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£)><br />

SiS<br />

.. ,?,-.' .: -aja^—^—j WAVMWJWI X*B» I<br />

rll<br />

^P*Tr***T*»*--n<br />

uuua<br />

te tS todatrr*: Barlloftoe, Hormmbm I Vaal—<br />

man laflaall* ' • # * M *<br />

Jadfa Carrow can be<br />

, aay<br />

— txreatt. and wban be<br />

MM Mtara aaWsajedto t<br />

.Ik Uta •**<br />

a-ata.xr^TtaTplx'a^rw.*<br />

I te Ibe ml* of a<br />

aalaoorav<br />

' npotatloa by<br />

taaaluofe*-<br />

•at wtu<br />

• aa *7tbarr*tand-<br />

faeaa-ortb* gn<br />

. BK ta tbat wa*<br />

or* to-<br />

• fraxod* wttb<br />

Kate txaoatea m Oeaan<br />

lltty raeord** ta Is* office *T Canary<br />

Gajrk. Hlldralb, a* raporttd ts Uia Cap*<br />

MayC—ltf<br />

tgi*. tUTi. Part of lot Ota. HOTUHO<br />

O.<br />

Batwrt Urana.atcrz.TO xftraus H.<br />

ttaw*. Lo««l. btoofca. plan 1.<br />

Ocaaa Uty AaeodaOoa I<br />

B. Oorrr, *t aJL WOO. Lot on<br />

aaaiiiH. 300fact from. Fourth atitwl.<br />

Ocno CJty Land Co. to flaraxvca<br />

*art*. IliOO LotaO.riecUooa.Dtaa<br />

.B-<br />

Harry F. Hlaoioa to Arthur B-Cba*-<br />

I*C |»a Lot 47. DeLanory Bcalty<br />

<strong>On</strong>.<br />

slMen «T<br />

a* ***r *r am*. *f •)••» is u< ana.<br />

At Ua> *aVw> X-t*a Ctry Clara, la Ua I<br />

Hail. Owjaa car. MJ«n. a* taa •<br />

a»*paaae or aw* tawejrwawtaclxwwM<br />

f II II» «• •»• i»ni|iaiwj|.'*» wl<br />

Advertise tn the<br />

TB*»d.y. September 14. 10*5.<br />

L ^^a-a-v5r-y5a5,tts<br />

lu IH«MU> DMivsl l««p«rijr »d<br />

ani (S&at tor «t— Oll < j<br />

1<br />

oui> Urn L-U<br />

(O»ii»a»*CT) mm<br />

MAWJDWM. awAawaa. taa *wa -eaaa *•*«**.<br />

I* t% Jin ttnaa tlwA mia. aad .ttt*»<br />

l*lawaea*l*e rateer ••«(%• par iwalaai H<br />

A I — rflllbTall LbaU Ua* TaV« OftUMtW b* OOU<br />

Mi nmduuU<br />

UT aTAlJCtaar aWtJiUKJ Ua&t bBKJIli<br />

k iUaal WlLt) laW y 11 hllf« ua iaawa> tattiiij.<br />

^W OFFICES<br />

Apgar & BoawelU<br />

rxMianit BUItJJIMO,<br />

Tm U a fim-clxM OrrtnbottM<br />

RoaJ. at Ocas lielghli. nnr Somtn rtdol<br />

Occaa Cllj. wbrrc planu *nj o« tb« aoatbautari/ aala of CwLraJ<br />

tttow tnxn I'lrij ifltnti (itaal to b»-<br />

law Vtftj-oliub atiatt. aad aa oedt-<br />

okoea to Uj oat, op*o aad sraa« a<br />

OhMo-Caot IHI alnat batwaaa Cba-<br />

UmJ and Wmtitj inooM, baaow Fartf-<br />

•Inlh *^MCud m*J<br />


Jost a twitch of the switch ami yoa can comnund unlimited<br />

a Barkhardt A Co.<br />


•CLU an ixw jct&<br />

tKX WtUi. wnn aA4 Vapo« UaaUOz<br />

u«ti n>oo».iu i<br />

vtooalT •alwil oa<br />

billows of cool comfort—«J1 »""""" loag—<br />

(at Usa than one-half cent to hoar. In the oflice or at home, wb^nrvcr the fagging heat of sammer racho-<br />

thecool. inv-igemunjj hcM-ixa from on ELECTRJC FAS will krrp yoa refreshed in tniod aad boJy-<br />

Jii\% When the breexr » oo the »7ong siJe of the hooie. uic an ELECTRIC FAN. r , We sell them at<br />

'col. tJSO.<br />

•»»• altai I riio a. i<br />

iba Aoa~ waa ptaraa rllA lfceca«4a<br />

• u»UtA *x» ea.<br />

W. Scott Hand<br />

taBihHwi.aaiaiOfcaM<br />

Ocean City Electric Service<br />

a« tfUaDC CITT (XXCTaiC CO.<br />

Bje Eumined WitHoat Drops<br />

OPUoaJ wort<br />

a ROJa n Doer.<br />

"wl MATCHLCaa I<br />

mctirw ao oinmntamn uma<br />

tor a pmrtaaot<br />

Cnw." i<br />

uaiaiiiiliawhftwi<br />

. OcUka'U.BM.<br />

Orttaaaeeao-TX, »• orrtln»rw» BUIHU<br />

naililliiMiH tin...I »l«iili in iiifiM<br />

tiMrn opoo MJ o» ttajwtbe «<br />

*•» — M a; «BA UBBj ifBjavw; w*^w*-T1 l"ftll* Or<br />

• IUnMii.l*tt*Otje»OeWM»CUy.<br />

7. waa pawad oo ttlid aad Oaal<br />

U.«*IK1ll-...M..r ,<br />

ILIBST A-MOCftla.<br />

•-a.w-.r.a-^tua.<br />

CUjCurfc.<br />

tie Dfatriet Owrt «f tke<br />

UaHei Stales *r (fee Dfe-<br />

Tbttnday, the Ninth day of Sep-<br />

' tnober. 1915,<br />

at XJ* p. •»-, ar taa pan of u» oompaay. >»-<br />

eata« a*rSStt MewJTaA4 Ta< .PwatToi »aii<br />

H<br />

•iMTeMwiinjr mm aM li.iwit WJWJU Bam<br />

a ianj ioa* wkX imii tgaetxvmca wta.<br />

Mraak waa !•»••< Kn«*ad-<br />

BUI. to tba imnwl o« tXUUJT we» raad<br />

and warrmnla wa«a maaiad tiiil (or Uaeir<br />

mrr or piuumaum t<br />

<strong>On</strong>aaJ-<br />

kfr. Ootsomb •<br />

M Co lac JTo. tU.<br />

«a* raaal rm Oiartf A<br />

arw^*aaapfcI<br />

Um, nqoaaUsc a balld>«d ba<br />

i M W aad « M ttkjoa<br />

Ooolnrt Bo.077 tur<br />

• a m<br />

be paid ^aa paaMKl.<br />

a eoilvta<br />

raporua a eoilvtarv ufflo<br />

i lug<br />

- - • o«» l<br />

*T~' * -Tflll<br />

• ufcfuoa<br />

nro Co»ll»a*r'rwuM.ilfaaWao tuita,<br />

Clljr ClarK.<br />


crrv or ocean CITY, new JERSCV.<br />

rrae)UrdmcliiimiiiJiMavntMao»cii»acf>wiMMi»iin, ttiA.<br />


S WUMiai, Bma a ]<br />

WmialMjbom.. I<br />

*w? R Cortft* flalMnan<br />

•» *»•• if A- £4wax«a<br />

•o Usnsa kl. • — r<br />

MJO K • ant* "->——-TT<br />

Uimtsi Braa.<br />

• » Alluua Ttl. Co.<br />

a*t UaonraW. L«<br />

<br />

attl Orrt I* ft-'T—-'<br />

H oxbcp'<br />

T. Caa JLt<br />

Cm WUUU H. Jotn<br />

m» HW I. Ii, lalar-Htata. UJ-A<br />

ufl« tloor«" Haul toa. m. rtt^a a to e p. tt.<br />


IK YOUR BAHV baa cnap. collr. rbol«r» IntAoluu. Unculu boatla, ta<br />

lcrtblu|or Iruublrd wUb lt« Momuh ur Uo»*I«. jrou abootd jlraooaof<br />


lo i r*cttcaJ awiOyasra-CautatoaDolbluClDjariaua.Tbooiatwltof laatlaoolaU<br />

••CM. «JU_« •.•, -, , ;i<br />

ua<br />

m -!• n > «e(<br />




W. Scott Hand<br />


ooii.><br />

MUlf o^* mmm rOH *mo n»iL*OMkJ**it* troc<br />


i o'ui I«D >ico»»o. lumcr TO **LX >ao >D«»CI in mci<br />


(.TtUtlO CtTT, •>. j.)<br />


Q «OJ«*>A. OVM tO3a<br />

-rr*f/»r IM NOW ummaMY<br />

t JnJa Ii. 1817; taont) lo<br />

tlaUm*ai July 14. 1919. and Oflh Lo<br />

AtlaMOlJaly IS. 1818.<br />

Haoood: TbAi all oo(wid baiAocaa<br />

lid titt.imint tbAll bt*r toUrtat U<br />

lb« rrnta of ta-rta per calaa p«<br />

UHD.<br />

Tblrd: If may UuUBiMai<br />

mala anp*ld tor Utany *ttAb«lll>aoi>a>adaa<br />

. lb«D Iba balaooadoa Ibmco<br />

baoocB* tmaMdtaMj dam aod<br />

pajabl*. sod aloJJ oaw tBLMaat at Iba<br />

niaoT com pdur1og Iba MVOU. Tb«<br />

eouiot will" b* dually decided al Iba<br />

as n OAI rra«41 a ol I be Uccaa VUy Y»cJU<br />

tlob on BAion*«y oiimt.<br />

Tba eo««ad by tb* B*V.<br />

Dr. Frg«7. of tb* Umaam old ehtueb<br />

at Ttappa, P». Tm. •osamar 1 * a<br />

•IOM w*r*'Oi*'taoat taecmmtoS *»»* a card party<br />

at ber bom*. 1120 W*U*y a venae. y«e-<br />

ter^ay. Tboa* preaant war* Mr*. WU-<br />

Zlndte, Mr*. W. H. Horn. Mia.<br />

W. B. Dootbartr. |ln.KMlcr, Ulaaaa<br />

HeUo Uougbtfty. Julia Btak* and<br />

Floranca A- rJoro. All bad" a *«ry<br />

r-claberobar<br />

rac* Cor opto erul—i of » (aM tn<br />

Icngtb or ortt. baton King to tatabrr*<br />

of any y*cta ciob wbleb t* a<br />

of tb* A- P. H. A^ or p»kiottn« tn any<br />

cscmbarof aeioswbleb I* a<br />

of tb* Ocawar* Bi*ar Yi<br />

Leaco*. uodar tba aoapie** of tba Oo-<br />

amt*a Vacfat Ctab- of Fbitadalptol*.<br />

and tb* Ocaaa Ctty Yaebt Ctob.<br />

Tb* eoera* will ba from Ib* ctab<br />

oa** of Ib* Colombia Yaebt Clab, tx<br />

BrtdeeJwrg, down tb* Delaware<br />

Blvar and bay. rouodntg Cap* May<br />

rnlnt. in1 Tir Itn mat ti a »nit tint I<br />

anchored off Iba ball baoy At Or**4<br />

EQ Harbor inM. Ocean Ctly.<br />

CbaJnaaa Fradk J. Oorman aad<br />

HeeraUry Cbariai W. OLaarr. of UM r»<br />

a in*nMilillaa of tn* Oc*aa<br />

Yacta do*, bar* bwjo at worm 00 Into<br />

rac*. Mr.Utaa*vup*£t**boa*(wwtu*-<br />

0r» tatna* (a* tba raca.<br />

For ib* rac* on Ualnrday. a great<br />

m.»ny fA*t ciuliwia and power boats<br />

bA»* eutrrad. Uocsa of ib* fa*t*r boats<br />

rotated ar* tb* Teeb. Jr- Frnm* and<br />

-httaw ttpactal. Indlealkxt* ar* IbAt<br />

ber* will b* a lArtrr fl**t of boata tn<br />

OoaanCUy Iban ba. been aeao brrefnar<br />

Tb* L*dl**'Aoxltlary of tb* Ocean<br />

Oily Yaent Club will prapar* tb*<br />

uocneon (or Ib* goe»U and vlttUOg<br />

daou war*<br />

Wm. a Whttt,<br />

trip to tb* P<br />

ant, at (MM DM baoBMl<br />

barabwto pfiaaUt<br />

Jodf* Ward, a<br />

wocnd*d<br />

Tb* MooldpaJ Bend toexpactad al<br />

Ib* dab booa*tn tb* aitairndoo. alA<br />

prom I pro I jtcbUtotn from tb* DCtgb-<br />

bcrldg ctnbe will be bar*.<br />

A wnokar will b* siren tomorrow<br />

•raolagln booocof lb*wtitilDg yactUa-<br />

m>in.<br />

Bmraar Brook* w*S'<br />

a tr» of<br />

atscar* wbo<br />

b**v*otng,<br />

Edw. LJpptoeoU. tbotr* to<br />

and* a* a btUUanl i<br />



Baseball Ixrvcrs 81urald Not<br />

Miaa IaterestiBB; CIOSIDK<br />

Games In This City.<br />

fleuantvUlswIll play the local bAae-<br />

ball team berelhta tfternooa and Bat-<br />

rday afternooo. Ocean City will go<br />

1 PteaaeutTllle tomorrow afleiaoon.<br />

The local* will play Iwogamea wUb<br />

leaasulvllle uext Monday. Tbe<br />

cnomlog coolest-will be In Pleaaant-<br />

Ule and the afUrooon game lu Ihlr<br />

ly.<br />

Tbee* gAmee abonld draw Urge<br />

rowda. aa ibe two team, uaually play<br />

'ell and tbe conleat. are cloae.<br />

Turn out. everybody, and max*<br />

clualog game* rmud-brrakera In tbe<br />

lot of attendance.<br />

Or la Men*- roulloo.<br />

Frank Mcbnetder, of Weat Phlladel-<br />

ibla. former ajar runner of the Ocean<br />

Jlty HlgbHebool. wbo baa been apend-<br />

g tbe aummet bera, left for bom*<br />

Halurday. He expected lo ^art at once<br />

'or Wllmerdlog, near Flltabargb.<br />

where be baeobtAlned a poattlon wttb<br />

be Y. M. V. A. there. Tue aaaoeUUoo<br />

K3X> membara. Frank 1 * boat of<br />

neoda wUb him good lock. WUllam<br />

Hancock, eon of Mr. and Mra.J. U.<br />

Hancock, of tbta clly, baa a position<br />

with tba Wllmerdlng Y. M. V. A.<br />

Uar* oral WaUlaglaa.<br />

Mara Inglt. wbo DA. an tmportAnl<br />

poatiton In the bareau of chcmletr* In<br />

tb* United tiiatM Agrlcultaral Depart-<br />

ment al Wublaglno. ta .pending bl*<br />

•aeaiion at bU tatbet'e aammer oot-<br />

tAge b*r*. He bad aa bl* nuuata for a<br />

few day* Karl Wbctter.of tb* General<br />

tOtetflo Compaoy at Waablogtoo.<br />

and Mr.. Wheeler.<br />

yauaago.<br />

Tb* etel<br />

OoaaoCttyaacnaaisar'aaT'i<br />

wa* abown tf tt •watb'taV<br />

badun«b*aalift-'<br />

rcodand to* pita far",<br />

MthlfH* taficaflCaSaal* '<br />

grwxt*f put of fMaxJ6<br />

At atrtao*clota( lataa'l<br />

partdad<br />

aod paid a ftaurasl **a»'<<br />

ttan* «C*aa«iV Cto© *t.:<br />

t»Frm»kl -,-,<br />

pfeakUotof Iftafclao, *a»B**r ••<br />

Tb* tar1»rtiB>ot-<br />

ptajtt b»»oo wtlh tb* l<br />

but tba Pttaunlu* atawa<br />

KA«* *oca* «t<br />

[Hf f >O fl tit tfHi at<br />

Joho HoaK. Ua*<br />

Ptirrun Clot), told (ta '<br />

to Frank' H. i<br />

re&ldeot of Pluaao. bow<br />

a. ib* lonsbf of a ^<br />

dcOed (Uh op to fodf ba'pdf»4'[<br />

TtMlUr. IteBMal B. QoxJ;<br />

'urmed all pimnl bow be<br />

• of lha etab t»4<br />

oratory (T) aad taiod<br />

and wound op wttb •<br />

prewolaltoo of a, ,,3r..,-r<br />

lo*lag cup, *o£ably aocorrwi,<br />

PreeJdeat Ala. l«wnaea fcc<br />

Tb* cap bamra tba rollowto*]<br />

Ioa: ••From tb* Pttazaa<br />

\c Club to tb* VMtaca*<br />

Jlub of Ocean City, AafOat<br />

Ueorg* H_ Ty tor, knowntol<br />

of Maaoo* to P*naeyrranx*<br />

mey. expreaeed tba bopatiMUpfaaw'<br />

CUy MaaooA would "Wat fttattn OStt'<br />

ufflmtr, wberetbay would «atw>a1i«J<br />

welcomed by rrery UaDbar of<br />

lob. • - •<br />

Amour tbaa* ptaajot frOJw.QM Vl<br />

ton' Maaoob; Club aa boat*. Matt*!<br />

f whom war* caUfd OB,<br />

erFttb. weraTboisa*. Fr<br />

Bobert FUber, ' "~ '"<br />

r.. Dr. Wyckofl. Polio*<br />

at Boblneoo, PawaU,Cl,<br />

H. L. Ueodmoo, Fraak tt. *I?I,WJ..<br />

od Oeorf Booloarva.<br />

Amoog tb* plAoattalWQ ktW.<br />

Ultloc dub war* Uw) OtHW<br />

Y«bt Club aod tb* OoMO UHy VMK<br />

ngClub. . • .. -.^,ij:!i»i<br />

It waa a great pMaaora to bt'maa)^<br />

* baautog, tAUoud and t mimm.<br />

oncaalxaUoo fMI Oeaan Cttf, M. II<br />

la expected tbat tb* I<br />

rived from tb* vtatt.wtl] i<br />

VUltor. 1 ataaoak3Ulaaaf<<br />

tax* aatroosMgHMMtf<br />

bar* tnOoeabCUy<br />

Ocean <strong>On</strong>- baa<br />

Fo^<br />

Aabary a*«ooc. tn—IhafOt<br />

Apply aanuntiarM* ~<br />

•••- .» •K. .nil*. «*»

.£»<br />

• ;> :>.-,-•<<br />

CttyScntincl PLEDGE LIVES TO<br />


Htm aomiMH<br />

.m*i • - HesW jntaa<br />

I tbetr<br />

flgnraon Baoday lest, wbea there «ti<br />

hlipooroo*veto ba laid bis bearers<br />

tl,es3tbey koow, Ibare era el aTay a<br />

lot of Itttle tsliowe lo precede tbe bl<br />

Baoa a4avaatlzicaof alad« bat ba<br />

aaaeb cf tbttrUma. W ban Hr- Bid<br />

dla araa eoovactad, Iba n—>ai aald.<br />

ba •aotad to do<br />

cbanb. Mr. Wl<br />

work In iba<br />

tb, axtd. aa<br />

lag his fattb.be told bl* qaeaUooar<br />

Ibai n could do oo barm. Tbata wars<br />

snroihmg IlkaIbree members to lb*<br />

das* ead.Lbe year Mr. Riddle became<br />

idem I fled wtlb tt, tba class nomotr<br />

grew lo 60.<br />

So* tber* are ara Biddia Bible<br />

Classes throughout tba world, who**<br />

LTrgal* membercbJp la approaching<br />

toouooa<br />

*Tbat c&ao t **** his<br />

i tnsoxtalauo lo ^se.<br />

woxk ba*a bars<br />

Tbat caaa Uod<br />

thus raised op I* Biddl*." said tba<br />

BtOdi* mid U<br />

apirmUoo to aaa<br />

waaacraat 10<br />

Ml tVtkaaawkapa^<br />

•MB«lMV»lk*atyat<br />

aUnkkktMaia<br />

..*w.l<br />

It la tba<br />

aaytbinx to tba wajr<br />

•Or aUod (afta* • oombar of<br />

• mmmn raajdauij. the<br />

t tba ctty baaMotbamai-<br />

as hjtbeeUy b*od,whleh.<br />

•wof wm eoespoatog u,<br />

• tar Ibeardaodid aoosto<br />

tbay ptay<br />

: order, and.<br />

atmospheric<br />

What Oeaao CUy aatbort-<br />

: we) la cirsjasdei «r»rarg-^ng<br />

• BOdttt* 3tr. Haerssooor<br />

•aad twnrl waam eooogb<br />

saapkry a band of aboot<br />

>—• faal band. Tbao will<br />

pwlogrrwioRBpatroo*<br />

ibatlB tbabt da*, asd to<br />

ippeai alttaotrra lo tba<br />

. «bo la trytoa; to dadda<br />

(bawiUcaat<br />


i baan alo«lc« to<br />

raattTUrtaa uboreb tbb<br />

MMHMT WIO wk« Ha |Mt appearsoca<br />

•«' ttk) aJMoa oaxt Booday. Tbcra<br />

wittbaaapaelaj prosraniat ibamoro-<br />

gratlfieaUoo that oo*-<br />

quarter of Ih* voter* of Oeeaa CUy are<br />

enrolled a* member* of ih* Brbla<br />

Classes, aad paid a fnmpllmeot to tbe<br />

work of Pastor Knjp.<br />

U* urged Hi* mao to coclloo* Ib*<br />

good woek- Us declared tb*<br />

in Eorape bas drawn a<br />

closer to Uod aod is vindicating<br />

multitude* wbo<br />

afar ofl ar* Uodlng Ood •<br />

UtaChrtat.<br />

Mr. UkSdl* pewaeoud tbe rU<br />

prsrtoorJy raftmd to aod aakad for<br />

atsoalaras.<br />

Mr- Biddla, during bis talk.<br />

Ibera'aramany numbers of Iba Bid<br />

Bible CtasMts lo iba armies<br />

Rnglartd aod they bold earslces lo tbe<br />

trenches erery Booday oodar<br />

Btbk* Class banoer. Tb* flag aad Iba<br />

> T. Uoooo; eotv<br />

aVssUailllhsMd B- Brooks; taoor.<br />

• B. iUaswatl, jr.; barMooa. Lawi*<br />

I atfarfcsTl.ofllarbenb. lor<br />

•Ue* and hardVworklog<br />

kwOweaa dry « r acbt Club.<br />

Blbla ara aTooooawos, Cbrtallaatty<br />

Ooorfibaa oodcr bard Umaa. V<<br />

eaotkllltt. CtvUiuttoo bnng>latb<br />

argy. Tba dartl doaa Dot apaod mac<br />

lim* wltb tba ••down and outer*.<br />

OrgaotuUoo is tba moat powerfu<br />

(bins; ararjwbara. Christ organlud<br />

Ilia dUeiples 3000 jaara ago. It rs<br />

mains tot tba eborcb paopla to aa'<br />

tba country, to Ogbi for tba Hag—tba<br />

Btaraand Hlrlpaa.<br />

Mr. Biddia. hi mtrodoeing Mr. (Soar.<br />

hawk, sooka of blm as a noted auo«-<br />

oey aod orator of Pantuylraola, and<br />

said Ibat Uuy wara rbrtuoala tn ba*<br />

log bits with uwm today, ba<br />

coma bond red a of mljaa to be prrsaoi.<br />

Mr. Hparbawk, to beginning, told a<br />

Uttla atorr to Illustrate his polot tbat<br />

Mr. Biddla bad called Iba wrong man<br />

I'm tbawroogmao,"sakf be. "I'II<br />

not ao orator. lam Joat ben> wltb i<br />

atory of JeaaaCbrtt-"<br />

Ha said be was (lad to be In iba<br />

MatbodJatCnareb tosaaaoebaapiaodld<br />

aV M Poat OrBea Uapartrnvot. beajo-<br />

nlng Hsp-ember I. pares! poat pack<br />

age* aiay ba luaursd agmloat loas lo ao<br />

UOOI cxjolvaiant to actual valos<br />

bat oat lo exceed IV In Bay oo* caw.<br />

oo payment at a fas uf three eenU: oot<br />

lo exceed *JS oo payment of a (as o<br />

Ova cants; no* to exceed Ho oo pay<br />

Bt of tea cents, and oot to exceed<br />

1100 oo payment of twenty-Ore csou.<br />

This tsqoilaa redaction from Ib*<br />

rate oow in (area.<br />

For ooe cant SJJO ooa may obtalo<br />

rceelpl (or any paroal poat scot. TbU<br />

abows ooly Ibat the parcel baa oeco<br />

dapoattad.<br />


eaiu ••<br />

Tba flrst anoaal cooventioo at the<br />

Chamber of Commerce of Cape May<br />

Courtly will ba beid lo tba City balj<br />

ben TMaday. BtpUmbar 7. Tba arter<br />

oooo aesakiu wUl ba si 3 o'd'Ck and<br />

tba a*aoiog maettog al 8 o'dock.<br />

Bostaeaaof loural to coast resort*<br />

of Ibis coooty will com* Defers lbs<br />

roretlng<br />

Claytoo Uaioxs Brick, of Ibia cUy<br />

la president of the orgealeatloa.<br />

Tba Logan Bqoan bail team. »>lb<br />

"Ad" Uwtfitr. fbroterly of tba locs<br />

nioa.7a tba box gol scrappy wnh Vat<br />

ptra Irwln aod avarjbody La g«4<br />

la Its gams ben Tuesday afuruooo<br />

Bwlgler got •'peeved" and deliberate],<br />

threw two of tba balls over lbs gram<br />

«aad lo to Iba street. Tba ampin ur<br />

dcrcd him oat of lbs game. Tbcn srv<br />

eralaf lbs vl*Uon became "ramhaac<br />

tiooV' aod |Umpln Irwla gave Iba<br />

gams to Iba locals. HIM. Innings had<br />

been played, and Oeeaa Oty led, 2 to I.<br />

By defeating Edward T. Cat leu.<br />

HeddonrJald. daring Ibe nonbeast<br />

storm last Balurday. Harvey Y. Lak<br />

woo tba ehampiooship In men's ain-<br />

•l«a in tba Boutb Jersey Tanoia Tour<br />

nament for Ibe Bfteenlb time. Hs de-<br />

feated Caliatt la Ibrve strslibl aeu.<br />

Miss Anna E- Wallace, of Pnlladei-<br />

Pbta. a summer resident ban, woo tb*<br />

eoampkwhln In the womso's •toffle<br />

by beating Mn. Mabel HoOatao Ker-<br />

baosb.or Philadelphia, title holder<br />

In Iwo «[rsl£bt sets.<br />

Port master B.<br />

Clerk.<br />

Prank limlth<br />

iMHincesiuasppulotmaolof Hn. Rutb<br />

Hayes, srile of H»ny H. Hayes, a«<br />

clerk In charge of the post omce sta-<br />

tloo lo Ibe central section of In* city<br />

The position baa beeo bcld for maoy<br />

yean by William U. Bmttb. wbo re-<br />

•tgoed becsuae of HI beallb. Toe sta<br />

ti»o will uo* be la the Hayes slon al<br />

Tntrty-inlrd atreetand Asbary avcoue<br />

Clir cassia Woo.<br />

Herx-bD aod popular<br />

among ibeir friends In tije vouunr<br />

soclsl circles of Ibe city, end<br />

have the best wubes or sll.<br />

they<br />

Clsjloa Haloes Brick, real eslats<br />

oDerator, will take, Ih- Isllar pan of<br />

Ibis moolb, bis nrst vacation aloe*<br />

be »•• married- Albert fogg. accoav<br />

psulrd by bis fsmily, will tsksalrtp<br />

lo bts mloca ai Uaalaoovlll*.. Vs.,<br />

aod b* will lake Mr. Brick sod bis<br />

family wltb blm. Tbay will have Iwo<br />

aloe Tb#y will also vtelt aicboood.<br />

vajku*) rssela Is>llsd.<br />

An eniertalomeni for iba beneflt of<br />

Bhllob BsplUt Cbareb will begtvea<br />

by colored taieol at Ibe Auditorium<br />

Ibis (Thursday) eveolna;. to wblcb Ibe<br />

while paopla are esp*-lally Invited.<br />

Tba noted Hpaolsb Indian. Deforests,<br />

will make bis drst appearance wub'<br />

bis. troupe- Duo't fall to bear ibe<br />

plantation warblers<br />

Baaaar" wa*<br />

fuugieaaiuau Peter S. Uoatello and<br />

Urn. al Philadelphia, wen among tb*<br />

rlsllore bare Monday, coming Irom<br />

Atlantic vtty lo tbetr aoto lo aaa James<br />

Frauklla They look a Irlp over to*<br />

city, and Mrs. Coatello eapreas>d her<br />

deilgbt al tba many BtlracUaos of Ibis<br />

Counly Fail<br />

n<br />

Fine exhibit of Vegetables. FmiL-<br />

Poaltry, etc.<br />

Horbc Racing and Show CLa-s<br />

Motorcjxle Races, Foot ILire-%.<br />

Biic Ball. etc.<br />

Little Jaanie will do no me ttnnt<br />

with bis ponies.<br />

HattagsUind in charge of Mrs. Ull<br />

Johnson, of Pierce'». Ttuu<br />

a good square meal.<br />

Remember Dates<br />

Watch 2nd Jewelry Repairing<br />

Mayer's<br />

BoainJwaJk. Opp.<br />

ot>cx AXJ. vms<br />

Pier<br />

Siili lltiia Cm<br />

' aid Eoat HQOI£<br />

Motor Boats Stored for the winter<br />

Pift>-oiotb >trret aod U"e»t Ave.<br />


O, «l Cocomixlors J. Crsuk Mjrrs.<br />

• bsitc- Bsroo.' WUIiam Alortgbl aud<br />

K. M Pr«oiz»l.<br />

Commodore l*eCe!o has al«a>N<br />

beeo one of ibe aunt active members<br />

uf Iba club ID evsrylbtog pvrtalnliif? t<br />

IU •ucccsa. and It la ssfs loeay ttisl be<br />

sod ibe other new cfflcerm.all of » boui<br />

areKrrstly Interested In boeJlug. will<br />

work bard and la unison lo push lb*<br />

club lo the front and keep U tbcn.<br />

Ju order to keep interest In Ibe club<br />

throughout the winter. It has beeo<br />

decided to bold dance and card partle><br />

st the Adelpbt Hotel lo Philadelphia<br />

every two weeka.<br />

A uumber of a^dlilooal members<br />

have already beeo obtained by IU*<br />

ew officers.<br />

The club boos* oo Ibe bsy front al<br />

Fifteenth street bss tnsny allraetlve<br />

features Ihst appeal lo local and visit<br />

^g yscbt»mco-<br />

Commencement Oifts<br />

Eajojr t*a Bast<br />

r<br />

Ukijaaa- ss an lo w*ar (ood Isavtrr<br />

kixl poo aul o^wfr bs istWTMl wt»o G><br />

KA.ISBD #91.95<br />

CiBrtoas BtsposM to tpixel li<br />

B4>rxis< cawek.<br />

In ibe FirU Baptist Cburcb Huodaj,<br />

a spectsl appeal was made st bolb ear-<br />

ylcaa for coairlbutious toward tbedeO-<br />

ett bodset. A uoiqu* Ihermometsr,<br />

drawu by Louts McAlll-ter. buug oo<br />

be front of ibe pulpli, abowlng Ibe<br />

progress made In<br />

l<br />

ibeir need<br />

Of ibe ^tu& ueeded. abuut ti» wa><br />

oo hand. IncliKlIng the gxneroas gift<br />

from iba I,ad Irs' Auxiliary ot Iba<br />

cburcb.<br />

Jo response lo the appeal In tb*<br />

moralog Ibe visitor* gsve in cajtb end<br />

pledges tSl Si. a spleudld smoool. lot<br />

wblrh the cburcb Is sloorrely gralcful.<br />

TbU makes Iba total amoual (311 84<br />

Another appeal will be mad* oast<br />

Uunday.<br />

1 lift nurrrrtitiT tt the hnalnias ineu<br />

at Iba rtearllng Termloal aad Ibeir<br />

Four of the former school pa nils of<br />

Major U. B. Thomas met In Ibis TT i> PnmUKfil,<br />

BJSrUDKSCK—CO Asbory Anow<br />

Chrjerfolly Given.<br />

OFFtCE-7i4 Wast Avenc<br />

Eleventh Street and Bay Avenu<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

Brsncb Office: Ttany-bxinh (Urcs*<br />

ftimici' trtma ti<br />

Allen Scull<br />

THE<br />

BlVMTM<br />

Phone Connection.<br />

O- B. SWAN J. C. THOU<br />

Swan and Trout<br />

Carpenters and Builders<br />

Joamnc a OPCCISLTY<br />

Aoaunr AVCNUC OCEAN CITY. H. J.<br />

Bell Phone 18 Inter-State Phcvic<br />


General Contractors<br />

Grading and Street Building<br />


Ocean City. New Jersey<br />

Walter V. Hess<br />



csneMTcs ruaaiaMco oaj<br />

utDunou, lumou<br />

»o tu aisjoa or acsaia<br />

loaa.<br />

SIKDOW SBJO DOOSJ ecacca<br />

BAOI TO oaois.<br />

ecu. moai sis-w<br />

Office 1O17 Aabury Avenuo<br />


The Reliable Store for Dry Goods. Notions and<br />

. • . - .: Men's Wear.— . ^—_.„<br />

,if '°, Udil >' »hirnrai»t ia c^p* de chine, ulk and voile. AUo<br />

mkMj blooK*. A new Une ol white »Virl» in piqoe and rslioT in<br />

** >le " ^' C "" *^ O< " D « « fine """tmeat f lk poplin 'cm<br />

« fine<br />

Asmuy Ave.<br />

POWELL'S<br />

Ocean City, 13. J.<br />

ruaauTuae or »IL KIMO* I<br />

LAWRENCE M. TJfli<br />

N. C. GODFREY<br />

Upholstering-. Awnings, House<br />

Furnishings OCEAN CITY. N. J<br />



Ho waiting for two weeks to koow If yoa can Bel tr we<br />

oi<br />

J. M. CHESTER & CO.,<br />

O C<br />

R & CO.,<br />

OCEAM Cmr. N. J<br />


Clayton Haines Brick<br />

Elehtr-i St. Ocean City. IM. *J.<br />

dUJJB<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly gAlvmnii-od naib tutcd oo<br />

exterior work<br />

B-4-U-BJLD-KUM-C-US<br />

-Tbsrs* e Raasoo"<br />

OauCftjHooaBWg-Co.<br />

Jobbing and alteration work given<br />

oar personal attention.<br />

Window and Door Pranicn and<br />

Screens made to order.<br />


Bell Pboo* )t-X.<br />

csnajArrwaao run<br />

N T S<br />

JOHN T. SEAL<br />


ocus CJTT<br />

Ocorgc W. Harris<br />

Contractor, Balkier<br />

and Jobbing<br />

No. IJ W. rourteeaUl Strtmt<br />

OCHAN CtTV. l«. J. twn ntuM. U4 x<br />

fi£0. 0, ADAMJ it U8.<br />


UICX LATHS. Etc, Etc<br />

AD War* ta<br />

• " I<br />

OCCAM C4TV. N J<br />



645 Asbury Avenue,<br />

CITY. H- J.<br />

rail U{M O* JotLD LOC— at O.*- Pfc<br />

twnUlkM, Etc* aU Oox H4or*.<br />

AJJM, JO&A T. Lar»t»' f 1—1 tu*4 OU<br />


HOUOM<br />


Rrady Mixed PaloU, Lead and OIU<br />

930 aod Ita Asbory tnoiu.<br />


•*^-"- Readine Coal<br />

Real Estate and<br />

Search Company<br />

• EfBUJurrs<br />

Fidelity Trust Company<br />

ol Newark<br />

TiUe and Trust Co.<br />

Title Imnrance<br />

Abstracts of Title,<br />

Conveyancing<br />

Ftro Insurance<br />

Prompt Servic* All Wofk<br />

ttoacy to Loan 00 Oood Flrmt<br />

Fomi §ar Sal*<br />

Offices in<br />

First Hattonl Bank<br />

Cape May Court House<br />

N. J.<br />

L A. STEHJrWN<br />

eilKSifTHud WHmWRlEHT<br />

Practical<br />


Bm ml 8p*r Twp t ttmtOj<br />

Agiot for tUawan 1 * Iron Works Co<br />

Plain and Ornamental Iroo Veoos.<br />

Iron Raillogsaod Wludowtiuards.<br />

Scwnth St. aod HtiSB km.<br />

C. U. LAKE<br />


UV AstxuT tnua. Oeau Cnjr. ««. J.<br />

Lam tor asls. Ctous(s> KM mil.<br />

Don't Suffer Wltb Rheumatism<br />

C«B*»-rosr a va Qekk<br />

Wb«o yoo o^ BVT*r» rbvaa<br />

Llua. Kbfa yoar bsra !•*!«*• I boa* ti ti w*r*<br />

»•» "> « Uoo-<br />

Uay after sprodlo< ib« *umoxr al Ib*<br />

lUacayoe.<br />

Mrs. Aona Wrt«bl reluroed to ber<br />

home lo Vloclaad Friday, after a<br />

pleasant visit to* Mrs.«ooru Corsoa<br />

la ibis rlly.<br />

rismucl BlneahauM. foremsa or Ko-<br />

• taeti'ompauy N» 1^. (Jeraiautowo.<br />

vulied Vl. H. H. CIOUIIOK lu ibia city<br />

a Csw daya ago.<br />

Uls* Ida K. ll.utr ba* returned to<br />

brr fbiladelpbla borne arier apeudliiK<br />

Iba Bummer ben. 8be w»o accomp*'<br />

uled by her mott>*r.<br />

Ocorge Wets*. orOeroiaatowo, bas<br />

prcseoie dtbrce pictures, representing<br />

Kuoolos sccucs. lo Ibe Uermaulowo<br />

rU»ys* Club eucaajped bere-<br />

Mtss AdeJls Powell, or ibis city. U<br />

vlslllog: relatives lo Chimbcr-burg. Pa.<br />

Htk* la *!*•> laklog lu icsny of lbs bls-<br />

lurlesl poluis lo Ibat MXIIOO.<br />

Kdward Packer, of Wot Philadel-<br />

phia, apeot severs) dsys bere during<br />

lbs week;, end bis many tileuds were<br />

Riad to at* blm. Mr. aod Mra. Packer<br />

otro tba Park Hotel.<br />

Tbe Rev. W. Klwell Lake and fam-<br />

ily, of Prlocelou, were gums al Iba<br />

boenaof Mr. Lake'- parcul*. lbs Rev.<br />

aud Mrs. H. Wssley Lake, lu Ibis city,<br />

durtog lbs camp meeting.<br />

TbomuJ Parker, aorolug. con-<br />

ducted Ly H. R Hutculi.-on. of Caoi<br />

dto. waa also well altendrd.<br />

To* lUv. Ur. Nortoerry. of Pruvl-<br />

dence, ^rescbed al lbs bollocas me«torof Ibe<br />

Klr»t M. K Cburcb, preached Ibe<br />

•«ra3ou al lbs opeulug of csaip-<br />

Mr. Kulp took bis text fruoa John<br />

18; 13: ••Howbell •UuHoIhe -nlrll<br />

of Irulb, Is cuair. Mo will ftuldr you<br />

lulu sll Irulb."<br />

He Mpoke la ps.rt as full'twa:<br />

"lu Ibe world's redemption lbs<br />

ripajllof Ood takes lbs tultlalUe. Mso<br />

la dead to trespasses aod la siu. t'be<br />

ead tsks uu< lbs lultlstlve In suy-<br />

lblag;ibereforelile-«lviugeplrlt uiove*<br />

drst by man'e spirit.<br />

'lu brloglcg Ib* world lo CbrUt the<br />

Holy ijplrti perfurms wosl m«y be<br />

roadly termed two distinct works-<br />

To* drst Is that whicb He prrforuis<br />

poo lbs oaturaJ beart of mm. Tbe<br />

Master stales It la Ib* eighth, alulh,<br />

leotb aad eloveolb tcrscs of IbU cUap-<br />

ler, Wbeo tb* Uplrtl of Irulb Ucouie.<br />

H* wtlj coovloc* Ibo world of alu, of<br />

llaoitsaees Bad of Judgmeo( lo<br />

coxae.<br />

*Tb6 work of Ih* spirit upoo the bu»<br />

ID heart la Ilkelb* work of the wu<br />

upoo lbs earth. lu lb« wluter tue<br />

earth Is frost-boaod sad you csn gro*<br />

aotblng. lu tu« sprlog thssao tbsws,<br />

aad softxaa sad warcas lbs earth aod<br />

prepares It fur tha seed; but Ih* work<br />

of ibesuo tsoot duo* with tbs prepar-<br />

atory work. It coanen the seed lolo life<br />

aod dra«e tl oul lolo full fruiting aud<br />

lo flower- Ho tb* Holy Hplrtt prepares<br />

he beart of man for Ih* gospel aeed,<br />

varcus II lulu life aod carries It oo to<br />

full development.<br />

To* omee work of Ib* Holy Hplrlt.<br />

aa glveo lo tbe text, la lo guide Ibe<br />

disciples of Jesus Into all Irulb. Are<br />

we to understand that Ibe Hpl/it will<br />

guide all true CUrUttaue lulo ail truth<br />

uf wbstsuver oaluro? lolo all eel«u-<br />

IOC political, pbyakilogicsl aod psy-<br />

chological trulbr If we will examine<br />

ba oouleil, we will observ* ibsi Je>u»<br />

la apesklog of CbrUtlan, spiritual<br />

irulb, aud Hr, therefore.means lo say:<br />

Wbeo Ha, Ib* Uplrtt of trulb. Is corns.<br />

He wUl guide you lolo all CbrUUsui<br />

iptrliuil Irulb.<br />

-Trutb ts uot the Invention of oiati.<br />

Tba circulation of lbs blood existed be-<br />

fore, Harvey discovered It. Tbe law<br />

of gravlialWu was Id tiUUucu befure<br />

tba fall of au sppl* dUolossd U lo ibe<br />

mlud of Mewtoa. Klectilclty vn la<br />

tbe *lr before frsoklla flew hl» sllkeu<br />

kite. Trulb existed before rssa. Hs<br />

does oot Invent it. Heoaly discovers It.<br />

No expression or form of symbolism Is<br />

troth. Trulb Is reality. Where shall<br />

I Hod trulhr lo lbs ScripturosT No<br />

Ooe of Ib* great ceulral teachings or<br />

Christianity lalbedudrlua of Iba Dew<br />

birth. Where aball I Hud lbU7 lo Ibe<br />

tblrd cos Wer of JoboT No. There I<br />

nod only representative You go to a<br />

restauraot aod read the nuoa card.<br />

Wbeo you have IJoUhed reading ih*<br />

list from roast beef to lo* oresm, do you<br />

aay you bava bad your diooerT Ttie<br />

letter* and word* of tba menu card srs<br />

not tba things tbeaaalvas. Tb* latter*<br />

Bod words of in* N*w Teslamaot ar*<br />

oat tba things lh*m*el»e». Wbea H*.<br />

Ibe Hplnt of troth. I* co-o* lo you. He<br />

will lead yon throagb Cnrms and rap<br />

resanuttooe tnto lne> realities<br />

•To most people Jcaoa Cnrlst la<br />

urn ply an blstorlc Person wbo lived<br />

two thousand years ago In a distant<br />

*od strange land. H* la oot real lo<br />

tbctn. U* I* not a Perepo wbo U wUh<br />

beta tn Ibeir every atraggl* to be bet-<br />

tMt<br />

Ttvry do not live oo the eaoa<br />

•treat wltb Him. oor lo Iba same<br />

MOAT*, aod BOOM do oof live In Ibe<br />

IJm* lowo -wUb Him. Many do oot<br />

Uve to tb* same ooootry nor In Ib*<br />

ease eg* wub Him. Us I* only bome-<br />

ooe wbo lived loog ago. But wnan<br />

Ha. Ibe Bplrtt of troth,la come to you.<br />

Vesas Christ wUl be an »vi preaeol<br />

and a moat glortoo* reality."<br />

Wctldln*" Partici-<br />

pated In by CliUdrea—At-<br />

tTactioaa for This Week.<br />

Tb* Casino Club oocUoaea lo draw<br />

banner crowd*. Tb* atIradl*-ely<br />

Itgbled baloooy t* lb* ooe brtgnl apo*<br />

ID Ocean City every otgnt Ibat<br />

falls Lo plaas*. Coo I la<br />

•very tvaolug, axcapt Wedoeeday.<br />

whicb la gtvao over lo Ib* "kiddies,"<br />

Is ib* main aiiractioo. bat maoy peo-<br />

ple, old aod yoaog. bave fbood Iba<br />

epictouaportb overlooking tbe Board.<br />

wafk a popular gathering plao* lo ere<br />

• ud be aretj.<br />

Tb* we* a-sod apacUlly was iba<br />

"Jardlo da Dance." feaUred Friday<br />

•od Uaturday areolngs.<br />

tlxtraordUiary dsooratlooa wrr* In-<br />

stalled t.y Mr. Carpantar, a special<br />

eOurt belu« mad* lo bava this tb* gala<br />

eveot of tb* month. Notabi* axblfci-<br />

Ikous war* givan botb avenlogs. Mrsa<br />

-Ted" l^elgbloo, of AtLaallo City, aod<br />

Ullbert Vao HUTSCO, a popular vwtor<br />

lo this resort, demoostraUd lbs fox-<br />

(rol. aad MM Dorothy Miller aod<br />

Hctior K-suci*co Apoola, of In* Casino<br />

t'lub.gavaa furtbarublbtUoo of tango<br />

steps Imported from Korop*.<br />

Twuotbar exblbUiona markad Bat<br />

urday eveuluf's daoos. Tbe drat was<br />

s wonderful portrayal of Ibe on* etep<br />

waltx and fox-trot by Miss Edwins<br />

Malpssa aad C Kllwaod Carpealer, Jr.<br />

Kollowlog Ibia waa a ntb-rkabJ*<br />

-cart 1 Uaoc*. beaolifully ex ecu tad by<br />

Mia Dorothy Millar.<br />

Tli* lucky cumber coolest oo Thurs-<br />

day evening was aou by Parts Hagi<br />

aivd hu partoer sod blmaalf ware botb<br />

delighted wtlb tb* handsome trophies<br />

swarded.<br />

TUt children did tbelr snare towards<br />

making a very apectacuUr week by<br />

holding a "Japaoas* Wedding" last<br />

nlgbt.<br />

'DaucluglbaHeaaoo Oul." will b*<br />

the key not* fcrtbte w**k-and. Hpeclal<br />

daoces oo Balorday afurmooo and<br />

eve-ulng. sod Mouday aflamooo and<br />

evening will wind up In* big end of<br />

Ibe seaj«H3.<br />

However, small deoon wUl b* ooo-<br />

luued Ibrougbout osxl wetk, as tb*<br />

club will rccuslo open oatll abool<br />

rtepicmber IS.<br />



Street Atsodatloa<br />

Memt>cn WUI Work to Ob-<br />


ISAI SXcstlaMT o4 •aaaaa *>ff Weatte-<br />

Tue la^t meeting of tb* VUlliog La-<br />

du»' Auxiliary of Ib* First Praecy-<br />

lerlau Church fur Ibia niaoK waa<br />

hekl Muuday afteraooo at tb* Casino<br />

Club. Torre waa a Urge attendance<br />

aud A very enjoyabl* llA* waa had.<br />

After Ib* oQloars had submllt*d re-<br />

purtsoftbs work dnue tbls summers<br />

cry lutere*4rng program was raoosreci<br />

a> fulluws: Puuo dud, Mn. Mlddl*-<br />

> and MUs Middlsioo; recitatioo,<br />

« Msrgaret Hick ley; soprano aoto.<br />

Miss Pmtwich; violin aoto. Mrs e'er-<br />

du-ou; bass solo. Mr, Ucalcbard, ac-<br />

cumpauled by Mtas Maybsrry; recUa-<br />

noo. Mlu Aodsrs; coulrallo solo. Miss<br />

Mildred K. Brooks.<br />

The boMesaea Ura. Ulklao, Mrs. Coo<br />

way. Mra.'rUrwarl, Mra. H*.nt«r. Mn<br />

Miller aod Mrs. Koaa. aervsd refresh-<br />

tusau, sTier wblcb Ib* meeting *d-<br />

uuraed.<br />

lu cloelug. a rUJng vat* of tbaaks<br />

was exteoded lo C. EJIwood Carpen-<br />

eV fur Ib* gratuitous as* of tb* Casino<br />

^lub fur tb* meetlug*.<br />

Toj> drat ocetlog during Ib* fall and<br />

winter months will be bald In Pblta.<br />

delphls. In October, at tb* bom* of<br />

Mra. Chambers,<br />

— • m • —<br />


Voauisj Hen Acrwseel ex Eaceee-<br />

lam Asia *)*jee1 UisUl.<br />

Edgar Lloyd. I>»ta Heodarsoo and<br />

Harry Jeoolags, young eammer resi-<br />

dents, accused of exceeding iba aoto<br />

speed limit oo tb* streets bars Haaday<br />

fleruooo. were given a beariog before<br />

Pulice Magistrate Arthur D. Barrows<br />

Monday evening. Eacb was Qned IIS.<br />

which was paid,<br />

TbeoOeus* was aggravated. It was<br />

said, by Ibeir disregard of warn tag*<br />

by pallcenuo.<br />

Chief Bcull sod Polloemau Back eao-<br />

(kiued the youths, tt Is atated. It U<br />

claimed tbat tbey drove Ibalrcars at a<br />

pace variously •allmated at from SS to<br />

&A miles an bour.<br />

Magistral* Barrowa gave I beta a<br />

lecture on tbe Importance of obeying<br />

tbe lewe.<br />

Tba •naoaj eaeallag of to* Tw*a<br />

listb Btresl lapexrveoMot AseoeeUtoo<br />

wa* bah) at Ibe offlosof lb* eacrelary.<br />

Franklin H. Hirst- Vartoo* commu<br />

tees rtssantaii aocooraging nports.<br />

Tbe oooatrocUoa of tbe Boardwalk<br />

balaean Blitatoib and Havaotaanlb<br />

alreKs waa freely oaenojaotad apoo.tn<br />

as as U U rrgardad by In* assocl<br />

atloo as an actii*vaen<br />

aoctaiioo adopt ad Iba toJlowtng<br />

loUoo, wbljb ba* basu forwarded to<br />

Iba Mayor:<br />

"Tbe aaaodalioo derlrae to azsraas<br />

Ha •ppractauoo to HU Hooor. Mayo*<br />

Josapb, U. Cbampsoa. and lo bis «*»-<br />

k>w Uoramiastoocr* for tb* prompt-<br />

nesa wttb wnich iba Boardwalk ba<br />

Iweao tUxUsoLh aod Hevsntacolb<br />

street* bas bean coo peeled. Tbe valo*<br />

of IbU improreaMot cannot b* ovar-<br />

•sluaalsd. eapwctally to ib* r—Mam Ha I<br />

section eenbraord by this aaooclaikio<br />

lo lb* a bss no* of tb* preudsnl. Or.<br />

Cbails* T. UUdao, vie* president Jobn<br />

H. Hood presided at Ib* marling.<br />

Tba following officer* were elected<br />

for alarm of ooe year: Franklin H.<br />

Herat, prasldml; Jobn J. Hood, vie*<br />

president. Dr. Lion Bowmao. lrea*><br />

urai; and J. KrscUjick Martin, secre-<br />

lary.<br />

Mr. Hirst gar* a brief oollin* of<br />

wbal be cooaidared daa*mad, tb* at-<br />

Irolioo of Ibe assodatioo, amofg<br />

wbkcb waa tb* eeHblahmaot of a<br />

railroad station In Ibat vicinity. Ib*<br />

abciuioo or ramovaj of Ibe rabedsh<br />

damp*between ibe Iwo nllmada<br />

tb* vicinity of Twecly-foartb elrert<br />

and appeal to tba railroad oompanlea<br />

o mike Ibeir present atalioos more<br />

•llraclis*, and co-oparala gaoerally<br />

wltb tb* ctty offlctaia aad Boerdof<br />

Trad* oo mailer* pcrtaXoloa! to tb*<br />

good of Ocean Ctty. H* asked lbs<br />

support of ibe organlxstioa tn tbess<br />

hlogs.<br />

Tbo faliowlag ware *l»dla& lo mas<br />

baranlp: Ur. I. J. UcbwaU, E M.<br />

r.tans. Claraooe Brasb, Walter<br />

Brackln.Mr. Baoer aod Mrs Henry P<br />

OUdermeyar.<br />

Tb* chairappoJoLed Charcblll Haa-<br />

•rarford. Dr. U*arg> L- Dabblos aud<br />

Dr. I.J. HcbeaUlo causaU Ib* city<br />

official* concerolug ib* removal ot<br />

to* rubbUb dumps al Tw*oly-Aflb<br />

afreet and also lo provld* Uts-goarcU<br />

at polots beiwMo H*vent*roli> and<br />

Tweoty seound streeti.<br />

A* a committee to charge of e*car>^<br />

ing a railroad atatioo, lb* chair ap-<br />

pololad Frank H. Buwart. Walter W.<br />

aibson and Dr. I. J. Bcbwatt.<br />

Cs*te> •'•eatlv •karsmtexi.<br />

Tb« souusl reuulou of Ibe Lake fam-<br />

ily Is 10 be betd In Iba Wesley M. E<br />

Cbuicb. Plessaulvlll*. beginning at 10<br />

clock lu tbe cu .rnlug and lasting all<br />

day, Wedueodsy. September0. Tbw<br />

fam ly Is very wldsly coonectad<br />

Ibrouguoul Ib* county and ba* a<br />

uumber of prom I Den I lapieaantallvaa<br />

living lo AUanllo and Ooaao oountla*<br />

and O«eao CUy. A genealogy of Iba<br />

family bas beeo prepared aud will be<br />

rsdy for distribution al Ibia reunion.<br />

Tbe oltlcen of the reaoloo an: Tb*<br />

Rev. M Wesley Lske,-prsstdeol; Wll-<br />

lism Lake, secretary, aod Iba Ba*.<br />

James K. Lake, historian.<br />

Dtaser tmr r*n>a|aa»re.<br />

Hays tbe Atlanllo CUy Qavlaw of<br />

Haturdayi Mr. and Mrs. WUiiaeo<br />

Hirickler Joora entertained atdloocr<br />

at IbeW borne. UHoolb lObtroo are.<br />

no*, last evening In booor of Commo-<br />

dore and Mr*. Charles H. Wall, of lb*<br />

Ocean City Yacht Club. Tb* gassU<br />

were Mr. aod Mrs Harry Bower*, of<br />

Ib* Ocean Ctty Yacht Club; Commo-<br />

dore aod Mrs Hamuel Whan and Hr.<br />

and Mrs. Jobn M. Bradley, of Iba<br />

Cbelsea Yacht Club.<br />

LOST. — Lady** haod-bag on Fast<br />

Hoot* UD*. between AtlanOo CUy and<br />

Homers' Polot; car' leaving Atlanllo<br />

CUy at 10JO a. pa.. Friday; ooolalolog<br />

foor PbUadalpbla dVpartmant *tor*<br />

colas. Finder retam lo Mr*. Fowler.<br />

118 Tenoeseee avenue, Atlanltn 4JMy<br />

N. J. Baward. edv-lt<br />

Coanty Fairoo Hept.0.10and II. at<br />

Cape Hay Coort Uooaa. Read advtr-<br />

Uscment elsewhar* lo Ibia laaoe. ad» tt<br />

8SBKB HBISB83<br />

blr> m4 rsues *>cmll beta CT*<br />

Cfs a*wilsa1sl»*us.<br />

Chief of Polic* Hcoll. to response to<br />

a request received by leUrr from an<br />

Atlantic City prrsoo. supposed to be a<br />

Iyer, atartrd In search of a Mrs.<br />

Mttcbesoa or bar supaoo ai>d stap-<br />

daogtiUr, last beard from in tbU city.<br />

Tb* woman U said to be an bsLraae to<br />

oomJdarstl* pro party.<br />

Cbisf Hcull got lo touch wUb all of<br />

be Inter carriers, but nans bad beard<br />

of Ib* peopi* for whom Inquiry wa*<br />

mads-<br />

Fulluwlng I* lbs letter!<br />

ToTtLK CHIKV or PoucK ou OCCAM<br />

Crrv—<br />

Dear Hlr:—WUl you klodly try to<br />

and tb* wbeneboal* of a Mrs. MUcbe-<br />

aoo. of PbUadalpbla. wbo ta an belr to<br />

tb* -MUcbMoo Kstai*." aod wbo has<br />

a atspson *Dd stepdattgbur by names<br />

Fred. R. MUchssoo and Mba Aon*<br />

MUcbeaou, wbo wbsn last beard frocn<br />

•ere In Ocean CUy, U. J. f<br />

Ifsbe wUl communieat* wilb party<br />

uodcrslgoad. ah* wUl bear eoiaethlog<br />

to her advaotagv.<br />

Trusting yoa will try lo lock tbla<br />

VUOSD up at ooe*. I retnaio.<br />

Uaapectfully.<br />

W J.<br />

Sll Metros* avenue,<br />

Atlanlkj Ctty.<br />

Chief Bcull. oo Tuesday, received a<br />

letter froca Bertram IV Bpleet, of 2010<br />

North Woodstock street Philadelphia,<br />

staling Ibal tb* woman'* atep-dsngh-<br />

,*r live* al 8807 Powalloo aveooa, anal<br />

Iba alep-soo at 1*8 North Uobart street,<br />

Pblladelpbla. Chief Bcull oollQed iba<br />

AtUuille CUy person.<br />


1 CJiy Vatcaii c«»e> aatoe<br />

»——»» M** burcb, Camdea.<br />

preecrmi at Ibe momlog and evening<br />

vlose la Iba Klrst H & Church lo<br />

ODOgregaliou* thai u«*lb*r rrscbsd<br />

Ibao amber of 3300, bstag two of lb*<br />

largest eret sasamtisd in Iba cburcb.<br />

Dr. Halo** baa a gtral nombtr of<br />

fnaoda latoof ib* cotlagin bar*.<br />

Tbey want to cburcb every Buoday<br />

morning wtni* be was pastor of lb*<br />

local cburcb, and tbay wet* glad to<br />

bav* ib* opportunity of bearing him<br />

Un. H* bss tb* dessrvrd npula-<br />

lloa of being ou* of Ib* Quail<br />

preachers lo Ib* New Jersey Coofcr-<br />

Tba aetiplun lesson for Ib* morn-<br />

ing sermon waa from Ibatwalfthcbap<br />

tar of Romans, beginning wilb Ib*<br />

first vttm, wblcb neds, "I beseecb<br />

yoa, bntbna, by Ib* mrrctcsof Uud.<br />

Ibat y* pr*wtol your bodies a living<br />

aacrtOr*. boly, aocsptabl* unto Uod,<br />

which la your reaaooabl* service.'<br />

Tb* text was I Corlutblana. 0; IS<br />

"Whet! know y* not Ibal your body<br />

I* to* tampie of tb* Holy Uboas,<br />

which bj tn yoa, which ye have oi<br />

Ood, aud ye ara oot your owaT"<br />

**Ye are Dot your own." were to*<br />

word* which, taken «llh lbs a post la'•<br />

•dmoollloo that we mu«l pnseot oar<br />

bodls* a living sacrlar*, boly, accepl-<br />

ebl* unto Ood, may be said to have<br />

cousttiuled Ib* Ibetne. Tb* sermoo<br />

as oo* of Dr. Hxtnre' ablest.<br />

Ha Dnt declared Ibat lu Ib* Bible<br />

Oodbaaapokao His mlud Inward DUO;<br />

Ibat tb* script urea are bla gulds-bouk<br />

to Ib* kingdom of be-avau. And b*<br />

declared further tbat QJIIIIOQS of men<br />

and woman arr lasting dally Ih* abso-<br />

au truth of tb* word of Uod. Klrsl.<br />

In tbl» teetlug. tber* must b* Ibe belkf<br />

tbUOodl*. H* liluetraled I hi* point<br />

by say lag ibat we learn Ibe multipli-<br />

cation lanle by fsilb. W* b*lUv* Its<br />

tatetaanu 00 aotburily; a-flaiward.<br />

we test I bas* byaxperlsao* and dla-<br />

coter tnal tbay ar* a part oj Ib* law<br />

•realI o. Klr»l belle/. Ibao testing,<br />

la tba law. (it. Paul bad tesUd Ibal<br />

of wbiob be epsaks lo Ih* t*xt, and bs<br />

ko*w (bat ws cannot belong to oar-<br />

aslras. Tb* law of service aiskes us<br />

bttoag t» others. --He Ibal t> ssrvan'<br />

to all ta greateat amouR you."<br />

Coolinulug, the speaker cmpbaslxed<br />

b* fact tbai no one may do as be<br />

plrasea wub what Us may falacly aud<br />

oollably consider hU own To* prodi-<br />

gal aoo thought to do tuls, aud be<br />

cam* to buaka aud hogs; that Is, b*<br />

hought only of bU owu sensual picas<br />

rs. lived lbs life "f ibe bea>4 sud<br />

'ound bla level among ibe awlnr.<br />

Nero. Jud**, Hurr. Bsurdlct Araold<br />

sua ibeir Ilk* thought lo do as tbty<br />

pleased wUboat regard toiaibelr fel-<br />

ows, and Ibeir names an a eyoouym<br />

of Infamy. Ws bel--ug lo Uod by Ibe<br />

law of our cmllou aud alao by our<br />

rrcreallno lu Jesus Cbrtsl, wbo bas<br />

ives os power to become sons uf Uod.<br />

In close counectlou. Ur. Hmlne*<br />

.verred Ibst wbnber bs will or uo4,<br />

man mud at aoma lima lu hl> life dl».<br />

cover tbat Uod has ibis grip ou Ib*<br />

aflaln of lbs world, that, "though<br />

careless way arem ibe grssl Avenger."<br />

yet He always breaks silence to mock<br />

and bring lo naught lbs plans of His<br />

enemies. Tb* Oerman KaUer. half<br />

or altogether, a mouo-maolao, Otlllng<br />

>sa Centra Europe. !• al IbU mo-<br />

ment in Ibsgrlpof Uod.<br />

at Waieiloo, w«s bcal»i>. as was Lev<br />

(Jtllyaburg. because ibey were go<br />

tog sgalost Ood aud buoiauliy, and<br />

Hs eutered lulo tbe couuoel. of brlb<br />

and confused tbtco<br />

Dr. Haloes'prescntallun of Ibe Jay<br />

of devoted servlo* 10 Uvd and ut tall<br />

obedlaoc* lo our Lord'* commands<br />

»eloquent aud most effective. "He<br />

hat tosetb his Ufa lor My ask* shsli<br />

Ood It"—tbat Is, be wbo rorgtls blm-<br />

sair lo service lu L'hrUt's uam* aball<br />

dad life lu Us rulness, snail have Ufa<br />

and bav* It more abundantly.<br />

Baton be closed. Dr. Haloes referred<br />

In 00 uucertalu lerma to a fallacy Ibsl<br />

too o/uo CSUMS grievous ala. No<br />

man Is privileged in his youth 10 sow<br />

••wild oaUs." He can uot commit aln<br />

wttbout belug overtakau • sooner or<br />

later by II* consequtoces. He may<br />

nfoma. but b* must suffer for y<br />

art or dlaobedleooe to tbe law of Ood.<br />

In Ib* *v*olag, Dr. Haloes made<br />

no* of bis cbaracterUllO' abort and<br />

poiulad add<br />

Jones* Men's Shop<br />

004-800 Aibury A»enuo :: Ocean City, New Jarwry<br />

All Straw Hats, *i.oo<br />

G«t Meofiored for Tour Fall Suit Todaj<br />

Cbmrcra Was Croanei).<br />

Haver lo Its history was ibe First M.<br />

E. Cbareb BO crowded as on last Hun-<br />

day evcolug. when Ibe quartet Ibat<br />

ha* be*u uluulog Ibcn every rtuuday<br />

daring Ibe seasoo appeared for Ibe last<br />

Urn* Ibis year. A Cine prognm was<br />

rendered.<br />

County Fairoo Bept B. 10 and 11. a*<br />

Cap* May Court House. Head adver-<br />

Memeot elsewhere lu tbls Issue, adv<br />


The Leading Dry Goods Store<br />

Bargains in Waists, Skirts<br />

and Dresses<br />

Walots for fl.OO<br />

Crest HIM of<br />

Silts, Votlcs, Rtc« Cloth<br />

anj<br />

Dotted SwUs WaUU,<br />

All at Jl^o.<br />

Skirts<br />

Fine lj.00 Rammlc LJotn<br />

Skins, fJ.ja.<br />

While ktallae SktrU, Ji.oa.<br />

Pln« K*pp Skirts. 11.00.<br />

Pine Piqae BkXrts, 7] ncta.<br />

OrOSSOS.—Big Hoe of Stripe Voile and Lace Cloth<br />

worth $6.00, all priced fj.oo.<br />

Pine White Voile Draaes, worth $7.30. at $5.00.<br />

Fine While Net Dresses, worth $10.00. at $6.00.<br />

Gomploto anoortmont of Batlilns Suppllos.<br />

S. S. McAllister<br />


838 Aabury Avonuo<br />

Ooean Ctty New Jorsoy<br />

John Marts Lumber Co.<br />

Olxth etravat BJVJ Haven Avsmu*<br />

OCEAM crrv. N. J.<br />

Lombsr Ml&woek. KouUlan, Bnfilling Paper, Plaster BattO. MaOa, (Uaa WaJglcra,<br />

etc rTstTmrtsa KamlsSsd. Praepe. X>aUvsrv.<br />



•AlMTiata MO OICOMATIMa<br />

Jl«- •»-.. TwTeii»Ttii«<br />

oc«*vt-<br />

TLbe ficllevue Ocean City'a beading<br />

Hotel<br />

ar. *NO oomAM *vm.<br />

Klcctrlc elevator to s»trc«t level. Rooms in saite with or without baths.<br />

Capacity, 350.<br />

E. a. SOHANTZ.<br />

The Breakers<br />

Directly on the Beach<br />

BOOKLET Ocean City, N. J.<br />

UfATETTE<br />

LK-KAN CITY. tt. J.<br />

rootu ownooka ItM*<br />


Co*-, Hwtood HUtet avrwi H*jr<br />

BJ«UIAX HtmiM, ULcb-t Loucb. j<br />

O*-t&* wcr***l ml rc*>*o*v• b*** rrUeW' U> oral,<br />

dlaun » »ftx-Uliy. Kuji HIM CJ rw<br />

toL Ic C a d Ooatocttoe*rie<br />

E. C. BOYLE<br />

Real Estate Broker<br />


(s*w av. *Mm o««** **•.)<br />

OCCAM CITY NtwJmtiy<br />


730 Oceao Avenue<br />

Belweeo Heveotb aod Eighth Btreeta<br />


UUH.A.U.UOUUOKr.<br />

ICB.1<br />

Scotch<br />


IA1<br />

Opsa an Uw w*s><br />

•V*V1<br />

Oewef<br />



OMPt AIX T«A«' :':-'<br />

Hot<br />

B.A.<br />

THE HEWLINGS ;;",•;:,..<br />


;<br />


•uuura AaocasrmAi.ATstBUst . ••<br />

OCKAB dTT.st. J. t '.-.<br />

OCEAN CUT*'<br />

Orm Aix Ten<br />

Central BTanoa aod Wtatfc atraat. ^<br />

o. w. r. WootsjJD*. naa> '<br />

I BIT fVialai Baa waaeTAa<br />


Ocean CW». H, X.<br />

' Operns April Ortt'lbr tba aaaj<br />

A. E. BAKEB<br />


Kiftb aod Central. Ooaao CUy, B,<br />

Oeeaa aad Baj View.<br />

Larca<br />

Maa. B- V. WHBAHKA<br />


B22 Park Piece Oeeso O»tJrH. J.-<br />

bcatrda?tbewt»*orUUabear* '<br />

B. E. Beck, Propxtetiwss ,<br />

THEQtUMM<br />

ITnobstroctad view of Ocaao<br />

Oceso our<br />

M. aTKWAKT<br />

THE LABMl<br />

nu Uccni Amu Oaaaa fmj,M.i '<br />

HonrClas bjr tta» OajT esr 1<br />


T*clb H4r>o<br />

Tba» VaJJTeVXWlaJL, pAXTtOX tUUl<br />

o t i ; rooto afford IA Qj>ob»lructrU vtt>*<br />

0/Lbe «v*-irii T*onIs ooart-<br />

W. P. .od K. B- L4PP1WCOTT.<br />

The Cbandler-Wbits Hal!<br />

Oouo Afcao«. bd. Hvtcotb eu>d ID«xtilb HIM.<br />

OCtAN C1TY, W, JT-<br />

MLHM UllOWN UlKH<br />

Hcreo<br />

A. Modern UOOM In Knry Way<br />

Advertise in the SENTINEJ.<br />



Hlxih Rtreet and Ocean Ave, '<br />

Ocean Ctty. N. J.<br />

Wrtls lor Batas aad BooksBt *\<br />

ItoU ftiooa 6O-A.<br />


Woley Avsgoe. Dear Btnm Bit si •<br />

Oeeaa Otty.B. J. . , >'<br />

OsolrsJlr Loobd OM<br />

T.bi. aappUol wtm<br />

food. Me.<br />

MUS BAUn.<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly a Few Good Things Left on<br />

Ninth Street for Sale<br />

With the new Auto Bridge, City Hall and Trolley Terminus, Ninth<br />

Street is the Very Heart of This Resort and Always will be.<br />

Ooe lot adjoining the New Armory, only - - $900<br />

<strong>On</strong>e lot on the Bay Front Dear the Bridge, - ' - 992s<br />

'/j block of land on Pleasure avenue near Bridge, all graded and<br />

Btrects mode, can be divided into to Iota, price only. - W**<br />

Fine site, 135 fart on Ninth etreet by 150 feet on Ocean avenae,<br />

excellent location Car hotels, apartments or stores. ThU piece<br />

of ground is ooe of the finest m the city and will be aold at a<br />

bargain and on easy terms.<br />


757 Asbury Avenue Ocean City, N. J.<br />

THE ST. 6BME<br />

KutUi street basow Waal<br />

Tvotn sassoo. tboroocbtr isiis'sia*. aaar<br />

bca^. epsdaTrsXi*torauwtlam ,..,..<br />

THE lOLEWlli<br />

OPCH AU. TKAJt - •>[' .<br />

UoortrnTseraea Ouaea rjMy.fr.J. '<br />

Hataran glcklb ea4 anata I<br />

HBa.AK.1<br />

TIE wuK.rv;:-',<br />

Oac. w«tbBuaa«aii

Tb* buasjrjeaa by ib* taftasof tba<br />

Lvtberma Cbsrcb ha tbl* cMy Iba latter<br />

part of teat weak waa eoecwaafal la<br />

A toot £00 • a* rtearwJ.<br />

Vw-.Ffcack," receoUy beld<br />

M.K.Uur, oo<br />

walk, few<br />

Ib* bnnlli of Iba eburcb fund, wa*<br />

alas a great sum***. H0 being Ibos<br />

i m<br />

Artfcnr Bmttb of Dearer kn a<br />

I<br />

_ - _. ,.——^~ 'arsmeat draft for 1 «nt wtrira<br />

*Trl£S£^T£.lk?£ft: •"- __" —•—•>» IbaLoib- a-oed b, W» Ma, a «0B. to<br />

will bae* oppoatttoa ftoaa BvaaaU |«*»cbuAbesp«t to .tan, m lawoear "aw* of<br />

-- • " " rotor*, tba work of bolldlog * cboreb I* 1<br />

on tb* lot porcbaaad a tew weeks ago I<br />

at lb*coro**of EWmlb Kiwi aad<br />

Cap* May CM* In:<br />

•lav Hairy C 1 ber esenbaoL. Hao-<br />

yewre mt» fcy oa>l»<br />

pnscJ<br />

bieneja c****eat. fcxrlkw<br />

ajtJ IhalM Ibe**<br />

a too better oa*><br />

test tbajr nvao will ba alartari-<br />

Tke EifoUktiu oT Ibe But*<br />

pal tptara* ceo tare la tba<br />

c***i><br />

A lira lua Ctty paper aay* I bat Ibcra<br />

(bat Cape .May nxoro a Be-<br />

toitela JtaT*aa**r. Tradt<br />

tkotllf tttevao* baslbecall upoo lb*<br />

F M<br />

••Ualibaw Ht»o aod Harry Mgrpbr.<br />

—• • ra b d J P<br />

** js UM Frve Mil* Uaicji p J- P<br />

apraJMX. Ills<br />

pf|pn«d lo p c<br />

and faoca k) lo. bolWiD« a craod *tao4<br />

i M h l<br />

a* that. In ib* **anl cf<br />

may appeal<br />

at Waahlogtoo.<br />

aM a*stlb*lrrlMd wltb ao aerorata<br />

•*«. w«e5*Ukiniaa<br />

aottva and u* up ooUl *f)«tfia> At pc***m<br />

•OT« oo tba PaiooBC Ccaik brklc* k><br />

eaosloa; a bold ap aixj tb* dlfflcully of<br />

CMUng aaad aod (Ta«al I* addloic to<br />

ittm B«lr, t3«B|!b Baooo. Mrs.<br />

fc. 'Vstsoo Fell. U R. Darts. Dorothy<br />

Srtrl.. AsosADOre, E. U. WIHIBXD<br />

-.r,. Jutoo M. Hsar eoQolrer.<br />

<strong>On</strong>* Gwk woo one Olympic c-rest.<br />

Tbe eiory tbat » Pm*<br />

Just<br />

-Mar<br />

"What U It oowT"<br />

*"l waona ootber pleca cakef*<br />

So. Tonuay, joo"»e bad<br />

"Aw. ma! Ver always tdlla' me I<br />

oon't cat properly, ao" oco yoa oool<br />

bever gimme rjo chance to practk*r*-~<br />

CU»elaod<br />

La«> Them FawL<br />

Post— Dr. Tbompaoo la renarkablv<br />

•occaafDL<br />

P«rk aaeji CO u>4<br />

or ua d&r*r>i>m i><br />

JOHZTM 3 ajaoasttaa Lot<br />

*HaV t>*3aB U*> ttaovtasV XL, |M1»<br />

e io# yrax tuii »r»ooj)UOCD LkMtmbcr tL lHL<br />

1* 1 K *<br />

I-w-1««3 Auivt lft IMA<br />

WUlLam M.C r ln.<br />

IV. u. |». V, UXJ4<br />

K*. 76.<br />

ADOfttnunoflocnd, bolld avad co*>«Lrart<br />

TM tk»***»<br />

ar« datad Ucioosr I. t>L9. *n>d<br />

tM •loQwUiniiii «n»iaMn><br />

4> tnt«r«ai al UM rat> of •«•<br />

UtLrt/<br />

- • -<br />

1s(«r«at lo b» paid ft/ UM<br />

$50.00 Reward<br />

»acn Uit*> |>-tiil lit •» **LMJUi*a*c*t**rty dlrreritoo<br />

•afld OAaTSJlwl U>*aMJ«.telfeU«i*(lU« tO Urf- OrO-<br />

UrlLO'Oa'n.. «lierU> atr*** (anilfT llwof<br />

•aaViJ m»lJ*U. aLnr* t. 11 r a LTOOAI. «LlCTI puJut<br />

Ww> of eLVairavi<br />

-I trot- UkU pkMul r»-<br />

\l*r ocdln*vrv bl«b w^u#<br />

_ _ ^ao. AtlMuJ.) >*-«ll«><br />

-rJ. n-.«'nKt*l »XK1 t^jili riii^r<br />

«k>va *w*U t.-eraievrop to t*o «-r*^ UO , run -<br />

au) 1*QI1I afvo*\l|iix lo U** \-i~~* atj<br />




Put co Bigblb •UccU, foe sale, trry<br />

•osblc. Kuroi>h«d COUA^ C °° Central aveaue, above Foortb street, lot 401 IOU,<br />

garage, ooly f^oo. FumUbcd cxKLSfre oa Cralral avenoe. above TTilnt &lmt.<br />

FuroubcU cottage 00 Fifth stmrt. $rjao* Two cotta^-e* sod ooe lot<br />

££ORGAN HAND,<br />

ATTORNEY and<br />


Interesting to Investors<br />

Ttea Who Mfal a Desintie bestioi for i Sessiis tfcne<br />

(OSes<br />

W. Hat A num.<br />


BoswelU<br />

,^ oo A»imry arcnuc. DC«T Screnth •trrct. o»aly liV*x<br />

me block, 00W IJ70C*.<br />

Urdinance Wo.<br />

i» at* iti*-<br />

-J^ll by rw-Julkiu<br />

pOsTtiOO Oaf<br />

C*Ylia^ml-» «•* au»<br />

i* (lUTIlM, Tr^aMaiaH,<br />

A par 11 •%<br />

Ma- *,<br />

Ju|. t. t» *<br />

July 3l. 1*1<br />

KajpUtubarr 1*. I'll<br />

T<br />

ltoli» Dimua. Tmiimi<br />

lloilauunl-os, Tn.,<br />

~ — rti nf rrnnfr l ln<br />

iQU. w/ttia.<br />

H Loo Ufmot<br />

by .<br />

l«O P" CrQl. U(*>O U 1 **- (.«xl,<br />

ktj -<br />

ura*i »>ew3 Ww*vt a*roi>*.*>-«oLo<br />

p. m<br />

i His to<br />

Ctly, 3(*w<br />

ber wtito u*«<br />

certain trmct or piMao/froood<br />

•4ttt*U*t, Jjtil* *M b*Uu Ui tb* Ot; (/(Mao<br />

CUT. Coooty o-* C«p« War wit-<br />

"* J iDla« al •» point teemed bjr I b« I D*«T-<br />

of tbe pomammiy Ita* ol WCM *vr»-<br />

DQff WILD Ibst MOOlbarcaOAfljr UM O/ HtKlb<br />

— * —-tmhitJk*•omb**a»4*vt7Of > lbaU. point<br />

far—rfihon UM —H Dorlb«w-*u«rijr<br />

l.caf<br />

IA Croat or W<br />

no* or W«*U irtsM O*M bootfiwl iblny<br />

(IJO> t—n. BVEM9 0/ ibaU wkUh *|tctkdtxi« Ixt<br />

Ics4(tlk or o«po*-ib*c>>i«rtr b*«*«*o Ito**<br />

p*J*lk*r* Wtlb MM HlBlbaUtvjw* «ad aOOO«-be*<br />

agoU>*aH«i1f lloa Ux-iwo/ OM kuodrta (1UU;<br />

IkjaM to » en««a Cec< Wad* atraat.<br />

(li- Aii ibkUcawiAioirv^t or pi*c«c-f<br />

«ttoAL«. lytn*; awwS b*to« la tb*> City o*"<br />

CUr.Ooooly of Cap- May «o4 iu*l«o/ BIW<br />

J*m«y, *wwjf">wi aad o««cTUMd<br />

lowii:<br />

ti««ta«Lo*x mX » pola« lotb«a<br />

UM O* ilavwro ivtoM wber* l,b«aKMjtbB*ca\j<br />

ex*y 11 &• o/Hlatb *tr*-*f( totertkeeta *a.a>«. eoc<br />

•at or t>**«k>jdLb 00 *savl<br />

c«t*riy two baodn<br />

l**>a*.of lb*u wfctltb otctvdt<br />

m IT) r<br />

la toxLaVtb or<br />

Itoaa pa*ai»al<br />

H / pi<br />

Ho* 0/ tustb avtraci.<br />

lA fe tt<br />

l II.<br />

o > l y Heti<br />

aod lo ib* •ootbw*-t**iy<br />

o b a d l d Qf<br />

l ob*t*iy<br />

* baodrtxl aod QfLcco<br />

ri<br />

lo *> flftwo tow* ftrtoej titr««t.<br />

All lb** oe*t*la kM or bl*»c» of<br />

_ _-•, tjlfxcauvd btnrm ID lorn Ctly <<br />

rtir. Cunoty of o»p* fcUy B-nd «i*u.<br />

J«/»«y. bouxM^cd au>4 amrTtbcJ as follow*.<br />

10 vil:<br />

fiaolQef avX •> polot to lb* pofth»wiwtiy<br />

of W«a4av**mu*\ a« UMdUUoo* o/ OM<br />

__ lnd ud iblrty w*»i***iy 1IA*> of Mtiiu M.rr«i.<br />

•XMBtaTU&lOeT ao«Hb»j—Or«y of u>«l penal to<br />

froei o*- brvswllb oo Ibo amid W«l •itnw<br />

Urfrty fSOj Itovt, and of U*%« «h»b eiteadiaf<br />

to laracu. or o4.c«<br />

uc<br />

a-o QJ 0/ ftCjOoO CD CD*T Lb* pojpra— of I<br />

'—"--1 o*f ot-rt«ja DOLd iM lea<br />

_ _ l» O*»«. U WUblO<br />

«. luwna^lpaj. b.kfx>Q«bm, ptedcrd InrtocaWf I<br />

BtulaUBfll Lt> DMSl Of l-be><br />

UxUU«Sa«Bi twadan: orou<br />

wbr-eof <strong>On</strong>uCUy<br />

itt+tx (naiurw*4 aod to»onoc boods," ap-<br />

Apru Xt, Ivjjk, taoo^l* o/ UasrwjsCit y lo<br />

t d l »C<br />

Ubia w-**ry<br />

y tAV.aad<br />

CUy arsbanfty<br />

lo UN pqckcirrj paj-<br />

a*d In l ami of CsM<br />

p p •*!. fc#< to ba<br />

d. aaidtaoost o* boaaa bcutx ADA tUrm tor of UM UW<br />

i*»*> ib*Lo 1**^, per cw-ou of to* anucot o/ aaid aj^d *^n*inor. aoa iita<br />

aot d i O i taaoad Lt4u<br />

taMMA *x»d Uk«<br />

ICaw*<br />

Ib*<br />

aod ilja~(jiro«r«a3 ol cvrttOcmbe<br />

Ma* a* *Uo«Ttfk*vUi-<br />

HAid boo da -fial *<br />

_ _ t*OOd*V' *»b*Ui t» U* lo" _ ._ _<br />

bcr. oaoa.b«T«d trom 1 to Pt luctoalv*. o/ tb* tmatX DI<br />

dvoomlixmJioo of *ili nweti. ilaUw) oap*««a bcr<br />

Of **atb,l»Li, b*m/ui< Lnixreau tu ib«- r»i* oi<br />

dw P*rr or tn. p*-r annum. p*>yabi«* asptnl-a-O-<br />

3 u*iiy o*3 lba> dAcaeoii* day 0/ M*xtb aad Lb*<br />

ftvcalb day of H*p*:«tubw-r. lo «awb >*mr, az*d<br />

•uvid bood* aiuUI ba> p«*a*ba« lo otttmr m* oom- Alt"«4;<br />

p«T«vbt«<br />


Attorney at Law<br />

BOO Kit tab Blrsct<br />

Oosao CUy Naw JUWF<br />

MORGAN HAND. Jr.<br />

glriaor and Surveyor<br />

OOKAN CITV. N. J.<br />

ExiMned WitiioBt Drops<br />

B. Prank Smith Oo., B ^S!oS£S. irD<br />

f yoa h*v-c money to loan ue« as for good investments. For sale, fine<br />

ot oa Ocean avraoe near Seventh atretrt. with small home, JJJOO<br />

Two lota comer Firet Btrett and Anbury avetnue. aire 70x100, cheap,<br />

1300. FoarUen room house. 1 baths, hot water beat, doable oi&ce.<br />

ttached guragc In rear, splendid opportunity. Fire imonaoce placed<br />

with bat compankB.<br />

1O36 Asbury Avo.<br />

I N. GR1SCOM, M. D.<br />


BolB f»cn.« H»)l. tl. loUTJtLH*. UO-A<br />

CMa«e Hoar»- Uauj tat.B. rrocn • u> a p. BL<br />

Mo oeaca faoui MoAdKjr.<br />

At IUe£»rt TMlunn. rUMDO. LB to Ml<br />

I J^ V<br />

Ocoan City Now Joraay<br />

W. P. HA1NES<br />


OCCAM CITV. M. J.<br />

,1 uwbed lo aaHt bo*>da> >'nl _<br />

tb« U*-ml—.Um kutfiukiurw ul tba L>ir*ctu*'rp*irtrA«oi of nt'tao* and Klaao*T«, aod<br />

•bail b« Di^nb«r«d o casrrvapood wlUt Um<br />

t*oa4 lo -arblro Lbcy trfmpcelli«J<br />

H**d J ot>ds abaJl b*» roa<br />

p*Tt«ILcjpi u/ rv^laVLxalloO •<br />

0/ 0/ eoc*er«u>o lolo<br />

tWrweCor.<br />

uf IU'<br />

eUo lolo bood<br />

botb pfioc4p»u aod laumt-<br />

of tb* oambttkCU mid bood*.<br />

bood* aod Ib* dai* ol t—ol<br />

K bf U b<br />

K O dir<br />

- d*i« oJ **14 lavebco lo amid ouod nnabrnd (rtxa<br />

_ __- wla< aad UOMOJ ,locJu*l«#. oi Uw a<br />

ibexrwg/ abali b« m*ul* by uf under Twchv ao Uirrclor 0/ tb* Ijarpa/t- to* a,is-T*«*a4« to<br />

of ttevejoa* aod t*laai>«* la a book pro- i| >. aad lb**l lb*j «t<br />

» a<br />

aad bo<br />

U<br />

for l<br />

h<br />

Of iW L*T«Ui*UUV tUrdof Ibl*<br />

aad »b*vll Lev<br />

Ho. CotU>dBlalc*O/<br />

HuUofNi« J«f-j«<br />

CU y of Oc«*ui Cl •<br />

futkllii« Hu&d.<br />

• All Imca by Tbn* rrtwoU,<br />

Ci*/. la lb* County ol C*M Jp*ay. a •—<br />

.Jrorporatloo of lb*» Mutt^ 0/ M*w<br />

y. r»«y o>c*.oo*/<br />

•*rid fur Vatlu* rrcarlwd<br />

bcar II Ibb<br />

!•« Lo p*> to ib*<br />

d prouil*!* lo p*v) lo lb*<br />

rwr, or. II Ibb* bood b* r*i«rwxl. u> tb*<br />

t»l«> «*J bujVWr brrvof ibaavuiuol fltf Hio-<br />

U r (»U> )oo tt» OflUb l<br />

Notice.<br />

K« Ibs4 lb*p*r<br />

vxtatloc bilwrnn WtlUfCUa<br />

HcfaUllotf. aoder it>« am<br />

l l b f U b<br />

«T.<br />

osrated «trM« Jon«T.<br />

u* >tammalu>*aaCt_-i0*Hcblllio*.<br />

all bin* do« lb« iMtm arm or I^WVIK a<br />

lild lob* p*M u> U M ClU<br />

blll<br />

biUlnc- Wo bill* cootracted —<br />

of «b*HU# Or*. L«a«tU *% Hcbliilo*. a^«r<br />

AoeTOrt «, ihUX wUI b« |kaUby amklCba/ic*<br />

OUARLDa ttCHlLLjNU<br />

Cqw Maj Comfy Orruit Coart<br />

,~* tfthnaonHo»"«*>Co»«Tipaaj>jr> Ig ifiartorj\*»cn,<br />

WIIIISO, ammutt. ( A SiS^' L *"-<br />

*">"«• Is h«»«t>T s>vso U>sl • Writ or At-<br />

" ml lb. Mil O o* lb« Up* MMJ Cttonlr Omu<br />

oo lb* tSAdayor AprU.I*U,>»Uun<br />

0 aba aiTtei rfArJl buT<br />

.o lb* tSAdayor Ap<br />

aMe 90 aba aiTtei crfAprJl<br />

aarvso «*4 tfnlr exveoud. «j»d<br />

IMmaob AU<br />

a aTtei crfp, uTu wo<br />

tfnlr exveoud. «j»d «u Mnraod<br />

ob ADrU.iau,«>yu>*tib*niTor<br />

Case W«y.<br />

atsj nuA-c. uiumaru.<br />

Clerk.<br />

uamr A. Uowau, Aiioner.<br />

4 tWJ' •?•&•*<br />

^^^^t-s ©i&rsss.si—<br />

•land »^. prntoo. sctloo Ixuo-buu wlu{ >•*><br />

' btrsaj i~oi of yoox cotu&-e<br />

than plutiog whaa PUOPKRLY DONII.<br />

Telrpboo* ot gira tu a call.<br />

Colonial Greenhouses<br />

Tito*, n<br />

a' Potet. IJ.» Llawoo* Poet OOc*<br />



Many Pretty Tomi.atua, In<br />

Coatttmcv, Took<br />

In Aflkir.<br />

Ooaaii Cu*'* Ural batty aad >*r*oil*<br />

parxla, aaA&t tl a «m(iiluaa of Iba Ho-<br />

AtaodaiJoo. ara* •<br />

la potnl of turooal<br />

aod tba oalqaao*** of toaovof Ibaooa-<br />

We have several cottage sites<br />


between Tenth and Thirteenth streets,<br />

at low record mark for price. Write<br />

us for particulars.<br />

Massey & Edwards<br />

Eighth and Central Ave.<br />


IK YOUK BABY hu croup, colio, cbokera lofanlam. IrrrruLar bow.U, U<br />

blf OT trouttJrd wttb IU •locnurb or bowda. you abould glr* oo* of<br />


am** 0/ tbaUUtoooa*. Il *arrad to<br />

raw tbooaaoda o# p*op*a to Use Board-<br />

sraJk, ftsfajtag ooa of Iba cnaOast<br />

tbart.aod lt>* parad*<br />

Tha paxatfa lottnad at Ta»«*ftb aUMt.<br />

Headed try Hantaoo** Baad. Iba Una<br />

0/ OBAKb araa ore* aevaral xj«*r*» of<br />

b* BoaJdsraik aod tbao a ball sraa<br />

mad* la froot of tb* oauato patlQoo,<br />

b«ra, ranonlaii oo a ctualr, Claytoo<br />

Ualoa* Uric*, a aumtwr of tb* eo*»-<br />

apaopiaijisx Ibanimta<br />

vbsBar* would ba aa-<br />

ooaooad aa aooo a* Ib* Jadj»* caad*<br />

balr dactaaoo*.<br />

lo a abort srbU* ib* nimaarrf iba<br />

rophy wlnoan srsr* aoooaooad fay<br />

Mr. Brick, a* tollovs:<br />

Klrst, Japaaiaoaupi*.<br />

Betty MUlwArtl, PbUadai-<br />

pbla; aaecod. brkl* aod gT>oco, Cbaoa-<br />

c*r aad Pace* Bro»b. U*nsaata*mi<br />

tbtrd, lalry. E. M. iteOukla, Pbtla-<br />

fourth, harwimaalar. Joapb<br />

O. Moot*. Pblladtlpbla.'-<br />

Twin*— Flrat. Elteo aod EUxabttb<br />

AtUrauc PUUtwnh; aaoood. L— P.<br />

aod Blank*? Uatat. PtUJwailpbla, sibo<br />

ppeand a* lli*^u*rd«; third. Martoa<br />

aod Jama* Hrady. Waal PtULadilpota.<br />

. Oa«kd Wrkftit. Ptul*.<br />

; »cooiod. Eralwn ttmUh, Ooran<br />

• i>raf1keaiaaa*ayean.CckaUXaaDo4blaK Inj oif Ullmoolal*<br />




'uy.<br />

Ptoaia— ITXrst»AanaVlnlBl* Holm**,<br />

•a I«X* CUy; awood, Ed "art aod<br />

Mildred Troot, Uosu Ctty.<br />

Tb* silnosirs oflbaOrsl tropby lo<br />

Ib* CEDC7 dr*a» aectJoo ar* ctOMrso of<br />

Hamaal MUlsrard, aaaitsttnt .maoaa'aeea-<br />

eon. bekl uod*r Ib* aaunloxi of Ib*<br />

Acgettna Power Ikial A-ocUlloo.<br />

Tb* omoars of Ibe Oceau I'lly Vacbl<br />

Club, inrtlcutarlv l'»-t t' •<br />

Pew auoi.<br />

CoUsaT* 708 Ceulrai avenue; all mod-<br />

ern cooveakmoee; oaoVbe reoterj by tba<br />

or during winter moolba. For<br />

ly UeurriUia.<br />

eav-u<br />

wear<br />

rart<br />

g<br />

rtber particnlars<br />

O CUy ""<br />

rartber patc<br />

offlea. Ocean CUy,<br />

•r» appl<br />

. N. J.<br />

ltno. Elton welobca «1 Btr<br />

L. M. NeJsoo, raUroad JaweJar.<br />

a|S Broadway. Camdeo, N. jt. ageoi<br />

Dkr* oooa a week, IT yoa mis* him<br />

Hanlltoo,<br />

weak.<br />

agBroad<br />

aaud a poatal. adv. If.<br />

FOB BAUC —Motor boat, 25 feet long,<br />

8 teat beam! eaMoi B «ycJ* aaolot; to<br />

aod coodiHoo.' (Apply, Teoib aod<br />

ay. adv. la, if.<br />

Ooooly F*ir oo Hapt. 9. 10 eod II. al<br />

Cap* May Court Hooaa. Head ad ver.<br />

meat elsewber* lo »bl* Issue. adv-Zt<br />

«*t*te>ks*vaa»Mkacnire*><br />

ewje.eiaeeasia|*iv *>»•**:<br />

> A«v«.e* *Haai*> tkisa.<br />

Kid glovae eleaoad la two day*<br />

15. JuUua Botb, th*<br />

adv.<br />

glovaa e<br />

.10 -*" 1 .<br />


WON 37 GAMES<br />

Engaged la 5a Contests—<br />

Manager "Dave" Calhoan<br />

Did Excellent Work.<br />

The Oceao Ctty Baseball dab cloud<br />

It* eeaaon here Labor Day after taking<br />

alx straight garoee from Pleaaantvllle.<br />

Tbe MUCH su a good one (or Ihe<br />

home learn from the ataDdpolol of lu<br />

playlug record.<br />

Many teams received severe drub-<br />

bings al Ibe hands uf Ocean Clly, no-<br />

table amoog these belDg tilrswbridge<br />

Clolblrr, four games from I,ogaD<br />

Bquaro. Walbrook end Ibe It D Wood<br />

team.<br />

Tna Dm dtfeat uf Ibe *eason came<br />

when Haddootleld pouoded Yates out<br />

of tbe tx>x sud won 8 Io4. Tbe Uoloo<br />

Petroleuoi Co. landed on Btretcb aod<br />

woo 8 to 8. Pleaaenlvllle woo three,<br />

the Chinese two aad Cape May four.<br />

Ocaan CUy lost to tbe strong BC Mary'a<br />

Clab.<br />

fifty-two games In all were played,<br />

of wblcb thirty-seven were victories.<br />

Twelve) gam** were lost aod three tied.<br />

Manager Calbouo and Ihe learn de-<br />

ssrve credit for tbla splendid showlog.<br />

Manager Calboon ton (or Philadel-<br />

phia Mooday evening. He el pressed<br />

regret at being compelled to leave<br />

Ocean CUy, for wblcb ba ha* a warm<br />

feeling. Ueeplle tba ••knocks" ba baa<br />

ooeadoaally lecelvad from the<br />

•bleachers," Manage* UaJboan, aa Ihe<br />

record* enow, I* lbs moo consistently<br />

good player 00 tha team.<br />

CUyloo H i<br />

•raaoo* &I tba aumiaat mammt<br />

bl* Itta. Wbao To -. PeHaaHfai<br />

vaid. Oceao CJty Ptipee kiiaaj j<br />

gat Iba beat tolas*, aod Ma*.<br />

meo la (aal tbat Oeatn Oktj t*/Ma<br />

r4*ca tor Ibexa to coaa* to*a|t*'<br />

aeivea.<br />

Mr. Brick loM taw<br />

Tolau. a member of tba<br />

w bo earn* to tola dly on aa<br />

daring thaaom****; aaaaaa now<br />

tng. Hi* u»ia aaaAwiuiaa men<br />

aboo l ttaU way d*>*m tXfcafc<br />



Solicitor 8chlrnpf Tells At-<br />

lantic City Officials Tbat<br />

It Is Mandatory.<br />

TbeCtty Commlwlaper* of Atlantlo<br />

CUy have designated tb* Press as the<br />

oJBcial paper and It will from now 00<br />

print tbe cuy'a advertising at Uve<br />

cent* a Un*.<br />

TbtaacUoo followed tba receipt by<br />

tbe CUy CommUsiooers of a letter<br />

from City rioUcltor Theodore W.<br />

dchlmpf, embodying an opinion 00<br />

tb* law governing city printing.<br />

He quoted provision* of the law and<br />

Iben declared that It waa mandatory<br />

oo Ibe city lo pay Ore ceota a line for<br />

ell clly advertising.<br />

After a discussion, Commliwloaer<br />

Harry Becharacb Introduced a resolu-<br />

tion designating tbe Press as Ibe "offi-<br />

cial paper" aud It waa carried unani-<br />

mously-<br />

Tolao got oat. wi<br />

a irol lay ear. eata* op towm<<br />

ts mtoote* waa tb* oamar of • L<br />

couaga tbat eaacbt bla fancy.<br />

Ttsat. Mt. Brtdc asiarVbovad<br />

klod of on tbu ara totbaa<br />

Uoo. Many otbar mwn. wb*a tbakr<br />

train met wtin * raltbaat *>aald taata<br />

gnatad aw) fjaw away.<br />

tba<br />

Mr. Brick Mid that . _<br />

pie woold ba glad to show tb*<br />

around town tn aatoe. Dot froka a<br />

ceoary atAOdpomt, howaiw. bot<br />

to have them eojoy IbaiiisWiaa<br />

Ocaan CU/ people aad, the)<br />

Tcrmmai MArkat mao anbkMUaaT<br />

tba lint time, b* astd, id ba ax.<br />

pressed Iba hope that Ihiyertn *jM ta-<br />

gatber many limea to tbaftanjs.<br />

Chartee A. Kllnk. of tba MNrtW»|<br />

epArtment of tba BaadlOsf A*j&fQ*sf*<br />

•aman rnidant of tbla'City fc<br />

d h l<br />

ma at of<br />

years, and who Waa<br />

i b t<br />

for brCogwg tb* axeanloa ban, *r*a<br />

called to iba pUtfona to attkk* a<br />

apeecb-<br />

Mr. Kllnk aaldi "Voo tsTlow* •yok-<br />

ing up ber* doot Lw* bow laoky<br />

yoa ara. Tbl* to mj Brat apbaannr*<br />

oo any atage. I doot k((ow laat<br />

wbera I bUaac t in UOanaUd la<br />

tba aaaoctaxloo mn 4 X aai tbtataatttt<br />

lo Ocean Ctty. Aa areaKUct of Ocaan<br />

Ctty I welcome yoa bet*. If yoa **a<br />

axjyiniog yoa want, taka It. Yeatt<br />

bnog u back when yoa coa**do«a<br />

nrxt year.<br />

"rJomt yaajci ^s*" PbllajAalplila bajl<br />

a dandy majrat^-VVlllUa f£ "<br />

Ocean Clly bee •<br />

crackerjack.<br />

Weeue Dtapped Dead.<br />

Mra. MAry J. Collins, of Phltadel-<br />

pbta. dropped dead at her home, 1028<br />

Blmpsoo avenue, a few day* ago. Hbe<br />

was 60 years old. Death was doe to<br />

heart dlneaae. Coroner Lake sent tbe<br />

body to Philadelphia.<br />

daody «»^<br />

Wa want yio te know<br />

A seven-room boose and three acre*<br />

of lend at Ocean Height*, ooe mile<br />

nortb of Boroere' Polot. Address A. M.<br />

Coaley, Llowood, N. J. adv-7, 22, 6t<br />

him as*w* do, aad yeo4l1lKw-btaB. M<br />

Mr. Kllok then gava a brksf baaloaBa<br />

talk to tha tDanbara o#Cbk Miaca*tlao.<br />

Commodore Wall «*M tba* et waa<br />

bis pleasure, a* eoeamodon of tb*<br />

Ocean Ctty Yacht dob, to «xtasd ta<br />

ail of tbevtsttorsabaaitwVBeaeaaata<br />

the clab nous* daring Uw •jRatoaon.<br />

Tba member* of tha e!abt4dak.Ua*w<br />

have tb* n oast dab ot>tb*eo*st.aB><br />

they want tba visitor* M aM It.<br />

"We want yoa to Ml tbU jow an<br />

a* mneb<br />

Come op<br />

racily at<br />

Wall lo eooclQaloo.<br />

Wiuum B. Matcaram, totn<br />

by tba chair a* as 'nlit lias*<br />

aod marcbaot, epok* of tb* ebjataavae 1<br />

tbaaamttUuO, wbleb waafajaaM<br />

three year* a«o andJbaaa<br />

S<br />

Rlghtb aod Asbory avenue. All Rood*<br />

•old ban ara gnaranleed. Kindly re-<br />

turn enyiblog uoaatlsfaatory to you. if<br />

Hooae low^iriced lots lor sale. Block<br />

7. Uoaan City Crardeoe, BtAlioo road,<br />

eaat «l«naton. 79a to 741 ladualve;<br />

otvo<br />

ea<br />

tacototvo-<br />

adv., 8-a8.4t<br />

T90MAB J. BAWYkX.<br />

' Wonaalav, Mae*.<br />

a woodtrtol amrMttt of<br />

County Fairoo BepC9,10 and II, at<br />

Cape May Coart House. Read adver-<br />

tisement else w bare In tbl* Issue, adv a - Tboaa who «MlaB i<br />

Tba Bowling Alleys lo lb* BowUng w«« traaOed to toaOSMiaadeaka,<br />

Caaioo an now open for tba season of Tb* organbntlon waaetattad by Mb<br />

1816- adv.4-U.lf. Oarhan with tbraa ajiitlfa.<br />

' FOB RHMT.—Hlore aad dwelling. 70S<br />

Aebary avaaaa, togatbator aanantaly.<br />

Apply tMUTMeX or any agaol.adT.u<br />

Fou BAIJI OB Foa Burr.—Winter<br />

houaaatlUl Waatavesoa. Anply 144B<br />

He*«ndqu.»rter« For All Kln«d« of<br />


y Sentinel<br />

.HEFTKMBKa a. Nil.<br />


HIS 800 IBIBBIS<br />

Takes fat<br />

Hu Ho<br />

Tba M M CWW eTaHaaT tkt BOW><br />

b« tu foil oaaeatwrahlp ofaWX moeft<br />

t tb m f U b f<br />

to tba<br />

•after*<br />

ream<br />

•bo<br />

p X<br />

m of a Urta oaabn of<br />

b failed to craep ibatr op-<br />

d lld t<br />

Y<br />

£10<br />

J.00<br />

UjMUJSJ 4.J3 ASA<br />

llOtt &U| 6.4S<br />


• M KX2 iu'<br />

50J, 8JOI1.ITI1M<br />

loiiiioi,<br />

[iL*atu.«»j<br />

7*4 l.ITl IJ8<br />

is* 1 sen<br />

S ll> 8 i3<br />

, *^<br />

•LSe| £06<br />

A-46<br />

0 40<br />

faux) tn Use<br />

•aaa oo* aaro • ant-<br />

— -Jews oat earo • oat-<br />

1 awBai IHMC fswaw taw) waalnjItriaT to tba<br />

MrfUii^. niiwto WCTMUH.<br />

*«••*• aaMseaUrjr atttUB, o*. tf anj-<br />

Ifcetwr INMM "rtUj aelraoclo* Kin<br />

AOaktMbood da>a an aaptodocthra<br />

*mtm wktetottaaba wcam for by<br />

1 car fttwli Hanr <br />

of Bnf ti (isjaiaT Impoflanoe 'K^n coy<br />

oai success- iMaeeraly desire<br />

tbai tba mco woo bead toe views I<br />

laneeant aboold ba able lo ontta and<br />

vote foe- ooa rand Mala. I bave. tbeta-<br />

fora, decided to wllbdraw my Raise aa<br />

a eaodWiaia. aod aafe tbat tboaa wbo<br />

have ao krodty offered to aapport ma<br />

foe- Iba rvsmmartoo will fjtve ibeir<br />

eopport to Mr. rjt**«ns and auU ear*<br />

tbai ba fce cboecs ai iba prlAarlBw.<br />

I wtib toaxprewa to tba many man<br />

wbo, tn Iba past tew weafce tare (riven<br />

ma aocb atroos and beany eappoet<br />

ray stneataappradalsoo uftbaU loyally<br />

and a* liiiiiieaa<br />


Capa Hay Ctty, Meptember. ). 1915<br />


rof Iba SCO prteata of<br />

rtto« tba Ba»»- Jobn<br />

. at naadauiuaiii. and John<br />

-»« j Caoco. wUi<br />

amxl Moodaj for a<br />

WOS<br />

(oftbaOcaao City<br />

j Oob wararnn Mooday afur-<br />

. tat ooly • Crwodd craft touk<br />

mtn.<br />

la Om oaar •> daaa, 00 ooa appeared<br />

•" I 1. H. BowbUKl'a Mary Jaoa.<br />

___ waot otrar Iba 12nUa eooraa<br />

•t (OOfe aUbS tfcaMBPtfr^l"*^f P.<br />

fM of tbacrlckat flaaf of tba «:bat-<br />

•M' OUkiaeatlavw/tba SalJacouraa.<br />

ttat JLU-MBtMolby Ed. Yoon«. wto<br />

. 1-B.TItoo'aBoNaawwaaaBe-<br />

iba Harry B- tilling to torn Iba<br />

•od. i<br />

TaW<br />

«w , • !•• i nan boats of tba local<br />

CftsjaV fBQBjrJ to BK * awoftllna;. Mlae Irfffitf<br />

—•**• "—'-*- BracUay. winning.<br />

I Wood'e Both B. ace<br />

ipt sraamadeio antic<br />

lip tn tola daaa Moa-<br />

a, bat Lbere waa not<br />

. TIM race wtl! be aalled<br />

t aftarsoou.<br />

Tba tropbiaa prcaaoiad to w<br />

icaa ml tba Oocao CUy Yacbt Clob'a<br />

RfUU l»M Uatiuday wcrr oooaoally<br />

Boa. and wara apprad*t«d by Uia ra-<br />

dplaata.<br />

10 tba coUcctlooa wara foor aolld<br />

miint eopa far tba wloocta of tba looc-<br />

dlataae* raca froca PbtedaJpbta aod<br />

two for tba wlnoara of tba ta*itaiku><br />

Tba tropbiaa oiar boat rnat<br />

wttb ao acddaal aod capauad TtMlr<br />

bodiaa wara raorvared Ial*r aad actot] Coo&cHmao frao3 Iba Fortieth<br />

Ward. HUmauy friend* bope be will<br />

wlo. Mr. FraokltiJ, acuna yean ago.<br />

wa> active lo Repobltcaa pulluo lo<br />

t'bUadclpnia. He • 10 tba titaia<br />

laegtalatara aod beid other aim liar po-<br />

•illooa.<br />



oaartMnai)<br />

H» mn—iiiKi aoasf<br />

Iba "*Joed Owat Twtoa."<br />

Tba Orat wlo oar to Iba Boala Anna<br />

Vtnrtola Hnlaia.. itao«btar of Cbartaa<br />

P. Molaaaa. of Has I«la— e>ae laalarl 00<br />

a pair nf nalai aod aruaod be* waa<br />

Iba tetrod -Woatb lu We*jbl la<br />

Uoid."<br />

Tba aacood trupby anoorra lo Iba<br />

Boat aactkin wrra iba cbildrao of Jobo<br />

K. Troat. of tb*> city. Tba* bad a<br />

Bad Croea iiainiii-ry boaprul. wbhcb<br />

waa baolad by kUrtoo aod Kdah<br />

Trout. Edvaxd rapraaaotad a doctor<br />

aod MUdrad a ouraa. Between tbaai<br />

waa a crib to wbicb Ibere waa a doll<br />

baby.<br />

Tba»a were aa-rerml ••Vutaa foe Wo<br />

roao" cuacbaa aod -'if"^» »ablcla» 10<br />

lloa. Uua of Iba nuat claboraia of<br />

Ibeee waa occopiad by Katberloe<br />

M. Dootaa. daoabtar of Mr. aod Mra.<br />

Kaymood H. Dossra, oX Merchaot-<br />

Aa lodlau wbjaram, with Amy<br />

Cobb aod Vcroou tSmilmao. Jr.. lo It,<br />

caufbt Iba aitaotloo of tba crowd.<br />

riainuaJ Crawford Mtilward, a«ad 8<br />

jean, appeared aa "I'ncU Ham." wbo<br />

waa •Working Hard for Peaie."<br />

Erelyo Uotrtb. of Oraao ttty. wboaa<br />

oansber waa "33." made a Cood wucb.<br />

Ooa of toa coacoea VH oxada op<br />

Itb a inodola effect Io U wa*<br />

Kranoea Marpby, dmatbltx of Kiaok<br />

Morphy. of tbta rtty.<br />

Hoortt btoiwu. youoax aoo of<br />

t'buln D. Hunpaos, of tbU city, waa<br />

In a coach pietlily trimmed aod daoor-<br />

atad «ub bloe ribboo<br />

Olbera wbo received tropbtra wara<br />

Jusn rknilb. euo of Harp pel rknUh.<br />

aod Urdla L'hi. dmofbimt of Joeepb<br />

UW, both of tbu city.<br />

Ooa of tha coacbea that waa ear*<br />

roaoded by throafa of admlrera waa<br />

that puabed by Mra. Wliilam U-<br />

riaulb. Io tbe oaular of a bJ* roaa 10<br />

ib« coach «a* bar yoaos aoo. Waxrao<br />

Botnb. To* coacb bora Ibe loacrlp-<br />

Uoo. "Tba Heart at a Roee "<br />

Aooiber pair tbat woo appiaoaa<br />

wara Jeaoetta Daxby, wbo appeared<br />

aa a bride, aod May Braawll, croon.<br />

Tlia (Wamlnw ic ebarx* of Iba<br />

aff>n oomprlaed Iba foilowin UMOU la IraoaU.<br />

Uss u> casks auul tswkns. suR3es<br />

_ . S»_3SJTT<br />

axrmu<br />

ucer&<br />

ataUewM asa m<br />

k swatsartv. an awabfyol<br />

I bara, araaawppadool<br />

SV a»Tawllw)w»wsM<br />

U."at MOaraXS. OaablC.<br />

Jtataceltoa mmd mmon to beaor* u Una aui<br />

Improve those five minutes!<br />

PuQ oot the "nnwpect Ust," gnb your Bell<br />

Tdfipnoiid and EBS tnftt: f}yiql word to 0O1H0 hcsitA^-'<br />

Ing buyer on yoar »»yrt month's route. BftttT still,<br />

met aside «n hoar or two • day tor seQtag by telfr.<br />

phone.<br />

Many a twenty or thirty cent toll caD has put<br />

&n order ot twenty or thirty or m. hundred dollkra<br />

on the books for the men who crowd into each spare<br />

minute jost as much at good, hard tetophgno-aalea<br />

talk as it will hold.<br />

ABBOTTS'<br />

Alde^ ey Dairies<br />

t.LI.<br />

Otis M. Towmond<br />

A Practical Ucaabora Architect<br />

Lloeoard b/ Iba Btale. -> -><br />


OCCAM crrv N. J.<br />


Electrical Contractor<br />

1137 Anbury Avo.<br />

Ocean Oty New<br />


aV*TT D>0<br />

Joseph C. Champion<br />


r, m. J.<br />

Ralph Hayes VanCilder<br />


oct>> C4TV. mwjuuy<br />

Tutt (UM<br />

WaM «•«•••<br />


Owrtcmz toh 8c Oppoalic p<br />

Plm tri Syctftcttim<br />

pnstTBd ift<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly e^lv<br />

exterior arcak<br />

aflj Q:lcj ^<br />

TOI 810BLB IAWE<br />

A Reliable Builder<br />

To erect TOOT Ocean City cottage. Voa anoot (pavrc the time<br />

to look after It clooely yotmcU aod most depend open toe<br />

booesty of the contrsctor.<br />

I hare boilt lot a Urge number of people and cxrald rrfci )tn to<br />

any or all of them.<br />

Send for tbe lli£ of "im>* aod pbotoffrapbs ol tbe<br />



•a U. Otvastta T. 0.<br />

OCZXK crrr.<br />

m. j.<br />

T.. 8 CORSON 8-*« hor - Cotttga» a Specialty<br />

" w > w ^^-^— JV "» Holaia and Bungalowa<br />

Contractor and Boilder.<br />

i Cheerfully Given.<br />

REBIDeHCK-S10 Aatoiy Araooa OFFIOJ5—74S Waat Araooa<br />

Eleventh Street and Bay Avenue<br />

OCEAN CITY. M. J.<br />

OSu: Thlrty-txinh Qirwt<br />

(I<br />

Allen Scull<br />

THE<br />

*XB OcMm+x sirs.<br />

Phone Connections<br />


Swan and Trout<br />

•»cnc«i<br />

Carpenters and Builders<br />

AWCNUC OCCAM ClTr. N. J.<br />

BcU Phone \h Inter-State Pho-ie<br />


General Contractors<br />

Grading *and Street Bailding<br />


Otean Cfty. New Jersey<br />

Walter V. Hess<br />



ESTiaj*.Tca ruaaiaxio oa<br />

*>»caTo«a<br />

c»To«a, Aooirioaa<br />

BO »u. aiaoa or aM TO saeca.<br />

Office 1O17 Asbury Avenuo<br />


The Reliable Store for Dry Goods, Bfotions and<br />

=== -Men's Wear- =—.—-<br />

Tbe latest %\y\c ia Lulio' bjjtrtwn.i*>t ia crrrpc de cbloc-. silk aad voile. AUo<br />

