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Committed to ourClients and CommunityProskauer combines the resources <strong>of</strong> a global law firm with theexperience and efficiencies <strong>of</strong> a Florida-based firm.The partners <strong>of</strong> Proskauer’s Boca Raton <strong>of</strong>fice are proud to support the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>.Daniel J. Eisner | Albert W. Gortz | Stuart T. Kapp | David Pratt | Andrew S. Robins | Matthew Triggs | Allan H. Weitzmanwww.proskauer.comBoca Raton | Boston | Chicago | Hong Kong | London | Los Angeles | New Orleans | New York | Newark | Paris | São Paulo | Washington, D.C.Proskauer Rose LLP | 2255 Glades Road, Suite 421 Atrium, Boca Raton, FL 33431-7360 | 561.241.7400 | Attorney Advertising10967-v2-1110-BOCA-LIT-Ad_ChaiLife:Layout 1 11/18/10 8:20 AM Page 1Global Reach from 32 Locations– especially <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>Greenberg Traurig has been an integral member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Palm</strong><strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> community for more than two decades, and hasmaintained an <strong>of</strong>fice in Boca Raton since 1997 and an <strong>of</strong>fice inWest <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> since 1984. Our team <strong>of</strong> 60 attorneys workswith clients regionally, nationally and internationally, and includeslawyers listed by Chambers and Partners, publisher <strong>of</strong> the world’sleading guides to the legal pr<strong>of</strong>ession, that selected GreenbergTraurig as the 2007 USA Law Firm <strong>of</strong> the Year.Greenberg Traurig, P.A.5100 Town Center CircleBoca Raton, FL 33486561.955.7600777 <strong>South</strong> Flagler DriveWest <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, FL 33401561.650.7900[ 1 8 0 0 AT TO R N E YS I N 3 2 LO C AT I O N S ° | W W W.G T L AW.CO M ]Greenberg Traurig is a service mark and trade name <strong>of</strong> Greenberg Traurig, LLP and Greenberg Traurig, P.A. ©2010 Greenberg Traurig,LLP. Attorneys at Law. All rights reserved. Contact: Stephen A. Mendelsohn in <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> at 561.955.7600. °These numbers aresubject to fluctuation. Greenberg Traurig was selected by Chambers and Partners as USA Law Firm <strong>of</strong> the Year, 2007. 10967
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Welcome to the Winter edition <strong>of</strong> Chai Life, with news,photos and event listings to keep you connected toour <strong>Jewish</strong> community and your <strong>Federation</strong> family.We’re proud to introduce our new glossy format with a fresherlook and more reader-friendly format. While you’re exploring allthe activity and innovations, don’t miss the Impact Report centerpiece— with the faces and places we touch every day throughthe generosity <strong>of</strong> our community.TABLE OF CONTENTS4 A New Season Ignites6 Fedstock: Two Days <strong>of</strong> Love and Nachasat Mizner Park Amphitheater December 18-199 Major Gifts Evening <strong>of</strong> Power EventShowcases Israel’s Leading Edge10 New Initiatives Power up Giving13 Men Tee It Up Again at Boca Rio14 Pride, Passion, Power, Philanthropy:Opportunities for Every Woman19 IMPACT 2011: The Power <strong>of</strong> GivingFrom Feeding Neighbors to Lifelines Overseas27 Find Your Passion to Create a <strong>Jewish</strong> Legacywith the <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Foundation30 Get Moving with Metro: The Perfect Vehicle for 20s-40s33 Our Global Family: IOC & P2K34 <strong>Federation</strong> in Action: <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Relations Council35 Caring for All: Special Needs and Senior Services Updates36 Strengthening <strong>Jewish</strong> Life through Learning38 Synagogue ChaiLights40 Corporate Sponsors
WELCOME TO CHAI LIFEHelp Victims <strong>of</strong>Israel's WildfireAs the worst fire in Israel’shistory raged and anotherblaze threatened our SisterCity Kiryat Bialik, our<strong>Federation</strong> put out animmediate call for help.Please join us in providingrelief for fire victims andtheir families.Make an emergencydonation:• Contribute online• Mail a check to Donor Servicesc/o Israel Wildfire Relief, JFSPBC9901 Donna Klein Blvd.Boca Raton, FL 33428• Contact Donor Servicesdirectly at 561-852-3100 ordonorservices@bocafed.orgFollow <strong>Federation</strong> WARM HELLOFrom Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, Chair <strong>of</strong> the BoardWe are part <strong>of</strong> a community that does not rest when otherssuffer. In the midst <strong>of</strong> the worst recession <strong>of</strong> our lifetime,our <strong>Federation</strong> made emergency grants to its beneficiaryagencies so they did not have to turn their backs on ourneighbors when they needed us most. And when weheld food drives to supplement the local Forster FamilyKosher Food Pantry, this community came through in flyingcolors— with an overwhelming response that exceededall expectations. On behalf <strong>of</strong> the thousands <strong>of</strong> peoplewhose lives have improved because you care, all <strong>of</strong> us at<strong>Federation</strong> say THANK YOU.While <strong>Federation</strong> remains steadfast to the same corevalues that donors have always supported, we haveenhanced the ways in which you can participate. Youwill see them outlined in the pages that follow. From thenew Pomegranate lebel for women, to Donor Choiceand Adopt-a-Project initiatives, our <strong>Federation</strong> is movingforward—empowering and inspiring every Jew across<strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> to do the most good for thosein need. We have the power to do good in our lifetime —and through our new <strong>Jewish</strong> Legacy program, we eachhave the power to improve life for future generationsas well.I believe we each DO have the power to change theworld, life by life, day by day, donation by donation.And the best way I know how to do so is through our<strong>Federation</strong>. May we go forward from strength to strength.B’ ahava,Cindy Orbach NimhauserChair, The <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> view this issue online, publication is produced by the Marketing &Communications Department <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong><strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>.Senior Vice President,Marketing & Corporate DevelopmentAndrew M. RoseDirector <strong>of</strong> Marketing OperationsErryn AbiriChai Life Editor, Director <strong>of</strong> Public RelationsAndrea SchuverEditorial Director/Senior CopywriterPatricia ComoCreative DirectorShanna VinigWeb & Multimedia DirectorTom SokolowskiSenior Graphic DesignerAlisha RiddleProduction SpecialistPaul Kranowitz<strong>Federation</strong> OfficersChairCindy Orbach NimhauserVice Chair, Financial ResourceDevelopmentEllen R. Sarn<strong>of</strong>fVice Chair, CampaignJoseph MishkinVice Chair, <strong>Jewish</strong>Community FoundationDavid Pratt, Esq.Vice Chair, Women’s PhilanthropyMeryl GallatinVice Chair, Planning & AllocationsStephen A. Mendelsohn, Esq.TreasurerDavid KirschnerAssistant TreasurerAl Gortz, Esq.SecretaryTed StruhlAssistant SecretaryDebra HalperinVice ChairJill DeutchVice ChairWes FinchVice ChairCarol SmoklerPresident & CEOWilliam S. Bernstein, MSW<strong>Federation</strong>/UJA CampaignChair, CampaignJoseph MishkinMetro Division ChairPamela CohenSenior <strong>Federation</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsExecutive Vice President,Financial Resource DevelopmentIrv E. GeffenExecutive Vice President,Operations & FinanceMel LowellSenior Vice President, Campaign& Community DevelopmentMarla Weiss EgersSenior Director,Planning & Community RelationsStuart R. Silver, Esq.
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Downtown Boca Raton will be overflowing with love and nachas(pride) on December 18-19, at Fedstock, a groundbreaking,outdoor happening bringing the area’s <strong>Jewish</strong> community togetheras never before. <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong>s, synagogues, schools andorganizations are collaborating to pack the beautiful Mizner ParkAmphitheater for concerts with Matisyahu and Dudu Fisher, and aspirited festival day for all ages.“We’re thrilled to welcome all to two extraordinary dayscelebrating and showcasing our vibrant multi-faceted, multigenerational<strong>Jewish</strong> community,” said Cindy Orbach Nimhauser,Chair <strong>of</strong> Fedstock‘s presenter, the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong><strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>, which is proud to be partnering with the GreaterMiami <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong>, the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><strong>County</strong> and the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Broward <strong>County</strong> on thecelebration.Kicking <strong>of</strong>f on Saturday, December 18 at 8:00 p.m. will beGrammy-nominated, internationally acclaimed Matisyahu. ABillboard Top Ten Reggae Artist and composer <strong>of</strong> the 2010 WinterOlympics anthem, “One Day.” Matisyahu delivers bold, originalperformances inspired by universal and <strong>Jewish</strong> themes <strong>of</strong> peaceand hope. Premium seats are $85; general admission is $35.6
PLATINUM SPONSORFrom 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 19, Fedstock willfeature a free community festival, featuring local music, kosher food inthe “Nosh Pit,” “Dr. W’s Kid Zone” <strong>Jewish</strong>-themed children’s activities; alively “shuk” marketplace and a showcase <strong>of</strong> local synagogues, <strong>Jewish</strong>schools and agencies. Non-perishable food donations will be collectedfor distribution by the Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry <strong>of</strong> Ruth Rales<strong>Jewish</strong> Family Service, and children will be decorating the delivery truck.GOLD SPONSORSILVER SPONSORSU®On December 19 at 8:00 p.m., Dudu Fisher, renowned Israeli cantorturned Broadway star, will headline. Famous for his stirring performanceas Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, Fisher’s repertoire includes traditionaland contemporary Israeli tunes as well as Klezmer and Broadway<strong>of</strong>ferings which play to sellout audiences around the world. Tickets are$100, $75, $55 and $35.Feel the love. Be part <strong>of</strong> the nachas. Everyone is invited!Concert tickets can be purchased at or bycalling 1-866-571-2787. More information about Fedstock is availableat or 561-852-5050.BRONZE SPONSORSMEDIA SPONSORSBoca Raton Observer, Sun-Sentinel, <strong>Jewish</strong> Journal,WXEL, WPEC CBS-12, Sunny 104.3 WEAT-FM, Buzz103.1 WPBZ-FMPROGRAM UNDERWRITERSSmiles by Dr. Peter WohlgemuthAndrew M. Ress, M.D. Ress Plastic SurgeryHoward Kaye: Fedstock Peace/Platinum SponsorEven more love and nachas is being shared by Fedstock’s generous sponsors,and with his longstanding philanthropy and volunteerism, it’s no surprise thatPeace/Platinum Sponsor Howard Kaye <strong>of</strong> Howard Kaye Insurance Agency hasbeen in the forefront since this remarkable event was a pipe dream.“Howard Kaye’s vision and love for this community have been absolutelyinstrumental to making Fedstock a reality,” said Andrew M. Rose, <strong>Federation</strong>’sVP <strong>of</strong> Marketing, Communications and Corporate Development. “WithoutHoward, we could not have gotten this amazing, all-embracing weekend <strong>of</strong>fthe ground.”7
Evening <strong>of</strong>Power2011 MAJOR GIFTS EVENTFEATURING SAUL SINGER,CO-AUTHOR OF START-UP NATION:ISRAEL’S ECONOMIC MIRACLEInnovation amid elegance awaits top donors <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong><strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> at this year’s Major GiftsEvent, at St. Andrews Country Club on December 15 th , 2010.The Evening <strong>of</strong> Power cocktail reception and dinner is the largestand most prestigious fundraising event <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Federation</strong> season.Saul Singer, co-author <strong>of</strong> Start-Up Nation: The Story <strong>of</strong> Israel’sEconomic Miracle, will provide an insider’s view <strong>of</strong> Israel’s globalhigh-tech industry leadership. His book was lauded by Tom Brokawas “. . . a playbook for every CEO who wants to develop the nextgeneration <strong>of</strong> corporate leaders.” Israeli high-tech companies willalso demonstrate their products in a “taste <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurship”.“We’re all aware and proud <strong>of</strong> Israel’s lead in technology,but our major donors are in for a unique view <strong>of</strong> the latestdevelopments, their inside stories, and why Israel has theleading edge,” said Joseph Mishkin, Campaign Chair. “Israel’srise to technological preeminence also provides us with criticallessons, courage and strength as we raise this year’s funds tomeet more and greater needs.”“We’ll explore and celebrate Israel’s latest accomplishments,as we honor and gain inspiration from our <strong>Federation</strong> families’generations <strong>of</strong> generosity,” said Amy Ross.“The powerful combination <strong>of</strong> technology and tradition will makethis a night to remember, and inspire our major donors as theywork to address vital needs in our own community and beyond,”added Robin Rubin.Gary & Robin Rubin, David & Amy Ross, Evening <strong>of</strong> Power Chairs“As the economic climate continues to take its toll, even morepeople require our help with life-sustaining essential services,”added Ellen R. Sarn<strong>of</strong>f, Financial Resource Development Chair.“Our major donors’ compassion and generosity continue toinspire us all.”Chairing this innovative event are vibrant young leaders, Amyand David Ross, and Robin and Gary Rubin. Robin and Amy aredaughters <strong>of</strong> Phyllis and Harvey Sandler, who have co-chairedthe Major Gifts events’ highest giving level, the Prime Minister’sCouncil, since 2004. The event is also co-chaired by Pamela andHoward Kaye (Leadership Gifts), Mildred and Abner Levine (KingDavid Society), Marissa and Jeff Hollander (Joshua Society), andWendy and Robert Pressner (Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah Society).Phyllis & Harvey Sandler, Prime Minister’s CouncilCo-chairsHoward & Pamela Kaye, Leadership Gifts Co-chairsMaking the night even more a family affair will be a KetubahSociety Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame display. This most esteemed new Societypays tribute to the individuals, couples and families who havemade cumulative financial commitments <strong>of</strong> one million dollars ormore during the <strong>Federation</strong>’s 31-year history.Marissa & Jeff Hollander, Joshua Society Co-chairs; Wendy & Bob Pressner, Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah Co-chairsMajor Gifts is Generously Sponsored by:9
