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FINNISH FILMS IN CANNES 2012Hush[ Ja saapuu oikea yö ]Jyri Kähönen / 90’Love is a roller coaster ride,but this time there’s no getting off. When Veeraasks Sakari to commit the unthinkable he findshimself in an unwakeable nightmare.Production: Helsinki -fi lmiSales: The Yellow AffairScreening:Mon, May 21 13.30 Gray 4European Film MarketNaked Harbour[ Vuosaari]Aku Louhimies / 123’Naked Harbour is a film about Finnish love :it follows several parallel stories of charactersfacing something irreversible, on a one grey andcold winter week, in a quest to find love andacceptance.Production: Edith FilmFirst Floor ProductionsSales: Wide ManagementScreening:Sat, May 19 18:00 Palais G
European Film MarketCover: Purge by Antti Jokinen, production Solar Films Inc, sales TrustNordiskOnce Upon A TimeIn The North[ Härmä]JP Siili | 128’In the 19 th century plainlands of Ostrobothnia,Western Finland, a tradition prevails, according towhich the first-born son inherits everything and theremaining offspring must fend for themselves. Thelaw has been cast aside in many areas and groupsof men, knife-wielding thugs, nicknamed “toughs”,control the fields. The blade rules the land.Production: Yellow Film & TV LtdSales: NonStop Sales ABScreening:Fri, May 18 09:00 Palais HBody of Water[ Syvälle salattu]Joona Tena | 105’Julia, a busy big city lawyer, travels to a remotelakeside town to help the town’s people resista planned hydro plant reservoir. There shebecomes the target of disturbing attacks by asupernatural spirit.To fight the spirit she must uncover a darksecret in her own family history.Production: Matila Röhr Nordisk OySales: NonStop Sales ABScreening:Thu, May 17 16:00 Gray 5SoundbreakerKimmo Koskela | 86’Soundbreaker is a film odyssey that follows someof the sonic adventures of one of the world’smost exciting and fearless artists – Finland’sKimmo Pohjonen, an accordionist of exceptionalability and imagination.Production:Koskela Art & Media HouseSales: NonStop Sales ABScreenings:Wed, May 16 13:30 Palais DFri, May 18 14:00 Gray 5
Liisa Penttilä4Liisa Penttilä has worked as a producersince 2001, coproducing Lars Von Trier’sDogville and Hendrik Handloegten’sSummer Window and being the associateproducer for von Trier’s Manderlay. She servesas the executive producer of Edith Film andacts as Zentropa Productions’ partner in thecompany. Her credits include Saara Saarela’sTwisted Roots in 2009 and co-producing AkuLouhimies’ new feature Naked Harbour lastyear. Currently Liisa is in postproduction onSimo Halinen’s drama Pizza Desperata, whichwill be released this autumn.Liisa Penttilä is in the process of raisingfi nance and looking for co-producers for twoprojects scheduled to shoot in 2012–13: JuhaLehtola’s tragicomedy Boy Upside Down abouta 11-year-old who refuses to mourn when hisparents die in a car accident, and Aku Louhimies’action drama Ultimate Fight about aboxer trying to conquer his personal demonsoutside of the ring.Finland’s Produceron the Move 2012Liisa PenttiläEdith Film Oy, Executive producerMobile +358 40 505 0015liisa@edithfi lm.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 19–23Ultimate FightLiisa Penttilä
The Finnish Film Foundation in <strong>Cannes</strong>The Finnish Film Foundation supports and promotes the Finnish film industry. The Film Foundation provides support for professional film productionand the exhibition and distribution of films. The Foundation is also responsible for the cultural export of Finnish film and provides support forthe international promotion of films.ManagingDirectorIrina KrohnMay 17–24Mobile +358 50 555 1199Staff at the FFF stand at the Scandinavian Terrace(55, La Croisette)Other staff presentin <strong>Cannes</strong>Petri KemppinenHead of the Production DepartmentMay 17–24Mobile +358 40 562 8140Harri AhokasHead of Domestic DistributionMay 18–25Mobile +358 50 087 9349Media Desk Finlandin <strong>Cannes</strong>Kerstin DegermanExecutive ManagerMay 17–22Mobile +358 50 528 2109Marjo PipinenInformation OfficerMay 17–25Mobile +358 50 380 8960Jaana PuskalaHead of Feature Film PromotionMay 17–24Mobile +358 50 338 0635Reetta HautamäkiInformation CoordinatorMay 17–25Mobile +358 50 432 6409Kaisu IstoFilm CommissionerMay 18–24Mobile +358 40 562 8139Kati NuoraInternational Information OfficerMay 17–24Mobile +358 50 568 9191Riina LiukkonenAssistant Domestic DistributionMay 17–24Mobile +358 40 539
