OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
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BSHEA BUTTER: Emollient, lubricantSUNFLOWER SEED OIL: Emollient, lubricantSWEET ALMOND OIL: Emollient, lubricant33APrices listed are suggested retail.A.B.ROSEMARY LEAF EXTRACT: MoisturizingCOCOA SEED BUTTER: Skin conditioningNote:Actualprproduct color may differ due to natural variationsof ingredients.A B CA. B. C.1.2.ftil3.1 2337* Atoligomer is a registered trademark of CODIF Reserche & Nature,St. Malo, France.Important Information for<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent ConsultantsTHE RECIPE FOR SUCCESS STARTS WITH ACTIVITYCongratulations on your choice to become a Consultant with<strong>Arbonne</strong>! We are excited that you decided to join our dynamicfamily to share in all the benefits <strong>Arbonne</strong> has to offer, includingbuilding a business. Your Consultant benefits begin on your firstday. Maintaining your benefits is easy for the active <strong>Arbonne</strong>business builder, and to maximize your success, we suggestyou familiarize yourself with the minimum activity requirementsassociated with being a Consultant. You will experience successby staying in consistent activity—personally purchasing andconsuming <strong>Arbonne</strong> products, sharing <strong>Arbonne</strong> products withothers and sponsoring new people into <strong>Arbonne</strong>. Consistencyand a balanced approach will allow you to experience all thebenefits of being a Consultant.INGREDIENTS FOR SUCCESS—SALES AND SPONSORINGThe key to building and maintaining a successful <strong>Arbonne</strong>business is consistency in personal activity, meaning personallypurchasing products and sponsoring every month. By placinga minimum $150 Personal Retail Volume (PRV) order andsponsoring at least one new Preferred Client or Consultantwho places their own minimum $150 PRV order, you’ll meet<strong>Arbonne</strong>’s activity requirements and maintain your Consultantbenefits, including:- A 35% discount on products you purchase. This isan additional 15% discount above the PreferredClient discount.- A 15% Preferred Client commission on the sales ofall Preferred Clients direct to you.- Ability to participate in Consultant promotions,incentives and travel.<strong>Arbonne</strong> encourages you to sell and sponsor every month,and when you do, you will always enjoy your full Consultantbenefits. However, <strong>Arbonne</strong> recognizes that your success maynot be confined to a calendar month, and therefore will allowyou to complete each of the following activity requirementsin two out of three rolling months in order to maintain yourConsultant benefits:1. Sponsor at least one Consultant or Preferred Client whoplaces a $150+ Personal Retail Volume (PRV) order2. Personally place an order of $150+ PRVMaintaining Made EasyExampleMaintenance Cycle 1CycleMonthMaintenance Cycle 2CycleMonthMaintenance Cycle 3CycleMonthMaintenance Cycle 1Maintenance Cycle 2Again, we strongly encourage you to personally purchaseproducts and sponsor every month in order to maintainyour Consultant benefits.Your activity requirements begin the calendar month afteryou become a Consultant (e.g., If you joined in June, yourmaintenance requirements start in July). These activitiesmust be completed every two out of three rolling monthsgoing forward (e.g., If you become a Consultant in December,your first activity cycle starts in January and continuesthrough March. While the first activity cycle is still in effect,the second activity cycle starts in February and continuesthrough April. In March, three activity cycles are all in effectat the same time, meaning your third activity cycle starts inMarch and goes through May). See chart below.Rolling Month Activity Cycle ChartMay June July August SeptemberActivity Cycle 1Activity Cycle 2Activity Cycle 3HERE’S HOW IT WORKSExample:1. JUNE: Sarah joins <strong>Arbonne</strong> on June 15 as a Consultant. Sheplaces a $300 PRV order in her Start Month. She also sponsorsher mom as a new Preferred Client who places her own$150 PRV order.2. JULY: In July, the next month, Sarah sponsors a Consultantwho places a $300 PRV order.3. AUGUST: Then, in August, Sarah places a $200 PRVorder for her products.At the end of August, Sarah has completed two of the threemonths’ activity and is still maintaining her Consultant status. Inorder for Sarah to maintain her Consultant status in September,she needs to sponsor at least one Preferred Client or Consultantwho places an order of at least $150 PRV and Sarah