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<strong>2013</strong><strong>FULL</strong> <strong>LINE</strong><strong>CATALOG</strong>

A Message from SANUSDear Valued Customer-Thank you for making SANUS a part of your lifestyle. We truly appreciate your interest in the SANUSbrand and personally guarantee your satisfaction.What initially started as a simple plan to improve entertainment acoustics has grown to provide a widevariety of in-home entertainment solutions. While our technologies and products are constantly evolvingto enhance experience and performance, our mission to provide safe, secure and simple solutions for all toenjoy has remained our top priority. We not only test our products to UL standards, but we also put themthrough an additional rigorous regimen to ensure that you have the highest-grade product available.If at any time you find yourself with a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact our customerservice team, available 7 days a week, or simply visit www.sanus.com where you can locate productinformation, installation videos and other useful specific information.We hope you enjoy the SANUS brand as much as we enjoy having you as part of our extended family.Thank you again and enjoy!The SANUS FamilyCustomer ServiceExpert Customer Service at Your FingertipsOur attention to detail shows in both the quality of our products and the quality of our customer service.• We stand behind our products with industry-leading warranties– Ten (10) years for metal video monitor mounts; all racks and non-electrical rack accessories– Five (5) years for plastic speaker mounts; all speaker stands; all furniture; all wood (MDF) accessories and SANUS electrical products– One (1) year for all motorized and/or automated productsOur customer service team is experienced and passionate about the consumer electronics industry.• Service team members receive continuing and extensive hands-on training with every <strong>Sanus</strong> ® product• Service team members complete Certified Technology Specialists curriculum and testing fromInfoComm International, a non-profit association serving the AV industry worldwide• Customer service hotline team has direct access to productengineers to ensure accurate answers for all questionsCustomer service hotline is just a call or click away. Dial 1-952-225-6013 and press“1” for parts and tech questions or “2” for ordering. You can also email us at info@sanus.com.Customer Service Hotline Hours– Monday through Friday, 8 am – 9pm CST– Saturday through Sunday, 10:30 am – 7 pm CSTHotline staff understand the full functionality of our products andcan provide tips and techniques for successful installationsPricing and product specifications are subject to change without notice.MOUNTSFURNITUREACCESSORIESRACKS

The In-Home Danger Hiding in Plain ViewThe SANUS Safety InitiativeTV Safety - A Growing ConcernOur homes are a safe haven from the dangers of the outside world. Unfortunately, they also house a growingdanger that we use every single day. Our TV.With their tall, thin structure, flat-panel TVs are very susceptible to tipping off of furniture, which can causeproperty damage, personal injury or even death. As the statistics below show, tipping TVs are a big problem.*A child is killed everythree weeks due totipping TVsInjuries from TVinstability increased by25% from 2006 to 201020,000 injuriesassociated with TVinstability werereported in 2010 aloneSafety is our top priority at all times. That’s why we have launched a TV safety initiative designed to educatethe public on the growing danger of tipping TVs and present safe solutions to protect families.SANUS has partnered with Safe Kids Worldwide to help educate parents and caregivers on how to properlysecure TVs in the home to keep kids safe.*Source: 2011 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reporttitled “Instability of Televisions, Furniture and Appliances”SANUS Safety SolutionsOur priority to create the highest quality products available is only matched by our drive to deliver the safestand most reliable ones. At SANUS, safety does not just end when products leave our door — we continuallyevaluate product safety procedures at our manufacturing facilities worldwide to ensure our products meetthe highest performance and reliability standards.SANUS has also developed TVsafety.org to share the importance of TV safety. It is our goal that together wecan help to reduce TV-related injuries and create a safe environment for all to enjoy.TV MOUNTSMounting your flat-panel TV is a safeand secure way to avoid injury. And witha wide variety of TV wall mounts fromSANUS, you’re sure to find a perfectmount for your exact need.FMSA Furniture Mount System or FMS cangreatly reduce danger in your home byattaching your TV to the back of yourfurniture. This no-drill solution will not onlystabilize your flat-panel TV, but will alsogive any seat in the room a better view.TV SAFETY STRAPSimply secure ends of the safety strapto your TV, the wall and your furnitureto easily minimize serious injuries topets and loved ones.Our interactive site gives you the opportunity to share TVtip-over stories and data with friends, make a pledge tosecure your home, and more.Visit TVsafety.org to see a safer picture.Learn MoreScan hereSee TV tip-overdanger firsthandRead newsarticles aboutTV-related injuriesFind solutions toincrease TV safetyin your homePledge to informothers of the danger

SANUS.comComprehensive Product Information at the Click of a ButtonThe SANUS website leads the industry in usability and state-of-the-art development. Offered in nine languagesand multiple regions internationally, it’s a one-stop-shop for information, including comprehensive product detailsand the latest SANUS news and press releases.SANUS Install Tool Kit iPad ® & iPhone ® AppThe SANUS Install Tool Kit iPad and iPhone app makes finding and installing the perfect mount as easy as possible.Available through iTunes ® , this free app puts helpful tools and information at your fingertips.SANUS.com brings you:• New product informationStay up to date with our latest product introductions• Detailed product specificationsGet information on all SANUS products, including furniture,speaker stands, mounts and accessories• Product manualsLocate and download installation instructions for any SANUS product• SupportFind details on warranties, returns, exchanges and replacement parts• Contact InformationSANUS MountFinder SANUS MountFinder is a comprehensive TV and product database that takes the guesswork out of finding the perfect mount.Simply enter the brand and model number of your TV, and the SANUS MountFinder tool will display all compatible SANUS mounts.If you are unsure of your model number or if your particular television or monitor is not listed in our database, our advanced SANUSMountFinder tool allows you to search for compatible SANUS products based on the physical specifications of your TV or monitor.SANUS HeightFinder The SANUS HeightFinder tool helps you mount a TV at your ideal height by determining a drilling location based on yourpreferences. Simply enter your TV brand and model number, your SANUS mount model number, and your desired heightinformation, and the SANUS HeightFinder tool will calculate the correct elevation to drill into the wall. This useful toolmakes it easy for installers and DIYers to mount a TV at the right height for optimum picture quality.SANUS MountFinder ToolThe SANUS MountFinder tool matches TV brand and modelnumbers with compatible mounts.SANUS HeightFinder ToolThe SANUS HeightFinder tool calculates ideal drilling locationsbased on personal TV height preferences.SANUS ProSetLevel ToolThe SANUS ProSetLevel leveling tool easily calibrates to anysurface, allowing a TV to be aligned to any nearby surface foran even appearance.MyNotesThe MyNotes feature records, organizes and emails installation notes.Mount SimulatorThe mount simulator allows an iPad or iPhone to simulate a TV’srange of motion when combined with a specific mount.Why MountThe “Why Mount” feature outlines the specific benefits of amounted TV, including performance, space, style and safety.Why Choose SANUSThe “Why Choose SANUS” app feature describes theSix Sides of SANUS with fast facts for each.Which MountThe “Which Mount” feature details the different mount motiontypes and when each is appropriate to use.Online VideosYou can watch installation videos, feature and benefit videos and motion videos for your specific TV mount online.SANUS mobile m.sanus.com: Completely redesigned and faster than everVisit the SANUS mobile site for fast, easy access to valuable wall-mounting resouces. Helpful product information, product videos,and tools like the SANUS MountFinder and HeightFinder are all available at your fingertips using your mobile device.

Table of Contentssize chartsTable of ContentsSANUS VISIONMOUNT ® TV WALL MOUNTS & AV ACCESSORIESFurniture Size Chart......................................................................9 – 10Features and Benefits..............................................................................81Desk Mount...................................................................................... 103Speaker Stands Size Chart.........................................................11 – 12Why Mount Your TV................................................................................82Pull-Out Mount................................................................................. 104TV Mount Size Chart...................................................................13 – 14Full-Motion Mounts........................................................................ 83 – 88Ceiling Mounts.......................................................................105 – 106Tilting Mounts................................................................................ 89 – 92Projector Mounts.............................................................................. 107sanus ELEMENTS sanus av racksLow-Profile Mounts........................................................................ 93 – 96iPad ® Mounts.................................................................................. 97 – 99CRT TV Mount................................................................................... 107TV Accessories.......................................................................109 – 110Accessories.................................................................................17 – 22Component Series Racks..............................................................25 – 30Euro Series Racks.........................................................................31 – 34iPad ® Mount Adapters...........................................................................100Recessed In-Wall Box................................................................. 101 – 102Mount Adapters......................................................................111 – 112Speaker Mounts......................................................................113 – 114SANUS av furnitureSANUS speakers standsFeatures and Benefits......................................................................... 37Features and Benefits............................................................................63Furniture Mount System..................................................................... 38Proper Speaker Placement.....................................................................64Accurate Series Furniture...........................................................39 – 40Basic Series Speaker Stands........................................................ 65 – 66Alabaster Collection Furniture....................................................41 – 44Euro Series Speaker Stands......................................................... 67 – 68Basic Series Furniture.................................................................45 – 48HTB Series Speaker Stands.......................................................... 69 – 70Designer Series Furniture...........................................................49 – 50Hover Series Speaker Stands....................................................... 71 – 72Flat-Panel Series Furniture.........................................................50 – 52Natural Series Speaker Stands...................................................... 73 – 74Java Series Furniture..................................................................53 – 54Steel Series Speaker Stands........................................................ 75 – 76Natural Series Furniture.............................................................55 – 56Ultimate Series Speaker Stands.................................................... 77 – 78Steel Series Furniture.................................................................57 – 58Vertical Series Furniture.............................................................59 – 60Table of ContentsBasic Series model BFAV344 shown with Furniture Mount System model FMS01 and Ultimate Series model UF26SANUS VisionMount model VLT14 shown with Java Series model JFV608

SANUS Speaker Stand Size ChartSANUS Speaker Stand Size ChartWEIGHT CAPACITY (LBS) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35SatellitespeakersSmallbookshelf speakersMediumbookshelf speakersLargebookshelf speakersBase platedimensions(w × d)Top platedimensions(w × d)WEIGHT CAPACITY (LBS) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35SatellitespeakersSmallbookshelf speakersMediumbookshelf speakersLargebookshelf speakersBase platedimensions(w × d)Top platedimensions(w × d)Basic SeriesSteel Series31" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackBF31page 6611.7" x 11"6.5" x 6.5"22" CENTER-CHANNEL SPEAKER STANDblackSFC22page 7514.75" x 11.75"14" x 8"24" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackBF24page 6611.7" x 11" 6.5" x 6.5"18" CENTER-CHANNEL SPEAKER STANDblackSFC18page 7514.75" x 11.75"14" x 8"16" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackBF16page 6611.7" x 11"6.5" x 6.5"34" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackSF34page 7611.75" x 14.75"6" x 6.5"Euro Series30" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackSF30page 7611.75" x 14.75"6" x 6.5"SATELLITE SPEAKER STANDblackEFSatpage 68Holds up to10 lbs10.5" x 12"Multiple mountoptions available26" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackSF26page 7611.75" x 14.75"6" x 6.5"28" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackEF28page 6810.5" x 12"5" x 5"22" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackSF22page 7611.75" x 14.75"8" x 8.5"24" CENTER-CHANNEL SPEAKER STANDblack20" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackEF24page 68EF20page 6810.5" x 12"10.5" x 12"6" x 6.5"6" x 6.5"Ultimate Series34" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackUF34page 7813" x 13.25"6" x 6.5"HTB SeriesSATELLITE SPEAKER STANDblackSATELLITE SPEAKER STANDblackSATELLITE SPEAKER STANDblackHTB7page 70HTB4page 70HTB3page 70Holds up to4 lbsHolds up to4 lbsHolds up to4 lbs9" x 10.4"14.5" x 10.4"6.5" x 11.8"Multiple mountoptions availableMultiple mountoptions availableMultiple mountoptions available30" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblack26" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblack22" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblackUF26page 78UF22page 78UF30page 7813" x 13.25"13" x 13.25"13" x 13.25"6" x 6.5"6" x 6.5"6" x 6.5"Hover SeriesRecommendedSpeaker SizePossible SpeakerSize RangeSATELLITE SPEAKER STANDblackHF1page 71Holds up to10 lbs9" x 15"Multiple mountoptions availableNatural Series18" CENTER-CHANNEL SPEAKER STANDblack cherry mochaNFC18page 7318" x 11.75"14" x 8"36" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblack cherry mochaNF36page 7410.5" x 11.75"6" x 6"30" CENTER-CHANNEL SPEAKER STANDblack cherry mochaNF30page 7410.5" x 11.75"6" x 6"24" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblack cherry mochaNF24page 7410.5" x 11.75"7.5" x 7.5"18" BOOKSHELF SPEAKER STANDblack cherry mochaNF18page 7410.5" x 11.75" 7.5" x 7.5"Size Chartwww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013 www.sanus.com • 952.225.601312

SANUS TV Mount Size ChartRECOMMENDED TV SIZE (INCHES)13 » 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90Full-MotionTiltingMF215page 86 & 104MF209page 87MF202page 87SF213page 87SF208page 87SF203page 87VMF408page 86VM400page 86 & 104Holds up to45 lbsHolds up to45 lbsHolds up to50 lbsHolds up to60 lbsHolds up to60 lbsExtends13"Extends8"VMPL3page 90 & 94VMF322page 86VMF220page 85Extends15.5"Extends9.5"Holds up to60 lbsHolds up to100 lbsVESA* 75, 100,200x100VMPL50Apage 90VLF410page 84VLF320page 84LF228page 84VLF220page 85LRF118page 102VLF210page 85VLMF109page 85Holds up to60 lbsHolds up to100 lbsHolds up to60 lbsVESA* 75, 100,200x100, 200VESA* 75, 100,200x100, 200VESA* 75, 100,200x100VESA* 75, 100,200x100Extends20"VESA* 75, 100,200x100, 200VMAA26page 85LT25page 90VLT15page 90VLT14page 90Extends22"Extends20"Extends8"XF228page 84VXF220page 84Holds up to110 lbsExtends9"Mounting PatternUNIVERSALHolds up to135 lbsHolds up to130 lbsHolds up to130 lbsHolds up to130 lbsHolds up to150 lbsHolds up to150 lbsHolds up to125 lbsHolds up to150 lbsHolds up to120 lbsExtends28"Extends25.75"Extends20"Extends17"Extends10"Mounting PatternUNIVERSALVESA* 200, 300x200, 300,400x200, 400x300, 400, 500x400VESA* 200, 300x200,300, 400x300, 400VESA* 100, 200x100, 200,300x200, 300, 400x200, 400x300Tilts0° to -10°Tilts0° to -10°Extends20"Mounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALTilts+8° to -10°Mounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALHolds up to175 lbsHolds up to175 lbsHolds up to120 lbsExtends28"Extends20"Extends10"Holds up to280 lbsHolds up to175 lbsMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALTilts+6° to -12°Tilts+8° to -10°Mounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALSANUS TV Mount Size ChartRECOMMENDED TV SIZE (INCHES)13 » 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90Low-ProfileVSL12page 95SpecialtyVMPO1page 104MD115page 103VMTVpage 107Holds up to30 lbsMC1Apage 106ML11page 94VML10page 95Holds up to130 lbsHolds up to100 lbsVMPL3page 90 & 94Profile0.62"Holds up to70 lbsHolds up to35 lbsVLL10page 94Holds up to100 lbsHolds up to80 lbsExtends18.5"Profile0.59"Profile0.67"VESA*75, 100, 200x100Extends5.5"Tilts+15° to -15°VESA*100, 200LL22page 94LL11page 94Mounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALLC2Apage 105LC1Apage 105VESA*75, 100, 200 x 100, 200VESA*75, 100, 200x100, 200* Mounts are compatible with all VESA standard patterns for flat-panel monitors and TVsMount Compatibility / TV Hole PatternsHolds up to260 lbsHolds up to175 lbsHolds up to150 lbsHolds up to125 lbsProfile0.55"Profile0.67"Tilts+5° to -15°Tilts+5° to -15°SANUS wall mount products are compatible with virtually every television on the market. Television manufacturersuse two different standards when designing the backs of their TVs to allow them to be mounted.VESAVESA is a standard that dictates the exact placement of the holes on theback of a TV. Typically, LCD flat-panel TVs follow VESA standards. There areseveral sizes of TVs and mounts within the VESA standards (75 mm x 75 mm;100 mm x 100 mm; etc.) When purchasing a TV that follows VESA guidelines,it is important to choose a mount that uses the same VESA standard as theTV. The other critical element in choosing the right mount is to compare theweight of the TV to the weight rating of the mount.Mounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALHolds up to280 lbsHolds up to175 lbsProfile1.5"Profile1.5"Mounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALCeilingmountCeilingmountCeilingmountPull-outcabinet mountDesk mountCRT TV mountRANDOMThe second concept is not really a “standard” at all. Rather, TV manufacturerswho do not follow the VESA standards place their mounting holes on the backsof their TVs in non-conforming places. For these TVs, the SANUS brand makes“universal” mounts. This means there are brackets that can be adjusted backand forth to properly align with many mounting holes. When mounting a TV witha random hole pattern, in addition to choosing a “universal” mount, it is alsocritical to compare the weight of the TV to the weight rating of the mount.VMT15page 91Holds up to100 lbsTilts0° to -10°Mounting PatternUNIVERSALVST15page 91Holds up to50 lbsVMT14page 91VMT35page 91Tilts+12° to -12°Holds up to80 lbsVESA*100, 200x100Holds up to80 lbsTilts0° to -10°Tilts0° to -10°Mounting PatternUNIVERSALMounting PatternUNIVERSALVESA100VESA200 x 100RANDOMHOLE PATTERNSSize Chartwww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013www.sanus.com • 952.225.601314

