pnp operations programs and assessment - Philippine National Police

pnp operations programs and assessment - Philippine National Police

pnp operations programs and assessment - Philippine National Police

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marijuana dried leaves, sixkilograms of marijuana stalks <strong>and</strong>five kilograms of marijuana seeds559,000 fully grown marijuanaplants, 15 kilograms of marijuanaseedlings, 72 kilograms ofmarijuana dried leaves <strong>and</strong> 49kilograms of pulverized leaves <strong>and</strong>seeds258,900 fully grown marijuanaplants, 27,800 marijuana seedlings,28 kilograms marijuana stalks <strong>and</strong>11 kilograms marijuana seedsPhp120MPhp59.2M2013Brgy Luccong, Tinglayan,Kalinga on June 21, 2013Kibungan <strong>and</strong> Benguet,February 16-18, 2013Campaign against Carnapping. LOI 08/2011 “PNP Integrated Anti-Carnapping Strategy” dated April 12, 2011 directs all PNP units to undertake anintegrated anti-carnapping strategy orchestrated through the development ofoperational <strong>and</strong> tactical responses, collaboration with other government agencies<strong>and</strong> with the active support of the community. The <strong>operations</strong> resulted in therecovery of 1,721 vehicles out of 10,389 carnapping incidents reported registering arecovery efficiency of 17%. One thous<strong>and</strong> one hundred forty-one suspects wereneutralized or 38% higher compared to the 827 suspects neutralized in the sameperiod last year. Cases filed in court increased by 82% from 463 to 842.Campaign against Kidnapping. LOI 01/2011 “PNP Anti-KidnappingStrategy” dated February 15, 2011 undertakes revitalized, sustained, proactive <strong>and</strong>holistic efforts with focus on intensified law enforcement <strong>operations</strong>, anti-criminalitycampaign <strong>and</strong> public safety services in coordination <strong>and</strong> collaboration with other lawenforcement agencies, force multipliers, <strong>and</strong> the community to address kidnapping.Forty incidents were reported during the period. Thirty-four suspects wereneutralized <strong>and</strong> 17 cases were solved. Notable accomplishments for the period werethe following:a. Arrests of Felizardo Pagulayan <strong>and</strong> two of his cohorts in Brgy Molino,Bacoor City, Cavite on November 5, 2013. Pagulayan is on the list of the MostWanted Persons nationwide involved in KFR activities with a monetary reward ofPhp500,000.00.b. Arrest of Sehar Muloc aka Comm<strong>and</strong>er “Red Eye”, a notorious leader oflawless elements (LLES) <strong>and</strong> Kidnap for Ransom Group (KFRG) operating inZamboanga Sibugay <strong>and</strong> nearby provinces of Zamboanga Peninsula on August 7,2013.c. Arrests of Emerson Ocado y Padrique <strong>and</strong> his cohorts during anentrapment operation in Brgy Baguio, Tayabas City on January 19, 2013.Campaign against Bank Robbery. LOI 32/2004 Creating the PNP Anti-BankRobbery Special Operations Task Force (ABRSOTF) dated November 2, 2004 setsforth the operational guidelines for the creation <strong>and</strong> activation of the Anti-BankRobbery Special Operations Task Force which will serve as the main task force ofC:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 3 of 11

