proved hImself an exceptiona l man Inmore \\ a,s than one Ed i\ 1cCulloch has Itke\\ I e earned a full share of the credIt for the successof Battc;'~ I thIS \car Harr~ Fisher late of Biltten Tenne~ \\ho

~l~,":"":""''''''I'' •• '''''''''''''''''.''''''' .1- 1 9 3 6J '\; ( \RI IIIC. ~ilf'IIJln\fR ~\\ II (\RC.1I1S/1l l n h lrBattery Kl

B.\III·RY 1'- OFFICER~'furner, Epe.\, Cargill Payne Bishop, SllIesBattery KAn infant in age, hut a veteran In \\ inning mrlltar:,- ulstlnctlon IS our hattery "Jot organ­Ized untd lQ27, \\e ha\'e come out on top three tllnes In the last four competitions for the titleof most efficient hattery In the Thlru Battalion \\ e \\ere the first hattery In the hattallon to\\ ear the scarlet citation cords an audltlonal distinction .\\'e of Battery], have reason to he proud of ItS prestige In mrlltary, athletiC, and academiC8chlC\ement Beslues helng \\ ell representeu In e\ery malar sport \\ e ha\ e se\en men \\ horecel\ed the ne\\ a\\arus for high academiC tanding, Our mrlltar; honor rating IS by no meansour only claim to dl tinctionDesen ing of spccl8lmentlon IS that flnc group of mcn \\ c are losing through graduation,our senior officers Ltttle Jimmy Cargtll , our \\ ell-kno\\ n captain, kept us on our toes fo r theentire year and maue us Itke It He ah\'ays recel\'ed ahle assistance from "Sub-Callher" Epes,"Fluffy" Payne 8nu ' B8ng-Bang BI hop, our lieutenants Each one of them has achleveuhigh stanulng In one or more phases of college life \\'e bid this quartet a regretful fare\\ell, and\\ ish them as much succcss after college as they ha\'e enjoyed here- 223 -

•. . _1.o~~'--."'1.~' to ...... ...... .. ...... _ .. ..1 9 36 -Battery L\\ C' R"m p " " 'e .,pI./ln\fl ss \1\1(111\ /nRIHSp,'n l" flaptaln\\' (1 . I~utenant .'RnB[ R~n'\\ . BR \n~11 \\\.J L I)ILWORIIIr-..BRn()"~FIr,lt Sergeant\ S , \\ RIGII r.\upp/v .\ergeantE . H L"rSt!rgt'QI1/ sJ I l3, ""I\\ J P\I~I "1 1)ll U),H H I LR'l- YfH1LCilC. D R" H .\RDSD R (II.\\IBI R~CNpra/sR B Cn."':C. P I'll 1.\1 \'\ s\\ \" \\V, Ol AOL,RS\\ r BRI SIII S \Ill I S\\ R HI r RP"l'tItesD \\' \l L'.\SDr R\\ B .\RKSl),\UR J Br.'I:[ Ll~ Bill L 1''>R .J I>'L R"I Y.J R l \RR,l[ L

BATT,RY L OFfiCER!:>II rig ht , Bradshaw, Roberson , Brooks, DLlll'orth , B ooneBattery Leptember, 1935 school start, ami another year for the boys to shoot at the heightsattained by Battery L Ask an J body [f you a k \\ ho has the most mIlitary, the mo t companJpint, or the mo t of anything, the ans\\er \\ ill ah\'ays he" Batter J L .. And don' t ask us \\ hy,either. Just look at the men, and then dra\\ your 0\\ n conclusions,We have traditions to uphold, The title of the best drilled company In the third hattallonfor t\\O years in succession In just one of them The men In the ranks, as \\ell a the officers,\\ ill tell you that we are stri\'lng to make thiS the best battery on the quadrangle Whyshouldn't It he' Lo k at our orficer \\ ho is hetter lIked on the quadrangle than" \\t lid BIll "Roberson' Who IS a greater sCrihe than our " DIllIe 7" Of course, \\ e \\ould he lost \\ IthoutAggie Bradsh8\\ and Gene Brooks Why shouldn't Battery L he the best on the quadrangle\\ Ith a group of orficer like that' We are doing things, and there IS more to come, ThiS maybe good-bye to our en lor officers, hut they \\ III leave behind a company that \\ III never forgetthem, One for all, and all for Battery L and the best gang on the quadrangle,SECOND PLATOON-225-

...... .. ~. ," ., ...". ..,.1 9 36I~ II ()I 1\ I It( af'lhlln\f, .......~IWTII\ Bftll\\ "\j"";P 41 11 ~ 4 I rBattery MlaplalllR II nll\1 RLieulenantsJ II \\ \l h' RJ \\ 13R.\:-;[)n"R. \ I I IOLLo\\ \)'I:, (sl ,)t!rl,t!llfllI I E:.\ \:--ISSupply ,\a.>:ealll\\' :BROW'Sergeanl.,R B \\ \RIC L \\Ilsc",\1 L () 0)1 \LlP \I SrOL,TA\lIIH\ L \BBIIlJ I Rl SIIl,'rpumlsJ (J R \\\ll"(.~R PlYIO~( ( B\"~R\ H POPE\\ R I \HORI II Jo,[:-.\ J (Ill \\:-; I (,PrlmleoI B ,\"nl R:-.(),J \1 \,nRI\\\\' E \l:-'II'\[ I B"I.LJ c: B .\R'U'J B 13 \ YDL':-'IIS BL L"()\H \\ [311 R"IJ ( 130\1 RI('II r\\' B()I ~~l \ U\I () BR . \D~II\ \\'( E [~RO \D\\ \ II R[ , \1 BlllI RT ( \R.\l1< 1\B R ( \RSOr-.;[)( C"HIR\\'. P COLE!:>R P [)ETWIL r RB W. DODGlE. C ELLerrf. R loxJ \I !-t: LT:\\ ~ I C .\RBl R\\ \ CRlrIllI[H \ C)GIG \\ II \L:-'I YE G I hR1E [ II"R\ [)E \I ~lOllH B J(),[ SS G J () lo SR B L()"!,L P I \I 1111 \\ s\\ \1 \["H C \h,:-.,,[ R" I [ hRE \R P. IL:RR\)R Pr\LF[ L ()U\ [ RJ ( O:-'BL,R:--IH E P . \R~OS~F \ PORTrRrIr l nJ I [ PC)\\HLH G PO\\,[R~T \I PRIC LJ () RIDERR R RnH'Bllnn\ \\ S"CLA I R\\' I I SIIA \V\\ E SL.\L;GIIII RR B S\IITHr E S\IITH\\' B P .\'CU RG R SL rPHI:--I\\ I ' r\nORR I \"" LI \R\ (, \\ \L"I R\\ I \\ I:.BBL R \\'HIT\lOR[;, S \\nODIRS! PL-\TOO~-226-

.. - ....._ ;h ... . . . • _.::. .._BATTERY \ lOr IIC l·R;'l:.l'Ons, Iloilo1my Oli1w, II alkef, 13rand,>n, 13f01l nBattery MAlthough \\e ha\'e not \\orn a gold hand or citation cord for e\eral years, Battery \1 ha~everything el e from" Aggie' to =oblog~ i\ Irs. 011\ er'

I' ... , .. '" "' ................ - ",.. .11 9 3 6--Battery NJ I SPITI FRCuptliln't\fRS HERBERT SPITl FR5;pI 1n,h1rCaptainj [ SPill I RLLeutenants( ( \!\SIR \!eLI( KL. O. RIKCRFirst Sert,eantP C. BRI~KU),\upflly Sut,eantR L O.\S,\er~t!anls0 \\ .Jnlls""",G H \ \DL~R [) ( LAuD0 L DAYH E DII" K\I\'B \lEU'INCvrporalsE \\ L\KIP II PORT! RS. \V BELOTLG.R POWLFY\V E I-L\R\fO~J B. STYLFSV. W WIIIT[D I COl~I'RPflt'ates( I ,\BBII I\! 1\ B .\~I\1, . P BAR~F'>j r· BELLJ N I3ELOJI.J \ BFODD)\\' \! BR,\D'>H \\\\\ e In LU-'I . e ULr,".J D. DARDIV\' I· DI \IB. DL VORE j. W . LATA [j C DJIO\,A~IDIS B. A. LIPSCO~ IBW t\! DOWDY j. I. LONGL W. EARLYR.j . ~!ATTIILWSW. ESKELUND R. S. \ !ORECOCKC. C. FCRGUSO:-; W. T PARKCRE L FORRC"T \Y. 'I.!. PoPC\\' S rUQUA j. F. PRINTZS GARBER W E. REYNOLDSj D GF\lMELL P. L. SHCLORC L GOODLOC j D SLUSIILRE. HA~DY W G. THAYERW . I· H.\RRELL W. H rRIMBLIE.L HARRISW. l\! WALKERR C HI~ES B E . WARD\\' E HOUS\IAN B W WARINGJ L Hu'.IPHRI YS W. \VATTSR r HL TCH["()N W \\' \\' ILKIS"E \' [LUG \ ! [ \\'OLF"()~\! H I ,,()~ R E \\'OOU\ I '.t.\\ r jEJ[R H W WOOD.-\ R KF\IP G. T . \\'RCS~D \\ 1'lRKPAIRltK I, E . l'EU [RTOS- 228-

,- '. ." _.. .. -. - . "'.. ~ .- . ~ ~B.\ I I I In NOLI ILl R'> /1/01.1, /IIellLk, ,~pLller R,ker, 00.\Battery N.. The Foreign Legion" IS an Ideal example of an organization m \\ hlch good fellO\\ shipand cooperation are the outstandmg attrIbutes I t IS an organization of \\ hich each man ISproud to be a memher [t IS an organization that I...no\\ s It IS better than any other organizationon the quadrangle, but It doesn't let them kno\\ It, The Army secretly rejOices in this unit,but It does not openly boast of It"Captam Joe," the hig shol of the organization IS ahly a slsted hy" Aggie," "RaJ" and.. Riker" "Charlie" left us unexpectedly, hut \\e stdl rememher hll11 \\ Ith the e out tandmgmen a Battery's destmy can be only one thmg Success,\\'e are the younge t Battery on the quadrangle, hut \\e h,ne a past that can ne\er beequaled and our future IS not much brIghter From reveille to taps the underclassmen \\ork ontheir riAes and study their infantry drIll, hut not one of them has ever heen kno\\ n to make aone-pomt a\erage\\' e have ne\'er heen I...no\\ n to make an\ honors, hut \\·e \\ ork hard and each time recel\ ethe same re\\arJ-self-satlsfactlon that \\e ha\ e done our hest51.( "SO PI A roo~-229-

1 9 3 6Battery 0\; A CnsT'" ~fR' ( [ ("0"1 \Nld/ltdl/l.";plJn\ll'CtlPtUitl I~ GAY 1 P ELLIS .1. II NOLL(, A l.oSI \ 0 l:. LINKOl"S R I · l:.I'P[ RSOS I ' II Nor I I r--,

• - - - - - --- ; .. ,~" . • ~ ~..-..-..:: - • ' • ., J" .~ -, -, - - --SA 111 RY () Orrl( I'R~Shafer, Bennett, Cos/un Munday, 11011, B.llBattery 0\\-Ith a nghtlng plrll unmatched b~ an~ organl2atlon our hattery has an em lahle recordfor It 51,\ years of e,\lstence\\ Inn~ng three ero\\ ns last J ear \\ as Indeed a record \\ hlch IS likely to stand for yearComing from hehlnd In Intramural sports, \\e broke all former records for cOring and cappedthe Intramural cra\\ n \\ e also had the honor of producing the hest drilled sLjuad In the thirdhattallon and also the hest dnlled prl\ uteLet's tal, e a look Into the " \\ ho' \Vho " of thiS outnt \\ ell. to start ofT \\ Ith, In our \\ inningsquad \\ c hel\ e: .he\\ nlng, Cooper, Ho\\ md Laf~on Llnkou'i, ottlngham Saunders,and Corpural Atkinson rhe he t dnlled pmate Che\\ nlng no\\ our ranking corporalT\\o staff officers \\ ere former Battery 0 men Atkinson and tult2 regimental andhattalion sergeant-majors, rcspcctl\ely\\ Ith such high attainments to live up to, Battery 0 IS gOing place and here's thecaptain to close thl hnef 11IStory \\ Ith ju t t\\'o \\ords-CARRY O'\.; ISECOl''';D PLATOON-231-

- "_:~.~,,:, ••• ,,,,~ " ..... .,. .-.. • •• ~ .. - ",.. ,JL.And Now­The Modern GirlI·II.-


1 9 - 3 6 -_) II,." -7/"' (, II C(, -7 "" "/11 ('1

I= B == U == G ~ L - E_I"""" .lr or •• :,.,,~., ............... ~~JI,...:;t~ ...- _.- --

.,-.- -~r'_' _. _ /1===== 1 1- 9 3 6--

U- G-----~·_'.,I.

)11,,, )1/'"'1 ( /)(1/11 rf)",1"..1-- 1 -- 9 -- 3-- 6 -

· -.. -..... .. --.'- - ~ --.. . -1-------------------==========II1- B- U=== G L=== E=-

~'!"' ....... \~ ...... "---' -, ...1 9 - 3 6------------------------------------------------~~L~tf!ZuZaDeauiZeJIII j" --l. J", '/ (J~'II"I \R\I\ III r ~I \II II \( III R~ (nl LI (.1II\RRI~n~BlR(; Sr.\1 1 II \[1 11 RS(HUI.l I Rl Dl R IChSBLJRG ST.\ rc 1 I \CI IERS COLLLGI- 240-

....-• __ ·to. ___.-- B- U G L E-<strong>1936</strong>II III I I" S ( (ll I I G I"L I I 1"" cnl I I (,L-241-

., ... , ..... . .... .- 1 9 - 3 - 6fii - jiiCJ(tUllC At'Jlt j!ttCJ )

8 u G L EHi-LitesI )~plctcd un this p

- 9 - 3- 6 - 0- -- --.... 0Sklprer CClpe drill , BluefieldThClt's \\ here ourmoney goes registrCltlOnPre entation of commlIons Our nohlesmoke-eClters In actionEngineers testing out theirhandl\\ork Big Bertha'Sno\\ hClttle , Clny ) earGO\ ernment inspectionYe color guard, The lalsey trorhy, , , ,First hattalton InRichmond Ye Hall of~tlnks and StenchesDa\ Id on One of therea ons \\ hy they cut outthe rat parade " nl-\erslty C1uh t\\ Ice " I n-fantry rlaying oldler ,Steinmetz junior " , Fir­Ing sLjuaJ rractlce theyneeJ It PubliC \\-orksProject 0;0 1729 DIStantglimpse of the domlcdeof the AgglesHltie-Tltles on paradeanJ their offspringCleaning up the buttsl; reshmCln hrClclng Jay.. j -0 Greater Love HathAn;, 1\ Ian Than He \\'hoCi\'eth HIS Life For HisFriend" The lastpeerade

B u-Corp pa J Ing trihuteon ArmIstice Day, 11'Copeland and l\ It s [ngles, ,Some more of the edamn In pectlons Somepeople are craz~ enough todo anythIng ommlsaryDepartment RlchmondCorp ' Tnp"Beat South Carolina', FIr t Battalton alldre ed up for some reasonor other Pa sing In re­Vle\\ hefore the ne\\ sha\etads"Flrellldn, sa\ emy chtld" , Some moreno\\ hattie Our genIalcaptam A rare shot ofPre,y our man of mone\and my ter) .lass of'37 raL Pup tent~ 50-called hecause only a \er~young dog \\ould he fooltshenough to try to sleep In one, Dlsturhers of rhe puh-Ilc peacerade '- ItI,l'B 0 dnll ,of spnngyou can ha\ e Itlayers In actIonthree \olle).. [ Ire.. \\ e lo\'e a pa­\\e doThe "pInt~ame It andBnc\-.-Roa­\\cnoke and raincan't ftgure out \\hetherhe's getting LIp or gOing tobed but any\\'a\ It'., a nIceactIon hot

, ..... ., ~- ..- ...... -.. ... , ..1 93 6Homecoming decoralion'>And the cramhiefor eats Dream-Ing s\\ eet dream of RichmondRahld rooters" I n cadence e:-.erc Ise "Shirk In a tH))cal poseThe Inferno oftenche r re hman Chemlah Hltie Titles Int r for a change Thenatatorium HarryrU5Sand Cartaln JimThe hoI' e sho\\ Pass­Ing In re\ le\\ at Richmond-rhe nation's hest college\\ed Iy for Iq35.. And It rained for fortyda~

MO' _, __ -.. ...B U - G L EThe campu heautylonogram initiatesEngineers on o\'ernlght hike, Cia s of' 3b, ~ 1Battery sophomoreArt for art' sal-e Starbuckstrutting hiS stuffArmal In RichmondCrowd at a hall gamePart of the cornerstonelaYingritual, . \\ orm' -eye \ le\\ Tense momentdUring " \ lLltln) onthe Bounty "~ lulletleading the pack home asusual " ,Cooperationthey hath made the jumpBefore and after ,Sail) enJO) Ing the hall gameI-Inal celehratlon \\ Itha one-pounder aberdrill The \\ dd manand hiS keeper A studyin the nude \\ hat'sthe page'~k lppersonparade \\ Ith saherT &. A under con tructlonOur friend the enemy

<strong>1936</strong> Bugle ElectionMost Likely to Succeed .. :~~q\ ' lei t100 ':Most Popular 0 "ln' :;r~ fton., ,Best First Sergeant. in 0 "0 rf'Best Corporal L . • 're> el1ioTightest Senior Officer J ' r e ~ t.... ,..Biggest LoverTollo yBest Athlete.Lo lie ittroBiggest Chisler. Joe )ie'riBiggest Bullslinger. a. • 'en ~Grossest Freshman .. ~.; . I.'~eilBest Senior OfficerGroggiest . ·'C ... t':'el' :; r{ePrime Suction Hound J1O'.!'1Biggest Griper.Happiest!'i tz ~e"'t .oie Ior r.~'10to:·ooxe.