Cine-Boat Workshop FilmsPolyglot: On the Way to Turku18 young filmmaking talents, selected through online video contest, were invited aboard “Cine-Boat”, an itinerant filmmaking eventcrossing the archipelago of Turku (Finland) from 3rd–17th June 2011. These are the films they made:Drifting Home (9’32)Nicolas Servide (Argentina/Denmark)Kirill Naumko (Ukraine)Judit Kájel (Hungary)Pikku-Kalle? (12’)Alastair Cole (New Zealand/UK)Daniel Szöllosi (Hungary)Anna Dmitrieva (Bulgaria)Velvollisuus / Duty (8’21)Severine Beaudot (France)Linda Dombrovszky (Hungary)George Groshkov (Bulgaria)Utöpia (8’23)Silvio Ivicic (Croatia)Sam Batink (Netherlands)Laure Anna Franquès (France)Destination North (9’39)Gautier Dulion (France)Albina Griniute (Lithuania)Melissa Suárez del Real (Mexico/Spain)Five Lives By Silence (14’32)Miki Ambrózy (Hungary/Greece)Nick Shaw (UK)Begüm Güleç (Turkey)Screening:Semaine de la CritiqueEspace MiramarThu, May 24 11:00Hetta Huhtamäki Production co-ordinatorMobile +4915129058475In <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 23–266Drifting Home Pikku-Kalle? Velvollisuus / Duty Utöpia Destination North Five Lives By Silence
FAVEXFAVEX, i.e. Finnish Film & Audiovisual Export, is an associationthat promotes and facilitates marketing and sales of Finnishaudio visual content and services, be it in the spheres of television,fi lm or publicity. The association also gives coaching, does matchmaking and strives for the best possible ecosystem and fi nancingin Finland, so that the audiovisual industry and creativity canflourish. The co ordination of the lobbying activities for a Finnishfi lm incentive / rebate model is also a demanding task that FAVEXhas taken on.FAVEX members include different producer’s associations,copyright organizations as well as partnership members suchas the Finnish public broadcasting company YLE, distributorsassociations, fi lm commissions etc. FAVEX has officially started itsactivities in 2008, following a similar system for the music, designand gaming industries in Finland.FAVEX is a contact point and knowledge provider for Finnishproduction companies on one hand, and for international buyersand distributors in the audiovisual industry on the other hand.A big part of the work consists of common stands and events atselected TV-, fi lm- and publicity markets and facilitating the meetand-greetof Finnish producers with industry professionals abroad.Another project is, a web window to Finnishaudiovisual services, productions and locations that was launchedin <strong>Cannes</strong> 2011. Be sure to pay a visit!FAVEX makes the audiovisual world aware of the excellent, creativeand varied Finnish productions that are worth while exploring.Favex – Finnish Film & Audiovisual ExportKalevankatu 39–43, FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 40 752 7777petra.theman@favex.fiwww.favex.fiPetra Theman, CEOMobile +358 40 752 7777petra.theman@favex.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 18–237
Aamu Filmcompany LtdAamu Filmcompany Ltd was founded in 2001, and has producedboth fiction and documentary in various lengths. The company isenthusiastic and committed to developing and strengthening thecharacter of Finnish fi lm. As a strong addition to that, Aamu FilmcompanyLtd aims to create high-quality narration for internationalaudience. Our mission is to change the way of seeing the everyday.Aamu Filmcompany LtdHiihtomäentie 34, FI-00800 HelsinkiTel +358 9 6874 4980, Fax +358 9 6874 4981info@aamufi lmcompany.fiAuli Mantilamantila@aamufi lmcompany.fimobile +358 40 8671601In <strong>Cannes</strong> May 16–21Recently released filmsThe Painting Sellers (drama | 59 min. | 1st prize in <strong>Cannes</strong>Cinéfondation 2010) Whispering in a Friend’s Mouth (10’ |<strong>Cannes</strong> Critic’s Week 2010) The Silver Stars (Series 3x55’ |Winner of Prix Europa Best TV Drama 2008)Coming upThings We Do for Love (Feb 2013 | feature fi lm in co-productionwith Sweet Films, Norway | 90’)Things We Do for Love8 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2