the PNP in the campaign against organized crime groups <strong>and</strong> criminal gangsparticularly engaged in bank robberies <strong>and</strong> related crimes to include theirmasterminds, sponsors, networks, <strong>and</strong> support system.Twenty-one incidents were reported <strong>and</strong> six cases were solved. Among thegains in this campaign are the foiled bank robberies of Producer’s Bank along JPRizal Avenue, Brgy Poblacion, Mangaldan, Pangasinan on February 5, 2013; <strong>and</strong>the BDO Universal Bank, Antipolo Branch in Sumulong Highway, Brgy Mayamot,Antipolo City on February 17, 2013 where the suspects were arrested during the<strong>operations</strong>.Campaign against Hijacking/Highway Robbery. LOI 57/10 “PNP’sCampaign Plan Against Highway Robbery/Holdup/Carnapping Criminals’ datedOctober 14, 2012 reinforces the PNP’s anti-carnapping campaign. PNP unitsconduct aggressive <strong>and</strong> sustained police <strong>operations</strong> to address the spate of robberyin these activities, including their network <strong>and</strong> support systems.Thirty-two hijacking incidents were reported which is 22% lower than the 41incidents reported for the same period last year. Two cases were solved. On thecampaign against highway robbery, 1,083 incidents were reported of which 233cases were solved which is 86% higher compared with the 125 cases solved lastyear.Campaign against Illegal Gambling. LOI 05/2012 “Revised PNP Anti-IllegalGambling Special Operations Task Force (AIGSOTF) dated April 28, 2012 sets forththe organization of an Oversight Committee <strong>and</strong> the creation of a revitalized Anti-Illegal Gambling Special Operations Task Force (AIGSOTF) in every <strong>Police</strong> RegionalOffice which will serve as the main task force of the PNP in the conduct of a forceful,intensive <strong>and</strong> unrelenting campaign against all forms of illegal gambling <strong>and</strong> illegalnumbers game known as “jueteng” <strong>operations</strong> nationwide.The 27,176 anti-illegal gambling <strong>operations</strong> conducted resulted in the arrest of12,130 persons, confiscation of cash bets amounting to Php9.6 M <strong>and</strong> the filing of5,453 criminal cases in courts which is 17% higher than the 4,656 cases filed incourts for the same period last year.Environment <strong>and</strong> Natural Resources Protection Campaign. LOI 11/2011“Kagubatan” Anti-Illegal Logging Campaign dated March 23, 2011 directs all PNPunits, in support of the Department of Environment <strong>and</strong> Natural Resources (DENR),<strong>and</strong> in coordination with the Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force to undertake concertedefforts to protect the natural <strong>and</strong> residual forests from illegal logging <strong>operations</strong>pursuant to Executive Order No. 23 “Declaring a Moratorium on the Cutting <strong>and</strong>Harvesting of Timber in the Natural <strong>and</strong> Residual Forests <strong>and</strong> Creating the Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force”.In the 8,072 anti-illegal logging <strong>operations</strong> conducted, 3,558,790 board feetof logs/lumber were confiscated. There were 1,436 persons arrested <strong>and</strong> 226 casesfiled in courts.C:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 4 of 11

Labajo @ Alvin Cuyag y Tiongson @Ben Ricky Parojinog/Limbaring @Kambal, leader, Wilfredo DamasPanogalinga Jr @ Kulot/Junjun <strong>and</strong>Dave Clark Bagaboyboy Lago @Carlo.Bye-Bye Kidnapping for RansomGroup with the arrests of DarrylAlcordo Morteho <strong>and</strong> two othercohortsVillacorta Robbery Hold-up <strong>and</strong>Carnapping Group with the arrestRommel Villacorta y Sumylo@Bumbay, leader <strong>and</strong> his membersOndo Perez Group with the arrest ofRaymundo M Vargas <strong>and</strong> the killing ofFern<strong>and</strong>o Vargas during an encounterBatangas Romblon Leyte (BLR)Group with the arrest of Rex Borinagay Saligada, leader <strong>and</strong> 5 membersMartinez Gang with the arrest of JuanMartinez y Congrado, leader <strong>and</strong>three membersRado Group with the arrest of NoelRado y Crisostomo @ Noel Rado yDomingo, leader of the Rado GroupOzamis Organized Crime Groups withthe arrests of one of the core leadersidentified as Ariel Bundaon y Abria @“Bokbok” <strong>and</strong> two membersBurnok Group with the arrests of eightmembersAvelino Group with the arrests of AllanBanson Avelino @ Allan, leader <strong>and</strong>five membersKidnapping for RansomGroupRobbery Hold-up <strong>and</strong>Carnapping GroupKidnap for ransom,carnapping <strong>and</strong> robberyBank robbery <strong>and</strong> otherrobbery activities whileriding motorcyclesJuly 11, 2013July 23, 2013June 4, 2013May 3, 2013Carnapping May 8, 2013Robbery hold-up, gunfor hire <strong>and</strong> drugtraffickingApril 30, 2013Robbery/hold-up March 6, 2013Gun-for-hire/robberyhold-upGunrunningFebruary 23,2013January 12,2013Campaign against Loose Firearms. LOI 64/2010 “Kontra Boga-Bravo” (PostElection Campaign Against Loose Firearms) signed on November 18, 2010, furtherintensifies the campaign against loose firearms, particularly those in the possessionof criminal elements including private armies.Firearms confiscated for violation of Republic Act No. 10591 increased by27% from 7,225 to 9,148 <strong>and</strong> 123% increased from 129 to 171 firearms confiscatedfrom Private Armed Groups (PAGs). Consequently, a total of 6,340 persons werearrested <strong>and</strong> 4,365 cases were filed in courts. Among the accomplishments are thefollowing:a. Confiscation of nine high-powered <strong>and</strong> one low-powered firearms, assortedmagazines <strong>and</strong> ammunition resulting from a search warrant served to SeminaritoC:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 6 of 11

