November 2012 - Innisfail Junior/Senior High

November 2012 - Innisfail Junior/Senior High

November 2012 - Innisfail Junior/Senior High


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Page 2PowerSchool: Both students and parents have access to this program. It is a great site to viewassignment marks, grades, and attendance. This is also a great way to contact your teacherthrough e-mail if you are going to be missing school. Also, don’t forget to look at the DailyBulletin for upcoming school events and the Cafeteria Daily Special.Outdoor EducationOutdoor Ed students spent two days in October at River’s Edge Camp, learning survival skills, orienteering,outdoor cooking, archery and climbing. The next trip will take students to the Calgary Zoo to learnmore about the wildlife found here in Canada and from around the World.Red Deer College Culinary DepartmentThis year students were invited toattend the Red Deer CollegeCulinary Department in whichthey worked beside 2nd yearchefs who taught them basictechniques of preparing theperfect soup and biscuit. Usingthese easy recipes from themasters, students walked awaywith an understanding on how toprepare a Lobster Bisque Soup,Split Pea and Ham Soup andPotato Lentil Soup. The studentsalso received an understanding ofwhat the program offered throughRed Deer College and the requirementsin order to becoming aculinary chef.

University of AlbertaPage 5Red Deer College Open HouseRed Deer College Open House: Saturday, <strong>November</strong> 3, <strong>2012</strong> [10:00am-2:00pm] Sign up online and a personalized package will be ready foryou at the Open House. www.rdc.ab.ca/openhouse If you would likemore information on the RDC open house, please see Ms. Riddell-Fulton.University of AlbertaEarly Admission Workshops taking place in Red Deer onWednesday, <strong>November</strong> 14 from 4:30-5:30 @ Lindsay Thurber<strong>High</strong> School. Students are able to reserve an appointment timeby completing the RSVP on line at www.ualberta.ca/early admission(under the Red Deer heading). Deadline to Register isMonday, <strong>November</strong> 12. Please see Ms. Riddell-Fulton.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>High</strong> Cross CountryWhat a great weekend for the <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>High</strong>Cross Country Runners who qualified forProvincials. Two of our own finished in thetop ten at Provincials this weekend at theCross Country Running Championship.Emily Lucas finished 6th (Time: 12:19 3 kmrun) and Amy Severtson finished 9th(Time:12:35 3 km run) from a field of thetop 132 <strong>Junior</strong> <strong>High</strong> Girls in the province.What a great one two punch and a honorfor myself to witness these spectaculartop ten performances. As far as I amaware, <strong>Innisfail</strong> has never had 2 runnersfinish in the top ten at Provincials. Inaddition, Devon Chambers finished 48th(Time 20:01 5 km run) from a field of thetop 115 runners in the province.Coach: Dean Woroniuk

Page 6BUY YOUR YEARBOOK!! Yearbooks are NOT included in your student fees so if you wantone you need to pay $40 to Mrs. McAllister.Yearbook VolunteersMrs. Eyestone is looking for student and parent volunteers to help design and create the<strong>2012</strong>/2013 yearbook. Please contact Mrs. Eyestone at (403) 227-3244 orkeyestone@chinooksedge.ab.ca if you would like to help.On September 14 th thestudents of IHS took part inthe Terry Fox Run. This yearwe were able to coordinatewith the town and the fourother schools in <strong>Innisfail</strong>which was an amazingexperience. Together wewere able to raise funds andawareness for cancer.Terry Fox Run/WalkLeadership 8 MentorshipMrs. Eyestone’s Leadership 8 classhas been participating in a mentorshipprogram with Mrs. Newsham’sgrade 3 class at École John WilsonSchool. The students have had theopportunity to pair up with a youngerstudent to help them understandbullying, reading and mathematics.This has been an awesomeexperience for all of the studentsinvolved!

Page 7Biology 20 River WatchThis year's River Watch (Oct19) took place in Calgary onthe Bow River. We had thefirst date cancelled due to theearly cold snap on October 3rdbut it all worked out as we gota beautiful day (the last onebefore the snow hit Calgary).We had 2 boats as there wasonly 1 class of Bio. 20going. During the trip studentslearned about Riparian andAquatic habitats, studied andcollected data on the quality ofthe water in the Bow andspent an hour touringthe Bonney Brook WasteWater Treatment plant.English StudentsIf you are currently taking high school English, please be sure tobring back your permission form and money for A Christmas Carol atTheatre Calgary Wed. <strong>November</strong> 28 th . It will be $50, and it is firstcome, first serve as tickets are limited. Please return your forms toMs. Gough or Ms. Hunter and money to Mrs. McAllister in the office.Denmark 2013DENMARK - Summer 2013Travel to Denmark and stay with your Danish Exchange student for ten days. Experience Copenhagenand Western Denmark including the Queen's residence, Kronborg Castle (The Hamlet Castle),Tivoli, The Round Tower, Legoland, graves of WWII casualties from Canada, WWII bunkers,Ribe (the oldest town in Denmark) and Danfoss Universe (an amazing science exploration centrewith a lot of activities including Segways). Then in September 2013 host your exchange studentfor 10 days while he or she experiences Alberta! Possibility of adding two days in London dependingon the interest! Contact Mrs. Mobley for details. Next meeting <strong>November</strong> 5 at 6:30pm.