SANUS AccessoriesThe perfect complement to any home theaterSANUS Elements is a quality line of accessories designed to enhance theuse of residential high-end electronics so you get more out of your hometheater system. Organize and clean up your component connections withsuper slim HDMI cables and decorative cable tunnels. Protect your valuableelectronic equipment with surge protectors and the TV saftey strap. With aSANUS AccessoriesHDMI CABLESModelS ELM4203, ELM4206, ELM4210Pivoting HDMI CablesDimensions (length)ELM42033.3' / 1 mELM42066.5' / 2 mELM42109.8' / 3 mFinishBlack – ELM4203-B1Black – ELM4206-B1Black – ELM4210-B1featuresHead pivots 180°features (cont.)Flexible cable allowseasy routing and installCompatible with 3D TVs and1080p video resolutionEthernet channel includedaccessoriesbroad variety of SANUS Elements accessories to choose from, you'll be sureto find the perfect solution for your setup.ModelS ELM4303, ELM4306, ELM4308Super Slim HDMI CablesNEWMODELELM806In-Wall Cable Management SystemDimensions (length)ELM43033.3' / 1 mELM43066.5' / 2 mELM43088.2' / 2.5 mFinishBlack – ELM4303-B1Black – ELM4306-B1Black – ELM4308-B1featuresConnector is 40% shorterthan conventional HDMIcablesFlexible cable allowseasy routing and installfeatures (cont.)Compatible with 3D TVs and1080p video resolutionEthernet channel includedproduct dimensions(w x d x h)11.75" x 3.75" x 4.5"29.8 x 9.5 x 11.4 cmfinishWhite – ELM806-W1In-wall power connectors ensuresimple snap connection withoutthe need for an electricianWorks with super slimmounts, creating moreusable space behind yourwall-mounted TVModel ELM490090° HDMI AdapterDimensions (w x d x h)0.8" x 0.3" x 1.8"2.1 x .9 x 4.6 cmFinishBlack – ELM4900-B1features90° connection angleConnector is 50% shorterthan conventional HDMIconnectorsEthernet channel includedfeatures (cont.)Compatible with 3D TVs and1080p video resolutionFINISH OPTIONSRecessed, in-wall installationconceals component cablesfor a flawless finished lookWhiteHardware and templateincluded for an easy do-ityourselfinstallationSANUS Accessorieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model ELM701-B1 shown18

SANUS Accessoriesscreen careModel ELM101Model ELM102Model ELM104Screen Care Kit for LCD, plasma, and CRT TVs and monitorsDimensions (w x d x h)6.6" x 2.4" x 5.6"16.8 x 6 x 14.1 cmFinishMixed – ELM101-X1featuresSafe for use with all screensincludesScreen cleaning gel1.52 fl oz (45 ml)Lint-free microfiber clothConvenient storage caseincludes (cont.)Touch-free tool withmicrofiber wiping clothand anti-static carbonfiber brushSANUS AccessoriesPower and surge protectionModel ELM205Flat-Panel HD Power Conditioner and Surge ProtectorDimensions (w x d x h)7.7" x 1.3" x 3.6"19.6 x 3.3 x 9.1 cmFinishBlack – ELM205-B1featuresLow-profile design easily fitsbehind most wall mountsand furniture2,700-Joule surge protectionDual-stage EMI/RFI filterseliminate noisefeatures (cont.)Compatible withClickFit systemCombination Ethernet/phone jack — supportsup to 100Base-Tconnection speedsW wEIGHT CAPACITY110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg | Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg | Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgTop Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg | Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgScreen Cleaning Gel for LCD, plasma, and CRT TVs and monitorsModel ELM203 Low-Profile Surge ProtectorDimensions (w x d x h) FinishfeaturesincludesDimensions (w x d x h) featuresfeatures (cont.)features (cont.)2.1" x 2.1" x 5.9"Mixed – ELM102-X1 Lint-free microfiber Screen cleaning gel5.4" x 1.5" x 4.6"2,100-Joule surge protection Low-profile design easily fits Combination Ethernet/5.4 x 5.4 x 14.9 cmcleaning cloth easily 6.76 fl oz (200 mL)13.7 x 3.8 x 11.7 cm and 330V clamping voltage behind most wall mounts phone jack — supportsstores in capvolumeLint-free microfiber clothFinishOutlets swivel 90° to place and furnitureup to 100Base-T6.76 fl ozShips in six-count selfserviceretail displayBlack – ELM203-B1 cables nearly flush with wallconnection speeds200 mLW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg | Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg | Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgPortable Screen Cleaning Kit for TVs, monitors, DVDs, CDs, camera lenses and other accessoriesModel ELM202 Low-Profile Surge ProtectorDimensions (w x d x h) FinishfeaturesDimensions (w x d x h) featuresfeatures (cont.)4.4" x 1.8" x 1.4 "Mixed – ELM104-X1 Solution conveniently stored4.1" x 2.3" x 6.5"2,100-Joule surge protection Input and output jacks11.1 x 4.4 x 3.7 cmin handle when not in use10.4 x 5.7 x 16.5 cm Outlets swivel 90° to place protect phone/fax/modemvolumeTouch-free wiping tool gentlyFinishcables nearly flush with wall and cable/satellite signal.0676 fl ozcleans without scratchingBlack – ELM202-B1 Low-profile design easily fits2 mlSafe for use with all screensbehind most wall mountsand furnitureW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg |accessoriesModel elm805In-Wall Power and Cable Management System; eliminates ground loop problems in remote equipment roomsDimensions (w x d x h)9.3" x 2.3" x 2.9"23.5 x 5.7 x 7.3 cmFinishWhite – ELM805-W1featuresSimplifies installation of cablesbehind wall-mounted TVsElectrical plug-in device attachesdirectly to existing AC grounded outletIncludes 6' heavy-gauge power cordfeatures (cont.)Routes low voltage cables and wiresthrough wall and into AV componentsor power conditionerCan be used in same room orremotely in AV component roomFINISH OPTIONS Black WhiteELM805SANUS AccessoriesModel ELM302-W1 shown with SANUS VisionMount model LT25-B1www.sanus.com • 952.225.601320

SANUS Accessoriescable managementModel ELM301Cable Tunnel Kit; conceals and routes even the most complex cable arrangementsDimensions (w x d x h)3.1" x 0.9" x 20"7.9 x 2.2 x 50.8 cmFinishWhite – ELM301-W1features20" cable channels canbe painted, cut and canturn a 90° anglefeatures (cont.)Simple installation: attachwall clips to wall, securecables and wires tofasteners and snaptunnels onto clipsINCLUDES(3) 20" long wire channels(1) 90° elbow(6) Wall mounts & mountinghardware w/concrete anchors(2) Joining clipsSANUS AccessoriesMiscellaneous AccessoriesModel ELM701Flat-Panel TV Saftey strapDimensions (w x d x h)40" x 1" x 40"101.6 x 2.5 x 101.6 cmcompatible TV Sizeup to 60"FinishBlack – ELM701-B1featuresPrevents accidental tippingUniversal design fitsnearly all TVs up to 60"Mounting hardware includedcompatibilityLook for this icon forcompatible furnitureTV ANTI-TIP STRAPaccessoriesC O M PAT I B L EWW wEIGHT CAPACITY 200 Top lbs Shelf / 90.7 – 110 kg lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg |Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgModel ELM302Cable Tunnel Expansion Pack; conceals and routes even the most complex cable arrangementsModel ELMEZIC2, ELMEZIC12 EZ BracketDimensions (w x d x h)3.1" x 0.9" x 20"7.9 x 2.2 x 50.8 cmFinishWhite – ELM302-W1features20" cable channels canbe painted, cut and canturn a 45° and 90° anglefeatures (cont.)Simple installation: attachwall clips to wall, securecables and wires tofasteners, and snaptunnels onto clipsINCLUDES(2) 20" long wire channels(2) 45° elbow(4) Wall mounts & mountinghardware w/concrete anchors(1) 90° inside corner(1) 90° outside corner(1) Joining clipsDimensions (w x d x h)ELMEZIC – 32" x 14" x 0.90"81.28 x 35.56 x 2.29 cmELMEZIC12 – 32" x 14" x 0.90"81.28 x 35.56 x 2.29 cmfeaturesUniversal template fits allpopular brands of speakersPre-printed ruler ensuresperfect alignment with studsand installed can lightsfeatures (cont.)Simply assemble and attachthe corrugated frame directlyto ceiling joists for easyinstallationProvided metal ring preventscut through with RotoZip ® toolW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg |Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgModel ELM501All-in-one IR repeater kitDimensions (w x d x h)4.3" x 1" x 1"10.8 x 2.5 x 2.5 cmFinishBlack – ELM501-B1featuresReplicates infraredsignals from remotesTabletop, holemounting optionsfeatures (cont.)Includes elements tocontrol 4 componentsFilters undesirable signalsincludesIR receiver and repeater hub4 repeaters5 holstersPower supplyW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg | Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg W wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg |Model ELM803In-wall low voltage boxDimensions (w x d x h)8.1" x 2.5" x 6.5"20.7 x 6.4 x 16.5 cmFinishBlack – ELM803-B1featuresWorks with and withoutClickFit systemCable routing holesCable tie-downs to secureor route wiresfeatures (cont.)56 cubic inches of spacecompatible mountsVLMF109, VLF220, VLF210,LF228, XF228, VXF220,VLT15, LT25, LL22Bottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgFINISH OPTIONSPaintable WhiteFINISH OPTIONSBlackSANUS Accessorieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013www.sanus.com • 952.225.601322

SANUS Component Series RacksCreate the perfect AV rack for your unique installationDesigned with high performance and structural integrity in mind, our sturdyComponent Series AV racks feature heavy-gauge welded steel construction,swivel casters for easy mobility and height-adjustable feet for perfect levelingNEWSANUS Component Series RacksModel CFR161515U Stackable Skeleton RackDimensions (w x d x h)20.4" x 20" x 26.21"51.82 x 50.8 x 66.57 cmrack spaces15UFinishBlack – CFR1615-B1Includes(Qty 1) 1U shelf, 30 lbs/13.6kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 1) 2U shelf, 50 lbs/22.7kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 1) 1U blanking panelfeaturesShips with shelves and blankingpanels in UPS - shippable boxSelf-aligningEasy assembly in less than ten minutesModular, stackable structureracksand stabilization. Components stay cool with a unique convection coolingweIGHT CAPACITYOn Floor – 600 lbs / 272.2 kg |Wall Mounted – 200 lbs / 90.7 kgsystem, and quick-release back panels allow easy access to all AV gear.Choose between the completely pre-assembled 2100 Series Racks or the allModel CFR214485" Tall AV Racknew modular Stackable Skeletons racks.CFR2115-B1Dimensions (w x d x h)23.6" x 23.6" x 84.75"60 x 60 x 215.3 cmrack spaces44UFinishBlack – CFR2144-B1pre-assembled with:(Qty 2) 1U shelf, 30 lbs/13.6kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 4) 2U shelf, 50 lbs/22.7kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 3) 3U shelf, 80 lbs/36.3kg. 18"/457 mm deeppre-assembled with:(Qty 2) 1U blanking panel(Qty 3) 2U blanking panel(Qty 2) 3U blanking panel(Qty 3) Tie barfeaturesRemovable panelsGanging abilityRepositionable 3U openingsPre-assembledSwivel casters and adjustable feetweIGHT CAPACITY1000 lbs / 453.6 kgModel CFR213670" Tall AV RackNEWModelCFR162020U Stackable Skeleton RackDimensions (w x d x h)20.4" x 20" x 35"51.82 x 50.8 x 88.9 cmEntire structure, completewith screws, removableshelves and blankingpanels, ships in oneUPS-shippable boxDimensions (w x d x h)23.6" x 23.6" x 70.5"60 x 60 x 179.15 cmrack spaces36UFinishBlack – CFR2136-B1weIGHT CAPACITYpre-assembled with:(Qty 2) 1U shelf, 30 lbs/13.6kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 3) 2U shelf, 50 lbs/22.7kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 3) 3U shelf, 80 lbs/36.3kg. 18"/457 mm deep800 lbs / 362.9 kgpre-assembled with:(Qty 2) 1U blanking panel(Qty 2) 2U blanking panel(Qty 2) 3U blanking panel(Qty 3) Tie barfeaturesRemovable panelsGanging abilityRepositionable 3U openingsPre-assembledSwivel casters and adjustable feetrack spaces20UFinishBlack – CFR1620-B1Includes(Qty 1) 1U shelf, 30 lbs/13.6 kg.18"/457 mm deep(Qty 1) 2U shelf, 50 lbs/22.7 kg.18"/457 mm deep(Qty 1) 1U blanking panelModular, stackablestructure can be coupledwith the CFR1615 intofive different heightcombinations: 40U, 35U,30U, 20U, 15UModular rackstructures areSANUS EcoSystem compatibleModel CFR212755" Tall AV RackDimensions (w x d x h)23.6" x 23.6" x 55"60 x 60 x 139.7 cmrack spaces27UFinishBlack – CFR2127-B1weIGHT CAPACITYpre-assembled with:(Qty 2) 1U shelf, 30 lbs/13.6kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 2) 2U shelf, 50 lbs/22.7kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 2) 3U shelf, 80 lbs/36.3kg. 18"/457 mm deep750 lbs / 340.2 kgpre-assembled with:(Qty 1) 1U blanking panel(Qty 1) 2U blanking panel(Qty 1) 3U blanking panel(Qty 2) Tie barfeaturesRemovable panelsGanging abilityRepositionable 3U openingsPre-assembledSwivel casters and adjustable feetFINISH OPTIONVersatile racks can bemounted directly towall studs for a morepermanent organizationsolution in any roomBlackweIGHT CAPACITYOn Floor – 600 lbs / 272.2 kg | Wall Mounted – 200 lbs / 90.7 kgSelf-aligning rackrequires only fourbolts for quick, easyassembly in less than15 minutesModel CFR2115FINISH OPTION34" Tall AV RackBlackDimensions (w x d x h)23.6" x 23.6" x 34"60 x 60 x 86.4 cmrack spaces15UFinishBlack – CFR2115-B1weIGHT CAPACITYpre-assembled with:(Qty 1) 1U shelf, 30 lbs/13.6kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 1) 2U shelf, 50 lbs/22.7kg. 18"/457 mm deep(Qty 1) 3U shelf, 80 lbs/36.3kg. 18"/457 mm deep500 lbs / 226.8 kgpre-assembled with:(Qty 1) 1U blanking panel(Qty 1) 2U blanking panel(Qty 1) 3U blanking panel(Qty 1) Tie barfeaturesRemovable panelsGanging abilityRepositionable 3U openingsPre-assembledSwivel casters and adjustable feetSANUS Component Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013 www.sanus.com • 952.225.601326

SANUS EcoSystem Remove the junk from your rackThe new SANUS EcoSystem is a fully customizable accessory that servesas the single power source for all low-voltage equipment in a rack. Startwith the MultiVolt Power Supply. This component features switchableSANUS EcoSystem Model CALW01Work LightDimensions (w x d x h)14.85" x 0.79" x 0.92"37.7 x 2 x 2.3 cmFinishBlack – CALW01-B1featuresCan daisy chain up to3 togetherWork light allows easyviewing of rear ofcomponentsfeatures (cont.)Magnets and clips alloweasy placement anywherein rackrack accessoriesoutlets, 5 volt USB ports and 12 outlets. A temperature-regulatingthermostat is also included. Then, add accessories to build a system thatmeets your exact needs. Available accessories include LED lighting, fans,temperature gauge and additional cables.Models CAPW03, CAPW06, CAPW09Dimensions (w x d x l)CAPW03-B1:0.43" x 1.3" x 36"1.1 x 3.3 cm x 91.4Power Wires, 2-PackDimensions (cont.)CAPW06-B1:0.43" x 1.3" x 72"1.1 x 3.3 cm x 182.9Dimensions (cont.)CAPW09-B1:0.43" x 1.3" x 108"1.1 x 3.3 cm x 274.3FinishBlack – CAPW03-B1Black – CAPW06-B1Black – CAPW09-B1Scan here or visitsanus.com/us/en/EcoSystemfor more informationModel CAPT01Multivolt Power SupplyModel CAFQ013U Ultra Quiet Fan KitDimensions (w x d x h)17" x 4.5" x 1.7"43.2 x 11.4 x 4.3 cmFinishBlack – CAPT01-B1featuresEasily turn front task lightand rear work light on and offFront side 5V USB port, 12Valways on and front lightconnections provide addedconvenienceDimensions (w x d x h)19" x 2.1" x 5.22"48.3 x 5.3 x 13.3 cmFinishBlack – CAFQ01-B1features12 VDC, 0.54ARack cooling fan foruse where minimal noiseis desiredIncludes 12V power cableModel cATG01Temperature GaugeModel CAFC011U Component Cooling Fan KitDimensions (w x d x h)19" x 0.39" x 1.7"48.3 x .99 x 4.3 cmFinishBlack – CATG01-B1featuresIncorporate the temperaturegauge into the system for aneasy-to-read digitaltemperature readoutDimensions (w x d x h)19" x 2.1" x 1.75"48.3 x 5.3 x 4.4 cmFinishBlack – CAFC01-B1features12 VDC, 0.5ARack component cooling fanIncludes 12V power cableModel CALT01Task LightDimensions (w x d x h)19" x 1.5" x 1.75"48.3 x 3.8 cm x 4.4FinishBlack – CALT01-B1featuresFront-mounted 1U task lightilluminates rack componentsFlip-up cover to accesslight and flip-down fora sleek lookModel CAFH013U High Volume Fan KitFINISH OPTION Black FINISH OPTION BlackDimensions (w x d x h)19" x 2.1" x 5.22"48.3 x 5.3 x 13.3 cmFinishBlack – CAFH01-B1features12 VDC, 0.54ARack high-volume cooling fanCan be mounted on top,bottom or back of rackIncludes 12V powercableSANUS Component Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013www.sanus.com • 952.225.601328