Art Films Productions AFP LtdArt Films production AFP Ltd develops and produces creative, qualityfi lms, including its most recent completed production, the awardwinningdramatic feature fi lm Princess and two upcoming projects:the documentary feature When Heroes Lie and the dramatic-comedyfeature fi lm A Patriotic Man. Princess has already been sold to 9territories around the world, and the U.S. company W2 has optionedthe English-language remake rights.The main focus of Art Films is on fiction fi lms and documentaries.Over the years, Art Films has realised numerous internationalprojects, with Halonen’s fi lms sold to over 20 countries. ArtoHalonen has also gathered many international awards from fi lmfestivals around the world,as well as the HumanitarianAward of the European Unionin 1998 and the Finland Prizeof 2005. In 2008, the ThessalonikiDocumentary Festivalawarded Halonen with a retrospectiveand recognized himas one of the most importantcontemporary European documentaryfi lm-makers.Art Films Production AFP LtdMerimiehenkatu 10, FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 4159 3640, Fax +358 9 4159 3690info@artfi lms.fiwww.artfi lmsproduction.comArto Halonen Producer - Director - Screenwriter - CEOMobile +358 40 500 6602arto@artfi lms.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 17–23Kevin Frazier Writer - Legal - FinancingMobile +358 40 764 8933kevin.frazier@artfi lms.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 17–23Recently released filmsPrincess (2010 | fiction | 100’)The Victors and the Vanquished (2010 | documentary fi lm | 52’)The Magnetic Man (2009 | documentary fi lm | 79’)Coming upWhen Heroes Lie (2012 | Documentary Feature | Post-Production)A Patriotic Man (2012–2013 | Dramatic Comedy | Pre-Production)Guardian Angel (2013–2014 | Crime | Development)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2 9
Blind Spot PicturesBlind Spot Pictures was established 1997 to produce and co-producequality films for the international marketplace.Blind Spot PicturesMerimiehenkatu 36 D, FI-00150 Helsinki, Tel. +358 50 593 7714,Fax +358 9 710 061,, www.blindspot.fiTero Kaukomaa ProducerMobile +41 792 537 638tero@blindspot.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 15–23Timo Vuorensola DirectorMobile +358 40 588 8972timo@ironsky.netIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 15–23Essi Suomela Line producerMobile +358 50 571 4174essi@blindspot.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 15–23Sini Jääskeläinen Production and festival coordinatorMobile +358 40 719 2588sini@blindspot.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 15–23Recently released feature filmsIron Sky (2012 | science fiction, black comedy | RED | 93’)Beyond (2010 | drama | co-production of Sweden, Denmark,Finland | 35mm | 95’)Rational Solution (2009 | drama, comedy |co-production Sweden, Germany, Italy, Finland | 35mm | 95‘)Maria Larsson’s Everlasting Moment (2008 | drama |co-production of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Finland |16mm & 35mm | 131’)Man’s Job (2007 | drama | 16mm | 100’)Jade Warrior (2006 | epic love story, fantasy, kung fu |16mm & 35mm | 104’)In post productionNever Forever / working title (crime drama |dir. Aku Louhimies | Arri Alexa | 100’)In developmentNext fi lm by Timo Vuorensola (Iron Sky)Human (a werewolf inversion, suspense thriller |dir. AJ Annila | RED | 100’)Zombie Cruise (horror comedy |dir. Ville Jankeri and Timo Turunen | RED | 90’)10 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2
Bronson ClubBronson Club is a Helsinki-based production company that wasestablished to create a home for the best of the next-generationfi lm makers and to bring edgy and personal feature fi lms into theinternational marketplace. The company is run by producer JesseFryckman.Projects in production include a women driven comedy Summertimeby Inari Niemi and a controversial war fi lm Speedsoldiers.Bronson Club has also two pre-school animations in pre-production;Ella & Alex and Milja and the Nabours.Bronson Club’s latest fi lms include a football comedy TheHustlers (2012) and a romantic comedy Love and Other Troubles(2012) with Emilie De Ravin. Earlier production include a youthdrama August (2011) and a buddy fi lm The Hustlers (2010).Bronson Club’s fi rst animated project Ella & Alex for pre-schoolaged children was released in 2011.Bronson Club produced one of the most controversial andtalked-about fi lms of 2010, feature-length documentary Reindeerspotting,a gripping portrait of the life of drug addicts in Lapland.The fi lm broke alltime local box office records for documentaryfi l m s.Bronson Club is a part of Nordisk Film thru Solar Films which isthe leading Finnish feature fi lm and TV Production company.Bronson Club OyHämeentie 11, FI-00530 Helsinkiwww.bronson.fiJesse Fryckman ProducerTel. +358 40 590 9999jesse@bronson.