le programme détaillé des manifestations et événements - e-Karbe

le programme détaillé des manifestations et événements - e-Karbe

le programme détaillé des manifestations et événements - e-Karbe


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payab<strong>le</strong> to any named and surviving POD or trust beneficiary/payee. Accountspayab<strong>le</strong> to more than one surviving beneficiary/payee are ownedjointly by such beneficiaries/payee without rights of survivorship. AnyPOD or trust beneficiary/payee <strong>des</strong>ignation shall not apply to IndividualR<strong>et</strong>irement Accounts (IRAs) which are governed by a separate beneficiary/payee <strong>des</strong>ignation. We are not obligated to notify any beneficiary/payeeof the existence of any account or the vesting of the beneficiary/payee’sinterest in any account, except as otherwise provided by law.5. Accounts for Minors. We may require any account established by aminor to be a multip<strong>le</strong> party account with an owner who has reached theage of majority under state law and who shall be jointly and severally liab<strong>le</strong>to us for any r<strong>et</strong>urned item, overdraft, or unpaid charges or amounts onsuch account. We may pay funds directly to the minor without regardto his or her minority. Un<strong>le</strong>ss a guardian or parent is an account owner,the guardian or parent shall not have any account access rights. Wehave no duty to inquire about the use or purpose of any transaction.Deposits may be received in the name of the minor. A member who isa minor may withdraw or p<strong>le</strong>dge funds owned by him/her in the samemanner and is subject to same terms and conditions as an adult member.Any receipts signed by a minor shall constitute a valid payment ofsuch monies.6. Agency Designation on an Account. An agency <strong>des</strong>ignation on anaccount is an instruction to us that the owner authorizes another personto make transactions as an agent for the account owner regarding the accounts<strong>des</strong>ignated. An agent has no ownership interest in the account(s)or Credit Union voting rights. We have the right to approve the originalform of Power of Attorney (POA) used to create an agency <strong>des</strong>ignation.We have no duty to inquire about the use or purpose of any transactionor any ownership change made by the agent. We have the right to refus<strong>et</strong>o honor a Power of Attorney in accordance with applicab<strong>le</strong> law.7. Deposit of Funds Requirements. Funds may be deposited to any account,in any manner approved by the Credit Union. Any deposit receivedbefore the close of business on a business day the Credit Union is openwill be considered deposited on the day of the deposit. However, if youmake a deposit after the close of business or on a day the Credit Unionis closed, we will consider the deposit to have been made on the nextbusiness day the Credit Union is open.a. Endorsements. We may accept transfers, checks, drafts, and otheritems for deposit into any of your accounts if they are made payab<strong>le</strong>to, or to the order of, one or more account owners even if they arenot endorsed by all payees. You authorize us to supply missingendorsements of any owners if we choose. If a check, draft or itemthat is payab<strong>le</strong> to two or more persons is ambiguous as to wh<strong>et</strong>her itis payab<strong>le</strong> to either or both, we may process the check, draft or itemas though it is payab<strong>le</strong> to either person. If an insurance, government,or other check or draft requires an endorsement as s<strong>et</strong> forth on theback of the check or draft, we may require endorsement as s<strong>et</strong> forthon the item. Endorsements must be made on the back of the sharedraft or check within 1 inch from the top edge, although we may acceptendorsements outside this space. However, any loss we incur from adelay or processing error resulting from an irregular endorsement orother markings by you or any prior endorser will be your responsibility.b. Col<strong>le</strong>ction of Items. We act only as your agent and we are not responsib<strong>le</strong>for handling items for deposit or col<strong>le</strong>ction beyond the exerciseof ordinary care. Deposits made by mail or at unstaffed facilities arenot our responsibility until we receive them. We are not liab<strong>le</strong> for thenegligence of any correspondent or for loss in transit and each correspondentwill only be liab<strong>le</strong> for its own negligence. We may sendany item for col<strong>le</strong>ction. Items drawn on an institution located outsid<strong>et</strong>he United States are hand<strong>le</strong>d on a col<strong>le</strong>ction basis only. You waiveany notice of nonpayment, dishonor, or protest regarding items wepurchased or receive for credit or col<strong>le</strong>ction to your accounts.• 2 •

