Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library

Chapter-1 / Physiological Foundations - WHNLive Public Library


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83flO0/09080'101 :E 40302010, ~\! ."SIxxJy contour ellect/ ~~"~,, -#'SUftning anlerOfJplirofor 1985(target rtgiJn),-..-- ,~,~7';--~~I I '"" ~, [,'Il;o'" 'r-.. ....."OfJIiicakr 19;9'-- _... ..., ooolti:alor 1985 -' ~~'IJZ-tCtn /X ~ ~ ~z·5cm V V~ -~......... V ~........~/--"'~IJz-5cm--.... ~~./'~-.1020x----t--3040emFig.81Measurement of the relative energy deposition at various depths in an agar phantom with a ring coil appli·cator 1979 (R '= 8.25 cm, distance zoz 1 = 11 cm, rectangu Iar scanning with x = ± 16 cm and y = ± 10 cmI and withthe new ;3pplicator 1985 (distance zozl = 11 cm, circular scanning with R o =10cml. Advance: Increase in energydeposition at a depth of 5 cm from approximately 25 to 50%Tumor rich inblood vesselsjva/v shunts jdemonstration of .the vena femoralls•fumor lIesselsno longerdemonstrable;/ffumpr destroyed.normal tissueunaffected. )AB

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