NEWSANUS Rack AccessoriesModel CFA16SM On-Wall Swing Out AccessoryDimensions (w x d x h)20.4" x 3.4" x 1.5"51.8 x 8.6 x 3.8 cmFinishBlack - CFA16SM-B1W wEIGHT CAPACITY On Floor – 400 lbs / 181.4 kgFeaturesSwivels with the touch of arelease tabLocks securely against wallAttaches to any StackableSkeleton Rack heightcombinationSANUS Rack Accessoriesblanking panelsmodel CAVBP11U Vented Blanking Panelmodel CAVBP22U Vented Blanking Panelmodel CASBP11U Steel Blanking Panelmodel CASBP22U Steel Blanking Panelmodel CAAB11U Aluminum Blanking Panelmodel CAAB22U Aluminum Blanking Panelrack accessoriesNEWModel CASPKSmall Parts PanelDimensions (w x d x h)19.5" x 0.56" x 9.9"49.53 x 1.42 x 25.15cmFinishBlack - CASPK-B1FeaturesHolds small parts outof the wayPass-through openings forsimplified cable managementFeatures (cont.)Mount to any SANUS 100,1600 or 2100 ComponentSeries RackIncludes six hook andloop tie-downsmodel CAVBP33U Vented Blanking Panelshelves & drawersmodel CASBP33U Steel Blanking Panelmodel CAAB33U Aluminum Blanking Panelmodel CASH211U Shelf; holds 20 lbsmodel CASH233U Shelf; holds 80 lbsmodel CADR22U Sliding Drawers; 3.5" deepNEWModel CaspHDHold-Down Straps for CASPK, 10-packDimensions (w x d x h)13.5" x 1" x 0.6"34.29 x 2.5 x 1.5 cmFinishBlack - CASPHD-B1FeaturesTool-less small partattachment for CASPKsmall parts panelIncludes ten hook andloop tie-downsmodel CASH222U Shelf; holds 50 lbsPOWER STRIPS & CONDITIONERSmodel CASS10Shelf Stops; 10-packmodel CADR44U Sliding Drawers; 7" deepmodel CAPS27Vertical Power Stripmodel CAPS12Vertical Power Strip & Surge Protectormodel CAPCO1Power Conditioner with LightsNEWModel CFA16CK Open Frame Caster Kit Model Casps1 AV Base & Shelf Model CASPS2 AV Base & ShelfFinishBlack – CFA16CK-B1FeaturesAttatches to any Stackable SkeletonRack height combinationFinishBlack – CASPS1-B1Features1U shelfFinishBlack – CASPS2-B1Features2U shelfscrewsmodel CASC2525 Extra Screws25 model CASC100100100 Extra Screwsmodel CASC500500 Extra Screws500FINISH OPTIONBlacktie bars, lacing strips & wire tiesmodel CATBL21019" Tie Bars, 10-packmodel CALS45Lacing Strips; 78.75" longmodel CATBO10Tie Bars, 10-packmodel CACT100Wire Ties, 100-packKITSmodel CAGKGanging Kit for CFRRacksmodel CALKSide-Panel Lock KitSANUS Component Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013www.sanus.com • 952.225.601330

SANUS Euro Series RacksSANUS Euro Series RacksModel EFAVBAV Base & ShelfracksModular racks with a European flairEuro Series racks creates a clean, modern look with amodular design that easily expands to fit any AV system.Wire management clips secure loose cables for a sleekDimensions (w x d x h)40.5" x 20.5" x 14.2"102.8 x 51.9 x 36 cmWIDTH BETWEENPILLARS18"45.7 cmFinishBlack – EFAVB-B1FeaturesCustomizable modular designOpen architecture allowsmaximum airflow to AV gearAdjustable feetClips secure loose cablesappearance, and adjustable casters ensure the units alwaysW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kgstay stable and aligned, even on uneven surfaces.Model EFAVSAV ShelfEFAV40-B1 / EFA31-B1 / EFSatbDimensions (w x d x h)40.5" x 19.5" x 8.7"102.8 x 49.5 x 22.1 cmWIDTH BETWEENPILLARS18"45.7 cmFinishBlack – EFAVS-B1FeaturesCustomizable modular designOpen architecture allowsmaximum airflow to AV gearClips secure loose cablesOpen architecture ensures constantairflow to keep components coolHeavy-gauge steel frame offersincredible strength and rigidityW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kgModel EFABAudio BaseCustomizable modular designexpands to fit any AV systemDimensions (w x d x h)22.5" x 20.5" x 5.5"57.1 x 52.1 x 13.9 cmFinishBlack – EFAB-B1FeaturesCustomizable modular designOpen architecture allowsmaximum airflow to AV gearClips secure loose cablesW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kgModel EFASAudio Expansion ShelfDimensions (w x d x h)22.5" x 19.5" x 8.7"57.1 x 49.5 x 22.1 cmWIDTH BETWEENPILLARS18"45.7 cmFinishBlack – EFAS-B1FeaturesCustomizable modular designOpen architecture allowsmaximum airflow to AV gearClips secure loose cablesW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 80 lbs / 36.3 kgModel EFAP21Pull-Out BaseFINISH OPTIONBlackDimensions (w x d x h)22.5" x 22" x 3.8"57.1 x 55.9 x 9.6 cmShelf size22.5" x 20.5"57.1 x 52.1W wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 150 lbs / 68 kgFinishBlack – EFAP21-B1FeaturesExtends 21", and rotates 180°Attaches to a cabinet, wallor floorSolid steel constructionprovides strength and supportSANUS Euro SeriesModel EFAV40 and model EFA31 shown with SANUS Euro Series EF24www.sanus.com • 952.225.601332

SANUS Euro Series RacksModel EFAV40AV Base & ShelvesDimensions (w x d x h)40.5" x 20.5" x 22.9"102.8 x 51.9 x 58.1 cmTop Shelf size40.5" x 20.5"102.8 x 51.9 cmmid Shelf size40.5" x 20.5"102.8 x 51.9 cmbottom Shelf size40.5" x 20.5"102.8 x 51.9 cmFinishBlack – EFAV40-B1FeaturesCustomizable modular designOpen architecture allowsmaximum airflow to AV gearAdjustable feetClips secure loose cablesW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kg | Mid Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kg |Bottom Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kgModel EFA31Audio RackDimensions (w x d x h)22.5" x 20.5" x 31.6"57 x 52.1 x 80.2 cmTop Shelf size22.5" x 20.5"57 x 52.1 cmmid Shelf size22.5" x 20.5"57 x 52.1 cmbottom Shelf size22.5" x 20.5"57 x 52.1 cmFinishBlack – EFA31-B1FeaturesCustomizable modular designOpen architecture allowsmaximum airflow to AV gearAdjustable feetClips secure loose cablesW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 80 lbs / 36.3 kg | Mid Shelf – 80 lbs / 36.3 kg |Bottom Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kgAccessoriesmodel EFP5Contains five, 5" reduced-height pillars;replaces standard 8" pillarsmodel CK2Caster kit fits models EFAB and EFAV;adds easy mobilitymodel EFP12Contains five, 12.5" extended-height pillars;replaces standard 8" pillarsmodel EFR12Contains two, 12.5" extended-length rails;for use with model EFP12 onlymodel EFP18Contains five, 18" extended-height pillars andrack rail; replaces standard 8" pillarsmodel EFWMCContains five wire management clips;for use with all Euro Series AV furnitureFINISH OPTIONBlackSANUS AV Furniturewww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013SANUS Euro Series Racks models EFAVB-B1 and EFAVS-B1 shown34

SANUS AV Furniturefeatures and benefits / innovative technologyConvection Cooling SystemConcealed venting allows heated air to flow out thetop while drawing in cool air through the bottom,keeping AV components at a proper temperatureVirtually Eliminates ResonanceCustom-engineered constructionusing strategically placed MDFvirtually eliminates resonanceElegant Glass ShelvesExtra-thick tempered-glass shelves areheat-treated for added safety, strengthand shatter resistanceSturdy ConstructionSolid heavy-gauge steel construction offersstrength and support in a clean designMultiple OptionsVersatile furniture lines offer multipledesigns, sizes and finishesContemporary StyleBeautiful style and sleek finishes bring amodern look to any décorHigh Quality HardwarePremium quality for lifelong smooth,trouble-free operationFurniture Mount System CompatibleLook for the FMS icon on all compatiblefurniture and accessoriesCable Management SystemCable management systems help keepcables concealed and organizedSolid MaterialsConstruction using hardwood veneers orsolid hardwood frames offers an outstandingcombination of stability, durability and styleDesigned To Handle Large SystemsDeep, spacious shelves are designed tohandle even the largest AV systemsEasy To AssembleAssembly hardware includedfor easy installationVersatile DesignsSelect models feature expandable shelf optionsand interchangeable door panels to match anyhome décor and AV equipment needOpen ArchitectureOpen architecture design allows unrestrictedairflow to keep AV components at the propertemperature for optimal performanceHidden CastersConcealed casters stay hidden yetoffer easy mobility to rear of furnitureSaftey Strap CompatibleSelect models are compatible with the ELM701 safteystrap to reduce the risk of TVs or furniture accidentallytipping, creating a safe environment in any roomSANUS Furniture Mount System (FMS)The perfect safety solution for any locationProtect your TV and protect your family with the versatile and stylishFMS01 TV mount. With this no-drill, safe and secure mounting solution,you’ll be sure to have the best seat in the house from anywhere in the room.In addition to an innovative cable management system, small componentscan be attached to the back of the mount in order to hide cables and cordsbehind pillar for an organized, clean look. Plus, with a universal design theFMS01 fits nearly all 32" – 60" TVs up to 130 lbs.FMS Compatible AV furnitureJFV60DFV50BFAV48BFAV344BFV546ModelFMS01Furniture Mount System (FMS)for 32" – 60" TVsTV SIZE32" – 60"Dimensions (w x d x h)29" x 6.25" x 57.8"73.67 x 15.88 x 146.8 cmFinishBlack - FMS01-B1FINISH OPTIONBFAV550BFV157BFV348ACV53ACV73BFV53BFV353BFV357Mount tilts and swivelswithout tools for simpleviewing angle adjustmentsBlackConceals smaller AVcomponents behindpillar with tool freeconnections for aclean appearanceweight capacityLook for the FMS icon onall compatible furnitureand accessories130 lbs. / 59 kgFMS01 with BFAV48Scan here or visitsanus.com/fms formore informationMount height can beadjusted up to 10 inchesensuring optimal TV heightEasily attaches to FMSCompatible AV furnitureand accessoriesProvides additional safetyand protection from accidentaltipping of TVfurniture SANUS Furniture Mount Systemwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601338

SANUS Accurate Series FurnitureShowcase your AV gear with contemporary stylefurnitureStrong steel pillars support sleek black shelves to hold virtuallyany AV system, including traditional and flat-panel TVs. Our AccurateSeries features easy-to-assemble stands to keep AV componentscool and organized with open architecture and cable managementchannels, creating a functional, modern piece that will complementyour décor without breaking the bank.AFV48b / EF28bEasy-to-assemble units canbe built in minutesCable management holesconceal and route cables for aclean, organized appearanceHeavy-gauge tubular steel pillars provideincredible strength and rigidityOpen architecture allows unrestrictedairflow to keep AV components coolModel AFV48Three-Shelf Widescreen TV/AV StandDimensions (w x d x h)48" x 18.5" x 23.5"122 x 47 x 59.75 cmTop Shelf size48" x 18.5"122 x 47 cmmid Shelf size46" x 17.5"116.25 x 44.5 cmbottom Shelf size46" x 17.5"116.25 x 44.5 cmFinishBlack – AFV48bW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 200 lbs / 90.75 kg | Mid Shelf – 200 lbs / 90.75 kg |featuresOpen architecture allowsmaximum airflow to AV gearBottom Shelf – 200 lbs / 90.75 kgModel AFAFour-Shelf TV/AV StandFINISH OPTIONBlackDimensions (w x d x h)25.5" x 20" x 33"64.75 x 50.8 x 83.75 cmTop Shelf size25.5" x 20"64.75 x 50.75 cmmid Shelf size23" x 19.5"58.5 x 49.5 cmbottom Shelf size23" x 19.5"58.5 x 49.5 cmFinishBlack – AFAbW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 100 lbs / 45.25 kg | Mid Shelves – 75 lbs / 34 kg |featuresOpen architecture allowsmaximum airflow to AV gearBottom Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kgSANUS Accurate SeriesModel AFV48b shownwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601340

SANUS Alabaster CollectionA premium offering from SANUSFeaturing versatile design and premium craftsmanship, theSANUS Alabaster Collection combines style and technologyinto three elegant audio video furniture offerings.Completely pre-assembled, each piece is handcrafted,boasting high-quality hardwood construction. With atool-free removable back panel, adjustable height shelvesand an optional rack rail accessory kit, the AlabasterCollection is designed to enhance your AV experience.Handcrafted AV cabinet comprisedof high-quality hardwoods and woodveneersConcealed casters within feet stay hidden yetoffer easy mobility to access rear of furniturePremium, slow-close hardware ensuresdoors close soft and smoothlyIncluded six-outlet power stripsaves space and provides aneat appearanceMost of the Alabaster furniture Collectionis compatible with the FMS mount kit fora no-drill mounting solutionInnovative cable management allowscables to pass discreetly throughcabinet and remain hidden from viewVented shelves promote proper airflow to keepAV components cool for optimal performanceTool-free removable back panel provideseasy access to the back of componentsPull-out bottom shelfsimplifies installationof heavy componentsMost of the Alabaster furniture Collectionis compatible with the ELM701 safteystrap for added safetyACA42 / ACV53 / ACV73NEW NEWSANUS Alabaster CollectionModelACV5353" AV Media ConsoleDimensions (w x d x h)53" x 23" x 22.75"134.6 x 58.4 x 57.8 cmTop Shelf Size(w x d)53" x 23"134.6 x 58.4 cmMID Shelf Size(w x d)19.3" x 20.7"49 x 52.6 cmBottom Shelf Size(w x d)19.3" x 20.7"49 x 52.6 cmFinishCarmel - ACV53-CA1Charcoal - ACV53-CC1TV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EModelACV7373" AV Media ConsoleDimensions (w x d x h)73" x 23" x 22.75"185.4 x 58.4 x 57.8 cmTop Shelf Size(w x d)73" x 23"185.4 x 58.4 cmMID Shelf Size(w x d)19.3" x 20.5"49 x 52.1 cmBottom Shelf Size(w x d)19.3" x 20.5"49 x 52.1 cmFinishCarmel - ACV73-CA1Charcoal - ACV73-CC1TV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L ETool-free removableback panel provideseasy access to theback of componentsPull-out bottom shelfsimplifies installationof heavy componentsFINISH OPTIONS Carmel CharcoalVented shelves promoteproper airflow to keepAV components cool foroptimal performanceVented shelves promoteproper airflow to keepAV components cool foroptimal performanceInnovative cable managementallows cables to passdiscreetly through cabinetand remain hidden from viewInnovative cablemanagement allowscables to pass discreetlythrough cabinetIncluded six-outlet power stripsaves space and provides aneat appearanceTool-free removable backpanel provides easy accessto the back of componentsConcealed casters withinfeet stay hidden yet offereasy mobility to accessrear of furnitureweight capacity Top Shelf – 130 lbs. / 59 kg Mid Shelves – 50 lbs. / 22 kg Bottom Shelf – 100 lbs. / 44 kgConcealed casters withinfeet stay hidden yet offereasy mobility to access rearof furnitureweight capacity Top Shelf – 150 lbs. / 66 kg Mid Shelves – 50 lbs. / 22 kg Bottom Shelf – 100 lbs. / 44 kgfurniture SANUS Alabaster Collectionwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601342