16h | 16h30 : Rencontre avec Fabienne KanorAnticorps, Gallimard16h30 | 17h30 : Forum <strong>des</strong> éditeurs d’Outre-MerCaraïbéditions Élodie Kœger & Hector Poul<strong>le</strong>t,Les î<strong>le</strong>s du vent (1 er manga antillais)17h00 | 17h30 : Forum <strong>des</strong> éditeurs d’Outre-MerAu vent <strong>des</strong> î<strong>le</strong>s Serge Tcherkezoff,Polynésie Mélanésie, l’invention française<strong>des</strong> « races » <strong>et</strong> <strong>des</strong> régions de l’Océanie(XVI e -XIX e sièc<strong>le</strong>s)17h30 | 18h00 : Arts <strong>et</strong> artisanats de Polynésiefrançaise Au vent <strong>des</strong> î<strong>le</strong>sVéronique Mu-Liepmann & Lucie Mil<strong>le</strong>drogues,Arts <strong>et</strong> artisanats de Polynésie française18h | 18h30 : Remise du Prix FETKANN!de la Poésie 2009 à Suzanne Draciuspour Exquise déréliction métisse, DesnelDIMANCHE 28 MARS10h30 | 11h : Rencontreavec Athon Mas& Char<strong>le</strong>s-Henri FarguesAthon Mas, Le grand défi,K éditions11h | 11h 30 : Conversationsavec Wal<strong>le</strong>s KotraConversations Calédoniennes, Au vent <strong>des</strong> î<strong>le</strong>s11h30 | 12h : Forum<strong>des</strong> éditeurs d’Outre-MerRevue Litterama’ohiFlora Devatine, Histoire, mémoire de l’oubli& La poésie, une vision complémentaire de l’histoire12h | 12h30 : A<strong>le</strong>xandre Dumas vupar Emmanuel Goujon A<strong>le</strong>x <strong>et</strong> son doub<strong>le</strong>,Vents d’ail<strong>le</strong>urs14h | 14h30 : Forum <strong>des</strong> éditeurs d’Outre-MerÉditions Le Motu Jean-Marc Tera’ituatiniPambrun, Les parfums du si<strong>le</strong>nce & La <strong>le</strong>cture14h30 | 15h30 : Rencontreavec Simone Schwarz-BartLivre posthumed’André Schwarz-Bart,L’étoi<strong>le</strong> du matin, Seuil15h30 | 16h00 : Rencontre avec MohammedAissaoui L’affaire de l’esclave Furcy, Gallimard17h00 | 18h00 : Rencontre / La Caraïbe <strong>et</strong> HaïtiSuzanne Dracius, Pour Haïti, (co-écrit avec RenéDepestre, Maryse Condé, Alain Mabanckou<strong>et</strong> Tahar Bekri), DesnelDaniel Maximin, Les fruits du cyclone,une géopoétique de la Caraïbe, SeuilJames Noël, Le sangvisib<strong>le</strong> du vitrier,Vents d’ail<strong>le</strong>ursK<strong>et</strong>tly Mars, Saisonssauvages, Mercurede France18h00 | 18h30 :Rencontreavec Alain FoixNoir de ToussaintLouvertureà Barack Obama,Galaade éditionsMARDI 30 MARS17h | 18h : Rencontreavec Dany LaferrièreL’énigme du r<strong>et</strong>our,Grass<strong>et</strong>Programme sous réserve de modificationsLes rencontres sont suivies d’une séance dedédicaces sur <strong>le</strong> stand <strong>des</strong> éditeurs d’Outre-Mer<strong>et</strong> sur <strong>le</strong> stand <strong>le</strong> la librairie Jasor.