FEDERATIONCAMPAIGNPOWER UP!<strong>Federation</strong>’s 2011 Campaign is Ready to Make an Impact.This year, our <strong>Federation</strong> has pulled out all the stops with inivative new ways to connect with longtimedonors, while welcoming new members to our family. In the pages that follow, you will read about substantialchanges to boost this year’s campaign to a whole new level <strong>of</strong> community involvement.We’ve also introduced a new tone for our messaging and the way we view fundraising. In a word it’sPOWER— you have the power to feed, save, rescue, comfort, inspire, educate… change the world.We hope you will use your power this year to make our community and the world a better place to live. We can think <strong>of</strong> no better place tostart than the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>. It is time to rally!Ellen R. Sarn<strong>of</strong>f,Financial Resource Development (FRD) ChairJoseph Mishkin,Campaign ChairPOWER UP YOUR GIVINGFour initiatives to strengthen your connectionOur challenging economy and desire to appeal to a wider donor base has prompted our <strong>Federation</strong> to refresh, regroup and reenergizethe annual campaign. While remaining steadfast to core values donors have always supported, we’ve enhanced the waysto inspire and empower you to do the most good for those in need, and to get the most fulfillment and meaning from your giving.Donor ChoiceYou now have the opportunity to direct your annual campaigngift–or a supplemental gift–to one <strong>of</strong> three “impact centers”:Local Safety Net Services, <strong>Jewish</strong> Life and Learning, or Israeland our Global Family. Or, you can continue to give to ourTraditional Campaign, which covers the full range <strong>of</strong> needs.Adopt-a-ProjectThis is an excellent opportunity for country club communities andother groups to bring to life a specific project that may otherwisego unfunded. Ask a <strong>Federation</strong> representative for a brochurelisting projects in need <strong>of</strong> supplemental funding.Create a <strong>Jewish</strong> LegacyLegacy giving has always been one <strong>of</strong> the smartest, mosteffective ways to leave a lasting gift for the causes you careabout. Your legacy can reflect everything most important to you.(more on page 27).Pomegranate: A new level <strong>of</strong> givingfor womenThe new Pomegranate level and pin have been specially createdfor women who give a minimum annual campaign gift <strong>of</strong>$1,800. (more on page 17)10
TURN UP THE POWERTo Change the WorldJEWISH FEDERATION OF SOUTH PALM BEACH COUNTY2011 CAMPAIGN IGNITIONSeventy-five key campaign leaders from throughout the <strong>Federation</strong> community sparkedthe 2011 season on November 15. Chaired by Arthur Goldberg and Barry Podolsky,Campaign Ignition inspired and educated them to face unprecedented needs andchallenges, and prepared them with knowledge, skills and updated tools to be <strong>Federation</strong>Ambassadors.Our leaders learned with top experts Vicki Agron, former Senior VP <strong>of</strong> Development forJFNA; Misha Galperin CEO and President, <strong>Jewish</strong> Agency, International Development;and Amir Shaviv, Assistant Executive VP for American <strong>Jewish</strong> Joint Distribution Committee(JDC); as well as <strong>Federation</strong> Executive VP Irv Geffen. They also took home a brandnew Campaign Handbook to help keep the energy rising. Emotional, motivational andinformative, this invigorating day – the first such event in seven years, put us all on trackfor a most promising fundraising year.L-R: Arthur Goldberg, Campaign Ignition Co-chair; Joe Mishkin; Barry Podolosky, Campaign Ignition Co-chairL-R: Dr. Misha Galperin, Ellen R. Sarn<strong>of</strong>f, Amir Shaviv, Meryl GallatinVicki AgronL-R: James Nobil, Past <strong>Federation</strong> Chair; Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, <strong>Federation</strong> Chair;Marvin Zale, Past <strong>Federation</strong> ChairPhyllis Wachtel and Margaret Kottler, Gold Coast; Dana Charles Kodner,Broken SoundMonica Goldstein, Addison Reserve; Robin Rubin, St Andrews; Shirley Solomon and Margie Baer, Boca Grove11
Best wishes fromCaren and Michael WeinbergPGateway InsuranceFor Your Total Insurance NeedsPhone 954-332-1900a w o r l d a p a r tL C M A D V I S O R SA Global Money ManagementBoutique Firm Advising Affluent FamiliesYou’re going places.We’ll help you get there.and Individuals WorldwideL C M A D V I S O R S . C O M 5 6 1 . 8 9 3 . 9 9 0 1 B O C A R A T O NLaurence I. Blair, Esq. – Partner2255 Glades Road, Suite 414-EBoca Raton, FL 33431561.994.2212 ext. 1705larry.blair@gmlaw.com888.491.1120 | www.gmlaw.comFort Lauderdale | Orlando | Aventura | Boca Raton | Stuart | West <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>
invitation to Men:Play at Boca Rio Golf ClubTee it Up Again for a Great CauseMen are again invited to enjoy the most exclusive local golf experiencewhile helping to meet vital community needs, as the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> proudly presents the Third Annual InvitationalMen’s Golf Classic at Boca Rio Golf Club. Event chairs Michael Block,David Kreisman, and Michael Lipton ensure that an extraordinary dayawaits.Monday, January 24, 2011 11:00 amBoca Rio Golf Club22041 Boca Rio Road, Boca RatonCouvert: $400 per person includes lunch, cocktails, dinner andawards receptionA minimum men’s gift to the 2011 UJA/<strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><strong>County</strong> Annual Campaign is required to attend:$2,500 gift entitles one player$5,000 gift entitles player and a guest$10,000 gift entitles player and two guests$20,000+ gift entitles player and three guestsEvent Chairs: Michael Block, David Kreisman, and Michael Lipton2011 Presenting Sponsor: Ronald A. & Evie Krancer2011 Signature Sponsor: Ellen R. Sarn<strong>of</strong>fSteve Bedowitz Memorial Trophy Sponsor: Ron & Meryl GallatinCorporate Sponsors:Gateway InsuranceISC ServicesLevitt Capital ManagementThe Bedowitz Cup, donated by Ron and Meryl Gallatin inmemory <strong>of</strong> Steve BedowitzExclusive Media Sponsor: Boca Raton ObserverOnline registration is available 25, 2For more information, please contact Jennifer Koenig at 561-852-3129 or
DOROTHY SEAMAN DEPARTMENT OFWOMEN’S PHILANTHROPYPride, Passion, Power, Philanthropy – Our <strong>Federation</strong>’sWomenAs this year’s Women’s Philanthropy Chair, I am committed to extending our rich history <strong>of</strong> educating,engaging and inspiring others to enable human services that meet vital needs locally and overseas.It is our obligation to help our women engage in Tikkun Olam and the mitzvah <strong>of</strong> giving. And that we do!Through outreach and education events, women discover their own giving capacity and the satisfaction <strong>of</strong>helping – and then give with pride and passion. Here at the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>,Women’s Philanthropy raises more than 50% <strong>of</strong> our campaign dollars.Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah, Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah, Pomegranate and Community gifts allow us to make pr<strong>of</strong>ound differences for so many, bringing hope <strong>of</strong> abetter day, a better life. We are the “power <strong>of</strong> the collective.” We are fresh and innovative, and generous with time and dollars. Join us.Dorothy Seaman Department <strong>of</strong> Women’s Philanthropy is Generously Sponsored byMeryl Gallatin, Women’s Philanthropy ChairOur Lions Roar Loudest at International ConferenceMore than 70 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> Lions headed to New Orleans for the InternationalLion <strong>of</strong> Judah Conference on November 7-11 – the LARGEST delegation at ILOJC! Chaired byBarbara Feingold, our delegation also enjoyed a special activities itinerary. Ellen R. Sarn<strong>of</strong>freceived the prestigious Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award for Leadership.Ellen R. Sam<strong>of</strong>f surrounded by Lion sisters after receiving her award(L-R): Barbara Feingold, Meryl Gallatin(L-R): Jill Rose, Ilene Wohlgemuth, CindyOrbach Nimhauser(L-R): Emily Grabelsky, Amy Ross. Lionsfrom all over the world brought and readbooks at schools restored after HurricaneKatrina14
Alan Dershowitz Continues the ConversationCrown <strong>of</strong> JudahLUNCHEONMembers <strong>of</strong> the Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah LuncheonCommittee include: (Front Row L-R) BethMishkin; Wendy Pressner, Women’s MajorGifts Vice Chair; Amy Ross; Emily Grabelsky;Women’s Campaign Chair; (Back Row L-R)Phyllis Rosenstock; Kinnie Gorelick; MerylGallatin, Women’s Philanthropy Chair; MarleenForkas; Phyllis Seresky; Shirley Solomon; RuthTaubman; Barbara WolkIn a beautiful tented garden overlooking a sparkling lake, one<strong>of</strong> the country’s most lauded speakers will continue a pr<strong>of</strong>ounddiscussion with the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><strong>County</strong>’s most philanthropic women on January 26, 2011. Thisyear’s Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah Luncheon, at the home <strong>of</strong> M. L. Bedowitz,brings back Alan Dershowitz, a most distinguished Harvardlaw pr<strong>of</strong>essor, defender <strong>of</strong> individual liberties and <strong>Jewish</strong>causes, author and media personality.“We’re excited and privileged to build on the great success <strong>of</strong>last year’s first Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah Luncheon just for women,” saidWendy Pressner, Women’s Philanthropy Major Gifts Vice Chair.“We can’t wait to continue the conversation we began there withPr<strong>of</strong>essor Dershowitz, on today’s most critical <strong>Jewish</strong> concerns.”“We’re also continuing the warmth and welcome <strong>of</strong> holding thisexceptional event at an extremely elegant private home,” continuedPressner. “Last year’s luncheon sold out quickly at 120guests, so those invited will want to RSVP early.”Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Alan M. Dershowitz has been called “America’smost public <strong>Jewish</strong> defender” and “Israel’s single most visibledefender – the <strong>Jewish</strong> state’s lead attorney in the court <strong>of</strong> publicopinion.” Upon presenting Dershowitz with the ADL’s WilliamO. Douglas First Amendment Award, Nobel Laureate Elie Wieselsaid, “If there had been a few people like Alan Dershowitzduring the 1930s and 1940s, the history <strong>of</strong> European Jewrymight have been different.”The Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah recognizes women who contribute at the$10,000 level or above to the UJA/<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong><strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> Annual Campaign. For more informationabout the event or the Crown distinction, contact Dina Burg at561-852-5015 or Raton Regional Hospital is the generous sponsor <strong>of</strong>the Dorothy Seaman Department <strong>of</strong> Women’s Philanthropy.Brown’s Interior Design, Ivan & Co. and Oppenheimer are theLuncheon’s generous sponsors. The Boca Raton Observer isExclusive Media Sponsor.Leona Brauser is First Clarice PressnerCrown <strong>of</strong> Judah AwardeeLeona BrauserThe first Clarice Pressner Crown <strong>of</strong> JudahAward will be presented to Leona Brauser atthe luncheon. Named for the “pr<strong>of</strong>essionalvolunteer” who founded the Crown <strong>of</strong> JudahDivision 20 years ago, this award will recognizeseasoned leaders whose enduring effortshave helped build Women’s Philanthropy intoa powerful force at the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>.15
