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EXHIBITOR REGISTRATIONEXHIBITOR STAFF BADGESComplimentary Exhibitor Staff Badges are provided to exhibitors. Exhibiting companies willbe allotted five (5) staff badges for the first 100 square feet of exhibit space and two (2) staffbadges for every 100 additional square feet of exhibit space under contract with a maximumof 50 complimentary Staff Badges, per exhibit booth. See the chart on Page 3.Additional Staff Badges are available at the cost of $109.00 per badge, which is the lowestmember rate for the show.EXHIBITOR STAFF BADGE GUIDELINES Registration includes complimentary access to the education conference program. All special events including breakfasts, lunches, and receptions are ticketed eventswith a separate registration fee. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. No one under the age of 18 can be registered as an exhibitor. Do not register non-exhibitors through the Exhibitor Registration site. <strong>IAAPA</strong> willcharge a $100 penalty per exhibitor staff badge used by a buyer. Use the ExhibitorGuest Invitations (formerly VIP Program) to register current/prospective clients toattend the Trade Show free (see the next page).NEW! BADGE & TICKET SHIPPING POLICYBadges and tickets will not be automatically shipped. Exhibitors have the choice to receivetheir badges and purchased tickets in advance by providing a UPS or FedEx accountnumber during the registration process. All shipping charges will be billed to this account.Shipping Option: If you choose to have your badges and purchased tickets shipped, the lastday to register is October 28. Badge holders will need to be picked up on-site. If yourequire changes to your badges or tickets, you must bring them to on-site registration andchanges will be made. The designated contact in the Exhibitor Registration site will receiveall shipped badges. If you need to purchase additional tickets after your badges have beenshipped, they will be available for pickup on-site.On-Site Pick-up Option: If you choose to pick-up your badges and purchased tickets on-site,they can be picked up at Registration for no additional charge. On-site registration hours willbe posted on the show FAQ’s page.Any lost or misplaced badges and purchased tickets must be repurchased at full cost. If theoriginals are located, they must be submitted in writing to <strong>IAAPA</strong> following the show for arefund.1
EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Go to the Exhibitor Registration site: http://registration3.experientinc.com/showIAA121/Default.aspx2. Enter a few letters of your booth name (the “Exhibiting As” name noted on yourcontract).3. Once you search and locate your company name, use your <strong>IAAPA</strong> CompanyMember ID as your password. If you cannot locate it, contact <strong>IAAPA</strong> at +1 (703)836-4800 or e-mail exhibitors@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org.4. The Contact Name listed is the person that will receive the mailed badges if youdesignate to receive them via UPS or FedEx (see previous page). If you wish for theContact to be registered to attend the show, you must click the Register link next totheir name under My Registrations.5. Click the “Register Another Person” button to add additional staff.6. Once you have registered all your staff badges, click the “Next” button until youreach the Confirmation page. Your registrations will remain Pending until youcomplete the registration process.7. Confirmations are available by logging into the Exhibitor Registration site and willalso be emailed to the registrant.8. You can login to the Exhibitor Registration site to cancel or substitute staff namesprior to the badges being shipped, if designated. Any changes can be made on-siteat no charge.9. There are no refunds for canceled tickets.Step-by-Step instructions with screen shots for the Exhibitor Registration site areHERE.SAVE TIME IN ORLANDO AND REGISTER YOUR EXHIBIT STAFF EARLY!Register now: http://registration3.experient-inc.com/showIAA121/Default.aspxEXHIBITOR GUEST INVITATIONS(FORMERLY VIP PROGRAM)Invite your customers to attend <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 for FREE!WHAT IT ISAn Exhibitor Guest Registration site will be available late August 2012 for exhibitors to invitetheir most important customers and prospects to attend <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 astheir guests. Persons registering with an Exhibitor Guest Invitation will receive freeadmission to the Trade Show when they register online by Friday, November 9. AfterNovember 9, the cost is $109 – the lowest of all registration rates!HOW IT WORKSYour company contact will receive a link to the Exhibitor Guest Registration site and aunique code late August if your booth is fully paid. Each code will have a specifiedallotment of complimentary registrations based on the size of the booth (see the chart onthe next page). For indoor booths, each 100 square feet of indoor space is eligible for 5Guest Invitations and for outdoor booths each 100 square feet of outdoor space is eligiblefor 1 Guest Invitation with a limit of 250 Invitations per exhibit booth.2
Once the complimentary allotment has been met, the code will become invalid. Exhibitorsmay purchase additional Exhibitor Guest Invitations at the cost of $109 each if requested toexhibitors@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org and paid by Friday, October 26. No additional Invitations can bepurchased after that date.Step-by-Step instructions with screen shots for the Exhibitor Guest Registration siteare HERE.Exhibitor Guests Registration Site:http://registration3.experientevent.com/showIAA121/Defaultvip.aspxMAILING OPTIONS & VERIFICATION PROCESSExhibitor Guests will have the same mailing options as exhibitors for their badges. However,a new verification process will be in place on-site in Orlando to ensure the registrantinformation is accurate. Attendees and Exhibitor Guests must provide a picture ID orbusiness card on-site to receive their badge and/or badge holder. Exhibitors areexempt from the verification process. If the exhibitor chooses to register their ExhibitorGuests directly, to ensure unauthorized attendees do not use any of their complimentaryallotment, then they need to receive accurate information from their guests. Any incorrectinformation will be corrected on-site before the badges credentials are distributed.It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure only the invited guest uses the codeprovided. <strong>IAAPA</strong> will not be held responsible for unauthorized attendees registering with anExhibitor Guest code.EXHIBIT STAFF USE OF INVITATIONSExhibitor Guest Invitations not used to register customers and prospects, may be used toregister additional Exhibit Staff beyond the allotment of complimentary Exhibitor StaffBadges. Exhibitor Staff Badges obtained in this manner will also be complimentary, butthese registrants will only have access to the trade show floor during open, published hours.These registrants will also be subjected to the verification process on-site.Exhibitor Guest Invitations may only be used for the purposes set forth in this document;any other uses, including but not limited to, sale to members/attendees, are prohibited.STAFF BADGE & EXHIBITOR GUEST INVITATION ALLOTMENTSExhibitor GuestAllotment(indoor)Exhibitor GuestAllotment(outdoor)Staff BadgeBooth SizeAllotment100 (10’x10’) 5 5 1200 (10’x20’) 7 10 2300 (10’x30’) 9 15 3400 (10’x40’ or420’x20’) 11 20500 (10’x50’) 13 25 5600 (20’x30’) 15 30 6800 (20’x40’) 19 40 8900 (30’x30’) 21 45 93
