Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles

Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles

Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles

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Central <strong>Wool</strong> Development Board (CWDB) is implementing modifiedPashmina <strong>Wool</strong> Development Scheme (PWDS) <strong>of</strong> 12 th Plan in Leh and Kargildistricts <strong>of</strong> Ladakh region for development <strong>of</strong> Pashmina wool and to increaseincome from this wool to Pashmina wool growers (Nomads) with the help <strong>of</strong>Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Councils. PWDS has differentcomponents like : Buck Exchange Programme & Distribution <strong>of</strong> high qualityPashmina bucks for breed improvement, Assistance for foundation stock in nontraditionalareas, Training programmes, Feed supplement to eligible pashminagoats, Pashmina goat pens, providing portable tents, gumboots to nomads,Health Coverage, Strengthening <strong>of</strong> existing Pashmina Fodder Banks & BreedingFarms, distribution <strong>of</strong> improved Pashmina Combs, Up-gradation <strong>of</strong> existingPashmina Dehairing Plant at Leh with total financial outlay <strong>of</strong> Rs. 41.21 Crore tobenefit 2 lakh Pashmina goats and its 800 families.Scheme-wise distribution <strong>of</strong> 12 th Five Year Plan outlay and physical targetsunder <strong>Wool</strong> & <strong>Wool</strong>len <strong>Sector</strong>(Rs. in Crore)SN Name <strong>of</strong> Scheme Physical target <strong>of</strong> 12 th Plan FinancialI Integrated <strong>Wool</strong> Improvement & Development ProgrammeABCDIIIII(IWIDP)Sheep & <strong>Wool</strong>Improvement Scheme(SWIS)Pashmina <strong>Wool</strong>Development SchemeAngora <strong>Wool</strong>Development SchemeHuman ResourceDevelopment &Promotional ActivitiesQuality Processing <strong>of</strong><strong>Wool</strong> Scheme – CFCfor Integrated <strong>Wool</strong>Processing FacilitiesSocial SecurityScheme – Insurance <strong>of</strong>Sheep and SheepBreedersTo cover 28 lakh sheep, 10 BreedingFarms, Feed Supplement to 75,000sheepTo cover 2 lakh Pashmina goats, 3MPEC, 3 Pasture Farms, Feed to 40,000goats, 1 Dehairing PlantTo cover 2200 Angora rabbits, benefit100 families & 2 Germplasm &Processing CentresTo train 1200 persons, to run WDTC,WTC & setting up CFCs for training,36 <strong>Wool</strong>len Expos, R&D, Seminars,publishing news magazineTo set up 6 Common Facility Centres(CFC) for pre-loom wool processingfacilities @ Rs. 50 lakh per CFC(Maximum assistance)To benefit 75,000 shepherds & 4 lakhsheep under insurance <strong>of</strong> (i) SheepBreeders Insurance scheme and (ii)Sheep Insurance Scheme31.0041.212.4916.303.002.00TOTAL outlay for 12 th Plan 96.0013

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