Curriculum vitae Davide M. Raimondo - Università degli studi di Pavia
Curriculum vitae Davide M. Raimondo - Università degli studi di Pavia
Curriculum vitae Davide M. Raimondo - Università degli studi di Pavia
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<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong><strong>Davide</strong> M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>Born: 07-11-1981, <strong>Pavia</strong>, ItalyOffice address: Dipartimento <strong>di</strong> Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione, Università <strong>degli</strong>Stu<strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Pavia</strong>, 27100 <strong>Pavia</strong>, ItalyPhone: +39 0382 985354Fax: +39 0382 985373Email: davide.raimondo@unipv.itRESEARCH INTERESTSOptimization-based control, fault-tolerant control, high-speed control, autonomous surveillance,renewable energy and control of glucose concentration in subjects with <strong>di</strong>abetes.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEJan. 12 –Dec. 10 -Aug. 13 - Sep. 13UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIAHead of the Process Control Laboratory, Department ofElectrical, Computer and Biome<strong>di</strong>cal EngineeringUNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIAAssistant Professor in the Identification and Control ofDynamic Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical,Computer and Biome<strong>di</strong>cal EngineeringMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT)Visiting scholar in Prof. Braatz group, Department ofChemical Engineering<strong>Pavia</strong>Italy<strong>Pavia</strong>ItalyCambridgeUSAMar. 12 - Jun. 12Jan. 09 – Dec. 10Nov. 08 –Dec. 08Jul. 07 – Jan. 08Oct. 06 – May 07MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT)Visiting scholar in Prof. Braatz group, Department ofChemical EngineeringSWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY (ETH)Postdoc in the Automatic Control Laboratory, Department ofInformation Technology and Electrical EngineeringSWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY (ETH)Employee in the Automatic Control Laboratory, Departmentof Information Technology and Electrical EngineeringUNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIAContracted for the development of pre<strong>di</strong>ctive controltechniques for biological applicationsUNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLAAcademic Guest in the Department of Automation andSystem EngineeringCambridgeUSAZürichSwitzerlandZürichSwitzerland<strong>Pavia</strong>ItalySevillaSpain
Sep. 05 –Nov. 05Sep. 01 – Jul. 05Jul. 00 – Aug. 00UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIAContracted for the Development of robust model pre<strong>di</strong>ctivecontrollers for nonlinear systemsALMO COLLEGIO BORROMEOResponsible of system administrationGSMBOX s.p.a.Contracted as computer programmer<strong>Pavia</strong>Italy<strong>Pavia</strong>Italy<strong>Pavia</strong>ItalyOrganization of scientific events2010 Invited session Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, 10 th IFACSymposium on Nonlinear Control Systems2008 International workshop on Assessment and Future Direction ofNonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control2007 Invited session New Development in NMPC, 7 th IFACSymposium on Nonlinear Control SystemsBolognaItaly<strong>Pavia</strong>ItalyPretoriaSouth AfricaCommittee Member2012- Advisory board member of the Alumni IUSS Association <strong>Pavia</strong>Italy2012- Member of the committee for the qualification to the professionof Computer Science Engineer2013 International program committee member of the EuropeanControl Conference 2013 (ECC’13)<strong>Pavia</strong>ItalyZürichSwitzerland2012 International program committee member of theNonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control 2012 (NMPC'12)NoordwijkerhoutThe NetherlandsInvited SeminarsSep. 13Jul. 13Apr. 13May 12Design of Active Inputs for Set-Based Fault Diagnosis,Mitsubishi Electric Research LaboratoriesApproximate nonlinear explicit MPC based on reachabilityanalysis, European Control Conference (ECC) 2013Optimal placement of wind turbines, Institute of Cartographyand Geoinformation (IKG), ETHTime-optimal control for constrained nonlinear systems: A fastexplicit approximation, Process systems engineeringlaboratory seminar, Department of Chemical Engineering,MITCambridgeUSAZürichSwitzerlandZürichSwitzerlandCambridgeUSA
