Terms of reference Position: : REDD+ MRV Framework ... - UNDP
Terms of reference Position: : REDD+ MRV Framework ... - UNDP Terms of reference Position: : REDD+ MRV Framework ... - UNDP
Terms of referencePosition: : REDD+ MRV Framework Development Expert(National, 4 post)Closing date: 10 August 2012I. Position InformationTitle REDD+ MRV Framework Development Expert (National, 4 post)Department/Unit: EU/PMUReports to: REDD+ National Project Manager and REDD+ MRV Working Group CoordinatorDuty Station: JakartaExpected Places of Travel (if applicable): IndonesiaDuration of Assignment: From< 1 September 2012 > to: < 31 December 2012>REQUIRED DOCUMENT FROM HIRING UNITTERMS OF REFERENCE5 CONFIRMATION OF CATEGORY OF CONSULTANT , please select :(1) Junior Consultant(2) Support Consultant(3) Support Specialist(4) Senior Specialist(5) Expert/ AdvisorAPPROVED e-requisitionREQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FROM CONSULTANTCVCopy of education certificateCompleted Financial proposal and Technical proposal ( if applicable )Need for presence of IC consultant in office: ☐partial (explain), at least once in every week to consult with the supervisor☐intermittent (explain)full time/office based (needs justification from the Requesting Unit)Provision of Support Services:Office space:☐Yes ☐NoEquipment (laptop etc): ☐Yes ☐NoSecretarial Services☐Yes ☐NoIf yes has been checked, indicate here who will be responsible for providing the support services: Signature of the Budget Owner:……………
- Page 2 and 3: II. Background InformationContext o
- Page 4 and 5: V. Expected Results< Provide clear
- Page 6: Education:Minimum Masters in Global
<strong>Terms</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>reference</strong><strong>Position</strong>: : <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> Development Expert(National, 4 post)Closing date: 10 August 2012I. <strong>Position</strong> InformationTitle <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> Development Expert (National, 4 post)Department/Unit: EU/PMUReports to: <strong>REDD+</strong> National Project Manager and <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong> Working Group CoordinatorDuty Station: JakartaExpected Places <strong>of</strong> Travel (if applicable): IndonesiaDuration <strong>of</strong> Assignment: From< 1 September 2012 > to: < 31 December 2012>REQUIRED DOCUMENT FROM HIRING UNITTERMS OF REFERENCE5 CONFIRMATION OF CATEGORY OF CONSULTANT , please select :(1) Junior Consultant(2) Support Consultant(3) Support Specialist(4) Senior Specialist(5) Expert/ AdvisorAPPROVED e-requisitionREQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FROM CONSULTANTCVCopy <strong>of</strong> education certificateCompleted Financial proposal and Technical proposal ( if applicable )Need for presence <strong>of</strong> IC consultant in <strong>of</strong>fice: ☐partial (explain), at least once in every week to consult with the supervisor☐intermittent (explain)full time/<strong>of</strong>fice based (needs justification from the Requesting Unit)Provision <strong>of</strong> Support Services:Office space:☐Yes ☐NoEquipment (laptop etc): ☐Yes ☐NoSecretarial Services☐Yes ☐NoIf yes has been checked, indicate here who will be responsible for providing the support services: Signature <strong>of</strong> the Budget Owner:……………
II. Background InformationContext <strong>of</strong> the <strong>REDD+</strong> initiative:Indonesia is the third largest emitter <strong>of</strong> CO2 and the world’s largest emitter from agriculture,forestry and other land use. Over the past five years, Indonesia’s annual deforestation rate hasaveraged around 1 million hectares, which contributes more than 80 percent <strong>of</strong> Indonesia’sestimated annual emissions.In response to this situation, on 26 May 2010 the Governments <strong>of</strong> Indonesia and the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Norway signed a Letter <strong>of</strong> Intent to establish a <strong>REDD+</strong> (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation andForest Degradation) Partnership to tackle greenhouse gas emissions resulting from deforestationand forest and peat-land degradation in Indonesia. <strong>REDD+</strong> is a global mechanism which provides anopportunity for developing countries like Indonesia to move towards a sustainable green economythrough the implementation <strong>of</strong> <strong>REDD+</strong> activities and, for industrial countries like Norway, to supporta reduction in global deforestation by contributing funds for these activities. For Indonesia <strong>REDD+</strong>also <strong>of</strong>fers a way to achieve the Indonesian government’s voluntary commitment to the world toreduce emissions as much as 26 percent under a business-as-usual scenario or up to 41 percent withinternational support by 2020.The first phase <strong>of</strong> this <strong>REDD+</strong> Partnership is to establish an institute with the capacity to implementand manage <strong>REDD+</strong> initially in nine priority provinces across Indonesia and eventually throughoutthe archipelago. A Task Force (Satgas) has been establishment to facilitate the setting-up <strong>of</strong> this<strong>REDD+</strong> Institute. Working Groups (WGs) have been formed to assist in developing a legal blanket forthe institute, designing financial mechanisms, and establishing an infrastructure to measure,monitor, report and verify carbon stock and carbon stock changes. Other WGs