1200 (30’x40’ or1220’x60’) 27 601500 (30’x50’) 33 75 151600 (20’x80’) 35 80 161800 (30’x60’) 39 90 182400 50 120 243000 50 150 304500 50 225 455000 50 250 50TYVEK WRISTBANDSTyvek wristbands may be worn by exhibitors during move-in, before Exhibitor Registrationopens on-site, Saturday, November 10 at 12:00 p.m. The wristbands will NOT be mailed inadvance, but can be picked up at the security counter located in the South Concourse nearS220. A business card, paystub or some other form of ID that indicates your company nameneeds to be shown in order to receive wristbands. Exhibitors may wear the wristbands,instead of their exhibitor badges, during move-in, and have full access to the trade showfloor. Wristbands for move-out are not needed unless the person moving out was notregistered for the show. They can pick-up wristbands at the Floor Manager’s Office (near<strong>IAAPA</strong> Central and the Exhibit Sales Office on the show floor), or the Security Office isS210A.Please note that all exhibitors will need Exhibitor Badges during trade show hours.Remember to register your staff at: http://registration3.experientinc.com/showIAA121/Default.aspxThe Tyvek Wristband program is for EXHIBITORS ONLY. Exhibitor Appointed Contractorsmust pick up wristbands from security on-site at the Contractor check-in desks located atthe South Employee Entrance and North Employee Entrance. See the Exhibitor AppointedContractors information for more details.4
HOTEL & TRAVEL INFORMATIONHOTELTravel Planners, the official <strong>IAAPA</strong> housing provider, has activated the online hotel reservationsystem. We have negotiated exclusive low rates for this event and rooms will go fast. Booknow!Only when you book through Travel Planners will you receive these exclusive benefits: The lowest rates available. If you find a lower rate at any of the hotels in the program, letus know! No hidden fees or processing fees. Trained call center agents can help you prior to your arrival and an onsite TravelPlanners service desk at the Orange County Convention Center will offer you full supportuntil you check out. You can change or cancel without penalty as late as 7 days prior to arrival. Our exclusive hotel profiles give you the real time details on every hotel in the programsuch as descriptions, amenities, photos and maps. Choose from nearly 30 official <strong>IAAPA</strong> hotels. Earn points in your hotel membership / loyalty program with your Travel Plannersreservation. Easy management of your reservation(s) online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Go to the Hotel & Travel webpage now or see the following pages. For help with reservations orif you have questions about our hotel program, contact Travel Planners via e-mail atres@tphousing.com or by phone at +1 (800) 221-3531 (USA, Canada & Caribbean) or +1 (212)532-1660 (International).TRAVELWorld Travel Inc. is the official travel management company for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012.World Travel Inc. has the ability to search all carriers and offer a variety of discounts to ensurethe lowest fare possible. If you would like to make your airline arrangements for <strong>IAAPA</strong> throughWorld Travel, please contact an agent using the telephone number or email below and identifyyourself as an <strong>IAAPA</strong> meeting attendee. A standard service fee of $34.00 will apply.Website: www.worldtravelinc.comPhone Contact: +1 (800) 867-2970 or +1 (610) 327-9000Email Contact: groupdepartment@worldtravelinc.comVISA ASSISTANCE<strong>IAAPA</strong> provides letters of invitation to our international exhibitors applying for a U.S. visa.Please completely fill out the online form to request a letter of invitation. You are encouragedto apply for a visa at least three months before the <strong>IAAPA</strong> event you would like to attend.
HOTEL RESERVATION INFORMATIONHousing for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 is now open.Register 1 of 4 ways:1. Online2. Fax the Reservation Form on the following page to +1 (212) 779-61283. Call +1 (800) 221-3531 (USA, Canada & Caribbean) or +1 (212) 532-1660(International).4. E-mail: res@tphousing.comCancellation Policy: All cancellations must be made through Travel Planners, Inc. The Hotel’scancellation policy will be printed on your confirmation e-mail.Additional Reservation Information:1. For your security and convenience, it is highly recommended that you make yourreservations online via our secure website. Should you choose to e-mail, fax or mail thefollowing form, Travel Planners will reserve a tentative, non-guaranteed reservation,provided one of your hotel choices is available. Reservations requested via e-mail, fax ormail will be processed within two (2) business days of receipt and are subject to availabilityat the time of processing. Tentative confirmation will be sent via e-mail and will include aweb link to access your reservation online and enter your credit card information securely.Tentative reservations not guaranteed within two (2) business days of receipt ofconfirmation are subject to cancellation. Should none of your hotel choices be available atthe time of processing you will be notified.2. Deposit checks and wire transfers must be received within ten days of booking or bySeptember 21, 2012, whichever is earlier. (Reservations will automatically be canceled ifchecks or wires are not received within this time frame.) After September 21, 2012reservations will be accepted with a credit card guarantee only. To pay by check, makecheck payable to: Travel Planners Inc., and mail to: Travel Planners Inc. 381 Park AvenueSouth, Third Floor; New York, New York 10016 USA.3. Individual policies for each hotel must be strictly adhered to. Many hotels are now imposingfees for early departures. This policy is at the discretion of the individual hotel and theamount of the fee varies by hotel. Be sure to verify your actual date of departure at thetime of check-in.Travel Planners makes no guarantee of any kind that the hotels and rates listed above will beavailable at the time you make your reservation. Reservation requests and changes are subjectto the availability and discretion of the hotels. All information is as of June 19, 2012 and subject tochange.
RESERVATION FORM<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012Fax to: Travel Planners <strong>IAAPA</strong> Housing Desk +1 (212) 779-6128NAME: _______________________________________________________DATE: ________________________________COMPANY NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________________________________________(STREET)(SUITE/FLOOR)_______________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________(CITY) (STATE) (ZIP/COUNTRY CODE) (COUNTRY)CONTACT NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________PHONE: ( ) Ext. FAX: ( ) E-MAIL:__________________________Billing address if different from above:_______________________________________________________________________HOTEL (Please list in order of preference)1. 4.2. 5.3. 6.Use more than one row for different dates if necessary and indicate the number of rooms required for each room type.Occupant Name (s)Attendee, orExhibitor?Check-InDateCheck-OutDate# SinglesRooms# DoublesRooms(2 people/1 bed)# Twin Rooms(2 people/2beds)SuiteRequestTotal Number of rooms needed:_________ SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS/REQUESTS: __________________________________Do you require an ADA Compatible Room?___________ Other requirements/requests?________________________________Cancellation Policy: Cancellations can be made through Travel Planners until three (3) business days prior to your arrival date.If within three (3) business days of arrival, please contact your hotel directly. However, please note that the timeframe forcancelations of the Individual Hotel’s Cancellation Policy takes precedence; please contact the hotel directly if you need to cancelwithin that timeframe. The Hotel’s cancellation policy will be printed on your confirmation e-mail. Travel Planners makes nowarranties of any kind that the hotels and rates listed above will be available at the time you make your reservation. Reservationrequests and changes are subject to the availability and discretion of the hotels. All information is as of June 19, 2012 & subjectto change. If you do not receive confirmation receipt within five business days, please call Travel Planners.
