Fall2011 McGraw-Hill Fall 2 0 11 - McGraw-Hill Books

Fall2011 McGraw-Hill Fall 2 0 11 - McGraw-Hill Books

Fall2011 McGraw-Hill Fall 2 0 11 - McGraw-Hill Books

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<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> 20<strong>11</strong><strong><strong>Fall</strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>Science &Technical

Technical Access the catalog online at www.mhprofessional.com/ecatalogs 79STRATEGIC CONTINUOUS PROCESSIMPROVEMENTGerhard J. Plenert (Carmichael, CA)A practical guide to choosing the right methodology to achieve continuousimprovement• Presents a strategic way to look at Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)• Explains how to review a problem, define its characteristics, and select and implementthe appropriate CPI methodology• Includes real-world examples from private industry and government sectors• Written by an expert with 25+ years of professional experience in quality and changemanagementRelated <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Title:Pyzdek: The Six Sigma Handbook, Third EditionNOVEMBER978-0-07-162338-4 • 0-07-162338-8 • Hardcover • $89.95Quality ControlHardcover • 6 × 9 • 224 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-176718-7ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-176718-5$40.00 50 illustrationsPERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTFOR HEALTHCARELeading Change with Lean, Six Sigma,and Constraints ManagementBahadir Inozu (New York, NY),Dan Chauncey, Charles Mount,Vickie Kamataris , NOVACES, LLCSEPTEMBERQuality Control/HealthcareHardcover • 6 × 9 • 304 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-176162-8ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-176162-4$60.0060 illustrationsBUILDING LEAN SUPPLYCHAINS WITH THE THEORY OFCONSTRAINTSMandyam M. Srinivasan(Knoxville, TN)NOVEMBERIndustrial EngineeringHardcover • 6 × 9 • 352 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177121-4ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177121-2$60.0050 illustrationsPROACTIVE PURCHASING IN THESUPPLY CHAINThe Key to World-Class ProcurementDavid N. Burt (San Diego, CA),Sheila D. Petcavage, Richard L. PinkertonNOVEMBERIndustrial Engineering /Quality ControlHardcover • 7⅜ × 9¼ • 512 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177061-3ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177061-5$75.00200 illustrations

80 <strong>Fall</strong> 20<strong>11</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> TechnicalSECOND EDITIONGEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING ANDTOLERANCING FOR MECHANICAL DESIGNGene Cogorno (San Jose,CA)MAYMechanical EngineeringHardcover • 7⅜ × 9¼ • 272 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177212-9ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177212-X$100.00Previous ISBNs: 2006978-0-07-146070-50-07-146070-5260 illustrationsESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF EMBEDDEDSYSTEMS HARDWARE FORPROGRAMMERSEd Lipiansky (Danville,CA)SEPTEMBERElectrical EngineeringHardcover • 6 x 9 • 512 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-163948-4ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-163948-9$100.00100 illustrationsPROCESS EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTIONSTechniques to Identify and Correct Plant ProblemsNorman P. Lieberman (Metairie, LA)HIGH PERFORMANCE INTEGRATEDCIRCUIT DESIGNEby G. Friedman (Rochester, NY), Emre SalmanAUGUSTIndustrial EngineeringHardcover • 6 × 9 • 352 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177020-0ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177020-8$80.00100 illustrationsSEPTEMBERElectrical EngineeringHardcover • 6 × 9 • 704 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-163576-9ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-163576-9$150.00250 illustrationsTHIRD EDITIONPREVENTION AND CONTROL OF SEWERSYSTEM OVERFLOWS - MOP FD-17Water Environment Federation (Alexandria, VA)AUGUSTEnvironmental/Pollution ControlHardcover • 7⅜ × 9¼ • 432 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-173860-6ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-173860-6$<strong>11</strong>0.00THERMAL SCIENCEErian A. Baskharone (College Station, TX)SEPTEMBERScience/Mechanics/Dynamics/ThermodynamicsHardcover • 8 × 10 • 592 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177234-1ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177234-0$95.00104 illustrations