Dorothy Seaman Department <strong>of</strong> Women’s PhilanthropyLion <strong>of</strong> JudahLUNCHEONThe <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s “pride” willcelebrate the power <strong>of</strong> women’s philanthropy at the season’smuch-awaited annual Lion in-gathering. Chaired by Dale Prattand Judi Schuman, the Lions will come together at the Polo Club<strong>of</strong> Boca Raton, on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 10:30 a.m.Nancy Lublin, one <strong>of</strong> the nonpr<strong>of</strong>it world’s most connected andglobally-respected leaders, will share “Things Her Bubbe TaughtHer.” Nancy is CEO <strong>of</strong>, founder <strong>of</strong> Dress forSuccess, and author <strong>of</strong> Zilch: The Power <strong>of</strong> Zero in Business.The featured speaker has been generously underwritten by theMarleen Forkas Chair <strong>of</strong> Contemporary <strong>Jewish</strong> Issues.The luncheon couvert is $65, with dietary laws observed. ALion level gift <strong>of</strong> $5,000 or above to the 2011 UJA/<strong>Jewish</strong><strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> Annual Campaign isrequired to attend.Contact 561-852-6059 or Online RSVP isavailable to Judi Schuman and Dale Pratt, Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah Luncheon Co-chairsBoca Raton Regional Hospital is the generous sponsor <strong>of</strong>the Dorothy Seaman Department <strong>of</strong> Women’s Philanthropy.Brown’s Interior Design, Ivan & Co. and Oppenheimer are theLuncheon’s generous sponsors. The Boca Raton Observer isExclusive Media Sponsor.Dorothy seaman department <strong>of</strong> women’s philanthropyDiscover the Powerful RoarEnjoy a Special Time with Your Neighbors atthe 2010-11 Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah Outreach EventsCo-chairs: Lori Berman & Roz SilverFor more details or to RSVP, contact 561-852-6090 or staceys@bocafed.org16Boca Grove Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah OutreachJanuary 10 • 10:00 amAddison Reserve Lion <strong>of</strong> JudahOutreachJanuary 10 • 11:00 amBocaire Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah OutreachJanuary 10 • 3:00 pmGold Coast Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah OutreachJanuary 11 • 10:00 amDelaire Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah OutreachJanuary 11 • 1:30 pmBoca Pointe Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah OutreachJanuary 11 • 3:00 pmPolo Club Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah OutreachJanuary 12 • 10:00 amSt. Andrews Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah OutreachJanuary 12 • 10:00 amWoodfield & Greater Boca Lion <strong>of</strong>Judah OutreachJanuary 13 • 10:00 amBroken Sound/Mizner CountryClub/StonebridgeJanuary 14 • 10:00 amBoca West Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah andPomegranate OutreachJanuary 13 • 3:30 pm
The Pomegranate — a whole newlevel <strong>of</strong> givingThe new Pomegranate level and the pin worn by it’s membershave been specially created for women who help the <strong>Jewish</strong>community with an individual minimum gift <strong>of</strong> $1,800 tothe <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s AnnualCampaign.The pomegranate, one <strong>of</strong> the seven fruits named in the Bible, is saidto contain 613 seeds, one for each <strong>of</strong> the mitzvot or commandmentsfound in the Torah. The ancient symbol was carved in theentranceways <strong>of</strong> the earliest synagogues, woven into fabrics, andhammered into silver and gold. The intricate covers for the handles <strong>of</strong>the Torah scrolls are called “rimonim” or pomegranates.Each woman making an $1,800 annual commitment maypurchase the beautiful sterling silver pin for $150. By wearingthis symbol, we are reminded <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> lives we haveimproved, rescued and renewed. But, even more, it reminds us <strong>of</strong>the work that is yet to be done.For more information about the Pomegranate level, contactEliza Prince Atias, Assistant Director Women’s Philanthropy,at or 561.852.3113.Rebecca Appelbaum, inauguralPomegranate ChairBetty Apple, inaugural PomegranatememberMarcy Robbins, inauguralPomegranate memberMonica Goldstein receivedher Pomegranate pin onthe P2K Mission to Israel17Chai Life Ad.indd 211/11/10 12:27 PM
More than 80 women enjoyed an outstandingmorning <strong>of</strong> fashion, friendship, spirituality andhelping the community at Bloomingdale’s BocaRaton at Town Center on October 12, 2010.They heard from Rabbi Marci Bloch, viewed astyle show and shopped with experts.Women Strengthen Style & SpiritAt Bloomingdale’s MorningThe Spirit and Spice outreach morning was thefirst event <strong>of</strong> the exciting and powerful seasonahead for the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong><strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s Dorothy Seaman Department <strong>of</strong>Women’s Philanthropy. It was also the first event<strong>of</strong> the 4th annual Spirit and Spice series, chairedby Kim Greenbaum and Dawn Pollay. Spirit andSpice returns to Bloomingdale’s on April 5 th witha Passover cooking demonstration and tasting.Rabbi Marci Bloch; Kim Greenbaum and Dawn Pollay, Spiritand Spice Event Co-chairsWendy Pressner, Vice Chair, Women’s Philanthropy Major Gifts; RebeccaAppelbaum, Vice Chair, Pomegranate; Emily Grabelsky, Vice Chair,Women’s Philanthropy Campaign; Meryl Gallatin, Women’s PhilanthropyChair; Kathy Green, Vice Chair, Women’s Philanthropy OutreachFor more information about getting involved with<strong>Federation</strong> women’s activities, call Dina Burg,Associate Vice President <strong>of</strong> Women’s Philanthropyat 561-852-5015 or Eliza Prince Atias, AssistantDirector Women’s Philanthropy at 561-852-3113.Cantor Lori Shapiro; Monica GoldsteinDorothy Seaman Department <strong>of</strong> Women’s Philanthropy is Generously Sponsored byKim Greenbaum and Dawn Pollay, Spirit and Spice Event Co-chairs; JanSavarick, Boca Raton Community Hospital, Women’s Philanthropy SponsorDebbie Appleton, Stacey Berger,Loren Szmiga, Mom’s Time OutCo-chairsBethany Birken, Randie DockswellKaren David, Karen DeutschMom’s Time Out: New. Fun.Renewing. Sisterhood.<strong>Federation</strong>’s women’s programming has something brand new - just formothers with children newborn to elementary school age to get togetherand carve out some time for themselves. Chaired by Debbie Appleton,Stacey Berger and Loren Szmiga, Mom’s Time Out’s first year <strong>of</strong>fers fivefun and engaging experiences.The moms appreciated Finding Balance on October 13. On November10, they made fabulous floral Chanukah centerpieces with help fromDalsimer Atlas Events and met with Yves St. Laurent make-up artists fromSaks Fifth Avenue.18Allison Mandel, Amanda WeinerNext, the moms head to the Red Tent for an evening <strong>of</strong> spiritual retreaton January 12. For more information, call Eliza Prince Atias, AssistantDirector Women’s Philanthropy Department at 561-852-3113, or visit
The <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>From feeding neighbors to enhancing <strong>Jewish</strong> life in ourcommunity to providing a lifeline for those in dire need, the<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> brightens lives withevery donation. Find out just how much good is made possiblethrough the generosity <strong>of</strong> donors throughout Boca Raton, Delray<strong>Beach</strong> and Highland <strong>Beach</strong>. Flip through the pages <strong>of</strong> our latestImpact Report, get inspired— and get a glimpse <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> the facesand places we touch every day.CONTENTS:Annual Campaign for <strong>Jewish</strong> Needs 2Local Safety Net Services 2-3<strong>Jewish</strong> Life & Learning 4-5Israel & Our Global Family 6-719
an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an elderly resideprint books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in theit possible for a single working mother to send her children to day care • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not smedicine JEWISH every month • give a FEDERATION child with learning disabilities the summer ANNUAL camp experience <strong>of</strong> a lifetime CAMPAIGN• make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kreceive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebufrom a war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism Meets • make Three certain that every Areas local senior <strong>of</strong> is invited Vital to a Seder Need. on Passover • brightenwith a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an elderly resident a ride tfor a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former S<strong>of</strong>or a single working mother to send her children to daycareSince• speak1979,out againstour <strong>Federation</strong>anti-Semitismhas raised• helpandto ensuredistributedthat Iranfundsdoesfornotthosesecure nuclearmonth • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp in need experience in our community, <strong>of</strong> a lifetime in • Israel make and sure in the 70 Jews countries in Yemen throughout and Kyrgyzstan the know thhealth visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler world. • send This a has young always adult been on Birthright accomplished Israel • through help families our traditional rebuild after a hurricancommunity • ignite a child’s love for 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ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possibllearning disabilities the summer camp experience <strong>of</strong> a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone• give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep thlove for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten our <strong>Jewish</strong> future • let Jews everywhere knowit possible for a local family to give LOCAL their child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education SAFETY • give an elderly resident NET a ride to SERVICESthe doctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice • provide immediate aia local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket •to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew tothe summer camp experience <strong>of</strong> a lifetime • make sure theLocalJews inEmergencyYemen and KyrgyzstanAssistanceknow that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy inasthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgivmake certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten our <strong>Jewish</strong> future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critiKosher Konnection: This hot kosher meal program for needy seniors everylocal family to give their child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terrweekday also <strong>of</strong>fers much-needed opportunities for socializing. Up to 70survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traseniors are served each day by about 29 volunteers. In partnership with thespeak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more acamp experience <strong>of</strong> a lifetime • make sure the Jews in YemenMaeandVolenKyrgyzstanCenter, Theknow<strong>Jewish</strong>that<strong>Federation</strong>they do not<strong>of</strong>stand<strong>South</strong>alone<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>• rescue<strong>County</strong>a boyandin Tunisia frominhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families Ruth rebuild Rales <strong>Jewish</strong> after a Family hurricane Service. or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving communthat every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten our <strong>Jewish</strong> future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifegive their child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an elderly resident Direct a ride Financial to the doctors’ Assistance: <strong>of</strong>fice • Emergency provide immediate assistance aid is provided to victims for <strong>of</strong> families terror • help imreceives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the and Former individuals Soviet experiencing Union a hot a meal financial and hardship a proper and blanket who • are provide having post traumatic stragainst anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure difficulty nuclear paying weapons for their • make basic it needs possible including for a fellow mortgage/rent, Jew to learn utility more bills, about his herita<strong>of</strong> a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan medication, know that home they do health not stand aides and alone provisions • rescue for a children. boy in Tunisia In fiscal from year desperate 2009- poveryoung adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a 2010, hurricane 1,200 or local earthquake residents • received keep the financial annual assistance, Thanksgiving increase community <strong>of</strong> 351 dinner for 50senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten our <strong>Jewish</strong> from future the previous • let Jews year. everywhere A program know <strong>of</strong> Ruth they Rales have <strong>Jewish</strong> a critical, Family forever Service. lifeline • feed a na <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrants start a nehe deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union Forster a hot meal Family and Kosher a proper Food blanket Pantry: • provide The Kosher post traumatic Food Pantry stress delivers syndrome counseli• help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons non-perishable • make it possible items, for as well a fellow as frozen Jew to Shabbat learn more dinners, about fresh his fruit heritage and challah • give a widomake sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they every do not other stand week alone to families • rescue in need, a boy isolated in Tunisia and from poor desperate elderly, unemployed poverty • help a bedBirthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake adults and immigrants. • keep the The annual pantry Thanksgiving delivers to 525 community households dinner (representing for 500 seniors goingto a Seder on Passover • brighten our <strong>Jewish</strong> future • let Jews765everywhereindividuals),knowan increasethey have<strong>of</strong> overa critical,100 homesforeversincelifelinelast year. A program <strong>of</strong>Ruth Rales <strong>Jewish</strong> Family Service.More than 1,200 neighborsreceived urgent financialassistance from Ruth Rales<strong>Jewish</strong> Family Service in 2009-2010, many <strong>of</strong> whom lost theirjobs and fell on hard times afterthe economic downturn in 2008.20Local Vulnerable PopulationsDirector <strong>of</strong> Community Special Needs: A pr<strong>of</strong>essional works withagencies, congregations and schools to obtain and enhance services forchildren and adults with disabilities; and to provide training and resources tohelp families become better advocates for their needs. Last year, more than300 people and families received vital resources to address their individualchallenges. A program <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>.