Ancillary & Satellite Event RequestsGuidelinesGeneral Information<strong>IAAPA</strong> recognizes that <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo exhibitors and attendees haveincreasing needs for space and time to host ancillary and satellite events. <strong>IAAPA</strong>has made available time and space in <strong>IAAPA</strong>-controlled meeting facilities (convention center/host hotels)for exhibitor or attendee hosted meetings which do not compete or conflict with the official trade showheld at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC), November 12-16, 2012. <strong>IAAPA</strong> requires allorganizations that wish to hold a function to complete an Ancillary & Satellite Event Request.A completed Ancillary & Satellite Event Request provides <strong>IAAPA</strong> with the necessary information toassign space and assist members, volunteers, and meeting attendees with any questions that may arise.Ancillary & Satellite Event Requests for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 are now being accepted.Times for Ancillary and Satellite EventsAncillary and satellite events may be scheduled only from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily.Types of Events Included in Ancillary and Satellite EventsAncillary Events: Defined as non-<strong>IAAPA</strong> sponsored events held during official <strong>IAAPA</strong> AttractionsExpo dates (Nov. 12-16, 2012) that exhibitors and attendees may attend. These include, but are notlimited to, the following:Meetings: Meetings of exhibitors, associations, or other non-<strong>IAAPA</strong> committees/working groupsincluding board meetings. Scheduling a meeting to host an educational session or productdemonstration is prohibited.Social Events: Receptions, dinners, alumni events, reunions, and specialty groups where there isno educational/scientific program presented.Satellite Events: Defined as non-<strong>IAAPA</strong> events scheduled to take place on dates that fall three daysbefore or three days after official <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo meeting dates (i.e., before Nov. 9 and afterNov. 19).Requesting an Ancillary or Satellite Event1. Deadline: All Ancillary & Satellite Request Forms must be submitted by Friday, September 7,2012.2. Event Times: Events may be scheduled only from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily. Organizers will becontacted if their requested time must be changed.3. Commercial/Exhibiting Companies: One of the benefits for commercial companies that exhibit at<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo is the opportunity to host ancillary events during the Expo. Nonexhibitingcommercial companies are prohibited from advertising, soliciting or otherwisecontacting <strong>IAAPA</strong> meeting registrants on official <strong>IAAPA</strong> meeting space or at <strong>IAAPA</strong> meetinghotels.<strong>IAAPA</strong> will not release or assign any meeting space to commercial companies not alreadycontracted as an official <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo exhibitor.4. Request Approval: Upon completion and approval of the Ancillary & Satellite Request Form, allorganizers will be contacted with additional information. Space will be assigned on a spaceavailablebasis if the application is approved.
5. Request Denial: Ancillary & Satellite Request Forms will be denied and space will not beassigned if a form violates <strong>IAAPA</strong> guidelines.6. Room assignments: Organizers will be notified of their room assignments late September to earlyOctober. All requests for meeting space will be approved by <strong>IAAPA</strong> before space can beconfirmed by hotels / OCCC. <strong>IAAPA</strong> and hotel / convention centers have the right to move anevent if <strong>IAAPA</strong> or the hotel determines the space assigned is later needed for an official <strong>IAAPA</strong>function or if the space assigned is not best suited in the assigned room.7. Event Coordination at Hotels / OCCC: Organizers are responsible for making all arrangements(i.e. F&B, AV, and signage) directly with the venue once space has been assigned and theapplication approved by <strong>IAAPA</strong>. Organizers are responsible for providing, setting-up, andremoving signage for the event. Please note that the hotel may charge for the use of the meetingroom. Room rental can be negotiated between the organizer and the hotel (after space assignmentis confirmed). Each function will be handled individually and issued a separate contract. Allmeeting room rental fees, food and beverage, audiovisual equipment rentals and other servicesare the responsibility of the organizer. Organizers should study function contracts carefully beforesigning, paying special attention to cancellation clauses. In the event of a canceled function, theorganizer may be required to pay the hotel for lost revenue.Note: For events hosted at OCCC, organizer will submit a payment to <strong>IAAPA</strong>. The fee per roomassignment at the OCCC is US$250.00 per one (1) to four (4) hour increments, per day.SUITCASING POLICYPlease note that while meeting attendees are invited to the exhibition, any attendees who are observed tobe soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces or in another company’s booth will be asked toreturn their badges and to leave the show floor immediately. Violators will not be allowed to return to theshow and no refunds will be made. Additional penalties may apply. <strong>IAAPA</strong> asks that both attendees andexhibitors report any violations they may observe to the Show Office immediately.OUTBOARDING POLICYOutboarding is defined as marketing, sales, and hospitality events conducted by exhibitors and otherscapitalizing on the presence of buyers and/or sellers attending the original show without previouslynotifying the original show organizer and finagling an arrangement that benefits both parties. Thispractice is considered unethical and is condemned by <strong>IAAPA</strong>. It includes practices such as “coat-tailing”,“piggy-backing”, co-location of events, and large scale hospitality events, particularly during show hours.BREACH OF GUIDELINESFailure to adhere to the Guidelines may result in any or all of the following actions by <strong>IAAPA</strong>:• Prohibited from participating as an Exhibitor at a future <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo.• Cancellation of the Ancillary or Satellite Event.• Refusal to allow company or group the opportunity to exhibit or hold meetings or otherevents in <strong>IAAPA</strong>-controlled meeting facilities in current year or a specified number of futureyears.Who do I contact with questions about Ancillary & Satellite Events and the release of <strong>IAAPA</strong>space?Amy Pepin, apepin@iaapa.org or +1-703/299-5757
Ancillary & Satellite Event Application Form<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012CONTACT INFORMATION (Please print clearly)Date:_____________ Name:___________________________________ E-mail:___________________________Organization/Company Name:__________________________________________Booth#:____________________Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________________City:___________________________State:___________________Zip/Country Code:_______________________Country:__________________________Phone:________________________Fax:___________________________MEETING INFORMATION (Meeting Space available from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm daily)Name of Meeting / Event:________________________________________________________________________Date(s) requested:_____________________________________ Start time:_________ Finish time:_____________Location of meeting / event requested:□ <strong>IAAPA</strong> hosted hotel — Name of hotel:________________________□ Orange County Convention CenterPurpose of meeting:_____________________________________________________________________________Audience: (check all that apply): □ <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attendees □ Company Personnel □ Other:________________________Number of attendees:____________ Will your meeting require signage?* Yes No Food Function: □ Yes □ NoRoom Set (see samples below): □ Banquet Rounds (10 ppl per Round Table) □Hollow Square □ Conference□Theatre □Classroom □ U-Shape □ Other room set**:___________________________________*You are responsible for providing, setting-up, and removing your own meeting and directional signs.** If you require a different room set than options below, an additional $250 turnover fee will be charged. (OCCCOnly)Upon completion and approval of the application, you will be contacted to submit payment. The fee per roomassignment at the OCCC is $250.00 per one (1) to four (4) hour increments, per day.Complete form and send to:Amy Pepin<strong>IAAPA</strong>E-mail: apepin@iaapa.orgTelephone: +1 703-299-5757Fax: +1 703/738-7483No requests accepted after September 7, 2012.