have been establishedto assist in communications, stakeholder engagement, to support <strong>REDD+</strong> trials (learning-by-doing) inpilot and other priority provinces, and a WG for <strong>REDD+</strong> harmonisation with national and subnationaldevelopment programmes.The implementation <strong>of</strong> <strong>REDD+</strong> will be an important step in the development <strong>of</strong> a green economy inIndonesia which has some <strong>of</strong> the most extensive and biologically diverse tropical forests in theworld, and an opportunity for the government to reform forest and peat-land governance across theIndonesian archipelago.Context <strong>of</strong> this ToR:It is acknowledged that <strong>REDD+</strong> schemes are essential for Indonesia to meet its commitment toreduce emission by 26% with own efforts and by 41% with global participation. In this context, theMeasuring, Reporting and Verification (<strong>MRV</strong>) Working Group <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>REDD+</strong> Taskforce aim tostrengthen the country’s capacity to be ready for <strong>REDD+</strong> implementation. One <strong>of</strong> essential criterionfor the delivery <strong>of</strong> <strong>REDD+</strong> outcomes is a high quality, well-developed framework, strategy andimplementation plan for <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong>. The <strong>MRV</strong> Working Group <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>REDD+</strong> Taskforce ismandated for the development <strong>of</strong> the national and nested sub-national <strong>MRV</strong> system in accordancewith IPCC Good Practice Guidelines. Accordingly, the <strong>MRV</strong> WG aims to develop a robust andtransparent system using a combination <strong>of</strong> remote (satellite) sensing to assess activity data onforest area and forest-area changes; a national forest inventory to determine emission factorson carbon stock and carbon-stock changes; and a national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory toestimate and report anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks. To speed up theformulation <strong>of</strong> the framework for <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong>, it is necessary to recruit experts to produce a draftframework, strategy and implementation plan for <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong> in Indonesia.
The experts should have advance backgrounds in at least one <strong>of</strong> the following areas:1. IPCC guideline for LULUCF/ UNFCCC negotiation processes2. Spatial analysis including remote sensing and GIS3. National forest inventory, forest planning and biomass estimation4. Peat related emission’s estimation5. Government processes, policy development and institutional capacity building6. Forestry or environmental lawTogether, they will develop a draft framework, strategy and implementation plan on <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong>,revise the draft based on inputs coming from the <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong> Working Group, national and regionalconsultation meetings, and finalize the draft for approval by the <strong>REDD+</strong> Task Force.III. Objectives <strong>of</strong> AssignmentThe objective <strong>of</strong> this assignment is to produce a well-developed document <strong>of</strong> Indonesia’sframework, strategy and implementation plan on <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong>, with the inputs from the <strong>REDD+</strong>Working Groups, the <strong>REDD+</strong> Strategy Steering Committee, as well as from national and regionalconsultation meetings for approval by the <strong>REDD+</strong> Task Force.IV. Scope <strong>of</strong> workScope <strong>of</strong> work:Under the supervision <strong>of</strong> the <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong> Working Group, the experts shall:1. Work on the outline <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy, Implementation and Action Plans, toconduct additional review to existing studies, existing national <strong>MRV</strong> Initiatives and documentsrelated to <strong>REDD+</strong> and <strong>MRV</strong> issues in Indonesia.2. Interview the relevant stakeholders if necessary and host working sessions in the development<strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy, Implementation and Action Plans3. Participate at meetings with the <strong>REDD+</strong> Steering Committee, the <strong>REDD+</strong> Working Groups, the<strong>REDD+</strong> Task Force, as well as National and Regional Consultation Workshops.4. Produce and revise the draft <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy, Implementation and Action Plansbased on inputs from meetings and consultations.5. Produce a final document <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy, Implementation and Action Plans forapproval by the <strong>REDD+</strong> Task Force.6. Provide expert technical advice to <strong>REDD+</strong> working groups on issue related to <strong>MRV</strong>7. Support, participate or mediate Meetings, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), Workshops andother consultative events related to public consultation regarding the <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong> system andthe proposed agency that will manage the system, and develop information material for theseevents and brief reports on their output/outcome.