feed a neighbor who lost her job • giverly resident a ride to the doctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • makeoes not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about Through his heritage "HEAP," • give a 300 widow local in Kingspoint seniors diabetesen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from receive desperate <strong>Federation</strong> poverty • help funding a bedridden for woman case-iworkers dinner for who 500 seniors connect going them strong • to rescue vital a familyTbilisiilies rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving communitybrighten our <strong>Jewish</strong> future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline services • feed a that neighbor help who them lost her remain job • give in an adultnt a ride to the doctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrantstheirstarthomesa newwithlife indignityIsrael • provideand safety.large-print booksormer Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possiblenuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine everyknow that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical homehurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-tornish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an adult with a disabilitydoctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a childt Union Donna a hot meal Klein and <strong>Jewish</strong> a proper Academy blanket Sun • provide Center post (Yad traumatic b'Yad): stress Holocaust syndrome counseling Survivor to Assistance: IDF soldier Holocaust • make survivors it possible for a singleeapons Yad • make B’Yad it helps possible the growing for a fellow number Jew <strong>of</strong> to students learn more whose about needs his heritage receive • give life-sustaining a widow support, in Kingspoint including diabetes personal medicine care, every month •hat they exceed do not stand the accommodations alone • rescue available a boy in in Tunisia a regular from classroom. desperate poverty shopping, • help meal a bedridden preparation woman and transportation in Tbilisi receive for essential critical home healthe or earthquake Formal and • informal keep the requests annual are Thanksgiving received in community the SUN Center dinner for 500 needs. seniors Currently, going 120 strong local • households rescue a family receive from assistance a war-torn communitylet Jews for everywhere approximately know 100 they students have a each critical, year. forever In addition lifeline to • feed a neighbor through caring, who lost sensitive her job providers. • give an A adult program with <strong>of</strong> a Ruth disability Rales employmentce • provide participation immediate in the aid Yad to B’Yad victims program, <strong>of</strong> terror several • help families immigrants also start a new <strong>Jewish</strong> life Family in Israel Service. • provide large-print books for a child who is goingeal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working motherneed support services outside <strong>of</strong> school, such as speech andit possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child withlanguage therapy, OT, PT and social skills groups that place <strong>Federation</strong> Transportation Services: 41,000 tripsand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every weekan added financial burden on the family.per year are provided for the elderly and those with disabilities.keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community • ignite a child’sA trusted driver in a comfortable minibus brings them to doctor’sere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an adult with a disability employment training • makeHillel Day School ETGAR Program: Etgar provides intensiveediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel •appointments,provide large-printthe grocerybooksstorefor aandchildotherwhoessentialis goingsites.blindThis• make sureintervention and services for children with moderate learninglanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier vital • service make it enables possible the for elderly a single to continue working to mother live on to their send her childrenw Jew to disabilities. learn more Limited about to eight his heritage full-time and • give 10 part-time a widow students, in Kingspoint 12 <strong>of</strong> diabetes own with medicine dignity while every providing month • individuals give a child opportunities with learning for disabilitiesa boy in whom Tunisia receive from essential desperate financial poverty assistance • help through a bedridden <strong>Federation</strong>. woman in Tbilisi socialization. receive critical A program home <strong>of</strong> health the <strong>Jewish</strong> visits <strong>Federation</strong> every week <strong>of</strong> • <strong>South</strong> give a child withThanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> from a <strong>County</strong>. war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism •ve a critical, <strong>Jewish</strong> forever Association lifeline • feed for Residential a neighbor who Care lost (JARC) her job • give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for aims <strong>of</strong> terror Financial • help immigrants Assistance: start Families a new and life individuals Israel • provide with limited large-print Subsidized books for a Housing child who on is the going <strong>Federation</strong> blind • make Campus: sure a Both local Holocauste post traumatic financial stress resources syndrome receive counseling aid to participate to an IDF in residential soldier • make it possible the Harry for & a Jeanette single working Weinberg mother House to and send the her Shirley children H. Gould to daycare •rn more and about vocational his heritage programs • give <strong>of</strong>fered a widow to adults in Kingspoint with developmental diabetes medicine House every <strong>of</strong>fer month government • give subsidized a child with housing learning for 212 disabilities low-income the summernisia from disabilities. desperate Nearly poverty 40% • help <strong>of</strong> JARC’s a bedridden residential woman clients (living in Tbilisi in receive seniors critical and home individuals health visits with every handicaps week or • disabilities give a child who with meet asthma ancommunity either dinner group for 500 apartment seniors settings) going require strong this • rescue support. a family Currently, from a specific war-torn requirements. community • Residents ignite a do child’s not receive love for funding Judaism from • make certainorever lifeline 26 JARC • feed residents a neighbor and 12 who individuals lost her who job receive • give vocational an adult with a <strong>Federation</strong>, disability employment rather they training indirectly • receive make it benefits possible from for being a local family to• help immigrants training benefit start from a new <strong>Federation</strong> life in Israel funding. • provide large-print books for located a child on who the <strong>Federation</strong> is going blind campus. • make sure a local Holocaust survivorumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak outhis heritage Camp • Kavod: give a widow Highly in qualified, Kingspoint nurturing diabetes staff medicine ensure that every monthCounseling/Vocational• give a child with learning disabilitiesServicesthe summer camp experience- te poverty children • help and a teens bedridden with special woman needs in Tbilisi enjoy receive a successful critical camp home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send aer for 500experienceseniors goingthroughstronga myriad• rescue<strong>of</strong> activitiesa familyon thefrom<strong>Federation</strong>a war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every localIndividuals and Families in Crisis: Pr<strong>of</strong>essional counselingfeed a neighbor who lost her job • give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their childcampus and in community settings. Last year, nearly 100is provided by an experienced staff <strong>of</strong> licensed clinical socialstart a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecarechildren participated in the summer and winter/spring programs. workers and psychologists for children and adults. Individual orcounseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-SemitismA program <strong>of</strong> Adolph & Rose Levis <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Center.e a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child withgrouplearningcounseling,disabilitiescrisis interventionthe summerandcampa programexperiencefor those<strong>of</strong> a lifetime •lp a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week with persistent • give a mental child with illness asthma are <strong>of</strong>fered. an inhaler A program • send <strong>of</strong> a Ruth young Rales adult onAdolph & Rose Levis Alzheimer & Adult Day Care: This full-time, <strong>Jewish</strong> Family going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invitedMonday through Friday program serves those with dementia andAlzheimer’s disease. A caring staff leads about 30 daily participantsin enriching mental and physical activities and provides stimulatingentertainment. Breakfast and lunch are served. A support groups isalso <strong>of</strong>fered for caregivers. Program <strong>of</strong> the Mae Volen Center.Helping Elders Age in Place (HEAP): This program providescaseworkers (who <strong>of</strong>ten serve as advocates) to assist frail seniorsin connecting with programs and services that can be <strong>of</strong> benefit.The goal is to help our elders age with dignity and safety in theirhomes. Currently HEAP serves approximately 300 elders through<strong>Federation</strong> funding. A program <strong>of</strong> Ruth Rales <strong>Jewish</strong> Family Service.Volunteer services/neighbor first: Over 300 volunteersprovide transportation, telephone reassurance, home visits, fooddelivery and support to local people in need amounting to morethan 30,000 volunteer hours per year. In addition to providingvital help, this program helps spread a deep sense <strong>of</strong> communityand caring across <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>. A program <strong>of</strong> RuthRales <strong>Jewish</strong> Family Service.<strong>Federation</strong> Volunteer Resource Center: Matches volunteers inour community with local agencies and programs <strong>of</strong> theirchoosing. Can be accessed at
eir child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terrorsurvivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanketen to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possiblelearning disabilities the summer camp experience <strong>of</strong> a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that theyth visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild afterwar-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on PassoverBirthright Israel: Jews between the ages <strong>of</strong> 16 andive an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education •26 receive the chance to visit Israel for the first time,Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecareregardless <strong>of</strong> financial ability. This past year, 234 youngme counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak outabout his heritageadults from• give<strong>South</strong>a widow<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>in Kingspoint<strong>County</strong> werediabetesablemedicineto travelevery month • give a child with learning disabilities thea boy in Tunisia to Israel from as desperate part <strong>of</strong> an poverty educational/peer • help a bedridden group trip woman with in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week •• keep the annual other Jews Thanksgiving from around community the world. dinner The waiting for 500 list seniors to going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn communityre • let Jews everywhere attend, however, know is they more have than a three critical, times forever that number lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an adult with aa ride to the and doctors’ is dependent <strong>of</strong>fice • on provide funding. immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • providefellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counselinghelp to ensure Synagogue that Iran does Outreach not secure Initiative: nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage<strong>of</strong> a lifetime • Four make congregations sure the Jews in our in Yemen community and participate Kyrgyzstan in know a pilot that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia fromn inhaler • send program a young to engage adult and on Birthright affiliate local Israel Jews • help who families are not rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annualaism • make currently certain that synagogue every local or temple senior members. is invited A to program a Seder <strong>of</strong> on the Passover • brighten our <strong>Jewish</strong> future • let Jews everywheremake it possible <strong>Jewish</strong> for <strong>Federation</strong> a local family <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> to give <strong>Palm</strong> their <strong>Beach</strong> child <strong>County</strong>. a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ <strong>of</strong>ficeoing blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Sovieta single workingFloridamotherAssociationto send her children<strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong>to daycare<strong>Federation</strong>s:• speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does notmedicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience <strong>of</strong> a lifetime • make sure the JewsEnables our <strong>Federation</strong> to receive information andoman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult onalerts <strong>of</strong> particular interest to the <strong>Jewish</strong> community fromeniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that everythe Governmental Affairs Committee, which monitorsfeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a locallegislation on such issues as health, education, humans <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure ar blanket • provide service, post religion, traumatic funding stress and syndrome community counseling relations. to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working motherke it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every monthw that they do Hillel not stand Foundation alone • rescue for <strong>Jewish</strong> a boy Campus in Tunisia Life: from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receives rebuild after Hillel a hurricane is dedicated or earthquake to engaging • <strong>Jewish</strong> keep the students annual in Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong •er on Passover fun, • stimulating brighten our activities <strong>Jewish</strong> future on campus • let Jews and everywhere providing know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighboreducation • give them an with elderly meaningful resident <strong>Jewish</strong> a ride experiences. to the doctors’ Its <strong>of</strong>fice mission • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrantsthe homecare is to he motivate deserves students • give to a fellow proudly Jew “own” in the their Former <strong>Jewish</strong> Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post• speak out identity. against Hillel anti-Semitism currently • serves help to thousands ensure that <strong>of</strong> Iran students does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellowbilities the summer statewide, camp including experience 6,000 <strong>of</strong> a students lifetime on • make campuses sure the in Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not standweek • give Broward a child with and asthma <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> an inhaler Counties. • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricanemmunity • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brightenult with a disabilityJEWISHemploymentCOMMUNITYtrainingRELATIONS• makeCOUNCILit possible(JCRC)for a local family to give their child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an• provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare heA Department <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong>ounseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against<strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>is heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summerTunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give aGovernment Officials Advocacy:the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community • ignitews everywherePromotesknowandtheymaintainshave a critical,relationsforeverwith governmentlifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an adult with a disabilityhe doctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong>ficials • provide and community immediate leaders aid to in order victims to <strong>of</strong> advocate terror • help immigrants start a new Currently, life in Israel Hillel • provide on large-print Campus keepsin the Former for Soviet government Union funding, a hot meal promote and U.S.