Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

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<strong>Half</strong>-<strong>yearly</strong> <strong>financial</strong> report <strong>at</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>Risks and uncertaintiesAs st<strong>at</strong>ed above, the <strong>A2A</strong> Group has obtained a number of revolving committed lines of creditfrom various <strong>financial</strong> institutions for a total of 1,640 million euro (of which 1,590 million euroobtained by <strong>A2A</strong> S.p.A.) which are not subject to any covenants, with the exception of:• the revolving line of credit of 50 million euro granted to Edipower S.p.A. (currently notdrawn) having the same covenants as the principal loan;• the revolving credit line (currently not drawn) entered into by <strong>A2A</strong> S.p.A. in April 2012 for <strong>at</strong>otal of 600 million euro having a five year term for which a covenant based on the r<strong>at</strong>iobetween the net <strong>financial</strong> position and EBITDA must be complied with.The following are included in the agreements for the bond loans, the above-mentioned loansand the revolving committed lines of credit: (i) neg<strong>at</strong>ive pledge clauses under which theparent undertakes not to pledge real guarantees on its assets or those of its directly heldsubsidiaries over and above a specific threshold; (ii) cross default/acceler<strong>at</strong>ion clauses whichentail immedi<strong>at</strong>e reimbursement of the loans in the event of serious non-performance; and(iii) clauses th<strong>at</strong> provide for immedi<strong>at</strong>e repayment in the event of declared insolvency on thepart of certain directly held subsidiaries.220The loan taken out by the subsidiary Abruzzoenergia S.p.A. is secured by a mortgage of up to264 million euro.Certain <strong>financial</strong> covenants which are included as part of a loan of 35 million euro taken out bythe subsidiary EPCG with the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), ofwhich 23.5 million euro had been drawn <strong>at</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>, were not fully complied with <strong>at</strong>December 31, 2012 . An agreement has been reached with the lending bank which provides forthe suspension of the effects of these covenants with retroactive effect.As m<strong>at</strong>ters currently stand there is no default on the part of companies of the <strong>A2A</strong> Group.Context riskLegisl<strong>at</strong>ive and regul<strong>at</strong>ory riskThe <strong>A2A</strong> Group oper<strong>at</strong>es in a highly regul<strong>at</strong>ed sector. As a consequence, one of the risk factorsof the business is the constant and not always predictable evolution of the legisl<strong>at</strong>ive andregul<strong>at</strong>ory situ<strong>at</strong>ion for the electricity and n<strong>at</strong>ural gas sectors, as well as for the sectorsrel<strong>at</strong>ing to the management of the w<strong>at</strong>er cycle and environmental services.In order to deal with these risk factors the Group has adopted a policy of monitoring andmanaging legisl<strong>at</strong>ive risk by having various levels of control, in order to mitig<strong>at</strong>e the impact of

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