alsoneeds to place a personal order of $150+ PRV in September.SARAH’S ACTIVITYPersonal RetailMonth SponsorsStatusVolume (PRV)June1 Preferred Client $300 PRV Consultant(Start Month)July 1 Consultant 0 ConsultantAugust 0 $200 PRV ConsultantSeptember 2 Preferred Clients $150 PRVMaintenance Cycle 3<strong>Arbonne</strong> reviews a Consultant’s activity every month toensure they’ve reached their activity requirements in thepast two out of three rolling months. Had Sarah not completedany activity in both July and August, she would havereverted back to a Preferred Client at the end of August.CycleMonthCycleMonthConsultant Maintenance Tracking FormMaintaining Made Easy Use this form to track your cu rent activity and future goals as a Consultant.Maintenance CycleCycleMonthCycleMonthMaintenance CycleMaintenance CycleMaintenance CycleName of Month Personal Retail Volume (PRV) Sponsorship of Prefe red Client/Consultant$ PC/CNS $150+ PRV@$ PC/CNS $150+ PRV@$ PC/CNS $150+ PRV@Total # of Months Achieving Requirements Month(s) Month(s)Name of MonthMonPersonal Retail Volume (PRV) Sponsorship of Prefe red Client/Consultant$ PC/CNS $150+ PRV@$ PC/CNS $150+ PRV@$ PC/CNS $150+ PRV@ Name of MonthPersonal Retail Volume (PRV) Sponsorship of Prefe red Client/Consultant$ PC/CNS $150+ PRV@$PC/CNS $150+ PRV@$PC/CNS $150+ PRV@Total #off Months Achieving Requirements Month(s) Month(s)Total # of Months Achieving Requirements Month(s) Month(s)Name of Month Personal PersonRetail Volume (PRV) Sponsorship of Preferred Client/Consultant$PC/CNS $150+ PRV@$PC/CNS $150+ PRV@$PC/CNS $150+ PRV@Total # of Months Achieving RequirementsMonth(s) Month(s)And s on...For a ditional tracking forms go to arbo ne.com > Internet Consultants > T ols > Download FormsAfter Shave BalmSoothe skin and revitalize the senseswith the fresh scent of .5 fl. oz. #7052; $25*Shave GelProtect against nicks and irritation with asmooth, gentle shave gel.5 fl. oz. #7053; $18*Body WashEnliven the day with refreshing cleanser.11.5 fl. oz. #7051; $20*Call 1.800.ARBONNE, or visit us online at arbonne.com.*Available 9/1–12/31/09, while supplies last. Prices listed are suggested retail.SKY’s the Limit SetGive the special man inyour life a simple, yetelegant gift. Set includesBody Wash, Shave Gel and After Shave Balm, all in ourpractical Dopp Kit. A $68 value, for $61.20.* #8100BUSINESS AIDSSEPT2009Shea ButterRadiance + HydrationThe miracle of shea butter…it enlivens as it soothes. Acting as a natural solutionfor dry skin, it can help restore and enhance moisture, delivering a touch of luxuryto your skin.UpdatedSky For Men ®Offer the man in your life a respite from theworries of the day with these uplifting formulas.key botanicalsDetoxHand Care DuoSoothes, softens and replenishes dry skin withmoisture. Includes Hand Wash (11.5 fl. oz.) and HandLotion (11.5 fl. oz.). Available in a contemporarystainless steel caddy for easy use on your sink orcounter. | Key Ingredients: Shea butter, vitamins Eand A, and pelargonium graveolens (rose geranium),sunflower seed oil, sweet almond oil, rosemary leafextract, cocoa seed butter | Skin Types: All |Gift boxed, #9684; $45Hand WashHoliday ‘09Gently cleanses with luxurious, moisture-rich latherand leaves even the driest skin supple, soothed andinfused with all of the rich, emollient benefits ofshea butter. Leaves hands pleasantly scented with<strong>Arbonne</strong>’s Shea Butter fragrance.STRENGTHENHand LotionMoisturizes and nourishes dry skin with its luxurious, Detoxification continues with the beneficial marine plant extracts that offer restorativenon-greasy texture. Soothes and softens as it hydration and nourish skin with vitamins and sea minerals.leaves hands pleasantly scented with <strong>Arbonne</strong>’sShea Butter fragrance.Purifying Sea SoakFortifying Hair MaskRe-Mineralizing Body Lotion 24H22Soaking in a warm bath helps purify and nurture skinand dbody with a relaxing soak kth that’st’rich ihiin mineralsalts and trace elements foundinAtAtoligomer*—asodium-free,spray—dried di dseawater known tore-mineralize and revitalize. Emerge with a renewedspirit, pampered skin and a purified body. | KeyIngredients: Botanical sea extract complex ofbladderwrack, sea kelp, spirulina and sea fennel;Atoligomer* sea salt | Skin Types: All |1.65 oz. each, box of 8 packets, #7318; $60A blend of the ocean’s most potent botanicals fortifieshair againstenvironmental toxins and harsh climates.This hydrating formula contains antioxidants, vitaminsand minerals to help strengthen, condition, repair andrevitalize the hair shaft for a lustrous, healthy