NEWSANUS Alabaster CollectionModelACA4242" AV CabinetDimensions (w x d x h)23.6" x 24" x 42.5"59.9 x 61 x 108 cmTop Shelf Size(w x d)23" x 24"58.4 x 61 cmMID Shelf Size(w x d)19.3" x 21.7"49 x 55.1 cmBottom Shelf Size(w x d)19.3" x 21.7"49 x 55.1 cmFinishCarmel - ACA42-CA1Charcoal - ACA42-CC1Vented shelves promoteproper airflow to keepAV components cool foroptimal performancePremium, slow-closehardware ensures doorsclose soft and smoothlyHinged top shelf easily liftsup for access to dedicatedturntable storage shelffurnitureTool-free removableback panel provideseasy access to theback of componentsConcealed casters within feet stayhidden yet offer easy mobility toaccess rear of furnitureweight capacity Mid Shelves – 50 lbs. / 22 kg Bottom Shelf – 100 lbs. / 44 kgModel ACADA Wood Door Insert Model ACADV Wood Door Insert Model ACRR Single Bay Rack Rail KitFinishCarmel – ACADA-CA1Charcoal – ACADA-CC1FeaturesDoor insert for ACA42 audio cabinetFinishCarmel – ACADV-CA1Charcoal – ACADV-CC1FeaturesDoor insert for ACV53 andACV73 media consolesFinishBlack – ACRR-B1FeaturesCompatible with any AlabasterCollection furnitureFINISH OPTIONS Carmel Charcoal BlackSANUS Alabaster CollectionModel ACA42-CC1 shownModel ACV73-CA1 shown44

SANUS Basic Series FurnitureExpertly crafted for high performance and superior valueSANUS Foundations Basic Series furniture adds a contemporary feel toany room. These solid pieces feature tempered glass for added strength andshatter resistance, open architecture for unrestricted airflow, and generouscable management channels to support even the largest AV systems.NEWSANUS Basic Series FurnitureModelBFV353Five-Shelf TV/AV StandDimensions (w x d x h)53" x 19.5" x 23.3"134.6 x 49.5 x 59.2 cmTop Shelf Size (w x d)53" x 19.5"134.6 x 49.53 cmMid Shelf Size (w x d)46" x 18.6"116.8 x 47.2 cmTransitional design complimentsany room décorCable managementsystem organizes andkeeps cables hiddenfurnitureBFV145-B1 / BF31bBottom Shelf Size (w x d)18.3" x 18.6"49.5 x 47.2 cmFinishGunmetal - BFV353-GM1Generous cable managementholes keep cables hidden andorganized behind furnitureAdjustable feet ensure furnitureis level on any surfaceMost of the Basic furnitureseries is compatible with theFMS mount kit for a no-drillmounting solutionTempered-glass shelves are shatterresistant for added strength and safetyTV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EAdjustable feetensure furniture islevel on any surfaceMedia storage basket helpskeep remotes and otheraccessories organizedweight capacity Top Shelf – 100 lbs. / 45 kg Mid Shelf – 50 lbs. / 23 kg Bottom Shelf – 75 lbs. / 34 kgNEWModelBFV357Three-Shelf TV/AV StandDimensions (w x d x h)57" x 20" x 23.6"144.8 x 50.8 x 59.9 cmThick tempered glass on a powdercoated steel frame providesdurability and lasting beautyOpen design maximizesairflow to equipment andprovides easy access toback of componentsTop Shelf Size (w x d)57" x 20"144.8 x 50.8 cmMid Shelf Size (w x d)47.1" x 17.8"119.5 x 45.3 cmBottom Shelf Size (w x d)47.1" x 17.8"119.5 x 45.3 cmFinishGunmetal - BFV353-GM1Cable managementsystem organizes andkeeps cables hiddenTV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EFINISH OPTIONSGunmetalAdjustable feet ensure furnitureis level on any surfaceweight capacity Top Shelf – 125 lbs. / 56.7 kg Mid Shelf – 50 lbs. / 23 kg Bottom Shelf – 75 lbs. / 34 kgSANUS Basic SeriesModel BFV53 shown46

NEWSANUS Basic Series FurnitureModelBFV5353" TV/AV StandDimensions (w x d x h)59.1" x 20.2" x 25.8"150.1 x 51.3 x 65.5 cmTop Shelf Size(w x d)53" x 15.6"134.6 x 39.6 cmMID Shelf Size(w x d)46" x 17.6"116.8 x 44.7 cmBottom Shelf Size(w x d)50" x 20.2"127 x 51.3 cmFinishGraphite - BFV53-G1TV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EModel bfav48Model BFav550Three-Shelf Corner AV StandThree-Shelf Flat-Panel AV StandDimensions (w x d x h)47.8" x 20.5" x 30.2"121.4 x 52.1 x 76.7 cmTop Shelf size47.8" x 20"121.4 x 52.1Dimensions (w x d x h)50" x 20.4" x 22"127 x 51.8 x 55.9 cmTop Shelf size40" x 15"101.6 x 38.1 cmOpen design maximizes airflowto equipment and provides easyaccess to back of componentsAdjustable feet keep TV level onuneven floors for improved stabilitymid Shelves size25.3" x 17.5"64.3 x 44.5 cmbottom Shelf size25.3" x 17.5"64.3 x 44.5 cmmid Shelf size44.5" x 15.7"113 x 39.9 cmbottom Shelf size50" x 18.9"127 x 48 cmBFAV48, BFAV550 BFAV48, BFAV550 BFV53FinishChestnut – BFAV48-CN1Chocolate – BFAV48-CH1featuresVented shelvesallow heated airto escapeFinishChestnut – BFAV550-CN1Chocolate – BFAV550-CH1Generous cablemanagement holes keepAV cables organizedbehind furnitureThick smoked temperedglass on powder coatedheavy gauge steel providesdurability and styleweight capacity Top Shelf – 125 lbs. / 56.7 kg Mid Shelves – 50 lbs. / 22 kg Bottom Shelf – 75 lbs. / 34 kgW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 150 lbs / 68 kg | Mid Shelves – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |W wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kg | Mid Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |FINISH OPTIONS Chestnut Chocolate Graphitefeatures (cont.)Quick and easyassembly withouttoolsDeep shelfcapacityfeaturesGenerous cablemanagementchannelsUnrestrictedairflow to keepAV gear coolTV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EBottom Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kgTV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EBottom Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kgSANUS Basic Series FurnitureModel BFV348Model BFV157Model BFV546Model BFav344Model BFV145Three-Shelf Antiqued AV StandDimensions (w x d x h)47.8" x 22.9" x 31.5"121.4 x 58.2 x 80 cmTop Shelf size47.8" x 22.9"121.4 x 58.2 cmThree-Shelf AV Stand With StorageDimensions (w x d x h)57.1" x 19.7" x 23"145 x 50 x 58.6 cmTop Shelf size57.1" x 19.7"145 x 50 cmSix-Shelf AV Stand With DrawersThree-Shelf Flat-Panel AV StandAudio Video StandDimensions (w x d x h)46.1" x 19.5" x 24.7"117.1 x 49.5 x 62.7 cmTop Shelf size46.1" x 18.7"117.1 x 47.5 cmDimensions (w x d x h)44" x 19" x 23"111.8 x 48.3 x 58.4 cmTop Shelf size44" x 19"111.8 x 48.3 cmDimensions (w x d x h)46.3" x 17.7" x 21.1"110.7 x 45 x 53.6 cmTop Shelf size46.2" x 17.7"117.3 x 45 cmmid Shelf size19.2" x 16.7"48.6 x 42.3 cmbottom Shelf size19.2" x 16.7"48.6 x 42.3 cmmid Shelf size36" x 15.9"91.4 x 40.5 cmbottom Shelf size36" x 15.9"91.4 x 40.5 cmmid Shelf size19.8" x 16.2"50.3 x 41.1 cmmid Shelf size35.2" x 17"89.4 x 43.2 cmbottom Shelf size35.2" x 17"89.4 x 43.2 cmmid Shelf size37.4" x 15.4"95 x 39.1 cmbottom Shelf size37.4" x 15.4"95 x 39.1 cmFinishAntique Black -BFV157-ab1featuresRemovable back panelAdjustable shelvesW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 130 lbs / 59 kg | Mid Shelf – 50 lbs / 22 kg |FinishCoffee - BFV157-CO1featuresIncludes mediastorage boxAdjustable feetW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 130 lbs / 59 kg | Mid Shelf – 50 lbs / 22 kg |FinishWalnut - BFV546-WA1featuresIncludes dual pull-outmedia drawersRemovable back panelW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 130 lbs / 59 kg | Mid Shelf – 50 lbs / 22 kg |FinishBlack – BFAV344-B1featuresGenerous cablemanagement channelsW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.7 kg | Mid Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |FinishBlack – BFV145-B1featuresStrong and shatterresistant shelvesAdjustable feetW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 150 lbs / 68 kg | Mid Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |FINISH OPTIONS Antique Black Coffee Walnut Blackfeatures (cont.)Vented shelves allowheated air to escapeBottom Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kgfeatures (cont.)Unrestricted airflowto keep AV gear coolBottom Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kgfeatures (cont.)Adjustable feetBottom Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kgfeatures (cont.)Unrestrictedairflow to keepAV gear coolAdjustable feetfeatures (cont.)Generous cablemanagementchannelsUnrestricted airflowto keep AV gear coolBottom Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kgBFV348 BFV157 BFV546 BFAV344, BFV145TV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L ETV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L ETV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L ETV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EBottom Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kgTV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L Efurniture SANUS Basic Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.601348

SANUS Designer Series FurnitureSpecially engineered for style and functionalityfurnitureThe Designer Series lives up to its name – this sleek line was designedexclusively for the SANUS brand by Cramer Studio. Each piece featuresan innovative construction of hardwood with a rich chestnut or chocolatefinish and smoked tempered-glass. This unique design gives AV gear anenclosed look without blocking infrared remote signals. All DesignerSeries components now also feature easier assembly.DFAV230 / NF36Smoked tempered-glass gives AV gearan enclosed look without blockinginfrared remote control signalsSpacious shelves designed tofit the largest AV gearUnique convection cooling system allowsheated air to escape through top ascooler air is drawn in through bottomQuick-release removable back panel liftsout effortlessly, allowing easy access toAV components for wiringModel DFV50Three-Shelf Audio/Video Component StandDimensions (w x d x h)49.3" x 22" x 22.8"125 x 55.9 x 57.8 cmTop Shelf size49.3" x 22"125 x 55.9 cmmid Shelf size43.5" x 17.8"110.5 x 45 cmbottom Shelf size43.5" x 17.8"110.5 x 45 cmFinishChestnut – DFV50-CN1Chocolate – DFV50-CH1featuresConvection coolingsystems keeps AVgear coolW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 150 lbs / 68 kg | Mid Shelf – 70 lbs / 31.8 kg |featuresSmoked temperedglasswon't blockremote controlsignalsTV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EBottom Shelf – 70 lbs / 31.8 kgModel DFAV230Four-Shelf Audio/Video Component StandTV ANTI-TIP STRAPDimensions (w x d x h)31.3" x 22" x 30.8"79.4 x 55.9 x 78.1 cmTop Shelf size31.3" x 22"79.4 x 55.9FINISH OPTIONS Chestnut Chocolatemid Shelf size26.5" x 17.8"67.3 x 45bottom Shelf size26.5" x 17.8"67.3 x 45FinishChestnut – DFAV230-CN1Chocolate – DFAV230-CH1W wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelves – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg |featuresConvection coolingsystems keeps AVgear coolSmoked tempered-glasswon't block remotecontrol signalsC O M PAT I B L EBottom Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kgSANUS Designer SeriesModel DFV50-CN1 shown with SANUS Furniture Mount System model FMS01-B1www.sanus.com • 952.225.601350

SANUS Flat-Panel Series FurnitureSleek lines and innovative structure supportlarge TVs with gracefurnitureSANUS Foundations Flat Panel Series TV stands are the perfectalternative when wall mounting is not possible. This sleek, modern lineoffers extra-strong aluminum construction and thick tempered-glassshelves to support nearly any combination of AV components.Features include an integrated cable management channel andthe patented Virtual Axis fingertip tilting technology.PFFPb / HTB4bStrong tempered-glass shelves areheight adjustable to accommodateany AV gear arrangementIntegrated cable channel concealsand routes cables inside column fora clean appearanceTempered-glass is heat-treatedfor strength and safetyIncluded flat-panel TV mount featuresVirtual Axis technology for smoothfingertip tilting motionModel PFFP2Two-Shelf Flat-Panel/Plasma Stand holds 30"–50" large flat-panel TVsDimensions (w x d x h)43.25" x 23.25" x 48.75"109.9 x 59.1 x 123.8 cmmid Shelf size30.25" x 16.5"76.8 x 41.9 cmFinishSilver/Black – PFFP2bfeaturesTilt ±12°Top Shelf size24.25" x 16.5"61.6 x 41.9 cmbottom Shelf size43.25" x 23.25"109.9 x 59.1 cmW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg | Mid Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |Bottom Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kgModel PFFPFlat-Panel/Plasma TV Stand holds 30"–50" large flat-panel TVsDimensions (w x d x h)43.25" x 23.25" x 43.75"109.9 x 59.1 x 111.2 cmTop Shelf size35" x 17"89 x 43.25 cmFINISH OPTIONS Low Luster Black Silver/BlackPFFPPFFP2mid Shelf sizen/an/abottom Shelf size43.25" x 23.25"109.9 x 59.1 cmFinishLow Luster Black – PFFPbW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg | Bottom Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kgfeaturesTilt ±12°www.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model PFFP2b shownSANUS Flat-Panel Series52

SANUS Java Series FurnitureVersatile design supports any combination of AV gearfurnitureThe Java Series JFV60 can be placed on the floor or mounted on the wall,making it one of the most versatile AV cabinets on the market. This flexiblepiece includes a steel back plate for mounting the unit to wall studs andeasily attachable feet for placing it on the floor. The sturdy JFV60 supportsup to 350 lbs of AV equipment when the unit is on the floor, and offers rearcable management channels to conceal and route cabling for a cleanand flawless appearance.JFV60-CH1Supports up to 200 lbs when mounted on walland up to 350 lbs when placed on floorSliding glass doors give AV gearan enclosed look without blockinginfrared remote control signalsAttachable feet allow unit to be placedon floor, providing ultimate flexibilityEasily removed back panels and rearcable management channels keepcables hidden and organized for aflawless appearanceModel JFV60Dual-purpose AV cabinet for components and TVs up to 63" (Supports up to 63" TV on floor)Dimensions (w x d x h)60.25" x 19.92" x 18.2"153 x 50.6 x 46.3 cmTop Shelf size60.25" x 19.9"153 x 48.3 cmmid Shelf size18.9" x 17.7"48 x 45 cmbottom Shelf size18.9" x 17.5"48 x 44.4 cmFinishEspresso – JFV60-E1Chocolate – JFV60-CH1featuresRear cable managementchannelsfeatures (cont.)Includes removablefeet for floorplacementIncludes steelback platefor wall mountingTV ANTI-TIP STRAPC O M PAT I B L EW wEIGHT CAPACITY On Floor – 350 lbs / 158.8 kg |Wall Mounted – 200 lbs / 90.7 kgFINISH OPTIONS Espresso ChocolateSANUS Java Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model JFV60-E1 shown with SANUS VisionMount model VLF210-B154

SANUS Natural Series FurnitureSolid hardwood and steel accents put a modernspin on a classic designThe beautiful Natural Series line was carefully crafted using solidhardwood, extra-thick tempered-glass and rigid steel hardware forSANUS Natural Series FurnitureModel NFV249Three-Shelf Audio/Video StandDimensions (w x d x h)49" x 19" x 22.2"124.5 x 48.3 x 56.3 cmTop Shelf size49" x 19"124.5 x 48.3 cmmid Shelf size41" x 16.9"104 x 42.9 cmbottom Shelf size41" x 16.9"104 x 42.9 cmFinishBlack – NFV249-B1Cherry – NFV249-C1Mocha – NFV249-M01featuresSmoked tempered-glassshelves are strong and sturdyfurnitureincredible strength and durability. These classic stands feature openarchitecture to allow unrestricted airflow, keeping AV componentsW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 150lbs / 68 kg | Mid Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |Bottom Shelf – 80 lbs / 36.2 kgcool for optimal performance.Model NFAV230Four-Shelf Audio/Video StandNFAV230-MO1 / NF30bDimensions (w x d x h)30" x 18" x 29.9"76.2 x 45.7 x 75.9 cmTop Shelf size30" x 18"76.2 x 45.7 cmmid Shelf size30" x 15"76.2 x 38.1 cmbottom Shelf size30" x 15"76.2 x 38.1 cmFinishBlack – NFAV230-B1Cherry – NFAV230-C1Mocha – NFAV230-M01featuresSmoked tempered-glassshelves are strong and sturdyConcealed cable managementchannels protect and route cablesOpen architecture allowsunrestricted airflow to keepAV components coolW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 110 lbs / 49.9 kg | Mid Shelves – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |Model NFA245Five-Shelf Audio StandBottom Shelf – 70 lbs / 31.7 kgHardwood frame is beautiful andprovides long-lasting durabilityRear top shelf corners areangled, allowing furniture tofit tightly into cornersDimensions (w x d x h)26" x 22" x 45.1"66 x 56 x 114.6 cmTop Shelf size26" x 22"66 x 55.9 cmmid Shelf size18.5" x 19"47 x 48.2 cmbottom Shelf size18.5" x 19"47 x 48.2 cmFinishBlack – NFA245-B1Cherry – NFA245-C1Mocha – NFA245-M01featuresSmoked tempered-glassshelves are strong and sturdyW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 60 lbs / 27.2 kg | Mid Shelves – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |Bottom Shelf – 70 lbs / 31.7 kgFINISH OPTIONS Black Mocha CherrySANUS Natural SeriesModels NFA245-B1 and NFV249-B1 shown with SANUS Natural Series model NF30bwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601356