-Israel a proper blanket relations, • provide post traumatic <strong>Jewish</strong> stress syndrome life alive counseling and to well an IDF for 6,000nsure that Iran and does to not safeguard secure the nuclear <strong>Jewish</strong> weapons community • make from terrorism. it possible for a fellow Jew to learn college more about students his heritage across • give Broward a ande • make sure Each the year, Jews the in Yemen JCRC secures and Kyrgyzstan government know support that for they the do not stand alone • rescue <strong>Palm</strong> a <strong>Beach</strong> boy in Tunisia counties. from desperateend a young <strong>Federation</strong> adult Birthright and its beneficiary Israel • help agencies. families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgivingake certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten our <strong>Jewish</strong> future • let Jews everywhere knowIran Strategic Initiative: A well-coordinated, communitybased,comprehensive strategy that mobilizes both the<strong>Jewish</strong> and general communities in matters relating to Iran.Community Forums: On-going forums for members <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Jewish</strong> community to voice their opinions and have adialog about relevant <strong>Jewish</strong> issues and those that affectour local community.23
feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child astart a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecarecounseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism •a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience <strong>of</strong> a lifetime • makTISRAEL & OUR GLOBAL FAMILYa bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birth (Jgoing strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a elost her job • give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • giv r• provide large-print books for <strong>Jewish</strong> a child federations who is going <strong>of</strong> blind north • make america sure (JFNA) a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a csoldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that IraliThe <strong>Federation</strong> movement, collectively among the top 10 charities on the continent, protects and enhancesdiabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience <strong>of</strong> a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yeme tothe well-being <strong>of</strong> Jews worldwide through the values <strong>of</strong> tikkun olam (repairing the world), tzedakah (charityTbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help famili thand social justice) and Torah (<strong>Jewish</strong> learning). This structure helps allocate, evaluate and/or review nationalfamily from a war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • br Jeagencies that seek funding.<strong>Federation</strong> funding supports56 NATIV immigrantsoldiers this year.24The <strong>Jewish</strong> Agency For Israel (JAFI)- core funding: For 80 years, the <strong>Jewish</strong> Agency for Israel hasrescued Jews at risk and resettled them in Israel. Initially, JAFI’s role was paramount in setting up an economicand cultural infrastructure for the country which was still struggling for survival. Since the fall <strong>of</strong> the IronCurtain in 1989, the <strong>Jewish</strong> Agency has facilitated the absorption <strong>of</strong> over one million new immigrants.Today core funding continues to provide a lifeline to Jews around the world with assistance including:absorption and resettlement <strong>of</strong> new immigrants, establishing global partnerships to strengthen communitiesin Israel, empowering at-risk Israeli youth, educational assistance and scholarships, business loans to createemployment opportunities, counseling for soldiers and civilians suffering from post-traumatic stress andimmediate aid for victims <strong>of</strong> terror.Our <strong>Federation</strong> also supports the following JAFI “elective” programs:P2K-Kiryat Bialik: Partnership 2000 (P2K) links the people and communalorganizations in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> with Kiryat Bialik, a city in northernIsrael (“our sister city”). The Partnership creates mutually beneficial relationshipsvia the exchange <strong>of</strong> ideas, cooperation and participation in projects.Summer Camps in FSU: Tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> youngsters are introduced to their<strong>Jewish</strong> heritage, connecting them to an Israel experience and a sense <strong>of</strong> belonging.From a peak <strong>of</strong> 15,000 participants in 2003, that number dropped to 5,000 in2009, a decrease <strong>of</strong> 65% due to the economic recession. This year, our <strong>Federation</strong>’sfunding will allow about 170 children from Georgia to participate in a seven-daysummer camp session which is supported almost exclusively through elective funding.MASA Israel Journey: MASA seeks to establish a new norm in the <strong>Jewish</strong> community– to send large numbers <strong>of</strong> college graduates and young pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to Israel for a longtermIsrael experience (4-10 months) – indelibly impacting the future <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> life, thestructure <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> communities around the world, and the connection between the nextgeneration <strong>of</strong> young Jews and Israel. This flagship educational program seeks to recruitthousands <strong>of</strong> young Jews from abroad into one <strong>of</strong> 160 long-term programs in Israel.Ben Yakir Youth Aliyah Village: Provides a warm, religiously-oriented home andschool environment more than 120 boys at-risk— the majority <strong>of</strong> whom are Ethiopianimmigrants ages 12-18. They are given food, shelter, clothing, medical care, as wellas educational and therapeutic services. All activities are designed to foster selfconfidence,academic achievement and leadership skills with the goal <strong>of</strong> successfullyintegrating these youngsters into Israeli society.Nativ Immigrant Soldier Identity Program: A comprehensive educationalprogram that bolsters immigrant soldiers’ sense <strong>of</strong> connection with Israel andtheir <strong>Jewish</strong> heritage. Many <strong>of</strong> these soldiers are not recognized as Jews by thegovernmental and rabbinic agencies <strong>of</strong> Israel. This seven-week program enrichestheir knowledge <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> history and tradition. An extension is available to helpthose interested to prepare for formal conversion to Judaism.O“PWcthsthinawFinpwpJecJDliAsfaaEPEtoreaCainCasm
ir child a <strong>Jewish</strong> education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ <strong>of</strong>fice • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrantsomecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndromemitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • givee • makeThesureAmericanthe Jews<strong>Jewish</strong>in YemenJointandDistributionKyrgyzstanCommitteeknow that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • helplt on Birthright (JDC) - core Israel funding: • help families For 95 rebuild years, after the JDC a hurricane has or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniorsited to a exemplified Seder on Passover the principle • brighten that all our <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> people future are • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor whotion • give responsible an elderly for resident one another. a ride Active to the in doctors’ more than <strong>of</strong>fice 70 • provide immediate aid to victims <strong>of</strong> terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel• give a countries, fellow Jew the in JDC the and Former its partners Soviet Union work to a rescue hot meal <strong>Jewish</strong> and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDFre that Iran lives does at risk, not bring secure relief nuclear to Jews weapons in need, • renew make it lost possible bonds for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoints in Yemen to <strong>Jewish</strong> and Kyrgyzstan identity and know culture, that and they help do Israel not stand overcome alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman inelp families the social rebuild challenges after a hurricane <strong>of</strong> its most or vulnerable earthquake citizens, • keep both the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue aover • brighten <strong>Jewish</strong> and our non-<strong>Jewish</strong>.future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifelineOur <strong>Federation</strong> also supports thE following JDC“elective” programs:PACT (Parents and Children Together) – Kiryat Yam:With no government agency responsible for the welfare <strong>of</strong>children in the early childhood age range, PACT addressesthis need. Through interventions such as healthcare, afterschool programs, and at-home visits, PACT aims to closethe educational and social gaps among children, andincrease parental involvement. PACT typically supportsabout 135 Ethiopian-Israeli preschoolers, and 90 parentswho are actively engaged.FSU Welfare Relief for Elderly and Childrenin Georgia: The JDC provides humanitarian aid – foodpackages, medical care, hot meals, fresh food, home care,winter relief and more – to supplement the inadequatepensions <strong>of</strong> needy elderly, especially for many elderlyJews not eligible for restitution funds because they are notconsidered victims <strong>of</strong> Nazi persecution. Currently, 171JDC-sponsored Hesed Welfare Centers provide a cruciallink for 168,000 poor elderly Jews across the FSU.Additionally, approximately 860 <strong>Jewish</strong> children withserious material, educational, developmental and/orfamilial hardships are reached through JDC relief programs.additional elective programsEthiopian National Project – SPACE (SchoolPerformance and Community Empowerment):Ethiopian-Israeli youth in Kiryat Bialik receive assistanceto help achieve equal opportunity and enable them toreach their full potential. Since 2007, our funds have beenearmarked for scholastic assistance activities (72 students)and a Youth Outreach Center (80 students).CHAMAH: Humanitarian aid including medical and foodassistance is provided to the elderly and homeboundin the FSU. JDC Supports the Hesed programs run byCHAMAH. Our funding supplements their supportallowing non-Holocast survivors to received aid. Programservices include: soup kitchens, meals on wheels, supermarketfood packages, food stamps and adult diapers.“Many recipients <strong>of</strong> Hesed servicesin the Former Soviet Union are peoplewith college degrees, doctors,lawyers, and engineers who spenttheir lives working for the governmentand today cannot live on theirmeager pension and must dependon the mercy <strong>of</strong> others. So pleaseconvey a message to your donorsthat they are literally saving lives.”CHAMAH PresidentRabbi Hillel Zaltzman25
YOU HAVE THE POWERTo FeedTo HelpTo RescueTo EducateTo Inspire HopeTo ComfortTo MotivateTo EncourageTO CHANGE THE WORLD.Join nearly 10,000 do-gooders across <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> bycontributing your time or money to our <strong>Federation</strong> today.Visit
JEWISH COMMUNITYFOUNDATIONMessage from Foundation LeadershipFor 30 years, the pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and volunteers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Foundation (JCF)have helped donors identify their areas <strong>of</strong> charitable interest and have provided the structureto ensure that each gift has maximum impact.Today, the Foundation has become the gateway for <strong>Jewish</strong> philanthropy in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><strong>County</strong>, the place where the charity-minded can find a partner to guide them.In 2011, we are reaching out to the community with our new Create a <strong>Jewish</strong> Legacyinitiative, chaired by David Katzman, CPA; and Norman and Anne Jacobson, Honorary Co-chairs. The act <strong>of</strong> creating a Legacyempowers you to complete the work <strong>of</strong> your heart, and enjoy the peace that it brings. Whether it is a simple gift or one thatrequires sophisticated planning, we have the knowledge to help make every act <strong>of</strong> generosity count. Please call the Foundation at(561) 852-5020 to discuss your charitable interests. We want to help you accomplish your philanthropic goals. Best wishes for ahappy, healthy and prosperous new year.David PrattJCF ChairElyssa KupferbergJCF Vice ChairWhat’s most important to you? Create a Legacy that reflects it.If you look around our community you willsee the legacy <strong>of</strong> caring Jews everywhere:the beautiful synagogues dedicated to everystream <strong>of</strong> Judaism; the 110-acre Richardand Carole Siemens <strong>Jewish</strong> Campus (whichis home to our <strong>Federation</strong>, <strong>Jewish</strong> dayschools, senior living homes, beneficiaryagencies, etc.); and <strong>Jewish</strong> cultural andlearning centers <strong>of</strong> all kinds. We areDavid Katzman, Chair,fortunate to live in such an enriching <strong>Jewish</strong>Create a <strong>Jewish</strong> Legacycommunity, and we owe the lion’s share <strong>of</strong>thanks to those <strong>of</strong> blessed memory who left a lasting legacy.The best news is you don’t have to give anything today tocreate your <strong>Jewish</strong> Legacy. A simple bequest or other gift atyour death can make miracles happen!<strong>Jewish</strong> tradition teaches that one <strong>of</strong> our key responsibilities isto make the world a better place for future generations. One<strong>of</strong> the smartest, most effective and impactful ways to do thisis through legacy planning. In fact, your legacy can reflecteverything that is most important to you.The legacy planning process can bring about heartfeltconversations with your family and build deep bonds withpeers, neighbors and fellow Jews. It brings us even closertogether as a community that is dedicated to the idea that allJews are responsible one for another.The act <strong>of</strong> creating a legacy empowers you to completethe work <strong>of</strong> your heart and enjoy the peace that it brings.When you create a legacy through the <strong>Jewish</strong> CommunityFoundation, you ensure a bright and vibrant future forgenerations <strong>of</strong> Jews to come. Whether you are passionateabout feeding the hungry, caring for the elderly, helping thosewith disabilities, supporting <strong>Jewish</strong> education, or providing alifeline to Israel and our global <strong>Jewish</strong> family, you can leave alasting testament to your generosity through a legacy gift.Ways to create a <strong>Jewish</strong> Legacy• Endow your Annual Campaign Gift• Create an unrestricted fund to provide for unforeseen needsand community emergencies• Direct your Legacy to an affiliated agency or a field <strong>of</strong>charitable interest for which you have a passion (for example:Local Safety Net Services, <strong>Jewish</strong> Life and Learning, Israel andour Global Family, etc.)• Combine approaches and endow more than one charitableinterestCall for a free consultationWhether you are 35 or 95, you can create a permanent<strong>Jewish</strong> legacy at a much lower net cost than you thoughtpossible. Charitable Planning Specialists at the <strong>Jewish</strong>Community Foundation are dedicated to making yourphilanthropic dreams come true. Make an appointment today.Call (561) 852-5020.27
