OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
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EVENTSSEPT2009JULY 1, 2009–OCTOBER 31, 2009Join the Areas in Paradise Challenge and celebrate your achievement at President Rita Davenport’s home in ParadiseValley, Arizona on February 6, 2010!Managers and Vice Presidents are invited to participate in a challenge to build their business, maintain their paystatusand show their teams how success can be within reach.As an Areas in Paradise Challenge winner you will be invited to attend an exclusive celebration and receive thefollowing:• Special business training• Exclusive celebration at Rita’s home• Paid hotel accommodations• Round-trip ground transportation from the hotel to Rita’s home• Meals during the eventChallenge yourself and qualify to attend Areas in Paradise. Click to arbonne.com > Internet Consultants > Events >Areas in Paradise Challenge and review the qualification details. We can’t wait to see you in Paradise!10