««ufa -Jlk roiiWy blouse*. A D««r line of vtbitc -Jtirtx to piqae aotl ratine, in<br />

•Oarprodcf «tyl«. We *trr aijo-nnj; » fiae-assortment ol tulk poplia. cm<br />

laVD-tlawed oxpc, voile, mc&atatline ami -«rKo> iu the oc«r niu-dca, tvntxl, putty<br />

mad u*tlle»hip K^cy. Dainty nrckw»cjf, -ilk Koac. ribbons, etc., etc<br />

021 Aabary Ave. u.iiptuo'.^ Ocean City. N. J. |<br />


•an- »-*-«. .,-»<br />

Suittisor to<br />

. C. OODPRBY larM-«.,. ,<br />

Upholstering, Awnings, House<br />

Pnrnishings<br />


HTtQ CMH||fUUt OJWBH<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />


"Tbera'a a Reaaoo-<br />

(ten Cit| Vtmu B% U<br />

Jobbing and alteration wurW gh,<br />

onr pcraooaj Bttrntion.<br />

Window and Door Frame-* and<br />

OFFICE. I0J7 BAY<br />

Dell Ptxau >»-X<br />

aajuj<br />

JOHN T. SEAL<br />


• etrt<br />

occtej<br />

arw<br />

a*>orsr« VV. HarrU<br />

Contractor, Builder<br />

and Jobbing<br />

•teae free.<br />

OCBAW CaTY. W. J.<br />

S.I.I W.I.I<br />

. 0. AIAMS «% IM.<br />


UICS Lama, ate^ lu.<br />

Alt War* ta Mini Uaa<br />

nrma a<br />

Vamliriaa. ICle^ al oa/ fuaca.<br />

T. LnrV La<br />


MOUSC MO (Maw<br />


Mixed Pslala, Lead axid Ota<br />

830 and Rii Ajwbory ateoua.<br />


Real Estate and<br />

Search xntuxn<br />

Fidelity Trust Company<br />

ol Ncwajk<br />

Wiidiood TiOe aod Trisl G.<br />

TItio Insurance<br />

Abettmcta of TiUo,<br />

Conveyancing<br />

Fire Insurance<br />

Pramf* Service AH Wot Ooir»rttie<<br />

aiocry lx> Loan 00 Oood Fml kfonfax*<br />

Fauna far 8*le<br />

Offices in<br />

Flrat Nationl Bank Boildiof<br />

Cape May Court HOOM<br />

N. J.<br />


PracticaJ Harscsicjing<br />


Ota k«J (rritaT TMP • JpecUSj<br />

for Btewart'a Iron Works Co<br />

Plain and Omajneolal Irou Keoee,<br />

Iroo Beulln«a and Window Uuarda.<br />

Smath St and Htna AA<br />

C. l_ LAKE<br />


U» Aabary A«aaaa. Oeaas €3»T. B. 1.<br />

Loutor«aia. Cotta«aaKM rasl.<br />

Don't Suffer With Rheamatfca<br />

Caapfc^rolt Qi.ta Qakk falkH<br />

U hso you b«ft«<br />

psLus. WUen yuur 1<br />

• •O lo two haitm ctutlo«;.<br />

uki »*>iUf.<br />

woodcrfol<br />

wuuac nf •• io civs imiMaiaw ^"""T<br />

l^)>MrUos n«on>CDco A. VVtUc, maoafloaT editor<br />

of tbe ilieulur. Telecrapb, Kblladtl-<br />

pbla, waa In lowu duimf tbe week.<br />

Howard D. l-e»t!ln»- aod wl/e, of<br />

Wot Pblladelpbla, were gueate of<br />

frtroda lo IbUclty over tbe week-e>od<br />

Krank McAd.m.. a Philadelphia<br />

lawyer, aod family have returoed<br />

boma after >pcodlo>; Ibe •woo cure<br />

Mlaa Mary Percy, of Philadelphia,<br />

aod Ula I^eola Hpear, nf Cemdeu.<br />

bava rsiurocd from a vUlt lo Vlra. L«<br />

U Uraocao.<br />

Mlaa K*dyn U*tUf. uf ({eadluff. N<br />

Iba gum uf Mu- Mary Kox. of Ible<br />

dly. Tbey wcro roomooalu at Dar-<br />

i l<br />

Mrs K. !«. Mootgoaiery. of Mooclyu<br />

terrace, returned to Uer tiertnautowo<br />

rvxnii today after •pcodlug tbe sum-<br />

Bur at Ibis re*urt<br />

Mrs Joo. H. Morrtsou. or Allanllo<br />

t'*tly, waa calllar oa frieuds in this<br />

ctly Tuesday Mr. Morrison Is now<br />

•mployed at rjwectesboro.<br />

Mrs. Hasan Hedricfc aad Kraodsoaa,<br />

l^cslte aod UUocTt AUt. of Martun.<br />

hava raturued borne after a visit lo<br />

Mark Lake aad family, of this clly.<br />

Heed Williams, or Loudou. Hue;., Is<br />

la tbe guest of frsok Bower*, his<br />

brotber-lo-law, aad family at tbclr<br />

cottage oa Htitotalb street, tbls ctty.<br />

Misses Olive aad Aasy Hrosi, former<br />

well kaowu Ucesu city «lrl«, oow of<br />

PblladelpbU. vtatted tbelr parents.<br />

ticunia W. buil and wire, la thiscltjr.<br />

Huaday.<br />

Joseph K Uamorelle. uue of tbeaudt-<br />

lon of tbe Welghlmaa estate aad sou<br />

of Paul Lsmorelle. a summer resident<br />

bara. bas been speudla( a fo« daja<br />

wttb bu parrots.<br />

Mlaw KlUsbrtb L. Abbott, of thla<br />

ctty, laatteodlog ibe club cooveulloo<br />

of tba New York Life lusuraaca Com-<br />

pany In Haudiiaky, Ublu. Bbe repre-<br />

eeote thla cooapaoy.<br />

Or. Jobu B. Pratt aad rsmlly. or<br />

CoalesTllle, bave returned to ibetr<br />

bocne after havlug apenl a delightful<br />

summer at Bub Heveulb street. Mrs.<br />

PraU Is eolbaslastlc over Ocean Clly<br />

and Inuoda lo come agala.<br />

Mra. Martha Wilson, of fblladsJ-<br />

pbla. wbo bad a stroke while alona lu<br />

bar cottsfe oo Wesley aveuue, uear<br />

Tentb street, a few deys a«o. l» lo a<br />

serious coudltioo. Hbo Is over eixhly<br />

years old. Mra. WIISMI U tbe grsud-<br />

uotberof Mrs. C. L Hagy.<br />

Will Band llaoo Colialc.<br />

Joseph 1> Usrtram. of Laosdowae.<br />

baa awarded ibe contract lor a 16000<br />

outtsgeia tbls clly. It Is lo be built<br />

oa Central aveuue, l-eU>-uiulb<br />

etrsct. Alleu Bcull will make Im-<br />

provemauis lo Iba coltase of Ur. A.<br />

Blade. 401 Flrsl street.<br />

Prof. J. N. TugKry. bead-tuasur of<br />

tba Betblebeoi freparaUiry dcbool.<br />

baa beeo vtslilug Frof. aod Mrs. I J.<br />

Hcbwatl at tbelr Twentieth street cot-<br />

lace. Prof Tuggey Is a well known<br />

and efficient educator aod acbool<br />

administrator.<br />

Cioslox aV,rvtc«w.<br />

Tba Bev. J. frsucl* Betsrene, pastor<br />

of tha Ktrtletb lUptlst Cborcb. of<br />

PblladelpbU, preached Ibe aarmooa<br />

at Iba closing aommer acreloes at tba<br />

Auditorium oo Booday.<br />

Tba vocal eololst was Miss Kir a<br />

Bcboler, soprano.<br />

Raymood<br />

Headlo d<br />

Kd<br />

ymoo , Infant aoa of l«ewla<br />

Headloy and wife, of tbU clly. died<br />

Krlday. Funeral services 1 were beld<br />

at ibe boms of Undertaker Lake Moo-'<br />

day ooorolug. conducted by tba Bev.<br />

If B. t.'anuuu. rector of Holy Trinity<br />

Episcopal Cburcb.<br />

a>wax1av a>«rt>ool Halljr Da*.<br />

Tba Handay acbool board of Iba<br />

Irtrat AL E. Cburob mat last eveolog.<br />

after tbe prayer service, to devise means<br />

aod uutboda Car a biff Handay aobool<br />

raUy souie Huoday la Haptambar or 00<br />

PO« of ton first Buodaye In October.<br />



CoL lAB&on, of Tttinl<br />

ment, PrtLaca Wotk of Boja<br />

of Cotnpavay O.<br />

TtM fbrmal opeolof oftha uaw ar-<br />

mory of Oocnpe-ny ove<br />

be loll on that bridga?"bs asked -Kor<br />

be bcueQl of Ibe locality I Ihlok you<br />

lo^ild bave Ibe road free as soon as<br />

j-alble."<br />

Mr. Uodfrry was of Ibe oplalon tbsj<br />

a light manufacturing plant would<br />

gmtly belp some of tbe aessbore re-<br />

•ort>. sllboluch AUaullcCij> does oo4<br />

wsut such plants<br />

He believed, be aakd, ibal a HJate da<br />

partmcut to eocoar*a,e Ibe location oi<br />

'sctoiles'ln Ibis Btale would be a grwai<br />

rnelll-<br />

Tbe Hlsie should belp tbe business<br />

iuen aod the seaabore resorts. Tbsra<br />

never his been an act passed by tba<br />

.-rf-gialeture for Ibe specldo beaefit ol<br />

ho aeasbara reports and mounlalns.<br />

slItuHjgh the business of taking care<br />

ut vUilorv Is Ibe biggest la New Jersey.<br />

It was resolved to bend every efTurt<br />

ookiug lo Ibe building of Ibe roevt be-<br />

feca Ocesu Ctly and Corson's Inlst<br />

aud bave It completed before the be-<br />

Kinulog of next seasoa.<br />

It was also agreed to try to posh Iba<br />

cuuatructl io ur Ibe road between Ava<br />

on and Htune Harbor.<br />

Mr. Massey apoke In favor ot cask-<br />

ng so eflon to bave Iba pahllo schools<br />

or Philadelphia continue I heir sum-<br />

mer vacations a weak or ten days<br />

longer.<br />

Tbe uexl meetlog of Iba chamber<br />

«lll be beld al Wlldwood Friday,<br />

October Ih.<br />




Two Taxpayer* Olre<br />

Views oa QacaiJoa Now<br />

Ajtf fating IXK*1 People.<br />

c iba roaaore that tba ctty<br />

oot bava (raw cooceru to Iba<br />

pavllloo 00 Iba Boardwalk<br />

ocxt aaaeoa, tba BcrTuu baa re-<br />

i in<br />

calved tba followlna<br />

ooa from I. J. Bet,<br />

al I otveratty<br />

osd<br />

ma Keco Haul raraala wrorrted<br />

(««- asvaral Dsiya.<br />

Miss Margaret V. Keen. 13-yesrold<br />

daughter of Mr. aod Mra. Harry B<br />

Keen, or LsnaJowne. wbo disap-<br />

peared from ber parenta' cottage, laid<br />

Anbury avenue. Mooday afttroooo of<br />

a*l week, was fouud at tbe borne of a<br />

Temlly Darned Klslay. living on Zlou<br />

road, uear Northfltid. ooBsturday.<br />

Tbe story of ber etraoge ataence ap-<br />

peared In Philadelphia and other pa-<br />

pers Saturday moroUig.and a roam ber<br />

of ibe Kuley family decided Ibal tba<br />

girl Ibat came to tbeir boose a few<br />

days before, lucking for work, waa<br />

Miss Keen.<br />

Tbey Ulepbooed Chlefof Folkn tVull<br />

bere aud be notined Mrs. Keeo, wbo<br />

went in N'urthoekl aod brought ibe<br />

girl borne. No causa for ber actlou<br />

was known, ber pareote aald.<br />

Mr Keen U secretary of Ibe Globe<br />

Ticket Company, wltb offloes la Hbll-<br />

adelphla-<br />


Qilik Work w«as> CVatss t>v B>ollc«<br />

o«-rtilac^e». "-<br />

Willlsm J. Jones, a buslr.esa man<br />

at \rz> Cbestuut *lr**t, Pbilsdalpbla,<br />

and a colleger at -WO Allantlc avonoo.<br />

drova lo tba Boardwalk In bis auto<br />

Thursday evening and left bla machine<br />

at lue root of ejoorlyo lerraoe.<br />

Wbei> be started lo retard borne<br />

about 10 o'clock, bla macblne waa<br />

colsslug.<br />

Tbe police were nollded, and early<br />

Friday morning tba auto waa found<br />

lu itood coudltloa oa Tweoiletb street<br />

by Pulicemau Jnbnaoo.<br />

Paannylvanka<br />

resident of Ocaan City:<br />

TUB Uomnsx:— Ii la to ba<br />

einowely bopad tna4 toa rumoe- tbat<br />

Ocaan CUy la In ba dspttvad of two<br />

daily coo certs by Iba raonkcipsj tand<br />

baa ao foaodstsoo la Cacjt. Froca tba<br />

Urn crowds wbvb Marary afUTaooo<br />

and a-veolDg cotKart ara Ibrooglog toa<br />

moisto pavllloo to He capacity aad ara<br />

occupjUlg every avallsJtie aaat of tba<br />

haocoea outsada, aod oflao wttb bao-<br />

drads atandlng. II iiaini nliini imt<br />

tba cftty oan til aflncd to abaodoo ttia<br />

meat ait-ratio* of tu free eourtae of<br />

dlrarsioo frocn which aoe& a tarre<br />

of people ara deriving ao<br />

rnacb ctnotoa pi Maura. Tbeta ara<br />

people artel good peopla, Toa-^wbo<br />

cocoa to Ooaan Ctty tat a raw), bat<br />

whila bera wtsh to enjoy soeae fctjlll-<br />

ouus dlvansooa. Bat as Ibia ctly la<br />

not offering a graai varM* of lbs lal-<br />

tev tbay Bad tba place dull and ao oot<br />

ura. I know of ae-vera! aocb cases.<br />

How If tba larre u urn baa- of vstUors<br />

who ara dartvlnf ao mocb plaaaora<br />

and daltgtvt froca Iba cooonta aaould<br />

ba deprived of tn* prtvllagav aocaa of<br />

might nod a place wnlcb oOan<br />

caora attract Inns than Ooaan Ctly does.<br />

And U wUI ba bard lo aabattlota an<br />

tunaami-DI or dlvermtoa aa eirrailng<br />

nd MLmalsiing. ao free of Bumanary<br />

eovtroomaots, as lhaaa municipal con-<br />

rtaara. It U tbaabaaocaof tbamer-<br />

caoary aplrit, tbat tba concerts ara oot<br />

but ara paid for by all tba people,<br />

Ibax evldaio tbedtgotty of Iba eejuv-<br />

t. I nt'l'IuUffn* a a manlcipal<br />

bands, with otbare Ilka pahllo ecbooU.<br />

flra p-rotecUoo, ate-, la wbtcb wa all<br />

ve an ownership, which hstrxig lo<br />

ail uf us, hava mada us iba happiest<br />

aud DM lodepeodeut people oa the<br />

-c* of Iba earth.<br />

TUera U aootbar point wbicb abould<br />

not t>a ovanlookad. For many pwopta<br />

wbo coake Oceau City Ihsir pwrccu><br />

neut residence—I dfcalika local) Ibaco<br />

atlvesv—Juai as mucb as I dleJlke<br />

been lo call as, who come bera foe- tba<br />

aumener. foreignsra—aod for ihijaa<br />

comlna bera rrom email towns, (ha<br />

muolcTpal hand affords Ibeca Ibe ooly<br />

ppartunuy lo listen to good music<br />

3-ulside of churcb. mualc Frum my<br />

obeervaltoo, Ibey abow aa<br />

much eajiruaew to bear the cousio as<br />

any of tba rammir gussl», and I am<br />

• urs tnat tbey woold f«! keeuly Ibe<br />

Uck of U.<br />

Now a word about Ibepreseot tend,<br />

gb praise cannot ba bestowed<br />

poo Mr. Hsrrtsuo aud each aod<br />

»sry msmbar of ibe bsx>d fur Ibe ex-<br />

cellent way lo wbicb Ibey have dis-<br />

charged Ibeir duly lowarda ibe public<br />

Jdr. Harrtsoo has r>o( ooly band ed<br />

be stlaaJloo wttb abJIUy and aklll<br />

frocn a lecbnlcmJ point -but be baa pot<br />

htcaseif In Inlellactail companladsnlp<br />

with bis bearers. Tueratber wub ibe<br />

loputar tuoea, ba bas given oaeiacb<br />

sxaJ^Mia of Iba base *-*fl—.i**if tsaalc by<br />

wblch bb» efitlra aodstoca rsost bava<br />

beoedied. He has bslped tn lo-<br />

:reasa to ail of us, 1 am sara, a taste<br />

tor and ao appreciation uf good music.<br />

It is an lnsplratio many olbera, thai ha baa aoooo*<br />

Itshdd U aJI la apUe of tba Knsll<br />

leans at his disposal, tbe alia of Ibe<br />

band and Ihe unfavorable physical eo-<br />

Iroameota. He bas perfected a band<br />

n wbicb we all aboald like a Just<br />

prada. and lo casks Ua eooltnrnoce<br />

ibis abould be the porpuaa of Ibe<br />

united and uotirtog efforts of each<br />

tweryooe wbo bas tba bast ID-<br />

of Ooaan CUy al baart.<br />

Very ttaca-rajy yoora,<br />

" I. J. BCHWATT.<br />

Eutrou Till: rAuanaiu.: — Bome-<br />

wbera In history U says Ibat "music<br />

bath charms to aootha Iba aavage<br />

breaat." I doal mean b/ tbat wa are<br />

.11 aavages because wa want mualc,<br />

butall aeaanora reaorie tba world over<br />

alartns bava bad music and aJwaya<br />

111.<br />

Ttw radlanl raooobe&ms and Ibe lull<br />

ut Iba leatlasa ooaaa or tbe aalt eea air<br />

exert an luEUftaocw or spell over cnao<br />

kind In gaocsal. wbetber beatben ot<br />

Christian oot bo rets of over anxiety aboot<br />

oor music are but a oaturai result uf a<br />

mocb wroogbt up and exhauMed<br />

'allty at the end of a atreouous aeasoo.<br />

All Iba tnhabttanla of tba eartti love<br />

uiualc. Including* tba btrda, reptiles,<br />

auimal and mankind. All history !»<br />

replete wlib It. It mu be. We must<br />

bave It. and tboaa wbo follow us will<br />

ave Ii.<br />

Wbeo a relaxation period called va-<br />

cmllon comes after tha srduous duties<br />

uf lifVs work, U ta musio Ibal arts like<br />

a cbarco—aad Iba larsjvr Iba baud Ibe<br />

more It Is apprectai-ed. *<br />

Iu war, lo peaca. In pleasure. In wor-<br />

ship, tba Dl£btlugale or mock lug bird<br />

oflbe-Boathland. or tbe "tocn-lom" of<br />

tba beatben warrior—eacb aod<br />

have ibeir affect. . I<br />

Oh, yes! Harrfsou'a Band at Ocean<br />

CUy. What doea It cost? Wby. laws<br />

Iban Iwo cents apiece for each listener<br />

And will we contlnoe to bave abandT<br />

Bora Inlng. Tbw ouly question H<br />

wbetber It will coat more money or<br />

as. , •<br />

Tbe music can ba fed to tba llauoera<br />

DOW tor leas Iban two oeota aach, and<br />

If we spend more money we can<br />

more, I figure tt oo tba basis Ibat Ihe<br />

mask) pavilion, built and owoad by<br />

Del iiae> avenilae-.<br />

Before you return to yoor winter<br />

bomes, tboaa of you who a re Interested<br />

In ttcaao CUy aod Its afleire abould<br />

subscrtbo for tba HJurnitaX. It will be<br />

Ilka aa entertaining weakly letter from<br />

a friend. Tba HKKTINEX. oootalae aaeb<br />

week all tbe legal advertisements of<br />

Ibe city. Bmp at the offlca, 1H Aabory<br />

avauue. or drop a postal card, and tba<br />

HMTIMEX will I* mailed 10 tbe ad<br />

dress glveo.<br />

WsMlsbi •rra-MaaaalaWsw.<br />

John B a roves will oppose Free-<br />

bolder Jobn P. Fux for Ibeoffloe of<br />

freeholder In tba First Ward at tba<br />

coming Republican primaries. Mr.<br />

Fox baa mada a moat e-fflcleol ofll<<br />

for many yaare, and alerts mocb In-<br />

flueocw fo tba board. B W.Kdwards,<br />

of tba Becood Ward, will not ba a can<br />

dldata for ra-slectlon, Jobn B Town<br />

Mod and H B. Bw«a ara aandidataa.<br />

Coonly Fair oa Bepl. D, 10 aod II. at<br />

Cape May Cbort Hoot*. Bead advac<br />

llaamaai eleawb«ra lu tbla taaoa. ad'<br />

FOB HAIJJ — Piano. In agealtant coo-<br />

dUloul •ISO. Apply W.. Bsumitiu.<br />

ortlce adv. 9 8, if<br />



#37,000 Kcqalrcd to Pay Por-<br />

tion of No tea - and Itn-<br />

trforcinent CcttiflcAtca.<br />

Tba octHnaacw providing tot a fund<br />

ig bond Issusof tmOOO waa passed<br />

00 Boai reading by Iba CUy Commie-<br />

saooareal Ibsir weekly meailog.<br />

it bailof beeo f jtiwl luat Iba Im<br />

ifmilawwli uuder roaUact No. tut<br />

bava coaj» Jiaaa, It waa raeolvsd lhal<br />

Ih* proper offloars ba Instructed lo exa<br />

cula Improvrmtot ceniacataa fat Iba<br />

sjoooot of Iba cost- Tba csttiacatea<br />

ara to bear dale o* Beptember 1&, 1D1J.<br />

Tbey are lo ba of Ibe deooojluailoa of<br />

|o00, wUb Ibaeircplkia of one. wbicb<br />

I* to ba for IJIasa. They ara la be pay.<br />

able any IIOJS within fWs jears aud<br />

mi Intereat al the rale or 6J per «nt,<br />

iraoaum. ^<br />

A simlUr rrsalullon bearing on Itn-<br />

proraaueala under oootract No. Ct<br />

whkcrh coat Vt.lM St. was adopted<br />

Tba fallowlug resolution al>o was<br />

adapted:<br />

Ball<br />

Baaolved by lha Board of <strong>On</strong>mml*-<br />

MUCs of Ocaao Ctty, tost lbs land<br />

Ivlng between mghtaoath ctratt aud<br />

Twenly-Dflh atreai, and Bay aveuue<br />

and Beach Tborofara, tn tba city of<br />

>cwan City. Capa May County. New<br />

laney. aa delloeaied In lots and Iba<br />

road also delineated by . Otr*«t and K«v-«n Avtnu*<br />

OCIAM crrv. M. J.<br />

Moulding BoUdiag Pipe, PUttag PocrtT. Wii^B-th Weljto,<br />

•tc P1l>wl<br />

THEST.<br />

Tff IDLEWIU<br />

OPKjr ALL TBAK'<br />

HoorUrn Terrace<br />

UstwsasKlcblkaae)<br />

UioaisdOaaaUaak<br />

' HBW.J.K.<br />

'.• .-...I<br />

T1EPAHC<br />

Oanatata Brtaet aaa (<br />

! Y>.<br />

mmUUWTI11 • • «

asaraedteUM<br />

«*• Iba world of<br />

•aid thai be<br />

TaWy wants<br />

M ta Iba Saab. Greece<br />

1<br />

1 E<br />

ba^eaim 1*1. aad Jean*<br />

•at walk tba earth ta tb*<br />

atAtint wan pro**-<br />

rpa t*» Jaw lab post*, worafclp.<br />

wltb tba crowd*<br />

a, bad beard Ha.<br />

• efeaenya<br />

to>hllrp,ai<br />

Tbty wooM aa*<br />

aaealwaye<br />

kJtaAwaaaaaoaof the nal<br />

lba taaaintyof •<br />

lalbt<br />

• of Ham. he drawo<br />

>wttb Hie. aad<br />

• JWity,tb*t abandant IM.<br />

: aat-fUla, la fitoitamkm. detitxsd<br />

tawsiaaawiriairbawaVCSaootaaUatyib*<br />

i aat feat God. who<br />

Ha wbotaxh<br />

*•*• ttw Saw bath aaaa tba Falbe*<br />

•^aaaavBaa* •**,(«*• I wiU coaaa awl<br />

tb*<br />

of<br />

oftb* Lord, ail wbo<br />

bi tzatk aad atoeeUty.<br />

•• tba r""»—"-—<br />

tbty bave aaao the Lead<br />

HaaWty wailB wttb the**.<br />

•atOod—<br />

Ibvtfattaal apf^abaoded fry tbe<br />

~ ' heart and<br />

.1 -V. .<br />

an pot tarn turn tb*<br />

Ittoasv, bare not yet teen<br />

_t»w*TJ aad to do their Lord".<br />

Aad, Iboe tbey fall to<br />

Iba wort*, tb*<br />

boar of worship<br />

of tbteetty. for-<br />

Tbeptmav<br />

F.Mitch, epoka<br />

» oo tb*<br />

ar. ML<br />

I of tb* Lord'. 8op-<br />

.,_ psOetlng. In wbleh<br />

tawBaw. Oav WUbw aad Mi. McKts-<br />

^s*^weaJ*#T WaTaTa*.waw crowded and<br />

t*k»*»ia|fciy «n)cr*wX. Masy kind word*<br />

um eafaw lellj<br />

of Mia* Loctse.<br />

aRy. wbo reoarnd<br />

ATawatftaaa a** apadal<br />

fit Weatb piiirawarl tbe coo-<br />

•BtbaaBtJaet -Tba Plaoeof<br />

Ltfa," n^**a; a* hi*<br />

**Btz day* ehalt I boo<br />

doaUthyerork."<br />

ofhktwmsoo be<br />

• » vaty Imporfnl piwaa,<br />

t.*ajpnrrapt place In tbe<br />

.Tba Man who ba* DO<br />

*im/4 WX-WMO. wholesome, profit-<br />

rasanial bar* tbe love of<br />

•sAasaswavawOod waa a worker.<br />

If m MBM posaeaa tb* foil »igo» of<br />

•*, .from «t aoeseJMwi *» an ab»olate<br />

oy people sr* **ck<br />

llebapao** tbtyanraxy. loao-<br />

rofdaatb. Wean<br />

nenaUoo la<br />

r a new form of<br />

tweeboee tbapiao*<br />

> ate.-all art mty—work, IT<br />

wot* tueta morality.<br />

" wbo sataejot) and keeps It<br />

ta'f'-.-<br />

Tba happy<br />

at work to tba<br />

•rakap, and tba woman kaapioc<br />

people are vary food<br />

tba work«fa<br />

ttftawaartav .Tba lawyer*, pwebtra.<br />

lfc> •>i»aa»af *a >»ip ub» Maatat<br />

I ili dl<br />

> greatly oaagwtea at<br />

«a-saliU<br />

tbta b^lp wa ua vrry ibaoktel bMtaad."<br />

& B. laoa«7 aad Wtta, Mn. DL<br />

crral. kUa A. Xrrata, A. K. Mutto<br />

. klim O«M Wailoa. itll<br />

urinm<br />

Oatos, Badatf<br />

waX<strong>On</strong>rt»Ztod«J. UupM<br />

H. B. CaMtdj. Tbocua<br />

!>. V. Ooo*oo,<br />

B- Drrtr. rUlbolo* P. Dr*ar. PtUI«-<br />

dfipbla.<br />

WTOMIKO.<br />

B. J. PaUaa* mat wtla. J. W. Caw-<br />

y aod wlf*. Edvard Mantia* aod<br />

allj. Mr> B. H. Jacoca. Mr*. H. J<br />

Wtatt. John U. Caatj aixJ wUc. V. A<br />

Pblladalpblas M.<br />

aid aad wit*. BaMlaxw.<br />

THE LACIU.<br />

Ann* B. KarboU, Mr*. Cnaitca Kcb-<br />

lar. E. •<br />

Haory Bawoo. Bertha Bleam. Wecd-<br />

bory; B. T. Edfar. B. L. Coie. Mcorea-<br />

lown.<br />

Jo*-T. Ad*. B. T. Manoal, Barnard<br />

MeCordy aod wtf*. Waa. J. Johnatoa<br />

Heiaoa-OXBiry. C Wlndaecfa. W. B<br />

Davis, Anna O. Pwrkto*. Mal*te B.<br />

WrsXht, M. r». Tboeaa*. WUUaaa Heo-<br />

•on aod wtf*. Frank HaxMoo.Cbarla*<br />

B. Oootrt, Chandler Burp**- Chart**<br />

Burpee. H. Dobrlaav PblJadalDbta<br />

Katbertoe Futtoo. Ireo* Fultoo, YVli<br />

mlogtoo.<br />

CttaUXLBTK.<br />

^•-thartr.- Dufl. Mr*, Daniel Duff, K.<br />

P. B«*cay. Tbovaaa, Cessxtq^nd and wlfa,<br />

WUliam Clark and family, K. Myen.<br />

Margaret Mayer. Marl* E. Wetnart<br />

E. J. W*wart and wtf*. Betty Bard*'<br />

ley. DsnJwi B, L*ory and. wtfa. Fblllp<br />

Cook, W. L. Llpptncoti and w<br />

Philadelphia; J. E. BUn*. T. Mather,<br />

Tyrone; Patrick Barry. Josepb Osier,<br />

VawYork.<br />

ST. OEUBUK.<br />

Was. E. Martin. KiteB. Maul*,<br />

U Ofdaa, Howard Oxdea and wife.<br />

darts* mailman. Cbaw. R*wves and<br />

fa. Mrs. il. PyU. EmU Wa|<br />

Looiaa VVasnea, Oao. L. Acdao aod<br />

IX*. PbUadalpblai H. K. Carllal* aod<br />

wtf*. Marion Monteoo, K. Morrtaoo<br />

Moan, Cha*. B. tSlaoffar and sUX*<br />

Beyettown; Warren E. Eogle and<br />

>Hs. Boyaratord.<br />

E. J. WaUr aod wlfa. B.T. L*wl».<br />

Bofaart M. Olbb. H*leo C. Heotor. PhU-<br />

adalphla; /ohn M. Chaa**suaO. Artbor<br />

kar. William Boeder. Bridgeport;<br />

W. E. WUUaasaaod wife. W. 8. Piper<br />

aod wife. Jane Piper. Ueorge Uourley.<br />

awtUactaa. D-O.-.aUokUobrrg and<br />

wtfa, Joho W. Glbb. E. A. Ulbb. Vir-<br />

Oa Glbb. ffaddop Height*; Orlaod<br />

H. Hality. C«mdeo.<br />

Mra. K. B. Foaur, Daana Poster.<br />

Catbarlaallojrdar, KlUabatb Jaekaon,<br />

Uatao DarUato. B. B. Wallace. B, J.<br />

aaaa, A. F. Balsa aad famUj,<br />

Okarlaa Cbloard aod w«a, Uaoa fol-<br />

d, Klaaoor Valebtd. Fred Bieiocr.<br />

tfotmmt) Halm, FliUadalpbla; Cora<br />

HhT N K F M<br />

, p ;<br />

Newport. Ky: Fwari Mor-<br />

rta, Traotaa; O. F. OOarbaeb. AUeo-<br />

lowo; Mafy U. Votmoo, Oceao Utty.<br />

^ ) BradJay. Jobo K. WUioa<br />

aad atlfc. nnaalrl b*lo. O. C. Brooke.<br />

Joiapb Jiatbaway. Kdoa V- Bablar.<br />

Aivto Kaaalrr. Mary KoaaJa^ tertd<br />

V. Marviaa. earttad* a,Ua«aid, Htu<br />

daal C. Laawr, O. M. Bautb aad trlat.<br />

14a lleiMia. Han U. Dan. Uawaaa<br />

•TaUa, la> Water. Oepraa & BbaUey.<br />

U Taaac Mary Bawlaa-aid.<br />

MeKNMeo aod<br />

wife. K. V. ttomom, Walter F. B*l<br />

lloger. Pblladalphla; E O. Boblnaoo<br />

and wUe. UeorteM. Miller and f.mlly<br />

WUmlngtoo; M «. Brook* aod wife.<br />

Jersey Ctty; Laooore PtqueU. Belll-<br />

ajore; Bobert H. McCreckeo and wtte,<br />

Cyowyd; Blcbard W. Tull and wife,<br />

Kranktord, J. O, Fleck aod wife. Wil-<br />

1 M- Alleo, Bela; William Ltlley<br />

aod wtte. M«rarthuior»; C. E. Calverl<br />

aod wife, Toronto, Canada; Ed(ar Llp-<br />

plncoU aod wUe. Blvertoo; Marry A.<br />

(Mouoo, Narbertb^'barlce Hoover *nd<br />

wife. Hcrantoo.<br />


Tba followlna; have beeo appointed<br />

•samberso/ Ibe election board* lo ibla<br />

ctry:<br />

First Ward—Bepablteaaa—J • • * a<br />

tMapbaaaoo aod Hotoare Young.<br />

, Dasnocrata—JUJtber U Wallaea aad<br />

Jobo B« Cbrjatlao.<br />

Heooad Ward—BepubUcaa*—Verooo<br />

Carleoa aod Wllltaro Cbadwick.<br />

Uemocrate—Uaorga W. Nickeraoo.<br />

1917; aod Edward A. Bourgfol*.<br />


Candidate for Nomination at<br />

Primary Election<br />

September 2H, 1915<br />


Mr. Taylor U the only candidate<br />

for Assembly on the Democratic<br />

Ticket this year. Party banoooy<br />

l moch in nidmcc, it seems. He<br />

identified with several organiza-<br />

tions in bis home city; among tH«-m<br />

are the Voang Men's Progiaaire<br />

League. Democratic Club; director<br />

in the Home B. and L. Associa-<br />

tion, having been elected for a 3-<br />

year-tertn. He is MTving his second<br />

eolistemrat in tic Third Regiment.<br />

ii. G. N. J., in Company G, ot<br />

Ocean City. His finU enlistment<br />

a with Co. F, same regiment.<br />

He is Vice President of the Ocean<br />

City Military dub, the holding<br />

company far Co. G's Armory, and<br />

a stockholder in the Club. By pro-<br />

fession he is a Pharmacist and A<br />

Graduate of the Philadelphia Col-<br />

lege of Pharmacy, the oedest and<br />

best College, in America. Hu.<br />

place of bttsinesA is at the corner of<br />

Eleventh Street and Astory Avc<br />

nor. His party believes that he in<br />

capable of serving it. and also<br />

that, if elected, he woald faith-<br />

fully represent all the people. He<br />

has many friends and several<br />

nemies.<br />

Paid, tai by Howard D. Taylor.<br />

For Slate Senator<br />

V Tsas mruata strast Owas I<br />

i i lit lailil-traaeaaf Osaumi tnHtui•<br />

traattsjuiiltai lrrlra«<br />

"IUM *D4 czs**ita«t ot Lba .Lraslv .r««o<br />

^oi bl*b«sra I* OoaaA Oly." tMnjvi<br />

rT. u*7. Tbal ail «asaas I rajt* at<br />

NOTICE<br />

of Registry and Election.<br />

ttiatl ItM Boavrd o* •*«mi/v<br />



Worlu> for Cape May County.<br />

Primaries. Tuesday, September j<br />

Balooga to Cape May County.<br />

Bora in Lower Township, Au-<br />

gnst 22, ih6,H. Graduated from<br />

Cape May Public School in 1 HHy,<br />

learned trade of printer in Cape<br />

May Wave omce, worked in day<br />

time and studied at night to enter<br />

Princeton College 1889; student ot<br />

Metropolitan Law School (part of<br />

New York University), in 1893; ad-<br />

mitted 10 the New Jersey Bar in<br />

1898; served in Cape May City<br />

Council, 1892 to 1895: President of<br />

Council, 1894; author of "History<br />

of the Connty of Cape May:"<br />

published and edited Cape May<br />

Herald from 190] to 1912; Member<br />

of Assembly in 1914 and 1915.<br />

Stands for and has had passed<br />

laws for the benefit of seaside re-<br />

sorts; for economy in State Govern-<br />

ment; and for an armory at Ocean<br />

City. For laws which will bring<br />

prosperity to business.<br />

Tbued«erll*emeatlo*eftedby LewU<br />

T. Bieveu*. 8!<br />

*X*U«aM**> ••> «3ia»er.<br />

JSommct |b« f»e#ab*r* of in* Occao<br />

Ctly Yacht .Clob hsr* com posed a<br />

•OOC which.they b*y# drdacalsd to<br />

•Charley" Ulasvr, secretary of Iheie- 1<br />

gstta commute*. It I* aaog to Ibe'<br />

equate of •HJroeelng the Bar." Tbe<br />

op by TBBO" Wood,<br />

•ad «xoa albar* efter<br />

MUlfpaogb bad told them<br />

of hi* *jpari«ofr to a boaJ oo to* bay<br />

tJlaaac aa hi* ln*lrnctor In<br />

•lllaWaiw»»a»n»n*T. Cbpc<br />

Glaser aaya be"* the "goat."<br />

U> U«. aouoa ta b**«A7 ftrs<br />

anlof a< ' — "<br />

rry rwrUoo<br />


Cocnty or Cap* May, State of<br />

New/ Jersey.<br />

ami BMSI<br />

Tuesday. September iB. igtj.<br />

*A ia» bow/ o* aaras nt o'cJocfe a.<br />

raaio lo aiaal utj UO4JU nlMd<br />

rtrAlar lot Lo. pcLrpcaa or ra-<br />

rac-loe* Lba rscWars ud ar<br />

U»ria»K all prraooa rsUI<br />

olHSV»|» la IM maMlt« s«aritnio datr<br />

ct lb. oa>l cv>«rsi aiacuoe wbo obeli •<br />

bajortl j *t I ba bt<br />

. . volr La Lb I «^sr<br />

dattrfcrt ai Lb. bait • i»t• too taianta-or<br />

' b. abows err Lb* arrvia* tfflai'B .<br />

la I<br />

•UWWl<br />

>MO fn fp|wl j**wj*a*>wwa Qf OCsswVO OlaJ frjaf<br />

of lb. report of lba Cocn-<br />

miarooara of<br />

. * A r4i**o> to tspslr *Ad<br />

oballd errtaln lUmlb la UM CU» ot<br />

<strong>On</strong>»D CUT." adocMal Marea u>. It., p. F.*Jo*.<br />

$50.00 Reward.<br />

fAr oolUn wlij b* p*ld lo UJOM wbo<br />

Mill rD'ot>t> lor >rm«lloo t£al wUI tan l U<br />

m«on vdoiMivl«Uoo of MJOM wbo<br />

v**. IIIIIIIIH or lo sajr rmnntr lot-r-<br />

wito UM pr of sboul UlM,<br />

o rood snows a* WoodVkBd RosdCp* M<br />

O l aU J tat<br />


for Member of State<br />

Senate from Cape May County, |<br />

K«w K<br />

to rood snows a* Woo<br />

Oocujljr. aUv J nsrt s<br />

iescra DMnr<br />

f sboul UlM,<br />

Rosd.Csp* May<br />

nln*; -•—• »<br />

1 hj» adaartlaamaot paid lor br l-almar M.<br />

Way. Wlldwood. B. /7c«aip*X»o inana«*r<br />

. AdvextiBe in the<br />

I 8ENTINEI,<br />

"^K TOUR eyes will oaffcr a great deal anlats the light by which yoa read<br />

jy is scientifically plactd. ThLo in pxrtirulaily true of the eyes of chil-<br />

dren, which are often ruined by hoara of stndy under bad light con-<br />

dition a. Electric Light will sol re this problem and maVc stndy and read-<br />

ing a pi entire because the light* can be adj anted to any position and changed<br />

in a cecond to unit any condition. Oar representative will explain.<br />

Ocean City Electric Service<br />


» TUB frlATCMLESi LKjrfT "<br />



A o orvt I D**-raf» lo «r»**t, oonaitro^t<br />

A o o ,<br />

tHU« In tarO^r to prua>art Ua* r«waft» Oiaol<br />

Ur ma Clkj, CUya> Mtjr O-oaly. >•« J*r**rr.<br />

Ttaa> UuavrU o4 «J**aafm*—i ajaaW oaf Uv* ClLj<br />

HttrUoo 1. Tt-tu In o*nWtr to<br />

bamaTta OT OMU frX-Ol Oaf Un*M<br />

MiiM -tti-Vjl tatt *aT«>tt*mlt<br />

ill At U*~> >or>4 oat ft'OaTtr 1<br />

C~lLT.a<br />

U<br />

. Now<br />

Ft fly -<br />

i<br />

lo<br />

c»arlo at a. uJol la<br />

Oly. wt>W> txUnl U 1H r«4 ftcjaaUt-<br />

frijcntl»a**outl>atirt»a-ly 11 aa^oaT Cam I r» t<br />

aitMo amid Ua* Ladrmam aA rtcbt-vafiU*<br />

d<br />

Ltvt* pniat UJ a<br />

JV| l U C a<br />

iU* *-V*J C*» 14T-J k1v»O(>t0UM no-<br />

r tit*- otf H41<br />

ta&laolo ilw> t>rU>wrmm,»rty li£M» ot<br />

L f t e L 4 UU<br />

, p<br />

Lg «t»l4 oacUar IUM r-rn 111 n11 rri r Ulnw-<br />

oo t>> a> pojot t>rk^ar tta» ordlnawr btft. vaUf<br />

llr>* nafir>a •lUrnllr laraain AU oaf ^LM >^44Jjtwi<br />

Dtk d Ihttamr U> bw «TT*fiad. rOoo-<br />

aa<br />

kM oaf o o<br />

K«artk]O t- Ts>«Vl to* Uka> pqjpQaa> OaJ<br />

p«XMa> of UM<br />

f kdlof *af «*id > .<br />

J ellT o/ Ur>«£ ClljT abaJl b-> U-vond la<br />

/ U IJ 3 t<br />


Ufc- 00 Ccotx&l A.-t-no*. from Sixth lo Bi^tllh UrwU, for •ttic, rery<br />

Furtiislksnl coiiAft oo C*mlT-U «rcan " ~* * - - -<br />

with CaVn-cc. ody IVJJX-. Kiirciivtwxl ctrttaLjc* '<br />

ooJy ^«a*«>>. Fornla^hcal cotlAjjc oo Fiith -Utn, «M/U<br />

00 Aih-xry tHDUf, octu HcfcaLh tlrtrt, oalj |^yx».<br />

Ftrc coilAffc* oo CcoLrtJ A.tncK, from Sixth lo Rijih Urwu, for •ttic, rery<br />

M, aborv Pooxth •trvct, kK 401100,<br />

tf. *Jy Ivy^Ck KujmlaiMxl ca*ltJLJ£* °*> CcotTaU Artanc, al» aflat! O* cVa»lx<br />

a* lo<br />

aJxJ a*od bncad*, ILa roopo«« auvl li***<br />

i b f J U> UU bf<br />

I to* ta a**cii toctoaaa. U>*> AVckvM cj C'«*-<br />

mIf r-T^M** aijAJl br raaau4atiou MbtUe U*aVl<br />

uiict-«»t> at tlW rmx*> l bartox lo U*a boro*Ot*-A*w> |^3) toa>« lf> • roTTMT<br />

of lot nnmTnrfifli tn irnnf nnih^n *n<br />

b4ixlia« by «mj>d UM ooa butvlrtKl tu*d<br />

Lb*» puts 0/ bataolax.<br />

TtM propwrty wflu b« sold -objert lot. and<br />

Br>ort4*c» OO wbtcb Uteyrv U do** lla« autii of<br />

Ca*7, wltb inieTTewU Cnxn Janaafy j. t»4*, atLvd<br />

•ti-o -»ab+*wct 10 wixa Ituiowtxu le>k««vj<br />

r"o# tkk» amotiat'<br />

from Uaxwtnt-W H.<br />

ror lba* irckur tots «ux>o«•*• UH4 uxxwolliitjr lotJe^n. wrtlb<br />

loletv-. (>oc> iiaKaxmber IX I*ML, U>«»(-brr<br />

•0 tbta-rj t ft f «j*» mnKMi n u.<br />

—•—'. Ha* llrtb tub) d»y oTOct»o-T.<br />

A ItfU.<br />

luinjo "Bosd Itnprovcaccl<br />

mX Doc taai ta*i» ear.<br />

luda tor ail or Jtapul UenotiUlbaneu<br />

UM.<br />

most to* |x*Mut«d lo Vfil'Df m^a<br />

or cv l)O«d rtuck d4<br />

10 t«o lipaf c«s(.) t « r o l r th<br />

of u» bM.<br />

IW<br />

*r» O»U«) Oclour I. IKU.<br />

aeaOAloslloa* of ooalhoomvi illiXOO<br />

solisra caeii. toemr Iour«r4 *t Ut* r»U o/ a%<br />

l& uu.) ptr oval, per (ooaai,<br />

ua*ifr. soa lb« t l j<br />

da* SA4 pajr^M* Ullffr<br />

JLccramd laUrml to b*> paid by ib* pu*<br />

By octUr o/ to* BotutS.<br />

fUANK W. " "<br />

U-Lasd 4<br />

»--t OL, IT.<br />

Cap* May Gouty Clrtnlt Caart<br />

WlltUn U. Ktennaoo. I XoUoa.<br />

KoUn U barabjr rlno Iba* s Writ or Al-<br />

Hfhmcl mX Iba «olt of T- H. Joboaoo Mooa<br />

<br />

sadlaoataaau of WlUtam U m<br />

l<br />

mnu o# ^llittun U. H..v«o-oo, «<br />

rtao. awMor, t-f .Ha> MIID of rjJUOO.<br />

al of It-* C-U-- M«y Coontr CtrctUt<br />

Oo«»nfoo UM Uibd*jrof Ap-rU, inKrwtiixa-<br />

«bl* os tbm »*J. dmyof A^l,iu\baal»ia<br />

•ttrvttd pjjd 4al» «m««alad, tu»d wiu. r*»torMd<br />

oolJtettattwafM Apr.Ciil^lajrUwiltertll'ii/<br />

tu-* Oaaai/ ol Ow MAJ.<br />

IMlavtJAtl«D«ni^ltUaV.<br />

AUm A. Uowexl, Atloroay.<br />

T TAVR you a cottage, bungalow or apart-<br />

* * ment to furnish? We have a line of<br />

furniture at less than Philadelphia prices.<br />

It will pay you to call and see our stock be-<br />

fore buying elsewhere.<br />

Window shades a specialty.<br />

Chas. E. Adams & Bro.<br />

720-22 Asbury Avc.<br />


ESTATE'<br />

Ordinance No. 74<br />

...Ha-<br />


OceAn City Sentinel<br />

OOCAN OITV. M. «i.<br />


J^O P*» Year. atricUr la<br />

HAND,<br />

ATTORNEY and<br />


ura Bui ceciar BMU, •. j.<br />

W. MJOeV* AVOAJV AJt->««V C BOwTwIKU.<br />


Apgar & Boawell.<br />

aouBxj; HUUAIIHO,<br />


UCUK CITY. m. J.<br />


(Mrtj, GiddiQ# & Rttd<br />

QartUOAM* a«Lbf>rtliOC Iba I—aJ&Oaof<br />

of DOWD LMy. »«* Jorwo-j, to iba a«-<br />

aartatlpau •am of ^CXDUO} fcjr lba<br />

f i<br />

tm pro-a<br />

U* pro-vkdle^<br />

paJ a-o-i toKiraa* of<br />

tear l^a« Mj<br />

aaJa tnr<br />

li*U4 o* M*U Q rtljr<br />

4..MI<br />

u, tw*<br />

IwUreJ. »1 IM*<br />

April ft, t»H<br />

M.y M. tM*<br />

*4.ky si. l*«*t<br />

JOO»* t*. IMt<br />

July 2«. mi<br />

la, lilt<br />

•Jwwat&bsr P>, rn«<br />

U. t»4«<br />

. iru<br />

r«b*ra*-ry V llu<br />

Mavrcbt. Hii<br />

May ^ ULi<br />

Jcy 7. l»U<br />

A|u»t IT. l»lj<br />

A UaTOaU 17. I »iJ<br />

Ifcoo LU. u* aad u><br />

aarihau t* 1:l1k ^'Pir i: i:<br />

ATt_*.K-rrO CITV. M. J.<br />

l-acckAU^I<br />

Uvfaaad<br />

Ko4La\ (iaLrnLaVOaa, Tfe-sswll |||'<br />

" imlini.Tniiuiii.<br />

Koaiw, -lirT^MI TlK^IH.<br />

Ra4U «d in<br />

[<br />

!M a n-11 ni av<br />

oa dew W/£LbL<br />

soi fnor»a tn miai ihaa<br />

m*T a*<br />

by Law.<br />

«lX*d Lba<br />

b<br />

. ToC-O.<br />

re>«.iac*uc*. 0/ ft&id CUy. >jvf1 erovbdliu fto*r<br />

"'•tWOl *W*. lt>* P«y t^4-Ol O/ Uk* rwitL-.^-l -^4 in "<br />

lU-J-^w .^1 l»*^-M-dpoW4vl->w«ii^u»TJ^<br />

u>d t>o »>#o- U> L* OOM. to bit.* 4-*J>Zi^4»aa»Z-riOll-il<br />

lo »voy I** U*y o# tjrta>«d pcw*a*l*4 Iffipronrnfiu uUMMliy «>o- UM C-ULO eu>d «T-dllc-' i-r..-* ,<br />

'«t^l byuAnofU. l*rn-i|a,tir» of iba ' - ^ ^ ""'* ** °** M (<br />

•wavLo 0/ l-«r« J-M*wy. cnilUttd, "AaAclaa-<br />

ttkt**, loasaa, i>o«>a*vb!<br />

*\ IcaCsroeaoMOl <<br />

o I aod UkarlrlSoKUJ<br />

Lo faJ."a-a*i Hjit4«oapl*-<br />

by taar.a<br />

b<br />

f Ucata<br />

^Cl lrt»»or»4W* to Lb*<br />

H of la* priocfpal a*4 l of UU*<br />

avod U>»1] !».- -vp-<br />

oa* Oasravo CUy IQ<br />

wf bootto bay*<br />

tu>d oaLaxevodio^ %+<br />

Ctty I<br />

by tt*Majo/<br />

ior a<br />

Hald<br />

booctm,'' tUwail b* *7« ID Dato>-<br />

b>tf. aambmd From I lo Hi loclomJvm, o/ tb*t<br />

d>M»o«3liitUhoo ot 1^*00 amtb, citUawd ll*pt*«i.b«r<br />

Qi.BaTmlb. bi^ beswUtXVff l^l-rri--4eU IbV n»O-» OJ<br />

a«*p*Tr CUD 1, pmr eVLvnam. p*>j»tii-»-»ecnl-*Ji-<br />

oaauly 00 lbt> &ft**»alb d*tj<br />

aiT-wmLb day of HapUmbcr, La «»kro |«t/f<br />

•Akd bood»>vVb4Ui bs p*7*vtki« toord-kf •** cam-<br />

batnad. w toUotsm: His booo. o* lb« aitaMLb<br />

datjr of Hefpiatrsbair La ctv pKytvbl* lo »o dooin 0/ Lb« UoUtxltUau,<br />

OaAmtncmor tb* p*r—at taodaird o*t —tjfaj<br />

~~" DMOCWI. or 1U *K]ul*'*si«ot. »t if<br />

of UntsM and taoacK<br />

Oil Clark.<br />

(Vans of Coo poo)<br />

«t«a»ava CUr ltUa tukd TrxuA Cwapaar 0/ aUtUMlaVixl o* wrmLctU<br />

O0.--0 Ctty. tvl OotmA *Tuy, N*«# jWr«*>y. ai-a^alTlMUtrM.<br />

H*Ld boadi eVbaUl bw «*l»^»-ttl*4 oo*«r to*i<br />

oorj>a*ral«<br />

by li<br />

U<br />

* *d er tb*<br />

of ib* ciiv aad ai|o*d<br />

or aivd by La* cLlrariar of tb*<br />

of Urna* d Kl d<br />

aid by La<br />

of Uarrrna*<br />

b<br />

Klo<br />

U*TlaTaJtlU*»Ot Of dlVtOM «Ad s^lOAVAO*, aLLVd ( VPl^V>m ITssl lit OO I~*«H M Off tjVaawladj<br />

aJiaUt ba« booibeftd 10 OOJTVBIpo«>d «ilLb tb*> It !• btnby TnrlWrj lh*vi *vl ibv r«t,t*w»i of<br />

bood to wb-lco ib*y mrm r**pm*tl<br />

mual^p**JorjaTporsXloo of ib* Hiavla* of New<br />

Jamar/. befwoy mxki>o«aMlJXTf. tijfaHf lodsotsd.<br />

s*vd low* Vwvlo* i^cativvd prooilasw] to psj to to*<br />

Uartf, or, II tbU bood b* rc«l*t«x>>d. to Lb*<br />

-•-•---- --• ****lw Uin-<br />

I<br />

±<br />

s.rb^".;". l T^£i'-sisir^iii2s _«^^°»: •'• -r—.«? ->-«. -^ *--»» -<br />

aiwiad ooa<br />

dua, or If tbi-<br />

l<br />

y miina dua, or If tbi- lood<br />

b-s coofiitwi lato a> r«}(l»«*r*cl bood. lolb*<br />

n«Ui«rad h-UJ**- baraol. Uotb prltxrlp*! aad<br />

lolcrvavi of Ibla baud **n» ptyabi* lo »o «I ouio<br />

t>J ib* UQl**4H4*4*aoJ A t f i f (a<br />

of Ibl bau<br />

t>J ib* UQl**4H4*4*a<br />

l i f WMIKBI, ad Oocowaa.<br />

b* Ooomo CtiJ Tllio<br />

of Ooa»a CJl t (k<br />

Of tb* pf-Mol<br />

_•. >*>*#<br />

b*> rwlavwad s*i u><br />

„, LO bb nasif 00 I b*<br />

vws. of tb* ULrtactor of Ovttou* tuvd<br />

(rtosix-*, of Oorao Ctly, *u*d *>oeb rts U<br />

trtUloo »*ajUJ b* t>oi«d borroci. sfl«ar *soicb<br />

DO VaUid tr^oster b**a*eo*f**>bsJl be* BULd* •aowpi<br />

oastOd boa+MxmiUmJUrrmctMtemainjimSmo<br />

b—rcr. '•Mb rwiaOJvJJoo shsli DO* aO-xri tb*<br />

lt«trotv-<br />

lloo** lo p*a*» b» oallvcrry. Ai tb* min*»l of<br />

Lb* boideTT tbbl bOOd WltJ D* COO*«rt*U lotO *•<br />

r*mlmi*rw& bood, aad ib* tsoopoos<br />

rat<br />

bar«Lo ctarba>d aad. *4>d l<br />

boLb Drtacipaj aod lotavcat abail ba<br />

to Lb* r^t*xUr*d boaowr barwof.<br />

TblB bood !• oo* of an laata* ol lit *>fM>f1it<br />

of like Oavl* aad oVraomloAltoo, DuiubvrwS<br />

tfOtu I Lo 1T4. taciaatva, vis of aaid biHy!**. lu<br />

oro*'- o« bambarad, beltuj payaii** oo Lb*<br />

OfUarolb day of M*r/*aib*^ lo -aa-co of Lba.<br />

yavjt. 1-lfl Lo UiX Locioalva, aad «4* of<br />

•aid bood* Dayaol* oo Hapumb r l\ IMV.<br />

t*ao«tl purauaal Co ao met of UM L-sak-Oaloxwi<br />

of tb«KiaU*oi N*» Javavj, •oitiiad. «AB Aot<br />

aolbruimt cUicv Loo L U<br />

of tb«KiaU*oi N*» Javavj, •oitiiad. «AB Aot Tb* tbon Ofdlnanri wa* dsly iMMd om<br />

aolb-ruimt cUicv, Lotaoa. LofSoaUlpa, bor. 11 at aad a r»nn1iaai11«MB.I • uiB«tl«><br />

oo*ba. villas** •*** lmproT*ta-*at ooaaHa- UoanS of City Oo*3MaUa«wioaa»m OBI AaaTO>* •*«<br />

•loo-* lo Ibia rUal* LO ftUMl LUartr Ooaulna-lo l¥l\ anl wn il rtMt ht* ***<br />

* s* •*** lmpr<br />

loo-* lo Ibia rUal* LO ftUMl<br />

d«blartiiia-w aad tbalx tnal<br />

•am or axuaadb<br />

o Ucaaa<br />

n la* aesraeml* ptladp*]<br />

s^autt>cor um purposaof asyina<br />

of cartala noUa sod laprova<br />

eiir<br />

s dur*<br />

UAUUV A. atuuua.<br />

an Advertisement in<br />

theSENTINEI<<br />

MORGAN HAND. Jr.<br />

Engineer And Surwoyor<br />

OCEAN CITV. N. J.<br />

Attention. Cottagers<br />

ot jour co*Ug:«<br />

Ttui* U • first-CUM Cmahooic riUMUinnnl. oa M»ta (Uvar*<br />

. at Ocxan Htl^hu, anr S»mrtn' IVUnl, "ilhla euy reach of<br />

Oceus Ci4y, «tute pUoU aoj r-ot flo«*T*nt o( ail klo>d» am to Le bad.<br />

Our silchsonl l> UIXIA1IIH1 V.<br />

NcMblng »4.I« mn to tb* ««lt«- »r atliacil<br />

lt»n planliog «b«u I'kOI'1'.ttI.Y DONIi.<br />

Tclrpixxic or give u« a c»U.<br />

Colonial Greenhouses<br />

TItO*. n WAJ-kXB. Kuicir<br />

Potat. 12-a LlasFOO*) Po*l Offlc*<br />

Interesting to Investors<br />

La Hactka O. Oou Qy. K. J..<br />

kisilY of Huu rosJ anal Fscnrlrnal* aad assd-<br />

AW «iu« f.« banfimkm idaiul* oa atssi Id<br />

taig B*ilicad "* t' try*<br />

liutuir Bay. Baaairjs Kitl. M. J.<br />


Quardi«n<br />


We have several cottage Hites<br />


between Tenth and Thirteenth streets,<br />

at low record mark for price. Write<br />

UK for particulars.<br />

Massey & Edwards<br />

Eighth and Central Ave.<br />

Eje Enffllned Wiftoit Drops<br />

How Are You Fixed<br />

For the Winter?<br />

I have the following for rent by the year<br />

Unfurnished heated apartment with 5 rooms,<br />

bath, every convenience, hack porch enclosed<br />

in K' as; »- <strong>On</strong>ly $25.OO per month.<br />

Unfurnished heated apartment, jjood location,<br />

all conveniences $21.00 per month.<br />


757 Aabury Ave. Ocean City. N. J.<br />

I N. GRISCOM, M. U.<br />


Botb t-noor»-UUI. tl; loUs-nkata. UO-A<br />

-IJ^illl KOa.<br />

Ho 0 lo<br />

arsMVa Ua*. aa<br />

• ID Walt; Avcna*<br />

Oooan City Now Jorsoy<br />

W. P. HA1NES<br />


OCCAH cirv. m. t.<br />

U1MIIW {llolp. is.<br />

I a 10* p. ta.<br />

B>U«U-W; lsUr-tUalalX-A<br />



• (CHANO-TH(*>Pltr<br />

lloar><br />

PETTIT, M. D.<br />



lioU>-D.<br />

llol p. ax.<br />

a -<br />


809 Central Avenue<br />

cmr. m.j.<br />

BaUlS<br />


Den tint<br />

Hnw) Irioor<br />

Cor. tc««bib Ht. aad WMUV Ave<br />

OL-CAH C1I V. N. 1.<br />

UDa Uoora: »-U m<br />

t£**«loc.br aprmlnlmiinl<br />


Electrical Contractor<br />

1137 Aabury Avo.<br />

Ctty N«<br />


lZ12Liwia& MOTutain la<br />

>*>•>*>. IOM* Asbury Av*<br />

oeia* ciT-v • J<br />

lalar-Stala l*O<br />

Hflgbts" CeitnJ Pinnnici<br />

J. Tbonitf Uucbe*. P. D.<br />

•ih and Wesley A>a*. OcaesCttr.N.J<br />

Try an Adrettlaetaent<br />

B. Prank Smith G©.t<br />

f you hjivtr money to loan r»cc u^* for ^ood invc^tmcnla.<br />

O h ih l<br />

BB B"«o5SK TB<br />

For bale, fine<br />

ol oo Ocean avenue ncJr Sevtmlh t>tre«rt, wilh urnall hooj>e. fjjoo.<br />

wo lot* comer Hirst Mrtvt and Anlnjry avenue, nite 70x100, cheap,<br />

»i^oo. Kotrrtr^i} room hocuc, 3 tuttia, hot water beat,* double office,<br />

ttoched garage in rear, splendid opportunity. Fire iniaraoce placed<br />

trltb best companies.<br />

1036 Asbury Ave.<br />

Must be Sold by Sept. 2O<br />


'TPWO PROPERTIES, 621 Asbury avenue and 611<br />

•*• Central avenue, Ocean City, N. J., Estate of Mrs.<br />

Caroline B. Lynch, deceased.<br />

APPLY TO<br />

A. COTTON<br />


OCEAN CITV. N. J.<br />

W. Scott Hand<br />


oca;** cwrr oo««***#*oavoI>C CT.. a. ,.}<br />

nmr tut a KmruMaima MOJrrajLOM a r«»<br />

ooxo momorn. OUM MB<br />


rv^t. lo Vl«ld abool<br />

oc*rr. mirnxma rumo<br />

Sound Bank-<br />

ing Principles<br />

•JI Throughoat all our Bank-<br />

ing Experience we have<br />

adhered closely to the prin-<br />

ciple that, to prosper our-<br />

selves, we muat help our<br />

patrons to thrive and ex-<br />

pand.<br />

^] Put into pnictice^lib prin-<br />

ciple of progrttslve bank-<br />

ing has reunited in many<br />

patrons establishing iclu-.<br />

tions that have never been<br />

broken.<br />

% We believe that yonr ex-<br />

perience with oar Service<br />

woald also be one of on-<br />

broken relations.<br />

FIRST<br />


Ocean CHy, N. J.<br />


AJ*E vmnv HBBTrui. AMO<br />


rUBellevue Baths<br />


350 Rooms and lockers<br />

Nmm AMO ATTmAom* Surra won<br />

oumr<br />



Parpo«c la to iJoost City and<br />

Help Improve General<br />

Coudltiona.<br />

TtMOceaa CUy Hoardw«J» tlnilne^<br />

Hau'e AeeotUiton waa arj-axiH*tl al a<br />

Ua* room* of lb*<br />

saloa C'lu. Ut* Mooda* otgbt.<br />

Tb« Iraporarx chairman waa<br />

taitnVnst.al Fraat Rras.. aad Ut*<br />

Lwapcra-ry ascrstaxr waa K V- HeiaaU.<br />

Tlse psffluoaot ftSLcwrs are a* Co*-<br />

rtan<br />

H. O.<br />

or director*. Miairs. Qcmaa*. Kr**waao.<br />

Harrjr H. Jooes. e cbarcb eod Ib* arrvl^e*.<br />

Tb* punor W*J m v.t truly dcll(bi*d<br />

with Ib* llbirsl *Qd kindly rtapod**<br />

• lib wbkcb tb* «uturner vl^ltora *roa*<br />

m«at Iba oesda of |. Ot Ibla<br />

soxount by per*ao*l cuatrlb rroot<br />

He told I boa* calbrred Ibat I bey could<br />

merla4 tbeC*»lao flub at any II co*.<br />

aad lb*4 b* would provkl* i<br />

plarw for Ibe aeww.Itltnii ta Pbiladei-<br />

pnl* durlax tbe wlal«r moctb*.<br />



<strong>On</strong>c-Dcsljro Boat of afea&rs.<br />

Bassett and Fitc Sailed<br />

by Capt. Breckley.<br />

Ulsv l«u L^J. owoed by Haary lit*-<br />

eett aud Jobo E Fit*, astlvo tuambcra<br />

o' Ib* Ocnn City Vscbt Club, aud<br />

aalled by re lUcy<br />

ere wall kDowro. were marilnl Urr*<br />

tU turd ay erenlcc. TU*y t'Kjk a •<br />

Uip.loN«w Vuck.<br />

Mr. Colllaoo went to I'till*<br />

1 Tueaday. wl^err be plaunrd to me-<br />

C«(>C OU* Of IVU pOMltlUll* Itl lltO II<br />

dvlt enxlorvrlna; work, lu wbu-<br />

bs> breu cusaceii lu thu city.<br />

Tti* youislbti;<br />

Banking Methods," aud It it certain<br />

Ibatlboaedesiring 10 bctusrlheir Itneu-<br />

cUI oondltlOD will tind a talk with<br />

them moat bcoetlcUl.<br />

M su,<br />

414.16<br />

«!OJO<br />


Bobeft W. Batberford waa bcrksd<br />

froea hi* laU bataa.«tii ptoe atnet.<br />

West Ptuladalpbta. Batarday aftar.<br />

DOOO. HI* daatb fbltowed a ltn«*no«<br />

Uloese. KeratVynnoal HI* wit*<br />

(Uta oory • lew wwsi^o. FJOKO wace,<br />

w*ll anowo Mimroex issMeou of Ocean<br />

OUy. A dansbtar. Mis* Anna Botb-<br />

T<br />

Mr. Kolberford tot marry ywars wa*<br />

Intnrtr of m oofia* oocapany and a<br />

view preesteol aad d tractor of tba First<br />

Paoo/ Ba*U>g* Bank at Tweoty-flret<br />

and<br />

ay rJavlag*<br />

BalnbfMas itr<br />

«IMia Aawary *rt. It J<br />

aUsss** 1 * raanwci<br />

Klchlb aod Asbury a venue. AU-gooda<br />

sold bar* are gnarantead. Klodly n-<br />

tata anytbing unatirafactory lo you. If<br />

The aowllog Allay*) lo lba Bowlloa;<br />

Casio oars Dow open fcnliai<br />

Ulo.<br />

ol<br />

adT.wU.tr.<br />


•rpsbllc«as atod D-aocrj<br />

Waal lobo Viccboldirs.<br />

There 1* a lively scramble now ou<br />

for Ibe Domination fur freeholder lu<br />

Ib* two ward* la Int. city.<br />

la addition lo KreeboMer Jobu P.<br />

Vox and Jobu K. Groves, wbo seek<br />

the Republican nomlnailou In 1<br />

First Ward, Albert (J Ullbert waul*<br />

to represent the Dcmocrsl* In that<br />

omo* Mr. Fox I* *Iao ou lba Demo-<br />

cratic ticket.<br />

Ueors* U- Parker I* Ibe Democratic<br />

aaplrsnt In tbe Bccoud Ward, where<br />

alao John E. Townscnd and H. B<br />

Bwan are sfler tba lUpubllcsu noml<br />

Dslkui.<br />

11000 end $600 to place oa bond aad<br />

mortgaceaa Improved properly. These<br />

ernouots mu*l be placed separately,<br />

Apply to K. Curtis (tobloson, Aatent.<br />

1U-U Aabury ave.. Ooaau Clly. adv4t<br />

Two lot* for eal* 00 Aabury avenoe,<br />

Hectlon D, near Eighteenth el reel. Noa.<br />

014 aod 819. Improvement* DO* ex-<br />

t*od beyood tbi* aqaare; price reasox<br />

abt*. Aay etteal, or writ*<br />

TUOMAHJ. BiWntB,<br />

ad¥., 8-213, U Worcester, Maaa.<br />

'lans are Being Made to Have<br />

Basket Ball Oamcs Dar-<br />

ing Winter Months.<br />

With tbeopeuluir, and dedication of<br />

he new armory dlaposed of, tbe mem-<br />

xn or the L'ccsn CUy Military Clu<br />

ire plsuulug for the wlnter'a aoclal aud<br />

itber uulertatuai«ul feature*.<br />

Many good tlcoe- aie si ready<br />

ilanued for lite members of the club<br />

^ud compauy aud thulr lamllte*, aud<br />

.hoae that are ellglblo lo Join and bave<br />

not Bhould get a bu»tle ou and procure<br />

a membership card or they will bo left<br />

t lo tbe cold.<br />

Tbe ledlccoaalslloff oMbe members<br />

mother*, ulnura and wlver, are arraug.<br />

to form su auxiliary lo the club,<br />

w blch will alao be Interesting aud<br />

help lu make tblugn lively sud euter-<br />

aloluft durlug Ibe winter month*.<br />

A basket hall cage be* been bull<br />

id practice will alajt at once. Tbe<br />

*oa will COUBIBI of memben of the<br />

club and com|>*ny and be run uode<br />

uiauagrnieui of the club fur the beue-<br />

tll of Ibe club. Tbe games will be of a<br />

high gisdo. It I* tb* lalcattou of the<br />

club tu Bl*ge two games a week.<br />

Tbere Iv alao being planned for tbe<br />

Dear future a kitchen abower to equip<br />

the club kitchen wltb Ibe necessary<br />

tool* for tbe *'e*ts."<br />

Tbere u alao under consideration<br />

Urst-cls** d*nclng school, and there<br />

b b<br />

outside organization* for retjue<br />

r lba privilege<br />

of renting Ibe building for tbelr nodal<br />

enlertalomeuta.<br />

Wltb all Ibla ID view at Ibla early<br />

tlmo of the year. It look* aa though<br />

this building would be the center<br />

etlractlona this omnlog winter.<br />

Tbere J* oaly room (or a few more<br />

enlistment* in Company O at tbi*<br />

time. It la Impossible 10 become a<br />

member of tba dob until one ant ea<br />

list* lo tb* company. It will be 00Ij<br />

a abort tlma until tba required nnmber<br />

will be bad. Toe company will ba<br />

IU drill tbe Oral Friday In October.<br />

Couac* 708 Caotral aeanuej all a<br />

•ro cooTenlence*; eao b* reatad by tba<br />

year or rjartac wulec ""w"" for<br />

further farrlnnlara apply Hatmsil<br />

oflla*, Ooaaa UUjr, ». J. advtf<br />

At tb* cnnttBilew af «**)-i<br />

CJ«JtOe HateMBsatw. Va*'<br />

tbafctiawtaatai<br />

tas*Ua*aaUa*TapaayJ«<br />

tOIBSawt Bl aV BaSa*aT<br />

aava* arara^B*xaa] f* waTat aaar- •aaT^paT^^^^<br />

a^ntedMIW l)H'|<br />

Harrtr.Y. tafcay |l l^tm<br />

U. Btavact, Aitbft B.<br />

a K.<br />

ttomvX ta Ik* 1<br />

M. bee<br />

oooid b> dcoa at as 1<br />

10 oc fSOXI, erecM 1<br />

• —^^—S *L^^ ^_ ^sfc^a^a^sfc ^aaV ^ssaLa^^h^^awasaSi SB<br />

•Off wUJQ DV • waOvaTOaf «• 'PIHH*awE« •<br />

•dent aad *i*«o»»,-. • -, ,•.. r v;<br />

Ut. Hafirrxr bad pcatswaaty 1<br />

aa to la* prooaba* cost ot U$m Ml I<br />

ip troaoA, aod. bf, »*»<br />

would b* 110.00a ,<br />

Tbeclaaatacof the tot*. | li ,Ha< af<br />

shad* lrree and a DtLtoo i.lTlni*. at*-'<br />

Uoo oeer FoortaeoUi aliaat, tasi.atjf'<br />

odLox* to ta baa Bl Wart by "<br />

(iloU. w «t* araooc lba |wa oa I<br />

lb* Utter b*to» by Frank Bant, a> w*»j<br />

Oca* of Ibe TwaotMb Waal lifian .<br />

•ol AssooaikxL. ' ' .<br />

Ur. Utxaxoe-r. to Ib* oo«T**of bi*.'<br />

totd of wbtl ba* beao Mllealdgor.orWild<br />

wood, aud Lewis T. Uleveua, of ( spe<br />

Isy.<br />

DcmocTsi—H. C. Wbestoo, wbo ha*<br />

>eeo aenslor, of Nurtb Wlldwood.<br />

Fur AtMoibly there are these candl<br />

:*tc»:<br />

Kepubllcau—Kugeoe I*. Cole, of Uea-<br />

Hie; Mark Lake, or Ocran Clly. and<br />

Gilbert H. Hmlth. or Avslou. Otmo-<br />

crsl—Howsrd U. Tsylor. uf Ocean<br />

.Hty:<br />

for Coroner, tbe follo\r|n|( bsve 01<br />

ptiMaar.<br />

RepubllcsD—William A. Lake,<br />

Ermi, and Kichard H. Ludlsm,<br />

•Vest Capo M*jr. I)«macrs,t—Frank<br />

R. Hughes, or West Cape May.<br />

Tbe prlmsry election will be held<br />

rueaday, MeDtember 28.<br />

Cic< ibe acollael.<br />

Befure you return to jour winter<br />

bonus, iboM) of you who ere Interested<br />

n Ocean City and It* affairs ebouli<br />

•.ubacrlbofor ibeBK-rriNEt.. It will be<br />

Ike so eniertslnlna" weekly letter from<br />

a friend. Tbe HENTINKI. ciutalu* eacb<br />

week all the legal advertlaemeot* of<br />

be city. Htnp al the orflce. 744 A*bury<br />

•venue, or drop a postal card, and the<br />

HKXTINKL. will l« mailed lo tbe ad<br />

dree* given.<br />

V BOIO Atteuiiiccntr to Uiop<br />

Jasrscaa ••««> »osi Bn»><br />

'It<br />

b* could eflo*d lo do tbt* I<br />

waa ooooectsd wttb tba<br />

paoy. Thla part of kUv Ba«awaft*a<br />

crtatad a tangb. btcaoe* atl pom-<br />

eat koaw Ibat b* U not oOetaUy<br />

ocded wttb Ib* *ral*r Oocapaaw.'<br />

a matter of fact, beeaid. bte<br />

waUr hill **ch year waaaboot f&,<br />

Mr. UexaQMT farther aaid tbat star*<br />

a rrililil'thii 1nil|1at nisjts4iTs»awss<br />

Laid him b* coald dean aptawMH<br />

stcblly gi— to LbU ctty (off M* tttv<br />

HaiarrvsT upraaaed tba Iboocbt thai<br />

u would be w«ll to ba*a tbJ* dooe.<br />

ItwaestaUd by *oaaa of tboaa *a a«-<br />

leodanc* tbat aalt,<br />

pitukUd. wUJ fcUl off Iba |iw.<br />

Alexander Lawrcoce, Jr., eakl Uk*t<br />

be la io bearty eyopalby wllb a8a(ta<br />

Lo Improve the »pp**raocec«* tba ctty.<br />

Much cao be acooaoltabed tyoo-afsat-<br />

allon. aad there mast be oo-opatBtleo.<br />

1 would be well to dUtrtct the eaty.<br />

Ulve ewbtnan two blocJntolookans*.<br />

Ue waa *are, be ssid, tbat when tbt*<br />

matter I* presented tn a pruysyr Uabt to<br />

he property owners all will help ta<br />

btmuilfy the ctly. Tbedly will UtM<br />

be *o Improved that It wUlDotberyba<br />

talked 0/ In thla *aoUoo aod<br />

but alao In Pblladslpb** aod<br />

out tbe eoanlry.<br />

Oa* of tbe woat-looUnji placae la<br />

be city. Mr. Lawreoo* M**, I* erttbln<br />

a etooe'e throw of the rdty bail, otmt<br />

Tenth street and Asbory aiaoa* Oo*<br />

of the best ihing* tba oaeaatattawi aaa<br />

do Uto get tocstber aod Iryto bsrra<br />

acme of Iba<br />

spoke particularly of a<br />

Tenth arrest and Wealay 1<br />

He was told that Ud* cottacal* aoo><br />

trolled by Ibe Oermanlowtj t. wUXA-<br />

and Mr. Lawrence eatd ba Wwawt at<br />

once "gel busy" wltb tba I<br />

the Uermaalowo V. M. C. A,<br />

Frank Herat asid tbat Data**<br />

Referring to tbe railroad,.<br />

Foorteeolb street, Mr. Hamasid tba*<br />

they an moat Doattbtly aaa •»*.*«*>-<br />

vlsloushave beeo mabwtoci<br />

rlhelraolr»moMI*aHai<br />

tbe city obtalo tiue»eevu«i of tbat<br />

land between tbe twotallKwall<br />

and pot lo flower bed*. Ua<br />

teotlon to tba pretty 1<br />

ground ouLsJdCJ of tba rallnasw atafswl<br />

at Tuckaboe aod aakad wfai<br />

Lhlog eluiUai caooot ba dooe 1<br />

City.<br />

Mr. Herat said that tb* UBB<br />

of tbe railroad *tarlon* «oola<br />

a etartlng point- Tbe atatlram at Fifty•<<br />

Urst elreei la aoUqualad. UcooM,«a<br />

improved bym*aoaofatMMd*vTls*BB<br />

p y a<br />

should beprotaettooa<br />

UooaattheataMoo fbc<br />

aulnmobll** * . j<br />

Ocean City la a bcsntlfol tow*<br />

• beaulUol place In wbtob to Utav<br />

tooouaoaaew mnma r*«wj<br />

and<br />


SUIT. We coin exactly to your bo/» to* **•>+'<br />

pants suit, knowing it we please him *$<br />

pan suit, blowing it we please hi<br />

trade tor a long time. That Is why we<br />

for his needs. JustdtoptnaadwetAttuViAAnKm<br />

fabrics in tuiu HIS size. New Bfodels that urn>***•*»<br />

|&S0 and<br />

Newell Corson<br />

81(1 Aabury Avenue<br />

'.A .'•' '-i<br />

G<br />


o<br />

'. av ctfans<br />

r: l<br />

fiV.<br />

Iff.<br />

•.41<br />

is<br />

6 07<br />

80A]<br />

us<br />

«M<br />

its<br />

JLA&<br />

ua<br />

lia<br />

*U»<br />

S.47<br />

4 88<br />

tu<br />

8.42<br />

T_&2<br />

BOO<br />

j<br />

1X18,11.00<br />

&.ia.i%x»izx<br />

TOI ULS4 UM<br />

T4i LIT<br />

l ><br />

T4i<br />

sol<br />

ol<br />

B01| iS4 SOS<br />

tt.ta Slt>i S4S<br />

J.47| 4*4<br />

AUB<br />

S68<br />

8 60<br />

AOal<br />

I «ftt to t» anailng op<br />

ut to<br />

eptadoo October<br />

aw—1.-1 a Cba Partb Amboy Hewa<br />

(• a** of tba aaost taiparuo<br />

i before<br />

y or<br />

tk* e*t||act s<br />

baton the etec-<br />

•6MiW ba a,bfaj nt» CM*<br />

wa*-l*e<br />


'. *TJ*»»*o «atnrraJ. Iba Board of<br />

tt t>*acKy wlUaciertatn *o<br />

tOCtadlng<br />

baa ataJT, tb* eoo-<br />

storkad asseajMy-<br />

"tt AUaatJo coast*. Tn* reeepUgo<br />

wUltaka piaoa oo Balor-<br />

tt.<br />

Wttl ewa* ladoatrlai, Ftra-<br />

paeadatbai after"<br />

Ibar* will b* fnad<br />

oat by Iba Board of<br />

WtD aw -CbJOdno'a Day<br />

i narmactloo wub<br />

•fit ba wbat tb* commit<br />

to tsroed aver to ibe<br />

* paaxty —«iti. Dallas<br />

(tea* will to* aoo«ter<br />

IM CDAdl pairajda. fo*<br />

«rHlaw h« nil et—a trophies<br />

loaf dMun<br />

will to* asstursaf<br />

tton turafbwi tw<br />

•Ul to Ib* tig day mtoeog<br />

•Dd tt I* ex<br />

W.00O aaec will be<br />

i 1*1* nlgbt. the<br />

glean foe tndtvtdoeJ<br />

b*attn Una of parade<br />

tawB—drns; Railroad by tba<br />

of Bad >Ceo. wbo ex<br />

rt itaatlUBO member*<br />

and Philadelphia, lo<br />

p<br />

to t&Ja part or tba<br />

wOltogrvaaoo Frfcfaj night at<br />

I a**) Is aMt sjeaAw asaa* of tba BJd<br />

tbat Fraaboalrr John P. Fox<br />

fkw/ofllca at Ib*f*MT** n a;<br />

bv Jobs R- Oraraa.<br />

number of friends<br />

lan. Tbe<br />

BwawaaUof Mr. rax.<br />

Ktraibw esar* tban<br />

U*ba* for years beeo<br />

Of tb* Cap* Maj County<br />

a* rnaboldara. la familiar wttb<br />

of that body aad has<br />

• uaabarof tmproaamant* (or<br />

4Mf, noUhJy tb* taking over<br />

of Aatar* aveooe. from<br />

19 TWrtJ-foorto street*.<br />

aBar ib*<br />

tte booJavMd Item<br />

|IV;<br />

l CHjr to aaoo to ba eoaacctad to<br />

aadtb* lowaraactlooof<br />

by a road orar Oorao<br />

' thnocb tbaaflbrts<br />

Otbar aaattan of Im-<br />

tattttaawttlon ara soon to<br />

•tb*bea*4.<br />

of tb* board may<br />

•Ot .Nti. 10 a«|»a.plM, things foe<br />

1. rimbtMn fox cao.<br />

a to awap boras*.<br />

tfcoHalafityof tawotexaof ib*<br />

;V*nt *Vaa*w«la»t aaaka acbaog<br />



lea<br />

Ibat wUI grva a goetf tap***.<br />

ata l» ettaton apoo Ibair arrtraX If<br />

the real eaUta men<br />

owoen that Ibay woold gat<br />

•ao ay war* I bey to clean op aroood<br />

UM7 woald be qalc* to<br />

T%m eboofcl-baapark bat<br />

rbe two rattrwad ft" 1 —-, with Soar**<br />

bate aad «h*jooaJ walka.<br />

Mr. Bant **Jd ba h) glad Mayoe<br />

Cbaaipaaa baa aaatte Ib* eaggtwiloa to<br />

etaan op Iba dly. Tb* epeeaer de-<br />

dared thai ba ballevwa the cnajror wUI<br />

doaocb for Ib* peopla and Iba IOWD.<br />

and Iba* Ocean City 1* dastlosd lo be<br />

ooa of Iba moat baaattfol and delight-<br />

ful resort* aJoog lbs Allaolle coaac<br />

Krertoo A- Coiaon said th* eaova-<br />

orot Is agood ooa aud be will do all<br />

be can la help It.<br />

Albert Fogg s*Jd b* will give Ibe<br />

CBajor all tba help ba can. He said<br />

ba la aa prood of bla property a* any<br />

but there ara aome properties<br />

hers Ihat do not look, aa sell aa tbay<br />

ba Ibe work of Ib* ctty, aod *o. Tba<br />

apeaker gave u aa bl* opinion tbat<br />

Ibere will be a Io4 of bard work and<br />

hard bumpa. bat be will do hla<br />

part. He ta J art a* p mod of Ibe city<br />

as anyone. Tbera t* a plao* Gear tbe<br />

uod Ibat oead*<br />

asd ba intend* to Ox it op thi* winter.<br />

Prank U. Bf*wart said that Mr.<br />

Berst ba* etrock Iba keynote. Tb*<br />

railroad cocapaoles, DO doubt, will be<br />

willing to eo-operala. Ooa of t b* bard<br />

things bara aa tba high water rale. Mr.<br />

Btawart told of hi* experience In hay<br />

tag topsail, which ber* Costa aa mncb<br />

a. coal tn Pblladalpht*, and also bta<br />

trial* In painting bla collage, due to<br />

trouble wttb Ibe palm. Tba outrun tu<br />

ba asjd, aboald try to ascertain tb*<br />

Rgbt kind of paint tor ose In tbta dty.<br />

Mr. Btawart alao told what co-opera-<br />

tioo woold do tn Iba mailer of bolld-<br />

kg balk beads.<br />

H. Y. Lakaaskd that the peopla will<br />

lake bold of thiaqorstioo of<br />

tng tba ctty If tbey Qnd ihat tbeeoca-<br />

cottia* Is In earnest, fbeta aboald be<br />

oo dead wood aod all ehould stork to-<br />

gether. Wa Died arbor d*ya bar* aod<br />

have two orlhreeeacb year.<br />

If thla were done. It woald not be locg<br />

before Ibe cttj woald have Una anaded<br />

Mr. Lake agreed to do all be<br />

can to beJp tba movement.<br />

Arthur B. Cbeatcr said that tbay<br />

oogst to caoter cm ooa thing—Improv<br />

Ing e-acant lota, wiping out eaosqattoea.<br />

etc. Improved property will take care<br />

of ttaetf.<br />

Abel O. Bcotl agraad that th* ctty<br />

aboald be ctaaneri up. Most of tbe<br />

straats aod avanoaa look aa good a*<br />

of soy other place.<br />

shoo Id ba fixed. Tbe> movement, be<br />

eald. look * good i,o ^ imi and he<br />

ptaasid Iba bop* tbat It will<br />

it- Mayor Champtoo said ba bad list<br />

eoed wttb tnteraat lo tha talke and all<br />

war* aloog tba Una of hta tboogbla.<br />

Most all of tbathlngascggaatsd can be<br />

aeeasapllebed. Wbeo b* waa to ofBca<br />

bara eooe years ago, tbey had ibe<br />

d dosio and collected the<br />

Io mors than (Lfty par cast, ol<br />

see tba property owner* eact lo<br />

Ibelr ebecka. It woold ba wall now.<br />

b* tnocgbJ. lo have Ib* ctty clerk sand<br />

not tea* lo property owners rcqoestlng<br />

Ibam to dean op their holdings, and<br />

explaining what 1* desired. Tbla would<br />

appeal to most property owners and<br />

Ibey woald respond.<br />

Tb* major suggested thai tha ctty<br />

be districted, eavsral men Loescb dta-<br />

Irtct. Tbao Ibay woald know what I*<br />

required and accocopllab eumetbU<br />

Tbera coold ba some way found to<br />

bava grass plot* oo street earners. Uo<br />

atgbtly lota a boo Id he cleaned up<br />

whether tba owoers were willing or<br />

not. Tb* legal cod of IbU would be<br />

looked after by City Bolldlor Boswell<br />

If all get together shade trees can be<br />

parehaaad at a oomlnal cost, and they<br />

coold make ansocemsot* lo have Ibe<br />

trass planted adcnlincally. There li<br />

oo end to what cao be done If all wll<br />

co-operate. Tba raayor aald tbat tbe<br />

city will do all it can legally to help<br />

Mr Brick voiced Iba oplokoo that<br />

•omatblog aboald be done quickly u><br />

allavtata ouudlttoua ou ibe ami<br />

ground*.<br />

Mr. Fogg oomplaloed of Ibe collec<br />

lloo of gaibaxaaod robbUb.<br />

Mayor Champkia, In reply, *lat*tl<br />

tbal Mr. Bade, woo baa tba Karbagr<br />

contract, I* loumted lo Ilia illy aod<br />

look* after Ibe garbage collection* very<br />

carefully. Tber* baa beeo a lot of<br />

Uooble over Iba col led loo of robbUb.<br />

and tba etty will try to ba«e tbl*<br />

ram ed led. Referring to aome com.<br />

Lainta mida ngardiog Iba condltloo<br />

of Iba atrecta. Iba mayor taJd tbal a<br />

oombarof paopla have ooly receolly<br />

eomptlatentad Olraetor Adam* opoo<br />

Iba axcallrot abapa of tba at rest*.<br />

Mr. Herat eakt that, a* Mayor Cham<br />

ploo bad dona auch good work lo bav<br />

log tba Boardwalk coooecied at eUx<br />

lacotb *tr*et, ba woold eaggeet thai<br />

blaofflcUl gatlo looeb wttb tbe rail-<br />

road com pa olea and endeavor to bave<br />

•• baaull/y at laaat ooa of ibelr<br />

local ataltooa.<br />

Tba following named ware ai>poioled<br />

aa tba railroad committee; Mcaara.<br />

Utat. Btawart, Lawrenea aod Rubert<br />

Vlaber.<br />

tbat larn Ut - ""* **'*• a * or aura J4. Jooa*. Cyowyd:<br />

J. A. Muiria and wife. Laulke Tboro-<br />

i. Brru Niat; lln. W. T. Hrown.<br />

Kujrrota B. Bruwa. W. T Brawo. Jr..<br />

Hi. Oavtd'*.<br />

ATULJLS.<br />

C. B-Bmvlb. K. K. Uoltetogtr aod<br />

wif*. Dr. Ctiartc* W. H«ui« and wUa,<br />

H B. Ooff. Jr.. *Jr^ C B mn.Oi*»l«<br />

Evao* aod »lfa. Dora Rappaport. M. I<br />

K. Maclolyr*. J. El Utrtt.. wife aod'<br />

m*td. PblladtlphU: Mr*. W. H. LOOK. I<br />

c**o Clly; Cuarlea Oordenbetg and I<br />

• if*. M«cy W. Ulbb,Uaddoo Hetgbu;<br />

Niu* U Wte*. Newoetd; t' (Jumif,<br />

Ardosore; Dr. •'. M AoUaraoo aod<br />

wife, Anglr*«a;Neal D UolT. Caawlra.<br />

K1XTH HAU-<br />

JIDJO M. Vodgn. wife aod death-<br />

lar. Kuth. Mr*. Ella Freeman. Ml**<br />

Eltubetb McOino. Mr*. J. McUloo.<br />

El»lr* W. Koou. Edgar M Wocobotd<br />

aod milt. Ula Katbanita C Haatxtte,<br />

Wllltam McTye. Dorothy E. Uweoa.<br />

KaM«»i:. Macsuley. Uu>A. Blacker.<br />

Mr*. E A. Uertacb. William K Hap-<br />

go-d. Ptuladalpota: Frank N. Flu<br />

Uerald aod wife. Aoduboo: Mr*. Eu-<br />

geoa C. Uaurrot and baby. Camdao.<br />

I -<br />


Candidate for Nomitutioa at<br />

PiitnJrj' Election<br />

September 28, 1915<br />


| Mr. Taylor is thc only cundidit<br />

. M . r *-I:- C -a? tgtlm i o *M M '"«i!^?* H * lfor Assembly on thc Democratic<br />