· '--'. ".;;:;_.~.:O".c. -::. "."'''-.'.: . .!01~- :_.~ ~'. "' ....... _ .. , - •

""""""'-" .... "1~' .. - "-"-~ ---....The War MemorialGymnasium

---- ----- -'--- -- --~~~~=

~ ',.. ,.,..,..-----. ~-........ ......... . .'

B u G L E- -d-LhleLic1)1-1111 J B jllSI ')\\ I ( III I ) "01 ...... Lt-/{I· \ P~IIC H\RI>PrtH.I,nl() I I)"\ Ice I)' t:~"'tnl-253-

;.,fI,..~ ....... ",," " ..... ...... ",. .. ,- -, ..19 3 6 -PI ..... RIPPJll'll.i FckltVllli C,llItil1\ I ,)NI "01 SI Ul.HJ!ikd HlIll CllllthI r X Ill .... I)SI Tlltk Ct1lldl[ 'PI I II .... O·~\\ rl Him,g CV\l~h,..\I\< '''',E\ER\ ur.Hl\' 11.l-\t,vdll C\ladlunJIltllli fr(1)itnhlll CllllLhRill POIHER£-IFLDH..nul l lhlt-254-

CHl-.!oR L[ ADl R~I son, II est CostanManagers~ [ EYERS \[anager Freshman SWlI11I11l ngDA\ I S \lanager Vurslty and Freshman\\ "resli I ngTARKI'

........... _~ ....... ,. '. _., "rọ .. ....... - .,.\\ Ith the return of only n1l1e lettermenfor early prclctl(.e 111 ~eptel11her. the prospectsfor the 1C)35 foothall sea "on \\ere nonetoo hright I he loss of lJeorge ~mlth,capti:lm of the' 3-+ gridmen and t\\ ICC \\ Inner of theJacoh'" trophy fur the hest hlncl'er 111 the SouthernConference

Journcy Ing to Baltimore for their first gamea\\ay from 0. lil es Stadium the Gobblers suffereddefeat at the hands of l\ 1ar::, land University, ScoringIn the third period on a lateral pass after a long passhad put them In a sconng position, the Diamondbacks\\ on 7 0 Pete Cregger Sophomore nash, electnfied thecrm".! hy running the Icngth of the field after interceptinga pass on the <strong>Tech</strong> goal line, hut the offiCials ruled he had~tepped out of hounds on the l\ laryland 30 The ball washrought hack and put In play there, \\ here the Gobblers lostIt on dO\\ ns\\ Ith the COIT'IS of Cadets In the Richmond Stadium the <strong>Tech</strong>men\\ere held to a scoreless tie hy the \\'ililam and ~ I aryIndians OutplaYing the \\ililamshurg team throughout thefirst three periods the Gohhlers lacked the scoring punch,thrice missing attempted field goals as Sodaro's placements\\ent \\ Ide In the fi.nal period the Indians threatened to scoreon t\\O occasions hut the orange and maroon line stiffenedeach timeDue to an error hy ['lorida In scheduling t\\O gamesthe SJme day the 'Caters canceled their game \\ Ith<strong>Tech</strong> and the Gohhlers had a rest hefore journeYing toBluefield to hattie \\ ashlngton and Lee RallYingdramatically follo\\ Ing the intermission the "BigTeam" upset the favored Generals to the tune of15- 0 \\'Ith the Senior Class In the grandstandyelling Itself hoarse the Gohhlers matenak:edon their sconng chance after Dave Joneshad caused a \\' 6.. L back to fumhle by avicIous tackle, the alert Carpenter recOYerlngthe ball on the 26, From herethe <strong>Tech</strong>men marched across the finalstripe, Dickerson scoring both thetouchdo\\ n and the extra pOint.Shortly after the fourth periodopened Dodge and Piland npped the Generals' line \\ Ide open tolead a furious charge \\ hlch sent Ellis' attempted boot throughthe end zone for an automatic safety The final Gobhler counterresulted \\ hen Cregger took Henry's' long pass on the run cross­Ing the goal line unmolestedAlthough out\\elghed ten pounds to the man In thefon\ ard \\'all, the Gohhler line displayed an amazingbrand of foothall opening \\ Ide gars to enahle the <strong>Tech</strong>backs to roll up eleven first do\\ ns, \\ hile the Orangeand l\ Iaroon clad linemen broke through the Blue\\'a ll to continually hreak up the Generals' attackIany \\ere the jests that the <strong>Tech</strong>men thre\\'across the scrimmage line to their be\\ ilderedopponents \\ Ith Big Ben Dodge Captain Fittro,and Dave J ones the outstanding stars,H omecoming at rdiles Stadium turnedout to be "Foots" Dickerson's day, forthe b ig <strong>Tech</strong> full hack \\ent on a coringspree to roll up a ll the Gobblerpoints in a 27-0 victory O\'erSouth Carolina Unleashing a llthe pent-up fury of a surpnsinglyefficient running attack,marked by the bril-

.. -I iant plunging of Dlc\ erson anJ the ha II-carry mgof a tllO of s

aenal circus, \\ hlch had \\orked so effectivelyagainst earlier opponents, had little chance to getgOing in the heavy do\\ npour that accompanied thegameThe Gobblers, heavy favontes to hO\\! aSide the hometeam, chucked up eight first downs to four for the Caval iers,but were unahle to cro s the final \\ hlte stnpe Into scoringterritory The short, steady gains made hy Henry coupled\\ Ith Dickerson's punting featured the gameRain on Thanksgl\lng Day failed to dampen the Sp1r1t of theCorps as the Gobblers \\on over their traditional rival on l\ laherField, Roanoke, the score being \' P [ 12 V M [ b Asusual \\ Ith the battles het\\ een the sen'lce schools In the"l\ lihtary Classic of the South" the game was hard foughtthroughout The Keydets dre\\ first hlood \\ hen \\'aytClarke took the opening kick-off to race C) I yards dO\\ n theSide lines to elude all <strong>Tech</strong> tacklers and score a touchdo\\ n.The Gobblers recel\'ed the ne:\t kick-off and prompt Iy marcheddo\\ n the field through the mud to knot the count at 51:\-311,Dlder on crossing from the t\\o-yard line after Henryhad made a 13-ymd run through a hroken field Jimr ~a r1ey proved a thorn m the Gobblers' sides all afternoonthe Keydet ace continually hreaklng throughand hlocklng attempted punt Ho\\e\'er, It \\ as ablocked punt that enabled the <strong>Tech</strong>men to score a\ Ictory, for Fllnky Piland and Art Rohlnson teamedup to com'ert It Into a touchdo\\ n \\ hen the ballbounced Into the end zoneThe smart follo\\ mg up of Do:\ey, \\hopulled back from the end position to tradKENNEDYthe hall camel'S, enabled the Gobblersto recO\ er the majority of their 0\\ nfumbles, a trick that the Kevdetsfailed to use and \\hich pro~'edrather costly as the slippery hall escaped the grasp of the \' \1 I.toters Captain Fittro, Robinson, Piland and Do:\ey \\'ere standoutsm the <strong>Tech</strong> line\\'Ith \\ inS over \\ ashlngton and Lee, \ Irglnla ~ 1dltaryand Roanoke, and bemg undefeated hy any of their Stateopponents the Gobhler \"ere once again a\\ arded the mythical\ 'lrgln13 championship In addition they gamedthe first leg of a ne\\ Roanoke Chamher of CommerceTrophy for the \\ Inner of the annual Thanksgl\mgDay game .. Foots' Dickerson gained the POSItionof All-Southern Conference full hack, \\ hileJ ones and Dodge made the All-State mythicalelevenProspects for keeping the State title and,in addition, becoming a real contenderfor the Conference cro\\ n are very bflghtfor the coming season Only five menare lost by graduation, four of thembeing ends. Captain Fittro, "Buck"Reynolds, Joe Russell, and Bob DOXEYPflode are the four \\ingmen,\\ hile Jack Carpenter, starblocking back, is the othersenior.VECELLIOBRADSHAW

1 9 - 3Varsity Basket Ball\ lal, Ing the hest sho\\ Ing In the raSl three seasons, the IqJl) eJllIon of the I eeh eourtmen eomrleleJ the year h~enlerlng In the Southern (.onference I ournament Bt Raleigh, N C Howe\er, they were e1lmlnateJ In the first rounJh~ \\ a hlnglon anJ Lee, who hnlshed runner-urs to Lnl\crslty of Norlh CarolinaLeJ h) Captain Joe \ lotlolu who IS only a Junior, the I echmen scoreJ fi\e triumphs, IncluJlng a conference \ICtoryoyer \ l\ I I \n extra rerlod game droppeJ to the strong North Carolina State qUintet, anJ a thrilling hattIe\\ Ith \ \ I I , \\ hlch the I,eydets won h) a field goal on their home floor, were other hlghltghts of the seasonCoach' \ lonk" Younger had moslly sophomore and Junior matenal to budd hiS squad arounJ, the only seniorshelng Joe Siegrist, lanky ccnter, Lou l' ltlro, guard, and J un le \ Idls, forward Other lettermen, In addition to .aptaln\ lottola and the three sentors, Included \ la" SneaJ, . Scrarper" Day, Herman H aga, and IOrank Evans ewc mersto the \ arslt~ squad IncluJed \ Ici llenry, I rank \\'alkauskas, Carol Shocl ... e), Earl Lake, and Ruff l\ lurray, a ll ha\lngstarreJ on a first-class freshman sLjuad of the prey 10US year\round this aggregation Coach Younger hudt hiS team, \,hleh recel\ ed Its Inillal test Just pnor to the ChnstmasholtJays when It met the Roanoke Y team The <strong>Tech</strong>men trlumpheJ easdy to the tune of 42 I b, the game heingpla\ ed In the War \ Icmonal BuddingRClurnlng from the holiday. the Gohhler. settled JO\\ n to their Intercollegiate cheJules, but were unahlc to anne,a \ Ictory untd they came from hehlnd to heat their ancient m'al, \ \ I I, on the Blacksburg floor, the final score hc­Ing 31 2t) Prey lousl, the Nattonal BUSinG'S College from Roanoke the College of W"ltam a nJ \ lary anJ the L nl­\ erslt) of North Caroltna had Jefealed the I echmenI he <strong>Tech</strong>men were then afillcted With a long lOSing streak \\ hlch lasted for a lmo t a month, dUring \\ hlehlime games were drorped to Roanoke (.ollege \\'ashlngton anJ Lee, l nl\ erSll) of orth arollna, North CarolinaStatc, Duke, and Clemson On se\eral occasions the <strong>Tech</strong>men came close to \ Ictory, hut It a lways seemed tosllr (rom thclr grasp In the last (e\\ minutes o( pla~ The \\'olfpack was forced to go Into a n extra penoJ heforethc\ \\ erc rinall~ ahle to eke out a \\ In 0\ cr a hard-fighllng anJ determined I eeh fi\e, whde Roanoke won a sltmone-point deCISionSECO,",D Row Lake, Haga, Let/h, Shockey, !If Li/s , /lfe \/ptn[ IRST Roy\ Day, \\ alkatlskas, FLltro, "'fottola, Snead, Sieg fl st, H enry-262-

B u G L E--Emerging from thiS lOSing streak, the <strong>Tech</strong>mentook the measure of the HampJen-SyJney Collegetcam tWice. The score was 20 15 on the rigerhome floor, hut the game In Blackshurg was a closertussle, the final count helng 27-23 A 35-30\ Ictory o\"cr thc Da\IJs n \\ IIdcals InterspersedLhe Jual Win mer the Eastern \ Irglnla team, andlost to \\' lIham anJ 1\ la ry and the Lnl\'erslty of\ 'I rglnlaThe Teehmen JroppeJ the fina l Lhree games oftheir regular scheJule, lOSing to \ . 1\ 1 l., RoanokeCollege, a nJ the atlonal BUSiness College I hegame with the I,eydets was one f the most e'\­citing contesLS e\er played In Nlnety-I'our H a ll atLeXington, the lead changing repeateJly, WILh\ ' \ 1 I leaJlng by Sl'( pOints three minutes heforeLhe final whistle Captain 1 nola Jropped In LWOlong ones for <strong>Tech</strong> but the game enJed In fa\or ofthe "eydets1m IteJ to compete In the annual tourney, <strong>Tech</strong>J rew \\ ashlngton a nJ Lee for the opening gameHelJ to a Single field goal dUring the initial half,the Gobhlers came back strong to tally 1.+ pointsdUring the last half Howe\"er, they prm ed nomatch for the Generals who, leJ by the giant Spessani,won 30--20 ThiS marked the first conferencetournament that the <strong>Tech</strong> fi\'e had competeJ InSince 1932Captain J oe \ lottola pro\eJ himself a worthyleaJer by not only leading the <strong>Tech</strong>men In name,hut In plaYing ability as we ll \ Ia, SneaJ, HagaanJ .. Scrapper " Day were hoth scoring stars alongwith Henrv and \\'alkauskas, newcomers. ,\11three of tlie seniors playeJ stellar rolls, rlttro.Siegrist, anJ I\, hils a ll SCOring he~l\ Il y JUring theyear.SE.\SONS REC.ORD\. P. I .+2 Roanoke Y \ 1 C. .\ Ib\ P . I 13 National Business College 27\ P . I 21 L of (. 4()\ P . I 28 \\ IIham anJ \ lary 3l'\ P. I 31 \' \ 1 I 2l'\ . P. I 23 Roanoke C.ollege 2.J\ '. P. I I \\' ashlngton anJ Lee 50\ ' P I 2l' U of N. C H\'. P I 28 N ( State 4.+\ ' P I 20 Duke L nl\ ersity .+0\' P I H C State 4(,\ P I 32 Clemson Collcge 4l'\ P I 22 Washington anJ Lee .+2\ P I 20 HampJen-SyJne\ 15\ ' P I 30 Wilham anJ \ Iary 42\ ' P 20 L of \ 'a 30\ P 35 Da\ IJson C.ollege 30\' P 27 H ampJen-SyJney 23\' P 30 Roanoke College 39\' P 33 atlonal BUSiness C.ollege . H\' P 30 \' \1 I 38-263-

Olft,.. ~,""11,""" .. .... ., ...... • ..... ; .. - .. ,"1 9 - 36 -Baseball( ouch \ IcL\ cr faces the IQ3l)d"lm()nd ~ea"'n \\ Ith a teum that promises to return I ech to Its former high sta ndlflgIn colleg1

, ~. _ ".;~ ~.-. "-~:i, ," .... : .. -.! . ;:.:":.;... " ' .-- •B u G- - E\\ Ith such a gala,,, of material as \ IcE\ cr hasat hand, the hattie for the \ anous II1hekl and outfield IX,sltl()nS promises to he an C,(Cltll1g a ll- casonallalr Sonn~ I lulcher, the onh 300 hitter on lastyear's tcam, appears to hc thc (ln ly man who ISa surcd of aga ll1 earnll1g hiS pldce on the nll1e I li Shandlll1g of first hase has heen c'(ceptlonal\ n a ll -\'ctcran II1 fi ckl, 111 addition to I lulcher,includcs (,aptall1 Joe Russell , second hasc OwensDay at short-stop, and Ra~ Ihompson on thirdI hls comhll1atlon ma~ he shaltered h\ the array ofsophomore tafcnt which hoasts of Joc Barnetl,J ohn lJpO\ allielios, '\ lei Henry, and John ProhstJoe Barnett handled first hase lor thc frcshmenlast year, hut thiS \ersatde sophomore can pia}either third or home Howc\er, hc Wi ll prohahlysec most of hiS action from thc 'hot corner 'DJIO\'allidlos IS a dlmll1utl\'e pla\ er with plenty ofahdlt~ \ lei Henry promises to de\ clop II1to athree-Icller man hiS sophomore ycar He has a l­ready carned \'arsity poSition on the foothall andhasket hall teams, hut he f

- ~.~ • .j ,j,,.'".. ,. ... .,.""'. .. ....... ...... .. ... ,..... " . ,~~1 9 3 - 6Stllte Chllm/H,ms/llp ReicH I ~amTrack\\'Ith practically the same team this season as the one that stageJ a srectacular rerformance to keer m the leaJdunng all hut the last two e\eJ1lS of the Slute [3'g lour " \ lect, anJ remforceJ hy an array of talent from the 1935fre~hman tcam, the \ "Wnla I ech cmJcr alt"ts aprear to h3\ e an e"cellent opportunit y of takmg the title.Dunng the \\ Intcr mJoor season a pair of I echmen seneJ notice of what might he e"pecteJ of them outJoors(.aptam \ IOl hcrshcad anJ I-orre, t Rollms, nc\ l:r at their hest on the hoarJs, estahllsheJ new meet recorJs m the hal fmile anJ high Jump. n:spect" el\". at the ( hariotte,. orth (:aroilna, JUnior