ON-SITE SHOW PROGRAMBe sure to take advantage of <strong>IAAPA</strong>'s Virtual Tradeshow program with a more enhancedExhibitor Listing and Floor Plan to help attendees better navigate <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012.Each exhibitor must login to their online Exhibitor Console to add or update their companyinformation which will display online in the Virtual Tradeshow and downloaded in the printedShow Program. You can retrieve your password with the booth contact’s e-mail address at thefollowing link or contact <strong>IAAPA</strong>.Login here: http://s15.a2zinc.net/clients/<strong>IAAPA</strong>/iaapa2012/public/e_login.aspxThe following fields will appear in the printed on-site Show Program and must be reviewed andedited:Exhibitor nameBooth numberContact nameAddress (including street address, city, state, zip code, and country)Telephone numberFax numberWebsite URLProduct categories (up to four)Please contact your Exhibit Sales representative or the North American Sales Team at +1 (703)836-4800 or exhibitsales@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org with any questions or concerns. <strong>IAAPA</strong> accepts no liabilityor responsibility for late or incorrect information provided to the association. This informationdoes not change your membership record. Please send a fax or letter on company letterhead to<strong>IAAPA</strong> and indicate all updates to be made to your membership record.DEADLINE FOR SHOW PROGRAM: OCTOBER 2LOGIN NOW!1
DIGITAL BOOTH UPGRADEIncrease traffic to your digital booth on the online exhibitor listing and promote yourproducts and services with an enhanced digital booth upgrade for only US$295!Stand out from your competition by upgrading and receive these additional features:1. Full color logo on your profile2. Enhanced booth profile icon on your booth on the online floor plan3. 2 additional <strong>IAAPA</strong> product category selections4. Feature 2 press releases5. Highlight 2 of your top products6. Promote 2 on-site show specials7. Include your company’s social media websitesFor more information, please contact your Exhibit Sales representative or the North AmericanSales Team at +1 (703) 836-4800 or exhibitsales@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org.2
2012 <strong>IAAPA</strong> Sponsorship OpportunitiesShowcase New Products.Build Your Brand.Maximize Your Investment.Combine the power of your brandwith the equity of our customizedsponsorship opportunities.The <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo2012 Sponsorship Program offersyour company many excitingopportunities to maximize yourexposure at the Conference andTrade Show. Sponsorships help todifferentiate your company fromcompetitors and increase yourcorporate visibility before, during,and after the show. For 2012, fourlevels of sponsorships are availableacross a variety of events, programsand services.PLATINUM-Level SPONSORship • $20,000The Platinum-level sponsorship is <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s most elite leveland provides maximum exposure to all attendees at theshow. Platinum-level sponsors enjoy full pre-show attendeelists, event exclusivity, and speaking privileges at selectedevents.GOLD-Level SPONSORship • $10,000Gold-level sponsors receive prominent access to the mostexclusive <strong>IAAPA</strong> buyers. Our Gold Sponsors also receivethe full post-show attendee list with emails for their salesand marketing efforts.SILVER-Level SPONSORship • $5,000Silver-level sponsors receive maximum exposure withintargeted markets while still getting cost effective exposureto all attendees.SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION LEVEL • $2,500This level of participation is a cost effective way for yourcompany to support specific networking events orprograms. Exposure is limited to the specific event ortarget market of interest.Special EventsBrass Ring AwardsEstimated Attendance: 350+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, afternoonLocation: Orange County Convention CenterDon’t miss the opportunity to have your brand seen duringthis year’s single marquee awards event at <strong>IAAPA</strong>. Theproduction includes awards for marketing, advertising, liveentertainment, merchandising and guest services as well asawards for best FEC and a Best of Brass Award. It is a perfectvehicle for your company to reach the best industry marketingfirms, park general managers, entertainment managers,retail managers, HR executives, show producers, FEC owners,and key waterpark players.Chairman’s ReceptionEstimated Attendance: 600+Date: Monday, Nov. 12, eveningLocation: Peabody HotelSilver, Gold & Platinum Sponsors only<strong>IAAPA</strong>’s Chairman and incoming Chair, Roland Mack andWill Morey, will be honored at this invitation-only networkingreception attended by the most influential industry leadersworldwide. More than 600 Facility Owners, CEO’s, GeneralManagers, <strong>IAAPA</strong> Committee members and senior facilityexecutives will enjoy an evening of camaraderie andsocializing with a buffet and cocktails. Sponsors are eligibleto receive an exclusive attendee list (Gold Sponsors receive afull-show attendee list), can provide product to distribute, andare invited to come early for private introductions to the VIP’s,including <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s President & CEO Chip Cleary.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org 5
“<strong>IAAPA</strong> has a history of bringing together attractions industryprofessionals to share and solve issues of mutual concern and tofind opportunities to grow their businesses together. As a sponsor,our involvement has helped us support the attractions industryand build valuable, in-person connections with its leaders andconstituents. We believe supporting <strong>IAAPA</strong> through asponsorship is a compelling way to contribute to the industryand advance your business.”Curt Caffey, Senior Vice President-Asset Management, CNL Financial GroupGM and Owners’ Breakfast(limited to 3 sponsors)Estimated Attendance: 350+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, morningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterGold & Platinum Sponsors onlyHave your brand seen by more than 350 Facility Owners,CEO’s, General Managers and senior facility executives asthey enjoy a roundtable breakfast at one of <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s mosthigh-profile events. This year’s exciting keynote speakerwill be Jim Reid-Anderson – Chairman, CEO, and Presidentof Six Flags Entertainment. Sponsoring this event providespremium visibility in front of this most influential audienceat <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012. Sponsors will beacknowledged by a speaker; will have one-on-oneintroductions to <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s Chairman, Committee members,President, and speaker; are acknowledged via signage;have the ability to distribute their materials at the event;receive a full attendee list; and receive VIP reserved seating.<strong>IAAPA</strong> CelebratesEstimated Attendance: 1,000 – 2,500Date: Thursday, Nov. 15, eveningLocation: UniversalGet ready to mix and mingle with your fellow attendees atthis exciting private event to be held at Universal, featuringrides, a parade, and food and drink. Opportunities forsponsorship include distributing your product at the event,acknowledgment on all event publicity and signage,complimentary tickets, and Silver and higher level sponsorswill receive attendee lists.Institute for Attractions ManagersReceptionEstimated Attendance: 40Date: Sunday, Nov. 11, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterGet ready to mix and mingle with your fellow attendees atthis exciting private event to be held at Universal, featuringrides, a parade, and food and drink.Kickoff EventEstimated Attendance: 1,800Date: Tuesday, Nov. 13, morningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterSilver, Gold & Platinum Sponsors onlyNew this year—the 2012 Kickoff Event will be held in atheater right on the trade show floor! The Kickoff is theperfect vehicle to reach thousands in the attractions industryat one time. This exciting multimedia program includesentertainment, welcome speeches by <strong>IAAPA</strong> Chairman of theBoard Roland Mack and <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s President and CEO Chip Cleary,presentations of the 2012 Hall of Fame Awards, a celebrationof Give Kids The World, reports about what’s new around theworld, the passing of the gavel to Will Morey, and a ribboncuttingceremony to top it all off. Sponsors have their logosfeatured on the 1500+ event tote bags (which <strong>IAAPA</strong> provides),can provide material distribution for inclusion in the bags, havetheir logo displayed on the front stage and on event signage,receive VIP reserved seating, and will be acknowledged to theaudience by the speakers.Lunch and LearnEstimated Attendance: 375Date: Monday, Nov. 