ANNOUNCEMENTSSEPT2009THIRD TIME’S A CHARM PRODUCT OFFERFREE PRODUCTS FOR NEW PREFERRED CLIENTS AND CONSULTANTS<strong>Arbonne</strong> supports your business-building efforts by providing free products to your new Preferred Clients andConsultants when they place at least three qualifying orders. All it takes is follow-up from you and your team!New Preferred Clients and Consultants who• joined <strong>Arbonne</strong> in July or August, and• placed a second qualifying order in August, 1are now eligible to receive a free, limited-time Holiday 2009 product, up to a $40 Suggested Retail Price (SRP) value,with a qualifying order of $150 Personal Retail Volume (PRV) or more, in September, October, November or December. 2Tax, shipping and handling fees apply to free products.Be sure to encourage your new Preferred Clients and Consultants who placed a second qualifying order 1 in August totake advantage of the Third Time’s a Charm promotion during the holiday season! 2Follow up is easy with WebStats! It allows you to view which Preferred Clients and Consultants have placed orders withina specific timeframe. To view, go to > Internet Consultants > WebStats > My Downline > Order Follow-up.1Second order had to be placed in August and be equal to at least $150 PRV in order to qualify for Third Time’s a Charm Promotion.2One Third Time’s a Charm offer per qualified Consultant.12
ANNOUNCEMENTSSEPT2009The world is at your fingertips...ARBONNE SUCCESSMASTERCARD ®CREDIT CARD<strong>Arbonne</strong> is pleased to introduce the exclusive <strong>Arbonne</strong>Success MasterCard credit card, available exclusivelyto <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants. Enjoy the opportunityto earn points then redeem them for <strong>Arbonne</strong>product and experiences, as well as cash, merchandise,gift cards, travel and more. For more information and toapply today, visit > Internet Consultants.SUCCESS HAS ITS BENEFITS• Earn up to two points for every $1 you spendat <strong>Arbonne</strong> ††• Earn one point for every $1 spent in everydaypurchases, including gas, groceries and dining out †††• Redeem points for exclusive benefits:° <strong>Arbonne</strong> product and experiences° Merchandise, cash, gift cards, travel and more• Competitive APR † on purchases• No annual feeTo learn more or to apply today, click here or call1.800.932.2775 and refer to Priority Code: FAAAC9†For information about rates, fees and other costs and benefits associated with the use of thiscredit card, please visit > Internet Consultants > Tools, and refer to the disclosuresaccompanying the online credit card application. This credit card program is issued andadministered by FIA Card Services, N.A. MasterCard is a registered trademark of MasterCardInternational Incorporated and is used by the issuer pursuant to license.††For the first $6,000 in net retail purchases (eligible purchases less credits, returns, andadjustments) made with your card at <strong>Arbonne</strong> each calendar year, you will earn two (2) pointsper dollar (consisting of one (1) bonus point and one (1) base point) with a maximum earnof 12,000 bonus points yearly. For each dollar in net retail purchases spent at arbonne.comin excess of $6,000 each calendar year, you will earn one (1) point. To be eligible for bonuspoints, your credit card account must be open with charging privileges and purchases mustbe made through <strong>Arbonne</strong>.†††See Terms and Conditions accompanying application for details.ASAP 2009 YEAR-END REWARDS—CLAIM YOUR POINTS TODAY!The ASAP 2009 Year-end Rewards Program is nowavailable. Consultants can claim ASAP points for avariety of rewards. This is your opportunity to find thereward that fits you!Choose between beautiful jewelry, exquisite home décoror professional business items from our special Tiffany& Co. Catalogue, or claim your points for a pricelesstrip to New York City with President Rita Davenport. It’sa chance to let Rita help you pick out the perfect itemduring your exclusive Tiffany & Co. shopping experienceat their flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York City.And for those Consultants who are excited and revvedup for NTC 2010, let <strong>Arbonne</strong> pay for and book yourhotel accommodations for you.All of these amazing rewards will be available for claimuntil December 31 at 10 p.m. Pacific time, so stay inactivity every month and earn enough points to participatein our ASAP 2009 Year-end Rewards Program.Points not claimed by December 31, 2009 will expire.Visit > Internet Consultants > Rewards &Recognition > ASAP 2009 > Year-end Rewards, for fulldetails and claim options.SEPTEMBER FIELD SUPPORT HOURS1.800.ARBONNE hours are 6 a.m.–6 p.m. Pacific time, Monday–Fridayand 6 a.m.–3 p.m. on Saturday. The last business day of this month isWednesday, September 30 with Close Day order hours from 6 a.m.–6 p.m.Pacific time via 1.800.ARBONNE, until 10 p.m. online at and until6 p.m. via fax. All fax orders/applications must be received during CloseDay hours or they will be processed and applied to the next month.The Home Office will be closed Monday, September 7, 2009 in observanceof the Labor Day holiday.THE WATCHBOXCongratulations to our two new RVPs. Watch for theirEye on <strong>Arbonne</strong> success stories, as they are includedin product orders over the next few months (whilesupplies last).RVP Lynn CarpenterRVP Kimberly Baum13