1.1,>. '-------- • - ..- c,. :.: ..B u G L Ehome "'lretc~ to SCort: a douhle "'In Prllc.;haru and Turner rereatedtheir perfurmam.:e of the rre\lIlU~ \\ eek: h) again runnmgone-tv. I In the century (urltlng, .... h,,\\­in~ by the T cchmen In a spectacular bid for [liP honors kept theL."bblers In front\\'lth unly the broad Jumr and mIle rclay left. the <strong>Tech</strong>mensaw their 5 '.-pnint lead vani"th \\ hen the Ca\"ailers baggt:d tenroints in the Jump and then \\ In the meet by pl;H':,"~ ~ec()nd 10the n:lay. \\'on by aT cch team In the record hreaklng time or3 25 ,ho\\ in~ their heels to the (IrP'")c"ltion on the Cinder path.all six of the <strong>Tech</strong> runners tallied rpint .... \\ inning Indl ..... idualtitles in the 220. 440. ~HO, mIle and relay !\ f ulher~head ~coreda double v. In in the half and mIle and then anchored the rela)team of Shirk Pritchard and I urncrt loward \\tis"n I cch

........ - - ...1 9 36BoxingThe surpnse sho\\ Ing of the rech RlI1gmen agaInst the strong l nl\crslt\ of \ Irglnla mlttmen featured the <strong>1936</strong>sea'on of the Cohhler ho",ers, theIr second under the coachIng 01 Btll Porterhcld Ired Ilall Iq35 Captall1, was theoutstandIng ho,er of the sLjuad, hay II1g heen undefe

B- U G L EI hc Gohhlers won two meets of a sl,-meetschedule, winning mer \ \ I I In ad,lIuon to Slale\ classy L nl\erSil\ of orth ( arollna leam admlnls,lering a lerrlfic 7 . I druhhlng lO the I cchmen In lheopening meet of the year I reddle I lall \\ as the onhGohhler who made the least Impression on the I arI leel sluggers, the I ech former captam \\ inning lhcfly\\ eight class \Ia the deCISion route.I ech came through to Win the hrsl four malchesh\ deCISions and lhen clinched \Ictory 0\ er IlS archrl\ aI, \ \ I I, \\ hen Joe Russell fought the I,e\'dclcaptain, Boyd, to a Jra\\ \ \I I. annewJ thehem ler classes to make the rlnal count 4 1 ? 31,)I lull, Hall, Lough and hepparJ won lI.;'elr r~spectlveclasses\ surprise Jcclslon In the 15 5-pound class and aforft:lwre in the unlimited hout enahled Richmond toWin o\er the I echmen, 5 3 I reddle I fall anJ Ollle~ won for the Gohblers, whde the ralr of sophomoreaces, Sherpard anJ Ross, gameJ draws. onlO a flYing start against \ Irglnla w Ilh wins In lhefirst three bouts, the <strong>Tech</strong>men \\ere unable to mamlainthe pace and fell 412- 312 \Ick, Hall, andLough winning. whde Ross earned a draw.\ Ictory was not to he denleJ the I ech rlngmen.for the follOWing SaturJa\ night the Gohhlers do\\ ned"lorth Carolina State 5 3. Jesplle forfeitures Inhath the IIght-hea\'Y anJ hea\ywelghl classes. ~ lulland Hall opened the I ech attack hy winning lheopening houts Penland. State lightweight, galncdan unpopular deCISion 0\ cr Lough, hut the ' I echmencame hack In the next three classes, Sheprard,Russell , and Ross all winningPermitting the I"lng ( .o llege tcam lo usc theirfre hmen the ' I cchmen founJ the Bristol hoxers leXlmuch for them, failing l:>--2, after hm Ing annexedthe fir t two events Coach Porterfield took only threemen to the Conference (h

_~1JtIIorf'"'"'~fWo " •• ,... _M" .. __ .... ~. ,~1 9 36WrestlingRussell '1lntcI .:nckJ hIS wrestling CiHeel In a hla:.: of glory, although the dlt11lnult\e 1 cch co-carl

, - -. ~. .: ~-i: ___ ". • .- ...... ' -. ~ -B u G L Erhe I cch gmrrler~ orcncd their ~ca'(ln agalmtthe L nl\erslt, of orth Carolina. the I ar Heels\\ inning an easy 2t-. t, \ Ictory \ Ii Iller and Goodcntalllcd thc two lonc Cohhler \\ inS. hoth hy thc advantageroute. whde the [ ar I leels cLju'alcJ thiSnumher of Jeclsions In ad, huon to tahng lour houtshy fa lls. Sporllng one of the hest \\ rest ling teams In thehistory of the schoo\. \\ ashlngton ;Jnd Lee, al\\'aysfamous for the e,ccllcncy of thcl r grarrlers, shutout the I ech matmcn 3l) (J Only IwO Gohhlers\\ere ahle to keep from helng pll1ne~l. thiS ralr helng\ li ntcr and Gooden( artaln Bah Prlodc. wrestling for the first timeJUring the season, gained a Jraw agall1~t his" (State orponent durllcatlng the feat of \ lax GoodenIn one of the lighter \\elghts hut the rcst 01 therechmcn fe ll afoul of thc \\olfpack wrestlcrsholds anJ the Gohhlers went Jown in Jefeat forthe third succeSSI\C weck-end. 23-3\\'restling on their home m

• _ - •• LO.. ~'"!I!IIh~''' .... , .. ,,~, I ........ .-, " ....... _ .,.1 9 36 -He/ay TeamSwimminglcu h~ ( OJPleJlI1 llarr) I l"iher anu Cil3LhcJ h\ Pr4J!C"i"iOr P ( ~l.hl:rcr thl: 1 eeh rnermcll compcteJ fllr their "iCLonJ ~ear In collegiate cflrnr~l'tltilln~kl'lllll! among the hcst lank tcam"i In thl: ~"uthl:rn C\'nfcrcncl: the.: (,Ilhhlers \\cre unahle to rcgllilrt Ing lilit hl' .. l·a .... 1111 \\ Ith

_ "-------- • _"- __ , : :~ _. T_B u- L ETennis( aplamed h

.' . ~~ .. ~ .... "" ...... '" ...... "'-- .. ,.. .~~[. \~() , ..., S( 11E-.I ')1 1.1.\I'KII -+ J Jilmrdcn-S~ dne\\I'HII q L nl\ Lr"ll~ 01 \ Irglllid\I'KII J() \\ a,h1l1glOn and Lee\I'HII J I l3(X1n horn ( luh\I'RII 25 I 1,lInrdcn-_ \ dnC\\I'IUI J() L nl\ LrSlt\ 01 RIChmond\ 1 \) l nl\er~lt\ of Richmond1"q Southern (onlc:rcnce13 6GolfIlandlcdppcd h\ the luck of il golf cnurse uron \\ hlch to rractlce thc I eeh golfcr~ nc\ cnhcless rcoml'C to hm e acll1hlllatlon that \\111 h, a hit sted.her than thl' 1


Freshman BoxingS L CO'O R cm Ct'Qch Porterfield, Sharer, \1,Cald,..\/olll n.\ I It.llnger, .\h'neman, \1anager SadlerI I RST Ro\\ ' Gaugler, O'Sed , Roop, H ende rson , ,\/eador, (lillerFreshman WrestlingSu" 0 R,()\\' f'.lng. T&'Uf

• ~ • ~~ .... "'" I" .... " -- .. _,-. ...... f •/)lredor of I nlramural \IhlellcsPI nrT-,snR \ f B BL \/ RSiudeni IIlanai!.erE B I\ fnR>.19 36,\.'-",(/Ole ,\Iudenl \fanagerJ J S llll hLlJl\.1All-Intramural TeamsCf05S (lluntfY E. \ Brt:cJt.:n (I,) l :. P (,;JIICln (:1\ I rc ... h, J R. P rllh..,l (I -\ 11,J P \ cneola ' [-I'JOll£h F(lOlbl.lll L Loore (( 1\' Jr -~r). tJ I , Ixn: ( /-h,I. B. Er'teln C" Jr -Sr I. J ,\1 Crnlton (lldqt ). (, \\'\lcAlrhln (I') E A I'",chard IF I "). R \\ ~ .. \\der (I -\ /1J \\ Pnee I( ,,- J r -~r J A 'l .. lt .. l,l I -\11 [ II "e!l(C'V Sorh) T J Carroll Illd'll )lenml Sln~I.·" J H \ anD~ck , \I I Burr ,Ie" In " l. I \\ .. ,J(K), C [) ca~1e ( K )l'lurro,ks ['lu,kel Boll J l' '\lllIveew Jr -~r) \1 [" 11 .. lhert,.n( I ), P l, Tha)er 1-"':_0) I \, 1 PlcrCl: r J, J I- I'a~c el )fflilk R \\ Koont;: n ), A Fills (0;. I !\ 1 J)llu:J;la", lei\'!:>orh) J C DJ,,,,-an,d,, (0)Blld .. d Hall \\ [ I 1!llht.:rtlln ( I J L1 ' 1d .ulloch (1\) P ()I ha~cr IOJ ( T S.,ulhern IGI. J Laird Hd'll IFfd 'Ihftlll tJJ Ruh~ 1l:_1l", \\cilrn II !dqt I. l. I I (,arland (i Idql )II !:>aundcrs (Hdql ) J !:> Laird I IdqtI .,II.'\' !l.11I J I ~ ' I ~ers e,\ ). L [) \\cC"II"eh ( II (, \\ ,Ie,\I['hln ,F) 1. II (.Mland eHdql I. J [) 'IcCull",h \)J I Roll"" I Id Ljt )I nJ,l,lf '/ r'll" R W I (M ,nt= (I ) I { E [)una\\ a\' 0). \ t ,\( rclfci (J\l I "I L)!Iu ~ la ,,> (( ,IV I rl'~h) £:.. \' l3reedt.:n (JIt'n Pins R \\ I O(lnl: (f 1 E b ~dllr,e (Band, (, ~ca/l.\- 278 -


The New FacultyApartments

. :. • !" •,:f' ... 1'\. ~.":" ~'." .""

......--........ • ~..,..,. ... - .. _..-.- -. .. • .I~To Progress an OrganizationMust be Modern in Every Respect

1 936Corps of CadetsJ B \ AN D,.. KPrl'-\llit'nt\ 11 ...... E\ FI y~ SHI I ION·\rC1n\(lrPresident\ Ice Prt'.lIdentSe,

· _. -.'7. ~ :. ' -

·_.-............ ..,....- .. -..-- -, .1 9 -36Honor Court/ud,l:,t'. \ ~ hl( hilt' .J 1I.I.!!l\11 : \It,lrn , \ ~( P I ll.PI"ll, I, J(lIll' 'JoO N\ ,\,\1 \h,nt D lj, n./ang f \Ul'rnC v \, ( IlL I (II[- J.l~p K l ' lUI:\IE\IBCRS/urv rs~ I \J)'" ....\\ : 1 ~ l llm ....I J ( \RRnll( ( (O.... H'IR I~ C,"I \\ I h." I(, {J I h~~I ::'B I It: MH R"' .....l IVR:'\.lR:\ \\'0\1:\( I\\ \\'OOl)'"'11 ' .... Dl r-.; ' \ ~ /,mu e l l\" (lu \ tin O n /.:.. G,\lri!t' H .. nder,\'t1n \/nH/,Jr \Pf1er,\(ln'-.1111 1\.1 R"d' ,n s

B u G L ESub-Executive Committee(..) S I R\~( , ...t'!hllrrtilin\1, ... , L ~II:\BLlII SIIII'I Ell.";Pl1n.\(JrOl+ICERSChllffmallRepresentatll'e 0/ the SenIOr Class. J \ I l RAFI ()~Representatn'e 0/ the Soplwf1ll1re Class L \ \ [l r 1111lG. S I R .\N( ISRepresentatil'e 0/ the Junior Cia,., . ..Representatn'e

~~ ....... """".- .... ,..., .. _ "_roo--- _," II'9 36Student Finance Board" \~[WI \\ \t'itlllrnhlfl\Ir ....... ~1\RltlN (,lllH',1:";/11 1t1 \1 1,Cha.fI11al1Faculty \tIn"",r.1Reprt'sent.ng Corps oj CadelJRepreul1l1l1!! C.r,{wl1 Slllllml.\Repre.lt'l1l1l1g .)enlOr Class01 I It CRSl:. \'DR[\\ ~ Repreunllng Jun.Of ClassC I B\. RD Represenlll1g ,\,'phonwre ClassI ~" \ let, I II RepreJenllng Fre,lhman ClassI I, 5111RK) . B Represenlll1g Germal1 Club\ \N Dn h.\ \ GL OR(,[ Represmlll1!! c.\'ldlll'n Clul>.. J \I l RAFTer..; Reprt'St'l1l1ng PublleallonsL ...\\ H RL.,B)\"L~LLIO) \V RL.,BY) W WEBBG 5 I RA'C1S\\ 5 GOODEIhe tuJent [ mance l3uarJ IS a group maJe up of rcprcsentatl\ es from the \ artOus tuJent organIzatIons that ha\ethe greatest hnanclal Importance on the cClmpu , and Its purpose IS to supcn ISC the financIa l affaI rs of a ll stuJentor~Clnl:altOI1S anJ ClClt\ IltCS. Of parltculClr Importance IS the work of the /3oClrJ to maIntaIn lust anJ equahle admInIStratIon01 funJs m cascs where large amounts of monc\' must he collecteJ and hanJleJ b} stuJent officers.Durtng the past ycar, a unllorm s~ stcm lor the colkclton 01 ducs In the (.orps of Cadets \1 as estahllsheJ through theeflorts of the I mance Board \\'here prcllously each compCln\ hallallon, ,mJ the corps CIS a whole collecteJ duesseparatel~ to meet ItS own requIrements. the new system prOl IJes a centrall:eJ hudget "hlch takes care 01 the neeJsof eClch group In the corps Ihls SJ stem hCls mClde posslhle a rcduclton In the Clmount palJ hy each student, a II ell asm8kmg the coll eclton of dues c8sier and morc s~ stemaltcrhe /3oarJ consists of two laculty ad\ isors. a chaIrman the IxeslJent anJ treasurer oi the Corps of (.adeL. thepre.ldent 01 the (1\ tilan 5tu~knts ll110n thc preSIdents of the lour classes dnd the two dancc c1uhs, and J repre entatl\e lor stuJcnt puhllcatlons51 ( O'D RIm \1 If Rub" Gootle \ ecell", \\ ebb, \ an D.wk Franc.s, Crajl 'n[ IRS T Ro\\ Ge,'r,'e ,\1, \ ed, , Indrell s, 13alfd, Shlfk-288-{I

,_~. __ ~ 'to •••• ., "' .... ,,_ .. __ .. , .. , .f'1 9 36" \ \\ I KI ,/I111( 111 CIll' r[',hlll( In Chh'f".\(I.w"/',IlIe l ('\/1(lrt.~ J-lllielf\,t Edlt,'r(ndlllll r IIt,I(\UlSt"nt /-.(",IT\11" J I 1\""'\""lln~ '(~ \ \\ 1 "'II, 1-\0\\\1\'\1I""IIIHI{\\ \1 k,[·.R(, I jOII .... "n ....\\ l (I( I P\,.\I\hlll! l~dlt'ITBugle Editorial Staff,"\I I XUPI"'f\\\. ~1t'1l1 f:d."I' R I~ IItIM"fI tI'fliltll~Tll/lha ( \\ I Xl\\N'l\ ~." Han! Ph,l/(lf,TlI/lh"f ( I (Jnoj)IOE:.\ I \1 ~t1 tht.: 1ll.1'''' 01 Jt..:T:lIl \\pr~ rt.:qullt.:"J til PIt~luc.:t.: an annual,., thiS !-.I:':l: I, \l:r\thln~ ha~ til he cht.:t.:kcJ and Jouhlc dlt..:LkeJ andc\en tht..:n hliJlth,t.:.lhing t.:rrl1rs art.: JI'I.:(I\t.:It.:J .Illl'r Ihl: I 10k" "n tht..: rn:s .. All HI \\hlc.:h l11t.:iln ... ~I lilt Clf 1" ... t ... It.:tr anJ t.:las ... t..: ... tor C\t..:r"HI1C(pnct..:rnt.:d ,,::lU"'t.:" Iht.: t.:Juflr tn Inse d h.t III IJI.:,II .. and Illolke ... thc IUnI Jr'" \\ondcr \\h\ Ir1 tht..: ht.:ll Ih...:\ ncr camc flUl fflr the ... t;jlf 111 thc flr"'lrlaLl~ But Ilml IS.I p

B G E__________ J~Bugle Business StaffC \V ::'\.NO[.R ...H/I,\U1I',\,\ \Iana 'Il\IR

~~ .. ....... , ..... _ ... __ . _, .. .f'1 9 36I I

Ei fBlISlne",s \lanagCf" " "CIf(lI/alle'" ,\Ianager " ,The <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Tech</strong>Sr\f+\\' S ()OC)()[ JI1/-3uHn. H \/(/'lrll~ ,'IRS \\ S (,none,\'r(lnh1r, \\ $ ,onnc,\\ FI I n I R\s,lislanl Clfwlal",n ,\Ianat.ersI R \'\;(1 S EnH, R LH \lSI II',\Iarllng \lana,~Cfs'I Hnl'l'r'STrl' E (.noK£LelCal \dl'CfI"'"1g \.\.\I"lanl,sE E 'Int', I $\L..'-DI RSClfLlIlallOn \ssislanls\\ RICIII H $ (II \1'­PI Ll R R \\ RIGHT, f \ II'I'G,) H CR()(KHT,I \ I BRnw, F E BIBB,I' I' \\ IL~()'Of!iLt' \""i,llanllS \IiLU R, IHnRf \ \ hCLClerk"I I BL:BY,r L (\LDIII,'R L (I r \11 'I s, I E( m\L1"" $ B I)c)'-