SANUS Steel Series FurnitureStrength and style in an affordable packageThe SANUS Steel Series was created to complement large TVs and hometheater components. Features include strong tempered-glass shelves, cablemanagement channels and adjustable-height feet. Each piece offers heavy-SANUS Steel Series FurnitureModel SFV265Three-Shelf Widescreen Lowboy; available in high-gloss blackDimensions (w x d x h)65" x 20.3" x 22.2"165 x 51.5 x 56.4 cmTop Shelf size65" x 20.3"165 x 51.5 cmmid Shelf size57.7" x 17.7"146 x 45 cmbottom Shelf size57.7" x 17.7"146 x 45 cmFinishHigh-Gloss Black– SFV265-B1featuresMesh back cover offers anenclosed look while allowingconstant airflow to AV gearfurnituregauge steel construction for extra strength as well as open architecture toW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 150 lbs / 68 kg | Mid Shelf – 100 lbs / 45 kg |Bottom Shelf – 100 lbs / 45.5 kgallow unrestricted airflow to AV components.Model SFV49Three-Shelf Widescreen TV/AV Stand; available in high-gloss blackSFV265-B1Dimensions (w x d x h)42.7" x 17.7" x 22"108.5 x 45 x 56 cmTop Shelf size42.7" x 17.7"108.5 x 45mid Shelf size42.5" x 17.8"108 x 45 cmbottom Shelf size42.5" x 17.5"108 x 45 cmFinishHigh-Gloss Black– SFV49bfeaturesMesh back cover offers anenclosed look while allowingconstant airflow to AV gearTempered-glass tops and shelvesare extra-thick for additionalsupport and safetyCable management path neatly hidesand safely routes wires and cablesW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 200 lbs / 90.75 kg | Mid Shelf – 70 lbs / 31.75 kg |Model SFA29Four-Shelf TV/AV Stand with adjustable shelves; available in high-gloss blackBottom Shelf – 70 lbs / 31.75 kgModel SFA29 features adjustable-heightshelves made of sturdy tempered glassAdjustable feet ensure level andsecure positioning on any floorDimensions (w x d x h)27.5" x 21.8" x 28.8"70 x 55.2 x 73.1 cmTop Shelf size27.5" x 21.8"70 x 55.2mid Shelf size17.75" x 19.8"45 x 50.2 cmbottom Shelf size17.75" x 19.8"45 x 50.2 cmFinishHigh-Gloss Black– SFA29bfeaturesMesh back cover offers anenclosed look while allowingconstant airflow to AV gearW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 125 lbs / 56.75 kg | Mid Shelves – 50 lbs / 22.75 kg |Bottom Shelf – 100 lbs / 45.5 kgFINISH OPTIONHigh-Gloss BlackSANUS Steel SeriesModel SFV265-B1 shown with SANUS Euro Series model EFSatbwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601358

SANUS Vertical Series FurnitureModern meets practical with Foundations Vertical SeriesThe Vertical Series combines the storage capacity of a cabinet with thediscreet look of a low-profile wall mount, creating a versatile, stylish piece thatcomplements any décor and streamlines any AV system. These wall-mountedSANUS Vertical Series FurnitureModel VF2022Two-Stud On-Wall Component ShelvingDimensions (w x d x h)39" x 18.3" x 21.25"99 x 46.4 x 53.9 cmTop Shelf size39" x 18.3"99 x 46.4 cmmid Shelf sizen/abottom Shelf size39" x 18"99 x 45.7 cmFinishBlack – VF2022-B1featuresNo need for in-wall wiringProSet post-installationheight adjustment forperfect positioningfurnitureAV stands feature adjustable tempered-glass shelves and generous cable and wireW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kg |Bottom Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kgmanagement channels, making them perfect for mounting directly under a TV.Model VF2012Single-Stud On-Wall Component ShelvingVF5022-B1Dimensions (w x d x h)24" x 18.3" x 21.3"61 x 46.4 x 54 cmTop Shelf size24" x 18.3"61 x 46.4 cmmid Shelf sizen/abottom Shelf size24" x 18"61 x 45.7 cmFinishBlack – VF2012-B1featuresNo need for in-wall wiringProSet post-installationheight adjustment forperfect positioningTop Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kg |W Top Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kg |W wEIGHT CAPACITY Bottom Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kg weight capacity 45 lbs / 20.4 kgStrong tempered-glass shelves can beVF5022 and VF5023 include interchangeableW wEIGHT CAPACITY Top Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kg |vertically adjusted to accommodateblack glass and mocha-finished back panelsany AV component arrangementto match any home décorModel vmA401 On-Wall Component ShelfDimensions (w x d x h) finish18" x 14.5" x 6.5"Black – VM401-B145.7 x 36.8 x 16.5 cmPost-installation height adjustmentGenerous cable managementmakes it easy to position furniturechannels conceal and route powerperfectly below a wall-mounted TVcables and signal wireswEIGHT CAPACITY Bottom Shelf – 75 lbs / 34 kg weight capacity 15 lbs / 6.8 kgThree-Shelf On-Wall Component ShelvingModel vmav AV Component Wall MountDimensions (w x d x h)38.4" x 20.8" x 31.5"97.5 x 52.8 x 80 cmTop Shelf size38.4" x 17"96.5 x 43.1 cmmid Shelf size38.4" x 17.4"96.5 x 44.2 cmbottom Shelf size38.4" x 17.4"96.5 x 44.2 cmFinishBlack & Mocha – VF5023-B1featuresIncludes 2 wood and 2 glassback panelsNo need for in-wall wiringProSet post-installationheight adjustment forperfect positioningDimensions (w x d x h)14.5" x 17.25" x 9"36.8 x 43.8 x 22.9 cmfinishBlack – VMAVb-01Two-Shelf On-Wall Component ShelvingDimensions (w x d x h) mid Shelf sizeFinishfeatures38.4" x 20.8" x 24"n/aBlack & Mocha – VF5022-B1 Includes 2 wood and 2 glass97.5 x 52.8 x 61 cmback panelsTop Shelf sizebottom Shelf sizeNo need for in-wall wiring38.4" x 17"38.4" x 17"ProSet post-installation96.5 x 43.1 cm96.5 x 43.1 cmheight adjustment forperfect positioningModel VF5023Model VF5022FINISH OPTIONS Black Mocha SilvrFINISH OPTIONBlackBottom Shelf – 50 lbs / 22.7 kgfeaturesCombine for amulti-shelf solutionSold as single unitsMounts to almost any wall -no studs requiredfeaturesMount arm pads cushion,protect and stabalizeAV componentsSANUS Vertical Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013www.sanus.com • 952.225.601360

SANUS Speaker Standsfeatures and benefits / innovative technologyOptional Speaker IsolationBrass studs or neoprene pads providesuperior speaker isolationStability On Any SurfaceSolid, high-mass constructionoffers stability on any surfaceProper Speaker Placementfor 5.1 surround sound home theatersMounting and positioning speakers correctly can be more important to sound quality than choosing components.For optimal sound, the tweeter should be at ear level. For most installations, the correct height is around 40 inches(give or take 5 inches). Key factors that affect this are the height of the listener and the height of the listener’s chair.speaker standsResonance Damping RingsIntegrated resonance damping ringsisolate speaker from vibrations for a clean,pure soundQuality Construction MaterialsEnergy-absorbing MDF, solid hardwoodor heavy-gauge steel construction increasessound quality by providing acoustic isolationFront and Center SpeakersPlace as close as possible to the sameheight, at or near ear levelAcoustic Isolation TechnologyAdjustable carpet spikes and polyester orrubber feet isolate speaker stand toreduce resonance and improve sound qualityWire Management PathLarge integrated wire path or concealed wirechannel organizes heavy-gauge cables30º 22º0º22º 30ºContemporary DesignUnique designs include heavy-gauge steel, solidhardwood and MDF for a speaker stand built toperform with no compromising on aestheticsAdjustable HeightAdjustable height allows speakers tobe placed at optimum listening level90º90º110º110ºEasy To AssembleEasy assembly can be completed inminutes with just a Phillips screwdriverResonance ReductionSome pillars can be filled with shot for addedstability and resonance reductionSurround SpeakerPlace slightly behind and above ear level andfacing horizontally (not down at the listener)30º 22º0º22º 30ºSource: www.dolby.com90º110º110º90ºSANUS Speaker StandsModel NF30b shown with SANUS Natural Series models NFA245-B1 and NFV249-B1www.sanus.com • 952.225.601364

SANUS Basic Series Speaker StandsSolid construction and classic design for superior sound qualitySimple yet stylish, Basic Series stands raise any speaker to the properlistening height for great performance at an affordable cost. Energy-absorbingMDF construction increases sound quality by providing heavy weight forresonance reduction, while sturdy carpet spikes and neoprene speaker padsprovide superior acoustic isolation for optimum sound quality.SANUS Basic Series Speaker StandsModel BF3131" tall with 5" x 5" top plate for small bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)11.7" x 11" x 31"29.7 x 28 x 78.7 cmtop plate6.5" x 6.5"16.5 x 16.5 cmbase plate11.7" x 11"29.7 x 28 cmFinishBlack – BF31bW wEIGHT CAPACITY 20 lbs / 9.1 kg |Model BF2424" tall with 6.5" x 6.5" top plate for medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsBookshelf speakerincludesSpikesIsolation padsTop platesspeaker standsBF31b / BFV145-B1Dimensions (w x d x h)11.7" x 11" x 24"29.7 x 28 x 70 cmtop plate6.5" x 6.5"16.5 x 16.5 cmbase plate11.7" x 11"29.7 x 28 cmFinishBlack – BF24bincludesSpikesIsolation padsTop platesPatented concealed wire path hideseven the largest wires from viewNeoprene speaker isolation padsprovide a soft, non-slip surfaceW wEIGHT CAPACITY 20 lbs / 9.1 kg | Bookshelf speakerModel BF16 16" tall with 7" x 7" top plate for medium-to-large bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsSturdy ABS plastic push-in spikes providea solid foundation on most any surfaceEnergy-absorbing MDF construction increasessound quality by reducing resonanceDimensions (w x d x h)11.7" x 11" x 16"29.7 x 28 x 40.6 cmtop plate6.5" x 6.5"16.5 x 16.5 cmbase plate11.7" x 11"29.7 x 28 cmFinishBlack – BF16bincludesSpikesIsolation padsTop platesW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerFINISH OPTIONBlackSANUS Basic SeriesModel BF24b shown with SANUS Accurate Series model AFV48bwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601366

SANUS Euro Series Speaker StandsElevating European design to a new height of performanceThe sleek, contemporary look of Euro Series stands complements modernspeakers while providing the superior performance demanded by audioenthusiasts. Each heavy gauge steel base is engineered for solid supportand includes adjustable floor spikes and custom screw-in rubber feet forstability and resonance reduction. Euro Series stands feature a concealed wiremanagement channel and rigid steel top plates for optimum sound.SANUS Euro Series Speaker Standsfor home theater speakers:Model EFSatAdjustable height with universal mounting plates; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)10.5" x 12" x 26"–42"26.7 x 30.5 x 66–106.6 cmtop plateSmall 2.5" x 3.25" 6.3-8.3cmMedium 5" x 5" 12.7 x12.7 cmL bracket 1.5" x 4" x 4.5"3.8 x 10.2 x 11.4 cmbase plate10.5" x 12"26.7 x 30.5 cmFinishBlack – EFSatbW wEIGHT CAPACITY 10 lbs / 4.5 kg | Home theater speakerincludesMedium top platesSmall top platesL-shaped speaker bracketsKlipsch Quintet & QuintletIII bracketsincludesKlipsch RS bracketsGallery bracketsPad feed andcarpet spikeesspeaker standsfor bookshelf speakers:EFSatb / SFV265-B1Model EF2828" tall with 5" x 5" top plate for small-to-medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsWire management path concealsand protects wires for a clean lookNeoprene speaker pads increase soundquality with acoustic isolationDimensions (w x d x h)10.5" x 12" x 28"26.7 x 30.5 x 71.1 cmtop plate5" x 5"12.7 x 12.7 cmbase plate13" x 13.25"33 x 33.5 cmFinishBlack – EF28bincludesLarge top platesRubber feetAdjustable carpet spikesW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerIncludes adjustable carpet spikes andrubber pads to isolate vibrationEFSat includes multiple top platesto fit most small speakersModel EF2424" tall with 6" x 6.5" top plate for small-to-medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)10.5" x 12" x 24"26.7 x 30.5 x 61 cmtop plate6" x 6.5"15.2 x 16.5 cmbase plate10.5" x 12"26.7 x 30.5 cmFinishBlack – EF24bincludesLarge top platesRubber pad feetAdjustable carpet spikesW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerModel EF2020" tall with 6" x 6.5" top plate for small-to-medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)10.5" x 12" x 20"26.7 x 30.5 x 50.8 cmtop plate6" x 6.5"15.2 x 16.5 cmbase plate10.5" x 12"26.7 x 30.5 cmFinishBlack – EF20bincludesLarge top platesRubber pad feetAdjustable carpet spikesW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerFINISH OPTIONBlackSANUS Euro SeriesModel EFsat shown with SANUS Steel Series model SFV265-B1www.sanus.com • 952.225.601368

SANUS HTB Series Speaker StandsIntegrate seamlessly into any home theater settingThe HTB Series is designed for today’s home-theater-in-a-box systems.Stands feature an angled heavy-gauge steel pillar with concealed wirepaths and adjustable height as well as optional carpet spikes and rubberSANUS HTB Series Speaker StandsModel HTB7Adjustable height with multiple top plates; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)9" x 10.4" x 27" – 39"23 x 26.4 x 68.6 – 96.5 cmbase plate9" x 10.4"23 x 26.4 cmMOUNTSFlat speaker mount2" x 2" 5.1 x 5.1 cmL-shaped speaker mount1.125" x 1.25" x 2" 2.9 x 3.2 x 5 cmDual-bolt speaker mount adapter3.6" x 1" 9.2 x 2.5 cmFinishBlack – HTB7-B1includesTelescoping pillarsFlat-speaker mountsL-shaped speaker mountsincludes (cont.)Dual-bolt speakermount adaptersQuickMount keyholeadaptersKlipsch Quintetspeaker mountsspeaker standspads for vibration isolation. Three different base options and multipleW wEIGHT CAPACITY 4 lbs / 1.8 kg |Home theater speakertop plate and mounting bracket options make them some of the mostversatile stands on the market.Model HTB4Adjustable height with multiple top plates; sold in pairsHTB4b / SFA29bDimensions (w x d x h)14.5" x 11" x 26" – 39"37 x 27.9 x 66 – 99.1 cmbase plate14.5" x 10.4"37 x 26.4MOUNTSFlat speaker mount2" x 2" 5.1 x 5.1 cmL-shaped speaker mount1.125" x 1.25" x 2" 2.9 x 3.2 x 5 cmDual-bolt speaker mount adapter3.6" x 1" 9.2 x 2.5 cmFinishBlack – HTB4bincludesTelescoping pillarsFlat-speaker mountsL-shaped speaker mountsincludes (cont.)Dual-bolt speakermount adaptersQuickMount keyholeadaptersKlipsch Quintetspeaker mountsQuickMount adapter allows easykeyhole mountingAdjustable height allows speakers tobe placed at optimum listening levelW wEIGHT CAPACITY 4 lbs / 1.8 kg | Home theater speakerModel HTB3 Adjustable height with multiple top plates; sold in pairsIncludes brackets and topplates to fit most small speakersConcealed wire path hides wires from viewfor a clean and organized appearanceDimensions (w x d x h)6.5" x 11.8" x 26" – 39"16.5 x 29.9 x 66 – 99.1 cmbase plate6.5" x 11.8"16.5 x 29.9 cmMOUNTSFlat speaker mount2" x 2" 5.1 x 5.1 cmL-shaped speaker mount1.125" x 1.25" x 2" 2.9 x 3.2 x 5 cmDual-bolt speaker mount adapter3.6" x 1" 9.2 x 2.5 cmFinishBlack – HTB3-B1includesTelescoping pillarsFlat-speaker mountsL-shaped speaker mountsincludes (cont.)Dual-bolt speakermount adaptersQuickMount keyholeadaptersW wEIGHT CAPACITY 4 lbs / 1.8 kg |Home theater speakerFINISH OPTIONBlackSANUS HTB SeriesModel HTB7 shown with SANUS Steel Series model SFV49www.sanus.com • 952.225.601370