Hrw"w f nl«a lr i.^ d a ^~«%f "M".: T.cVct thi, year. Parly hanno.<br />

Moeborn. Mrs. K. Hoamm T. sjoaa i» ranch in evidence, it nccms. }f<br />

and wife, Harold Goodwin. Jr., A. jr. identified with several<br />

Retcbly.Ocaan City; Luella f. InxaJla.<br />

Csstletoo. N.V ; J U. PyU. Wumlng-<br />

too ; Kobert Magaxeee. Momstowo:<br />

VVUiiam Ness. Norwood; Hoy E Ma-<br />

ban. Atlantic Ctty.<br />

EiuCivat.<br />

W. N. C'lemeot, John Bcbwabeo.<br />

Ella Carter. Jobn H. McCartv. H. J.<br />

Kraoix. Mra. W. ti Harlan. William<br />

H. Zimmerman sod wife. Ueleo Mc-<br />

Hsory. Issbsils <br />

vld'bof ilorlBUil»n MIOU bet I-CO Hwud<br />

»a4 a. point OM buodr«d (1OU) Ce«i<br />

m—Hiii o« KacooJ »lr««<br />

O S<br />

.2 B 6 5<br />

C 3 c<br />

ABBOTTS'<br />

Aldernev Dairies<br />

(••fi t»T B. r»naijl• a)<br />

Seventh St. and West Avc<br />

Ocean City. N. J.<br />

Clioloa Oealry f>ro -><br />


OCCAM CITY M. J.<br />

uNtrvmcMnoi<br />

or rat<br />

First National Bank<br />

aof M« J«r««,Couaiy t^<br />

J. If. H. Mowrcr. Oubkr<br />

r l btvok. 4o •okinaly i«nr Ua*U<br />

**> BltUemarOt tS t|Ta« tO tb* baW* Oaf<br />

OVV1« d tifcrf<br />

fcrf.<br />

H. H. MOWUKU.<br />

d«on>u>bto<br />

HcplAinlMT.<br />

b C<br />

K, W. KOWAKUtf,<br />

U. H HTITKH,<br />

Two cottage* and ODC lot J<br />

Also two cottages 00 Aabury I<br />


Candidate for Member of State<br />

! Senate from Cape M«y Coanty,<br />

subject to declaioo of Republican<br />

September,<br />

lor • Pslrnar af.<br />

AJIV WHU1<br />

Joaoph Q. Champion<br />


OC1*I- CiTT, It. J.<br />

Ralph Hayes VanCilder<br />



lull Hrwt a»4 Win Areas*<br />

OTIS M. T0WISE10<br />


Omen: txh St. Opposite P. O.<br />

Plats n. Specfftettiaix<br />

pnstnd wftiKMrt<br />

ataior weak<br />

YOB 8100LD IAVE<br />

A Reliable Builder<br />

To erect your Ocean City cottage. Yon cannot aparc tbe time<br />

to look after it closely yotmdf and most depend open Lhe<br />

booesty ol the contractor.<br />

I have ballt tat a Urge number of people aod conld refer yoa to<br />

any or all of them.<br />

Send for the list of names and photograph* ol the bocaea.<br />



r.o.<br />

oczAn art-.<br />

H. j.<br />

B-4-U-BILD-KUM-C-US<br />

. -Tber*-a a RaaaoB"<br />

Octti Cit| Bora BJIg. Co.<br />

Jobbing And oltcrmtioo work given<br />

oar pernatud allentlcm.<br />

Window and Door Frames and<br />

Screens made to order.<br />


D«I1 Pbooe }S~X.<br />

CORSON 8«attt>oro CottaHoo * Specialty<br />

vv "* JV/A1 t MoUtn ana Buntralowft<br />

T,<br />

Contractor and BaHder.<br />

Plxcs and Specincmtio&s PomlAbed*<br />

REHlDJiNCE—810 Aabory Aveoo*<br />

Hatinutte* Checrfally Given.<br />

OFFICE—744 Waat Avroo*<br />

Eleventh Street and Bay Avenue<br />

OCEAN CITY, M. J.<br />

liranch OSce; Thlrtj-fcxinh Oin«l<br />

GODlRClOF EM Ulll..f<br />

tttma ti<br />

Allen Scull<br />

OCM*JT sirs.<br />

Phone Connections<br />

O O OWAN J. C. TROUT<br />

Swan and Trout<br />

Carpenters<br />

JOIkiNG a<br />

ir>4O AfiBURV AWCNUC<br />

and Builders<br />

OCCAM CITV. N. J.<br />

Bell Phone 18 Inter-State Pho-ie 134-A<br />


' General Contractors<br />

Grading and Street Building<br />


Ocean City, New Jersey<br />

Walter V. Hess<br />



viejAvea ruaaiaxio OBJ<br />

»•• «u •••Da or a(r>aia<br />

awua «»D 000a icain<br />

taaoc vo oama.<br />

ar.ll. Mont<br />

Office 1O17 Asbury Avenue<br />

OCCAM CITY w t w Jf.H ^<br />

KTIHaTUtaO PUkMB<br />

H T S<br />

JOHN T. SEAL<br />


amce: tiSKTw »•• ecu* *«(.<br />

c*rv •«• jima<br />

Ocorgo W. Harrla<br />

Contractor. Ballder<br />

and Jobbing:<br />

Ho. U W. Fowrteedk Strert<br />

OCEAN CITY. ft. J.<br />

Ilium ••<br />

l£0. 0. ABAMS It UO.<br />


BJUCC LATUG. Etc, tic<br />

AD Wee* bl ataMa Ua* Plainly<br />

Attaataaw To.<br />

OCCAM C1TT. N J<br />



645 Aabury Avenue.<br />

CITY. H. J.<br />

LJt>- o. J^b<br />

ia Oar m<br />

Jo*ba T, L*-**-'<br />

ProapUr AJlaadtd To.<br />



CUNTOH L. •RtCKLtr. *«or<br />

Keadjr Mixed Paint*. Lead aod OUa<br />

6JD and KS Aafeorv avana*.<br />

BiUDLEI eft ADilM<br />

— w "- Readliur Ooal<br />

Akao KlD^uoa" Wood tr barra*<br />

t*an ooaj 00 Lba BL*rka4. KOD Iba. to<br />

tt>* uafftt/inlwi. AsU er Knisrpvtas<br />

•etaa*.<br />

laira era Takreu TaMTm aja>« wi can<br />

Real Estate and<br />

Search Company<br />

BEPREaXHTa<br />

Rdelity Trust Comuany<br />

f Nk<br />

lildiood Title and Trosi Co.<br />

Abetnurta of Title,<br />

Conveyancing<br />

Prompt Service AH Work <strong>On</strong>iranlaed<br />

lioccy to Loan oa Oood Flrat laUxixaxa<br />

Farma lor Sal*<br />

Offices in<br />

Pint Hationl Bank Building<br />

Capo May Court Hooae<br />

H. J.<br />

The Reliable Store for Dry Goods, Notions and<br />

= -Men's Wear _:<br />

The . U *f? "X 1 ? '° l-aie." ahirt-uUt IU crepe dc chiuc, ailk aod voilr<br />

-POWELL'S<br />

921 Aabory Ave. Ocean City, N. J. f<br />

•Maoiwo *»o caavrr LAVIMO ruaajiruac or aiL maoa<br />


to<br />

i.v..a»... .sea<br />

x '-—*. *J w N. C. GODFREY<br />

Upholstering', A-wrnings, House<br />

Furnishings<br />




Bo waiting fur two<br />

J. M. CHESTER & CO., "<br />

CITY, N. J.<br />

REAL. ESTATE —a«U}<br />

Agent fur Btewarfe Iroo Wortu Co<br />

Plain and Ornamental Iroo Fence,<br />

Iroo Bailing* and Window Uoards.<br />

Seifiotb St asd Hma In.<br />

C L_ LAKE<br />


wry AT«nDaB. nr—n City, V. J.<br />

Don't Suffer With Rheumatism<br />

C*mph~r6U 0 ves Qakk I<br />

t*<br />

U'bta >oo h**<br />

*vtuBi. «bia your<br />

^ru«*»o lo Iwio .»»*« louaoim-iiOi) ui IM<br />

lot U lc«l«liat«B kollW cullioat. mitupty rub »<br />

xtmjttWo, axKXtM *k«a>y UMI p*»la. »vod<br />

*• «4uU:K r*iUf'<br />

,t)U wOOde'rul |>*-w>OasjF Ila->O rOOlaVlOa* lt*«<br />

Hi-eat rliwcm.au- lair.okra'a «DO«D. »>urt> •*«<br />

Oil Wln.*»n.Fw**>* Heo'bul. CmtUi^MH, WIW1<br />

OlLr-*" R»#d*r,<br />

UKaaOaUt*. wAJff O+eM. * w^irml*l*L, pUtiWtAJ . t>+la<br />

SIMS wVt-bw) laf Ibay bftvelf. MOaV DlUafUf, cClIl-<br />

' tf'ml QA, f roMaXS las**, YTiiyrtlT »«lt>« wUMS<br />

&al4 t>, AU "<br />

Why Not Buy<br />

Yoar Batfalncr Outfit at Goff'n.<br />

where you will find a fall line of<br />

the most aelect Bathing Sails. Caps,<br />

Shoo, etc., all at reasonable prices<br />

CIOFFS<br />

Bathing Supply Store<br />

950 Booidwaik<br />

Adjoining Ooff'a<br />

"V /'<br />

V<br />

Ocean City Sentinel<br />

TUUH&DA.Y.<br />

Waaitaii ba >lad to reoatra Itamao/<br />

am aod eo*B>Bimlo&Uoaa of lour***<br />

lo thJa onanninptty aod oar nader*<br />

eia«twbara.<br />

All onmmnnlnattoia alkooid ba ao-<br />

ooaa pan tart wtth iba fall nuaa aad<br />

aiViiaaa of UM wrttcr, DO« niiaaaaillii<br />

rotpabUcaUioo.bat ut raanntaeoi<br />

IBS. W. I.RAHGK<br />


Actlre Church Worker Wu<br />

DOT8.<br />

rVllllcsara wannlog.<br />

Uooaoally warm weatbar.<br />

Boardwalk boalaewa mat, have or-<br />

ganliad.<br />

Ballroad* are getting OQ wlnUr<br />

Moo<br />

Vacailoo trip* are now lo order tor<br />

local people.<br />

All aboald Join In Ibe -til. BaaolW<br />

ful" taoiiauoL<br />

Tba first weak of scbool was ratbet<br />

warm fa* Ib* cbltdrtn and al>o for Iba<br />

taacber*.<br />

Tba boala froa>«nl*cily to<br />

stopped ruuulnr. far lbs<br />

day aftemooo.<br />

Tbera weren't many polltkclana at<br />

Iba county fair oo ••pcJUlciaaa' day,"<br />

acoordlng to report*.<br />

Harrison's Raod will give tu laat<br />

free roocart of tbe season to tb* mpilc<br />

pavllkw Ibla e-vaolnK.<br />

Tb* Hoard of Kducsjloo. at U* mart.<br />

Ing Tuesday avanicg. •Uctrd nv* new<br />

Uacbar*. Tbalr ua<br />

wbere lo tbla lasoe. am«a appear elaa-<br />

Ueorit* B. fmll btoian caujtbt a good<br />

alced cbannel baas a faw daya ago.<br />

Tnaa was lh» twenty (aurth ba hx*<br />

landed In front or ibe Breakers H041I<br />

Tb* Ocean niy W. r. T IT. M.ume.1<br />

Ua fall and wlatar maatlnga Wednes-<br />

day arteroooo at laM week. Tb* eoeei-<br />

lo« wa* at Hie bom* of Mra. Auua<br />

Hourgtol*.<br />

io FauaUw—ru<br />

Bloce Febro«ry.<br />

tier large circle of frttoda to Ibla<br />

ctty war* ebocked and<br />

yaaterday to bear of Ibadealbof Mra<br />

Lauie Hertck, silt* of WUltaoa U<br />

Baack. whkii ocedrrad at bar Ceotral<br />

avtooa botaay-eaterdajr morning.<br />

Mrs. Hanck b*d baaa Ul slaoe >'eb-<br />

raary last, C»Jl ooly atirkiualy ao f.<br />

about a weak. Daatb wa* do* lo<br />

ooo3pllcaUo »i*jip*it a/auatlli.<br />

Tbera waaaaasmlocly wcllf.ujudrd<br />

rumor bera Ibat Ueorx* r^aeosalo<br />

formatly of Ibla ctly, bad been kllltd<br />

lo an explotioo at Paoa«gro»e. Mra.<br />

taeowclo, bla wLfr, made an lu»**U-<br />

Calfcoa. rlaeuwaia, until a f*w cnoa<br />

ago, wa* foreman of tbaclly'a •Imt<br />

laborers.<br />

Tbarwult of In led to tba<br />

PBHBONAI3.<br />

Mrs. J. K. Mladeo. of f blladtlpbla,<br />

la regMend at Iba tUtxroo.<br />

Naal U OoIT.of Camdco. was among<br />

Ibe wrek'a arrival* at Iba Alglao.<br />

Idle* rUla M. Harrla. of Uiwlosoi,<br />

wa* a rrcenl guest of ibe Kalblo.<br />

Wlpt°n (iintlb aod family bave<br />

D>oved froco Ibl* city to CoJllugawood.<br />

H. VV. Mack aod wife.of PbiUdal-<br />

pbta, were reottit arrlvala at toe Lor-<br />

raine.<br />

V. H. Hanacll aud family of PblLa-<br />

dalpbta. ngiaterrd at tba Hawliogsa<br />

few daya ago.<br />

J. W Lyaloger aad family, of Nor-<br />

rlstowo, ara occupying Ibelr cottage oo<br />

arreat of t^aowata la Ptou^grove by<br />

Pollcemau Hack, of Ibladty. Monday,<br />

on tb* cbarta of failing lo aupport<br />

bU wif* ar>d olna cblklno, Qva of tUe<br />

laiter belag u oat la to do aojtblor..<br />

Kaaowain wa* givto a beartojp be<br />

far* Maglairal* Barrowa TVraday<br />

He wa* ordered to give bia<br />

weak and farolab a<br />

coomtng.<br />

fanstly<br />

la Iba aum of Hii. lit VM unibli In<br />

giv* a bood and wa* committed.<br />

Bocae lime **a. rUaowalo wa*<br />

dared by tkjulrs Kuan la give bU wife<br />

Five New Teacher* ' Havre<br />

Been BnfaVeFed—All High<br />

School Instructors Back.<br />

To* poblkj BebocO* at Ibl* city rs-<br />

opeord Tborsday moracag wtlb ao to-<br />

roUawul of 80a<br />

Tber* ar* Or* n«w taacber* Ibl* aaa<br />

•Ion. Tbey are: Foartb grade, Mlaa<br />

HartlsUaC DatU, of Tborofars. N J.:<br />

•avtutbgrade, Mrs. Martilla Katcbam.<br />

of NortniliM. N. J i foarlb gr*d*.Mt*a<br />

Uartha M. Ko*«, of Cape May Ooort<br />

iousr; manual tralolng. Uana rJJLal-<br />

wald. of M aod Ham N. J ; docnastle<br />

mcU-acr. Uln Maud Krur, of Park<br />

Haptda, Mtch.<br />

Mls.Mmaaeld.of BrowDCUy. Mlcb..<br />

wbo bad beao tba tost roc tor la ibe<br />

omsstlo acleoc* department, waa f~r<br />

'amity raaaoo*, uoabla lo rataro to<br />

O.-eaa City. Mte* Krtar w a gradoala<br />

fib* I'aaadlao National He boo 1 aod<br />

be watit Ibrougb iba Tboma* Tralo.<br />

ug Hcbool al Detroit. Boa comaa to<br />

bta rlly wub a blgb recocagurodailjo<br />

Mr.tikalwald aoooead* Paal Retebart<br />

tbe manual Irsinlag depertmaGt.<br />

bit. Hale hart obtained a almllar post-<br />

lion la Iba Ardoore pabJk) ecboola.<br />

PrlncJpalU. VV. Batchly, of Ibe btlb<br />

bool. ba* alt of bta farmer la*tru>ctor<<br />

wllb blm at Ihla session, aooMtbtag<br />

naaaal lo lbs anaal* of Ibe local btgb<br />

acbool.<br />

IB teacbara ara Mlaa Colbaro,<br />

Ulm Co. I La logalU. Ml** Bradley, VV.<br />

Petty and J. L. Pyle, Iba 1st tar In<br />

darja uf toe commercial departm*al<br />

rib**cboaJ. Mr. Pylr. tboogb yoaog<br />

J yrsrs, t> in expert la eisoagrapby<br />

rvd ty(4wrlUogaad be a I o ass oairtbod*.<br />


au t* Aid wrui a>« Blaaolraal aea<br />

wr«r la octaa c:ti».<br />

Following lbs Hoes •oggastsd by l)r<br />

. l>. Headlre, tUaXa KclamologUI. at<br />

recent meeting of tna City CocamLa-<br />

mioumr*. looking to Ibe eJlmtnalloja of<br />

a Ibla clly aad vtclalty.<br />

place.<br />

Ml** Aooa K Mrt'aulay. of Pblla-<br />

dalpbia, waa a gur»l of Ibe Imperial<br />

durlof tb* w*ck.<br />

Mka* tUl* Moot*, atccoerrapber lo H<br />

K. HLaiitao'* rral eaiale oRlce. ba* gooe<br />

away ou h*t vacsiiuu.<br />

Mrs. Llowood Back aud dauxblar<br />

tiava returned frtios a pltaxaut vUu lo<br />

frteod* in Kk> (Jrsode.<br />

Mr*. UI1IL* «'la»«ll. or IbU clly. ba*<br />

l Plldlbl t d y<br />

la Pulladalpbl* to apeod a *<br />

MKJ wub bcr daugbter.<br />

Mrs. J. M. CuoologUam. of Pilmao.<br />

ba* breo occ-upjlor. ber Hixleealb<br />

aireet ooltags a lew daya.<br />

Jaa^ M. Vodjre* ao4 wtfa aod daugb*<br />

ter, Kuib. ol Pblladalpbla. are amoog<br />

Ibe guca4a of Ktlib Hall.<br />

MUaKmlly Lyocb I* a—latlag Clly<br />

Huperlalcadaul Jaura M.M4cvcna.of<br />

Ibe publM; »cboola, lo bta office work.<br />

Dr. Itulaod Ulada ba* beeo tuln-<br />

lalulog bla pareola. Or. aod Mr* H. C.<br />

Hlade. of Mlllvllla, la bla eullax* berr.<br />

Jaoob Bcbuff and family bava ra-<br />

lurnrd lo Ibelr borne to tlila city after<br />

apaudlu*; moat of ibe aummcr al Cap*<br />

M p<br />

May.<br />

Cbarle* IlurreU aod wife, of Ptra*-<br />

antvillf. ware wrekeud vlaltors al tbe<br />

tK>m* of laalab Cbruttau and wife lo<br />

tbl* city.<br />

Mrs Hrtlj U Hand, wbo bas been<br />

••a mo eiteuilKt vult to relatives In<br />

(ioabeo, ba* returned to ber bom* tn<br />

IbU dly.<br />

frank E. ("raven aud wtr* and Wll<br />

llara H. Craven aud wife, of Pblladel<br />

pbla. were gurata of Ibr Oceanic a raw<br />

day* Bgo.<br />

Mra. Ada Nixon, of Vloeland, ta<br />

apeudlug ber vacatk>n at Ibe bocoe of<br />

ber parauis. Building Inapector Wil-<br />

liam rl JobwoD and wlfr, of tbla city.<br />

William A Humtuerill. editor and<br />

owner of Ibe Penaagrove Kecord, wa*<br />

Iu tos/o Haturday.. He say* a number<br />

of Oceao Clly people area! Peonagrove<br />

L«oula J. Kloger and faoally. of Lo-<br />

gan, sr* vlalttog Mi*. Kin git'• par<br />

anu,. "" '" - ...<br />

city.<br />

Hertb. ttcull.<br />

MUs K. H.Vurny and aiater. Mr».<br />

J W. Baker, of Pblladelpbla. bave<br />

been occupytug Ibelr bungalow.<br />

Kigbleeolb *tre« and West avenue.<br />

fur a few day*.<br />

K. R. Bhue aad wife, of West Phila-<br />

delphia, bave returoed to Ibelr home<br />

alter a vUlt of a faw week* at tba<br />

cummer cottage of Cbarlea Beoham,<br />

ISM Asbury avenue.<br />

Frank K. L.lpplocolt. of Ibe Hwartb-<br />

more Hotel, bs« noted ooe of tbe<br />

apartmenta in tbe CbesUr Building<br />

H*def*utUd Iu IbU.<br />

It wa*> ajlegad Ibat tlaaawaio<br />

recalvluglJ.il: a day fur bla Ubur<br />

Peouafrove- He dcakrd tbia. and<br />

•aid ba wa* recelvtax only about %*1 a<br />

day. Tba police called up Ib* com-<br />

pany'* o-ftlc* at Paouagrova during<br />

tbe besrtag end wire laforaiad lu*l<br />

ma*lor. U 1- aday<br />

Haaja avf 0ar«l>c« CfaalM^aid.<br />

Begiuolug oaittkiudajr.ttva evealoc<br />

a«rvlo**t Ib* Kl(«t Bap4UtCliuicb will<br />

be. aa uaual, a4 7 SO o'clock. Tbe reg-<br />

ular cbo4r la a*ked to be pieveot aud<br />

Io lake IbeU pUcea- Tbe (Uv. Uearge<br />

V. Mttcb will prca^b 00 *'f*e»c«. aud<br />

Wbat We Cau Ou lo Halp Bilax II<br />

About." Tb* bour for Ib* Wtdu*-d*y<br />

• •aolag prsytr aarvlo* baa alao breo<br />

cbaogad from 7.46 lo 7 Jo o'clock fur<br />

tba winter.<br />

Tbeoongrrgatloua at ib* flw Pra»<br />

byUrlan Cburch Huoday ware plesacd<br />

wllb IbeiiSoe aloglu*;. Io tb* morolag<br />

W. O Miller, burur of tbe UDlveraliy<br />

of Penuaylvaola, aaog. la bla uaual<br />

effodlv* manuar, a aolo, culttlrd.<br />

Zioo," by Kruno Hubu. Ml** Loulaa<br />

T. Concui and Lewi* K. Hmltb aaog a<br />

duet, "Io tb* t.'roaa of Cbiut We<br />

Glory." In a way tbat Ibelr bearer*<br />

apprvdated.<br />

A Paan>«rove dlapalcb lo a Wll<br />

|mloton paper aaya: Tb* Peooaigrov*<br />

Improvement Co. ba*.aotd lo Ibe<br />

Hnoemakar Lumber Co of Ocean City<br />

laod Dear tbe intersection of Iba Peoa-<br />

ayivanla Railroad and Beacb • venue<br />

for a lumber yard. Laud to Pilmao<br />

atreet ba* beea bouxbt by Hmllb A.<br />

Porter, ooocrete worker* aad «trrcl<br />

paver*, of Oceao City.<br />

Mi gp<br />

taw (*. Hcull at>d wlfo. of tbl*<br />

Mr* Kiuger waa formerly Mta*<br />

tll<br />

wblcb be and bt* family<br />

uolll next apriog.<br />

ill occupy<br />

Ueoravand Ilalpb Hutleutock and<br />

Mlaa T. Mesd. of Monlclalr. bave re-<br />

turned from a vlalt to Wardell Htg-<br />

boe and wife, of ihla city. Tuey ara<br />

Mre Hlgtee'e coualn*.<br />

Mn. Uertrude Walnton and daugb-<br />

ter. Mta* f r*uce»T. Btalotou and Mr*.<br />

C Wrlaler, aoa eod daugbier, of tbla<br />

city, bava returoed from a vull 10<br />

Wildwood and Cape May.<br />

Mr*. W. K. Tucbtou aud daogbler*.<br />

Mn. Walter Ka. Haltia Lees aod aoo.UUbert.<br />

of PblladelpbU, reeeally vlailed WU-<br />

llaro K. Hugbe*. of tbla dly. Tneaoo<br />

I* conoected wllb tbe Pblladelpbla<br />

Ktre IToderwrlters' Aasoclall'>o.<br />

Minor Vluceut. wbo ba* beeo a real<br />

deal of tbw clly fur a Dumber of year*.<br />

ba* xooe to Pblladelpbla. wbere ba<br />

«III be employed by tba AbboU Com-<br />

feoiy.<br />

family.<br />

H« waa accompanied by bla<br />

Mia* May M. Petllle and Mlaa Emma<br />

l*owfj Kagao bave beeo vUlllug at<br />

Mia* Pagan'* alater's cottage. 4800 Cen-<br />

tral avenue, for Iba past two week a.<br />

Ml** PettUe will remain far m few<br />

week* longer.<br />

Mn K. A. Young and family .of Iba<br />

Hotel Breakers. IbU city, will epend<br />

tba wioler la Pblladelpbla Tbey re-<br />

mained at Iba botal laat winter, bat<br />

they bave now decided to go to Pnlla-<br />

dcJpbta odtll next aprlna;.<br />

Mrs. T. J. f lorsnee. of Pblladalpbla.<br />

• summer resident bara for many<br />

year*, la vlalUnK Mra Mary Miller at<br />

bar cotlags 00 fourth street. Mr*.<br />

Vlorano* entertained Mrs. Ayraa, of<br />

fblladalnhl*, • fa* day* elooa.<br />

Herbert J. Llnaban and Vltaa Mary<br />

K. Ulbb. of tbU clly. were married at<br />

tbe boot of tbe bnde, 704 Aabury ave-<br />

nue, f riday eveolDg, In tbe presenca<br />

of a few relatives, by tbe Kev. Uco. f.<br />

Mttcb, of Iba BaptUt Cburtb. Brveral<br />

frieod* Kalberad st tbr dloocr wblcb<br />

followed tbe ceremooy. Tbe newly-<br />

weds will reside lo IbU clly for a tluc,<br />

at least.<br />

Heira EHIVIIUI Aadcfaoa.<br />

While atBeaUlrt receolly. sever si<br />

of Iba member* of Company O, Tblrd<br />

lofaotry, of Ibla city, deckled lo go to<br />

Ocean Grove to bear Kvangelut An-<br />

deraoo. TboM to tba pany w«re<br />

Jamas Mart*. Benram Hmllh, Vernon<br />

CarUoo, Bomer* Youog. Karl Bbarp,<br />

Howard MePbeison aud Ucorge W.<br />

Hooy.<br />

Chlaail Bau.<br />

Member* of Iba Ocaan Clly f i.blug<br />

Club are again caloblng cnanoel baaa.<br />

W. W. Blbaoo got one weighing 31<br />

pounda 14 oauccs. W. W. Ttera Uaded<br />

one weighing ill pound", and O. Kd.<br />

Corn man palled In oae tbat tipped Iba<br />

beam al SH pouud* '1 ounce*.<br />

Ho«« tf to OI**ciMar.<br />

Dr. Cbarle- B. Klder, Ibe dealt*!,<br />

who he* beeo a resident of IbU clly fur<br />

about dfteea yesr», bee moved, wttb<br />

hi* family, lo Gloucester, wbere I bey<br />

will rcsHe. Or. Hlder'a maoy frieoda<br />

bera ebb him much auccee* In bU<br />

u«w fltld of operation.<br />

C. *». Fowell'a V O«a>eere a<br />

well kuowu butcher and maat dealer.<br />

He was Iba fatltcr of Charles B. Powell,<br />

of this city.<br />

a*ev*>*B)ie>cl WUB asisw.<br />

Mayor Cbamptoo. at tba moalo pa-<br />

vilion laat crveolng. to behalf of tbe<br />

frleode and admirers of Prof.J. W-<br />

Harrtaoo, pnatalad Iba popular band<br />

leader wttb a handsome signet rtog.<br />

Tha gift la (really appreciated by ib<br />

recipient- ^<br />

Oat yoar Job printing dona at Ibe<br />

BxaTUuu. Pristine H""*» ,<br />



CODHTY'SW.C.T.O.<br />


[>e fulloarlng resolution, praseuled by<br />

Xrrcior Aee Adam*, beallb of-<br />

cer of Ibe clly of Ocean City, baa<br />

oisde hla report lo Iba Board of Com-<br />

laatooen. bearing daJaHaptaimber 14,<br />

915. sMtlng fortb Ibereln Ibat no4kxs<br />

iva been ssotloall owners of land<br />

r»t of Havao aveaoa, beiwean Koatlce*<br />

venby bias sad IbaJ Ibe eald prop-<br />

iriy owoera bave failed lo comply<br />

lib bl* uo4k*»: aud<br />

Wbarra*. Ib* clly of Ocean Cuy U<br />

lltKxit fuudalo eJImlnal* Iba breed-<br />

( places a* ootlced by Ibe aald ttesltb<br />

Qloar: Ibcrtfoie, be U<br />

Kewlved. by Ibe Board of Oxnmla.<br />

tootn of Ocesn City, ibat tbe Depart-<br />

ment of tba Board of Health of and<br />

r tbe Hlat* of titm Jersey be ouUOed<br />

i*l tbe city of Ocean CUy I* wUUou*<br />

iOda to ellnslnal* Iba tnomjullo breed-<br />

g places,aa aotltJed by Um saXI beallb<br />

fflcar.<br />

Aocordlug lo tbe plao laid dovo by<br />

r. Hrsdle*. Iba eUale, wben tt rs-<br />

Ive* Ibla nolle* from tbe clly. will ml<br />

ice proceed u> do a* much dUcblag<br />

> these .'land* ta* will be poeslble<br />

lib lbs money now available. Ha<br />

ul Ibey bave oow about t&XO tbat<br />

cau be apeot In Cape May Cotmly for<br />

Ula purpose.<br />


abort dascrlptloo of Iba property ta be<br />

effected by Ibe lmpro»«m*ol; n*jn*oi<br />

xxmtnrtor. aavwot of cool net. (be<br />

prloe of aaeb liuea aoder Ibeooatracl:<br />

data of oooflrmatloo of ra port at coco-<br />

mlsalooer* of HHwmiul; aod eocb<br />

oiber data aa may farobab taformalloo<br />

a* lo tb* coat ot tb* Improvement and<br />

Iba land lo be effected Ibaraby; ba tl<br />

further<br />

Basel vad, tbat aaid book hereto daa-<br />

crtbed, a* provaled by iba Board of<br />

CommfastcxHT*, la an aot of courts*»<br />

oa In* part of tb* clly of Ocaan CUy.<br />

aad tbat aald ctty aoalI not b* liable<br />

far any error or omraatoo tberwa and<br />

not lo enact any laaaammnl made of<br />

o be made by tb* commtavkuiers of<br />

A rssolalkxo wa* adopted »tUln«<br />

Lbat Iba ex pause* for Ibe Improvemaol*<br />

oCorlalbiao arano* at Hecood vlr*rt<br />

ba«e beso foood lo be 11004. Ibeex-<br />

peua* including JJiflO for earvrylog<br />

aud t-> tar ea^h of Ib* dunm>s»tnoa»a<br />

Of Aaa«**m«Ot.<br />

A resolatloo wa* adoptad to borrow<br />

JiJfrom Ib* First NaJlooal Baak lo<br />

auticlpatlou of Iba ooUeelkho of taxes<br />

•ot IU1.V<br />

catis 10 e^tiv fnamroilia<br />

arc, Tbcnlatv, asa-ld l'l>-<br />

Mayor Champion said at Ibe weekly<br />

eeting of Ibe City Commlsaloaers<br />

1st aome dUpoallloo aboald be TI*/1*<br />

tb* pettttoo recently received by Ibe<br />

ard mjuc^tlug a bulkbead batweeo<br />

orty-cUuth aud Klfuelb street*. It<br />

ould seem lo blm, be aisled, tbat<br />

ue o'gnen lo Ibe petition are >careely<br />

irneleut to warrant Ib* board In tak-<br />

g favorable action. These algner*<br />

a total of a little more tban 600<br />

en. end there are i500 feet of land be-<br />

»«a tbese streets. People oo tbe east<br />

de nf Central avenue should ask for<br />

Director Adam* eaid tbat a portion<br />

f Ibe alguera are located oo Aabury<br />

veuue.<br />

Oo motion of Director Campbell,<br />

Ily Clerk Morri* was Instructed lo<br />

only Ibe petitioner* Ibat Ibe board<br />

bluk* Ibere are uot eoougb algoera lo<br />

arrant complying with tbe request-<br />

Mayor Cbamploo further elated Ibat<br />

be bad replied lo Mr. Pattoo, wbo<br />

role blm resenting Ibe paving of<br />

klewalka In a certalo aecth>o of Houlb<br />

ceau ('Ity. The mayor aald be bad<br />

ild Mr. Patloa Ibat tbe board woald<br />

are tu bear from other loletested<br />

Oseelaa «M Allak Csmlox.<br />

Tbe magnlacent and absorblag apec-<br />

tacle. "Tb< Usrdeo of Allah," adrama-<br />

ltalloo of Robert Httcbena' famou><br />

aud best novel of Iba same title by<br />

htmaelf aad Mary Anderson de Ns<br />

varro. will come lo the Apollo Theater.<br />

Atlantic Ctty, today, for a limited en-<br />

gagement of three olghl* and Balur-<br />

dav matinee.<br />

The aschaollog desert acanea, tbe<br />

ovely Iropiesl garden*, ibe quaint<br />

at rest eeeocai of Baol-Mora. together<br />

wttb many beautiful Mage effect*, all<br />

form an effective background for tba<br />

eoal-etirrlng romance of tha Great Ba-<br />

Mia* Edytb Latlmer give* ao artMto<br />

portrayaJ of tb* cbaraoter uf "Domini<br />

KoOUlta." Nooe of tbe powlblltlla*<br />

of Ibe dlfflcall part ara lo>« In Mlaa<br />

Lailmer'a Interpretatloa. Bbe grip*<br />

ber audleoc* wltb Ibe power of a Irua<br />

• rllal. *be pleases Iba eye. Ibe ear and<br />

IbeaestbellOBsnasand vends ber lis-<br />

tener* away aalu-ned aod uplifted.<br />

Mr. Laweoo But' In the character of<br />

Hoil. Audrovaky" bring* to bla part<br />

all Ibe tragic atmosphere aod appear-<br />

ance wblcb Its peculiar need—that of<br />

be renegade Trap plat monk—da-<br />

maud* HI* reading is most effective,<br />

especially lo his great eoofeasioa*cen*.<br />

Mr. Kredererlo De BellevllU. wbo<br />

ulay* Ibe part of •-00001 Anteool."<br />

briug* lo It—that of a poet tod desert<br />

dra imcr—a skill and reellog tbat abowa<br />

looa experlenee lo MU* Mevilnr-<br />

AnUlttiKLV h»^jl(IN.<br />

2— Praia* Her*Ice— Mi». A. Kleslman.<br />

Bibl* Reading — Mrs. Hester Hand.<br />

Mloulea Murulng Km-lau aud Kiec-<br />

allte Meeting.<br />

Duet —Mrs. H«!co Miller aud Mrs.<br />

I>«lla Hradway.<br />

Hepoit* of riup*Tint«udeul* of I>e-<br />

partaocul*.<br />

Cbrullan ClUuuahlp — Mra Mary<br />

Miller.<br />

KvaugalLatk: —Mre. HalLowell.<br />

Flower MUalon — Mra. He~ltr Haud.<br />

Krancbu* — itra. KatbryuJ Htesl<br />

wegoa.<br />

LegtaJaJlon and Petilkou —Mrs. llalla<br />

a HmJth.<br />

Report or AuJltluc Cooiaiillee —<br />

Mrs. Haiti* Kkdlcr.<br />

Report CredantUI I'umolliH.<br />

Roll C*U —Mra. Plu)«t» IU«.<br />

tOtdhxi of Oltlttr..<br />

Mutben', Mniluga—Wulir UlbU.u<br />

Kccrull*—Mrs. Hlackmiu. *<br />

Uaooatb ()L«rnu«—Mi«. Mary<br />

ekiudrr.<br />

Paoal aad lUforai — Mra HPUI<br />

Hand.<br />

Kallrosd Meo. Motor MID aad Klrs-<br />

roen—Mn>. P. Newcoajb.<br />

eVoclal Mea41nga aad lUJLrHUr<br />

Day*—Mrs. P. Kutberford.<br />

Kuoday rklwjols— Mra. U'UIU.<br />

bloglDg—VVLUe Kibhoa Kelly Woog.<br />

^Present Ht el ua Womsu HurTrsa:e In<br />

N«W Jersey" — Htslo Huperlnteodeut<br />

Fraachlae. Mrs.* Mary K. l-»witur»,<br />

rJalem. N.J.<br />

Minutes Afteruoou Hr**luu.<br />

Offericg.<br />

Adjourucaeul.<br />

ldu>lc—MLa* Mluarva Adam..<br />

Prayer—Mr*. Anale Kteeloian.<br />

Bcriplura Kradlug — Mra. t'laribel<br />

Hallo-ay.<br />

UTnging—<br />

Address — "Our Natlou'a Urealest<br />

Outlaw." ibe lUv. J. K. Hbln.Je-II. of<br />

Arllngtoo. N. J.<br />

Offcrtug for t^oualy Work.<br />

Benediction.<br />

OTbe couoly ofrteera are: I'wiklrot.<br />

Mrs. Delia B. rlmltb; cofm(>udlii((<br />

eecreiary* Mrs. fallen tJ. HUarp: re-<br />

eordlng aarretary, Mra. PheW HOT;<br />

IresMirar. Mrs. fyulbla barau.<br />

Kirschbaum'3 Suits and Overcoats<br />

SUtson Fall HaU, #3-So to #500<br />

Snappy HaU at #«.oo<br />

Fall line of capa nod- sweaters, ready made pants,<br />

underwear, etc<br />

Jones' Men's Shop<br />

804-80* Aabury Anau* :: Ocean City, New Jeretjr<br />

Dry «dsmbiaac<br />

!UloalLoUbJa,Bu*an. ••• . ..<br />

•- W.iicott Hand<br />


Jlorlet<br />

1128 Bay Avtnut<br />

*BJO WOBJK nia^rr<br />

BOTH s>N0MK« . '. .,' ,<br />

E. C. BOYLE<br />

Real Estate Brofc#i><br />

«2« CIO HTM STNCCT • •'<br />

j.ms><br />

jf<br />

UIESTO<br />

'• •»•••• mwmmm»awamm«jmj SB*) •dmW aTeV<br />

^etaMaf Mi ttMdtiy laMafaj fllMO tl<br />

isWes««tw»MMi-j#4M. OflMa<br />

bwAartoay /. Diesel<br />

off tto<br />

iSl-Md John Haarhawh. JrTewetl<br />

tto<br />

coiiimBswi<br />

bto.appotalaaaM of ttta'followtag<br />

eoeaeBtttoa* to carve) ta eaoade*<br />

Ueoiwa*ttoaa)oliaa*t»ortteeoan.<br />

i, wbtoh win to toM) over tto<br />

i of tto Oeaaa City TaeM dab<br />

Batarday. arptoeaorf «t<br />

Jaaa K. Watt*. Ctortoa F. Wall, J.<br />

Ctaflbrd WBaoa. J. Freahtta Slyer*.<br />

Jr.. William B. Htknaaamip. Jr.. WU<br />

Uaaa a Case. Bastard Al water. Fred<br />

Bar. and an orator of note.<br />

node partfealarty BaJdta, Bemnel W. Wbaa aad P. D.<br />

V torge , aamber off FolweU.<br />

wto, at tbelnvtuttoo of Mr. Begalto Committee, to worh m eonrid<br />

UM following pM«t, Joncttoo wtth tto regatta commute* of<br />

rlliiii Wdeoai tto total elate—Prank J. Oormaa<br />

-We. tba uaoorahrnad. as American ehairm«a; ur. Talbot Bead. Benbra<br />

rJ promtoe oar Ood la pc protect B. Clarke. H. O. LaCato, Hear* Tmdeeaao.<br />

Mortoo B. Afcuandar. Thoaaaa<br />

aad Ito booorof tto United<br />

a» 4awrtca wttb oar Hvea. J. iMoeletr. Cbarta* W. Olaaar. Lawto<br />

Tto exact**** we*<br />

Olaaerand Or. Frederick A Wee*.<br />

WMfcaevettytaad<br />

etegtog g -I LOT. la Tell l tto rttory rttory. J<br />

! !• PPraHwleb leading g tto vocatou<br />

M Mm. Heten H Coraao.oa Uta tart trana.<br />

paaytog at tto ptaoo.<br />

Tto Bav.Joatfrti B. Vat*<br />

TropbyC tmmttiee Daotom Part*,<br />

ebetrmeo: WHtmaB T Matsger. Walter<br />

O Boo-all. Boom Bedford. Mark<br />

r. «"a **i—an. Jama* I. Balauer.<br />

Oaatsv Lwdwbj. Wlllmm A.<br />

Bletard Kvlaaaaadii W_~—„....•g<br />

mto<br />

Board of Jodgea—«.*h«rtoe if. Wood.. „<br />

BMBmfl lassa mmrHahSL me.**, ••»*.» .<br />

•swams *^Mi ssMtw^ asaa, IBfMOl chairmen; Frank O. Bogltob, Dr. B»|-£<br />

to •rfttochareh. aad ito tadtaeW.Warr,<br />

Jr.. Jobo O. UUaaore. Laue<br />

ifiS* 1 "*-* 1 ""-<br />

Mr of Ito BMdla BcbleC<br />

Ha wm niiiiliHy gtadla<br />

da* la tto gc<br />

afltobM jauarlva Tto<br />

af OcaaaCKyan -<br />

af ito<br />

•at ki Barapa baa ton all aaaa<br />

aiaaaf te> Uad aad It *4adMalttaI<br />

oaatuaa. cmnaatma,<br />

Ttodavtldeeai<br />

w«h tto -wawa aad<br />

P. Mabtaa, Ueorc* J. ittraaaaaller.<br />

, dttws-| Joaepb M. Bowtead. Wltltaaa P John-<br />

• Mi|wo^WlllU»E.Hiiio«fiiii1 ttouy<br />


By a reeeot raltog af the United<br />

Btotea Paat QtBce neaertmint. Mgte><br />

Bepfamter I. parcel paat paehy<br />

to teaand egataat tarn la an<br />

•vaaaalataatla<br />

eqajvetoat to ectoal vatae.<br />

uaad tt ta aay oaa ca*e.<br />

af a toe of thraa era**; act'<br />

af • toeof<br />

w>aai pay-<br />

of l«aatym*aaaet&<br />

County Fall<br />

fccaay paccai paai taa*. Tb*.|Ffa>e«xhibh of Vejetablo, FroHs.<br />

aaljlto* ttopanal baa toaa| Pooltry. etc.<br />

Hone Rador aad Show Oaaa,<br />

Motorcycle Sacea. Foot Bace»,<br />

Bate Ball. etc.<br />

Uttle Jmsaie will do aoaeatnot*<br />

with his pooio.<br />

ef ito Eating staad in charge of Un. LObe<br />

of Cape MayIjobnaoa.<br />

of Pierce'a. That me*as<br />

Oaaa«yw»U to toM la the Oataty<br />

baU a good aqnare meal.<br />

* end to atlo^anca aod 18* Beaember Dates<br />

HiHiM Brtc*.af<br />

ito<br />

, ef theloeal<br />

tto box set _<br />

nerjkedy ta general<br />

aaar ito (rand<br />

Tto aaipMa or><br />

Bdwajd T. CMton. of<br />

dar«a< Uta a«rt<br />

taatraMarday. Harvey V. Late<br />

MmAut B. Wallace, of<br />

daachtor of treara. Wortmaa^aad wtfa.<br />

a# 1MB cay. worn marnad al ito Vtnt<br />

Witch aid Jewelry KesalrtBC<br />

Mayer's<br />

la Ito Vim BaptMCbaics Haaday.<br />

a apaoal appml waa •• Sn« raoatloa ataoa<br />

BBmSaH^mmL AsSSBmTt B^mWaT Sm^fSBmrnW<br />

by Ma faattfr. wttl lakaaMp)<br />

rnaaa* a< (aacvkwatvam. VaT.<br />

to wM tato Mr. Brtok aad b*><br />

SMBtfywabbam. Ttoy wttt have tw«<br />

T « a<br />

ye^ral tost»aa<br />

OXERS<br />

tefflr<br />

UdBtttEnB<br />

Uotor Boats Stored far the winter.<br />

PrftT-atolb *mt tad Wm Am.<br />


L Tto Jaaemot tto rtak an<br />

fitstlie G«s yon use.<br />

Have tis install the<br />

/^ , so it is<br />

ready fcr your use<br />

vltco-yoa-waatit.<br />

The City Gas<br />

Light Co.<br />


EOPLE<br />

AY<br />

BY CHECK<br />

•for they realise ita<br />

; safety, conveniemceaod<br />

economy, also that it<br />

sdds prestige to their<br />

financial standing.<br />

Your account snb-<br />

-ject-to-check is-cor~<br />

diajly in\-ited.<br />

Ocean CHy title<br />

aad Trust Co.<br />

Ocean City, N. J<br />

ABBOTTS'<br />

CtlB M.t.r MM* caa* ScvntaSL and West Av*.<br />

ttaaa" aad HJatpba Irwio gara tto<br />

toltotooeto. b tax taatage had , Mcatbara aad frkoda oT Ito Ocaan Ctty. N. J.<br />

ptayad. aadOaaaa Ctty tod. S to 1 UKy Kan Boat Clab aia •orates<br />

'wUti »aaaw(d MtU Ito i«lw« arf<br />

Ibtonrsanhattnn. wblcb to Ito fatara<br />

• loto raaoa a baaiaowba^i. Thtm<br />

a •ban IUH<br />

wa» pal_tolo ffl*e« al Ite eaaaal<br />

tertlng of ite dub Halardav umimg<br />

At that meeting ite Mkiwtog a*<br />

em wcra etocvd:<br />

Cnmmndmc. Harry O LaOato:<br />

JOB oMaeBoatre. Jamea BMMafll<br />

aaeratary aod trmaanr. ttomott Hent:<br />

rear Commodan. Jelta* J»tbn: tma-<br />

•aea. cs^Jemmudom J. Prank Mjwra.<br />

• bartoa B*roo> WUbaaa AlbnjM and<br />

l-omaMtdon LaCato ba* always<br />

teT^^f-Sf**• ^ teen00*of Ita moat ecUva mamtira<br />

of tne etab n *Mvythaag parfbitog to<br />

kU aueoMe. aad M to aoto toaay Ibat te<br />

and Ite otter new nfllrer*,all af w teaa<br />

B. rraak rtauib ao- an gnatly aalcreatod ta eoattof. wtu<br />

work ba*d and to aatooa to paab ita<br />

etao to tta tnmfm4km**thm.<br />

freot aod toon tt tbtra.<br />

ta cbarseof ite<br />

Uoo to tte central<br />

Ukarp 111611 mitociab<br />

•oual aietlOB of iba c*y<br />

I Ito wlo«ar. It baa aaaa<br />

baa toaa told far maa> toM daaca aad eaid pajtM»<br />

lpbl Hotel •> PsUaodpto*<br />

every two -<br />

iMw waarr TO<br />

RMI<br />

ISSS^^^<br />

Qtlm tfl. Town—nd<br />

Sis Si.<br />

Joseph Q. Champion<br />


M.J. .<br />

Ralph Hayes VanGllder<br />


OCBAM cm, MBWjaaasv<br />

TM SI0I1I HIE<br />

e<br />

A Reliable Builder<br />


f.a. BUILDER<br />

Nuxcnr,<br />

a. J.<br />

tn-m<br />

<strong>On</strong>SstTOMSUU<br />


\OtrwKMir atb St. Opposite P. O.<br />

<strong>On</strong>lygalisiilMdnaOiwMdon<br />

exttriorwork<br />

l)-4.U-BILI>-iaJM-C.US<br />

"Ttoiaii a BaMaa"<br />

Oo«CitflHnlU{.Ci.<br />

Jobbing tod altcntloo work given<br />

our ^tti<br />

.Window tod Door Frames aad<br />

Sctvctv ptw to oroci*<br />


BaaPtoaajSOL<br />

csn«art«ana<br />

n«M rwaans<br />

::: T. SEAL<br />

Xo eivcft jroctf Orrm City<br />

YOB I mmrt spsro toa tftne<br />

to look ft after O it Ci cloadj Y aad mat depend upon the<br />

honcKtr of the contractor.<br />


I kave bollt for a Urge number of people aad coold refer 70a to •met: (I^MTM<br />

say or an of them. - ' •<br />

aacaaarrv<br />

• oaaaaj ava.<br />

8cnd Car tfe«lbt of names and pbotognphaol thehooiej.<br />

a 00B8ON.<br />

*»WHI avwi mHU IWIIItlCX*<br />

Flans tad Sperfncariona Fnrnfahed. Bi<br />

asaiPIOtCB IBS i^ary Awaaa<br />

Hotaiaand Bungalows<br />

felly Given.<br />

'eatAveon*<br />

Blerrtnth Street sad Bay Avenue<br />

OCXAM CITY. M. J.<br />

Bnacb OOoc TbbtrAank Stratt<br />

J. C TROUT<br />

Swan and Trout<br />

Carpenters<br />

1040 ABBUWV<br />

and Builders<br />

Ball Pboae t» Intar-Statar Pbo-to i>4* A<br />


General Contractors<br />

eroding and Str««fc Bailding<br />


Ooeso Oty, New Jersey<br />

Walter V. Hess<br />



•uaara<br />

Oltlo« 1O17 Asbury Avenu*<br />

Tha HelUMe Store for Dry Goods, Hotiens aad<br />

•Hen's Weir.<br />

•waaitvae o# tu Aioae<br />

IiAWRENOE M.<br />

M. C OOOPKXY<br />

Uphojjrtoring., Awning., House<br />


oSaaOBy. Aaatota<br />

OC«AN cmr. m. 4.<br />

W. Harria<br />

Contractor. Bolldcr<br />

and JobWn*<br />

M.I1W. .^.,<br />

OCEAN crrv.N.x<br />

I.OIX<br />

in. §. AIAMS * m.<br />



645 Asbaiy Avenue^<br />

ic*» T. Law ua «a« on oo*.<br />


CUNTON L. aRCCHLCY. »»O»<br />

Baady Mixed Patata, Laad aad OU.<br />

££ Readliur Goal<br />

jlai Slaenat W—a a<br />

b— «a»^aaiu» aiiT<br />

Real Estate and<br />

Search Cknnpany<br />

asMssnrra * r l "* I<br />

Fldelfty Trust Comnny I<br />

Of MCWB9B I<br />

lildiMd Tllk ui Trtst Co.<br />

TlUa Znsanmoe<br />

Bsstrbsa; Abatraeta of Title,<br />

Tin<br />

•ptScrrlca AS Wark<br />

iMoMyw<br />

ParmatarSah<br />

OfflOM In<br />

Krst Hsttonl »—>><br />

OspsMawOooxt<br />

•W* aj•<br />


nusm<br />


Asaat for Btowaefa boa Werfca C»<br />

UanBaittagaaad Wk<br />

SL I* IBM A*<br />


r Avaaaa. Oaaaa car, •. i.<br />

'•eaOakhl<br />

m'm, ifwwa—a *•—aata—Bimw<br />

B»iw ia IN aaa aawatM af taa<br />

ft >»•—»>—a a»M»»wiia*. imptjrm**<br />

SuMOmWntoM liattTZ<br />

Why Not Buy<br />

BatkhMt Omttt at OoeTa.<br />

mm wot ami afcflttaaof<br />

*ee-.aOsti<br />

G0FP5<br />

price*<br />

ii<br />

n City Sentinel<br />


ehailtogladtoteeet<br />

sad coavaunloattoiM<br />

ahooM to aewith<br />

tto foil uua* and<br />

1 of tto Oeaaa CHy W C<br />

T. U, wttl to toM el the beeee ef<br />

Mm. Jaata Malta, BK t>aatml<br />



Weather Conditions last flat,<br />

nrday caated Postpoaeokent<br />

of Brent for little Ooas. '<br />



"Japanese Weldls*" ParUdpated<br />

la by CMl*ws>-Ai><br />

tnctlona for Thto Week.<br />

IS ffllBB<br />


HEAR DR. HAINESll Jones* Men's<br />

•04-908 Mbary Avsnna 1:<br />

W»tM.».CIwfdli»uied«t<br />

*»«Tfc«*WtieoFormer<br />

Pastor Delhrered •crmoaa.<br />

All Straw Hats, $uoo<br />

Tto "IHIDD" f nwily orer.<br />

Oaap seating doMd Monday n«bL<br />

Baby parada toajomw anamoon.<br />

S " " 1 * ** lh> Jrl clol Tto baby and Juvenile parade that Tto Caetoo Club eooltaaae to draw<br />

waa to tave been toM latt Hatorday<br />

Dr.J.B. „_—. ^—~.<br />

canon crowd*. The attractively<br />

I afternoon wee portpooed, bceaaee of<br />

oft^aotenaryM.B Church, Uamden,<br />

lighted balcony to tto one arkrhteeat<br />

A<br />

Ito Inclemint weather, until toeadftow<br />

aeeeebed at Ito morning and evening<br />

in Ocean Ctty every night that never<br />

(FrMay) efUroooo at MO o'elook. tall* to ptoaee. Conttaooeo daacteg VweatleUi Mteet Assodatk — — m ito Pint M A Cbarch la Get Measured for TOUT FaM Suit tVtday b.li<br />

Ttore were fully 100 cotrtoe befbre<br />

.ittooa that togeltor reacted<br />

every evening, eicept Wednesday,<br />

ttollmeof Ite atari of ite parade Met<br />

Kessbsrs Wttl Work to Ow>'[ttonaatberof<br />

am. bring two of tto<br />

which toglveo over to tto "klddtoa,"<br />

Belurdey, and a targe numbrr of ito<br />

targe*!ever amembtodm ttocbareh.<br />

to tto mala attraction, tot maay peo-<br />

yooog people, maoy ta unique one.<br />

D». Hatoee baaa greet namber af<br />

ple, old end young, tav* toond tto Tto anneal rnawtng ef tto Twee)-<br />

»<br />

wate*. gathered at Taotb atnet and<br />

fitoad* saMMg tto eottoger* here.<br />

•paeiooepofcboveriooktoglto Board- 1Mb Street Improvement Amaetolkx<br />

Ito Boardwalk al S o'clock, ready lo<br />

They went to church every Sunday<br />

walk a popular galbarlnft piece to eeewaa<br />

held at tto oStoeof tto emote ry.<br />

get toto line.<br />

laMrntog while to waa paator of Ito,<br />

end beaten.<br />

PnnkltaH. Herat. Vartaeweemmtt-<br />

Word cam* from Chairmen W. H,<br />

local church, and they were glad to<br />

Tto week-end *p*etolty waa Ito<br />

Detorath, however, that tt bad been<br />

tave Ito opportunity of bearing htm<br />

-Jardln da Dance." toatared Friday Tto contraction of tto Boardwalk<br />

decided to poatpone Ito parade until<br />

agata. Ha baa ito demrvad repute. The LeadlrisT Dry Goods Store<br />

and aatarday evening*<br />

between Blzteenlb aad Srteoteeolh Itoa of being one of Iteflnaal<br />

MlSfllOOllo<br />

Extraordinary deaorattone were In- etreet* wee fteely uueaeeeaaed apon. to- praaiben In ito N*w Jenty Cnotor-<br />

Oat In llaa, "kktdlaV and tot Itora atellad by Mr. Carpenter, a apaetol aamoctiaaUtortgatdadbyltoaanel<br />

A« awnl, BMD* of Iba eoilunn will to a Ms Urooot.<br />

see.<br />

Big Bargains in Waists. Skirts<br />

naaata ban nuill lu, |0 OrtoSr?<br />

•(Tort being asade to tave thto tto gala atton eean etbtoteewutdtottt a ton*)<br />

event of ita month. Hi *<br />

Tto aerlplure lemon tor Ito aaom-<br />

WMlbar favorable, ibna «lll to an><br />

~>ee>antotta*araeataSbrta.<br />

and Dresses<br />

ottorlaita crowd bara for Labor Day? CAMP MBBTINO'8 C&O8B Itoneweregfcreo botb »vealaga. Mha<br />

igmrmoo wee from tbelwelflhebap-<br />

In nangnblno off tto prompt aad<br />

Bad waubar etoiad ito poHpona-<br />

•Tad" LUgbioo. of Atteolio CKy, and<br />

ler of Bomana. begtanlng wllb Ite<br />

[eflvotlve actton of Mayor Cbamptoa<br />

•Motof ito yaebl stub'* ootKtoin<br />

Ullbtrt Van Hoamn. a popalarvMtar<br />

•rat vena, wbtoh read*, "I temieb Waists fort I MO<br />

attlrta<br />

and tto other t'tty Coamestoitooara, ta<br />

ran lart Balarday. ^*^<br />

MS aa»a atr. Ukr. lo tbto rmort, demonaliated Ito to*.<br />

yoa. brethren, by ito merctoaof Ood.<br />

Gnat Una of<br />

lM |>oo Batumi* Uaca<br />

ito eomptoUoa of thto warfe.tto se-<br />

Sipu, Vote*, Rio* Cloth<br />

H. T. HantolUr na» bato tlnHai TtoOeaaa VNy Camp Mtallog atr- irot, and M M Dorothy MUler aad<br />

that ye ptemul your bodiee a living<br />

aoBtottoo adapted tto Mtowtaat rean*<br />

Whtte **&tSkbiM, f 140.<br />

aaaarvWDspnoapal of Ito Hoaiar»'<br />

vloea ewmd Monday avaolog wUb ito Hmor KrsaelMo Apoole, of Ito Caotoo<br />

aacrnlaa. boly, eoarptobto unto Ood.<br />

Dotted Swim Waleta, Ftae Repp Skhta, fun.<br />

laltoa, wbtjb baa beta >)ieaided<br />

All at $1410.<br />

PotelMboo<br />

The toOawtaaT aSaoere wera atoeted<br />

danea,. pnacbid at Ito bollntaa OMM- Tbt children dM ibdr abare toward* for a term of oaa yean Praakita JL<br />

Rflalay aod faailly bar* beta to- Baoday aflaniooo, and Dr. DaMarkt making n vary aperteeetor weak hy Herat, preameat] 'Joem J. Hend, vtoe<br />

delrmtdlto «armon In Ito a».nln». balding a "Jepanma Weddkas*' teat prmMenl. Dr. Ltaa Bowmao, tmaa><br />

UcarsaWataa,oraaraualowo. ba*<br />

Tto Baoday aenool eblMran wtra olgbt.<br />

aren aad J. Predcrtoh Martta, menglfan<br />

a p4eotc on tto groanda Mooday "Dendng tto Oman Oat," will to<br />

aflarooon.<br />

1 te key-note tor thto weak.<br />

Fata* W. Mardoeb. of Brooklyn. Hpaaklng of Ito camp, Ito R*v dance* oa Btletday aft<br />

kmaa B. Lake. Ito aop«rlnl«odroL av«olng,and Monday afternoon aad<br />

laald Ibatlblayaara' camp waa blgbly erentng will wtod op tto big cad af<br />

Kx-StUd CooncUman Pendlatary.<br />

af Pblladelpnto. waa among ttevtot- *' There were many at ito itoacaaoo.<br />

tore here rtondajr.<br />

asaay atacliaad aod auuiy However, —II daaeee will to o<br />

Mra. John B Orovee end daughter,<br />

•meed ibroagboat nest weak, ea ito<br />

of tbto etty. are vtonlng raUlhra* to He *ald Ibet tte outlook for an old- [dob wUI remain opaa aalU<br />

fnalenaouk. S. H.<br />

raabtooad camp m»allng appean to HeptembrrU.<br />

John W. Kdmuodaoo. of PbUadat- te tetter Iban *vn,and ibtt ttere will<br />

pbto. ha* biao a gneat of Clarence<br />

lfieemen. to into etty.<br />

te mot* teat* 00 Ite ground* neii HAD PLBA8AHT TUB<br />

year.<br />

Ogdeo Catbbm. of Ciasdeo. wa* a<br />

recent vtodor to bto Wood. Bobnt Tte atngtog by Hrory aumer.lraor,<br />

Fneaaan. of Into raaort.<br />

of Pblladelpnto. waa macb appnetoted<br />

T C. Hoodera and wkto tare retamtd by Ite eongrvgaliooa Hunday, a* wa*<br />

totbetr MlUvOto borne aflar apendtng<br />

Tte Uat mcettog of Ite VMttog La.<br />

Ite performance oTW.it. Thunder.<br />

•even waaka to tbto etty.<br />

dM<br />

PtooM<br />

Wm. H. Horn and wit* are enter-<br />

Utatag tbeto aeptew* Carl ard Jobn Tta Uev. J. a Kulp, pa>u>r of tte<br />

Hera, af CalooavUto. Md.<br />

Wot M. B. Cbareb, pnacbad Ite<br />

Capt. Haiford ttoattb tea ratemed to arrmoo Mite opening of camp.<br />

bto bam 1 to Taekaboe. after apendtag Mr. Kelp took bto text from Jobn<br />

aweral week* to ibto ctty.<br />

14 U: "Hoobett wbeo H*. Ite •plrll<br />

Baah tarter, of Brtdgrtoo. to apand. of iralb, to come. Ha will cold* yon<br />

tog a tow daya wttb bto grandmother.<br />

Mn. Came Carter, to ibto ctty.<br />

tolo all irolh."<br />

J. U. Magaknnand famUy, of Phil,<br />

He apoke to put a* tbllowai<br />

adal|bto. am eajoylng Ite aammer at "In Ite world'* radiaapttoo Ite<br />

Ibetr cottage. US4 Aabary avenae. riptrttof Ood Ukaa tte toHtollv*. Man<br />

Mra. B. B. Barber, of Haiieton. wUIto<br />

dead to trnynn aod to *«n. Tte<br />

r*4 era today after a vMl to bar brotbrr. dead lake not. Ite totttotlva to *ojt-<br />

WUUam & Maaaey. and ftmlly.of Ibat<br />

cttj.<br />

thing; tbarafon IU»gl«log *plrtt aw raa<br />

firvtbymas'evptnr<br />

MMCanta Davtoa to* ratoraad to<br />

tor home bara tmoroved lo baaHh by ••In brtngtcg Ito world to Cbriat Ite<br />

baratayofaavoral wjakalo PhUadef. Holy apfcrtt performa wbal m«y te<br />

broadly termed two diatlnct work*.<br />

MMB.K.KM*l*y.ofUana)aalowB. TM Brat to Ibal wbieb Ho pnferm*<br />

lagaaataf Mr* Bmily B.Jooa* at bar upon Ito natarml baartof au. Tte<br />

eottasi at roan b atnat and IVxIol btea<br />

Meate* atate* tt to Ite atgbto, ololb.<br />

Mto*B Bnb*rt.of l^uadao. baa n- tenth aad ateventb tow of into chaplaraed<br />

bom* aflar a pineal viatt to ter. WtealteHpirttoflratbtocome.<br />

tar atatrr. Mn. t'tenore Prraman. toHe<br />

wtll convtoo* Ite world of a*o. of<br />

iba* eity.<br />

ind of Judgateot to<br />

John Major aad family ntarnad to<br />

ttear Wa«t Pbltodalpbta borne Mooday<br />

after «poedlng Ita MBUM* at ita<br />

tttotayoe.<br />

Mn. Aaaa Wrtobl rHoned to her<br />

borne ta Vlnrtoitrl KrkUy. after a<br />

tOeaaaalvtott to MmOaboro Conon<br />

to tbto ctty.<br />

. Hiweal BttlaabooM. fotvmao of Ko-<br />

(taellampaay fiu 10. Uomanlowa.<br />

viattad Dr. tt. H. Clootlng to tbia ctty<br />

a tow daya ago.<br />

Mat* Ida K. Hum ta* returned to<br />

brr Pbttadrlpbta bom* alter •pending<br />

- , - ita mm mar but cite wa* aooompe-<br />

*i' atod by bar aaotber.<br />

Oaerse Wetoe. oTOcreMatewa. taa<br />

praarntodlbree ptetnna. cvpreamiiag<br />

tcaaahMr aeaoea. to Ite Ocrmaatown<br />

Maya* Clobencamped tere<br />

1 —Big Una of Stripe VoOc and Uc* OoUi<br />

worth |6.oo, all priced $3^0.<br />

Pine WUhj VoOt Drcaaca, worth $7.50. at UM.<br />

Pine Whita Net Dreeaaa, worth $IOM>, at >».oo.<br />

Comptota aasortmant of Battling Buppllas.<br />

S. S. McAllister Tin.<br />

e f Dr. Uatom abMt.<br />

He Oral dedand ibat ta ito Blow<br />

Ood baaapokea HI* mtod toward earn;<br />

Umlltoaerlplara* are bta guidebook<br />

la Ito kingdom ef heaven. And to HARVEY Y. LAKE<br />

dedand farther ttat mUlkma of am<br />

aad woman err Mating dally Ito akaotatolrelhofltaword<br />

of Uod. Pint,<br />

ta tbl. teaUng. ttere meat te Ite tat* t<br />

that Uod la. Ha Illaaltmled thto potot<br />

byatytog tnatwetaua ttemabMpU.<br />

ealioo table by tuUx. We bebava Ka<br />

wbtoh wea tto .<br />

oa emiMMUji aflerwarda<br />

838 Atbury Avtinu*<br />

rallraad atattoa ta that vtotatty. Utowa<br />

teat thme byupartaoo* aad db><br />

aheWtaa or removal af Ito rabbtob cover that they are a part ot tto mw<br />

damp*between tto two riHmiii ta af em*ll •. »mt telMf, then teatlng. Oocan Ctty Hmw J«rs«y<br />

tto vtotatty ef Twety (earth atnet at Ito law. BLPaal tod taated Ital<br />

aad appeal to tto ratboad eempeuta of whtah to apeak* ta Ito text, end to<br />

to atato thaw pemeat atetieae eaate knew that wa cannot btteog to oarattraetrra,<br />

aad eo iperaH amiiiilly --•— Tba law of mm Ice aufceaaa<br />

wtth tto etty nfflawli aad Board af jtootbera. "He Ibat fc» *erraa> John Marts Lumber Co.<br />

toeittogreatowamoox TOO."<br />

NEW HOTEL ELBtil<br />

Sood of Oeaaa Cay. lie<br />

ewsivt ajcrow* aaiai navwat #11<br />

Caattootag. tte •paaker empbaalaad<br />

aapport of tto<br />

OCSAM QTV«M. J.<br />

tte feat Ibat 00 one may do a* ta<br />

AnaUlary of tte Pirat Praaby.<br />

ptoaam wttb what te auy fabdy aod<br />

untlasPa<br />

TtoMk ell<br />

irrtaa Chareb be Ihb) eaeamar waa<br />

tooUablyeoaalderbiaown TM prodi-<br />

bemhlpi Or. I. J. Beftwatt, & M.<br />

ml ii iu 1 umi.' — rtaaaw tK<br />

add Mooday afteraeoo al Ito Caatoo<br />

gal aaa lto««bl to do UK aad to<br />

fcvaaa, Ctoneca Braab. Waller<br />

Club. Ttere wee a tars* aneadiam<br />

to toaka and bogs; ibal a>, ta<br />

Rnetto.Mr. Iliiiiiii Mia. Meaty P<br />

aod 1 vary eajayaeto Uaa* waa bed.<br />

ttaaght ealy of bla owa aanaoal plaea<br />

Aflar ito ocBeera tod aabaMted ra-<br />

are, Mved tto llfcctf ito beaat and<br />

C<br />

poruofltoarorkdooelbki aaaamara<br />

Han. toaad bto level among ito cwtae.<br />

. O€. OaargeL.<br />

v«y tounattog itcogram waa laooafaa<br />

Sera, Jade*. Barr, Bas«eUct Arnold<br />

OreAixTinrTaAS<br />

Dr. I.J. rtehwaato oeoaatt ito etty<br />

aa folknr*; Pwao daat, Mr*. Middle<br />

aad tbetr like tboacbt to do aa I bay<br />

*••»• •wtBaswBJ BBBBj jmBBBBBjBBJ<br />


too and MM MfcJdMoai raoMaUoa.<br />

almmd wttbot ragaid totolbrlr tot.<br />

Ito rahatob damp* at Twee*>aah<br />

MM Maisaiot Btoklayi (aeraoa aale,<br />

Iowa, and Ihatr name* are e ayooaym<br />

•treat aad atoo to provide<br />

MM Pnatwleh; vtolto aoto. Mm. Par-<br />

aftofamy. We tet-og to Oad b> tte<br />

go«w; baaa aoto. Me Hmtotard, ac-<br />

law af oar erealton and abo by oar<br />


companied by MM Maytarryi reette-<br />

i ta Jeaaa Chrtat. who be*<br />

1100. Him Andarai eoatialto aoto, MM<br />

|sli— aa pawar to baonmc aoo* at Ood.<br />

HUdrad K. Brooka.<br />

Is tfeee tesaaeUM, Pt. H«lo*«<br />

ailalid rraak H. Btowatt. Wetter' avarnd Ibal wtat btr te will or aot,<br />

UpaneApraSrarmr<br />

Tte bo>l*aH* Ura. OUdaa, Mra, Caa<br />

aod Dr. LJ.aWi<br />

XCbe at aoaM Itae to bl* Ufa dl*.<br />

war, Mn-iknut, Mra. Haaxer. Mra<br />

A. a.<br />

cover l*e* Uod baa ibbt grip 00 tta<br />

•wfrit err. MHO OOaTAO MtM.<br />

Miller aad Mra. Bom, aarvad lafteah<br />

attain of tte world, Ibat. -Iboogb Electric elevator to Ural Level. SOOCM in anite with or without batha<br />

e»ay atam Ita gieal At*cg*r."<br />

Capacity, JJO.<br />

Joorned. .<br />

f«l He alwaya break* attone* to mock<br />

lo ctoalng. a rtatag vote of thaaka<br />

m. m. moMAnrrx<br />

sad bring to aaaghl tta plea* of Ub><br />

waauuodedtoC KJIwood Carpee-<br />

Tto German KaMr. talf<br />

tor for Ite giataMoaa aaf of Ito Caatoo<br />

The Breakers<br />

Cteb far Ite montage<br />

Tte am dartagttoWlaad<br />

acraa* Centn Barop*. to al tbto mo-<br />

Inter atoolba wtll to told ta Pbita.<br />

aacnl to Itegrlpof Ood. Napoleon,<br />

"Tte work of Iteaplrit epoo Iteba- dtlpbm. to October, al Ito<br />

at Waterloo, waa beaten, a* wa* Lee<br />

au Mart hi like ite work of Ite MO Mn. Cbuabera.<br />

let Oetfy*herg. ban*uaa itey wcte go<br />

m Ibto ctty.<br />

apon Ite earth. In ito wloter tte<br />

Tto toeaMtotoaato<br />

'tag •gataat Ood and bumaaliy. and<br />

earth I* froat-boond and yoacaagio*<br />

toaafanato peaearty.<br />

Ha (stand toto Ite touoa»l. ut brtb<br />

oolblng. In Ite aprlng ite aan thaw*, HBATILV aTDTSO<br />

Chief ttoall sat tateoab wttb aflaf<br />

aad cantaatd Item.<br />

|DifCctiyonthcBcach<br />

and aahana and wuaa* Iteaarlband<br />

Ite totter rarrton. tot BOM had Dr. Halaa*' premntelluo of ite >qr<br />

prepare* tt tor ite ated; tat ite work<br />

ef devoted aervtoe to Ood and of fall<br />

of the ana I* not dose wna iteprapar-<br />

ebadtoeca to ear Lord'* commanda<br />

alory work. Il eoaxaa Ite amd toto Uta Edgar Uoyd, Loab)<br />

PotWwtog to Ito totten<br />

em* ateowant and aaoa< ttTactir*. "Hi BOOKLET Ocean City, N. J.<br />

and drawa Meal toto fall frattag aod Harry Jcaataga. yeaag<br />

Itat toaath bto Uto for My aate abail<br />

to Sowar. Ho ite Holy Hpirtt pnparea ^_^ of asceedlag tto eato<br />

Torma Cam* or Pouos O«OOSA«<br />

Sad tt"-tba» to. te wto torgate bim-<br />

Ite teart of aaaa tot Ita goapal aaad.<br />

C»TTapaad<br />

1MM oa Ita atieeta toe* ttaaday<br />

aetf to aarvle* ta ChrtoV* naete aball<br />

warma It toto Ufa and carrMllooto |aiUroooa.weregr - - - - Deat hw>-WIU yea kiodly try toBad<br />

Uto ta tta fttlteaa, *taU tera Uto<br />

Police atagtotnu Arthar D. Barrowa Sad Ita wbeeaaaaaleaf a Mm. MMcto- and tave tt ejon atandantly.<br />

"Tte offle* work of Ita Holy Mptrtt, Mooday evening. Bach waa Seed fU. aaa, ef Pbltadatpbto, wta to'aa tear to<br />

tadomd. Or. Hainm rriarn<br />

l*m# ^MaUeSBJaMW JBaaaafjIa*.'* ttatet WaVO emtaB)<br />

aa gtvaa ta Ita test, at to n>de Ita wbatb wa* paid.<br />

taaaaacerteto term* to a fallacy that<br />

MM AdeUa Powatl. of Ibia cay. • dMiaam of Jaeea toto all train. Are Tte oflanm waa aggravated, tt waa<br />

«W lea enew csoa** gnwow* KB, no<br />

*»»>ltosralallvaatoCb»mbifi4ora\Pa.<br />

Hte at alau toklag in awy U ito b>> wa to iiaiiwaUnd Ital tta Upiitt wUI •aid. by Itoir dtongaMl af<br />

Prad. B. M<br />

a»aa toptnllaaal ta btoyoalb to aow<br />

lorteal polalato IbalMdloa. gakto ail tree Cbriatian* toto all truth<br />

H* cannot commM ata<br />

Kawaid Par***, of We* Pbiladel. of whalinar naUuwT Into all aetra- CbMfMcaUandPiHiieiiii_<br />

aM beet teang orartetea. aaoaer or<br />

Dbht,»paat aevaral daya bare djutog tiSe, poUUcal. pbyaloioncal tad p*y- Itooadlteyowtha, tt to atated. tl to<br />

by tt* omnec He<br />

- tte weak, aad bla a*any trteodawwe nlliiliUkel iratbt If w* will asamloa cUteMd ttet ttey droee itear can at a<br />

(lad to aa* bam. Mr. aod Mra. Factor<br />

•aflar for every<br />

Ita oaauzt. we wUI obaarva Ital Jaw*<br />

own tto Park Motel.<br />

pace rartoe»ty eattoeeled al from IS to<br />

tottoto iwef Ood.<br />

k* *paak>ag of Cbrtatlaa, aplrtly*! U mile* an boar.<br />

TraaUag yea will try to<br />

In ito noelag. Dr. U<br />

Tto Bev. W. Blw*U Lake and family,<br />

af Princeton, wara ta**te al Itetrath,<br />

aad He, Itercton.meu* to aay:<br />

ap at aaee, 11<br />

Magtotnto Barrowa geve them •<br />

*M ef btoctaraoterMto atari<br />

baaaaef Mr. LakV- paranl*. ite Bev. Wbao Ha, Ite Hplnt of troth. I* oame. kctan ea ite Importance ef abtjlag<br />

aad Mm. B. Waatay Late, to ibt* eety. He wttl game yaa toto all '•»••*-•—1 ttetowa.<br />

dartogtteeaaapmmiHig ' •ptrUail irolb.<br />

TbaaaaaJ Fute), a'eaainaiitoJ by<br />

W* eaaiiilii Mn W W. Adm "Tnrtb I* not Ib* toraattoo of nun.<br />

WUkud Tte Tte circa tattoo of Ite blood ubtod ba- Tte anaaal raaotoa ef tte Late faa*all<br />

c* Ibat cat*, "u *pm>dlog ton. Harvey dtoovated tt. Tte lawUy<br />

ai to te toad ta tte Wmtoy M. B<br />

twa waaka al amgara<br />

HartbW<br />

af gravWatli we* ta eitolanc* ba*Me Cbareb. H«imalvtlto.tagtaatagat at eAaffMtaBBaaT I aaaS>a i ttmm as^haBmmJh: ^a<br />

W. J. Ban earned hat cat<br />

ItafaUafaaappto dtoaaaed K to ita r'ttoektaltaatMratogead toattagall<br />

•Uses aad Aabury avana*. on bioaday.<br />

•erUveaaiaSSf<br />

a»tad of Sewton. BlaotrlcMy *•< to<br />

Hm attl leave aborUy for CaUtorala<br />

day, Wedaeadey. Septamber*. Thto<br />

tto auaveaa at 1M Bortb Hetart<br />

kod will te aeeompaatod by bto Ita ear baton Pnaklm Sew bla atlkao famly to vary wfctoiy<br />

Pilli«at|».H Ctoaf ttoall<br />

MM Heir aad Mn. U. A kaa. TralbeaMed batoc* ajaa. He tbroagboiit Ita eeaaty aad taa a<br />

capect to to ta ite<br />

AttaattoCcty semaa.<br />

domaotleiealat.Heealydbawiafitt.<br />


w. r. x. r. m<br />

So espeaamm or tone af eymbattam I* Hvtotf ta Altaatto aad Omaa eeaottoe<br />

Trath I* maWy. Wham abatl aadOeeaa cay. A seaaategy af the<br />

tratht la the aertatatart So famiryhaaL<br />

[Oaeaf Ita gmalcentral taaabtag* af ready tor oarfnbwltoa at thto 1<br />

Catcbttaattybi Ita deal rtoeef ttaaew Tto a mom af tto M '<br />

fertb. WbateatailJSadthW U Ito Bev.M Wealey Late,<br />

IbkaJ chapter af Jabat Sa. Ttore I<br />

0FFICXBS BB-Bt<br />

Tto 1 •« ma eftto Oeaaa Ctty Yaeht<br />

Sad aaty wprmaareltoa Yea so to a<br />

aao*<br />


Pttb aad Oaatral<br />

Park.<br />

Mm&P.<br />


Park Place<br />

aaaat he tba warn ar<br />

8.S.<br />



T*Jri—l» mnm •• I cwnl «,»»•—<br />

r» Ocaan A vena*<br />

ocxas cm, M. i. Batwaao Mevooib and Btojhlh Btneta<br />

Inn lit 1111111I Ik* 1 ••• aad I<br />

amto \jMtlmr**m*w*. AaaaauaaaailoaaM<br />

raui.oc*JLM vutw<br />

WAU> a Waxaux. oimoif ito«j«wr<br />

Maa.A.M.bvttitorr.<br />


OJ»,<br />

and<br />

r.tt.UrTU*OOTT.<br />

E. C. BOYLE TliChiLfllir-wlitfEaB<br />

R«al Estate Brokar<br />

VJVAVBU ma<br />

at4 CIOHTH armcrr<br />

Ura a»- ••> — IM ••*.><br />

OCCAM Cmr<br />

Oaaaty Pakraa Itept S, Maad II. a><br />

Uur May Caoit Huen. Hand ad«ec<br />

I aarnif ata a bin ta thto torn*. ad»-a Advertise in the<br />

TRECT.<br />

Tto eeaity aaa»eettaa wUI to toM<br />

•aOaaaaTCay PHdy, Mi|liei>*r IT.<br />

TteaWv. J.P nkliTill. *i Arttagtae.<br />

•: j.wtMtor<br />

Mm. Mar*<br />

aay ywa tove tod yoar dmaert Tto<br />

^^ABaaBl ^aaaaaa faVJaaamTi amf LBaB BBMBBUB aTamSMm flyBB 1<br />

aattteIbtag*ibaeMalvea. Tto'<br />

d weed* af ito Bew TeeHam<br />

tftoam*«trath.toaaai*toyoa.H*<br />

w« torn) yaa ttomagh tocm* ead rep<br />

-T* meet peapto Jenaa VMM to<br />

Itwalb<br />

1 aad Mr*. Ctortoa a. Wall, ef tto<br />

as Cay TaeM Ctah. Tto gewato<br />

a Mr. aod Mm. Macrjr Baaem,af<br />

Yacht ChjbtCwamne.<br />

WbeaaadMr.<br />

MTJ. Baamjd. *•*"<br />

Caamty Itoj aa I<br />

£ ttg<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly a Pew Good Things Left on<br />

Ninth Street for Sale<br />

With the new Auto Bridge, City Hall and Trolley Tenninos, Ninth<br />

Street is the Very Heart of This Resort snd Always will be.<br />

7S7AsbwyA<br />

Ooe lot adjoioaaf tt* New Armory, osly<br />

<strong>On</strong>e tot cm the lay Front scsr the Bride*.<br />

W block of* Uad ——. —« OB FV1<br />

..mi IIIIW»M- m •Ife. sfl graded —d<br />

e.caa bedirkmlbdotolota,prioeomly. • SMtw<br />

Fiawaite, 13s (M* en tflolfc afreet by tsofHtoaOccaaavcsDe,<br />

urefliMl liwiUai ta: Iwdeii. ciiailiwll iieinaa Thia peace<br />

ofcroaad ie OM of the faeat ha the dty aad wOt ba aold at a<br />

bargais aad oa eary t—<br />


.. ••? -.:<br />


Kin"<br />

Pitt*<br />

IM*aaalt«a wtth to*<br />

ta* datdp*** war* eaJJeOcE<br />

ateat ba AaDoca." Tb* teal<br />

Mafeb<br />

oats*<br />

I-<br />

m<br />

NtettUao aad<br />

taoaraaaeUcjoootw<br />

j ^^*j^T^j^^<br />

P<br />

rWtailv . _ .<br />

aaiflaaV ta*at> a*a*thiMaa\*\«fah. aaaBM*A.alBT. am*. • II a * -<br />

^^^••••^••^••^^^"••e»^e^»""*»»*»\*>aaBetey QMiaM<br />

_ JMMntr toe-JUax to tb*<br />

•••*>••>«» •• —'I *i»*l*,hHb or<br />

iMr,,at*fC|a«,to>«l orfr**. TIM<br />

tJattaf latmnprn,<br />

Ml. Kalp«,M<br />

a*aytwaaailak««*bwo,"Waatll<br />

a3b*»t»fkftlMt,"<br />

AA** osltaas arrao.mn to tb* fart<br />

tawtlMl of tba uat MBsol of<br />

•ad Be rasl, |ba ApoaOa to 4a*<br />

r<br />

Kite<br />

b<br />

dsaaloa bj a gTapbtt #eecrlpaoo Ki<br />

gtea*cfty«f Aatiaefc. tb* ink-dab*<br />

JEataif* Ui wealth<br />

asaaninwnf aad of tbetbto known<br />

wofld. rooaded by tb* mtancVla* on<br />

Itefk OroobJB," M waa tb* ocatn of<br />

that wbo!* £aat abtcb bad bean Hat-<br />

laabad by Alaxaadar Tb* Gnat and<br />

bat aaMOBMor*. Toooab at to* ttaa<br />

lb* rr*ota neoaotarJ io lb*> tsxt It <<br />

uiitar tba doertntooof Bora*, «t<br />

o*rntb*k*a>nxx*Uraakla*n 1<br />

waatadMda H*ft«sfc>e&y.<br />

city wbarata the eUasto paginlam waa<br />

laalnif wbairref iai1a.ni I ill Caalora*<br />

•m bad aad waa btuailrig eorrei<br />

wttblb* wontof Aaratn kaoratry. It<br />

Waa a atak of Iniquity, gtoaaaa over<br />

•nb Qn*k collar*. Toll eaaaa our<br />

bord'adlarlpaim. [naachlng UI*gospel,<br />

and ban lb*y wan najDtd after tb«tf<br />

Uofd.<br />

apeak** hfgBB ta»<br />

ob;i nonkM Mil<br />

ttoo of In* word "diadpla" und to<br />

tbauxt. Il mcaaa, arid b*. a<br />

' " war of •<br />

iaarar of • penon aaaarkot<br />

', flaofally end inliHai' low asoa.<br />

Cantata aiadJaot»la» to taafc<br />

l&orj. U*aav**o*by tb*poa<br />

la mttrociioo iw ** of %o *odJ**i<br />

ro* I aa p*fo*it*d. that aattber<br />

I b* ant* to **p*xal*<br />

•a"f>oaBtbwlo*wof Ood, artsicba* la<br />

Cartel Jeasa, ear lawd."<br />

HOHCE.<br />

ol in—mini 10 b b e b<br />

Wunj-Brlgl. d«y f B^»»Mb.r. ratt, u<br />

t DL. t JuCtommlUMii Ti i>TfVnjtS^CX<br />

•n. Oau C<br />

Ctomm<br />

CUT<br />

BOH of winMtirlrn taa «|j »KM (Si<br />

Casuta Bo- «O u [il i Kill Cur h» uoM<br />

aofW.caliUfl,**-^ ordlsa»o«lo wp**r«A4<br />

t* UMV OUX W/<br />

<strong>On</strong>;.'aatviaaavsnat.au. ^^<br />

Oalad Bsptambar Una.<br />

•TS, lit<br />

UAKB: X A. MO<br />

t*.K,r.r.,tuM.<br />

nrSaWk.<br />

en*<br />

NOTICE.<br />

aaliiiisin b# tar<br />

JfOTICR<br />


_ of Gap* MTajr, 8t*ta or<br />

N*w Jenuy,<br />

Ta«ada», Baptambar at. igij.<br />

atS? fi^aaeaaTSaRaSFfi^afc*?*<br />

jf*~y- 1 **"•» asiaaaryifiniia aaafi<br />

Ua ass<br />

Hall.<br />


wrtaa asrpaas of «lanlii.—rn-iif-—»T<br />

vUlbtaatdoa<br />

> Ward.<br />

Tut»d«yt November a,<br />

laa l<br />

aa Urn abon daj, waa<br />

IA laa aaaEKlaa aaA<br />

tuitmlir<br />

UUal A. MOMaUH.<br />

77.<br />

a «o4 1 i<br />

Wtnp to<br />

AOIWVIT dar. niaaM«tn<br />

all cuni ilfHa«l»i. ftmia lo ba<br />

Bale aTBtftis.<br />

IM ao»r« •< Caaam riiitillni «/ laa<br />

Otoair af oipv&a wtn ' ri In •iilin<br />

tmtum t» laaOaulOavaat OH aUroaan<br />

•liui aU»J««.»oo«,<br />

r Tl HIJ. taalina CMaJ «a><br />

IV lata,<br />

tuna<br />

ara OBIM Uctooar t, Bu,<br />

I (nS<br />

lalaraat at taa rala af<br />

«ao4. aar llwa,<br />

Ttka *rtartaajit<br />

t Mil tnlaraU lo aa pakt hj Laa ait<br />


Jarssr, JsUlta >^sU ba eMMd,<br />

eodUtUl a* Iba fcx* ollMfi .<br />

fociy-nlata nn* ruyi smoiatowM.<br />

ana aurat aal rlnj aktnla aUssl. ta ...<br />

jjisaaa CUT. wt£m BouTia IM t*JTmih-<br />

• ' iU>aaaJa»silirtjrlll>snfOaa«r»l<br />

saal Uaa to djaara at rt*aa aaa w><br />

eaaa.sodasldacaal to aaa> sa><br />

•-«•.<br />

The Exctmioo House<br />

SOMEKS* POINT :: N.J.<br />

LAKE<br />

Uodcrtolccr<br />

tatrt.rn.t-<br />

X 7t)URcyeawfllniff«r*^«at'fc*>««* l " tlie light by which yon read<br />

V ia aclcntlfically pl««»t Thi* la J*rtioilariy tn* of ih* «jr« of chfl-<br />

17 ftil b h£todBdet b»dHght ««»-<br />

Jy<br />

dnm, whkhai* oftenruowil by h*njn«£«todyitBdet b»dHght ««»-<br />

ditiona. Electric Light will sotot tkiEpi>oW«m and toakc atndy and read;<br />

ing a plta*a«beatfiaethe light* can beadjiutctltoaay \rmitiem aadoliaaa^d<br />

io a occood to wilt any condition. <strong>On</strong>r TCpreocBtatiwwin explain.<br />

Ocean City Electric Service<br />

at ATtA«nc air auKimic co.<br />


Ocean City Sentinel<br />

icjrr or nixcirr* aao etaauMiMKarr* coo*um»at><br />

af UaaraaaaMat ktM- at tat • latiaM«ir •• * '«aal. ta, aw all<br />

—t i»« l b<br />

DM RM ••lla.i.l S<br />

of ta* nurnwina of ar<br />

Taaalat— of tbalaipm;iaiim a»».t>aa Utrttiua) uUartmj Ut aaaattat<br />

a»r.a7aa««(it..aa.iij)iiiaSSa^aiia,aa aaaaW af Oaaaa cuy. kw* J*nar. a u»<br />

aadlaa aaaM la nanj>> f»i»nil.«.\ Hill acrrrsrtoartaataaiaaai of *C«DUD lor Ua*<br />

Ooatraallla.aaioraadliraiaaaaBaalaaasai . .1 na/pajHi t,nl|n atamaai aa»wails Fll ll| r T II It slk I<br />

M af uaaaa Olf. aasasat lar a qaa casual aasd waa araats<br />

lo (aa aorta a iail 11 \j Horn of C«a4raJ<br />

K 1/ cxlaKtad, ajad tracn LoU poia4 «x-<br />

Mdtaa »lrna- «a>i oaotar lisa ol lUUI<br />

• I n a T U i i<br />

a<br />

tiusiti, ta a<br />

T , j<br />

Uo lo a polol brtov Iba onUaur birB<br />

Uorofla^AUaBUaataaa. AIIO/HUC)<br />

to ba ««v««al, raoalroctad aad faUH<br />

ca^lta^iilall bs p»>*£4a ax<br />

l»o .<br />

ef Lh* sakl «lj of lof the rooBib of<br />

Aoxoat. i»«J-<br />

— I aisTsaT Cttr impL.<br />

orun<br />

eHTMat ARY OF TUB PaOCBEOINOS BI S000"",ii^«'<br />

•Uaktaa rsad. Boaittemlk Boada<br />

Ko«leeJ.taaTat>T(tvaBof a naatla* of ra.<br />

taera as <strong>On</strong>eiii1aill.l.is of Oosaa Cat* ear<br />

eaaalaeraltoa of las report ^ft as &«a?<br />


noaihra. frauwoiiy CocMKtlsaiasimkM igriru enll-<br />

Oea»» CMy," aaop«a» itoTet) «. tM.<br />

Pulk Katke.<br />

taift. u us a. a^.<br />

K~ HO A«aarr aveaa<br />

*ao WaataUUtoaas<br />

am JabaWMklacWa<br />

ten wuuam Uawtaane<br />

B WUiaunwniBt<br />

Kttiee<br />

tfaaajaarj, «. j<br />

WtU B*.<br />

ttaOa^oaa* Taxa> of tsrjand prior<br />

voa, at, Oototar U<br />

•an ctomT»n u<br />

aaawvof IM Mo-rd of Com<br />

am s iiaa. iMssiasiil, siia-iasua laaafts lbs* kaa<br />

S • cfeelo£o7ta7wlalB?BBes«wsia*<br />

*»a» U. O. LaCaClka- lbs aasTus sud u<br />

a^aBwatt tfta*a*aT afaTaf*a> a-aSa*a*al>*aB*? '"^• w »•**•• waw Vaaaw ^Ba>*a*laV M<br />

tfeaeyassaai. I II I l*ar»a»Cary nrtsal aajwa^eaV tlnaajitosl laa^aaU<br />

as_aaa»sa•*.by aim a» lasOoa-uaav Baaa^waala las lutu of las Borse«a of<br />

»*»•• ••!*! OraamCau.<br />

«ss(UjB4a>aeal tl Is a uiaata* laal laUB) teat ef davniaa.<br />

>»s aar taatr ra- a) is •*.• wlas aaa a> Laaaas an. wlb<br />

asalnlsal.wwaa eanaks .aiaast ol laatac<br />

Aaeaaa 1Z. aaa. fcaat aaaaala iaa rsuwas. aad raaoa-aya, anD<br />

4 laa* aaVTre- aa .ssasssil Is ille-lnm Ills Nasals*<br />

OrauOsj.<br />

aVaololkta waa *aaaat eaaafta*<br />

at ftiuiuu arsaae maTbm<br />

• lisst lo a ttzu *-" —" •<br />

H AVE yoo a ootlage, bungalow or apart-<br />

ment to fumlah? We have a line of<br />

furniture at loss than Philadelphia prices.<br />

It will pay you to call and see our stook be-<br />

fore buying elsewhere.<br />

Window shades a specialty.<br />

Chas. E. Adams & Bro.<br />

729-22 Aabary Ave.<br />

OlTVc a*. «*.<br />


tut Vm Taaz. Bcrtcrty to<br />


wMaauve-u<br />

wr raiM atiia taa acaanaaaA a>tia Kiavw<br />

alb «y.Oaa«r»t*» r»»aof a»>a> aar a>ot<br />

P I «M ••Jaat taVS SHBaHL<br />

ayaattfa*.<br />

Varrtrmlr fauls.<br />

TuuMXn j. ucuiui.<br />

aaa fraal haaur la »nlaHj.n«a at ra-<br />

Mo.ai. ^ " M«Mr ssrVcsiIss auoas tasa • was l»r~-<br />

iraslim aaasMI riassis net, l.ii. ill 11. ausssaaasa a baarta* Mm laa UIUUM<br />

«ba» aad *>a -O," aaaa la laa asas af ava Caa-iatMaloe, aa lasr A* wat baw aay of las<br />

aaaa>sd« ataw «J sioWtu<br />

*» aaj-ia-D, *A>.<br />

OanSeUa. to bs of las<br />

^i "iiiFUsrL*.^^<br />

aa4 ^<br />

tM «auk(«iauT«.<br />

aad »»»CMaiBrta<br />

of OaUaOarkadr»»«<br />

S<br />

a-, aad taa earua-oa of OaUaO<br />

l olaa dollai* aad DtaMT- ••*> >»<br />

aad "»•» I*.<br />

B. Boardo<br />

naandaaaartauaaaaaataaaar- t<br />

ull a. af Jtis U. raU. aad taa><br />

i inKliadTi ba af IOa> ana aad<br />

icala IbU tao ba<br />

l l l i l<br />

dra«m<br />

Cats at Oeasa CBy.<br />

* of Iba<br />

os ronrsiMA et*s*4 la<br />

sujstasuaavefosslosaoslaawalarty slos ol<br />

9aaoajaiaiiii,«oapetjt oaa as>ox*d aad<br />

inl a win ni t^^^. ut Banaaatnj<br />

afi .maa»anrtr<br />

taa Da- »tatataauaia.<br />

a das wttaia a >aar^ Ouriy aa-a<br />

••alllamiaawaaiaaa auwslcasdu a aoniooafaudCmtn<br />

toarbtttr aad<br />

Jrf C<br />

O-uao-u— wax s«»«Lat ajat aaaaatry la. ^waaa^kiroamMt^rMBiraaaT.^^.<br />

gii»ioi-^2i; a sit fly-v^y • M r^y°r:TTiT°"i o '*^!r<br />

uoo I.I u a. oaiyh-,•«•/Ira. ^toC. aw -allisaii I i.a. " l " " * "<br />

-QdCUy fniiii 6ffl«n»l aaaa. aw* aaaratB*ao»tsarea1.be-tld aad ecoavract<br />


cmr or ocean CITY, NEW JCMSCY.<br />

lo Ui. eiaas of hnitsiss Aadaat H. Uii.<br />


HBOLXTTa.<br />

auinin<br />

I m ni. Maiua AA<br />

»iia.aT7<br />

Oasts Uilaa Ava<br />

CajrHaU -<br />

OaclxactHcSS<br />

Ooousaliu aai<br />

asssEs<br />

Oostract So. «JT<br />

Oootract Bo. «7»<br />

7><br />

r»a«<br />

tMID<br />

la IO<br />

aUD<br />

il-10<br />

X7II<br />

an<br />

lo M<br />

aa<br />

xr»<br />

crii<br />

J<br />

UJ09<br />

rui<br />

WOO<br />

4«B<br />

ram<br />

was<br />

• Casrtss H. Wa<br />

W.j.-aAra>oad<br />

HAND,<br />

ATTOflliEY and<br />



Boswell.<br />

KUH.D.1K<br />

aadKtOirra . _<br />

OOAM CITY, m.<br />


ATtAMTtC C1TV. M. J.<br />


Counsclktrwtt-La.w<br />

Ctusiaij<br />

OaVa—Ko. D4 Oaau XMaa)<br />

CJU-H MAY CITr. B. J<br />

K Ooaaf<br />

tan t-nn^>«oad<br />

Cliiilna rtiai Ifcij<br />

T. LasJ<br />

Can Ww DSaiaJsetXac Co.<br />

ujr.4X.rft.<br />

RiuaovAi ojr «t)BaiaM.<br />


Total Utobuaaaaua<br />

Caab oa band Aacaat n. ins<br />


Attorney at Law<br />

f&» Kkgtub tttraat<br />

Ooaan (.XT Haw J«ta*7<br />

MORGAN HAND. Jr.<br />

Engineer and Surveyor<br />

OCEAN CITV. N. J.<br />

Bjo Eximlned itthoit Drops<br />

A. W. ELY<br />

•aaa tin»in»»i»n<br />

ATx.*ar*-»c cm*, a. *.<br />

J^ N. GR1SCOM, M. D.<br />


BUia lt«jun llall, aV tatar-B4ata. BO-A<br />

a. rna«UI|.a.<br />

a ItttaSj<br />

Bay*<br />

Ho<br />

J*<br />

a.am.Galtj-<br />

0<br />

Its Vtfcatey Avaooa<br />

Ooean City New Jersoy<br />

J<br />

W. P. HA1NES<br />


ocean CITT. m. j.<br />

iatoMs.ni.<br />

orrtCKMUUKHi jllolp-a.<br />

stwaar twueM-W; i»u»-msxs laVA<br />


CON. BIN AMO WCUIt Awl<br />

Hoar, br apaoamlaxal<br />




I1OMK.EB,<br />

*lo« p. «ru<br />

tlsls.m.<br />


809 Central Avenue<br />

tif crrr. u, *•<br />

BaUIS<br />


Dentia*<br />

Beeoad rvax<br />

Cot. tUcMbtU-aadWaltrT Ara.<br />

H:BA»« CUV. ». i.<br />

m9<br />

K»saia«» br ajaotnlrottn<br />


Electrical Contractor<br />

H87 Aabury Awa.<br />

Ooean Ctty<br />

txmua<br />

i^Taa-aJar atoghaa. P. D.<br />

Try U Atfrertifttment<br />

Attention. Cottagers<br />

Tbtra U a &rat«lu. Gncnhoaai rtixhilthmcaL, oa KAIO 82>or»<br />

*4, U Oocu IlcVlhu, near Bomen- Hoiot, wrUhta ca»r reach oi<br />

Occaa City, mtttrm-p&atM and cat flaven oi alt kind, an to bd bad.<br />

Otu watchword U RELIABILITY.<br />

Nothing add* more to ti»e nine or »*lractl»«n«a« 0/ yoor cotUm<br />

tlt»n ptanllrn; whaa PROPKRJ.V DONIJ.<br />

TcUpbooe or (-rra tu a call.<br />

Colonial Greenhouses<br />

Ui<br />

Interesting to Investors<br />

fttn Wte<br />

tagBaHroaaaletsTna "-- if- --r Tan^iliii illrnii n mat l"u.<br />


' OueMian<br />


FOM SA1L1E Af COST<br />

A beautiful Cottage-Bungalow on Wesley<br />

avenue, facing the ocean, near Thirteenth<br />

street, 9 rooms and bath, garage, laundry, etc.<br />

It will be finished by October 15, and is the<br />

Best Bargain in that choice district of the re-<br />

sort. For full particulars inquire<br />



How Are You Fixed<br />

For the Winter?<br />

I have the following for rent by the year<br />

Unfurnished heated apartment with 5 rooms,<br />

bath, every convenience, back porch enclosed<br />

in glass. <strong>On</strong>ly S35.OO per month.<br />

Unfurnished heated apartment, good location,<br />

all conveniences, $21.00 per month.<br />


757 Aabury Ave. Ocean City. N. J.<br />

BCAL MTATfi<br />


B. Prank Smith Go..<br />

If yea hAve maaey to loan ace aa for good Investments. For sale, 6ne<br />

lot on Occan avenoe near Sevealb utm-t. with small huov, fjyxx<br />

Two lots coiner First street and Aabary avenue, size 70x100, cheap,<br />

fjjoo. • .Sotnttea room booae, 2 baths, hot water beat. «*««iMa kjffice,<br />

artacbed garage io rear, splendid opportonity. Fire >TTmnnrt (aAced<br />

with best companies.<br />

1O36 Atbiiry Avo.<br />

Must be Sold by Sept. 2O<br />


T WO PROPERTIES, 621 Asbnry avenue -and 611<br />

Central avenue, Ocean City, N. J., Estate of Mrs.<br />

Caroline B. Lynch, deceased.<br />

APPLY TO<br />

A. COTTON<br />


OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />

W.Scott Hand<br />


ooijj o/rr oo««f«>o«D««r o*<br />


UMKCMI<br />

• ... COM • IIOJ.O AMO CHFBTNUT »T«.. >*«UIPUWIU<br />

•mrnrnmrnrnm o* *•* ro«« AMO t*—n-**ymCrm*M •roc* •toimtt<br />


C«jn,wHBita»n • tBTiud BrsanUxkM tl- nM morru+OM a »aur oaurr. avia-juao rumo<br />