Technical Access the catalog online at www.mhprofessional.com/ecatalogs 81MACHINE TOOL VIBRATION PREVENTIONHisayoshi Sato (Tokyo,Japan), Brian StoneSECOND EDITIONPOWER GENERATION HANDBOOKPhilip Kiameh (Toronto, Canada)SEPTEMBERMechanical EngineeringHardcover • 6 x 9 • 300 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-16<strong>11</strong>71-8ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-16<strong>11</strong>71-1$100.0050 illustrationsSEPTEMBERElectrical EngineeringHardcover • 7⅜ × 9¼ • 592 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177227-3ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177227-8$99.00Previous ISBNs: 2002978-0-07-139604-20-07-139604-7100 illustrations3D IC STACKING TECHNOLOGYBanqiu Wu (Santa Clara, CA), Ajay Kumar,Sesh RamaswamiSEPTEMBERElectronics/SemiconductorsHardcover • 6 × 9 • 576 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-174195-8ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-174195-X$125.00150 illustrationsMEMBRANE TECHNOLOGIES FORWATER REUSEAnthony M. Wachinski (Oyster Bay, NY)OCTOBEREnvironmental/WasteManagementHardcover • 6 × 9 • 576 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-174895-7ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-174895-4$150.00250 illustrationsPOWER PLANT EQUIPMENT OPERATIONAND MAINTENANCE GUIDEPhilip Kiameh (Toronto, Canada)DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION FOR WATERCLARIFICATIONJames K. Edzwald (Potsdam, NY), Johannes HaarhoffSEPTEMBERElectrical EngineeringHardcover • 7⅜ × 9¼ • 592 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177221-1ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177221-9$99.00500 illustrationsOCTOBEREnvironmental/Water SupplyHardcover • 6 × 9 • 448 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-174562-8ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-174562-9$125.00200 illustrations

82 <strong>Fall</strong> 20<strong>11</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> TechnicalNINTH EDITIONSTEAM PLANT OPERATIONThomas F. LammersNOVEMBERPower Resources/GeneralHardcover • 6 × 9 • 912 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-166796-8ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-166796-2$100.00Previous ISBNs: 2004978-0-07-141846-10-07-141846-6200 illustrationsHVAC DESIGN SOURCEBOOKW. Larsen Angel (Elkridge, MD)NOVEMBERConstruction/Heating, Ventilation& Air ConditioningHardcover • 7⅜ × 9¼ • 320 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-175303-6ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-175303-6$60.00300 illustrationsCATIA CORE TOOLSComputer Aided Three-Dimensional InteractiveApplicationsMichel Michaud (Montreal, Canada)NOVEMBERMechanical EngineeringHardcover • 6 × 9 • 464 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-170026-9ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-170026-9$80.00200 illustrationsSIXTH EDITIONPROJECT MANAGEMENT INCONSTRUCTIONSidney M. Levy (Baltimore, MD)NOVEMBERConstructionHardcover • 6 × 9 • 448 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-175310-4ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-175310-9$90.00Previous ISBNs: 2006978-0-07-146417-80-07-146417-475 illustrationsAN INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARYREMOTE SENSINGEarth from SpaceQihao Weng (Terre Haute, IN)NOVEMBERRemote Sensing & GeographicInformation SystemsHardcover • 6 × 9 • 464 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-1740<strong>11</strong>-1ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-1740<strong>11</strong>-2$100.00100 illustrationsENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN ANDOPERATIONSA Unified MethodG. Mark Tostevin (Adelaide, Australia)NOVEMBERPower Resources/Alternative &RenewableHardcover • 6 × 9 • 208 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177291-4ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177291-X$75.0024 illustrations

