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From Your Safety, Health & Security CommitteeScott Parks and Nancy Gilmer with input from the Local Safety Committees2006 Observation Ride ProgramThe 2006 Observation RideProgram (ORP) kicks into gear laterthis month. In 2003 US Airways InflightPolicy & Procedures asked ourFAA Cabin Safety Inspector and the<strong>AFA</strong>-CWA Safety, Health & SecurityCommittee to participate in the developmentof the program.Observation rides are non-punitiveand are anonymously conductedby line flight attendants to monitorflight attendant compliance with FARsand FAA-approved safety procedures.The riders observe procedures duringboarding, departure, in-flight, andarrival. For example, are all flightattendants strapped into their jumpseatsduring ground movement, unlessperforming safety-related duties?Overall, data collected duringthe rides reveals a high level ofcompliance; however, there are acouple of areas in which we need tobe more vigilant in adhering to FARs.continued on page 9Draw the Lines, from page 7(Trend Micro; can also be accessedfrom the www.afausairways.org website)http://www.symantec.com/cgi-bin/securitycheck.cgi (Symantec– Norton)http://www.kaspersky.com/remoteviruschk.html(Kaspersky Virus Labs)There are other websites that offerfree online scans as well. Positiveindications of a virus should set offthe old wake-up alarm.You should also run one of theanti-spyware programs, as these willdetect a broader range of scumware/malware, such as browser hijacks,pop-ups and auto dialer programs. Irecommend AD-Aware from Lavasofthttp://www.lavasoftusa.com (free), butthere are others that will do the trick,like Spybot, PestPatrol, and more.Just when you think you aredone, you are not. You will needto download and install a personalfirewall. If your virus program camewith one, turn it on and use it! Thepersonal firewall program, which runson your PC, will keep unwanted, evildoersfrom gaining access to your PCfrom the outside. The hacker/crackerscannot disguise the fact that they willbe using your PC to send traffic onyour Internet connection. In this case,the traffic will actually be leaving yourPC as it travels to the Internet. Whatyou need to do is install the personalfirewall and then watch the pop-upswhich notify you when programs attemptto go out. Trying to decipher theprograms that will attempt to accessthe Internet is not always easy. Thereare quite a few typical Windowsprograms, which make normal outboundconnections, including InternetExplorer, Outlook Express, svchost.exe, and others. Of course, you willhave to be aware of your applications,which will also attempt to access theInternet. Your antivirus program, especiallythe “auto-updating” feature,and your instant messenger program,will be among some of the programsthat will ask for permission to accessthe Internet. <strong>Here</strong> is list of most of thevalid XP Windows programs (some orall may want access legitimately):services.exesvchost.exeimapi.execisvc.exemsdtc.exealg.execlipsvc.exedllhost.exefxssvc.exelsass.exedmadmin.exemqsvc.exemqtgsvc.exemnmsrvc.exenetdde.exesmlogsvc.exespoolsv.exersvp.exesessmgr.exelocator.exetcpsvcs.exeSCCCardSvr.exesnmp.exesnmptrap.exeups.exevssvc.exemsiexec.exewmiapsrv.exemsimn.exe (OE)iexplore.exe (IE).Hackers will try to installprograms with names similar to validprograms. Read the firewall program’shelp files to better understand the firewallprogram. One of the best softwarefirewalls that can be installed on yourPC continues to be ZoneAlarm, whichcan be downloaded free from www.zonelabs.com. Zone Labs are makingit more and more difficult to find thefree version - you have to search, andclick through about 6 or 7 screens.Although the professional versions areprobably worth paying for if your PCis connected directly to the Internet.If you are interested in testingyour system for vulnerabilities, visitthis Website for some online scannersthat will conduct various tests on yourcomputer: http://www.computercops.biz/link-12.htmlThis all may be very overwhelmingbut, if you take it step by step,read the help sections, and readmefiles, you should be able to understandthe importance of protecting your PCand remaining vigilant. Use the supportsites, FAQs and knowledgeabletechs to assist you. Read your ISPsupport files for more information onhow your provider can help. Or, dropme a line and I will assist you if I can.webmaster@afausairways.orgThere is a wealth of informationon the Internet. Not the least of whichis the knowledge of the problems thatcan arise from ‘unsafe computers’.This quote is by Alan Paller, directorof the SANS Institute: “There’s noeasy fix for preventing DOS (Denialof Service) attacks, and the time isfast approaching when ISPs (Internetservice providers) are not going to allowusers on the Internet if they posea threat to the other users by not meetinga minimum standard of security...”– Read more at www.idg.netKnow Your Virus...and KeepYour PC Clean8 www.afausairways.org

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