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: 17–22Recently released filmsSauna (2008 | horror | 83’)The Hustlers (2010 | buddy fi lm | 95’)Reindeerspotting (2010 | documentary | 84’)August (2011 | youth drama | 110’)Ella and Aleksi (2011 | animation | 48’)Fanatics (2012 | buddy comedy | 80’)Love and Other Troubles (2012 | romantic comedy | 90’)Coming upSummertime (2013 | comedy)The Whorytale (2013 | drama)Speed Soldiers (2014 | war)Ultimate light (2014 | youth drama )Milja and the Nabours (2014 | pre-school animation)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2 11
CinetCinet is established in 2007 by Petri Jokiranta who has previouslyworked as a fi nancer and then as a producer for several years.Jokiranta has produced features such as Jade Warrior (2006) byAJ Annila and Man’s Job (2007) by Aleksi Salmenperä. Cinet concentrateson developing and producing fi lms from young upcomingtalents for international markets. Cinet´s latest release Rare Exports:A Christmas Tale (2010) by Jalmari Helander was released inseveral major territories simultaneosly in Christmas and it haswon numerous awards such as the Variety Piazza Grande award inLocarno and the Best Motion Picture in Sitges 2010.CinetKristianinkatu 1 A 4, FI-00170 Helsinki,Tel. +358 40 841 7442, ,www.cinet.fiPetri JokirantaMobile +358 40 841 7442petri.jokiranta@cinet.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 18–21Coming upUntitled: the next Jalmari Helander fi lm12 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2
Edith film OyEdith fi lm focuses on quality fiction and animation. Previousproductions include feature fi lm Twisted roots (2009), TV dramaThe Doorman (2010), animation The Egg Race (2009) andinternational co-productions, eg. Manderlay (2005)Edith FilmPursimiehenkatu 8, FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6124 9660, Fax +358 10 296 1505info@edithfi lm.fiLiisa Penttilä Executive producerMobile +358 40 505 0015liisa@edithfi lm.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 19–23Released filmsNaked Harbour (2012 | produced with First Floor Productions |Aku Louhimies)Summer Window (2011 | co-production withZentropa Entertainments Berlin | Hendrik Handloegten)Twisted Roots (2009 | Saara Saarela)Coming upPizza Desperata (in post production | 2012)Boy Upside Down (in pre-production | 2013) Juha LehtolaUltimate Fight (in pre-production | 2013) Aku LouhimiesF I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2 13
First Floor ProductionsFirst Floor Productions is a fi lm production company operating inHelsinki. First Floor Productions collaborates also as a co-producerand production service provider in Finland. The next coming upproduction is a feature-length documentary, Kaputt – Man With AMission to be released during 2012. First Floor Productions’ latestfeature fi lm, Aku Louhimies’ Naked Harbour premiered in Finlandthe 3rd of February 2012.First Floor ProductionsPursimiehenkatu 8, FI-00150 HelsinkiTel +358 9 56 27 09 30fi rstfloor@fi rstfloor.fiPauli Pentti ProducerMobile +358 50 382 2024pauli@fi rstfloor.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 17–21Recently released filmsIn the Shadow of Doubt (2010 | documentary | 75’ | Pekka Lehto)Naked Harbour (2012 | feature | 123’ | Aku Louhimies)Coming upKaputt (2012 | documentary | 70’ | Pekka Lehto)Fleeing Dreams (2013 | feature | 90’ | Petri Kotwica)Ultimate fight (2013 | feature | 100’ | Aku Louhimies)Dogs of The New Morning (2014) | feature | 100’ | Rane Tiukkanen)Naked Harbour14 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2