SANUS Hover Series Speaker StandsThe first speaker stand designed to meet Dolby Laboratories’ specificationsThe proper positioning of home theater satellite speakers is not as obvious as it seems. While many peopleenjoy sound reproduced from speakers at ear level, the correct positioning, according to Dolby Laboratories,is actually several feet above ear level. Enter Hover Series. These heavy-duty cast iron and steel speaker standsare the first ever that meet the placement guidelines of Dolby Laboratories. And they do so withrugged construction designed to hold speakers up to 10 lbs and include features such as adjustable heightand a concealed wire management path. Plus, Hover Series stands include both straight and angled pillarsfor Dolby surround or direct listening. Get ready to hear what Dolby Digital really sounds like.speaker standsHF1 / SFA29Concealed wire path hideswires from view for a cleanand organized appearanceAdjustable height allowsspeakers to be placed atoptimum listening levelIncludes top plates and bracketsto fit most small speakersIncludes both angled and straight pillarsfor Dolby surround or direct listeningModel HF1Adjustable height for rear surround speakers; sold in pairsFINISH OPTIONDimensions (w x d x h)9" x 15" x 36" – 58" (straight)23 x 38 x 91.4 – 150 cm9" x 15" x 41" – 58" (angled)23 x 38 x 104.1 – 150 cmbase plate9" x 15"23 x 38 cmBlackFinishBlack – HF1bMOUNTSSmall speaker mount 2.5" x 3.25" 6.25 x 8.3 cmMedium speaker mount 5" x 5" 12.7 x 12.7 cmL-shaped speaker mount 1.5" x 4" x 4.5" 3.8 x 10 x 11.4 cmKlipsch Quintet speaker mount 1.5" x 3.25" 3.8 x 8.3 cmKlipsch RS speaker mount 2" x 4 5.1 x 10 cmThreaded rod speaker mount 1.5" h 3.8 cmW wEIGHT CAPACITY 10 lbs / 4.5 kg | Surround speakerincludesStraight telescoping pillars Threaded rod speaker mountsAngled telescoping pillars Rubber pad feetSmall speaker mounts Adjustable carpet spike feetMedium speaker mountsL-shaped speaker mountsKlipsch Quintet speaker mountsKlipsch RS speaker mountsSANUS Hover Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model HF1b shown72

SANUS Natural Series Speaker StandsSupport speakers with the beauty of real hardwoodOur Natural Series speaker stands are constructed of beautiful hardwood for anorganic, subtle look that will blend nicely with surrounding furniture. Each standfeatures a black lacquered base and top plate constructed of energy-absorbingMDF for optimal sound quality, separated by a hardwood pillar available in threefinishes. With a concealed wire management channel, optional isolation studsand two foot options, it’s a natural choice for any home theater.SANUS Natural Series Speaker Standsfor bookshelf speakers:Model NF36Model NF3036" tall with 6" x 6" top plate for small bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)10.5" x 11.75" x 36"26.7 x 30 x 91.4 cmtop plate6" x 6"15.2 x 15.2 cmbase plate10.5" x 11.75"26.7 x 30 cmFinishBlack – NF36bCherry – NF36cMocha – NF36moW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |30" tall with 6" x 6" top plate for small bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsBookshelf speakerincludesAdjustable carpet spikesPlastic isolation feetTop platesspeaker standsCenter-channel stand tilts speaker tofocus sound using adjustable studsor neoprene speaker padsAdjustable carpet spikes orscrew-in polyester feet addstability on any surfaceNF24mo / NF249moDimensions (w x d x h)10.5" x 11.75" x 30"26.7 x 30 x 76.2 cmtop plate6" x 6"15.2 x 15.2 cmbase plate10.5" x 11.75"26.7 x 30 cmFinishBlack – NF30bCherry – NF30cMocha – NF30moW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerincludesAdjustable carpet spikesPlastic isolation feetTop platesModel NF2424" tall with 7.5" x 7.5" top plate for medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsSpeaker Stand features a moderndesign that is both elegant andacoustically superiorPatented wire management patheasily organizes and conceals eventhe largest wiresDimensions (w x d x h)10.5" x 11.75" x 24"26.7 x 30 x 61 cmtop plate7.5" x 7.5"19 x 19 cmbase plate10.5" x 11.75"26.7 x 30 cmFinishBlack – NF24bCherry – NF24cMocha – NF24moW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerincludesAdjustable carpet spikesPlastic isolation feetTop platesModel NF1818" tall with 7.5" x 7.5" top plate for medium-to-large bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsfor center-channel speakers:Model NFC1818" tall with 14" x 8" top plate for center-channel speakersDimensions (w x d x h)10.5" x 11.75" x 18"26.7 x 30 x 45.7 cmtop plate7.5" x 7.5"19 x 19 cmbase plate10.5" x 11.75"26.7 x 30 cmFinishBlack – NF18bCherry – NF18cMocha – NF18moW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerincludesAdjustable carpet spikesPlastic isolation feetTop platesDimensions (w x d x h)18" x 11.8" x 18"45.7 x 29.8 x 45.7 cmtop plate14" x 8"35.6 x 20.3 cmbase plate18" x 11.75"45.7 x 30 cmFinishBlack – NFC18bCherry – NFC18cMocha – NFC18-MOW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg | Center-channel speakerincludesAdjustable carpet spikesPlastic isolation feetTop plates withadjustable studsFINISH OPTIONS Black Cherry Mocha FINISH OPTIONS Black Cherry MochaSANUS Natural Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.601374

SANUS Steel Series Speaker StandsThe perfect home theater solutionThe ultimate speaker stands for serious audiophiles, each SteelSeries stand features a heavy-gauge steel base and twin heavy-gaugesteel pillars, which can be filled with sand or shot for added mass andsuperior vibration reduction. This heavy foundation is isolated from thetop plate by cork resonance damping rings, resulting in an ultra-solidstand for superior acoustics.SANUS Steel Series Speaker Standsfor bookshelf speakers:Model SF3434" tall with 6" x 6.5" top plate for small-to-medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)11.75" x 14.75" x 34"29.8 x 37.5 x 86.4 cmtop plate6" x 6.5"15.2 x 16.5 cmbase plate11.75" x 14.75"29.8 x 37.5 cmFinishBlack – SF34-B1W wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerincludesAdjustable carpet spikesRubber feetTop platesspeaker standsModel SF3030" tall with 6" x 6.5" top plate for small-to-medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsSF26b / DFV50-CN1Dimensions (w x d x h)11.75" x 14.75" x 30"29.8 x 37.5 x 76.2 cmtop plate6" x 6.5"15.2 x 16.5 cmbase plate11.75" x 14.75"29.8 x 37.5 cmFinishBlack – SF30-B1includesAdjustable carpet spikesRubber feetTop platesHeavy-gauge steel construction providesextreme rigidity and stabilityLarge heavyweight base includescarpet spikes and rubber feet forultimate stability on any surfaceW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Bookshelf speakerModel SF2626" tall with 6" x 6.5" top plate for medium-to-large bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsCenter-channel stand tilts speaker tofocus sound using adjustable studs orneoprene speaker padsCork resonance damping ringsisolate vibrations to help providesuperior acousticsDimensions (w x d x h)11.75" x 14.75" x 26"29.8 x 37.5 x 66 cmtop plate6" x 6.5"15.2 x 16.5 cmbase plate11.75" x 14.75"29.8 x 37.5 cmFinishBlack – SF26-B1includesAdjustable carpet spikesRubber feetTop platesfor center-channel speakersW wEIGHT CAPACITY 35 lbs / 15.9 kg |Bookshelf speakerModel SFC2222" tall with 14" x 8" top plate for center-channel speakersModel SF2222" tall with 8" x 8.5" top plate for medium-to-large bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)14.75" x 11.75" x 22"37.5 x 29.8 x 56 cmtop plate14" x 8"35.6 x 20.3 cmbase plate14.75" x 11.75"37.5 x 29.8 cmFinishBlack – SFC22-B1includesAdjustable carpet spikesRubber feetTop plateDimensions (w x d x h)11.75" x 14.75" x 22"29.8 x 37.5 x 56 cmtop plate8" x 8.5"20.3 x 21.6 cmbase plate11.75" x 14.75"29.8 x 37.5 cmFinishBlack – SF22-B1includesAdjustable carpet spikesRubber feetTop platesW wEIGHT CAPACITY 35 lbs / 15.9 kg |Center-channel speakerW wEIGHT CAPACITY 35 lbs / 15.9 kg |Bookshelf speakerModel SFC1818" tall with 14" x 8" top plate for center-channel speakersFINISH OPTIONBlackDimensions (w x d x h)14.75" x 11.75" x 18"37.5 x 29.8 x 45.7 cmtop plate14" x 8"35.6 x 20.3 cmbase plate14.75" x 11.75"37.5 x 29.8 cmFinishBlack – SFC18-B1W wEIGHT CAPACITY 35 lbs / 15.9 kg | Center-channel speakerincludesAdjustable carpet spikesRubber feetTop plateSANUS Steel Serieswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013 www.sanus.com • 952.225.601376

SANUS Ultimate Series Speaker StandsThe ultimate acoustics for a true audiophile experienceWhen SANUS engineers and Cramer Studio set out to design the UltimateSeries, they left no stone unturned in their quest for acoustic perfection.Each stand features an extra-heavy base, three heavy-gauge steel pillarsand a top plate, creating a speaker stand weighing more than 80 lbs. Thissolid structure allows superior acoustic isolation and resonance dampingfor the clearest, cleanest sound possible.SANUS Ultimate Series Speaker StandsModel UF3434" tall with 6" x 6.5" top plate for medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)13" x 13.25" x 34"33 x 33.5 x 86.4 cmtop plate6" x 6.5"15.2 x 16.5 cmbase plate13" x 13.25"33 x 33.5 cmFinishSpackled Gray – UF34W wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg |Model UF3030" tall with 6" x 6.5" top plate for medium bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsBookshelf speakerincludesCarpet spikesRubber feetTop platesspeaker standsUF34 / PFFPbDimensions (w x d x h)13" x 13.25" x 30"33 x 33.5 x 76.2 cmtop plate6" x 6.5"15.2 x 16.5 cmbase plate13" x 13.25"33 x 33.5 cmFinishSpackled Gray – UF30includesCarpet spikesRubber feetTop platesWide triangular Nustone base withrubber pads or carpet spikes providessuperior stability on any surfaceIntegrated Poron ® rings isolate speakerstand from vibrations in the floorW wEIGHT CAPACITY 25 lbs / 11.3 kg | Bookshelf speakerModel UF26 26" tall with 6" x 6.5" top plate for medium-to-large bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsCork resonance damping rings reducevibration for the clearest soundSteel pillars can be filled with shotor sand for added stabilityDimensions (w x d x h)13" x 13.25" x 26"33 x 33.5 x 66 cmtop plate6" x 6.5"15.2 x 16.5 cmbase plate13" x 13.25"33 x 33.5 cmFinishSpackled Gray – UF26includesCarpet spikesRubber feetTop platesW wEIGHT CAPACITY 35 lbs / 16 kg |Bookshelf speakerModel UF2222" tall with 8" x 8.5" top plate for medium-to-large bookshelf speakers; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)13" x 13.25" x 22"33 x 33.5 x 56 cmtop plate8" x 8.5"20.3 x 21.59 cmbase plate13" x 13.25"33 x 33.5 cmFinishSpackled Gray – UF22includesCarpet spikesRubber feetTop platesW wEIGHT CAPACITY 35 lbs / 16 kg | Bookshelf speakerFINISH OPTIONBlackSANUS Ultimate SeriesModel UF30 shown with SANUS Basic Series model BFAV344-B1www.sanus.com • 952.225.601378

SANUS Mountsfeatures and benefits / innovative technologyWhy Mount Your TVmountsSuper Slim Mounts – Complement thesleek look of ultra-thin TVs by placing themless than an inch from the wallClickStand – Holds TV away from wall for easy cablemaintenance, then clicks securely back onto wall plateBest Viewing AngleFollowThru – An in-arm cable managementchannel that protects and conceals cables—eventhrough the elbow—for a truly flawless lookVirtual Axis 3D – Available with MF202, MF209,MF215, MD115 and MC1A, this patented technologyallows the mount and TV to move easily in everydirection possible with totally fluid motionGet the most out of your flat-panel TV by mounting it onthe wall for optimal performance. SANUS wall mountscan extend, tilt and swivel, making it easy to find the bestviewing angle and reduce glare from lights or windows.Universal by Design – Mounting bracketsfeatured on many mounts are designed withmultiple holes to fit virtually any LED, LCDor plasma TVTool-free Adjustments – Available on tilting andfull-motion mounts to enable your TV to tilt and swiveleasily while maintaining the perfect viewing angle, allwithout the use of toolsCable Management – Wires andcables are easily routed, keeping themconcealed and organizedVirtual Axis – A patented technology thatallows smooth, effortless tilting motion. Andbecause it balances the TV’s weight on itself,you can move it with the push of a fingerSpace & StyleYou can create valuable space on top of furniture, orremove your furniture altogether for a clean, modern lookin any room. Mounting your TV on the wall and out of theway is a great way to emphasize its sleek, thin design.QuickConnect – Connect and secureTV to wall plate in one easy movementLateral Shift – Allows horizontal movementof mounting brackets on wall plate for perfectTV placement, even with off-center studsUL Listing – A nationally recognized safetystandard listing granted to most SANUS mountsafter rigorous weight capacity and angle hangingtests by Underwriters Laboratories ® Inc.Easy Installation – Complete in just minutes1. Attach wall plate to wall2. Attach brackets to TV3. Hang TV on wall plateIncreased SafetyProtect your family by mounting your flat-panelTV securely on the wall. It's a smart and secureway to prevent accidental bumping or tipping.proset technologyVisit TVsafety.org to learn about theSANUS safety initiative.PROBLEMTV does not appear levelwith its surroundingsSOLUTIONExclusive ProSet technology allowsheight and leveling adjustments afterthe TV is mounted.Scan Hereor visit sanus.com/WhyMountto learn more about the benefitsof mounting your TVSANUS TV Wall MountsSANUS VisionMount ML11-B1 in usewww.sanus.com • 952.225.601382

SANUS Full-Motion Mountswhich type of mount is right for you?Full-MotionFull-motion mounts extend, retract, tilt and swivel in alldirections. These flexible mounts are often the best choicefor most households due to their versatility. A full-motionSANUS Full-Motion MountsModel XF228 Full-Motion Mount for 42" – 84" TVs — Extends 28"Mounting PatternTV Size42" – 84"Weight Capacity175 lbs79.4 kgDimensions (w x d x h)34" x 3.25"– 28" x 23"86.4 x 8.3 – 71.1 x 58.4 cmFinishBlack – XF228-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltFollowThru in-armcable channelProSet post-installationadjustments-15° +5°±5°150°3.25" – 28"8.3 – 71.1 cm100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 Universal » Width: 100 – 914 mma a a a a a a a a a | a Height: 100 – 600 mmmountsmount is recommended when multiple viewing positionsModel VXF220 Full-Motion All-Weather Mount for 42" – 84" TVs — Extends 20"-15°+5°are desired.Mounting PatternTV Size42" – 84"Weight Capacity175 lbs79.4 kgDimensions (w x d x h)31" x 3.4" – 20.5" x 23"78.9 x 8.5 – 51.9 x 58.4 cmFinishBlack – VXF220-B1featuresWorks indoorsand outdoorsVirtual Axis fingertip tiltFollowThru in-armcable channel±5°150°3.4" – 20.5"8.5 – 51.9 cm100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 Universal » Width: 100 – 914 mma a a a a a a a a a | a Height: 100 – 600 mmModel VLF410 Super Slim Full-Motion Mount for 37" – 84" TVs — Extends 10"-10°Mounting PatternTV Size37" – 84"Weight Capacity125 lbs56.7 kgDimensions (w x d x h)32.2" x 1.2" – 10.2" x 20.3"81.8 x 3 – 25.9 x 51.6 cmFinishBlack – VLF410-B1Black – VLF410-B2 (EU)featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltFollowThru in-armcable channelProSet post-installationadjustments75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 500x400 | 600x400 | Universala a a a a a a a a a30°±5°1.17" – 10.17"3.5 – 25.8 cmModel VLF320 Super Slim Full-Motion Mount for 37" – 70" TVs — Extends 20"Mounting PatternTV Size37" – 70"Weight Capacity120 lbs54.4 kgDimensions (w x d x h)32.2" x 1.2" – 20.8" x 20.3"81.8 x 3 – 52.8 x 51.6 cmFinishBlack – VLF320-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltFollowThru in-armcable channelProSet post-installationadjustments-10°±33°1.2" – 20.8"3 – 52.8 cm100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 Universal » Width: 200 – 914 mma a a a a a a | a Height: 200 – 600 mmModel LF228 Full-Motion Mount for 37" – 65" TVs — Extends 28"Mounting PatternFINISH OPTIONBlackTV Size37" – 65"Weight Capacity135 lbs61.2 kgDimensions (w x d x h)31" x 3.5" – 28" x 23"78.7 x 8.9 – 71.1 x 58.4 cmFinishBlack – LF228-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltFollowThru in-armcable channelProSet post-installationadjustments-15° +5°±5°170°3.5" – 28"8.9 – 71.1 cm100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 Universal » Width: 100 – 914 mma a a a a a a a a a | a Height: 100 – 600 mmSANUS Full-Motion MountsModel VLF410-B1 shownwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601384

