Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles
Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles
Wool & Woollen Sector - Ministry of Textiles
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Item Wise Statement <strong>of</strong> Exports are as under:Year<strong>Wool</strong>en Yarn,fabrics, MadeupsReady MadeGarmentsValue (Rs.Crores)Carpet (Excluding silk)HandmadeTotal2006-07 379.28 1636.54 3891.47 5907.302007-08 373.57 1409.54 3725.79 5508.902008-09 456.51 1742.97 3505.37 5704.852009-10 424.63 1838.09 3442.93 5705.652010-11 501.20 1510.92 4706.68 6718.772011-12 725.20 1654.68 4051.21 6431.092012-13 659.03 1617.43 5340.77 7617.232013-14 (Upto 406.52 1341.62 4153.12 5901.27Nov.,2013)(Source : DGCI&S, Kolkata)Export to major countries : <strong>Wool</strong>en Yarn, Fabrics, Made UpsSN Country Value in Lakhs(2012-13)1 Italy 16064.562 USA 3276.343 United Kingdom 10161.214 China 670.625 Dominic Rep 13.46Source : DGCI&S, CalcuttaExport : Carpet-Excluding SilkSN Country Value in Lakhs(2012-13)1 USA 222947.862 Germany 61048.003 United Kingdom 49472.534 United Arab Emirates 29238.485 Belgium 5869.60( Source : DGCI&S, Calcutta )Export : Readymade Garments <strong>Wool</strong>SN Country Value in Lakhs(2012-13)1 USA 45717.312 United Kingdom 16664.223 France 12166.157