- - ~ ....- ..... ~ ....., ...... _......- .1 9 36The <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> EngineerJ H ( \llll\\LII- , ,111,"111('111 J1r~ " J H. ('\I~Il\\11 L.\r('nH'(1:,II/('r -ll1-l/1lej\.'\,\llliate Edtil)frcatllrt' /.-dl/('rEijll OR I \ L 5 1 \ 11j R ( \ R[)\\ r LlS B \\ I

u G L EThe <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> EngineerP R I IN!)"' ''BUHnl H \/(/na~a'fl~'"E l-i L,r-.;O ... AYSp(ln 'tllTBu.wws.\ II /Ullager\ Sso(late Business II/anager .P R LINn~i\'P TrRRf'TrA\ dl'erll., ulg II/ana/!,erBL S INI:.SS S I \1 IAs.qstant BU,1II1 organtzed t llng around the harmcl· s

____ - 0 __ ._ .. ___ ~ ........~~-.~-1 9-- 3- 6 --,»F T ('I ' IJI\.[.htll(\ 11 ....... [~Il \NOR B I h I e III .ON.\',wnSt1rGuidonST \ f F

B u G EPublications CommitteeS A \\ ENKChulrmunt\ I RS (J T B,\IRD.SponSl.lrPL13L1C \[10 S (01\1\,111 lEES \ \\ [SKFat utty ·\til'I.,or.,PROF BAIRDPRnc \IeNr ILJ. R CARD\\ rL LL. T. GYILlI'.G\\ S Gn()[HP R LI I'.D~.\Yc.. \\ Ai'.DrR~\Vlth the aJ\'ent of the StuJent hnance BoarJ, the olJ Puhllcallons BoarJ was ahsorheJ as a nucleus for this newo rganization H owe\ er It was fe lt that the field of ruhllcations was entirely too specl

____ - ........ - .. _--..-. -. .I~/I Honor is not a matter of any man'scalling merely, but rather of his ownactions in it./I-Dwight

I-4'.I:!1--, __--- .-----

e_._ ___ .. __ ... _ _ ..1 36\ \ \\ \I "lh'''nI I ,t. R L)"IS(}wnulllir\11'" \hp(,\REl \toOR[.\'pt1n ~(.IrR. II (.ClI'E.l o\r...uS,rl"~Alpha Zeta\

B u G L EPhi Lambda Upsilon\'alional Honorary ChemIcalFralanLlyFounJeJ at the Lnl\crsit)of IllInois, 18c)

1 9 3 6Phi Kappa Phi\ ullonu/ Iionorury St /w tasti< Fraternitvl ounded Ulli vers lLy of ~ la ine, 1897\ . P . l. Chapter InstalleJ, 192 1DR. I. \\". H nUHR ........... . ..C. \ 1. E WM\ ~ .................. .. ..B. II.!. \\ 1D1.!';ER ........ . ..DR. J. \Y . W A1 .,O!';\lR~ D. \\. S HA!,;!,;O!,; .......•..Qf I I CE R ~P res lJent\ Ice PreiJ ldentSecretarvT reasurerCorrespond ing SecretaryR R BA ILEYJ \ I I B.\RKLR\\ J BLA IKL()( KL N BROU K ~R P CARTERG \ COSTA!';G. R. DA\ ISJ L D ILWClR Il IA. G. I:.DMON~O~T H EPES\ A GI.ORGIE G GRIGGD IIAYLE)I I \ H L \l PI IRI).,"ME 1BER(J. \ . J OII NSONG. I L EI':. t-. l \ 11.ADORR G \ IE LI CKJ R \ h ERS\ 1 P[R[[\\ . H PLETTAR G RoopJ C. SAND[ RSI W SU II'EIDER\\" t-. l S~t1l11R G I ARK I"'GTO!';C C \\ ADDI· [ L

BL EPi Delta Epsilon\'all onaillonorary j ournaU.lmFral emlly\\" S (Jilt lUIPre,\lllt'nl'1 () \ II I~(\ 'It Pre.Hd(,ntI S\l ..... 'H-W...,\'( r turvoLindeJ al Sy racLise L nl\:erslty, IC)()l)\ P I Chapter Installed, 19309yFICE:\\J, S yOsbDf'Pr~s lqe fl lL T Gr\TLl NC\ ',re Presldffl!J R. ·ARDWI I,.LT rea.wrer\ I q1\ IBEl~S.J R (

.. _-- ---- - ... , .1 9 3J r DIl\\()lUIIPrt:J,Jc.'nt'\ " LEORt.E\ Lee Prt:~LJl'ntJ \\ \\LB"Trt'usurf.r~IR" r 13 Dil \\(HU II'~"'lln.h)rOmicron Delta Kappa.Yalionai Honorary \ clll'lIlesFrolemllyI-ounueu at Washington anu LeeLnl\crslty. 1914Alpha OmIcron Circle ESlahltsheuat V P I . 1933) L. DILWORTHPre.W,tenl,. K !:>HIR"I F SAU:'\IOE:.R ...A. A G EOI\

B u G L ETau Beta Pi\a/Hmai "elnorary EIlt!llleenllgFra/erlll/vFounded at Lehigh l nl\crslty, 18'\5\ 'Irglnia BCla Ch.;Ds.\)Presldell/A. A. GIORG[\ i,,~ P[1Corrt kah 3h hJ 'e re/arysrLDE ~fE. IBERSB H \DI,,'"R R B\lL~)1 \. l-L B~\lU [ IL). 131 IKL.QLK] \\ 'BR.I\"DO".J 4 BR,l'wf',;RPC.\RIIR) C CoLJr \IA"G (.('''

------ - ~-~ .... - .. --~........ .' ~Student OrganizationsPortrayed in Modern Form

c~.,~II- - --1 ,I I

--- - ._- ........ - .. -- ,.. , ..1 936C \\ BRALl~II,\\\f',c.\h/UllIRS. I' L BR\O"'H \\\('I(ln.\OrAgricultural ClubOf-lie ERSf>'i'\ld( III\ Ill' P't'jld,'nt\ Id' P',JltiCfll\\ BII \0'>11 \\\.1, E LOOl'lJ R ~I,x,"r~ \.IllStV\ lu.' Pn:.\1,/t'nt\ h.t' Prt'Sld,'nl "\ lu· P't?H./.'nl . ...,'\ \. I PI~ IOIH\ \\ \1T'"H J \\ .. ,,,.\,'crl'lUf\' ."/'rcu.Hlft"St'f.l:,'ant ut \r,-,nI SliPI''''J H I RAY13 II RL'( "ERII H Hr· I FYI he \gricultural ( luh hnngs together 'luclcnts lrum all the agricultural cUrrlcuil \ meeting IS held each IhursdaynIght at whICh tIme tudents of one of the agncultural departments put on a program '1 he programs arc composedof IntereslIng talks from agncultural proles

B u LA. I. Ch. E.Of.FICERSPrcsiliL'nl (' () 1\"Sc.'c.rdafV\ Ice Pn'\/l/l'ntP (', 'HITrl,.'(HlIff(. J G CCIIL\I'N.... I~ (,!\INr ....E. N i\'DRL\\ SII 1 /lYRE'\\ L, l~AR NLSJ R I~RY ,\NT1:::.. \\. BliRROI .(., 1-1 ....R P C'RTLRJ' P C, \RKJ (, CrOY!)J L COLE::.\.I\NA ~ CRA .... CC H CU lllHLRf~ B ['ITTSL3 G.\INL ....J C (,RO>SH A HOTTJL JEFrERYu r jOIlN ... O'\l'\\' [) "\11"J \\ KE~TER'n:-.lH L K!'."ILIIT:-"IE~IBERSpeL \w ....{)"'-/J ( LH1) R L 1"'-10 .... ')\\ J \hRTI"J \ \tOlI ESR I \hTR'R II

- .. --. - ....36A. I. E. E ..., 1\ \I, ICh~IIr1'll"l11';~Ll.'I,IYR' \VIII I "I 'lo,\f'NlfOr( Ihllrman\ Ict-Chtlltl'ltltl~ II \\ I".J \' I I HMhLRSlY.r~(ur.\'CvlllHdl~lr . .•.. . . J \V .!-w IInL H NSPROFESSOR ClAUOIUS LEtI IlL ,tudcnt chdptcr (,f thc \Il1LlICan In'tltutc of [icctncilll:.nglflecrs \\il~ founde,1 ilt \ P I In 1917. PrC\J(lusto thdl dilte, thc orgdnl::iltlon \\ as I n()\\ n ";( '11nl (.11 I Blu( 'OIH\ II \\ (,.\fI P I (, K Lll "I ..( 1\1110' I. I, (,I.IIt.,_ I I' ( I 'I.~ I"J1 )IM~ I~ II I{ I 11\11 I' t) 1(( IIIIMIlDIII-f.ll"'l • R [) Ii "tBlllf K )) II \111l)ll\\1), ,\\ ""\I )) III .... Pl ~ ,I' .... R ( ~n\\ 1 III{ I I ifll 11l\\ " \I I (l \, I ...\I \\ ()TTI I Y\I !\ PILe 111 f1,I. B PU(.IIC, R \,,"LlNt .. '")i \I' ~IIN11()11tI '-a\lOI \1\ \ \"" l)",Il \\ \I L V IJ ( ' \I'ARE, ,\ \\'001 I fIlii'FOLRrH Row: Clbb. \\ esl, l.ufseyI IIIRD Ro\\ C \\' /)

uE--------------=====',A. I. M. E.\ \ (.t::.npGIPrcslt/t,ll\tl ~ '\"IE , PF!'.,I I P- .\rI1flS(I(orrl ERSj>r{'~"'I"lIt\ hl' Prnlthnt\ ()~OII(.LP RII~II\R[)Sl'I..Tt'hu\Facultv \Iemhi'rI K IIHPNPI\IlI II r RI RKII\PTIhe\' PI, Iineral(luh\\asorgdnl=cJIn[)eccmhcr.I C lJl In)anuan.I Q 35.thc\llncraIUuhbccdmcdstu­Jcnt chapter of the \mcrIcan Instltutc of \ lining and lctallurglCdI Englnccrs,\\ cel.l~ mectlngs arc held \\hlch afford the students at \ Irglnld <strong>Tech</strong> Interested In mining metallurgy. and geolog\an opportunity to gain information concerning modern de\clopments In those fiefds B\ ha\ Ing stuJents gl\ e shortldlks of thel r 0\\ n ch(l()slng and h\ h,l\ 109 outSide speakers the \ I \ 1 E hopes to hell' the student mcmher In hiScourse of study an,! to create an Interest In the suhJccts concerning the minerai industrIesIt IS the purrose of the stuJent charter of the \ I \1 E to afforJ the stuJentan opportunlt\ toa\dllhu11selfofthe prI\ lieges offen:d hy the \ 1 1 C I hcse pri\lIeges InciuJe aJmlttancc to man~ IlhrariLs In \merIca and foreigncountrIes. and intro..Juction of memhers to InJustrIal work anJ mines I t IS a genefillly acceptcJ fact that dffillation\\ Ith the \ I, \ 1. E has heen a great help In ohtaIn Ing employment and It gl\'es the graduatc memher a hetter chancethan the gradudtL non memher In finJlng a Joh\IC\IBERSI{ 1 \[ II"J \PPl:::P'tlI l, H\p!'.(II 1

---- - ----.- .. _- ......1 9 36\ \1 Bit!)" ....I> ( R \11.J I I), " ' I,.J II r-rm,.P I I I II :(.l P \I n\ ( J I I I r ~'\ () lJll., \II \\tJ B {,In 1:">.1 f(R til,,,, ..L \ III 11J J I',,,,( Ii"" 1'h«,/I~ P \1\R"'II\11!:> r \ll)oRI\ 1 ,\1< :-,;'".\ R PORT I RJILI I)~ I C, R \\, .... £:.,J \\' RIO'" TT r- RO'EJ \\ RI'HY( 1\ 1 ~\NL>H)Hn(,. 1 S\\\GEJ \\' SL""ER\ rl:-_ ...... ,t ''''D (. rl\lBERL\hlG C V\l'(,H"-..,rR C \\.l.EYJ \\'. \\ HITTI'GTII ......I "ll< III R()\\ \It,,'re RamIe\' /)!ltlln P",lafiel.! I alalle Grllwr. Graham. \Iar,lh11111

- 8 - U- G L E------------------ .~P't'sidcnl . .St'at'ltlr~'- J ft'U.'iuraA . S. C. E.~ ~Ill \.,"11-.\\ I I Sill H \., \t\.1 R01-1 ICERS~ Sill \., \TLPft!.udt·nt\ !Lt' Prt'~llJtnl\HUlunl ,)'t'lfl..'/ufVII II \1{1" \~\fu.... 5101\;£:." Silt \1 \ IISp{lnsof.) (' KuE II hiLI"The student chapter of the \menC

.... - .. __ . ~-....1 9 36A. S. M. E.()I I f( ERSPU,Utit'flt\ I, I Pfl q,/, IIIB \\ HI tlllP1)11 \\ 11K/IISt"lft'hlf\, ..I ft'lI\Ufl'rn Hif II-\~/) SI) R (11\'11'" ~':iIhe \ Irglnta lech ( hapta of the \ S ~I E. was organlzeJ In IQl5 , It IS a club organlzeJ fur thuse stlkiLnlswho arc not '

Bu GArchitectural ClubI I \\ \I h.l RP" ,,/~lltIt.."s R ~(IIB PE-'\;[II (TIIN,''t"\..lfl\()(01 I IC ERSPr~,\I"~111J. I I \\\1 '" RSeLrelary-Treastlra ,I I I. S 1 LJLI:c ( . PY~IThe Archltcctural ( lub \\ as ongll1ally

-~-- - -- - -- .. -..--......... ..193Biology ClubC P P'TIONPrtSI.JlnlPrl'Sld 'nt,\t" lIn.' \ Ill· P",\ ,.lentl't'lI\1lftr\ 1, ...... HORRY" A~nER"'ON~\rlln.~llrc P P\TTO~I I I I t>~HR)\ 1, ....... S .\ EIIl-.1101-[ Ie l::.RS\ It-l Prl..·,s'dl·ntSt'lfduryCrllll,It"" A Oc..LESBYI \V ljLA ......1 T I hRlI he \ P I Blolog\' ( luh IS a curricular cluh for stuJents malorlng In SC ience Its mcmhers con~l~t of thuse enrolledIn B,olog\', General SCience, Pre- Ic~"clnc, Pre-Dentl~t r ~ , and Pre-Pha rmacy SInCC Its orgunl::atlon In 1932,It has grm\ n stead d ~ In SI::C and rromlnence untd It no\\ ranks as one of the most Important curricular organizationson the campusrhe purpose of the [,,,,log\, ( luh IS to gl\ e the students a hroaJer and more comprehensi\e \ lew of the (,elJ ofsCience than can he gotten In the classroom \s speakers In their \\eekl~ mectlngs, thc c1uh has profcssors, hoth In anJout of thc Department of B,ulog" \\ ho Icad J,scuss,ons on the latest d,seo\ erles in sCie nce In orJer to get the practical"de of Blolog\' _ urgeons, dentISts, ph~ SlClans, and speCialists arc Im'lteJ to aJdress the club on suhlects relating totheir particular lieklrhe students \\ho attend the meetings arc pri\degeJ to meet some of the outstanJlng professional men of the Stateand nation as the\' come to speak to the cluh The \'alue of such contacts as well as the practical training in connection\\ Ith the scheduled talks and demonstrations IS consl,lcred such that college creJ,t IS gl\'cn to a ll mcmbcrs who attenJregularl~I)unng each year the c1uh plans and holds se\ eral smokers, parties anJ a P'CniC for the entertainment of those InthiS department \\ho ha\e enrolled as memhers of the cluh~IE\ IBER SR ALBl:.RlI ' I BI""B (:OIIENJ -\ CllXJ \\ [)" , ...1 '1 Dllln:-..;'\11 ...... ~ A EILE:.II( \\ E\ ,.."J \\ GLA ......\\ ~ t,RI::\RDI I I hRIJ \\ I h'''LTT[) L. I IIo"LER1\ 1, ....... E ,- Hnl DE'\ 11' ..... ~ \ 11m Dc'RBI It ""~II B L'(,HlH R Ll1TlE() B , ! \yHLRRY\ \1 Ie PIIU{..,nN

BuThe 4-H Alumni ClubIlh,,"'-) I , .... ( III:.R JRPn.HJtnt\flSS Bl::.\ERLY C\RPLRSplln~()rPnsl,lt'nl\ Ile Presl,lentSecretaryCarrespLll1dil1g ,\"(ft!lllry.. 11i i'.R' I I~( III R IR / rea.luraL ( ClOKE RepLlrtaR S GRIFrI:-< ,\ergeal1t at -'lrms( ( ()INER Faculty \

--~-- ----- ~--. . -....1 9 36--Engineering Council~ I~ \\', "('I!UI'OI

8The Short Wave ClubW [) IIFNDER ,ONPreslJf?nl!l.IR', T. E. IIENDERSONSponsor[>(t:\ld, nt. .,\ ILl' P't'\ldlnt ..SeCft'llJr" ..\\ n IIt NIlIHl.,nr-.o \\'1"1\1

