Inside Aldine - Aldine Independent School District
Inside Aldine - Aldine Independent School District
Inside Aldine - Aldine Independent School District
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<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>Aldine</strong>Fall 2005Page 4<strong>School</strong>s & Community2005-06<strong>School</strong> CalendarTraditional CalendarAug. 4-5Building Staff Development DaysAug. 8-10<strong>District</strong>/Building StaffDevelopment DaysAug. 11First Day of <strong>School</strong>Sept. 5Labor Day HolidayOct. 7Staff Development Day(Student Holiday)Oct. 10Columbus Day HolidayNov. 21-25Thanksgiving HolidaysDec. 15End of first semesterDec. 16Staff Dev. Day (Student Holiday)Dec. 19-30Midwinter BreakJan. 2Staff Dev. Day (Student Holiday)Jan. 3Beginning of second semesterJan. 16Martin Luther King Jr. HolidayFeb. 17Presidents’ Day HolidayMarch 13-17Spring BreakApril 13Staff Dev. Day (Student Holiday)April 14Good FridayMay 25End of second semesterLast Day of <strong>School</strong>May 26Staff Development Day(Student Holiday)May 29Memorial Day HolidayShould inclement weather force school to becanceled during the 2005-06 school year,those days will be made up May 30-31.Hall (Night High <strong>School</strong>) CalendarJuly 25Building Staff DevelopmentJuly 26-28<strong>District</strong> Staff DevelopmentJuly 29Building Staff DevelopmentAugust 1First Day of <strong>School</strong>Sept. 5Labor Day HolidaySept. 26-30IntersessionOct. 3First Day of Second TermOct. 10Columbus Day HolidayNov. 21-25Thanksgiving HolidaysDec. 14End of First SemesterDec. 15-16Building Staff Development(Student Holiday)Dec. 19-30Midwinter BreakJan. 2<strong>District</strong> Staff Development(Student Holiday)Jan. 3Beginning of Second SemesterJan. 16Martin Luther King Jr. HolidayFeb. 17Presidents’ Day HolidayMar. 13-24Spring BreakApril 13Building Staff Development(Student Holiday)April 14Good Friday HolidayMay 26-29Memorial Day HolidayMay 31End of Second Second SemesterLast Day of <strong>School</strong>June 1Building Staff DevelopmentImmunization Requirements for <strong>Aldine</strong> StudentsThis information serves as a reference for enrolling students and reflects revisions ofthe Texas Department of Health’s Minimum Vaccine Requirement for Texas childrenfor the 2005-2006 school year. Please consult the school nurse or the programdirector of health services for questions or special circumstances not covered.All studentsThe tuberculosis (TB) skin test is requiredfor any student determinedto be at risk for TB according tothe Texas Department of Healthguidelines. Parents are encouragedto consult their physician for recommendationsfor skin testing aspart of their child’s annual physicalexam. A student with positive skintest results only and no symptoms ofactive TB must show proof of eithera negative chest X-ray with evidenceof ongoing or completed preventivetherapy as indicated or proof of anappointment for a chest X-ray. If astudent fails to provide documentationas indicated or fails to keep theappointment for the chest X-ray, heor she will be excluded from schooluntil the requirement is met.3-year-olds• DTP/DTaP: Four (4) doses• Polio (OPV/IPV): Three (3) doses• Measles or Rubeola, Mumps andRubella (MMR): The three vaccinesare given together as oneimmunization. One dose shouldbe administered on or after thefirst birthday. a, 1• Hib: One dose of the Hib vaccineon or after 15 months of age, unlessa primary series and boosterhas been completed. d• Hepatitis A: Two (2) doses• Hepatitis B: Three (3) doses• Varicella (chickenpox): One dosea, b, 1on or after the first birthday.• Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV 7):One dose on or after 24 monthsor completed primary series [twoor three doses depending onthe age administered (each doseshould be two months apart) plusa booster (administered on or after12 months and at least twomonths from the last dose)].4-year-olds• DTP/DTaP/DT/Td: Four (4) doseswith last dose received on or afterthe fourth birthday. c, 1• Polio (OPV/IPV): Three (3) doseswith last dose received on or afterthe fourth birthday. c, 1• Measles or Rubeola (includedin MMR): Two (2) doses. Bothdoses must be on or after the firstbirthday and no less than 28 daysapart. a, 1• Mumps and Rubella (included inMMR): One dose on or after thefirst birthday. a, 1• Hib: One dose of the Hib vaccineon or after 15 months of age, unlessa primary series and boosterhave been completed. d• Hepatitis A: Two (2) doses• Hepatitis B: Three (3) doses• Varicella (chickenpox): One doseon or after the first birthday. If achild has had chickenpox, no vaccineis required but the parentwill need to sign a Chickenpoxa, b, 1Exemption form.• Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV 7):One dose on or after 24 monthsor completed primary series [twoor three doses depending onthe age administered (each doseshould be two months apart) plusa booster (administered on or after12 months and at least twomonths from the last dose)].5- and 6-year-olds• DTP/DTaP/DT/Td: Four (4) doseswith last dose received on or afterc, e, 1the fourth birthday.• Polio (OPV/IPV): Three (3) doseswith last dose received on or afterthe fourth birthday. If any combinationof four doses of OPVand IPV was received before fouryears of age no additional dose isrequired. c, 1• Measles or Rubeola (includedin MMR): Two (2) doses. Bothdoses must be on or after the firstbirthday and no less than 28 daysapart. a, 1• Mumps and Rubella (included inMMR): One dose on or after thefirst birthday. a, 1• Hepatitis B: Three (3) doses• Varicella (chickenpox): One dosea, b, 1on or after the first birthday.7-year-olds and older• DTP/DTaP/DT/Td: Three (3) doseswith last dose received on or afterc, e, 1the fourth birthday.