SANUS Full-Motion MountsModel VMAA26 Full-Motion Mount for 37" – 65" TVs — Extends 25.75"Mounting PatternTV Size37" – 65"Weight Capacity130 lbs59 kgDimensions (w x d x h)29.5" x 3.25" – 26" x 18.5"74.9 x 8.3 – 66 x 45.7 cmFinishBlack – VMAA26b-01featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltPost-installationlevel adjustmentLateral shift centersTV with surroundings-15°±6°+5°180° 3.25" – 26"8.3 – 66 cm100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 Universal » Width: 165 – 673 mm|SANUS Full-Motion MountsModel VMF322 Super Slim Full-Motion Mount for 26" – 47" TVs — Extends 22"Mounting PatternTV Size26" – 47"Weight Capacity60 lbs27.2 kgDimensions (w x d x h)22.2" x 1.4" – 22.1" x 17"56.4 x 3.6 – 56.1 x 48.3 cmFinishBlack – VMF322-B1White – VMF322-W1 (EU Only)featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltFollowThru cable channelProSet post-installationadjustments100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 | Universala a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a Height: 25 – 444.5 mmMounting Pattern 75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universal-10°±35°1.4" – 22"3.6 – 56.1 cmmountsModel VLF220 Full-Motion Mount for 37" – 65" TVs — Extends 20"TV SizeDimensions (w x d x h)37" – 65"33.25" x 3.5" – 20" x 22"84.5 x 8.9 – 50.8 x 55.9 cmWeight Capacity130 lbsFinish59 kgBlack – VLF220-B1Mounting PatternfeaturesVirtual Axis fingertip tiltQuickConnect easy assemblyFollowThru in-armcable channel100x100| 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 a | 800x500 |-15°±5°150°+5°3.5" – 20"8.9 – 50.8 cmUniversala » Width: 136 – 805 mmHeight: 33 – 450 mmModel VMF408 Super Slim Full-Motion Mount for 26" – 47" TVs — Extends 8"TV Size26" – 47"Weight Capacity60 lbs27.2 kgDimensions (w x d x h)25.2" x 1.1" – 8" x 17"64 x 2.8 – 20.3 x 43.2 cmFinishBlack – VMF408-B1Black – VMF308-B2 (EU)a a a a a afeaturesVirtual Axis fingertip tiltFollowThru cable channelProSet post-installationadjustments-10°33°±5°1.1" – 8"2.8 – 20.4 cmModel VLF210 Full-Motion Mount for 37" – 65" TVs — Extends 10"Mounting PatternTV Size37" – 65"Weight Capacity150 lbs68 kgDimensions (w x d x h)33.25" x 3"–10.5" x 22"84.5 x 7.6 – 26.7 x 55.9 cmFinishBlack – VLF210-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltQuickConnect easy assemblyCable management systemPost-installationlevel adjustment100x100| 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 a | 800x500 |±5°-15°150°3" – 10"7.6 – 25.4 cmUniversala » Width: 136 – 805 mmHeight: 33 – 450 mm+5°Model VM400 Full-Motion Mount for 26" – 42" TVs — Extends 20"Mounting PatternTV Size26" – 42"Weight Capacity100 lbs45.4 kgDimensions (w x d x h)15" x 3.5" – 20" x 12.5"38.1 x 8.9 – 50.8 x 31.8 cmFinishBlack – VM400-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltPost-installationlevel adjustmentAdapter brackets fit upto VESA 400 x 30075x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala a a a a a a-15° +5°±6°180°3.5" – 20" / 9 – 50.8 cm+15°Model VLMF109 Motorized Full-Motion Mount for 37" – 60" TVs — Extends 9"Model MF215 Full-Motion Mount for 15" – 37" TVs — Extends 15.5"-15°Mounting Patterna a a a a a a a a Height: 200 – 403.2 mmTV SizeDimensions (w x d x h) featuresTV SizeDimensions (w x d x h) features±5°37" – 60"33.2" x 2" – 9" x 20.7"15" – 37"11.25" x 3.5" – 15.5" x 11.75" Virtual Axis 3DQuickConnect 360°28.6 x 8.9 – 39.4 x 29.8 cm 360° tilt84.3 x 5.1 – 22.9 x 52.6 cmWeight Capacityeasy assemblyWeight Capacity110 lbsFinishCable management system60 lbsFinish180°180°27.2 kgBlack – MF215-B149.9 kgBlack – VLMF109-B12" – 9"White – MF215-W1 (EU Only)5.1 – 22.9cmMounting Pattern 100x100| 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 a | 800x500 | Universal a » Width: 136 – 805 mmHeight: 33 – 450 mmMounting Pattern 75x75a | 100x100 a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | UniversalModel VMF220 Full-Motion Mount for 32" – 47" TVs — Extends 20"-15° +5°TV SizeDimensions (w x d x h) features32" – 47"21.2" x 3.8" – 20" x 19.5" Virtual Axis fingertip tilt±5°53.8 x 9.7 – 50.8 x 49.5 cmWeight CapacityQuickConnect easyassembly100 lbsFinish150°45.4 kgFollowThruBlack – VMF220-B1in-armcable channel3.8" – 20"9.7 – 50.8 cm100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 500x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 Universal » Width: 200 – 500 mm|FINISH OPTION Black WhiteVMF322, MF215 (EU Only)3.5" – 15.5"8.9 – 39.4 cmSANUS Full-Motion Mountswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model VXF220-B1 shown86

SANUS Full-Motion MountsModel MF209 Full-Motion Mount for 15" – 37" TVs — Extends 9.5"Mounting PatternModel MF202Mounting PatternTV Size15" – 37"Weight Capacity60 lbs27.2 kgFull-Motion Mount for 15" – 37" TVs — Sits 2" from wallTV Size15" – 37"Weight Capacity60 lbs27.2 kgModel SF213 Full-Motion Mount for 13" – 27" TVs — Extends 13"Mounting PatternTV Size13" – 27"Weight Capacity45 lbs20.4 kgModel SF208 Full-Motion Mount for 13" – 27" TVs — Extends 8"Mounting PatternModel SF203Mounting PatternFINISH OPTIONDimensions (w x d x h)11.75" x 3.5" – 9.3" x 9.8"29.8 x 8.9 – 23.5 x 24.8 cmFinishBlack – MF209-B1featuresVirtual Axis 3D 360° tilt75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala a a aTV Size13" – 27"Weight Capacity45 lbs20.4 kgDimensions (w x d x h)9.3" x 2" x 9.3"23.5 x 5 x 23.5 cmFinishBlack – MF202-B1Dimensions (w x d x h)8" x 3" – 8" x 9"20.3 x 7.6 – 20.3 x 23 cmFinishBlack – SF208-B1featuresVirtual Axis 3D 360° tilt75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala a a aTV Size13" – 27"Weight Capacity50 lbs22.7 kgDimensions (w x d x h)8" x 3" – 13" x 9"20.3 x 7.6 – 33 x 23 cmFinishBlack – SF213-B1Dimensions (w x d x h)4.75" x 3" x 6.75"12.1 x 7.6 x 17.1 cmFinishBlack – SF203-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltPost-installationlevel adjustment75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala a afeaturesVirtual Axis fingertip tiltPost-installationlevel adjustment75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala a aFull-Motion Mount for 13" – 27" TVs — Sits 3" from wallfeaturesVirtual Axis fingertip tiltPost-installationlevel adjustment75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala a aBlack±1°360°-15°180°2"5 cm-15°±1°-15°180°180°3"7.6 cm360°+15°-15° +15°24°3" – 13"7.6 – 33 cm+15°3" – 8"7.6 – 20.3 cm±1°-15°60°+15°3.5" – 9.3"8.9 – 23.5 cm+15°mounts SANUS Full-Motion Mountswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model VMF220-B1 shown88

SANUS Tilting Mountswhich type of mount is right for you?TiltingTilting mounts tilt up and down for better viewing from thecouch, bed or even the floor. A tilting mount is recommendedwhen reflections from windows or lighting interfere with TVviewing or when multiple viewing angles are desired.SANUS Tilting MountsModel VMPL3Mounting PatternModel LT25Tilting Mount for 27" – 90" TVsTilting Mount for 37" – 90" TVsTV Size27" – 90"Weight Capacity280 lbs127 kgDimensions (w x d x h)26" – 40" x 2.5" x 17" – 27"66 – 101.6 x 6.4 x 43.2 – 68.6 cmFinishBlack – VMPL3bfeaturesVirtual Axis fingertip tiltAdjustable designexpands and retractsto fit most TVs100x100a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 a | 800x500 |1.5"3.8 cm2.5"6.4 cm+6°-12°Universala » Width: 50 – 1016 mmHeight: 25 – 660 mmmountsMounting PatternTV Size37" – 90"Weight Capacity175 lbs79.4 kgDimensions (w x d x h)30" x 3" x 18.25"76.2 x 7.6 x 46.4 cmFinishBlack – LT25-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltClickStand foreasy cable accessProSet post-installationadjustmentsIncludes ClickFit brackets100x100a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 | 800x500 |3"7.6 cm+8°-10°Universala » Width: 100 – 708 mmHeight: 100 – 440 mmModel VMPL50A Tilting Mount for 32" – 70" TVsMounting PatternTV Size32" – 70"Weight Capacity150 lbs68 kgDimensions (w x d x h)30" x 1.8" x 18.5"76.2 x 4.6 x 47 cmFinishBlack – VMPL50A-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltProSet post-installationadjustmentsLateral shift centersTV with surroundings100x100| 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 | 800x500 |1.8"4.6 cm+8.5°-10°Universala » Width: 48.3 – 673 mmHeight: 25 – 437.5 mmModel VLT15Mounting PatternSuper Slim Tilting Mount for 37" – 65" TVsTV Size37" – 65"Weight Capacity150 lbs68 kgDimensions (w x d x h)35.6" x .82 x 24.1"90.4 x 2.1 x 61.2 cmFinishBlack – VLT15-B1featuresAdjustable VirtualAxis tiltClickStand for easycable accessProSet post-installationadjustments0.82"2.1 cm100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 Universal » Width: 100 – 823 mma a a a a a a a a a a | a Height: 25 – 551 mm-10˚±5°0˚Model VLT14Mounting PatternFINISH OPTIONSuper Slim Tilting Mount for 37" – 65" TVsBlackTV Size37" – 65"Weight Capacity125 lbs56.7 kgDimensions (w x d x h)31.4" x .87" x 17.25"79.8 x 2.2 x 43.8 cmFinishBlack – VLT14-B1featuresFingertip tiltClickStand foreasy cable access100x100| 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 a | 800x500 |.87"2.2 cm0°-10°Universala » Width: 147 – 804 mmHeight: 15 – 410 mmSANUS Tilting MountsModel VMT14-B1 shownwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601390

SANUS Tilting MountsModel VMT15Mounting PatternSuper Slim Tilting Mount for 26" – 47" TVsTV Size26" – 47"Weight Capacity100 lbs45.4 kgDimensions (w x d x h)24.1" x .77" x 17.2560.1 x 2 x 43.8 cmFinishBlack – VMT15-B1featuresFingertip tiltClickStand for easycable accessProSet post-installationadjustments100x100a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 |.77"2 cm0°-10°Universala » Width: 147 – 571.5 mmHeight: 15 – 410 mmmountsModel VMT14Mounting PatternSuper Slim Tilting Mount for 26" – 47" TVsTV Size26" – 47"Weight Capacity80 lbs36 kgDimensions (w x d x h)23.6" x .8" x 17.25"60 x 2 x 43.8 cmFinishBlack – VMT14-B1featuresFingertip tiltClickStand for easycable access100x100a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 |.8"2 cm0°-10°Universala » Width: 147 – 571.5 mmHeight: 15 – 410 mmModel VMT35Tilting Mount for 26"–40" TVsTV SIZE26"–40"WEIGHT CAPACITY80 lbs36 kgDimensions (w x d x h)22" x 2.3" x 11.8"55.9 x 5.7 x 30 cmFinishBlack – VMT35-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltProSet post-installationadjustmentsLateral shift centersTV with surroundings0.82"2.1 cm-10˚±5°+10˚Mounting PatternModel VST1575x75a | 100x100 a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | UniversalaTilting Mount for 13" – 26" TVsTV Size13" – 26"Weight Capacity50 lbs22.7 kgDimensions (w x d x h)8.7" x 1.8" x 7.5"22.1 x 4.5 x 19.1 cmFinishBlack – VST15-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tiltSafety latch locksTV securely in place1.8"4.5 cm+12°-12°Mounting Pattern75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala aFINISH OPTIONBlackSANUS Tilting Mountswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model VMT15-B1 shown92

SANUS Low-Profile Mountswhich type of mount is right for you?Low-ProfileLow-profile mounts sit nearly flush with the wallto maximize the sleek, thin lines of flat-panel TVs.These mounts are a great choice when positioning aTV very close to the wall is an important consideration.SANUS Low-Profile MountsModel VMPL3Mounting PatternModel LL22Low-Profile Mount for 27" – 90" TVsTV Size27" – 90"Weight Capacity280 lbs127 kgLow-Profile Mount for 37" – 90" TVsDimensions (w x d x h)26" – 40" x 2.5" x 17" – 27"66 – 101.6 x 6.4 x 43.2 – 68.6FinishBlack – VMPL3bfeaturesPositions TV just 1.5"from wallAdjustable designexpands and retractsto fit most TVs100x100a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 a | 800x500 |1.5"3.8 cm2.5"6.4 cm+6°-12°Universala » Width: 50 – 1016mmHeight: 25 – 660 mmmountsMounting PatternModel LL11Mounting PatternModel VLL10Mounting PatternTV Size37" – 90"Weight Capacity175 lbs79.4 kgSuper Slim Low-Profile Mount for 37" – 70" TVsTV Size37" – 70"Weight Capacity150 lbs68 kgDimensions (w x d x h)30" x 1.5" x 18.25"76.2 x 3.8 x 46.4 cmFinishBlack – LL22-B1Dimensions (w x d x h)35.3" x .55" x 22.5"89.7 x 1.4 x 57.2 cmFinishBlack – LL11-B1featuresPositions TV just 1.5" from wallClickStand for easycable accessProSet post-installationadjustmentsIncludes ClickFit brackets100x100a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 | 800x500 |featuresPositions TV just .55"from wallClickStand for easy cableaccessProSet post-installationadjustments1.5"3.8 cm0.55"1.4 cmwon't all fit, removed Quick ReleaseUniversal » Width: 65 – 825 mma a a a a a a a a a a a Height: 25 – 500 mm100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 |Super Slim Low-Profile Mount for 32" – 70" TVsTV Size32" – 70"Weight Capacity125 lbs56.7 kgDimensions (w x d x h)30.5" x .67" x 17.5"77.6 x 1.7 x 44.4 cmFinishBlack – VLL10-B1featuresClickStand for easycable accessLateral shift centers TVwith surroundingswon't all fit, removed Quick Releasea a a a a a a a a100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 |Universal a » Width: 100 – 708 mmHeight: 100 – 440 mm.67"1.7 cmUniversala » Width: 50 – 725 mmHeight: 25 – 400 mmModel ML11Mounting PatternFINISH OPTIONSuper Slim Low-Profile Mount for 26" – 47" TVsTV Size26" – 47"Weight Capacity100 lbs45.4 kgBlackDimensions (w x d x h)22.7" x .59" x 17.8"57.7 x 1.5 x 45.2 cmFinishBlack – ML11-B1featuresPositions TV just .55"from wallClickStand for easy cableaccessProSet post-installationadjustments100x100a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 |0.59"1.5 cmUniversala » Width: 65 – 508 mmHeight: 25 – 400 mmSANUS Low-Profile MountsModel VSL12-B1 shownwww.sanus.com • 952.225.601394

SANUS Low-Profile MountsModel VML10Mounting PatternSuper Slim Low-Profile Mount for 26" – 47" TVsTV Size26" – 47"Weight Capacity80 lbs36.3 kgDimensions (w x d x h)18.7" x .67" x 17.5"47.6 x 1.7 x 44.4 cmFinishBlack – VML10-B1featuresClickStand for easycable accessLateral shift centers TVwith surroundingswon't all fit, removed Quick Releasea a a a a a a a100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 |.67"1.7 cmUniversala » Width: 50 – 425 mmHeight: 25 – 400 mmmountsModel VSL12Super Slim Low-Profile Mount for 13" – 26" TVsTV Size13" – 26"Weight Capacity30 lbs14 kgDimensions (w x d x h)10" x .62" x 6"25.4 x 1.6 x 15.2 cmFinishBlack – VSL12-B1featuresPositions TV just 0.62"from wallTwo-piece design allows for aquick and easy installation.62"1.6 cmMounting Pattern75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala aFINISH OPTIONBlackSANUS Low-Profile Mountswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model VLL10-B1 shown96