PAC Kicks Off The Year AtWoodfield Country ClubMore than 100 local estate planners from varied disciplinesgathered at Woodfield Country Club recently tolaunch another active year for the Pr<strong>of</strong>essional AdvisoryCommittee (PAC).PAC Kick<strong>of</strong>f & Membership Drive Cocktail Reception CochairsLinda Melcer and Seth A. Marmor, Esq. shared thepodium with Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, <strong>Federation</strong> Chair;Marjorie A. Horwin, CPA, PAC Chair; and David Pratt,Esq., <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Foundation Chair. Together, theybrought longtime members and many newcomers up todate on the ways PAC encourages and educates its clientsabout charitable giving through the establishment <strong>of</strong> newendowment funds, trusts, bequests, life insurance policiesand IRAs on behalf <strong>of</strong> their clients.PAC is generously sponsored by Kaufman Lynn and OneThousand Ocean.PAC Offers Valuable Servicesto All Current and ProspectiveContributorsIt is with great honor and pride that we serve asthe 2010-11 Chairs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> CommunityFoundation’s Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Advisory Committee(PAC). These legal, accounting and financialexperts work to educate and assist local residentsand pr<strong>of</strong>essionals with planned giving.PAC members are available to speak withprospective donors about the most tax-efficientmethods <strong>of</strong> planned giving, while taking intoconsideration each person’s desired financialgoals. The charitable donations that resultfrom this process benefit the <strong>Jewish</strong> CommunityFoundation, the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong>, its agenciesand other charitable organizations.Properly structured planned giving results in enhanced incomeand estate tax savings. It is also a personally rewarding way tosupport the causes that speak to one’s heart. Best wishes for ahappy new year.(L-R): Tom Katz, Esq.; CindyNimhauser, <strong>Federation</strong> Chair;Al Gortz, Esq.(L-R): Seth A. Marmor, Esq.and Linda Melcer, PAC Kick<strong>of</strong>fCo-Chairs; Marjorie Horwin, CPA,PAC Chair; Jeffrey A. Baskies,Esq., PAC Vice Chair(L-R): Thomas R. Kaplan; Richard Steinberg; Cindy Nimhauser, David Pratt, Esq., David A. Katzman,CPA, Create A <strong>Jewish</strong> Legacy ChairMarjorie A. Horwin, CPAPAC ChairJeffrey A. Baskies, Esq.PAC Vice ChairMitzvah SocietyCocktail ReceptionHonoringDavid Pratt, Esq.Date:Wednesday, March 23, 2011Time:5:30 p.m.Location:St. Andrews Country ClubCo-chairs:Donald R. Tescher, Esq.Albert Gortz, Esq.Mitzvah Society Cocktail Reception is Generously Sponsored by:David A. KirschnerPAC is Generously Sponsored by:28(L-R): Robert Marton; Leonard Adler;Gregory M. Levy, CPA(L-R): Eliot S. Popper; Craig Rubinstein; Michael Kaufman,PAC Sponsor, Kaufman Lynn General ContractorsFor more information, society
More Ways for Women to ContinueThe Work <strong>of</strong> Their Hearts<strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> has long led the nation in Lion <strong>of</strong> JudahEndowments (LOJE). In acknowledgement and appreciation <strong>of</strong><strong>Jewish</strong> women’s growing, vital roles in philanthropy, the <strong>Federation</strong>has introduced the new Planned Giving and Endowment forWomen’s Philanthropy Program. Building on LOJE, these expanded,diverse legacy-building opportunities empower women tocomplete the work <strong>of</strong> their own hearts and insure the survival andwell-being <strong>of</strong> our larger <strong>Jewish</strong> family for future generations.Family Turns Passions Into LegaciesL-R: Dr. Gail Greenspoon and mother June Nathanson: alegacy <strong>of</strong> generosityFrom building schools, to anew playground in sister cityKiryat Bialik, and far more,June and Monte Nathanson,their daughter Gail Greenspoonand her husbandWarren, and their otherfamily members are shiningexamples <strong>of</strong> philanthropy asa way <strong>of</strong> life that transmitsto the next generation – andback again. Gail’s endowment<strong>of</strong> her Lion gift inspired June to join her. By endowing her owngift, June will continue to support Israel and the local communitybeyond her lifetime and turn her passion into a legacy.Learn more about creating your legacy from Sheila Kushner-Sitk<strong>of</strong>fat 561-852-3120 or<strong>Jewish</strong> Women’s Foundation SeeksGrant Applications and New TrusteesL-R: Ann Kelman, Marlene Silver;JWF Co-chairsJWF <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> is acceptinggrant applications until December 31for its 2011 cycle. Nonpr<strong>of</strong>it groups mayapply for support to address root causes<strong>of</strong> challenges faced by <strong>Jewish</strong> women andgirls both locally and overseas. Priorityareas are: Preventing Abuse, LeveragingEducation, and Promoting Health & Researchfor medical concerns <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> womenand girls, with emphasis on cancer.GUARANTEED INCOME FOR LIFEAs Much as Double the Rates <strong>of</strong> CDs – or More!SOME THINGS DO GETBETTER WITH AGE:Age/Rate Chart65 - 5.3%70 - 5.7%75 - 6.3%80 - 7.1%85 - 8.1%90 - 9.5%Marjorie A. Horwin, CPAPartnerLeif Novie, CPA, JDPartnerEdward F. Smith III, JDDirectorMichele P. Ferrara, CPADirectorIt’s true. Through a Charitable GiftAnnuity (CGA) with the <strong>Jewish</strong>Community Foundation, you can havea guaranteed stream <strong>of</strong> retirementincome for life, derive substantial taxbenefits and make a meaningful giftto the <strong>Jewish</strong> community. A minimumgift <strong>of</strong> $10,000 is required toparticipate in the program.Benefits <strong>of</strong> a Charitable Gift Annuity from the<strong>Jewish</strong> Community Foundation:• Receive guaranteed payments for life that areunaffected by interest rates and stock prices• Receive a tax deduction when you make yourgift• Benefit from reduced taxes on your CGAincome• Help ensure the continuity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> life, vitalprograms and services!To find out what your rate would be, please callthe <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Foundation at 561-852-5020JWF allocated more than $60,000 in 2010, and nearly $250,000over the past five years. The group holds $350,000 accumulated assetsand $590,000 in total commitments.Newcomers are welcome to join JWF’s approximately 50 hands-onTrustees, who have equal say in selecting and supporting programsthat address their most passionate concerns with their collectiveresources. JWF has also approved a new Junior Trustees initiative foryounger women.Grants will be announced on March 16, 2011 at JWF’s GrantingWishes Reception. Contact 561-852-6069 or, or visit Client Wealth ServicesIndividuals and Closely Held EntitiesEstate, Trust, Gift and Charitable Planning | Asset ProtectionFamily Office and Concierge Services | Tax Exempt Organizationswww.mbafcpa.com29
M E T R ODIVISIONWelcome to Metro’s New DestinationsMetro is the perfect vehicle for people in their 20s, 30s and 40s – individuals with ideas and energy lookingto make meaningful <strong>Jewish</strong> connections. Whether you’re on the fast track to pr<strong>of</strong>essional success, seeking tomake an impact on our <strong>Jewish</strong> community, or just looking to get on board with like-minded peers, you’vecome to the right place.I’m proud and excited about Metro’s expanded opportunities. Together we’re networking and learning from experts,growing businesses and enriching family life, developing leadership and forging meaningful friendships – all whilestrengthening our <strong>Jewish</strong> community, and learning about and helping our larger <strong>Jewish</strong> family. Explore Metro’s three tracks: Metro Business,Metro Community and Ben Gurion Society.Whether your <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> ties are decades old or newly established, whether you’re new to <strong>Federation</strong>, ready becomemore active or looking to renew your connection – make your plans to come to at least one great event this year. Get involved withYOUR community. It’s OUR time! Welcome aboard to new destinations for OUR generation!Metro Division is Generously Sponsored byPam CohenMetro Division ChairYoung Adults Reach NewDestinations at Metro Kick-OffNearly 120 members <strong>of</strong> our vibrant 20s to 40s <strong>Jewish</strong> communitywere on the move making new connections as Metro Division <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> kicked <strong>of</strong>f aseason <strong>of</strong> dynamic programming on September 21.The guests enjoyed delicious hors d’oeuvres and drinks, greatcompany and networking at THE LOFT at Congress, a brand newBoca Raton event space. They also heard learned about Metro’s expanded<strong>of</strong>ferings in the season ahead, from Bryan Drowos, as wellas Ken Pritzker - who chaired the evening with his wife, Michele.2011 Metro Division – Save The DatesJANUARY“TUESDAY SCHMOOZE DAY” Metro Family EventTuesday, January 11, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Tentative; Sunday, April<strong>of</strong>amilyFEBRUARY“Tuesday Schmooze Day”Tuesday, February 8, 5:30 – 7:00“Tuesday Schmooze Day”Tuesday, April 11, 5:30 – 7:00 and Ken Pritzker, MetroKick-<strong>of</strong>f ChairsBryan Drowos, BGS Event Co-chair; Gadi Soued, ViceChair Metro Community; Pam Cohen, Metro DivisionChair; Dan Levine, Vice Chair Metro BusinessMARCHMetro businessNETWORKING series*Thursday, March 10, 6:00 – 8:00 gurion society event*Tentative; Thursday, May* Minimum Gift RequiredJeremy Cohen and Jodi Horowitz30Linda Schwartzman, Metro Family Event Co-chair
On Your Mark. Get Set. Connect.Metro Business Speed NetworkingYoung local business pr<strong>of</strong>essionals made fast connections via Metro Business with an evening <strong>of</strong> cutting edgeSPEED networking on November 10. After a reception in Zinman Hall on the <strong>Federation</strong> campus, they movedthrough rapid rotations <strong>of</strong> several minutes each with new colleagues – thanks to Chair Devon Cohen, whochaired the evening, and the donated services <strong>of</strong> For more about getting moving withMetro Business, contact 561-852-3109 or Division is generously sponsored by The SandelmanFoundation. Metro Business is generously sponsored byCM Graphics, ISC and TD Bank.(L-R): Dan Gudema; Devon Cohen, Speed Networking Event Chair; StuTaub, Metro Business Sponsor, ISC Services(L-R): Glen Golish, Logan MondsheinTuesdayBUSINESSMETRO BUSINESS NETWORKINGLOCATION:7600 West Camino Real2010 - 2011 SCHEDULEDECE<strong>MB</strong>ER 14 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.COUVERT:$10 per event for all Ben Gurion Society and Tikkun OlamSociety Donors$15 per event for non-donors or donors that give less than $365 to the2011UJA/<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> Annual Campaign.Couvert includes wine, beer and sake, as well as delicious lightAsian fare. • Asia is ORB certified.JANUARY 11 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.FEBRUARY 8APRIL 115:30 - 7:00 p.m.5:30 - 7:00 p.m.Please RSVP by more information, contact Jessica Ro<strong>of</strong>at 852-3109 or jessicar@bocafed.org31
BOWLING AFTERNOON LAUNCHESMETRO FAMILY PROGRAMMINGAcross 40 bowling lanes, 160 family members <strong>of</strong> all ages from throughoutthe <strong>Jewish</strong> community reunited with old friends while making new ones atMetro’s Family Bowling event on Sunday, October 17. Chaired by LindaSchwartzman and Rachel Rudensky, the afternoon at Strikes Bowling Alley inBoca Raton launched the <strong>Federation</strong>’s Metro season family activities.They enjoyed bowling, kosher food, and quality family time. They also heardfrom Gadi Soued, Metro Community Vice Chair, about how families canhelp those in need, from our neighbors to our larger family across the globe.“We were delighted to see <strong>Jewish</strong> residents from diverse backgrounds,neighborhoods and denominations all together as a unified community,” saidSoued. “This is a true reflection <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> as an organization -Jews from all streams coming together to help Jews all over the world.”Metro Division is generously sponsored by The Sandelman Foundation.For more information about Metro opportunities for young adults and families,contact 561-852-3109 or Gadi, Sophia and Sara Soued; Hal Klein, Elliot Koolik and Neil Meisel; Jeffrey, Josie & Dalia Fixler; The Meisel FamilyFEDERATION’S YOUNG DONORSVIEW DOLPHINS IN LUXURYA real summer treat was in store at Sun Life Stadium for members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong><strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s Metro Division’s Ben Gurion SocietyDonors. The Dolphins’ generosity provided a fitting thank you to these young,generous donors and leaders, who watched the preseason action with the TampaBay Buccaneers from a posh executive suite. They thoroughly enjoyed meetingand mingling, with great food, drinks and, <strong>of</strong> course, Dolphins football!(L-R): Dan Levine, Gadi Soued, Hal Klein(L-R): Sara Soued, Talia Klein32(L-R): Greg and Nancy Gefen(L-R): Hal Klein, Congressman Ted Deutch