Fisher King Production OyFisher King Production Oy produces high-quality feature fi lms andTV-drama productions for the local and international markets.The main focus is in the genre driven productions. Companycombines modern production techniques with the good oldstorytelling tradition.Fisher King Production OyRikhardinkatu 4 B 21FI-00130 /Matti Halonen Producer, Managing DirectorMobile: +358 400 693 743matti.halonen@fi sherking.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 16–23Miikko Oikkonen Director, ScriptwriterMobile: +358 40 701 9387miikko.oikkonen@fi sherking.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 18–25ProductionsNymphs, Tv-series, 12 x 44’ (In pre-production)Tove and the Mermaid , Feature fi lm, 90’ (In development)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2 15
Helsinki -filmi OyHelsinki -fi lmi is an active and innovative production company.Dedication to development and constant search of extraordinarystories defi nes the core of the company. The emphasis is oncontemporary stories based on original ideas.The company has produced 12 feature fi lms and numerousTV productions since it was founded in 2002. Helsinki -fi lmi belongsto the biggest independent production group in Finland, Yellow Film& TV. During the past few years, Helsinki -fi lmi has participated inseveral European co-productions with Sweden, Ireland, Estonia,Germany, Greece and the UK. Helsinki –fi lmi has produced severaldomestic box office hits and fi lms distributed widely in the entireworld.Recently released filmsMadam President (2012 | documentary | 80’ |co-production with Funny Films)Where Once We Walked (2011) | drama | 120’)Lapland Odyssey (2010 | comedy | 100’)Coming upLion Heart (2013 | drama | 90’)Hush (2012 | thriller | 90’)Bekas (2012 | drama | 90’ | co-production with Sonet Film)Diary of a Drunk (2012 | comedy | 100’ | co-production withDictator Films)Helsinki -filmi OyVanha talvitie 11 A, 4. krsFI-00580 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 7740 300Aleksi Bardy Managing director, producerMobile +358 400 467 497aleksi.bardy@helsinkifi lmi.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: 17–22Bekas16 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2
KinotarKinotar was founded in 1994 by producer Lasse Saarinen and hasproduced over 60 feature fi lms, documentaries and short fiction,among 13 features are Letters to Father Jacob by Klaus Härö,Ricky Rapper I–III by Mari Rantasila, Sixpack-movie by VilleJankeri, Upswing by Johanna Vuoksenmaa, and Kiss me in The Rainby Veikko Aaltonen.Kinotar is one of the biggest fi lm production companies inFinland and has a steady production flow of one or two features andseveral documentaries per year. Past international co-productionsinclude Must Have Been Love by Eirik Svensson (Norway, Finland),The Somnambulance by Sulev Keedus (Estonia, Finland) and Don’tYou Worry, It Will Probably Pass (Du ska nog se att det går över) byCecilia Neant-Falk (Sweden, Finland), amongst others.Ricky Rapper and Cool WendyKinotarTyöpajankatu 10 A, 2. krs, FI-00580 Helsinki,Tel. +358 9 7740 040, Fax +358 9 7740 0444,, www.kinotar.comLasse Saarinen Managing director, producerMobile +358 50 596 1763lasse@kinotar.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 16–20Risto Salomaa ProducerMobile +358 40 550 1770risto@kinotar.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 17–23Recently released filmsLetters to Father Jacob (2009 | fiction | 35mm | 74’)Ricky Rapper and Bicycle Thief (2010 | fiction | 79’)Sixpack-movie (2011 | fiction | 80’)Ricky Rapper and Cool Wendy (2012 | fiction | 74’)Coming upMust Have Been Love (premiere 10/2012)The Cyclops (in pre-production)Sonata number 21 (in pre-production)Autumn Prince (in pre-production)No Thanks (in pre-production)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2 17
Marianna Films OyMarianna Films was founded in 1987 in Helsinki by MikaKaurismäki. Marianna Films produces or co-produces mainly MikaKaurismäki’s own projects, but it has also produced some Finnishdebut fi lms and participated in Nordic co-productions.Mika Kaurismäki’s Road North, a drama comedy starring twoFinnish icons Vesa-Matti Loiri and Samuli Edelmann, has just beencompleted and will premiere in Finland on the August 24, 2012.Mika Kaurismäki is currently developing a Swedish-German-French-Canadian-Finnish co-production Kristina of Sweden, a fi lm aboutthe controversial Queen Kristina, who reigned Sweden in the17th century.Marianna Films is currently in post-production of ”KingLitmanen” (”Kuningas Litmanen”), a documentary about theFinnsih soccer legend Jari Litmanen, directed by Arto Koskinenand produced by Mika Kaurismäki. The fi lm will premiere inFinland on September 28th, 