NEWSANUS iPad ® MountsModel VTM1iPad MountApplicationsDeskCabinetWallMagnetic CaseDimensions (w x d x h)9.6” x 8.2” – 18” x 7.6”24.6 x 20.8 – 45.7 x 19.3 cmINCLUDESMagFit iPad caseMountHardwareFinishSilver – VTM1-S1Features a grippableMagFit iPad case for fastand secure attachmentIncluded hardware allowsfor the mount applicationof your choiceNEWSANUS iPad ® MountsModel VTM6iPad MountApplicationsWallMagnetic CaseDimensions (w x d x h)9.7” x 0.9” x 7.5”24.6 x 2.3 x 19.1 cmINCLUDESMagFit iPad case2 pucks mount systemsHardwareFinishSilver – VTM6-S1Includes two wall pucksfor installation in twodifferent roomsAllows for easy viewingat eye level, easilyadjusts for portrait orlandscape viewingUses one included screwto attach mount to wood,concrete or drywall surfacesDesigned to work with the Apple ®Smart Cover ® to ensure maximumiPad protection and versatilitymountsTilts and swivels forunlimited viewing anglesDesigned to work with the Apple ®Smart Cover ® to ensure maximumiPad protection and versatilityFeatures a grippable MagFit iPad case for fast and secureattachmentCOMPATIBLE with iPad 2, iPad 3rd Gen and new iPad (4th Gen)COMPATIBLE with iPad 2, iPad 3rd Gen and new iPad (4th Gen)NEWModel VTM5iPad MountApplicationsCabinetWallMagnetic CaseDimensions (w x d x h)9.7” x 10.1” – 17.1” x 7.3”24.6 x 20.8 – 45.7 x 19.3 cmINCLUDESMagFit iPad caseMountHardwareIncluded hardware allows for themount application of your choiceNEWModel VMT8iPad 2-Puck Accessory KitIncludes2 Pucks mount systemHardwareFinishSilver – VTM8-S1FeaturesPlaces iPad flush to the wallCompatible with MagFit iPad CaseFeatures (cont.)Easy installation; attachesto wood, concrete anddrywall surfacesIncludes two wall pucksfor installation in twodifferent rooms*MagFit Case for iPad and iPad mini not includedFinishSilver – VTM5-S1Tilts and swivels forunlimited viewing anglesFINISH OPTIONFeatures a grippable MagFit iPad case for fast and secureattachmentCOMPATIBLE with iPad 2, iPad 3rd Gen and new iPad (4th Gen)SilverDesigned to work with the Apple ®Smart Cover ® to ensure maximumiPad protection and versatilityFINISH OPTIONSSilverSANUS iPad ® Mountswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model VTM1-S1 shown98

NEWSANUS iPad ® MountsModel VTM7MagFit iPad CaseDimensions (w x d x h)9.7” x 0.6” x 7.5”24.6 x 1.5 x 19.1 cmIncludesMagFit iPad CaseFinishBlack – VTM7-B1Clear – VTM7-X1Constructed with durablematerials to protect youriPad against everyday useFeatures exclusive MagFit technology forsimple and secure attachment to metalsurfaces and SANUS iPad mounting solutionsSANUS iPad ® Mount AdaptersModel VMA301Mounting PatterniPad ® Original Mount AdapterDimensions (w x d x h)7.7" x .8" x 10.3"19.5 x 2 x 26.1 cmproduct weight1 lb..5 kgFinishBlack – VMA301-B1FeaturesFits 1 st generation iPad ®Custom molded design fora snug, durable fitFeatures (cont.)Attaches to any VESA 100 x100 compatible wall mountIncludes Virtual Axis3D faceplate100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 | UniversalamountsModel VMA302iPad ® 2 Mount AdapterDimensions (w x d x h)7.52" x 9.69" x .72"19.1 x 1.83 x 24.61 cmproduct weight1 lb..5 kgFinishBlack – VMA302-B1FeaturesFits iPad ® 2Custom molded design fora snug, durable fitFeatures (cont.)Attaches to any VESA 100 x100 compatible wall mountIncludes Virtual Axis3D faceplateRelease tabs allow easyiPad ® 2Designed to work with the Apple ®Smart Cover ® to ensure maximum iPadprotection and versatilityUnique back surface design enhancesthe ability to securely grip your iPadMounting Pattern100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 | UniversalaCOMPATIBLE with iPad 2, iPad 3rd Gen and new iPad (4th Gen)NEW NEWModel VTM11Model VTM16iPad Mini MountCOMPATIBLE iPad MiniiPad Mini MountCOMPATIBLE iPad MiniApplicationsDeskCabinetWallMagnetic SurfaceApplicationsWallMagnetic SurfaceIncludesMagFit iPad Mini caseMountHardwareFinishSilver – VTM11-S1IncludesMagFit iPad case2 pucks mount systemsHardwareFinishSilver – VTM16-S1FINISH OPTION Black Clear Silver FINISH OPTION BlackSANUS iPad ® Mounts & AdaptersVTM7VTM7VTM11, VTM16www.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model VMT6-X1 shown100

SANUS Desk MountFull-motion desk mount is as versatile as it is strongOur full-motion desk mount is the perfect addition to any office space.This sleek mount can be clamped to the back of desks up to 2.7" thick ormounted directly into the wire management hole without the use of tools.Mount features adjustable height, independent head and arm tensions andintegrated cable management channels. Constructed of extruded aluminumand heavy-gauge steel, mount is available in graphite.Model MD115 Full-Motion Desk Mount for LCD monitors up to 30" — Extends 18.5"Mounting PatternFINISH OPTIONSTV Sizeup to 30"Weight Capacity35 lbs15.8 kgDimensions (w x d x h)11.3" x 6.8"– 18.5" x 16.3"– 18.3"28.6 x 17.1 – 47 x 41.3 – 46.4 cmFinishGraphite – MD115-G1featuresVirtual Axis 3D Cable managementchannel75x75| 100x100 | 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | Universala a a aGraphite-15° +15°±90°180°MD115-G16.8" – 18.5"17.1 – 47 cmSANUS Pull-Out Cabinet MountModel VMPO1Mounting PatternTV OFF: TV neatly tucks away in cabinetFINISH OPTIONPull-Out Mount for 15" – 40" TVs (For use with MT25)BlackTV Size15" – 40"Weight Capacity130 lbs59 kgDimensions (w x d x h)10" x 14" – 22" x 17" – 21"25.4 x 35.6–55.9 x 43.2–53.3 cmFinishBlack – VMPO1bfeaturesAdjustable heightSmoothGlide ball bearings75x75| 100x100 a | 200x100 | 200x200 a | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | UniversalTV ON: TV pulls out of cabinet and swivels for easy viewing from any angle90°5.5"14 cm5.5"14 cmmounts SANUS Under-Cabinet & Pull-Out Cabinet MountsModel MD115-G1 shownModel VMPO1b shown104

SANUS Ceiling MountsModel LC2ADual-Sided Full-Motion Ceiling Mount for 37" – 70" TVsTV Size37" – 70"Weight Capacity260 lbs total 136 kg130 lbs each mount 68 kgDimensions (w x d x h)29.5" x 11.5" x 46"75 x 29.2 x 116.8 cmFinishBlack – LC2A-B1featuresSupports two TVs backto backMultiple ceiling adapteroptions availableVirtual Axis fingertip tilt-15° +5° +5° -15°±6°±6°±15°±15°SANUS Ceiling MountsModel MC1ATilt and Swivel Ceiling Mount for 23" – 40" TVsTV Size23" – 40"Weight Capacity70 lbs31.75 kgDimensions (w x d x h)9.25" x 5.25" x 21"23.5 x 13.3 x 53.3 cmFinishBlack – MC1A-B1Silver – MC1A-S1featuresIntegrated cablemanagement channelVirtual Axis 3D 360° tilt360°30°-15° +15°mountsMounting Pattern100x100| 200x100 | 200x200 | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 | 800x500 Universal » Width: 160 – 673 mm| Height: 25 – 444 mmMounting Pattern 75x75a | 100x100 a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 | 300x300 | 400x200 | 400x300 | 400x400 | 600x400 | 800x400 |Universal » Width: 160 – 673 mmHeight: 25 – 444 mmModel LC1aFull-Motion Ceiling Mount for 37" – 70" TVsTV Size37" – 70"Weight Capacity175 lbs79.4 kgDimensions (w x d x h)29.5" x 10.3" x 46"74.9 x 26 x 116.8 cmFinishBlack – LC1A-B1featuresVirtual Axis fingertip tilt-15° +5°110°±6°Mounting Pattern100x100a | 200x100 a | 200x200 a | 300x200 a | 300x300 a | 400x200 a | 400x300 a | 400x400 a | 600x400 a | 800x400 | 800x500 |Universal a » Width: 160 – 673 mmHeight: 25 – 444 mmceiling adapters for MODELS LC2A, LC1a, VMPR1model VMCA1Concrete Ceiling Adaptermodel VMCA4Dual-joist Adaptermodel VMCA86" x 6" Ceiling Adaptermodel VMCA2I-beam Adaptermodel VMCA5Vaulted Ceiling Adaptermodel VMCA9Offset Fixed Ceiling Plate Adaptermodel VMCA3Unistrut Adaptermodel VMCA6NPT Column Adaptermodel VMCA10Adjustable Extension Column AdapterFINISH OPTIONBlackFINISH OPTION Black SilverSANUS Ceiling Mountswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model LC1A-B1 shown106

SANUS Projector MountsModel VP1Model VMPR1Ceiling Mount for TV ProjectorsDimensions (w x d x h)3.25" – 17.5" x 5.5" x 1.5" – 4"33.6 – 44.4 x 14 x 3.8 – 10.2 cmFinishBlack – VP1-B1W wEIGHT CAPACITY 35 lbs / 15.9 kgTilt and Swivel Ceiling Mount for TV projectorsDimensions (w x d x h)12" – 18" x 12" – 18" x 4.8"30.5–45.7 x 30.5–45.7 x 12.1 cmwith 7" downpipe extension:12" – 18" x 12" – 18" x 11.75"30.5–45.7 x 30.5–45.7 x 29.8 cmW wEIGHT CAPACITY 50 lbs / 22.7 kgFINISH OPTIONS Black SilverModel vmtvFull-Motion Mount for 13" – 27" CRT TVsDimensions (w x d x h)16.75" – 27.25" x 21.5" x 9"42.5 – 69.2 x 54.6 x 22.9 cmTV SIZE13" – 27VMPR1SANUS CRT TV MountincludesAll pieces needed to mountthe projector2.5" and 7" pipes which allowfor a flush mount against ceilingor added extensionfinishBlack – VMPR1bSilver – VMPR1sIncludesUniversal 1" NPT pipe coupler,angled or vaulted ceiling adapterand 7" downpipe extensionfinishBlack – VMTVbW wEIGHT CAPACITY 100 lbs / 45.4 kgFINISH OPTIONBlackFeaturesRelease leverfor simpleconnect/disconnectPost-installationmicro adjustmentsCable managementFeaturesUniversal mount canbe configured toaccommodate 3 – 4mounting holesFeaturesExpandable platterprovides a customfit to TVs up to 27"Includes safetystrap to secure TVto platter±15°±10°-4° +4°±45°±15° ±30°-6° +6°0°, 5°, -10°±180°±90°mounts SANUS Projector & CRT TV Mountswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model VP1-B1 shown108

SANUS TV AccessoriesModel VMA401On-Wall Component ShelfWeight Capacity15 lbs6.8 kgDimensions (w x d x h)18" x 14.5" x 6.5"45.7 x 36.8 x 16.5 cmFinishBlack – VMA401-B1featuresCombine for amulti-shelf solutionSold as single unitsMounts to almost anywall – no studs requiredaccessoriesModel TV lCDTV TurntableWeight Capacity150 lbs68.2 kgDimensions (w x d x h)20" x 14" x 1.25"50.8 x 35.6 x 3.2 cmFinishBlack – TVLCDbfeaturesSwivels left and right formultiple viewing angelsAssemble hardwareincludedModel VMA202Soundbar Speaker MountWeight Capacity35 lbs15.9 kgDimensions (w x d x h)33.9" x 2.1" x 14.9"86 x 5 x 37.9 cmFinishBlack – VMA202-B1featuresProSet postinstallationheightadjustmentProSet postinstallationleveladjustmentCOMPATible mountsVXF220, XF228, LF228, VLF220, VLF210, VLMF109, VMF220Model VMA201Soundbar and Center-Channel Speaker MountWeight Capacity35 lbs15.9 kgDimensions (w x d x h)33.9" x 1.3" x 23.3"86 x 3.3 x 59.2 cmfinishBlack – VMA201-B1featuresProSet post-installationheight & roll adjustmentsNo drilling or additionalmounting requiredfor installationCOMPATible mountsLT25, LL22Model vmCC1Center-Channel Speaker MountFINISH OPTIONSBlackWeight Capacity35 lbs15.9 kgDimensions (w x d x h)1.5" – 18.5" x 1.5" x 1" – 8"3.8 – 47 x 3.8 x 2.5 – 20.3 cmCOMPATible mountsfinishBlack – VMCC1bVMAA26, LRF118 , LC2A, LC1AfeaturesUniversal design fitsnearly any centerchannelspeakerSANUS TV AccessoriesModel VMA201-B1 shown with SANUS VisionMount model LL22www.sanus.com • 952.225.6013110

SANUS Mount AdaptersModel M10KITAdapter for VMPL3; for TVs with M10 size boltsDimensions (w x d x h)n/afinishBlack – M10KIT-B1adaptersCOMPATible mountsVMPL3Model MA4AVESA adapter for medium flat-panel TV mountsDimensions (w x d x h)16.8" x 0.25" x 12.5"42.7 x 0.6 x 31.8 cmmounting patternVESA 300 x 100, 300 x 200,300 x 300, 400 x 200,400 x 300COMPATible mountsfinishBlack – MA4A-B1VM400, MF110, MF215, MF209, MF203, MF202, MD115, MC1AModel ssmk1Steel Stud Mounting KitDimensions (w x d x h)n/afinishMixed – SSMK1-X1COMPATible mountsVLT15, LL11, VMPL3, VMT14, VML10, VMT15, ML11, VLT14, VLL10FINISH OPTIONSBlackSANUS Mount Adapterswww.sanus.com • 952.225.6013Model MA4A in use with SANUS VisionMount model VM400112

SANUS Speaker MountsModel wms2Tilt and Swivel Speaker Wall Mount; sold in pairs130°MountsDimensions (w x d x h)5.3" x 11" – 15" x 9.3"13.3 x 28 – 38.1 x 23.5 cmFinishBlack – WMS2bfeaturesAdjust to fitvarious sizebookshelf speakers±15°W wEIGHT CAPACITY 15 lbs / 6.8 kg | Bookshelf speakersModel wms3Tilt and Swivel Speaker Mounts for wall or ceiling; sold in pairsDimensions (w x d x h)1-bolt speaker mount:1.25" x 4.25" – 5.8" x 1.15"3.2 x 10.8 – 14.6 x 2.9 cm2-bolt speaker mount:1.25" x 4.25" – 5.8" x 3.25"3.2 x 10.8 – 14.6 x 8.3 cmFinishSilver – WMS3sWhite – WMS3wW wEIGHT CAPACITY 8 lbs / 3.6 kg | Surround speakerfeaturesConfigures for wallor ceiling installationDecorative caps concealassembly hardwareIncludes two speakeradapter brackets360°±60°360°Model wms5Tilt and Swivel Speaker Mounts for wall or ceiling; sold in five-packDimensions (w x d x h)1-bolt speaker mount:1.25" x 4.25" – 5.8" x 1.15"3.2 x 10.8 – 14.6 x 2.9 cm2-bolt speaker mount:1.25" x 4.25" – 5.8" x 3.25"3.2 x 10.8 – 14.6 x 8.3 cmFinishSilver – WMS5sW wEIGHT CAPACITY 8 lbs / 3.6 kg | Surround speakerfeaturesConfigures for wallor ceiling installationDecorative caps concealassembly hardwareIncludes two speakeradapter brackets360°±60°360°TOP: Model WMS2 shown / BOTTOM: Model WMS5 shownFINISH OPTIONS Black Silver WhiteWMS2WMS3WMS5WMS3www.sanus.com • 952.225.6013SANUS Speaker Mounts 114

The SANUS brand designs and builds fine AV furniture, stands and mounts.Every SANUS product is engineered to enhance your AV system and thesurrounding décor. Today the SANUS brand offers more than 300 differentmodels of wood, glass and metal home theater products; TV stands andwall mounts; audio racks; and speaker supports to match any AV system orenvironment. SANUS products are available at thousands of retail locationsworldwide and can be seen at the company’s website, www.sanus.com.PRODUCT WARRANTYAll SANUS products are covered by a limited product warranty.• Ten (10) years for metal video monitor mounts; all racksand non-electrical rack accessories• Five (5) years for plastic speaker mounts; all speaker stands;all furniture; all wood (MDF) accessories• One (1) year for all motorized and/or automated productsVisit www.sanus.com for details.info@sanus.com • PHONE 800.359.5520 • FAX 651.636.0367©<strong>2013</strong> Milestone AV Technologies, a Duchossois Group Company. SANUS is a registered trademark of Milestone.All other brand names or marks are used for identification purposes and are trademarks of Milestone. All patents are protected under existing designations. Other patents pending.

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