IOC: Israel & Overseas CommitteeIOC & P2KLed by Chair Betty Kane and Vice Chair Carlos Romero, the IOC Committee coordinates the <strong>Federation</strong>’s activities and funding forIsrael and <strong>Jewish</strong> communities around the world.P2K: Partnershp 2000Though 6,500 miles away, our <strong>Federation</strong>’s Sister City, Kiryat Bialik, keeps getting closer through bonds <strong>of</strong> friendship, collaborationand understanding. Since 2002, our P2K program has been building and fortifying this “Living Bridge” through pr<strong>of</strong>essional,women’s and student exchanges. Driven by volunteers in both communities, P2K is chaired locally by Ann Kelman and Yossi Ende.P2K Gift <strong>of</strong> Bomb ShelterDedicated in Kiryat Bialik(L-R): Yossi Ende; Mayor Dukorski;Gidi Shilo, KB P2K Co-chair unveiledthe dedication plaqueFrom creating a playgroundto opening anew bomb shelter andfar more in between,through Partnership2000 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong><strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> sharesmeaningfully in thebroad spectrum <strong>of</strong>life in Kiryat Bialik.On a summer visit,P2K Co-chair Yossi Ende and IOC Director Dana Viznerwere on hand to dedicate the bomb shelter donatedby our <strong>Federation</strong> for KB’s new city building. KB MayorEli Dukorski expressed pr<strong>of</strong>ound gratitude, citing “a truepartnership <strong>of</strong> personal encounters.”Sistersacross theGlobeDuring a remarkableweek inOctober, womenfrom our <strong>Federation</strong>visited and traveledin Israel with sisters from Kiryat Bialik in this year’s P2K Womento Women Exchange. Mission chair Rebecca Appelbaum, RabbiJessica Brockman, Monica Goldstein, Melissa Romero and DinaSchwartz were joined by new Assistant Director <strong>of</strong> Women’sPhilanthropy, Eliza Prince Atias. Their trip highlights included anaudiovisual night show at the David Tower, cooking lunch withEthiopian olim and participating in Israel’s first Susan G. KomenWalk to End Breast Cancer. The Kiryat Bialik women visited ourcommunity during Purim.Government Leaders Join Israel Independence Day Event PlanningElected <strong>of</strong>ficials and their staff from federal, state, county and city governments gathered with <strong>Jewish</strong> Community Relations Council leadership onDecember 3 in a planning meeting for a May 9, 2011 Israel Independence Day community event.(L-R): Seated: Susan Whelchel, Mayor<strong>of</strong> Boca Raton; Burt Aaronson, PBCCommissioner; Aaron Nevins, (StateSen. Bogdan<strong>of</strong>f). Standing: Tara Laxerand Stuart Silver, JCRC staff; MelissaWilliams, (Rep. Pafford); Rabbi DavidSteinhardt, JCRC Chair; Rep. Steve Perman;Wendi Lipsich, (Cong. Deutch);Eli Brill (Rep. Abruzzo); Al Jacquet,(Rep. Bernard); Danny Rogers ( Rep.Perman); Mark Katz (Cong. West);Lewis Goldberg (Cong. Hastings)33
<strong>Federation</strong> Joins National Campaign to Fight Efforts toDelegitimize IsraelThrough the <strong>Federation</strong>’s efforts, the <strong>Jewish</strong> communities <strong>of</strong> BocaRaton, Delray <strong>Beach</strong> and Highland <strong>Beach</strong>, Florida are proudlyjoining an unprecedented campaign to fight back against growingefforts to delegitimize the State <strong>of</strong> Israel. The <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> has become a co-sponsor <strong>of</strong> theIsrael Action Network, an initiative <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong>s <strong>of</strong>North America (JFNA) in cooperation with the <strong>Jewish</strong> Council forPublic Affairs (JCPA).The Israel Action Network is a major continental initiative toprotect Israel against a vicious campaign that seeks to isolatethe <strong>Jewish</strong> state in the international arena, and which utilizesboycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) as its principal tools.The Israel Action Network, in concert with the JFNA and the JCPA,will help prepare communities address urgent situations, and todevelop long-term strategies to promote a fair and balancedunderstanding <strong>of</strong> Israel and Middle East issues.“Our <strong>Federation</strong> board has enthusiastically endorsed and committedfunds to support this new JFNA program to counter assaultson Israel’s legitimacy,” said Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, BoardChair <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>. “Thisinitiative will provide powerful resources to maximize our effectivenessand impact. A unified voice and broad coordinated effortsare vital to combat negative messages and activities, and tobuild and maintain support for Israel at this time.”“Delegitimization <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> Israel is one <strong>of</strong> the most seriousand critical challenges facing the <strong>Jewish</strong> state and its supporterstoday,” said Kathy Manning and Jerry Silverman, chairand president/CEO, respectively, <strong>of</strong> JFNA. “The anti-Israel activistsand groups may be transitioning their focus away from thebattlefield to the boardroom, but their ultimate goal remains thesame – the destruction <strong>of</strong> Israel. This is not simply about criticizingparticular Israeli policies. It is existential. We cannot allowthem to continue to bear false witness against Israel.”“Our advantage in this effort is our ability to leverage the <strong>Federation</strong>s’and JCRCs’ unique community-based infrastructure andrelationships throughout the broader society,” said Dr. ConradGiles and Rabbi Steve Gutow, chair and president, respectively,<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> Council for Public Affairs. “We will be able tomobilize and affirmatively lead the conversation, exposing thereal goal <strong>of</strong> the anti-Israel activists.”Department <strong>of</strong>Special Needs2nd Annual Family DaySunday, February 13 , 2011Disabilities know no economic or administrativeboundaries and neither shouldtheir responses. To this end, The Department<strong>of</strong> Special Needs at the <strong>Jewish</strong><strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> SPBC has been a communitypioneer in establishing innovativeapproaches to significant problems through the development <strong>of</strong>new knowledge, the advancement <strong>of</strong> new partnerships and thesupport <strong>of</strong> programs that bring together different agencies andorganizations.One exciting upcoming event is the 2nd Annual Special NeedsFamily Day on Sunday, February 13th featuring food, speakers,a resource fair, children’s activities and more! Participants willhave an opportunity to learn what educational, vocational,social, recreational, and housing resources are available in ourcommunity and network with other families and pr<strong>of</strong>essionals.Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities are available. ContactDr. Michelle LaRocque at or 561-852-3175.Senior ServicesTwo years ago, our <strong>Federation</strong> created a Senior ServicesAdvisory Committee to identify and meet the needs <strong>of</strong> themost “senior” <strong>Jewish</strong> population in the country. The 2009Senior Services Study publicized these needs along withcomprehensive recommendations to address them.One recommendation, a user-friendly guide to area seniorservices, is now a reality. Our <strong>Federation</strong> collaborated withthe <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> and its <strong>Jewish</strong>Women’s Foundation to produce a directory <strong>of</strong> serviceproviders throughout <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>, known as LivingWell: The Essential Guide to Senior Services.35
J E W I S HEDUCATIONSteven Schauder Named Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Federation</strong>’s New<strong>Jewish</strong> Education DepartmentThe <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> has welcomed Steven Schauder to the new position <strong>of</strong>Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Education. A leader in <strong>Jewish</strong> education for youth, adults, families and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsfor more than two decades, Schauder was selected to continue the <strong>Federation</strong>’s long-standing activecommitment to local <strong>Jewish</strong> learning and continuity.Schauder most recently served as Executive Director <strong>of</strong> the Friedman Commission for <strong>Jewish</strong> Education <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>es. Among the highlights <strong>of</strong> his eight years at the Commission, he engaged the community inmany diverse new initiatives including innovative outreach programs designed to help families with young children and teenagersbetter connect to the <strong>Jewish</strong> community; creative methodologies for improving the quality <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> education and teacher training insynagogue schools; and new uses <strong>of</strong> social media to link local learners to <strong>Jewish</strong> learning.”With Steve’s tremendous experience, dedication, creativity and proven leadership, we have much to look forward to,” said CindyOrbach Nimhauser, <strong>Federation</strong> Chair. “<strong>Jewish</strong> education is sure to grow and thrive even further in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>.”Congregational TeachersExplore “Changing theLandscape <strong>of</strong> Learning:Using Technology”Technology has radically changed the waywe live, and education must adapt accordingly to effectively reachand teach our students. On October 24, “Changing the Landscape <strong>of</strong>Learning: Using Technology” <strong>of</strong>fered <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> congregationalschool teachers pr<strong>of</strong>essional development workshops on digital technologiessuch as presentation applications, social networking, Hebrewgoes digital, Web 2.0 tools and creating class websites.Local Day School LeadersAmong 1,000 At NationalConference On ExcellenceAnd AffordabilitySchool LeadersDiscover “ServiceIS Learning”Heads-<strong>of</strong>-Schools, Principalsand Directors gathered atthe <strong>Federation</strong> campus on November 17 for a “ServiceLearning” workshop. Cathryn Berger-Kaye wovetogether civic responsibility, Judaic principles, studentleadership, literacy, respectful school communities andeffective teaching strategies for engaged youth whilecreating a dynamic classroom experience for studentsand teachers. Education in action, Service Learningmoves students from “I have to” to “I want to,” andgives each child or teen a way to experience success.“Serve Them Pizza, They Will Come”: <strong>Federation</strong>Teams Up with <strong>Jewish</strong> Student Union (JSU)(Front Row L-R): Hilary Arenstein, DKJA Director<strong>of</strong> Admissions; Suzanne Rice, HDS Director <strong>of</strong>Development; Sharon Kamber, DKJA AssociateHead <strong>of</strong> School for Institutional Advancement;Jennifer Miller Morse, DKJA Board; LesleyZafran, DKJA Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees President; MarkShaffer, DKJA CFO/Business Manager. (BackRow L-R): Jane Neubauer, DKJA Director <strong>of</strong> Communications;Karen Feller, DKJA Head <strong>of</strong> School;Rabbi Perry Tirschwell, WYHS Head <strong>of</strong> School;Shimmie Kaminetsky, WYHS Executive Director;Steven Schauder, Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Education,<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><strong>County</strong>; Daniel Katz, HDS Board President;Rabbi Samuel J. Levine, HDS Head <strong>of</strong> School36Thirteen pr<strong>of</strong>essional and lay <strong>Jewish</strong> educationleaders from <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>joined more than 1,000 representatives <strong>of</strong>the day school movement in Baltimore forthe 2010 Partnership for Excellence in <strong>Jewish</strong>Education Assembly on October 24-26.From Donna Klein <strong>Jewish</strong> Academy (DKJA),Hillel Day School (HDS), and WeinbaumYeshiva High School (WYHS), they returnedwith tools and ideas in many areas, withemphasis on furthering their efforts towardexcellence and affordability.Over the past three months, the JFSPBC has been workingwith the <strong>Jewish</strong> Student Union to help unaffiliated teensconnect to the local <strong>Jewish</strong> community. With its motto <strong>of</strong>“Serve them pizza and they will come,” the <strong>Jewish</strong> StudentUnion (JSU) establishes clubs in local high schools where theycome into contact with large numbers <strong>of</strong> teens not currentlyserved by local synagogues or other youth groups.The goal <strong>of</strong> JSU is to meet these teens where they are andhelp them move along a continuum <strong>of</strong> experiences so thatthey consider more significant ties o the <strong>Jewish</strong> community inadulthood. Under the leadership <strong>of</strong> Rabbi Josh Broide andDaniel Mesa, JSU intends to connect with thousands <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong>teens in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> over the upcoming school year.
2011 March <strong>of</strong> the LivingOffers Adults Unforgettable5-Star JourneyGlobal Day <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong>Learning Unites Synagogues,<strong>Federation</strong>, JCCAdults from <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>are being <strong>of</strong>fered a once in alifetime opportunity to participatein the 2011 March <strong>of</strong> the Living with a special Adult Bus trip.The unforgettable experience will include the annual Marchfrom Auschwitz to Birkenau, alongside thousands from all overthe world on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, andcelebrating Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel Independence Day, in the<strong>Jewish</strong> homeland. Rabbi David Steinhardt will lead this remarkabletrip for the <strong>South</strong>ern Region <strong>of</strong> the March <strong>of</strong> the Livingfrom April 27 to May 11, 2011, along with seasoned Holocausteducators from the March <strong>of</strong> the Living and the MeltonAdult Mini School’s international <strong>of</strong>fices.For more information, contact Jack Rosenbaum at 561-852-6045or, or visit Sunday, November 7th,400 <strong>Jewish</strong> communities from allaround the world united in observingthe Global Day <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Learning. The day celebratedthe completion <strong>of</strong> Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz’s 45-year quest totranslate the Talmud from the original Aramaic and ancientHebrew into Modern Hebrew and English.Hundreds <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> residents participatedin this historic event through opportunities coordinated by the<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>, and sponsoredby Boca Raton Synagogue, B’nai Torah Congregationwith the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC, Congregation B’nai Israel,Congregation Shaarei Kodesh with Temple Emeth, CongregationShirat Shalom, and Temple Beth El.“New Israel-Diaspora Relationship” isFocus <strong>of</strong> Monthly Hartman InstituteSessions at <strong>Federation</strong>For a fourth year, the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><strong>County</strong> is providing intellectual enrichment and leadershipdevelopment for local experienced and emerging leadershipthrough a partnership with the Shalom Hartman Institute. Thereare still openings for this year’s program on “Engaging Israel:Paradigms for a New Israel-Diaspora Relationship.”The program, underwritten by Dorothy Seaman and RabbiDavid Steinhardt, explores the complex and complicatedrelationship between Diaspora Jews and the Sate <strong>of</strong> Israel.Engaging Israel aims to equip participants with a <strong>Jewish</strong> valuesvocabulary, refining our skill to articulate why Israel andZionism are fundamental to Judaism.Led by internationally renowned faculty <strong>of</strong> the Jerusalem-basedinstitute, monthly sessions take place on Sunday mornings from10:00 am to noon on the <strong>Federation</strong> campus. If you wouldlike to attend on December 12, January 16, February 13,March 6, April 10, and May 15, contact Steven Schauder or 561-852-3128.Melton EducatorHonored at “Tea &Study Session” for 18YearsOver the past 18 years,more than 850 local adultsL-R: Rabbi Morey Schwartz, Marion Hirschmann, have graduated from theSteven Schauder<strong>Federation</strong>’s FlorenceMelton Adult Mini-School(FMAMS). Many <strong>of</strong> them were fortunate to have learnedwith Marion Hirschmann, who was honored recently ata “Tea & Study Session” sponsored by the <strong>Federation</strong>’sMelton Alumni Association.Rabbi Morey Schwartz, International Melton CurriculumCoordinator based at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, wason hand for the celebration.More than 150 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong> students arecurrently enrolled in the acclaimed international 2-year programand post-graduate courses being held at B’naiTorah Congregation, Congregation B’nai Israel and at theSandler Center on the <strong>Federation</strong> campus. Melton hasalso just introduced New Foundations, a one-hour Saturdaymorning class for young parents raising <strong>Jewish</strong> children.37