Technical Access the catalog online at www.mhprofessional.com/ecatalogs 83MECHATRONICS IN MEDICINEA Biomedical Engineering ApproachSiamak Najarian (Tehran, Iran), Javad Dargahi,Goldis Darbemamieh, Siamak Hajizadeh FarkoushNOVEMBERBiomedical EngineeringHardcover • 6 × 9 • 272 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-176896-2ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-176896-3$125.00250 illustrationsNATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE(NESC) 2012 HANDBOOKDavid Marne (Missoula,MT)DECEMBERElectrical EngineeringHardcover • 6 × 9 • 800 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-176685-2ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-176685-5$90.00Previous ISBNs: 2006 • 978-0-07-145367-7• 0-07-145367-9900 illustrationsFORENSIC IMAGE PROCESSINGMarcus Borengasser (Melbourne,FL)NOVEMBERImaging SystemsHardcover • 6 × 9 • 275 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-159933-7ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-159933-9$100.00125 illustrationsTHE ANALYSIS OF IRREGULAR SHAPEDSTRUCTURESDiaphragms and Shear WallsTerry R. Malone (Prescott,AZ), Robert RiceDECEMBERCivil EngineeringHardcover • 7⅜ × 9¼ • 512 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-176383-7ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-176383-X$125.00350 illustrationsMCGRAW-HILL YEARBOOK OF SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY 2012<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>DECEMBERScienceHardcover • 8½ × <strong>11</strong> • 464 ppISBN-13: 978-0-07-177403-1ISBN-10/MHID: 0-07-177403-3$199.00Previous ISBNs: 2010978-0-07-176371-40-07-176371-6300 illustrations

Title Index z Access the catalog online at www.mhprofessional.com/ecatalogs z93Title IndexAAccounting Demystified, Hart 40ACT DeMystified, Mayzler 41Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, 2e, Miller 77All About Candlestick Charting, Corbitt 6All About Commodities, Taulli 6All About Exchange-Traded Funds, Frush 6Analysis of Irregular Shaped Structures, The,Malone 83Anatomy Flash Cards, Morton 89BBackpacker’s Handbook, The , 4e, Townsend 38Benjamin Graham and the Power of Growth Stocks,Martin 16Better Reading English, Santamaria 53Better Reading French, 2e, Heminway 53Better Reading Italian 2e, Gobetti 53Better Reading Spanish, 2e, Yatest 53Big Book of Jobs, The, 20<strong>11</strong>-2012e,U.S. Department of Labor 4Big Book of Virtual Teambuilding Games, The,Scannell 27Brand Turnaround, Post 30Build Your Own Free-to-Air Satellite TV System,Brewer 76Building a Magnetic Culture, Sheridan 28Building Lean Supply Chains with the Theory ofConstraints, Srinivasan 79CC++ from the Ground Up, 4e, Schildt 67C++: A Beginner’s Guide, 3e, Schildt 67C++: The Complete Reference. 5e, Schildt 67CAPM/PMP ® Project Management Certification Allin-OneExam Guide, Phillips 62Cardiac Surgery in the Adult, 4e, Cohn 91Cardiology Clinical Questions, Higgins 91CASP CompTIA Advanced Security PractitionerCertification Study Guide, Conklin 64CATIA Core Tools, Michaud 82CEH Certified Ethical Hacker All-in-One ExamGuide, Walker 61Chase’s Calendar of Events, 2012,Editors of Chase’s 37Clients, Clients, and More Clients, Kase 22Commerical Avaiation Safety, 5e, Rodrigues 78Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts,3e, Spears 54Communicate with Confidence, Booher 27Complete Guide to Cardiac CT, The, Abramson 91CompTIA CTT + ® Certified Technical Trainer All-in-One Exam Guide, Phillips 62CompTIA Security+ Certification Boxed Set (ExamSY0-301), Clarke 63CompTIA Security+ All-in-One Exam Guide (ExamSY0-301), 3e, White 61CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice Exams(Exam SY0-301), Lachance 63CompTIA Security+ Certification Study Guide (ExamSY0-301), Clarke 63Computer Forensics: A Beginner’s Guide, Cowen 65Contextual Pricing, Docters 21Corporate Entrepreneurship, Hisrich 12Cracking the