OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
OurFinest Gifts WeBring - Arbonne
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CAMPAIGNSSEPT2009FIRST HALF (SEPTEMBER 1–15)500+ PRVNUTRIMENC ® RE 9® SAMPLES + DOPP KITAchieve $500+ Personal Retail Volume (PRV) during the firsthalf of September and receive a 10-pack of NutriMenC RE 9Sample Packs, plus the Dopp Kit. Each pack includes asample of all four anti-aging products for men.ALL MONTH (SEPTEMBER 1–30)$1,000+ PRVNUTRIMINC ® RE 9 SAMPLES FOR FACE & BODY +GOLD TRAVEL TOTEAchieve $1,000+ PRV during the month of Septemberand receive a 10-pack of the NutriMinC RE 9 anti-agingproducts for Face, six total, and Body products, threetotal, plus the Gold Travel Tote.Campaign items ship to your default shipping address. If your qualifying order does not ship to your default shipping address, campaign items will shipwith the next order going to your default shipping address. Your next order must be placed within 60 days of the qualification deadline in order for youto receive your campaign items.8