12Location: Orange County Convention CenterGet a fresh start at the Lunch and Learn, featuring a prominentkeynote speaker, which will bring together more than 375people from cross constituencies for networking at thebeginning of the week.Opening ReceptionEstimated Attendance: 1,000+Date: Tuesday, Nov. 13, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThis year’s Opening Reception offers access to the high-profileworld of global buyers. You will have the opportunity to minglewith more than 1000 guests from 80 countries worldwide.Guests will enjoy this first networking event of the tradeshowwith beverages and plenty of delicious food and networkingopportunities. Sponsors are featured in all event promotionalmaterials, acknowledged via signage, receive logo recognition,and may also provide product to distribute at the reception.Silver and higher level sponsors are also eligible for attendee lists.Young Professionals ReceptionEstimated Attendance: 200Date: Tuesday, Nov. 13, eveningLocation: Fat Fish Blue at Pointe OrlandoThis popular social event for those 35 and under is open toall young professionals in the industry. Sponsors receiverecognition via event signage and publicity materials,one-on-one introductions and reserved seating, have theability to distribute their materials at the event, and receivecomplimentary tickets. Silver, Gold, and Platinum sponsorsare also eligible to receive attendee lists.6<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 Exhibitor & Sponsor Information
“Every year when we work on the marketing budget for Sureshot Redemption, we always askthe question: ‘where can we get the most roi for our marketing dollars?’ And every year the answerremains the same—the iaapa sponsorship program. As an iaapa sponsor, Sureshot receives the highest levelof exposure of our brand. Additionally, we are provided with the opportunity to network with all aspectsand all levels of the amusement industry. Invaluable!!!”Sondra Doyle, Marketing Coordinator/Sales, Sureshot RedemptionConstituency EventsAsia Pacific BreakfastEstimated Attendance: 250Date: Thursday, Nov. 15, morningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterCompanies doing business or wanting to expand their businessin Asia Pacific – here is your chance to get the latest updatesand network with buyers from the region at this exclusivenetworking breakfast. The Asia Pacific office of <strong>IAAPA</strong> and itsmembers will be presenting what’s new in the region as wellas briefing on Asian Attractions Expo 2013. Sponsors will berecognized through signage, product distribution, complimentaryVIP seating and tickets, acknowledgment by the speaker, andmore. Silver and higher level sponsors are also eligible toreceive attendee lists.Canadian BreakfastEstimated Attendance: 50Date: Thursday, Nov. 15, morningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThis event is one of the few opportunities to get your company’sbrand and message in front of the most influential leaders inCanada. Sponsors are acknowledged via signage, the ability todistribute their materials at the event, and will be recognized bya speaker. Silver and higher level sponsors are also eligible toreceive attendee lists.Carnival & showmen’s ReceptionEstimated Attendance: 300Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThe Carnival and Showmen’s Reception honors the traditions,participation and support of the outdoor amusement businessindustry and members of the various showmen’s leagues fromaround the world. Sponsors are acknowledged via signage, theability to distribute their product and materials at the event,and an event attendee list for Silver level and higher sponsors.Constituency Lunch for Amusement Parksand AttractionsEstimated Attendance: 250Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14Location: Orange County Convention CenterSponsorship of the Amusement Parks and Attractions KeynoteLuncheon provides an unparalleled networking opportunity toreach this key constituency and earn quality time with potentialclients. Sponsors will be recognized on-site through signage,reserved seating, complimentary tickets, the ability to distributematerials and product, and acknowledgment by the speaker.Silver, Gold, and Platinum sponsors are also eligible to receiveattendee lists.Constituency Breakfast for AmusementParks and AttractionsEstimated Attendance: 75Date: Thursday, Nov. 15Location: Orange County Convention CenterThis interactive session, “Growing your Educational Business”,will introduce new ways that all FECs, amusement parks, andattractions can adapt their existing programs to developcross-categorical lessons and educational plans that meetstate standards. Sponsors will be recognized on-site throughsignage, reserved seating, complimentary tickets, the ability todistribute materials and product, and acknowledgment by thespeaker.Constituency Lunches for FamilyEntertainment Centers (3)Estimated Attendance: 150 at eachDate: varyLocation: Orange County Convention CenterDon’t miss the opportunity to reach the FEC audience at oneof these fun and casual luncheons throughout the week, wheretopics such as birthday parties are discussed. Sponsors willbe recognized on-site through signage, reserved seating,complimentary tickets, the ability to distribute materials andproduct, and acknowledgment by the speaker. Silver, Gold, andPlatinum sponsors are also eligible to receive attendee lists.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org 7
“Sponsoring for us is a no-brainer. Weget the exposure we want with the added benefitsof special events for our clients.”Tara Casey, Vice President – Waterparks, Lo-QEuropean ReceptionEstimated Attendance: 300+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, eveningLocation: Peabody Hotel Pool DeckThe European Reception draws all of the major playersand associations from all parts of Europe. Sponsors areacknowledged via signage and the ability to distribute theirmaterials at the event, and Silver and higher level sponsorsare eligible to receive attendee lists. This well-attended eventis one of the few opportunities to get your company’s namein front of the most influential leaders in Europe.Family Entertainment Center ReceptionEstimated Attendance: 500+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThe exciting FEC reception targets the Family EntertainmentCenter industry which includes operators from familyentertainment centers, mini golf establishments, bounce andparty houses, children’s centers, bowling centers and even wet/dry waterpark facilities. Sponsors will be thanked via a mediapresentation and publicly by the Committee. Sponsors are alsoacknowledged via signage and have the ability to distribute theirmaterials at the event – they also receive complimentary ticketsfor their company and their customers, reserved seating, andSilver and higher level sponsors are eligible to receiveattendee lists.Latin American ReceptionEstimated Attendance: 200Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, eveningLocation: Orange County Convention CenterFor those companies doing business or wanting to conductbusiness with <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s Latin American members, this networkingevent is an ideal way of getting to know this segment of theindustry. Opportunities also exist to co-sponsor this and the14 education sessions to be translated into Spanish—see“Education Program” below for more information.Rookies and Newcomers ProgramEstimated Attendance: 100 at eachDate: Sunday, Nov. 11, and Monday, Nov. 12Location: Orange County Convention CenterSponsor this daytime education program geared towardnewcomers to the industry, with a special focus on FamilyEntertainment Centers. Sponsors receive signage recognition,complimentary tickets, the right to distribute your materials,and more.Waterparks receptionEstimated Attendance: 400+Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14Location: Howl at the MoonSponsor this exciting event to maximize your time withwaterpark and resort executives, leaders, and operators fromaround the world. More than 400 waterpark and resort ownersand operators will gather over the course of the show and<strong>IAAPA</strong> will be heavily promoting this event to thousands ofwaterpark members, attendees, and prospects. Sponsors willbe able to distribute their materials, will be recognized viasignage, and will receive complimentary tickets. Silver, Gold,and Platinum sponsors also receive exclusive attendee lists.Zoo, Aquarium, Museum and ScienceCenter Education Day at EpcotEstimated Attendance: 350Date: Monday, Nov. 12Location: EpcotCombining four important <strong>IAAPA</strong> buyer constituencies, the Zoo,Aquarium, Museum and Science Center Education Day is aprime opportunity to put your company in front of the some ofthe most forward-thinking professionals in the attractions market.Don’t miss the opportunity to sponsor this event at Epcot,which is celebrating its 30th year! Sponsors will be recognizedon-site through signage, the ability to distribute materials andproduct, acknowledgment by the speakers, and complimentaryevent tickets. Silver, Gold, and Platinum Sponsors are alsoeligible to receive attendee lists.8<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 Exhibitor & Sponsor Information
