pnp operations programs and assessment - Philippine National Police

pnp operations programs and assessment - Philippine National Police

pnp operations programs and assessment - Philippine National Police

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Labajo @ Alvin Cuyag y Tiongson @Ben Ricky Parojinog/Limbaring @Kambal, leader, Wilfredo DamasPanogalinga Jr @ Kulot/Junjun <strong>and</strong>Dave Clark Bagaboyboy Lago @Carlo.Bye-Bye Kidnapping for RansomGroup with the arrests of DarrylAlcordo Morteho <strong>and</strong> two othercohortsVillacorta Robbery Hold-up <strong>and</strong>Carnapping Group with the arrestRommel Villacorta y Sumylo@Bumbay, leader <strong>and</strong> his membersOndo Perez Group with the arrest ofRaymundo M Vargas <strong>and</strong> the killing ofFern<strong>and</strong>o Vargas during an encounterBatangas Romblon Leyte (BLR)Group with the arrest of Rex Borinagay Saligada, leader <strong>and</strong> 5 membersMartinez Gang with the arrest of JuanMartinez y Congrado, leader <strong>and</strong>three membersRado Group with the arrest of NoelRado y Crisostomo @ Noel Rado yDomingo, leader of the Rado GroupOzamis Organized Crime Groups withthe arrests of one of the core leadersidentified as Ariel Bundaon y Abria @“Bokbok” <strong>and</strong> two membersBurnok Group with the arrests of eightmembersAvelino Group with the arrests of AllanBanson Avelino @ Allan, leader <strong>and</strong>five membersKidnapping for RansomGroupRobbery Hold-up <strong>and</strong>Carnapping GroupKidnap for ransom,carnapping <strong>and</strong> robberyBank robbery <strong>and</strong> otherrobbery activities whileriding motorcyclesJuly 11, 2013July 23, 2013June 4, 2013May 3, 2013Carnapping May 8, 2013Robbery hold-up, gunfor hire <strong>and</strong> drugtraffickingApril 30, 2013Robbery/hold-up March 6, 2013Gun-for-hire/robberyhold-upGunrunningFebruary 23,2013January 12,2013Campaign against Loose Firearms. LOI 64/2010 “Kontra Boga-Bravo” (PostElection Campaign Against Loose Firearms) signed on November 18, 2010, furtherintensifies the campaign against loose firearms, particularly those in the possessionof criminal elements including private armies.Firearms confiscated for violation of Republic Act No. 10591 increased by27% from 7,225 to 9,148 <strong>and</strong> 123% increased from 129 to 171 firearms confiscatedfrom Private Armed Groups (PAGs). Consequently, a total of 6,340 persons werearrested <strong>and</strong> 4,365 cases were filed in courts. Among the accomplishments are thefollowing:a. Confiscation of nine high-powered <strong>and</strong> one low-powered firearms, assortedmagazines <strong>and</strong> ammunition resulting from a search warrant served to SeminaritoC:\Documents <strong>and</strong> Settings\yek\Desktop\transparency2013\PNPMajorPrograms.docPage 6 of 11

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