------- M..- __ _ __ . _ _ ••1 9 36r N RR(WI ESP'l'Sltlt'fltA.II~~JINNIE BELt AB[RN\TlIYSpons(lrY. M. C. A. CabinetPr':SlJt:ntT !'J BRon [\ It:t' Prt'~dull I \V (,I ,,"':'l011 leERSSl!ut'lur" ... .rr('rJ~l~r"rR I~ I iL '''''LLII I I.( IIERSince the establishment of the \ Irglnla .... gncultural anJ i\[echanlcal College In 1872 the Spirit of the Y 1\1 l. Ahas manifested Its presence on the campus Students anJ professors ha\'e always composeJ this socletyofChnstians,and undouhteJlv It has heen this honJ which has made possible the p,oneenng effort that IS largely responsible lor theunity which for so long J,stlngulsheJ the Ide of the collegeContinUing In the faith of ItS founders, succeeJlng generations of Chnstlan \SSOCtallon men ha\e employed thefollowing means to keep all\'e those nohle traJ,tlons which all I echmen chenshI Cabinet fellowship9, I nJoor recreation2 \ 'esper sen'lces 10, StuJent emplo',-ment bureau3 Reitglous emphaSIS week II Leadership of Blacksburg hoys' clubs-l \,s,ting sreakers 12 Sen Ice to underpn\'degeJ people5 StuJent counselling 13 Deputation teams to high schools anJ collegesl) Y. \ I C \ hudJing sen Ices l-l Sen Ices to alumni7 . Y " :-" 10\ les 15 Representation at state anJ national conferencesIl, Dormitory facd,t,es[) -\ "" B"'HJ t\ 1 BLE"'''"~1 l,. BRIr.1I1'\ ( BRO\\N~. C l3ROYI '" c;;T '.J BROYl E'T A CnBR( H CllIHf\('~1II L Do\\,,'J B DoWN'H. E DUNA\\.\)(, \\ EA'ON, J"( I~ I E \LA!\,;.R l{ r--F \C. \N'H I ~15LHERI \\ G, A"J \\ {,PEL-NR ~ ~ (,PI! r INE, (, (j(tl(,{,F I H.\R\EY\\' [) HENDFP 0 .....R () I hrnlLRR 1\ HE""El.\\' G IRE'-"ONJ L JEFFRE)(.LI weE J ONt-" ,R I L ELUIL R L,LON~ + \fd;~-(~,~l,)C t\1 t\IE,\I)

____ • -- -~ ___ A ~_, ..1 936German Club) \\' \\'EARPrOtd,'ntt\11 ...... \\ INI REO f0P(,/\N.\'rllnWrPrO;IiTI'nl\ lu~ Prt',sh/nll.J II II, ''''IRII""\ J.\ I.!iIonl ,\n (da'\' I (l'll,~II(t'r01+ IC ER~SCt fc/tlf \' l'l'tHllrf'/ Clld..,) N ( 'P(,II,n \ Rl'(HrR, jg.Ihe German ( luh of the \ Irglnla Pol, technic I nSlitutc was organized 111 I !l92 I t IS the oldcst organl:at ion of ItsKlIld on thc campus anJ stili posscsscs the nne qualltlcs


j~'------------------1 9 36Cotillion Clubc S FR"~'I""Pr"-'~Id"nll\ tl .... ~. f \R' [ \1 I:: \R£:..TII PR\ ETTE,\{lc1tl ~flrPre.lldcnt\ I,e P resIden tS", retar\'-T rea.lurer(, S I R \ M ISJ G 1('0\\ uo,r I JeFFRIESSergeant oJ! \ml.\Oll- ICERSI eada,\econd \ I,e Pre.lIt/enl\ .\.\t Se, relar\'- T reasurer, S :.CU I LI ~ ( ['em [LL\ 1 (, \\ [ rIIERALLJ D 1\ I OORlc.rhe (,otJi/ton C lub was organ i::eJ \ la rch S 19 13. to conduct a series of rorma l dances each year ro r the corps orcadets. and to endeal'or to Imrro\e social corJllions on the camrus rhe cluh has perrormed these fu nctions contmuouslysince Its organ l::atlon, gil mg four sets of dance,

c oT,1'1ISS [L ZA~CTt I ' HI P' [TTOHN N(, COTllLIONILLIoN5MI~ I'Wll.fN(I'. nOllHIEPTHAN ... 1\~'NlJ rOT I LL I )NpoN5MISS C'AIl.

--- ~ ... - --- -- - - -1 93 6Order of DeMolay\llHtl'f (',llUl.. dl"f , FilII ()flluto\fl,.l.ltl,.r l ',llm. Ilft l ' ,\P'"1S: (jllt"t, fIrn,,,,,crI I ~"t '111 P J I ~1\ 1 II I"INIII I I( ERS\/tuta Clllfh dlof \\ Inl.., Ollor'",.\~'IbcC. .\ P \\!PI '''''.\ l, lJPI I N(' II Ipln-I he :orohahd (haptcr of the Order uf De \lola~ \\as InstalleJ In Blacksburg In IQ29, unJer the sponsorship ofBlackshurg (oll1ll1ander No 32, of the h.nlghts I ell1plar~ rh,s (hapter IS a hranch of the great national fraternalorgilnl=Ul!nn lor young Il1cn, which has chuplcrs In all the larger cities throughoul the l nllcd StutcsI he :oruhahel (hapter has at Its chsrosull \\'0 cluhnKlll1s In thc Blackshurg \ lasonlc I Il1pic through thc courtesy01 the Incal 7\ lasonlc organl=atlon rhcsc roOIl1S arc a great asset to thc C luh In thHt they pro\ Ide a cOll1fortahlclounge for social gathcrlngsI)ullng thc school ycar 1L13S -31) thc ( hapler has cnl(1\cd an unusually succcssful \car unJcr the capahlc Icadcrshlr01 ' Srcc Saundcrs, \gglc EAP:l \1 I \\ nt r ... no."j~ B 1111 ~ \\ ~ I \100,,: I 0 I'rHPl.,n!'.; t, I \\Pl:.S'l\\ ( l ' lT:rHRII ...I (II Rill Ro\\ Ctlnt GIIt"frdnt, 1hllYd, \ ll,ltn. \Itnkr \\ lllJwn. \\ r,'n \\ In~Jld,/, LtlFlm Burn.sI HIRD Ro\\ \/dun "'tnt'. "dlt'v FillS. Ct>la \1 tn~kt'r Gvgl Stult: Irl·.~fJnSH_(I .... n Ro\\ RICl', I II [)lltt.~, [)it,kmun J 0 Omls FillS. Fl'rnt"\"h,lUI!h. Gnffin. Thllm~lmI IP S T Ro\\ Guns, j5,,'rd, Pumpltn. Grcl'n, Smmdc:rJ. hon. Irby, [>UI!j. furner-326-


--- _ _ --- --~ .. _- __ . .,;rIIIIIIIIIIIjIilacbelorr OP R()\\ Bachman, Cra/lon, E. G Dans, G. R. DavIs, FrancIs, Freeman, GreenhI fll ROI\. Reynolds, Presldenl, II/lois I ";;Inla Franklin, Sponsor, Cargtll, I Ice Presillenl, Russell, Sec.-Trcas.I O\..,R III Ro\\ . flammer.,lrom, flolloway, Hyall, I rbyII/IRD Row jejTnes, F E jones, S G jones, Knowllon, LIndsay, Lugrl/1, II/cl'aySUDi'[) R(m II lONe, II/or.le, PQu'ell, PnlLhard, Pu;;h, Roberson, RuckerSanders, Shwnale, Spiller, I an Dyck, II alker, II ebbhRST R(m-328-

B u G ESouthern Colonels.\ I I hRl '-f\N.\/tln., ~r und D"t'tltlf\lps\III\~p.I\"JSrtlfl~,'r\IL\ Il3LR!-.\funlff'dllr

1 9 36Alleghany Mountain Clubf

BGApollo ClubB J H ER'''NPresllh'n!1I. I RS E . A IIERMANSpo",orPr ~,\I d~ l1tAccompal1l :.t, . ,.B ) I II RI>I \ N,\~, r~ tury-' I reasurer .RUDO LP H CA~ II'131 LLA ssociate DirectorOr-I· ICERS\ ' Le Pre,I ,d,en tConLiLlclorP ROF E.B ack in 'Q 5, V . p , l. organized its first Glee Club, Off a nd on, untd 19 10, <strong>Tech</strong> continued to have a ma le chorusLa ter, In 19 1Q, the students of V. p, 1. aga in felt mus ica ll y Incltned , con equently a minstrel group was organi zedfhe " T ech Ilnstrels" IInmedla tei y arose to fame for their \'a n ety ot entertainment These ongsters a nd j okerstra \ eled often a nd appeared In ma ny Cities, untd 19 31 , when the organt za u on was d lshandedO rgani zed la te In Octoher, 1935. and handicapped hy a sma ll numhe r of memhers. the G lee C luh p racticed ha rda nd fa ithfu ll y, hut met With little success, After the Chnstmas holtdays, a d n \e tor memhershlp was underta ken,\ s a result, twenty-two men were enrolled In the organl;:atlon T he sen Ices of G i\ ) ohnson were secu red as conductora nd Instructor, P rof Hines, became associa te d irector, a nd 1\ Ir Camphell continued as accompantst Lessthan a week la ter, t he cluh grew to Its present strength o f thirty-t hree memhers Ihe C hora l ( lu h then agreed LOchange Its name, a nd has since heen the Apollo C luh Apollo, the patron dC lt) of music a nd song, gl\'es us ourname, and all those \\ ho enJ oy the sweet concord o f song prm Ide our inspirationI I R~ T TE"URII \ \ . (,\RR I 'II r GRl ssB J H ER" '"II l \ l c~~\1I: 1\ 1 PAI" ' E"J \\ PIER( ilJ R PO\\ LE.)W B \\ INE\ IE\ IBERS!£CO~D TE'I()~ .Ili ~~R. B. ANDLR .... O~ ,(}"l'~ JJ L. BORDENH.. L I l E IC 111 1

1 9 36Capitol ClubR l. rLETLHfRPrt'.Hdt'nlt\ f l

u G Lf·Hampton Roads Club~ (\R(,1I1Prt'~,J,nl)1' . '\1,.., ... BE:: \ I RI Y 11\IfH'IU \KESpl1n:ltJfPresident\ Ice Presit!~ntor rICERSI 1 ('\RGILl Secretor\'-Trea,\lIfU' 11 I ILLl:: Sergeani-ah \rms.C I LIS::. \\. R. T "LOREach eptcmher finds an Incre;Nngh IJrge numher of men Journe\'lng forth from' I he Peninsula' to enroll ut\ Irglnta <strong>Tech</strong> and \\ Ith theIr enlIstment Into the chool they hecome memhers of the Hampton Ro,]ds C luhThe old memhersof the club foster fncnJshlP to those entenng the scho')1 for the first tIme an I 'IIJ them In hecomlngucqualnteJ with the cumpus anJ c;]mpus customs. I he cluh hlnJ, IOg~ther In ul1lleJ fnenlshlp all classmen from.. rhe Peninsula"The Hampton Roads Cluh IS formu lareJ lor snclal functIons anJ gooJ-\\ III aJmlnlstratlon ilmong its memhers anJmemhers of the Corps rhe soc Ial hIgh-light' of the duh IS Its annual (hnstmas Janet: presenlcJ ' ilt home' Jur­Ing the hoilJays, ,\nother annuill e\ent IS the hilnyuet anJ Jance gl\ en In honor of the (. \ (. SenIors \1 h lle In campat fort" lonroe Junng the summer ' makers preJomlnate while the member are ilt school anJ the c1uh' bUSinessIS thrasheJ out 'mlJ . smoke rings," I1Ihhfe of food, and fnenJl) laughter.I R L31£:-..I..,ONR J BE"':U"-. 0 BRA~ ... n)ROI- G BRE""'''R\ 1 \1 C\R".,LH 1\ 1 C \RTER( CO\Tl ETTT \\ COLEBL'RNF l.J D·\\ ,...\\' I DE"J \I DERR\ J [" 1 1I IlJR \Nr\\ -\ l.Jttli I, lilt\\ I I II l\\ \RL>\ 1 II 1-""\\ P 1'.\1 1"";F L \ l d~lR"IC\I~ I\IEl \ I"(J H '-ILL\ 1'-1\ S f ILl [R\IC" IBCRS\\ H IItILf~11 \I \ l"nRIR !;:, PLl.J\I\II:::.K11 POll ()( KI" D PRUl [)\I \'-/I [) ROil IS'"!) , . ~.\U!'.lDERSJ \V ScHOLTEN ...\\ H SHA\\C J ~IE('R"T( 1 ~\IIIIIL.:.. E ~\I()l'\'J R ~"l)\\I t) S"YDI R,R I ~L" \I 1\ I l- ......,I \N(., l \\·IL .... O"JtJ A \\'I~( riEl D( I I \\ (XII)~ \\'000C L \\ OOD\\ \R[)fOURTH RO\\ Smith, \\ art!, \\ ood, Grant, Holilngsu'orthrHIRD Row. Pollock, Ca rmel, !son, \fliler, \fcBurney, S/1011 , Suratt, CarterSCCOSD Row Bent:el, Smola, J\felt'ln, PrL,udman, Slegnst, RollinS, Gn/fith, BrennerI IRSf Ro\\ Davis \fdler, Tayitlr I ~11: Cargdl, Stult:, \\

. - - . -F_~ ~··~""' . ' '.1 9 36Lonesome Pine Clubl~ \I PRIODIc.J>rl'\tdl'nl\11 ...... '-.I \()O\II C:cn [\I , .....'\,!~I}n'\llrPre."denlOH' I( ERSB \ I. PRIClDl. \ Lee Pres,denl .Sec reluf\"- T reusurer P II PORTLR... F. B. rHACKERIhe Lonesome Pine Cluh IS a soclil l grouT' o rgi.lnl=ed 01 the hoys from the counties of Southwest \ Irglnl a, a longthe' r ra il of the Lonesome Pine, 'Immorwitzed hy John r 0:\, J r , In hiS famo~,s hook of that name The nucleus ofthe c luh IS formed hy men from Dickenson (.ount\, hut any from that section are cordla ll ~ Imlted to JOin our groupOur purpose of organl=atlon IS to foste r a fraternal fee ling among the men of that section a nd to enJoy t he henefitsmade pos Ihle hy such an organl=atlonI Inanclal surport fo r the c lclh's actl\ Itles IS recel\ cd a lmost enti rely from t he reven ues of the annual Ch ristmasdance I he dance thiS year was t he hest that hus heen held In thelt section of the StaLe In many years We have onl ytll hupe that In the future the c luh wil l continue the success that It has enloyed thiS year\ fE\IBERSJ C ,,,)\ I IHCIIT A (, I RI[N[) G P lI.lL ONNEL L ) T SKEEN( L BRO"\DW ATER \ C I liLLER (, T NrCHOL..,O,\/ D C. SNODGRASSJ W ("1-1 \"'E I \\ (}1 \ ...... P H PORHR I- B TIIACKERJ 11 COLLIE:.R '1.1' I II H~":'J B lI. t PRIOUE W B TRI'\.ETTE C COLLEY ) \\ l'E~lE:.R ... n~ R R ROTENBERRY II) TURNERF C COMPro":'J ( R L Y:-.JUI ) lI. t ShEEN ) 0 \VALLACEB lI. t De\'oR"Sr.co'D Rm, Turner, Chase, II [cConnell, Frtend, Keslerson, T rll'ellF IR!>T Ro\, Fuller, Thacker, \1 allace, Prwde, Porler, ,\nodgrass, Glass-334-

B____________________ ~w--------------------~.Lord Reading Club\1 P.i\UP''''Il/l'nt\fR' ~ PeRl-1.\pl'n~(lrPresidentSecretary\1 PllUt\ \ \S\[)'01 I I( ERS\ I'~ Pre.lldentTrealUrer ..HIl!'!'1 '\,'.,] [ I'I R \ lOLl r ,In thc la ll of 1l)33 a gr,)Ur 01 seniors. r ca ll ~ ln g a need that had C'dstCJ at \ P I for" long lime. lOok steps towardthe estahhshment 01 an org"nl =iIl Ion thm would aid ,n shaping the characters of the )e\\ ISh students

---- - --- -- -- - - -9 36Lynchburg ClubR ( \RI)\\I-IIPrl'Hd~'nt11 ........ h .. \ THFt'l ""J ( ~ \lfIl\\LlI~f,;ft(ln\(lrPrC:lldtnlSnrt'lllfYI{ C\~J)\\I IIJ \\ C,,,, R(ll I ICERS\ Itl Prnlt/,nl"Jrt'tUUft".\ I, .\l)hIN"'ON\\ -....; I I \\1\11 It "IIIH )\1R !> I~l ""' "I he L\ nchhurg ( luh 's comfX"Ld 01 ho\ ~ from L\ nchhurg anJ \ 'C'nlt, !"he cluh "one uf the olJesl JnJ largest01 the scclionJI cluhs here Jt !"eeh'rhe club 's pnmarll, a soc,al club although It Joes Its part tol\ arJ encouraging huys 11 \ Ing In L, nchhurg anJ \ 1-Clnlt\ to come to \ P II hc duh, this \car hJS a large numher of seniors that are q.llle promlnelll In lhL aell\ 'lies al \ P I , hoth socialJnJ academic I here IS some qucsllon In our minds as to their ahlillY to kecf' girl fncnJs aller the ( hn5tmas holidays!"hen therc IS that ccrtaln freshman who had tollgh hreaks a long that same pathEach ycar the cluh sponsors .J hanquet 'Ind SC\ cr

==------ - - .~8u G........................ ~: .--------------------....Mid -Tidewater Club\\ I I~I"'i1'P'4'\I./.'ntIi~ ...r r fhll,r.'ii/"lon.S(lrP resident, ecretary and T realllra,\er ·'eant at \ rm,1 .\\ III: (BIR"l ~( \ \ 'AR[\ ILG::,,,The l\ Itd- I:dcwatcr ( I,.h was organl:cd In thc ra il or I C)3~ through thc cffons of SC\ eral students who re lt the needof closer re llow h ip a nd hetter acquaintance among I ech tucknts from the co' mlies of lathe"s. C loucester \ \:Jdlesex,I' lng anJ Queen. I'-:ng \\':ll lam, Esse,. anJ New ".ent On New') car s E\ e of that year the c1uh helJ Its firstJance In \\'e t POint r hls affa ir was a great success rrom e\er~ standpoint dnd the c1uh r l