DIMANCHE 28 MARSLibrairie de l’Outre-Mer – Librairie JasorVENDREDI 26 MARS13h | 14h : Fabienne Kanor, Anticorps, GallimardGisè<strong>le</strong> Pineau, Folie, al<strong>le</strong>r simp<strong>le</strong> : journée ordinaired’une infirmière, Philippe ReySimone Schwarz-Bart, Livre posthumed’André Schwarz-Bart, L’étoi<strong>le</strong> du matin, Seuil14h | 16h : Ynho, Suupa Kokujin, Tome 1,Kasoku – DaganSAMEDI 27 MARS11h30 | 12h30 : Odi<strong>le</strong> Renault-Lescure & Laurence GouryLangues de Guyane, Vents d’Ail<strong>le</strong>urs12h30 | 13h30 : Karo<strong>le</strong> Gizolme & Anne LescotGuide de la Caraïbe culturel<strong>le</strong>, Vents d’Ail<strong>le</strong>urs& Gens de la Caraïbe11h | 14h : Rosa Moussaoui & Jérôme Maucourant,Qui ne connaît pas monsieur Domota ?, Desnel14h | 15h : Ynho, Suupa Kokujin,Tome 1, Kasoku – Dagan / MangaSerge Hochain, Le chevalier de Saint Georges,Dagan jeunesse – Mat ÉditionSylviane Vayaboury, La crique, L’Harmattan15h | 16h : Gisè<strong>le</strong> Pineau, Folie, al<strong>le</strong>r simp<strong>le</strong> :journée ordinaire d’une infirmière, Philippe Rey15h | 16h : Émeline Pierre, B<strong>le</strong>u d’orage, Gallimard15h | 16h30 : Suzy Palatin, Gourmande <strong>et</strong> créo<strong>le</strong>, Hach<strong>et</strong>te15h30 | 16h30 : Mémona Hintermann & Lutz Krusche,Quand nous étions innocents, Lattès16h | 17h : Daniel Maximin, Les fruits du cyclone,une géopoétique de la Caraïbe, & L’invention<strong>des</strong> désira<strong>des</strong> <strong>et</strong> autres poèmes, Seuil16h | 18h : Viktor Lazlo, La femme qui p<strong>le</strong>ure,Albin Michel16h30 | 18h : K<strong>et</strong>tly Mars, Saisons sauvages,Mercure de France16h30 | 19h : David Laporal, La Guadeloupe <strong>et</strong> ses trésors,Les secr<strong>et</strong>s del’î<strong>le</strong> papillon, Actes Sud16h30 | 17h30 : Fabienne Kanor, Anticorps, Gallimard17h30 | 19h : Ernest Pépin, Toxic Island, DesnelAntonia Neyrins, L<strong>et</strong>tres de Guadeloupe,Éditions du Jasmin18h | 19h : Anique Sylvestre, Lowitt, la grenouil<strong>le</strong>qui danse, Jasor11h | 12h : Char<strong>le</strong>s-Henri Fargues & Athon Mas,Athon Mas, Le grand défi, K Éditions11h | 15h30 : Max Edinval, Un instant ; Tant <strong>et</strong> tempspassés, AmalthéeEuphrasie Calmont, Emma ou la rage de vivre,Amalthée12h | 15h : Nathalie Philippe, 2 mariages 2 coup<strong>le</strong>s,Desnel12h30 | 13h30 : Emmanuel Goujon, A<strong>le</strong>x <strong>et</strong> son doub<strong>le</strong>,Vents d’ail<strong>le</strong>urs14h | 15h : Sylviane Vayaboury, La crique, L’Harmattan15h | 17h : Gisè<strong>le</strong> Pineau, Folie, al<strong>le</strong>r simp<strong>le</strong> : journéeordinaire d’une infirmière, Philippe Rey15h30 | 16h30 : Simone Schwarz-Bart, Livre posthumed’André Schwarz-Bart, L’étoi<strong>le</strong> du matin, Seuil15h30 | 17h30 : Thierry Ségur, L’Orphelin de CocoyerGrands-Bois, Delcourt16h | 17h : Mohammed Aissaoui, L’affaire de l’esclaveFurcy, Gallimard16h30 | 17h30 : Mimi Barthélémy, Cours de grimp<strong>et</strong>te,SyrosAnique Sylvestre, Twapat, <strong>le</strong> cheval à trois pattes, Jasor18h | 19h : K<strong>et</strong>tly Mars, Saisons sauvages,Mercure de FranceSuzanne Dracius, Pour Haïti & Exquise dérélictionmétisse, DesnelDaniel Maximin, Les fruits du cyclone,une géopoétique de la Caraïbe, SeuilJames Noël, Le sang visib<strong>le</strong> du vitrier, Ventsd’ail<strong>le</strong>urs18h30 | 19h : Alain Foix, Noir de Toussaint Louvertureà Barack Obama, Galaade ÉditionsMARDI 30 MARS16h | 17h : Dany Laferrière, L’énigme du r<strong>et</strong>our, Grass<strong>et</strong>16h | 18h : Philippe Mariello, Compère Chien, L’Harmattan18h | 20h : K<strong>et</strong>tly Mars, Saisons sauvages,Mercure de FranceJames Noël, Le sang visib<strong>le</strong> du vitrier, Vents d’ail<strong>le</strong>urs19h | 20h : Ernest Pépin, Toxic Island, DesnelMERCREDI 31 MARS17h30 | 18h30 : Théa Dubelaar, Socrate, <strong>le</strong> lapin noir, Jasor17h30 | 18h30 : Alain Guédé, Le chevalier de SaintGeorges, Dagan jeunesse – Mat Édition