Sales Management Code, Jordan 13Critical Care Emergency Medicine, Chiu 92Crucial Conversations, 10th Anniversary ed,Patterson 9Crucial Conversations, 2e, Patterson 9Current Diagnosis & Treatment EmergencyMedicine, 7e, Stone 85Current Diagnosis & Treatment Gastroenterology,Hepatology, & Endoscopy, 2e, Greenberger 85Current Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology, 2e,Brust 85Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment,2012e, McPhee 84Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care,2012e, Esherick 85DDelivering Business Intelligence withMicrosoft ® SQL Server ® XXXX, 3e, Larson 57Design for Environment, 2e, Fiksel 77Design for Growth, Duggan 10Discover Your CEO Brand, Bates 18Dissolved Air Flotation for Water Clarification,Edzwald 81DIY Spanish, Rhea 52Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 4e,Malone 91EEasy Algebra Step-by-Step, McCune 48Easy Grammar Step-by-Step, Dutwin 48Easy Pre-Calculus Step-by-Step, Wheater 48Easy Writing Skills Step by Step, Longknife 48Electrician’s Calculations Manual, 2e, Folwer 77Electronics Demystified, Gibilisco 41Energy Systems Design and Operations, Tostevin 82Essential Elements of Embedded SystemsHardware for Programmers, Lipiansky 80Eureka Method, The, Hershey 74European History DeMystified, Muntone 40FFacebook for Seniors QuickSteps, Matthews 7250 Ways to Improve Your Portuguese, Tostevin 55Find Your Next, Kates 24First Aid for the Basic Sciences: General Principles,2e, Le 87First Aid for the Basic Sciences: Organ Systems,2e, Le 87First Aid for the USMLE Step 1, 2012e, Le 86Forensic Image Processing, Borengasser 83Freedom from Wealth, Lowenhaupt 20GGeneral Aviation Law, 3e, Eichenberger 78Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing forMechanical Design, 2e, Cogomo 80Get the Career You Want, Mannering 39Guerilla Marketing Remix, Levinson 34HHandbook of Critical Care and EmergencyUltrasound, Carmody 91Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 18e,Wiener 88High Performance Integrated Circuit Design,Friedman 80How to Do Everything: Blackberry PlayBook, Rich 73How to Do Everything: Mac OSX Lion Edition,Spivey 72How to Do Everything: Samsung GALAXY Tab,Hart-Davis 73How to Pay Zero Taxes, 2012e, Schnepper 27HTML5 Multimedia Developers Guide, Bluttman 68HVAC Design Sourcebook, Angel 82IIBM Cognos TM1: The Official Guide, Oehler 58Improve Your American English for HealthcareProfessionals, Childs 54Introduction to Contemporary Remote Sensing,An, Weng 82iPad2 QuickSteps, Ballew 71J–LJava 7 Programming, Sarang 68Java 7: A Beginner’s Guide, 5e, Schildt 66Java 7: The Complete Reference, 8e, Schildt 66Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands, Morrison 23Lange Pharmacy Calculations Flash Cards,Feinberg 89LPI /CompTIA Linux+ Certification All-in-One ExamGuide (LPIC -1, LX0-101 & LX0-102), Tracy 61MMachine Tool Vibration Prevention, Sato 81Mammography and Breast Imaging Prep, Peart 88Management of the Difficult and Failed Airway,2e, Hung 92Manager ’s Guide to Business Writing, 2e,Sparks 14Manager ’s Guide to Performance Management,2e, Bacal 14Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management, 2e,Bernstein 14Manager’s Guide to Effective Coaching, 2e,Cook 14Manager’s Guide to Navigating Change, 2e,Rock 14Managing Anxiety through CBT, Dryden 39

94 z Spring 20<strong>11</strong> z <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> z Title IndexManaging Product Management, Haines 28Math Word Problems Demystified, Bluman 40<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Yearbook of Science & Techology,2012e, Editors of <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> 83<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s 5 TEAS Practice Tests, Zahler 47<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Conquering ACT English, Reading,and Writing 2ed, Dulan 44<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Conquering ACT Math and Science,2ed, Dulan 44<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Conquering GMAT Math andIntegrated Reasoning, 2ed, Moyer 