2010-2011 SYNAGOGUE UPDATESBoca Raton Synagogue (O)7900 Montoya Circle, Boca Raton(561) 394-5732 – www.brsonline.orgThe BRS Outreach Revolution: On November 12, Boca Raton Synagogue launcheda fantastic new program called “Share One Shabbos.” In an effort to connectwith unaffiliated Jews in our community, BRS members were encouraged to invitesomeone to Shabbat dinner. More than 200 families responded and hostedanywhere from one family to 15 people. The feedback from both hosts andguests has been incredible and plans are underway for the next program. Forinformation on more <strong>of</strong> our FREE beginner programs for all ages, please visit www.My<strong>Jewish</strong> Inspire yourself to inspire others!Rabbi David Englander and the Schneider FamilyB’nai Torah Congregation (C)6261 SW 18 th Ave., Boca Raton(561) 392-8566 – www.bnai-torah.orgFriday Night Live!: B’nai Torah Congregation’s first ever Friday Night Live was asmashing success. The congregation’s normally fantastic services were precededby a Munch & Mingle where congregants and prospective members could get toknow and schmooze with the clergy and lay leadership, and was followed by afestive “Create Your Own Pasta” Shabbat Dinner. More than 600 people attendedservices and more than 300 people attended the dinner. The next Friday Night Livewill be January 28, 2011, 5:30 p.m.Congregation B’nai Israel (R)2200 Yamato Road, Boca Raton(561) 241-8118 – www.cbiboca.orgAnnual “Feed The Hungry” Feast Serves Thousands: The charge <strong>of</strong> tikkunolam (repairing the world) is one that Congregation B’nai Israel commits towholeheartedly. CBI’s Kantor Family Center for Justice sponsors programs likethe annual “Lori Sklar Mitzvah Day,” a day dedicated to acts <strong>of</strong> lovingkindnesssuch as monthly collections for <strong>Jewish</strong> military servicemen and women overseas.At this year’s “Feed The Hungry” program on Tuesday, November 23, CBI staffmembers, congregants and volunteers partnered with Ebenezer MissionaryBaptist Church to serve a Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings to morethan 3,000 community members in need. It was an evening filled with food,fun and long-lasting memories.Congregation Shaarei Kodesh (C)19785 Hampton Drive, Boca Raton(561) 852-6555 – http://shaareikodesh.orgSchool Named for Ruth and Lewish Davis: Congregation Shaarei Kodesh will name their the 2010-11 religious school ina ceremony on Sunday, November 21 at 11:00 a.m. at the synagogue. The school will be named The Ruth and LewisDavis Religious School in honor <strong>of</strong> the parents <strong>of</strong> member Judi Schneider. Judi’s mother, Ruth Davis, is also a congregationmember. The celebration will start with a dedication followed by a short program by the religious school students. The familiesand board <strong>of</strong> directors <strong>of</strong> Shaarei Kodesh welcome the opportunity to show their appreciation to the Davis family for theircommitment to the synagogue and its children.38
2010-2011 SYNAGOGUE UPDATESMr. Ernest Kan with Shirat Shalom studentsCongregation Shirat ShalomP.O. Box 971142, Boca Raton, FL 33497Hebrew School Students Remember Kristallnacht: In remembrance <strong>of</strong>Kristallnacht, survivor Mr. Ernest Kan talked about his experiences withHebrew School sixth and seventh graders. Rabbi David Degani explained tothe students, “You are the last generation to have the privilege to hear firsthandaccounts <strong>of</strong> the Holocaust. It is now your legacy to carry forward.”Kol Ami Reconstructionist Congregation (RE)2601 St. Andrews Blvd., Boca Raton(561) 392-0696 - www.kolami-bocaraton.orgOne-Man Show Portrays Historic Friendship: Kol Ami is presenting “Eddie,”the story <strong>of</strong> the unlikely and historic friendship between Eddie Jacobson andHarry S. Truman, and the impact it may have had on the U.S. recognition<strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong> Israel. This one-man show features Marvin Starkman as EddieJacobson. A single performance will be held on Sunday, Jan. 30 at 7:30p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Building. Tickets are $22 perperson. Mail checks to Kol Ami, P.O. Box 810504, Boca Raton, FL 33481.(L-R): Rabbi Menachem Bialo, Aline Fisher, Tracey Grossman, Rabbi Dan Levinand Rabbi Moshe DruinTemple Beth El <strong>of</strong> Boca Raton (R)333 SW 4 th Ave., Boca Raton(561) 391-8900 – www.tbeboca.orgTorah Project Excites Temple Members: With the help <strong>of</strong> S<strong>of</strong>er On Site RabbisMoshe Druin and Menachem Bialo, Co-chairs Tracey Grossman and AlineFisher held an informational meeting to help congregants get involved withTemple Beth El’s Torah Project. The project, which will <strong>of</strong>ficially kick <strong>of</strong>f onJanuary 30, 2011, will involve the writing <strong>of</strong> the temple’s new Torah scrollwith members dedicating a part <strong>of</strong> the Torah that is meaningful to them.Cantor David PreslerTemple Emeth (C)5780 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray <strong>Beach</strong>(561) 498-3536 – http://temple-emeth.orgWelcome to Cantor David Moses Presler: Temple Emeth is proud to announce the appointment <strong>of</strong> CantorDavid Moses Presler who has served Conservative congregations in the New York area for the past25 years. His wife, Shira Flam, is an actress, singer and star <strong>of</strong> the Yiddish Theater. David and Shirahave been the featured entertainers for the Holocaust community in New York, Queens and Long Island.Cantor Presler has an extensive education in the field <strong>of</strong> music, a degree from the Aaron Copland School<strong>of</strong> Music at Queens College, and is a doctoral candidate at Yeshiva University in <strong>Jewish</strong> education andadministration.Temple Sinai (R)2475 W. Atlantic Blvd., Delray <strong>Beach</strong>(561) 276-6161 – www.templesinaipbc.orgKristallnacht Observed: On Tuesday, September 9, the <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>County</strong>community was invited to attend a Commemoration <strong>of</strong> Kristallnacht at TempleSinai. The program consisted <strong>of</strong> readings about Kristallnacht presented byRabbi Greg Kanter and members <strong>of</strong> the congregation. Cantorial SoloistMargaret Schmitt, organist Dr. Keith Paulson-Thorp and the Temple Sinai Choirpresented music appropriate to the theme. As part <strong>of</strong> the ceremony, Holocaustsurvivors were invited to light candles. Approximately 200 people from thecommunity attended this commemoration.39
2010-2011 CORPORATE SPONSORS$25,000 or more$10,000 or moreBNY MELLONSponsor <strong>of</strong> PAC Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Seminar, PAC Mitzvah Society CocktailReception, St. Andrews, the Gold Coast, Boca West, Boca Grove,Delaire, Bocaire, Broken Sound, Boca Woods and Polo ClubWebsite: www.bnymellon.comContact: Elyssa KupferbergEmail: elyssa.kupferberg@bnymellon.comBOCA RATON OBSERVERLion <strong>of</strong> Judah Luncheon, Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah Luncheon, <strong>Federation</strong> Men’s GolfClassic, Ben Gurion Society Event, Silver Fedstock Sponsor, Major GiftsWebsite: www.bocaratonobserver.comContact: Linda BehmoirasEmail: linda@bocaratonobserver.comHOWARD KAYE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.Platinum Fedstock SponsorWebsite: www.howardkayeinsurance.comContact: Howard KayeEmail: info@howardkayeinsurance.comBOCA RATON REGIONAL HOSPITALSponsor <strong>of</strong> the Dorothy Seaman Department <strong>of</strong> Women’s PhilanthropyWebsite: www.brrh.comContact: Jan SavarickEmail: jsavarick@brch.comGATEWAY INSURANCESponsor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> Men’s Golf Tournament and Men’s Sport’sNight OutWebsite: www.gatewayins.comContact: Michael WeinbergEmail: mweinberg@gatewayins.comLEVITT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLCSponsor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Federation</strong> Men’s Golf Tournament and Men’sSports Night OutWebsite: www.lcmadvisors.comContact: Susan Van BergenEmail: svanbergen@lcmadvisors.comLXR RESORT/ONE THOUSAND OCEANSponsor <strong>of</strong> Major Gifts Programs and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional AdvisoryCommitteeWebsite: www.onethousandocean.comContact: Jamie TelchinEmail: jtelchin@luxuryresorts.comMORRISON, BROWN, ARGIZ & FARRA, LLPSponsor <strong>of</strong> St. Andrews, Boca West, Gold Coast Division andPAC Mitzvah Society ReceptionWebsite: www.mbafcpa.comContact: Marjorie HorwinEmail: marjorie.horwin@mbafcpa.comOPPENHEIMER & CO, INC.Sponsor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Women’s Foundation, Lion <strong>of</strong> JudahLuncheon, Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah Luncheon, Pr<strong>of</strong>essional AdvisoryCommittee Kick-<strong>of</strong>f, Woodfield Country Club and Boca PointeWebsite: www.opco.comContact: Linda MelcerEmail: linda.melcer@opco.comPROSKAUER ROSE, LLPSponsor <strong>of</strong> the 6Major Gifts Division and PAC Mitzvah SocietyReceptionWebsite: www.proskauer.comContact: Al GortzEmail: Agortz@proskauer.com40GREENSPOON MARDER, P.A.Sponsor <strong>of</strong> St. Andrew Country Club, Polo Club Addison Reserveand Boca GroveWebsite: www.greenspoonmarder.comContact: Laurence BlairEmail: laurence.blair@gmlaw.comIVAN & CO. JEWELERSSponsor <strong>of</strong> the Women’s Department Lion <strong>of</strong> Judah Luncheon andCrown <strong>of</strong> Judah LuncheonWebsite: www.ivancojewelers.comContact: Jane KurcsinkaEmail: jkurcs@aol.comKAPLAN, KRAUSS & LEVINE, LLCSponsor <strong>of</strong> the Major Gifts Division, Broken Sound Country Cluband Polo ClubWebsite: www.kklfwa.comContact: Thomas KaplanEmail: tkaplan@kklfwa.comSANDELMAN FOUNDATIONSponsor <strong>of</strong> the Metro Division, Men’s Sports Night Out, GoldCoast and Bronze Fedstock SponsorContact: Jeff SandelmanEmail: jsandelman@kinproperties.comSTEINBERG GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, LTD.Sponsor <strong>of</strong> the Major Gifts DivisionWebsite: www.steinbergglobal.comContact: Richard SteinbergEmail: rsteinberg@steinbergglobal.comTOWN CENTER OF BOCA RATONGold Fedstock SponsorWebsite: www.simon.comContact: Shannon Da FonsecaPhone: 561-368-6001ADDITIONAL SPONSORSAUTONATIONFedstock Bronze SponsorWebsite: www.autonation.comContact: Gale ButlerEmail:
2010-2011 CORPORATE SPONSORSBB&TFedstock Silver SponsorWebsite: Grace HalabiPhone: 561-653-5594BANKIER LAW FIRMSponsor <strong>of</strong> Boca West, Delaire, Bocaire and the Gold CoastWebsite: www.bankierlaw.comContact: Adam BankierEmail: abankier@bankierlaw.comBRANHAM REALTYSponsor <strong>of</strong> Boca WoodsWebsite: www.branhamrealty.comContact: Suzanne BranhamEmail: branreal@aol.comBROWN’S INTERIOR DESIGNSponsor <strong>of</strong> the Women’s Department Lion <strong>of</strong> JudahLuncheon and Crown <strong>of</strong> Judah LuncheonWebsite: www.brownsinteriors.comContact: Steven BrownEmail: sb811@aol.comCM GRAPHICSSponsor <strong>of</strong> Metro BusinessContact: Chuck MedcraftEmail: chuckcmg@bellsouth.netCBIZ GOLDSTEIN LEWIN & CO.Sponsor <strong>of</strong> Addison Reserve and Fedstock Silver SponsorWebsite: www.cbizgl.comContact: David KatzmanEmail: dkatzman@goldsteinlewin.comCREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLCSponsor <strong>of</strong> Addison Reserve Country ClubWebsite: Matthew KutcherEmail: matthew.kutcher@credit-suisse.comGerstle, Rosen, Goldenberg, P.A.Sponsor for Broken Sound Country ClubWebsite: www.gerstlerosen.comContact: Robert N. RosenPhone: 561-447-4000GREENBERG TRAURIGFedstock Silver SponsorWebsite: www.gtlaw.comContact: Stephen MendelsohnEmail: mendelsohns@gtlaw.comISC SERVICESSponsor <strong>of</strong> Metro Business, Men’s Golf and Men’s Sports Night OutWebsite: www.iscservices.netContact: Stu TaubEmail: staub@iscservices.netDR. Peter S. WohlgemuthKAUFMAN, ROSSIN & CO.Sponsor <strong>of</strong> Polo Country ClubWebsite: www.kaufmanrossin.comContact: Scott BergerEmail: sberger@kaufmanrossin.comKravit EstateBronze Sponsor <strong>of</strong> FedstockWebsite: www.kravitestatebuyers.comContact: Crystal LarsenPhone: 561-482-1002L’CHAIM VODKAFedstock Silver SponsorWebsite: lchaimvodka.comContact: Ralph MizrajiPhone: 305-588-5484MEDRECEIVABLES ADVISOR, LLCSponsor <strong>of</strong> Mizner Country ClubWebsite: www.medreceivables.comContact: Stacy TacherPhone: 561-988-8890Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyFedstock Bronze SponsorWebsite: www.morganstanleysmithbarney.comContact: Carlos RomeroPhone: 561-394-8647Email: carlos.romero@mssb.comMYLIFEAUDIT.COMSponsor <strong>of</strong> Mizner Country ClubWebsite: www.mylifeaudit.comContact: Stacy TacherPhone: 561-988-8890RESS PLASTIC SURGERYSponsor <strong>of</strong> FedstockWebsite: ressplasticsurgery.comContact: Andrew RessEmail: info@ressplasticsurgery.comSMILES BY DR. WohlgemuthFedstock Kid Zone UnderwriterWebsite: www.wohlgemuthortho.comContact: Dr. Peter S. WohlgemuthEmail: info@wohlgemuthortho.comTESCHER & SPALLINA, P.A.Sponsor <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Advisory Committee Society ReceptionWebsite: www.tescherspallina.comContact: Don TerscherEmail: dtescher@tescherspallina.comTD BANKSponsor <strong>of</strong> the Metro BusinessWebsite: www.tdbank.comContact: Joe ScondottoEmail: joseph.scondotto@yesbank.comKAUFMAN LYNN GENERAL CONTRACTORSSponsor <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Advisory Committee <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Jewish</strong> Community FoundationWebsite: www.kaufmanlynn.comContact: Michael KaufmanEmail: mkaufman@kaufmanlynn.comZEUNER TEAMSponsor <strong>of</strong> Boca PointeWebsite: www.thezeunerteam.comContact: Craig ZeunerEmail: craigzeuner@gmail.com41
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