shine.Safe for chemicallytreated hair. | Key Ingredients:Botanical blend of chamomile flower extract, rosemaryleaf extract, sage leaf extract and soy protein; spirulinaextract; shea butter | Hair Types: All | 4.7 fl. oz.,#7321; $30Hydro-trap technology and high-performancehumectants provide a 24-hour shield againstenvironmental pollutants and deliver optimal moistureto guard against all-day moisture loss. This restorativebody moisturizer is designed to deliver a firmerappearance and a skin-softening effect. | KeyIngredients: Sea kelp, imperata root extract, sheabutter, plankton extract, vitamins E and B5, olive oilextract | Skin Types: All | 12 fl. oz., #7322; $50HOLIDAY 2009 CATALOGUEaccessoriesDry Body BrushLogo BottleThis blue, 32 oz. bottle features a measuring mark,with stainless steel bottom and black top. Made ofstrong, durable polycarbonate plastic, it’s virtuallyunbreakable and does not retain odors. It’s theperfect companion to the 7-Day Body Cleanse DietarySupplement. #7219; $8Spa RobeGift with 7-Day Detox Renewal Program Set,Relax in this 100%cotton robe that offers soothingsee next pagesolace following spa treatments. Wrap up in its soft,Firm, gentle bristles exfoliate and stimulate surfacecozy comfort and relax a while. White unisex robe,circulation, leaving skin feeling energized andone size fits all. A $59 value, for $39. #7220looking more radiant. The unique 2-in-1 designwith removable handle makes massaging hard-toreachareas a breeze. #7222; $15Ask about…SeaSource Detox Spa Soak SetAsk your <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant how you canpurchase the Purifying Sea Soak, Re-Mineralizing BodyLotion 24H and Bath Pillow Bag in the SeaSource DetoxSpa Soak Set. A $115 value, for $35.The <strong>Arbonne</strong> Holiday 2009 Catalogue features our finestseasonal products in gift-ready sets for everyone on yourlist. Make holiday shopping easy and enjoy these speciallimited-time delights. #2728; $5, 10-packTo buy the Holiday 2009 Catalogue, click to arbonne.com > Shop Online> Business Aids.PRODUCT CATALOGUE—UPDATEDThe <strong>Arbonne</strong> Product Catalogue features our completeline of botanically based beauty, health and wellnessproducts, newly expanded to include Shea Butter.Now, also available as a single with any <strong>Arbonne</strong>purchase (#9046; $1.50). #9050; $9, 10-packTo order the 2009 Product Catalogue, click to arbonne.com >Shop Online.CONSULTANT TRACKING FORM<strong>Arbonne</strong> ConsultantActivity RequirementsTo help you and your team track your progress formaintaining Consultant status, we have createdthe Consultant Activity Tracking Form. Please usethis form to ensure your business is on track forsuccess. You can find this helpful Business Aidat arbonne.com > Internet Consultants > Tools >Downloadable Forms.Consultant MaintenanceTracking FormK eping Consultant status is easy. If you can completeboth activity requirements in least two months out ofthe thr e-month ro ling cycle, you are a Consultant.Maintenance Activity RequirementsComplet each of these requirements tw out ofthe thr e ro ling months:Consultant who places an order of $150+ PRV. PRV: Place $150+ Personal Retail Volume Order (PRV). Sponsoring: Sponsor one Preferred Client orRo ling Month Maintenance Cycle ChartMay June July August SeptemberName of Month Personal Retail Volume (PRV) Sponsorship of Prefe red Client/Consultant1 May $ 170 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@2 June $ 250 1 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@3 July $ 1 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@Total # of Months Achieving Requirements Month(s) 2 Month(s) 2Name of Month Personal Retail Volume (PRV) Sponsorship of Prefe red Client/Consultant2 June $ 250 1 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@3 July $ 1 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@4 August $ 150 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@Total # of Months Achieving Requirements Month(s) 2 Month(s) 2Name of Month Personal Retail Volume (PRV) Sponsorship of Preferred Client/Consultant3 July $ 50 1 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@4 August $ 150 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@5 September $ 150 1 PC/CNS $150+ PRV@Total # of Months Achieving Requirements Month(s) 2 Month(s) 2FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ: What does ro ling months mean?A: Your Consultant activity cycle is always calculated in a ro ling three-month timeframe. This means that if you become a Consultant inDecember, your first activity