46<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Conquering GMAT Verbal andWriting, 2ed, Pierce 46<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s GMAT, 2012-2013ed, Hasik 46<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s LSAT Logic Flashcards, Hanks 47<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s MCAT Flashcards, Hademenos 47<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Nursing School Entrance Examswith CD-ROM, Editors of <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> 44Mechanical Circulatory Support, Joyce 91Mechatronics in Medicine, Najarian 83Membrane Technologies for Water Reuse,Wachinski 81Microsoft Office 2010, Rex 41Microsoft ® SQL Server ® XXXX A Beginners Guide,5e, Petkovic 57Microsoft ® SQL Server ® XXXX Reporting Services,4e, Larson 57Mike Meyers’ CompTIA Security+ CertificationPassport (Exam SY0-301), 3e, Samuelle 65Million Dollar Referrals, Weiss 18Minitab Demystified, Sleeper 40Mountain Within, The, Von Stiegel 2Multimedia Demystified, Dowling 41NNational Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 2012Handbook, Mame 83Neuro ICU Book, The, Lee 92Newspaperman, Phillips 13NLP Diet, The, Archer 39No-Cry Picky Eater Solution, The, Pantley 37Nurse’s Pocket Drug Guide, 2012e, Barberio 90OOCA/OCP MySQL Database AdministratorAll-in-One Exam Guide (Exams 1Z0-870.1Z0-873, & 1Z0-874), O’Hearn 60Occupational Outlook Handbook, 20<strong>11</strong>-2012ed,U.S. Department of Labor 3OCP Java SE 7 Programmer Study Guide,O’Hearn 60OCP/OCE Oracle Solaris <strong>11</strong> System & NetworkAdministrator All-in-One Exam Guide, Watters 60101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius, 2e, Graham 75Operations Due Dilligence, Grebey 31Oracle Database <strong>11</strong>g and MySQL 5.5 DeveloperHandbook, McLaughlin 59Oracle Hyperion Financial Mangement Tips andTechniques, Fugere 59Oracle WebLogic Server <strong>11</strong>g AdministrationHandbook, Alapati 58Organic Chemistry Demystified, Bloch 41Organized Teacher, The, 2e, Springer 45Ownership Thinking, Hams 10PPediatric Emergency Medicine, Just the Facts, 2e,Strange 91Perfect Phrases for Healthcare Professionals, Rotte 8Perfect Phrases for Lean Six Sigma, Brue 8Perfect Phrases for Six Sigma, Brue 8Performance Improvement for Healthcare, Inozu 79Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Principles and Practice,2e, Hadzic 92Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 8e, Wells 91Play and Learn Chinese, Lomba 55Play and Learn French, Lomba 55Play and Learn Spanish, Lomba 55PMP ® Project Management ProfessionalBoxed Set, Phillips 64PMP ® Project Management Professional StudyGuide, Phillips 64Power Generation Handbook, 2e, Kiameh 81Power of Foursquare, The, Gallo 19Power of LEO, The, Chowdhury 20Power Plant Equipment Operation andMaintenance Guide, Kiameh 81Power Sales Writing, Rev and Expanded ed,Hershkowitz-Coore 7Practical Arduino + Android Projects for the EvilGenius, Monk 75Practical Patient Literacy, Stewart 90Practice Makes Perfect: Complete GermanGrammar, Swick 50Practice Makes Perfect: English Vocabulary forBeginning ESL Learners, Second Edition, Yatest 51Practice Makes Perfect: French Articles andGender Up Close, Heminway 50Practice Makes Perfect: French Past-Tense VerbsUp Close, Heminway 50Practice Makes Perfect: French Vocabulary,Second Edition, Kurbegov 51Practice Makes Perfect: German Vocabulary,Second Edition, Swick 51Practice Makes Perfect: Italian Vocabulary,Second Edition, Gobetti 51Practice Makes Perfect: Precalculus, Clark 45Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Problem Solver,Vogt 50Practice Makes Perfect: The French SubjunctiveUp Close, Heminway 50Practice Makes Perfect: Trigonometry, Wheater 45Prescription for Excellence, Michelli 3Prevention and Control of Sewer SystemOverflows-MOP FD-17, Water EnvironmentFederation 80Primer of Biostatistics, 7e, Glantz 92Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine,McKean 92Proactive Purchasing in the Supply Chain, Burt 79Process Equipment Malfunctions, Lieberman 80Product Manager’s Handbook, The , 4e, Gorchels 4Project Management in