• aou> momorn. ovfitu<br />

TAJT mxmmrr IM Msw<br />

Sound Bank-<br />

ing Principles<br />

Throughout all oar Bank-<br />

v Ing? • Experience we have<br />

adhered closely to the prin-<br />

ciple that, IP prosper oor-<br />

aervo, we moat help oar<br />

patron* to thrive and ex-<br />

d<br />

; p*nd.<br />

•[] Pat into practlce.lhfa prin-<br />

ciple of progressive bank-<br />

-.Ing has resulted in many<br />

patrons establishing rela-<br />

tions that have never been<br />

broken. - '<br />

•tf We believe that your ex-<br />

perience with oar Service<br />

woaldalso be one of on-<br />

broken relations.<br />

FIRST<br />


Oce«t*eity,N.J.<br />


» rmm &tmmxm .rottio<br />

^Bellavue Baths<br />


a«T. aevcara aaa<br />

3S0 PpBWrH IMlMtlB<br />

r pobUa.<br />

Orat Uta tiaoxot IttaLux* UMM<br />

will ba tpaca (or *f*~"T> aod a larg*<br />

ladsarooco.<br />

Tna aaUaaalnl^oat oaw to Ina Utaaur.<br />

Mr. eUaapaoo. «bo to a coUacar ban<br />

la Uat aninnuT aatanni. CUOLXUK 10 Ibat<br />

cRy froaa Ptoladdphia. baa bcao k)e-<br />

ano«baaaMla Uii. naoft<br />

(o< l«o aa. in n • Ha "a. tuftattif la<br />

tttom tnnlnaa. lo Naw York Vuj<br />

I. to cloaa lo&ca wUn<br />

ta PtLUadtJpbia<br />

Ctuts B. UatKt at koovo to B»os4 at<br />

tb* local rsaidsxits aad vlsllaf* lu<br />

rocxioctrd by lh* Kr>. Caaites<br />

tLiBohocr. (atacor at to*<br />

•artu Coarca.<br />

Tb* aaivtc— war* atUtxlad by a<br />

offratodao/ib* CUy<br />

W. C. T. U.<br />

A solo was maag by • *Mlowlni: Lxwta E Hmllb.<br />

tt. L Ooff. Mrs. Frad. P<br />

aait Mtaa bulsi T. Corsoo.<br />

TIM body r«pnaad In a at**t-£olor*d<br />

OOOCb Caakat. with WbllS »lls llQlDJ.<br />

To* paJt^oaartra wfrv EAgxi. (Jlar-<br />

AOatla aod Ellla K«rru»ao,<br />

brotben sflatdKn«d, tod Harold<br />

aod CbtateT Kngu-oo. b*r nspbaws<br />

Tta* mUrennl was ai Hrmstd* Crme.<br />

toa H»Uoa Toamaaad, toraaul/ at<br />

Ucraa CUjr. aad atataf at Mta* Baalrio*<br />

Tbaraaaad, ha* baco appe4otad pctvai.<br />

aarratary to Iba B*». Jono f. Black-<br />

born. IX U^olibaPbUaddpcOaHeaooJ<br />

(<br />

daot of tba :auactfe Cbaaty W. C. T.<br />

U. aod a Ua.a><br />

taa board oX rrstaUatioo Oo-<br />

Ua Ural r*«lairaUaa bat*, a (aw<br />

co, tot IbacomloC atacUoo. t»<br />

araaantadUiat lb«r» «r» 87S voUraoo<br />

UM Uat to laa rutf Ward aad *S3 la<br />

ba Haeood Ward.<br />

It to aald tba twoUt lo tba Botood<br />

Ward wlil ba ouurlailjr lucraaaad at<br />

laa aacnnrt otMnlkw oa Tuadaj,<br />

r>apapt raaay cotiacra bttar.<br />

oawaT taoa. wbo want back lalatif<br />

wiolrr bnq»»afta> Labor Day ratamad<br />

otoMetty l^rklay aad Balarday. wbb<br />

baraaott Ibat taata was • big cro«d<br />

oa Iba Boaxdvalk Halorday a*anlog<br />

Ttxn waa alM> aa oaanially larga<br />

amber of aarf batbtta elaaday ravufo-<br />

iog. Iba aurf waa ralba*rottta. U»t<br />

an •«* no aceidaata npoftad.<br />

Wttbout tout? iolo Ibaaarrtuof frra<br />

baad ouoorrta, tt may ba atattd, oo<br />

aotSoftly of caovlox ptetara pcaprte-<br />

Ixtra. Ibat all did an iiaiawnlly Oaa<br />

Tba attaaltoo of pannu la eailad to<br />

ba fact Ibat Iba eocnpolaafy aenoot<br />

law eo»rra Itnsolaf altmflartoa arUb-<br />

oot «ood eaaaa aa anil aa tmaoor and<br />

rtiaaoo. abaaoc 1 (roaa laobooL la<br />

all eaaaa, tba easy', poliea Juatlea baa<br />

artadkxIOB, aaya Majof V. B, Tboaoaa.<br />

aitaadaaea oeaXr, aad all daiay la<br />

procatdtni la too. acoldad. Tba atapa<br />

unjaaaary u> axaona Iba law folio woo*<br />

aaotat* qalekly.<br />

Baton 700 rataro la.yo&r wtnla*<br />

bonaa, Iboaa of yoo wbo ara toltnatad<br />

inOoaaoUtty aad Its'attain aboold<br />

aobaertoa for taa Bammx.'' lt-»ilH te<br />

Ilka an cnuftainta* waakly aaUarftoan<br />

afrtaad' TbaMaargtan. uiolalnaaacb<br />

waakaU taa U«*l adtaftaanoaquof<br />

Uatetty: HupaaabaaaaovTMiaVaMUy<br />

d tlant moa tbaj<br />

laWf a illja aj—*y a»*> a>aWa- wwrwf sw»|*l I • ^T<br />

laaooa. o» diop • postal oant- aoo* tba<br />

IBS3.WU1 b* aaalMl ta lb* ad-<br />

glwea.<br />

liooo aad 9800 la plaoa a<br />

toficacaoo bnptovM lnuueWf.<br />

_j&oao4a asaat b*-pkafaa awfall<br />

Appi* lo B. OorU* UtiUamtn,.<br />

7« «S Aabary «*«>, Ouaan WUu<br />



Pricods Pay<br />

Sopeets to Church<br />

Tcxopetance; Worker.<br />

F—rfaJ.aar.toia prar tba rsauioa of<br />

tm. fJMtataa-M.'AaaeaT. who dWd<br />

adaoaAToflaat waa*. wanbaldat<br />

bac.htaoaad'a bora* afoadaj : ailtr-<br />


Upo*f Towo*bi(v lad ad log Vucaa-<br />

wUl aaonly ba aupcJkrd wltb<br />

aaaetHoty. provkdad laa rraoebla.<br />

•Men iba AUantm CUy Elaetfio C«a-<br />

pany la aatklaa; la created. It ta la*<br />

•Java of iba AUaallo City company la<br />

•ippry all of UpparTa*aar<br />

cbarcb wUI b* paUUy aaoofaXad wttb<br />

aouima f JU*C» and fruits by a axa-<br />

OaLaU-Saal frf VUOtiJt' DVOCJS.<br />

MUS rncalliba)aa*stOB*ofitbe<br />

day are brii_« pflotaO, aodab* aMea-<br />

b*r* aad batudfollbecaarta. and of<br />

tbau ro* aud.waawo 1 * UMkciua<br />

aa sail as tb* otb**o*t«A«*ota of<br />

lo* rJuAday actwoJ aad CtuaaUao Eo-<br />

daavor ttockuy, ara atx*d to aUaod-<br />

Tb* apadal oaato at tba eimrtii e*T-<br />

»l«a wUI be la cbarge of tb* ebolr.<br />

lb* leadership of UsM<br />

O. Edward Bramfcaacfe. wlf*<br />

aoa. of PoUadaJpbla. w<br />

go«u of taa Katbla, to tbte raaort.<br />

Tbay wan raoeb pleaaad wrtbOeaaa<br />

Otly. Mr. Brnmbaafb la a> aoo of<br />

Ooof-Town Btoflc Obtain<br />

Tjwffil Throoxti<br />

of Bxtck.<br />

Ctaytoo Halo** artek, raal *a(at*<br />

FUoa. *eroad by D.<br />

t» MM. Iran* Utaant, 1 of<br />

Uabae aia»aoM to* Ho. CJ. ao rl|M*BtU<br />

•tr* to BaMwa aoyaa* ta I<br />

tf •<br />

*of idtawati<br />

tl.a<br />

btwt* T. at*T*Q«. a eandidata far tba<br />

Bjyoblaan noeatoHJoo (or Wata (toea-<br />

tor, ta a pflaUr 6» trad* aad a lawyaf<br />

by pfofaartoo He U oot ralatad t» tbe<br />

eaaatag booaa owaeTetOftbapnakiaol<br />

of iba iffTT h ft n 11^ Xfailoaal Baak of<br />

Cape May, Mr. ttlaveae aaye b* n-<br />

inu joat now taat be daa* not own ao<br />

eatemobU*. ao be can (at arooad to<br />

aaa ail tto* paopia.<br />

fJtaytoa Halnaa Brick bae ranted<br />

i or apartaieate lo p*opt*<br />

wbo dawn to apeod Ibe raootb of Mep-<br />

tembar to I tola city, aud wbleb tbay<br />

ara now occupy log.<br />



No CATS to Atlantic City at<br />

Night from 9 to 10.30<br />

O'clock.<br />

IJoualderable cocoplalal la heard<br />

frota local petrous regardloa; Ibe uew<br />

KbeduleoribeHhoia H»*t UM.<br />

Tbey say there U no car out of < tbls<br />

city for Atlantic City la Ibe evening-<br />

from 9 o'clock Until 10.30 end none<br />

after Ibal onUI IZo'eioe* Tbere la no<br />

car (nun Allauilc CUy between SLSO<br />

and 11.10 o'clock. Tbeohjcctura to lae<br />

preaeal aohedule aay ibis la Ibe worst<br />

Iba coeapaoy baa yet "put over" on<br />

Ocean Ct<br />

baad able to give tbe right kind of<br />

freeeooorrte ta tba I Itf*. baaanat aaya.<br />

Mr Era-to declined to give Ma oaaM,<br />

bot later tbaaaot danorend It.<br />

Cottage 108 Central aranaa; all .mod*<br />

era oanvanlcngaa; eaa be ranted by tba<br />

yaar of dartof wrote* «aootna.,fnt<br />

furUwri paitlcaJan:aoplyiHmtr<br />

oirjoa.Oc«an«Jtty»N.J.<br />

9 ^ « f<br />

7,OcaaoCtty O*r4»aaiht»U«<br />

at •zteaatoo, IM to tit la«la<br />

Wall Cooiloao Wwk Her*.<br />

Wnll* lit. CauUa U. KkJer. deatlet,<br />

baa.arranged to live lu Ulouoeater tbla<br />

fall and whiter, ba piaue to vutt nls<br />

office In Ocean CUjr twice a week uaul<br />

next etunaaar.wbeo ha will return and<br />

resume practice bare tot tbe<br />

era of Bacexia Wara.<br />

I.dcmlre lo looooun that I am a<br />

eaodldate for Ibe Bcpublleaa Domina-<br />

tion for Freeholder In ibe Hecood Ward<br />

ai tbe ptimary alectloo oa Tueeday<br />

nest. L nave been a realdeal of Ocean<br />

Ctly for a number of years, aad ara,<br />

therefore, ao atreajrrr lo tbe greatex<br />

Dootxr of yon. If dectad I promise<br />

o look after the beat lounxts of Ocean<br />

CUy, and I wtU appneUU your aon-<br />

port at the coming primary.<br />

JoUB K ToWBaa3ri><br />

(Taai adw«iiinaisnt pa*J tor br Jeoa B.<br />

Toaosead).<br />

Etgntb aad A»bory avMoa, All good*<br />

aold taata en guaranteed. Kindly re-<br />

Ittrnaaytatoa unaatlafaCtory lo yoo. If<br />

xxrr—Wktte fnnale poodle c3o|.<br />

Baward If returned to 717 Aabary »T*-<br />

DOS. Ocean Ctty. adr.lt<br />

- ) -H<br />

m<br />

. . . , :. M<br />

Tbafji<br />

Total .<br />

TtHaabnwa Uatt tkw<br />

for 1815 *s* uninatiatlnn—4 —<br />

. i*j» aad<br />

booorabt* maooer Inarj«ttuo|t nal to<br />

for tb» good of Ocaao Ol» aaH tka<br />

county ta gzoerai. . . .<br />

be expended wUbJoaUoa U> *>U, IUMI<br />

every U*a ibat call* for tmtiiiilial<br />

or repair* aooaid b* rarafsll* aO* k*»*<br />

eatly admloMend, Iba* > tb* beat, *w-<br />

suiu. may be derived frota^b* aaMM|<br />

of mauey avalUtO* for HHOH lliyfvw<br />

ual procosea«r**~a»-<br />

coaai Itae. by brtda*or . , ,„.-<br />

paeelble, a* lb*B» «»»9 t ^jH»<br />

ouuuty'e |r*at«at aaaata, and; «Mt<br />

b»o«ritooowlUb*o*fllim; ••• T r<br />

I favor banding good "<br />

oat ibe rjoaaty and ,aw^<br />

tcood repair, maJMaf .H o*<br />

pleasur* aod a *a»Taj| tf*<br />

pwpl*todrrf*eabtn as la<br />

to bring otb«rai inIWMi.—.-. :< • «l» ASBURY AVENUE

•HP<br />

tMOMUAT. BKfTKMBKR 0. »1S.<br />

1HB8EBLAIB<br />



tor parity <<br />

caotracta, for wbi<br />

la- wfXkUa, io tba<br />

tacraaa*. Ibe coaaly tax wa* ralaad<br />

0O« per 1100. wbkti • tOD*arty<br />

ooe-fuorUi of Uw locraeaaof tbe ctty<br />

Who kntd UM •*>*• band* fu<br />

which UM •ddtuooal tM ITS mam be<br />

Wbro tht* la uinml, reeponslbil-<br />

Uy tor la* UXIUM of 1belas nub<br />

definitely Qxad.<br />

furthermore, tbe light appropriation<br />

for 1815 U £3.000. wblle UM coat of<br />

UghUo« ItM cttj lo I9II waa fel.KW81.<br />

TtM street eppcoprtatloo for 1B1» fc><br />

tJOOOO. botlo 1911 HMoMoftbtmr<br />

lertaleud «oikDUtluilml>»t K3D.*<br />

•cuioa At Ctuuch Hcxt<br />

^^ctlacMte* Hlgfct.<br />

ThwFlratBVptJatCaarch I* arraog<br />

tog for a caartb IMlowaalp rally far<br />

Wedareday avaoreg. HepUaibai 3», at<br />

tbaeborcb.<br />

irwipJ ptowa to UMatrrfcva." »aj»<br />

Paator MKctt.<br />

-WIM4MI<br />

It will br seen by these figure* ttiel<br />

lb«eipen.eou tbnetwo Utmitimdi<br />

by more Ib.a Haw tb« • pproprUlloa*<br />

mad* fur 1915 ou tbo corre* pood log<br />

Muen mon uu to* ngx lloe might<br />

be aald, bat tbU 1* .aftlcteaL. sloe* a I*<br />

well loon that all tha appropriation*<br />

«m beavtlv raorlgagad wb*a Ib*<br />

prteeol UomnlaloCMn took office.<br />

TtM former Ccmmlsslooer*. oo Au-<br />

gust 6. 1911. locnaxxi la* approprta-<br />

Uoneof January 1.1914. S7.SM68. It<br />

la (air la aenira* tbal bad tba former<br />

Ooamiaalooara bom radacttd lb«7<br />

would bava tocrcaatd tba approprta-<br />

Uooa of Jaiioary I. ISIS, by a aom at<br />

laaat njoaJ to UM Inanai of A«(aat a.<br />

1814. for UM coat of maintaining a diy<br />

couatully locnm i aaLba ctty «row«.<br />

ftM praaanl Coam-i •<br />

ptsn,4lMra mn<br />

of boJKttnga to UM<br />

of tJwctty untanaonlj<br />

I««t. x. ttaroi<br />

vtU* bJaapfcmdal<br />

bt taUM kck<br />

I—wy Raynbt>fp aim<br />

•*> IBIWI al fcaajt wtll<br />

5»,<br />

i •<br />

wttb that* peraooal<br />

at tb* rx>uOeaioppo-<br />

P. Vox are) circulating<br />

Wltb the kt*e> of brutlag<br />

ba baa obtained<br />

ferrlcDteb Hall, a raed<br />

ta tbl* diy.<br />

fact that the<br />

fraaholdeie gives<br />

...rw. --- HaU, aa tt doea to<br />

- • •>*»»» tlMWnUiio la WU4 wootLaad<br />

**»a-*>-*fiMt.wbaebtbenccid*wlu<br />

t*at Scutch HaU doc. a<br />

tof<br />

itMappraprtaiJoaaof Jaouary 1. l»li,<br />

l caa abovo<br />

ooa approprtatkDo waa ax-<br />

oaoaud aod thai Iba prcacnt ComoUa-<br />

•iootza wrra com pal lad to Umnafrr<br />

rooda befora coald pay certain<br />

btlla Ineamd by tba former Commla-<br />

It woold seem that Ib* '-rigrr la<br />

*vlag dimcaUy la Boding a real<br />

caase Jar crrtldsai wbeo tt take* laaoe<br />

oo Ib* q nest too of Ibe mcaaitly of hlr-<br />

> lo naora th* crab graa* from<br />

tba ctty Uwo. n» aaad waaaowo<br />

aad lo* Uwo mad* aader Ib* supet-<br />

vWoo of tba foraaer Cocaal*a*oa*<br />

UHI If they aowed crab graa* aad seed<br />

improper malarial (orthe work, which<br />

eaad* a airniaiy for tba praswotof-<br />

Odal* to correct tbeb: work, blaax<br />

«buoJd b* placed where It bejooga. Io<br />

•ay c*ar. ao ooe would care to ee* Ib*<br />

lawo lo front of ib* ctty<br />

tad tba beaoty of tba ctty ball aad tt*<br />

vurronadiaga raarrrf.<br />

Tb* da stem of lamps arauad Ihe<br />

eny ball ware purchased by tbe for-<br />

sTCuouBPWsoeen. aad tt fat both oa-<br />

taraJ aad fair to tsnae that they to-<br />

leaded to e*e tb* Ump* to beaolify th*<br />

hall aad It* earroondlng*; tt they did.<br />

tb* summer eBotuhe certainly ere the<br />

Urae to aaa them. If they did oot to-<br />

cead to aaetbeaa, why wa* the roooey<br />

i atl*a*> laao that Iba<br />

aad Iba fMaoda of tb* cbarcb<br />

•hoald mart lor a raal aortal aod fel-<br />

lowship rowtrcg to revise ibe liilliael<br />

for Ibe rail aod wlatarT Errry mtm-<br />

ber aod Mead of Iba BapUM Cbarcb<br />

will be wiling* that olgbt- Tt»<br />

comma tee la cbar«* ta making prrp-<br />

arattoo for a real good Uaa*. Boa**<br />

o*w thUtg* ar* lo etora.<br />

tb* data. September 9, oest<br />

dsjr evening, at tbe ctiorch. tax m»<br />

raekelbta meat log a generally rally<br />

for Ibe first Baptist people. Coco*<br />

wttb a amUe, rail* all through tb*<br />

boor. aod. as a aaetij baart dortb<br />

good Ilk* a road let o*. eocaehody will<br />

go away feeling better for coming."<br />

aad wtta. Man<br />

Haydock. Phll-<br />

Ura.<br />

adajpbi*; Frank Orahaea. Haw York:<br />

William T. Brown. fc*_ David's.<br />

F. W. VyicabocX atlaa K. A. Taylor.<br />

n K. Clegg. W. F. Backer. Phila-<br />

delphia: R. J. MeKeown. wtr* aod<br />

Mtaa HCMO ateKaowo. Uceao Ctty.<br />

rmr»nj><br />

U B. Millar, UoUlogswood; Hophla<br />

MctJeary. Ctxmter»barg; O. C Utr<br />

Nabb. W. W. CaxdweU. Mn Card-<br />

weil. Hr». A. If. Vagdea, Mlaa Botb<br />

Vodgxa. Phlladelphhv<br />

*T the<br />

tberaT<br />

y<br />

tupay*(a D*ed to parctam<br />

ml<br />

If by Incnactng UM oomew/ of UM<br />

cHy ofBctata tb* ctty la <strong>On</strong>aoetally tba<br />

eatoar. ooeuapuoo aboald ba taken<br />

tod oojitat rrttlrtam can b* gtada- It<br />

la ballrrad Ibat tt» cay U tb* gainer,<br />

aod I aotxnit lha followtag aa proofs<br />

ThwaoUn eollacttoo of Uoaaaa taaa<br />

for 1UI4 waa CMS Tb* coilaetJon of<br />

ftaatbUyearatooontatotaja&a Tb*<br />

dUtereno* will p*jr UM lacmaad coat<br />

of aalartaa aod tear* wbatmr H col-<br />

l•add during L&o fyrnftto/tcT ot tht<br />

fear Cor city purpose*.<br />

Tba flgon* given are taken froeo ib*<br />

ctty record sand prove that taw pn<br />

Oocamli an coofrootad wttb a<br />

ttb a<br />

dUHcutt taik. aod It U beltevcd tbaJ<br />

tbay bar* tb* beany aapport of UM<br />

majorlly of Iba ctUwa*.<br />

i Parberj* Ibao U coveted by<br />

try iba county.<br />

TeWVatara a*tbe'primary ejection<br />

f. sttmliiHy retake tbe*. '*vtnrr-<br />

Tba Occao City VWtora' Maaoolc<br />

Clab tluaed rtaaaajoo wttb a inailni<br />

at tu beadquartcrs on Fogg'a Pier taat<br />

lialurday avcolog. Hoeooraglng ra-<br />

porta were beard, aod plaoa war* mad*<br />

for D«xl rammer.<br />

tbeaa atouier-<br />

woold-ba political mosareba.<br />

Tba aommer fore* of letur carrier,<br />

and darka at tb* poatoflevwaa re-<br />

doced.a fewdaya ago. A*n"r*f thnmm<br />

wbo went offdoty wea MUa Margaret<br />

Parker, ooeof Iba city '• popular yoaojc<br />

A. D. Jackaoo. A- O. Baadail. WU-<br />

ltara Wtutaaer. Loole Bucber aad<br />

family. MhwStaas. Philadelphia; Mra.<br />

Btoka* Haloes, William J. Irtck, Vla-<br />

ceolawo; B-T. E^bcraod wttr. Ualaaa<br />

CoaoeU. Caavteo.<br />

wrommo.<br />

Mra. H B. Derbyshire. Haddoo-<br />

oexd; W. M. Health aad wtft. Paal*-<br />

boco; Dick H, BaUth, Weahlactoo;<br />

Mr*. P. U Rrtrtimalri.Howard Baseb-<br />

eaotb. Edward Bekrhowiln, Mtaa L_ P.<br />

Alatae. Ban Frmoosco. Cai.; W. H<br />

Tborsloo aod wtf*. Bran loo; B- H<br />

Bbnpsoo aad wtta, Chicago.<br />

ATULJtX.<br />

Juw A. Lynd aad wit*. Cb**Ur;<br />

Mrs. Pruk K M**Hr>d. Mr*. H. Paal<br />

Mastaad. Boa! let on; Mr*. H. C. L*w-<br />

•m. Joseph H. Lawsoo. Mrs. L. J.<br />

Jooea, Mr*. K. M- Bnolaer. H. C<br />

Cliimi. Josrpb F- LOOM. BOB. iixeo-<br />

Iser. Philadelphia; J. F. Ogdeo. We-<br />

ooeah; C. H. N. Bodtoc. WtlUem*-<br />

towo.<br />

•mCATBX.<br />

K. Blday. Mas Bet*. Franklin Me-<br />

Cooo«il. Wesley B. Chwwm.li, W. J<br />

O'Brtao. IX B Cslboao. William B.<br />

Hofloas.0. Dr. H. C. Bcbock. E. D.<br />

Ualat. Or. tfaeenmin and wit*. Mahal<br />

B. Balae*. Euto Ihewan Haod. Ptul-<br />

edcJpble: MtasU. Walker.W. J. Vim<br />

log. Prtlsoorgh; W. T. Harlan. Wm-<br />

Trasay. Fraacca Tregay. Georgia T re-<br />

gay. W. T. Olaon** aod w<br />

VOW.<br />



WtgliOf-<br />

d*I* to Help Protect Bl*<br />

Botdtas* Batv<br />

fftiiniaw A«aa«a.w/ «Taat ftill.lil<br />

pbla, owoar of property oo taw Board-<br />

wmU at aod Worn P<br />

paarwj batore'law Oty<br />

at Uaaw weakly aodwhtlhaa<br />

> ibata to take op wah'\b* ctty<br />

official* Ib*<br />

loot of EaThlbaUwX.<br />

There will be required, he eak*. Iba<br />

ceUkheaatlagof U7 seat of Uad la froot<br />

of baa properly, aod tt la tsaportaat to<br />

have ibis doe* at ooce before the nasal<br />

fail aumae, hot m would b* gwlna be<br />

him to do Ib* week tafroolc* hi* prop-<br />

erty oolfaa tba city bniMe • talk-<br />

bwsd acroa* tba *bot of Ib* tuwrt.<br />

Mayo*- Champion **jd M woold act<br />

o* aaaak good ibr ibe dty lobsiid<br />

bulkhead at tba fast of E»jhth atmt<br />

oolea* tb* properly owacra aorth of<br />

Ktgatb atrwst du UaewlsB. . He aekad<br />

Mr. Adama If bao^S talked wah Mr.<br />

Ouegaty rrgaraing iba ausUex.<br />

Mr. Adaaa* **Jd be bad. area Mr.<br />

Doughty, bat bed oot' baco<br />

muchaatasfacltnn He***) toe<br />

acaxa talk wab Mr. Dwagbiy, aad<br />

report th* laiali lo tta sBtyor.<br />

la the ragator ordar of boaeasaa.<br />

Tllnaoces)T»aad T7 w*r.,psMa*d oo<br />

anal raadmg aod ordered poblNhed<br />

loUDa waak'a aof UM<br />

where they appear.<br />

Tbsrw was adopted a<br />

oflcrad by Director UMBpheO. to bo*<br />

rowtlOoeafroanbaOosB. caiy Trtl*<br />

aad Troat Coeapaay, ta aauapalloa<br />

at Isaiilug leaprnree—ol otTtiflcsOas<br />

r4*r*dp*Jd<br />

Ko-<br />

A ottmbar of bul*<br />


Uanrgs Boorgaota. m well koowo<br />

Atlanuo Ctty lawyer, aapjsuad at tb*<br />

weekly eo«*llag of Iba VKx JCotBSl*-<br />

saooera aad ot Jectad tat aa aaecsecacnl<br />

oo tin I m a| Tliliij sainwl *iii*i aim<br />

Central aveaaa. Hi* *»«^~.ta» coca-<br />

wa* to la* alleged taiptwe-<br />

onU lo hi* property e lineal aay<br />

ootlOcaUoo lo hlaa at the iraa* th*<br />

proposed improveaMot* were to be<br />

Mr. Boorgvoe* aaVl thai b* I* **-<br />

tint oo property reload at th*<br />

•am* auea. He ata*ad Ihtt h* bad<br />

lakeo oot a cerUorarl. aad woold fig hi<br />

the ctty. If nimsaary. Us dam •<br />

d-cair* to begla tbl* warfare. If be<br />

aod the ctty can gat logettier aod<br />



DUMO;<br />

CUy'a TMton.<br />

«*«• T.JDWMd.of BaaTwtnd. Waat<br />

PaflacJalpbla. a araU kaowa taorM<br />

•cant of UM Peoaeyrraaki aUHnad,<br />

hcelrMaaw am tkaacMy<br />

rtetsrtfay aad Baoday<br />

bare a* tbe goaat of Jaaaaa Fiwakllo.<br />

MrDara*aatBaBH<br />

Ml fraaa PkUwMpbia ta CaMbrola<br />

oa K* trip a few week* aca. Ha anil<br />

gotoCalaarski ra ]<br />

a»p*nry iba Betloa tta ratara Utp.<br />

Mr. Daren oaoaiiy goaaoo irlpe eaad*<br />

try iba prrasdiut of tba UoJtad Btate*.<br />

He aad Mr. Ftaoklla axe<br />

Uo crlfibaga plarera. They Irraocu<br />

door lo each otbrr b> Philadelphia aad<br />

aaaay rveotag* mn (pent by them ta<br />

play tog Ibla ca*aa. They started •<br />

srrtaa of cootaato to UK), and at Ib*<br />

ead of Iba Brat ante*, oalj a short U*>*<br />

ago, Ur. Darnell wlooer by<br />

Mr. Franklla la leadlug tu tt*<br />

ICbsaukvall<br />

Eorrow THB<br />

Urorea eaja. "Itm*tor a change"<br />

What would Ocean CMy gain by a<br />

change to UM Freeholder from UM<br />

Urat Ward, area euppcotag toe ability<br />

aad character of UM caodtdxlaa wen<br />

aqoaff<br />

Oaagtaphaealty. Ocean Ctty ataoda<br />

ooa. axorpUsg tor tba a u p p o r t<br />

a* Upper Ttowaehlp. UM lower reeort*<br />

petltora of Ocean Ctty aod<br />

tba lower townahlpa depending apoo<br />

for thetr markrl»- The |*uau*iliy<br />

jflbetvectal* vttal to tbeca aud nat-<br />

orally Uwy go along wnh them poitu-<br />

il aa Upper Towna&lp go** aioog<br />

with oa for tba eama naaoo.<br />

Tata mean* then k» a targa aM>oray<br />

to tba Board of Fnaboidcrs reprceent-<br />

lag UM lowar neorle aad tawnahlpa.<br />

tntanata ctaib wtthoure. Io<br />

oureyatamof goearoaMnl. the repre<br />

b ao eqaltabla<br />

will beaattafactory.<br />

pay a fair<br />

baata. coodltiooa<br />

He la wilting to<br />

tat atulrm<br />

beneflxa be haJ ncetved.<br />

Mr. Bcxirsaoea acaied Ibat b* b<br />

owoed other tot* In IhM ctty. Uxcd<br />

ooder etmilar aod tbe**<br />

Uw<br />

mm rte»j>oal»rard team Thirty<br />

soo who haa served la tbe Aeeerably,<br />

except ooee. lo 1SS4. wbeo Joaepb H.'<br />

HaaeawaaDoralaaMt aod elected. For<br />

Iba three yean praotdlng hi* oomloa-<br />

Uoo Cape May Coaaly was represented<br />

by a Deraocralle Amemhlyraan. ibe<br />

lalo Jrset I> f.adlem. aad ba waa<br />

id. h** pany*a raadkJata tarBasa-<br />

tar. Tb* exeeptloa wa* dae to iba<br />

fact toat there waa DO B-pohllcaa Aa-<br />

eambfyaMO. at that lime.<br />

Otberwsw, every Bapabllcaa wbo<br />

has eervad la tb* State Senate, begin.<br />

Dins to IBM wrtb tba lal* Dowae Ed-<br />

mBfKls, doWD to Ib* present time. In-<br />

eladtafl Jooalrreo F. Caamlng, VVll-<br />

aoo VV. Ware. TbomaaBaealey, Rich-<br />

ard a JUaralog. Waller H. Leamtng,<br />

Edoa aod U. Boar, Bubart K. Haod aad<br />

Lawta M. Cresaa. were Docoloaled ba-<br />

e^aae they had atrved ta tbe Aa-<br />

aemhly.<br />

There I* oo good rtaaoo wby tola<br />

rnla abooid La broken at tale Urn*.<br />

Tberrfora.Aesemblyraan U*U T. Bta-<br />

•ana aboald recelrelbe Hepohlleao<br />

aomloatkMi. H* ha* arrved tw<br />

Mr*. £. Crater. New York: Ml*. M.<br />

L. Coraoo. Uccaa Ctty; Mrs. U F.Tsj-<br />

lor. Mra." Mtebaal tlarr. H. B. Bal-<br />

S. B Ferguaoo. Mlsa CarrU<br />

HarkUy. O«rtru"<br />

645 Aabary Avtnue,<br />

crrr, n. j.<br />

rtlstoV Si»Ua.<br />

tncrri* Tiro *j>d IMWla. tu^ro* I<br />

ps'nn raoea«Ur *••—"-< To.<br />


HOUBM AMD tuant PAimmm<br />


Brady MHO Palnta. Le»d<br />

B3D end 821 Asbary ateo<br />

^ Readlruz Ooal<br />

t Voodta ter<br />

and Builders<br />

a, a*cci«LTv<br />

Aaauwv AVENUE OCCAM CITY. N. J.<br />

Bell Phase 18 Intcr-Siate Pho-ie<br />


General Contractors<br />

Grading and Street Building<br />


City. New Jersey<br />

Walter V. Hess<br />



Real Estate and<br />

Search Company<br />

itnuuirra<br />

Fidelity Trust Comuan?<br />

IUdf ood Title and Trost GL<br />

Xltlo TngriF*iwrrt<br />

Searchoav Abetxttcte of Title,<br />

Conveyancing<br />

Prompt Bcrvios AH Work Ooerantsct<br />

Money to Loan oo Oood First 1<br />

Psxma (or Sale<br />

Office** In<br />

First Hatlanl Bank BaiMlnj<br />

Capo MayOomt Honao<br />

N. J.<br />


BURSMITH ni<br />

•"II<br />

marvel of » ooe. heaahL<br />

OH<br />

1 will won. ulcbl and day to maka<br />

yon happy.- ttt> mm.<br />

The Eeliable Store for Dry Goods, Notions and<br />

1 Men's Wnnr<br />

mmmm<br />

. r- A——POWELL'S x.<br />

Aabury Ave. B^, ^^,-J, Ocean City, HT. J.<br />

Plain and OmaraecitaJ Iroo feoa<br />

Iroo Railing* aad Wlodow Uuarda.<br />

asd tisna Am<br />

C L. LAKE<br />


t*m Aabory avaaaa,' Ooma Cat.". X.<br />

a a.o C*~«T U,, M<br />

Donl Suffer With Rheamatisa<br />

CaaT«*.rek a res Qtkk Kriiri<br />

Wbeo yoa<br />

l»>b<br />

lnkllll,«lllulutfo,|j,nM<br />

oa 11 wru dr.» ool ux .<br />

ttM «v&jr UM P*1B. •**<br />

quIcB rMlrt.<br />

TbU vaodwTol pnpu I Ho ronlslos tM<br />

>Btrrcnwo, Afa'boJ. Out^xx. "«»<br />

mMkalbii<br />


-. N.C. GODFREY<br />

Upholstering, Awnings, House<br />

Furnishings<br />

Asaunr AVENUE<br />

do I Lai. Jn«t work during the<br />

«av and «ay al bo«ne-at<br />

Lae«w Maaary ••hind.<br />

Archttert leathoalaatleaUyt - Woe.<br />

too gat tatn th* a*w boo** yoa woot<br />

toow yooraelrea. Mra. Mawrleb—Bs-<br />

me; tt win be other people a*<br />

tiaaraa TraawcTeX-<br />

•Ir* a poury (or<br />

Hae-III watt far<br />

stoceforyoara—BaltiaK<br />

your<br />

bsif<br />

OCCAM CITV. N. J.<br />

' OIWgM<br />


Ho waBlnc for two weak* to knn. tr -~.<br />

OeaaaOUy.<br />

J. M. CHESTER & co.f<br />

Why Not Buy<br />


Clayton Haines Brick<br />

Elel-itr-i St. Ocean City, N. U.<br />

Yoor Bathing Outfit at G<br />

where yon will find a foil Hne of<br />

tbe jnoet oclcct Bathing Suits, Caps,<br />

Shoes, etc.. oil at reasonable pricer<br />

GOFPS<br />

Bathing Supply Store<br />

. 930 Boardwalk<br />

Ooff'a Bath*<br />

Ocean CltyScntiiicl<br />

THUfWXXAV a&PTICMBEBta, 11U.<br />

ttaamaof<br />

addnaa of tba witter, oat in iwawailli<br />

(brpobUeaUoo.bat a* a rnaranla*<br />

DOTS.<br />

Tb* crowd ha* Iblnoed oat.<br />

Qatta a Uula ralo early Banday<br />

Moving pictor* boasa* did a good<br />

irday even Ing.<br />

Cottage owners wbo ranted ihelr<br />

homa* for Ib* eomoaer are rMaralag<br />

lo their dosaleUe*.<br />

Tb* Loogpurt boat* stopped runn<br />

to* la* aaa ion Baoday. Tba trtpe lo<br />

Ib* afbrraooo were a trifle rough lo<br />

ooa or two place*.<br />

' Heraalur, until farther oottce, al<br />

arenlog eetvtcea in the Kim M. E.<br />

Cbarcb will brgtn at 7 80 o'clock lo<br />

place of i.ii o'clock.<br />

Tb* cool weather Balarday ntornlng<br />

waa a waieocoe relttf afUr two weeks<br />

of Ibe warmest weather exp»rteaoela<br />

Heptrmosr la two groeraaoo*.<br />

Tbe act tarabte valaattoo la Cape<br />

MayCouotyror 191ft amoaou lo 137.-<br />

1S3.B1L Ocean CUy'a valoatlooa an<br />

ja.8T8.OSa, an locrraaaof 1188 S*0 OT«T<br />

laatyear.<br />

PBB8ONAIA.<br />

H. 8. Ulller, of Colllocmwood, U<br />

Mra. E. Craler. of Hew York, waa a<br />

nceut airtval at the Imperial.<br />

W. K. Backer, of Ptilladelphla, wa*<br />

a recent arrival at the Lorraine.<br />

Eocene O. Milker U eoloy Lug bU<br />

vacalkoo In Camden and vlcioUy.<br />

iowjph Uolrkonat. of Philadelphia.<br />

waa at th* Oecanlo a taw day* aloe*.<br />

Oeorga W. Booy, of IhU city, bu re-<br />

tamed frocn a vtatt to PhUultlphla.<br />

Oavtd B. Calnoao, of Pblladalpala.<br />

apaot BUorday and Buoday to Ihb)<br />

ctty.<br />

MU* Dunn, of Ibis city, ba« rctaraad<br />

from a «I*U lo rtlallva* In<br />

phla.<br />

Hn. Kltia U. KM U occupying<br />

ber cottig*. IKil A^bary evenae. tat a<br />

Mrs,U. B. Buper. of Lansdo.o*. Pa ,<br />

la occupy tog her ootligs. ISOH Central<br />

anno*, (ur a snson.<br />

P*trr K Hmllb. w«ll koowu In Pbll<br />

adaJpbla polulcal drclee, was among<br />

Ib* week's vtilton bere.<br />

Lools Bu4hn aud Umllv. of Ptill*-<br />

delphla, wer* '"""» tb* week'* ar-<br />

rival* at tb* Hswllcgm.<br />

D. P. Btclner and wife, of Camdeo,<br />

ar* ber* tar a mootb's Kay. occupjlog<br />

• heir Elaventb street cottax*.<br />

Joseph Monyand family will oc-<br />

cupy Bocam Boas' cottag*. oo A*bory<br />

aveoo*. Deer Eleventh street.<br />

Kx-HUi* Backlog Commksssoner D<br />

O. Walkloe. of Woodbury. registered<br />

al Ib* Kainla a f*w day* ago.<br />

Mrs. Frank E. Uulaad and Mr*. K.<br />

Paol Maxland. of tturfUtoo. bav* beeo<br />

•pendlog a taw dajs at tb* Aigtea.<br />

Mrs. BaaOarrerd and daagbltr, of<br />

N*w York, were nceat vUxtor* at tb*<br />

bocae of Mrs- Martha Lake. IbU ctly<br />

Charles H. Quart** and „ Eucro*<br />

Collins v>cr* rvoeal vUltor* at S3A*<br />

baryavcna*.lb«guest«of MUs Hayne*.<br />

lien»Jailian Newklrk and wife, of<br />

Philadelphia, are vUulag tbtir soo.<br />

Haves NewkUk. sad family, of Ibis<br />

etty.<br />

Mls*ElbBl Corson, of MUlvUle. ba*<br />

rctomed home, after .peodUjjr lea<br />

weeks with ber aunt, Mrs. E. A.<br />

BoorgtoU.<br />

Jarae* Mowcn and wife, of West<br />

Chester, have beea speodlag e few<br />

day* with Ihelr eon, William Mowen.<br />

and family, of IbUcUy.<br />

Bobert Flsber, of Iblxcily, returned<br />

Iba latter pert of Ut week from a<br />

werk'e vwU lolbe Pucono Mouulala*<br />

end Delaware Water Uap.<br />

Dr. O. Kalrcbild Htarr tiu closed<br />

blaofflc*. at Eighth •tract and Wemley<br />

aveooe. uuUI October I. HeUUklug<br />

a abort vacation In Ibe New England<br />

At tb* weakly raaetlog of tbr CUy<br />

ammtseaooer*, Ibe following letter<br />

wa* md:<br />

HOK JoeJU'HO. CiiAHPton, Uavur<br />

Ocean Cttj—<br />

To tb* Hooorabl* Mayor and «'o<br />

ilMtocers of Ocean City—<br />

Uentlemeo:—Tber* Is aa electric<br />

light al Twentieth etrart and WntiT<br />

armo*. In tba fall of former year*<br />

this light ba* beea rttao»ed aad we<br />

re left In total darkntas between<br />

TweoUMb street and Tweuty <strong>On</strong>*<br />

atrret.<br />

Myself aod family use my collag*<br />

oltl Ih* winter co/valb* com*<br />

and also In tb* early spring moot!<br />

woold Ilk* If yoa aad your bonorablr<br />

body coald malatala Ibis Itgbt or hav*<br />

a ga* lamp placed wtvera you may<br />

d**m U beat la tb* black lo gl«* as<br />

Ugbt durlag In* year. Hy so dtaog<br />

yoa will greatly ofcltr*.<br />

Betpectfully vours.<br />

Flutkux H. HILKKT<br />

Tb* millef wa* nfeired lo Director<br />

Adam*, wlib power to set.<br />

Tbe Bev. and Un Charles H. Boh<br />

B*r, of Ibis ctty, an cnlsrtalolug Mb*<br />

Kvejya liebcrUng. of Ea>ton. Bba<br />

waa ooa of Mr. Bobner'* former pat<br />

tablooer*.<br />

A. Hoover, of Newark, wbo spend*<br />

tba summer mouth, lu ibl* city, will<br />

leave bere Moaday lo attend Ibe U. A.<br />

B National Kucimpmeat at Waab-<br />

lagtoa. D. C.<br />

Htmrnl Crotbens ex-presldeal of<br />

BdactCoaocil lo PbU*d*lpbl*.aad his<br />

family hav* returned lo Ibelr cottage<br />

bere after spending sometime la Ibe<br />

Poeooo Mountalu*.<br />

Mr. and Mr*. Jaaie* Fraukliu, of<br />

We** Philadelphia, who are at tbe<br />

Hotel Btraud. have beco entertaining<br />

Charles T. Phillip*, wife and daugh-<br />

ter. Man!*. Ml** Jean l\»n»r. *»*t*r uf<br />

Mra. Franklin. Mrs. Amelia Kennedy<br />

aod Mr. aod Mr*. Harry Y. Darnell.<br />

all of Philadelphia.<br />

—aay wefcoot CO*M<br />

Tb* onaolxed Bible elaaara will<br />

bold Ibelr anooal Banday achool coo-<br />

vantloa at Cap* May 0Ah-<br />

out Ibeeouoly arerequcaUd lo arad<br />

•betr yearly report* to Mr*. U. H.<br />

Bwalo, cfOoaheo, aaperiolendant of<br />

Bible da** work.<br />

«r—Oo Balurda»e«*t>lng.ooth*<br />

dwalk oatwreo Ntolb aud Tenth.<br />

or^S Taoib Dear tt-^'-'V^S<br />

Bhrtver-. or f<br />

bnaatpio. Bewerd. AMn **' ,<br />

|MH*»xomo» adv-It<br />

Wenled to ascbaoc* ao<br />

lota forbnpto«»1 pmperty.<br />

/^BftxOlee<br />



Botpe "Htfty"<br />

Hasted to by<br />

Ctob afctnbcrm.<br />

Coaaat) bass bar* been billog will<br />

during ibe test raw dajr, aad um-<br />

ber* of ib* Ocaaa CMy Fiahlng CtaV<br />

bare beta adding u> their aeon of htg<br />

cklcbea.<br />

Tboaa w bo la. dad channel baa*. wUh<br />

Ih* weight of Ib* dab, an a* follows;<br />

O*org» Hairlhaaisui, twu. ZB pooods,<br />

ooaces, aad the other 88 pooud*. II<br />

oaooas; CUrvoc* H. Brssh, tbrre,<br />

weighing £9 poo ads. T ouoces, 27<br />

pound*, 1 oaace, aad 80 pouode, 84<br />

oopcet; Charlaa T. Magtank*. S»<br />

I'd*; Fred Adam*, S3 pound*. 11<br />

oaoces; Pneearst CbarehlU Huoger<br />

ford, three, ooe 83 poo ml*, aod lb*<br />

other* SS pounds, 2 ooncrs, and HH<br />

pooodj; Oeorge Long, two, on* 40<br />

pound* aad Ib* other S pound*; Mer-<br />

lin F. Cum man. &£, poandi; Henry<br />

F. UUdtnaryer, 80 poood», 8 ounce.<br />

Waller U. Kotho. Z7| poond*.<br />

Capt. Hlckenoo aad Mr. Palmer<br />

alao cat eom* htg ooe* down near<br />

vTTJy-olnlb street, and A. F. (Irani,<br />

who I* oot a member of th* club<br />

landed ooe weighing 38 poo ode.<br />

• a* •<br />




Mcrchaata Will<br />

A*k for Opea UuMlc FsvU<br />

- ton and Cotnfort ftUHcxm.<br />

t*> cti»<br />

SCOTCH Hall<br />

Locu i.«4ii*ui*>. *• m •ad m •*>«-<br />

tmr*i weir.<br />

Hcotcb Hall ba* come tb-rougb au-<br />

other qutt* tuocaatful year, havlog a<br />

ataady growth »1AC« it opetied rive<br />

year* agj. Uu*vt« cam* durlag tfxe<br />

pu« *eajoo from Minooota, HlMmoun.<br />

Uaorgla. North Carolina. Wrel VU<br />

gtola, Ohio aad D*ar-by aectloa*. A<br />

amber of pelicaU have bteu aeut by<br />

^by«lcian*of tb* Joho* Hopkla* Uui<br />

>tty. B*Ul>uare, to coov*lr*c*<br />

Maay cam* far quiet aad real, nut b*<br />

lug uoder tnalmvot.<br />

Tbroogb Ib* effort* of Kceebulder<br />

obo P. Pox, * email approp^UJloa<br />

been *eear*d lo i*iM lo carlog (ur<br />

emeTgvncy and worthy cur* la ll«<br />

ctly aad county. Uurlag Ib* chill aad<br />

wtaler Tfi^m that fuod ha* helped to<br />

at Bcotch Hall la aupplylng Ibe<br />

pcotttv* Deed* for moat worthy and de-<br />

eervlog peopU. A rreideal regMercd<br />

ai**biatcall at Bcoleh Hall all Ib*<br />

Capt. Nick*r*oo, of Ib* Coraoo 1 *<br />

olfi lUe-aavlng aUXkui, a (aw day*<br />

ago, caagbt a ahark weJgblog 2J2<br />

pound*. It took tb* captain an hour<br />

to land Ibe big fellow aod Ibe ehark<br />

>a» viewed with cariodty by many<br />

eople.<br />

John E. Adam* aad family, who<br />

oecapkad apartment* to Ibe Cheater<br />

partment* hav* goue to Phoenix-<br />

llie. Pa.. wb»ralb*y will temporarily<br />

reside. They b»ve xorrd Ihelr bou*a-<br />

bold *a*et*. Mr. Adam* waa foimxily<br />

cny e-terk her*.<br />

vats oejEKi«i.tr BIIWOK.<br />

No visitor to tba ctty of N w York<br />

j D afford 10 miss lbs opportuolly of<br />

seelug lu* Hudson. Among all .tn*<br />

lv«r* of tbe world *bo stauda Ibe ac-<br />

^uowledged quean—decked witb ro-<br />

maacr. Je veled wUh poetry, clad witu<br />

ilatory and crowoed wttb beauty. To<br />

pe>»*adayln ber company, rleb wltb<br />

b* (lory and glory of Ibree buodred<br />

)((n. la worlb a trip across a cooII-<br />

ueot, and 11 U uo wouder tbat the<br />

European trav'ler eays again and<br />

eg*lo: '-To see tbe Hudson alone Is<br />

rortb a Vuvag* acn»* In* Atlantic "<br />

Tba Hodsoo has beea Diilugly styled<br />

•'aa open book wlib th* river *• a<br />

crystal book mark" How leal tbl*<br />

Income, lo tbe Day Llua ToarUt, with<br />

ibe record of W*>tilagtou aud Hamil-<br />

ton 00 It* opening page.aa lbs »le*>u*r<br />

leaves tbe UpTowu landing, and<br />

catch** mesatges of Ib* peat from<br />

Fort Wwhiogtoo lo Fort Lee Wnal<br />

Indian legeod* elaeler about tb* brow<br />

at Indian Head blending with lb*<br />

lov* story of Marr Phillips* at the<br />

Manor Houa* of Yookers. How Ir-<br />

vlnit'* vUlou of Katrtna and Bieepy<br />

HoTiow bacom* woven wltblbecour-<br />

ax* of Pauldlng aod the captare of<br />

Audreet Ten»U>«u. How tbe Huutb-<br />

•rrT Portal 0/ Ib* Hlgbland* etaods<br />

•aallnelad by B:oo» Point, a buoabla<br />

crag converted by the ooursg* of Aa-<br />

r Way o* Into a mounlala peak of<br />

Liberty Mow Sortb and Koolb Bea-<br />

roo again aommoo theHodaoo Yeo-<br />

frua barveal Held* lo In* defen**<br />

. . __*».IIA V.>>*> Piilnam *>*tlll<br />

of oooolry. wbll* Furl Putaara. atl"<br />

eioqoenl to bar roma. looka dowo on<br />

•b* beet drilled boye lo tb* world al<br />

Wast Point- Further 00 Slawburgb,<br />

Poogbkaapektaad King-ton «hak« ira-<br />

iVrnal haod* In Ihe abiding trinity of<br />

wiihioronT HaraUtoo aad Clinton.<br />

e7hU* Dorlbward rla* tb* Oalaoraa,<br />

.n*n tSp Van WlukU atopt. aad<br />

wok* lo wonder at the bappeolnga of<br />

twenty years. What etortea of slteot<br />

raitaya told by marmailug etream*<br />

frocaib* Bertihlr* HUI* and far-away<br />

SSd. w^neraBUrt and Elhao Alleo<br />

nrtompbed. Wbat *torl*aor Cooper,<br />

vbere I". Mohaa-k entwine* brr Bo-<br />

een wttbtboMof tba Ba*quehaona,<br />

Uh aoeoaof Longfellow. Bryant an<<br />

lrneaTof D.tgbtof Halleek aad of<br />

.rittao at" tba Old Van H«o***iear<br />

Hoaaa alsBoet wrtbln a pehbla^brow<br />

of tbTateaaatM " *pproach«* Albany<br />

What a wonderful oprn book of<br />

^r^aod^baaoly aU to ba<br />

adv ^<br />

Tba Ocean City Board fmU<br />

Mra'a AaaoetaUoo batd aaother w»U-<br />

•ttaodad raxlBg Bararday afteraooo<br />

la Uamoel Cohan *a atata aad<br />

matlera of Importance la them**!***<br />

aad lo the ctty lo groeral.<br />

A aaw ibought recardlae fraa tsaalo<br />

on th* Boardwalk waa aogtaatad by<br />

Jam** a. Blmpaoo. a ootlacrr. wbo<br />

had the Btraud Tbralar dating tbe<br />

Mr. Blmpwo'a Idea la that II would<br />

b* well u> bav* wreral haod* ber* lo<br />

git* concerts lo Ibe moclopavlll n.eo-<br />

gtgtng thera for poeetbly two wMka at<br />

a lira*.<br />

Thla 'suggesttoo met with Ibe ap-<br />

proval of th* otbrr* present.<br />

Along iba line of concerts. Chart**<br />

Kroat wa* of la* expressed oplakoo<br />

Ibat tb* proper man to make aroold<br />

b* to enlarge Ib* moaio pavilion, opeo<br />

u all aroaod aad hav* ibe platfuro for<br />

Ibe ma«lctan* la lb* caoter of the<br />

buiMlug. Tmrpaalln or something ate-<br />

iler could b* used lo eoclose tb* p*><br />

.11 too and protect the crowd la lb*<br />

bultdlog daring stormy weaiber.<br />

Thla plaa alao wa* rrgardad wttb<br />

favor by the member* of the aasod*-<br />

llon.<br />

N- B. OclT spoka no th* qoaalloo<br />

of free mado poaalbly lolarfertng wtlb<br />

b* pkar aad other place* of aronaa<br />

mem, aad Albert Fogg, owner of Ih*<br />

pter. who we* at Ibe meting tor<br />

•bort Us*. SS.KJ thai, ao far a* be aod<br />

ba pier are concerned. It woo.Id make<br />

00 dlflcrsac* eboat free mu*lc. Tbe<br />

pier would go 00 wbwbcr lb«n Is free<br />

iak fur in* cuuatroctkMi of two saib<br />

^•itao^ Ib* central oa* probably al<br />

ibe end of Moorlya lerrace.<br />

Mr OuO called alteolloo lo Ih* lack<br />

of proper fkclliua* lo tb* aawtr lln*<br />

fur a oofsfurt statloa at lb* cod of<br />

Moorlyu Urrmoe. bul U was said by<br />

other* tbst IbU wa* sJmplv an eogV<br />

n«erlug coadltion and could doubtlraa<br />

t overcome.<br />

At Ib* opening of Ib* taeetiog. tb*<br />

presldeat of Ib* aseockalioo, Floyd C.<br />

Hlmma. speaking- for th* board ot di-<br />

rectors, aaid Ibal the board member*<br />

bad called on Mayor Champloo Fri-<br />

ay evening and explained what they<br />

bad don* at a prevloo* meeting la ref-<br />

erence lo fre*coactrt*, **e- Mr.B)mm*<br />

nported thai Mayor Champloo haa<br />

beartlly endorsed all tb* plena aod<br />

•uggCTfd that Iheae recommeodilkio*<br />

lak* lb* form of a letur to b* sent to<br />

tb* City Commlssiooen for tbdr coo-<br />

•Idcnulon.<br />

During Iba course of Ibe meeting<br />

Baturdsy afternoon, on* member<br />

brought to lb**Ueutlon of tbe a*»ocl-<br />

etloo Ibe action* of certain auctk>n*er-><br />

and peddlers bere in tbe summer. He<br />

recommeuded that a eufflcJeully blgb<br />

llceu.* foe be levied agaln«t people en-<br />

gaged In each cot-throat practices a*<br />

o pioltcl Ib* Ugttlmeuatore keeper*.<br />

Those at I be meellag Belarday after<br />

uooo wen Floyd C. Blmm.. pre*kleol;<br />

H. C. Prccmau, secntary-ueaaarer;<br />

Charles A. Fruat, Harry H. Jooas,<br />

James H.Blmpsoo, E. F. Bmall. J. B.<br />

Beacb. Harry Cone. J. Hootran, W.<br />

'. Becker, J.B Oros*. Htoul Cobeo,<br />

M. Ndhana, O. B. MacNatl, N. B<br />

Uofl. Albert Fogg. E. L Bonden aod<br />

T.J. Bilbcaa-<br />

Otbera of Ih* assoclittor)'* member*<br />

• n C. Ei I wood Carpenter, T. K. Baa»-<br />

lugion. Jeese Couo. B. Narsxskl.J. B<br />

Tulaul, F E Crumploo. E Warren<br />

BoiltU, William O Moore.<br />

Adama. W.W.Adam*, Frank Mar<br />

ny, WlllUm B. Zaoe and Jerry De<br />

Franco.<br />

Tb* racstlag adjoorocd to assemble<br />

al Ib* call of Ihe chair.<br />

ba H.jn.j.^ bT taxi bnya. It wa* al*c<br />

•ogxaated lo Mr. Cb*w that tb* com<br />

pany have can at ihe yacht dob aad<br />

loop* by wblcb people coald batkkao<br />

to th* Boardwalk.<br />

Mr. Chew tstd Ibe oommltUe that<br />

the road I* biodkapped by Ihe erart*<br />

al I be aeveral •wttobae aloog tba root*<br />

ad alao hy Iba heavy cost of power.<br />

Mr. Uerst stated tbat Ib* piano re o<br />

Ih* p*op** t* marred by tb* praasal<br />

coodlikso*. H* toed ttapt. Chaw; Ba<br />

said, tballa*cr>tx«n*caad*maadlwo<br />

*s- Wtth two track* Ibe coca pany<br />

wooM make oar* eaooty aad Ibe rkte<br />

would b* dellghlfal. Tbe people<br />

would not say. after on* ltd* oo lb*<br />

car-, "never again a trolley rid* to<br />

Ocean Ctly."<br />

Tbe whole llo* U pttmtllve, Mr.<br />

Hrrat declared, and uolea* ao<<br />

B*Ha ca*n«r o*> *•.<br />

Th* charter of Ib* Loyal Order of<br />

Mooae ofejomen* Point la now oprn.<br />

aod Ib* InttiaUoa fa* to •&. A DO<br />

ber of Ocean City young men are ra*<br />

beta of Ibl* lodge. Tba charter will<br />

remain open three month*. Tb* lodge<br />

ba* nearly 100 member* aad It to hoped<br />

to mote thaa double Ibl* wlthla tb*<br />

nutt Ibree month*.<br />

Floyd U. Bunrsa. a wall koowo<br />

Boardwalk bailor** man. aad M<br />

Eleanor* Tbwaeaad. daughter of Capt.<br />

Jaot** B-Townaaad. of Icogport. were<br />

married a bw day* ago la EUloo.<br />

Md. They an living la apartment*<br />

00 Iba Boardwalk.<br />

LOST —tiold football, esarkad -R B<br />

P. B ; Franklin P. Blow. UK-IS ~<br />

Baward If retoraed lo KA Btata etna<br />

Caradto, N. J. ' ad*-II<br />

Tba Bowline Alley* la Ib* Bowling<br />

Casino an now opeo for tb* aa<br />

1815- *d»<br />

FOB BKBT.—TWO S-faalty apart-<br />

r»taU. Apply BIS Park plao*. adr-U<br />

aaaaoq<br />

a». 4-tt.l<br />



Fiaak WL 6few*ut Create. •<br />

Beattiioa at "dty'Beio-<br />

tifal" Mtxttvg.<br />

DartoghtotaJkat Ib*-CMy Beaoil-<br />

fol" okMttag Tharaday e^rolag. aad<br />

after apeak Ing of t ba poof service given<br />

by the local trolley eoaapany. Prank<br />

H. Blawart. a waU-koewn Pbiladal-<br />

la bnalna«> oua. aald he bad a*kad<br />



Waata Maawa or Blgacra to<br />

Bo perioUoaeot Chew, of ih* company.<br />

to cr*w blaa a prtc* 00 Iba trolley road.<br />

"Hun I* 00 t*a*oo why two or threw<br />

of oa ebonldn'i bay thl* road aad roo<br />

U free. If we f**l lika tt." aaid Mr.<br />

ausran.<br />

Fraaklia Herat, chatrrrun of Iba<br />

railroad coeaaittt**. aald Ibat the cera-<br />

oatttaa had held a mealing tb* aMbl<br />

before at Ib* bcaa* of Mr.<br />

Ibasaacahaia mad* many *Qgg**Uoo*<br />

to Bspartstaodeol Chew.<br />

The onenmtn** wUI go forth** Into<br />

thl* metier after th* reaUn atnro<br />

to tbatr wlottx bocaea. Tbay will ao-<br />

daaror to have traproeeraanta asada by<br />

the railroad cosapanf* to at laaat ooe<br />

uf ib* «t at toot aad iba* make Iba ap-<br />

proach** to Ocaaa Ctty batter.<br />

Mr. Herat aald that tba<br />

to Bap*. Coew that hi*<br />

apeay have several can at Ib*<br />

lows* aod of Ib* ctly ready tax aw lor.<br />

Mr Chaw aatwend Ibat thl* woold<br />

erne alotsb ib* can would<br />

Made Pnhllc<br />

Tbcra waa a larga atleodaaca of<br />

mil bar* at Iba ooovrnlloa n/ I be<br />

Cape May Conaty W.CT. U. held u»<br />

IbeFtnt M. K ChMrch. ihtarlty Krv<br />

M v- .<br />

Meat focooraging 1*port* were heard<br />

from several >*ctk>o* uf Ih* county,<br />

notably Baa 1.J* CUy, Cap* May Cuy<br />

aad WUdwood. wben excellent wo,-k<br />

for Iba- While Bibboa"c*u*e ba* b**o<br />

duoe.<br />

Tb*Damb>rof saloon* lo thraalbrr*<br />

lowo* haa bean cut down, aod Mr*.<br />

Heleo MllUr. of Bee lela,<br />

Kuthrrtord. of West Cap* May, aad<br />

Mrs. H. H. Hailowwll. of Wlldwood,<br />

who made ItwU report*, exprrsaed<br />

graliflcailon at the cwrall* obtaload.<br />

Mr*. Miller said that,wb«n the uniro<br />

started In Baa 1*1*. It* 111* wa* lo be of<br />

•bort duration, accord log 10 som* peo-<br />

ple there, but tt U still very mocb<br />

alive and the saloon people kuow It.<br />

Ml*. Hallowell spoke of lh*lr *oc-<br />

Ogfat la Wlldwood egmJast tbe<br />

ealooo aad gamoling. rib* told of tb*<br />

helpful *wrT*a.rMt recatved by tb* union<br />

Kx-Coegiaesniari Baker, Al-<br />

toroey Ococral Westoott, B«nalor<br />

Wbaalnn aad Jodga Eldndg*.'<br />

Mr*. Bulberford. pmtded at Iba<br />

morning ee*etoo. Tb* *ddm* of wel-<br />

come waa made by Mn.H. B. Bwao,<br />

proldaol of the local W. C. T. U. Tb*<br />

Her. J. B. Kolp. pastor of the Flnt<br />

M. E. Charch. greeted Ibedelegmlca oa<br />

behalf of thertnreheeof Oreaa Ctty.<br />

Tb*mpoo**waaby Mn Hnur H*od.<br />

of Cap* May Court Hnu-v.<br />

Th* reports of vailuu. department*<br />

3d branebc* of lb« union look op<br />

oflb. rem*ludcr «if tb* morning<br />

u doo* lo Improve lu ooodclioo Ih*<br />

Tweatletb Wnat Improvement Ae-<br />

ancl,i*<br />

befor* next «oaimer. Tb* oompaay<br />

t* Itvooiiaoils of aollan each year by<br />

primitive raet bode aad aleo dlegost*<br />

a* people, said Mr. Hearst.<br />

Mr. Herat said that Mr. Chew u a<br />

bright yoong eaaa aad haa Improved<br />

Ih* trolley aervtc* this eraaoo.<br />

Prortatoo ehoohl be mad* by Ib*<br />

company lo beadle Ib* abort rtder*<br />

Tber* aboald be can at Ib* Taolb<br />

stnet stxttoo. Boot of Ibe eoodoo-<br />

loraoccailooilly will oot atop for pas-<br />

senger*. All of In*** ihipf an datrt -<br />

taotaJ to the diy.<br />

TheqaesUooof water. g»* and alec<br />

Irto light aboald alaa be lakeo up. In<br />

tbe oplnloo of Mr. Herat. Tbaga*. be<br />

•aid. la poor. Il mrght have beeo all<br />

right lo Ib* primitive days, bat coo<br />

Uioo* ban have cninged. The Twea-<br />

lletb BJreet Improv*m«ol Aaaoetatloo<br />

will go lotoibeae coaJter*. be declared,<br />

aud will be willing to co^iwraUwltb.<br />

the Board of Trade aud make cou4><br />

I loo* better.<br />

Frank H. Btawtrt aald that Mr<br />

Cuww told ibem tbat tbe local electric<br />

llgbt plant ta to be dlamsnilcd aod<br />

Ugb IroMoo service gltea. Uoder<br />

IbxMe cundllloa*. Ocean CUy sbould<br />

irtlbtuffit rat*fur elertrio service<br />

1 Allaulk) Ctty<br />

Tb* doubl* tracking of the tiullay<br />

to* from Tweailalb street oortb. Mr<br />

il*wsrt uk), would b* • gre«l b*lp to<br />

Ib* company. Th* Board of Trad*<br />

could do much toward securing IUV.<br />

There shoold he loop* lo Ib* nllroad<br />

at al loos<br />

The price of carnal lu Ocean City.<br />

If Ib* local company go** on tb* At-<br />

Uollc Cay Un* aboald be the<br />

tn Atlanlkt Ctty. Wrtb bellar Uma*-<br />

jioo fadUlte* lu. Irollay company<br />

woold coak* more raoo«y and tbe pa><br />

Irooa would DO* "kick."<br />

A charge of SB ceola a "k. w.," Mr.<br />

Blawart aald, la aoraaaoaaala. Coo.<br />

u aaU- that If begot* tolo<br />

thl* Bgbt. It wUI b* to a Basin.<br />

Mr. Hrrst **ld that tb* offieen of<br />

Ibe vertou* orgaoliatioo* bare aboald<br />

get together with oue tboaght—the<br />

improvement of Ocean CUy. - Tbe<br />

Tweolletb Bueet Asaociatlorj I* wilting-<br />

to work. Thla aaanclitlrm t* growing<br />

It la gcttlug new members every day,<br />

aad there will be a total of 100 mem-<br />

era wtthlo a abort Um*.<br />

Alex Lawrence. JK.gavetlas bla<br />

oplnloo Ibat Ocaaa Ctty ta raoolng; to<br />

seed 00 orgaorratirtne. He<br />

most of them. If<br />

lot a real posh befaiad it, tt could ac-<br />

complish good reealta.<br />

daytoo Halo** Brick, wbo pias»l«d<br />

at tba meeting, said that all have their<br />

work to do. bat they abould make tba<br />

Board of Trade Iba parent •toulb-<br />

oe. He praised tb* YountfMe<br />

Procnaalva League, wbieb. h» aald.<br />

raade op of young roea. He loiartaed<br />

Ua bearer* that ba to a member.<br />

"Young raeol" acboed Mr. I>wra<br />

and looked q.u**tInntngly at Mr. Brick.<br />

Mr. BtawarlaaM Ibat tbay feel tbat<br />

they ratMt us* water, aod tb* water<br />

paean*.ay abould Install separata i<br />

tare for water aaad on lawn., etc.<br />

be got water at a daoaot pclea b*<br />

would kaap hto lawo perpetual!*<br />


' • ' • * • • : ' • •<br />

88IMI1filBB<br />

rnmloMmtd toy Con-<br />

i 4U<br />

' tb*<br />

rats* of foaodeUoo work to «b» build<br />

IDC of erery »mal«4al '-tii*v »*U»;<br />

nspbwli Dpoatb* card Id al fact eo><br />

wajlexprrsajad by Ibeapoetle Paul that<br />

"other, foaodeitan c«o DO DUO lay<br />

IbAO that lafaid.whkb U JniuCbiW '•<br />

eaataJ ITMale rrasilscs.<br />

Recent real estate Iraoa/srs<br />

City recorded In the oRlceof County<br />

Casrk BUdtatb, aa reported lo ibe Cape<br />

afaTt'nnnia tlaaatlii. am at tallows: ;<br />

Harry F. Hiaulon, *t us, to Easily<br />

R. Koala*. Lot lu north wast Una \J<br />

WeaJcy avenue, 300 feet fn*m Houth<br />

westlioeof Tbinj-eigbib elreet, and<br />

another too fret from southwest lint<br />

atreet.<br />

F. Corsou, ahailff (laud,<br />

of Adelaide L. HttVtam). to Peoroae<br />

Vleiabar. (louj. L*A» Ail aod 6.VS1.<br />

Sectloo D.<br />

Kox.et al.ta Edward W.r\>«.<br />

(lOOa Lois 77. n aod n. Bedloo M.<br />

Frauds H. Oougberty to Uasrga W.<br />

Allan. Ln« in nonbwrst Hoe of Wes-<br />

ley evanoe, 230 fret from southwest<br />

I* wliiiog end<br />

m length<br />

7««« '*-l«r"worehlp.» a* found In<br />

to<br />

^•atlawVtMalnKrniis. IlJavafapa<br />

that what* la^baat to oeaod etna*.<br />

• tbe klgbeet famttass<br />

II ileistbadtrlne U/a<br />

-' Itooaalt woranlpUlo<br />

• e»*rlla*lly.<br />

eaerrly lo<br />

** 1 **S1WBW»awMtt UHgw tuuYkj aad.<br />

t Uw polfw. teauoouoo •• oot wot<br />

t or proflntly «od<br />

l to do so.<br />

la soy 1<br />

la, to<br />

••rraa aaeaatbatUse<br />

• to ocr lord's teaching will<br />

' Irre* ibe power of Christ to<br />

n aaaia oor Uewa to stsow<br />

DaLaocay KaailjCo. lo Harry K.<br />

Hiaiitoo. 1800 Lot 22. plao oi grantor.<br />

Oc*«o Frout fUatt^-U>. CO UBirtxti<br />

W. Mlicb«ll. 'tdO Lou i; 3 and<br />

:M. block A; lau 2 mad 3, block B: lots<br />

4.aaAdS,'bJot* C; lou 2 aod 8. block<br />

D; plao -J. Uardtoa.<br />

tUma to Frederick K. (illlod^r. t<<br />

aL \KS0 Lou 7 to 1J. block C; lot*<br />

1.a.Uaod W.btoe* D;<br />

HUM 10 Oa>ld A. H«ad«rKo t<br />

Lo*» 5 and 19, tloc* A; tot It. Btoek B;<br />

lota l.f and a, •*lock C: lou* and 10,<br />

block D: pUn 2. G»rd.o».<br />

art J«mj Iut«4o•<br />

Cyoltla rolham'a gTaoefol form «aj<br />

potaod for an lu*ant oa Iba atapa »po** briefly **jf<br />

•a><br />

or >UM<br />

UI orvta<br />

wlalhaoaortiuooof ml<br />

A<br />

Oo<br />

JUttUaoi.<br />

' ttriapotntof<br />

of puutogt>7 UK<br />

• K 00<br />

of<br />

fonj nantralHy.<br />

Mary H. (J. T. Wutu to Uara Y.<br />

»3QDtt Lot* iiroaadaooe tv^k<br />

10. piaa I. Quiln*.<br />

Cuibla &.'CkKi«*sto Chatda Horoa<br />

tot 00 btacb TT>ocoa«hfara ikn<br />

Lo* of HnnUi atnat. tf<br />

too*" B. Aauu to Mary 8t»ra.<br />

AOO. Lot TM. ttactkm H.<br />

Eaima QUa* to Joatph A. Park«r.<br />

Lo* S3. «ceUoo M<br />

tCala B.-Uaya «t «U to Frank D.<br />

la the tnru Cut ruflV-J<br />

tho tuts palma and the a£arla«- A<br />

all wcn> the glitter and ooUw of<br />

ortcct and the vaguo mormur charac-<br />

teristic of far oiitni citw.<br />

Aa CycthU stood Iht-n traltlox far<br />

b«r Cathrr lo Join hrr tor a mOuil<br />

the baxaara Ju»ct>h Fnlaam<br />

apiicarvd ot bcr rJboir.<br />

-Cynthia. I'm *atrj. bet oor rtrctl<br />

will han>to b«fkMt[ioard for an boar<br />

or mx -Mr. E, Mini<br />

«>• !»y u>4 «ma- . bctloo I> TOO. trom<br />

^_. , -^-—~ ' at rasa rroos<br />

itrtb to tft, mtnaa<br />

streets. Massa<br />

' ~~. Bactloo L ro«a rrom<br />

rMtteb Ibao prodoeed<br />

•aaaatotb* Praatdeot<br />

ewe» aorj tba Cqagreas<br />

r 0f aocb aa em-<br />

to<br />

etrytrrtan<br />

• 0.1<br />

Tba aoonm offle* of Iba Weatara<br />

Ualoo TUajapb Cbwpuiy. on A*<br />

bory aveaiw, tnaar Bfixtt atroet, au<br />

eloatd for Iba acaaou Tuesday. Mn.<br />

M. O. Otatstf-, ttlaoanager. and bet<br />

au», SrMa B.OtaUal; Jr.. wb« la al»<br />

an . • Jt«T6—rwuroed to tbair<br />

•MlaOtnHOkiiD. It ««• hoped<br />

by »Oafcub«rorfco»io«. paopto bcrr<br />

IbaCOM CdanrMoy coold aaa Ua way<br />

u lo kavptns tba offlos opea all<br />

year. Jadgtoy frotn lac Diasbcr of<br />

paoDUaamtntba offlc* ibta mmmtr,<br />

lha company did ma onaaoa] lamoont<br />

of twtneaa. • ondoubudty man than<br />

•*«a.Mbaatoany-aaaaoo.'rUra Diet:<br />

cal ta not only as ax pert UJcfnpbar.<br />

oorpatnMMOf lha-offlea-tbcod bar ex-<br />

oaadlagly » dF~ByzaJittae jewelry.<br />

Tbe abookerper. u uw«j> bearded<br />

Tnrav «Mtb a larffe tnrbao ouraxjontioa<br />

bu dark rac«. nan Hltrin^ crone<br />

on o-rtle of mjr>.<br />

!(• k-ot oudVratood<br />

liy tbe Ttork. : Be mattered aoaw<br />

•tnuXF wordjs. aod. la, apparvnlly not<br />

of tbe rues bao&ing about tbe dim<br />

Aoorway. tbere appeared neTeml<br />

wonku. <strong>On</strong>e of them clapped a browo<br />

hand u»er Cynthia's mrjath. and two<br />

t>tbvrM took her unns and *feust!ed ber<br />

Into tbe «ljirtiueMr of tbetnnrr sbop.<br />

Wlidour clrin« tbe American girl Ba<br />

PTiiMkrtunlty to rry iuit ibeont W01<br />

tfcwl n »IIL.ti isnirf wrer Crnthla'e<br />

moiitn. ktu'ltlnir If bt-hliid ber bead.<br />

Tl..-u ibey ntiw«1 back. UnjrblDC and<br />

aratrbrd liar while she beat ber baato<br />

agnloat-Ui* door af UM<br />

A rrd light came Into the<br />

blark eyea. Brro waa e rhaoce to<br />

prove bla own tanoewne* aod ai tba<br />

not ttm* gt-e e«m with bla enemy.<br />

Bljl Bhooah. tbe m merchant-<br />

Bat It wootd nerer do to let ale<br />

oetghbura aee that - be bad bctrayvd<br />

BUI Hbooah. Bo. with a haMtf notice-<br />

able movement of bta thamb, be potat-<br />

ed acroaa tbe atreet to the empty akop,<br />

Juat aa a woman'a errcam rang oat<br />

d waa Inatautty atllled.<br />

llagh llarkham whirled aboot and<br />

ilaahed acroaa tbe narrow Hint, mjl<br />

Bhuoih'a rlral aoiUed lato bla btack<br />

boord and returned to hla pipe,<br />

street waa empty ow« more—ooty tbe><br />

peeklnjr eyra from gloomy back<br />

grounda.<br />

BUI Rbuoab had bees a fool to toocfir<br />

the girt In broad daylight, wheat the<br />

Irvcta were full of toarlata. bat the<br />

otd man waa greedy and bad oatratrp<br />

tvd the bounda of prodeoce.<br />

America aa would make trouble. Bo<br />

they wa£crU their beada and goaaln<br />

ed while they watched the door at<br />

BUI Bhouah'a ahoo.<br />

• • • • •<br />

Cynthia had ecreamed wUen the ptd<br />

Turk laid bla haDd on ber a<br />

Urtte by 111 tie ahe bad worked tbe<br />

bandaxe froco ber Upa. aod after ber<br />

tnod rry for help Bill bbouah Uad UT<br />

knotted the acarf ao tlf an ap-<br />

proochiag whiriBlad through tbe ahop.<br />

Famlture waa oTertnmed and tbo<br />

motterlag cr>'«la of an angry<br />

•eat the Tarka mrertnx to the foar<br />

comere of the room. BUI fUfcofti turn-<br />

ed lite a wolf and Oaabed a gtUterlnr<br />

knife when Hn^h'a bruad ahoolder<br />

brought the nlmaj door rraahlna; toto<br />

the araffy roooi. Tbe women<br />

dragxxd CyniM. wtlh them to a di-<br />

van, and they were placblixg her cro-<br />

eLly when tbe utorm broke-<br />

When It waa orrr Cynthia foond ber-<br />

»«ir. IUu> the bereroe Its a otrtodrama.<br />

ocrupytoj: the ceeter of to*<br />

mlarkham'a arm aboat her la alruag*<br />

proterUoo. while the otd Turk lay on-<br />

with a blow from the Amer-<br />

Oat. The wemen had been<br />

tied tnto a corner, and Bagh had bed<br />

band* with their own scarta. bat<br />

thrir toagoai were aabrtdled and the<br />

Amrrtcaca could not cueas at the tor-<br />

rent of •base that waa pocirvd forth at<br />

them.<br />

Cynthia recovered her empty<br />

bag and one or hrr ring*, but the oth-<br />

tsrn ahe woold not search for.<br />

"AJI I want la to gvt away rrooi<br />

here." ahe ahuddered- l^meotly they<br />

were out In tbe crooked Wrpet and<br />

Later In the turret of tbe OoldbeflUra.<br />

Ho£b touk Cyvtbla to tbe Hotel Con-<br />

auila and tamed ber orer Lo ber fa<br />

tht-r'a care. Mr. t'ultuoi bad Jost dla-<br />

utfcned bla ratter and waa aearrbloz<br />

for bU daoanter when the yoang roo-<br />

ple appeared and related CvnthhVa<br />

artllAg adTeotare.<br />

"•How can yoa forctre rne fur my<br />

rudroe»r- aaked Cynthia aa ahe aald<br />

modby to Hash, after ber father had<br />

erpressed bl* crotltucle to their yotm*<br />

compatrlnt. ~l owe my life to yod.<br />

Mr. Uarkham."<br />

Hash's heart aald. ~l >hall rollert<br />

that debt Bocae d^iyP But bla tongoe<br />

merely dlaciatmed any credit for hero-<br />

to.<br />

Before they left Constantinople there-<br />

waa e»ery reason to bWlere that wove<br />

day riujh Uarkham woo Id keen bj*<br />

oromla*.<br />

aim In lb»«>iiilssail«iiratfls>e«'<br />

sBicoreed.<br />

1. Tasu tnaattk mm* Ooea tba<br />

< CkilialsniMiuan.<br />

ln« »tu] CTsreitox esT I<br />

asd btctawsra II (IM<br />

IT. li»7.<br />

' *t«»Jfl*, |t«<br />

H AVE you a cottage, bungalow or apart-<br />

ment to furnish? We have a lino of<br />

furniture at less than Philadelphia prices.<br />

It will pay you to call and see our stock be-<br />

fore buying elsewhere.<br />

Window shades a specialty.<br />

Chas. E. Adams & Bro.<br />

720-22 Astmry Avc.<br />




•Flvr<br />

OOEAH CITY. N. J.<br />

^ 00 Central avenue,, from Sixth la HJghth avtrrela, fur tmlr, «c»v<br />

Furol*hcxl colLaifT on Central avenac, abort Focrth «tTT«i. ioc 40nif.11,<br />

t»C. only f lyxx FurnUhcJ 00*1 Luxe 00 Central Atetiar, ct>o*c Thint >4rrTt!<br />

only £2600. FurolaiicO dMtayc 00 Fiitb atrrrt, $1700. Two coUafca *uvl oor U^t<br />

00 AtJ>ury aitnw, near Seventh street, ^xily |^uo. Alto two cotUgct oo<br />

umc til r^—PaSr<br />

tjaj Iba* (Mil ••>a*rmj riaVlkM)<br />

In pvra.^0 brtnr«tb»Biftt>t)«-UUSbLi<br />

i|e4 (tLiod Uka, D*J»Jonly «*y •/• • UiUOtovuUlotb l*U.iloo<br />

t tmi lba> r^aat trtwc loo i k *r<br />

l n U i l l U<br />

*UAc lODjDOO<br />

t DiiU<br />

Cilv rn»m<br />

10 M««4<br />

*- »{•*• «<br />

ttoo. u»«b«r w<br />

bi* work. »#•<br />

toantoof M~llbo*U<br />

loraeiab olOau <br />

Sealed Propasak.<br />

prapoMla will to Milirf by tbo<br />

nad u buoOor, No.ct»W« Ur<br />

Clljr. N. J. o 111 fetdyOd<br />

'ik<br />

ool alav. ZtaSBOuad* lo UM<br />

•"«n*coalofaiM. ( j u x<br />

TIM» rlafat ta riaaivsd lo rviect sayosa<br />

Ida. - •<br />

By orais* ol UM Uoar4 of C1 IIMIOO .<br />

«- k. HMITU.<br />

«J, «.. K v.. rtw<br />

Sheriff's (tele.<br />

oha. H. newMer,<br />

and<br />

aaso 1<br />

f. OoeaptsiosaL,] *h<br />

' Tna d o n •«!• aunts d>iM<br />

•OMIiiV, OCTaBEK II. ttia.<br />

eoai4.i<br />

Uooraa. Iwl'r. a-u. IL. r. r",<br />

Change* of copy lot display<br />

•aamiini moat b* at un»o . _„<br />

atar tban Warlrralay tmoauag, at j<br />

o'clock abarp for Inaejtlon to tbe<br />

CUfu, VVb*o*rer poaatbte tt tt<br />

atudthattbsdrbaaaorto not aatar<br />

•Tmamtay.-rttM raia^wUl-be,<br />

aa*., 4<br />

Katiee or Meeting or ComaiK<br />

tilonere or<br />

• - • * • - " •inniiiiill.a iiiilull<br />

• t*rmrj. » 0007 0/ tbs naoJoiu D<br />

f tbm Board ol Ooeaeabasloovrs ur<br />

"Ao f<br />

trttua, nrmh—ilmj- uif<br />

lo |r»d« aiad pftr* ib*<br />

tamba**-17, t»*«, ud b- •<br />

IMT3C1, •outi>wl< "Aoord'ttjux* locbu<br />

wtdita of OortsibUa «<br />

1 •• ly of<br />

« KX w>a» muwmt to * aja »jr («0 root<br />

, lo >irtwl«, curb, (Ta>v«4 avr>o<br />

Us > MnM,aad Cor ibml pnrpmii 10 ta-k<br />

Joly<br />

A<br />

iuiot b**» • p«Dia<br />

ttcxuw by »pt?ot&liis»st<br />

gKKSCHEL PETT1T, M. D.<br />

tvor WKOUCV AWC<br />


s: aiolos- m.<br />


809 Central Avenue<br />

etuj orrr. •• *•<br />


Dentist<br />

Cor. tUitilU.>ad Weal«r<br />

omoe Uoiu.. a-ilao<br />

110-1<br />

Bnauasa bjr ajp<br />


Electrical Contractor<br />

1137 Anbury Ave.<br />

Ocean Ctty N*M» J«rs«y<br />

ICE CMBtlf<br />

loaotiio In<br />

aj^ ar>A - BfAH Vhtm** laisr- ltaisi I****<br />

J. TboreJey B»***a. 9. D.<br />

^ aissa*ar '<br />

(ab and WcalaJAvaa. Ocaaa Oo. **. J.<br />

T17 an<br />

la tU 89STINIU.<br />

Tbrre la a flrat-ctaa* Ormbooa ralaMtsiuarBt, 00 MaJo Bltara<br />

*"*"» ** Oot * n Hcl^hla, orar Uotntra' r^Jol wilhlo caij reach o«<br />

Ocaaa CUr. vtura pUnu aj»] cat Boartra / all klotla are lo ba had.<br />

Oor oratcbvonl la RELIABILITY.<br />

NothJngeddatooce to tb« laluc or atlracllwnta* o< nxu ctMUre<br />

than (Jantlng whan r"ROl"KRLY DO.MK.<br />

Tclrpbooa or gin ua a call.<br />

Colonial Greenhouses<br />

TMO*. n<br />

•Potat, 13.» Uaarood Poat OfSta<br />



Interesting to Investors<br />

Hwa VIM 1 BejMJe butiea to i Satsife Hov<br />

ALC—X taw Irta looOsd lo Bactloo O. Oaaaa OBty. »t i-.<br />

ta« Ra-llmad MulVy-i Alao •Ua to, U<br />

Harbor Baj, nml j-> Pctoi. H. 1.<br />

1 os Qaaat<br />


Ouardian<br />

•aa ccfmiAL AVCNUC OCEAN CITY. H. J<br />


A beautiful Cottage-Bungalow on Wesley<br />

avenne, facing the octan, near Thirteenth<br />

street, 9 rooms and bath, garage, laundry, etc<br />

It will be finished by October 15, and 13 the<br />

Beat Bargain in that choice district of the re-<br />

sort. For full particulars inquire<br />



How Are You Fixed<br />

For the Winter?<br />

I have tha followinfi; for rent by the year<br />

A wax c«der far ttGrja uniforms asd<br />

ia.OCD o>ereoats tor Ibe Allies ba*gl**a<br />

eaaptoyoaeot toerery aTallttta f<br />

Must be Sold by Sept. 2O<br />


''pWO PROPERTIES, 621 Asbury avenue and 611<br />

-*- Central avenue, Ocean City, N. J., Estate of Mrs.<br />

Caroline B. Lynch, deceased.<br />

APPLV TO<br />

A. COTTON<br />


W. Scott Hand<br />


ooua oirr ooMiapoaoMr o«*<br />


aanacna<br />

• t. con aaoao AKO CHUT>UT era.,<br />

mmMMmmm Of u« rewtsr uo miunauiau e<br />


Oon^pooaeae*) lawttcd vreardter luta o/ MM-arttkest. ^rLeaB aA^ wear lakormalioo<br />

retskUO< U> IDvcsltneola.<br />

I orrca AMO accoaiaicajo. auaiicr TO BALC *»JO »D»HCI IM raici<br />


U1USTIV CfTV, m. 4.1<br />

HMT tmo mmfuituma IOMTOAOM • p» oaarr. auoxiMO rumo<br />

aoLO aoiusa, oua- ma<br />

»1K» M uxl I n ureO. lo V k ia Uoul B.14 pax camt-<br />

Sound Bank-<br />

ing Principles<br />

•J Throaghout all our Bank-<br />

Ing Experience we have<br />

adhered closely to the prin-<br />

ciple that, lo prosper our-<br />

srivea, we mmt help oar<br />

patrons to thrive and ex-<br />

pand.<br />

•j] Put into practice .this prin-<br />

ciple of progressive hanlt-<br />

iag has resalted In many<br />

patrons establishing rela-<br />

tions that have never been<br />

broken.<br />

•J We believe that your ex-<br />

perience with oar Service<br />

woald also be one of on-<br />

broken rd&lion3.<br />

FIRST<br />


Ocean Ctty, N. J.<br />


TOMtO<br />

H. BellevuaBalhs<br />


•«T- ttflMTM a«S Kt*«Tef •*«. ,<br />

3S0 Rooms ud Isctas 1<br />

titmw XMO jkrviuLOmm Burrm ro*<br />

The Pontiere<br />

BOOT 5 SHOE<br />


SHOP<br />


Otf.'tL J<br />

Repabllcao. and Tay-<br />

lor, Democrat, Nominated—<br />

Stevens Wins la County.<br />

*'°« UM Orai Uoe la a Doaaber of<br />

jaara. Oeaaa CUj ta.Ukaiy to t»»a a<br />

rapreaainnilre to toe Uaaarai A*.<br />

rnmbir ot Nea> Jaraty.<br />

UooffletaJ rttama abear th*t alark<br />

Laka baa moa tba BapoMtean DO<br />

DAUOO Cor U>a «aaaimtlj. rtrtaalfag<br />

Ka«aoa C Call hj IS raUa.<br />

Uoward O. Tajto*. utf UHa oUj. e<br />

UaaOaafweaaUo-oaaBioaAlao lo* Uka Aa*<br />

•KaWj. WtuUUdoeaoolaeaaUatiy<br />

that bla poJilica will permit bLm to be<br />

.1^-1-eaemall»a<br />

t>a*U T. States*, of t'apa BtAy,<br />

m«di a caJUot ao4 aoearaafaJ Ofbt far<br />

tbe Kapu&Ueao oeealaaUoo foe Btala<br />

•*nato« atatnat D. HUee Htgrx. H*<br />

• ailM votca a bead of Hkjur. -<br />


Io tbe lOrst M. &. ttabbaab Hcbool<br />

joday afuroooo, during lb* leaaop<br />

period. PrsaMant Dowotr, of tbe New<br />

Jersey tUals BooHaj ttcbool Aasoda-<br />

ttoo, took charge. Ha assembled afl<br />

lo tha coalo aodlrofs^rooDi of lb*<br />

church and made a most<br />

draas. In »bkh be gave a graphic<br />

scrip*koo of tbe raeolts oa<br />

school llaee of "Hair"Hoodaj'a re<br />

eeut mcjk to PaUraoo. Ttiat work.<br />

h*d. be eatd, to a grrat eilaot traoa-<br />

f^rroed tbe cUr.<br />

Mr. Dowoeraakacl Iba brartr ro on-<br />

aratioo of tbe school lo tbe tortnoxa-<br />

ig drmooetratloo lo MUliUla.<br />

Before you return lo your wlaln<br />

rtfnura. I o oat of yoo w bo are toll reail id<br />

ka Oceao CUy aod tu aflaire abocltd<br />

aabacrtbaforlbaHZBrruiEi. ItwUiba<br />

Ilka ao asurtaintoa; weekly lauet buaa<br />

a friend. Tbe UmuB, cootAloa eacb<br />

weak ail U» legal edrorllaaimnU of<br />

UM eUy. Wop aJ UM office, 7U Aatetry<br />

araooa, or drop a poetaj card, aod tb»<br />

aruitL sin Im mailed to tbe waV<br />

draaagrrao.<br />

_i Woodt<strong>On</strong>a. aod made tt oeccaearr,<br />

ao far. to get 10O opaxators nutitdW.<br />

aodaneo tbeo U la taxing tb* oapejCtt*<br />

of ibe coca naoy's great feetory, aewv*<br />

weeks na»* beeo eet ae Ibe tun* Uaa4<br />

for tbe uuiforcaa.<br />



Members WUI be Goest*- exf<br />

PranV a^ljrpincOtt at tbe<br />

Swaurthmore HoteL ^ '<br />

Tb* Uab*rs > Uoloo of the Vlrot H<br />

E Church bald Ua Oral meeting for<br />

thewLciUf Mon Iba bca^h.<br />

Mra.Caacadeo wa* datply graltful<br />

lo Murray aod Maoeour fur aavlng her<br />

dtuar, aad made Maumir aocapt<br />

110, aJlbou^b Ua louk tUa coooay<br />

asrainat bla will. Muirajr rafuacd 10<br />

tpt aoytblog.<br />

MCM Is Tttlf-eJ Clue.<br />

Harrtaoo .Vocrbcca, aolldtor for Iba<br />

ttea late Cur Cocamlaatooera. Ka»e ao<br />

oploloo lo Camdro rrcaully. la wblcb<br />

be buada that Uu iocreaae lo popala-<br />

Uoo to Cape May Coouly, under tba<br />

Bute caoooa, will oot Iraoxfcr Iba<br />

couoly trod ibe taorth lo tba I bird<br />

sa. Ue bolda tbat Iba traoafar cao<br />

ooly be made 00 a federal run-in. ac4<br />

U>at, eoeaequetiily. tbe oourta of Iba<br />

eoantywlUpootlouatograiuiba liquor<br />

Neat Muoday emla*; lb*<br />

ofibauoloa wUltMtbaguestsof fraok<br />

Llpplocott, of to* Uot*l Msrartoeaor*.<br />

A geocrel get-togattMr mertlog will<br />

> baid. Altar tbe roaming rtrraatV-<br />

U s>Ui b*served, aod Iber* wOl be<br />

• 111 -j n 1 IIn- I II Kulp.i'rtt.<br />

•dent H. H. Mowceraod cabers-<br />

All mm tiers are requested lo be at<br />

Ibe hotel ax 7 80 o'clock.<br />

Vacbl Clab Dlauts.<br />

Tb* Oeran City Vacbl Club wdj<br />

bold th* regular Wednesday dlooeta<br />

at tbe UotalBt-Jaraeeand during Ibe<br />

coeau there will be a apeakar e-rery<br />

VX edoaaday wbo will give some rfltar-<br />

esttog data aboot ibe erealber Condi<br />

liana, entrtoe rnnolng, club itiaC tov<br />

Dtovemaalaof ebaaoda aod lalltaoo<br />

belkjbtaof tbe-Delaware fllveraod<br />

WUI Baaoae Dntia.<br />

Tbe boss of Coo pen y U. Third Io-<br />

laolry. of Ihlseitj, is 111 rrstunej, Ibalr<br />

rcekly drills taavoiu* evening uodef<br />

laM. Vaoc* U. rJaOy. Tbs> company<br />

will DOW drill lu tbe arxaory, wbVao<br />

will be a caoakjarable ' ta>r>ro*«akaot<br />

over ibe way iba boy* bad todolha<br />

last two wtotais- gottirougfa tb* man.-<br />

oal out oo lb* streets.<br />

Ttoe maaobara ol Uje «, U. T. U. w«l<br />

u>eat Wedoeaday aftaroooo, Uetbtaaj<br />

A. at a oMlook. at the Hotel Wyoentna;.<br />

ttohjeet. ^Krangauatto MeaUoc •> Ml<br />

by Mra. Kltaatbatb Brick. Ail. eire<br />

urg«d lobe nieaent.<br />

lavtaMj Ta<br />

Philip Hanllng-. uf {>faltada;<br />

j ftUtadalpbi<br />

o to UaecUfi<br />

laaaad. SrU<br />

b1 M<br />

log wacanlojed al ibsTu. B. Ml 11 to<br />

fblladeipbla. Ua baa bean lo.lbs*<br />

aarstea eareotaaa jaajla.<br />

twauaily tnrtwi alngat<br />

alow baaiag alla<br />

d- lot* at' Harcptli ax« Ua*«a<br />

d erty^ApMruiwvb<br />

Tba Ka-»»- Piualagtoo Coreoa and<br />

Alex. Coraoo, Or. AUea Coooo. Jamca<br />

M. CbeMtar. W. P. LJpplocotl, Kraok<br />

LJpplooott, Hdward M Hulloa a ad<br />

•00 aud H L». God aod KO WIDI dab'<br />

ug &uUlde iba laliar part or I444<br />

wrak. Ttuy were qulld »uocca>aful,<br />

briogULg back about ISO rtsb. luclud-<br />

Log weakoab aod croaker-*.<br />



PbUaddphla Authority Con-<br />

aolted Tells Them It<br />

Is a Dolphin.<br />

Home aprdcDaoa at flab onaaaal for<br />

Ibaaa watera bara beeo eaogbi bare<br />

during tha teat weak. Tnary foood<br />

Ihalr way Inlolbatwo poondaoCTthia<br />

clly and wrra praaeotad to tba Oceao<br />

Cuy Flablng Clab.<br />

O-r, a Illtlataoy or elbaoorr. wrtgb-<br />

In* tea poo ode. we* packed op by Ute<br />

WUdwood Oompafiy'a poaoda, a<br />

tbe ctber, a «tttlptvlo. waa *ooad to tba<br />

PtfttOer Compaoy'a paood. Ttaara waa<br />

aa dnobt aa lo tba aam* of tbta teat<br />

flab, bet Vcaok H. Hlawart, woo baa<br />

flabed oortb. eaat, eootb aod weat, da-<br />

elared Uiat U aai a dolphlo.<br />

tWrore Ibta. bow ewer. Vrad. Ada<<br />

ot a almllar ooe ta tba Acadwaay of<br />

Natural ttclacceato "alla-ialphla tnget<br />

a Hue ua It fraui Ib* eatboi W tee there.<br />

Mr. Aduu, 00 tteiarday eeantog,<br />

recahred tbe tollowtsg letter froea<br />

Hinry W. a'owker. of tbeacadeaay:<br />

Deer Hir:—To* Hah yoo erai m*ye*.<br />

wrday laayouogaxaapaaof Ibatlcaa<br />

Lkvlpbla (ooryphaaoa blpparoa) I<br />

reecbea a Ungtb of ala tret wheo fui|y<br />

adult, aod, living lo tba opea eaa,<br />

wall koowo froco Ha batata of cheating<br />

tUe flytAg das. Ttuoab a bnllauxl<br />

flab. Ue colon are moeb orer-ei<br />

ooaudctt U alao good aa food.<br />

Many tbaoka lor yoor klmiiiawj ta<br />

aendlo* tbeaoectmeo tooa,aod, lr<br />

og you vttl aaod any of tba aaM<br />

and atracv£*-U>ak.LogaabUi*tmay bap-<br />

pao your way lo Ibe frtare.<br />

Vcryetoeeeely.<br />

Hmr W. VOWLXM.<br />


avatatstav<br />

Miss Katharine Bakar. daagJhlaT of<br />

Congressman Saka-r, will addrasa to*<br />

dUuna of Uoran Clly 00 lb* qoeeUoo<br />

of volts for aiooiau nest Ualurdty<br />

aveolug al 8 o'clock from ao aalocno-<br />

blle at lUgUlh airect and Aaoury av*-<br />

ooe.<br />

MU lUker will add<br />

u> 1 ness already<br />

wby women abould vote for tboee wbo<br />

belive In and are working aod votlaf<br />

(or lb* eummoo good of New Jane a-<br />

Tbe Issue IM a live one lo Ibe coaotrjt,<br />

and ooa upon which Miss Baker at<br />

fully qualiHed to apeak.<br />

Those, therefore, daslrtoe; to vote it).<br />

ullLseotly opoo tba amarximaBt Oc-<br />

tober IB. abould oot Call to bear Mkea<br />

Haktr uo (Aaturelay oixt-<br />

Mra. bpcaoar B Bwau aod Mra. C.<br />

M. Campbell, ot tbla cllr, are aucad-<br />

logtberU«le W. C. T. U. Coo v rut too<br />

at Moaiclalr. The Mauuia begao<br />

Toeeday aod were full of tularrai lo<br />

all tbedelrgaln.<br />



Several Fine Cottages Are<br />

Being ConatracUd for<br />

Oat-of-Towo People-<br />

TUe fallowing pcrmtla were laaucd<br />

durlug Mcpteuiber by Hultdlug It.opee-<br />

lor William H. Joboaoo:<br />

Joau J. llaiklaa, gvueral repair* lo<br />

cotlAge ur Miu Bara Duoo, 00 Ceolral<br />

avcooe, urar Nlotb Blreei; coat, 1100.<br />

K U. KiiKllsb, neutral repalre to<br />

Mra. H. B. daujpaou'e) boat bouae.Thlrd<br />

atreet end ibe bay; coal, 11000.<br />

LeaJle A. Norton, bungalow for aelt<br />

at Fifty *l^th atreet and Aaoury ava-<br />

DIM; coet, *I0uQ.<br />

Jobu Marta, cottage ror Robert W.<br />

ScoU.tM.Chajlea place,near Corioibtau<br />

tnuai; coet, eUOO.<br />

Jabu MarU, collage for I-oula BubD.<br />

00 Brlgbtoo place; coat, M'^X)<br />

Audrew rJcull. tlore aud apartuseuta<br />

tor Joaepb I. Hcull. oo Aabury aveuue,<br />

bear Niolb atreet; coet tlO 000.<br />

Hobert J. Boon, cottago for Harry<br />

F. HaaaooHecoodetrtcf. Dear Atlantic<br />

avenue; coat, (4100<br />

Otla M. Towoacod, garage for bin.<br />

Florence Lcelie, 878 Park place; coat.<br />

1300.<br />

Otla M. Townaeod. cottage for aelf<br />

oo Third olreet, near Atlautlc aveoue;<br />

coat, alOOO.<br />

L. B. Coraou, to move fraoio build-<br />

log trom aoulbwcat aitle of Tculb<br />

atreet for Flabcr D^lrymple: coat, (300<br />

Robert E. Hud. glass lu porch or<br />

cottage of Mr*. William Fetters. 00<br />

Wealey aveaue.uearFourtteoib street;<br />

coal, (IK.<br />

J. C Dtaelmao, collage for Joaepb<br />

Bertram, oa Central avtaue, below<br />

Furty-nloth etreet; cost, 14000.<br />

Allco tteull, oew roof 00 cottaxe of<br />

Dr. A. feUade, 401 Ftrst street; coat, t^fiO.<br />

Joba Malta, cottage 00 Wealey *»e-<br />

Doa. DaarTwaoty-rinb street.'ror Mlaa<br />

Loos, of Philadelphia; coat, (2500.<br />

11000 aod $500 to place 00 bood aod<br />

mortgage 00 Unproved property. These<br />

amounts moat be placed aeparalely.<br />

Apply to U. Curtis Robinson. Agent.<br />

2*4 «f Aabury avev. Ocaaa Ctljr. ad»-tf<br />

Uaiurday ••eqlajr. oa UM<br />

attwaao NtDih aod Teutb,<br />

Bdl<br />

or oo Teolh mf Boardwalk, or to<br />

Hbrrtwr'e or maatMa'a, a dtaroond<br />

steward. Addree* J. H.<br />

adrll<br />

Worn, BAUL—Ptaoo. lo eicellenl coo-<br />

rHtloot »160. Apply W., eorrurtx<br />

adv. 9», U<br />



Frank H. Stewart and " Vic"<br />

Hamilton Were Among<br />

Lucky Fishermen.<br />

Channel ba«a OahloK waa good here<br />

Ute latter part of laat week, aod mna-<br />

bcrs of Ibe OMD Clly Klablag Clab<br />

were la ihtlr element.<br />

Frank H. Blewan thought be woald<br />

try bU lack off tbe club's pier Frida><br />

ooomtug and later oa be was glad be<br />

did ao, becauee ba lauded a beautiful<br />

caaoDc) bass weighing 87 poauds obb<br />

ouoce. He caught It off tbe pier, but<br />

landed It ou tbe beacb after half an<br />

hour's bard tight. He baa bad Ibe<br />

dab mounted and will place It lu bla<br />

oRlce lu bU bunlaees bouse 00 Beveotb<br />

atrret. wblcb occupies tbe alte of tbe<br />

old Uultcd btales Mlol.<br />

Auotber happy toiu was **Vic"<br />

Hamllloo, wbo caugbt a bus tbat<br />

lipped tbe beam at MJ pouuda. Mr.<br />

Haoallloo has beea eudeevorlag lor<br />

two or three yesro to Ret a caanoel<br />

baao, but bever buccrrded uolll Ibis<br />

time. He, loo, will have It mouoied<br />

audit wilt adoru his bualane eetab-<br />

llabcaeut, waare doubtleas many Ibrill-<br />

ing stories of Oablag lu Oceao Clly<br />

wilt be related Ibis fall aod winter.<br />

Frank Murray caugbt a cbaooel baas<br />

welgblug^S pounds oo Hatarday afUr<br />

a bailie of £1 minutes.<br />

George Lung and Victor Hamilton,<br />

got Milken, but tbe tub escaped.<br />

•«laach-a rtsarwaavcv<br />

Elghlb and Aaoory aweoaa. All goat a<br />

sold bare are guaranteed. Kindly is-<br />

loto any I blag aasaUsXeotory to yoo. tf<br />

Two lota for e»le 00 Aabary avaaoa,<br />

Bectloo D. Dear Klgbteantb alrcat. Noe.<br />

614 aod eifl Lcaptoramaula pow ex-<br />

tend beyood U>la aijuare: prlc* raaaooi<br />

able. Any egeot. or wrtte<br />

adv., 0 28.41<br />

Hamllloo, •»<br />

I>.BLK.<br />

OMAB J. tUwnra.<br />

Wi<br />

IMS Uroadvaj, Uamdeo, N. J~ afaqt<br />

ber* 000* a weak. If, yoo mlaa Ulaa<br />

se-d • postal. adr tf.<br />

^Tb* BOWUQS Alhrr* |o lb* BtrwUM<br />

Caaloo an oow opao tor U*» aaaaeo ol<br />

UU. - Ml4Vtt<br />

The folio*lag u from Ibe Cap* Ma*<br />

Coonly Tune*:<br />

That IbaUonoo'e Inlet brJdgawtll<br />

•coeae a cwrtaioty by oaxt naaw<br />

oow seam* •esured. rjtaia Boad Una<br />

mwatoaw JUrreoa. at a meiltig to,<br />

VVOdwood. staled ibal be wa* to taroc<br />

of bolldloc tbe bridge aa tba Brat etap.<br />

la a oooUoaoo* ocean boelarard, end,<br />

would glre Huu aid. Tbe ,<br />

tare bad plane of tba proposed boole-<br />

aid drawn, abowlog lu roale Doea<br />

Oceao Ctiy to Cap* May T»My wlU<br />

also build lb* connecting link lo Ib*<br />

boolrvard beAwaro Avatoo aod Btooa<br />

[arbor. Tba ooly oxlsalog Unka ib*q<br />

Ul be the trtdg* across tb* Inlet*.<br />

Tb* rooU.ol tba Cctraon'a Inlet brtdga<br />

ba* ber-o dtflnlialy dalarmtoad. aod M<br />

wUI be boUt lo the weat of tb* prearni<br />

railroad bridfa. Bay avasn*. lo Ucaan<br />

CUy. wtll ba axtandad,jointly by Ocaao<br />

aod ib* coanty, from Tbln*-faoru><br />

etreet, wbeta tt tods, to Ih* lloeof Ibi<br />

brkig*. TbU wUI cause ooly 00*cross,<br />

log of tb* railroad track,tod that near<br />

aaUUoo, at Biratbmete, ao .tbat tbf<br />

dangtr le radoced lo a minimam.<br />

If Ib* brkUta la tobeooeo* a cattaloti<br />

oaxt euBuacK It most be dectdad 00 bj<br />

Ibe Frteboider. by Octobtr a to be In-<br />

eluded to next year's anproDtialioaa<br />

From all pane of Ibe ooooly ao4<br />

from rr*ry aoo roe tbe KraabcMira ara<br />

heina; urged to maka thia purcject a<br />

raaJUy^od LUayars begloolog to raaf<br />

Ua that tb* psopla want Ib* brldg*.<br />

aie>r* Owe P*e

m CttySctitliifi tHZ ptraUn ofttMCttrrency ebow»*»<br />

la dapriawa dertoa] iba yaw<br />

ft. COim BOBtMSOIf<br />

if. HXrTBMBKIl SO, HIJ.<br />

m<br />

tf&'i<br />

i cay.<br />

tut: wou<br />

sot,' a-sa auiooi<br />

4 OH 4S4KLS.II00<br />

10 O'll Oil 4-24! 4(*<br />

iLjii.«at<br />

ao&ixon<br />

•» Iww •* Ukw «*» so Taesdav<br />

tbrtr<br />

tbejr can't<br />

And (arrbape It daaan'i<br />

wbokkfc* fate Iowa at<br />

latbawcvstkinlal<br />

of *)<br />

bav* stead la prrdkr.<br />

•aratb*K*w Yo** Usis.<br />

TbatoUlaf tfapoatuk* l%* Iwanlv-<br />

aaa* bank* bartax aw** SM*S> ibao<br />

M0.SM.fW.6Win aumaeia at »2mo.ooo.<br />

000, aa -at'"-* (2077,000^000 lot Ib*<br />

•atbuU aycarearler. Tt>*rocr*ese<br />

la dapoelt* daplajad ID Ib* lolal<br />

cotse* to auiHtuI ov«r stctolj per<br />

cent.<br />

tjorb aa lacTa»>* I* a enre todara-<br />

• too uf RM«1 bmlo— aCtlvUj.<br />

Last year's wbaat crop broogbt<br />

p'ieew oakoowa ta Ib* previous ex<br />

petMccaof saoe* of tb* growera. Tbe<br />

aa*nof*ctMr*ra of loinm fWIrt aj<br />

vartaUra of war material. Ib*<br />

of beef, bfrae* aod petro-<br />

leum u> Kurupcao mitlrti. bav*<br />

tuxufbt Crest artidty and yet finlii<br />

proflis u» tboaa wbo eupplv Ibea*<br />



Property OWO«BO«>$Cacted, b* stated,<br />

becaaaa tbere Is ootnlog lo Ib* 000-<br />

txact calitog (or sooo* psnoo lo keep<br />

taboo Ib* work. Tbere was DO en-<br />

gineer 00 In* job to 1 1 tbat work was<br />

(XAIM8 TO BB WTI>6W<br />

•*• ferOM ml pawsswn ibal comes from<br />

rand frocssodabli-<br />

tSSm<br />

BWMIMna porpoaa of ssadog<br />

^saaasaaaasaissw dftewrcaa ran<br />

of U» Women's dabs<br />

totbanctaraof<br />

e. t»oti*s><br />

Almlag to establUb ber rtgbts aa a<br />

widow to •bare lo Ibe eatala nf ibe lair<br />

Cbarle. C Urott. Mrs. Ltzzir B Dvott<br />

mad* an effort to set aside a dlrorce<br />

by ber bnsband before Vtee<br />

Cbancellor l^amlog to ''-""Im TDCS-<br />

day.<br />

Mra Oyott teeUncd tbat ber baaband<br />

left ber lo 1803. promising to send tot<br />

bar later. Hbe derlarsd tbat lo 19US<br />

•u* went to Boston to lire and tbat abe<br />

enrraapondad wttb blm from Oeeai<br />

CUy until 1914, or sbortly before bl.<br />

As soon aa abe beard of ble<br />

bia<br />

a to<br />

0a*. AI<br />

iktattiawUtaf (ba oaaabwr of<br />

aba commaolcaled with<br />

ralatiraa, wbo referred ber to Lawyer<br />

Oaorg* Hendersoo. of Philadelphia<br />

lo an InUrriaw wttb tb* attorney.<br />

Mrs. fryott declares, an* fjr t learned'<br />

Ibat bar husband bad divorced ber on<br />

ooduct rub Dark)<br />

tn*a7oandof<br />

**- »°*yarr. In New York, during 188a.<br />

Ittadaimcd tbat Iba darrc* of di<br />

vorea waa oUainad try fraud, and tbat<br />

P araa guilty of wilful mlsrspre-<br />

amtailoo to keep knowUdga<br />

m tbat ba haw DO<br />

aUKrwItdgaoe-bawbanabootaba<br />

eorrrapoodmg wttb ber frocs Boatoo.<br />

of iba astau of to* bos-<br />

betas properly dooe aad lo measure<br />

tba malarial for wblcb tb* property<br />

owocrs are oow being aaa«assed. Tbe<br />

piling to Iba bolkbcad to maoy<br />

Instances, b* charged. Is oot bolted,<br />

aa specified to tb* coo tract In<br />

piling Ib* bolls are omitted. lo otber<br />

Instances, bs declared, tbe bolls wars<br />

•lock lo without cats or waabera. f~b*<br />

average daplb of Ibe (ravel lo many<br />

places taooly a Ilitle mor* ibao two<br />

loeb*-. lo otber places Ib* deptb I.<br />

ooly 11 loco**. Tb* con tractors ased<br />

Ib* material of tb* property owoera,<br />

oolaideof ibelop drrsalog. for wblcb<br />

tb* property owoera recetv* DO credit<br />

Mr. Herat further said tbat tb* coo-<br />

tractors burled nl* euro aod b* be.<br />

Ilexes be baa caua* for aetloo again at<br />

tu* diy aod the contractors. D>mif<br />

baa bceo Incurred lo bis property.be-<br />

eaoa* a lio* ba* beeo established ibat<br />

Injures bra holdings. Tb* clly. be aald,<br />

baa DO right to lleo bla property to<br />

protect tbe hlgbway. A bolkbead is<br />

tbe real protectkiu lo tb* atrwet aod<br />

tbe cost sbould be burn* by Ibe ctly.<br />

Wesley sveoue was u*ed sod accepted<br />

by the city.<br />

Tbe engloeer baa ool got ibe correct<br />

qaaotuk's of mairrtale for»bici>tbe<br />

property owner* are charged. Tbr CJU-<br />

Iraciura werv to furolsb all materials,<br />

yettneycameiaauddagtbemout Part<br />

or Ihe bulkbead I* built oo bla private<br />

propeny, ihe apeaker said, aod be t><br />

entitled to be paid for It.<br />

Jobo J. Hixxl aakl Ibat be endorsed<br />

•verjtblnit said by Mr. Her*. He<br />

lold bow bla lots have beeo apolled<br />

and anroe cxieualv* Improvements<br />

have been knocked oat.<br />

Or Cnaile* T. UUden protected<br />

agaluai Ibe building of ibe bulkbead<br />

without proper legal ootlce being given<br />

blm by the clly. Be asked for ao el-<br />

plsusti.iu as to wb; iU feet or Ib* ocean<br />

front in froat or Mi Mart In'a property<br />

was permitted to remain free or a bulk-<br />

head. He said ibal 13 feet or bis prop-<br />

erty oo Wesley aveoue was »a«b*d<br />

out. and Ibe curb line throwu oo the<br />

o side of Ibe bulkhead, yet be »s»<br />

charged Tor all new curbiog He has<br />

beeo charged wiih 50 ysrda of Oil uf<br />

oo* material aad 110of soother kind,<br />

but orlyuue coruer of bis land was<br />

waslieu our.<br />

Oeorge Loiter also complained that,<br />

allbougti bairuf bia curbing aod psv-<br />

lug remained, ba was charged with<br />


J**> «rMa m* waaillaisl OaBcw Is<br />

Atssaa. iaiisiansr>.<br />

rtsja lbs tap* May tkar aod War*:<br />

•Tbl» Is Ib* Orst Ibse. wttbtnoar<br />

knowlcdjc*, Ibal any trgMatlra prtnl<br />

tog baa erer cocoa to Caps May and<br />

probably Ib* first time Ibat any con-<br />

cern In Ibis conuty rrer mad* tbe<br />

•Sort to obtain work of ibis kind.<br />

Tber* ara few, tf any. o*ber oQcaa In<br />

tba coonty eqolpped to do It and aocae<br />

of tba legialaiis* commiue* wbo op<br />

[inan! ib* award asserted tbat a coa'd<br />

oot be don* outside of Trentoo.<br />

Tb* OcEii CJTT Hsornnau. ha-<br />

a folly-equipped Job printing 0S0<br />

and can do any work tbat ta doow to<br />

ibebtgcUtes. Aa a matter of (act. U<br />

t» doing rrort (and baa been foraa-Ti<br />

eral year>J tut Pblladeinnia tmaa* _ ^<br />

history and crowned wllh beauty. To<br />

paa* a day to bar company, rich wttb<br />

Ib* story aod glory of lure* hundred<br />

y gy<br />

year*. Is wortb a trip<br />

nnt d tt I<br />

a conti-<br />

uent. aod It la no wonder tbat tba<br />

Eoropeao traveler eaya again aod<br />

again: -To aee Iba Hodaoo alooe to<br />

worth a voyage aeroaa tba Atlantic "<br />

Th* Hudson has beam Otimgly aty led<br />

•an open book wUh tba river as a<br />

crystal book mark." How real Ihla<br />

becomes to Ib* Day tbi Tourist wbb<br />

UaaJtenrd at W<br />

H<br />

Day Una<br />

aabtoglow<br />

i<br />

aod Hamil-<br />

lu* e Mir* curbiog; and paving.<br />

H. Newell Heulmge, representing<br />

Ib* objectors, a poke of In* legal aspects<br />

of Ib* cast<br />

Mayor Coamploo said tbey were ool<br />

geltiag anywhere, aod b* aaggested<br />

tbat Ib* bearing ba- r^Killntiert<br />

Or. Ulldeo ntd ba could not give<br />

tb* Um* lo com* down boa rrruoco'ly<br />

ca*a> ft also meaot<br />

la refereuce to Ib*<br />

car bra and toe* of pa-actau.<br />

' MayortrharonsTTiMtrJ ba appreciated<br />

tbssasdouly aaaaatu tbat Uaey cosld<br />

P«obablygwlaaailtaiii*yloftba<br />

wltbool a tong niatii—ssu aocb aa Inia.<br />

Oo wtotioti of Dtnetor »^tT)T. Ib*<br />

bamrtng was poatponwd for two wcaka.<br />

axed charges. Tbe bulkbead bO' I<br />

tbere at as lucOlcleuU He aaid be felt<br />

ILal lie abould oot pay lblatiaS7<br />

Had the work beeo done by a pr rj.<br />

clem eugloeer, Ibia addtlloual c<br />

Mould oot baveoMmd. The |rop-<br />

erly before it was cuuflacaud, Ib*<br />

apeaker said he thought be could uaa<br />

tbla wor- f . stood tbe storms ror years<br />

aad they could uaa Ibetr water rtgbu<br />

wUbout in* use of railway,. Tbla la<br />

DO fault of Iba ctly. Ib* speaker staled.<br />

but b* cook] Dot see wbcre be b*<<br />

bceo broefltled. Hs said be had epenl<br />

over $8U0 for ao autumobll* road, but<br />

be did Dot benefit by Ibis. He would<br />

rather bav* ID* land as It was.<br />

R- M- Tbompauo aald b* objected to<br />

Ib* board fence ibat wa* Oral put '<br />

wbeo tba road waa Dearly flolsbad i It<br />

as bardtw fair to bava 10 pay for lost<br />

too 00 lu opeoloj paga.a* tb* steamer<br />

leave* tba Dp-Towo lasdtog,<br />

csicbas mrsiiagrai of tba past from<br />

Fort Waaningtoo to Fort Le*. Wbat<br />

Indian lexcoda cfostcr about tba brow<br />

of Indian Head blertiog with tba<br />

love siorw of Mary MUtr-r- at tb*<br />

Maoor Hoose of Vooker*. How Ir-<br />

vloar's vtaioo of Hatrtoa aad tUeepy<br />

Hollow become wowo wttbtbaeoor-<br />

B«U Phone 18 Inter-State Ptvo .e IM-<br />


General Contractors<br />

Grading and Street Building<br />


Oasta. City. Hem Jersey<br />

Walter V. Hess<br />





Hdelity Trust Comuanv<br />

of riswark<br />

Wildwood Title and Trust Co.<br />


Office 1O17 Aabury Avenue<br />


rn wttbtbwcnor-<br />

ag» of Paoldlng and ib* captor* o»"<br />

Audrs at Tarrrtnarn. Horr Ib* ranth.<br />

P<br />

ero Portal<br />

Tarrytoarti.<br />

al 0/ In* C—sKblaoda<br />

aeotloeisd by IMooy Potot. a<br />

crag convened by tba<br />

tbooy Wi<br />

Lioeny<br />

. __of Ao.<br />

loloa b aad Haotb Baa-<br />

moo UaaHodaoo Yao<br />

tolba<br />

• F. Davta told of bJaobJ>e>looa<br />

iiiiiiuiii t for Ib* Bay a vena*<br />

U**pokaofglvtnait»atand 10<br />

tbae»ytebaUMU»*, of Philadelphia, waa<br />

amoog Ib* vUUora ber* Friday.<br />

C. Howard Hcbrrmathoro. of Phlla-<br />

eUlphla, waa to town tbla weak.<br />

Oaoijr• Qgden, of Cape May, waa a<br />

Coast of IbaAlgUo during Ib* weak.<br />

C. il. cttutok aod family, of Rose<br />

moot, ara rrgutered at tb* Idlewlld<br />

John Haojftau, of Philadelphia,<br />

registered al (b* Lortalae a Caw days<br />

sine*.<br />

Ml** Ethal Le*. of IbU ctly, la epend-<br />

rog aarreral day a with ffleuda m Pblla<br />

daJphla.<br />

Haory tUavsoa, or Philadelphia,<br />

wa* among iba week's arrlvala al th*<br />

Elberoo.<br />

Mrs. CUnloo John«oo and son tprut<br />

Halunlay and Hunday wltb fnauda lo<br />

Camdao.<br />

Mrs. C. M. Campbell.of ibia city. l»<br />

00 ao extendrd vlalt lo Newark and<br />

Brooklyn.<br />

H. C. Kuokle and family, of HarrU-<br />

t»onr.. wars among reccal arrivals al<br />

the Biscay ne.<br />

Alfred Uray aad wife, of Pbtladal<br />

phta, wer* guea4a of Ibe Wyoming<br />

during the week.<br />

Mra. W. E. Vouug, of Angleaea. waa<br />

a .wsek-*od vUUor lo Mrs. 14*4b L.<br />

Hand In Ihla city.<br />

Mrs. Aona Wblnyalea. of Ibta ctly,<br />

la vtiiiLjeT bar daugbler at Laurel<br />

ejprlngs tor a few days.<br />

Un. Wardell Hlgbc* and daugUlar,<br />

>f IbU city, are vUlllug lb« former's<br />

mot bar at Dividing Creek.<br />

Ira E. Wall and wife, or ihU clly,<br />

Uave gnu* lo Philadelphia, where they<br />

will ramain several weeks.<br />

Harvey HarrU auj arlfs. ol tbu dly ><br />

have moved lo Krtdge4on, wber* Ibe<br />

former resided some 5 ear" *d<br />

Ufcrvkcea, bs wooldgivelhaprUouer<br />

blrty daya Tbe Jutllca warurd Ibe<br />

ouog DUD not lo appear before blm<br />

agalu or he would get the limit<br />


runill GIVSB b> Board of Caa<br />

Slice asvel Navlaallon.<br />

Msyur Chacupaoo reported at tbe<br />

meeting uf lbs Ctty ComcnlMlunerB<br />

ibai be had received a permit from Ibe<br />

la Board of Cumiucrc* and Nsvlga-<br />

ioa lo erect bulkhead 1 and Jettlr*.<br />

Director Campbell madi a motloo.<br />

wblcb was carried, tbat Director<br />

Adams advertise fur proposals for blda<br />

for the work of hulldlug Jet>U* uitdcr<br />

plans<br />

Takn ClarcscsBUI'aBaalBoBa.<br />

Capt. Waller Turucr and family.<br />

Miss Nettle Htodntoo aod Mr. band-<br />

etiln lefl this city Tue»1ay lu I'lareora<br />

Bill's cruUer, AerlaJ, for Pblladalpbla.<br />

Tbay epenl that evening at Maurice<br />

Birer and weal lo Balcm jeMcrday,<br />

where Mrs. Turner and cblldreo aud<br />

Miss Heoderion will rUlt friends a<br />

few day*. Capt. Turner planned to<br />

coulluue bU trip lo Philadelphia to-<br />

day.<br />

WUI easUtct laaoo Cotla>a«.<br />

L. B. Corson. coutractur. U movlug<br />

Fisher Dalrympla's cottage rrom Kiev-<br />

eolb street and I'eotrsl aveuue u<br />

Wesley aveoue, above Kleveotb atrrrt<br />

Mr. Corson will ha I Id a (6000 cottage<br />

Tor Mr. Dalrymple on Ihe alia of ibe<br />

uotlag* removed. Tneapartments be~<br />

lug bnllt by Mr. Cocsoo on Wesley<br />

aveuue avill be cooiulcted aud ready<br />

foroccupaucy by November 15.<br />

arlalas Inpvovfmc kls.<br />

Ira B. Chsmploo plans to make im<br />

provemenu to his store property si<br />

tb* corner of H«vaoth atreet and As-<br />

bury aveoue. T. l«ee Adams aud wire<br />

wUI move from the houae loaiorruw<br />

and Join Ihelr HO, Harry, on bU farm<br />

at Uuwood ror Ihe winter moo I bo<br />

Fred Adams and wife will remain lo<br />

Ibis city.<br />

Dr. Bohaer, Jalco BodiaXt<br />

Robert iUycr Ad-<br />

dressed tMsxt Crowds<br />

Last Bunday wa* "Bally Day" a<br />

h* Plrsl PnabjUxtan Cnuich. and<br />

b* oocgrexauons wax* mor* than<br />

My Urgs.<br />

Tb* morning laerrlc* waa oaUbraied<br />

aa "Old r'olks 1 Hrrrlo*." and, accord,<br />

ogly. Dr. Bo boat's e*rmas> bad tat Us<br />

k*m*, ' Uajhl at BranlngTtma."<br />

Tbaleil.wa* Zachailab 11:7: "Bol<br />

ahall b* on* day. wbich shall ba<br />

knowo lo Ib* Lord,ooc day oor ntgh!;<br />

hot II aball coco* lo<br />

u| lima II shall b* light." Dr. Bobocr<br />

Uregarded tb* close coouxt and ttsad<br />

Dly Ib* words, "at evening lima It<br />

ball ba Uajht." u Ib* baala of tb*<br />

plilloal leaaon balataodad to set forth<br />

besenptur* tesaoo waa tb* twaoty-<br />

hlrd psalm and a klodrre made partakers of Ibe dlvlue natar*<br />

md has earnestly striven and prayed<br />

hat Ibe word mlgbt be mad* Oesb lo<br />

blm—such a nun baa catered lalo bis<br />

real here aad baa already began eter<br />

oel life.<br />

Tbera was a big attendance at tb*<br />

Huutlay school and an lulerattlog pro-<br />

graui was reudered.<br />

Alter rnualc by the orchestra and Ib*<br />

luffing of a by ma, ao address of wel<br />

come waa made by Miss Edua Wallace.<br />

Mrs. J. M. Rosenbsom Sana; "Tb*<br />

Holy Clly" and tbere wer* exercises<br />

•Haven<br />

wm t»*<br />

•> 1<br />

Thar* waa read at Iba waaklj maaV<br />

og of Iba CUy IV^TI-I^TOT Tuaa-<br />

lay aftaroooo a t«tln from E. P.<br />

twites, Jr.. 0/Cap* May. la which b*<br />

r»qu*sud that Ib* clly furnish two<br />

nhy-foot long etrtpa of canvas wttb<br />

words "Ocean CUy" paJoted tbarr-<br />

io ba placed on In* Ocaao CUy<br />

coach Ibal wUI ba oa* of Ibrea coacbaa<br />

Iba Cap* May County excursion up<br />

h* Hodaoo oaxt Saiartsy.<br />

Tb* board decided to refer ib* leuar<br />

> Ib* Board of Trade.<br />

Th* Uitei was read at tb* Board of<br />

rad* matting Tuesday *v*olng. and<br />

Otla M. Towoeeud mad* a motkoo<br />

which waa carried, that Dr. Alias<br />

Coraoo aad John R. Joara comprUe a<br />

miita* 10 igxt ib* eigne palnlad<br />

aod aeod Ibra* lo Mr. Bill as by Tbura-<br />

y evanlog.<br />

baJodg*. H* said lhal Ibia ta Ibe<br />

Dm* of alarm clocka, wbosa lick Ulis<br />

on* lo get a buwl*. \V* bar* [I»MHI1<br />

Ib* daya of Ib* alow going graxid-<br />

atbar'acloc*.<br />

Tha pauAor aald thai, throcgb Ib*<br />

Indnras and Ibooghlfulo*** oa* Mr.<br />

byaevea little glrU, eotUI*d<br />

Lltll* Gema."<br />

Judge AlUo B. EodicoU. of Atlantic<br />

Clly, made a brief address. Ha said<br />

Ibsl lullbo Buudar •scbool Ussooalb*y<br />

ire uuw pasalug froca la* study of Ib*<br />

king* 10 lbs! of Ib* propbets.<br />

who failed lo attend Banday school<br />

duitng lbs summer ml and much. H<br />

aald Ibat whan ba apoke bafara iba<br />

blUeclasa hare last spring b* addressed<br />

Itfl. and be expressed tbe bop* Ibat<br />

Iboee who war* absent from Bunday<br />

scbooladarlog tb* summer will DOW<br />

rally aod taak* up what Ibey bad last.<br />

Tbere are maoy lourcatloar aobj<br />

for aiudy.<br />

Ha coogratulalad tba Booday Ucbool<br />

member* 00 tb* larga alleodaoos Ibat<br />

aflcroooo. Ha aald b* waa aa ha mart<br />

to confaaa tbat at tbla Um* bla Habbatb<br />

acbool cannot gat aocb a<br />

but It would locraaaa latax lo Iba wasz.<br />

Judge EudtcoUtold bl«<br />

Dr. Bohnar la doing good work,<br />

bla (am*) 1* ««tfMllng beyosd tba Iba-<br />

Usof Oceaa Oty. Otwal Uuoaw. ba<br />

•aid, are coming to lbs first Praaby;<br />

larlao Charoh of Oceaa tatj.<br />

Dl. Bohaer. after thanking /udga<br />

BndlooU tbr bis kind word*. Mil that<br />

many of tba paopla wan piaaani tbat<br />



of Property Owner,<br />

to CUy Cocamlutontr*<br />

Bcedve Attcstlotr.<br />

Al tba weakly meedog of Ib* Ctly<br />

iiniaaaaaVintia a latiar was read h><br />

A. U. Ctnat rexjoesUog that tb* ara<br />

Ugb40a»iaMtn«tao U< Cbsrlss pJ*oa,<br />

a* lha Wriirr ooderatood tbat I hia tight<br />

waa 00 all taat winter.<br />

Ctar*oc*H. Brush, la a latlar, asksd<br />

tat a street Itgbt at Twealteth >slr**t<br />

W*aL*y aveour, aa many of Ib*<br />

property owners remain la Ibelr bou«*s><br />

la Ih* fall and firuueully com*<br />

o froca Pblladelpula duitng Ih*<br />

winter.<br />

Tnre latiar waa la Una wllh Ib* rs-<br />

oawt of Fnokllo H Herat, a weak bs-<br />

-ia-<br />

Director Adama as Id Ihxt b* baa ar-<br />

rancad to have ao Incandescent lamp<br />

a* Twentieth atreet.<br />

Tb* request for th* continuance o*<br />

M aro tamp on Bt. Charles plac* waa<br />

to Director Adama, with power<br />

Tb* milter of Ib* dadlcailoo of Nas-<br />

aaa ar*na*.on Ib* Uardma lead, was<br />

ratrmdtoCUy Boltctlor Boawail. b*<br />

toraport at tba oait meeting of Ihe<br />

TO BOOST<br />

Tow report of Health Officer T. Law<br />

Adama waa ordered received and Died<br />

Tt>* cooipUlnl of In* lUv. H. W,<br />

tUUImao that on* aid* of Twanly-dtih<br />

fromlh* aJUy back of Canlral<br />

o Weeiay arauu* baa b**o left<br />

P*n. was referred to Director Adama,<br />

mluutar has doua bU-pait uf Ihe<br />

work of tmprovlug Ihe •trrrl.<br />

A Utter from K A. Purtar living<br />

oo41c* tbal b* deslr*» ih* .uutract f.n<br />

ring rubblah uexi >rar at au lu.<br />

• of & per cent over Ihta irai'a<br />

aaioanl was rafatrrd l» ll>e ruaimls-<br />

aiooera as a whole. TUay will uollf*<br />

Mr. Porter of lha result of 1 ir cuu*<br />

rence.<br />

A quit claim deed was ordered<br />

grauled Ellwood taoin, who rsosally<br />

land on Aabury avenue.<br />

Tenth street, from Mrs. Haouab<br />

Hayday.<br />

Tba following resolution*, ptmnud<br />

iy Director Adama. war* ado pled:<br />

Wbereaa, In iheordluauc* entUUd.<br />

Ao ordinance 10 lay out, opea, glade<br />

nd gravel a Hfi«o foot wide Mmt<br />

between Central avcuua and Wrtlry<br />

reoor, lo Ibe city or Ocrau Oly. friim<br />

point four buudicJ aud ten fre-t<br />

aoalbwasurly or tha soulbwtaUrly<br />

sad* of Forty-nluih a4i*et lo lha nortb-<br />

lly aid* of Klfly-tlraJ ajrral; and<br />

from tbe southeasterly<br />

and Mra. Wm K. HarrU. Jr.. of Pbii-<br />

adelpbta, aommrr mam bars of Ib* local<br />

cborcb, earb 00* praaent wodd b*<br />

gives a pretty souvenir. Every pet<br />

soo tti i*tta presealad wub a rose.<br />

II waa anoooacad that Ibsr* were<br />

t la allaodaoc* at Banday scbool<br />

hat day. as against 130 that day a<br />

year ago, and Ibat Ih* offering 00 tbia<br />

occaaioo waa Hi *<br />

drsl started 10 apeak aud pray lo pub-<br />

Ik". HU*iuatlar uf practtclug uuill<br />

on* lose* bba-baahfulncas. Aoioug Ib*<br />

boy* preaaot are probably sotuswbo<br />

III b* preacDcrs wben Ibey gruo<br />

older and someof Ihe glrU wbo v.II<br />

be preacbers* wive*.<br />

-Lei be rally, indeedr"*~"id Paatoi<br />

Bobner, "and make Ibis wloier most<br />

roll table."<br />

He-vcial of tba mambara of lb« aocleiy<br />

read aelecllona and others gave short<br />

talks oa DghUog lam pt at loo aod bow<br />

good raaulta may b* abtarned.<br />

Amoog I tin a* taking part ware- A. J.<br />

8m,nb and wtf*. Mrs. Herbert Ptocb,<br />

aid* of Central<br />

Elmer Baock. M Davidson. Haxao<br />

Bard. Ada Bappleya. Margaret Baran<br />

and Jo**pWn* Taylor and Jonathan<br />

Wallace.<br />

At iba tonclneVio of tb* meeting.<br />

tba 'society ocenlnalad oOlcera lo b*<br />

elected 00 October 12<br />

"Harrest Horn*" servtoss wer* hsl<br />

al 7.to o'clock. Tba choir sang an an-<br />

them. •'Well* lha Eartb Rem'alnetb.<br />

and tbat* waa a vocal aolo, "Zlon," b.<br />

Mlaa Louie* T. Coraoo.<br />

Tt • Ber. Chart** U. Bobner dailr-<br />

ered a strong sermoo, bla anbjact bring<br />

Harvest BOOK."<br />

avtoua u> a point one<br />

Klrscbbaum's Suits and Overcoats<br />

Stctoon Full Hatu, #5.5o to #5.06<br />

Snappy Hats at fa.00<br />

Full line of caps and nwcotcm, ready made pasts,<br />

nndentcar, etc<br />

Jones* Men's Shop<br />

004-806 Aabury Avenue i: Ocean Ctty, New Jersey<br />

The Le&dii/r.<br />

Dry Goods<br />

Store<br />

McAllister's at m UJLX»<br />

••••till, la<br />

VlDTa,<br />

CLauaCt<br />

WIItTU<br />

Jio.co While Voile Drrasea. .<br />

7.J0 Whits Voils Dresae*. . . . .<br />

6.00 CoLonxl Drrsaca<br />

tXber Oald Drrssea. / .<br />

Drrssea, ahort alccvr, . .<br />

Waists worth op to txsn, »t<br />

>*S Walits worth up to fl.l], at<br />

3.75 Fin* Bilk aad Crepe d* d lo repair Central avenu* from tb*<br />

northeasterly akta of Fiflyolntb a4reet<br />

a polot one huudrvd and thirty few*<br />

southwesterly fr«m Fifty ninth si reel;<br />

and tu recurb a portion or said Central<br />

avaxitt* wtlh c*'meat curbing and to-it*<br />

pave asdasisJks 00 a portion of wtd<br />

Cenlral avaou* wltb oeoieut," paased<br />

third and dual reading, by Ib*<br />

Hoard of Cooamiasionera of Oceaa Clly,<br />

ao tb* tweaty-anrt day of Oeplsmber.<br />

1915. It waa provldsd therein Ibat tl*<br />

work, labor and meteritla ahould b«<br />

lo accurdaace with plaoa and apecld-<br />

callous as adopted and approved by<br />

lbs Board or Cu^amiaaioner-; aud I<br />

Wbsraaa,ib«DUns and specitl callous<br />

iv* been pra pared and presented I"<br />

lha Board of ComaiU«Juucre for ap<br />

proval aod adoption; therefore, be tt<br />

Resolved, by th* Board of Cummls-<br />

aioneraor Ocean Ctty, Ibat tbe plans<br />

and apecincalloos markej *-C," re-<br />

spectively, be and lbs same are hereby<br />

adopted and approved by Ibe Board of<br />

Commtaalonera of Ocrau Clly aa Ibe<br />

plane and apcctocalloua required by<br />

eatd ordinance; aud be II forlboi<br />

Resolved, that said plsua sud apeci*<br />

Bcstloua be Oled wllh Ibe clly cloik of<br />

Ocean Ctty.<br />

Wbereaa, to the ortiluaiic*. ei>lttt«d,<br />

* A D -ordtnauce l«> erect, construct aud<br />

build jHtte* to order lo protect Hie<br />

beacb front of Occao Ctly, Cape May<br />

County, view Jersey, ' pa»ed on Iblid<br />

aud dual nrsdluK, by lbs. Board or<br />

ra or Ocesn City, oath*<br />

fourteenth day of Ueplember, 191'.. II<br />

was provided therein ibat Ibe Work,,<br />

sbor aod ujalrrlsU should be In ac-<br />

cordaoce wllh |.Ian- aud apetrltlralloua<br />

aa adopted su J approved by Ibe Board<br />

of fjommlaatotiers; aad<br />

Wbcfeaa. Ibe plaaa and apeclflca-<br />

beeu prepared aud prraeolad<br />

lo tba Board uf CUUJ t>l*aluuai« for ap-<br />

proval aud adopllou! IberWore, be It<br />

Resolved, by Ibe Board or CommU-<br />

slooers ul Oceaa Cuy, that Ibe plaaa,<br />

aod Ib* apedncallooa marked "A,"<br />

respectively, be aud th* umo are bcre-<br />

by adopted and approved by ib*<br />

Board of CommUsWaera or Oceau Clly<br />

aatb*plaua aud epecltlcalloae sai re-<br />

quired by the said ordlnam-e; and be It<br />

further<br />

Resolved, that aald plaaa, aud apecl-<br />

neatloo* be filed wlib Ibe city cleik<br />

of Oceaa City.<br />

Where**, la Ib* ordlaaace. culliled,<br />

W AD ordlaaac* to erect, build aad coa-<br />

a'ruct a bulkhead alooe the south<br />

easterly aide of Cculral aveuus from a<br />

polot ooe buudred aud seveoly feet<br />

aouthmeaterly from tlba^aouthwesleily<br />

side of Fifiy-clgblb street lo a p-ilul<br />

ou hundred and aud thirty leel from<br />

the aoatbwesterly liae or Fifly-blulh<br />

street." passed 00 third aod Uoal read<br />

tog, by Iba Board of Commissioner* of<br />

Oceao Ctly, 00 tba Iweuly nr»i day of<br />

EX.<br />

Pa Inters Paid<br />

roit GOOD PAINTING<br />


a>*JS)TI*ia ARO<br />

aae it*. vwcs*iar» av.<br />

OC«AS c^vv. m. j<br />

ao-a<br />

The Breakers<br />

Directly on the Beach<br />

Scold<br />


Now opto tot tbmfiiMi'^"'<br />

OOwMOsartsstsjl*<br />

law yasw • fswt wswaV awi| : <<br />


Oaaoftawi<br />


Uflt<br />


OPEH FOB THJI BatA«Oa«-<br />

Hf lltlinilltlastlat ITtawi<br />

HtaUiaaaiVaaaeyan. Oasaa (Mr. B. i<br />


aucmt^ aJIOCXsTtaXaX ATa<strong>On</strong>ra '.<br />

OCMAM OXXt. K. a%*) . r<br />

•UjtoajatBajv*.!<br />

hi<br />

Ball I<br />

ew-B.<br />

Orxs ALL TBI YaUJft<br />

Central areoo* aod Btatk<br />

a. w. r. woooalME, fr**.<br />


Ocaaa CUj, H. J- .<br />

Opeca AprU 0ra*fba-tbwaawl<br />

A. E. HAKES<br />

TBE UsLEVItl<br />

BOOKLET Ocean City, N. J.<br />


AJ» joa gulling entire utkfacuoo as U> pricoa, workouaLlp and boaliuK* ooajtmjt If<br />

