Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles

Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles

Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles

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<strong>Wool</strong> Development Board (CWDB), Jodhpur, through State GovernmentOrganizations/Non-Governmental Organizations.Installed Capacity and Employment:i) (a) <strong>Wool</strong> Combing(b) Synthetic fibre combing30 Million Kg3.57 Million Kgii) Worsted spindles 6.04 Lakhiii) Non Worsted spindles 4.37 Lakhiv) Power looms 7228v) (a) Machine made carpets(b) Hand-made carpets0.50 Mn Sq.Meter9 Mn. Sq. Metervi) Total number <strong>of</strong> units, including 958decentralized hosiery and shawl sector.vii) Total no. <strong>of</strong> persons employed, including 27.2 lakhpersons associated in sheep rearing andfarming sector and weavers in carpetsector.viii) Total ImportsRs. 2,143 Crore*ix) Total Exports Rs. 7,617 Crore*** <strong>Wool</strong>len yarn, raw wool and woollen/synthetic rags.** <strong>Wool</strong>len yarn fabric, made ups, ready made garments, carpet handmade1.1 WOOL & WOOLLEN INDUSTRY COMPRISES ORGANIZED ANDDECENTRALIZED SECTORS:(i) ORGANIZED SECTORa) Composite Millsb) Combing Unitsc) Worsted and Non-Worsted Spinning Unitsd) Knitwear and Woven Garments Unitse) Machine-made Carpet Manufacturing Units.(ii) DECENTRALIZED SECTORa) Hosiery and Knitting Unitsb) Powerloom Unitsc) Hand-made Carpet, Druggets and Namadahs unitsd) Independent Dyeing and Process Houses.2

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