“Sponsoring an iaapa event is a great wayto increase brand image by being associated with thestrength of the iaapa brand.”Mike Furman, Director of Sales and Marketing, Gateway TicketingSpecial ProgramsAmbassadorsSponsor the 25 <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 Show Ambassadors.Our lively and educated ambassadors are crucial to the successof many of the show’s events and programs throughout theweek—they serve as the greeters, hosts, ticket-takers, ushers,guides, and overall go-to gurus. Sponsors will receive logorecognition on the ambassadors’ shirts.Education ProgramEstimated Attendance: 8,000 in multiple sessionsDates: Monday, Nov. 12 – Friday, Nov. 16Location: Seminar rooms at the Orange CountyConvention CenterSilver, Gold & Platinum Sponsors only<strong>IAAPA</strong>’s education programs consist of more than 200 hours ofprogramming throughout the week including seminars, schoolcourses and roundtable discussions. The sponsor is recognizedin course materials on the <strong>IAAPA</strong> website, is also recognizedvia signage, receives a full-show attendee list, and is invited toprovide give-away material with their logo. Silver, Gold, andPlatinum sponsorship only. Opportunities are also available tosponsor the 14 sessions that are to be translated into Spanish.Expo Bags (limited to one sponsor)Have your logo carried throughout the Convention Centerby providing the 25,000 expo bags for <strong>IAAPA</strong> AttractionsExpo 2012.Hotel TV and/or Room Drop SponsorshipHave your brand and message displayed in front of thousandsof attendees staying at host hotels throughout Orlando. Alsoavailable is the opportunity to have your materials placedunder the doors of thousands of host hotel rooms to reach<strong>IAAPA</strong> attendees. Contact <strong>IAAPA</strong> for pricing.Kiosk SponsorshipEstimated Circulation: 25,000+ attendeesDates: Open during expo days/hoursLocation: Orange County Convention CenterThe touchscreen kiosks are located throughout the hall andhall entrance areas, which lead attendees where they needto go. The sponsoring company’s logo will be featured on thekiosk station itself and in printed materials before and at thetradeshow. Contact <strong>IAAPA</strong> for pricing options.Mobile App SponsorTake your brand on the go and become the official Mobile AppSponsor for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012. This sponsorshipis available for all levels (Supporting Organization throughPlatinum).Naming Rights for the Special Event Theatre(limited to one sponsor)Platinum Sponsors onlyFor the first time, <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s special events such as the KickoffEvent, Opening Reception, GM and Owners’ Breakfast andBrass Ring Awards will be held right on the tradeshow floor!One lucky sponsor will get to name the theatre.Shuttle Bus SponsorSilver, Gold & Platinum Sponsors onlyBe the official Shuttle Bus Sponsor for <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo2012 and generate awareness about your brand as attendeescome and go from the event. Opportunities also exist to haveyour message or video played on the TV screens in each bus.Trade Show Floor ToursEstimated Attendance: 40 max per tourDates: Tuesday, Nov. 13 – Friday, Nov. 16, during expo hoursLocation: Orange County Convention Center Trade Show Floor<strong>IAAPA</strong>’s vendor tours offer attendees exclusive tours of thetradeshow hall, taking them to visit exhibitors from thefollowing categories: first time buyers, POS system suppliers,waterpark suppliers, and inflatable product suppliers(categories may be subject to change).<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org 9
Exhibit at <strong>IAAPA</strong> AttractionsExpo 2012Gain the Competitive EdgeExhibit at the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 and reach more buyersfrom growing attractions markets.<strong>IAAPA</strong> is capitalizing on this shift in the industry by promoting the <strong>IAAPA</strong>Attractions Expo to these new buyers, as well as to representatives fromthe biggest amusement and attractions/operations in the world.Reserve Your Space Today!For more information, call <strong>IAAPA</strong> Exhibit Sales at +1 703/836-4800 or sendan e-mail to exhibitsales@iaapa.org. Visit <strong>IAAPA</strong>.org/<strong>IAAPA</strong>MAP to viewavailable booth space.Become a SponsorFor sponsorship opportunities, contact Emily Popovich at+1 703/342-7159 or epopovich@iaapa.org.Exhibit Fees:$18.95 per square foot, interior booth$235 per open corner (400 sq. ft. min. required for corner booth)$463 <strong>IAAPA</strong> Membership/renewal Membership required for exhibition.ONE INDUSTRY LEADERFounded in 1918, <strong>IAAPA</strong> is the largestinternational trade association forpermanently-situated amusement facilitiesworldwide. The organization representsover 4,300 facility, supplier, and individualmembers from more than 100 countries.<strong>IAAPA</strong> strives to help members improvetheir efficiency, marketing, safety, andprofitability while maintaining the highestpossible professional standards inthe industry.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.orgthree great events<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo is producedby the International Association ofAmusement Parks and Attractions(<strong>IAAPA</strong>). <strong>IAAPA</strong> is a non-profitorganization dedicated to the promotionand prosperity of the amusement industryworldwide and the leader in connectingbuyers and suppliers in the attractionsindustry. From our largest annualgathering the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expoin the United States, to the AsianAttractions Expo, to the Euro AttractionsShow, <strong>IAAPA</strong> covers the globe.<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org/exposOutdoor Exhibits:$7.95 per square foot (400 – 999 sq. ft.)$6.95 per square foot (1000 – 1,999 sq ft.)$5.95 per square foot (2,000+ sq ft.)<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo—Game On!
GAIN MEDIA EXPOSURE AT <strong>IAAPA</strong> ATTRACTIONS EXPODon’t be left out of the story! There are several ways to promote your company and newproducts to trade and consumer media who attend <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012.1. Tell us “What’s New.” Alert the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Communications team to your latest and mostexciting products and services. E-mail new product information, releases, and images topressoffice@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org. If you plan to keep your product information confidential until itdebuts at the Expo, we can work with you on its unveiling.a. All non-confidential information will be made available to media and attendees inadvance of and during Expo.2. Hold a Press Conference. Holding a press conference or a press meet-and-greet isone of the best ways to personally connect with reporters and media personnel at <strong>IAAPA</strong>Attractions Expo. We recommend the event be held at your booth on the trade showfloor for maximum visibility. E-mail Scott Cahoon at scahoon@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org for moreinformation.a. A list of press conferences will be made available to all media in attendance at<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo and posted online to the Expo Press Room.3. Strut Your Stuff. Display your media kits, announcements, and other literature on theexhibitor display shelves in the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Press Office. Bring 25 copies of your materials tothe Press Office (see hours of operation below). Materials will be recycled unless theyare retrieved by 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 16.The Press Office is located in S230A and hours are as follows:Monday, November 12......................................... 8 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Tuesday, November 13........................................ 8 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Wednesday, November 14................................... 8 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Thursday, November 15....................................... 8 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Friday, November 16............................................ 8 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.For more information about media activities and assistance on site or to promote yourinnovative new product or service, contact <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s Press Office at +1 (703) 299-5127 or e-mailpressoffice@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org.
