New Feed Enzyme Development - The Poultry Federation

New Feed Enzyme Development - The Poultry Federation

New Feed Enzyme Development - The Poultry Federation

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September 2009, ChemGen Corp.In a 42 day broiler trialbirds growthwas significantly improved for both Hemicell® andhomogeneousmannanase treatment over no enzyme control, and there was no significant differencee between thetwoenzyme treatments.Figure 3 – Purified Mannanase used in broiler growth studyBroiler Trial -42 DaysA1.91.87aBWAFC1.841.81bb1.781.75Mannanase from Hemicell® was purified by chromatograpy on DEAE‐Sepharose and Phenyl‐Sepharose usingtraditional methods. Panel A: SDS PAGE gel comparing crude Hemicell® and purified mannanase. Panel B: Weightadjusted feed conversionn vs. treatment. Different lower case letters on bars signify statisticallysignificantdifferences(P < 0.05). Conducted at SPR.<strong>The</strong>se results indicate that mannanase is the component important for improved growth in normalhealthy birds, but the pure enzyme was also tested in the necrotic enteritis disease model at Southern<strong>Poultry</strong> Research to besure that mannanase is the component necessary for the even larger percentageimprovements observed vs. infected control . <strong>The</strong> same lot ofpurified mannanase wasused. <strong>The</strong> resultsin Figure 4 demonstrate virtually identical performance for purified mannanase and Hemicell®. <strong>The</strong>setwo feeding trials indicate that mannanase is theactive ingredient. More recent evidence comes fromwork witha heat resistant β‐mannanase. Fermentation broth with heat resistant mannanase washeated at83 °C to inactivate all enzymes except mannanase, and then added in pen trials at 100 MU/tonmannanase and bird performance was compared to a control without mannanase and Hemicell®.Performance between normal and heated heat‐resistant mannanaseis the activeingredient incorn‐ soybean Hemicell® was again equivalent in several tests(data not shown). It is clear that the diets.D.M. Anderson and H.Hsiao, <strong>New</strong> <strong>Feed</strong> <strong>Enzyme</strong>sPage 9

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