Cadox M-30 RED - msds@NAComposites.com

Cadox M-30 RED - msds@NAComposites.com

Cadox M-30 RED - msds@NAComposites.com


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Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET<strong>Cadox</strong> M-<strong>30</strong> <strong>RED</strong>Fire fighting proceduresAs in any fire, prevent human exposure to fire, smoke, fumes or products of <strong>com</strong>bustion. Evacuatenon-essential personnel from the fire area. Firefighters should wear full-face, self-contained breathingapparatus and impervious protective clothing. If possible, move containers from the fire area. If not leaking,keep fire exposed containers cool with a water fog or spray to prevent rupture due to excessive heat. Highpressure water may spread product from broken containers increasing contamination or fire hazard.Contaminated buildings, areas and equipment must not be used until they are properly decontaminated. Dikefire water for later disposal. Do not allow contaminated water to enter waterways.Fire and explosion hazardsThis product is highly reactive and thermally unstable. Peroxides and their de<strong>com</strong>position products areflammable and can ignite with explosive force if confined.This product can produce flammable vapors which may travel to a source of ignition and flash back.Hazardous products of <strong>com</strong>bustionThermal de<strong>com</strong>position products may include toxic oxides of carbon and flammable gases and vapors.NFPA ratingsHazardRatingHealth 2Flammability 2Reactivity 2Other6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESMethods for cleaning upRemove all sources of ignition from the spill area. Stop source of spill. If tools are needed, they should benon-sparking. Dike area to prevent spill from spreading. If permitted to enter sewers, this material may createa fire or explosion hazard. Ventilate enclosed areas to prevent formation of flammable or oxygen deficientatmosphere. A water fog, fine spray or blanket of fire-fighting foam can be used to reduce vapors.Evacuate all non-essential personnel upwind. Any person entering an area of a significant spill or of anunknown concentration of a gas or a vapor should use a NIOSH-approved, positive-pressure/pressuredemand,self-contained breathing apparatus. Protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contact should be worn.Soak up liquid with polyethylene foam absorbant. Sweep up absorbed material and place in a chemical wastecontainer for disposal.The following CERCLA Section 103 reportable quantities apply to this product; Dimethyl phthalate - 5000 lbs.The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Section <strong>30</strong>4 requires that a release equal to orgreater than the reportable quantity established for that substance be immediately reported to the localemergency planning <strong>com</strong>mittee and the state emergency response <strong>com</strong>mission. If the release of a substanceis reportable under CERCLA section 103, the National Response Center must be notified immediately.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandlingWear protective clothing when handling this product to avoid eye and skin contact. Wash thoroughly afterhandling.Electrically grounded tanks and containers should always be used as should non-sparking, electricallygrounded hand tools and appliances. Ground or bond to ground all vessels when transferring to prevent theaccumulation of static electricity. See National Electric Code. Emptied container may retain product residues.Follow all warnings and precautions even after container is emptied.StorageTo insure product quality, storage temperatures should not exceed 86 F (<strong>30</strong> C). To insure against possibleexothermic self-accelerating de<strong>com</strong>position, storage temperature must not exceed 131 F (55 C). Thisemergency temperature is derived from the SADT (see Sect. 11). Keep containers tightly closed. Store awayfrom reducing agents and accelerators.Product code 11-074671 Date of last issue 03-07-1997 Page 3 of 9ics 409 Date of printing 01-18-2002 US-United States of America

Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET<strong>Cadox</strong> M-<strong>30</strong> <strong>RED</strong>Maximum storage temperature86.00 °F <strong>30</strong>.00 °C(to maintain product quality)General <strong>com</strong>mentsContainers should not be opened until ready for use. Use clean non-sparking equipment and tools whenhandling.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONRespiratory protectionUse a NIOSH-approved organic vapor respirator with dust, mist and fume filters to reduce potential forinhalation exposure if use conditions generate vapor, mist or aerosol and adequate ventilation (e.g., outdoor orwell-ventilated area) is not available. Where exposure potential necessitates a higher level of protection, use aNIOSH-approved, positive-pressure/pressure-demand, air-supplied respirator.When using respirator cartridges or canisters, they must be changed frequently (following each use or at theend of the workshift) to assure breakthrough exposure does not occur.Skin protectionSkin contact with liquid or its aerosol must be prevented through the use of permeation resistant clothing,gloves and footwear. Unprotected skin exposed to vapor, aerosol or mist must be thoroughly washed beforeeating, drinking, smoking and at the end of the workshift.Eye protectionBecause eye contact with this product may cause burns and possibly permanent damage, chemical gogglesand/or a full face shield must be worn whenever handling this product.Ventilation protectionLocal exhaust ventilation, enclosed system design, continuous moni- toring devices, process isolation andremote control are traditional exposure control techniques which may be used to effectively minimize employeeexposure.Other informationSafety showers, with quick opening valves which stay open, and eye wash fountains, or other means of washingthe eyes with a gentle flow of cool to tepid tap water, should be readily available in all areas where this materialis handled or stored. Water should be supplied through insulated and heat-traced lines to prevent freezeups incold weather.Applicable exposure limitsOther than any exposure limits which may be displayed in Section 8, there are no other known exposure limitsapplicable to this product.AgencyValue/Unit of measurementMethyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP)ACGIH TLV/CEILING 1.500 mg/m³NIOSH REL/CEILING 1.500 mg/m³Dimethyl phthalate (DMP)OSHA PEL/TWA 5.000 mg/m³ACGIH TLV/TWA 5.000 mg/m³NIOSH REL/TWA 5.000 mg/m³Hydrogen peroxideOSHA PEL/TWA 1.400 mg/m³ACGIH TLV/TWA 1.400 mg/m³Product code 11-074671 Date of last issue 03-07-1997 Page 4 of 9ics 409 Date of printing 01-18-2002 US-United States of America

Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET<strong>Cadox</strong> M-<strong>30</strong> <strong>RED</strong>NIOSH REL/TWA 1.400 mg/m³PEL = Permissible Exposure LimitTLV = Threshold Limit ValueTWA = Time Weighted AverageSTEL = Short Term Exposure LimitCEIL = Ceiling Exposure LimitREL = Re<strong>com</strong>mended Exposure LimitWEEL = Workplace Environmental Exposure LimitIDLH = Immediate Dangerous to Life and Health9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance and OdorRed liquid with a faint ketone odor.Odor threshold (ppm)not determinedVolatile %N/DBoiling point/rangenot determinedMelting point/rangenot determinedCloud pointN/DFlash point190.40 °F 88.00 °CFlash methodSetaflash Closed CupAutoignition temperaturenot determinedSpecific Gravity/Density1.165 @ 20 C.Bulk densitynot determinedOther informationSADT = 140 F (60 C) (See Sect. 10).pH valuenot determinedRelative vapor density (air=1)N/DVapor pressure (mm Hg)not determinedEvaporation ratenot determinedPour pointnot determinedSolubility in waternot determinedSolubility in other solventsnot determinedPartition coefficient n-octanol/waternot determinedExplosion limitslower: N/Dupper: N/D10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStabilityThis product is stable at ambient temperatures but may de<strong>com</strong>pose if exposed to temperatures above 131 F(55 C).In<strong>com</strong>patibilitiesAvoid contact with strong acids, strong alkalis, strong oxidizers, accelerators and reducing agents.PolymerizationHazardous polymerization is not expected to occur under normal temperatures and pressures.De<strong>com</strong>positionDe<strong>com</strong>position products include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ethane and methane.Conditions to avoidThe SADT for this product is 140 F (60 C). The SADT (self accelerating de<strong>com</strong>position temperature) is anexperimentally derived temperature at which a typical package of the product will undergo self acceleratingde<strong>com</strong>position. De<strong>com</strong>position can be expected to be hazardous and uncontrollable. Under no circumstancesshould this product be exposed to temperatures near or above the emergency temperature of 131 F (55 C).Product code 11-074671 Date of last issue 03-07-1997 Page 5 of 9ics 409 Date of printing 01-18-2002 US-United States of America

Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET<strong>Cadox</strong> M-<strong>30</strong> <strong>RED</strong>Such an exposure could initiate hazardous de<strong>com</strong>position. Contact with in<strong>com</strong>patible materials such as acids,alkalis, heavy metals and reducing agents will also result in hazardous de<strong>com</strong>position.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONOral LD50Dermal LD50Inhalation LC50SkinEyeChronic toxicity/carcinogenicityIngestion toxicity data is not available for this product.However, the acute oral LD50 for 40% MEKP indimethyl phthalate is 1017 mg/kg in rats.Dermal toxicity data is not available for this product.However, the dermal LD50 for a 40% MEKP product indimethyl phthalate is 4000 mg/kg in rabbits. A 33%MEKP in dimethyl phthalate product was corrosive toalbino rabbits after a 4 hour occlusive contact.Inhalation toxicity data is not available for this product.However, the acute LC50 for a 40% MEKP product indimethyl phthalate is 17.0 mg/L in rats (4 hr exposure).Chronic dermal exposure effects for this product arenot known. Skin contact with this product will causesevere chemical burns.This product can be expected to be corrosive to eyesbased upon tests with 40% MEKP in dimethylphthalate.Chronic ingestion effects of this product are not known.Prolonged and/or repeated inhalation may causerespiratory tract irritation.This product is not classified as a carcinogen by IARC,NTP, OSHA or ACGIH.The reproductive toxicity of this product is not known.The neurotoxic effects of this product are not known.Other toxicological informationOverexposure to this product may affect the skin, eyesand respiratory system.Exposure to DIMETHYL PHTHALATE has shown avery low order of toxicity in animals by the oral,inhalation or dermal routes. It is not irritating to theskin but is absorbed through the skin. Dimethylphthalate can cause respiratory irritation, eye pain andstomach irritation. Inhalation has been reported tocause cough, irritation and/or paralysis.While the toxicity of dimethyl phthalate has beenminimized by most reviewers, there have beenpoisonings from ingestion of a product where dimethylphthalate has been mixed with methyl ethyl ketoneperoxide. These cases have resulted in a burningsensation of the mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, and <strong>com</strong>afollowed by liver and kidney failure and pneumonitis. Itis probable that these effects were primarily from themethyl ethyl ketone peroxide and not the dimethylphthalate.Product code 11-074671 Date of last issue 03-07-1997 Page 6 of 9ics 409 Date of printing 01-18-2002 US-United States of America

Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET<strong>Cadox</strong> M-<strong>30</strong> <strong>RED</strong>12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicological informationBioaccumulationOther informationThe ecological toxicity of this product is not known.However, the following data exists for the followingproduct <strong>com</strong>ponents; DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Grassshrimp larvae: LC50: (8 days)-100 ppm (no significantincrease at 1 ppm after 26 days)Marine dinoflagellate: TLm: (96 hr): 125-185 ppm.Marine dinoflagellate: EC50: 54-96 ppm* *EC50:median growth limit conc. causing 50% growthreduction.Chemical fate information on this product is not known.Other ecological information on this product is notknown.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste disposal in accordance with regulationsThis unused product is listed by the EPA hazardous waste numbers U102 (DMP), U160 (MEKP) and meets theEPA hazardous waste definitons for the characteristics of reactivity (D003) and corrosivity (D002). It is theresponsibility of the waste generator to evaluate whether the waste meets EPA’s definition of hazardous wasteby characteristic or listing. Dispose of in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations.Container disposalContainers should be drained of residual product before disposal. Empty containers should be disposed of inaccordance with all applicable laws and regulations.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONShipping descriptionRequired labelsEnvironmentally hazardous substanceORGANIC PEROXIDE TYPE E, LIQUID(METHYL ETHYL KETONE PEROXIDE,

Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET<strong>Cadox</strong> M-<strong>30</strong> <strong>RED</strong>Penn. Hazardous Substance listToxic Subst. Cont. Act -listedDomestic Substance List-CanadaWaterToxic Subst. Cont. Act -listedDomestic Substance List-Canada2,2,4-Trimethylpentanediol-1,3-diisobutyrateToxic Subst. Cont. Act -listedDomestic Substance List-CanadaDimethyl phthalate (DMP)Clean Air Act Sect. 112CERCLA Hazardous SubstanceMassachusetts Substance ListNew Jersey R-T-K Hazard. Sub.Penn. Hazardous Substance listSARA Title III, Section 313Toxic Subst. Cont. Act -listedDomestic Substance List-CanadaHydrogen peroxideMassachusetts Substance ListNew Jersey R-T-K Hazard. Sub.Penn. Hazardous Substance listSARA Title III, Section <strong>30</strong>2Toxic Subst. Cont. Act -listedDomestic Substance List-CanadayesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesHazard classesDescriptionApplicableHMIS Hazard Rating SourceHMISHMIS Health 2HMIS Flammability 2HMIS Reactivity 2WHMIS Hazard ClassB-3,C,D-2B,E, FOther regulatory informationNo other regulatory information is available on this product.16. OTHER INFORMATIONOther informationCADOX is a registered trademark of Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc.Created byPRODUCT SAFETY 914-674-5000Product code 11-074671 Date of last issue 03-07-1997 Page 8 of 9ics 409 Date of printing 01-18-2002 US-United States of America

Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET<strong>Cadox</strong> M-<strong>30</strong> <strong>RED</strong>The information in this material safety data sheet should be provided to all who will use, handle, store, transport or otherwise be exposed to this product. All information concerning thisproduct and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable as of the date of publication. However, no warranty is madeas to the accuracy of and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions as to the merchantability or fitness of the product for any particular purpose, or that any suggested usewill not infringe any patent. Nothing in here shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Buyer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests orotherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes, including mixing with other products. The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued bulletins on thesubject matter covered. If the date on this document is more than three years old, call to make certain that this sheet is current.Product code 11-074671 Date of last issue 03-07-1997 Page 9 of 9ics 409 Date of printing 01-18-2002 US-United States of America

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