Jan. 12 An approximate explicit minimum time controller fornonlinear systems with feasibility and stability guarantees,ABB Schweiz AGBadenSwitzerlandOct. 11May 08An approximate explicit minimum time controller fornonlinear systems with feasibility and stability guarantees,Ruhr-Universität BochumRobust Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, Automatic ControlLaboratory, Department of Information Technology andElectrical Engineering, ETHBochumGermanyZürichSwitzerlandSupervision of Ph.D. studentsNov. 12 -Roberto Giuseppe MarsegliaTopic: Fault tolerant control<strong>Pavia</strong>ItalySupervision of master and semester projects<strong>Pavia</strong> - Italy1. Optimal placement of wind turbines of a wind farm, D. Colli2. Embedded pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control of an inverted pendulum, A. Mezzadra3. Design and implementation of infrared vision system and breakingcontrol of a small-scale train, A. Barbieri4. Nonlinear model pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control of glycaemia in type 1 <strong>di</strong>abeticpatients, S. Riverso5. Validation of a linear model pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control of glycaemia in type 1<strong>di</strong>abetic patients, G. Ferrario6. Experimentation in silico of pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control algorithms for thecontrol of glycaemia in type 1 <strong>di</strong>abetic patients, R. Tessera7. Modeling and control of the start-up phase of a combined cyclepower plant, A. Ferramosca8. Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control of the start-up phase of a combined cycle powerplant, D. Polli9. Implementation HW and SW of an angular position transducer for alaboratory crane, T. BarroeroZürich - Switzerland1. Implementation of a stochastic reachability framework forsurveillance with pan-tilt-zoom cameras, S. Aufdenblatten2. Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems: an approach based onconservative approximations, O. Huber3. MPC based Trajectory Tracking for 1:43 scale race cars, L. Wunderli4. Software Framework for Position Control of 1:43 scale race cars, F.Ferrara
5. Patrolling algorithms for pan-tilt-zoom cameras, M. Pattarello6. Control of Multiple Cameras for Tracking and Surveillance, D.Sturzenegger7. A set theoretic method for verifying feasibility of a fast explicitnonlinear model pre<strong>di</strong>ctive controller, S. Riverso8. Infrared based vision system for tracking 1:43 scale race cars, M.RutschmannTeaching activity2011-2013 Automatic Control and Process Control, Università <strong>di</strong> <strong>Pavia</strong> MantovaItaly2009-2011 Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, ETH ZürichSwitzerland2008-2011 Modeling and control of biological systems, Università <strong>di</strong>PadovaPadovaItaly2006-2007 Introduction to systems analysis, Università <strong>di</strong> <strong>Pavia</strong> <strong>Pavia</strong>Italy2007 Master in Methods for Management of Complex Systems,IUSS, <strong>Pavia</strong><strong>Pavia</strong>Italy2000 –2005 Tutor of computer programming (Java), Università <strong>di</strong> <strong>Pavia</strong> <strong>Pavia</strong>ItalyEDUCATIONNov. 05 -Nov. 08Nov. 05Oct. 03 -Jul. 05Oct. 00 -Sep. 03UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIAPh.D. in electronic, computer and electrical engineering,Identification and Control of Dynamic Systems Laboratory,Department of Computer Engineering and Systems Science.Thesis: Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control: Stability,Robustness and Applications. Advisor: Prof. Lalo Magni (Ph.D.thesis defended on January 16, 2009)UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIAPassed the state exam for the qualification to the professionof Computer Science EngineerUNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIAMaster in Automatic Control Engineering – Topic of thethesis: Robust control of nonlinear systemsUNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIABachelor in Computer Science Engineering – Topic of thethesis: Modeling and control of a crane<strong>Pavia</strong>Italy<strong>Pavia</strong>Italy<strong>Pavia</strong>Italy<strong>Pavia</strong>Italy