<strong>IAAPA</strong> Brass Ring Awards: Best New Product Exhibitor AwardDEADLINE: AUGUST 10, 2012The <strong>IAAPA</strong> Brass Ring Awards: Best New Product ExhibitorAwards competition recognizes the best new product orservice in the amusement parks and attractions industry.Eligibility1. Must be a member of <strong>IAAPA</strong> and exhibiting at the <strong>IAAPA</strong> AttractionsExpo 2012.2. All product entries will automatically be entered for the Impact Awardwhich is awarded to a winner of one of the categories in the BestNew Product Exhibitor Awards that, in the opinion of three (3)appointed judges, had the most impact on the amusement parks andattractions industry this year.3. All product entries must have been operating in a park or facilitybeginning after August 15, 2011 and before August 10, 2012. Theproduct or service must work and must have been put into servicesince the last Best New Product award eligibility period ended onAugust 15, 2011. All entries will be verified.4. The product or service must not have been eligible for considerationfor a Best New Product Exhibitor Award during <strong>IAAPA</strong> AttractionsExpo 2011.5. An improved or updated version of an existing product is eligible forentry as a new product, if it meets the above criteria. If a productis an update of an existing product, all factors that distinguish newproduct from previous edition must be noted in the application.6. Exhibitors who violate any <strong>IAAPA</strong> trade show rules and regulations willnot be eligible for any Exhibitor Awards.Entry Procedures1. Entries are limited to two (2) products, per exhibitor, and each productmay only be entered into one (1) category. Two (2) separate productsmay be entered into one (1) category.2. Each entry must include a fully completed application no later thanAugust 10, 2012.3. Each entry should include a company logo (high and low resolution)and up to two (2) materials per entry, fully explaining all featuresand benefits of the product to the user. Materials such as brochures,flyers, photographs, or artwork are accepted and encouraged. Filesmust be submitted in PDF format with the online entry or mailed to2012 <strong>IAAPA</strong> Exhibitor Awards, 1448 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA22314, USA no later than August 10, 2012.4. The release authorization on the application must be checked. Allentries and materials submitted may be reproduced by <strong>IAAPA</strong> and allentries become the property of <strong>IAAPA</strong> and will not be returned.5. There is no cost to submit an entry.6. The deadline is August 10, 2012.Judging1. A panel of judges comprised of <strong>IAAPA</strong> facility members will evaluateall entries.2. The decisions of the judges are final.3. Some pre-judging will be completed prior to <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo2012. Final judging for Best New Product Exhibitor Awards and theImpact Award will be completed during <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012.4. A company representative must be available to answer judges’questions as necessary on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 from10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.5. First Place and Honorable Mention for each category will be awardedunless the judges feel that none of the entries submitted deservespecial recognition.6. The judges reserve the right to reassign entry categories if theyconsider another category more appropriate.7. All awards will be distributed to the First Place and HonorableMention winners booths between 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., Tuesday,November 13, 2012.8. All award winners will be displayed on the Awards display by12:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 14, 2012. A list of winners willalso be available in the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Sales Office by 6:00 p.m., Tuesday,November 13, 2012.9. Award winners will be acknowledged at the Brass Rings AwardsCeremony, Wednesday, November 14, 2012.Judging Criteria• Benefit of the product or service to the prospective buyer.• Originality or uniqueness of the product or service.• Quality of the products or service’s design and construction.If you have any additional questions regarding the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Exhibitor Awards Program, please contact:Chuck Corley, Chairman, Exhibitor Awards Committee: +1 770/329-7329 • chcorley@gmail.com orStacey Mills, CMP, <strong>IAAPA</strong>, Director, Conference and Trade Show Operations: +1 703/299-5745 • smillls@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org
<strong>IAAPA</strong> Brass Ring Awards: Best New Product Exhibitor AwardDEADLINE: AUGUST 10, 2012CategoriesCATEGORY ONE: MAJOR THEME/AMUSEMENT PARK RIDEThese awards are for new products designed primarily for major rides orattractions in theme parks or amusement parks.CATEGORY TWO: KIDDIE RIDE/ATTRACTIONSThese awards are for new products that are designed primarily as kiddierides or for kiddie attractions in theme parks, amusement parks or familyentertainment centers.CATEGORY THREE: WATERPARK RIDE/ATTRACTIONThese awards are for new products that are designed primarily for rides orattractions in waterpark or water activity areas in theme parks, amusementparks or family entertainment centers.CATEGORY FOUR: FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT CENTER RIDE/ATTRACTIONThese awards are for new products that are designed primarily for rides orattractions in family entertainment centers.CATEGORY FIVE: COIN-OPERATED KIDDIE RIDESThese awards are for the best new coin-operated kiddie rides. To beeligible for this award, the product must collect the fee automatically, withno attendant required.CATEGORY SIX: TECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO AMUSEMENTSThese awards are for new products that demonstrate the application of atechnology that has not previously been used for the same function thatthe technology accomplishes in the new product. New products in Revenueand Admission Control/Wristbands/RFID Technology should be entered inCategory Ten.CATEGORY SEVEN: FOOD SERVICESThese awards are for food products, services, food equipment and suppliers.CATEGORY EIGHT: GAMES & MERCHANDISEThese awards are for best new games products and best new productsthat are designed to be sold in merchandising operations, given awayor used in promotions. This category includes the areas of games, merchandising,prizes for games, novelties, souvenirs, hats, shirts andballoons. Coin-operated machines are not eligible for this category.CATEGORY NINE: COIN-OPERATED SKILL GAME/REDEMPTION GAMEThese awards are for the best new coin-operated skill game or redemptiongame equipment. To be eligible for this award, the product must collect thefee automatically, with no attendant required.CATEGORY TEN: REVENUE & ADMISSION CONTROL/WRISTBANDS/RFID TECHNOLOGYThese awards are for the best new revenue and admission controlproducts, wristbands and RFID Technology. To be eligible for this award,the product must be specifically related to revenue and admission controlor RFID Technology procedures in an amusement facility.CATEGORY ELEVEN: SHOW PRODUCTION & ENTERTAINMENT/DISPLAYS & SETSThese awards are for the best new show production and entertainmentrelated services and suppliers of these services. This category includesshow producers, directors, choreographers, costumes, lighting and soundsystems, staging, theatrical equipment and supplies, displays and sets, andsuppliers of displays and sets. Also included in this category are fireworks,flags and banners, signs, scenery/sets, amusement buildings and fronts.CATEGORY TWELVE: SERVICES, EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIESThese awards are for the best new amusement related services, equipmentand suppliers of equipment/services. Included in this category areconsultants, amusement park builders/designers, insurance, publications,trade associations, advertising, promotion and public relations. This awardencompasses supplies and accessory equipment such as: uniforms, canvasitems, strollers, film, computer systems, cables, batteries, lights, and allother supplies and equipment not included in another award category.Amusement devices are not eligible for these awards.CATEGORY THIRTEEN: ARCADE VIDEO GAME OR PRIZEDISPENSING ATTRACTIONSThese awards are for the best new arcade video game or prize dispensingattraction equipment. To be eligible for this award, the product must collectthe fee automatically, with no attendant required.IMPACT AWARDThe Impact Award is awarded to a winner of one of the Best New Productcategories in the Best New Product or Service Awards that, in the opinionof three (3) appointed judges, had the most impact on the amusementparks and attractions industry this year.If you have any additional questions regarding the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Exhibitor Awards Program, please contact:Chuck Corley, Chairman, Exhibitor Awards Committee: +1 770/329-7329 • chcorley@gmail.com orStacey Mills, CMP, <strong>IAAPA</strong>, Director, Conference and Trade Show Operations: +1 703/299-5745 • smillls@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org