2012.Marianna FilmsPunavuorenkatu 5A2, FI-00120 lms@gmx.netwww.mikakaurismaki.comContact in <strong>Cannes</strong>:Miira PaasilinnaThe Yellow AffairMobile: +46 76 199 3166, +46 761 666 034Miira@yellowaffair.comIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 15–25, Scandinavian TerraceRecently released films:Mama Africa (2011 | documentary | 90’)Panorama Audience Award Berlinale 2011Brothers (2011 | drama | 93’)Vesku of Finland (2010 | documentary | 110’)The House of Branching Love (2009 | comedy | 103’)Three Wise Men (2008 | drama | 100’)Coming upRoad North (drama comedy |national premiere August 24, 2012)King Litmanen (documentary |national premiere September 28, 2012)Kristina of Sweden (drama | in development)18 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2
Matila Röhr ProductionsMRP Matila Röhr Productions is the feature fi lm brand of the MatilaRöhr Nordisk company. It was founded in 1990 by two feature fi lmprofessionals, Marko Röhr and Ilkka Matila, and produces fi lmsin both Finland and abroad. Over 30 globally recognized fi lms plusseveral documentaries and television dramas exhibit the talent andthe vision of the company. Many of the company’s fi lms have beenmajor critical and commercial hits. Overall, the company’s fi lmshave sold over 3 million cinema tickets in Finland.MRP Matila Röhr Productions is connected to a network of topEuropean media professionals and is itself a sought-after partner inthe Nordic region. The MRP Matila Röhr Productions brand is wellknownand respected within and beyond the fi lm industry.MRP Matila Röhr Productions is a name that guarantees seamlesscooperation and a successful production process resulting in atop quality feature fi lm.Matila Röhr ProductionsTallberginkatu 1 A 141, FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 5407 820, Fax. +358 9 5407 8210www.matilarohr.comMarko Röhr Managing director, producerMobile +358 400 416 634marko.rohr@matilarohrnordisk.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 17–22Ilkka Matila Vice managing director, producerMobile +358 40 501 1025ilkka.matila@matilarohrnordisk.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 17–22Recently released filmBody of Water (2011 | drama | 105’)Priest of Evil (2010 | thriller | 106’)Backwood Philosopher (2010 | drama | 110’)Coming upBody Fat Index of Love (2012 | fiction)Story of a Forest (2012 | fiction)Rolli and the Golden Key (2013 | children’s fiction)Never Alone (2014 | fiction)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2 19
Snapper Films OySnapper Films is a Helsinki- and New York-based production companyfounded in 1998. Snapper’s slate of projects includes severalEnglish- and Finnish-language features supported by, among others,the Finnish Film Foundation and the MEDIA programme of theEuropean Union.Our latest Finnish feature Hella W (2011), directed by JuhaWuolijoki, is sold internationally by FilmSharks. Other recentprojects include co-producing Father, Son & Holy Cow starringZbigniew Zamachowski (Three Colors: White, The Pianist), as wellas executive producing Let My People Go! starring Carmen Maura(Volver, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown). Zarra’sLaw, a drama feature set in New York, and family feature Ella andFriends are in pre-production.Christmas Story was the top-grossing Finnish fi lm of 2007,spreading wider than any other Finnish feature. The award-winningfamily fi lm sold to 120 countries with theatrical releases in severalterritories including Spain, China, Canada and Scandinavia, rackingup more than 1 million admissions and selling 700.000 DVDs worldwide.The English-language dub, produced by Snapper Films in NewYork, features the voices of Golden Globe nominated John Turturro(Transformers, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?), Noah Emmerich(Fair Game, The Truman Show) and Emmy Award winner MichaelBadalucco (The Practice).Snapper Films OyWorld Trade Center Helsinki, Aleksanterinkatu 17PL 800, FI-00101 HelsinkiTel. +358 (0)10-231 0710, Fax +358 (0)10 231 0711www.snapperfi Wuolijoki CEO / ProducerMobile +358 40 593 1900juha@snapperfilms.comAleksi Hyvärinen Head of Development / ProducerMobile +358 50 551 4561aleksi@snapperfi lms.comIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 18–22Recently released filmsHella W (2011 | drama | 35mm | 82’)Christmas Story (2007 | family feature | 35mm | 80’)Coming upZarra’s Law (drama | 100’)Fata Morgana (thriller | 90’)Ella and Friends I (family feature | 80’)Ella and Friends II (family feature | 80’)20 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2