cycle starts in January and continues through March. While the first activity cycle i sti l in effect, the secondactivity cycle starts in February and goes through April. In March, three activity cycles are a l in e fect a the same time, meaning yourthird activity cycle starts in March and goes through May. Please remember that since activity cycles are based on a “ro ling” threemonths, at any given point you may have three activity cycles in e fect a the same time. See the Ro ling Month Activity Cycle chart onreverse page for more details.Q: What happens if I do not mee the activity requirements for Consultant maintenance?A: If you do not mee the activity requirements for Consultant maintenance, you wi l revert from Consultan to Prefe red Client status and wi lno longer receive the benefits of being a Consultant.Q: What happens if I do not fo low the Recipe for Consultant success?A: If you do not follow the steps for Consultant success, you may lose your Consultant perks and discount.Q: Can I advance back to Consultant status if I revert to Prefe red Client?A: Yes. A Preferred Client can advance to Consultant by completing each of the fo lowing activities in two out of three rolling months:1. Sponsor at least two Consultants or Prefe red Clients who place a $150+ PRV order2. Personally place an order of $150+ PRVFor example, if your status changes from Consultan to Prefe red Client in July and you place your PRV order of $150+ and sponsor twopeople who each place a $150+ PRV order in July, and do the same in August, your status will change back to Consultant immediatelyupon completion of the required activity. Note that advancement is real time, so if you completed the August activity on August 6th, youwould immediately advance to Consultant status and enjoy the benefits for the remainder of the month.Q: If I advance from Prefe red Clien to Consultant through activity, when does my first activity cycle for Consultant start?A: Your first Consultant activity cycle starts the month you advance and reflects your previous three months’ activity. For example, if you join<strong>Arbonne</strong> as a Preferred Client in December and advance to Consultant in February, your first activity cycle starts in February and includesFebruary, January and December. In March, your next activity cycle starts.Q: Can I revert from Consultan to Preferred Client in the middle of the month?A: No, you wi l neve revert in the middle of a month. You have the entire month to complete the activity requirements to maintainConsultant status.Q: Does my sponsoring and purchasing activity have to occur in the same month in order to count toward my minimum Consultantactivity requirements?A: No, your minimum activity requirements for sponsoring and purchasing are looked at separately. Please look back to the previous exampleabout Sarah for more clarification.Q: What happens if I’m in qualification for District Manager?A: The qualifications to promote to District Manager are independent of maintaining your Consultant status. Therefore, you must achieve yourminimum Consultant activity requirements while in qualification for District Manager in order to keep your Consultant benefits. Once youachieve District Manager status, your Consultant requirements are replaced with District Manager requirements.Q: If I sponsor and place an order over $150 PRV in my Start Month, wi l it coun toward my maintenance?A: <strong>Arbonne</strong> offers new Consultants a grace period in their Start Month, so the requirements do not apply. The requirements star the nextmonth. However, the most successful Consultants plan to mee the minimum activity requirements monthly, beginning with their first month.CONSULTANT ACTIVITY FLYERAND TRACKING SHEETSWant to familiarize yourself with themaintenance requirements associatedwith joining <strong>Arbonne</strong> as a Consultant?Please review the Consultant ActivityRequirements Flyer and keep trackof your discount status by trackingyour progress with the ConsultantActivity Tracking Sheets. Both ofthese items are available now onDownload Forms. Simply log on toarbonne.com > Internet Consultants> Tools > Download Forms.Holiday ‘09AT THE PLACEHOLIDAY INVITE CARDSNothing rings in the Holidays better than a celebration. And getting a personal invitation froma close friend or fellow business builder means you’re ready to share in the joyous momentsof the season and make merry memories together. This set of Holiday Invite Cards capturesthe allure of the festivities and adds a personal touch to your Presentations. $4.25; 25-pack6