<strong>IAAPA</strong> Brass Ring Awards: Best New Product Exhibitor AwardDEADLINE: AUGUST 10, 2012ApplicationContact Information:Exhibiting Company:Booth Number:Contact Person for Application:Telephone:Contact Person On-Site at <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012:Signature (Authorizes <strong>IAAPA</strong> to reproduce materials as needed):E-mail:One Best New Product Award and one Honorable Mention Award will be available for each category below:1. Major Theme/Amusement Park Ride2. Kiddie Ride/Attraction3. Waterpark Ride/Attraction4. Family Entertainment Center Ride/AttractionProduct Information:Product Category # (from list above):Name of Product or Service:5. Coin-Operated Kiddie Ride6. Technology Applied to Amusements & Sets7. Food Service8. Games and Merchandise9. Coin-Operated Skill Game/Redemption Game10. Revenue & Admission Control/Wristbands/RFID Technology11. Show Production & Entertainment/Displays& Sets12. Services, Equipment & Supplies13. Arcade Video Game or Prize DispensingAttractionsPark(s) or Facility(ies) Using Product or Service (one is required, two is optional):Park/Facility Contact Name(s):Park/Facility Contact Phone:Park/Facility Contact E-mail Address(es):Date product or service first in use at park/facility*:Special or Innovative Features:*Please note: if product is an update of an existing product, all factors that distinguish new product from previous edition must be noted below for consideration.Instructions:Please submit the following with your application:• High- and low-resolution company logo for print and web use• Up to two (2) marketing collateral to support your entry.Send your application and attachments to:E-mail: convention@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.orgMail: Exhibitor Awards, <strong>IAAPA</strong>, 1448 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314If you have any additional questions regarding the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Exhibitor Awards Program, please contact:Chuck Corley, Chairman, Exhibitor Awards Committee: +1 770/329-7329 • chcorley@gmail.com orStacey Mills, CMP, <strong>IAAPA</strong>, Director, Conference and Trade Show Operations: +1 703/299-5745 • smillls@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org
<strong>IAAPA</strong> Brass Ring Awards: Best Exhibit AwardDEADLINE: NOVEMBER 2, 2012The <strong>IAAPA</strong> Brass Ring Awards: Best Exhibit Awardcompetition recognizes the booth presentation in fourcategories at the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo.ApplicationContact InformationExhibiting Company:Booth Number:Contact Person for Application:Telephone:Contact Person On-Site at <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012:Signature (Authorizes <strong>IAAPA</strong> to reproduce materials as needed):Exhibit InformationE-mail:Please select booth size from below:1 or 2 booths (100-200 square feet) 3 to 5 booths (300-500 square feet)6 to 10 booths (600-1,000 square feet) 11 booths or more (1,100 + square feet)Eligibility1. Must be a member of <strong>IAAPA</strong>and exhibiting at the <strong>IAAPA</strong>Attractions Expo 2012.2. Must submit an entry onlineor with a paper form.3. All Best Exhibit Award entrieswill automatically be enteredfor the Image Award which isawarded to the mostoutstanding exhibit booth atthe <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo.However, consideration for theImage Award does not requiresubmission of an application.4. Exhibitors who violate any<strong>IAAPA</strong> trade show rules andregulations will not be eligiblefor any Exhibitor Awards.Entry Procedures1. Each entry must include a fullycompleted online application nolater than November 2, 2012.2. Each entry should include acompany logo (high and lowresolution) uploaded with theonline entry or sent toconvention@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org.3. The release authorization onthe application must bechecked. All entries andmaterials submitted may bereproduced by <strong>IAAPA</strong> andall entries become theproperty of <strong>IAAPA</strong> and willnot be returned.4. There is no cost to submitan entry.5. Deadline is November 2, 2012.JudgingInstructions:1. A panel of judges comprisedof <strong>IAAPA</strong> facility members willevaluate all entries.2. The judges decisions are final.3. Participating exhibitors musthave their booths completed byTuesday, November 13, 2012,at 10:00 a.m. in order forentries to be judged.4. First Place and HonorableMention for each category will beawarded unless the judges feelthat none of the entries submitteddeserve special recognition.5. All awards will be distributedto winners and runner-up’sbetween 4:00–6:00 p.m.,Tuesday, November 13, 2012.6. All award winners will bedisplayed on the Awards displayby 12:00 p.m., Wednesday,Nov. 14, 2012. A list of winnerswill also be available in the<strong>IAAPA</strong> Sales Office by 6:00 p.m.,Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012.Send your application and attachments to:E-mail: convention@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.orgMail: Exhibitor Awards<strong>IAAPA</strong>, 1448 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314Judging CriteriaIf you have any additional questions regarding the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Exhibitor Awards Program, please contact:• Booth Design – Quality,originality, and uniqueness.• Branding – Use of corporatelogo and/or brand within thedesign of the booth; promotionof product or service.• Staffing – Professionalappearance; welcoming andfriendly demeanor; approachableand knowledgeable.• Overall Appeal – Boothcleanliness; attractive layout;ease of access to informationwithin the booth.Categories(Based on booth size)1. 100–299 square feet2. 300–599 square feet3. 600–1099 square feet4. 1,100 square feet and largerChuck Corley, Chairman, Exhibitor Awards Committee: +1 770/329-7329 • chcorley@gmail.com orStacey Mills, CMP, <strong>IAAPA</strong>, Director, Conference and Trade Show Operations: +1 703/299-5745 • smillls@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org
PARTICIPATE IN <strong>IAAPA</strong>’S SUPPORT OFGIVE KIDS THE WORLD DURING <strong>IAAPA</strong> ATTRACTIONS EXPOAND HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD’S LIFE!<strong>IAAPA</strong>’s support of Give Kids The World (GKTW) Village near Orlando, Florida, USA, is veryimportant to the thousands of children with life-threatening illnesses who visit this specialplace. When a child and family arrive at the Village, they have already faced manychallenges of a world filled with hospitals, doctors, and medical treatment. For one magicalweek, those worries are forgotten as they visit Central Florida attractions and stay at theVillage, all for free. The all-expenses-paid fantasy vacations offered by GKTW are madepossible by the support of many individuals and organizations worldwide. <strong>IAAPA</strong> membersplay a very important role in helping these children smile, both during their visit to the Villageand when they return home.Listed below are four distinct ways in which members, suppliers and facilities cansupport <strong>IAAPA</strong> and Give Kids The World:1. Exhibitor Donations Program: Running GKTW is just like running a theme park.The Village contains rides, games, recreational water facilities, and restaurants, whilemaking use of everything from plush to furniture to computer software. To help meet thoseneeds, <strong>IAAPA</strong> Manufacturer and Supplier Members can donate to GKTW year-round,including the expertise needed to assist with maintenance and other follow-up issues. TheVillage maintains a wish list especially geared toward the products and services provided bythe global amusement industry and can be found at www.gktw.org.<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 is where exhibitors will once again have a wonderfulopportunity to support GKTW by donating material to the Village quickly and easily onFriday, November 16. Donations can be made at the designated drop-off location(s) on thetrade show floor. More information on the exact location(s) will be distributed on-site at<strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo.2. 10th Annual Golf Tournament: <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s 10 th Annual <strong>IAAPA</strong> International CharityGolf Tournament will be held on Sunday, November 11. The tournament provides a greatopportunity to play on one of the best courses in Orlando and offers the ability to networkand mingle with industry leaders from around the world, as well as support Give Kids TheWorld. You may choose to play in the tournament or become one of the prestigioussponsors of this exclusive event. Please take a moment to review the sponsorshipopportunities available.
3. 5K Fun Run & 1K Fun Walk: <strong>IAAPA</strong>’s 6 th Annual 5K Fun Run & 1K Fun Walk is apleasurable way to complete your week at <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo.The Fun Run will tentatively take place on Thursday, November 15 atGKTW. Bring a group and compete in the corporate challenge orparticipate on your own. If you don’t want to work up a sweat, butyou’re still interested in supporting GKTW or someone who ispartaking…donate as a Silent Runner or inquire about our additionalsponsorship opportunities!4. <strong>IAAPA</strong> Harley Run: The 3 nd Annual Harley Run will tentatively take place Sunday,November 11. Join your friends and colleagues for a tour around central Florida. Moreinformation on this event can be found on the charity page of the <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expowebsite.<strong>IAAPA</strong> would like to thank you in advance foryour interest and support in Give Kids The World!To learn more about these wonderful programsgo to www.iaapa.org/expos/attractions, or meetGKTW at booth #3234.For additional information on any of the above opportunities, please contact:Amy PepinPhone: +1 (703) 836-4800apepin@iaapa.org