Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library


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hysiological foundations...fJJHT(JIll )' ,1002 3 ,5 6 7 I,r1""/rgIf L1..lD7 129 -- s,-,ZJt /tItJ,'. 117 7.45SJOr N-"- ~1!11l ",.l~~( N-1OP/Iz-.1 1-4 N-I,JTht i1crtfJsei11hr P/Iz-a1 IIJ8b lilt beller, the 11I0rt exactly Ihe 1Mpalienl R1IIDMS flit nstr"dion ofcomilllJinr doily t'Xef'&bt 1rtJining.'tJ A~tiliJn oIH1t' tIItropy is usually only 'SSOI"y ~1Itn astlll'rtstressful i1l!umae.g.'IIiJ, tpt'roliJn) ((JUst. flJt Po; tTl to,sinKIrJ6050l:N 10ortJUgN,y !Ittpre-hropy Itvtl.- 2 0 2 4 6 8 J) 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 .34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 wrebt ..43Onlfdconlinutfus/y dro)pi/W.rofptl/;ens29complied wllh thertf/IIesi ltJra regtit1r hi/ow-upo 2 3 5 6t -15I10-7 8 9 10 11 12 I1KJflIIIsFig.41 Measurements showing the lasting, almost unchanged increase of the arterial P02 by means of the discoveredfunctional regeneration procedure for the lung-heart system on initially 53 subjects (groups of 43 and 10 witha mean age of 65.3 years and 62.6 years) without pronounced chronic unspecific lung diseases. Sx =standarddeviation; the 02-art increase is statistically significant at the 1% level; study made by H. G. Lippmann and H. H.Wiemuth in our Institute 1979/801.160;n ftlctors ~16 '23 ~.J) 1,,25POrirf10013mmIfJ'" e IrPa70 F-~=--+---t----t----i600 9 If 27 3617f ~ '7~~,gluessloIistf('(]l!y sgnliCllnl. rp-O,D5).'o,lJ,c,d,t: difftlMlZS !IIltIttn tk POrt!tFig. 42 Effect of the 02MT regeneration procedureon the arterial re ting P02 in 30 patients aged5 9 V a with roughlv normal blood pressur .i n from non pecialized cure institutions12"9This increase only gains considerable medicalsignificance with the fact, which now has beenstatistically proven, that it lasts for up to morethan a year, provided severe stressful events donot lead to a lasting reduction (switching).Figure 41 shows the results of a special investigationinto the duration of the P02_art elevationafter 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The resultof a further study into the gradual rise in theP0 2 increase with an increasing number oftreatment hours, as well as into the duration ofthe effect after the end of the procedure anbe seen in Fig. 42.The regulating and wit hing m hani m f thmicrocirculation, th effe t of whi h in th pulnaryy tern i chara t tiz d in th pr . ufigure, i actually nothing but th r al fnatural pro e which ha b n kn n f rlong tim and ha be n larg I pI .n del ctron mi ro op [89 90]. r rrito th pr f th sw lling of th nd th l' Icells in O 2 deficiency. B u thi 1.

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