not. Il will pay Joa 10 olr« mo a trial I am In an exceptionally rood DCKIUOD to taxs<br />

f ^ * b J^J k i<br />

• clerical fores to *^>«k.**ln<br />

Uoth Pnonas<br />

Tb* decpralano* aroood tba pulptt<br />

war* profjua* aod eap*cialiy altractlv*<br />

aod Oltlog foi a "barvaet bos*."<br />

Thar* war* graat boocbaaof ooro stalk<br />

pretty Oowara. aod fall and nmnm<br />

fruM. • "<br />

Tit* church was alao Oiled at tbla<br />

earvlcv.<br />

Baptembar, 181S, tt was provided there<br />

la Ibat Ib* work, labor aod material*<br />

abould be In accordance wltb plan*<br />

and apeci Ocatlon* a* adopted and ap~<br />

proved bjr iba Board of Commlaalonara<br />

Von daU obaap lo aald<br />

B3oe> CfladtOaT Biacbloam It* i naaa f ill<br />

saw, qoanUly rmnraal allk. braid but-<br />

loo«forc|r*aairra>tra.ate. Call at 7tt<br />

boardwajk.. . adv-lt<br />

. Warn Raarr.—By lha ysar. a T room<br />

bousa. hot aud oofct water aod batb.<br />

Apply,<br />

Co.<br />

U. H. rlbotmakar Lumber<br />

adv.. tvao, U<br />

Itorr — Fnrnlibcd apartmaot.<br />

Ovw rooaaa and balk; all oonv*osracaa;<br />

, Wbareaa. Iba plaaa and<br />

Don* bava bean prepared<br />

apeclQi<br />

and pre-<br />

eanted to tba Board ol Commleslonars<br />

for approval aad adoptioa; therefore,<br />

belt<br />

Basolved, by tba Board of Commla-<br />

aiooareof Oceao Ctty, tbat tba plans<br />

aod apedncatlon* marked "U,'' ra-<br />

epaoUvely. b* and tba ara hereby<br />

ajleroooo becaaaa of Iba popalaxttjr of atratt.<br />

bo«wat«t beat. Applj 41s Etwreotb' Ocaan Ctty.<br />

adopted and approved by tba lioard of<br />

CommUalooera of Ocaao Cuy aalbe<br />

plao* and apeclAcaliona aa required<br />

bjr aakt ordloaoca; and be II rurtber<br />

BaaolMd, that aald plan* and a<br />

flcalaooa be died wltb I<br />

d ba II further<br />

plan* and apad<br />

tbe city clatk ol<br />

adv-It A number of bill* were ordered paid.<br />

Free!!<br />

No Cost for Installa-<br />

tion. You pay only<br />

for the Gas yoa use.<br />

Have us install the<br />

Arc uow, so it is<br />

ready for your use<br />

when you want it.<br />

The City Gas<br />

Light Co.<br />

urea >u.<br />

Uoorljo Taaraas<br />

rtstwaam «la*Ui aad BUtb<br />

eaBtrreaa<br />

'MBS. JL K.<br />

KEITV (UU<br />

Wcoloy Avenue<br />

Open All Tear<br />

Special Wlater Bate*<br />

See Me First<br />

irvotf waaiTTO<br />

BUT Real<br />

BU<br />

TUK (tat)<br />

nun («t)<br />

I AU<br />

O<br />

EsUt*<br />

etui on<br />

nnnr<br />

See Bac Flftt<br />

• bom roar pajfTis«« as ea**wa<br />

stul aaesos is-<br />

Ouo^ov. y ps<br />

Ibaa lD*urlDa; s »UJ«, aaA»<br />

\oa4ai««l-<br />

Dot OV*rOCMSwatt<br />

f Hamt-BJ-lloo OoarsBlsad. aad Tvwaaataat<br />

UUkod UDWI, sod oeeo aAd abov - awU*V<br />

u U lbs cams ars* placed WUb IBSejavwi<br />

Oat 00 1L« Isbla. Ca*« op. >- <<br />

fjc« Me *****<br />

- W. Scott Hand<br />

:V Oa|kl<br />

glro mo s trial I am In aa exceptionally good txainVn to<br />

ra.orwtkhItaaxoara.iiUy. Z bav* ooexptsaiv* establlai<br />

- H. BACON st<br />

Otl» M<br />

A Practical<br />

Townsend<br />

i%*».K<br />

tjja Btata. *> •><br />

CIOHTH alTflCrr, OPF. I*. O.<br />

OCEAN CITV N. 4.<br />

HAVE YOU<br />



for your valuables?<br />

By placing them in onr<br />

Fire and Burglar Proof<br />

Vault you are Absolutely<br />

Secure against loss.<br />

Safe Deposit Boxes for<br />

rent, $300 per year and up.<br />

Uoliorm commlaavaa at i«(iU*r f*sw wf S<br />

fmr nut. i-baJBid. milaas * * *<br />


Jlorfetlh<br />



ocum cmr. M. J.<br />

1128 Bay Avaniia<br />

w/OBK aUOMT-<br />

tOTH >HOMU -..<br />

ETC. BOYLE<br />

Real Estate Brokar<br />

82*} CIOMTM -«CTII|Laa.T<br />

OCCAM CITT . . Hft* JlaswCY..<br />

•aa* tsrtaarat<br />

B.BarUut» 40-.<br />


artuacrrr<br />

Watch and Jartfr Kcptimc<br />

Boardwalk. Opf.<br />

Sim<br />

• .•-.- • m<br />

Motor Bocte

• . . • ' • ' - / ^<br />

.&:•'•<br />

£.••'•><br />

'*v-" ;<br />

i;. , •<br />

tiBUHBIJBH<br />

- WtttfoWAWL<br />

or jtwisTc<br />

TsapW taVttt to<br />

Oaly. of Mfcl<br />

saaaataot decMoe,<br />


8tr«njr Bcnaotu MidBx<br />

--./,',;<br />

>*<br />

I* oeetur ta<br />

to Major L K<br />

I8owtb Amboy panels sera<br />

Jodga U«Jy la Ibe<br />

ttoooeiptelots<br />

wjH.Ofe*.f VVHUa. eoaoty<br />

of poblle ln«tractk>a<br />

cfiiktran wan oaly tnfr*-<br />

ayjawtrjr lo aitandaiww at acfaoot<br />

JB^aa-IMysaaaeU piala lost Mid<br />

wesMaT UOwStysrtnoot ataad fur dte-<br />

st boo I a<br />

apolaory. Tb* dsllaqaan<br />

> warned lo no uncertain<br />

rchlktfas moat be seen<br />

I ratalarJy aed tbat taUure to<br />

t WUioaaan tnprtanu<br />

lofeourt.<br />

al was I be first<br />

•e aa afT*s»aet1. Mrs. Willis sun<br />

' flaegster. Mar<br />

. Mday* during tb*<br />

Tbe raotber<br />

• waatbat tb*cbUd wuoeed*<br />

•t'ewaaf'taasaaaebe (Ibe motber) bad<br />

tCroanrrawioieilam<br />

wasted to go. bot<br />

Mr. II w*j* aiy feaN. bo<br />

: sbe wilt at<br />

L-wseUarty betaattar." *aid Mrs.<br />

• .tnIMn<br />

mm bora at Sooth Amboy<br />

"Win 1 ib<br />

WbOsttot Ibemarire*<br />

laa* waaipeabroaaao. I<br />

I attend acbool<br />

as** abe aUU be takao away from<br />

Ttsw'gbf, wbo at vary bright la ep<br />

, aweary ta la* BOCUC 1 year o)<br />

t*T. 8. Man-<br />

r officer of Booth<br />

In pi Beaming Ibe<br />

of 11<br />

ttbtayaar. Mr.<br />

Ibat tbe gtrt is Mr*<br />

r by a forma raar<br />

• aad tbe caUd** fmlber Called, tt<br />

aswssM. M provMa bef wltb aboes, al<br />

awewawtawaaawf eaUdraa of the tam-<br />

»f aaaa aaOwataxI toe.<br />

waa* ansa */a*awt tbat. tf ab* Called to<br />

aaoiy 'la la* *waear antb.«tta»a<br />

aasfatf tMr-*aM-ao -aWptrly- ciotbed<br />

eswssWal waatfR pa) ftCBOO* flOat wa*0*sUO DA tTI l*a*al"<br />

Itojttt.<br />

.•Cad II year*, bad<br />

sao-pox aod bad<br />

' of BMaalsv," Ibo-<br />

t«N<br />

JadgsOaJy<br />

Itaw awatacr tbat It abe did<br />

cslidnto to<br />

taat Mrs. JOG*.<br />

• watt two lots, which tbe<br />

I bar toeetL<br />

bad oot<br />

I would<br />

r bay of aeeaotacn<br />

MM* to do eo,<br />

*•• paswasl of tba law ts neoro<br />

I to Barents.<br />

*^'e*tar*aba put* rrgule<br />

let<br />

•VIBYfOI 8CHD018<br />

>• required by<br />

> ooaoliee. aad tb*<br />

ttoaacb eoooty tsap-<br />

a eying tb* aa-eral dt-tnet*<br />

aTtbat ooonty oy tn* eoooty aoperto-<br />

>asawswa*a^.aewooa*. AU of this caooey<br />

watfcate«bythpt*BBbaTllar1latrtbBtrrt,<br />

baa Ihaanlttaaimwiiil leixnaruillniiii<br />

. aat tMa data aad the actual HO col<br />

aassaw, tnataattof tbeaawoai originally<br />

apf)att40e»eaVB> therefore, dlstriouted.<br />

' tss fata *Ja* Oawliry Ua> ssBoust<br />

.^aSuSlasi ts>£*j7<br />

lal< mrm km »aatb«r a» •>•<br />

>,n..th latafr. got<br />

; bat<br />

•at'ef atS'tmti profit, says an<br />

•-—-~ weal bar<br />

lo ptwInnaT our<br />

of<br />

ar-<br />

ooOat-<br />

TbeMraod Has<br />

•rta<br />

I • ' 1 , B*gMMB*s£eJ*M*> ThA BffttfM I&BBB* ODOaBsl CA<br />

'/"'"'" f ' " ' ' yweWwj""*^*^""^*^"*^ a»asl* aw II • "» w**aW*J •sSVfwBBBB' a»<br />

*'"-•• ••'••'•• •' "--- taawar Dm* aawka tbe «f<br />

:••:'•:'. ^j|t|jpaatja>iWwaa».T. we WsU-t<br />

. ii,(| *wawj |HHMwawV MaaVartw 1]B#. JoMMOwTIMaaal Oaf.<br />

•:V^w»Vwss*wsssmV IWilli'af TBUtora,at<br />

«* ttwj/ear. It'« ao<br />

kip** Bo-<br />

• S ^<br />

Moslc Beard by Cco-<br />

AX Ib* raeruiog earrto* la tb* Vlret<br />

aptlst Cburcb tb* B*e. George<br />

at tub praai bed ooe of In* sUoo|<br />

tbat be baa am gl ran In tba<br />

chorea. Met text sraa tb* wotds of<br />

Josboa to Ib* Children of leiaei aa<br />

they war* about to rroea Ib* Jordan<br />

attar, "tfaoctlfy yourselves, far to<br />

saafTuw ib* Lord *)UI do<br />

ao« tba tons*. -E*»-<br />

raeoiaof rJoccaa* loOad'e Work."<br />

tkich ao tmpTtsetoo dtd Its delltc<br />

mtla upon tb* aad lee c* thsJ bebss<br />

beeo asked t > repeal II oext duoday.<br />

Tb* *renlng aervloswas gitco o»<<br />

tarL W. IXjesn. pr*>id*otof Iba Haw<br />

Hauday tlcbool a—a lel«m<br />

wbo preseotarS lr> bts owo atyt* a<br />

luaplrlog sad beJpluladdrrss upoo tb*<br />

OrgsnUslloo lo tb* Bun<br />

day Hcbool." He left s fuod of la<br />

forffistloa coucemlog Ibecoeatya<br />

8tala a*aocl*tfcoae aud Ibelr wnrk.<br />

All wbo beard blm will, if posalb<br />

gat lo Iba rttata asastlogs lo be beld Lo<br />

ItllTllle Xmuitef IS, 17 sod IH Tba<br />

uoderful • d*ao-up" as MUrWII* II<br />

aeif will be a vary Isfg<br />

Tba meetioga, too, will b* ot very<br />

order, becsuse tbe ipaakara ara lo ba<br />

Scat lie* mao. latbelr work. Krer><br />

body la wslooow to stteud Ibr coovcu<br />

loo la MHWIIIe.<br />

FIIUT X. K.<br />

pastor Kulp preacbad tba acrmou<br />

of Ibe day to coogregatkiaa wbicb<br />

er* lecra to* ID* aessoo's and.<br />

Tb* aaxaaoo In IB* BK>ra*ag> »u<br />

ksed oo oar Lord'e p*rsble of<br />

poaade, Luke 19; 17-28. tbougb lite<br />

Words lo vrrse 13, •Mecuny til<br />

sTara o«ad aa tba ^rrrat-'fits LsxX<br />

Tbe pastor'a applkcaltoo of iba par<br />

.of wbicb Ibe text I* Ibe bean.<br />

e*»-<br />

•\ry<br />

forcible, aod aJlagstber a<br />

•as appeal to tba otoadetxae of W*ty<br />

«burcb member, of every proteased Col<br />

lowarof Jesoa-l.'bTas!.<br />

Mr. Kolp eooiklrrad all pro!<br />

dladptca of oar Lord, arjd cborcb<br />

CBbsrs esperlaJly. m» Ha»<br />

lo s>aoao Ha has delivered cattatu<br />

Ik an to serve. *%ry|rjg ktataMo<br />

aod dearae. and tbst tb* obligation lo<br />

oceopy Itll Ha comas r^sta wttb equal<br />

force opoo all. as well as iba obllfs.<br />

koa of eseblosrrre lotbe otasoat of<br />

bis or ber abllny.<br />

In ranHnqiag. tb* •pcaksr abowrd<br />

wttb onafjlag words wbatsia laa<br />

oy of a*, rbroejb ladoiar>e*,-ear».<br />

mesa, onballrf or. wore* aull<br />

oogb devotioo to nxatcrtal Iblaga,<br />

or ooboly d*«ir*e, fall e«eo lo try to<br />

occupy {Ul Uecottjes. njaielma. tb* 1<br />

fat* of tb* aapeofliabia eaarvaAt IA Ib*<br />

parsble deeervvdly swalts msay wbo<br />

era now oo tb* ebareb roll.<br />

A» tb* ebase** service* Ml** Mroerre<br />

Adams prtstdac at tba organ, tn tba<br />

absence of Mrs. RsJpb L. Cbester.<br />


Tbe New Jersey Cblldxcn's Home<br />

riociety basjast rseaed btsQreJ qsar-<br />

ttrly report for la* flaral year tosgu*-<br />

nlog Jun* 1. To* eapocl oeeilelne<br />

toUraatlox rlguraa of tbe Btsts-w<br />

Work wbtca in* society U doing la<br />

w*b*Uof New Jersey.' hcasalua efali-<br />

dren.<br />

tb* society baa caeauvad<br />

CbUdren. Thirty were takta daring<br />

tb* aaarter sod tor tbe asm* period<br />

31 beys aad a girts were placed lo<br />

(salty fintsse<br />

v* boyaaod atxteea glrla pas<br />

•ut of tbe control of the society. Of<br />

Ibis ouaxber taofKli waremarri<br />

Tb* agent* of tb* society mad* 'J23<br />

vUHs lo cblldreo lo foster borne* and<br />

127 edvBteaaseooerfnlagib*<br />

work.<br />

TtM society has 692 children lo<br />

bally bom**, io addition to Ibeae<br />

275 children have tjeeo legally adopted<br />

At tbe erxl of tbe qoarUr otoaly<br />

Dine uoartlled cblldreu were re,<br />

of •bom i8 were boys. Tbe majority<br />

of tbeae were Ui ibe reortving bomr,<br />

wbll* olberewcrslu beapoals and at<br />

rd. Elgbly-Dln* eblldrxn<br />

cared for In tbetceetvlog Hatna dur<br />

og tn* quarter.<br />

Tb* dutilcl asprrtntrrrdmu of Iba<br />

•octety lovmttKslrxI 173 eataa rouftrn<br />

«TS eblldreo. Of tbeae ISO<br />

coacemlog 330 cblldreQ werer ta'<br />

gated for the first lime.<br />

t/orty-oo* letters of nvralry for chil-<br />

dren were received, wltb a total of Ti<br />

formal applications. Tblrty appllea-<br />

iooadeatred boys, a hue forty^wo-d*<br />

sired glJ Is.<br />

Tba treasorar, H. Arthur Hmltb, re-<br />

ported receipts from aJI aoorces amouu<br />

II u>*oIt^I4. During tbeaammc<br />

rsontbe I ber* Is alejaye a fr'firg off In<br />

ba receipts of the society, although tbe<br />

work and. tbe*2faras*ago right oa. A*<br />

a cooseqoeoe*. tbe aorlrty la urgently<br />

lo D**d of fund* t»taeat current ex<br />


Tbaooa htmrlrart and Iwaoiy-thlrd<br />

aoivaraary of Ibe Head-of-tbe Biver<br />

let bod let BjTiacopal Cbureb. oasr<br />

Tuckaboav will ba observed wttb au<br />

all-day service Saoday, October 10. If<br />

UwweatDvr ra extremely atnrmy. Ibe<br />

lea* will be bald Ibe followingekiu-<br />

day.<br />

AtlOSOa oxtbcrewUi b*ae*a<br />

BSarry LoaUa.<br />

Notbtoa"*- *o gaoe aa todei of cba»<br />

arter and aaat tangaaas dsttrlans talk.<br />

aad. aftar t bBaroao bard for fifty-five<br />

mtootsa aod beard oo mecrJoo of cba-<br />

raa girt*, tark pots or otber matropoaV<br />

tao pqlanrav I decided bed dr<br />

•a, gstn» ewt from the atckroaca.<br />

addressed my graodoiece:<br />

i apedal *]\'i i iaa I wan fn^ yoa><br />

, an act of rrai»iaura Itt<br />

man's name, according to csxaa<br />

BoCbrook- Tba oesrapajan<br />

bad a osai co e*y bvat year *boot tba<br />

entfiMa raarrtag* for yoo.-<br />

ffa a way tbey bar* wbaa LocOa<br />

Bo. I wont tclarata asgar<br />

persoB aad prepared to aay as.<br />

•Wect abaol ca*.<br />

By graaaatac* baa a<br />

babtt of brtoHag ea cocas wboQy tr-<br />

riHiicl 10 iba aajbjact<br />

afcas- Wtui bad ory<br />

r>aeVTli rx> 00 arttb rba<br />

adiSar I aforaaad "Doart<br />

think of asanybw rtedowl U<br />

I bad aoca aa Idaa ta<br />

for yoa twee wbea ba waa ti<br />

rredOSe tadaadi Tbeea<br />

all frat and varsity aad vsrstty aad<br />

frst. Too Bsacb aoetety. I aay.<br />

at tbel l}n>ad ]<br />

He bad a etrocg body, a we»1 ria.iiajii tbat totd me ba<br />

badat aboard- (ba mooey We tatbar<br />

Bo. bartitg made ap my rated Chat tf<br />

tba yoottg *vf didot die ba<br />

marry LxaeQa. I rett Qctta comfortabia<br />

to bate ber fntsra aettiad.<br />

Be dldot die. aad I taHrifciai) htm<br />

latbedaya-ajban ba at<br />

Be waaol eataAgled wttb aay otber<br />

Ctrl, bad 00 fasrOy cuaoerrJooe aeat<br />

(ban CMns. was aaood poysVaQy asd<br />

rr^f^mg arliaiaiTliMij mentally.<br />

I* bad odea BBWO aaroty to ber ^**P j V<br />

hond. bm I dvto^l t^rt to prrplrh bee rj9<br />

tbeextest of trtag ber for Ufa to aay<br />

mao of aarJaj*.<br />

Bo tba third asaek Ibsl rba roamg<br />

ra*o ar* to my frasf. apai<br />

one attfn. I earn* to Ibe point<br />

Pbllajy.<br />

-Wb*t do yoo tbmk of asy graadV<br />

nWr* LneBaf • ^«~~ att aorts of<br />

dox«nt-sor> <strong>On</strong>va, wfjeo I ei . _<br />

ped ep In bed- seaitng oot at tba apple<br />

tree*. I aaw ber sen down tb* atop*<br />

• »wi lean tne Ihtl* •^TTA Took O<br />

lie*! tees ISM op, aod<br />

WsaTlsUQ^f BVaTaal DssV^^<br />

a, apod, eensfbt* gM. ta<br />

I bneeO Mrs atjosrefy ts ta* eye.<br />

~Vooog mao. yoo'U go a long way be-<br />

es* anorbcr earb gM a*<br />

~l baoVva yooT ba cried f»f-ret»rty.<br />

fio la coy mlod *twaa aa good aa aaaV<br />

aboold But beraose I made bo rnor*<br />

roeortoo of my plans LoeJIa aeea<br />

ta mink I'd rWcotteo tneox and abe<br />

didni oore iWaiir wbea I aast .bar ta<br />

•very afien>c**o lo> read lo tbatanvan<br />

Tsar >oong mao Bot well, rxf course.<br />

ba BV itldni go in;. B* decisrwa<br />

tax a4d coarjtry nesrv was tba^bost da-<br />

btfnl spot tn New engUosl and (nst<br />

be fab aaor* at Borne there -tamo ea<br />

wbera. Of course 1 wssot fsolenoega<br />

to think toy eld farm was enchantta*;<br />

a tayaltby yooog mao who'd nnatal<br />

o»«- tuTOfw. Asia end Africa, bat '<br />

dlda't aay anyttUuA. I let bln» atay.<br />

Aod ooe dsy ba bluned oot whet I<br />

•- Thajer. I'm la love -wttb<br />

Yoa"** beeo Dlsbty good to Bsej<br />

tbta euaimer- taken me tn o*T fjte road,<br />

up my waonda. bent torn *aj<br />

fabb. I ow« joo a tot already.<br />

f-TOU mimng » ebaoM apeas. a> LocUa<br />

and malt* my debt xs* gratlraoe to yaa<br />

auta* btstrrr- I<br />

-Wby do yoo aay aU thJaio meT* I<br />

deinaoded -Too*r* aat la-awe wSfe<br />

ma. ar* yoa**<br />

"Good bravens. oor be Df^fr 11<br />

aad then be looked frlgbuoad wbea I<br />

glared at blm. I<br />

Then doot waa's yvor time ralktttg<br />

aad-effrtntaata. r*a trVd ta<br />

way Irrwgfnabaa. bst<br />

cant gat at It—iba prwpoeaJ. I<br />

gba araryt wala or drive with a»* mar<br />

rbe wool art me<br />

That<br />

Td aay ft<br />

did I nod bert lo tba bam—<br />

aapeclBtradiag tba packing of tba egg<br />

t Too doot want yoor Blare to<br />

bn time to tbe bare form ting<br />

oow. do you. Mr*. TTujUf<br />

-Ira Jon a» wvfl ta karp oor »wu<br />

trrnn •• in rx»w maay egg* tba eseo<br />

akil>. ottrn ibreee ootbbig esorw ta><br />

porlnnf **ti (und* 1 I answered<br />

Ue obawotad la»«rwotly-<br />

-UeO. I aatd ta ber: Tv*<br />

Iblna awfullj luiportaol I wast to aaj<br />

to r«o Caot j«>u give me a tmia rioM<br />

aloorT Ht>r wm the ta*o aad<br />

away.nod ibro rt>r moirted roooAarrtb<br />

brf vulct) oot -We've got to Cat<br />

ermtra 00* for the arteroooo trata.' abr-<br />

d»rta>rd I cao glr* yoo Jaat<br />

Now. aay wnat yoa<br />

tt all. bow «*a<br />

auma a doxro crataa of eggaT*<br />

I bad aoai lo.muoVd I<br />

LoeJU'a averUd oead.<br />

"Will yoo rv«-uiHJwrg. Jab*<br />

hlnrartf Uf li- »«J^>le.*Mi<br />

with teorcs****/; til<br />

r I aralk anuiner atrp" I'm<br />

I rant de tf.* Aod Jab?<br />

Wta lar- tartar*) u< dasaair.<br />

- "v.»n am. awm.' ssrtalmed tne cap<br />

lain -tlua't yaa kouw tbe tee tecs<br />

are following os> Taay-U get<br />

aere.-<br />

•lant bWp If aald Jaba. Tm<br />

dues' for. Ill oat marrb umiraie ebrp:<br />

."tbr.Coafrderstas pasvaaa) aloag av«*<br />

tbe rrr»l •* m Ulll sad lost sight<br />

poor, dejected Jatar. la a asoca<br />

Uarr* was a frrsb rattia of masts<br />

aad a raawwrd la* crest<br />

Ike bit*. euutWax wltb burrlcan* swift<br />

tare* HIAI fulktsvd uy a cieod of dual<br />

Aa br dj»bff£>*o or »alrr. It la tbe molfctsre ta<br />

th» atmoapbrr* sbxh cm sera ol<br />

tAtA to tAjrnlmn. owtog to tbaa* OT^<br />

cUltoa. Water cAYf OCTOBER 7. 1915.<br />

ARK LAKE<br />

Undertaker and Embalmer<br />

Commencement Gifts<br />

Eajoy !!»• Best<br />

J M ft*) a w - a t y I * w T T f t t J r g O O t l } + m t i T W ,<br />

in var bm ttott^rw, —J «Uo lo<br />

aj )oa «-avot b«r* oa r«i7<br />

ABBOTTS'<br />

Aide Dairies<br />

H AVE you a cottage, bungalow or apart-<br />

ment to furnish? We have a line of<br />

furniture at less than Philadelphia prices.<br />

It will pay you to call aDd see our stock be-<br />

fore buying elsewhere.<br />

Window shades a specialty.<br />

Chas. E. Adams &. Brt).<br />

720-22 Asbury Ave.<br />



Seventh St. and West Ave.<br />

Ocean City. N. J.<br />

GHotoat OaUry Producta<br />

at Eggs<br />

Ask for Booklet of HpecJalties<br />

Order* Dvlrrered IteUi Pboo**<br />

OOMAM Of TV. M. J.<br />


Fire CXAXA^K* OO Ccotrml tvr«xia*% Crom Sl»lb to Blgtub mtttymi*, timf Ml*, *»fy<br />

FumUhtd coiLajjc oo C*nLr»J a»retiat, U* **•» i>u.<br />

with Kin^T, only $\yx>~ Purnt*i>»td cottAgc oa C*roLr*U ifiaaf, t<br />

Ocean City Sentinel<br />


tMtat sad lYoytiot<br />

mtjao Per Tur, Qzriatj In Adeaaca.<br />

IMaimi 1.1 |_i.aj.<br />


ATTORNEY and<br />


ar. flout inua. letan o. aoswaxju<br />

jyiW OFFICES<br />

Apgar & Boswell,<br />

/ f.3600. ^ , $j<br />

J y ttcnac, DCAX tWvcoXb avtrect, ooly Jj^oo.<br />

c, UEUC block, ooly £2700.<br />


Two t •** oo Ut<br />

Al*o l«*o rn H>Ji-lafU,iO I*M Ml)<br />

f. Ma pat f-o*/*r1n< tba» tw-rrt*o*-s/ |o i^ua**-<br />

Od Al* lo lba> oJJSna, if l£»w><br />

taOa»X«l» at HtaaM W of U pfprT Toa-fO-Oia) «oaa»(r«tor if tba» --aUK,i*T p* at*r t*jaoly Cwcnl<br />

oarr.oo UM lixb or April. Iwl^. nriura<br />

b4« 00 lb» sk* IIMJ of April, !»16. b*« IHD<br />

loi dj u U d d<br />

ia lb«ru day or April. l»n, LJ 16<br />

A-. C.<br />


xurr<br />

Sealed<br />

W<br />

K bt oSc», N&.CI Wv<br />

Clljf. ti. J. U 111 MoCMlAy.<br />

aiio o cio«<br />

r-irlh* pob^le »rt>oal« lor<br />

pltf lb l (Ut<br />

Xllldliis*' tol»*m in*** KM-r Io41. pen And<br />

ta<br />

By orocr of Ibm tloM^tl of t£dae«iu>a.<br />

i_ t. HMirH<br />

•>trw sJans<br />

It—Htxtb aod Claaaore aveoue.<br />

17—Kleveoxb and Bay avenue.<br />

18—Fourteenth and Pleasure ave.<br />

aa—B*v*oib and Wear avenue.<br />

«3 tleoooJ and Asbary aveoue.<br />

«a—fourth and Asbury avenue.<br />

*&—Klgbtb aad Asbury avenue.<br />

*a—Tenth and Anbury avenue.<br />

48—Thirteen IP aod Asbtiry avenue.<br />

tn Hllieanlb and Asbury avenue.<br />

6*—•North aod Central avenue.<br />

5*—*41xtb and Central avenue,<br />

6T—Etovenlb and Central avenoe.<br />

OT—Twelfth and Wesley aveoue.<br />

*oV—foorteeotb and Wea!ey avenue<br />

TO—fourth aod Oceao aveoue.<br />

70—Heventb and Ocean aveoue.<br />

76—Nlolb aod Oceao avenue.<br />

°a Uaoood and Atlantic avenue.<br />

as— Boardwalk aod Moovlytj tarraoe.<br />

•II—Bay sveooe aod Halisraaa road.<br />

~~l—T'anUetn and I'eoual avenow.<br />

Caangaa of copy for display edver-<br />

^atxaeota must tw at Ibla offce Dot<br />

sirr tbao Wednesday moroiog at«<br />

ydock anarp for Insertloo u> ibe<br />

tr«uB> whenever possible it it<br />

nqmenri (bat I bey be sen I lo not latei<br />

Ibao Taeaday. Tbi* rule will be<br />

strictly edberod to. adv.. |<br />

Try an Ad.<br />

In the 813NTINU1,<br />

The Ideal Summer Resort<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />




Spacious Boardwalk. Ffce Band Coocerts Dunng<br />

Season. Great Fishing in Ocean and Bay. The<br />

Delight of the Yachtsman. Numerous Trains to<br />

and from Philadelphia oo Three Railways<br />

Within easy aoooss of Atlant.o City and<br />

othor well~known resorta<br />



Attornt-y at Law<br />

HUSi Kljblh Kirnt<br />

Ocean Illy New Jersey<br />

Attention, Cottagers<br />

Tbrra (saBnt^UssarTCaboose MtsblUluacst. oo ktsla fUtore<br />

Ruad. mi Ocean Heights, orsr !Jomti»' l"olol wiliilo c*«y reaca of<br />

Occmn CUy, wb«re ptsots mad cut flower* of sll kiods sre to be bad.<br />

Our watchword •• KHLIADILITV.<br />

Notbiag adds rooce tx^lbc value o* sILrACtltxarci of yoar<br />

than plialios; wbao PKOPKRLV DON'K.<br />

Tclrpc»oca or grvc a» a call.<br />

Colonial Greenhouses<br />

R WALKS*. I<br />

IJ- Ltawood PoctOtOc*<br />


Hughes' Bronohlal Mixture<br />

O/Vf<br />

MlIW. KuU. -OB wt»i> .<br />

•a cmirrm i<br />


CIOMTH ar. S.MO atr.ai.cr >vt. OCIM CITT, M.<br />


A beautiful Cottage—Bungalow on Wesley<br />

avenue, facing the ocean, near Thirteenth<br />

street, 9 rooms and bath, garage, lanndry, etc<br />

It will be finished by October 15, and is the<br />

Beat Bargain in that choice district of the re-<br />

sort. For full particulars inquire<br />


KIas*<br />

Hep'atntw 10 1x14, wiib loWfl«a4 »4 UM rai* or<br />

AvclarflrotuiD par UDflu. pavablw Mini,<br />

•nw I*, udasks booda abaii Ua> pajrsbla la<br />

IKeiaoodsoaitai **«aulh day or Oap,<br />

ttosv In s-«Jk o Uta saaia Uus L» l»ov m-<br />

•tvs.ao4sU vO) bosds on Uvpuattatr UL,<br />

»adlal«*«atta.tas amymbls.la.<br />

aid cola of iba UoUsd*U«l«ao4 amasirs. «l<br />

ba lk«ia Cltjr Till* sod Trust OooasaAjr,<br />

ttafcl boods sball ao4 ba Hid (or leas Uas<br />

w aod »c«ra«d lol«r«at, vo«l taa> nilirliaaiitf<br />

ua»pana»1 b> u csrt:naa check ea<br />

s* Ucorparslad SUKxul l» ak vor Trsss<br />

- npsay la_s HS sot U itu teas psr<br />

A. uoasun.<br />

Notice or MMUO^ or<br />

tdonere of<br />

b nbjrrlnoiiul ItumaiKind<br />

,..„ „ mtailnr»arao4 DSV* in* aJE * I<br />

fr* s H u *A?Aa Him >a -»—-.- u» ~<br />

|BU> to a. m.<br />

UUUQI; {t to > p. m.<br />

|eu>ep-m-<br />

UUI IUW: UD-A<br />




Haaemca, H«edUh Movctuexila<br />


Must be Sold by Sept. 2O<br />


'TWO PROPERTIES, 621 Asbury avenue and 611<br />

•*• Central avenue, Ocean City, N. J., Estate of Mrs.<br />

Caroline B. Lynch, deceased.<br />

APPLY TO<br />

A. COTTON<br />

618 A8BURV AVENUC<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />



Hoan: aioloa. to.<br />

XI4 p t<br />

Boib l*tx>o«i<br />


•. Dentiut"<br />

809 Central Avenue<br />

OCIKABT cinr. •-*-<br />


Dentliit<br />

Cor. kUs<br />

OOca Uoors.'<br />

CJTV. M.<br />

a.ppol«un«n(<br />


Electrical Contractor<br />

1137 Anbury Ay*.<br />

• --Ocean City Now Jwrsoy<br />

EUnk StootcforSale<br />

ONE OH ARC Or STOCK or '<br />


OCCAM CITT. M. J.<br />

VIU tssx a reasottable price as com-<br />

pared with boos value.<br />

Make offer by tetter at once, to<br />

-kOC*. BO«. MO. 11a<br />

OCCAM I<br />

la tht^<br />

W. Scott Hand<br />


OCEAN CITV. N. J.<br />

Gommmmm^omosmr O4"<br />

COWARD B. SMITH 4. CO.<br />

a«p>«ca*<br />

m C. CO* BNOSD AkO CMItTSUT *VS.. *>MILSOCt. B MI&<br />

Jla* O mmw tOMM O<br />


toviied nxKrdtDS tui* 0/ •r«-art(Lf$«a» -JuJ oOker<br />



U*U«V>O C(T*i »- J.><br />

rtmnr AMO mtrumotma aosreuar a -*• ourr. aj««i«o rumo<br />

Q04-0 «oJ*oe. ooar rsja<br />


PricvVHajxS taurv*t.lo Y laid aboot bj& par ceo t.<br />

The<br />

Business Man's<br />

Bank<br />

•J Shrewd boalness men aay<br />

' that a man's banking: con-.<br />

nectloa is the big factor In<br />

•fl Think of all the successful,<br />

well managed business<br />

•-• booses yoa know. In<br />

every instance yoa will find<br />

their finances handled by<br />

a successful, well managed<br />

bank.<br />

•j Pioof of Cape May Coan-<br />

ty's confidence in the Pint<br />

National Bank U the fact<br />

. that a large nnmbetofiuc-<br />

'•' •^*^**^fn^ bnaiscxiS houses in<br />

tbis vicinity maintain bank"<br />

' in£ connections here.<br />

"FIRST<br />


Oceaa CHy, N. J.<br />


AJ*B VBfrr stars rsrut. JIMO<br />

A FIHB Hmmvm Tome<br />

Bellevue Baths<br />


. si«ia?N 1M atl«jrrM<br />

The<br />

Maw *-mo ArrttAOTn/m Outrm worn<br />



of the Mo*t ImpcrUnt<br />

the ltoUbHitimctit of<br />

Model School.<br />

<strong>On</strong>r<br />

U<br />

uumber of oaw aad Important<br />

t. sturss are to b* added to Ibe Ocean<br />

1i> BtsieBumoiar rVbool In IS 18, as<br />

Uloed at a ooarareooa hatd In Ibis<br />

city Mooday rraolng.<br />

Tboaa at Ib* mealing wvra lit. T. D<br />

Beoaar. director of tberttala rtoauaer<br />

icbooU; Dr Albert B. Btaradnb.aasta.<br />

• iaal»r>ar of adaeatloa a*\<br />

aaooodary edocatioo; Prof. Jaawe M.<br />

BMs-vans, sopertalaodsot of tb* Ooaan<br />

."Uy public schools and principal of<br />

b* Ooeso City BtaU Hoaoa) Hebool;<br />

Mayor Josepb U. Cbaapeoo. ttasi.<br />

d-ot Harvey Y. Lake, tipaocar B.<br />

wan and V. B. Wlllu, of Ibe Oeaan<br />

.tly Board of ducajioa; Lswls E.<br />

Ub. aecrwUry of ibe board; Ot«a<br />

Townsaodaod K. W. t^dsareU.<br />

TbeOeeanCtty Hum mar Hcbool bss<br />

Lax I a popularity each year,<br />

od plans ooer balag made<br />

ndtcal* Ibat naxt year and tba aue-<br />

edlog aaaanrn 11 will be 00* of tb*<br />

eataat In every way In this section<br />

Iba country.<br />

Tba acbool naxt year will open July<br />

a week Ista* Ibao iba las* Una. All<br />

a public schools of tba Htsie will<br />

ben be closed, aad Ibua tba saperlo-<br />

ndenlswlllbe glveo AO opvortunlty<br />

au*adlog_ibe sessions durlcg IM<br />

perlnuodaots' weak, Ibe first etc<br />

iys of Iba acbool. Hecsuse ul Iba dale<br />

tbaauperlnteadeota' wees last earn-<br />

er, rnsuy of tba BupeTin tea deals end<br />

pervlsJug pnuclpsls were unsble to<br />

al. Tbe scaool uelt >esr will<br />

a weak la August because of Iba<br />

baoge In in* ds4a of startlug-<br />

Io addition to tba aa pert u Undents'<br />

eek, U U I •leaded to have another<br />

•»* set apart dating ibe MIIIDOI uf<br />

*e sumasist' ecboul Cot tba coe-mber* of<br />

ba boards of educatioo In Naw Jersey,<br />

o<br />

i atuodsar* of fully oOO supenuleo-<br />

d>ala durlog tbe •eeilnoaof tbe eebool.<br />

BlUI another weak will be eat aside<br />

meetings of tba parent laacbtn*<br />

asaocUtlooe of Ibe tWala.<br />

Probably tba best restore to be de-<br />

eloped U tb* eatablWhaieal of a<br />

model eebool, with all grades up 10<br />

and Including tba eigblb grade, sod.<br />

n addition two ungraded acbools. to<br />

ba taugbt by tba best Uacbere obtalo-<br />

Tbls acbool wUI be lo tbe Wea-<br />

ry Avenue Hcbool and artll ba open<br />

Iba eblldreo of cottager* as well as<br />

eaidenls. Tbere will be balf-day ses-<br />

sioos for dv* weeks.<br />

Tba conduct *f Iba ongradad acbools<br />

III. It U tboogbt.be of tneatlmabl*<br />

The Pontiere<br />

BOOT g SHOp<br />


OON<br />



and Ufa.<br />



Opening Game at New Arm-<br />

ory WUI be With the<br />

DeNeri Reserves.<br />

Tbe Oceaa CUy Military Club wUI<br />

pea Ibe bus** ball aeaaon lo lota<br />

aly at tbelr Daw armory oo Hatonlay,<br />

>ctobar 18. Tbaopsalo*; |iau will be<br />

wUb Ibe DeNeri Baser***, of PbU*-<br />

sjpbls, wbtcb eoeoea btgbly recom-<br />

inded. ll U msniged aod enathwi<br />

iy on* of Iba best mao la Ibis llae of<br />

port, aad w4U oo doubt «l»o the locsj<br />

utolal a Rood ruo. Palroua will prob-<br />

ably • Hnt» a fast and Intrrvailoc<br />

Utb*r gsmea are beiug booked by<br />

UanagerTowosaod, of Ibe local club.<br />

II see me aasarad that Oeean Cl^r<br />

people will bo treated to some very<br />

olcrcsllog games durlog tba oooHqg<br />

The MIMC* Baarcr<br />

W. B. Bright<br />

Meeting Here.<br />

Mast Kraooaa Uaaer aad MUs Kslb<br />

erta* Bakar. dsagtutra of tl^'oopw<br />

maa J. Tbotopsoa Bakrr, arvd Mrs.<br />

WlllUm H. UrtctU. all of Wlldwood,<br />

addraaaed a good six ij cm«d at tbe<br />

eororr of K>gblb Mr«l and Aabarj<br />

araoo*. rtetordty miilui, oo Iba wo-<br />

man auOrafs qoaa*tm. wbtcb la lo be<br />

*o4ad oo la Ibis eUst* Tuoday, Octo-<br />

ber la.<br />

Bskrr.ltu tjr«t »po*«*r.<br />

siroug appeal l«> Ibe coso Lo<br />

TO4* la favor of wocn«u auffrsxa. Hbs<br />

ooofeiii i to b*r besrer* tbst, as tbu<br />

wae Iba flrat uoe abc hsd pobltcly<br />

epokeo to ao maoy pe*>ple. aba was<br />

oesrly acarrd to deatb. .<br />

Ho. Bright told ber bearrrs tbat,<br />

lbougb sbe Is Ibe coirtber uf sic chli-<br />

dno, aad is also a CT*udmo4bsr, aba<br />

fouDd pieoty of Um* to engage la Ibis<br />

rtaasd* for woco>et3. arvd sba added la~<br />

cfclentally I hit sba la a ar*t-cls*»<br />

boosekeepcr. Hue msda a stroajrad-<br />

drsa». ID wbleb sU* abowed op toaoy<br />

I t ml licit* and «corr stmpjy rt*onfslsrt<br />

with pJantaand feme. Tba Uackbgard<br />

Ibat Ibis ew tb* onbaa.<br />

*n-<br />

port from Ib* sapetinUodeot declared<br />

tacraaa* lo aaroLunaol thle<br />

about to par era I<br />

Two of ibe ecboLare were given eaecial<br />

ssanilno for tbttt rsabforaaaa lo at-<br />

taodanea. Tbey war* Mtaa Both Prattl<br />

aad Btssi Cretya Bemltb. Forlbeosea-<br />

[yamraU. atniMlratrr pii»iiaial that<br />

who did not miss In Ibstrattsod-<br />

at ta* aoaday aebool would be<br />

re-warded a! tb* eod of Iba year. U*<br />

aisa. tbat eertala<br />

Chief of PoJlea.<br />

In bis report Chief Heal I bad Ibis<br />

to aay: "1 aaogtad t-> atsta ww passed<br />

Ibrougb tttssumnxar vary wall, aod I<br />

belu>e iba tawo at praaaot ta ciaaeat<br />

of law-breakara Ibso U haa bain la<br />

yrsra, soiJ I trust ILuU w* will b* Able<br />

lo keep U ao."<br />

To* arrests mads by Iba polke* war*<br />

as follows:<br />

H. W. Hlklrrtb. 4; Frank Hcback. ii<br />

Oecrga W. Heamso. 14: H. M. Haw-<br />

klrk, 10. Oeorge Hut, 10; Howard<br />

Jobosoo. 4; Francis Taroer, 4; Jaa»aa<br />

Mould. I; Jobo Moirt»oo. I; Irfagoard*,<br />

S;cUi*f of poltfe. 71. Total, 12S.<br />

aid •** anrnmtwrt* Later lo wbiob ta*<br />

acboJera coold work to bar* lb*t»<br />

ea opoo tba booor roll.<br />

Taalmnn for tbaday wasdJapeoaad<br />

Ub and In Ua plAta tbera waa a very<br />

by<br />

yjogis-os. rJpeetal<br />

of iba acbosl pro-<br />

oaa, aapectally aa addra**<br />

by WaatM Lain* Ililnae<br />

prtmary depart ana nt HI—sum<br />

tbstr part wtO. slagtog •'Brtgnlso Ib*<br />

>mer"-and ractuof Ib* twenty-third<br />


. Bats.<br />

Bagtnnloa os»l Ossday •ewaaa*. ta*<br />

Btr. J. B. Kulp, pastor of tb* rirst M.<br />

K. Cburcb. will preaeb a atrtea of aer-<br />

o>oos. obsracter aladfcee fro^ Vsrtor<br />

Hugo's masterpiece. "Lea Miserable*."<br />

Kullowlng ar* Ib* euljects:<br />

October 10— -Tbe Good Hlsbop^r tb*<br />

Ktdrmpilve Power of a Oood LUt."<br />

October 17 —"J*ao VeJJeau : Ib*<br />

CbtUlULD la Uuslares."<br />

October Zi — ••Jeatj VsJJcsu ; tba<br />

CbrUilso Uoder Trial."<br />

Tb* apeotai adiraaa of Ibe Afternoon<br />

road* by WOlaua Orr, of Atlantic<br />

;uy. praaadsot of tn* Atiaatie Coooly<br />

Jooday Hchool ASBOCIAUOO. and dlrso-<br />

ofib*Biddi* Bibia Ctaaeaa la Ibis<br />

His rernaxk* were rery la-<br />

Lod beipfal to tb* whole<br />

booC<br />

Tb* FUv. P. B. LAO* and wtfa, of<br />

LUvtlla. «r*r* prwarot.<br />

Doricg tbe em Ice at was enaoaoeed<br />

•Mtb*lse*bswse leam nprasenllog in* dab and<br />

VHj tbU aeaaon will b* tbe<br />

trongest oo* ever put oa Ib* floor<br />

composed of etillrely loasl boys, and<br />

will, before tbe eeasoo eods, win from<br />

b* beat of teams, nreek ley and Wcts-<br />

nlbal need DO Introductloa 10 basket<br />

all "fans." Tbeae Iwo boy a era In<br />

be game from start tx> n^lf b O*car<br />

Moray holds*good record. Although.<br />

M baa bens oat of tbe game for a few<br />

ears, be la rooodlng oul to a manner<br />

that la a credit to blm aad at present<br />

tn twtter anap* and playe a faatar<br />

game Iban ever before 4iept. • Alfred<br />

B. Hmltb. another player wbo has<br />

oul of -tbe game for aom* time, la<br />

also Tn*^ ln ll a good stead aod will no<br />

doubt star for tba club daring tbe<br />

coming acssoa.'. Hersobel Henderson<br />

Is wosking aat to good shape.<br />

Tbe management ta daalmna of the<br />

eoppud of all tbe people and will as-<br />

eurs tbelr petroos tbst t bwgaaaa* wCB<br />

be ruo In a bnelnaaaMka way aod taat<br />

1 bey *Dltaxstle«*«sa*^afVia-jr mat<br />

by Ibr change lu tUc B-cUe-Jule* oT Ibo<br />

llruadw.<br />

Tbry haul planned atx) wttvoted to tv~<br />

mpr*Wtug of tbU coudlltoo, uue<br />

K«ultcuiau wbu OWDH « baad-oaie<br />

bumo berv e*ld tbat by rc*j*oa of ibe<br />

•efvlce bo coutd lial arrive la Fbil-v-<br />

dslpbl* in Ibe Enoratug* uullt 0-'l5<br />

o'clock -aid lh*t Ibtf service b*ck to<br />

Ocetvo Cl ( y lo lhe»ivealuK« wtva uiaxi-<br />

poor. Olber well koowo coi-<br />



Ii'a lite regular Ihloc every rail, but<br />

bow long—ob.bow toog—UOcctu City<br />

to be givea ibta poor drat'/<br />

Songs, Address by Sheriff<br />

Bright and a Buffet Lunch<br />

to be 8erved.<br />

Tba members of Ibe Youug Men's<br />

PJoRreuiva LwAgue wilt start Ibe fall<br />

aud winter aeaaiou* of ibeclubwItUa<br />

'riet'CK'tber" Kuluu Dcxl Monday<br />

ulgbt, aud a goud lime la assured by<br />

tbe committee lu cbarK^, wbUb com-<br />

prises tbe following: Dr. J. Tlionil>><br />

Hugbea.L«wls Krtrulth aod Lawr"'c«<br />

M Lesr.<br />

Tbe program IncJudes sloglni( by all<br />

be memben, probably lad by Mr.<br />

mllb. and so addrex by axaberltT<br />

rVllltsm H. Hright, of Wlldwood.<br />

A butfet luocb, prepsred by Kloyd<br />

.*. blrucn*, will be served.<br />

VuR asx — Motor bb»r, Srtert look<br />

S I*M beam; cabta; 2 cycle motor; la<br />

i A i Ttb d<br />

rilBLIC<br />

A great nasoy people «re under Ibe<br />

Inspreaaioo that we are SOIDK* out of<br />

btuloesa. That Is not true. We have<br />

bought Ibe stock from tbe executor of<br />

tbe estate of tny talber. Ibe Isto A. J.<br />

Bteetman, and soall cuatluuebusluesa.<br />

Home people sre alao under Ibe Ini-<br />

preasloo Ibal we bave a lot of old atock<br />

u Ibe store Tbal alao Is not true. My<br />

father vu a careful bu»lneBa mau aud<br />

bad little old stock wbea I louk poeees-<br />

aa.<br />

I sold that old atock. and we have<br />

braod-uow good*from ibe Best Mills<br />

and Vactortea in Ibe Uulted Hlales.<br />

k a» my lotanlloo lo give the people<br />

of this dty and county tbe beat there<br />

• In Clothing, Hats. Hhoes and Kur-<br />

lahlng Ooods at Ibe very low<br />

prices.<br />

My motto Is aallsfACtloa guaranteed<br />

or mooey refunded. All goods pur-<br />

. uad tf Dot aatUtactory can be<br />

turned aod money glv«o back wttbout<br />

any argumaal. We are ready lo wel<br />

coibayOO wltb a beautiful stock of<br />

OapaodaAle Matcbandlaa. Coma lo<br />

nod<br />

Biy. oanrimno. ;<br />

Taotb aad<br />

FOB Bear—By tb* year^*r7 room<br />

boose, bot aad cotd water aod bath.<br />

Apply 10U.H. Hhneaiaker Lombaa<br />

aeta «iiealiscu» toBaep<br />

Jeaaaca* Isia >sa aiawajT<br />

Apply TBaUanl<br />

• ra. «Jllt»c»t Tlc« Dead<br />

Mrti. Anna M. Tlce, aged 7earv.<br />

v/Ue of tiilbert Tim. dl d a few daye<br />

ago al Ibe eoldlent' bocae At Vlaelsod<br />

wbere sbe resided. MUe fornaerly lived<br />

West »venue, belowTblrtlelb street<br />

n tbU city. Her hcabAnd la au Inmate<br />

if llm Boldkers'<br />

ldok-aroand;*edtnpar*our goods and<br />

prtcaa.<br />

Fortheranooaoe*xn«atawUl be made<br />

, later a» to oorpUa* and- aaet bods for<br />

f saossauliaDla so Uoeaa dry's oeeda.<br />

trrErxatAH,<br />

Boo and successor lo A. J.<br />

Yitvoa. OBr and 833 Aabuiy Avenue.<br />

adv., 10-7. if<br />

. Try Hugbea' Reliable LUer PUU,<br />

a)BH)pt BS> aetlooi easy to takai coo-<br />

eeotratad lo form and* alwaya reliable<br />

Hcaat* pat boUto. llugbee' Uaotral<br />

~ adv., 10-7, U<br />

* buaiest Viuelsud.<br />

Hope O«nvdy m WlDocr.<br />

Tbe tzjioy frUroda uf rlope W<br />

Usudy.of Tuekabue.are couRratulallog<br />

blai 00 bU euccessful dgbt 10 returo to<br />

be Cape May County Board of Free-<br />

bolder*. Tnare was a siroog Bgb<br />

made sjslust blm.<br />

At Doaarajy**) ru« Tb«sier<br />

Oa Ktidsy evening, October 8. Ib*<br />

greatest of ib* Kseanay Isugb-maksrs<br />

will beabowo. Charles Ubaplln In bis<br />

Islet and bot two-act comedy, en<br />

tllUU. ••dbanghaled." Tb* title .peak,<br />

for Uaelf. adv-Ii<br />

FOB RanrT—Furnished apartoMnt,<br />

dve ro..me and batb; all ooo»ea»»acea;<br />

bot water beat. Apply 411 Elersulb<br />

street. edv-lt<br />

Try Huttbae* Uvorlte loUoo fbr<br />

roogboeae aod ebappad akto; escaots<br />

per bottla. - Hughe*" Uaotral Pbar-<br />

macy. adv., 10 T. tf<br />

Lotrr.—Maaoolo mark. Pleas* return<br />

to lOXt Wasjay evaooe, of 228 East:<br />

a«*nu*. Narbartb. Pa. ad*-'<br />

Won. Bear—Two S-tamll* apart,<br />

mania. 677 Paoolyo plac*. - • as»»i"<br />

FOB feUi^—Parlor atoea. Appi,<br />

Uuoday, »• Mavaotaatilb atrast. ad*.I<br />

aadar School Shows<br />

Increase—Wm. Orr Kalces<br />

AdJrcaa.<br />

;<br />

80 Pccum -otto<br />

Otlalt<br />

to*:<br />

oparmtlocj an<br />

UraJy par* |s| taj.<br />

baooaofltMbaatOelM<br />

U arrtraJ jrears.' ' '<br />

rstaf tbayamf.<br />

"Ibarviaat<br />

«ry aitiaeU**<br />

a Imin mi j<br />

Foaitsaott.Uaat.aaiy<br />

ibroecb UM milj w<br />

Taylor by Mra. CBara V.<br />

PfHUA Tt<br />

tteatw sort<br />

tkw.aotbatm<br />

oaota. Tba coat will m»<br />

"I will also fam.BssWl<br />

» a k' *<br />

(•oat eoeaaerta two faamitf If—if* S*><br />

araetad tta Uktetty. T|>J<br />

Ualnaa Bnek<br />

. wbobeaua-ai'-at<br />

tn Ooaao Ctty.baa waaaa<br />

oarctty.oobia<br />

LnAtbaboocathla<br />

(last rsbta aod<br />

•ra lo that taaraai m 1<br />

ballway Ihrncsrh taa 1<br />

painty of a<br />

* wOl eaet sbeat •SOW.<br />

"Ie-s.paaioe.la tba<br />

*ary prattyaadaakraa<br />

tb* aorta aad* of Taar 4<br />

AUaulic ataoo*. Tta) I<br />

•id* froatAga, «eTan tarn<br />

lo build aoca*tnloB4Uaav<br />

ofdlasry caa of<br />

am eSdeocy li Booday acbool work.<br />

J cLrci* will oaas*. wrar* Mooday<br />

og ax iba paramtaga lor reports<br />

,nd discussion. Taacber* of tba eebool<br />

re rrlo and a> Mag drill. Prof. U. W<br />

Kclcbly will make ao addresa.<br />

Cott*l<br />

dllTereot ta<br />

boos* wUI cost aboot lUBpyaJd wM<br />

beforaaia wbaa coaaplotad. ,-<br />

"Tba Hoppla* Aldextkty XMtr* Uaav<br />

psoy bas gtvao at* • ooolriBC| to f*><br />

model Ib*dwelling ** n 9 ftatiqiT •*•><br />

oue LDtoa store aod waHtaTinaa. lar<br />

iba growing oeede of ttoatt tHialii<br />

g<br />

Tb* lower story will b* covTaffatl tsts<br />

atora and noes* foe I<br />

Tbs second story wUI ba Eaada toto a<br />

fist for tba occupeooy of UkCbr *•*•<br />

mclrul manager, alt, Bnyder. Tha<br />

front of tbe atora w^ll b* aaittar* of<br />

plate glass, aat In the tataat layptuaad<br />

metal frame*. Tba tntartof walla will<br />

Uled saveral feet blga,<br />

r*tT oM<br />

Uoor will be laid oT raj own I til tfle.<br />

It will probably be 00* of IB* OMat<br />

up-to-dsl* and aauttary mtth> depots<br />

la the city. Taeoperauoa wlUcae* ta<br />

Ibe neighborhood of 934001 ,<br />

••I have Jost porebaaed a traet of<br />

ground at Second etraat aact- Oeaaa<br />

sveoo*. wbicb baa recently aaao Slaat<br />

sod graded. Il la a Tary dest-able lo-<br />

cation, aud It la ray lataotioa to start<br />

Immedlalsly to bulk} two new I<br />

at lbl> polo I, to b* completed lai<br />

foraprlagbovers. TOrywtn-Ptaoaaty<br />

coat kiooo 10 *3SOO aaea. ; 1 M<br />

•Kor James MeMpJUo, anQHtrsT sat<br />

tbe Ocean City YactKtiWb. f — ••><br />

Ing exlanslve repair* an4 •atewaJaOoe oa<br />

bis Plyooaio plac* beast, tajrolvtas<br />

uow-porcbea, roof*.et«. , 1<br />

-Tb* rlai.bingtaodiaalo-lftB.Fb><br />

reuce l^eslla'a """Htai «~n-a~'~*a oa<br />

Park place are now tsfjawaj-jnatad a*<br />

my mecbanlc* and amain toe watt<br />

days It will probabfy w» tn trawl<br />

ont 10 ibe rery pnnd o-nmaudartU<br />

add anotber pretty •IXiabattllf |i aatasl<br />

10 be a banner tWMIfftt<br />

Ocean City."<br />

Our Fall 1<br />





Newell<br />



I:ITY N.J<br />

m'-<br />

%>: •*•<br />

laty moil will be promptly<br />

acknowledged.<br />

Write us about opening on account.<br />

Security Trust Company<br />

* fin<br />


8782 Girard Ava, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

HOTEL BKTiTii«iVU.i!i<br />



MO41ATK EFFICIENT <strong>SERVICE</strong><br />

tad f*>*>••• Wafls Dimjtra. Gam* In Seaaoa.<br />

Spsdsl today Dmners fraa CM to two.<br />


m^-<br />


ttt WM>J iMM Ocm CUy. N. J.<br />

EDWABD a SMRH * CO.<br />

aiifMnw<br />

KB. "•!•»• wuo jun> cam MPT ora.<br />


nUna. lists «af a-t-cnrttic-B. p-H"-*-* wad otter Infa<br />


Atlantic Gty ffectric Company<br />

;: . (AtCaumc SlnUas Fond<br />

!^$jL> • '" TAX EXEMPT OT WKW 1EBSEV<br />

Ait* SB and Into***, to Yield About<br />

cumconrof MEW JEESPT<br />

sat] an required u> "B2*1 r -11f^^j1 (<br />

awTt, or to drfaalt tbrraxaf sora, •-=...*<br />

wllfb. ajaalSs efalaai yoa a* lb. Ch-oo-llor<br />

The Honorable<br />

Senator<br />

Sagebrush<br />


frnlco «M mbrr r«r oct to t*» SoWfc-<br />

«Urrn suburb, b* BMMBI fo co OSr*ct<br />

o lh» Ixxtl «od to t*d II• tuid b*r«<br />

oatoc tttocti ite*t> to lb» •UTOOOM »o<br />

ItrtUoa of lb* cawpalfn ••>! II W<br />

lnatsaT la ull apoo him A» U—<br />

troitaj oar «rsa pawing IIM Tssapt*<br />

coort balkUoc ta* *aw • itm lltl<br />

ltamtaaliJK bit upper Soar oOc*<br />

Wllb all bU «atp*rtoc» raauoaanL ba<br />

a*n>CD tbo car sod took itM all<br />

«kr>ator to bta oOco floor.<br />

Tb* alorpy clnmLor maa Wt him oat<br />

La tb* optw corriilor. aad attDoat bt><br />

tocdislcly tb* car sank a»ray oal o*<br />

froaa Ut<br />

to In* Juor of th* Cfitzt<br />

It open wltb a Jerk.<br />

lt>o rk-rk lo tne art of on-<br />

l>lu^* llw atrium which boaoj Ibo thick<br />

it Lri of |LI|^T lucirCbcT-<br />

-tth.il or.* >..u doing? Why doat<br />

•u tvlu;.' II I" inoy liocalk-d<br />

TtH-r-r »cn* atlll no signs of<br />

Ju>4 fT"lnc td tnako «urr thai<br />

1 was Itu* UQW pacLjicr." tko SAUI la-<br />

oucrollj. Laadliis It utcr at ooco.<br />

Wliti ilu' iorkc< la an la*Ut> pockci<br />

of hU ixxiL [Uouot pat on hit tut. h-ij<br />

hJmsctf K£MJ< duvQ tbo ciorauir sad a<br />

«r oiiautr* oftcrwanl «u rrotlixff a<br />

in It- box la Ihc lirfxMlt xiallm of a<br />

ak lo Uu> avit atrccC Wbeo bo ro-<br />

lo tUs oOc« aootber toocb of<br />

tbo cUvtrW Ixitloo<br />

•nil «n." uld fUoanl.<br />

a rbalr. -I hato beco ixoaaaabtr kind<br />

o joa luuu'l I. Kfrxir"<br />

*"Ycm. sir: tcry klixl toiload.' was<br />

J>v cU rk*« admlssloo.<br />

-Vrt joo ba«o Ut somo 000 bribo<br />

jrua lo b«- dUk)>al to me," vraj lb« uxit neat Lta-.lt lu bts offlrc, mrr>-<br />