V. Expected Results< Provide clear milestones and frequency <strong>of</strong> expected delivery. Note - this will be linked to thepayment schedule. >No. Deliverables Due Date Payment1. The outline <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy,Implementation and Action Plans2 The first draft the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy,Implementation and Action Plans.3 The revised draft <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy,Implementation and Action Plans based on meetingsand consultations4 The final draft <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy,Implementation and Action Plans to be submitted tothe <strong>REDD+</strong> Taskforce (Early December)The Final report on the assignment and other materialsdeveloped, including reports, presentations,information kits, whitepapers, studies, prepared forMeetings, FGDs, Workshops and other consultativeevents during the contract period (submitted on CD-ROM).30 September201231 October201230 November201231 December201225%25%25%25%VI. Deliverables / Final Products ExpectedDeliverables:1. The outline <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy, Implementation and Action Plans2. The draft the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy, Implementation and Action Plans.3. The revised draft <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy, Implementation and Action Plans that isconstantly updated based on inputs or revisions from meetings and consultations.4. Final report on the assignment and other materials developed, including reports, presentations,information kits, whitepapers, studies, prepared for Meetings, FGDs, Workshops and otherconsultative events during the contract period (submitted on CD-ROM).5. Other deliverables by agreementVII. Requirements
Corporate Competencies:Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN's values and ethical standards;Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals <strong>of</strong> <strong>UNDP</strong>;Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; andTreats all people fairly without favouritism.Functional Competencies:Knowledge Management and Learning:○○○○○○○○○○○○Promotes knowledge management in <strong>UNDP</strong> and a learning environment in the <strong>of</strong>ficethrough leadership and personal example; andActively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or morepractice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.Development and Operational Effectiveness:Ability to conceptualise issues and analyse data;Ability to coordinate the work <strong>of</strong> others;Ability to implement new systems (business side), and affect staff behavioural/attitudinalchange;Good knowledge <strong>of</strong> Results Management Guide and Toolkit; andAbility to demonstrate good knowledge on Climate Change and/or <strong>REDD+</strong> issues.Management and Leadership:Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client andresponds positively to feedback;Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;Leads teams effectively and shows mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills; andDemonstrates strong oral and written communication skills.Other Requirements:In addition to the scope and output stated above, the incumbent will be required to undertakeother ad hoc tasks that may arise during the contract period. These tasks will be delegated bythe incumbent’s WG Coordinator who will ensure that these ad hoc tasks do not impede on theincumbent’s ability to meet contractual obligations/deliverables.All materials and other intellectual property produced while working under contract including,but not limited to, documents, presentations, white papers, photographs and other media, willremain the property <strong>of</strong> the <strong>REDD+</strong> Task Force (Satgas) and are required to be submitted to WGCoordinators for archiving.VIII. Qualifications ( please refer to standard qualification in line with category <strong>of</strong> consultant )
Education:Minimum Masters in Global Environmental Policy/Climate Change Mitigation/Remote Sensingand GIS, Forest Planning/Forest Governance/Forest Policy, Forest Inventory/ForestMensuration/ Forest Biometrics, Sociology/Institutional capacity building/Participatory decisionmaking/ Community-based natural resource management, Soil and Peat Land Inventory/Soiland Peat Land Management/Soil and Water Conservation, Forestry/Land and environmentallaw.Experience:Minimum 15 years <strong>of</strong> experience for Master and 10 years <strong>of</strong> experience for PhD, progressivelyresponsible experience in Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (<strong>MRV</strong>) mechanism. Candidateswith less experience than this may be <strong>of</strong>fered the position at a grade lower than that indicatedfor the post.Demonstrated excellence in preparing papers, briefs and other documents for a variety <strong>of</strong>technical and non-technical audiences.Knowledge on natural resources in forests and peat lands degradation and deforestation.Language Requirements:Fluent in written and spoken Indonesian and pr<strong>of</strong>icient in EnglishIX. Other Selection Criteria1. A mastery <strong>of</strong> Indonesian forestry and peatland, or environmental, or climate change policy andabilities to work cohesively in a team Excellent ability to independently analyse <strong>REDD+</strong> issues as well as <strong>MRV</strong> to support thefinalisation <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>MRV</strong> Strategy, Implementation and Action Plans; Well-developed writing skills; Analytical and problem solving skills <strong>of</strong> a high order, including the ability to formulateworkable recommendations and policy advice; Knowledge <strong>of</strong> and experience in dealing with Government and non-governmentalinstitutions that form the context within which policies relating to these issues are made; Established network in field <strong>of</strong> expertise (connection to other experts and relevantinstitutions) Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships acrossa range <strong>of</strong> disciplines and organizations; Work effectively in a small team, managing multiple areas <strong>of</strong> work under tight deadlines;2. Significant experience in climate change and/or <strong>REDD+</strong> Experience working on <strong>REDD+</strong>, or climate change related organizations or projects; Understanding on both technical, regulatory and policy issue on <strong>REDD+</strong> <strong>MRV</strong>.