1 936Mid -<strong>Virginia</strong> Club\\ BIt,r) .... ,I\\\Pr,\I./,nt\1, .... .., Rl'THJrrIIH"'".\"''(In.~(JrI',,,\/,Iott.. \'(Yfttllf"( \\ Bil \ll' II \\\(, ( \ \1'1.11 ''''()I I· IC ERS\ ilL' p. Hdt'nlI fCIl ~ Ilf 'fII P TPl UII- \11 IJ 1\1 JOliN'\\ " BAPI SOI\LrI he \ Itd-\ I rglnla ( luh IS mude up of those fe llows In school from the cent ra l part of the State .. \ ItJ-\ I rglnla ..Co\ crs much tern ton 0,\111 (, R \'1 p,n!".;I, I [, 1:-..( I I I PO\\f-ll J" t. \\' " , .... ,.(:)( fI I RIH II I~ !>O\\f R ...."I cHR 111 Rcm \hh'll rru~h~llrt LII~ll ,\/1l1th f R G~eIIIIRD Rcm \/ollre, PlItMY, L \\ Gee, 13 [) Ga itar" " , Inge, I.andSr (n:--;D Rc l\\ Eml1,,' Bell. 1.lg,'n, Flt:~erald R,dout LOl'e \I o.\el~\'. \ ern,ll1I IR~r Rcm lIamld' Gdl Brand"I1, \ aughal1 13rad.\hall, fohns 13'arksdale Irhy, P"lll'1I-338-

uGE--------------------_.--------------.... ----....Preslllcnt ,\ lee PresidentMonogram Club,C ~ l nlI I1R ~II["\DL S RI y, (\LD..,()I I I( f:.RS( I \fIlTllrR .... J!l \IlPrt'.~ldt'ntSecrelar\l-TreasurerSergeant at \rm,\f\1'.., .... E\F.I)"'\I \fnnlrR~lu ,\(1.\i'},)n.~{)rF L) ROLLIr-.;..,B \ 1 PRI(ll)lThe ~ lonogram (Iuh unJouhteJly comprises one 01 the most elect organizations on the camrus I-or a m

1 9 36~ H,I ''''"IP'''Pr""l,flt~11"''''Ell \ Rl ~"'III,\'/wn\llfNewman Club()II Ie LRS[>r"'1,lel1l L S Rr\ ,ell ()~II::.\IRLRSI J \HI'P \\ l,1 \ J \ \1(11111\ \ ( [' I (\I- \P:\\ - HllO\\'./ I' J 11\",R- t, ()'('\l IR I \ \'n [I I InJ J HI ::In \ 11111 I ()[ "d ....J \r~Tt'p.\\\ R ( III I .... C II Jill 1';;(1' \1 J H ' .... 0 I [ \'1111 I ClI \ (', ~R \"'-1 I' K 1"IlT: I .., Rt Y!\,;OIIl (, ( \\'11 "'0'J I), HI \ " 1 I I \Ie [4:-'; '" J [ , ~I 111\" I \\ 11Th. ",pI' 1\ I), I t PI \ t. T frH\l k.1l \ IltlllllHl1 t. " \\ OR 1111'( 01(1"./I C l ,\11 \(.111 H \tlll (RJ I tRP \rI he I 'C\\ man ( luh \\a foundLd h\ (,ardlnal 1 e\\man of Engl

B u G L---------------------,.---------------------,-P resiliellt\ ',ce Presld"ntNorfolk ClubII1)1 ""I I r, ) R,S r , 11 \t l()I [- IC I::.RSII r RENNrTT .1RPn·.HdcntSeLretarv- T reasu rerSergeani ; I· I ~ I ')J B 13 "TIL I ... , I I I L)\\ I'" 1/ I (J \1 I.:. J 1/ I (;(lI~L)IIN I P 1\ 1 \11111\' .... t, I \\' "I I ", 1[- \\ Bl'RROl (II \\ K I t!\.l l Rf ..... 1/ "-(/H.I R loRH oc k. \\ I \\ 1 fmJ \\ ( \1, 1 \\ I 1-1)!k.I-'" J \ Ih'HR I l1" nL 1\ ("R, I) \\ II .1 ....J C ,\RROI L l- L r ORRE ... r I 1,_ HE'\R:"J \I H (hTl E)\ \ \\'UOII(WIlI 'OURT II R0\'\ Donn , II rmn jones, Baker, l.ackey, Sea\', Goldhlatt, i:a,1t1n-I H I RD Row Comess, a l ll'a, II ebb, Folkes, !-lamer, Gygl, I learn, BaneSrco:'-.D R0\'\ Gordon, Futrell, Bu rr ou,~hs, Rano, \1 oolf",d, Cohel1, Mast, DansI I RST RO\\ Ca rol Pritchard, Jones, "1101"/t0I1, Bennett, Iiall, Gale, Fel1treu Cake- 341 -

---- - -- -- -- .. _--- -- -1 9 - 36Northern States ClubL. S Rn"o[ 0'Prl~sjdcnlf\tIS .... \ I ReINI \ FRAr-..Kt INSpontOrPresIdent\ ',ce Pre,Hden/L SREYNOLDS\\' II 1 ' r.ATII['R~Secretarv-TreasurerSergeani at Arms1\1 I, CUMM INGR B ANDERSONTheta Nu Sigma, since Its organization In Iq31 a the Northern States C1uh, has grown rapidly In size a ndact" llies \Ve Yankees, rroud of our heritage, seek to hrlng together those men from the Northern States In order torromote aCLJualntancesh'r and a lso pla\ our part In the social life on the campus Students from the North attending\ ' P I are distinctly In the minority, 'and through our cluh we endeavor to make our presence both known and feltI n fact, we seek to make It clear that the" damn Yankee," as we have heen characteristically ca lled, IS slill on topDuring the year we feature se\'eral smokers, at which lime leading figures on the school faculty add re s the cluhI n past years our sectional cluh has heen unlLJue In presenting the only military ba ll on the campus ThiS dance ISJ,stlnctly northern and It IS one night In the year when It IS the Yankees' [Urn to' shin e. " Our Ch ristmasJance, stagedIn New York (.Ity, featUring the famous Ted F,o R'La and orchestra wa the outstanding event of the yea rOur cluh CO\ ers a much larger area than any other cluh and thiS year we are proud of the fact that we are thelargest sectional cluh on the campu One of the main purposes of the cluh IS to popularize and publiCize \' P I asmuch as posslhle In the North, In order to Increase the Northern States' rerre entation at \'. P I Theta u Sigma,composed of men frolll the North, offer real Southern hospitality La allR n ANDI:-.R .... n.....;N I:. B'RR'() F BERN \or:-.i11 \\ BJ"-R"CJRR II H""""~I) R B C"':;'''8ULC I COl"A :-.: CR'N' Jp\\ n (111:-.11 r ....R I (:1 LMl:..r....I ....\\ R (\ I I E~\ t K Cl,~IMr~(,II t, D"HJ 0 DI\m"-lDR J i)oR ,' NI 8 Fp .... TU '\;I , 1\ 1 I '"[0\\ H I EA fHl-'R St\ (J l ·o .... Tr:RF ( C"r I \(.HFRI I ()\RBI RI I [0 (,Rt'RRI C 11,,,," 1EMBERSJ I' I hN[ZE'C ) I IA \ r Ie EKC \\ IIEuER1 R HOM\lO\\L N\' 1 i; .... k1N~~:·:;;1t RI I "' 1"Do""IJ. JRI' L '\lcENA""II "1 ,\1EYLR') \\ "..II(1IENERJ A '\ 111 [ ER) A ~ILltllOtl \r-..oR (J n'CON"()I~S 1\ 1 O'CONNOR\V r~ Ou., ... rEADP E PI L"' .... ....I . S RFYNOI I) ....\V T R()AI"~""\1 \\ ROflIEr>o.ALlU ..I K SHIRk.R 1 SHAN'lONB I ~'n IIIFL:" C. SPYRID \h , ....11 1\ 1 ~[[ [o,c,J E SCIlIlANV T TERRIBIll:-"\V 1\ 1 TIIOMP"'ON ) RR 11 \'ANOCNRl:.Rt,(.J 1 VAN ... ANTI ·" ) \A ...... AI O-illJ I' \ ENEZ[A, I \ ITUII n( I \\. A(,NIEfll:.L II \\'[NrrRrill RD R()\\ Plues.l, Grubb, \ andenberg, Olmstead, \\ agnlereSECOND Ro\, Navlleek, Smythe, O'Conner, Gallagher, Mulholland, \ ItulloFIRST Row Bf/ggs, Shirk, Fealhers, Reynolds, CummIng, I'v[eyers, Terrtbrle-342-

B u G LE------------------~w---------------------wPeanut ClubJ n RlIS""[11P".\ldtnt\fl'...... ~ r \RY rR\'C I'" P,y"S/'1(lnSI1(Prc.lldent\ Itt' Prt'.lldt'ntJ I) Rl'~~111R, I)\RDI S0 1 I I( LRS,\I!lrelur\'- rrcu.\lUCrSer!!eant at \rms\ \ I IR"P Plrr'i\SIhc ( luh \\ ," formcd In 32, \\ Ith

~-- -- -- ... - ---. - ...9 36Petersburg ClubI~ (" P{l\\ II IP(t,,\ld,-nt\f' ...... ' I \ln l30\\IE ...S/llInso(P res idel1 tI Itt' Pre,\ldelltR ( Pm\1 LLG B RLSIIorne ERSSecretar\'7 rea.luraRT r RosrG ROBLRT~O'I he Peter,hurg ( luh IS a social organlz,nlon comroscd or students [rom Petershurg, Ifapewell , and \ ICII11ty, andhm II1g lor Its purrosc the sponsonng o[ a more [neodl\ rceling hctween a ll tudent I hc c1uh IS one o[ the largestand hest organl:ed scctlonal cluhs on the campus, and has for sc\cra l years 111 the past cnJoyed a reputation as suchI hiS ycar has heen an e,ccpllonalh good one lI1asmuch .. L the well-knO\\ n \\'011 has heen kept from the door Afcw danccs held dunng the summer were a moderate financial success Th IS coupled \\ Ith rather consen'atl\ e IndiVidualducs, has succeeded 111 pr()\ ILling smokers [or the meetings.I he (hnstmus dunce was an outstandll1g e\ ent or the year lor the cluh It prO\lded no end of ente rtai nment [orthe c luh and att racted Its share or [m'orahlc puhliclty for the school.\IE\ IBERSJ \ p, \R.., ' H R t, CH\PI [- ... I I j O .... 1 1\ 1 L R\I~r'J R " HI'I { llll ~ C\\" Cl lllAI.R r II I ~ JOM J ( RFl ...B!H ...... t \l' jR J \\ 0..\\1.., ~ t, J OI"-' I· ... 1\ 1 C, SlO\1(\1 J) I ~R \[)"'II·\\\ l, ~ "[-ILOl\ fi)OOY P rr RR I TT \t," JP,lIH ,1 ......J 1\ 1 I 1'I 1: ( \ PA\H't t ..... \\ r IIIClRN I {)N.JI " ~ 1\1 Ht.l- ,.,.J R I I \R\\ E:.t L \\ I PARhlK 1 I ~nllRO l N t ...\\ ) Bt RI £'1 (, 11 \ \ INGE I' S PFR[)Gl:...,.J \\'AltACE(-'I\I'pr-tl (, r j III 1''''0''1 .I Pi)\\ I-11 R I \\11 n"I (l['R III R(m JohnsOl1 , II allaa, lIarl( 'ell Fe"d TI1l' rntOl1, Slm'It, I~u.\h, Pamf'lll1IIII RD R(m Bo,,\.\eau , j II P Oll'ell, II 13 )cll1e.\, Brad"hal(' I~a /lu v, T.,OUroUI1I.1 , Burlelg,hS[U"D Rm\ Fult: , 1I 'lite M oody, Cuthbert , Beid,er, II1g,e, Ree.l, S G .Jonesr IRsr RO\~ Charles Barker, Robertsol1 , R C Pcl ll'ell, Turella , BlIrg,es,\ [)Oll 'l1ln g,-344-

uG----------------------~Piedmont ClubB .\ Rll( kt- RPrnaJenl\.11

--~- ~- - - - - - -1 936Portsmouth Club1\ \ '" 1)",,­J>,t',\h/, r1l~11~"" \:1-1 \Ill 01 Tl1\1 \I \ \oN 1))'( ISp~)n\llr1't!lrt!tar~l- Trt!ll.\Urer) B \~, DR!'.or I IC EHS\ /«' Pre.lldenlR()\\ II I\ B HARPE.RI hl: rur['

Bu G--------------------...----------------------...Rappahannock Valley ClubC I \'IUTIIEH.~III:."1)Pre.ut/t'niI\IR'. C I. I\IOTHCR'''EADSponsorPresidentOFF I. I 1\ 1001iCR. IIr AD0elretary-TreasurerERS\ Ice President R. A BODf'. .J B. S~1Il HThe Rappahannock Va lley Club, which IS now one of the largest sectional cluhs on the <strong>Virginia</strong> I ech campus,was formed about forty years ago I t was first composed of cadet li Ving along the shores of the Rappahannock RI\'era nd the nearhy communities To-day, hecause of the Incrca e In sectional cluhs, the cluh has confined ItS memhershlpto F redenckshurg and \ IClnltymong the early leaders of the organization were 1\ I \I Neal, 'Ob, C [) 1\ lontague '07, R \V \Vare, '21, ' I BGayle, '23, and T [) S Ninde, '2 ~The club holds smoker and huslness meetings at regular Inten'als at \\ h,ch the huslness IS attended to and thefreshmen hecome acquainted With the older memher One of the purposes of the cluh IS to prm Ide fnend ly SOCialgathenngs for Its memher thr ughout the J ear lhe cluh holds ItS annual (:hnstmas dance at I redenckshurg and ItIS conSidered one of the most colorful affairs of the season It al 0 sponsors a summer dance which hnngs ItS memhersIn contact With each other dunng the ummer months. It has heen the cu'tom to hold an annual hanquet each srnngIn honor of the departing senior memhersi\ IE\lBERSf IVI. BROWNG RBURRUSW. S D ,CKINSONR G EAGERF. C. GRCENB J H ERMANr- \I 1"SGP F. LUCKC. F. \ IcI,csscYP. \IARSHAllR O'NCllJ T PITTSFB RI IIARDSONH L . RICHARDSONJ V[NTLRAJ. J \VI-IITETHIRD Row Ilerman. USed, AIcKenney F B Richardson, King Burrus.I, £:.agaSECOND Row. PillS, H L RIChardson, Marshall , LUlk, Brown, \\ hllef-IR~l Row DIckinson. \ entura Bode, ". Iothershead, Smllh. Green-347-

1 9 36Richmond Clubr jEI-I--RIl- ...P,e.\ld"'1t~ II ""~ I LOR EM t-:.. -1 ROl'Tl'>

- 8 u- G L - E....Rifle T earn(' H IRBYCuPhllfl\Il~ ~f'\l:t.y CORNII IA IRHYSrlOfl\4)rOf I I( fRSCoach ..... .... .\tanagerCaplaln. . ........ ... \Y. S Bo\RK~DAll. ... c. II IRBYL nJcr the gUIJance or Caf'laln I 1

1 9 36 -lJ II '''IUDPrnhit'nl\f' ...... IIFI [-'oJ \\'1111.\\' ....\f1\In.~(lrRoanoke ClubPresIdent\ He PresIdentG I I h;: j[)[)( \\ Dow,s,\ergeanl at \rmsOI-FleERS'TreasurerSecretaryR B LONG, , J J SIILLKCUMJ, B Dow's'I he Ruanuke ( lub IS a socIal urgal1l::atlun compuscJ of students Irum Roanoke anJ the surrounJlng \·lcil1lt:. ItsfellowshIp tends to hrlng together thIS large group 01 \'OLlng men at <strong>Tech</strong> fostering hetter frlenJshlps hetween them,\\hlch WIll pro\e extremeh hendicial In later Ilk. hoth In soclill ilmJ huslness contdcts,Pre\ 10US to thIS y car, the club has heen practical" dormant, hut WIth the untiring ellorts of Hotle KIJJ andJoe Shulkcum, thIS group has been re\,l\eJ to a stanJlng on the campus "hlch It rightfully Jesenes. The terntor)embraced hy the cluh was enlarged so as to Include Buchanan Bedford, Rocky" lount, anJ \IClnlt:., hesiJes RoanokeCltV, Salem, and \ IntonDUring the (hrlstmas \ acatJon, what was saId to ha\ e heen one of the hest dances helJ In Roanoke JUring thehollJavs was gl\'en hy the Roanoke ( luh anJ the Roanoke \luml1l chapter Ihe dance was a pri\'ate affaIr, guestsincluding stuJcnts, alumnI, anJ frlenJs, ilnd Its success dId credIt to the c1uh,Other actl\ Illes engageJ In hy the cluh Include smoker. anJ regular meetings. \ key was aJopteJ by club membersthIS year, the Jeslgn dIsplaYing the acorn, Roanoke's emhlem, holJI) SIgnifYing \~hilt mIght he conslJereu the club'sslogan 'I rom \corn to Oal· , that's Roanoke' 'J .\ B",ooo)J ( H'HI""I ~I HI'''1 ..\ Cox1, ~t i)()[-PI'H.r \\" I)()\\ NSII I ()O\\N»J B D.,,,!';J II Emw\V Lc:..l(l:..Il ~[)J E FIIW\C [..(,,\RiH 1 T\\ B (,HblJ l) l,E"'IU II-{ J (;r-ERIS(r~ I I hplqsB ~ iL:NIH-H ...(I .....J E 1111 ["'\' , .....( l. "I:.R~If-I"'"G H KinOl\. tEl\. tBERS\\ \I 1 \1 n"\\ ~ [\1.,,,R H 1.0""J ~I~1\""Il'"1::: D \fcCLIIO(1lJ D~1(Cl'lI()('1IIi J\\' 1 ,'IULLE"R \\ ~Iul"'"J R \hER'h'[)OI'I'-'-iNonJ I (l",,,J \V (hH-N"'II\I!'\IH. PL-YION.J J PiliPI''''.1 () RIIlI-P11 RI YNOLI)'", J ~lltlhU\1l' \\ ~Il\\ DLR\\ J S"\\DERP f\.1 STOUTA\lIPEA. C \\'Al ... ERW. \\ATT'W. \1 \\HCHW M \\'"TEII { \\'OODI I \ \\'~l))I H. \\RAYC S YOL'Nt;1111 RD RO\\ Ga"t Bush, Obenshaln Broun \\ el.h, \\ ravSrco'D Rm\ \\ ails, Oakey, Doering, Me ulloeh, Sloulal1;"e, GarrellI IRST Rm\ PhIPPS, Long, C \\ Downs, KId", ,\hulkw/1I,.1 B Dlm'ns, Beoddy-350-