• Polio (OPV/IPV): Three (3) doseswith last dose received on or afterthe fourth birthday. c,e, 1• Measles or Rubeola (includedin MMR): Two (2) doses. Bothdoses must be on or after the firstbirthday and no less than 28 daysapart. a, 1• Mumps and Rubella (included inMMR): One dose on or after thefirst birthday. a, 1• Hepatitis B: Three (3) doses arerequired for grade levels kindergartenthrough 11th.• Varicella (chickenpox): One doseon or after the first birthday forgrade levels kindergarten throughfifth and seventh through 11th.Two doses will be required if thechild was 13 years old or older atthe time the first dose of varicellaa, b, 1was received.Notes:a) A four-day grace period beforethe first birthday is allowed forthe MMR and varicella vaccines. 1b) If a child has had chickenpox, novaccine is required but the parentwill need to sign a ChickenpoxExemption form.c) A four-day grace period beforefourth birthday is allowed forDTP/DtaP/DT/Td and OPV/IPV. 1A booster is required within thelast 10 years for students 14 yearsof age or older. A polio vaccine isnot required for students 18 yearsof age or older.d) A complete Hib series consists oftwo or three doses, depending onthe vaccine type. They should begiven two months apart. The seriesalso includes a booster doseon or after the first birthday andreceived at least two months afterthe last dose.e) DPT/DTaP/DT/Td and polio (OPV/IPV) immunizations requirementsfor students in grade levels 2-12received prior to April 1, 2004and administered within the calendarmonth of their fourth birthdaywill satisfy this requirement.1) The four-day grace period shouldnot be encouraged when schedulingfuture vaccination visits. Itshould be used primarily for reviewingvaccine records.Documentation: Any immunizationdocument is acceptable provideda physician or public healthpersonnel validated it. The month,day and year that the vaccine wasadministered must be recorded.Medical and Religious Exemptions:The school nurse or program directorof health services should confirmthese exemptions.Vaccine Intervals: Final acceptanceof the vaccine status is contingentupon specific intervals between vaccinedoses. The school nurse willnotify parents if there is a discrepancyin the intervals of vaccines.Selective Service System: A duty to registerThe law requires virtually all male U.S. citizens, and male immigrants residing in theU.S., to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday.For more information contactyour high school SSS registrar,, call (847) 688-6888 orwrite to the following address:Selective Service System, Regis-tration Information Office, P.O. Box94638, Palatine, IL 60094-4638Failure to register is a felonypunishable by up to five years inprison and a fine of up to $250,000.Numerous states have made registrationa requirement for securinga variety of opportunities such asfederal student loans, jobs, and U.S.citizenship for male immigrants.ImmunizationSites and ClinicsW.T. Hall Education Center4-6:30 p.m., CafeteriaEnter through back parking lot.September 6, 2005 February 7, 2006October 4, 2005 March 7, 2006November 1, 2005 April 4, 2006December 6, 2005 May 2, 2006January 3, 2006<strong>Aldine</strong> Senior High <strong>School</strong>4-6:30 p.m., LibraryEnter West Road parking lot.August 16, 2005 February 21, 2006September 20, 2005 March 21, 2006October 18, 2005 April 18, 2006November 15, 2005 May 16, 2006January 17, 2006Operated by Harris County PublicHealth & Environmental Services(PHES) Humble Health Center.Harris County Public Health &Environmental Services,Antoine Community Health Center5668 W. Little York Road (@ Antoine) •Suite 260 • (281) 447-2884Immunization Hours:Mon., Wed., Thur., Fri. from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.Tue. from 8 a.m.-6 p.m.Houston Department of Health &Human Services, Northside Clinic8523 Arkansas • (713) 696-5900Immunization Hours:Monday from 10:15 a.m.-8 p.m.Tuesday-Friday from 7 a.m.-5 p.m.Note: Numbering system utilized atall times.Harris County PublicHealth & Environmental Services,Humble Health Center1730 Humble Place Drive • (281) 446-4222Immunization Hours:Mon.-Tue. from 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.Wed.-Thur. from 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.Friday from 7:30-11:00 a.m.Northwest Assistance Ministries(Operated by Harris County PHES– Antoine Health Center)15555 Kuykendahl (south of FM 1960)• (281)885-4630Immunization Hours and Dates:Every second and fourth Thur. eachmonth from 9-11 a.m. and from 1-3p.m.Cost: See Harris County PHES feeschedule below.Incarnation Health Center8230 Antoine • (281) 445-8815Hours: Call for hours andappointments.Note: Immunizations will only begiven to children between the ages of11 and 19.Cost: FreeHarris County PHES FeesFee: $15 or $4 or no charge (slidingfee scale)Fees are based upon number in familyand gross monthly income. ValidMedicaid letters accepted including TXHealth Network and Amerigroup HMOsonly. Valid CHIP letters accepted fromAmerigroup only.Houston Department of Health &Human ServicesCost: $3 per visitMedicaid and Medicaid HMO ptsaccepted, but must have a writtenreferral from your primary doctor.• Due to special storage requirements,the varicella vaccine may not beavailable at vaccination sites andhealth centers.• Sites may use a client numberingsystem which will change the hoursof operation. It is recommendedthat you call the clinic in advanceto help you plan your arrival time.• Please bring all availableimmunization records. An adultover the age of 18 must accompanyall children.