OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...

OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...

OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...


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ACADEMICSBetter job opportunities andhigher salaries await studentswho pass series <strong>of</strong> CFA examsFor over three decades, the CharteredFinancial Analyst (CFA) Institute has<strong>of</strong>fered an international pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcertification to financial analysts whocomplete a series <strong>of</strong> three exams.A candidate must have abachelor’s degree or be in the finalyear <strong>of</strong> his/her bachelor’s degreeprogram or have at least four years<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional work experience inorder to take the exams. Candidatesmust pass all three in order tobecome CFA Charterholders andagree to comply with the strict CFAcode <strong>of</strong> ethics.The pay-<strong>of</strong>fs to passing the CFAexam include better employmentopportunities, higher starting salaries,and a more rewarding career asFinance students rise to the CFA challengea finance pr<strong>of</strong>essional. The CFACharterholders typically assume toppositions as investment pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsor become CFOs <strong>of</strong> corporations andprivate firms. It is for these reasonsthat the CFA designation is consideredby many to be the “gold standard”for finance pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and aviable alternative to an MBA degree.For those finishing their bachelordegrees, the Level 1 exam representsthe most challenging obstacleto overcome. The June 5, 20<strong>08</strong>edition <strong>of</strong> The Economist reportedthat 175,000 candidates took theLevel 1 exam last June with a passrate <strong>of</strong> less than 35 percent. Seventeen<strong>Orfalea</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong>finance seniors, advised by FinanceArea Chair Cyrus Ramezani, wereamong those who attempted theexam. The pass rate among thisgroup <strong>of</strong> seniors was 65 percent,nearly double the overall pass rate.All students who passed the examare now successfully employed.Ramezani said, “We are proud<strong>of</strong> all <strong>Cal</strong> <strong>Poly</strong> students who rose tothis challenge. Our six students wh<strong>of</strong>ailed this round still placed in thetop 10 percent <strong>of</strong> those who did notpass the June exam. This means theymissed fewer than 10 questions on atest with 240 questions! I’m sure theycan overcome this hurdle next time.“We hadn’t been tracking ourstudents’ success on the CFA examin the past, but when MattsonFernandez (Finance ’<strong>07</strong>) successfullypassed the Level 1 exam on hisfirst try and was hired by MerrillLynch, we realized that we shouldmake the CFA a formal program atthe <strong>Orfalea</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong>,”stated Ramezani. “After extensivediscussions with students andfinance faculty, we formed a CFASEE CFA, NEXT PAGESMPP CONTINUED“Phillip Cohl, who has beenmanaging funds for over 42 years, isalso a long-term investor, but heonly selects companies that haveincreased their dividends over thepast 10 years. Despite his simpleselection criteria, Mr. Cohl alsodevotes a significant amount <strong>of</strong> timeto researching target companiesbefore investing in them. We werefortunate that Mr. Cohl attendedmost class sessions during the yearand shared his perspectives on themarkets and our investment decisions.“The SMPP also was graced by avisited from Chris Monroe, a hedgefund trader who manages over 200positions with total assets valuedexceeding $500 million. Mr. Monroegave the SMPP a look into ‘a day inthe life <strong>of</strong> a trader’ and shared hisviews on how to choose the besttime to execute trades.”The SMPP had fully transitionedinto its new investment positionlast June before the term ended andthe participating seniors graduated.The fund has outperformed itsbenchmark over this period.<strong>Rep</strong>resentatives from the SMPPreported on the fund’s transitionand its performance to the <strong>Cal</strong> <strong>Poly</strong>Corporation’s Investment Committeeduring the spring term.“We are lucky to be granted theopportunity to manage part <strong>of</strong> theUniversity’s endowment funds. Thishas been a win-win situation for theentire university community,” saidPr<strong>of</strong>essor Ramezani. “The businessfaculty and students are grateful forthis opportunity, and we particularlywish to thank Ron Weaver <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Cal</strong> <strong>Poly</strong> Corporation for his support<strong>of</strong> this educational opportunity sincethe SMPP’s inception.”What is planned for 20<strong>08</strong>-09?The incoming students will have toassess the fund’s positions, continueto develop strong relationshipswithin the industry, complete unfinishedprojects and create an advisoryboard comprised <strong>of</strong> industry pr<strong>of</strong>essionals.The SMPP students will completethe course Web site showcasingthe students, their research andthe performance <strong>of</strong> the fund. Thestudents plan to showcase their<strong>Orfalea</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong> financetraining by participating in nationwidestudent-managed portfoliocompetitions and by inviting investmentbanks and money managers torecruit our graduates.For further information regardingthe Student Managed PortfolioProject, please contact CyrusRamezani at cramezan@calpoly.edu.ORFALEA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ❚ 31

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