Nov. 00 -Jul. 05Nov. 00 -Nov. 05LANGUAGESItalianEnglishSpanishGermanPortogueseALMO COLLEGIO BORROMEOStudent. Almo Collegio Borromeo has been recognized bythe Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Researchas a “Highly qualified cultural institute”.INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY OF PAVIA (IUSS)Student. In July 2005 IUSS-<strong>Pavia</strong> was recognized as anindependent and autonomous “Scuola Superiore ador<strong>di</strong>namento speciale” in virtue of the excellent quality of theactivities carried out, attaining the same status as the ScuolaNormale and the Scuola Sant’Anna in Pisa, and the SISSA inTrieste.Mother tongueProficientFluentBasic KnowledgeGood Understan<strong>di</strong>ng<strong>Pavia</strong>Italy<strong>Pavia</strong>ItalyCOMPUTER SKILLSPlatformsLanguagesTechnical ProgramsOffice & ProductivityUnix, Linux, MS Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/Seven, DOSC, C++, Java, HTML, Visual BasicMatlab / Simulink, Labview, CPLEX, YalmipMicrosoft Office, Open Office, Latex, Adobe Acrobat, Ghostscript,Adobe Illustrator, Irfanview, Corel DrawPUBLICATIONSBooksInternationalJournals1. L. Magni, D.M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, F. Allgower (EDS), Nonlinear modelpre<strong>di</strong>ctive control: Towards new challenging applications,Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences series,vol. 384, 2009.1. M. N. Zeilinger, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, A. Domahi<strong>di</strong>, M. Morari, C. N. Jones,On Real-time Robust Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, Automatica,accepted2. D. Axehill, T. Besselmann, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, M. Morari, A ParametricBranch and Bound Approach to Suboptimal Explicit HybridMPC, Automatica, accepted3. F. Tedesco, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, A. Casavola, A Command Governorapproach for multiple vehicles collision avoidance problems,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, to appear4. M. Rubagotti, D.M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, A. Ferrara and L. Magni, Robustmodel pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control with integral sli<strong>di</strong>ng mode incontinuous-time sampled-data nonlinear systems. IEEETransactions on Automatic Control, 56(3):556-570, 20115. L. Magni, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, C. Dalla Man, G. De Nicolao, B. Kovatchev,C. Cobelli, Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control of glucose concentration intype I <strong>di</strong>abetic patients: an in silico trial, Biome<strong>di</strong>cal Signal
Processing and Control, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 338-346, October 20096. G. Pin, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, L. Magni, T. Parisini, Robust ModelPre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Bounded andState-Dependent Uncertainties, IEEE Transactions on AutomaticControl, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 1681-1687, 20097. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, D. Limon, M. Lazar, L. Magni and E. F. Camacho,Min-max model pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control of nonlinear systems: aunifying overview on stability, European Journal of Control, vol.15, no. 1, pp. 5-21, 20098. L. Magni, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, C. Dalla Man, M. Breton, S. Patek, G. deNicolao, C. Cobelli, and B. Kovatchev. Evaluating the efficacy ofclosed-loop glucose regulation via control-variability gridanalysis (CVGA). Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,Volume 2, Issue 4, July 20089. E. Franco, L. Magni, T. Parisini, M. M. Polycarpou and D. M.<strong>Raimondo</strong>, Cooperative Constrained Control of DistributedAgents with Nonlinear Dynamics and Delayed InformationExchange: a Stabilizing Rece<strong>di</strong>ng Horizon Approach, IEEETransactions on Automatic Control, 53(1):324-338, 200810. L. Magni, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, L. Bossi, C. Dalla Man, G. De Nicolao, B.Kovatchev and Clau<strong>di</strong>o Cobelli, Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control of type 1<strong>di</strong>abetes: an in silico trial, Journal of Diabetes Science andTechnology, Volume 1, Issue 6, November 200711. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, L. Magni and R. Scattolini, Decentralized MPC ofNonlinear Systems: an Input-to-State Stability Approach,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 17:1651-1667, 200712. C. Dalla Man, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, R. A. Rizza, C. Cobelli, GIM,Simulation Software of Meal Glucose–Insulin Model, Journal ofDiabetes Science and Technology, Volume 1, Issue 3, May 200713. L. Magni, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong> and R. Scattolini, Regional Input-to-stateStability for Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, IEEETransactions on Automatic Control, AC51, pp. 1548-1553, 2006Book Chapters1. F. Tedesco, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, A. Casavola, A <strong>di</strong>stributed referencemanagement scheme in presence of non-convex constraints:an MPC based approach, Distributed MPC Made Easy, to appear2. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, S. Riverso, S. Summers, C.N. Jones, J. Lygeros, M.Morari, A set theoretic method for verifying feasibility of a fastexplicit nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Controller, Springer bookdocumenting the LCCC Theme Semester, pp. 289-311, 20113. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, D. Limon, T. Alamo and L. Magni, Robust ModelPre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control Algorithms for Nonlinear Systems: an Inputto-StateStability Approach, Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, Tao Zheng(Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-102-2, Sciyo, 20104. D. Limon, T. Alamo, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, J. M. Bravo, D. Munoz de laPena, A. Ferramosca and E. F. Camacho, Input-to-State Stability: anunifying framework for Robust Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control,Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, LNCIS 384, pp. 1-26, 2009Patents1. Magni L. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, G. De Nicolao, C. Dalla Man and C. CobelliPre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control Based System And Method For Control Of
Insulin Delivery In Diabetes Using Glucose Sensing,International Patent Application Serial No. PCT/US2008/082063,filed 31/10/2008InternationalConferences1. J.K. Scott, G.R. Marseglia, L. Magni, R.D. Braatz, D.M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, AHybrid Stochastic-Deterministic Input Design Method forActive Fault Diagnosis, CDC 2013, accepted2. D.M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, G.R. Marseglia, R.D. Braatz, J.K. Scott, Fault-Tolerant Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control with Active Fault Isolation,SysTol 2013, accepted3. D.M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, R.D. Braatz, J.K. Scott, Active Fault Diagnosis usingMoving Horizon Input Design, ECC 2013, accepted4. N. Kariotoglou, S. Summers, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, J. Lygeros,Hierarchical task allocation for multi-agent systems encodedby stochastic reachability specifications, ECC 2013, accepted5. K.K.K. Kim, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, R. D. Braatz, Optimum Input Designfor Fault Detection and Diagnosis: Model-based Pre<strong>di</strong>ction andStatistical Distance Measures, ECC 2013, accepted6. J. K. Scott, R. Findeisen, R. D. Braatz, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, Design ofActive Inputs for Set-Based Fault Diagnosis, ACC 2013, accepted7. S.M. Huck, N. Kariotoglou, S. Summers, D.M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, J. Lygeros,Design of importance-map based randomized patrollingstrategies, Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG), 2012, pp. 1—6,20128. D.M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, O. Huber, M. Schulze Darup, M. Mönnigmann, M.Morari, Constrained time-optimal control for nonlinearsystems: a fast explicit approximation, NMPC’12, 20129. N. Kariotoglou, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, S. Summers, and J. Lygeros, Astochastic reachability framework for autonomoussurveillance with pan-tilt-zoom cameras, CDC 2011, pp. 1411--1416, 201110. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, N. Kariotoglou, S. Summers, and J. Lygeros,Probabilistic certification of pan-tilt-zoom camera surveillancesystems, CDC 2011, pp. 2064—2069, 201111. D. Axehill, T. Besselmann, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong> and M. Morari,Suboptimal Explicit Hybrid MPC via Branch and Bound, IFACWC 2011, Milano12. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, S. Riverso, C. N. Jones and M. Morari, A robustexplicit nonlinear MPC controller with input-to-state stabilityguarantees, IFAC WC 2011, Milano13. M. Rubagotti, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, C. N. Jones, L. Magni, A. Ferrara andM. Morari, A Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control Scheme withMultirate Integral Sli<strong>di</strong>ng Mode, 8th IFAC Symposium onNonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, September 201014. S. Summers, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, C.N. Jones, J. Lygeros, M. Morari, Fastexplicit nonlinear model pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control via multiresolutionfunction approximation with guaranteed stability, 8th IFACSymposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, September201015. F. Tedesco, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, A. Casavola, J. Lygeros, Distributedcollision avoidance for interacting vehicles: a commandgovernor approach, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Estimation andControl of Networked Systems (NecSys'10), September 2010,Annecy, France
16. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, S. Gasparella, D. Sturzenegger, J. Lygeros, M.Morari, A tracking algorithm for PTZ cameras, 2nd IFACWorkshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems(NecSys'10), September 2010, Annecy, France17. M. N. Zeilinger, C. N. Jones, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, M. Morari, Real-timeMPC - Stability through Robust MPC design, CDC’0918. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, P. Hokayem, J. Lygeros, M. Morari, An iterativedecentralized MPC algorithm for large-scale nonlinearsystems, 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control ofNetworked Systems (NecSys'09), 24-26 September 2009, Venice,Italy19. M. Rubagotti, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, A. Ferrara and L. Magni, Robustmodel pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control of continuous-time sampled-datanonlinear systems with integral sli<strong>di</strong>ng mode, European ControlConference 2009, ECC’09, 23-26 August 2009, Budapest, Hungary20. D. Limon, T. Alamo, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, J. M. Bravo, D. Munoz de la Penaand E. F. Camacho, Input-to-State Stability: an unifyingframework for Robust Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, InternationalWorkshop on Assessment and future <strong>di</strong>rections of NMPC (Keynote),September 5-9, 2008, <strong>Pavia</strong>, Italy21. L. Magni, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, S. Riverso, C. Dalla Man, G. De Nicolao andC. Cobelli Nonlinear model pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control of glucoseconcentration for Type-1 <strong>di</strong>abetic patients, InternationalWorkshop on Assessment and future <strong>di</strong>rections of NMPC,September 5-9, 2008, <strong>Pavia</strong>, Italy22. M. Rubagotti, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, A. Ferrara and L. Magni, Robustnonlinear MPC with integral sli<strong>di</strong>ng mode for systems withmatched <strong>di</strong>sturbances, International Workshop on Assessmentand future <strong>di</strong>rections of NMPC, September 5-9, 2008, <strong>Pavia</strong>, Italy23. L. Magni, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, C. Dalla Man, G. De Nicolao, B. Kovatchevand Clau<strong>di</strong>o Cobelli, Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control of glucoseconcentration in subjects with type 1 <strong>di</strong>abetes: an in silico trial,17th IFAC World Congress July 6-11, 2008, Seoul, Korea24. B. Kovatchev, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, M. Breton, S. Patek and C. Cobelli, InSilico Testing and in Vivo Experiments with Closed-LoopControl of Blood Glucose in Diabetes, 17th IFAC World CongressJuly 6-11, 2008, Seoul, Korea25. G. Pin, L. Magni, T. Parisini, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, Robust Rece<strong>di</strong>ng-Horizon Control of Nonlinear Systems with State DependentUncertainties: an Input-to-State Stability Approach, 2008American Control Conference, June 11-13, 2008, Westin SeattleHotel, Seattle, Washington, USA26. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, L. Magni, G. De Nicolao, C. Dalla Man and C. Cobelli,Assessing the effect of sc insulin absorbtion delay on closedloopglucose control, 27th Workshop of the AIDPIT Study Group,2nd European Diabetes Technology and Transplantation Meeting(EuDTT), Innsbruck-Igls / Austria, Jan 27-29, 200827. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, T. Alamo, D. Limon and E. F. Camacho, Towardsthe practical implementation of Min-Max Nonlinear ModelPre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, 46 th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,New Orleans, LA, USA, December 12-14 200728. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, L. Magni, C. Dalla Man, G. De Nicolao, B. Kovatchevand C. Cobelli, Closed-loop control of glucose concentration insubjects with type 1 <strong>di</strong>abetes, Diabetes Technology Society,Seventh Annual Meeting, San Francisco Airport Hyatt Regency