B u G L ESeminole ClubB. H AOK'N'Prt·~,d£'nll\tR

1 9 3 - 6 -- 11Shenandoah Valley Club\1 C'R\I (IIP, d~'1lII :'lo llfll ....,SLL 1"1'11'1'11·\r~l/lSjlr01 I Ie ERS. J \1. ( H.\I In,\ let' !'rt'"dt'1l1 ,\t!Lrt'iLlry r'~·lI.\llft!r " ( P. ( R \1(,I hc seellon,,1 cluhs of \ Irglnld dr..: rcal" the a,ku. [)1~(k/JIUIl, ,\kl"t'lls CUll/t'y, .\/~rlt', ,\I/t'll"1 co:-;[) Ro\\ £3"11 /JIall £3u/,11 II, 11t,I/, Brashears, Slarbulk, CVIIlt'f, ODl'lS, De\\ litI IRSI RIl\\ I I 1I,/"l>r,1I1,/ \I,>,>rI1, erelfl,>Il, P,>/humlH, .\1, \ ',IY, Crlllg, Hel:-352-

uG L ESouthwest <strong>Virginia</strong> Club\\ (' RORLR (l~Prl ,Hdt nt\ 11 '" Rt TIl Hrp'lIl,\(lnn hlfp, \hl nl.\ ~ r (~u\\ ( ROAI P

~--- - ~1 - 936West <strong>Virginia</strong> ClubPrc.udl'nl\ 'Ill' Prt'5Ldl'ntj C _ elll E\I \NPrC,\ll..itflt\ II ~:-' I RENL ~N'OLRS/wnSllr,J ( (.01 ' M \NI' M B\N'"()I I IC CRS,\'I,.'crclarv{reusur ... "\v I I RUB" JR(, \\ '\1(AII'I N'\ l E,\IBCI~SR D ,\'.HI 1\1 n",,,sI, E, H,,,,,J S C\I [\\\\'( C (- \1\1Pf'\FI IR P ('\Rl~R[) E (:."TOJ C COli \1\'I ('R\\\ I'PHDI' B 1), 11"1\II I :.I :".l.l EJ I ic, \'-,C L l'uQL\J I (,I.ORCLL) L {Jl':-"ll:.R\\' [) I i L:-..:DE:.R .... Il'C ,\1 H'Gc""S \\ Ilnl ....'l\'\\ ( I 11l\\ ,Pol)\\ l J UTRIL.,l, \\ }o,E:: ....II R Ku .... l[ RJ ~ L \ I Rn\\ 1. \IRI)R :--..; L\ .... I \"'H-.H.C S LE\\''''\\ [ I.",,, II,(, \\ \ 1/ \( PI~\\ L \ 1,1.Lt;""11 C \ fp' ...... "ER~ I L ()" , " IJ J) I'E( heI B 1'1'1.11J . P RUNHWOJ \\ Rl'AY\\ H Rll" JRR 13 S'"TIII 1. ~\IIJ f-IC r ~)UTHER~P t) Til \YER\\ () r l lAYERLA \'Ul:.Ll I O[) ( \\ \DE\\ H \\EE'"L R \\HIl\lllFU'II P \\'11 "'0' JI~I'IF/H RIl\\ \\ lutml)(l', "-l'uta BIbb. T E Smtih, J('J!"t',~ \/ln.\ka Indt R B SnuthhH PTII Rem \ ~Irnllm, J \\ Ruby f-Jt>tUf11dn J

~-B U === G - L - E==-OU have just completed an initial perusal of the <strong>1936</strong>Bugle. Generally, ~irstimpressions are the most lasting, however,they are never a criteria upon which to pass soun djudgment on the works of man .We feel that this volumeis no exception. The Bugle is primarily a book of memories,and the only fair test of its true worth is what it will cometo mean and signify to you in later years . Therefore, wemust accept Time as our criteria of judgment, for Time is theravisher of the temporary and the beauti~ier of the permanent.1 936 BUG L E 5 T A F F

"/1 tll.. /1~ - ~/ le t>~ ~ .' I/~ f)~cf-. l~/r·

deatute:J. alIi='i v etii:J.ement:J.

<strong>Virginia</strong> Polytechnic InstituteVarsity Football Schedule<strong>1936</strong>SEPl [ \tH! R I () Roanol e College ....SEPT! \tBFR ~o .lemson College ..OCTOR! R 3 Uni\ ersity of l\ [my landOCTOBEROc TORr ROCTOBEROOOBLR10 The Co!lerre of \\ dllam and \ lar~17 L 'nl\ erslt\ of South CarolIn

<strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> AthleticsA Brief HistoryBy Melville Jeffries, '26ACI I YE -'\.R hundreds of freshmen and perhars Just a

OLD TRIED TRUETHE NATION LB NK OFBL CK§BURG\f ...:\LTER B, [~LLETT , President J, .01. Kl~SSLER, Cashier-360-

\\ ere a comhlnatlon of to\\ nand C

Black~Logan Co.I~(ORP()R \ I FliOne,Price Department StoreWalkover Shoes, Mun ingwear,tetson H ats, Griffo n C lothes,Pillow Ca e, heetBathrobeslEN'S r-UR:\ ISH I"-iCS A"JD T XEDOSOi'.[', PRICe TO ,\[ LBLACl,SBLRC, \' IR It IAL. & N. Restaurant"SATISFACTION"O ur SpecialtyThe Place for Your M idnightRendez'I.'ousHERE'S A TIP FORCANNY COLLEGIANSTHE "Big Men on the Campu,," everywhere, for ak,ng theadolescent Jerking thumb and palSIed f1l\'ver as means oftran"portation, are sWInging to Greyhound, For straightvalue It can't be equaled, , , convenience, congenialIty,comfort, ,more miles per dollar than any other formof travel. ju,t the ticket for your homeward trek, for th osevacatIon trIp thIS summer , ' , anywhere In AmericaATLANTICGreqhound[lDUDlESS-362-

the fall of 1892 On Octoher 2 I st, the RIp R8h Ree ho\ sfaced St Alhans School, of Radford hack of "~umhcrOne," and \\ere the victors, I -t to 10, \\ Ithout henefit ofmuch In the \\ay of team play Strength, \\clghtnndstay Ing po\\ers outlasted the strategy and sl ill of alighter foe on an up-and-do\\ n gncliron \\ hose hounds\\ere plO\\ f u rro\\ sUnselfish, \\ hole-hearted personalities hrlghten thestory of the early elevens The loyalty and :eal ofProfes or Ellison A Smyth,)r, \\as unAagglng Tohim more, perhap , than to any other one person, helongsthe credit of starting football at \ 'Irglnia <strong>Tech</strong>He is, indeed, the" Father of <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> foothall "The first team \\as the fruit of untiring effort, notonly of Dr myth hut of Professor \\' E Anderson aformer UniverSity of \'Irglnla player, and Cadets Stulland Pratt This quartet took counsel together \\ henschool opened In the fall of '92 , studied the gameordered eqUipment and aroused enthu lasmThe team of '93 lost hoth of Its games despite a zealjust as great on the part of familiar crusaders \\Ithoutvictory to bolster confidence, enthu lasm for athletiCS\\as at rather 10\\ ehh \\ hen the esslon of I Sq-t 95opened Some misgiVings as to foot hall \\ere e\'ldent Inthe student body, as \\ ell as \\ Ithln the ranks of the faculty,\\ hich, excepting Professors Smyth and Andersonhad sho\\ n little Interest In It )0 eph ~ [assle, ne\\ I)graduated from the UniverSity, \\ as the modernHoratius \\ ho "kept the hrldge" again t the inertia anddiscouragement that \\ ould retard progress He ans\\'eredthe call of his first alma mater and coached theteam \\ Ithout pay He enrolled as a postgraduate andserved not only as coach but as quarter hack After fourshut-out triumphs, the <strong>Tech</strong>s played their first game\\ ith V ~[ I - a fiercely-fought test at Staunton \\ hlch\', \[ I \\on, 10 to bThiS first clash \\ Ith our arch l'I\'als \\'as, \'enly, notso much a test of foothall pro\\ess as of ahillty to endurehardships and pain :\0 veh'ety expanse of green turfcovered the gndlron The home-made cleats (of th0se\\ ho had them) nicked rough, hard, ra\\ earth Hurtlinghodles of the comhatants \\ere hrUised and cut by mallrocks, some sharp, some round Yet the fury of thebattle ne\'er \\ aned T \\0 teams of Spartan couraile anda magnificent \\ ill to \\ In \\ere at gnps, a hng no quarter,giVing noneThe ne\\ port, thriVing no\\ upon the superh toniccalled Victory, had come to stay E\'er helpful PresIdentMcBryde gave the hoys a part of the horticulturalgardens for athletiC use The game hecame more firmlyentrenched in the next three years under the \\ Iseguidance and tireless efforts of Dr Ed\\ard E Shelh,one of the great personalities of all time In <strong>Tech</strong> athleticsDr Sheih came from Tulane Lniverslty In the fallof '95 to occupy the chair of history and English literatureHe left the Institute in '98, heloved and admiredThe athletic grounds \\ere called Shelb Field, In hiS honorMid;Way Service Stationl3etween l3lackshurg and ChristiansburgESSO OFFICIALRoute No ~TA\JDARD ESSOLENE" ,\/ost Popular Stat LOn for AllV p, 1 /\len"CO\lPLETE CAR SER\ ICE J)\Y AND NIGII r"Sunshine" KanoJe, \ lanagerYou can modernize or build a new homeunder the Federal H OUSingAdministrationEconomy LumberCompany, Inc.CHRISTIANSBURG, VA"Materially ac Your Service"Silver Spoon Restaurant"Meet Your Friends Here"HO\ IE-COOI,ED FOOt)Well Served132 lain Street CHRISTIAN BURG, VA.- 363-

tGyrir nub tGittlrID'qratrrsPlank and Whitsett, Inc.S( II OL Sl PPLILSDReG S I OR I::.The ,\Ien's Shop"PICKWICKBILLIARD PARLOR-364-

i\!EET YOLR r RIENDS A rMiller Drug C n1panyC1IRISTrANSB R J , \ IRCr0. [ATelephone 53GILBERT'S HOTEL"A I lome Ali'a}, From I fame 'EIGIIII! \ L) 1 R\ ".LI'J SIREE I SRATES $1 25 UPl. H CI LBI R I . P'clpfleto,THE <strong>1936</strong> BUGLE I BOUND IN AKINGSKRAFT COVER+ + + +DesigncJ anJ ProJuceJ hy theKING PORT PRE S, Inco rporated"I eSPORT, TE NESSEEAFTER THE SHOW or DANCE27H West BroaJ Streetthe only place to goDDKE? SRICH\ !O D, VA.ES 1 -\BLI SHED 18\)5A. Frank & Sons1 \ !POR TERS \NDCON\ERIERClothiers' Linings and CottonGoods327 \\ ES 1 B.\Lf I \lORE S I REElBaltimore, l\lar~ land-365-

oR J (til "il ....... ".,')t'lftll.f\ I't'l,\llft',(hUI101l.n (II Ihkl'l,.n,/ St'llll"~\fflln!:,nnt III ('l"Hnllltn'I. L " CH)SI:, 'lXPft!slIll'nlCllulTOll.ln oj ·\ Jlt'f/Ulnl! undPub/ ' l lt\' ClJHWlI ttnI R I

\ Ictories O\'er \ ' ;-.., I I at the clo e of the seasons 0195 and '96 tae\. eJ a \\elcome Sprig of laurel to a tatten:Jgridiron hanner that roJe out the rough storms of crush­Ing defeat h~ University of \ IrgIn18 and Unl\ er It~ 01"lorth Carolina The hanner, moreover changed colorIn the fall of q6 The nO\\ famIliar orange anJ maroonreplaceJ the hlack anJ caJet gra~ The college Itsellchanged It name: the \ IrgInla Agricultural and i\ lechanicaI College became the \ ' ll'gInI8 Polytechnic I n­stltute 0.,0 more did the cry of " RIp Rah Ree I'rend the all' The no\\ famIliar "I 101 Ie ' veil tool Itsplace about the time that the Institute sQ6 team firstdonned the ne\\ colors, on Octoher 20th, agaIn

The Bluefield Supply CompanyL3 L U ~[ ' I E L D , \\ EST \ IR JIN I,\Suppliers ofElectrical and Construction Equipment for theTwo <strong>Virginia</strong>sAUDITORIC\fTE,\ CHI KG AND \D\fl N I STRATIOK BUILD I NG-368-

MJERIN -JBLIJBN1010 Chestnut StreetPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaeOFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERSTO THE <strong>1936</strong> BUGLE- PECIALISTS TO CHOOLS -OLLECES L0. I\'ER ITIES CLUBS-369-

~otrl ~atrt(h l!;rnrpRO\l\JOI L. \ IRGI'! I \1\ Ll. \1

"" ,F BTOSIKILJLIOJ80RCESE5S liNAGE TS ,\Y ANTED+ + + +Shenandoah Life InsuranceCon1pany, Inc.E LEE TRI:---': I";:LE. Pres/dentRG.\ OI\.E, \ \Roanoke HardwareCompanyDl s/flbulars forMAR TIN~SENO U Rt\10~ARCH PAINT100 Per Cent109 \\ est Camphell A,"enue 128 West Salem hemiCROANOI\.E, \ I R IN I \PARI\' THE OLD Bl>S \ rTHE TEXAS TAVERN\ND YO\RE \ r 110,\lEROA OKE LY, HBLRCThe Clhee cI college paper de\'oted mainly to athletics\\a'> e tahll hed In I, Q7 Its life span cO\ered lessthan a year due to financial trouhles. yet It \\8 a sureIndex to the inC rca Ing Interest In sports Three year

HATSROANOKE, VA.TAILORED CLOTHESITS TYLE T HATOC'\JTSAirheart, Kirk ClothingCon1panyI ncorporalcdCHAPEL HILL CLOTHESFavored by College Men E1. l erY1.vhere25 \\'cst .ul11rhcll ,hcmlcRCJ.\ OI'.C, \ IRGI 1\" TilE \/ \ \ S STORE"'Smart Clothes for the ManWho Cares!STYLE, QL'\LJ fY, \ \LLE .\ . Li SCRVI< C\ lad Ordcrs CI\ cn Prompt \t[cnlionBUSH & HANCOCK22 \\'EST C \ \ IPBELL \ \ ENL ERO."OK[ , \ IRG""C. C. Bova & Con1panyRO.\'\JOI E, \ IRGI, 1\\\ I IOLESALE fRUIT A"-.D \ EGETABLESDcpendable Dealer In Seasonal ...,Je I-rultTORS 01BUJ\\ ElSER BEERDia l 5576-5577-372-

opponent except \ 'Irglnla The \ P I had tal en Itsplace among the grIclIron elite of DI"leBrilliant players \\ ere clImhlng to tardom ' suchsta!\\art a I !Linter Carpenter "Sall~ , 1\ liles, PeterWillson John Counselman and C J B DeCamps Tothe rahldly partl an fandom of the day their namestood for speed and daring A team huilt around suchmen \\ as hound to attract follo\\ er and spectatorsThe importance of foothall as an act l\ Ity of cadet lifethus mounted perccptlhl~ The college rIghtly feltthat athletiC at the In tltut lon hau reached a pOint\\ here the students alone could not control and managethem properly The hour for faculty supen'l Ion \\a athand Pre ident l\ IcBryde appointed a committee consitlng of Professors my th, \ 'a\\ ter and Pnrchar I, of\\ hich Profe sor \'a\\ ter \\a halrman to ha\'e super­Vision over athletiC affalroon thereafter renamed Glhhoney FIeldTHE THIRD ERAPlaced on the ound hasls of the ne\\ set-up, \ 'Irgmla<strong>Tech</strong> athletiCS at once gave convtnClng proof thatthey could he elf-su tammg Thc college faculty as\\eli as students hecame keenly mtere ted In theathletIC teams \ 'Ictory \\ as \\ eet, defeat merely ahoon to greater loyalty and to greater determinationto \\ork together for team that \\ould hrIng honor,prestIge and glory to the schoolWhen Ir Glbhoney relinquished control hasehall\\ as nrmly entrenched as a port But foothall \\ as theCH-\S I LL r ORiJ J \\IE J I:ARD( H \S P LL NSI ORI)CHAS. LUNSFORD& SONSGeneral InsuranceColonlal-0181 7301mCrIcan , 'atlonal Bank BuddmgPeople With DiscriminatingTastes PreferE SSKAV'QUALITY IMEAT PRODUCTSbecause ofT heir Deliciou ness,Purity, Wholesomenes andFRESHNESSTHE WM. SCHLUDERBERGT. J. KURDLE CO.317 East Campbell A\enueR()\NO"E, \ IRGINI \-373-

