Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library


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1. hy lologlcal foundations70"''''JIg60so'ndo!quldptDCttjJ"flUI I I I'""Yf$, sfJDrlsmDn, all" 200W- 30mlnConly $Irain,no O,!1TJ.tm, , metllUflllllfltk8610ox,' ~ JC-"K- '-'- .-.-x-.-.- -.-'-j ....l:to ". C)o.. ...........31].')J tOOt!18 .•..~ __4­x'6' .. --x"53....60?Sl.e! SOW--1-_-""0- .!..zI--66].~ 100Wo 20 60 180mm 1t ..2Fig. 15 Measurement of the \l8nausperipheral Po 2as a functionof the time t after ending of 02MTquick procedure in various individualsat different strains. Result:the appropriate time for measurementof PiO~ovenis one day afterend of quic procedurex' x-, 1 Slight strain relative to age;quick normalizationblood after its irradiation with short-wave UVlight) [50], we found typical regularities in thebehaviour of the P0 2 - ven measured peripherallyfrom the vena cubitalis (no tourniquet!). Theobserved dynamics of the P0 2 - ven , measured inresting conditions from the arm, indicated thateven this simple procedure, which is routinelyreasonable for the patient, can lead to sufficientlyrepresentative values. Therefore, thecomparison at rest and in normoxia betweenthe mixed central P0 2 - ven and the peripherallymeasured P02-ven was carried out as summarizedin Fig. 14 [51]. The volunteers werepatients from the Radiological Clinic of theMedical Academy of Dresden or CMTI patients,in whom due to other indications anintracardiac catheter had already been placedin the arteria pulmonalis or the right ventricleof the heart. From the minor deviations found,it follows that the relatively simple measurementfrom the arm generally supplies sufficientlyrepresentative values. The deviationsremain small as a rule, compared with the great,reactive changes in the resting P0 2 -ven discoveredand described below.Since these great changes occur due to the discoveredswitching process of the microcirculation,the sufficient correspondence ascertainedICMT = cancer multistep therapyin the tendency of the courses of the centraland peripheral P0 2 -ven values, confirms ourstatement that the bioenergetically controlledregulating or switching mechanism ofthe bloodmicrocirculation occurs generally in the wholebody (also in the arm).It should be pointed out here that deviationsbetween the levels measured from the unrestrainedvena cubitalis and the levels measuredcentrally from the arteria pulmonalis ofabout the same low level as in Fig. S, were alsoreported in [52].It should be emphasized in this context that alocally (peripherally) determined fl can also bea characteristic value of the circulatory regulation(e.g. for blood redistribution). The evaluationfor fl must therefore occur in connectionwith the physical situation (field of furtherresearch).The blood samples for the measurement ofP0 2 - art and p0 2 • ven should be taken after10 min complete rest (no physical activity nospeaking, no stimulants such a coffee orsmoking) from the sitting individual and a faras possible at the same time of day, e.g. 15.00hours. In the determination of the Po 1-art atime span of 10 min between the applicationof the hyperemia-inducing ointment (.g.inalgon forte) to the adobe and th follo ­ing "arterialization", mu t b allow d for inany ca ·e. In particular, it mu t b r m mb red

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