Page 8WE Day-Several students had the opportunityto travel to the Saddle Dome in Calgary toenjoy this inspirational day. This day encouragesand empowers youth to lead local andglobal changes and to bring a generationtogether.we inspirethechangeStudents’ Union EventsStudents’ Union wrapped upOctober with three excitingevents: Scarecrow Festival, aHaunted House and theArcade Masquerade Dance.We had all TA classes buildtheir best scarecrow with thesupplies Students’ Unionprovided. Then, those reallyMarvelous Mustangs from<strong>Innisfail</strong> Middle School, cameover to judge our spectacularscarecrows. Our HauntedHouse was a screamingsuccess! We finished off theday with our Arcade Masqueradevideo dance which wasenjoyed by all.Upcoming:<strong>November</strong> 23: <strong>Senior</strong> Boys vs.<strong>Senior</strong> Girls Volleyball

Page 9Band Notes:Did you know that the <strong>Senior</strong> Band is off to Seattle during our April SpringBreak? These students have been working very hard on learning newmusic and doing lots of fundraising. Thank you to all of you who helpedout by donating bottles, purchasing coupon books, and buying poinsettias.We are currently selling Meat and Pizza. If you are interested, pleasesee Mr. Bushell or a band member you know.The pickup for our current Meat Sale will be on Friday, <strong>November</strong> 23 from 3-7pm and the Pizzawill be available for pickup on Tuesday, December 5 at the band concert.Like Jazz Music? Come out to our annual Jazz Café! It will be held in the Student GatheringArea on Tuesday, <strong>November</strong> 27 starting at 7pm. Tickets will be available after RemembranceDay from band students and at the door. $5 gets you coffee/juice and a light snack complimentedby some awesome jazz music performed by our wonderful <strong>Junior</strong> and <strong>Senior</strong> JazzBands.Our Christmas Concert will be held on Wednesday, December 5 at 7pm in the Middle SchoolGym.Movember is Coming!Movember is coming! Movember is coming! That’s right; <strong>Innisfail</strong> Jr. Sr. <strong>High</strong> School is againparticipating in Movember fundraising for prostate cancer research. The<strong>Innisfail</strong> MoBros include Mr. Dale, Mr. Coles, Mr. Whitehead, Mr. Burton,and Mr. Anderson. Please help us raise money for this worthy cause bydonating money to your favorite teacher and/or by buying and wearing apipe cleaner moustache on <strong>November</strong> 23 rd . You can also sponsor ateacher’s moustache. You donate a sum to be negotiated with theteacher and get them to grow, dye, or shave their moustache into whateverfantastic shape or colour you can convince them to!Please be involved! Long live the moustache!Young Women of Power Workshop is coming to <strong>Innisfail</strong> on <strong>November</strong> 24. Allgirls from grades 6-8 are invited to attend this informative session from 1-4 pmat the <strong>Innisfail</strong> Library/Learning Centre. Cost is $5.00 and a donation for theFood Bank. Register by <strong>November</strong> 20 by calling Heather Dixon 403-227-7744.

<strong>Innisfail</strong> <strong>Junior</strong> <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>High</strong> SchoolPage 104459 51 Avenue<strong>Innisfail</strong>, ABT4G 1A8This season has been full offun and great learning experiencesfor the team. The girlshave grown and developedleaps and bounds since thebeginning of the season. Theywere tournament Championsin Olds on Oct 13 th and came avery close second in the annualCENAA tournament, hostedat IHS on Oct 20 th . A fewmore league games left and aCWAJHAA qualifier on the 6 thof <strong>November</strong>, come out andsupport your local Cyclones.Coach: Jen LittkePhone: 403-227-3244Fax: 403-227-2595e-mail: innisfail.high@chinooksedge.ab.caCity Girls VolleyballAchieving Success in Chinook’s Edge-A message from the SuperintendentBy many measures, students in Chinook’s Edge are achieving a high level of success. We are pleased with results fromthe most recent provincial achievement tests which show several positive upward trends. Specifically, we are proudof the results at the Grades 3 and 6 levels, which continue to be above provincial average and show excellence in allsubject areas. As well, our Physics results are showing a remarkable increase and this year’s results are the highest wehave seen in the last five years. We are also pleased with our above–average high school completion rates which, at77.7 percent, are also the highest they have been in years.These results highlight the efforts being made across the division, as we focus on specific school and individual classroomresults in an effort to create even more successes. Our school staff is working alongside our SuperintendencyTeam and our Board of Education to diligently examine and discuss the data and processes in place to support ourpriority of continuous improvement across all grade levels.We have identified certain areas to address, including a focus on providing enhanced academic, social and culturalsupports for our growing FNMI student population. We are also focusing efforts on improving our Grade 9 AchievementTests, and pursuing our intention to increase the standard of excellence across all grades and in all subject areas.Chinook’s Edge shares all the components of our Education Plan in late <strong>November</strong>, once we have the opportunity todiscuss the results with our teachers and schools. In this way, we can analyze the data and work together on a plan tofocus on specific areas. Chinook’s Edge is a division of hardworking students, skilled staff, devoted parents and supportivecommunities. Together, we are a force in support of our mission to help our students achieve success as compassionateand innovative global citizens.Kurt SacherSuperintendent of Schools

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