Tagaloguin y S<strong>and</strong>e in Purok-1, Brgy. Poblacion 4, Clarin, Misamis Occidental onJune 25, 2013.b. Arrest of Mayor Mohammad Ali Aboh Abinal in Lanao del Sur <strong>and</strong> theconfiscation of seven high-powered firearms <strong>and</strong> assorted ammunition on March 30,2013.c. Confiscation of 23 high-powered <strong>and</strong> nine low-powered firearms, assortednumber of ammunition <strong>and</strong> explosives resulting from a search warrant served toVice-Mayor Lacson Mangotara Lantud in Poblacion, Pantao Ragat, Lanao del Norteon February 13, 2013. Also during the search, Mayor Eleonor Dimaporo Lantud, wifeof the Vice-Mayor voluntarily offered her room to be searched wherein threepersonal service firearms were found <strong>and</strong> seized.Under PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY PROGRAMS:Security Coverage <strong>and</strong> Foreign Visits. LOI 13/2011 “SANGINGAT-CHARLIE” dated April 13, 2011 sets for the operational guidelines <strong>and</strong> procedures tobe undertaken by the PNP to ensure peace <strong>and</strong> order <strong>and</strong> public safety during theyear-round observance of holidays, festivals, fiestas, <strong>and</strong> other related celebrations;the safe <strong>and</strong> orderly conduct of local <strong>and</strong> international meetings/conferences; specialevents; presidential visits; elections, plebiscites or referendum; <strong>and</strong> the peacefulconduct of mass actions <strong>and</strong>/or demonstrations in all parts of the country.LOI 56/2011 (TF Diplomatic Security-Revised) dated February 13, 2012prescribes the operational guidelines <strong>and</strong> procedures to be undertaken by the PNPrelative to the security of all foreign missions <strong>and</strong> diplomatic community, includingtheir embassies, residences, <strong>and</strong> installations in Metro Manila <strong>and</strong> other parts of thecountry.For the period, there were 58,507 VIP security <strong>operations</strong> conducted with11,312,458 man-hours spent. Also, a total of 30,885 <strong>operations</strong> on special eventswere conducted nationwide wherein the PNP rendered 17,427,478 man-hours.Safety of Foreign <strong>and</strong> Domestic Tourists. LOI 56/2010 “Bantay Turista”ensures the safety foreign <strong>and</strong> domestic tourists <strong>and</strong> promotes a securedenvironment in priority tourist destination areas through the <strong>National</strong> Tourist-Oriented<strong>Police</strong> for Community Order <strong>and</strong> Protection (NTOPCOP) Program.To date, there are 558 Tourist Assistance Centers (TACs) <strong>and</strong> 1,838 TouristAssistance Desks (TADs) nationwide were established since the implementation ofLOI 56/2010 “Bantay Turista”. Moreover, a total of 3,907 Tourist <strong>Police</strong> have beentrained <strong>and</strong> have graduated under the NTOPCOP project in coordination with theDepartment of Tourism. The Tourist <strong>Police</strong> are deployed in the 19 Priority TouristDestination Areas.Internal Security Operations. PNP ISO Campaign Plan – “SAMAHAN 2011”dated March 9, 2011 steers the PNP’s internal security efforts <strong>and</strong> complement theArmed Forces of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s (AFP) Internal Peace <strong>and</strong> Security Plan “Bayanihan”against all internal threats, such as Communist Terrorists Movement (CTM), theC:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 7 of 11