oj la a police aUrcn oinl walu-O xiatU<br />

an ofll*vr cun**- frum U«--iJ4uart»t*».<br />

Lu^ rbt- IIUD lu cbarce of tb«<br />

LoJ »t*TLn«ouj, b** ueot to report<br />

tbc »-aff LKtulu^ ID i>cn>>uo to (be cap-<br />

la la on dui> ut [NJIUX- tR-aJfjaartcnt.<br />

cfiL'V «.bk b bo c-irrU-vl out Ui* o-rt£iaal<br />

LIII-UU LcL«; lo tt>*.> bwtcl and lo<br />

bed<br />

Hut fix* a 1>JD£ tluwj after tbo pu«4<br />

LklnJ^Ltl tjuU-t bii-J »** *- Ue avroke. WTC»-<br />

timc «itb tbU U.B*--4 (>rvb*cm w<br />

baU rt*ro op to f-anfruot bltn. for DOV<br />

tbrre van oo loacvr aay doub-t La bl*<br />

tbc Urnc arm uf tbc<br />

cblno was rva< bli.£ uat for him pcf-<br />

•o>m.lljr u->) • tua i K-oiu-r or LiU*r U<br />

0au*4 i«4i-* lo a Hf«* -aad oVatb gnippie<br />

CHAlTKB XV.<br />

oa Tire KJIKZS or TUC uwa ocna.<br />

I<br />

T wus oa ibo riming of tbe dcy<br />

fulloaluc tbo safe blowing La<br />

liiouut* otllct» in tbe Tempi*<br />

court balJdln; that a one<br />

specLiI truLu SII(>|HX1 unofltentatl<br />

Icta tiw caplMl fr blm oat or tbo caplLaL An4 Lf<br />

yoci think b* baa been catberlojz etV<br />

«Set*re uv 10 It tiLat be oocan't gtt a<br />

cbanco to UJ*-C 11 HOW &bo>at that mat<br />

ttr in ibe Klfib ward? WO'TO co< to<br />

conke sure of Gryeua lhl» tlXD-Q."<br />

KUtrvdce b*.ld up a thamb and foro-<br />

flnjvr iLcbUy prcvaed toevtber.<br />

"WVic cu< tbo city warda rlgfrt<br />

tbrrc," be i^Ul "with tbo Ho-iioratio<br />

David [>r\iiy aafely eorbred. Ho ts<br />

playtDC Q ilr-ef. pnw this time—«o d*ep<br />

that It U aliogviber oixdercroond and<br />

oat of MLCIII. Bat wo have him down<br />

jxutt tbe fcacne.*"<br />

Tb* rice i-re»lt^d itu* IM-M |Hi&b wUlcb algiUa-led to<br />

bL» trjLn txioductor.<br />

Tb.il I* all I Uare to aay, 1 bo cco-<br />

cludi-d. w K«vp yoar c*jr© on yoaa^<br />

Biooai oDd gvt rid of him for a few<br />

days. I'U lea TO tbe details to yoo.<br />

Get oraWru for me as yoa £t> op. Klt-<br />

trwlcv. nod l**i • 1*) oot as soon as pos-<br />

sible- 1 oufibf lo be halfway to Alkali<br />

by tbU ilme."<br />

Il waa joo rm Rsjii-ett, a reporter tor<br />

the I hilly Capital, wUo told Evan<br />

DlounC of ibe arrtval of tbe preal*<br />

deal'* cor. runnlnjj as Becoad section<br />

of Ibe oreriaod.<br />

ElaQotwt had tried Ineffectually to get<br />

to tbv [trlc-ate car, bavloff toe bis ob-<br />

ject tbe Uitervlewlas of tbe vice preal-<br />

d-euL<br />

EUoaat tboacbt It a tittle aioffular<br />

tbar tbo vtct- president abooid como to<br />

tbv -rapltal socntly, bat bo did not<br />

stop to »i>ecaittte opon this.<br />

plcloo that Oanirjr was not pamilng<br />

bis tbre-at of cxposare up to UcVlckar,<br />

be di-tcrmlncd ot once lx> sees an ln-<br />

tervltrw wltb tbe vlrc raresldcot.<br />

Walkliur rapldlr dawn ta tbe Blerra<br />

avenue station, be saw a U«*bt In Oan-<br />

trj'ai offlce. aod. meanlna-- to be fair first<br />

and sovrrr/ oflerwonl. Ii Dcedfal. ba<br />

ran Dp ibe stair and tried tno door of<br />

tbe trofllc manact-r's offlcc It or«ened<br />

oxxlif bis band- Gantry was at bis<br />

desk.<br />

"Usnlctt lells me tbat tlcVlckor tx<br />

tn town." be be-gnn abmr>tl-r. "Wbere<br />

la beT~<br />

"Banlett Is mistaken—a boot twenty<br />

mlnates fnlstakcn."* wo* GaDtrv'* re-<br />

ply. ~IJr. alcVlcksr passwl ibrotKb<br />

bo*» a few mlnotes aco on bis war I<br />

Twin Canjoo City. Uls sueclal ba»<br />

been cone ton>r Ultle time.*"<br />

~Wben Is be cotnlsa; back"r*<br />

-I doot know."<br />

*XrW voa see bUor*<br />

"I did."<br />

•Did joa take DP witb him ibe mat'<br />

%xx ot* tssnlnf DCTW torlfli^—lo do away<br />

wltb tbo prcfere-arlal* or to level tbo<br />

public rate* down to tbcrar**<br />

Gantry shifted uoa-aolJy In bis choir<br />

and tried lo evade "Tnern waa very<br />

Uttle time,"" bo said. "Mr. alcVlckar<br />

was la a creot borry, and bl* Bnedal<br />

was beld only a few mlnotes."<br />

Bloont rraat-u-d tb* room and aat<br />

down.<br />

"Dick, we've come to tho last romxj-<br />

up." be said sravely. "In tbe oatst*<br />

ot tblnss I can't give yoo say moro<br />

time- Voo'v* tot to do -wrt frffa" and<br />

do U ijalckly. I aod Co*. G Ktm* 3 77<br />

lijua UlW, W'oodUod, -Swiuup<br />

•od KAW WlU. &«O JUm u.<br />

V. W, VUimsxteri *i t, IVrfc. I.-ora-H.-Ti.<br />

I-»U 3 li<br />

A- Ixa-laiavj, furlrt t-ocutioo, II<br />

it±-*n Htr«xi, Hou»ar a-QsJ Lul, Vj<br />

JLCTT 4<br />

5w-ru.ll. lloctiv-* and Lot. 1 A*7re 5<br />

H. W-mlkrr. Pax*t lootUjo. 37<br />

luJUiad W«Ur«<br />

V3 Acrraj- .....,•..<br />


I)-raiiU.Ulr. Aiiful 17.191^<br />

SALE,<br />

By virtus" of • writ of FUT. t r 4V-rU-,<br />

of Mtivt-fmsttS PVrailjrs, U> ta« (f<br />

»S out of tb« Coart of Cfe-tncrry •<br />

J*»»«-y, ua like 7li» day of Juor, A- 1>. l>t<br />

to n ewrtjiin mu*x»- «bcrrln Tho Cooorr BoiM<br />

to* n-o4 U u AMOCUUOO of rcumirti, N- J-<br />

U cucnD-Uio-uit. nod Uurria U'Uliam Ilonv<br />

tUla. £W*tr<br />

3M. lo hortloa "C" oa Uke pUa of UM to<br />

of -Urrma Uty *UiocUUoa!<br />

y^-^if^piy*rf e>( M point %n (2**" r-s-r-yrth»-f**tyy*<br />

sld-s of XV*st a-frnu*. al Uae distaooc oa* lu-ji<br />

hun-rlrccl aiKt Uii--t-r Ic-rt -*outha*f-at--rly 1\<br />

U» auuUioraXrrlr lid* of — - -<br />

•trt;<br />

of tnat<br />

id W<br />

aouttistrrly Une of TnLriy<br />

t; contaLoln* tottrtncT- •outhwr<br />

at point It. front or brcm-Jtn o<br />

West •vrnue. •arrrnt* r«ct Hot K<br />

11 thit d il K XS<br />

oo Ux.<br />

IMrt-r *-uwi iui* k«^ *fiM> cu-olala-<br />

I f-artr r»-H» auxl at Ua-U -.ullti rralrn-ilns<br />

'--"a*"-, or «t*ptiB parO>*aj--slarrly, b '<br />

Uwa panlltl »U1> aakl Tt-JrtJ-l£/rd<br />

oo* hnndnd fc-r« to a OXU-m tn-l .<br />

aU-ctct. ITt-c souU>-a--sl UH-B of lot Ko. *B<br />

brloa- lia Ui* *-toi-t*-**-B»l lin-s of<br />

KcxuEna C Vau-rows. by csf-c-ti bcmrln*- dale<br />

Ux. I'-.c-atr-arUi day of Iarplrmt>--r, 1*11,<br />

and of a-c-t-ord to Ux offlo* cilb-o rirri tj<br />

Caja M-ur f-oaanty. in Book Mo. "BO of Dc-r-Ja.<br />

Cmom<br />

uUo<br />

V* COBS0M Bhoiff<br />

Printed bn ara better than odd<br />

acrapat of ou pasteboard. We prmt<br />

If jroa a hatatt)*,<br />

aVvsas-atii fk*HBssl *4>al V^sl Jtt a 1 Mar^^*BasBBBBBBl<br />

and iniiiininasa. artrtto at tfca atat of<br />

bto. TW» m crfuo ti.<br />

trnftosa of wwk kkhwya aad ti«r»<br />

to (iwvw daatar la datay. Dean's KU.<br />

DTT fttto Myayrtottjr mpunl for<br />

"'•-• "H^ill. oE) by<br />

rcoM tyhv»<br />

Ha martt ta many tasda. Ca<br />

CU. rmdm aaoold taka C<br />

in to UM a-traifttforward<br />

erf a Cap* HayC. H. dU<br />

M Jh Tl<br />

Mrs. John Taylor, MarttinU- fit.<br />

Cap* Kay C R, aaya: "I aa pleai-*!<br />

to conflna tts> pshUe s-tat«nktnt I -rav»<br />

a f*w nara axo. tucoasotadlttg<br />

DoaUk'a iGctnary FUta. 1 used this<br />

ta-lkin» wbs-a •sffcrta.i from ba^k-<br />

ach* aad waavk kictnar-r* and b > rs.<br />

markaiiJty short Ua>* ti mad* to* w-OI**<br />

Prlca BOe. at all cWaicrs. Doot<br />

simply aak for a Udnarr ra-aaady—-r-rt<br />

Dca a Kidoary PUls—tb* same £at<br />

Mrs. Tarter had.. FostaT-MUbon- Co,<br />



• *<br />

WHOLE NU<br />

LUTHER T.GMFFSON William H. Bright<br />

H0LLT BEACH. N. J.<br />

Mrs. Taylo ad<br />

Propa, Bcffaio, N. Y. adv<br />

SALC<br />

jtrames OF THK p*uae<br />


ooioirmiowigt OF pgxpa<br />

8p*dal attmtk*?! tfna to<br />

CiQidlm-wtniiKlv ai n<br />

work tn all 1U hranchsa<br />

A4*-tnt for<br />

PLATE OUL83 INS. CO.<br />


i. LUDLAM<br />

fira/ Estate, Conveyancing,<br />

Fir© Insmraiioo<br />

Aay Part et Cap* Hay Cocaty.<br />

9, -ilrCta* J a -aivll of Fieri Facia*, far<br />

aaJai of Mo-rta-aa--d aVcaaiaa-a, to in* Olrr-iiBvl.<br />

tsatard oa4 of Uk* ('-a«-rf oa* Caaaocv-ry ttt Krm<br />

>#-ra*7( can t^» UXh day of Aa-aJ-a-U. A. U.<br />

l«t->. La m orrtaLa raraa* -as**-r-ria ABBJCW<br />

>••—-' I<br />

slili «stn-*d<br />

<strong>On</strong>e d«y a* si« aat tn n*r old boat.<br />

which tbo bad drawn op oa the sand<br />

while abe prepared ber tacfcia- for a<br />

day s flshtnjT. an* obsarred a taovlaf<br />

Ictore «--''•-*• *-af »»w£ his ay* aboot tor<br />

,*cw England scene* of Bxherfolk. Al<br />

least, BO Bho tathtred froa tb* way<br />

In which to seemed to be. oiamr-vtnx<br />

tbo ty---ea.<br />

Tbo camera man placed hla camera,<br />

rot hla film ready and bejaa lo turn<br />

ila crank on the. beach BOera*. To<br />

:lv* the action HOB* deilbe-rataly<br />

shotcd off her boat betore It »M<br />

ready aad ecjulpped. Her UUle bump-<br />

backed Cxure. sat tlaclf to tn* acat and<br />

os-o t-ctia to row oat steadily, real-<br />

lag all tbo Urn* It-it th* camera<br />

>aa focaa-od on her.<br />

-To make. It 4-ood I *la»ld capalxa.<br />

ut 1 cant on a sea llto thl* aad In<br />

hi* tob." she laaibed to herself since<br />

DO 000 ***-• closa tnoath to bear tae<br />

bucklo from tiader ber crluled Olio<br />

up.<br />

And—I Uko tbe look of that taovto<br />

mm-Tom Martin. I tMnk bla name<br />

uu—oow that I sea Mm here la n*-<br />

uro* o»n country." Boa* coald ae*<br />

ttut iho cut La ber was waking o°-<br />

For neck* abe had co Tnllm-ml* ex-<br />

cept those fitted to Inhabit In* being<br />

or an old flahcrmn .<br />

Tbat Dlsit. for the first time alnc-s<br />

ber arrival tn tb* -tin***, sh* te-lct>ed<br />

oat ber Uttle b-andls of Bos* Urents<br />

clothlDK aad donned tbe g-arm«iU-<br />

Tbi n. the old lady b-tlow being either<br />

asKrp or too deaf to bear, she foaad<br />

ber way oat to tbo moccoJlt beacb and<br />

aloa« to Iho hotel, nearly a mll» dls-<br />

III-II Bne waJked erect and stood<br />

r-«-t Bad enlojed Ibe sprtagln** Bal»<br />

she bad been Una bio to cse for so<br />

OG£.<br />

Ebe know that abe waa coins •-'-<br />

deUbcrate search of Tom Martin.<br />

the camera mm. And ahe wondered<br />

why cot. It wa* perfectly natural<br />

for ber to wast to aee BCtmeoae from<br />

ber former life.<br />

Bho almost sttzmblod on Mm a* abe<br />

approached blm. lie waa sLartlng<br />

out (or a stroll on the beacb, since<br />

be knew Bo one wltb whom to asso-<br />

ciate.<br />

M MLt* nrent. U It poBtlhleT" he<br />

-stammered, when Rose deliberately<br />

let tbu moon shine In her tace as she<br />

paxsed him<br />

*"Aod yoa. Mr. Martin. How odd!"<br />

Hoeo EalJ. hypocritically.<br />

"Odd. bat delightful. Are yoa r-olng<br />

Bomcwhere, or do yoa want to walk<br />

ullh me?" ho asked.<br />

ROM walked with him for three<br />

bourv, and In tbe cad she told Mm<br />

tbo whole story, even to tbo episode<br />

of the day *»hl!-> he was turning his<br />

camera on ber. -<br />

"You—you're a trump, Mia* B#-ent-<br />

Aad shall yoo continue Ions; ln this<br />

pluy?" he asked-<br />

-Ob. yt*». for a while, for I'm rain-<br />

ing my strcogtb."<br />

Tom Mnrtln looked at ber. "And.<br />

lf 1 may add It. yoar beauty."<br />

After that tbe moviaa; picture man<br />

managed to upend more than one<br />

ct-ek-end at .tho old fisher vUla4**e.<br />

and whenever ho did be and the Uttle<br />

eld asberman were seen In sign con-<br />

versation on the beach. But at night<br />

their words were Dot ln sign lan-<br />

Kua£t>. unless Capld'a lans-oofo t*<br />

vrittcn that way.<br />

tn p<br />

CLO •! rta&l sB<br />

,.-» -uiodrT-4 fr-rt k><br />

r*riac««(-Q Hsrtnr. tad<br />

&& K-t-»«-(O s*ki<br />

afor**a-Ul. ttf dUtsnce at tftirtr f>4 L> I2W<br />

picT LUM of ssid fltm-iau- ILut«-r.<br />

tb« saj»« prrmj--rs wllkai AIBUI Ur-<br />

np-fcaT, CiT I-a*S«-Btur« b-rsrltM<br />

tii day of Mar, A. 1> nil.<br />

.d m la UM O-TB.-» UOeo c/ , ,-a<br />

TursDAr. sxTTarataza it. im,<br />

bct*a««--t tba boors of rwfx-m Bad fl-r« o'ck--ck<br />

p. wi to Wit, »4 ao-B c/cifH-Bl tn to* sjtrr-<br />

aaaa ot s»M day. al UB* UMrieTB oOor. u><br />

aix May Court lloua*. Caf-a Ray County,<br />

i d<br />

A. M. In tatf Utffci CAM of ap* Ky u<br />

ly, sAd t-ottt-d and bcturwVd aa fUia-*i, a^<br />

it i —<br />

t • petal La<br />

iy Ua* «>f Ws IM r<br />

K/ty «*-4) rc«l suulh-ararvaj-dry fl-ocxi Ih-r<br />

l U l J Od U f L<br />

lic<br />

Him of<br />

l^c-DCv a-aut&aiT-il-asJtl'y alockS uk<br />

D 0/ ^..Mn-*-« m*mac ac-a-nit-i-<br />

fc-rt lu> La* croUr of a lo* ninmt--T<br />

&s-m (13) : Lta-r-oc-r [--c-rt-b-av'Bt-araJ'-lly bJn-5-<br />

by -kakl k-l 00* h-xnctr-*d aad cUly «l*-a><br />

i;^> fort to a coam-r-r of lot K-mt-cT oxtc-n--.<br />

-Lj-Oti Uodiiia- by Bald lot<br />

*-> tn»<br />

rsrU-mla* sttr-srrvsa ta. rr-w-CU* U C. _<br />

aa-a Hl-lar Cajautsv. D-raataav •>> tosl *a>-<br />

-Batrs Bai as-atrac-ta a apai-iahy.<br />


U-*o---B -koulacmar-a al-diy tc-adjz**- by<br />

on* t***±rrd aad Bfty |tM> frrt<br />

pi-u-c oa* br-rtnr-lni-r<br />

T*n* prc-pCTty ^mlll ba> soid sutkK-rt t^ a<br />

OxaJ e-K-rix-LSr 00 -a hies 12)--**-- tt> due tar<br />

»-!•"-• 0/ C3S7. «ltb lo-WT-rsI l*rom Jai-M-taxy I.<br />

Ifllt. aaU aiao aulaiort to t-ae tUUi*ia4<br />

\or 18O> a-u-unUiul ao 111JtC ailli loliml<br />

Fc-e Ilk* >- (a cx-c-pc-rstiaD> bsAJuvot.<br />

la banknvci-y. KcUn ofUk.<br />

Tt» u-rdcT--J«-ic-d. mm TttaXr* U Uw (IIJT<br />

till * Lomba-r Coouauty. o> Oc-raJa Oly. H.<br />

.. -aUl Bli-t. oa<br />

TKUKSvDJL^ 0aaB*VTS3C*BlsmaW*r S*B 19t**V<br />

t '•'**» p. I--*-, st the Ptsst of Uk* CocnDauijr.<br />

toc-stid at sii/Us M. and West *!«, Occst-<br />

Oty, N, J^. like foUowtoa d€-aod tr»ru<br />

of Uad. loCrtlkfT wtn>la-t r-Q.lkll-H sJtu-<br />

itc-d tac-r**a-o t<br />

II.I ALI tikst r-r-r-ula tract or pic-<br />

of Ocraa City, cou-iry of Csp« Way a*»J'<br />

of N«-w Itntj. dr->c-rU>--d as foIlo-aB.<br />

lo oil:<br />

Bexinnln* st a polo! fa-nacd by tlx la-<br />

TB«cU--a of tae oorrt->--r--->4erty line of V>r>l<br />

• exxjo -.ltb Ute sc-U><br />

rt^U cnnfslnlna a-a-g*ii--n all llj of that<br />

poiot La froat or tkra-sdtb oa tae said<br />

tkoc-Ut-arB-t-nriy tia* of West a-rs-aoe OBB EUU>-<br />

dfrtd UiLrty (130) fc-rt. and of tbat widts n-<br />

la Lracth or cVpt-a uuf Uiw-estc-rly<br />

liara tksraU*! -alti said &tslb a-t-r-rrl<br />

Ibe -ar-aaB.--- -1,-----,.------ 1 --a —<br />

c-r wttb u» msc-brna-s-yln '-^''--"--r' on plot<br />

ruuofaci-Dd I. WUI t-S a-alcaJc-tflUy or *a-psratr- .<br />

-B*tm«n- In Military Service.<br />

Tho County Palatine engineers aak.<br />

among other things, for 181 driven<br />

and hstmr-i. What la a batmanT Ttit<br />

term seems to be only a mllitauy -* 1 tt<br />

It apparently means the driver 01<br />

manager of packhorsea. A bat hers*<br />

Is • packhorse which carries officer.<br />

-Bat"<br />

so many la a 1<br />

t*alllta*-y<br />

. and.<br />

y y words, it U<br />

Vrencli. Tnere la a **---TrT**-n arTs-*acJ9<br />

proverb. ~0*est la qoe Ia bat lo blsstae*<br />

—or "That Is where the saddle hurta.<br />

or. a* we say, -where the<br />

pLnche* "—sia--..-»>T-*tCT. Oaardlao.<br />

Had Hla Uaaa.<br />

That man doesnt Boem to do much<br />

bot stand arcane and look trnp-artaAiV*<br />

sold the manager- "Yea." replied ">*><br />

proprietor,<br />

that way.<br />

"He* natniaUy<br />

All (ha rest of<br />

Biftad<br />

oa aiw<br />

hnatlmc In snch a harly-borJy faiUca<br />

that I think It wen to keep Um u-oon4<br />

to give a touch of ease and dla-olty to<br />

the some."—Waahinsrlc-n Star,<br />

at.<br />

cooduns. tos-rdker wltb •<br />

Ulmml of ene-TTTiU-sric-cs. will to slstrd<br />

si lime sad plac* of ajaie.<br />

AXfHED W, fOWOX. T»U»IB».<br />

IL Kewvli Heali-ia-s.<br />

Att-jror-r Ior Trust-*. B-U.Uj*fTl«-»<br />

Folly ojBlppa-al tor<br />

tkc Baialaad tw keach.<br />

tow an. ascax Mtk St.<br />

8-1-1-ty flTONB HABBOR. N. J.<br />

Tbe Real Estate and<br />

Search Company<br />

Fidelity Trust Co.<br />

of Newark<br />



Title Inaoraiioe<br />

|w auHctat or WEW JOSCT.<br />

By virtu* of an order of UM Court of<br />

Chancery of Kcw JerseT. Bada oa UM day<br />

of iSTZu.<br />

loo City atMt<br />

T l<br />

in<br />

rt-mnlaTnai-il , .<br />

fen-rls nta. y-oa ara a-ecmlra-d to<br />

d-TOUT or a-rt-r-r to Ib* e<br />

oa or b*f ore rae «U> day .<br />

or la darf-uiit tb-rrcof, aaeb<br />

la> oa Uke day<br />

wh«Ja'A-nj;<br />

Searches<br />

Abstracts of Title<br />

Conveyancing<br />

and Fire Insurance<br />

Ptaaapt B«rrfcm.. ATI work «nai»nt»i<br />

UOOBT to Lou aa Good Ftrat<br />

er next<br />

WlU b*<br />

daid Jl^^ UaCl<br />

dated May -rWli.lstV. q<br />

tbs rV-mnaTi or Bess Uls Cat]-, tn<br />

of Cans slay and atats of K*w<br />

OaSna ta tint ttsflaasl assak •Bilatlaw<br />


. aon-<br />


SHAVE<br />

ft am ptypeg stjaj._t«r Oapt Bnass.<br />

I aartaa -Ifal—~a^! . niM.. fsar CtVlSaS<br />


•rased, said mnalaTat**. yoB claim an ap-<br />

rt-ojito r&U o f^aackaTMewf fcrs«y.<br />

placed ta any part of cocnty.<br />

HAND<br />


oma<br />

• to Ij s. 1--1.<br />

)OOB al rrald/Thc» oa<br />

lto& p --<br />

SOUND<br />



Thro-ajhout all oar BaaUax Ei-<br />

rie-Bcr we ta»e atUwnd cioaxty to<br />

tbe principle tkat to pireanxi ooraelrts.<br />

w» raoat help ocr paUnau to tkrir*<br />

and etpaad.<br />

I'ut lato practice tMs prin-riple. ct<br />

profr-raai-ie tumkiac baa rvsattrd la<br />

many patrotu e*Jat«isM»x r-rlailotui<br />

that bate t>t»rr br-ra<br />

We b.Ule«e that your<br />

• llh our Ber.Ice wooid also be ooe of<br />

unbroiea nlatsse*.<br />

FirstNational Bank<br />

OF OCEAN GIH. H. J.<br />


T HK highest possible award has been con-<br />

ferred upon The Prudential for its won-<br />

derful exhibit on Life Insurance and<br />

Public Welfare. This time the award is from<br />

the Panama-Pacific International Exposition,<br />

in recognition of the superior excellence of The<br />

Prudential's display of business methods and<br />

results. The Prudential has. received awards<br />

at all the great national and international expo-<br />

sitions for many years.<br />

rutbttital<br />

FOUEST P. D«YD£fl.<br />

oo UU Ia*u£TQDo tlato Uao wu><br />

Twin Canion Clly. It illrectol blD" to'<br />

£-> lo a reir>olo poriloo of Ibo atai* bo-<br />

tha Lost Itivcr moontain* to ex-<br />

-Voa beut mo tn It." said<br />

-Tbat was r-reciscty what I<br />

to bec for—tito loon of -rocr<br />

<br />

trodest oa too phntln. Ktffml»-» waa<br />

tn bis omce. soul bs ovidcsUy knew<br />

a£>oat tbo vico president's ta-lcfra-B;<br />

also bo BC-COU-J very onxiooa to Havo<br />

Uu; divuiou cooasei go to Lewlstmat<br />

CQ-tc-a. so aoxioos that bo oAcrr-d bis<br />

own Bervk-u car to be rua aa a sjwxial<br />

train.<br />

Xiiouixt saw oo vay to evado a posV<br />

tivo onler from bts chief, bat be was<br />

n*Bor-e tbaa &ua'ilclaos tbat Gantry or<br />

KlitrtaJcr or ixxuib-y txxh of tbcm<br />

were ct>tt»plriuc lo c^t bira awoytroQH<br />

tb* capital at tbe critical moment.<br />

Wast tliJ out occur to blm ot tbotto*<br />

was tbo fort tbat Sir. UcVlduir'a Itt-<br />

esram mLsbt bnvo original*--! in Kit-<br />

oOcc.<br />

, ilu* ouiirtotcadi-nt to bav*<br />

tbe se-rvtc-B enr mado ready tmmwU-<br />

atcly. bo parki-d his band b&c left a<br />

Dole for I*slrU La nod beean tbo ptelf-ts<br />

Jocroey.<br />

Ia all tils traveling'.tip aod down tb*<br />

tUatc bo '""< oevc-r foand anytnlas<br />

to eqaai tbo niowne-tts of tho special<br />

train- Four mortal boars were lost<br />

oa tbe lonely tfl^'^c' Tbcro was no<br />

station, and Bloaat coaid not tele-<br />

graph. Bo for n« be know, tbo *er»-<br />

aco car tnlgbt htoy tbere for a day or<br />

a week. It wan sit to no parpo&e tbat<br />

bo quarreled ntlb hU coadoctor. Tbe<br />

train cn*«r bat] orders to wait for<br />

westbound 17, nod Ibcru was nothing<br />

to do bat to keep oo waiting.<br />

Late In tbo afternoon train 17 or<br />

•ame otber train came alone, and the<br />

special wa* -iuco moro Bet tn motion<br />

casttrajrd. but at dinner time It was<br />

again sidetracked, cigbty odd miles<br />

from Its destination, and once moro<br />

at a blind aiding, wbcre tbero was no<br />

telexrapb office- Tbo cor waa BUII<br />

Btanolog on tbe Biding wben Biouat<br />

went to bc<br />

were out of town, and tneir lawyers<br />

bad goae to tbo ca'ilUil. Biount saw*<br />

tbat be mlgbt trnlt a week without ac-<br />

tempcisniag unytblag- bexur-o be Imrrnv<br />

wiateiy lofltrocU-d bl* conductor to 8*t<br />

•rders (or Ibo return.<br />

Alter having been gono a leisui-ely<br />

half boar Ibo coadactor camo back<br />

to the service car lo soy Ibat tbo Biaj-1*<br />

teie-grapb wiru connecting Lowiatoa<br />

witb tbe outer trorld was down and<br />

tbat tbe orders for Ibe rvtnrn Jocr-<br />

Isey could oot be obtain«-d untli tbe<br />

telesrar-h connectioa waa restored. At<br />

tbat point Bioanf look matters lni*><br />

his own bflrwis.<br />

There was a mining company having<br />

tta headquarters to tbe Isolated town.<br />

lAd Bloont had met tb* casjUBaTtjT'oaca<br />

ta tbe caoUal-m-it him tn a aodal way<br />

ai-*w*j had, bceo ablo to abow It-'*-' •*-* day. but llloont foond him at<br />

tbo railway clab.<br />

-Ja«t a Tkord. Uki," be besan wben<br />

b*"*<br />

you helped blm. I bad lo borrow on<br />

autorxMbUe lo como bock tn trom<br />

LewUlou."<br />

"Confound joor said Gin try be-artl-<br />

ly<br />

Hat that wo* all tbat bo bad a<br />

ctu'Dro to say. ginr-p Blou-it bad tufu-<br />

cd abruptly and was already Leaving<br />

tbo club lo go on lo tba hotel.<br />

hlaco (hi- clecltoa was cow DO moro<br />

rfa-iu ibr-oe djiy* distant tbo Intcr-<br />

aJouniiiia lotliy was QII«-d with croups<br />

of cuucuslAg politician*. Notwttb-<br />

-uulAtf* tbv i>oaition bo bad takxn<br />

end lUo o->ea cjod feariesaness wltb<br />

wbkb be bud discussed tbo political<br />

iatUm publicly ta every con*idera<br />

lown lu tbo state, Evan Blount<br />

was sill! a 1'iixxlo to those wbase ways<br />

were, by ne«l and tbo force of cir-<br />

aniniaQcv. ibo rcTcrso of atral£btfor-<br />

rard<br />

Biount was balte-d balf a dfftam<br />

n-kc-K l**rurv bo couid make hi* way<br />

to tbo elevator, and tbe pumping<br />

or-TL* to n'blcb bo wo* subjected at<br />

each fret* balling space amused htm.<br />

It *ui I'Ulnly evident that In spile of<br />

be hni| bald and done a<br />

abi* r.u>urll>- of tba politician* w<br />

'* rt-c^irulng him as In somo<br />

bis father"!- llculcaanl. Somcwbat to<br />

bis dlui'ixilntmcQt bo found tbat Pa-<br />

tricia bad c"ao oat with hLs fatber<br />

•ad bis fatUcr'* wife to dinner; benc«<br />

b* waa fon.-d to sit at a tablo In tbo<br />

cafe wllb ttin>o of tbo caucusing pol-<br />

lticUa* and wa* oblli-«d to Dad hi*<br />

i-noderau- pleaaarc la trying to<br />

tb-rir very cildrat p»-rple«Hy loseDotb-<br />

- of Its bcutcoe-ui during tbo tnbl*<br />

boor.<br />

'Wbeu be n*acbL-d bis office on &at<br />

crday mumln^r. after an carty and<br />

BoiLUry linpkfast at ibo bold, tbo<br />

young reformer iicorcd. or tboagbt bo<br />

bad sctirvd. bU tlrxt small victory<br />

Amoot: ilit- unirclo-kes on bis desk was<br />

one bt'-irla-r tbv Imprint of the trade<br />

cmcc- It lncU>*M-d a carbon copy o.<br />

tbe nolle© required by law of o. pro-<br />

posed chjuj*i* la frvlgbt rates.<br />

Hastily comparing tbo figures wltb<br />

tbe meaKiraodum In bis pockctbook.<br />

Biount fell tbu tension relaxing for<br />

tbo flrst llmo la wri-ck*. At the long<br />

last Gantry or bin superiors bad sur-<br />

-rezkdered. The- rnle-s on lumber, elec-<br />

trical supplier* and other commodltic*<br />

which had been given Illcgnl l>rcfen*n-<br />

tlals Were to hv n.-ducvd lo tbo figure* 1<br />

given to ibo favurvd corporations.<br />

Blount paused a bony Baturuoy, put<br />

ting In most of tiin time at bis desk.<br />

«*>ni-n- op tbo boll-) In tbe afternoon.<br />

bo found that hi* father had taken<br />

Patricia and Honorta for a drive In<br />

tb*> roadalcr. and at dinner time tho<br />

a*u-tiomoblie party bad not yet retum-'<br />

•d. Bloant went back to bis offlcv<br />

alter a haaty dinner and worked lot<br />

Into tbo night- Tbo eve of battio bod<br />

arrived, and bo was striving to clinch<br />

U>o nail of argument as well as bo<br />

Could by writing many letters to tho<br />

political mends be bad mode In going<br />

top and down Ibo state.<br />

Tbe Sunday proved to be a very<br />

ouiet day, tboagb the lobby of tbo In-<br />

trr-Mcumtatn was still tbo as-sembllng<br />

place for tbo cxxtbcrlag claaa of poll-<br />

tlctans. Bloant went lo church tn tbe<br />

morning because Patricia rni-iirtnrt<br />

Upon It and bl* appearance tn tbo pew<br />

-aa a member of Iho Honorable David*<br />

family would have caused fresh com-<br />

ment If there bad been any cbnrcb-<br />

gt-fcra among too visiting politicians,<br />

i After luncbeon bo borrowed tbe<br />

Moadsier and look rntrtcta for a drtv<br />

*f1**B day was perfect, and tbo roads<br />

•jrero In mod condition. Wben<br />

had put distance between them and<br />

tbo Bnndsy quiet of tbe dry<br />

&• told Patricia of hU cipcriejjc* wltb<br />

Kmtcdgirv spaclal train.<br />

-Do joa think u ww batendodl- ah*<br />

a-ajfrf-i wben ba> r>ai* flAjaba-A **»*« rtm j<br />

*"I haT-cn't tbe alifhtcat ArnM ot It<br />

now. Mom than that, jrthln* tb»<br />

beartoc Ht Uo'Vldar-s<br />

nam* waa a bold fotxerj. Bet I am<br />

brtnfflna tbcjs to lUoe,** b* w-tnt on.<br />

axnltlAS otcr Ms oo»* ax-xall victory-<br />

rrbct-o U to be an rttolas Bt> ot<br />

rslra, and ooa mor» rooco of<br />

railroad boos* will ba ciaaft. I<br />

ht-Usre Ur. UcWekar has meant to b*<br />

Calr all alone, bat th* o-rcrleaka-r*<br />

•abordlaato Is always th* hardest man<br />

lo handle **<br />

I am elsd.** she aald. Aod ta tb*<br />

s-on.at.trK> of bcr aptp-roval tbo yoanx<br />

man Bpcnt a very happy al*tri*rooon-<br />

At breakfast Monday nMrnlAC Evan<br />

Bloont CLgnla toads tb* *en»tor*s -party<br />

of threo a party of fc-ttr and at tablo<br />

fiend a paullna; aaj-ortso r-Hng* tn wall<br />

jr Mm<br />

Tbe crltiotl d, and tt waaV Bctp-<br />

poaable 00 rvery hypc-Uktais that the<br />

cemmaoder of an army would chooa*<br />

any ofber day rather than thl* to b*<br />

aboent from bis post- Bst at tbo<br />

b-re-akf!asi tablo he heard his ratK*--. aj>.<br />

noenc-e calmly lhat be> waa s-atnt" to<br />

drive oat to Wartrace. for no b-rtlcr<br />

Btatnd re-oaoo than a poixJy roottn*<br />

of Vmttngm talk with<br />

ranch tnanaj-rr a boot tho aMpmcnt of<br />

a tratnlood of beef cattla<br />

WhQo HJoont sat tn open eyed as-<br />

tooishcoe-at tbo day was pcanaed for<br />

thero and then. Tbe arraa**-cmc-nt<br />

made was ono tbat left ratrtda freo<br />

to ket*a> an ****'-p*a*f-***'* | i(* at tho<br />

while the eenator drove to<br />

WAitrartft tn tho roada-ti-r. Tbo ltttlo<br />

«ar. which ratrtcU had been told to<br />

call h«r own. waa to bo left at tho<br />

Canute, and abe waa to drive out ta<br />

th* aftamoo-Q. hrtuxtnaT E^van with her<br />

tt bo cart*d to coma.<br />

It waa Mrs. noo-o-rta who mado tol*<br />

BTtafna-iwnl and In lh*> *-**•**t Cf hfa<br />

ifa*s-r>*--*-. Bloant acknowlotla-ed a<br />

ws-rrn Hrw-iitng- of STatUsde. If the<br />

Ettle lady wbom bo waa trylnf aoccav<br />

dstcntty to *v^iifr^-* had *octaol to do<br />

bar beast to ktx-p htm aod Patricia<br />

tpart daring tho early part of tbe<br />

gtrr* visit abs now appeared to be<br />

doing what abo c-ookl to atotaa. Bloont<br />

Tentni-od ooa QD-os-tioo and coo o&ly,<br />

• U wuo acWrcx-secl to hla father.<br />

"Do J*ct> bappen to R-sembcr that<br />

thi* t* Ibo final day before eloctlo-ar*"<br />

he aslic-d.<br />

**So U ta; so tt U, ootQ." was tbo ores<br />

tenod rcpljr.<br />

"I thought maybe yoo had<br />

tt." said Evan quietly.<br />

*"I havo la a cacti rare.*' snilLcd tbo<br />

bos*, -ocki If yoa'U uko my advico<br />

yooil forsret It too. Tbo poiutc-al apell-<br />

blnder wbo- boar-'t said bl* say aad<br />

doao his do before sunrtso tbu mora-<br />

tafir o-occia't expect that bo's f-xilaa-r to<br />

be able, to CUB tbo trc-o op by Its roots<br />

betwevn uoar aad tomorrow mom In*:'<br />

It was tut until tbe yoo.n*--t--r man<br />

wo* Irovlnc tbo table, exxnulng Mm-<br />

•cif oa Ibo pica of batlncsa. tbat Ibo<br />

-trlfo cUiKbed tbo arranc**-<br />

fur thu aftcmoon.<br />

Yooll como out wUb Patricia,<br />

won't you I** she- said, patting tt fairly<br />

-tj-p to tlUD tt> -.-GOaCfkt Or K£<br />

-Of courBC, 1 " bo stami-ier-ed. "I snail<br />

bo dcllgtited."<br />

-You dou't say It Quite- aa li yoa<br />

meant tt.- Uucbed tho care wbo was<br />

to drive him out lo Wartr-icv. "bat 111<br />

bo chartuM*- and cfo yoo tbo benefit<br />

of Ibo IIHIU. WIMTO can I i-lck yoa<br />

or>. say, between 1 and 2 o'clock? Mm.<br />

W'catberfordii luncbcoo U lo bo really<br />

a nr-cmb dije-ancr. aod I Bhall bo<br />

ablo to £vt awny early."<br />

-If It wouldn't bo too much troohlo<br />

for voo lo stop by for mo at tbo Tem-<br />

pi* court,- Ilioont becsa, and when<br />

oodcl'-d b*.-r ar-r'iiie-frccn-rt* bo went<br />

away, still wondering at bla father's<br />

cairn todlfiVrcuca* on tbo very boar<br />

-rtrlklng w«- of the creot battle.<br />


Tut aooaaxcic<br />

I<br />

T was on this aama Monday -morn-<br />

lug, duy of preparation* for polit-<br />

ical battles, tbat Mr. Richard<br />

Canto, anawrrlng a telepbono<br />

call on tbe long distance line, hastily<br />

closed hi* d'-uk and left hi* office to<br />

make hi* way by quiet side streets to<br />

tbo Uallway clab garage. • Klttredgo's<br />

car was In tts place over ono of tbo<br />

pits, and ibe chauffeur was polishing<br />

tbe brajui.<br />

"Get bc-r In commission ln aboot<br />

threo shakes of a dead lamb*' tall<br />

Uabcratro.** aald tbo traffic manager<br />

briefly. Tvo got to ga Bomowbcra ln<br />

a hurry. Ik> you want an order from<br />

your boasT"<br />

The chauffeur snook his bead- "No<br />

cucus It'* all right, if you say so. Mr.<br />

Gantry," bo rvplU-d. And a little later<br />

ho had taken on his supply of £oso~<br />

llno and tho motor was whirring mer-<br />

lHy under Iho hood.<br />

"Where tot** bo naked when Gantry<br />

climbed lo tbe mechanician's scat be-<br />

"Out of town to tbo north by tno<br />

Quleti-st Btrc-i-lif you con find- Then<br />

take the Quarctaro county road. Wo<br />

are duo at Cliffcrest Inn Just about<br />

fiiloea mlnutca sooner than we can<br />

gvt tbcre."<br />

Ko moro than a qa&it-er of an hour<br />

was consanied before tbo car had<br />

tvound Itit way to Ibe summit of tbo<br />

-.tu-aa and waa wheeling to a halt bo-<br />

foro tho entruoce of a small rammer<br />

resort bole! perebc-d among tho pines<br />

at Ibo edgo of tbo caayoa cliff. There<br />

wcro no guests on tbe hotel verandas,<br />

sod Gantry knew tbat tbe lan'a •<br />

son bad closed two weeks earlier.<br />

TCct bo sprang from tne car and went<br />

fa as If bo expected to flnd tbe place<br />

open and occupied.<br />

It was open, and tn the coxy gnests*<br />

writing room at ono of tbe table*<br />

drawn up before a cheerful wood nra<br />

•at tho vice president of tba Trans<br />

continental seemingly la solitary stata.<br />

Bat ts tb* room beyond a batta-rx of<br />

telegraph Instruments clicked baafiy<br />

•iad a close observer would hara r-s-<br />

nm«^ that tbe small tablo befar*<br />

tbe Ore was fitted wttb • row of el*o-<br />

tric call buttons.<br />

different Inn. deserted of guests,<br />

hod been transformed Into tbe hUfirn<br />

headquarters In tbe Odd of tb* com-<br />

mander In chief.<br />

•""Wilir said tbe great roan, looking<br />

op quickly when Ganlry entered. "Too<br />

took your time about getting bcre.<br />

Whoso car Is ihatr"<br />

"It la Klttredgos." aald tb* (raOc<br />

"Better tell blm to net ono that will<br />

make time." waa tbo Impatient com<br />

ment Then: "flit down and tartUjT tbe<br />

•Uuation up to date, and talk fast.<br />

Oantry drew op a chair aad cat* a<br />

baaty rrs-omw of tbe j-K-itfrT- 11 * a*ttaatl*l0aB.<br />

•CrTTTthlnB b*d been das* that coold<br />

b»da-ae. and *o far aa tb* trage mail<br />

a**er know tbs railroad fotcaa w»r»<br />

ready to ci-re-t the tavos at Oa*<br />

Al ooe point, aad only ooa, Us*<br />

troar-a wers weak. *1ra Uatt<br />

OeeXT be explained. "It ha* boaa<br />

awkwardly Ka*--c*Ha-/t SJKJ tt<br />

Bloont aboald happen tx> wtaatt»<br />

It any time daring tb* day I<br />

like to answer for tbe cutiaaqtitoeaaV'*<br />

-Too onfht lo bare mad* tun by<br />

him safety oot of tb* way,"<br />

was tuo roaplns cocameot of tba mat<br />

man. -Voti are tost coa-azDon<br />

-voa and KitlnxliT>—both of you.'<br />

that youaaT lUocnt dlaL-jf and<br />

pioos fraod al oacc Oo back to taa<br />

city aod thluli up eotoe *rb«rrr>* taat<br />

will keep him baay today, too tnary to<br />

out ibo facts tn ta* Oij-txa<br />

mntlcr.-<br />

c°t op and a-tood wtth kit<br />

t-euk lo the- Orr.<br />

-I'm all ta. Ur. UcVlckar. anlthafa<br />

tho humiliating fact. Tbc-r* bmt aa><br />

other Idra left In me," I<br />

rTnpaUlAEly. "Csot *roo beta rsa oat •<br />

Uulc. JJr. MiVk'^arT" '<br />

Bctnc tbu* pot toco to fac* wttb the<br />

tavcatlce test, ibe vie* r^-rsidejlt OA<br />

Dot bc-sltate a mo merit.<br />

-Of CC-OXBC- be craU-d. -tf I hav* to<br />

do your ihlukln** for yoa. Q& bavck<br />

and «*-e-t lalo cocsmanlcstjor-i with QiT-<br />

Tell blm Ib* tlm* ha* cotaa ts<br />

play tbe satne came 00 3* myn s TTVn 1 tit<br />

that bo r*l->Ted foor years a(o<br />

Ilctberv-dgt*. tbe »-pe-ake3* of tb*<br />

Il«-'ll ua-Jcnjland-"'<br />

lint oour (iuatry was """Tf fila<br />

hcud dubiou.iy. -111 do what yoo<br />

BUT ood ili> It quickly. Bat -«~*'--n-f_<br />

Sir. McVkkor. I'm afraid ot<br />

lf IikHiut ^noold happen to go at tcba<br />

Juat rlj-tit tbc-no might be 11 m 1 —ijim 1 • aaf<br />

of nmaurr -wrt. Ci-vaoo Is prvjtty aoiw<br />

n» It 1s."<br />

—Net (.r *-n^pf*l BbCaut th* I Illiil-t'irW-flf-l***<br />

Go aod do aa I tcU TOO to. "~<br />

around U> tne lelepbc-no richirn-* aad<br />

tell tUo [iutu£vr Ibat I want a a-nactal<br />

ofHrralor—a man If he's got<br />

ou ibu loo; dtstanco wire; that yoa<br />

waul IIH* c-3an«-cilua broken<br />

ttu- c-a-.ltal aad Davkl Uloani/a coon--<br />

trjr b.-u-K) and that my wire Is to ba<br />

kept ooca to jou and to Kittr*dx» all<br />

da}-. lias Klttrt-cK-9 cot his<br />

oat truardlns the telegraph wires liii:lr u tu-o Gryson drew Dp a<br />

cLuilr iiu.l Bat dt>arn.<br />

-Ill tell you flrst what It Bint," aald<br />

tbo u'lird t»o*a aullealy. -I alnt berv<br />

10 Uv fur no ruk.coO". I've been given<br />

ibe iil>W vriMU. oud I'm sore. 1<br />

lllouiuo -mile was coDter-ptaoas-<br />

—Vou tloubiU'Mii got what was comlox<br />

to you.*' ho H/ild coolly. —But go<br />

and nil II out nod dont wasts time.<br />

Thin U nnoilur uf my boxy days.'<br />

-I aaat lo eel bold of a newvpapeT<br />

man."" «ald Grysou: -that's what 1<br />

traDi- If they'rv Kolng lo throw m*<br />

&owa 111 >oueal. It ain't too Ut*<br />

yet Money tallua with me every time.<br />

Your beam. McVlckar, tboagbt be had<br />

me coo'w-rvd up lu a barrel, bat tb*<br />

other xlilc xaxv hU bid aad raised If<br />

-U'fcat ottier sldVT" queried Bloant.<br />

—TTjin- ulo't but ouo 01 bcr Bide In this<br />

state wbra yoar daddy gets Into tb*<br />

HOB and polls- off bla coot,** aald tba<br />

bribe takt-r. wtth an evil leer. -Too<br />

ain't been Ogbtlnjr round ber* a coop**<br />

cf months without rtn/Ung that oatT"<br />

"Oo on," was tbe terse com ma ml<br />

"As I w&s o-Baylug. money *^**^ and<br />

tigbt now. wbeu eterrtnlng Is ready to<br />

pall off, HfM^trff" tarns an and aaya ttfc*<br />

barrel'* run dry. Ttje-ro alat nothlna"<br />

left In U for me. By cripea. 111 show<br />

blmr<br />

Bloaut neat Into a reflective tranc*<br />

with balf closwl eyes. Bhcmbfin was<br />

tho macbloe organizer for<br />

tb* **pay bus*.** some called him. Da-<br />

vid mount's sou saw the door to<br />

chamber of nlddea facts slowly optn-<br />

tog heforu him. For aooa raaaoa Ory-<br />

soo. tho twice bought, aod Bold, bad<br />

been cropped, and bis actxiattasT oxatlva<br />

oow was plain rovcagtt<br />

-Tell It oat and tell tt -tv-ify.*, Ory-<br />

aoo." be resumed at tba cod of<br />

-Il'o In tbe nslatratat-a lists ta fbar<br />

wards of this town. Tbey'vo bota<br />

cooked op two to ooe. l*vo cot tba<br />

lists of tho crooked names tight bet* to<br />

my pocket. Bheehan knowa, lAa a<br />

mlttee of tdx* knows, end tba aanator<br />

knows. But I'm tba asa-a tbat can<br />

awltist In them extra: .votaa. awl, tn<br />

than that by ttraba. I'm tbo only m<br />

Wben I told Bheebaa that a Uttla wbBw<br />

ago be Invited ma to go. to b-' '<br />

aa caaay o-aast M

laffTOB IKW WtCl.aWPa<br />

..PUta It. nil r. ta* fallaww»<br />

ladEsTw*»a^JKiva** **>*, sad •*> bv-<br />

wssAswrfaiaaatiaaTF ^<br />

lot of food<br />

I free* ta* cook tant tuna and<br />

" " 1 expect to ba<br />

i on* of<br />

told<br />

microhm than any<br />

... aad than 1 bar* to gat o;<br />

M a aaartar t» ftra, alter geteg » I<br />

atttraa, «UA wUl am naarty kill<br />

•aTSaa U» pif. wfclca U raaUy<br />

A* wwol* U f<br />

•aTSaa U»<br />

MM. A*<br />

t<br />

lca U aUy very<br />

vp—U of am now<br />

t tk t<br />

' $ ; • ; -<br />

• ta wMAw taa<br />

af wsMia amis* a«twt wiSl ttsBsi ta all<br />

•a ^tiaU of pcBbeaJjWtstod*; witfc<br />

«*• (f fata «•* tW otttar aVaald gat<br />

. wl wW laws* Ifcal •«!* wyaW fcav* got-<br />

W*B,BBW1U»WBBW*T. .<br />

asT Wawtaar eraot Us* jetst action<br />

r aad tha Boat*<br />

F ? S •• .•••<br />

li<br />

twtoasaa. It 4* a<br />

t» latariar* tqr taw<br />

— g*ta a> so aarty'to tak* a six<br />

rVaaifc taa far London whar* w* ar*<br />

ajaaaaT to aaa a apacsal bWsaoasi<br />

af • Via-ala) train, aad also gat<br />

•red for oar uniforms.<br />

• tt ta aow cjoit* deflnit* that w* go on<br />

iX train la Franc*, going over<br />

rtaad Ang. 13 or 14 snd begin<br />

ta* train Monday ta* 16th.<br />

b* onita happy<br />

• work for<br />

YOB stack!<br />

•boat I<br />

Wat*<br />

old p.<br />

aa it U<br />

asibUy get.<br />

'* ahall ba always ataay milestrom<br />

Fraox. generally on th* western<br />

oast, we shall carry almost<br />

whaOy Engnah Totamies aad bop* to<br />

baoedtata* bast hospital train going.<br />

Aa I think I said but wesk. it U th*<br />

tnt taa* ctvfllons bar* beta allowed<br />

to raa such a train.<br />

I BBS** tall yoo anpyrthlng of our<br />

;•». Tber* ar* aboot sixty of us<br />

hara Is oaa HIIinr of a big country<br />

aatata. Oxay Grange, owned by a Mr.<br />

I. Bilii Fritnd, hss a<br />

ad is, I bausra. ons of<br />

B British paintara. His<br />

pktuiaa, etc, ar* vary fiat,<br />

hi tha Cntt.<br />

tbaaaatkno<br />

iiiitaa*. pfcr<br />

Sat wa gat ttttl* taa* to enjoy them.<br />

Wa gat op at six wtth Swedish drill<br />

batafo twaakfa th.<br />

act oar ttxrts, two or thrr* boars of<br />

- paay drat mlxsd with band<br />

axnjtcaaT driD- dinner, nor* i<br />

btary French, taa, maybe an-<br />

lertur* or a hot bath, or a walk<br />

to earaarr**. suptiat at arven. thsn a<br />

rtajo Bad a half mil* walk In company<br />

fonaattnn over th* hills to Sir Ceorg*<br />

ttawmaa a who grt*s us almost every<br />

lent talks oo all soils of<br />

•setmamt- W* vrslk back<br />

at half past ten aad go to bad. It very<br />

•flan rains, bot that interferes very<br />

BtUa wtta ear work. Food is quit*<br />

•tabs aad good; wa aat rtsnrllnx up or<br />

' l tha ground. W* all hat*<br />

bags wtth a little straw.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e* a w**k yoo ara a camp orderly<br />

haia tha cook or quartermaster<br />

one* a aaik yoa ar* oo watch a<br />

•sgfct and walk arooad wtth a pick<br />

asa haadl* aad chase rabbits, of which<br />

thara ara. apparently, aom* hundreds<br />

ofJttOBaaada.<br />

•a'ara BwrnsK. which ara reall<br />

•ML Or. Cantltn. whom we<br />

twice a week to<br />

first aid. He U an old<br />

»**A |h* best ambulance<br />

Doctor ta irfifvVm. A woman.<br />

CombeO. ta* most noted woman sur-<br />

gaoo around, tails us aboot dressing<br />

— ip 1 "'^ etc, asveral timrs a week-<br />

To-fpry ***** professor of Political<br />

Ecoaosry at Kttrn* M ">h is goiog to<br />

IsctBZw on ta* political sspects of the<br />

over at Sir George Newman's.<br />

Ha alia* os wonderful talks on all<br />

aorta of diseases, bacteria, etc Hals<br />

tha BsxTWlt bead of th* Covermaenl<br />

—i-***m and is very fa mows H* is a<br />

w*t friend of Bufo* Jooes and is the<br />

great fxiand of Bsfoa Jooea aad la<br />

bad of th* Frteada DnU and tae<br />

the War Of<br />

m<br />

m<br />

i to be<br />

A nCarajaca to •tsttstacs<br />

ttsuu<br />

i •'«* tha factory ••Mnit ta tha<br />

ar It >wa*» -old aad<br />

• that tha brsroT Georgia<br />

.-agaof<br />

n. I<br />

aSaVtaj sa*taBBBBawV*'*av A aajAasW^J ^lis^U WCLeM<br />

af^vwtrwayf BBJs»iwB|||pa1| | si atfW^ OtbCT fcli^<br />

bar* think of Wilson's policy and<br />

lerman notes. Aad this Is what I<br />

wa* glad to bear from ooe of the kind<br />

~ t woo goes out to |"*^*| almost<br />

day with people tike Uoyd-<br />

_i aad has work and business<br />

with them all *h» time. He said that<br />

r* all absolutely satisfied with<br />

I actions, that they looked on<br />

irfaa- — m\ real **»*«»«wi and admired<br />

My wtttinav* aad especially his notes<br />

to thja war crisis as something that<br />

would liva forever. Aa Newman per-<br />

aonalry expressed it, they wfl] be<br />

Placed tn the future with Burke's<br />

Yoo" cant think how happy I was<br />

to bear that this la England^ real «<br />



as AsMrica&s to i°tn the Unit.<br />

Ba is also editor of the ^Friend." snd<br />

is vary busy on th* Drink<br />

which L* endearoTtsg to<br />

all over England. Ha<br />

guard of the foccr of us<br />

I think w* shall get wry good<br />

Th* walk over to his boose ia<br />

tha aaooallgBt has been floe- He tak<<br />

*J |t tha 6S of os right into his library.<br />

m • • •<br />

Do atad m* a complete Sonday<br />

steer every w**k aad the GAZZTTC<br />

A-LsitgaT aad a GAirrnc. no matur<br />

how old, B*ke w^> feel B^I**..* t i^^\*<br />

I ass getting yoor letters, aad the<br />

oaty ttdag wrong U that they are not<br />

h or often enough. Mother,<br />

tall m* things for the good<br />

of nry aooL aad I expect I need them<br />

aS right; but encourage the kids and<br />

rbedy els* : . . . .<br />

g<br />

you can to write me the<br />

kind of Jetora.<br />

not own op to bains: fn^dck.<br />

Bad tae work loakb better and bigger<br />

to m» all tba time; bot what do yoa<br />

think a home is far If not to keep yoa<br />

chae to tba aat thinga and the old<br />

days whan yon are tntng to be a 20th<br />

l OaiahariT TSe heroic ttant<br />

t l M<br />

oey jf<br />

nary ^^*^rr^y mr *^ tho war ^ TT^TMI r^^ i<br />

ia T**m**lmr - terribly depressinc and<br />

thaTa tba reason I want to keep as<br />

oaaT ti '''tn f aa lettera and thinga can<br />

bring me, joat to keep aaneand aweet.<br />

Tba other day Sir<br />

had taa whole caop over for<br />

ing us four Americans and<br />

Newman<br />

tes.ask-<br />

_ afellow<br />

tn to lunch- We went<br />

m oar camp ootfit, old sweaters and<br />

hob-eafled anoea, aad Sir George and<br />

Lady N*WBsaa gave os a wonderful<br />

taws. After loach 8ir George sat<br />

arouad aad *»TV*^ politica to us for<br />

two boors. Ha told" us of several of<br />

tha big things the government Is do-<br />

ing tn the war which never get In the<br />

g i he<br />

him what the<br />

NEW YORK. Aog. 21^—The letter<br />

wztttaa by Charles E. Bugbea, Asso-<br />

Ctatv vUataoa of th* SoprciDa Court of<br />

taa tTattad Stataa. to ax-Oovernor E.<br />

oT New Jersey, declining<br />

a Candidat* for ta* Presi.<br />

noaminatisn tn 1916, was made<br />

har* t»4ay. It follows:<br />

nraaUaBrtoa. D. C, May 20. M1B.<br />

ttw Bon. Edward C Stoke*. Me-<br />

tstVaffatOB,'<br />

"My Damr Oonremor—Your letter of<br />

IT aas beat racerrod. I think<br />

It ****BS to BM very clear<br />

9»-m Bwsjsiwr of tha Buiaatne<br />

OMBV I hav* no right to ba acaadi-<br />

frae^awte *»>irily or tacitly. lean.<br />

MMk'say wotk hara and hold aa<br />

•TT».. •-.. .... ^ ^ ^ ennjaj.<br />

> aak that no stapa<br />

laaabafarath*<br />

K. HUGHES.*<br />

um<br />

LaaAasf.laa.Aaggsttw.Tcs<br />

Batter "Cap* May CoaBt* Oairttsu"<br />

.1 as* by on* or two r*r*nt artklaa<br />

ka yoor paper that N«w Jersey U "<br />

lava a special •section ta UM Fail<br />

rate oa cortola coostltstieaaU asset<br />

ssTits. aad aawog them ta* InUrest<br />

big qiMalluu ofsmasaii aoffrago I* to<br />

ba atad* aa lane. How aboot UT<br />

Dos* tb* average wonua really ttun<br />

for tho ballot T A good msay of them.<br />

It law Ci wv» iwn to Daft conc*mj»iu ooour<br />

It. Bot ia ta* rasjority genoinel<br />

baartased with tha Uaa that their<br />

Lrra* aad fmtuuaa would be beaefltlsd<br />

tha axarcla* of ta* privilege T<br />

•o, then they ^Ew^ii^ paj parmittod to<br />

enkry It. la* point U Uk* scea<br />

others which hss to do with Ufa'<br />

probletas, and baa to be actually<br />

tested to provo Its true worth. The<br />

question his been pot torn* mar* thsn<br />

one* ss to bow the Innovation operates<br />

In CalUorni*. where It has been the law<br />

tb* past few year*. Generally apeak<br />

ing tha result Is regarded as aipifagy<br />

satisfactory, with her* and there ex<br />

optional Instances wher* Interest oi<br />

tha part of th* newly mad* citizen<br />

esses had either laggod or was mis-<br />

directed by reason of nrmranl senti-<br />

mental considerations. A case in<br />

point has Just fused Into history lr<br />

coensctioo with the recent municipal<br />

•lectioo held bare in July, in which<br />

the -lady votara.- «vWratry actaatni<br />

by ayaiaaihrtic Lsxpat**,<br />

IT aaspaartaa) Uat wtajdag raWldst*<br />

W Mayor, wins* priadpal clsisi fer<br />

infill rifylllni rested **Mr<br />

ctrcosastaace* sHegrtWr ferciga<br />

th* o*» at Ctajrs*. It was a very pe-<br />

culiar and not altogether hsppy situa-<br />

tion which, unexpectedly, laced th*<br />

star* at tho primary election In Joae.<br />

'nder ta* DOV election law all candi-<br />

dates sre voted for on on* ballot, the<br />

nominations going to those receiving<br />

th* highest number of votes,—two for<br />

each offlce or V&CMOCT to b* fllh^i<br />

No party "amj^ or other distincti"<br />

mark is V41111 \ ^t^rl oo *^» ofl&dal b&l-<br />

whlchts th* saa>* voted in ev*ry<br />

electioo district in tha city, there be-<br />

ing no word divixlohs. In the cose re-<br />

erT*d to there were ejeves caadnstes<br />

entered for the mayoralty nomination<br />

tho nnmbCT wss th*<br />

good-looadng chic.' of police, whoa*<br />

political aspirations did not appear to<br />

meat the approval of some of ta* local<br />

boss**, and the Latter proceeded at<br />

ooc* to administer th* necessary les-<br />

son, bat they failed igDamialouxly in<br />

thtir effort- The fight at th* pri<br />

marie* was by for the bitterest cvei<br />

waged in Loc Angeles; tt was tho field<br />

against the ch Wl. but he won_out, not<br />

only in the courta. but by on over-<br />

whelming plurality, his vote being al-<br />

most equal to thai of the other ten<br />

candidates combined. It was ttw<br />

women who did It. Then at the en<br />

_ regular election, despite the ef-<br />

forts of a majority of the masculines<br />

11 I^I i K4 MI oo the opposing condi-<br />

p p g<br />

,d. they repeated the coop enacted<br />

at the primaries like trained politi-<br />

cians- There U one very evident re-<br />

salt to be ascribed to the new order<br />

of things, and that is the woeoen are<br />

reading the- newspapers more gener-<br />

ally and carefully tnjin they used to<br />

fonncrlj. Aod thim of iUclf U ccr<br />

tain to giro decjat joamAlicm<br />

Iflocnoo *UK1 povtr.<br />

Tha cdtJC&tiacisJ aad aocLal f*xilitic»<br />

orricxl trj Lo» An^eU* are in<br />

widest MSLftO oS thft wrotrd un trn TTTM trvt»J,<br />

aod tn BULny rcspocta the former are<br />

Dot equalled by tho-*e of tKe i<br />

t* of popoXatioo In Ice i*nt\<br />

Cope<br />

have had the effect of* i<br />

_ a dormant Interest In such mat-<br />

ters, and which I have been otiliilng,<br />

to »TriMpi i *^ f *n enclosure of tia<br />

_ _ canvas, frcen the Interior of<br />

whkh emitted the strains of a lively<br />

)rf*y»:mf^i*> orcbestra, iM frost t^H* onu-<br />

nvfp^wT cntrtuhco of wlilcb floatf-J >K*^<br />

rVT^^ff^n wiiVf A ryt> *rifffn fl*»ir*T, Ttis in-<br />

stitution was styled the "Pair." and Is<br />

really the sole attraction whkh draws<br />

the visitor across the border. Yoa pay<br />

ten cents to see a genuine, wide-open<br />

g» iwKl^iy-h-yll In operation, and I<br />

didn't begrudge the investment. Have<br />

o desire to repeat the experience.<br />

'ia Juano Is also distinguished as<br />

having a "fort or barracks, having<br />

i garrison of 175 uniformed soldiers.<br />

it course no curious sight-Beer frora<br />

U. 8. is permitted to approach its<br />

unattractive portals, presumably to<br />

prevent any of the heavy artillery<br />

guns being carried away as souvenirs.<br />

Very sincerely yours.<br />

C. 8. MAGRATH.<br />


'run tb* WlU«ood TrUxioe.<br />

Two t hop Hand automobiles seen<br />

like a big' number but more than that<br />

many p*»—^ the comer of Schelllnger<br />

Pacific avenues every dsy list<br />

according to Officer William<br />

^rawfard. officer at this corner wbo<br />

kept "tabs" on the number of aotoa<br />

that r»*aw^ each day last week. Por<br />

the week Jmrt dosed, 15^283 vehicles<br />

passed the comer, an average of 2,184<br />

each day. This gives an idea of the<br />

it of traffic on this aiw<br />

thoroughfare everyday and though It<br />

a narrow street for so much traval<br />

i accidents have yet been r—Tftil<br />

at this point doe largely to th* able<br />

in which the speeding aotos are<br />

hsnrlhyl by the officer in charga.<br />

Tb* foUowtng ta aa abstract of<br />

conveyances entered for record la<br />

th* County Clerk's ooc* her* f<br />

weck ending August 20. 191S:<br />

Foil. MlnV W. ILa, ol WnW<br />

lt*t troca V W. Uar ol 3STS rtr<br />

&. W. lla, U Ml<br />

. (Mrail to Fnxaf<br />

Lot. US ajad U*, arrlloo D-<br />

>. rt ai. lu Ektaard W. »<br />

77. 7* auj r>. ntloi at.<br />

I r&AcU al. Uou&rrtf k> O«*s» W. All<br />

J la V. W. 1U» . pUa X.<br />

r uii<br />

.'. Oaad7> b> E1U B. BVuartl.<br />

at oo \. K. *L4r at boood atnrt. 1«W<br />

•4 fruoj s. V. aid* al AuasUc<br />

J. ChrbJopttrr LaXt. rt M. ta Hiiro f<br />

atioi. L en. ts*. ea*. caa. en. an. MS.<br />

-•" iii, **•* >.M_ ^4. *•*•'•. **-*_ ess, ul. ^ w '<br />

ax. at. 'JO, i*i. ui, uc in. sa, IM. :><br />

a«tk» t: 71*. Til. 71*. 7J7. 71* mad 7i*.<br />

to Ulu U te&exaa.<br />

Bl11M» ai luai liiti,<br />

B. J. R^ltj Co. to J. Horsan DO- p<br />

ota IU and 111. U-ta S>. pUn al 1W7.<br />

Suv la •""-- UiUIn. ruse. Lat»<br />

tia. t» and U*. blocs 116. plan !>-«.<br />

Bus, lo &aiw. »U*a. lot* C* and a.<br />

block SX plan D-2.<br />

I_ Dvilxxlca> lol. J. Realty Co.<br />

alotw corner In romd from<br />

•d fc> rarm hn!Hln«» oanrrd by parry<br />

rU P«rry. 33 frrt lo E. of orotn- oTR.lt.<br />

P. SU<br />

119 »*ml tract 2. %ltx»U Drar Hlo<br />

alatioo. In line of M t "* tm *rt* J ^\ Ptan^<br />

runnlns alctf^S f f r ^^ ol Jacob O.<br />

lo a «hlf oak trrv corner of Frank<br />

Ua B. SIcooU. cnaalna tne railroad anc<br />

alon** line of r*»t"«~r Hand, ^^fpi^iwj II 1-4<br />

m. "tin rxcrpOoaa.<br />

Harry &. Douslaaa to Allrr C MackUulc.<br />

:k> af Maelk WUiwna<br />

Jotua A. Bradley, el ux. to Aaroo E.<br />

rUler. OSo. Id X. block 173. plan ol<br />

U. H. Otbtu -^f p^,<br />

rv ul<br />

L-.<br />

C»«i<br />

>,-!<br />

«tl<<br />

tain<br />

U> tne<br />

Ml **,<br />

l»rl«r<br />

CkUi«<br />

• >l Eka<br />

i-r^J<br />

nl In<br />

i ue<br />

r wit.<br />

LI drp.<br />

.Ur 1,<br />

tMM- tJ<br />

*r laU<br />

t. per<br />

tlkr p<br />

• tfalHi<br />

as or<br />

sxr.<br />

> ol the<br />

tUxneat<br />

f. ."*»<br />

•J riucm.<br />

r, I>1J,<br />

ad*" al<br />

•.Ul t-<br />

w>rlttfi4<br />

•fcrrisav<br />

f»rtlft#xl<br />

of tike<br />

-J| •111<br />

.u isiij<br />

rmt ml<br />

trmuffl.<br />

•rU-flp-vJ<br />

1 >rm/-<br />

n Roord<br />

ur ail bids-<br />

By ooicr o/ the<br />


out<br />

Jrrw-y. tan<br />

n rrriatlr.<br />

Court of<br />

tb tljiy of jy.rr<br />

ik*Xc rt UK ri<br />

I vapuax- U> sva<br />

.-I!., la<br />

Umy ElulldiAsY<br />

MMLIIU, I »IL*>1I *rkp*- U> ul** at<br />

kr. oa<br />

atO.NDiY. BtTTCMBZM tl. Mil.<br />

t«ren tne boura of twelve and fli« o'clock<br />

m_, tu wit. at otic o'clock In IAC a/temooct<br />

ulil tUy, at tbc Mkerlira office. In Cape<br />

.« f.^.w* llou»c. U ^ stay County. Kev<br />

In UM- ftirty^af) ICtnk •erlea'of" alack<br />

plulrutut -V»ji»rt«U-iJO UXM! certain lt»uart£*v£*'d<br />

bill of rootplaliil la UM- **ld o»UM- par-<br />

ticulrly t ftb i d l b l Uul U i<br />

b of rootplaliil la<br />

ticularly »**t furtb ami<br />

uf plrtfv uf cround<br />

(•ape liay. Mate of<br />

ooe hundred and<br />

*r»ry, buodnd<br />

w,u OCl, lnl in U>c Muutbrrly<br />

uf tbr TumpUiV Kwul U»>din«{ to CM*<br />

"' * VtlUlU^ MT btUs*l/T«i l<br />

I>uC Ko. 1<br />

lo Wlili&m J.<br />

ia.<br />

4 ll^«^l«ur<br />

J k>4a 1-1<br />

KJ! Utrnee Jit aoutnerly at risbt<br />

_ with aaUl Turnpike ana alon* the<br />

line uf LJ4 \sr> VH. Ac. Kranlnl and<br />

rufitryed to aakl joacpli f. MarlllHlc. la<br />

t^lLEUAX P. COftKXM.<br />

Krc>lrmt>rr IU. l»li-<br />

W. H UlUnrtb. boiV.<br />





WHO'S<br />


H. SILCOGK, of course.<br />

Cut? HAY CODBT HOUSE. N. J.<br />



8-I3U<br />





OP<br />

onUor U brrrtiT<br />

AU% at tlm T<br />

alr, al t» artil<br />

wll at pulULc aai« all UM l."^». tnarconrti.<br />

t^nUiUA>raU lod r«mi caort*. b^rviAarfcrr<br />

untkonl. for a» atxvtnl Um tat vt^ck<br />

• nj prnoa «IU nurrftaaa Cb* IUM and pa*<br />

Uv t.i lUti, UtcJadloc lalrml aad coioC<br />

aai« V. ID frc atbrrv no oca wjlil bid fca> a<br />

(fatirifr ttrca: auclt parso«nta fc> b* d<br />

twforp t^r rocwtoaJaMi cf t^« aaie, c<br />

pfiorrty Mill t>* rvab^<br />

Tb* »«U «1U taxr<br />

Ibr CoUrctor. al l>p«<br />

J<br />

at t O c^<br />

Court Ho fomUh the<br />

music for the county fair nut «ra*k-<br />

IUs band was recently praised by Qov-<br />

rmor FUldsr.<br />

Your tsoocy grows who In bank<br />

wtthoot effort from you, *vea when<br />

yon are aslasp. Try IL, Begin<br />

now. afcoriry Trust Company win<br />

h*Jp vwa to aara. It<br />

Fair week at SpecUtorium Pk-<br />

turos every night, commencLng with<br />

Tuesday night whea the admlsjiion will<br />

bo IK and 10; all the resv of the<br />

week, admission 10 cents. It<br />

Repairing of all kinds of Ore arms,<br />

•lectrical oVrWs, locks, etc- Pin<br />

tasahkr or Yale keys—«il mskes. Gen-<br />

eral repairing. Wm. Flanagan, 8. J.<br />

Realty Farm, Court House. 8-20.«m<br />

Clearing up sale of all millinery<br />

goods at Mrs. BonneU'a, Hand Avo^<br />

beginning Sept. 7th. HaU CO end 76c<br />

Male stock ostrich plumes. 16 to 18<br />

inch broadheads, $1.50 each. It<br />

Dr. E. E. Ayres. Professor of Greek<br />

Exegesis at Croxer Seminary, will<br />

preach at tho Baptist church hero on<br />

Sunday morning next- Pastor Martin<br />

will return from his vacation on Mon-<br />

odvcrtiw froely in a<br />

local paper published mlleu away,<br />

doc-snt it stand to rtxa&on that it<br />

would pay all local merchant* to ud-<br />

vertiso In like manner in their home<br />

paper? Some- back number mcrchaptu<br />

complain of people going out of town<br />

to trado but make no attempt to keep<br />

them home.<br />

The Wcman'ii Homo Missionary So-<br />

ciety of tho M. E- church la now ur-<br />

rcmgtng for Itu annual box to bu ucnt<br />

to the frontier. Clothing ia needed<br />

this ycur for n family of five. Includ-<br />

ing three children; girls aged ono und<br />

S. and u boy aged JO. Contributions<br />

will be received by Mra. LudUim<br />

Hand, end It Is hoped tho rcbponbo<br />

will be generous.<br />

Prof. E. T. Macready, who for sev-<br />

eral years wan u member of the fac-<br />

ulty of the High School here, spent<br />

Sunday "with Prof. Clark und wife.<br />

He hss recovered from the illneiui<br />

which prostrated him while he wan<br />

studying medicine in Texas, more than<br />

two years ago, und will next week ub-<br />

charge of th© English IWpart-<br />

ment in the High -School at Summit<br />

Hill, Pa-<br />

Prof. Boiletn, of tho High School<br />

faculty, arrived home from California<br />

last week. Miss Mclntiro and Prof.<br />

Shlpe will come on Sunday; and Miss<br />

Sellers, of tho primary depanncnt In<br />

expected to-day. The wrhoola will<br />

open next Tuesday morning. Parents<br />

who have the good of their children<br />

at heart will »e« to it that they are<br />

school next Tuesday—not one, two or<br />

three weeks later.<br />

An automobile from Wildwood col-<br />

lided with a horse from Wheaton &<br />

HurreU's livery on Friday night. In-<br />

juring the animal BO that a veterinary<br />

tuirgeon hod to be called. If the utate<br />

ments that have come to thin office<br />

are correct, the automobile was run<br />

ning on the left (wrong) side of thu<br />

road, and at a speed which made It<br />

Impossible to stop when the driver<br />

discovered the danger. If it Is true<br />

that the autolst said he did not sound<br />

his hom "because he did not have to,'<br />

It is time he was taught the rules of<br />

the road. <strong>On</strong>e of the first lessons<br />

that should be Impressed upon stu<br />

dents of motor-driving Is the fact that<br />

under the law thjy have no right to<br />

pass (going in tho some direction) an-<br />

other vehicle or a pedestrian without<br />

first iKm*wling the horn—not to drive<br />

them from the road, but to apprixo<br />

them of the Intention to pass. ThU Is<br />

the law, and it la common sensej as<br />

welL<br />


The United Distributing Company,<br />

|^ of 4>~t~. will make an exhibit<br />

at the county fair, on the Oth. 10th and<br />

; nth, displaying a line of merrhandlse<br />

which th*y say will be o credit to the<br />

Fair Asaoeiation and themselves.<br />

Walter E. Douglass, the manager,<br />

states that this company was formed<br />

with the Uea of doing a general mail-<br />

order mrr-»"~"*" business, and not<br />

that of aellm*; stock, and that they<br />

have not Placed a single share of<br />

stock on the market for sale.<br />

Th* following h*v* been appointed<br />

members of tha various D*ctl<br />

Boards In Cape Hay Cocmry. Coin*<br />

otherwise markad, thair Unas «x-<br />

piro In 1910:<br />

Oc«u Olj. rtrat War*<br />

Republicans Jess* Stcphensoc.<br />

Homers Young.<br />

Democrats—Luther Wallace, John<br />

B. Christian.<br />

(kala CUT. Iliilat War*<br />

Republicans—Verooo Carlson. Wil-<br />

liam Chsdwick.<br />

Democrats—George W. Nkkxrson.<br />

1917. Edward A. Bourgeois.<br />

V»9— Tenaklf<br />

Republicans— William J. Williams,<br />

1917. Edward F. Broom.<br />

Democrat*—<strong>On</strong> Warren, Somsrs<br />

C G. Stevens.<br />

Bar**i* at WiiOIll<br />

Republicans—John 8. Young, 1917,<br />

Joa. L7 Katx. '<br />

Democrat*—David Tchsmestofsky,<br />

1917, Moo Goodman.<br />

Dtmala Tasaall*. first Ualrlrt .<br />

Republicans—Reuben Chester, 1917,<br />

Eugene Lloyd.<br />

Ubmocrats—Chas. C Jsmts. 1917.<br />

Thotaos Brown.<br />

Daavala Taaaoaxa. lunl Dtatrlrt '<br />

Republicans—Charles Wsy, 1917,<br />

William BrsmmelL<br />

Democrats—Oliver Heston. 1917,<br />

Frank Barnes.<br />

B*. bla CUr. lira* Wars<br />

Republicans—Chas. Bodac, 1917,<br />

Chas. V. Baxendsl*.<br />

Democrats—William Sanlo, Thomas<br />

E. Ludlsm, Jr.<br />

Sea Ub Otr. Bacaa>4 War*<br />

^publicans—George Busch, Walter<br />

Pflcfer.<br />

Democrats—J. T. DcLancy, Edward<br />

H. Dever.<br />

B»c»Ma af Avalaak<br />

Republicans — Lewis C Confield.<br />

1917, Howard High.<br />

Dcmocrata—Hugh Holmes, E. E.<br />

EatU.<br />

cW«*«sa af Slaava Btai»«#<br />

RepuWtcans—Edward Smith, Clar-<br />

ence Fisher.<br />

Democrats — Michael P. Lennort,<br />

1917, Adolph S. Mountoey.<br />

UUdU Tawailli, lint District<br />

Republicans—Claudius Long, 1917,<br />

mail T. Browcr.<br />

Democrats — Frank Swain. 1917.<br />

Monroe Erricaon.<br />

M144U Inullt. B«ul Dlctrtd<br />

Republicans—R. C Bcrvcxet, 1917,<br />

Harry Foster.<br />

Dcmocrata—Frank Mlxncr, 1917,<br />

Jones B. Hand.<br />

HUlli TI.UUK Talx* Diatricl<br />

Republicans—Charles Soffe, 1917,<br />

Maurico E. Thompscn.<br />

Democrats—E. H. Norbury, 1917,<br />

Warren C Ncal.<br />

KUdU T«>a«aJa. »Vaxl* tUaUict<br />

Rtputlicann — Sylvester Spcnce,<br />

11)17, Percy L. DougUna-<br />

Democratu—Lewis R. Powell, 1917.<br />

B. L. HowclL<br />

Bm«|k af Kact* WU4aaa4<br />

Republicans—Freemoot Luth, Frank<br />

Grady.<br />

IVrnocn.tb—Den Bell. N. B. L&ng.<br />

cur •/ WUl>u4. lint War*<br />

Republicans—Frank Dunham, 1917,<br />

Otto Kenoke.<br />

Ikmocrato—Chas. E. Rakcstraw,<br />

, 1917. William Hendee.<br />

Cllr tl WllanW. Sacaava Out<br />

Republicans—Chaa. E. Hand. 1917,<br />

Chan. VonKuLi.<br />

Ikmocnili—John Martin, 1917, Jos.<br />

I). Ober.<br />

CUr tl WOMwrtm*. TmU* War*<br />

Republicans—Manlif Brsnln. 1917,<br />

L. Q. C. Clark.<br />

DcmocraU—C L. Nkkeraon, 1917,<br />

Cecil E. Ober.<br />

Bnqk af WlUwt Cnat<br />

Republicans—Geo. T. Balsley, Bich-<br />

ord bcompton.<br />

Dcmocmto—Victor J. Sewsrd. 1917,<br />

Tbomaii Crcwm.<br />

Republicans—D. Horrell Woolson,<br />

1917, Jacob Bomct-<br />

Democrats—John Baterbcll. 1917,<br />

William McPherson.<br />

Republicans—Clement H. Ntwkirk.<br />

1917, William B. Godfrey.<br />

Democrats—Samuel E. Ewing, 1917,<br />

William G. Blattner.<br />

Cap« mUr CUr. Wlrtt BMiUt<br />

Rcpuhlicnns—Harold Hand, Floyd<br />

C. Hughes.<br />

Democrat*—Rodney P. Hand. 1917,<br />

David W. Piereon.<br />

Car* stay CUr. Bacaaid DiaUlct<br />

Republicans—R. C Ware, 1917, Sid-<br />

ney R- Coif.<br />

Democrats—Geo. Hlckey, 1917, John<br />

Kcncman.<br />

Cw< Kay CUr. Tmltm tMatrlct<br />

IU.-publlcans — Matthew Bankert.<br />

Erving Stevens, 1917.<br />

Democrats—John Shields. 1917, A,<br />

Little.<br />

Cap* star CUr. ra«rta IMattict<br />

Republicans—Thomas Millett, Jr,<br />

1917. Frank Coitello.<br />

Democrats—Lcwla S. Bennett. 1917.<br />

Zachary Taylor.<br />

IWnuk af Baalk CtM Star<br />

Republicans—A. J. Rudolph, 1917,<br />

Frank M. Walton.<br />

Democrats — E. Martin, Orlando<br />

Luferty.<br />

Buuik af CiM afar r»lal<br />

Republicans — Norman F. Rcgor,<br />

Sylvester WUUaraH-<br />

Democratu—A. B. Schellinger, Carl<br />

A household remedy In America<br />

for 25 years—Dr. Thomas' Eclectic<br />

Oil- For cuts, sprains, burns, timlrlii.<br />

bruises. 25c and 60c At all drug<br />


—School opened on Wednesday,<br />

September lst-<br />

—Clinton Nkkcrson visited Puuls-<br />

boro on Monday.<br />

—C. B. James is now flagman at<br />

tho R. R. crossing.<br />

— Mru. Herbert Hewitt is visiting<br />

relatives in Snlrm,<br />

—Rev. Henry Brodway and family,<br />

of Sen Isle, spent Wednesday hero.<br />

—Larry Potereon and Homers Hsnd<br />

huvo gone to Maurice River.oystering.<br />

—Dont forget County Fair, Sept.<br />

9, 10 and 11; a blue ribbon evenLB-O.tf<br />

—Goo. Godfrey and wife, of Phlla-,<br />

aro guests of bis sister, Mrs. Jesse<br />

CrandoL<br />

—Mrs. OUrtan, of Ocean City, Is<br />

tho gucct this week of Mrs. Lewis<br />

Edwards.<br />

-—After a pleasant visit here. Miss<br />

Lydia Bailey has returned to her home<br />

In Phllada.<br />

—Isaac Vanklrk and wifo now oc-<br />

cupy their homo here, having moved<br />

back: from Phllada. tost week.<br />

Thomas Robinson, of Phllada-,<br />

spent several days here recently wtth<br />

hui sister, Mrs. Larry Peterson.<br />

—Mrs. Lawrence fifeKeague, cf 4*ff>lfl<br />

Spring, spent a dsy last week here<br />

with her mother, Mrs. Ellis Nkkerson.<br />

—A large band of Gypsies arrived<br />

In town on Sunday but were quickly<br />

escorted out again Dy f**rtwtnr*lr Cran-<br />

doL —Mrs. Bertha Fields and Miss<br />

Uxxlo Ireland, of EsteUvilla, are with<br />

Mrs. Bur*"" 1 * Lloyd for an Indefinite<br />

period. _<br />

fjoan^a BagulctB aro<br />

by many woo<br />

easily, without griping and wtthoat<br />

bad after effects. Z&c at all drug<br />

GAirrrB adra. draw customer*.<br />


—Ussry Da.U U very 111 at this<br />

writing.<br />

—Th* la. C Hit* Oocisty met Wed<br />

neaday awning. .<br />

—This community Is losing msay<br />

pigs from cholera.<br />

—Two Udk* from Pfailada. ar*<br />

visiting at Z. T. Candy's.<br />

—Alexander Smith and* wife ar*<br />

visiting relatives tn slillrUle.<br />

—N«wtoo Uowail and fsmlly spent<br />

Sunday evening st Ocean City.<br />

—Mstthaw Baxaby la working jtt<br />

the Pannigrov* powder works.<br />

MUs Sadi* Bennett, af Pbllsdel-<br />

r^ilfyj Is visiting Miss Uppermon.<br />

—Dont forgtt County Fair, Sept.<br />

9.10 and 11; a bias ribbon evenUS-&tt<br />

—Griffith Candy and wife and Wm.<br />

Dovsul and wife spent Sunday with<br />

Walter Taylor and family. .<br />

—Everett vmnDrtght snd fsmlly<br />

and Soencra Corson attended camp<br />

meeting at Ocean City Sunday.<br />

—A special service was held in<br />

Calvary church Sunday evening. Pas-<br />

tor Thorn spoke to the. P. O. 8. of A.<br />

•—Mr. TT^n(^'*'T »<br />

ley and wife.<br />

—MUs <strong>On</strong>aantln* Stewart, cat C*S*<br />

May City, was the (oat of Mita AUc*<br />

Parker recently.<br />

—Joel Errickson and family, of<br />

Camden. were with Oaerg* Dukas sad<br />

family over Sonday.<br />

—Mrs. Hay Strung entertained Mrs.<br />

Rebecca, and daughter, ^'' *i*<br />

pert of last week.<br />

—Mrs. Bcrgb, who lire* oo<br />

Smith Chsmnkin place, spent a part<br />

of but week In Atlantic Cfty.<br />

—Mrm. May Strong and two call*<br />

dried, of Of rrLi|yni ar* viJttlnjF bar par.<br />

ents. John IngcrsoD aadwtfe.<br />

—Rev. William TockaT eatartaiaad<br />

Wm. Law aeveral days of tad waak.<br />

Mr. Law Is electrician at Princeton<br />

Seminary.<br />

7—There are two ca<br />


—Mr*. TilUe Wick U visiting at Lot<br />

Corn well's.<br />

-C L. Fisher and wife aro visiting<br />

n Camdcn.<br />

-—MUa Sadie- Sykes spent Monday<br />

it Capo May.<br />

—Mao Riley has returned to Hig-<br />

-qn' 1TT \ Conn.<br />

—MLu Olive McDonel has been<br />

vUiting at Tuckahoe-<br />

—Mra. Clara Crcaae and Emma were<br />

t Cape May Tuesday.<br />

—John Msybury, of Phllada^ U<br />

vUiting at Monroe Hand's.<br />

—Mrs. D. E. Goff has returned from<br />

a visit with Eidora friends.<br />

—Mra. Eva Picrpont opent a day<br />

but we«k with her mother.<br />

—The M. E. Sunday-school picnic<br />

went to Norbury's Landing.<br />

—Than. Daniels and wife, of Mill-<br />

villc, aro visiting nt F. Downs'.<br />

— Mrs. R. C Kennedy U entertain-<br />

ing her mother for a few days.<br />

—Walter Sykes, of Phllada-, spent<br />

Sunday with his brother, Arthur.<br />

—Dont forget County Fair, Sept.<br />

D, 10 and 11; a bluo ribbon evcnt-8-Ctf<br />

—Mrs. Carl Rutherford and daugh-<br />

ter are vUiting her brother, Frank<br />

Corson.<br />

—Claude Mortoo and wife, of West<br />

ipe May, spent Sunday at Leroy<br />

Morton's.<br />

—-MUs Ida Kane and Mrs. Gordon<br />

MarKay, of Philada^ are vLulling at<br />

HendeeV<br />

—MUa Paulino Centner, of Green<br />

reck spent Thursday with Mrs. Nel-<br />

son Hand.<br />

—Mlsa Elizabeth Cresao spent the<br />

week-end at Cold Spring with her<br />

aunt, Mr*. W. A. Laker<br />

—Thoae who went from hero to A -<br />

lantle City on the excursion were Eu.<br />

Scull, Fred Neal and Joa. Chester.<br />

—Ralph Endicott and family, of<br />

Philadou. spent the week-end here<br />

with his brother. Smith; making the<br />

trip by motor.<br />

-MUs Mary McCormlck. of South<br />

DennU, spent a few days recently<br />

with Mrs. Jack Camp, and was accom-<br />

panied home by her nephew, Everett<br />

McCormlck.<br />

—Mm. Wm. C. Hewitt, of Wild-<br />

'ood. and granddaughter, EUle< Cheat-<br />

wood, of Ocean City, have been visit-<br />

ing Mra. Wm. McCarty. Mrs. Mc-<br />

Corty visited Court House Monday.<br />


—Josenh Trout and wife fcpent the<br />

wc«k-ena in Court House.<br />

—Edgar Creamer made a business<br />

trip to Long RASach on Monday.<br />

—Chan. Carli&lo broke MB thumb<br />

while playing ball on Saturday.<br />

—Stacy Nicklcaon, of Millville, Is<br />

spending a week with relatives here.<br />

—Mra. Ruchel Creamer la spending<br />

a week in Woodbury and Pennagrove.<br />

—Don't forget County Fair, Sept.<br />

9, 10 and 11; a blue ribbon cvent_8-6,tf<br />

—I don't Leo why people mako bo<br />

much fun of-a Ford, as it Is a rattling<br />

good car.<br />

—Ure. Lottie Ehiuner and family,<br />

of Bridseton, ale upending a week at<br />

David Anderbon'a.<br />

—Fifteen of our young men at-<br />

tended a religious meeting ut Helsler-<br />

ville Wednesday evening.<br />

—Dr. John Bennett and family, of<br />

Long Branch, aro here in their Sum-<br />

mer cottage for a bhort time.<br />

—Raymond Hand, of Brldgeton, has<br />

returned home, after spending two<br />

weeks with Mra. Somers Hand.<br />

'—Mius EstelLa Qucms and Alton<br />

Clark, of Millville, Bpent the week-<br />

end with Mrs. Eugene Springer.<br />

—Misses Ida Norton and Beatrice<br />

Howell, of Diau Creek, spent the first<br />

of the week with Mi&a Gertrude Bart-<br />

leson.<br />

—<strong>On</strong> the evening of August 24th,<br />

150 peoplo gathered at the homo of<br />

Rev. Howard Amer ard wife in honor<br />

of their &th wedding anniversary.<br />

—George Homer and wife, of<br />

Woodbury; Wm. Tweed and family,<br />

of Millville, and John Bartle&on and<br />

wife, of Dorchester, Were gucst£ at<br />

Chas. Bartleson'u on Sunday.<br />


—Tho Sunday-scho


'<br />

tt<br />

. Hammell Co.<br />


"mii'- MuriKtmn •» Artistic<br />



out<br />

All kind* of<br />

Cetaelsrv<br />

Wort<br />

ALL and<br />

Inspect<br />

l<br />

•tack of fia-<br />

labed work<br />

and oar fa<br />

dlities for<br />

msaafsclur-<br />

In* it: or if<br />

desired oar<br />

representa-<br />

tive will call<br />

oa 70a aad<br />

•bow yea the<br />

ItUtt ds-<br />

slfsalamon-<br />

uxaatrtal ait.<br />

It*<br />

UpetoT.H.1<br />

II Has Been Proved bflrood diftpoto tliat a p<br />

of Imperfect eyes will caoae<br />

dtttnrNinfW hfriarhr..rtr Now! Aboot<br />

TOOT eyca. Are they perfect T<br />

Yoa don't know T We can tell<br />

MSB I WHTikGB.<br />

ass! OpttcUaa.<br />

lit ligl 8L. liBiillr. V J.<br />

Is Your Money Safe?<br />

Security is what, you wish for your<br />

savings. We offer it and invite your full-<br />

est investigation as to oar reliability, bus-<br />

iness nicttKxlB and<br />

Deposits by mail will be promptly<br />

acknowledged.<br />

Write oa about opening an account.<br />

Security Trust Company<br />


r "•-•"•• JOHN B. THOMPSON<br />


Spatial Bandar Dfaowra from one to two.<br />


m<br />

* W. SCOTT HAND<br />

•*• w«lty Ann* o«u cxtj. N. j.<br />

EDWABD a smm * co.<br />


•SS avfifcaf )miiBll| lists os'ssntTttWs.prkr* and other lolor-<br />

f fJtVn AMD slrllJWfrtU. SCBXECT TO tali; AND ADVANCE DJ PB1CE.<br />

Atlantic Ofy Bectric Company<br />

: VAX ^'T""^ Of NEW JEB8KY -<br />

Me*. M and Interest, ip Yiald Aboot 6J6% 7-23An<br />

Deposit & Trot* Co.<br />

. Cai<br />

1873<br />

iv^ Invites your business—have your<br />

\ ^ e y . earn interest. , Keep a<br />

^ ^account and rent a box for<br />

valuable papers.<br />

. . . $9,160,000100<br />

booklets "Relating to Wills and<br />

8" and "Banking by MaiL"<br />


R. P. Schwerin<br />

<strong>On</strong> ttvo aotvrrron'e OIU<br />

Tlvo American ptowmea are tntereetad ta aaa „„.<br />

ce, tt ta axpeoslra and UkawbM bamtUattajr to harra<br />

to salute a (oreicn Oat erery tttoo.a Carmar waata to aftta<br />

a basaal of wheat, a bale of cotton or a poead of tan<br />

products across the ocean. Tho American (anaer ta aa><br />

Uttod to the protection of his fiat In aeadta* his Modaota<br />

across the see. and Coexroaa ahoald lire eoch eaconalw-<br />

'tnast lo ahlpptoc Interests as ts necaaaary to moot rorsaa<br />

coorasutioo to ocaan oxuasns. A recent bill knows a*<br />

Ux> Beaman'a mil became a Uw aader th* PresddsBi?<br />

slsnsture and Mr. B. P. acfcwartn. rt^prosldent octal<br />

Padfle Mall BteamaB.p CmtmajTwhen Takedto date!<br />

this law and octliu Us effort apon American «~.~*fr<br />

^^ lines, aald in part: ^^<br />

-Tb« Mil pro-ides that no ahlp of any nationality •ahall be Dermtttad<br />

depart froai any port of tho United Butea unless she has on board<br />

not leas than e Chinese crew, bat also the greater Initial cost or the ship. Aa tbe<br />

Japanese hate now done away with their European officers snd Japanese<br />

rrvws. all of whom speak a common Ungsagn. there ts no difficulty for<br />

lo comply with all the conditions- of the bill and continue their J<br />

crews, wllh Oriental wages.<br />

Tho Uw. therefore. Instead of sulrtlng th» American chip, adds another<br />

bcavy burden while tt places nooo whateter upon the Japanese ship, bat.<br />

the contrary, turns oter to tho Japanese tho traffic of too Padno Oca .<br />

which the American ship U forced to forego by act of Congress of law<br />

United State*.'<br />

1912<br />

YtXJ ARC TOO<br />

W»Ll TO<br />

COT At*Y<br />

rUB.1<br />

How You Have Grown in Four Years*"<br />

The Honorable<br />

Senator<br />

Sagebrush<br />


*»ta, by<br />

la the DiMtTict Court et the Ualtad<br />

Stales for the District of New<br />

Jersey.<br />

I A t b e m a t t r r o f C i t y s t i l l a a d L u n k r<br />

'*o. ( a eorporaUoo) - -<br />

a .* a wiisj Mj^^S. J. f^trt atT* fJV samjar*<br />

Tb* txadcrtlcthnl. tu Trsstra of ttx- Oty<br />

MW A Uzmbrr Company, af Ocr&n City. X.<br />

TWUM8DAY. *"***"T* lr *"* •* lilt*<br />

mt 2.30 p. m-. ot tt>c Pltm* of tt-r Com<br />

iocattnS at &!• tli hX, firw* Wr*l '- J<br />

City. N. J., H*.-" "<br />

(1.) Ail thil cirUia tract or oUt* af<br />

rod altujt, tfiog ^od bint I t£<br />

d<br />

of \r<br />

t o oUt<br />

ltujt, tfiog ^od btint In<br />

««n Utjr. county of C*j» Mar<br />

r« Jmer. dncrlbed u follow*.<br />

from Ut p«x«j<br />

tie mercy to tho chief Ux&dgator ot the<br />

last half boor of wsitlar<br />

Bloant ctxiUl DO longer sit still, aod^n*<br />

wns pacing the door of the private of<br />

Ace. t«o stejkM aad a tara..monot<br />

IT, when OOTSOQ ni oahered In.<br />

T»o c»t "cm. a foil dttten of<br />

rowlea the bribe taker, throwing a<br />

thick pocket of papers on BloonTB<br />

«le*k. "Xow. then, what da I set oct<br />

ofur<br />

BJoant stopped short and. whirled as<br />

If th* demand had beeo. a blow.<br />

'Xoatl evt Jast what any other<br />

criminal crl> when ho tarns state's<br />

evidence" he nuped- "You wont be<br />

pnseroU'd and sent lo the peniten-<br />

tiary, us yoa dcacfT* to be. Mow get<br />

oot of bere. nnd doat let me bar* to<br />

ttdl yoa twicer"<br />

ryboa made a move as tf be woald<br />

repossess blauelf of the packet of af-<br />

fidavits, but Bloant came between<br />

with tbo dancer signals naming la bis<br />

eyes.<br />

"No. yoa don't!" ho sold sharply. "I<br />

told yoa to eo—do Itr And. as ooce<br />

before, the bribe uker went oot mat-<br />

tcrinj? curves.<br />

Wbeo Lbo corridor door t""i doocd<br />

behind the traitor BJoant pat the aAV<br />

dvtu to bis pocket aad passed oot<br />

quickly throocb tho anteroom.<br />

"I don't know when I shall be bock,"<br />

he aald to Collins, with a band on toe<br />

door of esreaa. "Has any one called<br />

since Dooor*<br />

"No. Borne lady sent a boy op to<br />

ask for y oa. but I sent word that yoa<br />

were not la. as yoa told me to."<br />

Eran rvtillxrtl that ho bad wnthinfc-<br />

lasty barred l"atrtcia oot with oil the<br />

others. And now abo woold drlie to<br />

Wartrnce Hall wit hoot him. and th*<br />

tttrtblo thins that most be done mast<br />

b* dose before ho ahoold w* her tac*<br />

(To ba crnitlnnoj.)<br />

•W 1 "" 1 "! ot m point fortotd by ttw <br />

nMdcO io srotr and brio* fort* CmJt. I<br />

or tmmdt&L<br />

DUeiiWisd sktnrri §Hr* auiaj<br />

aals of distraaa.<br />

Ta* aau itkyj may b* dark, contain<br />

_ are mrrartlmw. frerrass<br />

scanty, psinfol.<br />

Backacbe U often praasot day<br />

tttrtrt.<br />

Usadacbes and ditry speUs may<br />

ooroT.<br />

Weakaaed kidneys ahodd reodra<br />

cjulck halo.<br />

Dont dslayl Use a special kidney<br />

rcmsdy.<br />

Dosn's Kidnsv Pills axe for<br />

kidneys, bwckacoe aad trrtaary dls-<br />

ordera.<br />

Caps Hay C H. erideoce prorss<br />

thsir worth.<br />

Mrs. Martin Spaldin*-. AUantic<br />

Ara, Cap* May CC IL says: -My<br />

back ached and f oflan tslt dlxiy and<br />

ncTTODs. The aecrvOaris frorn my<br />

aidnvjs were also a source of annoy<br />

ancc Doan's Kidney Pills soon re<br />

•toned me to good hearth,**<br />

Price Me. at aU deaiara. Don<br />

•Imply ask /or a kidney remedy—rei<br />

Doans Kidney Pills—the same that<br />

sirs. Spsidlng- hM Fostar-Mllhom<br />

Ox, Props, Boffalo, N. Y. adv<br />

or rtccKow.<br />




t a r t h e a s s l n i m a n r e . r r<br />

. BrXrater tt, UI*.<br />

from *«-f*o oViac-m, a. •&.<br />

p. t»u at -<br />

aswjt.J U TI. I<br />

iHooarrr I) •'srljr<br />

Lial t-lio. e U a r r t S ^ o t O o r . t a C a p e<br />

J U y t o u r t H o o a r . C a p . k t a j r C o u n t y . K e w<br />

A U L b a l n r t a i n t r a d o r p a r r r l o t L a n d<br />

a n d p m n X a r s , a J t a a i e L a 1 s t l a v t x i s f e<br />

< s l u a . C c s m t y t f C a p e s t a y a n l M a t e _<br />

"" • • ' r g r y , U x L n l e a a o d o V s c r U x d a s t U -<br />

» " . r W s W t o s a t t h * L a s * c o r u i r o f<br />

T « . u l i - < t a u L h s t r r r t a a d K L T t a a r r r x i o r .<br />

r s t r & d l & a ' t t a r o c c a o c c t Z k c a s t . '<br />

t l i n e o f T « r c r , - f e u r t b<br />

f r o o t o r b r r * d 3 i : t b o n . _-<br />

r s j « n > p a r s l l H L t o r s o f t h a i w l d x s o r f r a o t -<br />

- > a t r t j i t u n k t t o T w i m t y - f c m r U i i t m t ,<br />

' h u o d m l f r v i L > t n a K . . I * » ^ » Y - 1 l i n e o l<br />

P r t n e r s o n K a r t i o r . a a d s o i l c z t r o d l o f o l<br />

t h a t r n l d t b b r t a r r a s a i d p a r m U r l l i a r s<br />

s j o r r s s V l . t n e H i t l a T w i . o f U t l r t y f r e t t o I b e<br />

r x t r r l o r p a r r L l o e o l s a i d P r i n c e t o n H a r b o r .<br />

B r t n s U w s a m e p r e m i s e s « r W c * > A » s l o o t i c<br />

— t o p c B e u l C o n r D a o y . fey I r w W m t n r . b c a r t a s<br />

U t h e E l c h t f c o a y o f a t s y , A . D . i t t T .<br />

« 1 r r e o r d r d L a t b e O r r k - s O ( B c e o f C s W<br />

• y C o o n t y L a D r « d B o o k N o . 2 M , p a s s<br />

2 . * < • , m s k d s o d r o c r r o r d D D I O ~ I n .<br />

S i W i l l i a m K - K r c p a . I n I r . . S o b W e t t o<br />

r t a l a h n l k H n S " r r s t r i r t i o n s a s t b r r r l a<br />

( o r a t l u a r v l .<br />

C O L £ 3 < A X F . C O H S O . V . L a r r t f l - .<br />

D a t r d A o z o s t l o r n . i n i .<br />

C V . U . J o U n e . S o r r . S - 2 9 . 4 t p f V S X 4<br />

l » l i , u » a c e r t a i n e a u a e w b e r e l n<br />

C l a r k l a * g w n r ' a l " * i i n l . a n d O l i v e r L<br />

• e i i . e l u x . e t a i a a r e d e f e n d a n t . 1<br />

' a p u s e t o a s l e a t p a b l i c v e o d n r , o n<br />

T. mi.<br />

b e t w e e n t n e b o a r s o f t - t l r . a n d I n o ' c l o c k<br />

p . m - l o w i t . a l o n e o V l o t a t o r a s s f t r m c a n<br />

o f a a i d d a y . a t t b e o b e i i S I o f f i c e . i n C a p a<br />

l a y C o u r t U o o s e . C a p e M a y C o m i t y . K e w<br />

A l l t n a t e r r t a l n t r a < - t o r p a r o r l o f I s a d<br />

» J p r r m b e s b e r r l a s / t r r p a r d c o i a r i y < J r -<br />

T r t n r d . a J l o a l e t n t b . d r y o f W U d w o o d<br />

u f W U d » o o d ) t a t h .<br />

a n d s t a t e o f N n J < r -<br />

b c a a L e d o n a p l a n o f<br />

L o t s o f U » W U d ^ J f c a d , i m p r o V m o t S<br />

C o m p a n y a s L o t i t o i s n s T K W r e a o f t U o c k<br />

W s m b r r » • • a a d l a b s a S r d a n d d e s e r l<br />

t l o l l v w a :<br />

B r s l n n l n s a l a p o i n t o n t b . s o o t n s r e s t<br />

a i d . k o f _ O a a a m t M s t t a . i j t r ^ f w r r o f<br />

b u n d i r d a n d r U t X y b r l D a r t a v r s t w a K D y<br />

r r o m t b e p o l i d o 7 L D l r r s e e U o o o f t b e X o r t n -<br />

• r s t r r l y a i d e o f A l i a j r t l e n t t a » w i t b t b .<br />

a a l d s o o t b « T s t r r t y s i d e o f s a i d O a k . m a<br />

a n d r u n n i n s U k e n o . a o r t a a j . s l a a r d i w a l o o s l<br />

t b e a a k l s o u t b s n s t r r t y s i d e o f a a l d O a S<br />

a > r t > u e s> d i s t a n c e o f t a r t * t r r t i s a d a t<br />

t c b t s n a l r s t b r r e t o , t o s a i d ~ '<br />

in, t<br />

l i n e s a w i d S b o l<br />

y o f M a y . n i n e t e e n f c t r a -<br />

o e . s o d r e c o r d e d I n t b a - o f f k e -<br />

t n a n d f o r t b e c o u n t y o T G a p s<br />

; N o . H 4 , p a a w S U . A r - , s r a i t l e d<br />

to t b l d O t H T 5<br />

"<br />

-<br />


D » l « l A a t a t t 1 1 . V t U .<br />

or BANKING *RD<br />

I1.8DRAMCE<br />

Tfcntoo. JuiK- -". 1913.<br />

vnr<br />

Miktlotul 17*1*1 lasu/a.t.cc C^Af^ay<br />

r i U (k« S41U t>f !. I^UuaLt-.<br />

* ol U-Usiintf ttatj liuurjsVv of<br />

l Nw Jtrwj, do IWrcLry |>OA*'<br />

•ct t'• t>f»/uodati4r bu>*i*Wa Li tht*TI b jT J* sa41G^<br />

_ jb notK* bfwjB-i thr p*rops*rt> »ffrrtrd<br />

UVrrby. «*r by k»t»lii« Ihr uow- wslin »ui»<br />

rr-aitVnl «lthln BA<br />

^^i That tipoo rr prrrarm the- work rrxjulrrxl tb*Tt-<br />

t>*. * oJ io male taJfi. rr bul U,<br />

> lo rrpalr svu<br />

atrvisHurr a,tr<br />

»v*Ac»p4iaa<br />

i ** u***]<br />

wr w>o<br />

to U<br />

4 0/<br />

in raw any<br />

bIM l<br />

fall t-<br />

. TbAt y r a f a<br />

a*Lnt*ln. rrbajIM. rrjaalr an4 tu^p It* rr-<br />

Mlr tu^ct. b-j.l«h--**J or o*i**r m^m -uaJ<br />

Lnj-rturr. •rfcocxlXn^ U> |Iw rrqulrrtLbrnt. 0<br />

Uil. t-nlia*n«-»", and to tha* •_. lUX.v*-Lk«* t-<br />

Ld bsTarXBUtla ocKiAtril uU council, fchj.l<br />

Hi*** Uw «csrk U> br (kw. and malntsvln<br />

t-MilLl, n-psslr and It*-*p In rrpalr iuj>c<br />

•< oUkrr «c*rk Au»J •vtruc'tLLrr, al<br />

t cU aj U*r w^Ld o*T-rr. In aroari<br />

*ilLt. Ukr Irmri 0/ Unc tvaLd Art of Ib*-<br />

Ururr, »JK1 «f thl*. df^iurkc*.<br />

V Thai nitr bulai^r*.! »hLcb MU<br />

aixaJJ b»* obliif^i ta build c-r ouc<br />

P U>« failure uf tlw u*iwr tu n r .<br />

palr CJ* »^*'p tb-r umr In rv-pulr. La *w-<br />

l iLb Uw U >f tbJ-» ti<br />

LlW lw«<br />

lotrh.*. it.nr thr<br />

. . ... Larvl. dk r>t«r •<br />

nortb«e»t.<br />

•cuthwrtOsTrly atde of laayvtew<br />

. .ityt *-• — •<br />

of lot mxmbrr •* on above torntioned plan:<br />

*—f-t» (3> »outhw»ratrr.y and at rtsbt -nrin<br />

Uayvltrw ptac*. one bundxed fr«t to a<br />

nftrea fret wide fttrreil theiace O> aotxth-<br />

aod pansUcl with bayvUw Wacr<br />

— f«rt to the oorChwrnLrrty Une<br />

bay avenue, throce<br />

J aloo« the aorta<br />

ottOrrly line<br />

nce (|> northevctrrty<br />

««sl apprar, piout. aiuarr or drmur<br />

tb. bill of aald complainant oa or brfare<br />

» ravnty^rreotb day of October nest, or<br />

. said tall wlU be takro as cmfraard<br />

asjalnat you) tb. aald bill ts Bird to rore-<br />

coljo a mortssse slsrn by Lelb Trpprx and<br />

wUW to cnrnnlaTnant. dstrd brptrmbrr<br />

Lilj a*.mLpj. alnetprn tmndrrd and liilr-<br />

. oo lands la tn. loam of WoodbTnr, U<br />

county of Cape.stay ana stsu of New<br />

J«rsryj aad you. Samuel Marti, an made<br />

efrodant becaoss- It is aUesrd In said bill<br />

tbat you ar. tbs Qsmerof said Isods. and<br />

OOL Mrs. Hainnri Itorln. are made de-<br />

radaot be f t t w ^e U wrtr f-r fi«<br />

' to K^' f 1 -* thrr<br />

T « o S u n r<br />

- LJ tvsro f t »-T Ih-Tre ,<br />

i* to »rt-«T fur Urn* ircar«-<br />

or» of the *" " ~-<br />

u.ti«jJ fur rUa*wii.<br />

ia 1 kj« ft-r Towiuh I p FUp<br />

l o fu*r Fcrrmi ftixv Pro-te-rtlaci.<br />

jcxss r.<br />

T<br />

J. ..f»d s-lr^tUio tlUtrifta of Drrmjj T<br />

>lp. at Knl«bU of r>tMa« Hall, D r *<br />

I1U. for ti^ tint rlrrtior. dLiiriH. and<br />

t I' U. .V of A. IU11, RokjLU iWarLU*. for<br />

Hr .W#-»-U>. N^*irnLbrr JL I<br />

It. ItM- rTloury cUr tTiObsry Ufttion of r«*a of aald<br />

t^a tt+rrr »itl b* ird mnddaa<br />

to b*? Olird at tbe<br />

la K<br />

r<br />

-tr Uoo dUtrtct of Dnmi*<br />

a » a 4 r U , M i l .<br />

» M - « * - i > o ' c l o c k a . m . t o j i i c s O o ' c l o c k<br />

t > . o * - , a n d o o<br />

T a « * 4 a y , O r t a V r r I t , I l i a .<br />

r v - o l l h r b u u T B o f o o c a n d " l f > r o ' c l o c k<br />

* . f u r U w p u r p o m r o f t r u k i . j a r C t a<br />

^ - » o f » b > t r r » . a x k d t o m l M a j » d o o r *<br />

t h e r ^ a ' s i L f - r o f v o l r r s f o r t a l d G r a c r a i<br />

U s t . c-f T u * - t . L i > . V n r m b t t X . 1 V I V<br />

u b r r r b y f t l v r a t h a t o n<br />

Toraday. Novrmber 2. ItU,<br />

Ut->rrn Uw tkour» of tJ« o'clock a m.<br />

--T-»«-II o*cNraxv<br />

T»o JuAtkr* of Uw Karr to i-mr foe fivr<br />

n.<br />

Frr«bUd--r t*> .arr-r<br />

to<br />

l c t o r<br />

O r w T o w n i h l<br />

r l b r r - r ) r a n .<br />

O o r C n t i t i h U l o * * - r * r f o r t h r r * a y e m r a .<br />

T * o 4 S u n r > o r » o f t h e H i r K a a j (<br />

* - - r » c f u r o o * ) r « r . ^^ "**<br />

A p p r o p r l a U o o f o r R o a d x .<br />

A p t » r o p r t a l l o u f o r T o w r u h J D E x o r o a r a .<br />

A p p r o p r U t i o o f o r H r l i e f < / r « f<br />

A p p r o ( > r i - t U i o f a r f o m . t V l r * F r o - x c t l o o .<br />

< X M . C K A S T ,<br />


*ice U hrrrby oi«ro that<br />

• MrsBber of tba Camrrsi<br />

<strong>On</strong>. Coroarr.<br />

tsa. Tiia-mtilii r*^^.^!^. nlh-n<br />

IK» Cnttortor.<br />

.^- o f t a . f U a s a a y<br />

A p p c o p r t s t t o a f o r R o a d s .<br />

A p p r o r s r t a U o a f a r L n c l d r t t t s l a s n d<br />

s r t r a .<br />

A p p r o p r t a U o o f o r R e l l r r o f P D O C<br />

' •• t a r r V x r s * n r r<br />

h e r r f c r ( t r r s ) Q * l t b e<br />

a n d C t e c U a a » r U i ^ j<br />

i SI Cnua*. Hail, Bio<br />

id ttV U i t<br />

t r t i S I C<br />

Third rta<br />

lcs- hall.<br />

i Utl<br />

. . . . _- — j*pi», n>o unajt ray<br />

ted •VartVsm oUstrirt, and at ksZ<br />

• Hall, Oosarn. Yer (Si VosrS<br />

I r c t l o n d i s t r i c t , o o ~<br />

Taaasay. lulnlii H. Ills.<br />

fns» anra oYiorx a- jn_ to aim o'ctea<br />

Sad oa<br />

M. till.<br />

btt>T«n tbr bours of ,<br />

p. m, (or tb. patrpoar<br />

trstUrt of ncm mat<br />

rrct tba rrs>ater of Totrrs tar aald (.ramj<br />

Ur«tlaa of larsday. Kosrsnbrr 2. ItLl.<br />

HoUos Is arrchr ctrra last on<br />

IWssUy. Norrmbrr 2. l»li.<br />

^ t w r r o l a * b o o r s o t s i x o ' < i o c a a a m .<br />

s a d M r r r a o ^ c i o r a p "* . a U r a r r s J D a y<br />

U c o w i l l b a a c S . a f w & U l a l l t a e I b . n a n<br />

U s a i d f c r a - m M p w i u r o t e f o r Q w<br />

or sad nine o'dksta<br />

of r»ailnr a rcSav<br />

so rrrtsr snd o>-<br />

r* for U l<br />

Ins o)<br />

<strong>On</strong>e o f I b . M a t e b t u L r <br />

M m f a r e s a s y r m r .<br />

O M C o r o n a r . f o r C a p e s t a y C o c n t y t s<br />

s r r r . t o r t h r r o y r a r s .<br />

O n « T o w a s M o C a o a M i r m u t . a r r a .<br />

f o r c o r r « y e s r m .<br />

O o r C o U r r t n r fe. a r r r . f o r t t L T r r > < . r ^<br />

4 h o . f V m r t a n i . l o S H - r r a f o r U i r r e y r x r a .<br />

T a - o t a n « ) u i o f C b » r U s h a a y . a ><br />

s r r r . t o r o o a y e a r .<br />

A p p r o p r i a t i o n f o r r X o s d s .<br />

A p p r o p d a U o n ( o r l a r i d n s t s l s s i v l S a t -<br />

A p p r o p r l s l i o s f o r R d l r f o f P o o r .<br />

A p p r o c x i a t l o n f o r r ' u r v s j V l r v P r t ^ r l k .<br />

A . T . D . a V O W a X t .<br />


\ o l i r e I s b r s i l j y M i m t ^ a l a P v l d i a r y<br />

I J r r U c n a l l l b r k t k l l o l i . U ^ - u * t , r U U .<br />

l u t b e U o c u u s b o f M u o r H s r b o r . S . J , a t<br />

Toesday. Bcptratbsr 28, 19IS.<br />

f r u c a i m a o ' c i o c k a . C B . t o a i n r o * c i o r k<br />

a l » t U t n U a a . s n d p e s o U > e K a -<br />

n ^ t W r n o r r a U e a n d F r o s T r s a f r *<br />

O l o o a r « « i l l P a r l y a ^ A r r s « r U I v o t r t y o f -<br />

O f l a l b a l l o t f o r c s a d k l a t r a l o r i*~U r « ><br />

a p * r t i r e p a r t l r s f o r t b . I r t t a r r a l t ^ r r t b e a<br />

I " b r b . 1 4 D O T l e r a t l a r , H i ' . T x n b ' r 2 1 1 1 ^ I<br />

I n t a r P r t m s r y h ^ e r l l o o o f t b r K r p u & U -<br />

m r ^ r t y L b r r . w i l l b . c l r c t e d i<br />

T b r r r c ^ i u n t y t U r r u U . r l - o o s m 1 1 l r * T T * r a -<br />

I n I b e 1 - r i J D a r y i i r r t i o o o f t b r U n a o -<br />

c r » U t t > a r r y . 1 1 1 t . r W « r d t<br />

T « o t ^ u o T y K s r < v r t l r . r o a u u l t t r r i a r a .<br />

• a t b e r r U i a i r H r r t i o o o f l a . f r o -<br />

t m t l r r ( U o a a c - r r n ) r V r t y w i l l b e r l e r t r d t<br />

< l n r I j x n t r r l s r r u U . . C i i m a<br />

l a t a e<br />

y reu taraJltmum.<br />

Prunary Uectlon of rs U o c k<br />

n n m n i - r a l s t a r o l a S e c t i o n A - a a L a i d 4 J « I<br />

o o a o r r t a l a M a y o f T o w n l o t s a l W o o d -<br />

U n r . C a p . M a y c o u n t y . M e w J r r s r y r e -<br />

c o r d e d a n d D i e d M a y j t b . U t l a l I . J "<br />

A . M . I n t b e C L r r k s o O a o f C s p s H a y c o u n -<br />

t y , a n d b a t t e d s a d b o u n d e d a s f o L k r a s . t o<br />

w i n —<br />

f i e a i n s i n s s t • p o i n t l a t b r j o a r O t m n l -<br />

w a r a i w a i a a t i n . o f W a s a l o S t e r j a v e n u e<br />

a r t y ( 1 * 1 f e e t a o u U n r r s t w a r d / y f r o m t b .<br />

a f i n i a i a i l a a r q j t y s i d . U n a o f L o n g f e l l o w<br />

s l n r t : t a c n o s a a u l b w r s t w a n U y a l o n s s a i d<br />

a i d e ( t o e o f W a s t d n a t o o a n a s i a « - r c m y -<br />

B . » < n > O r t l o C b . c c n l r r o f s l o t n o m b r f<br />

b l r t e c n ( I 3 > i t a r n o e D o v r b s r c s t s r a r d l y b i n d -<br />

a s b y s a i d l o t o n e b s a a n d s a d B / t y < I M I<br />

f r j t t a m o s o o r t b e s s t w s r u J y s e » n > t y - a . .<br />

7 1 > f e e t s o a r o r a r r o f l o t B t f l n b r r a h r r o ,<br />

b r a c e a o u t b c s s r a m x x U y h f ~ « * ^ s b y s a i d l o i<br />

— h u n d r e d s a d f t r t y < I M > f e e l t o I K<br />

T b e t n u ^ M j I y w i l l b e s o l d s u b j e c t t o a<br />

O r s t m o r t a a a j B o n w b l c b t b e r e t s d o . t b e<br />

o f ( 3 S 7 . w l l b I n t e r e s t t r o m J a o o a r y I .<br />

. n d a l a o a u h j e e t to t b e f o U o w l n s<br />

t a x e s l<br />

F o r 1 M 9 a r o o u n l l n s to S ] U « w l t b I n l r r e s l<br />

. w i D e c n n a r r a . A s a .<br />

F o r t b . y e a r i V i J a x o o a n t l a * t o<br />

w l t b t n t r r r s t f r o m l w - . i I t . t S I X<br />

F o r t b e w ^ r 1 9 1 4 a m o n z s U a a T s o f l c i r<br />

wrtb Interestl^ra i*£££rr^B. »»'l<br />

c r t b r r w l l a c o s t s o a t b e s e t a x e s a m m T n l l n<br />

\ » C U O .<br />

n f H r a f t W ^ C O x U O M . E b r r U r .<br />

W U U a m H ^ C o o p e r . S o r V . a j a ^ O r f n X J<br />

|w cgAwctanr of ret jotsinr.<br />

Ta Banks Brvwsri<br />

By sirta. of aa order of tbe Court of<br />

Chancery of Hew Jersey, made oa tbs da/<br />

of tbe date hereof tn a cans. wtatrcbT Am-<br />

City Uulidms sad l ltl b<br />

Strictly a County<br />







Bpedal stimtton g+r«n to<br />

work In all iU branches<br />

Agent for<br />



ea 8*elli Mala Street, ta<br />



T. GARRfTSON<br />

Practical Walcbmaker<br />

Prompt and careful attention gircn<br />

to tb* repair of<br />

WUttO, QtKtl, JCItfTT.<br />

A full lino of Watches and Clocks al-<br />

ways on hand<br />


South Mnln Street<br />

c*rs MAY cotnrr BOCSX. H, I.<br />


Counsellor at Law<br />

S a l U U a e . k t i - r t r r " - 4 l * ' * n - ' - - T * '• O f ^ T T<br />

a a a r e s s a O a r t r a a i a l a a l a a r r<br />


&.U T«l«»siaa ' s^y<br />


Attorney and Counsellor<br />

at Law<br />

flstl 1 -* ll>«*. Ma*~*rr % Wat Wi i Ml avm ta ft • mi*<br />

a** C*t-art C—i • Uni—,m<br />

Notary<br />


P u U l c<br />

Qll.\ti\£S A. BONNELL<br />

Counsellor at Law.<br />

aad Solicitor la Chancrry<br />

r a r U r a l a r a t l r a t t r a t a f r a n k , l a U . B .<br />

a s a a l > » > r . C a r t s - O r a a r t a w a f l e s s l S a -<br />

- • a s*>aVisfay.<br />



< r a l a v r r M . W a j — U n r 4 B . b a a r s l r a . )<br />

—uw omoco—<br />

CAMDEN, N. J, £05 Market St.<br />

WILDWOOD. N. J.<br />

CAPE MAY a H, N. J.<br />

Camdea, U&6. Wildwocd. 87A.<br />

Coort TJooae, 29.<br />


Attorney at Law<br />

309 Eighth Btnet<br />

1-11& OCEAN CITY. N. J<br />


Matsialr ritual<br />


O a L e a E U a r a l f S t a • a . a s -<br />

)lUla.a.<br />

I t t a • p . B S .<br />

c o n a r c l l a a .<br />


Funeral Director<br />


slTBai raaav. (1—L S-S<br />


Registered Architect<br />

orroaTTs rosT oma<br />

OCEAN dTV. N. X<br />

(i. O. IJVNGE<br />


CAI'E MAY COOBT HOUSE, ti. 3.<br />

Holers, Ghrabe an.1 Treee. Col Flow-<br />

ers tor all oecadooi. Be) I Fhone S7—2.<br />

11-n.y<br />

W. W. BEYER<br />

Civil ufj CaBstrBdlwa EsaloeerlBf<br />

Folly KjnJpped Car smrrcytaj; ea<br />

tae<br />

3rd ATC. Dear Mth 8t-<br />

S-l-l*jr STONE BASBOB. N. J.<br />

Tbe Real Estate and<br />

Searcb Company<br />

Fidelity Trout Co.<br />

of Newark<br />



Searches<br />

Abstracts of Title<br />

Conveyancing<br />

and Fire Insurance<br />

Prompt Service. AH work guaranteed.<br />

' to Loan an Good First<br />

O a s e s t a s t r a t r T s t l i a a l B s a k I l s l U l s -<br />



SHAVE<br />

ft tba ptonerr snop ear Court<br />

• bare, ail tbs facflttW. for<br />



ia tiw) Oalatrm & LOJSCALZO,<br />

William H. Bright<br />

H0IXT BEACH. N. J.<br />

placed In any part of county.<br />

S. LUDIJVM<br />

Real Estate, Conveyancing,<br />

Titan<br />

IB Aay Part et Cap* May Cmnty.<br />

O s V . a a M a l a « 4 r a e t O e > . P s s U a<br />

U l<br />

s<br />


P a r U m l a r s l U o l i o o | l r m t a B r i « f . o f<br />

T l l i r . S e a r t b r s . t u . &_4_ ,<br />

G. HAND<br />

oma<br />

» t o 1 1 s . c o . I l a s p . m .<br />

O C l c e s i r r s U l r n < e tnt U n l u n l c S i .<br />

• O - B . U<br />


Professional Piano Tuner<br />


I n u k . a s p e c i a l l y o f a d . U I a g - I t h<br />

r e o s p e e t i r s p a r c b a w r s t j p u n a s — a l d m *<br />

t b r t n I n a t l r c C o s I s i t n u w n U o f a n y<br />

s t a o d a r U c a . » « I b r y e a s y p e r f . r .<br />

B a y r t a w . F W M | C , B a i l t i a a .<br />

SOUND<br />



Tiroes SOD I all oor Baaaias Ei-<br />

priieorr we bs d<br />

n t t l > o c u r t * . A i n o m c t i t U t i - f<br />

b o b e c o m o C O X U M : U > U J & I t b a t t b o e i n £ i o<br />

o c c a p u x i t o f t b o c a r w n » c f l U J p g t o h i m -<br />

I t v & 0 . ' a i r V U , a a t l h e r c a o o d W X L A<br />

-I lUu? lbo woy jou treat yocr<br />

frtrod*." sb« uld wben bo had crott*-<br />

cd QalckJy to b*r. **Wbit havo X doao<br />

that jou ftbottld bt-nd word to mo that<br />

yoa cooUo't or wo«Idat •©« mer<br />

**Vou havu tluixo cu>tnJni;—aothiaff ftt<br />

all*"" bo mnd»? hnato to «uay. **I have<br />

IVota ott-rrua all Uoy with caller*—poo~<br />

_bl# xebo h"-^1 mocb to wnit nr>d oolblcif<br />

to CITO in ix- was &oo4bcr tbtxLC- If yoa coald<br />

know-—<br />

"^ *ua tery wllUm? to atnow," ei-* to-<br />

Utraptod.<br />

Tbe DowftftajkL-r corner was ono of tL*<br />

bcaiat In tbe city, and IU curb was ao<br />

r coc0d«ac«tt. CUxmt stepped<br />

ar*niad tb*r fnnit cud of tb»<br />

rvd car nod swuuc LlLUrU'lf Into tlae<br />

scat botUJ*? ltu drtirr. ~L>rl»u Into ouo<br />

of lb*j quUrCtf hir^-t-'ln,*" la- »uld. "auJ<br />

1*11 bbare tb« ajU*.-ruUlc Iiurxlc-u wltb<br />

you. aa 1 buvc bliantl nil llw* utberv."<br />

And wUta tbo little i-ur Uua cix-tt>la^<br />

00 tb*j low cvur out urn.- of tUc broail<br />

reaidvace a\t-uuc» h^ tuM Ucr ull. iing-<br />

tt rating aotblui; aud IMI'IUIIH^; aotb-<br />

ln& WI can't i\'a»oo ocxilu^t tbo facb«.<br />

Era a.' You koow uluit .ou me K*JIIJ<br />

and why you ure u jrr-iuted lu haylnc<br />

It,*" alio began. "Cut I ttt!l LIru tb«<br />

warning (hat you would give your bit-<br />

terest enemy."<br />

"His attttvuee la men. ly an added<br />

fwlst of tbo tharohscTvwti,** bo said In<br />

f t v u h u n t l u t l m - f L i * . " I l o U u a t b e r t » ,<br />

a n > l ! . . < • t l i i > » U t « x > a b o r t t o p e t h i m<br />

b e n * . W t i . t U t l o u o i n u » t l « O U n i i c ( < > -<br />

t l & y — I I . U u f i i n » o . i i i . O i t u r w l a o I t w i l l<br />

b e t < » > l . i U ' t U . i > t h U l . m t a m i m o a t<br />

n l t n . L u i M - n ( h o l l b c n l c u o f<br />

* » » t c r I n t b l : * c o a i n v o n -<br />

i K m ' t m . t k o I t b a n d e r f u r m e .<br />

H u n l y y < M J c a n * c © h o w 7<br />

h a r d t t U n o I t s L a n d s . * *<br />

" I c m e u r o t h a t y o a n r o a b o a t l o d a<br />

» o n u - ( I , l n c f o r w h k - b I n n i l t b o y r a r s<br />

t o r i u i M ' y o u u l l l n e v e r b o o b l o t o c c t<br />

y o u r « > a n f o r e , v c n c - s u i . t Z r a n , " " f i b o a n I d .<br />

T . M - M . u l i l i a s t w i d i - a a k l l l f u l f i k l c o f<br />

t b o D i ^ x ^ l t c - v c r . s b o t w n j t t b o l i t t l e c a r<br />

a h f i d u l t h a I a r \ b . s t w r i n i f I t I n l b o<br />

s J u n * ' " * * » f a t t t T T c * I n t o t b o n c ^ r v - a t<br />

C T . I * * + i . t n H - t u t T o r x l l u ^ n n o u t l e t ( o t h e<br />

..i'. Iliirtcur bo cried- "What<br />

o i i < l < > l n £ T I D i n t p a b a r k t o t h o<br />

arr-<br />

• " I ' l l t i i L r j o a b a c k t o t b o c o u r t -<br />

h o c - K * - . " » U e | . r o m l a * - d « d e f t l y s l i p p i n g<br />

t a I b e I b l r x l R i m O . " a m i ^ o u o b a l l b o<br />

t t u r o b o f o r e<br />

t * a y g o e s<br />

I J u t . i n c o m n a o t i<br />

Jostlcr, yna<br />

duat and bhall<br />

flrat ttll your fa-<br />

tber what you<br />

arv gtiliac to do!<br />

Doa't try to stop<br />

me: If y«>u do<br />

I'll ruu Into<br />

niQicthLuj; and<br />

smnnb tl.o car."<br />

Wltb tbo<br />

awltxh i-lufi oa<br />

tno il^h within<br />

caoy reach. It<br />

would Uato been<br />

a ultnpJo matter<br />

far Mui to htop tbo car. Dut her sln-<br />

gls lM~.trted u\-votlon una not to bo no<br />

ettilJy ttiuartrd. It had not occurred<br />

t* blm that bo plight drtvo fo War-<br />

truti.* Hall und rvturn in tlmo to **«;{<br />

Ib* Uicul tuarblnery tn motion to stop<br />

tbe frauds Ho ubi-o ho Icansd for-<br />

ward It naa not to throw tho electric<br />

BuiU'b. ad hho feared; It xroa merely<br />

to nJjt-Mt tho ulud alii-cM to tLat U10<br />

U J I B C u f t l i o R X > V < « H 1 n i a h w o u l d n o t b l o w<br />

I b i - O i t * A h b n - u t l i U - t t J i .<br />

K o r ( i f i t H - n m l l e » i n o r t h o f t b o c a p i -<br />

t a l l b o < j u u r \ t u r u n i a d U a s t r a l g h t -<br />

u v r a y r m v t r m k . a a d M l a d A n n e r u<br />

| ' A ) w O l u - r H * . I f a f t ^ r l e i a j i l r l r c r . A l -<br />

m o s t U - f u r v I l l o a n t r x ^ a l l i ^ - d I t t h o<br />

r \ - d r u r U U M a t n o n j r ( b o b i l l s a n d c U m b -<br />

1 n s ( • > t h e L u t - B j i U ' T e b i . A t H b o n o b o<br />

c u n y u n t h * > y I > A . » V M H 1 a b j > n w > o i a n c o m *<br />

n t h e c a n j o n r o a d . T b o m a n ' s<br />

I i l i - d a t » < I i : h t o f t h o c a r a n d<br />

I h r v a t . - t u d t o b o l t , b u t P a l r t r L a w a s<br />

l o o k i n g x t n i l g l i t n h e a d a n d a i u d o n o<br />

z n o v L - n i f i i t ( u b l a e k i - u b p t ' v d . I n - t h e<br />

F & u l n i c c l l m p w U l u a n t t h o u g h t h o<br />

r e c o g n i z e d t b o r i i l t - r . I t W I I B t h o m a n<br />

B a r t o o r h U d o u b l e .<br />

R y t h o t l n i o t b e l i t t l e c a r w a s d y i n g<br />

D p t h o c o t t o u w o o t t & e t i t i n e l e d n v c o u o<br />

U W a r t r a o o n u l l T a t r t c l a h a d b r o -<br />

k e n a r v c o r d . T h e t h i r t y m i l e s f r o m<br />

t h e c a p i t a l h a d I H V Q c o r e r s d l n f o r t y -<br />

t w o m l n u t c * .<br />

W h e n n h e b r o c ^ b t t b o c a r t o a s t a n d<br />

a t t b o c - n r r t a g o t - u t r u n c o t h o<br />

m a n s p x ^ k * f o r t b e flm <<br />

i h a h a d s l f i a D a v i d B l o o D L ' t t a o n<br />

u i l l m n t u c i ,<br />

" F i n d y o u r f a t h e r q u i c k l y a n d e a y<br />

w h a t I t b i r i g h t t o n a y . W h e n y o a a x e<br />

r v a d y t o g o b a c k 1 * 1 1 k e v - p m y p r o m i s e<br />

a n d t l r i r o y o u . * *<br />

I t v * u t i o l d l U i r u a b a u u b o a d m l t t t x l<br />

l b o b c u r i r u f u v l l t k l l u g a . " Y Q J . e a h ;<br />

M a r u t i i U M u j a h ' u l u t l o l i b r a * y , M w a s<br />

t h o u u a . u t ' r 1 0 U l o u u t ' t f q u e s t i o n . A n d ,<br />

t h r o u l u g c o a t a n d h a t a n l d c . t b o b e a r -<br />

e r o f b u r d e n s n o t h i s o w n w a l k e d<br />

q u i c k l y a c r o s s t h o h a l l a n d l e t h i m s e l f<br />

I n t o t h e r o o m o f t r i a l .<br />

" W e l l , b o a , y o u n i a d o o u t t o g e t<br />

h e r e , d i d n ' t y o u r " B a l d t b o f a t h e r<br />

q u i e t l y . . . u & h l n c a b o o k a s i d e . " D r a w<br />

u p a c h a i r . W h e r e l a t h o U t t l o g i r l > * *<br />

D l o u n t t u t t v I n u t u n t l y t h a t b o m a s t<br />

b o b r i e f a n d , p l i l l * . - * * -<br />

* * M I H J I A i i u e r u U a t t h o c a r r i a g e c o -<br />

t r n u c o l u t h o c u r . x v a l t l n g t o t o k o m o<br />

b a c k t o ( o w n . " b o n a l d . c o u » t r a i n i n g<br />

h l i n i u - l f t o n j R - a k : e u l i u l y . " I h a v e a n<br />

a p p o l n t i u e n t w i t h J u d g o H e m i n g w a y<br />

w h i c h m a n e b u k e p t , a n d h o l e a v e s b i s<br />

c h a t u b e m a t -I o ' c l o c k . D o y o u k n o w<br />

w h y I h n v o m a d e t h u t o [ » p o l n t m e n t * T '<br />

T h o i M t i a t ' i r u h o o k h U h e a d s l o w l y .<br />

* * l T o w B I I O U I J I L D O W , a o a Y '<br />

" I t ' t t n u t u t . l e u t u i n t t h i n g t o h a v e t o<br />

t e l l j o u . " t h o y o u n g e r t n a n w e n t o n .<br />

I f f n ' . r l n f r t h u c h a i r t o w h i c h t b o l o o g<br />

b t c i u n i . ^ 1 p l j M * W a y p o i n t i n g . " H u t P a -<br />

t r l r t i l o y i t 1 t a u n t . A U t t l o o v e r a n<br />

h o u r n g o e v i d e t u v — l e g a l e v i d e n c e — 0 /<br />

c o f r u p c l o u a a d f u U o r e g i s t r a t i o n i n<br />

f o u r vf t h o c i t y w a r d s w a s p a t I n t o<br />

t n y h a n d * . Y o u k n o w w h a t l ' v o g o t<br />

t o J t > w i t h I t . f a t h e r . "<br />

T b . - o l d e r m a n n o d d e d . " Y e a . I<br />

k n o w - w h a t y o u t h l u k y o u ' v e g o t t o d o<br />

w i t h I t . U u t t w o u l d n ' t d o I t I f I w c r o<br />

y e n , j o u . H a v e n ' t y o u l e a r n e d t h a t<br />

O C 4 J o t t b o f l r u t r u l e s l n t h e b o o k o f<br />

1 - o l i l l c u U n o t t o h u n g t h o d i r t y c l o t h e s<br />

o u t w h e r e e v e r y b o d y c a o s e c t h c t n T "<br />

L v n u ' s h e a r t b a n k w i t h i n h i m . I t<br />

w a s e v i d e n t t h a t h U f a t h e r w a s o t i l l<br />

U u » u t > ^ K x r t l u g . b t l l l u n c o w t c l o a s o f t b o<br />

U c p c n c l l u g b l o w . O n l y u t t e r f r a n k n e s s<br />

could uvall now.<br />

"I .can't dl&cas* expediency with<br />

yoa," ho said hastily. This ovldenco<br />

1 sitcuk of Involves you personally.<br />

T&ero Is trouble ahead, serious troo-<br />

bia, sod joa don't s»ocna to rcallxe IC<br />

The city papers will bo oot ta tbo<br />

tnorulujr pablluhlnxr cvldimco of other<br />

5ryqked_poUtteal work—ertdenco which<br />

I L a v o b e e n g a t b e r l n f b c r o a o d t b e r *<br />

a t } o t c r t b « s t a t e a n d w h i c h w u<br />

s X o k n w U o m y s a f o w a s b l o w n m ><br />

I A U . w e e k . I d i d n o t i n t c o d t o p o h l U h<br />

I t I f I c o < i M b r l p IX. I w a s ^ i . i t n | u<br />

o r c r m y . m o p c o p i o a a a c t o b t o m * v X e<br />

t h e m d e c e n t a n d t o k e e p t b c m d o c c d t .<br />

U a t X h a i o r e a s o n t o b c l i a T o t h a t U<br />

t U M b e e n c O l l t M *.-> t h a t i t w i l l a c c o * o<br />

o a t y y o u a n d t h o n u i r h l a o . a n d Xxj t o -<br />

m o r r o w t o o r n i o g t b o e n t l m f s l a t * w i l l<br />

k n o w , I d o n ' t h a v o t o t e l l y o a w h a t<br />

t h o e f f e c t o f t b l « a d d e d c x p o s G r o o f<br />

w h o l e s a l e c o r r u p t i o n t n t b o c a p i t a l U<br />

C U l n g l o b e . "<br />

T t i u s c u a t u r L a J U U t h o p i p e a i l d o<br />

a n d w a r n s t a l i n g s o b e r l y a t t h o C r o .<br />

" Y c u ' r u a m a n a u i o A f f a t h o u s a n d ,<br />

s o o . " b o s a i d q u k t l y . * * W h t o U<br />

c o m c i t t o a p u r u q u e s t i o n o f r l j j h t a n d<br />

w r u n . 2 j u u i l u u ' t b e m l t a l o a m l n n t o , d o<br />

j o a ) Y o u I U M U ' C f t u l d I t l a s o m a n y<br />

W O T X I M . « U > I ' l l t u \ y I t f u r y o a , Y o a ' v o<br />

g o t n * o r l u U t n h e r o y o u c a n & e o d m o<br />

l o t L o i ^ u l u u i U r y ? T h a t ' s a b o o t w h a t<br />

y o u ' r u t r y h m i « . t e l l m e . U n ' t U T "<br />

' t p u t t t t h a t w a y , f a t h e r , " p r v -<br />

t U o s * > u . * ~ 1 g n v o y o a i a l r<br />

X C Q T U l U Q - I ' ^ e g u t t o l i g h t f O T t h o<br />

r U i h t a a I i w - e I L I f I d o a ' t I f<br />

h a " b e<br />

l e v a t h a u a u u m - l c s - a t h a n y o o r • o o -<br />

C a a ' t > o u b v o t h a t I t t s L r c a k i a r m y<br />

h e a r t V *<br />

A . t l . c o i - o ' t U v l r l c a l l y s u r c h a r g e d<br />

t v l t b i k o u a l L l U t U - u b v e t t l e i l d o w n o v e r<br />

t h o q u i e t r v r v o i f u r a U t t l o w h i l e A t<br />

t b o c u d o f ( h o i s u u t t o t h o a c a a t o r r o s o<br />

a n d p u t h U h a n d u u t i L * u ^ a ' s a b o o l d c f -<br />

" I t u i i c u ' t a w u f t J t o n a y , * * h o a a i d<br />

• J o w l y . " A s J u u I i 4 d i x u > t b a t f l n i i<br />

d a y o u t h c n \ m a , l t ' » y o u r J o b t o b e w<br />

t o t b u U i w u u J U t t h o c t i l p a f a l l w h e r e<br />

t b e y t i 1 1 1 y . C * o a t > c a d a n d d \ > w h a t<br />

a t o c m u r i g U t O L R I l a w c h i d i n g t o y o o -<br />

I ' d m t h e r c o t u l a l \ t u l o o o v e r t h x n<br />

h a v e y o u U V J D D 5 t h i n g c l o e . I s t h a t<br />

w h a t y o u u u n t r d u > o t o s a y T "<br />

l i l o u n t d n j p i K . x l l u t o a c h a i r a * i f t h o<br />

h a n d u u b i t t i h t i u l u V r h a d c r u - u h e J h i m<br />

O B 4 c o v c r w l b U f a c e w i t h U l s h n o d t i<br />

I t v a n h n n i - b o n i e r t h a n o w a h i s o w n<br />

p r c D £ u r l u £ » h a d f o n . x ~ a a t I t .<br />

I t u n » a I U H K * u a l u u t o b u f a r o h o o t a g -<br />

g x n x i ( o l i U f . x - t a u d g r o p e d h i a w a y<br />

t o t b o u \ > u r . l e a v i n g h U f a t h e r s t a n d -<br />

t a g U f o r v ( t i u t l r % \ b t l l l w i t h t h o h a n d<br />

o u t a i r v t t - U e d w h U h h a d b e e n l a i d I n<br />

f a t h e r l y n t T t ^ t l j J u u p o n U l s s b o a i d e r ,<br />

W b c o o l d I l a r u a b a s b a d h e l p e d b l m<br />

T n t o h U c u ^ t a n d h a d g l r c n h i m h i s<br />

b a t b o n o u g h t I * n t r i e l a .<br />

" M a a t y o u g o b a c k T* a t > o q o c r t e d<br />

T r b e a b o b a d d e s o c u d c t j t b o s t e p s t o<br />

c l i m b n t l O J y t n t o t b o & e a t b e s i d o h e r .<br />

U o n o d d e d -<br />

* * V o u r d u t y i a c l c a r T "<br />

I I o c H X l J i ^ J o c a l o -<br />

* * A n d t b o c x J O A t t i a c n c c a r * * s h e e a l t e d .<br />

* * I t l o a ' t k n o « v . M b o m u t t e r e d . " R o l f .<br />

a n d t l U g r a o o f a r a l l o f O A , I s o p p o * c .<br />

O f c o u n w I s h a l l r t ' o l g n f r o m t b o r a i l -<br />

r o a d s e r v i c e a n d a l a n d w i t h m y f a t h e r<br />

w h e n — u b e n ( b o t h i n g I s < J o n c * *<br />

" D o n ' t d o I t . K \ o n ; d c a ' t d o I t ! I<br />

h a t e n o m o r o t h a n a w o m a n ' s r e a s o n<br />

t o g 1 t o y o u , b u t I a m B U T O y o a o r e<br />

o p e n i n g t h o i U » * r t o a l i f e l o n g s o r r o w<br />

f o r y o u r u e l f a u d — a m i — f o r m e . "<br />

I t n a i t t u i l a s t t « o w o r d s t h a t<br />

a U w l i x l h i m t o h i s p o r p o a v e . N o t e r r a<br />

f o r h e r d e a r t a k e w o o i d b o t u r n a s i d e<br />

f r o m t b o p l i l o p a t h o f t b o o a t h b o o n d<br />

o b l i g a t i o n . I t a t r u c k h i m l i k e a b l o w<br />

t n a t t b o t u r n i n g s s i d o x r o o J d m a k o h i m<br />

f o i v v c r u n w o r t h y o f h e r l o v e .<br />

T u L o m e b a r k t o t b o c i t y a a q u i c k -<br />

l y a a y o a c o n . P a t r i c i a . " h o a a i d . * " c r ,<br />

better still, etay bcro and let mo havo<br />

tbo car. That ts my last word.<br />

For answer oho throw tbo speed<br />

Itfver Into tbo high .rear and snapped<br />

homo tbo clutch. Llko a projcctllo<br />

burled froo a en tap alt th* UtUo toar-<br />

taff car ahot awoy down tko ccttco-<br />

wocd avenae, and the second r»c«<br />

time ^r<br />

For tlk«j tint few miles Patrida An-<br />

cent* Kln^lo paE»eficer had aQ bo coald<br />

do to lit-*p LU tH-aL Moro than once<br />

XUuuut found blm*clf mcchnnlmlly<br />

reaching f'»r lbo ateerlng wheel, bat<br />

as often ho caught himself In time.<br />

AJ* OU 1 In- outward race. Patricia was<br />

louLlui; htrulght ahead and giving: the<br />

little r;ir e.ery throb of epecd thcrv<br />

tvaa lu It. N'unc tho lens, ho could see<br />

that ohe h-iil It under pc.foct control.<br />

What lum-cntxl ramo with tbo Bud-<br />

Cenm-fM of 1 ho tbuaderclap following<br />

tho bolt th:it strikes exesr at band.<br />

»x» IT, ICVAN; Doa"r IK> ITI"<br />

The apiiruach to tho mouth of Bhonoho<br />

canyon \\un dowa a loog Incline with a<br />

gvptle iur\c nt'ar tbo bottom to bldo<br />

the ruuyou ontranro until they Were<br />

wttblu a huru}rt under a stall of *S teaencra.<br />

The followlm; U an abstract at<br />

raveyaaocs catered for record ta<br />

the County CTtrk's oOe* b«ra far<br />

otk ending August 27. 1916:<br />

Orasa Oty<br />

s o « u . » i r l * . * l * . « t u x . s o C a a r i o t t . & a o a -<br />

t i m U r .