THE COLLEGE SHOP OF ROANOKEEXCLU IVEBUT NOT EXPENSIVEROANOKE, VIRGINIABOYS' STORE, SECO~D FLOOR\ ' P . I Represf'ntatl\'e, R . 1\ [ BOCH~ lA:--'"monarch of the local sports realm Bnlliant players,strong ele\'ens. fighting traditions ~ent loyalty and enthuSI8SIllto a ne\\ high The rhenomenal I lunter Carpenter,at right half hack. hecame the greatest player Inall the Southland and the East too f It the tlng ofthiS \\ell-nlgh unheatahle boy \ Irglnla <strong>Tech</strong> foothallperched It elf umn the tor rung In DI,\le Army and0,;a\ J \\ ere counted among \ ICtlnlS heyond the Potomac.their defenses nddled h~ a fighting line and aflaming comet called CarpenterThe cartaln and right tackle of the 1903 team thattrimmed the 0Ja\'al Academy ele\ n \\ a a strappinghoy. 1.'\ feet t\\O Inches tall. a young giant \\ ho had a\\ ay of heating the end do\\ nfield under runt andspilling the recel\'ers HIS \\as a name to conjure \\ Ithon South AtlantiC gridiron In plte of the fact hiSteammate called him .. Sally " and hiS mother hadchnstened him Clarence Paul HIS career as a rlayer ongndlron and diamond \\ as a worthy contnhutlon toalma mater HIS contnhutlon In years to follo\\ yearsthat still roll on \las to he much greater From 1905to 1935 . e'\ceptlng three hnef Intervals, "Sally " Iiles\\a the directing head and the dm'lng force in <strong>Virginia</strong><strong>Tech</strong> athletiCS He \\ as assistant foothall coach In 190.tunder Dr j C O·Connor. was head coach In '05 and'06 coach of hasehall In '05 '07 , '13 and 14 He \\asfirst appointed graduate manager In '08 He becameDirector of .\thletlcs and Graduate ~Ianager on a full-time hasls In 1920 and served until jul; I, 1935 , \I henhe reSigned to hecome Professor of Foreign Languages..\fter mature con Ideratlon of the rrohlem of selectinga successor, the AthletiC Council cho e \\' L (~ I onk)Younger Class of '20 one of the triO of alumni coacheto ucceeJ himThe more clOistered life of a rrofe orshlp. \\ Ith\\ hlch he cloaks the afternoon Jear of hi frUitful lifeha not e\'ered completely hiS connection \\ Ith <strong>Tech</strong>athletiCS He continues to serve In the capacity offaculty chairman on athletiCS and as chall'man of thefaculty committee on eligil'llityHalcyon days \\ ill be bnghtened hy reminiscencesof many stlrnng forays on the hattlegrounds of portE"en no\\ hi memones sparkle, a-glitter as they are\\ Ith the coaching triumph that \\ as hi \\ hen hiSfighting 1905 team do\\ ned the 1\ 1 iI ltary Academyele\'en, at \\'est POint, 16 to 6, and follo\\ed ur \\ Ith anII to 0 \ Ictory over the Unl\erslty of \ 'lrglnl8, atCharlottesville The latter game, preceded hy disputesand fiercely fought, \\as a ten-year-old dream cometrue, though It caused an IS-year lapse In athletiCrelations het\\een the t\\O institutionsJ n the \\ ake of these triumph there follo\\s a closeIdentity \\ Ith athletiCS that has hared the IntercollegiatepoliCies of the Institute As an influentialcommitteeman of the outhern Conference for tenyears , as preSident of that hod) In 1932 and 1933, and-374-

'. l·. .=-. - . ~ -.'. . ... . ~ .._Serving West <strong>Virginia</strong>'sBillion .. DollarCoal FieldsDAVIDSON'Sor RO-\:---JOKEPRESE 'TS THE 0JE\\'CLOTH!. 'CPRI:-.JC A'JD SU\I:--IER\Iways ,\ccepteJ by the \\'orlJly anJ\\'ell-DresseJ CirclesDAVIDSON'S3D3 SOL fH j CI FERSON STREETROASOKE. \'IRGISIAFLO :\7ERSof QualityFr'1.LLON 1 F[o['is{RO\:---JOI'E. \ IRGINIA-375-

§TYLESER,\YJ[JEW -1 LLO § TROANOKE, VIRGINIAKLORK7 We t hurch Avenueas a memher of the ,-atlonal \\ restill1g Rules Committee.his II1fluence has e'tended far afield Thehre\'lty of thl narrative does not. ho\\e\er permite\'en the semhlance of a hlographlcal account of 1\ Irl\ Ide and hiS \\orl. s Three facts concernll1g hiS unfinished career tand out no\\ at a time \\ hen It IS tooearl~ to appraise hiS regime accurately ' -II'St , that hehold a \\ arm and endunng 10\ e for hiS alma mater anda true de\'otlon to a ll that he deems to he to her hestInterests no one douhts, ~eco nd as AthletiC Directorhe \\'a not a handshaker and diplomat. e\'en in ahroad sense, hut \\as e\'ldently a far-Sighted managerand stnct financier, Thll'd, he has ever heen a torchhearerfor clean athletiCS, properl} conducted.. Sally' 1\ I de dreamed of an 1I11pOSll1g ne\\ stadiumfor 20 years hefore the first spade full of earth \\asturned 111 ItS makll1g He made the stadium rosslhlehy careful and conscientious handlll1g of the funds ofthe AthletiC Association l':amed 111 hiS honor hy thecadet corps or the II1stltutlon shortly hefore ItS dedication111 Octoher. 1920. 1\ ldes Stadium stands a

QIqarlottr5ht11r Boolru :1It115CHARLOTTE VILLE, VIRGINIAl\ fA Uh\ TLRER OFHIGH;GRADE UNIFORM CLOTHSI,\, Sf,-)' A0JD Dr\ RK BLUE ~ L..\DESlORArmy, Navy and Other Uniform PurposesAnd the Large t A ortment and Best QualityCADET GRAYSIncluding those used at the United States Military Academy atWest Point, and other leading militarychool of the countryPrescribed and used by the Cadets ofVIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE- 377-

WHERE ALL TECHMEN CAN MAKE THEMSELVES"AT HOME"Plare LunchesSand'tuichesSodasEconomyGood FoodsCigarsI) \ \ E:. j00lESl APTAI,-ELLc.r or \ P . I Iq3ll1 OOIB.\LL I [ \~ICOZY INN-378-

~ACCEN T onYOUTHThat's where life insurance puts it. When one is younghe may become the owner of a life insurance estate ata lower cost while receiving relatively larger benefits.In youth, too, there is less likelihood that one will befound uninsurable. The foresighted young man makeslife insurance his first investment.ST RONGER EVERY YEAR STNCE 1871~RdiENiAStanding on the thre hold of an augmented portprogram the :-\thletlc Aoclatlon adort d a ne\\ contltutlonIn 1907 \\ Ith four port on the calendar InI 90e , the old system of separate coache for foothalland ba ehall \\ a dl carded and Branch Bocock. aCeorgeto\\ n alumnus, \\ as appointed athletic directorand coach of all four ports, and sened ahly for t\\Oyears HI fir t ele\ en the team of '09 \\ on the championshipof the South, and the ba ket hall team of10 and ' II 10 t only one game In t\\O years CoachBocock returned In 1912 for a four-year tenure thathrought other notahle uccesse ' 1\, lr 1'., Ide, ha\ Ingresigned a graduate manager In 1912 \\as again appOintedIn 191-l and held the rein untd 1918Charle A Bernier, \\ ho had been an out tandingcadet and athlete at the college In 1911 12 , becameathletic director and coach In 1918 An able man ofthe highest type, he served <strong>Tech</strong> athletic \\ell untd hire IgnatIon In the sprIng of 1920 These \\ere the \\aryears and the fir t po t-\\'a r session The athletic program\\ as curhed drastically \\ hen the college hecamemainly a training ground for the Student Army Train­Ing Corps Hundreds of cadet \\ent from the collegeto the cantonments, and thence 0\ erseas Among them\\ere athletes and other cadets \\ ho fell on shell-tornfields and no\\ leep their eternal sleer heneath the adof France Time shall not erase from <strong>Tech</strong> footballtradition either the name the endUrIng per onalltleor the e'\ample of) ay Frank Clemmer, and of .. Ru ty\ !oore the great center of the teams of '15 and ' 16The out tanding team of the Bernier regime IS theele\'en of 1918 \\ hlch is the only undefeated and untiedteam In <strong>Tech</strong> foothall hlstor\, In e,en games It goalline \\as cro ed only onceThe fortune of <strong>Tech</strong> foothall ehhed some\\ hat In1919 and '20 though some of the old stars \\ere backfrom the trenches , !eam\hde the hasket hall teams\\ ere battling their \\ ay to the high pinnacle Ele\ ensof '2 1 and '22 found the comehack trail under BenCuhbage and :" lonk Younger, the latter a star end ofpre-\\ar days Younger helped Cuhhage turn out auth AtlantiC title \\ Inner In '22 and mo\'ed on toDaVid on .uhhage \\as succeeded In 1926 hy AndyCustaf on, f re h out of Pitt \\ here he had heen a greatfull back r~or three ~ ear the telTlfIc driVing Po\\ er ofCustaf on' douhle \\ Ing hacks \\'as hudt around aclassy hackfIeld quartet called the Pony E'\press Theclntdlant figure In thiS hackfIeld \\ as Frank Peake\\ hose phenomenal hall-carry Ing e'\plolt may \\ ellchallenge tho e of Hunter Carpenter The fledglingPony E'\press hackfIeld \\as JU t finding It elf onOctoher 23, 1926 ThiS day \\a certainly In one sen.ethe greatest In the history of <strong>Tech</strong> athletics The ne\\l\, !de radium far from complete and the ne\\$-lOO ,OOO \\ ar 0,,!emorIal Hall and Cymna lum \\ erededicated Stadia dedication, the record hook ho\\ .-379-

The Chas. H. Elliott Companyeventeenth Street and Lehigh AvenuePhiladelphia, Penna.x~tatiourr.saUll l1rlurlrr.sI HE LARGEST COLLEGE E~GRA\ I~GIIOL' E 1'-. -I lIE WORLD1\ lAKERS 01·CL,\SS R I GSCO\I1\ IENCE1\ IENT IN\ I rAllONSLEA TIlER PROGRA1\ ISFOR OVER l' II, TY YE,\RS- 380-

are eldom accompanied h\ the tom-toms of \ Ictonhut the <strong>Tech</strong>s hool off the Jim JU t long enough ~oeke out a b to 0 \\m o\er \ 'Irgmlaror years a memher of the old and no\\ defunctSouth tlantlc Conference \ Irgmla <strong>Tech</strong> had hecomea charter memher of the outhern Conference \\ henthat far-flung Sports hod) \\ a formed m 1921 Thejunior varsity outnts, \\ h lch had served as a teppmgtone to var It) teams m '19 and '20, \\ere done a\\a\\\ Ith and, m accordance \\ Ith Conference rule , freshmanathlet ics \\ere m tailed \\Ith H nr) (Pus) Reddas head freshman coach A sy tem of mass athletiCS,embracmg compulsory phy Ical education c1asse andan mtramural ports program, \\as instituted hy thecollege m 1920 \\ re tlmg and tenniS hecame mterclIegl ate "ports m 1921 and \\ ere r cognized hy thAthletiC ssoclatlon the follo\\ mg year \\ restlmghecame popular under George Herrmg, a talentedyoung coach, from lo\\'a tate College, \\ ho,e teamsannexed four championships m eight year Boxmg \\astarted mdependently hy Karl A (Dick) E leec!- acadet, m 1925 , and one year later \\ as recognized hythe As oClatlon Boxmg and \\ re tlmg \\ ere madefreshman sport al 0 m 192 and \\ re established asmajor Sport in 1931 At the hal 1'\\ ay pomt of the"prosperous t\\entles" the per pectlve on sports hado hlfted and It cope hecome so much hroader thatthe AthletiC Council \\ rote a ne\\ con tltutlon \\ hlch\\ as adopted hy the As OClatlonThe late t\\ entles came, \\ Ith their fe\\ hnef yearsof "mu hroom" pro perity Additions \\ ere made tothe permanent eat of the l\ I I1es tadlum hor esho ,through the generosity of a loyal alumnu , the \\ ar~ lemorIal Hall \\ a hand omel) eqUlpred, a hnmmmgports program attamed full strIde at startlmg cost a$-t-t 000 "gate" raid to see <strong>Tech</strong> and \ ' \ I 1 rene\\their ancient grIdiron feud at RoanokeYet the prosperous and poor look alike to FatherTime There ah\ ays come the hour \\ hen the paths ofmen must part Frank Peake left the grIdiron tage m'28 and Andy Gustafson resigned a head coach soonafter the '29 sea on "Bird" Hooper almost nlledPeake' hoe m the <strong>Tech</strong> had,neld yet the elevenleft little to cherIsh m commg years untd the presentalumni coachmg staff an \\ered the call of alma materin 1932 Henr) (Pu s) Redd the head coach, had madea remarkable record as tutor of freshman ele\'ens that10 t only nme game m -t9 oyer a ten-year ran ~ lonkYounger and Tex Tilson, hi aSSOC iates, had left nodoubt of their ahility dUrIng a nme-year tenure atTHE VIRGINIA INNRate $1 00, $1 50, $200CHRISTIA.BURG. VIRGL IA"The House of CooJ Coffee"Our Busines and Your FutureWhal hUSInc can I go InlO that IS profitahle anJ al lhcsame lime \\ III Insure me a comrclencc In m~ olJ agc 1rhe ew York Ld'c IS a mutual company [)" IJends payahle to rollcyholJers on l,\ splenJIJ opporlunlt) for a useful and act" e life and In­JepenJence In old ageI or further parllculars communicate ",thR R RL TLEDCE '\gency Directore" York Ld'c Insurance Company17lh I 1001', ( cntral Nallonal Bank BuliJIngRICIII\,)OI'D, \ IRGI~I\The Richniond GuanoCompanyRICH~IOl\.D,VIRGI0:L .....1\1A,\;LFACTliRERS 01Dependable FertilizersStandard Since I R92\1 \ l,h\ rLl~ERS ' I"IPOR IERSA rmy and Military EquipmentCheHons, EmbroiderIes, l\ leta IOrnament Etc395 I-ourth ,henuc EW YORI'. , y ,The Lilley .. Ames CompanyC LUI\IBLS. OHIO0.fanufacturers of ~ldltary and CollegeUIFORlvISand EquipmentSABRES A D SWORDSCatalog on Request-381-

JOS TEN'S•Manufacturers ofTreasure Craft Jewelry and StationerySince 1897•Makers of <strong>1936</strong> and 1937 Class Rings<strong>Virginia</strong> Polytechnic Institute•Announces the Acceptance of Contractfor1938 Class Ring•OWATAN A, MINNE OTA-382-

FRANK THOMAS COMPANYINC0RI'0R,\T[])The White Uniform HouseNORFOLKVIRGINIA46 MAR YLAND AVENUEAN NAPO LI S, MARYLANDX70\t\'n thrOll'{/zOllt t17l: ft~n ' icc ~H 117 ~1kcJ"; of tllc be t'--~ ~!Ilite "' llldl-le in tile ,)"tL1tcs-383-

Dm Idson College ,\11 three Ilere former stars andcapta inS of <strong>Tech</strong> elel ens The nrst product of the nellr glrne \\'a

.. the prosperou t\\ entles .. e\'en curbing the programhere and there. de rite from alumni and ratrons. \\asf\!ODERN fiREPROOfopened In 1933 Golf. a \\ ell as \\ Imming, has JOinedthe rank

Jnn{])un cling theTHE A~ '-,L,\L PUBLICATIO. - OF THE Tl'DE:\T BODY OF THE \ 'IRC! -IAPOLYTECH'\,lC 10;STITL'TE, \\"lTH .\DVERTI I\:C SUPPLD,,[E0.lTr R ALUdNl A'\JO ADVERTl ERThe Bugle, an Effective and Pern1anent Advertising MediumINTERE TING INFORMATION FOR THE ADVERTISERSC]RCLLATIO~ ~ ' 00 cople , each one read hy at least E persons, thl constitutes a marketof at lea t 17 ,bOO potential huyersCopies dlstrlhuted to High chool of \ ' II'gmla and adjacent states5,000 copie of the Advertlsmg and Alumni Supplement read by at least eight per ons, a totalof 40 ,000 per on , a market of great valueAdvertising Values: Total circulation reachmg 57,600 persons, presentmg a permanent and va luahlemarket of reader of J ounger ages \\ ho are no\\ formmg their huymg hahits2, CLASS OF BUYERS The purchasmg power of BUGLE readers repre ents a select group ofpotential buyers The ad\ertlsmg message hrought hefore thl group \\ III re ult m posltl\'e anddennlte return TELL THE'.\ YOCR TORY:-\O\\'v" PER.\lA~ '[

U-A LITY... a word that can beapplied to engravings onlywhen produced by highlyskilled cra~tsmen suppliedwith modern ~acilities.The growth o~ our Annualbusiness is ample proo~ o~the quality o~ our plates.JOURNALB LOG . A T LAN TAG A.

We deem it a pleasureto put at your disposalour more than~j(ty-twoyears experience in School,College and CommercialP R N T N GTHE STONE PRINTINGA N D MA N UFACTURING COMPANY116-132 NORTH JEFFERSON STREETROANOKE, V I RG I N IA

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