Southern <strong>Philippine</strong>s Secessionist Groups (SPSG), Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), <strong>and</strong>Jemaah Islamiya (JI).Campaign against CPP-NPA-NDF (CNN). The PNP figured in 19government-initiated encounters that resulted in 14 CNN killed, two wounded, <strong>and</strong>two captured. Thirty-nine high-powered <strong>and</strong> five low-powered firearms wererecovered. In other <strong>operations</strong> against the CNN, 38 were arrested, 13 surrendered,<strong>and</strong> five high-powered <strong>and</strong> 21 low-powered firearms were recovered. Arrested <strong>and</strong>surrendered CNN personalities include the following:a. Archie Pamat Salvan @ Jack/Brix @ Comdr Kuyos at Purok 4B, Brgy.Buac, Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur on November 2, 2013. He had a warrant ofarrest for murder with a reward of Php1.2 M for his capture.b. Rey Busania @ Miguel Busania <strong>and</strong> Reynaldo Miguel Busania , HeadCommunication of Komiteng Rehiyon-Hilagang Silangan Luzon (KR-HSL) at MistyLodge in Sitio Mabay, Poblacion Sagada on September 9, 2013. He had a warrant ofarrest for murder with a reward of Php3.9 M for his capture.c. Ofelia Ibues Inong @ Mary Bautista Juan <strong>and</strong> Lolita Loguibis medical <strong>and</strong>finance officer of Kilusang Larangang Guerila (KLG) Marco at Misty Lodge in SitioMabay, Poblacion, Sagada on September 11, 2013. She had a warrant of arrest formurder with a reward of Php2.75 M for her capture.d. Maria Loida Tuso Magpatoc @ Bebyang/Gwen/Hero, Secretary of FarSouth Mindanao Region (FSMR) at Old Terminal Bargy. Zone 111, Digos City inPoblacion Balbalan, Kalinga on July 29, 2013. She had a warrant of arrest forrobbery with double homicide <strong>and</strong> damage to properties, <strong>and</strong> a reward of Php5.6million for her capture.e. Jovencio Baluga @ Edgar, member of Militia Ng Bayan, KilusangLarangang Guirella (KLG) in Poblacion Balbalan, Kalinga on March 17, 2013. Hehad a warrant of arrest for double murder <strong>and</strong> multiple murder, <strong>and</strong> a reward ofPhp400,000.00 for his capture.f. Kennedy Banginbang, Secretary Larangang Guerilla (KLG), alongHalsema Highway in Bangao Proper Junction, Abatan Buguias Benguet on February23, 2013. He had a warrant of arrest for murder <strong>and</strong> multiple frustrated murder <strong>and</strong> areward of Php2.5 M for her capture.g. Ramon Ariente y Quina @ Ka Ramon Arente/Susing/Fausto/Butch,allegedly the Front Committee 73, Secretary of CPP/NPA of Camarines NorteProvincial Party Committee <strong>and</strong> Nr. 1 in the list of Regional Most Wanted Persons, inBrgy. Balayong, Bauan, Batangas on February 18, 2013. He had a warrant of arrestfor murder <strong>and</strong> a reward of Php2.3 M for his arrest.h. Benigno Cagwayan y Congas @ Dukang/Mel/Garcia, NPA leader <strong>and</strong>team leader of Dos Larangang Yunit Gerilya (LGY) who surrendered on May 19,2013. He had a warrant of arrest for double murder <strong>and</strong> multiple frustrated murderwith Php500,000.00 reward for his capture.C:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 8 of 11

Campaign against Southern <strong>Philippine</strong>s Secessionist Groups (SPSGs).Fifteen government-initiated encounter against SPSGs were reported that resulted in23 SPSG killed, seven captured <strong>and</strong> one wounded. Twenty-two high powered <strong>and</strong>one low powered firearms were recovered. On other <strong>operations</strong> against SPSGs, 19were arrested, 38 surrendered, seven high-powered firearms were recovered duringthe period. Notable accomplishments are the following:a. Abu Sayaff Group (ASG) member Ustadz Hamad Idris @ Edris OmarAbdulatip Jr, in T<strong>and</strong>ang Sora, Ave., Brgy. Culiat, Quezon City on June 4, 2013. Hewas involved in the kidnapping of Amily A Mantec <strong>and</strong> five other members ofJehova’s witnesses religious sector on August 20, 2002. Idris had a reward ofPhp600,000.00 for his capture.b. ASG-UTG Muktar Ladjaperma @ “Muktar/Tuan Muks/Ustadz Muktar inZamboanga International Airport, Brgy. Camins, Zamboanga City on June 3, 2013.He was involved in kidnapping <strong>and</strong> serious illegal detention <strong>and</strong> had a reward ofPhp600,000.00 for his arrest.c. ASG member Abdulla Kallitut involved in the beheading of <strong>Philippine</strong>Marine troopers in 2007, in Isabela City on April 14, 2013. He had a reward of Php1M for his arrest.d. Abdul Rahim wanted for murder, multiple frustrated murder <strong>and</strong> multipleattempted murder in Ciudad Medical Hospital, Zamboanga City on February 25,2013. He had a reward of Php1.3M for his capture.Strengthening Linkages with Other Law Enforcement Agencies<strong>National</strong> Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (NALECC). TheChief, PNP chairs the NALECC that has 64 member-agencies. Strengtheninglinkages with other law enforcement agencies was sustained during the three regularmeetings <strong>and</strong> four special meetings aside from the lateral coordination <strong>and</strong> liaisingamong member-agencies.The following resolutions were approved:a. Resolution No. 01-2013 “A Resolution for the Membership of an Agency tothe Mother NALECC Becoming a Member of any of the Sub-Committee of theLatter”.b. Resolution No. 02-2013 “Inclusion of the <strong>National</strong> Museum (NM) asmember of the <strong>National</strong> Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee Sub-Committeeon International Law Enforcement Cooperation (NALECC-SCILEC) as well with theMother NALECC”.Joint Anti-Bank Robbery Action Committee (JABRAC). JABRAC heldthree meetings during the year wherein target hardening measures to addressrobbery of pawnshops, money changers <strong>and</strong> other similar establishments werediscussed. The PNP heads the JABRAC composed of other government agencies<strong>and</strong> stakeholders from the banking <strong>and</strong> pawnshop sectors. Coordinations throughC:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 9 of 11