• at 41 aat<<br />

T.I 11*. Ull.<br />


UL<br />

Oxay Qnnga Ca»p» Aag. U. WI&.<br />

Kfarytkiaa; la now rary uncertain.<br />

Tasew ara taa Uat faw mlnataa bar*<br />

at Champ. AH bara gooa bat aa f«or<br />

laws'to am aad w» laara by tba aaxt<br />

trabx for T-"*"**^ to know the worst.<br />

It tha War O0ca waa good to us yas-<br />

tarday, than w* lear* for Folkstooe<br />

aad Calala from Victoria Station at<br />

84JO Saturday morning, tbsn to Dun-<br />

kirk: Smday ^^ 00 Monday to tha<br />

aavbolaaca train which will always ba<br />

" re or anywhere In Franco—<br />

«.M»IIJ. I think, running from baso<br />

hospitals to (be at* porta.<br />

A faw daya ago wa wast ln to gat<br />

ir Bad Croaa certificates and bodgea<br />

and war* promptly refused them with-<br />

out ^y** 4 *^ parmisxtoa from tho War<br />

Oftaoa. Tba French an lately dia-<br />

iifl^i fti| of Amaricans going to the<br />

(root baranaa of aach occurrences aa<br />

fool massage from tba aews-<br />

to tba Kalfr the other day,<br />

otaer f^**t w ^ Tw ^* r i fl>> * with Gcr-<br />

away, and tbay think there is too<br />

amca pro-German sentiment in Amer-<br />

ica. At any rate they have lately got-<br />

tan tba British War Office to abut<br />

down, and tba ftrr. message to us this<br />

Week was—00 more Americans ln the<br />

Bad Croaa.<br />

Yoa as* whan Sir Gcorgo sent to<br />

Kttfus Jonas for us he had gotten aa-<br />

T Ttr " w ^ from Mr. Stanley, the head<br />

>of tba British Rod Croaa. a member of<br />

•tba great Stanley family and a hope-<br />


A fwag *tpftr who ^"^ baca atog-<br />

bvi tor opera work had tba good for-<br />

tsaa to bs> encaged by ao Impresario<br />

for a toar thrones Booth America.<br />

HU chest swelled wtth pride as ha<br />

walked tba deck of tha steamer that<br />

waa to take htm on hta first trip to<br />

foreign lands. Oa tha aoccmJ mom-<br />

tag oat ba waa moch surprised to<br />

meet aa old classmate, who. Uka bla><br />

aslt was a tenor smear.<br />

•WsD. wen. where an yoa from? |<br />

Where aro yoa gotogr* aach asked lha<br />

"crlppls, bat one ot tho gg<br />

in Par!tamerit, that ho would<br />

maka aara w» tot Into France. That<br />

waa throe or four months ago, how-<br />

— So DQ5» we ore simply alanding<br />

Tba latantala<br />

tbat taa abanboldtra<br />

tabrad road hare b*rn pes dend<br />

* ttQJDQOjyQQ by a few<br />

ksva oot acrapicd to cheat<br />

Ba ta order to anrlch tbemaarra*.<br />

taa road baa dona a big bastoes*<br />

tast tt would ban paid kaad-<br />

U it had not been exploited to<br />

abo*» ' stated has bt<br />

try tba afaHammt of tba<br />

But harsnaa a faw mar-<br />

fcm vfalatad an<br />

tkowaaty tba road to bopaiaas-<br />

tf ha awbt, 'r-rM'-f stockholders bars<br />

a«a rwabad. tha peddle baa had poor<br />

awjiiray aad tbo. rotting stock and<br />

attar Material of the road U is<br />

a* UM<br />

g ahqqt tba report<br />

U apt 0» atata.<br />

•r tka malalluif aa to-«iear-dolBx,<br />

C t ti h k f r<br />

Car taa paotie has kaown of Utai for a<br />

m<br />

I apotaar procvacisys ba talran<br />

• who hm wracked UM<br />

tobbad ateddboldara. Why<br />

ant ia a mystery to all. Ifaprrnta<br />

ladtrtlual ilimai mosey estrsstad to<br />

is focmd att, ba la apt to ba<br />

t r t . andUMpcb-<br />

it' But tt t&PM<br />

(9t awmy wtth fJOOOO.000<br />

flir Oaorgo has been expecting this<br />

woald happen, but nothing could be<br />

aad tbay<br />

for moch of tba<br />

"Jaw rtdfaur* aad probably for<br />

•of fact, thr great 1<br />

jaonis who go riding ia<br />

>•» aa for tbs real cleassra that<br />

* from aoeinx tba auiuuf and<br />

1'anrlaMTlly, aad not for tbo par-<br />

Urn tba situation, reminded him of hia<br />

promise- to pot as through and ojiked<br />

bat to get busy. Stanley aoid he re-<br />

membered bat waa very sorry the War<br />

OOea wanted no more Americsna in<br />

tba British Bad Cross. Newman<br />

cheerfully told M m we would bo tbe<br />

but and wanted to know if he were<br />

gt^"g~ to talk all night and do nothing,<br />

awsi&g wa had to teavo ln four days.<br />

Stanley garc op and wanted to know<br />

what be should do. Newman said he<br />

woold asad around a letter explslnlng<br />

tt all In 16 "I""'", that Stanley<br />

aboold f«t to the War Office with it<br />

f« enotACT lo minutes end that he<br />

(hlcwmsn) woold wait In hia ofice<br />

MX, night to bear something.<br />

It waa tba moat amaxing tearing up<br />

ayeelf and two other yoouj; sincere<br />

tor companions tn this affair. Wo<br />

hare Just found to oar rarprUo that<br />

we hare an been essaced by the umi<br />

man for the aame part oa th« aame<br />

tour. What under tbe sun can be<br />

mean by harlot; Ore first tenorsT*<br />

The 0»o youths took counsel toceTI aiobe. "the<br />

weartng of mourning may be carried<br />

to an extreme, as It was dartnc the<br />

last cvstury. wben It becaoa so o*-<br />

tentatioas that the Inevitable reae-<br />

tloa took place, synchmnlitng nMtnr-<br />

ally wtth tho aptrttool reawakening<br />

that beery tndividaaj<br />

la shored by the whole notion.""<br />

Restoring Fatigued Mueclesv<br />

A ! U due to tho accumulation<br />

of the products of fatigue, they are<br />

allowed to rest, wnlle an entirely-dif-<br />

ferent moscle groop Is set to work<br />

IOrnoMif. The energetic contrac-<br />

tion of these muscles causes an In-<br />

crease In bean action and circulation.<br />

and the strengthened current of blood<br />

thus Bent to all parts of the body Par-<br />

tially restoree tbe working power of<br />

the first group of maseles by carry-<br />

ing away fatigue toxins and supplying<br />

oxygen.<br />

throoAb »«Tcrml hundred ,<br />

ndlcM of Coa^ack country Ujt mo •<br />

zncr. aWd I hMve a very bright tm- I<br />

premium of the people. They h**« a i<br />

co&*Mcr»bi© QtuLCtlty of Imnd. T%e J<br />

tmtromcot pur»uc^ a avct policy of I<br />

giving tbo COOUULCLLS Laod. >(4ce '<br />

*ticr«lo to ll*o -.ell onJ multiply, i<br />

Tbe *boJo of Central A-la and Tor (<br />

kc^LoA la preferably itttlcd by Co*v<br />

uckj, Tho Huielan co*crnn>rnt<br />

train* tho men for iwocr thrco years<br />

and vhtro tho time of training<br />

b**co ran ihrouch tho aaitu>rltlea pro-<br />

poA* to them tiuu (hey a«itX« do*<br />

nc*r the place -.t.To thrj have been<br />

ennunped. Land * '11 bo eite<br />

frcva- They ran Lrln£- tbclr awe*<br />

heart, and their «. Ire*. The doet<br />

Kirch Li and ChlDce** and other atx><br />

n^liif* cart bo procflcaJly forced<br />

build bouses for them and dl£ oa<br />

Irrlgatton canala and plant poplars<br />

and willow*. A company of<br />

accepts the government propcaal. an<<br />

ao a new elation (a marked on th-<br />

map. A church La balli. A bortxanta<br />

bar and a wooden bonvo •«/•<br />

pot* aro pert op. A vodka<br />

Buppllcii- And that conatttote* Co*<br />

aack clvUlxation. (Now the vodka<br />

ahope are all clo&cd. and there ta taJ<br />

of reopenlac them aa acnoola.><br />

Tbe talk ant) tbe aoax* and tbe lit<br />

of tbe itta.ttoa are all miiltary. Tb<br />

talk U of battle* lately and bat tie*<br />

imxK *£°. and the battle* of tbo tx><br />

tare; the «um£B are recruiting<br />

and «ar aoefs: tbe life la ever wtth<br />

tbe gtm on baraeback.—Ctepben<br />

h«m. In tbe AtlanUc.<br />


E^rVeaTwSiaw IttwaU<br />

aapportlW<br />

r<br />

;«w»r.STEVENS. •<br />

i ajrstrtm. •»•>•,)» laji<br />

Jay la Service.<br />

A Dfe Bied for self can never bo<br />

gaod Bar great. Thero Is only one<br />

way to eave a Ufa and tftot Ia to lose<br />

tt ta aarrica to othara. Erery child<br />

la fttfhh* to a «-H»"~> -to do tha<br />

things' which ba la ahle to do for<br />

others. Bcrrlce of thla kmd brings<br />

the hlghnat Joy aa the years<br />

and ga. It la true, thla ~dol&g~<br />

aftorda ta> ^*^f^**^^^ daya mrt ^^*itrt<br />

tot physical energy; but better thaa<br />

that tt Conns tbe baUt of lrrmg tor<br />

otbera, which IU aome day prove to<br />

ba m fnontaln of pertmnlal lay to<br />

HlatsHo Cemetery ta Oo.<br />

A. cemetery, which was laid out tn<br />

1652, the year of the foundation of tbe<br />

settlement of the village of Newtown.<br />

In which are burled the ancestors of<br />

many of the leading f»w»m»« tn New<br />

Tor*, la to be wiped out by the exten-<br />

sion, of a street, and unless some of<br />

the wealthy descendants of the pio-<br />

neers of Newtown come to the rescue<br />

the bodies will all be reboried In the<br />

pauper burying ground on Hart's<br />

ft if nfl Amnng tha gravea In the old<br />

burying ground are those of Jonathan<br />

and Elizabeth s^sh, the grandparents<br />

of 8tayvesant and Hamilton Fish of<br />

Niu York, and Rev. John Moore, the<br />

drrt r'nMcr tn Nowtown. who died In<br />

\c '.. : : i tn tta piot-<br />

ta Huataslty*<br />

Oatttattt Hntrfcrnarm. tha dockmaata<br />

at Liverpool, ta credited with having<br />

otisiaatad tho reflecting Ughthooae la<br />

1TO, aad annthar great lmprovemcnl<br />

ts tha tnrantVm of a light tor light.<br />

hOwsaa waa maoa by I laotanantDrqm-<br />

•agsjd, who waa taa fltmt to aoggaal<br />

tha aalaeT Of <br />

tfar taara ia ao daacar rock or potst<br />

alow aar of Ik* aarlsaMa coasts tat<br />

kM Us -<br />

«*« ia tha tkther of tempts,<br />

Stood Up for His City.<br />

A small Chicago boy, visiting bis<br />

uncle In a country town, was asked<br />

If there were as many people there<br />

aa there were tn Chicago. Whereupon<br />

be said with all tho pride of bis aeven<br />

years: ~Why, we have more people<br />

In f»f in Chicago than yoa hove In<br />

the whale town.'<br />

Progr*** a* Man Ha* Mtdi<br />

Has LaboHouiJy Carved Ovt<br />

for Hlmaatf,<br />

It baa become a bromldlan eoo><br />

mon-place to aay that man can do ev<br />

erytblnc be baa to. tappJy eaxb need<br />

be frela and meet every cmertr<br />

tbat axtAe* with some expedient<br />

Tavnkee trick. And there la avome war-<br />

rant for each boaatralnesa, for every<br />

thine Uiat man envoys or employs b<br />

baa made for blmaelf out of each raw<br />

material as be foa n d to band. All<br />

that be knows be baa learned for him<br />

self. Ko one ever save him ony In-<br />

formation of tbe allet>tt-«t value which<br />

contributed to bi* nmfi-rlil Htlfare or<br />

the comfort of hi* )Ut'rli.h or provide for<br />

himself aa best bo could- If anybody<br />

deserve* an Iron croea or other hon-<br />

orary decoration. It Is man—resolute.<br />

resoarctrfu!. self-reliant bo mo sapiens<br />

a<br />

I l<br />

w*ii_ nt.tl<br />

4-rw»>.<br />

U. r<br />

»•»: t*.<br />

»r*J a«<br />

• am t<br />

It. W.<br />

! -<br />

Urv.<br />

Iii-Ttl<br />

IMI"<br />

Iti A<br />

u<br />

hit<br />

IJ<br />

UT<br />

M<br />

—- .-t»<br />

. «*av«JiUr<br />

ttl> ••.*/ 1<br />

• tin' LwwJ<br />

• tar£>rv> O<br />

t^VaM tB<br />

Uh-i<br />


Tbo KanuA City Olrt—Dool joa<br />

bare my iltDej» bcref<br />

Til© CU*eL»ad G!H—\Vbat aro tbey?<br />

Tb* K. C. Qlrl—Why. they're fl»e-<br />

ctat auLooiobUtov<br />

Tte CleweUnd Olrt—Ob. yea, I koov<br />

the kind Our &eit door DeLgbbor ha*<br />

oco an4 they >ok* biro eo much about<br />

ll that be only briDjp* It cot after dark<br />

[>R. F. G. STEINBACH<br />


125 E. Maple Avenue<br />

WILD WOOD. N. J.<br />

Keystone 0C-M<br />

for Cap*.' May<br />

May<br />

S< j»u mU<br />

UEU>\.:H TO (A.'K MAY < OISTV.<br />

Itorn in LUULT TOU iihhip. .Vuiru«t<br />

2J» 1HCH. CnuliiuUxl frt.m t'apt<br />

Ihjblw: School in lbnTi; U-urruxl tr<br />

of printer in CU[KJ May Wa\f cfl<br />

woxk*xl in iLiy time umi htuJu-J<br />

ni^fat to enter Priivctton f'lllcjr<br />

Btudent ut Metropolitan Law School<br />

4part of New York Un.M-n.ity>, m<br />

1HJ3; ttdrnittwl to ihe New Jcr^y Rjr<br />

in IH'.tH; wn'cj in Cujx- May t'ity<br />

Council. IKlrJ to ih'J^: Vtv»ui*rnl of<br />

Council. 1K1M; uathor of M I!ihtor>- of<br />

the County of Cape Mjy;" puMi-h*-*!<br />

orvd trditrd Cape May Hi-rutJ from<br />

1903 to liilJ; McmlKrr *>f A( hi-mMy in<br />

StandK for unj Jui.-* had pai.M.en*-f)t cf M.-a>»idf rc^vort**; fot<br />

mcxroy in HtuUr Govern men I, und<br />

for an umxory at Oct*an City. For<br />

La wit which will Lrine prosperity to<br />

Irrutevlioo . _.<br />

l^Mtvmouat la I<br />

IUaU« oa? firm J r j ,<br />

I. H. K. liownr, (WiUf<br />

U Ir<br />

y<br />

* Lrt tt** ttmlo<br />

14- M. IIMW<br />

Mb mile*. Also<br />

6 k. p, HartfoTtl ragiaf in (rood crdef.<br />


" DcnnUvillr. H. J.<br />

At The Fair<br />

Look For TheARGO<br />

The Motor Car for the Millions<br />

all <<br />

IIV tiki- lo<br />

f r It. Half |*lrs>urr)<br />

Tin*<br />

ar,<br />

Vrpi 1* th«- lirvt (<br />

titan t>><br />

iit*-\>r> >»rt<br />

ill. ll<br />

> o>inMi*f In* .ta^t wiitj utility arvl l»n-uiy.<br />

i-t-. lln |>ritv w tin- htm*-*t at Mhii !• a O*J, Edward K.<br />

>«JI*U. atrw m*ade *$*imdMxxl broutM >uu<br />

•d >«x. Mary K- iHywU. an Bu>de darfntd^<br />

>t brc»uaw you mrw tb# ^t/« o** U>e uJd<br />

tw«xd K. towrtl. »rad claia oar nuy ctatlm<br />

1 Ixanjfeal* rl«l^ of dower to tbe portkxi<br />

•amid land* omrd by yonr hoihraJ.<br />

HAHBV Ik DI3UGLA&5,<br />

Halictlar for and of Coaa»e>l<br />

n. MILES Eicon.<br />

R*?pul»lJcan canduluto for nomina-<br />

tion for Ktute Senator from CUJM- May<br />

County, nubjec* to the tlrcUion f»f Oi<br />

PrimarlcH. JWpt. 2ri, VM.<br />

TtU M-J^rrtiwaw-iil «>#iii'ri~«i itinl |*uLJ f«<br />



ffl .t Lw<br />

and (rruparrly ft«vl per rrnt. uf<br />

UM rat<br />

b<br />

ItmfLilfav<br />

) dkllara *wb. Uur luUrr,t ul<br />

of 0«c prr crul. prr uuuooi.<br />

ymbJ« warcQt-wUu&ua lly. and tbo nrincipol<br />

ttkatreo/ 1* dor wUid pnyublc tMrty y«rur»<br />

f no tbe dale Lbrrruf.<br />

Axcrunl Uiirrrst tu bo paid by the par-<br />

TIM P?JfJ rcscrvrs tbe ri«bJ to rejetrt any<br />

tkr carder of tlwe DoarJ.<br />

rTlANK W. KW<br />

'August 3O. 19U.<br />


Up The Hudson,<br />

With Us October 2nd, 1915<br />


This Means You and Your Friends<br />

Aboard the Largest River Steamers ID tbe World<br />


The <strong>On</strong>e Trip of The Season<br />

Specially Reduced Rates<br />

A Chance tn see New York's Sky <strong>On</strong>e by Night,<br />

Goinur l »y way of Grant's Tomb.<br />

Coin* thru the Highlands of the Hudson.<br />

The Hiatoric Battle Grounds.<br />

Going under the Poughkeepsie Bridge.<br />

Running on up the Hudson to Albany.<br />

For general information. addr^sTeither<br />

P. O. BOX 171 OR 192: CAPE MAY. N. J.<br />


S<br />

819 WeaWy Avrooc<br />

CUjr<br />

Ocraa City. N. J.<br />

*tm<br />

EDWABO B. SMITH *7».<br />

, «mrm<br />

cornn jnuuo AMO amwt am<br />

PrU "<br />


W to VkU About 7-Zifim<br />

ivtav faioAv IT<br />


NEW JKR8IT. '<br />

nnussa.<br />

Tt>* Qiam will b« nuuir.1<br />

ataus ull >«<br />


1915 SEPTEMBER 1915<br />

T<br />

m?l 282930<br />


Knbo cor*cb* for MIIO by Hannah<br />

Hand. 7-30,,ti*ow<br />

Freeholder Miller wa» in the city<br />

-<br />

tcj. nn Thurruiay.<br />

Capt. Frank Nlchultt, of Avalon, yrnn<br />

h*'rv on Motwluy.<br />

Ciunfon.'fc liand will 1M> nt thr fair<br />

Uwluy arwJ to-rnorrow.<br />

Flmjr and nu^ar l*arrt-l« for ua!o nt<br />

R. M. Elmcr'B hakcry- 0-10.4t<br />

Howard H. Rn^i and wife went to<br />

tKc city on Vi<br />

F- Ik»r»»oy Fo»tcr wan nn Atlantic<br />

City vinltor over Sunday.<br />

Moving pictures TucaJay nnd Jialur<br />

day nighL» at Spectrtorium. H-C.tf<br />

a.^ ttpent<br />

Ik-rthu Hull, of<br />

Hpsrnt Sunday here with her parent**.<br />

Townnhip Committee man Kdwir<br />

Id witt han a new Oakland automobile<br />

!>on v t forj;vt the County Fair, Scpt-<br />

9, 10 nnJ 11; a Mac ribbon cvcntB-C.tf<br />

Lawton Uroa^ the gau cucn, drivo to<br />

your door with gaoolinc and coal oil.lt<br />

Mrx- R- M. Klmcr und daughter<br />

Kihrl. were in I'hiUida. on Wcdncwlay<br />

• J{owurd Muy ur.d wife returned to<br />

their boror on South Main Btrvet on<br />

Friday.<br />

lltffh erndo ferliliitr conatantly on<br />

hand for Rale by J. Swine WiUiE,<br />

Court Houhe. 3-2C,tf<br />

R. Stilt •. ^.rccn Crvck. has. for uu<br />

a luiy tt.im that w.U work in double or<br />

MncL: Ki.rncKh.<br />

Mn^.MoiTut Ilard. of Eldoru, lit vi*ut-<br />

inc her daughUr. Mrn, Jumc-i GaUly<br />

ri Hand avenue.<br />

Law ton Broi*., if you drop them a<br />

postal at Hio Grande, will deliver you<br />

jjujoline arvtj coal oil. It<br />

David 1't-nii, of Atlantic City, wu»<br />

the welcome KTUf't of Mi<br />

!l>>wl appi'arance<br />

cn>*c to the Society. A» a rule the<br />

Society appeal^ for homeu for boy<br />

•eclally for you;igvr boyi., but JU'<br />

now f am i ly honw:» u nc needed for<br />

jngvr and oldi-r Rtrl**, but nono<br />

above i^rhool age. Applicunt** for<br />

chilJrvn will bo ^iven full particulan.<br />

upon rv*,ucht to tho N'L'W Jerney Chil-<br />

drxn'tt Home Society, J. C. Stock,<br />

SupU, -U Fon.t-Rvchey liuiL<br />

Tr%'nton, N. J.<br />



Cap« Uay county hi* bocn booorod<br />

y hay ins »° mxny of IU Skocu MTW<br />

n tho Civil War and O!K> in UM up-<br />

lulldUiff of Lho groat aad<br />

WtiL<br />

Wo have yo record tho<br />

away of ono who hjtd tha dliUocltoo<br />

if having- served In both cf th**o<br />

venU, FnincU A. T^>H!«fr>_ mho dic-J<br />

«i a farm near Holdcn, Ml«-*ourl,<br />

Vugu.t 'JCth, 101&.<br />

Mr, LuuLam w&a a brother of tho<br />

Uto Judgn JcsJko D. LadLoin, and «u<br />

born at South Dcnnli, tMa county,<br />

uly 2ith. IH20.<br />

In hia cjuiy boyhood bo followed<br />

tho wa, which «raa Uut uxual rocatioa<br />

f that d*y.<br />

Ho enli.Uxl during tho Civil War Ln<br />

tho Com Exchango Rcjrimcnt of Phil-<br />

adelphia and took part la tbo memor-<br />

able batUo of Gcttyii>urg-<br />

In l&GC, ho moved to tbo Wett, liv-<br />

g with hia undo in Illln-oJi, and<br />

afterwarda nt tho solLclLaUon of his<br />

other, Benjamin, who hod proceeded<br />

him to Ml&Aouri, bo took up tbo occu-<br />

pation of farming in that a late.<br />

He leave* a wife, two, Harry, and<br />

laughter, Mary.<br />

Mr. I-udLim woo. tho too, of ChrU-<br />

•ophcr I.udlam, who waa tbo father of<br />

'ourtwn children, of wham threw aro<br />

i.till living—Jaahua S, f-ft-Hlwm. at<br />

.irookiyn. N. Y.; Edward Ludlam, ot<br />

•VaAjdcna, California, and Mary D.<br />

JrinkerhoiT, at St Cloud, Florida,<br />


Newark, N. J., Au^- 3O, 'l. r .<br />

Dcir Mr. Cooper:—From the ac-<br />

count of the Shurv Road by Wm<br />

Lake, quoUd in the GAZITTII; of lur.t<br />

, the infe-rvnee Iu that the prv>ent<br />

hor%* jroatl la ihe one laid out by<br />

Hand and William (J old in<br />

wLo were appointcU in 170*i for thit-<br />

lrpobc.<br />

I do not know whether other changvi<br />

have been miulo in the road, but thn<br />

road did not originally run directly<br />

through Cape Muy Court IIUUM.*, bui<br />

to tho Kant of what ia locally<br />

known an Dr. Coley't. and Dr. Wiley*<br />

pond. My brother. Dr. Z. Hand, ha<br />

many notc« in connection with Court<br />

hiatory und I find tho following<br />

in hid note* regarding thin early td.nl<br />

"Truces of thin early highway wlu-n<br />

CrookL'*l Crvek in the vicin<br />

ity of Cape May Court IIMUM* COIIK<br />

be hvvn in June, VJOO."<br />

Thih, firht road in the county* r;ir<br />

prarticully along the Uiuiulary IK:<br />

the meadowH and wood*, u.<br />

naturally that would require le*.-* Lil>oi<br />

to "lay out."<br />

The preivent road ut CoUrt HOUM:<br />

ib probabaly bc^n in existence since<br />

before 17C4, thr year In which Dame<br />

IIund guvu the land which IK now oc<br />

cupied by the county building. Crook<br />

v«l Creek wax formerly Hpcllet<br />

Kruncked Krick.<br />

John Crettb*j'»i crvek, referred to ir<br />

your article, la now callet) Holme*<br />

Run, ono milo above Cupc Muy Cour<br />

Houhe. Very truly yourn,<br />



l-'runk IkuLy<br />

«jli<br />

llanUI Oil<br />

MruIU.ii<br />

np<br />

-rUk^xi I-JwuutJ Jrrntl<br />

U'lllliin. UUWMI, Jr. Nlrpl^u l*ur^xi<br />

\UxUu Sfull WUIIAOI TrxHil<br />

John II. William.<br />

Wullrr<br />

T*«M«Jp<br />

l^xMuiXil A bra oia<br />

T***"in-' Anuuuf<br />

William C**rwn<br />

i'Jxarlc* V\»ur<br />

Oeot^e CalL*ah Vll/r^r.<br />

ZdmunJ IL Oabomet Bull Mooao<br />

eadt-r and candidate for tho ProjrrCav-<br />

ui\c nomination for Govcrtvor tn 1913,<br />

returned to the Republican party.<br />

<strong>On</strong> Frulay he mod* public anno-unce-<br />

im-nl of that faxt» prefacing hia<br />

Uitcmcnt with thc&e wronlj;<br />

**l have returned to tho Republi-<br />

can party, an nearly all the other<br />

Pro-^rv-jvuivci* have dotfic, becauae<br />

I Ikclicvo that the JVojrWaUuvo<br />

party i« dead beyond hop* of re-<br />

vival and bccauibc I bcllevo I can<br />

urc-omplinh more by working In<br />

the Republican party than I<br />

could by jroinjr into tho Demo-<br />

cratic party. Every man ou^ht<br />

to l>cloni: to tho party in which<br />

hi* nrvd"* the lariat number with<br />

uhora he aj;rc**£, coaac Icntiotti, and cflici*rnt<br />

work of tbclr rotireacntativo tn Uv*<br />

laat DCiaiai. of Uw Ufialalure, tbo<br />

Horvarahlo LcrwU T. HUvcna.<br />

From tbo opening day of tbo 0€4-<br />

ftioaa to tbo cloning hour, Mr. HUrrenji<br />

waa oo tbo Job ovary mlnuta. Ho waa<br />

of tbo flrmt membora of tbo Hoaao<br />

to be aeaUd at hia cUxk, and ono of<br />

tbo laat to Uarc Ho e>LablUh«d tbo<br />

reputation of being an Indcfatigablo<br />

-rariccr and hia voico and hia voto and<br />

hia o-vcry tffort wcro a I way a in behalf<br />

f tbofko maoffarea bo knew to bo dc-<br />

ired by hia cociaUUxmto.<br />

M Whcn tbo 1914 Republican SUU<br />

'UUorm waa mado at tbo convention<br />

bald Ln Trenton, a plank was Ln*ert*d<br />

which pledged tbo Republican Party<br />

to retrenchment ln tbo eipen&co af<br />

inducting tbo annual aesalan of tbe<br />

gttlatam. It hod been tho Impre*-<br />

lioc* that under tbo recent Democratic<br />

admlniitration. too many ainecuro%<br />

been catablUbcd in c&nrvectkm<br />

with tbo ocaaion, ix*ultin(j in tbo un-<br />

lAcc&Aary vipradituro of tho iiUU'i<br />

ofvey. When tbo bill for tho inci-<br />

dental expense» of tbo flcoiiion wo-a<br />

preaented for the approval of tho leg-<br />

Ulatarv tbo pleaaing discovery wu»<br />

mado that tbo total waa 1-2,000 lr«-»<br />

than it haa been In roc-ent yean*. To<br />

Ai*fmblycian SUvena rau-t bo t .<br />

tho lion'a aharo of tho credit for this<br />

initial atep In tha ocorv&my of adniini*-<br />

Lratian- Hia work on tbo Incidental<br />

Appropriation's Rill CaamltUo haa<br />

been commended (n all partx of tho<br />

Slate, and even Governor Fielder w*va<br />

grudgingly forced to odmlt that Ia WOJ<br />

tho beat Hill that had been prc&cntcx<br />

'or a chief cxccutivo'A signature with<br />

n hiii recollect ion of State adminlatra-<br />

Uam.a- AiacmbJypmn titevefl ^ _<br />

many bouro to etudy of expcnica, ab-<br />

solutely ncceajuary to th* running of a<br />

aaioo, and tho Bill that waa pro-<br />

nted to tbo HOUA« and the Senate<br />

waa tho result of thla ttudy and in-<br />

'catJgatlon. It more than redeemed<br />

he platform pledge of the Republican<br />

Party and it announced to tho State<br />

tho policy of tho Republican party<br />

*cng tho lino of economy In Stat«<br />

>vernmcnt.<br />

"r'rcwra tho beginning to tho end of<br />

tbe fteo-aion Aajetnblyman Stevens put<br />

up a great fight for tho dcfcnuc of the<br />

Atlantic Coant ago In ft t thr encroach-<br />

ment of tho ocean, Coniudcrab'o wu<br />

occocnpliahcd during tho La*t &e&aion<br />

n£ thi a line, and tho major portkm<br />

of tbo arhicvcx&cnt W»B duo to the un:<br />

tiring efforta of the Capo May rcpre-<br />

acntativc.<br />

**It la not pooaibJe ta go into detail<br />

.n reference to all of th* work aecom-<br />

plUbed by ABAemblymanStcvcnit, but it<br />

may bo briefly said that he waa never<br />

found wanting when his vote or hl^<br />

work waa needed on all<br />

beneficial to the people. Ho<br />

proven him«lf to be the type of An-<br />

Bcmblyman worthy of confidence, bc-<br />

AUJU) bo has been ahoolutcly faithful<br />

to the trunt Impcited In him, by hi<br />

own Co*anty in particular and by thr<br />

State of New Jersey in general.<br />

"He hoII just completed hiu c<br />

term aa an Aimnbylnmn with credit<br />

to himself and to hlo County.**<br />

Tbl* oAi. [*>UX U* Ly I_ T. Un«i<br />



Thi.- following advice aa to one<br />

method of getting; rid of Mr. Don I).<br />

ion i* clipped from the Hoi ton (Kan-<br />

-\ Iticorder.<br />

DiiC up tho pLin La, all of them,<br />

iu>on mi they appear in the Bprinjj. In<br />

Kin£ them up be careful to £O deep<br />

tnouj;h, nay elghtt^n inches, to g<br />

eury vebti£« of root and top; Bpread<br />

them out on a floor to dry. Tho floor<br />

>hould U* incloaed with an air-tight<br />

hhect-iron wull and roof. When dry.<br />

pit** them up, no.turate with ga&oline<br />

and burn them. Collect every particle<br />

of the uhheti, put them Into a tin can<br />

und hermetically seal up; then put the<br />

can in u bag with rocka or old iron,<br />

c^ual parta, take tho bag out beyond<br />

the thrv«-mile limit and sink it la the<br />

de*-p hca. Thin, if carefully observed<br />

ull over the county, will abate the peat<br />

until frenh uxtlu blow tn from an ad<br />

joining county.<br />



Atlorncy-Gencrul John W. Weacott,<br />

of NV-v.' Jcrj*cy, iu a pronounced. Ruf-<br />

fracist, a vic«-preindent of tho New<br />

rsey Men'n Leaa^ue for Woman Suf-<br />

iri'. He Kayb:<br />

"If you want clean btrccta, pure<br />

water, food and market Inspection you<br />

mui-t K'WC women the vote. If you<br />

want Rood bchoolu,' adequate play<br />

grounds and hygcnlc conditions for<br />

children*the |*rowliif cltixens of the<br />

future—you must give women the<br />

vote. If you want to be tho Bervant<br />

and not the tna-stcr of society you<br />

mu*t irtvo Uomcn the vote.<br />

"The more I beo of the working; of<br />

the Eovtmmcnt and boclal conditiontt<br />

of thU State the mare I am In favor<br />

tf i-rouck Heights, after<br />

pending their vacation with rclativea<br />

ere.<br />

— MiatH ZJllian Iliggin*, of Cherry-<br />

illc, und Miiui Nina Flanagan, of<br />

llridgcton, were recent gueaLn of Mra.<br />

\lice Taylor.<br />

— Mr. Ycrgcr, who huji been upend-<br />

X tho pant month with hia daughter,<br />

Mr». Pfendcr, retumed to hia homo in<br />

*hiLi«Li on Tucaday.<br />

—The Cranpo held an interesting<br />

citing Laat rriujiy evening 1 . Karm<br />

*cTnnnatrntor Thru*Ju;r und wife, of<br />

'oort Houive, were prei^nt.<br />

— Kendall Smith npent a day reccnt-<br />

y with U, H. MartiKall and trimmed<br />

he fahojie tree a. It would l*o well if<br />

them followed hiu example.<br />

—A happy party of our young pco-<br />

lo had an old-fn.ihioned beach-party<br />

t Corston'a Inlet laut Saturday. They<br />

~od a moat delightful time.<br />

—Tho W. C. T. V. met for tho an-<br />

ixal election of oif*ct;rH La-ut Thursday<br />

ftcrnoon. A new president waa elcct-<br />

xJ, the other oflicrr-H remaining tho<br />

jmc.<br />

—Thcru will be a demonatration of<br />

roper mctho\ln of canning before the<br />

Grunge In their lodgu room on F'riday<br />

Oct, 8th. Everybody in in<br />

npent<br />

—^H. A. Payne la having a new roof<br />

put on hU boaac.<br />

— Un, Edward McAllUtcr<br />

ibor Day at Ocean City.<br />

—Virgil Pieroon in visit ing re la<br />

••*« at Camden and Ptiilndf.<br />

— Dr. John Dougloiu* und wifo vihit<br />

ed tbe latter'a parinta on Sunday.<br />

— Prank Whcaton, of Coinden, bpen<br />

Sunday with hlo aunt. Mnu Hurry<br />

Pieraon,<br />

^John Wonder, of Red Oak.<br />

vUited Edward Me A 1KB Ur a couple of<br />

daya laat wreck.<br />

—ChorUs •HUenberger ham returned<br />

from hia vacation with relative* in<br />

Marysville, Penna.<br />

—Mnu Walter Sharp, of Sea. UIc<br />

City, called on her ntJJter, Mra. Horace<br />

Townacnd, on Tuesday.<br />

—Charles Sut ton and w-ife, with<br />

Mnu Mary Godfrey, were over-Sun-<br />

day visitors ot Wildwood.<br />

—MUa Elizabeth Heaton ha* re-<br />

turned to tho Jrffenton Hospital to<br />

tuime her duties aa nur&e.<br />

—LewU Con>on, of Millville.<br />

>een upending a few dayu with hi&<br />

Inter, Mnu German Cor&on.<br />

—Edmund Cordon, of Altoona, I<br />

LOJJ returned home accompanied by<br />

hU grandmother, Mra- Princillu (or<br />

i.<br />

—Miau Florence Condon left on<br />

Monday for Camden, where, khu hart<br />

engaged to teach the coming wrhoo.'<br />

year.<br />

—Mi mi EZdna Bamea hsxa retumt-d<br />

to her home In Millvllle, after spend<br />

ing a fortnight with her grand par-<br />

.tu, H. A. Payne and wife.<br />

—Mr. and Mra. Edward McAllister<br />

with the MbrfB Edna and Alberta<br />

roes, and Mcaanu Claude Hurley<br />

and John Wonder, formed a party a<br />

a Itde Friday nighC<br />


—Maurice Thompson haa an auto-<br />

mobile.<br />

Marie Hand U viwitin^ on<br />

Long I aland.<br />

—Mra. Wm. Me Done 1 ir. entertain<br />

ing company.<br />

—Prank Jones Iu vUilting hl» uuuj;b<br />

ter In Philada.<br />

'ames Tomlin entertained com<br />

pany oa Sunday.<br />

—Miaa Vema Kidd, of WiUwood<br />

spent the week-end with Mnu Roy. E.<br />

Wolcott<br />

—Francis Jonen and M i&a Marian<br />

Hawk were married on Wednesday,<br />

September 1.<br />

—School opened on Tuewluy with<br />

Mr. Daub aa principal and Misa "'<br />

an primary teacher.<br />

—Thomas Daniel a und wife, of Mill<br />

ville, wbo have been vudting at Krunk<br />

Downs', returned home Monday.<br />

UarHs la teaching at Col<br />

arold<br />

h g<br />

Spring. May G. Neal at Holly Beach,<br />

Grace Neat at Woodbine and H<br />

Morton nt Dias Creek.<br />


Juct a few of the elUrens cf Dion<br />

Creek at least desire to acquaint the<br />

Chicken Thief of our community thai<br />

there ore a few 36 and 38 calibres<br />

where ho at Least expects, and It wil<br />

not bo a question or doctors picking<br />

out shot, but o> case of probfnjj for<br />

Home of the above numbers. Mean<br />

enough to make occasional trip* for<br />

truck, and taking In at same time the<br />

poultry of Industrious, poor woman<br />

We know him.<br />


A hooiKrWM remedy in<br />

for 25 years—Dr. Thomas 1 Eclectic<br />

Oil* Pox TrrtM, spXawlna, burns,<br />

bruises. 25c and 50c, At all dreg<br />

stores. . Ita<br />

GOSHKN<br />

—Thoraday. BopUob«r 0th. coded<br />

•o doc-daja for 101&.<br />

—Sarmb Ftter*otL cf Avaloa. ia with<br />

ir friend. Pearl lUrkhrido. this week.<br />

—Leroy Grace, of Taj it tun U, N. Y^<br />

p«nt the w«ek-«nd with hlM father, J.<br />

'. Grace.<br />

—MUs Annie Maaaay haa returned<br />

ram a delightful ooting with Ocean<br />

'ity frienda.<br />

—Gc«x Ekhordaoa g*vo an excel-<br />

lent talk to tho Brotherhood tsrt Bun-<br />

iy morning.<br />

—Conductor SoexMrs Lloyd and wife,<br />

f Capo May City, were In town on<br />

urwlay rUiUng frienda,<br />

—Charles Hand, of Ptilad*JpMa,<br />

as a WDok-end viaitor of his toother,<br />

Mnu Townacnd Gallaher.<br />

—Mrs. Ada PliU and daughter ore<br />

njoying tho early Autumn days as<br />

gucaU of Mm. L. StilwtlL<br />

—Mnu Kato Bright la en toying tho<br />

•ca air at Angle***, while vuiting her<br />

lUghter, Mnu Allan Grace.<br />

—Mrs. Prank Cough returned to<br />

her Brooklyn home on Monday, aftei<br />

delightful &ojourn in town.<br />

—Miaaea Marcmmt and Mary Lud-<br />

m, of South Dcnnia, «rere In town<br />

ailing upon friend a on Monday.<br />

—Our High Sctiool students mado<br />

their flrut trip to Court Houao on<br />

~\«nday In tho truck of Harry High,<br />

— Edward Phllippa and family, of<br />

Marcua Hook, are spending n week<br />

t the home of Mrs, Mary E. Minner.<br />

—Pastor Bugg and wife were en-<br />

ertained at the homo of Clarence<br />

low ell, at Diaa Crock, two day** lost<br />

ock.<br />

— Mra, Rebecca VanJ*rgrift, of<br />

c La wore, -pent tbo paat week very<br />

ileaaanliy with her aiater, Mnu F. W.<br />

amen,<br />

— Prcaidcnt Samuel Downer, of tho<br />

tate S. H. AuocLation. vlaited our<br />

bchoola on Sunday and made excellent<br />

add re &ae a.<br />

^Dr. R- Towntiend and wife, of New<br />

ork. have enjoyed the nrrnpltnUty of<br />

ianiel Conwio and wife during the<br />

pant week.<br />

—The tomato canning at tho Stc-<br />

nft factory U Improving thla week.<br />

growth of the tomato having been<br />

l id<br />

— Hcrculcn Kiiibill, uccompanicd by<br />

ii» wife and d.au»rhter, Catharine,<br />

Qotorcd from Mil« with Mm. EmbiU'<br />

uthcr/C. II. Blizzard.<br />

McHiini. PotUi and Rowbothum, of<br />

crKon, arc getting the bilk mill<br />

reaJy lo begin wo.k next week. They<br />

will train a few worker* at a time,<br />

in*: to ect all the help they rveed<br />

hiit ncichborhwod.<br />


—Mnu C. Stow Hpcnt tho week-end<br />

it Ocean City.<br />

—A bc-aeh-party wont U> St ruth-<br />

mere Saturday.<br />

— Mm. Griffith GunJy wu» u Sea<br />

Ic visitor on Friday.<br />

— Mru- Frank Shaw Lpcnt the week-<br />

:nd at Towni-crid'u Inlet.<br />

. -School opened Wcdncitduy .vtith<br />

:wenty-four pupil a prvM-nt<br />

-Carl Sharp Wi-nt lo I<br />

in Tueiwiuy to obtain a pot<br />

—Chariest and Funnto We id man aL-<br />

Liwled a funeral in Phila- Thurwlay.<br />

— Dr. and Mru. Hubbard. of Chenttr,<br />

*u^ arc viuiting her aunt. Mru John<br />

letuu<br />

—Mr. i>oud*--rj und fumily, of Chi<br />

ago, viutcd Mm. Hurry Dow.iam on<br />

—Maurice Warwick Bnd daughter,<br />

Lide, of Trctiton, are beinjr en-<br />

ertaLncd this week at tho home of J.<br />

W. Cooraba and wife<br />

—Wm. Hughes and wife and Ed-<br />

ard WhiLdan and wife, of HeUler-<br />

illc, were entertained through the<br />

cck by J&o, WCIIJ and wife.<br />

— Robert Mitkr and wife, Mnu J. F.<br />

o-vnbend, and Muui Mary Townocnd.<br />

f Court Houae. were visitors at the<br />

tiomo of Daniel Coraon on Sunday.<br />

— Miiui Thereaa Towmaend. of At-<br />

»ntic City, and Mm. Swain Ludlam,<br />

f PhiUulelphla, were week-end visi-<br />

tor* at the homo of Mrs. Phcbc Town-<br />

nd.<br />

—ThoR. Holmes, of Wildwood, wan<br />

accompanied by Ncl&on Smith, ot our<br />

town, on a recent tour through Mill-<br />

ille, Salem, Woods town and Penna-<br />

ro\c.<br />

— Myrl Jacoha ar*d family, of Brook-<br />

^n, are npending the early September<br />

day* with Capt- J. W. Grace and wife<br />

while tthaking hands around with<br />

any friend*.<br />

—A very delightful watermel&n<br />

•irty, Riven by Mu* CUra Springer,<br />

waa a lie ruled by Ouuu Sirninfrton and<br />

wife, Theodore Reeves OJUI wife. Thos,<br />

Ed^v, wife and ton. Leon, of Cape<br />

May City, anj MU* Mary Jackaon<br />

d MUn Carrio Powell, of thla village.<br />


—Jamei. Springvr and wife, of<br />

Court Houac, bpent Sunday with Juhn<br />

"LBM and wifo.<br />

—Albert Way rpent several di .<br />

of thib wcvk with hi» ton, Lincoln, at<br />

South Amboy.<br />

—William fk.vaul und wife i.pcnt<br />

Sunday wilh her brolht-r, Wultcr Tuy-<br />

lor, ut Tuckahoc.<br />

-Mru. Stirlinif Cole, of Court<br />

HOUM;, *>pcnt a few dayn thit week<br />

with rvlativea here.<br />

—Mnu Daniel Dslancey and two<br />

children bpent tho weet-end with<br />

relative ii in Millville.<br />

—Mltui Loulaa VanGilder on Wed-<br />

rt*day bvgan her flr»t year of teach-<br />

g bchooJ, at Woodbine.<br />

•—Oliver Gamblo and family, of<br />

Wcntmont, bpent Labor Day with<br />

Austin Ik-vuul and fumily.<br />

—Mrs. Frank Cobb and w>n, of<br />

Strathmere, npent u part of thiu week<br />

with Oliver Cobb and fumily.<br />

—<strong>On</strong> Monday Mian Hattie LutU re<br />

turned to her homo in Millville, after<br />

a two uct-kh' vUlt with Min* Florence<br />

Wright.<br />

—Sorncrw TownM.nil'« dog Wan run<br />

over und killed by an automobile on<br />

Saturday; tho 5th to meet the umo<br />

fato recently.<br />

—Tho»e who go from here to Ocean<br />

City High School are Marian Hewitt,<br />

Iht year; Alma Way, 4th year, und<br />

Clara Dcvaul, lind year.<br />

—Rev. F. F. Whitcamp, of Cor^on'i<br />

Inlet, occupied the M. E. church pulpit<br />

Sunday evening am) pave a vory in<br />

tcrvHting talk: on the 37th Pmilm.<br />

—Henry Davis, H-i years, died a 1<br />

his homo at Keaville on Wcdnetday,<br />

and Wuu buried on Saturday afternoon,<br />

with b«rvicctt In the M. E. church. Rev,<br />

William Black man officiating. For<br />

number of y&aru he had been quite<br />

feeble, and wuu cared for by hia faith<br />

ful wife, whom) devotion made hU la:<br />

yearn happy und comfortable. Do-<br />

ceaoexl wan a trustee of tho M. K.<br />

church, nnd an earnest Chrintlan.<br />


wife<br />

—ThomuH Miller, Sr.. und<br />

bpent Wtxlnetuluy in Camden.<br />

—Born to Edward II icknuin ami<br />

wife, on Sunday, Sept. 5th, a daughter,<br />

—L. D- Compton and family upenf<br />

Sunday with nli; parentH at Diaa<br />

Creek.<br />

—Swu.n LudLum wuu tho gueut o:<br />

Mury and Maggie Ludmm ovc<br />

Sunday.<br />

—Mm. Eugene Devitt urul uon upen<<br />

Monday ot Court Houtw? with he:<br />

mother.<br />

—Minn Eluie UttledelJ. of Phlladu.,<br />

wait on over-Sujiday guest of<br />

Lizzie Cuhnley.<br />

—E. Z. MilU und fuinlly arul W. J<br />

Tyler, of Court House, called or.<br />

friends here Tuesday evening.<br />

—WurTen Woodruff, of Pbiluda^<br />

was the guest of hiu ulster, Mnu R<br />

McCormLck, f rum Saturday until Mon<br />

day.<br />

rover Clausen und wife,<br />

Trenton, spent several days recentl<br />

with her aunts. Misses Annie<br />

Lydla Nlckersoa.<br />

—Eev. Stanley Clark guvu u _ _<br />

party last week to the members of the<br />

Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church at the<br />

home of Mrs. Charles Fidler.<br />

tttrr SEASON.<br />

—Mlaa Cllub«Ui fltnrmrt, O<br />

oocken. P»^ U tbo r-W>t erf Mn,<br />

—Ex-Mayor ChrU. KifN, of Ptt*»-<br />

burr, waa a wmk-4tad p*st of Dr.<br />

Chaliifl Faaat.<br />

—Mra. OuuU* IL SUvnut. af fit.<br />

avkl'a Pa_ wo* th* gottt of hn rt-V<br />

r, Mnu G. W. BtriTMr, crmr labor<br />

—Tbo Benefit Boll girwn ta th* Htm<br />

Coalno for tho Yocfctf Gnh, fiatardaty<br />

Lght, wo* a grtMt tncCaWi, Two<br />

captured tba aUrar ciaps of*<br />

ftfred In th* Dne-^Up Coctwt—Mim<br />

Myrtle a Mallon and Mr. L, CUir<br />

"anUr, both of v*\*mAm*f*im_ two<br />

eck-end toorista.<br />

—At th* annual m**tinc of ihm<br />

loard of Tout*. b«ld Us th* Malta*<br />

goom of tbo N«w Coolno,<br />

J. L. VoaTnaro* wa _<br />

^naidcnU Jullu* Woiff, Jr. Ut Vic*<br />

Vcaidcnt, WinAold Cnmiard, tod<br />

ico President, Gecnr* Pa<br />

rctary and Cornelius<br />

"rcaiwjrer.<br />

—AfUr tho Surf FUMn#<br />

ibor Day cups war* awanWd for th*<br />

rat and largest fUh cattrht b*f*»u<br />

Ho opening and closing gunx. Tb*<br />

~ rut fifth waa a rather medlocr* floci*d-<br />

r •aucrht by Ceo, B. Hit>b«rd, ML<br />

try, IV, juat flvo mlnat** oftor Ut*<br />

rat gun wma fired. Th# larc*at flah<br />

aught upon tho beach daring th* day<br />

aroa a beautiful 32-pocLnd charcoal ban<br />

landed by Dr. A. P. J. CVHarra, of<br />

^iladclphla.<br />

—ThU rcbort la now *nrtnAh*g<br />

hut has been by far iU gaycit **a-<br />

m. It might baro been truly aald of<br />

hia Summer's round of ft-ai*ti*s that<br />

there haa been fl<br />

our. The New Oa t\ rx> baa DIOT*J to<br />

an attraction tbat U bound to bxing<br />

very Hummer resident bmek next<br />

car. Its every fa net ion haa<br />

ucccauu It haa offered roUtr-okating<br />

very morning and afternoon, a done*<br />

nd orchestra concert *mry after-<br />

oon, and cither a big fcatar* fl.<br />

rorna or a ball In th* crrenlnx-—*oa<br />

imes both.<br />

—The burU&que h*Mb*ll fiat, 8at-<br />

rday morning, was moch mor* coAor-<br />

ul and even marc farc*fal thaa<br />

rervioua tteaaona. Th* umpir*^ Mr.<br />

Thoddeua Goreckl, of tb* Fro&ch cW-<br />

portment. Philo. Central High School.<br />

was arrayed In feminine finery *o<br />

wonderful that several g*y svalna<br />

irted with him on the boaudwoUt, oo<br />

ia way to tho dig mood. HIA ji.<br />

—School opened on Tuesday with<br />

Mr. Little and ""<br />

—Mm. Coleznan Camp vUit«d be<br />

ugh ter. Mm. Haiph Sf hell Infer.<br />

iaturduy and Sunday.<br />

—Lehman Richmond. Prank Camp<br />

and J. W. Quimby went by water to<br />

Dividing Creek on Friday.<br />

-Mi»* Marvie Boice returned<br />

Saturday from an extended visit<br />

at Union Grove and Ocean City.<br />

—Ceorgw Hague und family, of WU<br />

mtng-ton, were- Labor Day vl&ilorB<br />

with Isaac I-inderman and wrife,<br />

— Mi»3 Lydia Swain, of Capo May<br />

rily, wuu u rocent viuitor witH her<br />

riend. Miiui Ethel M. Schellinger.<br />

.—MihS Helen N. Schellinger went to<br />

jlaiuU>oro on Monday to tcscb Do-<br />

meutic Science in the High School.<br />

—Mra. Harry Hood and two sons, af<br />

'hilada-, ure upending* a week with<br />

her hibter. Mrii. Charleu HollinfBesd.<br />

—J. W. Quimby, Truman HiclLmsn<br />

nd Rev. W. A. Ellis attended Ma<br />

itonic lod^v at Court Houae Mondsy<br />

evening.<br />

•—S. Muttibon and family rettimed<br />

.o their home in Philada. on Tuesday.<br />

ifler u Mjverul weckn' vl»it with 8. C.<br />

Norbury and wife.<br />

—Mim* Dorothy Brougbton, who<br />

Bpent the Summer with her mother In<br />

PhiLadu., in hero with her grandpar.<br />

enta for the Winter.<br />

•—Mi»a Elizabeth Hand, who upen 1<br />

the month of August with Mrs. Wm.<br />

Eidredge, went to Anirlebes on Friday<br />

to visit Mrs. Harry WheaUm.<br />

—Henry Dougherty and wife,<br />

Camden. spent Sunday with Trumsn<br />

Hicknan und wife. Her mother. Mrs.<br />

Appleby, is hero for her health.<br />


—Charles Lloyd visited WUdwood<br />

on Sunday.<br />

—Mrs. Rachel Wright, of Philada,<br />

H the guest of Miss Lottie Carroll.<br />

—Mm. Harry Cheater Is this .. __.<br />

entertaining friends from Bermuda.<br />

—Mm- Walter Ruth, of Csmn>n. Is<br />

tho guest of her aunt. Miss Annie<br />

James.<br />

—Miss Hannah WUlisms entertain-<br />

ed MUs Powell, of Bwainton, over<br />

Sunday.<br />

—Ralph Petcreon. of Avalan,<br />

on his mother, Mrs. LUxla Straw<br />

bridge, taat week.<br />

—MUaes Edith and Rose Gandy<br />

turned to Camden on Monday, to re-<br />

sume their school duties.<br />

—Mrs. Uriah Candy and<br />

daughter were over-Sunday<br />

with Sea Iale City friends..<br />

—Capt. Harry Chester has addad<br />

much to the appearance of .his prop-<br />

erty by laying new cement walka.<br />

—MUs Abbic Mstthews. of Paila,<br />

und sister, MUs Ella, of Cape May,<br />

ipent Bunday here at their old h<br />

: grand-<br />

vialtora<br />

For dyspepsia, oar "-* t ~*tT ail-<br />

ment, use Burdock Blood Bitten.<br />

^f^n^tfp^fytjs^ for •ti

nr.E.\N C I T Y N . J .<br />

;t«<br />

IS<br />

if.' '•<br />

r fjl X Hammefl Co.<br />

t l "PIMABANTVTLLB, N. X<br />

soi Utmmtmttmrcn *f Artistic<br />


• Lock of fin-<br />

ished work<br />

and oar fa<br />

cililie* for<br />

manofac tur-<br />

Insj it: or if<br />

d««ir»<br />

Oepartffiest orer tba Q9*wtloo of proper coeavwaaatlaB<br />

for K.~nma; tb* Cnltad States nails. Mr. Balsa Pwtara.<br />

Chairman of tbs Hallway Kan Oowinlue*. wbca aakad<br />

to stale tb* railroad aid* of tb* umuuiaHj to law<br />

American farmer, aald ts part:<br />

-Tb* railway mall pay qoestlon win b* atllsfi and<br />

setlUd permanently aad witb Justice to all tmus»aan<br />

as soon as tb* American peopls rwalli* tbat tb* waste<br />

aoBlect. whll* sremlncty corppUcated aad trtnUral boOs<br />

down to a tow atani* points of fair business •*—"~f<br />

which DO os* need bo a raxo eiprrt to endcrstaad.<br />

"Tb* first ts that tb* Post OScw Department welfch* tn* malls, aad r»<br />

adjusts tb* pay of th* railroads, only one* tn four years. This ^"-*r—*T tba<br />

railroads to carry tb* mcraas* tn lb« ctaJl tonnacs dartai tho UiUimlnl<br />

years wiiboct pay—manirestly aa Injostlc* tn tbe ess* of s rapidly crowtoc<br />

business. <strong>On</strong>* cocscqueac* has been that last year tb* railroads carried faXXj<br />

half the carrel poat ror ncxhrnf<br />

"A IKI»J poict ts this: In addition to carrytna* UM» mails, tb* raO-<br />

roads are rcqolr«»l to operat* xnanr traTclins: post offices for sorttn** and<br />

distilbatlnsT tbe malls wnll* tn transit- Hut lh« Post Offico Drpartn>ent pays<br />

for such poat oficn only «tirf« th IOTIII SJ"O tba* • msi<br />

rtu >UJ U NM •" >« t>prT T*<br />

>. al Uuai ItiU. •• Tocaaaax. «a<br />

Tarsday. SnKrakl IS. MU.<br />

Uup.<br />

fnjm .<br />

tsallul<br />

a. co. la<br />

d<br />

t> !•* l-ki •-. 1i»rvJ.T, Vnnnt-T X. I ml<br />

L. tl- I*via^o lirrti*** ft ti-a llrpa<br />

Iti/ro 1 .*UJI> |.L4 I-.*<br />

U>U*> 1UII. IVt.i.i**»tl#-r N. J , KM> J,,w, .<br />

ratatsuAT. twrmnxm u.. mi. i n~<<br />

TAXCB llll<br />

: Vrw. J,<br />

*i a I > • | si<br />

••!. at M^<br />

j). at Urf<br />

1 l<br />

11^ I n> .^ «_.i-r iCy. \UU tj<br />

i J. V'*.*<br />

iVi.J T. |i«*Urti..<br />

l»*-..r> II- V-r.la...<br />

Uury If ,,-i<br />

Ur.*<br />

1—_^. I a<br />

ll*s- T.<br />

I In<br />

a*.<br />

to -M-C yoa b&cfc afiin. Ur<br />

M*mtt,~ be ftAid- "Mr. Bojc«T O yc*.<br />

t>OS pf>q«-i iMnr flan ni JTt*f dOc4 tb-*<br />

tvxme old bo*Jnt **.""<br />

UeiTltl bid been too any to *** for<br />

S*ttl«. He nxade bU «ay up tbe »tr»>cC<br />

to fio>c«« pUc«. Tbe m*n did DOC<br />

rKocnii* him at flriL<br />

•^ill. I'D «l&d to ac*> joo," be laid.<br />

»h«?n bla TLIILCT had •ip'i'n^ bla<br />

La *~»iMnj<br />

crm' 4txoctiixx *«a atiB more<br />

froar> H* rr-coJitct*d Uctritt ajid<br />

»u clad be «aa doln« ao well Aa<br />

Jf^nitt tam««d to leave, with a KDM<br />

of dl*lllaAJc&m*nt la bla hcATt. bo u«<br />



l\*U-c U-4M» la IwrvLr «J.«IJ I* W.IUt<br />

'. Uf* VA* f'* »JU «U tU* bi>J». t'l.-ti*<br />

f-I.U./1-r..t* ooj l»jl rtUU. trT'UU<br />

r«.l .sifsM. t—t It»* •i>vi*-«| l/fni ("•-*• ••<br />

•MSI*- .*. lu frv aUrr f' "•-* *•>! I-'J !"•* a<br />

J . • - .<br />

Hl.VDAT. THE T« EN71£TH DAY OF<br />


-t .-^ ./^.k in 11^ -fUni..4i.<br />

aj^J r**l •"•X'O a,, t.' 1-* a*>Li. *jj.l U^- r^jn**-* u|<br />

*-Tj«rT. IV*r".I . T^ A.rr,<br />

»rwi at Hi-. -.. tt>* r«al^i*<br />

iHf t. IJA S>. 1 J. W«.«U<br />

ciL^«i^ I'F I* 1*1 ^***i'ifc. uif * r y 4a f, \*./% rculsrT<br />

W. !*.-». tt^tur I I » fc--i(t^-rl* al rv In* .^ uM Tuu-uMir tb»j;<br />

Itbruc artUrl, »l—t< aj*J s^AiU^rlj lix*r<br />

lk>l A^t>i<br />


2782 Oirard Ave^ Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

\r.<br />

J-J.u IlluvU bUU, \V\Ja*lUlMJ. 1^<br />

\*f»»<br />

If rl^rt U ^-H/JUI. 1'urfc<br />

II.J.UlJlT W- i:\HJH)IJ_ I<br />

iii»>lllj-. Au|u»t 17.191^<br />

ii H:<br />



PT-TO-PATB-<br />

tfrrrffiy ffff*t4Ty Dinner* from ooe to two.<br />


_, .- o/ • -*Tt! o/ Fl«_. __<br />

uk a/ *ta«*l4a«r4 WrmJwrs. to<br />

>T> •-/ >•-» J-rw>, .«. U*s- JxJ<br />

Ne-I/Lriitlsrr, A. 1>. lJl j. lu j €*Tl_»J<br />

• U/rrlu Kali^i* 1^ f—JJ. i*> Oj*ut4jlliil<br />

(UfU* l_ MfU>(*, «-1 Ui.. ufi<br />

fc r^ 111 gr ^ 1^ saa*" (JJ w^J |f ^ | w^ 11 jl Lf V 'l^fc*^*V* lai<br />

MONDAV. (K-fOftZ* *, 1»U.<br />

Lsrt«*r«u the bocx* of twicivai a_od 0««<br />

o'clock p. U4., ti> w.tt, •>! t+rmt~u' . . . . .<br />

bi-l« HAI»*J. IJ Aim, I^NT ai^l<br />

ijarxJ al |IM. f.r»ibl«-<br />

. l^sTruiJ. Jr. 14 tt.r>< )i*r»-<br />

H- Ih.awn IfffbJO/r t" wr^r f.rf ULTT--<br />

«u i.JUi(.« i.. w-r*«- {-. ViMr).^ i4 ti»* |li«hw>ay. to<br />

>^iwc#a bsf vulrrv sUkJ la rrvLaar uvi r<br />

Uw rrap»U» oaf vcatrrs for uU *^-o*<br />

.j/ Tiarwai*y, N*«mbrT X. I»li_<br />

U barTrtry *1TT«I Okat oo<br />

r. NotcsBbcr X 191S.<br />

twora o* aUa. a>*cioc«; •<br />

c*a *ar«*ra o'iixfc » ja, » ltT)al 13<br />

^m «*UJ be b-ia. 4v| «-tLWb tlA* Ut« -.*<br />

o/ .uskl LLn-a>£Uo w>OJ vuU Cor tb* I\aUa<br />

ut *tr* Wtjtwti<br />

JCUI T. YOOC<br />

T*« O*»m_<br />


...Iit*- II luntLj fJ«rn Uu| a m<br />

. t.-,, «4il| to- twlj in Ibrf l-^Lrnl<br />

-.•*fi * I^MXH-<br />

ly t*** C^i-r Mjy WIMJ StuU *l«*«rM pasrwIUI tlttr-»<br />

^f' tni I as w *f 4 t^rfT iMa*' [^421*^<br />

lW<br />

All w two ca-rtuii* li«t«, f<br />

i laJ p*ru*l>*r» aituut*', lylUtf 4*J*d<br />

iii th*- t.tty tj iia-rui» City, lluuuty<br />

r kcjiy HIM] !vtjU u# S*-«* Jrr>#> k<br />

*ts-»Jj(Jkotrd IU l^uta Vis*. Of lluf<br />

u«uS Mi «IOO> utvJ (>tw HtuwirrJ uiul<br />

41071 !)• \rriUMi U. ««. lw.<br />

* * '.ultbc MMX.0<br />

Hsd sL.tr DO! besxd at htm 1 * Bo •»*<br />

oot a «uln mw. but It mamtQ Jacr^Jl<br />

ble. wtcD aJJ tba D«»«p*p*ra And<br />

mA«vxJtit» bavdvbs£«a full of bis sac<br />

*~7es. I bA»o doao prrlly well." bc-<br />

axtawtered slovly.<br />

'I am so cU4 to bear tW sjuwercd<br />

tb« «lii. "Yoa b-a»« oo Ulcj. bow bor-<br />

rid t>bopU ai*- I—bat I eappo*« I<br />

**tUMlXda'l b-3 SJajtOif tl.**<br />

He i>re«i*cd her to Kit hlnj. "^"oo<br />

member boar we us«d to t«Ll c&cb<br />

otb^r ovcrythioj^," be pleaded.<br />

N'etUo colored *iL»Cbtly. -W«U." she<br />

coatloatd. "Ur. Boyc* said be SQ{K<br />

po*^d yoo bxd come back lo try to ge*<br />

a lob La tova, acd »er« drt^rsrd up to<br />

make m. Waff. And be said jou'd D«*er<br />

get acythlooT In his place, aod Mr<br />

flau&defra axrr^*d th&t li waa *rv^< «ifm-<br />

as far aa ho vu coAccm«d. I ftrlt to<br />

bomlllaXfd. " "/i I M rp a^o ar'Htj TO Learo<br />

that U last so at all"<br />

Merrltt was Ihondrrstrqck. 80 these<br />

people had never beard of him at oil<br />

He had ascribed their coldoess to thr<br />

natural resent of a tittle community.<br />

Inmrsil of which be was. In their eye*.<br />

th« same ne'erslo-w ell, tbe same In-<br />

capable. Aod Nettle did Dot know.<br />

"Nettle/* he aald. taking her hand,<br />

"do >ou remember that tlm* we found<br />

a dime In the road and I split It Lo two<br />

U-f Trrmuul . Ijl 4^<br />

--1L.I..J at tw>.<br />

I H<br />

In tr^- |>r(nu*ry<br />

|-1 Ih<br />

^t lf1.m Olttrfcrt-<br />

In llx- hinury 1-trctKJO tW ttw Drmo-<br />

r>l-t l-.rt> «>11 L* #U^trd:<br />

I*... < . t»<br />

fur tlirrv yimrt.<br />

V to wnr fur thxr» jrj<br />

to a."Tv» for ttuw-*<br />

Two !hur«v?orm o/ Q»e Hi«^*<br />

wnt for oot rr&r.<br />

ApftfXaprt*Uoo for<br />

Apt*4*tl fur<br />

for fULUt 0/ Pocr<br />

for Ft^r^l Hrr PTx^*rt»-^L<br />

a. T. o. loaiu.<br />

T*w«aj» <strong>On</strong> a.<br />

lUUxl. Vrp«. IS. l»li » 1.J0<br />


La<br />

r a/ rvrt.<br />

lu it.' Itwun I l«tio«» of Ukc Pro<br />

rr^u.. ilu^^rArlti ,*arty will t i<br />

-J r*/i - • • . 1 3 1 i«<br />

IK*.^1 A. Kto*. lii--fk 1'., I>4 1^ -. '-*-<br />

11. VK. VpwuU.iix. tu—a. r-a, -tt urwj *O<br />

Aflri J AIIJ, Opr^ufJ ttt>U. Hall, at<br />

lit Uksr tWutiih Oaf M^aoar |Urtx«7, S. J . . »*r«* > -a oVtocfc aw ca, t*> CXEM- o'UJ «x>U Ly csf-<br />

ftit-t t*iU4 for rwfsJfccUlr, for ltv*ir rv-<br />

*-f»a-rii * r parti*** f oar U*» 4«srorraJ I ^wn>hlp will «u4r for th<br />

r<br />

L A^U^<br />

4 ui<br />

-Perfectly. Mr. UerrtU." ah« repUed.<br />

lUnff<br />

01 to<br />

*->-•<br />

All<br />

W»y. sutr<br />

Ufiih<br />

ly<br />

KC??-•••:• - -<br />

**-? •-'••':: J.V^.<br />

yj9<br />

thom Hoe minutes!<br />

atetv" grab your Bell<br />

word to Bome heeitat-<br />

•••was, mst^r wMsawa^as m m WUVU WJ f m y r T t Vt sflPBITflV"<br />

1/oar next month'sroote. Better etU),<br />

rtesr or two a day for adUnjr by telo<br />

tiswaty or thtrty ant toD can haapnt<br />

tftftty or thirty or m handled dollars<br />

rwribnl tut fijlow*.:<br />

Trwt N«_ I. IU-4iM,J..*r at t th<br />

artbw**«4rrly tidr iJ AoiMiry btnuv fofi<br />

f^rt tturttkrttklrrly ••/ Itw S^rtli r»rurr<br />

Vtfty-nlntii xlrrrt tukd f>i>tml utrtus*-. «-i»ur l(aH»r»<br />

* Bud Flfly-ttliith .tr»**«. u<br />

«*oc bwvlrrtl pod thirty-^it tr<br />

AsJjur<br />

Fifty -^<br />

ptJnf<br />

d t l(vrtM« sto<br />

I'lfty-ttintb »trv (Bras'<br />

miklmJ aod UUrty frw-t t**>rtt>*r*trriy frvn*<br />

iU*xry Dtrnitr In n llrw to MUI ml<br />

rs« .vtrrv-t, kw-vtroty-Afrr frw't,<br />

BvLnaT tlw umr Land nnri p#»Tniw-» «ti<br />

Unn V- fjikr uoJ Hmlly W. Ijtk-, hi. w<br />

irxl rua»ryr>(J uolo *.lul*»u, •«• UM- nuU<br />

•^M- U*y uiul UilUllU •' •<br />

LUIM1> usf Jub«l<br />

IM! otli*-r», isrliLd uuuiul<br />

„ -. rU**r p.»t »Ui*aiiK i>> U»ar IJ<br />

liiu- •»/ llw- rwltruaMl, II Ijritid u Oimrf<br />

li*ia fusTOM-rly aM-IUMiaUltll tn I- A' Wuria*<br />

luiinlnsl !h. -^ •• •>- -' -<br />

Illlk*. ltr u puakl : th*-<br />

tlritrw<br />

tUx^«-<br />

th-<br />

VMth f.^ty-oJrw<br />

btrrw-. u$ut thirty fuiiuiUw \\V»I tbLrt>-<br />

rrr par re LHT* *MU! t>.rtil> link* l^» a O"*tl<br />

twr Smrth f«srl>-IiMjr il*-|(rr«-. UIMJ thirty<br />

toaiout'-* \V«-»I ts*i» prrarbr* UIMJ Ivarltv liitks><br />

BJMJ IhJriy niluulr. WV.t rljii.l prr• th* 1 prujwrly 1 of TtMKzUa* J. Tay-<br />