ARCC Jean-Louis Joubert AU VENT DES ÎLES Wal<strong>le</strong>s Kotra, Lucie Mil<strong>le</strong>drogues, Véronique Mu-Liepmann, Serge Tcherkezoff CARAÏBÉDITIONS Olivier Arrighi, Élodie Koeger, Erroc, HectorPoul<strong>le</strong>t, Jean-Régis Ramsamy DESNEL Suzanne Dracius, Jérôme Maucourant, Rosa Moussaoui,Ernest Pépin, Nathalie Philippe EPSILON Corinne Decloitre, Teddy Iafare-Gangama, Lou LubieHAERE PO Irène Bertaud, Isabel<strong>le</strong> Chol<strong>le</strong>t, Jean-François Favre IBIS ROUGE Rémi Auburtin,Mimi Barthélémy, Catherine Bay<strong>le</strong>, Blaise Bitégué, François Blancpain, Raymond Boutin, Jean-Henri Brenier, Yves Chemla, Jacques Chinon, Marie-Andrée Ciprut, Lémy-Lémane Coco, RaphaëlConfiant, Olivier Copin, Jean-Maurice Durand, Solange Eugenot, Éric Fougère, Philippe Géraut,Philippe Gilabert, José Le Moigne, Catherine Le Pel<strong>le</strong>tier, Françoise Loe-Mie, Patrice Louis,Jacqueline Louison, Dominique Louisor, Jacques Luder, Kouton Mach-Houd, Serge Mam LamFouck, Char<strong>le</strong>s-Henri Maricel-Baltus, Elvire Maurouard, Marlène Mazières, Jean Mercier, Ar<strong>le</strong>tteMinatchy-Bogat, Bernard Montabo, Rachel<strong>le</strong> Nagau, Gilbert Pago, André Paradis, Frédéric Piantoni,Gérard Police, Eunice Richards-Pillot, Suzy Ronel, Franz Rosell Joel, Jean-Julienne Salvat, PedroSarduy Perez, Jean-Jacques Seymour, Khal Torabully, Joël<strong>le</strong> Verdol, Philippe Verdol, Eg<strong>le</strong>-BaroneVisigalli JASOR Théa Dubelaar, Anique Sylvestre K’A Stéphane Hoarau, Daniel Honoré, AndréRobèr LAFONTAINE Sonny Bagoé-Tancons, Jala, Serge Restog LE MOTU Françoise Saint-Chabaud, Jean-Marc Tera’ituatini Pambrun OCÉAN Emmanuel Bourdier, Elisab<strong>et</strong>h Brami, MaïaBrami, Mélanie Brouin, Joël<strong>le</strong> Ecormier, Fabienne Jonca, Robi, Gabriel<strong>le</strong> Wiehe ORPHIE Blaise,Monique Della Negra, Christian Epanya, Stéphanie Ferrere alias Western, Isabel<strong>le</strong> Hoarau,Florence Lebouteux, Luci<strong>le</strong> Limont, Julien Martinière, Jorgelina Militon, Jean-Paul Tapie, JeanneTaboni Misérazzi PLB Laure Galvani, Michel<strong>le</strong> Gargar, Mikaël, Claudie Ogier, Nico<strong>le</strong> Réache, AnneSeychal REVUE LITTERAMA’ OHI Flora Devatine UDIR Céline Hu<strong>et</strong>, Jean-François Samlong.© Faits&Gestes, http://www.faits<strong>et</strong>gestes.com / Crédits Photos : Sébastien Rande / Hermance Triay / Louis-Henri Mars / Eric Heddeland / C. Beauregard / Conception graphique : Aurélie Vitoux, http://www.aurelievitoux.com

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