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Tur DnrxN QursrtoN.nIts Relation to Church and State. Daties o/Both iru Regard to it.Histsrieal Aspeet of the Question.IwrBupBnaNcB is not a modern vice. The Prophetsof the Old Law denounced it. It existed in the time ofour Blessed Lord and the Apostles. The homilies ofSaints Augustine, Chrysostom, and other Fathers bearwitness to its prevalence in the early centuries ofChristianity.It has been observed that Northern nations have beenat all times more prone to this vice than others. It waslittle known in Italy in past or recent times.'Englanrl anil Irclantl.I have seen it stated that England, as a nation, wasremarkable for its sobriety until the time of pueenElizabeth, when, it is said, the English soldiery contractedhabits of intemperance in Ireland and Holland, andreturning to their native land, corrupted the whole nationto such an extent that it became as notorious dor.intemperanceas it had been for sobriety. The truth is,England had been at all times, and under all races,notorious for its drinking propensities.The Britons, according to St. Gildas, the Teutons and*A Paper read at the Meeting of the Maynooth Uniop, June,1902.

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