lor 'InrtutllnaT all |h* rl«btr till*- BIMJ IUU*''<br />

»^t ,J- WnLry Tt->l'*r. WlllUat T«vlor, mwl<br />

Jri*cllla B.<br />

rutUxt wt th** aull of Hannah I- Cobb. plaJn-<br />

I11T. toiul to t- uU by<br />

' Oa-KAfAS K COHSO.V. &hrrLtT.<br />

pL 7. IUIi-<br />

Ij-J^-Jt. Attym. U-10,IIp/*l2Jt0<br />

"And do yoa remember what I aald<br />

to yoa tb«nT* -<br />

~No William- That part haa escaped<br />

my memory altoother."<br />

"Would yoa like me to remind your*<br />

The cUi's etc*, which had been<br />

downcast, were suddenly raited to bU.<br />

"I told you thju lhat made us sweet-<br />

hearts, ood that some day 1' should<br />

urry you." said tbe man.<br />

l.d RAW that abe was trembling and<br />

ID thai moment ha knew tbat he had<br />

,'*a- loTed her, and that U was<br />

(<br />

ncv which had k«pt him tdoof<br />

a contaminated by the world, for<br />

thli d only. And she did not kaow<br />

any i hi nf of him. of his w«*tth.<br />

"Will yoo marry me, dearf he<br />

iked, "I can tujpport a wl/e tn com<br />

fort.*" be coo tinned whimalcmlly.<br />

He drew her Into his arms and<br />

kisaed ber, "Too s««x I have aiway:<br />

bad tbe habit of meaning what I ay,<br />

bo contlnoed.<br />

"Wlii. dear, I ha*o lo*«d joa Alt my<br />

Cm." ab« answer-ad.<br />

i , I. k>Uy. I^U, llouw ittui l^.<br />

A, V Ltr^ui*, lluuw utui I**<br />

< tuila U.ur*. *U*u±e ..rvt L^t 3 1O<br />

W. A. JadM.. tU.xk 4U, 16, l>.tv<br />

X iJ 1 «<br />

31. D J 31<br />

A. VaJ^^ar. Work 2. £>>t lu.<br />

.l» 33, ai IJ 12<br />

W, KJM 3 1 13<br />

WILD WOOD TEXJtjfe.Ce.<br />

Hoarier llrrU, liioek %, U*t* 1,1.., 1 »J<br />

r>, BXock 1. Lot i U.<br />


n aK. ViutTufn, 1 1x4 Tm., Lu.<br />

IstaiJ %SJCAMS Alrli., ttC<br />

n>A *l^*J<br />

titn urkj K»piar A«r 4 M<br />

, K W^)u»J*-, UAa A. U. tl, l>,<br />

*., V. H. F 3 21<br />

n~ I'Outr. 23 Lot* kflrll9 h l*C<br />

libio VB., 4J>*r%tziut and lit A**-B iC<br />

n« >-*n,l-r ../ ih^-<br />

t V- Jrr»*y.<br />

l-<br />

denUy bclon* to a pn historic<br />

"Pcaay BHupa."<br />

8offi* of the cheap lodglnsj fc'^i**^<br />

la London are called "penny sttups."<br />

They prorlde mere benfhrs. with<br />

wooden T*wfkw y^^y^ lodxcr fft^^*^<br />

fela anas oa £h* back of the tHTKh<br />

before blm. and then, resting hla bead<br />

on his arms, tries to aleeo.<br />

ribarLr* W. bu).. South U lUuck IJJT<br />

Marl* L«l>ur, Z> LoU no iV^rlj>IU«, 0 CO<br />

William HuiinuY. Ituue o>vl Lut N.<br />

Lv luj.. Ilr, Xxul Dud 4UI Avn.;<br />

Cth mad 7tt» Avn.; A Loi> Soior<br />

Flan II U<br />

Mn. Ula I- U'arrrn.. Jo l-ol»<br />

. .^j L / !„,!_ ObJo. ilh ui^l<br />

in 4 U<br />

ctiaa AiuiauiauNT.<br />

.^..^M* II 10<br />

Timi/u Kails 12 77<br />

WIIXETS COaSO.V. Collector.<br />

Uibxl AU4UI lUi. lOli.<br />

Ux> Pro-<br />

Boarr] of<br />

thr Bur-<br />


T. ILsaiaal rUria u4 Bin. IUSMI rU.Ui<br />

By «t#tur of IUI o#ilrr of tb« Cnuxt ot<br />

. ttmntrrr as* H«w Jrrvrr. Bud« <br />


J.<br />




Cpwdal aUamtlon (ina to<br />

work In all Its branches<br />

Ajtnt for<br />

PLATE GLASS ma ca<br />


OAos oo Soaih Hals Strett. ta<br />


CAPE MAY COURT House. N. J.<br />

T. GAfWffSON<br />

Practical Watchmaker<br />

Prompt and careful attention giren<br />

to Uw repair of<br />

fattto. Qado. tiwtSjj, tttttxtia<br />

A full line of Watcncs and Clocks al-<br />

W-BTB on hand<br />


Sooth Main Street<br />

cars HAT ccurarr aocii. K. j.<br />


Counsellor at Law<br />

Wit m latr ta f"^ 1111117<br />


HAND<br />

Attorney and Counsellor<br />

at Lau><br />



Counsellor at Law,<br />

aad Solicitor la CaaAnry<br />

. Drawta« ai local »«>-<br />

i a «a«cl«ity.<br />

fUtt MAY COL'KT HOU&£. N. J.<br />

SHAllPLESS & WAY<br />

—uw orriocs—<br />

CAMDEN, N. J, 2C5 Market St.<br />

W1LDW0OD, N. J.<br />

CAPE HAY C H, N. J.<br />

Camdcn, I U WUdwood. 87A.<br />

Court Boose. 29.<br />


Attorney at Law<br />

309 Eighth Street<br />

1-1-16 OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />



fS ta * a. as.<br />

Oak* BaamJl ta » a, as.<br />

(I U * p. as.<br />

Trlrpoaoe rocnrcUae-<br />


Funeral Director<br />


Car BUl rws* 11—I. H<br />


Registered Architect<br />

orrosrrs rosT ovnex<br />

OCEAN crry, N. J.<br />

(». O. IJVNGE<br />



Kluxera. Bl.roUi and Treca. Cut rlow-<br />

«T« [or all occaakvns. Ilell ltione S7— i.<br />

n<br />

W. W. BEYER<br />

Folly equipped for turttjing oo<br />

3rd Ait near Mlh St.<br />

B-l-l f»*""*— '°» strtns<br />


a voq e<br />

s**_iW.<br />


to be I<br />

Do not<br />

street<br />

William BL Bright<br />

HOLLY BEACH. N. J.<br />

piactd la any part of eotmty.<br />


Estate. Conoeuancing.<br />

la A«y Part of Cap* May Consty.<br />

OSUt aa, stall<br />

Cut MAY COURT HOUSE. N. J.<br />

FVrUtutar atUnUoci sierra to DrirfB of<br />

• >•'<br />

UOo al<br />

terawu<br />

G. HAND<br />


omcrn Bouaai<br />

> 12 a. ta. I (a S<br />

rrslect(Al L> 1'iirtiU Anrun Dick O*n-<br />

try oJT>n t.im .i (-.*Jtloo with ttw*<br />

eoolln.niul »JU»ay. nhkb U<br />

£&ttu«- U an >Uru Its*<br />

f«JJrci-ul • forcis ata UUUlon couc-ad «x-i<br />

pcsUUcaJ -o*krr. llo fa\era clcmn poU-<br />

tic«v but flivla th*t bLa oCSco La ca«Ao •><br />

roiljrtr-X p^lnt Ly arrvill pcUUcAJ b^art-ra-<br />

oo of t£>a ro*j<br />

JZ«an tLtLa a Ji«-4jprrp' i 1 1A T><br />

thai U 4F i t ^ *<br />

VlckJU-.<br />

Ttsvc* ti lm to alic-k to tt* ro*4 «-&d<br />

for ckc&n pssiULca. 11* wrtttxtra.wr» tia raav<br />

ijy^ p\tt^f^ ^ p^j* i^ ss-T^x lotQ tl^a> fV^^^ on<br />

spatklra* tour.<br />

llxpoaare o/ ^»« rallro&iS ts thrcaUi>ad<br />

by i:«aj> to Uontry uoleil ratnatlnx<br />

cttwr uolAtaf ul pnsctlc«a are vtoi.<br />

• uapc^ta his aecrataJT. OoJItnt. cf<br />

Tfc» «i«*Jt la blown up by a burglar.<br />

rtr«-*k»Q of nb-ite*. KjinAmy bct<br />

«Uctloo ICvao take* KUlda Cor u D><br />

<strong>On</strong> tiorvi^y Ory»o part of Ih* r^nj-h<br />

by th* acoaior. Editor Xaeaklnso-p la to<br />

print evUcocw of toa machtaa'a<br />

Evan'a duty to cipo«o hla fath-rr s<br />

fWr to him. AC J"»lrtcH.-a ln»1irirnr».<br />

boantr. b* telia hia f*U«r vtut bo ta<br />

about to do oji4 U UA& to «o ahra^i,<br />

Tt«* auto, with Patricia and E"*an, la<br />

hcU up by Ikuto. axUar UAder ordem oa*<br />

k£cVUsuir. Tbo two ax* rcaooed by<br />

wenator. tartu> UUa Erma all tba> crookadr-<br />

ce*a *>(La tbo work of kicVlckax.<br />

Clean politic* wtns. ETOJJ U to U ktft<br />

tr*o to attend to tba atrlctiy le^al bua^-<br />

of lb« rood, which La to keep out cat<br />

* H* win* Patricia'* hand.<br />

[CoociodetU<br />

XIX.<br />

1 Tilt UOU-^OLT.<br />

I<br />

T wu* only ibo cur that was dl*>-<br />

ub«*-ii. lU->oatS a severe nhaklnff<br />

0i> QfltUor I'utrtcla nor lllount<br />

uax wrioiwlj' hart. ltecov*.*rlu£<br />

froui (ti*.* MUIM 1: nbd IK-IOC ejuiarvd of<br />

' u holfUtiu* ond hli own,<br />

i>ruiii: out to iwx> w bat tb*<br />

cuUUloa luJ ilooo to tho car. Tbo In-<br />

MiKMrtlou Wu4 Lrttf. With tbo front<br />

uxltf bi'ut. itur rutJtator crushed and<br />

one cylinder of tho cDctno broken, tho<br />

little cur Uui luifely out of COEUIUIAHIOC.<br />

w \VVrv do aw for." Uo nald shortly,<br />

helping hid coiupaoloa down from tho<br />

driving neat.<br />

I'otri- U won bill! trembllnc oad pale,<br />

and tuj tboucUt thnt (ho nccldeot waa<br />

occoan table<br />

**l*o you nu-ao—thnt we can't—go oa<br />

to the cliyy* hbo quavcrvd.<br />

"Sot QUICSM xro walk, ood It la ex-<br />

actly OfttH-a tullo*. I harpcnctl to no-<br />

tice tbe B!*ccdomcti.>r. record oa tho<br />

roadster uht-u u» tunuxl aroaad hero<br />

Ust Boaday.**<br />

"Whflt uhall wo doT" eho aakixl when<br />

tbA Improbability of nay timely<br />

^ t l f<br />

looked st bis watch. It was<br />

already o tew tnlnutes past 8 o'clock.<br />

"We'll sit down atid wait for some-<br />

body to come alonjr and rcectio oa,"<br />

ho told, •trivia* to uy tt li£ Lilly.<br />

"I'm imrw wo ooffbt to bo glad and<br />

thankful that It U no wone. Wo<br />

ttood a good chaoce of belogr klUod,<br />

both of us.**<br />

She ahUaMercd and cold: "I might<br />

havo stopped sooner. Thrrn ttwrn<br />

waa time, don't yoa thinkr*<br />

tvttQ bad thoofht 50, and bo waa<br />

rcganllnjr her carloOBJy. Tbcro bad<br />

been many motoring experiences In<br />

their acquaintance of a year and not a<br />

few hazards, nod ho had more than<br />

once rejoiced In her cool presence of<br />

•TTITVI tn tho face of sodden danger.<br />

"I wondered a little that yoa didn't*<br />

bo Ventured to Buy. "t Dover saw<br />

yoa hesitate before.**<br />

The look, that tfrf* gaTw M^ was (•*-<br />

etlcaUj r>i^«'l*ng-<br />

**E stopped Just one Urtlo inwtwwfc to<br />

think—of your fntber—and—and those<br />

trtTibio popcrs la yoyr pocket and<br />

rota,<br />

utul UUM uulntf tu Lap|Ku If joo<br />

tUuc. K\ uu." ittii' t«'Qft->u«\l brokenly.<br />

I It hat a imiuM'iit far Itw<br />

J ssiJo i.f l tbo loacly road<br />

tbo nay to loraOL&c.<br />

Tbo HIUMV^* of Iho tmcacaiiUlca hell<br />

tbcm for n ii>oiiK'Qt —a coUlcn tllcac*<br />

for llu' 1'twr. but a uioatcot of sxcti<br />

smorb!a£« for tb« mAtdcQ aot>-<br />

bine ou bU st^ouJJvr.<br />

~%}h. I tloa'c koocp bow I coald baTO<br />

done It—but 1 Jklr' abo wept. "I—I<br />

was ac-jutually c^U wbm I uw tbo<br />

tree. I *!klu't ba\o tbo eooraco to—to<br />

u.ti>o tbo trail of It In tboroad/*<br />

-ru-jrf, Hvnn.** ebo plca4>d. *Mon't<br />

aak tiuj to b>.-Uovo that yoar fathct<br />

plaaui-d It: Wby. wo might have been<br />

kilUxl outricbt, bolt* of uar*<br />

"1 know," bo returned ctoomOy.<br />

—h**llo, b^rv ixjiui-!* our rcacttol*<br />

It uui ratber a flcuro of speech than<br />

an ttJi.-urau.cx-. Around a turn In iho<br />

can>mi ruod canio thrco honwrnco<br />

polullui; for fbo mala blgbwoy nod<br />

amlilIn.: prutly. Ttu'y wi-ro barUiy<br />

tultbla UalLJng JUtaoco beforo Bloont<br />

r\Htrrirt In tho Loat Illrcr<br />

tnouticilnx, nlib llarto ta tbo lvad.<br />

**IIoud> t" KalJ tbo timber looker,<br />

rlJlii^- UJI t> liautr with ouo kneo onr<br />

tbe K.uM!e uiillu ho erlnaed at tbo<br />

two »tiniiiwa>K. ~l*oat oat ngninj Mr,<br />

III-Mmi y ul«la't maLo oot to ran<br />

your « liti^ wagon OV»_T that thero plco<br />

trw. I'II;"<br />

""IMil >oii ,iut ilio trvo In tbo road><br />

Bn:i4>jK-.l Utuunt. with rUlnc; anccr.<br />

"I r\-»Lnii wu did.** was tbo cool re-<br />

ply, "aini if uu» oao Job too. Had to<br />

Crrtiz It Tin uuxv'a a mllo down the<br />

CuU-h uliti ilio bonwj rope*-*"<br />

Tbrn.* wtit* material for aa cxpXo<br />

elon. but Itluuit routrolled himself.<br />

"l\y wliiis; ordt-n* did you do UY* ho<br />

deainntlt-*,.<br />

-Tb.- I-^V."<br />

w ilr. Halluwuyr*<br />

"•Not ou >-.ur life. It xcan tbe<br />

LOKJ* thU iliiu-. w<br />

lilount'a "», chamber*.<br />

"Vou"r\* atlll to time, oo-n." said<br />

Cut K\nn Ulount rn^dft oo mot« to<br />

grt out of tbo car<br />

"\Vo« I Juruplnc at coocloiions, dadT<br />

be Q»i.rd Lalf abncriofflccdly.<br />

"A llttlo that wnj—Ju»l a Uttl* that<br />

way." vu tbe fitoil* repJy. Too •*«.<br />

0ry»oa did auix* caoagb tarn trait&r<br />

this mornlnjr vhro h> gave yoa tho**<br />

• flirtw.It*, llo'd bud a Qoarrei with<br />

llr. UcVlcknr. L.\cry oao of tho**<br />

cruoked uanicw uw-aau a \ole fox yoar<br />

raiiroad, -M>Q. TUat was why I told<br />

yoa >ou'd tn-'tu-r &t lujJkr exit a boot<br />

tt- It uua acniu-st jour own ni&o."<br />

EIQQ mount's bcolLfltloa might b-aTft<br />

beco unaaurvd by a clock tick-<br />

"Tbco tbt-rv U all tbo moro rc^soo<br />

why"*— bo L-ejpia, but hla father was<br />

(r Utao—cara*<br />

wbco a ilu^t coicr\-d car driven at<br />

r\> kli..» tiiKT.il lorv la over the north-<br />

*ni n'.nl uud u uit IHALUXJ op with a<br />

>-Tk D( ilie Iut4.r-Mountala vatranoe to<br />

Ul Mr. IliinluU-U McVlckardchark ond<br />

burr> llitlnc room Lo tbo Dloont<br />

sutt la CKit a matter of record, and<br />

Eron Illounr. Bitting boaide ratrtcta<br />

In Mr*. UlouQt'e private silting room<br />

ami eout'luulug a lasting pence with<br />

Ida father'., wife, was too happy to<br />

care very macb. Bat after a time*<br />

tbo Bummocj for which ho hod been<br />

waiting rame. and ho went—almost rv-<br />

luclaDily —to Join his father lu tho<br />

rooui of conference.<br />

"Uan Mr. McVlckar goneT* he aak-<br />

ed» finding hU father aittlng nicne<br />

*"Vf*: IU-'N cooe—gone to order oot<br />

bU cut und co lock to Cblrago.*" was<br />

the ».lov.- *.i«iLu^.reply. Tbca, with tbe<br />

(jultzl'ul Miulle wrinkling at tbo eyo<br />

corrnnt. "How does the political<br />

wrralte Kirlko you by ihU time, &on*r*<br />

"It niiLr-i* mo that X havca't been<br />

In tt —not trwn In tbo ootcr odgoi of It.<br />

daiL Uii't that about tbe eUe of UT~<br />

W»h. no; jou'vo been doing cood<br />

work—mUlity pood work, for yoar<br />

coaiiiauy. " McVk'kar recognises lt.<br />

Vou'vc tu-l|k-d out In the only way<br />

thai lu-lp IDUU romo In this campaign.<br />

Yoa'vi- uorkt-d up a good, healthy pub-<br />

lic tu-utluu-u. In favor ot a square<br />

deaj fur *•* crybody. McVtckar iras<br />

flilnjT lo lo*** U at); cooking tho regis-<br />

tration lUtx und baying TO tea and<br />

tonkin;; tl.nU rli:lit and left, tbo name<br />

B.H u*u;i). Iiut II'M all off now, and<br />

be'* piiir, iic.fl wi'ro colng to have one<br />

clean. t-ii.il;:lit Up DD4 down election,<br />

son. 'I'll.- 'iiiiulilne' Hays BO.**<br />

•"The- tin* hlnt-y : >ou didn't know that a ma-<br />

chlnu or^utilratlon could bo pat to any<br />

tvally rli:hicou4 Uae, did you. boy?<br />

Bat inU U ouo ilmo wben It haa gone<br />

tn to knock out the crookedness, big<br />

and little. LUien, eon. When yoa<br />

wlnsl iue thai you were coming oat<br />

bero I lay nuak« nights thinking how<br />

I'd put you In training and then when<br />

thv time enITU* I'd help yoa tip Into tho<br />

saddle and tiuiko yoa tho boes of tho<br />

roundup, an I'd been. Want to hear<br />

tbo rvwt of Ir V"<br />

Iilouut nodded.<br />

"Then It cnuu) over tne all of a sad-<br />

den that I'd l>o*-a as crooked as a dog'i<br />

hind lee: that we'd all been crooked.<br />

Not that I'd e\er taken a dollar for<br />

my prnmnal ,»acker. for I haven't, bu<br />

I've* l>ou^bt nnd sold and dickered c*oJ<br />

scbeiueil xvlib tbo bent of 'cm and th*f<br />

wont of Vru, Juat as McVtckar's beec<br />

doing for tbe puBt two moat ho. Tbet<br />

I o&kex) myiielr If I'd like to see yoa<br />

wallowing In ibo same mudboie. and—<br />

well, Emn. you may have a eon oi<br />

your own aomo day, and then yoa'C<br />

know. I I bought I'd try yoa a HttU<br />

at tint, and I did—that first day oa<<br />

at Wunrarf. Wben yoa lipped oat ni<br />

me that day I made ap my mind rigb<br />

then and there that I'd pat tbe wbol*<br />

power of tbo 'machine,* as yoa call It<br />

into ooo campaign for •. clean elect lot<br />

and a square deal-*"<br />

*"Uy heaven**** ejaculated the son.<br />

"And I've boeu Debt Ing yoa and joai<br />

organlxatloa at vcery taraf*<br />

**No, you haven't.** was tbo qalck n><br />

joinder. ***i"oa'vc been lighting graft<br />

and that waa what yoa tbought yor<br />

wrrv blrvd to do. McVlckar waial<br />

playing Ju«t fair tvltb you. He cnv.<br />

70a your job In lbs? first place to takt<br />

yoa away from me. but you Wo been<br />

In tbe hands of yoar friends right<br />

from tbe start. Evan. It waa the or-<br />

ganization that gnvo yoa all these<br />

chancea to preach tha Dew ftospcl of<br />

tho square deal. It wms tho organlja-<br />

Ikia that p^jxhed UalhaWAj<br />

joa. ao that yoa'd IQOW Uxst tb* r<br />

mad profpte wrro rnaniftg STOCLOcl<br />

thr BAITVC* okl < Irrlr*. boUcttSX fot j<br />

tU^e onJ dolnjr •vtrjthtns tbey<br />

to drfnr tho rod* of Ja*Jkc»—ta^kVtjr-<br />

Ing tbo •prlaff becaasc. to-ry s*y,<br />

don't know what cts* to do.<br />

Cm the<br />

o iw to It that joer word to tb*)<br />

of thta aloto U mistds food, seek<br />

lisybo well evetrr be abl* to do tt<br />

agalo. but thla ooe tlo* w*> shall do tt,<br />

Oortl»a U c^lnjz In by tho tjtfgmt DaV<br />

>orli r ex cr cli ra lo 1 conr&ar ct o*A<br />

BdjT('4>r\ii>b, and tb* l^fltl&tixr* wCJ bs<br />

fl»r to ooc la f jtur of tbo ocrasro rtss.1 **<br />

The >oari£fr man left Ms chair and<br />

walked lo w*cof tho windows to BtaAstX<br />

g ilono Dpoo tho lights of ttko<br />

tircvt When bo tanked ajp&ta tl<br />

WAS lo uj. "I ilaat s«o wt*rs I am ta<br />

break lo. dad.*"<br />

"Von bate clready fcroatsn ta. WatO*<br />

1!ao Ic^lilaiuno Is goin^ to Tbo SJiU two strpo<br />

torcarti tbo fMibcr'a chatrand<br />

hlshaod<br />

-ICJ wllli you. dad." bo Sa&<br />

IXj. "I'll May. aad I'll caaTte Wr, lCo-<br />

Wbr n--i-.-. t mo and QJ pr*fTr*r J -tf<br />

beforv lio tbn^ach with It. Bai Vm<br />

•UU a llttl- Mt pfraU that yoa tad<br />

your khnJ ar\j a LUC-OACO to cirtttttttosi<br />

and a fr\x c^vi rna>cot. Too wtnt<br />

mlm!. mj t-iylnj; tbat, wlil yootf"<br />

*"La3UiJ?v: crafloma. 00'. Ray<br />

you like. iu>a. nr, rather, let mo<br />

*OQie—<br />

ba< k |3 tbe lum-r aittlng room, wbcto<br />

I*utrVU noa-Bbro be ffnddcnly ro-<br />

txuujberv-d lltllv lUvnklnaop,<br />

"IWIU'I Io4 tlint worry yoa for a min-<br />

ute. BO4I." hald tbe man who oeemed<br />

to bi> ul tbi- heart of ererything thai<br />

was ha(>t*euLutf. "Half an boor after<br />

you U'ft Illcuklnjsop ibis nxTfnTnj tttat<br />

stuff tbat tbey bad atolea from JOGS<br />

aafo nnd thea garbled up to salt thexa-<br />

beivi-« «an all killed. Wben X told<br />

Dtcukln&oi> o*or tbo phone that thct*)<br />

woulJo't U> uny crooked llats csed to-<br />

taomiw- I bat bo was merely faring to<br />

put blm*Wf on rxx-urd as the tdgxeat<br />

liar ou txro continent*— ho COIZMI (*iowB.<br />

xx.<br />

Tilt: I ASPatTDt<br />

C<br />

ONTRAUY to all eipectatioQ,<br />

tbo elo-tton proved to bo 000<br />

of tUe ijulwest erer known tn<br />

I be Hairbrush State. A. fvw<br />

etlitoru tbi-ru uire. like Bienklnsop of<br />

Ibo I>ully*Cai>liaI, who later on main*<br />

tiilned tbnt It v.u* merely another trl-<br />

umpb for iho uiuchlnv. but then) was<br />

DO culna.i) in;; (be result. The reform<br />

ticker, with or without the bcJp of tho<br />

machlnr. WIIH t-le*.-ted by sweeping mi-<br />

JOM(I*T* ev»ryubcre. and Gantry, att-<br />

tlng In bU < til'e and reading tho wtro<br />

returns lib they camo In, saspocl for<br />

breath nn.l »udre despalringlx over<br />

each fri»»!i b;itcb of messages.<br />

At Wurinux- Hall thet EXon. David<br />

turtit^l to hi- KOU.<br />

"Well. KviiD. are tbe fwwBjia—. all<br />

Btruli.-hi.-u,l out for yoa nowTT bo<br />

askeil ^t-uity.<br />

*"JuM ulHmi alt of them,*" biagbed<br />

niount IIi* hid upeot a very happy<br />

ereiitnC -111 >(]y tMxauio Patrlda had<br />

bevn *v> ti|•> Utc tbe o4her half of tbo<br />

nniall cl 1 v an be hnd drugged oat. to<br />

fn.t* the tin-. "Hut I'm still unalter-<br />

ably opened to the machine In pol-<br />

ItU-*." In- uriilei..<br />

Tlu- »u-nntor laughed silently.<br />

*^'iill It 'uriziiulrallou' Instead of<br />

cliliu-/ Mm, und you've got tbe<br />

rhai r.wic the c-lvlllxcd world today.<br />

Vou'vi' luarJ tuo culled the *bo«s* fxoca<br />

thr time Ounlry bad bis Grot talk With<br />

you burk yonder In MnimnchTisMrtti.<br />

Cull iue u cum with frlenda enoogb to<br />

tuako me a Aort of lender hi the Oat<br />

homo utate nnd you'To got tt aboot<br />

right. I don'c aay that I'TO alwara<br />

uju'd 1 In- iK>trer Jastly. Tbo Lord<br />

knowti I'm bo more InfnlHMo *ftfio<br />

er people, tint. »* I sold to yoa yco-<br />

terduy. BOU. bo matter what<br />

heard or wbu mild If, I'TO EMT<br />

tho power to fatten my own pocltot-<br />

book. Vtv bought and<br />

bargained—I dont deny tt—*?at<br />

wben It<br />

Oed the uieana.*<br />

"Uut the end Deror Jillllflafi OTfl<br />

oieuOM, tliid." was tho BOO**<br />

rvjoliulvr. Then be looked B& H"******?<br />

from bU pLuce beside PatrlctaV<br />

that too nocrec ot all tho tnTttataOtta<br />

I've bevn cettlnjr r*<br />

Tho hazDoroas croWa fleet<br />

kilng at the corocra ot David Stoatf**}<br />

M l reckon ao, son,"<br />

ad and aloat* msA w* m<br />

•ooasa* tsw* pasMd far y*ar<br />

Yoa/Te (steal to kara a<br />

•B<br />

kautad<br />

tort and cnaaail Of cewsw* I<br />

ankuiolwai<br />

bor-<br />

Tbm aesator bad bean Owt at<br />

sad baartac Cor Bra ffefl<br />

r°nng raaa rwscbad orar<br />

Tastentsy wfitfaeea. :<br />

I to. rlctd aod rawssd sa<br />

trracr«a(et<br />

Too bare waazA wfcat lay<br />

bassald. IcurtwaOltm<br />

bas tiavraad ool (or OS)<br />

Wttt • awtft Dtaalotw<br />

tffixd fate fetal anal tt to<br />

-Too<br />

ElQUUttrB TtffiOME.<br />

As O*a> tt t*>* Hair, t* H. Uaa I<br />

• •MWIII UVTl<br />

la aaarwwr to Ibo i<br />

of Orrmany<br />

beir u> tlad »si^ K tluooo a> ^l 6fc*<br />

\1ctorta hate a Uw passed «s<br />

him frotn tb* aarreswioor* list<br />

ITeaw says;<br />

~Tt>* poaUbtaty of tb* Oenasa cttt-<br />

cror rrrr sjjctwwthxtf ta the tbKSk* at<br />

ttuis tboccM. Tbero was o n or ktwa<br />

talk oo tba mah)tct at tbe ttake of tha<br />

manrUcs ot t±>e aaiarr*a caoChet to tbs<br />

bdr to ****•» Qttisu tbrooe tft<br />

ws an nrnAAn to Bad tliat aajr f<br />

nectary artioo was takco eren tbea.<br />

~\fur Ktar OcvrsB come btt Bra<br />

^*^. aod uue *^*"a^**** aod tfciy^y ^sO*<br />

ten. tf aor: tbra Ktn« Oeorss's wta-<br />

txr Looiae. lio.ua> of Vita, brr two<br />

daosttUft and ibo auo of tba ester]<br />

tbts Prtoircwa Victoria, tben Qatca<br />

laaod of Norway aoJ ber BOO. irwistnj<br />

ttlrtsro at craarot tltlna ta tbe line at<br />

socn—Inn Atltr Ibal tbs auiiiaaluo<br />

mcrts to tbe lieacToiants of tae late<br />

Kite EdwaroTa tmxbrr. Alfred. dok<<br />

of X3dlBlxiT£b; Axtbor. daxe of Oas><br />

Binjhf and ljeoQoiil. doX« of AlbaAX.<br />

As H*^**» all w • * * aod bad nooxrooa<br />

ctifytrro aod cntodrtilklmi. there ta a<br />

loaj tloe of brtn to tbe tbrooe befora<br />

tbe soereasloo wooVl come to tbe de-<br />

scendants of tbe oldest atstcr of z<strong>On</strong>*<br />

Edvard. tbo Late Km prow KradericfcoJ<br />

OwomU, tbe Cm of whirs Hoe ts Em-<br />

peror wrntim**<br />


Lack •* Cs*u*l WU1<br />

AJ1 OtSa, ,<br />

"In Uy ten j ears' cocaectloo with<br />

the American teajroe a* nmitlro I bare<br />

seen tbe fact pro red asatn and sxata<br />

tbat control ts abaototely Deccoaary to<br />

win success." writes Bitty Brass ta St.<br />

"Tbe more ooe stwUrs tbe different<br />

features of tbe art of ^t^trf^j tbs<br />

more clearly does bo see tbe Taloe tbat<br />

control plays tn tbe success of tba<br />

pitcher.<br />

**If tbe pitcher kooars tbe weakness<br />

of tbe batter aod ITT'TTT*** atrium >rfm •<br />

fast ball oo tbe Inside eod tben deUb-<br />

cratetj pttrbes to tbe opposite side bis<br />

koowletfcs of tbe batter ts of DO nse tn<br />

him. Lack of control baa rendered Ids<br />

-If be knows tbe abortauv (s to car-<br />

er w "^ tbeo pitches a Loll to ****> ^*f*^y<br />

tbat T > * W< *I tt easy for him to lilt<br />

Ihroacb tbe pouldoo vacated try tbe<br />

sbortztop De DulU&es tbe strcasta of<br />

his inW Lack of control ts »«•»»<br />

tbe cause.<br />

"If tbe r*'--t

J6. -__!.<br />

ea/gag.a7'ts7^»»' SoBtfcern part of tha Btata dsrta*<br />

iaTsTttSwierff* l ** the past frw awotks, and the disease<br />

Praare, iG*. 17. 1910. U rapidly spreaJLn. ta Cape Kay<br />

We al Iliad at tike beepltal tram coexety.<br />

. || saaaT auim, uaUUUJ OJgHl-<br />

We aw»w bad no wooaded yet, hat have<br />

bsea ba wbst they call caiifa. cJaaa-<br />

aaaT «p aad waiting for orders. Thla<br />

aaaralaaj we seaved op to an advanced<br />

heae aad ta ssonuw we shall probahty<br />

waanded to take back to the<br />

KTpele*.<br />

• •twlng waere w* are going or what<br />

ws> an to do. W» Bay ba In n n p<br />

far • Weak at a tiaM or we may work<br />

algkt aad day for amTal day*.<br />

Manly and I Ian charge of one of<br />

taa -Bmfaw DP" »»*ds which hold*<br />

__ After wa load them<br />

wa> abaH have them from twelve to<br />

tajastty-feor boon or longer, and dar-<br />

taa; that Uses we have to work steadily<br />

(sedate aad helping them. We also<br />

beve ta hetp load the stretchcra for<br />

taa Tyla*- down* wards. After the<br />

j patients lea 1 a we shall havo a day or<br />

of bard work ftr*ilng up. In<br />

. I (oaea wa will never really be<br />

(•react). "f»«-'-a; the while point aad<br />

data samta of ear car. It Is scrub aad<br />

waak aad polish for as most of tho<br />

Usse. Tet when w* ore to garogo far<br />

several days we shall probably hare<br />

cjuttsa bit cf letecre.<br />

There ara aboot fifty of us boys oo<br />

• train, with several doctors and<br />

Unas) aarsiag sisters. We can carry<br />

SAO or 600 wounded at a time, and<br />

to be a very efficient part of<br />

ara shoot eighteen cars to oar<br />

trsifl. aad they an look fine, pointed<br />

jkaakl color ooUide with bir red<br />

'1 My |cwass, I sleep here on cue of the<br />

_ . stepped lo to<br />

casixa ana with having left a rug<br />

ftn sn ontidy poeitioo f&Mt<br />

m Brigadier General happened<br />

Taat means wa are TnyVr mili-<br />

tary dterlpHTia. An army captain is<br />

•*__•_• I naa— _ • • ill ai aa - _M_, _ * " - »•__. T_I J_<br />

^paawaa ^••aaVBVae^aBBBdiavel*i*.Efa> "•£Taea aF^aSBBrSBB aaar* aar&ai<br />

BSsBaV-aHHeaW M. Bra»T.<br />

T<br />

4 4. arrtkn 17.<br />

which may prove troohiesome- Be oo<br />

the tookoot for Canada tritmu borse<br />

nettle, and any other i^ IT. I*^I.I weeds<br />

which spread rapidly by means cf un-<br />

derground runners Get after **Ffc*f» at<br />

ooee. and keep after them until they<br />

are killed oot-<br />

Tbe Kew Jersey Experiment Station<br />

will advise as to the identity of weed<br />

plant* submitted and suggest methods<br />

of ftrnllng with these unprofitable<br />

plants<br />


Coonry Form Demonstrator.<br />


ft- J. DrslQr (Vx to U«ud U- Uaxkyr.<br />

l^S. UA S7. ticfk iat. pUn Ti~L<br />

itack«n.CF(>iritriui. flee, vu-<br />

arcn Int ol UA 3S u] » fr«< t/ M U.<br />

Uodk. lea. plui r>x<br />

fi^akr io Kzm* [- Foa. S2ML VtA S«.<br />

block HI. pLaa [H.<br />

Broi. V. Bain rt u« to i. J. Bnltf r«.<br />

tots Tl mod ~l. block SS. plan Ckl....<br />

U. S. bMata drpcaiUd<br />

> IP«* V<br />

AIJ UJMT » .<br />

lo* M-twUfiat* r*» M<br />

V«U»r> o/ barn-Hi W^ tun<br />

en] 0«lurv«<br />

CaoataJ lUt paU I<br />

T«*U1 ra<br />

r»iiiijni pn^ti<br />

luwrml Cor lala-ml<br />

l^&a rurrrnl «ipreura, iahrmt<br />

I trc-ulatins Iwn ,<br />

t amount oo hAnd aJtkd La TTTMVBTJ lor rvda-ts^ciao<br />

Mjrtn.n<br />


l.lABILmi3:<br />

mu<br />

trmnait ^___<br />

U> bank* aad baaaUn lotarr dhaa tactadrd la 4 or S>. . 47Z1.73<br />

V,^I. uupu<br />

md ilrpuaiti]<br />

InJUUtuI tVpoaJtl<br />

cUpoaits<br />

lln aa 3S dan<br />

i. s. 7 aad s<br />

MIII: irw jrnMrv,<br />


uol la \rv to U» Srvt » »ao«<br />

aoj fttaucrt to brfar. B» Chii<br />

l-n,l^r mi.<br />

> 11 OL-%M, Votary<br />

K iiiE'oo.'wnus **r TtiRiVMOman or<br />


an or<br />


oe UL-KAM tTTY<br />

»4.MA\ V. ( nHUt<br />

WIIJJM1 ' T>I-IJI.<br />

MJt\A)tl» II \S|i<br />

for State Senator<br />

4ter U»aja I Ma. Bootta<br />

HanhtnaT buoaa. ramllaf* aad oi<br />

mlmtUaal hn iiii Hut* fcvmo<br />

tetaaoJnati Uao> Ola<br />

• *•» irf otiMr MaOluea<br />

All otter ^.^la*^ I<br />

pit niluiu ..o >.<br />

.ut- b.^ia- run.ilun- aoj Ox<br />



Wort» for Capo May Tounly.<br />

~i. CaaUtT erf U—<br />

Tuc:-d_»y. Ki-pUm^r<br />


Rrftarra of<br />

Crade Oil<br />

ad nuripo.<br />

8ha dadaraa that for anrcral years<br />

ahja had chaBaJonad •^^••"••a of ai>-<br />

dal and political reform and that<br />

thrash tha pohKesOon of the letter<br />

ial ***X' mtia '\PI~i l» *aet It s»my r<br />

AeaWsaavs^iwaeB. ajkl aavltbs imJeali^bVi kind .<br />

i*m*im»itwwt,XmnhlmoOaaai tn caaracter.<br />

Srfx the right to<br />

W* ara not corrrinced<br />

ffl iamadiatarjr iav<br />

r«snitmmoracf<br />

taaa tba eoDsarvstrre kind so<br />

bat that does not lead<br />

Joasaaj SDDTBsa, bacsuss<br />

, betteva tbat woman hare<br />

Jaat m coed am iabsrent ftxht to the<br />

—" * as mm. ettaadm* Una fa that<br />

vw ttf£a> t*w (VeUsnny o* tott<br />

Ml m*M *&L»<br />

Wft is • am«aler Act last when.<br />

**' sty paUtatal or otasr -~T W '* I J<br />

•stigBtioa as* baa each a pe-<br />

' taat tlw Bttle criminals<br />

oaaaOy<br />

Frcma OW Ocvaa Cltj LrdSrr.<br />

To use a hackney phrase, the polit-<br />

ical pot is sorely *"»'""«• some, and it<br />

would not be surprising if the thisg<br />

would spill over Lefore the ctwrirn; of<br />

the contest on primary election night.<br />

A abort time ago it looked aa<br />

thoogb things might go somewhat<br />

smoothly, according to the p^f ** m that<br />

war" laid, bat at this writing, har-<br />

mony has been relegated to the rear<br />

and prospects are that tbe primary<br />

wfll be one of the hottest (or most<br />

hot) crrar waged in this city.<br />

Tha Senatorial situation is in^nt-<br />

what strained- Mayor Cnamptnn U a<br />

aopportar of Aasnahlyman 8t&tvens<br />

for tha Senatorial nomination. Be<br />

waa for Luther Ogden. but since Mr.<br />

Ogdcn withdrew from the contest in<br />

taror of Mr. Stevens, "in tba interest<br />

of decency in politics." the Mayor Is<br />

forfiterens.<br />

Former Mayor Headley, F<br />

Postmaster Bnttnrt. and a boat at<br />

other local t~~*^g lights, favor Miles<br />

UtTCr, and until racently rVeeholder<br />

Fox etood by tha Bepobiiean OohV<br />

andoracfliatxt ox Rlgoria candidacy, but<br />

MaJT Laolco ri vlr U> Jamra I'. Lavikxi.<br />

..IIMMI b*l/ *J Io4 C. Lo dlvL&loo of l.r^i,<br />

ot JUno Lramlnt. ilrc'tU oo Wnl akW r« til lo Wo. F_<br />

and H«K1*OO nnwr.<br />

iw la rj.nrJ T. T>»>- SIZS. IJA Z.<br />

block 30, brt«rn> Viuirt |^l_, auj<br />


<strong>GASOLINE</strong><br />

aad rVrfrctiaa Meter OOa<br />

I. P. TIMMJftS, Agent<br />

CAPE MAY Cot'er House. N. J.<br />

Born in Lower Township, AU^UBI<br />

ii, lttUl. CruduuUd from Cape May<br />

Public School in ltUii; Uaronl trade<br />

of printer In Capo "Mjiy Wove office,<br />

worked in day timo axul studied at<br />

nljrht to enter Princetoo CoUcco ISJCJ;<br />

student at Metropolitan Law School<br />

(part of New York University), in<br />

1HM; admitted to the Kew Jersey Bar<br />

in 1838; «rved in Cape May City<br />

Council, 1KT2 to 1835; President of<br />

Council, 18M; author of "History of<br />

I the County of Capo May;" published<br />

and edited Capo May llenUd from<br />

1903 to 1912; Member of Assembly in<br />

1914 and 1915.<br />

Stands for and has hod<br />

Gruritr I_ {Virirr lu Julia R. —.«.<br />

IS aad N. U'. £ frrt of UA 17. Uuck 17.<br />

bar to ^*mr. UA 1C aad S'. \V. S rrrf ut<br />

UA 17. Uock 17.<br />

la V. Ilrdajuad tu l^wir I- Purfe*.<br />

IS. 17 nod IS. Uark 41.<br />

V. Wrlrti .1 ui lo rraui Vi»-<br />

• 171. UA Lt. Uoa-k 23. brt»ma<br />

No trrspsasiBj aDewed oo sir .<br />

crty, with or wUhcart run or doe;.<br />

|oer prmaitj of the law.<br />

HABY E. LAKE.<br />

I<br />

&tsnd* for and han had passed lawb<br />

for the benefit of beajudc rc&ortji; foi<br />

economy in State Government; and<br />

for an armory at Ocean City. For<br />

laws which will bring prosperity to<br />

.V'r:'« Saerta*. OtTk». Cane' alav<br />


2732 Girard Ava, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

An dlaease. c Ok, ^e. Ueated. aad ,<br />

. ay.<br />

COLEMaM F. COBSOM. Sherta'.<br />

ret tfxUaibT II. llll.<br />

N. Cesorr. SeJr. B-I7jtprllJO<br />

In molt<br />

,- ~ - -—•- -•-«. uaj<br />

cbsnga In this direction.<br />

There is no doubt bat that Mr. Fox<br />

e<br />

facee a flfnt<br />

will<br />

ha<br />

c afyr flfnt» and tha<br />

ttona ara that John B. Groves<br />

"walk away with the bacon.'*<br />

Infoneatioii £ran a reliable thrVto*<br />

baa K that Freeholder Fox (or his<br />

friends) on Wedneaday drcotetad a<br />

Democratle petition eontainiaa: Mr.<br />

Fox^ am tb lMf f<br />

oaflBS as tbe ^*if if«*e**a for Free*<br />

r. Tbis action toade some of<br />

*Tbe Cnterrifled'* forloas, sad they<br />

at one* beauts posy on a petition fyt<br />

Albert .fJODsrt, aad tbey say there<br />

via be notUna; to tbe Fax Oesfcv<br />

aatie •iaatk<br />

Camdeii SsJte Deposit &. Trust Co.<br />

r- 224JO8 F«derml Street. Cmmima. H. X<br />

Eatabliabcd 1873<br />

Deposits . . . . . . $7,500,00000<br />

Invites your business—have your<br />

idle money earti interest. Keep a<br />

checking account and rent a box for<br />

your valuable papers.<br />

Trot* Fund. . . . . $9,150,00000<br />

Send for booklets "Relating to Wills and<br />

Kindred Subjects" and "Banking by MaiL"<br />

I Via. I<br />


Kepublican candidate for nomina-<br />

tion for State Senator from Cape May<br />

County, subject to the decision of the<br />

PrlmaricJi, Sept. 2S. J91G.<br />

4<br />

(Tola oetvrrti»raimt anlVraJ unel palel lo*<br />

by Palnvrr V. War. WlUaasI, N'. J.) tHOJl<br />

Is Your Money Safe?<br />

Security is what you wiah for your<br />

BavingB. We offer it and invite your full-<br />

est mvestigation as to our reliability, bus-<br />

mess methods and facilities.<br />

Deposits by mail will be promptly<br />

acknowledged. «">puy<br />

Write us about opening an account.<br />

Security Trust Company<br />

C May Qfy, u. L<br />

B OAato or CBOgpj raszaouiEaa OF<br />

CATS ttAT coovrr. KEW tauzr.<br />

Tla*' Huan] o/ Cbamea FrrrboluVn trf tbr<br />

roontr erf Cope May »UI ar.l<br />

Mefclrr la tn« courC^tueiaa* ot Cap* kloy<br />

Cottrt Ilouitf. Krw Jrrarjr, ol t»rl«e nt~< the deep<br />

est friendship.<br />

A mightly unpleasant Summer cold<br />

Is going the roands. and when one<br />

in n family "gets" it the others are<br />

sure to follow salt, the disease being<br />

highly con togiouB.<br />

Nixon WDey Elmer, of Boston, was<br />

in Court House between trains<br />

Monday, having' been vacationing at<br />

Stone Harbor with bis sister. Mrs.<br />

Albert Norton Wood.<br />

A gong left here on Tuesday night<br />

by box Pullman for Pennsgrove. Tbey<br />

*cre Wm. Smith. D. BasseO, Harry,<br />

J', and Belford Law. "Pat." Gatety<br />

end Clarence Sharp.<br />

Hiss Bertha Bats has been elected<br />

a teacher In tha Ocean City public<br />

•ehools, bar previous excellent eervice<br />

£ tbat eape^ Jmvine pleased<br />

Board af<br />

Eepatriof cf sB klasU ot flre «IM,<br />

•lertrksl tterlots. locks, tie'. Tto<br />

toaOi«rc«Yaies*Ts—allinaxe*. Qeo-<br />

* npairlag. Wai. Flanogan, a J.<br />

Reahy Farev Court Hoosa. ft-20^lm<br />

Robert a aUilar offers for rest his<br />

lorre baiasr building (80x70) on Hand<br />

Boltohte for garage, repair<br />

or paint shop, etc; fitted with elevator<br />

capable of taking vehicle* to second<br />

wr. &-Z7tf<br />

Owing to the extreme beat, there<br />

has been but ooo session each day<br />

this week in Court House schools, and<br />

GAZETTE would commend tho ac-<br />

tion of the Board of Education in this<br />

matter.<br />

The very essence of business la to<br />

let people know what you hart) for<br />

sole. That means advertise. If you<br />

t your busineai lo prosper. There<br />

Is no better meant of doing that than<br />

through your loco] paper.<br />

The Clanfon 1 band, which was pro-<br />

urcd for tho county ralr by our<br />

townsman, D. I^tscslio, rendered ex-<br />

Uent service the lost two daya of<br />

w fair, and attracted a great deal<br />

if attention from music lovers.<br />

All persons desiring tho best hoiul<br />

tundry work dona can have umo by<br />

.coving their packages at Harry<br />

Tyler's oo or before Thursday noon of<br />

each week, and it will bo returned on<br />

turdoy morning. Troy Laundry<br />

xi. Cape May City, N. J. 4-10<br />

D. T.o.«calto, the local rrprosenta<br />

tive of the.reliable Hollywood Laun-<br />

, of Wildwood, desires your trade,<br />

and will call at your house every Wed-<br />

nesday morning to collect your linen.<br />

Laundry la ready for delivery tho fol<br />

lowing Saturday. The plant haa the<br />

latest Improved machinery only, and<br />

does only good work. 7>2O.y<br />

Miaa Vent Ellubeth ttuike, ilaurfi<br />

ter of Cape J. T. Burke, was married<br />

on Wednesday evening' at the Uaptl.t<br />

parsonage to Mr. Balph Newton<br />

3ayre, of Goahcn. Tbey ore now away<br />

eduing trip. Holh these young<br />

people are popular ami highly es-<br />

teemed, and all unite In wishing them<br />

long and happy married life.<br />

Uncle Ephraim** ayniputhl<br />

all with the Alllet. "Man," announced<br />

"has you beard *bout them Al-<br />

ics? H Thcy'e got a gun what kin hit<br />

ou If it's twenty-three mllen off."<br />

Lawsie, that aln t nolhln," ano<br />

;olored partisan of the opposite<br />

De Germans, dey kin hit >-CKI if dey<br />

jess haa yo' oddrciui-"—New York<br />

Evening- Poit-<br />

MISACU Annie anj Laura Hewitt on<br />

Tuesday returned to tneir btudiei. in<br />

ctnple College, Philadelphia. Thu<br />

latter young lady, who U tak<br />

our*.c in Ikimctti* Science, buiu in thi-<br />

rtAT ivhi* turn been at Temple<br />

ucfa a rr«ird for efficiency that nhc<br />

has brcn asaigrud to rcuponniblc<br />

duties in one of tho bouu;a<br />

to the college faculty.<br />

Mrs. W. It. Bright and Mi»» Krun-<br />

cu Eakcr. of WiUwood, will tulk on<br />

ulTragc KriAay evening at uven<br />

o'clock, outside. Pttynv'u store, oppo-<br />

site the paiit-offlr?. at South Scaivlllc.<br />

An hour later they will hold a meeting<br />

outsldo Way's store at Ocvum View.<br />

Everybody U Invited to be present,<br />

and whether in favor of ouffruce or<br />

opposed to it, the audience Is sure to<br />

interested in the argument* ad<br />

.-anced-<br />

A very remarkable and ili-li^htfu<br />

ithering of tnen took pla^c MuruLi]<br />

night in the Methodist church, when<br />

20 members of tho Men's<br />

Forward Movement from Stavlllo and<br />

Petersburg were the guests of the<br />

Men'a Organized Bible Clous. Tb*<br />

visitors conducted an Interesting btr<br />

vice and the Bible CLuia Clcc Clut<br />

rendered two fine selections. Aft*.*<br />

ice cream and calu> a*ltlresi>e» wen?<br />

and five men decided to livt<br />

Christian lives. The Bible CUHH wil<br />

pay a return trip to Petersburg on<br />

Friday. 2ith ineU<br />


Aapirant for Senator Expects to Con-<br />

trol County Courts.<br />

The following in taken from Mon<br />

day's Philadelphia "Eecord:"<br />

The warm contest for the Rrpubli<br />

con nomination for Senator from Cupt<br />

May county appears to have develop-<br />

ed Into a promising feUr. 1>. Mi!<br />

Rigor, of Wildwood, who in fijrhtlng<br />

Aisemblymon Lewis T. SU'Vens, has,<br />

it U declared, promised, if elected, to<br />

hold up the confirmation next winte<br />

of Prosecutor of the Picas J. Rubbel<br />

Corrow and of Judge Henry H. El<br />

dredge, 6O that it will be within the<br />

power of the next Governor to name<br />

their successors. Tho plan, of court*?,<br />

is predicated upon the assumption<br />

that the next Governor will be a Re<br />

publican. Senator Harry C. Wheaton<br />

the Democratic candidate, who is un<br />

opposed for renomlnation, unileti ove:<br />

this proposal and declares it is "jus<br />

pie" far him and will very much aaals<br />

him in his campaign. Rigor, it b said,<br />

has promised that the new Judge shall<br />

be Palmer M. Way. of WUdwood. and<br />

the Prosecutor Ernest W. Lloyd, of<br />

Capo May, who held the office on<<br />

term.<br />

"The effect of this Bcheme has bee<br />

to arouse the indignation of tho law<br />

end order people of the county, who<br />

jpeclolly want Judge Eldredge re-<br />

Itained on the bench- Rigor la uup-<br />

ported by the "w:t element.'*<br />


—Alonxo Broslus and wife visited<br />

friends in Camden lost week.<br />

itliaS May F^mBtf*rwnVa>r<br />

brother, are the guests of Mrs. Belle<br />

—Frank Thomas, of Hnmmontnn.<br />

.spent two days this week here with<br />

[his son, H. A. Thomas and family.'<br />

—Mrs. Harry Connor and children,<br />

w/ PhUada^ ore with her parents.<br />

Larry Peterson and wife, for a Sep-<br />

tember visit.<br />

—Owlny to the excessive beat o<br />

Tuesday, tba employees in the can<br />

nlng factory were cotnpellrrl to<br />

work at 0 o'clock a. ra, and did not<br />

resume again until 8 o'clock p. m.<br />

Any akin Itchlnc U k temper tes-<br />

ter- Tba more yoa scratch the<br />

won* ttTteneeT IWs Ointment is<br />

Bfe ataU dros stores.<br />

aUJQ<br />

lm<br />

THB OOtTrtTT VAXM.<br />

The Cape Kay Cooniy Fair ka* lu<br />

at attraction In IU track. This U<br />

perfectly located, la Batons the beet<br />

'or all it Is laid oat for, and. tn the<br />

nsnda of gentlemen great pains Is<br />

taken U> have It ajerit the rapport cf<br />

the best people coming to the county,,<br />

and, which Is to asy, the best la the<br />

or Id. It Is only In IU beginning, the<br />

affair Jmt closed being the second oo<br />

the ground! and fifth all told.<br />

The fair association began with the<br />

competition from the *farmlng dis-<br />

trict" limited to the granges of the<br />

county, each to make Dp a display and<br />

.Wide IU winning aa It choee. There<br />

re no restrictions as to membership<br />

if exhibitor, or where the exhlhiU<br />

come from, although supposedly each<br />

wsa tho product from IU own dis-<br />

trict. Tho prim money was liberal<br />

and the judges took core that each<br />

grange had enough of It to at least<br />

y expenses. Tha displays brought<br />

Mil Mere wonderfully <strong>On</strong>e, and of ex-<br />

rocdmg Interest, and each fair time<br />

aa too abort to go ov«r the exhibit<br />

satisfactorily, especially In the<br />

n's work diviiioo with IU<br />

work, lu relics of tho old. old days<br />

heirlooms and family treasures.<br />

i fruit, vegetables, flowers, live<br />

lock and home cooksry ware beyood<br />

"omparo in quality aod appearance,<br />

nd visitors paid good money for<br />

very thing that could be bought.<br />

Tho change to Individual eompcti-<br />

lon this year did not receive the sap-<br />

port of those who had cried for It, and<br />

.ho display although good did not<br />

oroparo with thote of the post, and<br />

tho hope is that tho old plan will be<br />

again aaopted.<br />

Tho Judges were; Shep. Taylor,<br />

Wlnfield Coombs and J. Sadkr. for<br />

roubles; John Elliott, Dr. Julioa<br />

Way and Amos Wheoton for fruit; E.<br />

1_ Rice, George Boy and Horace<br />

ownwnd for poultry, Mrs. M'""t«<br />

Bate. Mra. C. P. Vanaman end Mrs.<br />

Albert Sapp for rann**j goods.<br />

Flowers were a feature. The Con-<br />

\c\d exhibit from Avoloo besides win-<br />

ilng the Ut Brothers' special for dis-<br />

ilay. waa awarded 14 first prixxs and<br />

seconds, and the flowers were all<br />

rom tho homo door yard. The ex-<br />

liibit of florist Lange, of Court Boose,<br />

was of both greenhouse and garden<br />

lantii and included exceptionally fine<br />

«UTB and dahllsa. Ed. S. Howell, of<br />

Court House, waa winner of many<br />

rius with his specialty of<br />

I. A. Dreer. of Philadelphia, winning<br />

'or display of named specimen blooms.<br />

Clinton Crciuui showtd fine speel<br />

n-na of tho ten varieties of pcacSen<br />

ow in ivea&on, all perfect In color and<br />

condition, winning firsts for each,<br />

rnarlco. Ho«xll with eight varieties<br />

five firsta and three eoeonds.<br />

Holns, gardener to Dr. Physic.<br />

Cape May, wajs awarded first for a<br />

tt of excellent specimens. Ap-<br />

pku were fine and showed the resolU<br />

f spraying, being very clean; Lem.<br />

Compton. Dlas Creek, winning for<br />

Maiden Blush and Pound Sweets, and<br />

John H. Pov ell for red Astrochan-<br />

n vegetables. L- J. GorreUan won<br />

a'ith rhuharb, Harry Tyler for canU-<br />

H; Prov. S- f^'ai" getting first<br />

pie squash and Thomas Corsoc<br />

ml: J. H. Powell for beeU and<br />

carrots; W. S. Klmble, of Rio Grande,<br />

winning all other firsU and the<br />

Mlchell i.jHxlttl for collection.<br />

Tho Experiment SUtioci exhibit<br />

uaa the beat ever made In the county,<br />

nd a represenUtive was present to<br />

answer questions. Thia exhibit alone<br />

was worth going to see and there la<br />

tius possibility that It will be allowed<br />

o remain here vnth Prof. Thrasher.<br />

Tho conned fruit exhiblU were by<br />

JUs Anna !Un«r, of the Experiment<br />

Station. Mrs. Tbroxher (winnlng'the<br />

emoruule bowO and Mra- J. A. Powell<br />

(winning the drinking Mt). All were<br />

cold packed and fine.<br />

In the poultry division the whlU<br />

Orpingtons of J. K- Gerges and light<br />

Brahman of J. Mr Linden were win<br />

ncrs. The freak of the class was •<br />

cross of guinea end white wyandotte,<br />

with head and voice of the guinea and<br />

plumage of tho wyandotte.<br />

There were many exhiblU of com.<br />

Clinton Cresse had tallest, showing<br />

l»o the Boone County WhlU with<br />

which he won the com prUe two years<br />

ago, and which he says Is improving<br />

aa it iu becoming acclimated, also<br />

Dubmon'ti Special Yellow, and. Bur-<br />

bank's Rainbow for ornamental pur-<br />

pose a.<br />

The cxhibiu of machinery, included<br />

many makes of automobiles, the ap-<br />

proved "Octobus." the non-punchable<br />

tire, und many new appliances, and a<br />

very attractive display of cemen<br />

work. In the live stock division WOJ<br />

the pair of four-months old Angora<br />

goats of Earl Foster, Court House.<br />

The pretty 16-months old heifer raised<br />

by Mian Bertha Newton, of Trenton,<br />

won a first prize, the yearling Jersey<br />

bull of James MrT.IMrn getting first,<br />

and horse blanket presented by Straw<br />

bridge & Clothier.<br />

Ball gomes were played on Friday<br />

and Saturday mornings at 10 a.<br />

Friday morning Middle township<br />

high-school defeated Upper township<br />

high-school 10 to 7. Saturday morn-<br />

ing Cape May defeated Middle 10 to 7.<br />

The Track Events.<br />

In Friday's races three heaU finish<br />

ed each event. The hones were even-<br />

ly matched and came in together.<br />

Sid Dillon, b- g, by Sid Foster, owned<br />

by J. J. Fholen. outclassed all entries<br />

In the 2-20 trot and 2£4 pace.- Noget<br />

Boy took the lead and kept It through<br />

oat the race in the 235 rnW*A Zola<br />

Hoi set the pace in the free-for-all<br />

county race.<br />

Summaries:<br />


SiJ nUkn. b. e- SiJ Faaier. 1. i.<br />

PtuaWa.. I I<br />

t'ocle a.b.1, Ilaxoa Gal. W. I. Vrtlrr » ><br />

r.Utunrr«. U. b.... 3 3<br />

Dr. «M~ J. p. VOX 4 4<br />

Time, 223lt. USU, U7U.<br />

132 MIXED, PURSE WOO.<br />

Nucrt In, b. a, klos Woisr. wj U.<br />

^^:n."i:-x^weu;wVH: * •<br />

> Axwortiar. b. a- Amwortlur. 4. J. _<br />

Ensra!ai.ii"cLiiotErUX;:;'.; » 4<br />

Time. ZI3U. XJHU. UTU.<br />

FUEE-POONUJU COCMTY. nuts, sus.<br />

i<br />

s<br />

Otkrr nrtrr. a*.<br />

Uim snaM.<br />

It U cnnntal lo have three hoiaes<br />

id for second, third and fourth<br />

exneys, but this uuuiial tn tba Bat*<br />

onlay race, .KoocUr, owned by W. H.<br />

rettaad. wan. first money In the free-<br />

'or-aU. His owner endeavored to<br />

break tba track record, bat failed by<br />

U seconds. HU miles were made. In<br />

CjuarUrsesfoUows: J4H, 1.-09.'l:e«,<br />

'-54, 1:08. 1:44 %. 2:IB%;<br />

. lrOSK. 1:44U. 2:18.<br />

flemsxoxWei<br />

i-x» CO4.Tcar C S L f. P. r«« 1 I I<br />

,T«. Cm» II)<br />

II B. Cavrrlaoa Ill<br />

t<br />

Hapcry. h. S-<br />

I»)W>, Jr, t.<br />

MV«t S,<br />

Wstrfc iu, c<br />

M « t S, ro. UVT<br />

Wstrfc iu, c s~ A- B- Scrlaacrr<br />

Ttm*. UU%. UDSi. Ut enioyed the past week with<br />

Heads here.<br />

-Albert Menlg and wife, of At-<br />

tic City, motored over on Sonday<br />

•pend the day with her east. Mrs.<br />


—Ebble Trout has a new Ford.<br />

—Ebencxer Trout has purchased on<br />

—Mm. WalUr Coff U quite akk at<br />

lu writing.<br />

—Mm- Kir m \ Springer U spending<br />

week ot Avolon.<br />

—Ralph Hand left for Dickinson<br />

college on Tuesday.<br />

—Mlsa Hattle Fldler ipent the<br />

cck-end in Dennlsville.<br />

—Mlsa Ethel Hand haa gooe to New<br />

ork to spend tho WlnUr.<br />

John Hackctt, of Millville, rn »^.**<br />

short visit here recently.<br />

—George He-as. of Oermoct. spent<br />

the week-end with Balph Hand.<br />

—Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph Trout were<br />

3urt House visitors on Friday.<br />

—Eldora boys played o fine game<br />

f ball at Delmont, winning 0 to 2.<br />

—NeUoa Chester *"•.**><br />

rip to DeanUviU^ Friday evening.<br />

—Mm. Bochel Creamer U tpending<br />

week with reUtlves In Dies Creek.<br />

—Mm. Mary B&rtleson B ft d daugh-<br />

xr spent the week-end at Dloa Creek.<br />

—Wilbur Ireland, of EsUlville,<br />

pent Sunday with Mlsa Minnie PeUr-<br />

n.<br />

—About 2& of our villagem attend-<br />

ed the fair st Court House aa Sotur-<br />

>y-<br />

—Hev. A. C. Gearhort, of Tuckahoe.<br />

wan a vistor in the village last Mon-<br />

day-<br />

—Mm. Lottie Hand has been qulu<br />

sick, but at thU writing Is reported as<br />

improving.<br />

—Mr. and Mr*. G. W. Homan, of<br />

Marlton, were Sunday visitors at tho<br />

irfeonage.<br />

—Mr, and Mrs. Robbins and Mrs.<br />

jgiir Hand were visitors at Lev<br />

Hand's on Sunday.<br />

—Mra. Laura Maguire, of Camden,<br />

.* spending some time with her moth<br />

r. Mm. Laura Zone.<br />

—Edgar Creamer, Herman Lehner,<br />

Joseph Trout and Ebble Trout, mo-<br />

ored to Atlantic City Saturday even<br />

ing.<br />

—Mra. Amer and daughUr, Morion.<br />

returned home on Sunday, after i<br />

week's visit with Mrs. Amir's par<br />

nt»-.<br />

—.Rev. Howard Amer will attend<br />

the Local Preachers' convention a<<br />

New Brunswick next Saturday and<br />

Sunday.<br />


—Our enterprising cranberry<br />

IT. RovTE. H. Durell, Is very busy Jnst<br />

He expects to gather eighteen<br />

tK^innnr 1 h«i«v«i« This wmk la a<br />

t help to tho community as ha<br />

ys out about twelve «>*r»T»^/4 dol-<br />

rs each year.<br />

.—Tho fi^'Krw^T^ .ire mwnl^g in sooJ<br />

ape; Priodpal Bond, cf tha High<br />

School, haa MUa 8tanl*T*tta Wooi-<br />

dgt. of West RuUand. VL. aad Misa<br />

Martha WychacT. of Clan Ridge. N. J,<br />

or his -••day sad as*<br />

TTeCsx. flSI OMWifJ Via.<br />

Veeper. The Vectry (a a r<br />

• iwaaaea Ua thaaka to the<br />

Uhered so tt ta<br />

bhl f<br />

Uhered so earnattty cta<br />

behalf cf the fisaacaa,<br />

(£00.<br />

—The bora of DM new L _<br />

have oremaaed aa a Kaaaal<br />

Qsh wlthYork Ssatth.<br />

bosmeea waa to i<br />

debris frcea taa acaoo) ,<br />

to r»t a clata on a atatflar lot i<br />

debris<br />

Oil !><br />

Mi.. Sailia Corsoo was<br />

City Monday.<br />

—Cht. Bmith, of Jersey City,<br />

tUrwn Sunday.<br />

—Miaa Etta Brown was In Tneke-<br />

boo Tuesday aitemooo.<br />

—Mrs. Walter Vosa U now with her<br />

arents at PleuiUDtville.<br />

^-Geo- F. Bacon, cf Philada^ spent<br />

uoday with his family here.<br />

—Misa Carrie Risks came home<br />

rom Ocean City last week for the<br />

Winter.<br />

—Mr. snd Mrs. C Smith entertain-<br />

ed Clarence Allen, of Ptillads . over<br />

Sunday.<br />

—Mrs. A. P. dork aad son, Ralph,<br />

pent Friday night with friends at<br />

Ocean City.<br />

—Quite a number of M- P. kL men<br />

'rom here went to Court House MOB-<br />

iy evening.<br />

—Jules F. Blake, of WUdwood<br />

Crest, spent Sunday with his mother,<br />

Mrs. L. C Blake.<br />

—Mra. L. M. Heaa. of Tuckahoe,<br />

called on her sieter. Mrs. M. Brown,<br />

Tuesday evening.<br />

—School began here on the 7th,<br />

with Sarah VanGilder. principal, aad<br />

Alta Heas, primary.<br />

—HoliU Caldwcll and Wm. Morgi-<br />

hon have gone to Pennsgrove to work<br />

In the powder plant.<br />

—Mm. Hannah VanGilder is on<br />

isit to her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Hoff-<br />

man, at Court HOU L .<br />

—Misa Harriet Schurch, of Ocean<br />

City, waa an over-Sunday visitor with<br />

her ulster, Mra. Carter.<br />

—The Men's Forward Religious<br />

Movement will hold on all-day meet'<br />

ng on Friday, September 24.<br />

—John B. Christian and wife, of<br />

Ocean City, were in town calling on<br />

friends and relatives Monday.<br />

—Miaa Irene VanGilder came home<br />

Monday night from Ocean City, where<br />

she hod been working for two weeks.<br />

—Mrs. Llxzie Allen returned to her<br />

West Phllada. home Sunday evening.<br />

after upending a week with her als-<br />

ter. Mrs. Christie Smith.<br />

utrdrboQaee ead<br />

sere ta Ukaty to bo a<br />

demand far htrd-hocaea. the few<br />

saved. There ts.Ukaty to bo, a mad<br />

have been pot up ta •ardeaa anwhia<br />

worth whiiTthe htrSSoaaaa pot up<br />

br the boys oo the echo©! (roaada teat<br />

rear_betn* a nod<br />

the wtnd toppled<br />

and<br />

eeede ara to apply toward<br />

fuxid.<br />

DIAB<br />

tie aCa*<br />

—LewU<br />

lasoo eoOega on<br />

—Charles Lawrence cad wtfe re-<br />

turned to WQmlsjFton on IConday,<br />

—Percy Doogiaxs aad Zadok Sharp<br />

were Leesbcrrg viaitara on Toeadsy.<br />

—Thocuaa Drowo* of DacnlsTiQa,<br />

spextt Wn^.<br />

nounce the marriage of their daogn-<br />

Unr, Ada, to Gearsj. Henry Hltaer, «•<br />

Wednesday, Sept, 16.<br />

—Mrs. Mira Smith, of Coshes. Is<br />

visiting her mother, Mrs. Tatmael<br />

Comptoo.<br />

Mrs. Ceo. Half. Jr, la entertain-<br />

ing her sister Mrs. Charles Thorp aad<br />

family, of Phllada.<br />

—Alvin Plther aad wife are now<br />

living at Court House, on Bayside<br />

avenue, next to Cllntnn Back's resi-<br />

dence.<br />

—Jay P. Beed aad family aad Wm.<br />

. Chambera aad wife, of Vloeland.<br />

spent Sunday afternoon at the home<br />

of G. J. Beed.<br />

Mrs. Richard Lloyd Is entertain-<br />

ing her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Mea-<br />

eick. of Utah, and her sister, Mra,<br />

Smith Stiles, of Erma.<br />

—Mrs. Harry Tattle and son, Chas,<br />

of Northport. L. L, arrirtd here on<br />

Monday evening to visit her mother,<br />

Mra. Elmer WUleta. * ho U atill la a<br />

critical eondibon.<br />

Mra. Lirtle TS>t>fk«ti Mrs. H.tlL.<br />

VanZant, Mra. May MeCray. Mrs. Ar-<br />

melda Cinder and George Douglaaa,<br />

all of Cape May, ti^ t "~VM the funeral<br />

of Mrs. Howard Douglass last Thura-<br />

day.<br />

—Tuesday turned out to be rather<br />

an expensive mowing day for O. P.<br />

Vanaman. WhOo on the meadatn.<br />

one of the team (the sray) • tapped<br />

In a hole, and the mowing marMne<br />

severed a foot near tha feUock. A<br />

vetemarian waa called, bat the baree<br />

was la each a. condition that tt was<br />

pot out of its misery. last week Mr.<br />

Vanaman lost one ot Ma Mack +-T-.<br />

which i i with the heat.<br />

—Mrs. Howard DonsUsa, who died<br />

on Monday. September 6, was fu.um><br />

ry Miss Marcaret F""!*.^, of Beta,<br />

l m N J Sh<br />

lervme. N. J. She was born la 1886,<br />

her father being Peter »"-s>a,- She<br />

was married to Howard FNilfittt: bl<br />

1891. at Bio Grande, by Bar.<br />

N. Craven, be b survived by<br />

bssband and bar sisters, lbs.<br />

Comptoo, Mrs. Emma {IpriaMr.'of.<br />

Eldorat Kits Hh IthjfcaaV spat<br />

bh Jt d W l :<br />

brothers. Jdm aad Walter.:<br />

of HeWervula. : •<br />

H>. J. LOHTiai

fcv-;- I.TT Y W. J<br />

i**'.. • • .<br />

j. Hammed Co.<br />

PLBAflANTVrLLE, N. J.<br />

HmtmitKUktrn of Art.tlic<br />



oua<br />

SftCULTV<br />

i-<br />

tlXSCOtlAa* wt<br />

ErectUs*<br />

All kinds of<br />

CametSTy<br />

Work<br />

C<br />

ALL and<br />

Inspect<br />

stock ot fin-<br />

ished work<br />

aad oar fa<br />

dllli*. for<br />

manofactur-<br />

lox It: or If<br />

deslrwd oar<br />

representa-<br />

tive trill call<br />

on yoo sod<br />

skew TOO tbe<br />

latest de-<br />

•Lrns In mon-<br />

"*••*•*"*'' art.<br />

BWW -I bM ftri-i C«l*T, Upt iij. H. X<br />

t>O-ftJDk<br />

MAT cocmrr. KXW JIIUT.<br />

OlDtHANCI.<br />

— ) pm>N -•> DM Atta-tUt Cltv<br />

w i U * t<br />

• tan* t*tm IU Um. la<br />

I «ut»afr iws aj-wi<br />

frvwa at pr-in-l aton fW M W lwi(rw*1,<br />

tfc- til- Urm «t lit I ir; U Ih'tc (1|,<br />

to • CM»Lat wtwr* a-mJJ n«-i Io4rrw« tfer<br />

* knaves f It* r^aa-i .1 kUnoLtfi ».» •» puiu.1<br />

»_»»T* tW Munr aa labrvtl/O tsB_. a r-Jnl «Ww<br />

IW MJV Lnl/rw*a»4 a*. UanuL^i fco tt**« b-r-klaVr u«*r (bs»<br />

TWi*b.» rl«#r at Tutftutikvar. «nj tfib*<br />

*4 «j^fti* 11 • (11*-< JJWJI^J [,ir>« Hta*., t»*-cm-<br />

nJrv* »t Its icWrwtikjo «||h |tw WVio<br />

ts Tomcmnp SAXE or<br />

LAND ros TAXES.<br />

OH<br />

W. •» In fr». .<br />

* I<br />

1 am Ud Um •<br />

TsLTMUiT. UrTDtlll Ua. I Its,<br />

al t»» *>dUm l&Tu*.<br />

ThU la<br />

ciavn<br />

y<br />

tuuJt/U *-i>J Cll> (*••»«<br />

»> uf N-«-<<br />

aUtulr* tu<br />

uk In tlw o(Un»«t<br />

U J<br />

rUaU MWU »<br />

Tu«*t>.mZilp ' •<br />

JI J «<br />

lUtnlr* ami l-Ir-rCon w»lU ail avl fi_haiw*»<br />

ILitl, ul .ix-Uatw-r. ta LpjXf Ttrwraaiijv oo<br />

T,r**v. a,p4aa»av** Jl, ltlL.<br />

ui wwii o'cltJtlL av.ra.io txllM o*. V.»»HI.IJ*T 2, 1*IX<br />

Tim-d-Ay. Ncnrmbrr 2. 191S.<br />

LJ* I -. #• it IU t--uf» t-4" «J» o'cluck at.<br />

Mhl t->w.t.aJli(. --..I Yt--Lr f.-T lie* foi<br />

h«- U.ml.r .J" Itw SUtr S.Tk.t/ .J<br />

Kiy<br />

Win, N iXrAIUaU*. I (.AIM-' «'^J "i<br />

al WanllW<br />

• t lu.a r<br />

«t|r<br />

tr> ir>« Irievavt<br />

TtkAl uaiu Ih-c 1--J.-<br />

Th-at t>aLJ |tM- n>osr,.<br />

AjJXiry<br />

»Ty<br />

«, ud caf Uaa\I »klth<br />

l±> r^^ttt»t->4rrly<br />

at ri*bt a-D*V» %a<br />

lrrxi f#^t U> a thirty<br />

. Ob the IBD> and coontrr road* where nag a bard.<br />

*• $ 1350 car wfll do all f or yoo tbrt k Sailor A. E.<br />

WaUa trlwa be otabtobed a rerxed at tbe rtxxnt Ueion-<br />

te»»a Hg Qaab. drirntr a Cbakocxr Sov40. that was<br />

CsJM attaads better tbaa tnc pret-iotn record for tbe do*,<br />

i tbjo limits oi tnorins car scrrice iti wonderful<br />

xbead rsimrurt motor will give you aD<br />

• a s FWi and Rerta wfaea l_. . <br />

aad 102 ada »a boor for 300 and 300 miki at lodUo-<br />

EdCbk<br />

Bctxway dial dm type<br />

i they averated 90. 98<br />

•p*. ncwOuliacr. Sct-40 a a* comfortable ax a baj<br />

Gbtarjf locluBaVcbair.<br />

Tbe katber tgholatared icats ate deep aad bxsnoos;<br />

_M aitka of lbs tma-n.ni axe ba2t on the "ajmchsix""<br />

trisftifk, Yoa ride n tbe ai—oat oak.<br />

^TB. Wraeai k aatpk: tbe rear tprma> are 57 inches<br />

hat—ima than may cAa car in das ctao—and tbo<br />

aesaft ia that tbe car gbdo over roogb tpots with an<br />

•as* aaoboa tbat makea santiniii. a pleasure under every<br />

i are made in Cfcalmen abops unoW tbe<br />

dank. Tbty are Lbe<br />

• nd pevisilkr. UluU In U«e Otf d/ Oc*«A<br />

Tewrt Ka. J. tw-alxiulxia at a puJ^il Lo t^>r<br />

•^tftti*Br»4erly ^ij^ u^ a certain UUrry feel<br />

trv*rt n111r11aji pt.rell.f *al|^ a^^ IM I ••• u<br />

tl Irwtrt rk<br />

f |-ifTy-«ilnth<br />

onj tllrty r*<br />

T f a j l<br />

S<br />


WalUr *. Of>d<br />

DENNIS<br />

IL>. ul Knl^l* r»/. ^ '<br />

w-rr*w» inc uttrr-** ymrm. *•<br />

fear UUyaf jnmj-B.<br />

m ' n **<br />

i«xVsr to warrv.- f-^ iKrw ««.<br />

•••"»# loar OM yrar. ' *<br />

Aptp«XaparUUoo fear FVcaavda.<br />

Aptpr^apaTUUco. tor InraOruUU *flJ t.<br />

fear t-vjrrm4 ir'trr 1-ruattrtla<br />

A- T. D. HOWSU.<br />

t-J»-rvi v ii<br />

tr-rrt twimt>->-i_, (r*t _wis*3<br />

/ Ih-tit w-UiLt. r-tt/Tfeillnji Ii<br />

a rol or<br />

aalti th-Lrty foc4<br />

3| fa 4<br />

- cWpCfa<br />

InlrtT<br />

Mrv Will., I,-. MLa-^.'t<br />

WHXTC&OJtO.<br />

(oj" To«riaJllp<br />

y >doa wUJ *n -4<br />

ill***. «f l*>ihu» IUII. at Dmnlirtll*.<br />

••r Ih-r f )r»t *l*xt»oo oi" |*(Ut mryl O.r U*trlo*£-_.<br />

a T 5 0 .* 11 - Bl °°* "'clock In t±K .(umooa<br />

All Uul critailti lot of<br />

M-y Hew<br />

Bw-ttia-t. i. Th-tt ItW fa^U<br />

AJotuia s»li i^alv-mv, welrr.<br />

It-f [>J^e*. iaLH(, ^f Uiik ,a»TiJ.j<br />

.(ad •varr urU-rr -IIKJ rvMMj<br />

t UlJ lidasrm fiiily lrnlfri|ii<br />

o/ ttar lloauty of #.<br />

««rtU« m. That u.ahlua lo UU. ordiimu<<br />

Ukall be cufutnvd b> aruul tuxU> tbe uiU<br />

G. K STILIiE<br />

Taokahoe, N. J.<br />

•*« IU Thi.1 t-bl» urUlraitacc ajiuli Lr<br />

lilts' Utul >U*U1 lipitrm. tbsT BJlUl fXam<br />

=S ^. 1 '^'r1S a »^U"lLre^:'^,1£ f ^<br />

•»»m- niMi a-kprrul a tvum u/<br />

^ auj t-»«-tjty-a*r ia^oauo* btuv<br />

-*-rm» 'CT'lJsui unltnat^ */lUUxi u w^d^<br />

Hawt.a.. It. Ttia. Ihis ontlnaacf kixull tau<<br />

KXKO*> rffrctiv« UX-tlrU ithtT Kaliti pfntainy<br />

kiiall. untia-r IU irml ainJ b* Its psvperul-<br />

rw, •ucnlfy In witlnaf Its n-fyf-piprs-fy Q/<br />

tbo imra, CTtf-tiittmi-, r*v^UUanT auKl<br />

rlfilocis bcrrln eootAtocxS wlthio Udrty<br />

ty» BTlrf Tv-cvlvlxic kwUce of Its Hn-.l ptus-r-<br />

II. Ttut the ftalaj cunpauiy »h»JI<br />

-O CtastB Ot Ifaa- PTTIMUTllJoO of tb-U<br />

—— . OTHS far iwivrirtl»lQ_r, aori DaHoUaai<br />

yrwtioMft. of tb*- County of ^<br />

Uoa o/ tbls ue-dlnaoc^sod K, oorlci herrlu<br />

S.'cSl» t "or"^°- Ul -' lir "»*" '"" '«*'-<br />

~&-walaya. a*.<br />

l>Lu^ lo the<br />

•uuii *>f ^«ulolu«•[l. ui u>e em-Jer-<br />

r Uie e May u.wj KHUHl* HsU-<br />

Muliia l«t>J. u* JUia fcJmser,<br />

l*iikiia i«srxnarrly LsrUsti^Lu^ t» |-_ A- Wai<br />

uiasj .Lumlujf, tba-xkear N-o*tto Ibirly» s»U Utxnl<br />

X.^.te !• LiftLy (lira tt^at oa<br />

Tursdsy. Norembrr 2. 191i,<br />

•"l*'-"i tl^-l«*jr» ../ sis o'cloca o. ex.<br />

-ivj ^*.rii o*Uj«a p JU , a Oenersi Uec-<br />

l«-i will t, ULI. „( ^hlth lime lie vCut,<br />

**Ule *wiLate .<br />

.'.ui.l*.. I., sr,<br />

'•"•^ I.Jl.,|..c I..<br />

HAT cotramr. NIW JCUKT.<br />


Public nu(ice 1. brrrtry dveo Uksl oa Ibe<br />

••eoUl day of septrmber. A. D. rtli. tbe<br />

AllaiOlc Cll» li-rtrlc Cojutsujy. a curpora-<br />

o« the Stale of Hew Jersey. Bled a petl-<br />

boajer.<br />

opamy. a c<br />

f the Stole of New .feracy. Died<br />

tloo »lth the b_nl W Cth<br />

To tbet-rd of t.<br />

County of Cape May:—<br />

Tho Feutloo of rbe AUaoUc Oty Electric<br />

• . Tbat your pet 1<br />

heluj a. tbe property of Thomas J. Tay-<br />

lor MDcliKlins' atTVEe rt«bt. Ulle and I,!l5-<br />

erf of Wesle, Tuylor. WUIlam Tsylor. a<br />

John. Turl1 -•.uti.-TJ—<br />

-e-rtaU baUkjf f-v ftl<br />

In lb# P>liaa\r> LJ Hnm-jv KOrrtlc^"'^ ti- (-*«><br />

aVv-uJ.r .I-fcjcaatt-V.il) rVfty VtUl La> CSKMI<br />

la Chat rVlmaVTT .T^ftkyi <br />

•^ tb^ faUofatrsj- afiora to bsj fllWil «i 0*<br />

tv*ia Cesromul LJcsrtloo la \ea oVkoca p JO. • <strong>On</strong>rrsl Eaw-<br />

Uj« »IU be, held, al which time Ih. *>ss-rs<br />

of said boroash will vote for tbe raQaw-<br />

iaf oOVersI<br />

Ud« Meaibrr ttt tbe State Neiwu- *J \*M<br />

J^r^sry. tuf l'»f. May Clounty. t.» sere, (w<br />

Unc kmW of tbe Gninl As*assty<br />

"* ! « 1 ' Jersey, for Cape May *'-•-*?. •»<br />

"Tie for one yrar.<br />

Ooe Coroner, for Cape May Couoty. to<br />

"•"•e for thre« years.<br />

Two Coiiiv-{ttT-.eo «o set-«e for tsrn<br />

)ears-<br />

l*>e CoaUsUe la ser.e fur lli^re jrsn.<br />

LSO r. SlrCmAVaX.<br />

'>««rj. Sept ID, 1»U- »-««* C *J*jI<br />


i^ ~<br />

. . virtue of a writ of Vlerl Facias, us* _.<br />

•sl« of Mortcsanl r-rrmises, to n- dlnctaa. _•<br />

1 out ofii. Court of Chancery, of New ^9<br />

'. on tbe 7th day of June. A. 6 mi, as<br />

l day f June. A. I<br />

cause wherein Cape fcUy<br />

A l U I Ll<br />

ct-aceo the boors of twele* and 0 the forty-Ofus (tStb> series of Cow-<br />

r^-'Tant Association und certain mivtssswl<br />

pr»coises. with tbe appurtrnaom. litte<br />

JJ1I of complainl In the aald c»u»r PB-<br />

••t-ularly set rnrtb and described, thai Is *><br />

All that certain lol or piece U poms*<br />

iJlual, u, (be o t_ u (^pe May, ;J»a> of<br />

Jersey numbered one hundred sad<br />

two iiat on a certain plan ot Mts<br />

lias to William J. bewell, rrconkd b><br />

Sera's Omce. In bred rUJl Ko. Ss,<br />

.IS, 4c, bounded and described 1 •><br />

"•^•^flf rs J sa,{ s^ UQIJII |ra tbi* fcr rfl Ill-f "*y<br />

" of the Turtinute Ho*d leading to O*<br />

n »flrf I" if one hundf-fd aos<br />

- — feet Last from the earfcrty<br />

of bmsdway comer to l»t fia. to tm<br />

~ lots belonalns to Wllllaai J. beweU<br />

, -/ H. BL Swain. inmTK. >«o.einbcr<br />

is, lati: throe ji) southerly .1 ri^<br />

"nales wltb said Turonla* and aloos thr<br />

•In* of Lot Ko. lax oca. hundred feet to<br />

th* line of Lot No-TU oo said plan: tbmcr<br />

ra>h-Tiy parallel wltb aald Tumplsa aad<br />

•loos tbe tin* of said Lot Ko. Its. OfTr far]<br />

to a point, comer also to Lots Nos. Ill *»*<br />

!il.~ ^>* •**?} S-*-~..*«=-T--*\- u *fg<br />

(eel<br />

oadS<br />

Unr<br />

•••--••- ysaii- utnxa<br />

,, with said Turapta* and «U<br />

line of said Lot Ho. uTos. ~<br />

to tbe sontbdly Un* of aald ~<br />

tUty feet to th* punTof<br />

Betas the same lot or psac* of<br />

b>r* which Helen J. new*<br />

•iaUxt March ». taca.<br />

„ ^ "P* May Cotmty Clera'_ .<br />

"ook So. 13s. paars 3O*. *r. annbd »=J<br />

conveyed lo asldjoaepci V. WarMtna-. la<br />

ffiinthti r. cossov.<br />

. by<br />

and recorded In<br />

•» OcHce. In Herd<br />

ibd vat<br />

CaTMcnr of HEW jzBsn.<br />

' H. rawslt,<br />

By wlrtn* of an onlrr of tb* Court of<br />

Nsiw.1* or Ke. Jerser. mwd. oo th* dM<br />

of tb* dat* hownf. tn a .herein a.<br />

*t •»* ar* TT**-*"*"**«. and y*w<br />

rs ar* defendants, yon ar* r*-<br />

lo appear —«—• answer tn th* i<br />

°*- *urt> cletTO wlU bo maicW<br />

**Jb» Cbunllor alMU thlziit<br />

r E- FDWVU. ar» mado d<br />

.«! beeana* you an Us* wtfo 0/ Its.<br />

Edward a. Powell, and dabs or<br />




William H. Bright<br />

BOLLT BXAC8. H. i.<br />

rrjSTXCX OF TSB<br />


coatatTmnoTnta or DMMDS<br />

att»Btton grran to<br />

work tn all Ita braachaa<br />


Real Estate, Conveyancing,<br />

Firelnj<br />



OaVa •• Saata kfala (Unci. ta<br />


CATS MAT COOBT Houaz. N. J.<br />

IWJoUir sttatta (tna to Brlrf> of<br />

Tlllr. bucbo. etc »-«. .<br />


Practical Watchmaifir<br />

aad caxatul attmnoo<br />

to tba npair of<br />

A fan Uaa of Watcbea aad docka<br />


Sooth Kain Btnt<br />

Cant BL»T O0CBT BVOCIB. K. X<br />


.Counsellor al Law<br />

ftassQatdatswatai a-awBawCsssf wsws-sl f - i f ^*»*- feS CkafUaasMTT<br />

•*»»••• Coart Ciiwliorlaaat<br />



Attorney and Counsellor<br />

al Law<br />


((Vs pnetlca tila prladpU of<br />

prejfmalie *>*aH.j kj^a nsattcd la<br />

auay palrona rriabilakiax nlaiiast*<br />

tkat hate nrtrr bcra bra4*«.<br />

We bcUc-t* that yaer<br />

with ear Sertlre *naiid also be oat* of<br />

Rrst National Bank<br />

OF OCEAN Cin. R. J.<br />

JPOOD, shelter, clothing, educa-<br />

tion, the chance to toe the line<br />

with their fellowmen and wom-<br />

en—that's what life influrance<br />

may mean to your family.<br />

vlwo ..ail Ttx-<br />

: \\H..rr. la<br />

J P<br />

Th-- iTxxiro I Li L A*ani> ba* «-i>nalili-r I be Dow ooTa-<br />

ment of frbU'b ttio culmioattaa ta tba<br />

B»y lU ul QUct wtlil LU<br />

c. uiul Uc j....ini*. out every •€»-<br />

U*4~*»I Loil »* *lLj Li \t\ t O-lf *as2awaw0t>V<br />

Hum-ur tnr r«-r i-i'li mlilcr*«-iiuiit-<br />

Thl* Achl.\ iduiil ui<br />

atlti^ llw i^r»-.ii.-»i luiirot. mad Wo<br />

clait I'* t ; r»•»•«o year- *rtvo<br />

bus -aDrcr doo* *vn>thlrxfr worth whllo caa tcml lo tv rtport of<br />

Kay Idlltnmcat or octiicvcmrnu. toretlur with p-roof of lame<br />

Tb* toAarmcnient of any r*-puLiibte «vJuit ta rt-qulrv-J. invf« r^bly<br />

Uw 1w K *r or prirvclpAJ of Uvo public »clv>o. atuoJ-^ If tcbaoJ<br />

Ui ta irf^" and ttie ar>p41ca-nt fur l±*o -emblem ts a pupU-<br />

TtM tawUlociAJ wmtnitUw b-a* I>ruvUU-romcnliuT Lba -rortt Ln uoy IOCJU<br />

snanity. or rfl. *»"»---* alar aiMS a prcal^C]l r 'a (aJtlA-<br />

cxta tasoad at Waahlsatoa.<br />

Application and Report of Achievement<br />

« WK«n born...<br />

., Grsxd+ „.<br />

achW jlllahad ..<br />

Hmmtm and addraa* «f mduH who K« p«riuOAJ.t WnowUdga of th*» achlwrv*-<br />

MaU tki* ta Natlaaal Youth *-ohl*v«eiv*nt. 208 8- Laaall* Bt,CKIcaga.<br />

NOTate—for uaa In printing tfc* acklawwnanU a datallad rafiort not<br />

atcswailia 100 wimiia for wads axhl.» limiit snuat aooaaapany tkia applt-<br />

oatiaas, Aa you writ. «f achWxemwtt M la only nacaaaary ta writ* In<br />

tS*. blaak tna anwntlno of aohlavwrnarrt. auch aai Built alactricaJ da-<br />

baat, Bla> oarnat In band, ralaad ctra, raarins e*-ea.<br />

bahad brmad. eaaoad f rutt.<br />

Dana-r of Lockjaw la fait.<br />

•VZLtl OttkCf KObaVlawOCSS<br />

cine ud tarftT7 m*y contain tha<br />

of lockjaw U well .mown.<br />

tttoeoUy It vu fy^rp-. nha* ftult<br />

•traaata ala atala ttu<br />

tw abwatdaDCav Xvo paxle&ta<br />

e>ai< baaB traatad at a Go-niao<br />

hoapttal loat uatr Bw aa a reanlt o*<br />

hi foci ton from Us* felt platoa aaad to<br />

atolstur. Abaorfaad by Oranrta.<br />

A. coat made of cra-nlte. whllo per-<br />

haps oot the noat eomtortable aitlcla<br />

of wearing apraie-nl attt*** t* > a-rs^r<br />

tn thin anoeta ta flexible—mbjst be<br />

tbcmsbt to be alarm proof; yet granite<br />

will abaotb a cooatdoxable saomt of<br />

znolBtve. l!f a cublo yard or sm<br />

tbat bad been CDmpletalr dried oat<br />

wcra Inniimaftfl tn pun water, tt<br />

woaJdt, wOconltnw to tba CBlted Stataa<br />

Oeoloclcal aorrer. alter • abort Urns,<br />

take O9 tour pnanioi watar.<br />

That Last<br />

Chapter<br />

Earn a Delactm Starj<br />

Waa FiniaW.<br />

By F. A.MJTCIHU.<br />

hold. tlMproofn<br />

-iiciior<br />

-Wfur<br />

"Axv 3 oo Mr.<br />

"V-.-*. WliJt<br />

*"I°Bi | l-'J'li t).<br />

t s) * i_ || j^tf i-f ol<br />

Mi r Kti<br />

lUat dci<br />

u_f room. Ttno<br />

-fliwl tVxxi: Ulut arc n ta dol<br />

>IIUM1I> rvail 11. uud 1 »>i*ut op tbe<br />

ci*uu-**-tJi** Jont ua I roccltcrj U froca<br />

lm. XOQ aa>* U U a lUin-drc story V<br />

-Vcw. TUal't trltat lUc Illle todl-<br />

Urn* naa a tx-aullful aittutWJG. A<br />

iU-Crt.llvo aturj ullU lUo UMt chapicf<br />

Cuiiuilly uaa Ibo oclj pcr-<br />

BOQ cxjtiiir\ U\l w lib f lw oitk-c wbo bad<br />

1-0J It. uuii bo LJ 1 t*JiiO awojf. I OT-<br />

di-r-rd a iu-an-b m-iity feir tbo mtratng<br />

nllbout aot^v-ajL NotUog ro-<br />

Imt 1U0 aathor. I caUcd. to<br />

i itcrnltir. "(]Ue mo No.<br />

2OTS IV11IWW.-<br />

lt MH-COCCS an tunir. tbousb It waa<br />

Uat forty iM^xiudji. befo^v I beard a<br />

Uck. UIM! a womau'a vok-c OXISRCTKI:<br />

-Wt-ur<br />

"la CtlU ilU. ytlUVj-T"<br />

"TliU ti Mlu (Ju-Ulry'a ttoax. bO-t<br />

-tH-'a mi< birc. Hl>o «jlk-ij ItOs laora-<br />

Inir for Japaii-"<br />

I t^rt* Qa4 iliMibtlnca aodl-<br />

bU> (o Iba woman. Jy UOJI tUat brforo Icar-<br />

ap oT i*nprr td*e hiul<br />

tlto stury Li 11M* ti»'..i*« of bcr poV<br />

Uabrrs. I CTOUCHX) nc^lu ami bacjr ap<br />

w» p»-r-*un fur her Infurmatsoci.<br />

nrtu'fV v»iiM oo4lilui^ f>>r It t>&l to rcau<br />

Lue atury ai.l nrllc tlK) last chsptcr<br />

f. Ju->t IliUiL — LmU <strong>On</strong> e-rw*11ng-<br />

Vo tltao<br />

full of «tit»or m.ittiTH. rlly a<br />

c«l to MU. U uuL. aud I lue-r little or<br />

ul>out Ii. lie* hjul ctioo Lato<br />

i CIH-U|>C a lcf-nl igmiaooj aad<br />

no oi«- l^ut him ^-lf LiH-tr where- With<br />

tbe nutlr r\-^i« lu th±~ tuUluU* of toe bl£-<br />

a^--t o*x*aii twi cartu. tturu was DO resv<br />

pluj fur n*e. I tooic op tbo<br />

moro Qocry narks tn eret-r<br />

UaO aoerra Iraxiliut a* If<br />

Inn from aa lakwcl bad<br />

Ibo HHK-. a<br />

ojuic fruoi Qilua tbo bou> of ttw atory;<br />

. acvonl nlib tar di iinmaiaat. I<br />

lAut tuw turocvl tbrua tsto0-*odstaar-<br />

Usb. liat mxrr lorry mark IH tooae a<br />

mlllkm (Ils-rtiuaclc-s. Uovrtw, I did<br />

tbo lK*t 1 rouhl wltb Ibnu to tha tlsB-<br />

tlme and aitcuiloti I was able ta-<br />

cit c them oral rmcj >he laistad<br />

aborts oo till Ibo Lut ctsUJter ataa<br />

rrartxxl. wUcti 1 was (Viessed to aw'<br />

read \rry sttxxjitjj even tf tt •SHtrff<br />

otcry LDtcutloo of tbo ttet&or.<br />

I wlsbcd Hut Ibe book coold ba as.'<br />

j.^3 ai uiu-c tustrs-J uf la a ceagfa at<br />

t&uotus. IX tbo aturj caiz«a ont tanas-i<br />

dlsict* Us eL-i-lna tncuojroUssa BssTM<br />

be furcXIni liofore tbe retnra es* taw<br />

atboxra*. I torw rrry wsD Ulstt atM<br />

[ou!il niatc tt but for "*•« and tf atM<br />

rturocxl ntk-u tbo sturjr was tss-oew tt<br />

was d m/ Ttmiua of biT<br />

rtot to In u b&4 as n'tgM bar. baaa<br />

xprdca abo Lulstit let toe dowTj wtOs<br />

•omfraratlvo case. '<br />

A perusal of Lbe riafis proofs took,<br />

iway all bui-c. Mr radios of tbe<br />

was bo4 at oil burae oot txj tta%<br />

irrrry ooe cf forty<br />

tbe fifty rtuu.trr. brtstlnl wtlb<br />

why my ikuoacmnii aW oot<br />

been imsitMc 1. tbe aatbor. tba ttmv<br />

wocJJ be ruLocJ- .VeTcrttatioss tas><br />

mtai BO ox tt am The a<br />

had bees edrertlaed for tamae on a<br />

*»in osto and tnaiit bt> to Ibe<br />

tbe dealers at tbat time.<br />

When I took up Ibo Crst<br />

oa tbe story I tr-usblcd. It<br />

to be ooo of tbaue I tut ta us wbo kasar<br />

Una Last tbe c rllrr had oot tt»a ta<br />

rrsul tbo bouk. It a^MlA of aUsa Q»s*X-<br />

Dsrrrloia losranttT. etc t<br />

Marvcloos lncreuttTt Jaat<br />

wait UU HSU Cflcrti dollar a week car<br />

r bus rraJ tbe book attaar<br />

Urely.<br />

Tbo oext trirv^n 1 res*sl waa Boaa<br />

csefliUlr. It vTK-vLe of tbe atorj aa tas.<br />

moat aaUle of aU Utss Qntglcya trasv<br />

derfol tilaroc Tho i rllV- was rrmtoOwd<br />

of tbe Btortr* of coilca-st oetaettra<br />

story wnicrts ub) stXI p«jpoaaty<br />

of OouU la tbe reader.<br />

Jttst nbat Tiuji InUudrd.<br />

~Tbe Lady niul tUo Tli»r." tbe tVtaooa<br />

txmit of'trblcU na. left to Ibe<br />

*u ctlcJ ut a t.irwt a^Kxt-awTol eitort<br />

In Ibta lluc ut \.ufk.<br />

Au kV-a. ix^4vo4c*u to buow DATWS:<br />

Tna -^O-<br />

bave> tbU lufonnatloo<br />

ti^ *if tlullrvt i-luiplt-r simply<br />

r r»^.t. Wben I<br />

my<br />

for n *..ituii'i*<br />

M-*I! all r<br />

i-u* tut Ituiri* III. Hit tlu* IiLaD OO<br />

tc UiiH wrlttfii tti.111 uf ilu* l.i**t rbapter-<br />

But 1 lni'ruii-il K inu* Idea of wtlat<br />

uil.-lit |*.»---r ly I*.* t!in»wii lu ti» worry<br />

tin* n*i*lfr—!l atll-itrxl La rTrrlnj<br />

jny deDoaemoot to tbo rent of tho ato-<br />

ry. or, rntner. In Oltlnc the rt^«t of tbe<br />

ittory to my ilftioucuieDt. Wboeres<br />

baa tried to work oat ono of tboae pm.<br />

rk-s In which ttwrv U always one<br />

plero which cannot be made to Bt ln<br />

Ilu proper place will uulorstnnd tbe<br />

bcrro racldnc task tn wblcb I was ea-<br />

I^ic^fl. Just aa I hr»c to believe<br />

that I was mevtinc wltb some<br />

I snu-Ued BtnoiLo and benrd a<br />

tloo below.<br />

Bannlns downstnlra. I found BO tn-<br />

dpleot fire ln tho kttiben back of tbe<br />

ranfitt nnd aet about putting tt otzt.<br />

Borne oau had turned In on alarm,<br />

ln n few minutes tbt* c-uiusdnj; Ire<br />

sin«« **"*»ro luilluii; up Uuforo<br />

Tbe bonae was Olkii v*l't> Brrmrm.<br />

amall boyn. water and aiuuki*.<br />

Cately tbo dlsrarUancx* dkl DO< last<br />

ii*nf but alter tt waa nil over and 1<br />

Tttie-fieei to xof tUsrorj labors I<br />

otiUsed to lUtrn to Ilu.* rounds of tbe<br />

crowil attracted by tbo noijiy flrcmca.<br />

It WILB 2 O'CUK^I UI tne morulnff be-<br />

fore I fluUhol urltlni; tbr last chapter<br />

of "IU flciu of (Jood IIoi-c" and.<br />

throvtaa myaclf Into boil, tried to<br />

Bleep. But I was turturetl hy a (car<br />

tbat I bad left noinctuln<br />

of<br />

a ibcorr. tka<br />

.Lo sim brtsas tb*<br />

sot al aa<br />

I^MI t*i^iM laid<br />

t^* turux aajr<br />

uf<br />

tbo t<br />

I n I>4AU |U4Mjr. t t'ttfc QtOSsV<br />

urt-a to uavi.- U iu;urd by otbers. IX<br />

iM>t ijii^ Ls-forc uiAixj oft* tboae<br />

wbo n-aj LLu- UMA U-ul beard Ibst tt<br />

ftu ijiU-uiIctl fur a tuiale to be<br />

t\l O^lt Ijy 11 • • * K •-* •!• e 'flii* 4.XkUjK.X<br />

tbe<br />

riacr~< ulib tbo utavjat otU-aUoo In «*><br />

Luc better able<br />

tu form tb*> irorrext tbecry.<br />

.Va nuou u. tbi* view uf tbo c-ftao waa<br />

nlicxxid tb«* sale* of "The Gas.<br />

il IIOIK.*' rajtWy liiiTT-rsteJ I<br />

QM«lltaU-il bc vUdted tne. Kbo caiae ta wtt&<br />

and no cbeck.<br />

took It.without IOOMHC at tt end. hsT-<br />

fi«ind htr voUv. tir\tl a volley. To<br />

. I rtiJU-d wlib a (laOOU check.<br />

TUU ebeck KLUJ KLUII.-I.-I1 at, and U pro-<br />

tlw-t-d au (rffect. Kbo was beginning<br />

wau-u I Hrx*d a biff fiun at<br />

toad>uld. "that your Uat<br />

and i**eA ta -* work has bad ti pbr-oonv*<br />

eonl Bale. No nueb rtterary<br />

success has b«*eu attained tn<br />

Bit down. Miss Qulcli-y. and I wffl tdl<br />

)-oa how tt cam? about.'<br />

1 did. I gave her the atarj<br />

much as I havo told It here. Wben I<br />

had flatsbed It required some tttno tor<br />

her to satisfy bent-lr that sbe had met<br />

with o plero or s-ood fortune i»«««ae| cf<br />

the barUaroos treatment sbe had sQ*X>-<br />

poaed.<br />

Fler next story nbe> rT*** to tl<br />

I bad tt allied and pat b> a pie."—Bt*<br />

CurieaHy.<br />

aiady»—Why are yoo gotnss to al<br />

tbat trouble to open tbat lettaf aa<br />

fnlty. tUadT Maud—Ob. I bad a<br />

ret with Oeores anil tntended to<br />

bis letter back unopened, bat I Jn*<br />

tboasbt I woold eee what be askl be-<br />

fore I retsrneA It.<br />

Never.<br />

Mr. WUUa—Bot why -WBwt<br />

tbtnk Jack aaU to me<br />

tf beb-at-ebooae<br />

bewrnida'tlaokatra.<br />

-Daar. loyal taDewl<br />

rtsfctbatiaajtatlaa.i<br />

txea. Wbat etm£Ofh<br />


•-• 11' Aim<br />

•3C -<br />

*iT*Zmk'<br />

,-JXtZr<br />

m &&xr-%<br />

• * OB«<br />

••a- JS> * JL<br />

E.awjr<<br />

-«•«•* *\J<br />

&sBC=rrf£ cn. HolliAgseads new<br />

last w*ek, and this wwak th* hiw •!• «if 1 g-iIt ill• • «aw4#^*W #^Bm*<br />

lbs crwjBrrton of a Job and t»<br />

that CosBdhwan Lasrssa<br />

started a tsslbocss fross tk*<br />

and kft tt Hurling tbs sUnnft<br />

i aaswad tbs& tba<br />

had not y*t bssa<br />

tb* State Scboei Inaparrar, sad<br />

i IIJI hii mil jil 1IBJ.«»<br />

—Tb* hdtial aarvioa far 8t.<br />

by-th*-8*a aa a MBW4OO ef St.<br />

, "s P. E. Cborch at WHdwood.<br />

tor; Ear. A. Q. Bsflry.<br />

t<br />


—H. A. Payno mads a boslness trip<br />

to MUlville on Wednesday.<br />

—C W. Porch visited his daughter<br />

t WUdwood on Wednesday.<br />

—Mrs. Edward McAllister wsa on<br />

ver-Sunday visitor at Ocean City.<br />

—Claude Buriey has gone to<br />

grovo to clerk in the R. R. slat ton.<br />

—Thomas Berry is spending some<br />

timo with his daughter at MUlville.<br />

—Chas. Hayes, wifo and children.<br />

of~MUlville, are visiting James G<br />

—Mrs. Wm. Moore and Miss Grace<br />

Painter spent Saturday at WUdwood.<br />

—Horace Townsend and f imfly<br />

pent Sunday with his parents at Ses-<br />

vllle.<br />

—Mrs. Helen Riley, of Ocean City,<br />

la visiting her mother, Mrs.<br />

Riley.<br />

—Mrs. Baker Lloyd, of Mays Land-<br />

Ing, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas.<br />

E. Button.<br />

—Alvin EUenbcrger. wife and two<br />

children, ore spending their vacation<br />

at Marysville, Pa.<br />

—Brad. Steelmnn, wife and daugh-<br />

ter, of Cnmrlrn. spent Sunday with EL<br />

T. Pieman and family.<br />

—Raymond Moore wife<br />

daughter, cf Philada^ ore TislUns; his<br />

parents. Wm. Moore and wife.<br />

—Horace Townsend •'*^ family<br />

Charles Hmlyh attended a reunion of<br />

tho Shaw family oo Wednesdsy.<br />

—Miss Florence McGratro<br />

Rufus Stephensoo, of Pennneld,<br />

Sunday with H. T. Piersao and family.<br />

—Miss Helen Way letmaed to<br />

Philada^ ftiT^nir*^"^^ by hsr mother,<br />

to resume her stud his at the Collvge<br />

of Pharmacy.<br />

—We had some very tnterestins;<br />

suffrage talks Friday evenina; by Miss<br />

Fronds Baker snd Mrs. W.<br />

of WUdwood.<br />

acob P. Collins and wifa enter-<br />

tained at ^nm^ on Thursday tbdr<br />

dsugjiter, Mrs. John Doouriass,<br />

several friends from Court<br />

WUdwood and Csp* May. '<br />

For dyspepsia, oar<br />

meat, us* Burdock Blood<br />

•WUOB. purtfytas; tba Moo*.<br />

drns; storas, fUW m bottls.<br />

Mt<br />

__J . » ^*awa» aM ***<br />

flOO tm. -Kn. wL r*<br />

S la rlfajf,. B*<br />

wttb tba<br />

far<br />

V*<br />

Uon.<br />

iaf<br />

It wsa Cventac Pny«r, wltb '•<br />

:» to notaiac worth tb* •«*!•« to<br />

sttalnsd witboat effort. The tost,<br />

ta<strong>On</strong>tOg MlTaw99 VII WrX BSBBM<br />

and praacfcmz. Mrs. & W. Taylar, of<br />

BordsntoBm, was m^axilat. Tba next<br />

service wfll probably be oa tbs tost<br />

Soaday is October, aa<br />

bufldiaa; Is to be rapatiwd and i<br />

ed, snd may not bs ready-axrlkr.<br />

—Last Toaaday "v^" 1 "*; tbs new<br />

Haslctt hotel, on «Tth ctreat, was •»><br />

doasd and corsred rwady for witrifc<br />

and rooter Batarial. «ad<br />

th* whcJ* fare* was to go at th* ftoor-<br />

tn the afternoon. At<br />

cydane wUeb<br />

rainfall knocksd tb*<br />

thing flat, the roof ryia* b*sl aa •<br />

places tbs<br />

cf<br />

away, and tn tb* afternoon the docen<br />

busy pjintna; apart all tbay<br />

bad worked at for a fortnight. Tba<br />

plans esDed for a hoose of IS bed-<br />

rooms and all tbs rest «ou>g to ataa*<br />

op a first class small hotel<br />

furnished was to coat i<br />

LockOy there was no one in tb*<br />

stroetars. as "it fall *o cmickly and so<br />

tavOy no one could have gotten oat,"<br />

—Tne "w*w** ineatins of *K* HOBM<br />

id Pfhtrni *«M*t«*V was **^M fa<br />

the old school-hoca* i*im»i»f iwu<br />

tag. Mrs. W. L. Turpio was we «Uct-<br />

ed pnsldeat, Mrs. Ida May Trntsl<br />

vios-preddsst, and Mrs, B. B. Rerfcsrt<br />

secreteTy. Miss M. V. VanTbayne<br />

was elected treaxarar. and Mrs. Jsag-<br />

gnrth. Miss VanThnyn* and Mrs.<br />

Daisy Herbert were named as tba<br />

Tbs npqrt<br />

of tbs eacretery showed '<br />

of nmtir for t**r ***^^^ m9i A <<br />

pins for the last cndaaUns class.<br />

Tbe mexshers e^yrsssed bsafty B*V*<br />

proval of tit* boys* manual<br />

toachars to bars a good piano tn tba<br />

school; alao ef tba piupoasd plan for<br />

paying far tbs fasti uussjut. Mrs.<br />

Troxel reported about |M proBs^aad<br />

for tbs fond by friends of tbs •ebosl;<br />

$38 of whkb sbs had tsnad fa. ktfa.<br />

1. f. GflUaoo. and Mra. Wamatfe, batb<br />

[•f .PhUadsfphia. mm tbs spaakan of<br />

CssHllll<br />

CM* •> •» "a «wn sMwSs*. u'm<br />

ILISIH sr SBS sf ta* kasi IJIIIIIIM<br />

iliilj a«r«ss» SBS It a saSsW BM<br />

ta at SBBSS-4 «e ta> tsst laaWs ts*a<br />

Bss* *tts a* ksst BSWSJMH ILL*»<br />

mx<br />



•^MSWyriSf«jSF<br />

i;:» >i- -<br />

Co.<br />

'-mmi Uttmwtmttmrtn «f Artistic<br />



^L^V^sve^kel^V %y^r ^besaasesaasav sTs^^Mee^e^BeJa^^aiaB^^^eV<br />

°cin MAT cwnrtT. nt raa-rr<br />

OaOIHAMCI.<br />

•T*V<br />


Owlcnlac<br />

ExecnUnj A<br />

Decline<br />

All kinds of<br />

Caattsry<br />

Wort<br />

C ALL and<br />

Inspect<br />

oar large<br />

stock of fto-<br />

Isbsd work<br />

•ad oar fa<br />

dUtim for<br />

•aaaafec tar-<br />

In* U; or U<br />

desired oar<br />

rapreeenl*-<br />

tir* will nil<br />

OB TOO sad<br />

•bow yon tb*<br />

ItUit ds-<br />

«i«j»Larnoo-<br />

, its Vsmiiaars auri<br />

•"ICMIM* ij*nn<br />

T, ta ots UM. erf<br />

.„_ ,-. — ,. » m j potra aad UHaa<br />

art. UWT*°«. psd to tar a4«ra or con-<br />

daita aad to \xy aim fsrrrtn. WIU><br />

ail Uka —ryfc. tares for Its lun ta,<br />

T"*V alone, mff awcl WJKSTT ra«b and<br />

rnn a/ tka (sito****. Coast? nad> U><br />

Ik* Crmtr oi CapaBay, a> wll i—Tb»<br />

raad kaoam aa Das <strong>On</strong>u Clr» mad<br />


dha city tbw ot !*• C«y «* Orw»n City,<br />

m m_pclai mtn€T» Mia nwii tatrr»***ru<br />

t%m ltavtn fiinpThWw raavi •• MATTD<br />

OM IfaJn bmAor* ra»d fnn •<br />

*WT* «»• MOM .• h*-*T»txtr IUM U tn*TTKd»O fry tfw<br />

(*•» LKJUW* 1 ia.il from a poto-t • tatr*<br />

OM Maw tohuwti IW hUla KmiVo<br />

pmj at Kimcn fc> |te brds* th<br />

fc> |te brads* orrr the<br />

at UM totmtxttoa- mltji U*# Main<br />

rtiruwtfil T*e**laoe> ax*) e»t«-odlji*T<br />

i I1W fc> lbe Cuunl*<br />

* M*T -<br />

UtlMI tb* ICft* at Ok* taUd County rut**!*<br />

, Cbe Atlantic Cltjr tlcctrl* r«i.-<br />

••— il«ll> da|r o- • '<br />

m luradrml<br />

Mtt<br />

(t Has Been<br />

r.nlr Now I Aboat<br />

mar eyML Are they perfect T<br />

Youdont know? We c«s tell<br />

ot* t&r Ct*i<br />

1 Ja-r-or, a i- ,..-—<br />

•r-» i^es* IUUWHI and pmnluioo ol ttar<br />

ticau-il of Okcaks-o r^boUfr* of tlv<br />

•ty o«r Cap* HAJT b*» tfnjQtrO tu trrrt<br />

MCK] a-trtarf wLrr* Qarrron. *\aJ la t»y<br />

i C4- ruoduJt-. aosi Co L»y wtw» ttkrTvln.<br />

ail t2ap r>rcrs«A-rT atxtarra for Its Uor*<br />

ta, upon. KiorLg. CTVTT and ixatlrr fMti acaj<br />

osf Ukr fc»Uo*ta*f Couoty r\-»»t* tu «*-<br />

r oi* Cara- 1U*. t*> wilt — Tt>* r<br />

» M tba» Aevwz* Citj FOBVJ frr«a * p.<br />

.. Uar IMW Iftl-rrw-rt- Uaf «ity line<br />

Ukr Ot> o/ Oc*«n Oti *» a p '<br />

' fcrrwct- Use Main<br />

; Uk* U*ln<br />

T« U**> aAC<br />

4jr roaul at .<br />

LJs>*> I* rotit aw*"t/e nrao<br />

to* fLaUlruaJ aVt B*»«tll» UtltOOl O*0 Ttfctfc*<br />

laov ruaa4 fmra * potflt -fclte*T CW- •AXor Lr><br />

, *rnr*t* t*t> HaUo £r*t*Barr md at MAJTEXBT*<br />

tn ttar bci*l#- rmrr tt* TWiabor f1*TT al<br />

•^—* -"• - " lft« Kaj^ali«tiW»Cf <<br />

i Ut-wo * Jt P* ***T Coanty ami .<br />

_iAd Caanty, tor Cb« parpaew c** p4XF«t a(cr*S. fur at *<br />

IN CAPB MAT OTT. (police or tLccTfODL |N#¥icr or ELCCTM*.<br />

lf th* r««l«r wants strortrrr proof<br />

ta& tKa toXlowiAw ctatasMivt and ex-<br />

•rkace of a resident of Cape Hay.<br />

bat can It beT<br />

Stanley Bmrtaxi BIO Qtxca. St,<br />

» Kay. cays: "x'or twenty years.<br />

I siffcrtd from Udaay trouble. Aflar<br />

dolnr a hard kidney secretions<br />

contained sediment and I was obUjred<br />

to |Tt up rajLOT tines datinr the<br />

ntfbl on accoanl of thslr fromaency<br />

' n PASSSX*. Dosn's Kidney Pills n>*<br />

red w%a in e sHort *i"^^^ and six<br />

na KVin«y Ptlli<br />

UcriBd In ^ snort *^ww and<br />

bozas mada a car** 1 *<br />

Prk» 60c. at all daalcra. .Dont<br />

simply ask for a kidney remedy—ft<br />

Doan's KHaej Pills—the tuuno tbat<br />

Mr. BensUaJ bad. Foctsr-UiQmm<br />

Prop*, Baffalo, N. Y. ad»<br />

UPPKH TOWHSHIP. Strictly a Coonty<br />




V<br />

WHOLE NU<br />


Jealomy Cauved tho<br />

BATTLE<br />

But the Outcome Was<br />

Hardly What <strong>On</strong>e<br />

Lover Expected It<br />

Wcmld Be So Far as<br />

the "Tenderfoot* Was<br />

Concerned M M JC<br />

oo for TovTuJkl<br />

oa forVorrst VU-<br />

~- H -*ejiiry |pno Ckavt _<br />

of rUfit^rv and lirc&oo wlii f^t at<br />

IU11. al Tu£lLAbo.. La Upper ~<br />

frccn<br />

bc*. la Upper I m<br />

. humto ts. int.<br />

o' of Cape May, to »<br />

« nsaaJ koovo u Okc Ocvma City i<br />

city liam cd UM- City of Uoru City<br />

point wferrv 12M; aai^l road tnUtvrt*<br />

^ri>^f rcakd from a po^-o4 «tM-r« ibe KAJXM-<br />

Lo^rrac^trd try Ukr O«v*n Oty roaO «4<br />

rvoABn OF caoaxx r«zxaou>sxs or<br />

"CATS: HAT COCMTY. xzw nxur.<br />

R COWJUf,<br />


8782 Girard Ave, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Yoa ride in the Chalmers<br />

Six-40—not on it<br />

T HERE aar* be Ao*e who tilo ~wiri><br />

iBra at sill** tbe «+»»—•»«» inat<br />

a $ 135Ocat can be made to ride as caj^T<br />

aad be as coatfortable a» a ear erffia* feir<br />

96000 or ana,<br />

MtvotUea. it k alaobter/ trot ths*<br />

aaO CUV "tf tf9 fVaCC* QQCS U9 IJC I Of |S<br />

lavOw^er ^DOaiae^VUBTBila^aat ISSSS C^S^t^ ^S B ^t^J^^r ^^^t^U^^<br />

mm SaAO. and a ride ia k wffl tharoatV<br />

. fy CQvrXBDB yQB O« OBI VSCt.<br />

Caarftat aast be bmU tab a ear. bat *<br />


7 £ « *^t f *><br />

t^otKt. A. I). Uli.<br />

Alunlk- fsxy H i i ^paA>. a re<br />

ItM- Vtalr 0/ Nrm ]. 7l_I3!<br />

for ndj Yt«&aa> (ttatric*. "^<br />

In t»* Wtnarr liarttori e# «***. af - --<br />

paVtWa rirra -ill K- .i-^-. , Sff*<br />

TZr Ib- foUo-ala- aOors k> ba «LW4 IT£<br />

.lid UrorrU rtrtto t. 5i4s57<br />

faunae ^aen _<br />

— *— of ttets llroato.<br />

o* tha Orarral '.. M)tj<br />

/oxtioa Of rba r<br />

Towraaip «——<br />

' 1 ««^»WUOD for R.1W o/ Fwc»<br />

**r« *UI not* b? of-<br />

(Ulal b*4lo< for rmAdklair* for tbrtr rr-<br />

>rr» for UM (MfkrraJ Unclhoo<br />

PrinUaTT »i* arrw<br />

!£-« PrinUaTT<br />

/ I t I<br />

, KaJ«lkiiU*UW' U» Uke<br />

Capr May County a^vd<br />

far Ok* panow of pr<br />

• »rna« X. TtuU U>f carnrsil<br />

JIOD twl.tir crantr^ ahj<br />

term of a/br n<br />

r tn «TvYt poira aad<br />

aad V> lay plpra or<br />

lrra ttkrr*4A. «>ll^ all<br />

DituST» 1>* 1U llrw-a, Ul,<br />

wad inkltr aaid l fur Uke purpua^ 0/<br />

pxxwtdin* «W-,..i,,ll,ll|,, , b<br />

have al~» ,.,l|ll...l frw-1...,. n,^ n,Ilon.<br />

WIUYVI'IT oi.iKjrlu.iilj- UIKI J,-<br />

vcloymri.t ule mtrUlnl lUelr lalluen.^<br />

aad pouvr nrv oUu mtrk-tnl.<br />

-AB Q m-.ll.r ..r Ju»ll-<br />

C THal t^ 'aaid cuDpooy yhpil<br />

aU jpuaVm. «Lrr» lUkdolbrr Ckccr*-<br />

/ Oitum rnrclrxi or cumiructnl UAUWT<br />

are<br />

Tt>e t ll l<br />

trtil Liini.- full 1 ii<br />

u'lil<br />

Ji-lenalnallou,<br />

of Ibe County of C*.n« MaV<br />

from much rtxxtloa.<br />

or from lt> Ueclrrt or foJlore to<br />

Uko amid llikrm ta good ood aofe r od<br />

7. Ttxat Uiis ordiaaikor aiiall K>o4<br />

rlTectlve Until ttke cald cwewpaxiy<br />

ve a bood to Ukr board of U<br />

dm uf the County of C<br />

f on C l d i<br />

u the County of<br />

of one Cl»ou»aod iiifiO&J*) dol-<br />

d tar Uke faltliful eomplianec<br />

dltl d l<br />

kOMo<br />

Ma?<br />

dol-<br />

i<br />

noditloBvd tar Uke faltliful eo<br />

ail Uke trrou. cuodltlans oxsd<br />

|f^ >^^ ocdlnanrv coot^irkrd^<br />

ahall ba eooatronS t*> aJaat onto thr aaid<br />

p<br />

U uu rtmj uoy. bat »f any<br />

c In llfr u uonb nrbiiv it u «h*<br />

utiful Ul.al of u rotlouul liKllrldual<br />

eriuu lila or Lvr o»u life |D rui,<br />

acc»i.|oil..u ..f iliv .^.jk.nuulifcM auu<br />

rbe lUullullo.is of rrifou are the OWKT or aaid laad*. SAd<br />

"ra. &axi3u*l rloriu. ore tudc oV-<br />

bc«aa»a yoa arv th« wi/r of<br />

r^-.],T,—j r*ldA ~fi ctalfD pnrr^i lAhrrrat bv<br />

«Djr of Incohatg riajit of Lelb<br />

t, ds-trd<br />

a mm to fart-<br />

LrU> Trpprr and<br />

.j — ..uui. uuKwn otxZKXrrvl and t£<br />

uu laotla la t^r loan of Woodl»rwiPti. and )ou<br />

ax>d oUarr» axe (iefrodaAta, >ou are rr-<br />

d to aporar aAd uaarr ta tb« coo-<br />

palnnnb 1 biii, 00 or before Ukr foartb day<br />

ut Ho*rtal**T. otxt, or that, la oWa.aU Ibrre-<br />

of. fturb drcTr«- *ltl be m*d* ^g'^t<br />

ut<br />

of. fturb<br />

a* ttv 4<br />

Tb<br />

xt, or that, a oWa.aU Ib<br />

*ltl be m*d* ^g«'^t<br />

thfil 1 Tt* *"h riT\il twMr<br />

Tbr aaU blU Is Died for partition of crr-<br />

tala '"".*. |a the tartroabip of H^^I'*. la<br />

•-- Couatr at Cape May, of »hlr*> Bella «.<br />

"" dXrU krUrd. aad )oj, tdwani h.<br />

arr cnade dr/rodast breaoae > — •<br />

Uoe kkmUr ul the Mate Kraal* o/ Krav<br />

Jrrwy. for Capr Ujiy * tmty. lo arrrc for<br />

[ttaLM. Irp*. IS. 1IU.<br />


v ••'-- I. hmby clrm that a (Ylnr,<br />

•.Ul ba tarioTlja the Uam£b "•».<br />

-rvjuaii oi >ba< lUrhor, M. J, «<br />

Taweday. SrpKssbrr IS. If IS.<br />

> Kira ottoc* a. CD. lo nio« o'clock<br />

=> -I wbicfc time ud >lw da Ba-<br />

tmnorraUe .mod Procrcferra<br />

..__^.,, r^xty «en erlil «oto try of-<br />

Srlal ballot for eaadidatra for ttxlx r»-<br />

,WXU^« parttra Cor tha CrarraJ Ikrtks<br />

U> br brU oa ToeacUr. Koneln 1 mil<br />

la toe Primary tlortloo of the RrPEitci-<br />

... rVrty thrra anil be .Wctod,<br />

Tbjw* Cc*ijity tj*n*Ure 'fmmlrlrycora.<br />

la the Priakary l^ertiaci of UM l*m>-<br />

cratic Karty anil be «Wtr tQ #• ^p^p/^ar^ UkTTCjJD I<br />

nod loo. Marr li. rWwrll. an mala <br />


ftaH Tilua.ai<br />


Attorney and Counsellor<br />

ai Law<br />

Katary NalU<br />


(deposits PnlaUs<br />


Counsellor at Law,<br />

tat 8-Qdlor In<br />

ranlraliar irliirlM *a aractira li D. 1<br />

aaa UrW CamrSs. Drawiaa af legal aa-<br />

wara ui saal»arli« m •>•• tiarlj.<br />



trailer M. Way—Uru< e.IXar»leaa><br />


CAMDEN, N. J, £06 Uarkxt Et.<br />

WTLDWOOD. N. J.<br />

CAPE MAY a H, N. J.<br />

1U0. WlU.srood. 87A.<br />

Court Booaa, 23.<br />


Attorney at Law<br />

809 Eirirta Street<br />

1-1-16 OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />



{ * ta » a. a.<br />

lult.a-<br />

I «a t ». m.<br />


Funeral Director<br />



Registered Architect<br />

OrTOSlYa* I-O0T OTflO<br />

OCEAN cmr. N. j,<br />

G. O. LANGE<br />



Flowen, Rhmhw aad TTOBB. Cat Fto»-<br />

cnloraUoocacSooa. Bell Phone 37—2.<br />

W. W. BEYER<br />

tMlmiC—itntHMita&tabm<br />

Sr4 AT*, SOI Mtk 8*.<br />

S-l-14,1/ BTONB HABBOS. N. J.<br />

Tbe Real Estate and<br />

Search fampany<br />

Fidelity Trust Co.<br />

of Havark<br />



Xitl«» Inaoranoe<br />

Searches<br />

Abstract* of Title<br />

Conveyancing<br />

and Fire Insurance<br />

Prompt Berrloa.<br />

atoney to Loaa oo Good Flnt<br />



SHAVE<br />

ray<br />

a ssshsBs<br />

• • •<br />



ft LOSCALZO,<br />

William H. Bright<br />

HOLLT BEACH. H. J.<br />

placed la any part of ootmtT.<br />


Real Estate. Conveyancing.<br />

i I<br />

CAPE MAY COOBT rtouiE. N. J.<br />

~ ~ attrotioa (Irra to BrUfs ef<br />

Par<br />

TJUe.<br />

. HAND<br />


omem MXHII<br />

IkUlD. 1 to 1 p.m<br />

OOai at mlilinc* on Mrthanlc IX.<br />

-I 7-tij<br />

JONES a HAND<br />

Professional Piano Tuner<br />

CAFE MAY COUBT House. N. J.<br />

xprclaltr of adrUlos wtlh<br />

of a«lrUla<br />

of paaaos<br />

t<br />

I raaXa a tp*t±*lty<br />

prospective pcuc&aarra of paaaos1<br />

Lmera ta a/Uytima laatrefanals of any<br />

standard Baa&a Ukry BWf prvfer.<br />

Kt V 1C at<br />

SOUND<br />



all eo<br />

we ksis sdWrrcl rlessty te<br />

toe prisdple tkAt te prosper earettrte.<br />

Bast beta oor patrens ta tkrirs<br />

'aad cipaad.<br />

Pot lato pnxtlce tals prUdpls of<br />

nscrrsalic *^»»'-t aaa resetted la<br />

tui; palroaa cslaaliajklax relaUees<br />

al hair DTTCT brr« brea.<br />

We btLUie Uut raar<br />

wllh oor Serrlre woold slao be<br />

cenbroken relalloes.<br />

FirstNationBl Bank<br />

OF OCEAN Gin. N. J.<br />

T O make the future as well as<br />

the present a little better, to<br />

ease the world's burdens, to keep<br />

the light of civilization burning,<br />

these are the tasks of each gen-<br />

eration.<br />

And life insurance helps<br />

mightily with all three.<br />

Uhin )uu<br />

bu>lrnlUt. A*&rdt<br />

rt»IlartT,<br />

The Millville<br />

National Bank<br />





0<br />


B. POWELL<br />

Contracting Bricklayer<br />

Plasterer and Cement Finisher<br />




DB. S. K CORLE<br />

Dentist<br />

Will BOW eJerots Ms peraoaal attcaUoo<br />

to tbe WUdwood office crcrr day.<br />


WIL&WOOD. N. J.<br />

Both Pfaoaca.<br />


It is wise to so manage<br />

your income that you not<br />

only meet every obligation<br />

but have a surplus. The<br />

person who does this and<br />

promptly puts his surplus<br />

cash to his credit in the<br />

Ocean City Title & Trust<br />

Company is looking out<br />

well for the future. Bank<br />

with us.<br />

Three Per Cent. Interest Paid<br />

on Time Deposits<br />


Tide and Trust Co.<br />

OCEAN CUT. N. J.<br />

Tki Cufcutu. M«tBU<br />

BHTOGETON. N. 1.<br />

[neons at lowest cast aad pare Its<br />

loaaes promptly.<br />

TS TKABa OF sATrxrACToar<br />


SALE<br />

Pot office csae with<br />


aa Money OTJCT Window, (or emlo<br />



7-7, U Woodbine, N. J.<br />

eo *i»tr<br />


SdetflfrC Hatcftont<br />

Pnmtmmt<br />

Sasvaui<br />

JB.J I. Camll - Bitlitai Dlnttif<br />

AGENTS<br />

John a- CarroU. DcmaJxlIJs-<br />

*•*- R. WUaeo. Ca»a Mxw OtJ<br />

V V.<br />


Agency lot Ca,* May Comity.<br />

Young's Garage<br />

Btongn and aomBorlea.<br />


WILDWOOD. N. J.<br />

CALVES<br />

AND HOQS<br />

|^*njlSt for c*Ustfc by<br />

J. SWING WLLLI8,<br />

Otpe Kay Court Boos*<br />


c*Drcp na a postal and I will call<br />

and acajou. M<br />

A<br />

fiOHANCE<br />

CMF1HE<br />

BE Aft TOOTH<br />

RANGE<br />

. 101*. by Hamlln GarUnd<br />


Ttil* little- -torr U ttu- *>at«.t»nio cf<br />

two Ifiina (u*litw.r of uUt li ua« Lu<br />

Rear *IW.U f'fv-l) tlmUjii (L*,- jean<br />

10UO aud 1'Jla Tlw LruMiU truU U<br />

IW I1M-. TU- Ulit|> tUj<br />

ft a* in ILK- TU*- nilu. I Ut- »n-.w |<br />

tttr i>r> Uu; vTttLu.. r..lUm. itw-<br />

. tin* tuii-krut«, tin; Uiur. i»<br />

lUJ ctjtiJi«aulo4i*- llut lU-rv.i Mt lurl<br />

«U utlb lihr ottly In |ULIL:I.I.4|ULU. HUt-<br />

U a Octtou. boru uf u iiKiimn!jr> |>u\.<br />

rrful LUEXIS. 1UBI> uf u •wjijrru r.iii' Lu r*<br />

ier. Ttu- M«>ry of \Vu>lauJ Nor<br />

U lk.lk^u uUi. Hut I IK- Uct-ar<br />

rauU.-<br />

of r\-jlltU^ Alll*u^U ttw.- «.t<br />

of njjr -. Tli*.- ntiuitiiUJmikt<br />

prol>icLLL. lbe »->. U.lu^U' tlwrii-r. uUlc<br />

«ra« to Ujfe uud l<br />

"^U. "hut nr»r~" futuca-iiHleil oao o<br />

tha illrl*. a n.tinj faced, fn-oklcsl romp<br />

-You Lu.iu i^rd-i-tly «ill tUjt Dcnte<br />

U ci.lui; LuOK> IIAIJJ. U'O tu^l you si<br />

nb»«jl ll yi-*lrrUjy."<br />

-Hurv tbliur rublmnl BUL -<br />

f.*rj;.>l nil nl.ml It."<br />

-IJLc IX>IUII>T~ clctalllK-d tbo cn<br />

"VoAi'tt- Um counlln* the boars til<br />

yoa col l.crv. I Luow jou."<br />

Mc.iu\;hrc t^cr cocrifUQlna Lad<br />

Itr. You Luov I'm from<br />

-No: I ttuly i;ot as far as Booth<br />

Bend/*<br />

TUv |>lctuix- which tbe ctrl had made<br />

as abc (.Uebcd u;» to tbo tkaaturo %n<br />

bcr hat fILU blou'u nwoy from her<br />

brouru fatv uud marVILua eye*— unlled<br />

wllb tb** Lluillltu-tvs lu bi.x volcv as ubt*<br />

acc»-(4*xl bU ^jtlaiit old, cuU-rvd a il<br />

lmjif\-ruslou nu ilu-' tuurtat'ii mlmt. but<br />

be did nut turn bU bead to Look at<br />

—pvrbaiix bo fiJixM UUt'ii elbow tjultv<br />

as much uii bU laiffuw—but be lUtcn*.-d<br />

uud by IUI*UUIL; U-anutl that<br />

abo bnd bveu "I^JKI" fur KCHTJI vrveks.<br />

anU oUo that bbu nas Luuwu. oud fa-<br />

vorably kcoun, ull UIOIIL; tbe Hut-, tot<br />

whenever tb^y luct u tintu or ioj«t*-d<br />

a ranch uomc cue called out. "UelLa<br />

Berrier* lu corOLiI K-Tlute, UDJ the uu-u.<br />

old and youuc uiw *»(H-cL-tlly |ileaj<br />

to sec bt-r.<br />

Ut-aii\vbllD tbe fctuirv ru*c uud fell<br />

over tho t^notlc umiu like a tluy U<br />

oa a mouittcr K*-.I. tvlilu- tlie ,uu bU<br />

erer more fcrvfutly trum tbe njtU-a<br />

sky. nii.l tbe bllld L:IOU\-«1 ultb t<br />

l^' tumult f color. Thrxiu<br />

this biud uf txjlur. of r\-|>o*K-. of ro-<br />

tbe yuu>x> to tbs tVJ<br />

diln". oo clxup to tbs Jt*Hn'. It abors-<br />

ly WAS pitiful."*<br />

Yancy bluM-if, tail. grtrUod, BOC-<br />

ctoct. aback bef hsmi In ti* raro.<br />

"lia's rlah-L. clrt, tbo coaatry Deeds yc<br />

I'm Bc&nO ctrrj time jo £o a way f<br />

fear memo tetter will anap yo op."*<br />

Tb«.* yotuij toorUt-bt* aUar>rd \V. W,<br />

No*TTo»* Ln Yancy's nrfil^trr— waubcx]<br />

ber cU>*-ly<br />

an lXLU-SJLlty of Interest<br />

Una. Yaucy to uy p>riraUly<br />

*• Tmn* ILLe tttat yoonji *la&crr* ain't<br />

oin' to fura.lt Jo Lf bo caa help- ti. -<br />

Wh yoa think bo's a ton-<br />

o think. <strong>On</strong>o look ct him<br />

TtKncartir n ».Jur lUbt—t£»o Ufitt of<br />

pliy—al*jn© (u tbo cyc-s of ttho c<br />

-I\x.r Mlocr! Ho rlo»<br />

blin up to tbe acmtcb." sbo sjulcd. wlUi<br />

o|»tlmutlr follb la b*r bcloccO hills.<br />

A rwcit-nt later tbo<br />

»t4£\> ruilU^I In l-]> oo It »r«-tnril to kaow<br />

IU-n-a Mi t'.trUcu*. It was bella<br />

auil tullo iLi-rt* at»l bow arc yo bo-<br />

txrwii. olib "m.ifk-a frcxa tbo wotDc~a<br />

nod orH-a rjirm of **Ptu« tt ftrcxrorl"<br />

tbe [urt of lUo aura, till N'orrroamAr<br />

wlc*l ot tbr dUpLay.<br />

"rUM> M*m< a srre^t farorttr." tk-- at><br />

acrrrd to Ynocy.<br />

-TVbo—UcrttiT flbe'a tbe wbolo<br />

"erorks up al Ik-ar Tvoth- OooiJ thlaa<br />

sb« iliui'l want to CO toc-0ACTt-*a—sb«'o i>b(*t lf I let yoo oot<br />

if my »]gtit. It nlo't ma\<br />

HI..- v.,,,u.-,l lir».ully. -I don't feel<br />

A-ulvd.*"<br />

"Oh. yiio'rv nil rtstit: It's tbo other<br />

fillt-r—lILt- nu—tint tvt»<br />

Tb*- nort'il' *U'nl ntifb Cut awDy<br />

flntf, nml n» III.* ulrl ramo «>ut to take<br />

her pli< ^ N'.ir ro* KIM. "Won't yoo<br />

h.i\o my .-.'i vilih tlu* t<br />

Bbi" t)r>'i'iM^l tier \*ili^e humorously.<br />

-Xo. th.tul: cim. I r-nn't Htnnd for Blir»<br />

Nor\n^*« uuorpis<br />

cajnnl tn mjcsly. Qtot a<br />

came Into view oo tb* rlfht, aad tb*<br />

lofty ciLSs of ths Bear Tooth<br />

loomed In mini craadeor Mfti<br />

ths UM crveo of theptoea which cloth-<br />

ed their sloping cssUra sides.<br />

At Intervals tho road, rnrrfnj<br />

lag roaches crouching low oo th* ^^v»<br />

of cml«. but tilde frets tnrsci ir.il<br />

the rjnrao snlrr.nl Uf* oroond tbem—<br />

DO sJfn of n-ttlcocnl eooU bs<br />

Tho valley Uy ca U hid tsln for thoo-<br />

soxkls of years,' rrpcatlAE Its forests as<br />

Ibo meadows of tho lower tereis<br />

forth their annnwt ffrasacS.<br />

ssLd to Mm»e)f. ~l bare drelcd tb*<br />

track of prosresa sod asre re-entered<br />

tbo bonier America, where the<br />

coach ts •till tbo ooe ettrrlof tbtag be-<br />

Dcath ths son."<br />

At lut tho tlrlier, with a cots at ex-<br />

altation, called oat. • to ber<br />

wltb cua&deut ulleu.<br />

aukwuxxlly shrank away,<br />

u-oa bi-r v-ouboy lover, of coarse.<br />

It was injiKAuUblo tbat MO utuuctlve a<br />

girl should bo unattached, uud • tbe<br />

knowlctl£u t>rovlureU ln lilm a faint bat<br />

very dellultu. pau^ uf eiiry cod re-<br />

gret.<br />

Tbo hapvy tlrt, even In the eicite-<br />

tz>ent of mevtlug ber lover, did not for-<br />

tbu atruu£i-r. Bhe envu blm ber<br />

lu lurtlu^, uud agnln be thHtLf^<br />

to Its ntn ifclug povvcr. It was "^«M.<br />

but It »u Uko u Bt«l clamn. "Stop<br />

In on your «uy to Jliiki-r'o.- she said.<br />

Lirwtiy man would have<br />

"Sou pojui our cnte. lly father ts<br />

pli Mct'urtone. tho forest BUDerais-<br />

or. Good Dlfbt."<br />

"Good ulcbt." bo returned with sin-<br />

cere U^lug.<br />

The boul am bnnlly larger than tbe<br />

I03 shnuty of a railway cradlas mmp.<br />

bat tbu moot was edible, and Jast oat-<br />

sldo tius door roared Bear creek, whlcb<br />

enroo dowu directly from Dome moaa-<br />

txtln, aud the yoaa£ easterner we&c to<br />

ele«t> beneath Its sJngtnjr that night.<br />

lie should tiavo dreamed of tbe nappy<br />

mountain etrl, bat he did Dot. <strong>On</strong> tbe<br />

contrary, be Imustned himself back at<br />

college lu tbo midst or Innumerable<br />

freshmen YrlUnjr: "BUI McCoy I BUI<br />

McCoy r<br />

He woke o little bewildered by Us<br />

streneu •tarroundlngH, and when be be-<br />

came aware of the cheep bed. tbe flim-<br />

sy waahstaod. tbe ugly wall paper and<br />

w far bo was from borae aod<br />

Mends bo tw>t only 'Ig***. be ahlrered.<br />

Tho room waa chill, tbe pitcher of vs.<br />

ter cold almost to tho treeslng point.<br />

his Joint" were atUT and painful<br />

from bis ride. What folly to come eo<br />

far Into tbe wilderness at this time!<br />

As tb* eastern yoatb crawled from<br />

bis bed and looked from tbe wtndow be<br />

was still further dlsbeartraed. la tbe<br />

foresroand stood a half doses frame<br />

bolldlngx. crarelcss aod cheap, wltb-<br />

oat tree or shrub to give shadow or<br />

charm of luto—all was bore, bleak.<br />

But r?iyiyr his wtadow tbe<br />

stream was singing Its siorloos movuv<br />

taio toae. nnd away to tbe wcet roao<br />

tbe arplrtca peaks from whlcb It came.<br />

Bomaocv timoded ID tbat shadow, end<br />

on the lower foothills the frost taocta-<br />

«d (bllace gloved like a mosaic of Jew-<br />

el*. '<br />

tba aQa joata hs<br />

who rtmm ta wSa aa ctr af<br />

naauKbetj- aod ttattHr aa«<br />

asat at tbe kiaai catstsr at I<br />

eoarlarB eye wm* attract** by<br />

yocat faOewa seated at a aaafl<br />

te h* rtcM. Tsar wora read.<br />

Tea. The i<br />

ud these boy* ai» tds heta.'<br />

thai tafatTaaUoB added ta I<br />

of tha CsttaS 1<br />

a bad baas taat i<br />

many ot tb* nofsrs wan» cattae* I<br />

O* rssotred to astt tascr i<br />

aaoa. -IT ra ts tttr bara Oar '-<br />

help ra* eater* tba «xB*,~ he f *f i<br />

After breakfast ha waal<br />

al<br />

H*<br />

Dottta* et th* aott. ud thai aatta Cav<br />

Csid Mm. -and yoo t**t a*<br />

daj after (muaiiw. Too<br />

Uatkar try rates tb*<br />

poor<br />

-Wbere wtn I Sad tha<br />

looner*<br />

"Dow-n tn fa*<br />

M yoo e»e It If yea taQ<br />

yoo wast ts ra*c1>,"<br />

It waa *—T-~— rK1 ' ts mi<br />

estry bsOdtnc far the<br />

from tb* threshold a yocn*

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