Page 1 "! #%$'#"& Introduction . Wells-next-the-Sea is a small ...
Page 1 "! #%$'#"& Introduction . Wells-next-the-Sea is a small ...
Page 1 "! #%$'#"& Introduction . Wells-next-the-Sea is a small ...
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Stai<strong>the</strong> Street <strong>is</strong> a T-junction. On <strong>the</strong> left<strong>is</strong> The Corner HouseThe Corner HouseTh<strong>is</strong> establ<strong>is</strong>hment <strong>is</strong> now a wine bar andrestaurant. It was once a pub called <strong>the</strong>Tewksbury Arms until 1888.andafterwards The Prince of Wales until1964. It <strong>is</strong> worth a stop here becausealthough <strong>the</strong> Corner House <strong>is</strong> essentiallya restaurant three real ales are on tapand you may drink with no obligation toorder food, (although <strong>the</strong> food menu <strong>is</strong>very good!).Cross <strong>the</strong> street and opposite <strong>is</strong> TheEdinburgh Hotel,After leaving The Edinburgh, turn sharpleft inland into a broad street that leads toa square and a substantial tree-linedopen green. Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> The Buttlands and <strong>the</strong>posh end of <strong>Wells</strong>. Butt means a targetand The Buttlands takes its name from<strong>the</strong> time of Henry VIII, when <strong>the</strong> greenwas used, (as was law at <strong>the</strong> time) formen to pract<strong>is</strong>e archery. Today many fineGeorgian houses and some laterVictorian houses surround <strong>the</strong> opengreen. There <strong>is</strong> a choice of two hostelrieson <strong>the</strong> Buttlands. The first <strong>is</strong> The Globe,The GlobeSituated at <strong>the</strong> north end of Buttlands th<strong>is</strong>pub <strong>is</strong> a large multi roomed Greene Kingestabl<strong>is</strong>hment.The second at <strong>the</strong> far end of <strong>the</strong> green <strong>is</strong>The Crown Hotel,Th<strong>is</strong> hotel has a bar and restaurantfacilities on <strong>the</strong> ground floor plus a <strong>small</strong>beer garden at <strong>the</strong> rear. Here you canenjoy beers from Adnams or from Fox ofHeacham, a new local brewery opened in2002.The Edinburgh HotelTh<strong>is</strong> pub <strong>is</strong> considered as one of <strong>the</strong>oldest pubs in town, and which unusually,has <strong>the</strong> names of <strong>the</strong> landlords recordedas far back as 1789. The pub <strong>is</strong> mucholder than that for its earliest name wasThe Fighting Cocks until <strong>the</strong> 1840’s whencock fighting was banned. It wasrenamed <strong>the</strong> Leicester Arms; until itassumed its present name.Finally <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> a choice. If you havetravelled by bus you can get <strong>the</strong> returnbus at a stop just outside The Buttlandson <strong>the</strong> corner of Mill Road, or alternativelyyou may return back down to <strong>the</strong> harbourto <strong>the</strong> bus stop outside <strong>the</strong> Ark Royal.However, if you are still fresh and w<strong>is</strong>h tocarry on <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> one more pub on <strong>the</strong>sou<strong>the</strong>rn outskirts of town on ChurchStreet, The Bowling Green
The Crown HotelThe Buttlands