Construction, 6e, Levy 82QQuantum Mechanics Demystified, McMahon 41Quickbooks 2012 QuickSteps, Barich 70Quickbooks 2012: The Official Guide, Capachietti 69Quicken 2012 QuickSteps, Matthews 70Quicken 212: The Official Guide, Sandberg 69Read and Write Arabic Script, Diouri 55Renal: An Integrated Approach to Disease,Schmitz 91Respiratory: An Integrated Approach to Disease,Lechner 91Rhinoplasty, Taub 92RRiding the Waves of Culture, Trompenaars 26Rush-Hour French, Smith 56Rush-Hour German, Smith 56Rush-Hour Italian, Smith 56Rush-Hour Spanish, Smith 56SSAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0, 3e, Howson 58Schaum’s 3000 Solved Problems in Physics,Halpern 42Schaum’s Easy Outline of Applied Physics,REVed, Beiser 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Basic Electricity,REVed, Gussow 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Biochemistry,REVed, Kuchel 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Bookkeeping andAccounting, REVed, Lerner 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of College Mathematics,REVed, Ayres 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of College Physics,REVed, Bueche 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Differential Equations,REVed, Bronson 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Linear Algebra,REVed, Lipschutz 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Logic, REVed, Nolt 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Molecular and CellBiology, REVed, Stansfield 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Principles ofAccounting, REVed, Lerner 43Schaum’s Easy Outline of Probability andStatistics, REVed, Schiller 43Schaum’s Easy Outlines: Mathematical Handbookof Formulas and Tables, REVed, Lipschutz 43Schaum’s Outline of College Physics, <strong>11</strong>ed,Hecht 42Schaum’s Outline of Digital Signal Processing,2ed, Hayes 42Schaum’s Outline of Feedback and ControlSystems, 2ed, DiStefano 42

Title & Author Index z Access the catalog online at www.mhprofessional.com/ecatalogs z95Schaum’s Outline of Financial Accounting, 2ed,Shim 42Schaum’s Outline of General Topology, Lipschutz 42Schaum’s Outline of Heat Transfer, 2ed, Pitts 42Schaum’s Outline of Introduction to MathematicalEconomics, 3ed, Dowling 42Schaum’s Outline of Introduction to Probabilityand Statistics, Lipschutz 42Schaum’s Outline of Japanese Vocabulary, Eguchi 42Schaum’s Outline of Managerial Accounting, 2ed,Shim 42Schaum’s Outline of Medical-Surgical Nursing[RELIST], Keogh 42Schaum’s Outline of Principles of Economics, 2ed,Salvatore 42Schaum’s Outline of Review of ElementaryMathematics, 2ed, Schmidt 42Sclerotherapy and Vein Treatment, 2e, Weiss 92Secrets to Writing Great Comedy, The, Bown 39Securing the Clicks, Bahadur 66So You Want to Work on Wall Street, Hoover 4Social Innovation Imperative, The, Bates 30Social Media for Social Good, Mansfield 12Social Media Strategist, The, Barger 23Social Wave, The, Hall 33SSCP ® Systems Security Certified PractitionerAll-in-One Exam Guide, Gibson 62Standard and Poor’s 500 Guide, 2012e, Standard andPoor’s 26Start Your Own Personal Concierge Service, 3e,Entrepreneur Press 35Start Your Own Wedding Consultant Business, 3e,Entrepreneur Press 35Steam Plant Operation, 9e, Lammerse 82Steampunk Gear, Gadgets, and Gizmos,Willeford 76Storyselling, Bosworth 25Strategic Continuous Process Improvement,Plener 79Strategic Database Marketing, 4e, Hughes 29TTAB Guide to Vacuum Tube Audio, The, Whitaker 74Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional, 2e,Brown 31Thermal Science, Baskharone 80Three Commitments of Leadership, Endersbe 213D IC Stacking Technology, Ramaswami 81360 Degree Influence, Monarth 29Toyota Way to Lean Leadership, The, Liker 17U–VU.S. History DeMystified, Muntone 40Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising,Marshall 32Understand Science, Evans 39VOX Diccionario Bolisillo Español e Inglés, VOX 49VOX Diccionario Escolar de la Lengua Española,2e, VOX 49VOX Spanish Verbs and Grammar Flash Cards, VOX52VOX Spanish Vocabulary Flash Cards, VOX 52W–ZWeb Application Security: A Beginner’s