the JABRAC are being undertaken in view of the creation <strong>and</strong> activation of the PNPAnti-Bank Robbery Special Operation Task Force (ABR SOTF) (LOI 32/2004) thatserves as the main task force of the PNP in the campaign against organized crimegroups <strong>and</strong> criminal gangs involved in bank robberies <strong>and</strong> related crimes.Joint Peace <strong>and</strong> Security Coordinating Center (JPSCC). The JPSCC held21 regional, 92 provincial <strong>and</strong> 18 city level JPSCC meetings during the year. TheJPSCCs strengthened PNP-AFP coordination nationwide which was instrumental tothe successful conduct of the May 2013 <strong>National</strong> <strong>and</strong> Local Elections. JPSCCs werecreated at the national, regional provincial <strong>and</strong> independent city levels through AFP-PNP Joint Letter Directive (JLD) No. 07-2010 to ensure unity of efforts between themilitary <strong>and</strong> the police in addressing all peace <strong>and</strong> security concerns.<strong>National</strong> Task Force SAFE 2013May 13, 2013 ElectionsThe PNP <strong>and</strong> the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) have collaborated insecuring a peaceful <strong>and</strong> safe midterm elections on May 13, 2013 <strong>and</strong> have come upwith their battle cries: Secure And Fair Elections (SAFE) 2013 <strong>and</strong> Credible AndReliable Elections (CARE) 2013 for the PNP <strong>and</strong> COMELEC, respectively.The NTF SAFE 2013, aside from its major concerns on identification ofelection hot spots in the country, monitoring <strong>and</strong> neutralization of Private ArmedGroups (PAGs), <strong>and</strong> accounting of loose firearms, provides strategic direction <strong>and</strong>supervision to all PNP units on matters of police <strong>operations</strong>. Likewise, NTF SAFE2013 provides for the creation of provisional units from the national down toprovincial levels to foster coordination in addressing election related concerns.From the start of the election period on January 13 up to the end of electionperiod on June 13, 2013, a total of 3,708 persons were apprehended of which 3,414were civilians, 153 security guards, 54 government officials/employees, 29 AFP <strong>and</strong>28 PNP personnel. Further, 2,575 high-powered <strong>and</strong> 1,037 low-powered firearmswere confiscated. Other items confiscated were 163 gun replicas, 1,079 bladedweapons <strong>and</strong> 754 grenade <strong>and</strong> other explosives.During the same period, the PNP territorial forces carried out the Chief, PNP’sdirective to neutralize or contain Private Armed Groups (PAGs) which resulted in 102PAG members arrested, six killed <strong>and</strong> 37 surrendered. Two hundred fifty-eightfirearms were surrendered to the PNP.October 28, 2013 Barangay ElectionsThe PNP, COMELEC, AFP <strong>and</strong> other law enforcement agencies had teamedup to ensure Secure And Fair Elections (SAFE 2013) during the synchronizedbarangay elections on October 28, 2013.From the start of the election period on September 28, 2013 up to the end ofelection period on November 12, 2013, a total of 888 persons were apprehended ofwhich 825 were civilians, 30 security guards, ten government officials/employees,C:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 10 of 11

nine AFP <strong>and</strong> ten PNP personnel. Further, 444 high-powered <strong>and</strong> 328 low- poweredfirearms were confiscated. Other items confiscated were 29 gun replicas, 267 bladedweapons <strong>and</strong> 95 grenade <strong>and</strong> 294 explosives.C:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 11 of 11

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