OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...

OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...

OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...


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ACADEMICStrip continued to push students andtake them out <strong>of</strong> their comfort zones.Several students were even hired towork in China as a direct result <strong>of</strong>our visit to these firms.” (See story,next page).Students met executives, managersand workers while visitingthe <strong>of</strong>fices and factories <strong>of</strong> a number<strong>of</strong> small, medium and multinationalfirms, including Adora Jewelers,Cinevistaas Studios, Genpact,Google, Hip Fung Electronics,Indian Institute <strong>of</strong> Packaging,Lenovo, Nokia, Ogilvy and Mather,Parsvanath Developers, Plantronics,Portola Packaging Company, PositecMachinery, Subway, Inc., SuzhouIndustrial Park, Times <strong>of</strong> India,United Family Hospitals <strong>of</strong> Beijing,United Foundation for ChineseOrphans, Wockhardt Hospitals, andYangshan Deep Water Port.During their travels, whichincluded visits to Shanghai, Beijing,Suzhou, New Delhi, Agra andMumbai, the group also met with adocumentary filmmaker whoselatest release is a film on theBeijing Olympics, a graphic communicationand marketing entrepreneur,several sustainable tourism entrepreneurs,and an expatriate running anonpr<strong>of</strong>it organization in China thatassists rural schools in developingtheir libraries.“Through these visits to firms,coupled with our <strong>of</strong>f time, we wereable to touch on virtually every facet<strong>of</strong> our M.S. in Industrial Technologyprogram,” said M.S. in IndustrialTechnology student Steve Munio,now a supply chain agent at ViaSatInc. in Carlsbad. “The MBA studentsfelt the same way with respect totheir curriculum.”MBA student William Jenckssaid the trip and course <strong>of</strong>fered anincredibly valuable experience.“They provided both insightsinto the global economy and strategicnetworking opportunities that Iwill be able to utilize for the rest <strong>of</strong>my career,” said Jencks, now anarchitectural designer in <strong>San</strong> Diego.“It was a truly one-<strong>of</strong>-a-kind journeythat was made possible by theremarkable network and logisticscontrol and planning <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Orfalea</strong>administration, and our host companiesin Asia.”At the Taj Mahal,Agra, India (above,from left): BrandiEng-Rohrbach,Robyn Bowie,Naomi Guy, AshleyDrum, Tai Massion,Dena Malloy andAndrea GreenleeTaking in the sightson a side trip toYuYuan Gardensand Temple inChina (left)Students posted a day-by-dayaccount <strong>of</strong> their MBA “Chindia” tripon the trip blog that Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Carrutilizes for the course and trip. Thejournal entries – postings starting inmid-June 20<strong>08</strong> and continuingthrough early July 20<strong>08</strong> – can beviewed at www.calpolymbatrip.com.ORFALEA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ❚ 27

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