Guide,Liu 65Weekend Navigator, The, 2e, Sweet 38What Got You Here Won’t Get You There in Sales,Hawkins <strong>11</strong>What Makes Great Leaders Great, Arnold 16What Works on Wall Street, O’Shaughnessy 25What Would Drucker Do Now?, Wartzman 7Windows 7 SP1 QuickSteps, Matthews 71Winning the Customer, Imbriano 5World History DeMystified, Muntone 40Your Pilot’s License, 8e, Eichenberger 78Your Stronger Financial Future, Egan 7Zappos Experience, The, Michelli 15Zigzag Principle, The, Christiansen 22Author IndexAAbramson, Complete Guide to Cardiac CT, The 91Alapati, Oracle WebLogic Server <strong>11</strong>gAdministration Handbook 58Angel, HVAC Design Sourcebook 82Archer, NLP Diet, The 39Arnold, What Makes Great Leaders Great 16Ayres, Schaum’s Easy Outline of CollegeMathematics, REVed 43BBacal, Manager’s Guide to PerformanceManagement, 2e 14Bahadur, Securing the Clicks 66Ballew, iPad2 QuickSteps 71Barberio, Nurse’s Pocket Drug Guide, 2012e 90Barger, Social Media Strategist, The 23Barich, Quickbooks 2012 QuickSteps 70Baskharone, Thermal Science 80Bates, Discover Your CEO Brand 18Bates, Social Innovation Imperative, The 30Beiser, Schaum’s Easy Outline of Applied Physics,REVed 43Bernstein, Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management,2e 14Bloch, Organic Chemistry Demystified 41Bluman, Math Word Problems Demystified 40Bluttman, HTML5 Multimedia Developers Guide 68Booher, Communicate with Confidence 27Borengasser, Forensic Image Processing 83Bosworth, Storyselling 25Bown, Secrets to Writing Great Comedy, The 39Brewer, Build Your Own Free-to-Air Satellite TVSystem 76Bronson, Schaum’s Easy Outline of DifferentialEquations, REVed 43Brown, Technical Analysis for the TradingProfessional, 2e 31Brue, Perfect Phrases for Lean Six Sigma 8Brue, Perfect Phrases for Six Sigma 8Brust, Current Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology,2e 85Bueche, Schaum’s Easy Outline of College Physics,REVed 43Burt, Proactive Purchasing in the Supply Chain 79CCapachietti, Quickbooks 2012: The Official Guide 69Carmody, Handbook of Critical Care and EmergencyUltrasound 91Childs, Improve Your American English forHealthcare Professionals 54Chiu, Critical Care Emergency Medicine 92Chowdhury, Power of LEO, The 20Christiansen, Zigzag Principle, The 22Clark, Practice Makes Perfect: Precalculus 45Clarke, CompTIA Security+ Certification Boxed Set(Exam SY0-301) 63Clarke, CompTIA Security+ Certification StudyGuide (Exam SY0-301) 63Cogomo, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancingfor Mechanical Design, 2e 80Cohn, Cardiac Surgery in the Adult, 4e 91Conklin, CASP CompTIA Advanced SecurityPractitioner Certification Study Guide 64Cook, Manager’s Guide to Effective Coaching, 2e 14Corbitt, All About Candlestick Charting 6Cowen, Computer Forensics: A Beginner’s Guide 65DDiouri, Read and Write Arabic Script 55DiStefano, Schaum’s Outline of Feedback andControl Systems, 2ed 42Docters, Contextual Pricing 21Dowling, Multimedia Demystified 41Dowling, Schaum’s Outline of Introduction toMathematical Economics, 3ed 42Dryden, Managing Anxiety through CBT 39Duggan, Design for Growth 10

96 z Spring 20<strong>11</strong> z <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> z Author IndexDulan, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Conquering ACT English,Reading, and Writing 2ed 44Dulan, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Conquering ACT Math andScience, 2ed 44Dutwin, Easy Grammar Step-by-Step 48EEditors of Chase’s, Chase’s Calendar of Events,2012 37Editors of <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Yearbook ofScience & Techology, 2012e 83Editors of <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s NursingSchool Entrance Exams with CD-ROM 44Edzwald, Dissolved Air Flotation for WaterClarification 81Egan, Your Stronger Financial Future 7Eguchi, Schaum’s Outline of JapaneseVocabulary 42Eichenberger, General Aviation Law, 3e 78Eichenberger, Your Pilot’s License, 8e 78Endersbe, Three Commitments of Leadership 21Entrepreneur Press, Start Your Own 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