Smile EntertainmentSmile Entertainment is a Copenhagen and Helsinki based distributionand production company, which has since 1998 been involvedin: Acquisition and distribution of international fi lms in Scandinaviaas well as Production, co-production, fi nancing and internationaldistribution of new feature fi lm projects.Smile EntertainmentTöölönkatu 15, FI-00100 HelsinkiTel. +45 3544 LahtinenMobile +45-21 47 34 25teemu@smile.dkIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 16–23Timo T. LahtinenMobile +45 4025 3488ttl@smile.dkIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 19–25Coming upKiss, His First (2011 | romantic thriller | 35mm, Digital | 95 min.)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2 21
Solar Films Inc.Solar Films, founded in 1995, is the leading production company inFinland in the fields of feature fi lms, and produces and co-producesfi lms from commercial features to arthouse and fi lms from upcomingtalent. Movies produced by Solar Films have won altogether 29 FinnishMovie Awards and seven viewer poll awards for the most popularmovie of the year.Besides feature fi lms and television drama, Solar Films has alsoproduced TV entertainment for Finnish TV channels. The shareholdersof Solar Films are Nordisk Film and Markus Selin (Head ofProduction). In 2009 Solar Films bought the majority of productioncompany Bronson Club, also present in <strong>Cannes</strong> (see info in thisbrochure).Solar Films has collaborated with European production housessuch as TaskaFilm (Estonia), Zentropa (Denmark), Icelandic FilmCompany (Iceland), Maipo Film- og TV-produksjon (Norway) andUgly Duckling Films (Great Britain). The fi lms produced by Solar Filmshave been distributed in over 40 countries worldwide. The company isa member of the European Producer’s Club.Solar Films Inc.Veneentekijäntie 20, FI-00210 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 4174 4700markus.selin@solarfi lms.comwww.solarfi lms.comMarkus Selin Head of productionMobile +358 400 470 332markus.selin@solarfi lms.comIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 17–20Jukka HelleMobile +358 400 438 905jukka.helle@solarfi lms.comIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 17–20Recently released filmsVares feature series 6x90’(2011–212 | crime | colour, 35mm, dolby digital)Home Sweet Home (2011 | drama | colour, 35mm,dolby digital | 106 min.)Coming upImaginaerum by Nightwish (2012 fantasy/musical | colour, 35mm, dts)Purge (2012 | drama | colour, 35mm, dolby digital)22 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2
Yellow Film & TVYellow Film & TV -group is a creative community based in Helsinki,Finland. We are a group of individuals who share the same belief inallowing ideas, and creativity flourish. Interesting engagements leadto insightful and entertaining content. On top of Yellow’s creativeprowess it has joined together two business models. Yellow hassuccessfully produced movies as well as TV-programming, creatinga fi nancially stable set-up. The model has led to Group becomingthe most successful company in its home market. Company’s annualturnover is over 25 million euros and it employs permanently over30 persons.Yellow Film & TVVanha talvitie 11 A, FI-00580 Helsinki.Tel. +358 9 7740 300, www.yellowfi lm.fiJarkko HentulaMobile +358 40 705 0603jarkko.hentula@yellowfi lm.fiIn <strong>Cannes</strong>: May 18–22Recently released filmsRisto (2011 | black comedy | Tuomas Summanen)Once Upon a Time in the North(2012 | a Finnish Western with knives | JP Siili)Coming upCall Girl (2012 | political thriller | Swedish-Norwegian-Finnish-Irish co-production | Mickael Marcimain)Harjakainen The Movie (2013 | action comedy |Tuomas Summanen)The Only Ones (2013 | romantic comedy | Saara Cantell)Once Upon A Time In The NorthF I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N C A N N E S 2 0 1 2 23
The Finnish Film FoundationThe Finnish Film FoundationScandinavian Terrace | 55, La FHush I N N I S H P R O DNaked U C Harbour E R S I N COnce A NUpon N EA S Time 2In 0The 1 North 2Body of Water Soundbreaker Purge