Hotel, October 25-27, 200729. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, L. Magni and R. Scattolini, Decentralized Open-Loop MPC of Nonlinear Systems: an Input-to-State StabilityApproach, European Control Conference 2007, Kos, Greece 2-5 July200730. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, L. Magni and R. Scattolini, A Decentralized MPCAlgorithm for Nonlinear Systems, NOLCOS 2007, Pretoria, SouthAfrica, August 200731. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, D. Limon, M. Lazar, L. Magni and E. F. Camacho,Regional Input-to-State Stability of Min-Max Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctiveControl, NOLCOS 2007, Pretoria, South Africa, August 200732. L. Magni, C. Dalla Man, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, G. De Nicolao, B. Kovatchevand C. Cobelli, NMPC of glucose concentration in subjects withtype 1 <strong>di</strong>abetes, Nonlinear Model Based Control - Software andapplications (NMPC - SOFAP, 2007), April 19-20, Loughborough, UK,200733. L. Magni, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong> and R. Scattolini, Input-to-state Stabilityfor Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control, 45th IEEE Conference onDecision and Control, San Diego, California USA, December 13-15,200634. D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong> and L. Magni, A Robust Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive ControlAlgorithm for Nonlinear Systems with a Low ComputationalBurden, IFAC Workshop on Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control forFast Systems 2006, Grenoble, France, Oct 9-11, 2006Submitted1. D.M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, M. Rubagotti, C.N. Jones, L. Magni, A. Ferrara, M.Morari, Multirate sli<strong>di</strong>ng mode <strong>di</strong>sturbance compensation formodel pre<strong>di</strong>ctive control, submitted to IJRNC2. J. K. Scott, R. Findeisen, R. D. Braatz, D. M. <strong>Raimondo</strong>, Input Designfor Guaranteed Fault Diagnosis Using Zonotopes, submitted toAutomatica<strong>Davide</strong> M. <strong>Raimondo</strong> is also coauthor of the following deliverables of the European ProjectFeednetback FP7 ICT-2007.3.7 Project reference: 2238661. Deliverable D6.1: Integration of control, communication, computation, complexityand energy considerations in a coherent design strategy, <strong>Davide</strong> <strong>Raimondo</strong>, PeterHokayem, Stephan Huck, John Lygeros, Manfred Morari, Alireza Farha<strong>di</strong>, Carlos Canudasde Wit, Sandro Zampieri, Luca Schenato, Angelo Cenedese, Paul Smyth, Jacek Czyz,Giambattista Gennari2. Deliverable 09.11: Exploitation Plan, Costis Kompis, Prateek Sureka, Stephan Huck,<strong>Davide</strong> <strong>Raimondo</strong>, Francisco Rubio, Carlo Fischione, Tobias Oechtering, AngeloCenedese, Luca Schenato, Olivier DeBardonneche, Giambattista Gennari, PieroDonaggio, Paul Smyth, Jacek Czyz
Reviewer ActivityApplied Mathematics and ComputationAutomaticaIEEE Transaction on Automatic ControlIEEE Transaction on Biome<strong>di</strong>cal EngineeringInternational Journal of ControlInternational Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal ProcessingInternational Journal of Robust and Nonlinear ControlInternational Journal of System ScienceConference on Nonlinear Model Pre<strong>di</strong>ctive Control (NMPC)SIAM Journal on Control and OptimizationSpringer Lectures Notes in Control and Information Sciences Series (LNCIS)System & Control LettersAmerican Control Conference (ACC)European Control Conference (ECC)IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)IFAC World CongressIFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS)IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked SystemsMe<strong>di</strong>terranean Conference on Control and Automation